Prison Legal News v. Tilton, CA, Settlement Agreement, CDCR Public Records, 2010
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1 ROSEN, BIEN & GALVAN, LLP Sanford Jay Rosen, Bar No. 62566 2 Ernest Galvan, Bar No. 196065 3 Kenneth M. Walczak, Bar No. 247389 315 Montgomery Street, 10th Floor 4 San Francisco, CA 94104-1823 . 5 Telephone: (415) 433-6830 FacsiInile: (415) 433-7104 6 Attorneys fur Petitioner Prison Legal News 7 g ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA Edmund G. Browll, Jr. Attorney General 9 Douglas J. Weod:>, Supervising DepUty Aitorney General . 10 TholIlBS M. Patton, Deputy Attorney General, Bar No'. 162664 1300 I Street, Suite 125 . . 11 P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 12 Talephone: (916) 322-8392 13 Fl108imiIe: (916) 324-8835 By: A. WOODWARD Deputy Cler~ ' 14 Attnmeys for Respondent California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 15 lNTHE STJ.l'B.RIORCOURT OF THE STATE OF CALlFORNIA . , 16 FOR THE CITY AND couNTY OF SACRAMBNfO 17 Unlimited ~ Jmisdiction 18 19 PRISON LEGAL NEWS, 20 Petitioner, 21 22 v. ) Case No.: 34-2001.{)0883573-CU-PT·GDS 'J ) SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND ) STIPULATION RE PETITIONER'S ) ENTJTLl!;MENTTOATTORNE\"S JAMES TILTON, Seareta:ry, California ~ FEES Department of Corrections and Rehlibilitation,) Califorcia Public Records Act; .24 Respondent. ) Government Code §§ 6250, et seq. .23 25 ) 26 ) Dept: 54 ) Judge: HoD. ShelleyaDIle WL, Chang 27 28 [401,.,.', ) For Determination Without Hearing 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ) Trial date: None set Sl!'!TLEMllNTAGJtEEI,fi!NT AND STIl'llLATIONRE l'EITI'IONER'S EN'llTLIlMENTTOATl'ORNllY'SFEES '. Cos. No. 34-2007··l'T.(lDS 109M31486646B.tif" 9/29/201011:57:32 AM nYfAX SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND STIPULATION RE PETITIONER'S ENTITLEMENT TO REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS 1 2 The Parties to this action, through their respective counsel, jointly file the following 3 4 Settlement Agreement and Stipulation and request that the Court enter the Proposed Order 5 submitted herewith. 6 1. This action was filed on December 18: 2007 with regard to certain California 7 Public Records Act requests. On December 23, 2009. the Court ordered Respondent to produce 8 certain public records under the California Public Records Act On June 16, 2010, R-espondent 9 produced the last set of documents pursuant to the Court's Order. 10 2. Issues regarding Respondent's prodUction of those documents have been resolved, , 11 and the parties have settled all issues arising in this matter, including Petitioner's Prison Legal 12 News's entitlement to attorney's fees an4 costs, and are,prepared to stipulate to dismissalofthls 13 action., 3. 14 The parties have nego~ated Petitioner's entitlement to fees and costs under the 15 California Public Records Act, Cal. G~emment Code § 6259, subsection (d), for work in 16 litigating this matter. The Parties, through their counsel, have agreed to settle all cl~ for fees 17 and costs in this matter for a total payment of One Hundred-Pifty-Pive Thousand Dollars and No 18 Cents ($155,000.00). In return, Petitioner releases the Respondent from all claims for attorney's '19 fees and costs in the above-captioned matter. 20 4. The Parties have agreedthat$e amount of One Hundred-Pifty-Pive Thousand 21 Dollars and No Cents ($155,000.00) shall be paid by check made out to Petitioner's counsel, 22 Rosen, Bien & Galvan, LLP. The payment shall be made no later than 60 calendar days from the 23 !II 24 III 25 III '26 11/ 27 III 28 III 1 ~11 SE'ITLEMBNT AGREEMENT AND STIPULATION RE PETITIONER'S ENTITI.EMENT TO ATIORNEY'S FEES Case No. 34-2007-00g83573-CU-PT-GDS 1 date of the Order approving this Stipulation. AinountnemaiIring unpaid thereafter shall accrue 2 interest at the seven percent interest rate provided in Article 15, Section 1 of the California 3 Constit'.ltion. Upon receipt ofllie full payment, Petitioner agrees to dismiss the action with 4 prejudice. S 2~ 6 Dated: September --' 2010 Respectfully Submitted, 7 8 9 By: Eroest Galvan Attorneys for Petitioner PRISON LEGAL NEWS 10 11 12 Dated: September~ 2010 california Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation CDCR PO Box 4036 Sacramento, CA 95812 (916) 323-2929 13 By: ~t .!fw~ Name-: Katherine K. Tebrock Bar No. 221074 Title: AssistaiIt General Coaasel 14 15 t!JuAt Def~ 6)~ &~I R~ 16 . 17 Dated: Septembert! 2010 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA 18 . 19 20 21 By: ~V\. .ftt. ~~ Thomas M. Patton, Deputy Attorney General Attorney for Respondent JAMES TILTON, Secretary, California Department of Corrections 'and Rehabilitation 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 ~11 SETILEMENT AGREEMENT AND STIPULATION RE PE1'ITIONER.'S ENTITLEMENT TO ATTORNEY'S FEES elISe No. 34-2007-00883573-CU-PT-GDS