Prison Legal News v. Schumacher, Amended Complaint, Oregon DOC Censorship 2002
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MARC D. BLACKMAN RANSOM BLACKMAN LLP 1001 S.W. Fifth Street, Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 228-0487 (telephone) (503) 227-5984 (facsimile) OSB No. 73033 MICHAEL W. GENDLER BRICKLIN & GENDLER, LLP 1424 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1015 Seattle, WA 98101-2217 (206) 621-8868 (telephone) (206) 621-0512 (facsimile) = WSBA No. 8429 Attorneys for Plaintiff Prison Legal News UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON 15 PRISON LEGAL NEWS, a Washington nonprofit organization, Plaintiff, 16 v. 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DAVID SCHUMACHER, individually and in his official capacity as Rules/Compliance Manager of the Oregon Department of Corrections, DAVID S. COOK, individually and in his official capacity as Director of the Oregon Department of Corrections, BEN DE HAAN, individually and in his official capacity as Director of the Oregon Department of Corrections, RICH HOLDER, individually and in his official capacity as Mail Operations Administrator of the Oregon Department of Corrections, and JACY DURAN, individually and in her official capacity as Mail Operations Administrator of the Oregon Department of Corrections, Defendants. Case No. ------ FIRST AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, DAMAGES, PUNITIVE DAMAGES, AND ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 2 3 For its first amended and supplemental complaint, plaintiff Prison Legal News (hereafter "plaintiff') alleges as follows: 4 I. INTRODUCTION AND NATURE OF THE CASE 6 7 1. This is a civil rights action brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and the First, 8 Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution to secure the rights of 9 a non-profit organization to communicate freely with persons incarcerated within the State 10 ofOregon and under the jurisdiction ofthe Oregon Department of Corrections. Prison Legal 11 News was the plaintiff in Prison Legal News v. Cook, 238 F. 3d 1145 (9 th Cir. 2001) 12 (hereafter "Ninth Circuit Decision"), in which the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ,~ 1,J 1,4 15 held that "tying the receipt of subscription non-profit newsletters to postal service rates classifications is not rationally related to any legitimate penological interest put forth by the Department." Id. at 1149-50. The Court ofAppeals further held that plaintiff s subscription 16 17 18 19 mail must be afforded the same procedural due process protections as first class mail. Id. at 1152-53. 2. On remand, this Court entered a judgment in which defendants Cook and 20 Schumacher "are permanently enjoined from enforcing OAR 291-131-0025(8) (1998) or any 21 other rule that prohibits inmates at institutions under the management of the Oregon 22 Department ofCorrections from receiving subscription non-profit organization mail mailed at standard mail rates." Judgment on Remand at 1-2 (Cause No. 98-1344-MA, Aug. 7, 2001) 24 25 (hereafter "Injunction"). The Court further ordered that "upon rejection of any item of subscription non-profit organization mail mailed at standard mail rates, 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 2 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621-8868 1 defendants shall afford the sender and the intended recipient notice and opportunity to 2 contest the rejection." Id. at 2. 3 4 3. Notwithstanding the Ninth Circuit Decision and the Injunction, defendants continue to refuse to deliver plaintiffs monthly magazine, Prison Legal News, and related 5 subscription mail to inmate recipients. Defendants' conduct is in violation of the Ninth 6 7 8 Circuit Decision, the Injunction, and the requirements of Due Process in each of the following respects: a. 9 Defendants have promulgated administrative rules which discriminate 10 between subscription non-profit mail and other mail based exclusively on the 11 Postal Service rate classification; 12 b. 13 the sender of subscription non-profit mail that is rejected with notice of the 14 Defendants have promulgated administrative rules which do not provide rejection or the opportunity for administrative review of that action; 15 c. Defendants have promulgated administrative rules which do not provide 16 the intended recipient of subscription non-profit mail that is rejected with 17 notice of the rejection or the opportunity for administrative review of that 18 action. 19 20 4. Defendants' conduct represents an intentional and willful violation ofthe Ninth 21 Circuit Decision and the Injunction. It compels plaintiff to bring this action to enforce the 22 rights and benefits secured through the Ninth Circuit Decision and the Injunction. 23 5. The Ninth Circuit Decision and the Injunction clearly establish that plaintiffs 24 magazine is constitutionally protected mail, that censorship ofconstitutionally protected mail 25 based solely on postage classification is not rationally related to any penological objective, 26 and that administrative rules such as those described above violate the constitutional rights 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 3- FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 of both the sender and the intended recipient. Defendants therefore must be deemed to be 2 acting with malice or deliberate indifference to the rights of plaintiff, its inmate subscribers 3 and potential subscribers, and all similarly situated persons. 4 II. 5 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6 7 8 9 10 11 6. Plaintiffs claims arise under the laws and Constitution of the United States, specifically the United States Constitution, First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments, and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The case therefore presents a federal question which is within this Court's jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 (federal question) and 1343(a) (civil rights). 7. Defendants Cook, de Haan, Schumacher, Duran and Holder work and reside 12 in the State of Oregon, within the District of Oregon. The actions and omissions of 13 defendants as alleged herein occurred within the District of Oregon. Venue in this Court is 14 proper. 15 III. 16 PARTIES 17 18 19 8. Plaintiff Prison Legal News is a non-profit organization (NPO) incorporated under the laws of the state of Washington, with its principal place of business at Seattle, 20 Washington. Plaintiff is the publisher of the monthly magazine Prison Legal News and 21 distributor of various books. In the course of its business plaintiff corresponds with 22 prisoners regularly regarding plaintiffs magazine and other publications. 23 9. Defendant David S. Cook was the director of the Oregon Department of 24 Corrections. Defendant Cook is a resident of Oregon. Defendant Cook is sued in his 25 individual capacity and in his capacity as director ofthe Oregon Department of Corrections. 26 Defendant Ben de Haan is the new director of the Oregon Department of Corrections. 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 4 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 2 3 4 Defendant de Haan is a resident of Oregon. Defendant de Haan is sued in his individual capacity and in his capacity as director of the Oregon Department of Corrections. 10. Defendant David Schumacher is Rules/Compliance Manager for the Oregon Department of Corrections. Defendant Schumacher resides in Oregon. 5 Defendant Schumacher is sued in his individual capacity and in his capacity as 6 7 8 Rules/Compliance Manager. 11. Defendant Rich Holder was Mail Operations Administrator of the Oregon 9 Department of Corrections. Defendant Holder is a resident of Oregon. Defendant Holder 10 is sued in his individual capacity and in his capacity as Mail Operations Director of the 11 Oregon Department of Corrections. Defendant lacy Duran is the new Mail Operations 12 Administrator of the Oregon Department of Corrections. Defendant Duran is a resident of 13 Oregon. Defendant Duran is sued in her individual capacity and in her capacity as Mail 14 Operations Director of the Oregon Department of Corrections. 15 IV. 16 ALLEGATIONS OF FACT 17 18 19 12. Plaintiff is the publisher of the monthly magazine Prison Legal News and distributor of books and other materials pertaining to the legal rights of prisoners and 20 conditions affecting prisoners. 21 Subscribers to Prison Legal News also include attorneys, judges, journalists, academics, and 22 others who have an interest in the topics included in the magazine. 23 13. Plaintiff has subscribers in prisons in all 50 states. Plaintiff sends its magazine Prison Legal News to its subscribers by 24 Standard A non profit organization mail rates established by the United States Postal Service, 25 which Plaintiff is entitled to do as an NPO. Plaintiffuses Standard A non-profit organization 26 rates to mail its magazine Prison Legal News to its subscribers within Oregon prisons. 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 5 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621-8868 1 Plaintiff uses mailing labels to send its magazine which include the inmate's name, prison 2 identification number, complete address, and the expiration date of the magazine 3 4 subscription. 14. Plaintiff uses and/or is entitled to use Standard A non-profit organization mail 5 rates to send subscription renewal notices, flyers identifying plaintiff's publications and how 6 7 8 9 10 they can be ordered, letters from the publisher, and reader surveys to its subscribers, including its subscribers within Oregon prisons, in accordance with the United States Postal Service regulations. 15. Plaintiff uses Fourth Class mail (book rate) to send books that it distributes to 11 persons who have placed orders for plaintiff's books, as plaintiff is entitled to do in 12 accordance with regulations ofthe United States Postal Service. Plaintiff sends its books to 13 inmates incarcerated in Oregon under the jurisdiction of defendants. 14 15 16. All ofthe communications and material described in paragraphs 12 through 15 above which are sent to persons incarcerated within Oregon are addressed to the recipient 16 individual by name, Oregon prison system identification number, and address. Plaintiffdoes 17 18 19 not send mass mailings to Oregon prisons addressed to "occupant" or the like. 17. The magazine, books, and other publications described in paragraphs 12 and 20 15 above are political speech and social commentary which are at the core of First 21 Amendment values and are entitled to the highest protection. 22 18. The renewal notices and flyers described in paragraph 14 above are speech 23 directly related to the political speech and social commentary contained in plaintiff's 24 magazines and publications, and therefore are entitled to the same highest level ofprotection 25 afforded to the magazine and publicationsthemselves. 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 6 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621-8868 1 2 3 4 19. The letter from the publisher described in paragraph 14 above is political speech and social commentary which is at the core ofFirst Amendment values and is entitled to the highest protection. 20. The reader survey described in paragraph 14 above is personal communication 5 between plaintiff and its subscribers, intended, among other things, to identify plaintiffs 6 7 8 9 10 11 subscribers' interests in subjects that are or could be included in plaintiff s publications. Such individual communications to identify political and social topics of interest to plaintiffs subscribers is political communication entitled to the highest First Amendment protection. 21. Notwithstanding to and contrary to the decisions of the Ninth Circuit Court of 12 Appeals and this Court, defendants have directed and/or caused mail room corrections 13 officers and other corrections officers in the Oregon Department of Corrections to refuse to 14 15 deliver Prison Legal News to Oregon inmate subscribers. The actions and failures to act of defendants alleged in this paragraph are based on the Postal Service rates by which plaintiff 16 sends its magazine to its subscribers. 17 18 19 22. Defendants have caused and/or directed mail room corrections officers and other corrections officers within the Oregon Department of Corrections to refuse to deliver 20 plaintiffs subscription renewal notices, letters from the publisher, reader surveys, and flyers 21 identifying plaintiff s publications and how they can be ordered to plaintiff s Oregon inmate 22 subscribers. 23 23. Defendants have directed and/or caused mail room corrections officers and 24 other corrections officers in the Oregon Department ofCorrections to refuse to deliver letters 25 from the publisher, reader surveys, and flyers identifying plaintiffs publications and how 26 they can be ordered to plaintiffs subscribers within Oregon prisons, based on the Postal 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 7- FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 Service rate classification used by plaintiff to send these materials to its subscribers and/or 2 based on malice toward plaintiff on the part of these defendants due to the content of 3 4 plaintiff's publications relating to prison conditions and the rights of prisoners, and/or due to plaintiff's successful litigation to vindicate its right to send its magazines to subscribers 5 by Standard A nonprofit organizational mail rates. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 24. Defendants have directed and/or caused mail room corrections officers and other officers ofthe Oregon Department of Corrections to refuse to deliver plaintiff's books and other publications to inmates in Oregon prisons, because of the Postal Service rate classification used by plaintiff to mail its books and other publications. 25. Defendants' actions and failures to act as alleged in Paragraphs 21 through 24 above are not rationally related to any legitimate penological interest. 26. Defendants' actions and failures to act as set forth in Paragraphs 21 through 24 above violate plaintiff's clearly established rights to send subscription mail to inmate subscribers using Standard A postage classification, to communicate individually with its 16 subscribers regarding their subscriptions using Standard A postage classification or first class 17 18 19 20 mail, and to send plaintiff's books and other publications addressed individually to inmate readers using Fourth Class Book Rate postage classification. 27. The actions and failures to act of defendants as described in Paragraphs 21 21 through 24 above are malicious, reckless, wanton, and/or deliberately indifferent to 22 plaintiff's rights. 23 28. 24 25 26 Defendants have directed and/or caused mail room corrections officers and other officers of the Oregon Department of Corrections to censor the mail identified in Paragraphs 12 through 15 above without providing plaintiff notice of the refusal, purported reasons for the censorship, and opportunity to contest the censorship of the mail. 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 8- FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621-8868 1 2 3 4 29. Plaintiff's right of due process to be notified and provided an opportunity to contest the censorship of its subscription mail, mail related to its subscriptions, mail addressed individually to inmates, and books and publications is clearly established. 30. Defendants' violation of plaintiff's due process to notice and the opportunity 5 to contest mail censorship is malicious, reckless, wanton, and/or deliberately indifferent to 6 7 8 9 plaintiff's rights. 31. On July 11, 2001, defendants adopted temporary rules for delivery of mail to inmates, including plaintiff's mail sent by Standard A and Fourth Class Book Rate postage 10 classifications. 11 governing inmate mail including plaintiff's mail to inmates sent by Standard A and Fourth 12 Class Book Rate postage classifications, which rule amendments were codified within OAR 13 291-131-0005 through 291-131-0050 (copy attached as Exhibit 1 and hereby incorporated 14 15 On December 17, 2001, defendants adopted final rule amendments by reference). Defendants' temporary and final rules were inconsistent with and contrary to the decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and this Court in Prison Legal News v. 16 Cook, insofar as the rules continued to provide for and allow censorship of properly 17 18 19 addressed subscription mail, purported to require information in addition to an inmate's name, prison identification number, and address to allow the delivery of subscription mail, 20 purported to establish different requirements for delivery of subscription mail, books and 21 publications, and individually addressed mail solely because ofthe postage classification of 22 the mail, and failed to provide for notice and the opportunity to contest censorship of such 23 mail to plaintiff and other NPO mailers who use Standard A and Fourth Class Book Rate to 24 mail their magazines, subscription mail, books, publications, and other individually 25 26 addressed mail. The rules which were contrary to the decisions of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and this Court include OAR 291-131-0025(6), OAR 291-131-0025(8), OAR 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 9 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATILE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 291-131-0037(6), OAR 291-131-0050(1), and OAR 291-131-0010(26), together with any 2 other rule and/or interpretation and/or application of the rules which had or have the effect 3 4 of tying the receipt of subscription non-profit mail to Postal Service rates classifications, failing to provide notice and opportunity to contest the censorship of delivery ofindividually 5 addressed mail from plaintiff and other NPOs, and/or purporting to impose different and 6 7 8 9 10 11 additional requirements on the mail of plaintiff and other NPOs on the basis of the Postal Service rate classifications by which individually addressed NPO mail is sent, and/or purported to prohibit plaintiff from communicating with its subscribers by sending to its subscribers the materials described in paragraph 14 32. On March 25, 2002, defendant adopted new "temporary rules" regarding 12 inmate mail policies. A copy of these "temporary rules" is attached as Exhibit 2 and 13 incorporated by this reference. The March 25, 2002 "temporary rules" purport to "permit 14 15 inmates to receive mail without regard to the postal rate at which it is mailed," according to the Statement of Need and Justification for Temporary Rule issued by defendant Cook on 16 March 25, 2002. Notwithstanding and contrary to defendant Cook's statement, defendants 17 18 19 20 have continued to differentiate between first class mail and mail sent by nonprofit organizations using Standard A mail rates. 33. To the extent that defendants' rules purport to prohibit plaintiff and other 21 NPOs from sending subscription magazines which have not been paid for, the rules have no 22 legitimate penological purpose and violate plaintiffs First Amendment rights. 23 34. To the extent that OAR 291-131-0025(6) prohibited and continues to prohibit 24 plaintiff and other publishers from sending materials such as subscription renewal notices 25 and publication order forms which are intended primarily to inform the recipient ofpolitical 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 10 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621-8868 1 magazines and publications offered for sale, the rule has no legitimate penological purpose 2 and violates plaintiff's First Amendment rights. 3 4 35. To the extent that OAR 291-131-0025(7) ofthe "temporary rules" adopted on March 25, 2002 continues to deny plaintiff and the recipients of its mail notice and 5 administrative review of refused mail, the rule has no legitimate penological purpose and 6 7 8 9 violates plaintiff's First Amendment rights and plaintiff's rights to due process of law. For the same reasons, the rule violates the rights of the intended recipients of plaintiff's mail. 36. Defendants have implemented OAR 291-131-0025(6) differently with respect 10 to plaintiff's mail than with respect to mail sent by others. In particular, defendant Holder 11 has informed inmates that "catalogs" and other mail supposedly subject to this rule can be 12 received if sent by first class mail and less than a specified thickness. Defendants have 13 caused plaintiff's subscription renewal notices, flyers identifying plaintiff's publications and 14 15 how they can be ordered, and similar mail to be refused, even when sent by first class mail and in less than the thickness arbitrarily and without authority of rule specified by defendant 16 Holder in communication with other inmates. 17 18 19 37. Defendants' administration and enforcement of OAR 291-131-0025(6) is arbitrary and invidious, and has singled plaintiff out for adverse treatment and denial of its 20 First Amendment rights and rights to due process oflaw. In the absence of any valid reason 21 for discriminating against plaintiff's mail, defendants' conduct evidences malice, spite, and 22 reckless indifference to the federally protected rights of plaintiffs including plaintiff's right 23 exercised previously to petition the courts to redress such violations. 24 25 38. The rights ofplaintiffand other NPO publishers and mailers which are violated by the rules identified in Paragraph 31, 32, 34, and 35 above are clearly established. 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 11 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 2 3 39. Defendants' adoption ofmles which violate the clearly established rights of plaintiff and other NPO publishers and mailers are malicious, reckless, wanton, and/or deliberately indifferent to such rights. 4 V. 5 FIRST CLAIM 6 7 8 9 10 40. Plaintiff incorporates by this reference the allegations set forth in Paragraphs 1-39 above. 41. The actions and failures to act of defendants as alleged herein have violated plaintiffs rights protected by the First Amendment and by 42 U.S.C. § 1983. 11 VI. 12 13 14 15 16 SECOND CLAIM 42. Plaintiff incorporates by this reference the allegations set forth in Paragraphs 1-41 above. 43. Defendants' actions and failures to act as alleged herein have denied plaintiff its rights of due process oflaw as secured by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and by 17 18 42 U.S.C. § 1983. VII. 19 THIRD CLAIM 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 44. Plaintiff incorporates by this reference the allegations set forth in Paragraphs 1-43 above. 45. Defendants' actions as alleged herein, including its continuing refusal to deliver plaintiff s subscription renewal notices and similar mail sent first class, were retaliatory against plaintiff on the basis ofthe content ofplaintiffs communications relating to prison conditions and prisoners' rights, and because plaintiff has challenged defendants' 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 12 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98101 (206) 621-8868 1 mail policies in this Court and prevailed. 2 VIII. 3 4 5 6 7 8 PRAYER FOR RELIEF Plaintiff Prison Legal News requests the following relief: 1. A declaration that defendants' actions and failures to act have violated plaintiff's right to communicate with prison subscribers and readers secured by the First Amendment and by 42 U.S.c. § 1983; 2. A declaration that defendants' actions and failures to act as alleged herein have 9 violated plaintiff's right of due process oflaw secured by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and 10 by 42 U.S.c. § 1983; 11 3. A declaration that the rules adopted by defendants on December 17, 2001, including 12 OAR291-131-0010(26), OAR291-131-0025(6), OAR291-131-0025(8), OAR291-131-0037(6), and 13 OAR 291-131-0050(1), violated plaintiff's rights of free speech, communication, association, and 14 due process, were unconstitutional on their face and as applied to plaintiff and its subscribers, and 15 were invalid; 16 4. A declaration that the "temporary rules" adopted by defendants on March 25,2002, 17 including OAR 291-131-0025(6) and OAR 291-131-0025(7), together with any interpretation, 18 implementation, and enforcement of these or any other inmate mail rules which causes plaintiff to 19 be denied its rights to communicate with its subscribers as alleged in this complaint, violate 20 plaintiff's rights of free speech, communication, association, and due process, are unconstitutional 21 22 on their face and as applied to plaintiff and its subscribers, and are invalid; 5. An injunction, including temporary injunctive relief, ordering defendants to deliver 23 plaintiff's magazines to the addressees regardless of the mail classification; 24 25 6. An injunction, including temporary injunctive relief, ordering defendants to deliver plaintiff's books and publications to the addressees regardless of the mail classification; 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 13 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATILE. WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 7. An injunction, including temporary injunctive relief, ordering defendants to deliver 2 plaintiff s subscription renewal notices, flyers, book order forms, and letters from the publisher to 3 the addressees regardless of the mail classification, and to provide plaintiff and inmate addressees 4 notice and administrative review of all refusals to deliver such mail; 5 8. A permanent injunction prohibiting defendants from applying 6 OAR 291-131-0025(6), OAR 291-131-0025(7), or any other rule previously enacted or enacted 7 hereafter, to restrict or prohibit delivery ofplaintiffs magazines, books, publications, subscription 8 renewal notices, flyers, book order forms, or publisher's letters to their addressees, and prohibiting 9 defendants from applying these rules to deny plaintiff and its subscribers notice and administrative 10 review of all refusals to deliver plaintiff smail; 11 9. An award of plaintiffs damages; 12 10. An award of punitive damages; 11. An award of plaintiff s attorneys' fees and costs pursuant to 42 U. S, C. 13 14 15 16 17 § 1988; and, 12. Such further relief as the Court deems just and equitable. 13. Plaintiff demands a jury trial. Dated this _ day of June, 2002. 18 Respectfully submitted, 19 RANSOM BLACKMAN LLP 20 21 22 By: _ Marc D. Blackman OSB No. 73033 1001 S.W. Fifth Street, Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 228-0487 (telephone) (503) 227-5984 (facsimile) 23 24 25 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 14 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATILE, WA 98101 (206) 621·8868 1 BRICKLIN & GENDLER, LLP Michael W. Gendler WSBA No. 8429 1424 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1015 Seattle, WA 98101-2217 (206) 621-8858 (telephone) (206) 621-0512 (facsimile) 2 3 4 5 6 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff Prison Legal News 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Law Offices of MICHAEL W. GENDLER, PLLC PAGE 15 - FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUITE 1015 FOURTH AND PIKE BUILDING 1424 FOURTH AVENUE SEATILE. WA 98101 (206) 621-8868