Prison Legal News v. Cook, Complaint, Oregon DOC Censorship 1998
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RECEIVE D ALISON HARDY , O SB 11 9 8060 Oregon Law Center 813 SW Alder Street Portland, OR 91205 Tel. (503) 295-2760 FAX (503) 295-0676 MARC BLAC KMA.. l, OSB 1173033 " Ransom Blackman 100 1 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97204 Te L (S03) 228-0487 FAX (S03) 227-5984 IGCj3 0C T2C1 P 2: 3 1 C L E~)( . I.: , 3, ~· v'S T ~ i C I G r- PG ~ r L .'· , ,,-- rcr CC UR i , ~ (; ,: ~ . : ,<: c.c~ Attorneys for Plaintiffs IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COL'RT FO R THE DtSTRICT OF OREGO:": PRI SO:": LEGAL !'<'"EWS, COALITIOS FOR PRI SO!'<'"ERS' RIGHTS, M ICHAEL TUCKER, MARK WILSON, AND LE HLiKG. No. CO.\1PLAI:-. FOR DECLARATOR Y A:-''O I:-.iJU:-':CTIVE RELIEF A\'1 ) DA.\lAGES Plaintiffs, (Civil RIghts) DAVID S. COOK, Director of the Oregon Departm ent of Corrections, DAVID SCHIDfAC HER , Rules/Compliance Manager ofme Oregon Depanment of Corrections, and JA!'<'"E A>-ID JOH:-.i DOES 1- 10 , officers and agents of the Oregon Department of Corr ections, DEl'v1A>-ID FO R JURY TRI AL Defe CO :>-IPLA INT PAGE 1 I OOROD! raiD'\{ I. The Oregon Department ot Correcncns censors certain subscriptio n publications. not because their content represents a danger to security, but because: they are sen t via "standard" mail. i.e.• the class of mail availab le 10 non -profit orgarW.atiOIlS . Because of this po licy. nonprofit organizations that publish scbscription n~slcttcn., inc luding Plaintiffs Prison Leg~ S ews and Coalition for Prisoners' Rights. have been prevented from sending their pub lications 10 Oregon state prisoners subscribers. Plaintiffs Mark Wilson. ~Iichacl Tucker and Lc Hung ha\'e been denied the oppommity to receive publications from the plaintiff-publishers and from the Internationa l Prison Ministry. 2. Defendants' policy of censoring mail based upon the class of mai l used to send it serves no legitimate penological purpose. Publisher plaintiffs Prison La..... News and the Coalition for Prisoners' Rights, and the prisoner plaintiffs, Michael Tucker, Mark Wilson and Lc Hung seck declara tory and injunctive relief and damages to enforce their First Amendm~ont rights to send and receive information and ideas . n!R 15DlO ]0..... 3. This is a ci\il action see king declaratory and injuncti\ e relief and damag es is brought pursu.ant to 42 USC section 1983. in that plaintiffs have and continue to be deprived o ftllci r rights secured by the United States Constitulion under the First and Fourteenth Amendmen ts. 4. The jurisdiction of this cour1 is invoked pursuant to 28 esc section 1331 and J)43(a)(3 ). Plaintiffs seek declaratory relief under 28 U.S.c.. section 2201 and injuRCth 'e relief under 28 V.S.C. section 1343 . CO MPLAINT PAGE 2 2 5. Venue is proper under 28 USC section 139 1(b), in that one or more of tbe de fendants reside in the District of Oregon, and plaintiffs' claims for reli ef arose in this district. P".RTIES 6. PlaintiITPrisoner' s Lega l News, a non- profit Washington corporation with office. in Seattle, publishes and distributes nation-wide a monthly magazine known as Prison Legal News 7. Plaintiff Coalition for Prisoners ' Righ ts ('·CPR''), a non-profit New Mexico corpor ation with offices in Santa Fe, publishes and distributes nation-wide a mon thly newsletter 8. Plainti ff Mark J Wilson, is a prisoner committed to the legal and physical cus tody of the O regon Department o f Corre ctions ("ODOe) He is presently confined at the Oregon State Penitenti ary (" a SP) .. 9. Plaintiff Michael Tucker is a prisoners com mitted to the legal and physical custody o f the O DOe. He 15 presen tly confined at the OSP. 10. PlaintiffLe Hung is a prisoner committed to the legal and phys ical custody of the ODOC . He is presently confined at the OSP . 11. Defendant David S. Cook is the Director of the eDOC with responsibility for final review and appro val of department rules concerning inmate mail. Defendant Cook also has supervisory responsibility for the operation, rules and adminis tration of the department and its facilities. ORS 423 .075(1 ) and ( 5). See also ORS 423 .020 and 423.030. He is sued in his individual and official capacities . 12. Defendant Da vid Schumacher is the Rules/Compl ian ce Manager for the ODO C. Mr. Schumacher is an agent of Defendant Cook. He CO I,! PLAlNT PAGE 3 IS 3 sued in his indiv idual and official capacities. 13. Defendants John and Jane Does I - X are officers and agents of the ODOe. The;r full and correct names are unknown to plaintiffs at this time. When plaintiffs discover the full, true and correct nameS of these defendants, plaintiffs will amend thetr comp laint in this action, These defendants and each of them are involved in the receipt and processing of bulk-rate mail at the Oregon State Penitentiary ("O SP") sent by plaintiffs PLN and CPR and to be received by plaintiffs Tucker, Wilson, Le and other inmates of the ODOC. They enforce the bulk-rate policy on a day-to-day basis at the a SP . They are sued in their official and individual capacities. 14. Defendants have acted, and continue to act, lInder color of state law at all times relev ant to this complai nt. EACTJ1AI AI l EGA TIONS A. RegllM jons and Proccdm cs Restrict jng thc Receipt ofPJlbl jcations 15, Defendants and their officers and agents in contro l of the asp and ODOC have enacted and arc enforcing rules and regulations governing distribution of and access to certain publications. 16. OAR 291-131-0025(6) provides: "Mai l shall be required to be sent by first or second class postage. Bulk rate, third and fourth class mail is proh ibIted." (As of December I, 1998, this section will be amended to read: "Mail shall be sent by express mail, priority mail, first class mail or periodicals mail (ava ilable for authonzed pllblications only). All other forms of US Postal Service mail shall be prohib ited."] 17. OAR 291-131-0037(4) provides: ··Bulk rate, third and fourth class mail shall be refused and returned to the U.S. Postal Service:" (As of December I, 1998, this secllOn will be COMPLAINT PAGE 4 4 / ame nded to read: " Mail with un authorized or insuffic ient postage shall be re fused and (e!Urned to the US Postal Service.") 18. T hird class non -profi t mail is no w called " standard mail" by the Unite d State s Postal Service. 19. ODOC inmates are nOI given noti ce when bu lk rate , third class and fourth class mail are refused. B. The App lic at io n n i lbe Procedures [0 the pla jntiffs plain t jffs Coa lit jon for Prison ers ' Rights and M jch ae l Tucker 20. Plaintiff Coalition for Pri soners Rights p llbhshes a monthly eight page newsletter that covers news o f recent court rulings as well as brief news articles on subjects of interesl to prisoners and their families . CPR has been publishi ng and distributing their newslener smee 1977 and curren tly has 3500 subscribers throughout the co untry. Th e newsletter has no pai d staff and is produce sole ly by vo lunteers. 21. As a non-profi t organizat ion, CPR has been granted IRS secli on 50 1(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service. Based in part upon tha t st atus , CP R has been au tho rized by the Uni ted States Postal Service 10 sen d pub licat ions by mall under a spec ial mailing status for non pro fit orgamzations tha t is subsidized by the federal government. That special mailing rate was formerly referred to by the Unite d States Po stal Service as " third" or "fourt h" class mai l; that mailing rate or cl ass is often referred to by the pub lic as "bu lk-rate" mai l. 22. Each issues of the CPR news letter sent to prison subscri bers is addres sed individually to the inmate subscriber and includes the inmate's proper address, com m itted name and state ident ification number. COMPLAINT PAGE 5 5 23. C PR uses its bulk m ailing permit to mai l subscnption newsletter to state prisoners around the country. CPR has in the pas t accommodated Oregon state prisoners by send ing their newsletters via first class ma il. However, in 1998, CPR determined that it could no longer afford to conti nue this pr act ice, and it has sinc e stopped sendin g the news letter direc tly to Oregon slate inmates. 24. In Febru ary , 1998 , plaintiff Michael Tucker received notice from plaintiff CP R thai CPR would no longer be able to send him the CPR newsletter because the newsletter could no longer afford to send via first class m ail. Since then, plainti ff has not received his CPR newsletter. 25. Before CPR discontinued its first class maili ngs 10 Oregon priso ners due to defendants " mai l po licy, CPR had approximately 80 subsc ribers in ODOC prisons. Plajn tjffs Prisoo [e gal News aud.Mark Wilson 26 . Plaintiff PLN publishes and distribut es a mon thly m agazme which contains news articles and other materials of interest to inmate s and correctional officia ls with regar d to litigation affecti ng inmates. PLN has been di strib uting its magazi ne for more th an mne years . 27. PLN reports on developments in prisoner legal actions across the countries and includes articles co ncern ing issues of interest to prisoners. 28. As a non-profit organization , PLN has also been granted IRS section 50 1(c)(3) stalus by the Internal Revenue Service. Based in part upon that sta tus, PLN has been authorized by the United States Po sta l Service to send publications by stand ard mail. CO:vtPLAINT PAGE 6 6 19. Eac h issu e of the PLN tha t is sent to prisoner subscribers is addressed individually to the inmate subscriber and includes their proper addres s, committed name and State Iden tlficatlO n number (SID) . 30. PLN's bulk mailing contractor complies with postal serv ice regu lations to send the publication 10 its subscribers. 31. On September 24, 1998 PLN had the ir October issue sent from their bulk mai hn g service in Be llmawr, New Je rsey. 32. Plain titT Wi lson is a current subsc riber to P LN. He did not receive his Oc tober, 1998 edition of PLN. Wilson did not receive notice that his news letter had been w ithhel d from him . 33_ Several editions ofP LN have been retu rned from Oregon sta te prisons to Pc-,,'s office in Washington . Plaintiff Wilson's was not am ong them. PloinlilII e H lmg 34. Plaimiff' Le H U req ues led religious material from International Prison Ministry llg (IPM). IPM pub lishes and distributes Bibles to prisoners who request them . 35. On August II, 1998, Mr. Hung received a leiter from IP\-f notifying him that, in order to.maintain their ab ility to disseminate their materials wid ely, IPM must send their publications using the subsi dized bulk rate for non-pro fit orgallizations . IPM indicated they wou ld not be able to fulfil l Mr. Hung's request because of O OOC's ban on third class mail. 36. Mr. Hung submitted a grievance asking w heth er asp woul d censor his ma il based upo n the fact thaI IPM used third class ma il. 37. On August 28, 1998 Mr. Hung received a response confirming that his Bible wou ld be delivered on ly if it was sent via first or second cl ass mall . COMP LAINT PAGE 7 7 C al rS FS OF ACUO'S' First Claim for Relief 38. Plaintiffs reallege paragraphs 1 thro ugh 37. 39 . Defendants' bulk-rate policy violates the free expression rights of the plaintiffs protected by the First Amendment of the United Slates Co nstitution and Article I, Sec tion 8 of the Oregon Constitution. Second O aim for Reli ef 40. Plaintiffs reallege parngraphs I through 37. 41. Defendants, pursu ant to thei r bulk-rate policy, have deprived plaintiffs Wilson, Tuc ker and Hung o f property witho ut d uc process through defendants ' summary rejection of the publications sent to tho se plaintiffs at their request, with out notice to the inmate pla intiffs. 42 . Defendants" bul k-rate policy vio lates the due process protections afforded the plaintiffs by the Fourteenth Amendm ent of the United States Constitution and Article I, SL'Ction 10 oflhe Oregon Con stitut ion. ·n. Plai ntiffs have suffered. are suffering and wi ll continue to suffer harm as a result o f defendants' enforeement o f defendants' bulk-rate policy. Ikm~ nd for Relief 44 . W HEREFORE, the plaintiffs demand thc following re lief: 1. A jury ni21; 2. A determinat ion and dcc lar.uOl)' judgmenllhal the defendanls ' bul k-rolle policy \i olales the United States and the Orego n Constitutions; COM PLArNT PAGES 8 3. A temp orary restraini ng: order and a pre lim inary inju nct ion duri n g the pendency of this action cnjoi ning defendants from co ntinuing to enfo rce their bulk-rate policy at aSP;md all G DGC facihties; 4. A permanent and final order enjo ining defendants henceforth from enfor cing their bulk-rate policy at any facility ofOOOC; 5. Damages of at leas t one dol lar ($1) each per day (or as determined by the Court) for each day plaintiffs Tucker, Wi lson and H ung were subjected to defe ndants' hulk -ra.!e policy; 6. Dam ages to CPR and PLN in an amount to be dete r mined at trial but the sum of at leas! five hundred doll ars (5500) each; 7. An award ofplai mitTs' attorneys fees under 42 USC section 1988; 8. An award of plaint iffs' court costs; and 9. For such other and further eq uitable and moneta'}' relie f as the court deems just and proper. DATED thi~f1;v of C~1998 CO:\tPLAfNT PAGE9 9