HRDC v. GEO Group, VT, Settlement, Public Records, 2019
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Joseph C. M.cNeil (19,;!.9,-1978) Joseph E. McNeil John.T. Leddy T 802.863.4531 F 802.863.1743 NancyG. Sheahan 271 South Union Street Burlington, VT 05401 William F. Ellis Susan Gilfillan JosephA~ Frm1ham ColinK McNeil K~vin J. Coyte+ Miehaet J. Leddy +A/so:licensedin Nc·~w York Y:IA ~-1:\'IA"[L. Deborah M. Golden, Esq. $taffAttQiney ·Human Rights Defense Center '720 3rd Ave., Suite 1605 Seattle, WA98l04 Robert Appel, Esq. 30 Main Street Suite350 Burlington, VT 05401 Re: Human Rights Defense Center v.GE() Group. Inc. No. 272-5-18 Wncr Dear Deborah and Robert: I hope this finds you well. This letteriS intended to memorialize our mutual understandings as We finalize the above referenced :matter. As I understand it, we have agreed that GEO Group, Inc. will pay Three Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-'Four dollars ($3:,444;fJO)tQ Human Rights Defense Center,.and Three T~ousaµd Four Hundred Twenty~Olie dollars and nine cents ($3,421.09) to Robert Appel, Attorney at Law, PLC. The Patties will then file the.accompanying "Stipulation And Proposed Order of Dismisstil" with the. Oourt. Once the Court endorses that document, the matter will be concluded as to the merits, a11d .the issue of fees and costs, . If you agree with what I have setfdrth here, please date and sign this letter, and the stip'tllation, and return the1n to me for executi<>n; and the filing of the stipulation. Please know that I have requested checks for the amounts referenced, and will not file the stipulation until I know that you, haye ,recei'¥:~d the funds. Please contact me with any questions or con~erns. Thank you very much. cc: B Johnson(e~mail only) 600663-i47 ~ Agreedtothis iday of February~ 2()J~. ~tJvrrt tft /VJ. lTVf4elfV hM () .. a!/f . .· .·.. ..•.... .... ··.. Deborah M. Golden, ~ Counsel for Human Rights Defense ~YI , Center ~/1111 [j)jfN fit Agreed to this f_ day of}{ebruary,2()19. ~/I ~L Rt";ertAPpel~' Counsel fore Human Rights Defense eenter STATE OF VERMONT WASHINGTON UNIT DOCKET No. 272-5· l 8 Wncv SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE GENTER, Plaintiff ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) v. GEO GROUP, INC., Defendant. STIPULATIONANU,,,:eao:eoSED ORDEROF DISMISSAL ( NOW COME the parties, by and through their respective counsel, jointly and respectfully stipulating to the dismissal of this action with prejudice pursuant to V.R.C.P. 41 (a)(l)(ii), with the parties having agreed as to theissue of attorney fees and costs. <lh Dated February t[ 201 ~. DEBORAH M. GOLDEN Pro Hae Vice Counsel for Plaintiff Human Rights Defense Center 1 (' lYl Dated February~ 2019 ROBERT APPEL Gmmsel for Plaintiff Human Rights Defense Center -~: ,~~ . Dated February_, 2019 :,.,::.·.~ .·..."::: ······ :·... .. . ... JOSEPH A. FARNHAM,iselfor Defendant GEO Group, Inc . .So ORDERED, this _ dfl.y pfFebruary 2019. . 1~ ~:·:·"····,· ... .... , ...................... ·...... :., .. ""'""'"''''"····· ; Hon. Mary Miles Teaehout, Presiding Judge §00663-147 2