Prison Legal News v. Columbia County, Complaint 2012
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Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 Document 1 4 Katherine C. Chamberlain, OSB# 042580 5 MacDonald Hoague & Bayless 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104-1745 206-622-1604 7 Page ID#: 1 Marc D. Blackman, OSB # 730338 3 6 Page 1 of 24 Ransom Blackman LLP 1001 SW 5th Ave Ste 1400 Portland OR 97204 503 228-0487 2 Filed 01/13/12 8 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 11 DISTRICT OF OREGON 12 PORTLAND DIVISION 13 14 PRISON LEGAL NEWS, a project of the HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, 15 No·CV '12 - a071-~SI COMPLAINT Plaintiff, 16 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL v. 17 18 19 COLUMBIA COUNTY; COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE; JEFF DICKERSON, individually and in his capacity as Columbia County Sheriff, 20 Defendants. 21 22 23 I. 1.1 NATURE OF THE CASE Plaintiff Prison Legal News, a project of the Human Rights Defense Center, 24 brings this action to enjoin Defendants' censorship of Prison Legal News' monthly publication, 25 and correspondence mailed to prisoners who are held in custody at the Columbia County Jail, in 26 violation of the First Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. 27 Defendants have adopted and implemented written mail policies and practices that COMPLAINT - 1 9870.05 fa 122203 £iLl t7d5 MACDoNALD HOAGUE & SAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 TeI206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 2 of 24 Page ID#: 2 1 unconstitutionally restrict correspondence to and from prisoners to postcards only, and that 2 prohibit delivery of book catalogs and magazines to prisoners. Further, Defendants' policies and 3 practices do not afford due process notice and an opportunity to challenge the censorship as 4 required by the Constitution. 5 6 II. 2.1 JURISDICTION AND VENUE This action arises under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United 7 States Constitution. This Court has jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1343, 8 2201, and 2202. 9 2.2 Venue is proper in the District of Oregon under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 (b)(2) because a 10 substantial part of the events complained of occurred in this District, and because the Defendants 11 reside in this District. 12 13 III. 3.1 PARTIES Plaintiff Prison Legal News (PLN) is a project of the Human Rights Defense 14 Center (HRDC), a Washington Non-Profit Corporation. The core ofHRDC's mission is public 15 education, prisoner education, advocacy, and outreach in support of the rights of prisoners and in 16 furtherance of basic human rights. PLN publishes and distributes a monthly journal of 17 corrections news and analysis and certain books about the criminal justice system and legal 18 issues affecting prisoners, to prisoners, lawyers, courts, libraries, and the public throughout the 19 Country. PLN also maintains a website ( and operates an email list. 20 Prisoners of all types, family and friends of prisoners, and prisoner advocates, are among the 21 intended beneficiaries of PLN' s activities. 22 23 24 3.2 Defendant Columbia County is a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of Oregon. 3.3 Defendant Columbia County Sheriffs Office is a department of Columbia County 25 and operates the Columbia County laillocated in St. Helens, Oregon. The Columbia County Jail 26 facility houses convicted prisoners and pretrial detainees. 27 COMPLAINT 2 9870.0; ful22203 MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle. Washington 98104 Tel206.622.1604 fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 3.4 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 3 of 24 Page ID#: 3 Defendant Jeff Dickerson is the Sheriff of Columbia County. Sheriff Dickerson is 2 employed by and is an agent of Columbia County and the Sheriff's Office. He is responsible for 3 the operations of the Columbia County Jail, and the training and supervision of the Jail staffwho 4 interpret and implement the Jail's mail policy for prisoners. He is the policymaker for the Jail 5 policy governing mail for prisoners. 3.5 6 Each of the acts and omissions of persons alleged herein were taken under color 7 of state law and within the scope of their official duties as employees and officers of Columbia 8 County and the Columbia County Sheriffs Office. IV. 9 10 4.1 FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS Prison Legal News publishes and distributes a soft-cover monthly journal, and 11 publishes and distributes paperback books; about the criminal justice system and legal issues 12 affecting prisoners. 13 4.2 Prison Legal News has approximately 7,000 subscribers in the United States and 14 abroad, including prisoners, attorneys, journalists, public libraries, judges, and other members of 15 the public. PLN distributes its publication to prisoners and law librarians in approximately 2,200 16 correctional facilities across the United States, including the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the 17 Oregon Department of Corrections. 18 4.3 Prison Legal News engages in core protected speech and expressive conduct on 19 matters of public concern, such as operations of prison facilities, prison conditions, prisoner 20 health and safety, and prisoners' rights. 21 A. 22 CENSORSHIP AND LACK OF DUE PROCESS 4.4 Defendants have rejected PLN's monthly publications, book catalogs, book 23 offers, informational brochures, subscription forms, subscription renewal letters, fundraising 24 letters, and online articles mailed to prisoners held in custody at the Columbia County Jail. The 25 mail items rejected by Defendants include, but are not limited to, the items identified below. 26 27 COMPLAINT 3 9870.05 f.122203 l\IL\CDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle. Washington 98104 TeI206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 1 2 3 4 Filed 01/13/12 Page 4 of 24 Page ID#: 4 Monthly Publications 4.5 Prison Legal News sent its monthly journal to certain prisoners at the Columbia County Jail by U.S. Mail. 4.6 PLN's monthly journal is a 56-page publication titled Prison Legal News: 5 Dedicated to Protecting Human Rights and contains various articles on corrections news and 6 analysis, about prisoner rights, court rulings, management of prison facilities and prison 7 conditions. 8 9 4.7 On or about December 8, 2010 PLN mailed a December 2010 Prison Legal News publication addressed to prisoner Rusty Campo at the Columbia County Jail. Rusty Campo was 10 a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the December 2010 11 Prison Legal News publication from PLN. 12 4.8 On or about January 13,2011, PLN mailed a January 2011 Prison Legal News 13 publication addressed to prisoner Rusty Campo at the Columbia County J ail. Rusty Campo was 14 a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the January 2011 Prison 15 Legal News publication from PLN. 16 17 4.9 News publication addressed to each ofthe following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 18 Prisoner Name Daniel Butts Cory Dell Jacob Francoeur William Hess 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 On or about January 31,2011, PLN mailed its September 2008 Prison Legal The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the September 2008 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 4.10 On or about January 31,2011, PLN mailed its November 2009 Prison Legal News publication addressed to prisoner Nicholas Bierman at the Columbia County Jail. Nicholas Bierman was a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the November 2009 Prison Legal News publication from PLN. 27 COMPLAINT - 4 9870.05 fa122203 MACDoNALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 4.11 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 5 of 24 Page ID#: 5 On or about January 31, 2011, PLN mailed its January 2010 Prison Legal News 2 publication addressed to prisoner Andrew Plumber at the Columbia County Jail. Andrew 3 Plumber was a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the January 4 2010 Prison Legal News publication from PLN. 5 6 4.12 publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 7 Prisoner Name Ezra St. Helen Scott Thomas 8 9 10 11 12 On or about February 1,2011, PLN mailed its July 2009 Prison Legal News The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the July 2009 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 4.13 On or about February 1,2011, PLN mailed its November 2009 Prison Legal News publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 13 Prisoner Name Robert Beckwith Scott Lavelle Lloyd Myers Alisha Vandolah Jeffrey Vannatta 14 15 16 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 17 Jail received the November 2009 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 18 4.14 On or about February 3,2011, PLN mailed its January 2010 Prison Legal News 19 publication addressed to prisoner KanaanMeyers at the Columbia County JaiL Prisoner Meyers 20 was a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the January 2010 21 Prison Legal News publication from PLN. 22 4.15 On or about February 3,2011, PLN mailed its July 2009 Prison Legal News 23 publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 24 Prisoner Name Troy McCarter Shane McNutt Robert Meader Jason Quade 25 26 27 COMPLAINT - 5 9370.05 fa122203 MACDoNALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206,622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 6 of 24 Page ID#: 6 1 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 2 Jail received the July 2009 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 3 4 4.16 On or about February 3, 2011, PLN mailed its September 2008 Prison Legal News publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: Prisoner Name Nicholas Jones Martin Kay 5 6 7 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 8 Jail received the September 2008 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 9 10 4.17 Onor about February 10, 2011, PLN mailed its February 2011 Prison Legal News publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 11 Prisoner Name Troy McCarter Ezra St. Helen 12 13 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 14 Jail received the February 2011 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 15 4.18 On or about March 10,2011, PLN mailed its March 2011 Prison Legal News 16 publication addressed to prisoner Ezra St. Helen at the Columbia County Jail. Ezra St. Helen 17 was a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the March 2011 18 Prison Legal News publication from PLN. 19 4.19 On or about April 11, 2011, PLN mailed its April 2011 Prison Legal News 20 publication addressed to prisoner Troy McCarter at the Columbia County Jail. Troy McCarter 21 was a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the April 2011 22 Prison Legal News publication from PLN. 23 4.20 On or about May 18, 2011, PLN mailed its May 2011 Prison Legal News 24 publication addressed to prisoner Ezra St. Helen at the Columbia County Jail. Ezra St. Helen 25 was a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the May 2011 Prison 26 Legal News publication from PLN. 27 COMPLAINT 6 9870.05 fal22103 MACDONALD "OAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 2 4.21 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 7 of 24 Page ID#: 7 On or about June 9, 2011, PLN mailed its June 2011 Prison Legal News publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 3 Prisoner Name Ezra St. Helen Martin Kay 4 5 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 6 Jail received the June 2011 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 7 8 4.22 On or about June 30, 2011, PLN mailed its May 2008 Prison Legal News publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 9 Prisoner Name George Lammi Jeffrey Murray Cindy Seaston 10 11 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 12 Jail received the May 2008 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 13 4.23 On or about July 20, 2011, PLN mailed its May 2009 Prison Legal News 14 publication addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: 15 Prisoner Name Mark Gift Ralph Patterson Barry Shaft William Temple Robert Westmoreland 16 17 18 19 The individuals identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 20 Jail received the May 2009 Prison Legal News publications from PLN. 21 22 23 4.24 Defendants rejected each publication identified in paragraphs 4.7-4.23, and did not deliver the publications to the prisoner-addressees. 4.25 Defendants rejected many but not all of the journals that Prison Legal News sent 24 to prisoners. Defendants returned a number of the rejected journals, but it is unknown whether 25 they returned them all. For the journals that Defendants returned to Prison Legal News, 26 Defendants: (a) placed a sticker on the mail stating: "As of April 1, 2010 The Columbia County 27 Jail ONLY ACCEPTS POSTCARDS, This applies to ALL incoming and out going mail"; (b) COMPLAINT - 7 9870,05 fal22203 MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue. Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98\04 TeI206,622,]604 Fax 206343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 8 of 24 Page ID#: 8 1 stamped the mail "INSPECTED BY COLUMBIA COUNTY JAIL" and handwrote checkrnarks 2 next to "RETURN TO SENDER", and "REFUSE/VIOLATES SECURITY"; or (c) merely 3 stamped the mail "RETURN TO SENDER." 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4.26 Defendants did not provide PLN due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. 4.27 Defendants did not provide the prisoner-addressees due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. In addition to those identified above, PLN mailed other Prison Legal News 4.28 journals addressed to prisoners at the Columbia County Jail between January 201 I-January 2012. On information and belief, Defendants rejected additional Prison Legal News 4.29 11 journals that PLN sent to prisoners, other 'than those identified above, and Defendants failed to 12 give PLN and the prisoners due process notice and an opportunity to be heard, and Defendants 13 continue to do so. 14 15 4.30 County J ail in the future. 16 17 PLN intends to continue sending its monthly journal to prisoners at the Columbia Informational Brochures, Subscription Order Forms, Book Catalogs 4.31 Prison Legal News sent informational brochures about PLN and subscription 18 order forms, book catalogs, and book offers to prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in a white 19 standard # 10 envelopes via first-class mail. 20 4.32 Prison Legal News Brochure and Subscription Order Form: Prison Legal 21 News sent certain prisoners at the Columbia County Jail an informational brochure about its 22 organization and publications. The double-sided single-page brochure includes: a description of 23 the topics covered in PLN's monthly journal, subscription rates, special subscription offers, and 24 an order form; a description of three books available for purchase or included with a SUbscription 25 to Prison Legal News-Protecting your Health & Safety, With Liberty for Some: 500 Years of 26 Imprisonment in America, and Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money from Mass Incarceration; 27 and other information about PLN's bookstore. COMPLAINT 8 9S70,05 f3122203 :'VL-\CDOi'iALD HOAGUE & 8.-\ YLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel206,622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 4.33 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 9 of 24 Page ID#: 9 Book Catalog: Prison Legal News sent certain prisoners at the Columbia County 2 Jail its 2010 PLN Book List. The double-sided single-page book list includes a description of 43 3 books, dictionaries, and resource materials available for purchase. The books available for 4 purchase include information about a variety of topics, including but not limited to: the basic 5 rights ofprisoners regarding health and safety; the American criminal justice system; self 6 representation in court; finding the right lawyer; DNA testing; issues related to imprisoned 7 women; developing a successful re-entry plan upon release from prison; searching for a job; 8 crime and poverty; and the mental health crisis in U.S. prisons and jails. 4.34 9 Book Offers: Prison Legal News sent certain prisoners at the Columbia County 10 Jail a double-sided single-page informational brochure about two books for sale: The Habeas 11 Citebook: Ineffective Assistance ofCounsel, a handbook containing case citations, pleadings, and 12 forms designed to help a prisoner seek habeas corpus relief; and Prisoners' Guerrilla Handbook 13 to Correspondence Programs in the United States and Canada, a handbook on high school, 14 vocational, paralegal, undergraduate, and graduate courses available through correspondence 15 study. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4.35 Collectively, the PLN Brochure, Book List, and Book Offer described above in paragraphs 4.31-4.34 are referred to as "Informational Brochure Packs" below. 4.36 Prison Legal News mailed Informational Brochure Packs addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: Prisoner Name Robert Beckwith Daniel Butts Cory Dell Jacob Francoeur Mark Gift Nicholas Jones Martin Kay George Lammi Scott Lavelle Troy McCarter Shane McNutt Robert Meader Kanaan Meyers Jeffrey Murray COMPLAINT 9 9870.05 fa 122203 Date Mailed to Prisoner January 31, 2011 Februat:y 3, 2011 February 3, 2011 February 3, 2011 July 20, 2011 February 3, 2011 February 1,2011 June 30, 2011 January 31,2011 February 1, 2011 January 31,2011 February 3, 2011 January 31,2011 and February 4,2011 June 30, 2011 MACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 2 3 4 5 6 Document 1 Lloyd Myers Ralph Patterson Andrew Plumber Jason Quade Cindy Seaston Barry Shaft Ezra St. Helen William Temple Scott Thomas Alisha V ando lah J effrey Vannatta Robert Westmoreland Filed 01/13/12 Page 10 of 24 Page ID#: 10 January 31,2011 July 20,2011 January 31, 2011 February 1, 2011 June 30, 2011 July 20,2011 February 1, 2011 July 20,2011 February 1, 2011 February 1, 2011 February 3,2011 July 20, 2011 7 8 9 4.37 The prisoners identified above in paragraph 4.36 were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail received the Informational Brochure Packs addressed to each 10 prisoner from PLN. 11 4.38 12 13 Defendants rejected each Informational Brochure Pack sent by PLN and did not deliver them to the prisoner-addressees. 4.39 For the Informational Brochure Packs that Defendants returned to Prison Legal 14 News, Defendants: (a) placed a sticker on the mail stating: "As of Apri11, 2010 The Columbia 15 County Jail ONLY ACCEPTS POSTCARDS, This applies to ALL incoming and out going 16 mail"; (b) stamped the mail "INSPECTED BY COLUMBIA COUNTY JAIL" and handwrote 17 checkmarks next to "RETURN TO SENDER" and "REFUSENIOLATES SECURITY"; or (c) 18 merely stamped the mail "RETURN TO SENDER." 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4.40 Defendants did not provide PLN due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. 4.41 Defendants did not provide the prisoner-addressees due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. 4.42 In addition to those identified above, PLN mailed Informational Brochure Packs addressed to other prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in 2011. 4.43 On information and belief, Defendants rejected additional Informational Brochure 26 Packs that PLN sent to prisoners, other than those identified above, and Defendants failed to give 27 due process notice and an opportunity to be heard to PLN and the prisoner-addressees. COMPLAINT 10 9870.05 [.122:203 l\'iAcDOI"ALD HOAGliE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 4.44 2 Document 1 Page 11 of 24 Page ID#: 11 Prison Legal News intends to continue sending Informational Brochure Packs to prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in the future. Renewal Letters 3 4 Filed 01/13/12 4.45 Prison Legal News sent sUbscription renewal letters along with Informational 5 Brochure Packs ("Subscription Renewal Packs") to certain prisoners at the Columbia County Jail 6 in white standard # lO envelopes via first-class mail. 7 4.46 Each personalized subscription renewal letter mailed to a prisoner at the 8 Columbia County Jail included information for the prisoner-addressee that his individual 9 subscription was nearing its end. lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 4.47 In May and June 2011, Prison Legal News mailed Subscription Renewal Packs addressed to each of the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: Prisoner Name William Hess Martin Kay Troy McCarter Shane McNutt Andrew Plumber Jason Quade Ezra Sf. Helen Alisha Vandolah Date Sent 6116111 6116111 6116111 6/16111 6/16111 5/21111 6/16111 6116111 17 18 The prisoners identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 19 Jail received the Subscription Renewal Packs addressed to each prisoner from PLN. 20 21 22 4.48 Defendants rejected each Subscription Renewal Pack sent by PLN and did not deliver them to the prisoner-addressees. 4.49 For the Subscription Renewal Packs that Defendants returned to Prison Legal 23 News, Defendants: (a) placed a sticker on the mail stating: "As of April 1,2010 The Columbia 24 County Jail ONLY ACCEPTS POSTCARDS, This applies to ALL incoming and out going 25 mail"; or (b) merely stamped the mail "RETURN TO SENDER." 26 27 4.50 Defendants did not provide Prison Legal News due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. COMPLAINT - 11 9870,05 fal22203 IVIACDONALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98! 04 Tel206,622,1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 2 3 4 5 4.51 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 12 of 24 Page ID#: 12 Defendants did not provide the prisoner-addressees due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. 4.52 In addition to those identified above, PLN mailed Subscription Renewal Packs addressed to other prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in 2011. 4.53 On infonnation and belief, Defendants rejected additional Subscription Renewal 6 Packs that PLN sent to other prisoners, other than those identified above, and Defendants failed 7 to give due process notice and an opportunity to be heard to PLN and the prisoner-addressees. 8 9 4.54 Prison Legal News intends to continue sending Subscription Renewal Packs to prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in the future. 10 11 Fundraising Letters and Brochures 4.55 Prison Legal News sent fundraising letters along with Infonnational Brochure 12 Packs ("Fundraising Pack") to certain prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in white standard # 13 10 envelopes via standard rate nonprofit mail. 14 4.56 Each fundraising letter mailed to a prisoner at the Columbia County Jail included 15 infonnation for the prisoner-addressee about PLN's history, PLN's efforts to protect civil rights 16 across the country, and its journal and books available for purchase. 17 4.57 In approximately November 2011, Prison Legal News mailed Fundraising Packs 18 addressed to prisoners William Temple and Barry Shaft at the Columbia County Jail. Mr. 19 Temple and Mr. Shaft were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the Jail 20 received the Fundraising Packs addressed to each of them from PLN. 21 22 23 4.58 Defendants rejected each Fundraising Pack sent by PLN and did not deliver them to the prisoner-addressees. 4.59 For the Fundraising Packs that Defendants returned to Prison Legal News, 24 Defendants merely stamped them "RETURN TO SENDER" without stating a reason for 25 censorship. 26 4.60 27 Defendants did not provide Prison Legal News due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. COMPLAINT - 12 9870,05 fal21203 MACDoNALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue. Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 2 3 4 5 4.61 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 13 of 24 Page ID#: 13 On infonnation and belief, Defendants did not provide the prisoner-addressees due process notice or an opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. 4.62 In addition to those identified above, PLN mailed Fundraising Packs addressed to other prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in 2011. 4.63 On infonnation and belief, Defendants rejected additional Fundraising Packs that 6 PLN sent to other prisoners, other than those identified above, and Defendants failed to give due 7 process notice and an opportunity to be heard to PLN and the prisoner-addressees. 8 9 4.64 Prison Legal News intends to continue sending Fundraising Packs to prisoners at the Columbia County J ail in the future. PLN Online Article 10 11 12 13 4.65 An individual, Lucy Lennox, sent legal articles that she printed off ofPLN's website to certain prisoners at the Columbia County Jail in standard #10 envelopes via U.S. Mail. 4.66 The legal articles mailed by Ms. Lennox to prisoners at the Columbia County Jail 14 include a critique ofprison privatization, and research findings about the goals and results of the 15 move toward privatization. The articles also identify a correspondence school book available 16 for sale, and include introductory descriptions ofPLN's 20 "Breaking News" headlines about 17 various topics, including but not limited to sex abuse in prison, poor forensics used to secure 18 criminal convictions, private prison companies behind Arizona's immigration law, and the death 19 penalty in Texas. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4.67 In December 2011, Ms. Lennox mailed PLN online articles to the following prisoners at the Columbia County Jail: Prisoner Name Steven Adams Arthur Bates Jr. Toni Bertasso Daniel Butts Robert Clement Anthony Deherrera Kenna Haynes Scott Lavelle Billy Nelson Samuel Oester COMPLAlNT 13 9870,05 fa 122203 Date Sent 12115/11 12115111 12/21111 12115/11 12115111 12122111 12122111 12115111 12115111 12115111 MACDoNALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel206,622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Cindy Seastone Barry Shaft William Temple Timothy Turner Alisha Vandolah 1 2 3 Filed 01/13/12 Page 14 of 24 Page ID#: 14 12/15/11 12115111 12/15/11 12/20/11 12/15/11 The prisoners identified above were prisoners at the Columbia County Jail at the time that the 4 Jail received the PLN articles addressed to each of them from Ms. Lennox. 5 4.68 Defendants rejected at least twelve PLN articles sent by Ms. Lennox and did not 6 deliver them to the prisoners to which they were addressed by name. 7 4.69 For the PLN articles that Defendants returned to Ms. Lennox, Defendants: (a) 8 placed a sticker on the mail stating: "As of April 1,2010 The Columbia County Jail ONLY 9 ACCEPTS POSTCARDS, This applies to ALL incoming and out going mail"; (b) stamped the 10 mail "INSPECTED BY COLUMBIA COUNTY JAIL" and handwrote checkmarks next to 11 "RETURN TO SENDER" and "REFUSENIOLATES SECURITY"; (c) stamped the mail 12 "INSPECTED BY COLUMBIA COUNTY JAIL" and handwrote checkmarks next to 13 "RETURN TO SENDER" and "CONTRABAND"; or (d) stamped the mail "INSPECTED BY 14 COLUMBIA COUNTY JAIL" and handwrote "no envelope mail". 15 4.70 Defendants did not provide Ms. Lennox due process notice or an opportunity to 16 appeal the censorship decisions. 17 4.71 Defendants did not provide the prisoner-addressees due process notice or an 18 opportunity to appeal the censorship decisions. 19 B. JAIL POLICIES 20 4.72 On April 1, 2010, the Columbia County Jail implemented a new policy governing 21 mail to prisoners. A true copy of the policy is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit A. 22 4.73 Ban on Speech that is Not a Postcard: Effective April 1, 2010, Defendants 23 instituted a policy that requires all incoming and outgoing mail to prisoners to be in postcard 24 form (hereinafter "Postcard-Only Mail Policy"). 25 4.73.1 The Jail's Postcard-Only Mail Policy states, in pertinent part: 26 Incoming Mail will be only accepted in the form of commercially produced postcards or a photograph used as a postcard. 27 COMPLAINT 14 98;0.05 fa[12203 MACDo~ALD HOAGliE & BA HESS 705 Second Avenue. Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel206.622.1604 Fax 206343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 15 of 24 Page ID#: 15 See Exhibit A. 2 4.73.2 In addition, Defendants sometimes place a sticker on returned mail, 3 which states: "As of April 1,2010 The Columbia County Jail ONLY ACCEPTS POSTCARDS, 4 This applies to ALL incoming and out going maiL" 4.73.3 5 Defendants have used their Postcard-Only Mail Policy to censor 6 Plaintiff's Prison Legal News journal, Informational Brochure Packs, Renewal Brochure Packs, 7 Fundraising Packs, online articles, and other correspondence. 8 9 4.73.4 Defendants have used their Postcard-Only Mail Policy to censor correspondence from other publishers, companies, organizations, prisoners and individuals. For 10 example, Defendants rejected numerous PLN articles that Lucy Lennox printed from the PLN 11 website and mailed to certain prisoners at the Columbia County Jail. The Jail's stated 12 justification for rejection was that "the Columbia County Jail ONLY ACCEPTS POSTCARDS" 13 or "no envelope mail" as the reason for rejection. 14 4.73.5 Defendants' Postcard-Only Mail Policy is unconstitutionally overbroad. 15 4.73.6 Defendants' Postcard-Only Mail Policy and their practice of enforcing 16 this policy unconstitutionally burdens Plaintiff's First Amendment rights, the First Amendment 17 rights of other correspondents who send mail to prisoners confined at the Columbia County Jail, 18 the First Amendment rights of the intended recipients of outgoing mail from prisoners confined 19 at the Columbia County Jail, and the First Amendment rights of prisoners at the Columbia 20 County Jail. 21 4.74 Ban on Speech that is a Magazine: Defendants' Mail Policy bans all magazines 22 (hereinafter "No-Magazines Mail Policy"). The Jail's No-Magazines Mail Policy states, in 23 pertinent part: 24 Publications: "We do not accept magazines." ... Magazines: "Are not allowed inside the facility." 25 26 See Exhibit A. 27 COMPLAINT 15 98;0.05 fu122203 MACDO/i,<\LD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Te1206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 1 2 4.74.1 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 16 of 24 Page ID#: 16 On information and belief, Defendants have used their No-Magazines Mail Policy to censor Plaintiffs Prison Legal News journal and other correspondence. 3 4.74.2 On information and belief, Defendants have used their No-Magazines 4 Mail Policy to censor magazines, journals, publications and other correspondence from other 5 publishers, book distributors, companies, organizations, and individuals. 6 4.74.3 Defendants' No-Magazines Mail Policy is unconstitutionally overbroad. 7 4.74.4 Defendants' No-Magazines Mail Policy and its practice of enforcing this 8 policy unconstitutionally burdens Plaintiffs First Amendment rights, the First Amendment rights 9 of other correspondents who send mail to prisoners confined at the Columbia County Jail, and 10 11 the First Amendment rights of prisoners at the Columbia County Jail. 4.75 Lack of Procedural Due Process Protections: Defendants' mail policies do not 12 require them to provide due process notice or an opportunity for the mail sender, intended 13 recipient, or prisoner to appeal the Jail's censorship decisions; and Defendants' practice likewise 14 does not provide due process notice or an opportunity for the mail sender, intended recipient, or 15 prisoner to appeal the Jail's censorship decisions. Defendants' policies and practices violate the 16 Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 17 4.76 Defendants' policies and conduct prohibiting delivery of Prison Legal News' 18 monthly journal, informational brochures, subscription forms, book catalogs, book offers, 19 renewal letters, fundraising letters, online articles, and other publications and correspondence to 20 prisoners confined at the Columbia County Jail, violate the First Amendment. Similarly, 21 Defendants' policies and conduct prohibiting delivery of incoming mail from correspondents 22 other than PLN, and prohibiting delivery of outgoing mail from prisoners to PLN or other 23 intended recipients, violate the First Amendment. 24 25 26 27 4.77 Defendants' policies and their censorship of the expressive activities set forth above have a chilling effect on future speech. 4.78 Defendants' policies and practices described above frustrate Prison Legal News's organizational mission and have caused Prison Legal News to divert its resources. COMPLAINT - 16 98;0.05 fale2203 IVL-\cDoNALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle. Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 4.79 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 17 of 24 Page ID#: 17 Defendants' policies and actions have violated, continue to violate, and are 2 reasonably expected to violate in the future Plaintiffs constitutional rights to communicate its 3 political message to prisoners, to recruit new supporters, readers and subscribers, and have 4 caused Plainti ff additional financial harm in the form of di version of its resources, lost 5 subscriptions, and lost publication and book purchases. 6 4.80 Defendant Dickerson and other agents of Columbia County are responsible for or 7 personally participated in creating and implementing these unconstitutional policies, practices, 8 and customs, and for training and supervising the mail staff members whose conduct also have 9 injured and continue to injure Plaintiff and others, or ratified or adopted the polices or actions 10 described herein. v. 11 CLAIM ALLEGATIONS 12 COUNT 1 13 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 14 5.1 Plaintiffrealleges and incorporates by reference the preceding paragraphs. 15 5.2 The acts described above constitute violations of Plaintiff's rights, the rights of 16 other correspondents who have attempted to or intend to correspond with prisoners at the 17 Columbia County Jail, and the rights of prisoners confined at the Columbia County Jail, under 18 the First Amendment to the United States Constitution through 42 U.S.c. § 1983. 19 20 21 5.3 The acts described above have caused damages to Plaintiff, and will continue to cause damage. 5.4 Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief and nominal and compensatory 22 damages against all Defendants. Plaintiff seeks punitive damages solely against Defendant 23 Dickerson in his individual capacity. M COUNT 2 25 DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT 26 TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 27 5.5 Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding paragraphs. COMPLAINT - 17 9870.05 fa122203 & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue. Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98104 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 MACDONALD HOAGL'E Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 5.6 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 18 of 24 Page ID#: 18 The acts described above constitute violations of Plaintiff's rights, the rights of 2 other correspondents who have attempted to or intend to correspond with prisoners at the 3 Columbia County Jail, and the rights of prisoners confined at the Columbia County Jail, under 4 the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution through 42 U.S.c. § 1983. 5 6 7 5.7 The acts described above have caused damages to Plaintiff, and will continue to cause damage. 5.8 Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief and nominal and compensatory 8 damages against all Defendants. Plaintiff seeks punitive damages solely against Defendant 9 Dickerson in his individual capacity. 10 11 VI. 6.1 INJUNCTION ALLEGATIONS Defendants' unconstitutional policy, practices, and customs are ongoing and 12 continue to violate Plaintiff's constitutional rights and the rights of other correspondents and 13 prisoners, and as such there is no adequate remedy at law. 14 6.2 Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief prohibiting Defendants from: refusing to 15 deliver or allow delivery of publications, books, informational brochures and subscription forms, 16 book catalogs, book offers, renewal letters, fundraising letters, online articles, and other 17 correspondence from Prison Legal News or other correspondents; censoring or rejecting mail on 18 the ground that it is not in the form of a postcard; censoring or rejecting a catalog on the ground 19 that it is a catalog or not a postcard; censoring or rejecting mail on the ground that it is a 20 magazine; and prohibiting Defendants from censoring mail without due process oflaw. 21 VII. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 22 WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests relief as follows: 23 7.1 24 25 26 A preliminary injunction and a permanent injunction preventing Defendants from continuing to violate the Constitution, and providing other equitable relief. 7.2 A declaration that Defendants' policies, practices, and customs violate the Constitution. 27 COMPLAINT - 18 9SiO.05 fu 112203 l\'IACDON..\LD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 705 Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98 \04 TeI206.622.J604 Fax 206343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI 7.2 2 3 4 Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 19 of 24 Page ID#: 19 An award of nominal, compensatory, and punitive damages for each violation of its First Amendment rights to free speech and expression in an amount to be proved at trial. 7.3 An award of nominal, compensatory, and punitive damages for each violation of its Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process in an amount to be proved at trial. 5 7.4 A trial by jury on damages. 6 7.5 Costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, under 42 U.S.C. § 1988, and under 7 other applicable law. 8 7.6 Pre-j udgment and post-judgment interest. 9 7.7 The fight to conform the pleadings to the proof and evidence presented at triaL 10 7.8 Such other relief as the Court deems just and equitable. 11 DATED this 13th day of January, 2012. /l RA7H 12 iLACKMAN 13 By: 14 ~~TtT~~~~~~~~------ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 COMPLAINT - 19 98;0.05 fal22203 MACDoNALD HOAGUE & BAYLESS 70S Second Avenue, Suite 1500 Seattle, Washington 98 \04 Tel 206.622.1604 Fax 206.343.3961 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 20 of 24 Page ID#: 20 EXHIBIT A TO COMPLAINT Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Document 1 Inmate Mail Last Updated Friday, 06 August 201016:48 Filed 01/13/12 Page 21 of 24 Page ID#: 21 Incoming Mail: Incoming Mail will be only accepted In the form of commercially-produced postcards or a photograph used as a postcard. Themail is delivered to the Sheriff's Office Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays. Address Inmate's Name (Booking Number) Columbia County Jail 901 Port Avenue St. Helens, Oregon 97051 Prohibited Mail Effective April 1, 2010 the Columbia County Sheriff's Office is changing the procedures that apply to inmate mail. MAIL VIOLATIONS: (Will result in the post card(s) being returned to sender) * No Inmate Name * Incomplete Return Address * Stickers of any kind (Includes address labels) * Rubber Inked Stamps * Tape * Lipstick * Colored Pencils * Paperclips I Staples etc. • Correction Tape / Fluid • Crayon * Paint * Watercolor or colored markers * Food / Beverage Stains • Perfume I Cologne • Any unidentifiable substance 1/4 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Inmate Mail Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 22 of 24 Page ID#: 22 Last Updated Friday, 06 August 201016:48 The following mail will not be received or sent from the facility and will be returned to the sender. 1. Mail from one inmate to another at this facility requires a supervisor's approval. 2. Mail that threatens blackmail or extortion. 3. Mail that concerns sending contraband into or out of our jail. 4. Mail that concerns escape plans. 5. Mail that concerns plans for activities in violation of the jail rules. 6. Mail that concerns plans for criminal activity. 7. Mail that contains information which, if communicated, would create a danger of violence or physical harm to a person 8. Mail that is sensational. Sensationalism is writing or other printed material that poses a threat to the security, safety, or good order of the jail. 9. Mail that contains any contraband materials. 10. No personal packages will be accepted through the mail or by the Sheriff's Office Clerks. 11. Polaroid or other instant developing photographs. 12. Picture frames or picture folders. 13. Photographs larger than 5" x 7". 14. Postage stamps, blank writing paper, or blank envelopes. 15. Mail that contains gang-related writings, drawings, or symbols on the outside of the envelope or letter. 16. Mail that contains a foreign substance, bodily fluid, perfume or cologne. 17. Mail written in code or suspected code. 18. Sexually explicit materials. 19. Mail that encourages or instructs in a commission of a crime. 20. Mail falsely labeled "Official Mail." 21. Photographs that are not printed by a professional commercial source (photo labs or kiosks) will not be accepted. (home printer produced pictures on regular paper are not allowed.) 22. Stickers, tape, and return address labels. Legal Professional Mail Rules: Inmate legal mail and professional mail rules have not changed. Publications: We do not accept magazines. Books must be sent directly from the publisher or bookstore. An inmate may receive no more than three books per month. Man Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions: 2/4 c. Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI Inmate Mall Document 1 Filed 01/13/12 Page 23 of 24 Page ID#: 23 Last Updated Friday, 06 August 201016:48 Incomplete return address: Return address is missing either part of the address or first and last name of sender. No Inmate Name: Inmate's first and last names are NOT on the post card. Dead Mailed: There is no return address. In this case the postcard is returned to the Post Office. What happens to the postcard I send to an inmate when it arrives at the Facility? After the post card has been cleared through administration, it is reviewed for mail violations. If a violation is found, the Deputy will complete a Mail Violation Form and the mail will be placed in the inmate's property until their release, or it will be returned to the sender. Can I send a care package to an Inmate? Inmates housed in the Jail cannot receive care packages of any kind through the mail. Care packages which are not mail in can be purchased through www.columbia.icaredirect.eom . We only accept care packages by this method. Can Inmates have access to Books, Magazines, and Newspapers? The Columbia County Jail has certain legal publications as well as books for entertainment, and some faith-based materials. Books may be procured from outside the jail. however any such book, hardbound or otherwise, must be sent directly from the publisher or bookstore via the U.S. Mail. Newspapers maybe subscribed to in the inmate's name for delivery to the jail. Magazines: Are not allowed inside the facility. Religious Materials: Inmates can request a Bible from the Law Library. Inmates can also attend a religious program and receive religious materials from the Columbia County Sheriff's Office Volunteer who facilitates that particular program. 3/4 Case 3:12-cv-00071-SI . Document 1 Inmate Mail Last Updated Friday, 06 August 2010 16:48 Filed 01/13/12 Page 24 of 24 Page ID#: 24 4/4