Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America, Transcript of Oral Court Ruling, Public Records, TN 2008
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In The Matter Of: ORIGINAL· Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation ofAmerica Davidson County Chancery Court Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29,2008 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. 214 Second Avenue North Suite 207 Nashville, Tennessee 37201 615-256-1935 · . VJ V 0 'w E>L L AND •.. < .•.• •J E N N I N G S Original File JULY29_2008CT;vl Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 2 Page 1 CHANCERY COURT OF DAVIDSON COUNTY, TENNESSE 1 2 3 l ALEX FRIEDMANN, Individually and as an Associate Editor of • ~ PRISON LEGAL NEWS, 5 ) Petitioner, l NO. v. ~ CORRECTIONS CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Responden t . 6 01-'1105-1 ; 7 - APPEARANCES For the Petitioner: ANDREW C. CLARKE BOROD & KRAMER 80 Monroe Avenue, Suite G1 Memphis, Tennessee 38103 901-524-0200 8 9 For the Respondent: ---------) 10 JOSEPH F. WELBORN, III 11 12 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 13 ,. Taken Before the Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Am) JASON CALLEN WALKER, TIPPS & MALONE 150 Fourth Avenue, North Nashville, Tennessee 37219 615.313.6000 15 COURT REPORTING FIRM: 16 17 18 \ 19 JENNIFER HAYNIE VOWELL & JENNINGS, INC. 214 2nd Avenue North Suite 207 NashVille, Tennessee 37201 Telephone: 6+5.256.1935 E-Mail: 20 21 22 23 VOWELL & JENNINGS, INC. Court Reporting Services 207 washington Square Building 214 Second AVenue North Nashville, Tennessee 37201 (615) 256-1935 2. 25 Page 3 Page 4 1 (The .ebcve-e eyaec matter came on to be heard 1 think the annual, all the exhibits that we 2 before the Honorable Claudia Bonnyman, at 2 filed with our notice of filing. 3 1:00 on JUly 29, 2008, when the following 3 • proceedings were had, to wit:) 4 THE COURT: 5 6 Lawyers, this is the continuation of a proceeding of several weeks 5 6 THE COURT: Okay. And you have a copy of this? MR. CLARKE: Yes, Your Honor. To the extent it's going to be utilized or '7 ago in which we discussed and made a decision '7 dispositive of the Courtls rUling, the 8 about or at least the Court ruled upon 8 affidavit is hearsay, but I think we need to 9 burdens of proof and the par'ties and the 9 get to the point of this, if it gets to that Court shared information about which cases 10 11 seem to be on point and what parts of the 11 deposition of 12 case would really lead the Court to the 12 Mr. Groom, who makes a lot of legal 13 conclusion and the plaintiff filed four 13 conclusions in the affidavit. 14 exhibits. 14 need to move this thing along. 15 thinks that there's a proof isaue that needa 10 15 MR. CLARKE: 16 THE COURT: Yes, your Honor. There is an affidavit point, I would like to, of course, take the I think we If the Court 16 to done, we have made our alternative request 17 that has been filed, but has not been made an 17 for discovery. 18 exhibit to the hearing. 18 necessary, but for the record I will say that 19 that. 19 the affidavit is hearsay. You might want to do 1 1m speaking as to the CCA -MR. WELBORN: 20 I would like to make 20 I don't think it is The contracts that I produced are 21 Mr. Groom's affidavit an exhibit to the 21 public records. 22 hearing. 22 hearsay exception. 23 received from the State, so to the extent 24 that is dispositive of the Court's ruling I 25 just note my objection. THE COURT: 23 24 25 And I'm assuming that-MR. WELBORN: As well as the, I Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 They are exempted from the They are contracts (I) Page 1 - Page 4 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 5 THE COURT: Page 6 Well, we know that no 1 , one factor can be dispositive of the Court's , 4 make -- I'm not going to, but I'm going to 4 ones are actually fact and which ones are 5 recognize CCA's motion to make its paper 5 , presented to make a point of law. 7 showing that CCA is the functional equivalent 1 2 , filed July 9th. MR. CLARKE: 7 8 , 14 So we know that the burden of copy-of it. There's not a notice issue and 8 in the nation's government agency's own They served that on me. s plaintiff. THE COURT: And we'll mark that 10 collective exhibit. You've both filed supplemental briefs, whioh I did review. Is there -- I'm 11 ready to hear the plaintiff if there's 12 anything that you want to add or anything should be made, whether they're affidavits or 13 that you want to expand upon. oontracts or anything else that you can think 14 Are there any other exhibits that 12 " And I do have a fact evidence, and I think that the Court can go through those matters and determine which everything. 10 11 2 ruling, so if I'm going to go ahead and what the Court should look at in terms of 15 of? " 17 petitloner, Your Honor. 18 MR. WELBORN: 15 MR. CLARKE: THE COURT l\ ,. Not from the MR. CLARKE: No, Your Honor, other than what we previously argued. We have, after our initial petition and after we 17 responded to CCAI S briefs, we fi·led a No, Your Honor. 18 supplemental memorandum that really went Because the parties through a lot of the contraots. We would 20 indicated at the first hearing that witnesses " 20 just point out very briefly without rearguing 21 would not be called, that fact proof was 21 and rehashing everything over again, I think 22 the big distinotion for this Court to make and that both CCA and the petitioner have 22 fairly limited, was very limited, I'm as admitting the affidavit, which is hearsay, 24 but it seems to the Court that the parties " 24 been. kind of analyzing the question a little 25 have been fairly informal as regards exactly 25 bit different, is whether or not the function . Page 7 1 th~t CCA performs is governmental; not how Page 8 1 private aot of the government. ways to determine it. Those are 2 they operate their own business. And I think 2 3 based on that, while the Court has to look at 3 4 all the factors, and I think we've briefed 4 the Humane Society. 5 them fairly detailed to the Court is that 5 an entertainment group running an arena. We're not talking about, you know, We're not talking about 6 there is no funotion that is more uniquely 6 We're not talking about something that was 7 governmental than housing, inoaroerating and 7 done ever without legislation that allowed it 8 having people to pay their debts to the State 8 to. 9 of Tennessee. 9 Prison contracting Act, in and of itself, to It oannot be done without I think the fact that we have a Private 10 legislature, that is that being the Private 10 allow CCA to even operate a private prison 11 Prison Contracting Act. 11 is, in my opinion, incredibly important to 12 13 But this is all set up for us in our briefs, Your Honor. We don't have any the Court's consideration as to whether or 13 not it's a governmental agency or acting as a 14 additional proof. 14 functional equivalent of a governmental 15 you want to look through all four faotors, 15 agency. 16 while no one is dispositive, I think the 16 17 three faotors that Cherokee are really a way 17 just argue that if you asked a jail today if 18 to analyze the funotion, which is whether or 18 CCA wasn't operating a jail that we're asking 19 not it is governmental or public. 19 for the records from, can we have these 20 records, they would have to be produced. 21 There is no question about it. 22 are exceptions to the publio records and I 20 We do feel that there, if 12 I don't neoessarily believe there I believe there is one With that being said, we would Now, there 21 are four factors. 22 factor that the Court oan oonsider in 23 addition to whatever it wants to consider; 23 think that's what the Court really has to pay 24 three factors, a level of funding, 24 attention to because what Cherokee says, if 25 of involvement, whether it was oreated by a 25 we're not going to let a governmental entity the level Vowell & Jenniugs, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (2) Page 5 - Page 8 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 9 Page 10 1 contract OUt, either intentionally or 2 unintentionally, its obligation to produce 2 3 records. 3 Welborn here on behalf of CCA. 4 argument is pretty set out in our briefs, our 5 initial briefs and supplemental briefs, so 4 THE COURT: 1 Based on all the arguments that Mr. Welborn. MR. WELBORN: Your Honor, Joe I think our 5 we've made, based on all the briefs that 6 we've written, which we submitted for your 6 I'm not going to go back through those. 7 consideration; however, if the Court for some 7 think the question is for the Court, and I 8 reason, feels that we did not sustain our 8 think 9 burden of proof because we came up here and 9 Mr. Friedmann goes away from this, is the 10 we appreciate the Court's candor in talking 10 11 to us. 11 functional equivalent. 12 tried to put this in a ways for the Court to 12 And that's what the question for Cherokee, 13 be able to analyze it quickly. 13 and that's the question in the Allen versus 14 for discovery. 14 Day case and our position, Your Honor, is IS unquestionably in this case, first of all, We have been informal and we have 15 We would ask We admit _. denied our I question whether CCA, the entity, is the That's the question. 16 governmental, I mean, our pUblic record's 16 they have not met their burden and they're 17 request and we have made our alternate 17 the ones who chose to have the hearing on the 15th, they presented no proof other than the 18 request for discovery, because there is no 18 19 actual provisions in the public records' a~t 19 exhibits that were offered into evidence, 20 that address this, so rather than dismiss it 20 unauthenticated exhibits. 21 if the Court feels we haven't received our 21 the burden, but even beyond that, considering 22 burden, which we think we have, 22 the evidence that we put in the record, CCA 23 unquestionably we would ask for the Court to 23 that does ten percent of its business with 24, allow US to have certain discovery on the 24 state or local agencies in the State of 25 Cherokee and Allen factors. 25 ", Tennessee, is not the functional equivalent Thank you. They haven't met Page 12 Page 11 1 of a state agency. 1 Now I just wanted to address one 2 The the question. ;2 functional equivalent and they simply have It's whether the entity is the 3 thing that was said just a moment ago. 3 not met their burden, cannot meet their 4 question was raised by 4 burden, we submit, Your Honor, and for that 5 Mr. Clarke if you went to a jail and asked 5 reason we respectfully submit that their 6 for the jail records, you know, there 6 request be denied and their petition be 7 wouldn't be any question that those would be 7 dismissed. B turned over. 9 what he said. 9 word. THE COURT, I think that was the gist of That are not asking for jail 10 records or inmate files. 11 State of Tennessee are public records. Inmate files in the 12 We're 10 You have the last You know, I think lawyers, you've automatically separated the two major issues 11 in the case. saying we're not the person to get those 12 functional equivalent of a governmental 13 from. 13 agency and then the next step, if the ccA is 14 those if there's a way to request and get 14 the functional equivalent of CCA is to 15 those documents, but that's not what they're 15 examine each and every request that's been 16 requesting. 16 made for specific documents and the burden The State of Tennessee has to produce They're asking for litigation One is whether CCA is the 17 files of ours and our litigation department 17 then is on CCA to show why those documents IB has nothing to do -- it is completely 18 are not public record. 19 detached from the State of Tennessee. 19 20 They're not controlled by, not operated, not 20 21 funded by the State of Tennessee. 21 22 what they're asking for. 23 That's Are we agreed that's the way we're going to do it? MR. CLARKE, I believe that's the 22 When I argued at the laSt hearing way Allen v. Day says it, and I think that's 23 what public records says, we are dealing with the functional equivalency question first. 24 they're trying to come at this from the 24 25 facility level. 25 The facility level is not THE COURT, Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 Okay. All right. (3) Page 9 - Page 12 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Conrt - Vol. Houorable Clandia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 13 Page 14 1 Lawyers, I did, as I stated earlier read the 1 the plaintiff has sought this hearing 2 providing at TCA Section 10-7-503. 2 briefs in the case. 3 research. 4 major cases, which are Cherokee and Allen and 4 plaintiff contends that CCA is the functional 5 we all agree on that and because the Court is 5 equivalent of a government agency and 6 required to balance factors, not" simply 6 consequently CCA is subject to the Open 7 take one issue and use that one issue to 7 Records Act. 8 determine the outcome of this burden that the a is not managed or operated by the State of 9 Tennessee, that it was not formed for the 9 I've done independent I've looked very carefully at the plaintiff is carrying or must carry. 10 go~ng 11 3 to I'm to 'into some detail about what the As the parties contentions, the The defendant contends that CCA 10 sole purpose of serving Tennessee factors are, what factors might be out there 11 governmental functions. 12 that have not been addressed and try to 12 these indicia and others show that CCA is the 13 delineate for the Court of Appeals because 13 not functional equivalent of a Tennessee The defendant says 14 most of these cases do go before the Court 'of 14 government agency. 15 Appeals as the second act, so the Court can 15 that as to the records some of the documents 16 understand that analysis and the reasoning 16 sought by the plaintiff are attorney work 17 that the Court is opining. 17 product and/or are otherwise protected by the 18 attorney/client privilege and are confidential. 18 The plaintiff seeks to apply the The defendant contends 19 Public Records Act at 10-7-501 to his request 19 20 for records from Corrections Corporation of 20 21 American covering the time period from 2002 21 whether CCA is subject to the Open Records 22 to 2007. 22 Act and if CCA is subject to the act whether 23 provide the documents because it takes the 23 this entity can carry its burden to show that 24 position that it is not a government agency 24 the records sought by the plaintiff are not 25 and its records are not public records and 25 public records. The defendant has refused to \ The issues to be decided include And in this regard, in Page 15 Page 16 1 regard to this first issue in which the 1 jurisdiction to try claims arising under the 2 plaintiff has the burden of proof the Court 2 Public Records Act at Tennessee Code Annotated 10-7-503 and 505. 3 must decide what are the most critical 3 4 services provided by CCA and are those 4 5 services the functional equivalent of the 5 Tennessee at Article I, Section 32 states, 6 services that are required of the government 6 prisons and prisoners, that the erection of 7 to provide to the public. 7 safe prisons, the inspection of prisons and a 9 The Court must also decide at the end of the day whether pursuant to TCA The Constitution of the State of 8 the humane treatment of prisoners shall be 9 provided for. In 'an action under the Public 10 section 10-7-505, the plaintiff is entitled 10 11 to reasonable attorney's fees and cost based 11 Records Act to obtain records, the plaintiff 12 upon the willful failure of CCA to provide 12 has the initial burden of showing that CCA is 13 the public records. 13 the functional equivalent of government 14 agencies and that CCA has the burden of proof for justification of the non disclosure of 14 Now as to the principles of law 15 that the parties have mostly agreed will 15 16 apply in this case, the Court will read those 16 the records if it is the functional 17 into the record. 17 equivalent of a government agency. 18 are from the party's briefs and they do 18 from Allen versus Day at 213 SW 3rd 244. 19 accurately express the law in the State of 19 20 Tennessee and others are from the research 20 relevant to this determination of whether CCA 21 that the Court has done independently of the 21 or any private entity in a governmental 22 parties. Some of these statements And this Among the nonexhaustive factors 22 equipment include, one, the level of 23 As to the principles of law, the 23 government funding of the entity; two, the 24 Tennessee legislature has bestowed upon the 24 extent of the government involvement with 25 Tennessee courts limited subject matter 25 regulation of or control over the entity; Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (4) Page 13 - Page 16 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 17 1 2 3 • s , 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 " " " 17 18 " 20 21 22 23 2. 25 whether the entity, that is CCA in this case, was created by an act of the legislature or previously determined to be open to public access by law -- this is from Memphis Publishing Company versus Cherokee Children and Family Services. In the case before the Court all factors which are considered must be balanced by the Court. No single factor is dispositive and this balancing language is the from Allen versus Day. Records, we know that records in the hands of public parties are beyond the reach of the public records statute. This is from Cliff versus Campbell 159 SW 3rd 565, Tennessee Court of Appeals 2004. But private business and private businesses not open its records to public scrutiny merely by doing business with or performing services on behalf of a state or municipal government, but the entity must assume responsibility for providing public functions to such an extent that it becomes the functional equivalent of a government agency. This is from Cherokee 87 SW 3rd 79. The cornerstone of the analysis is Page 18 1 2 3 • , , 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 " " " 17 18 " 20 21 22 23 2. 25 whether and to what extent the entity actually performs a governmental or public function. We construe -- and this is Tennessee Supreme Court -- we construe the Tennessee Public Records Act deliberately in favor of the fullest possible public access to the public records. We filed the Connecticut Supreme Court and interpret records made overseas in connection with the transaction of public, of official business by any government agency to include those records in the hands of any private entity which operates as the functional equivalent of a government agency. In making this determination we look to the totality of the circumstance in each given case and no single fact would be dispositive. And the Supreme Court goes on to say that we intend by our holding to \ ensure that the government agency cannot intentionally or unintentionally avoid its disclosure obligations under the act by contractually delegating its responsibilities to a private entity. We know that the private entities may be subject to the Public Page 19 Records Act if that the private entity's relationship with the government is so 3 extensive that the entity serves as a • functional equivalent of a government agency. 5 We know that the Tennessee Code Annotated , 41-24-101 in sequence the Private Prison 7 Contracting Act of 1986 was enacted for the 8 purpose of allowing the State or regulating , the State's contract with private ihdustry 10 which seeks to contract those services with 11 the State of Tennessee or municipality. We know the TCA 41-24-115 also 12 13 authorizes government to promulgate rules and regulations which will govern and regulate 15 the private prison contracting found in the code. Until Contracting " Act of 1986,the Private Prison nor a private neither the State 17 18 prison contractor could contract to provide prison services. The State has the statutory 20 duty to monitor, regulate, supervise, and 21 oversee conduct and performance of CCA 22 pursuant to TCA Section 41-24-115. 23 If CCA is the functional 2. equivalent of a government agency and unless 25 it's clear that the disclosure of a record is 1 2 ,. " Page 20 excepted from disclosure under the Public Records Act, the Court must require 3 disclosure even in the face of serious • countervailing consideration. This is the 5 language from Allen versus Day. The clear , language of the act states that if the act is 7 to be broadly construed, so as to give the 8 fullest possible public access to public , records, and this is language at TCA section 10 10-7-505(0.) While the Public Records Act 11 does not find what constitutes a public 12 record. The Tennessee Supreme Court has held 13 that the proper test is whether the record was made or received pursuant to law or 15 ordinance or in connection with the transaction of the official business by any 17 government agency. This is from Griffin 18 versus City of Knoxville 821 SW 2nd 921, Tennessee Supreme Court 1991. 20 Now, as to findings of the fact, 21 the Court finds that the four contracts filed 22 and presented by the plaintiff are not 23 probative of the issue of whether CCA is the 2' equivalent of a government agency and that 2' because, and I'm very aware, that the party 1 2 ,. " " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (5) Page 17 - Page 20 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 22 Page 21 CCA does not have its Genesis in the state legislature. It is a private 3 corporation. It is financed in large part by • public funds and most of its revenue for its s functions in Tennessee are public funds from , Tennessee taxpayers. It is not entitled of 7 government annuity and tort matters as a 8 matter of state Statute. There's no proof, I believe I'm 9 10 right about this, there is no proof in the 11 record about the makeup of the board and how 12 the board is paid or if the board is paid, 13 but because this is a private corporation the Court is understanding that the board or 15 private citizens in Tennessee and the board is not made up of public officers. CCA does maintain prisons and has 17 18 the custody of prisoners, all or both of 19 which are a government function. We know \ 20 that at TCA 41-24-110 and following the State 21 is authorized to enter into a contract with a 22 prison contractor who will provide correction 23 services as defined in the act. 2. And here I'm going to look at a 25 summary of the Private Prison Contracting did not really plan to propose those contracts, that not much analysis had gone 3 into the exact identity of the contract, and • respectfully the Court finds that, I believe 5 that's three of the contracts had expired. , Those are the ones that the Plaintiff had 7 that the plaintiff could propose. Maybe 8 three of the four had expired and one of them 9 I believe was with Hardeman County instead of 10 with the State and we do know that county 11 government is a child of the State, but it is 12 not directly on the point so that the Court 13 can analyze whether certain things in the contract are going to provide or propose different factors or help the Court analyze the factors that Cherokee and Allen versus 17 Day have pointed up. So that's the first 18 finding that the Court makes. 19 CCA is a privately owned 20 corporation that was not created by an act of 21 the legislature. The plaintiff is a citizen 22 of Tennessee and pursuant to TCA section 23 10-7-503, the plaintiff made an open records 2. requested by letter dated April 24, 2007 to 25 an official of CCA. 1 1 2 2 " ,. " " " Page 23 Act. The contracts with CCA must be approved by the State Building Commission, the 3 Attorney General and Reporter, and the • Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of 5 Corrections. Proposals for contracts to , provide correctional services must be 7 reviewed by an oversight committee. Any 8 entity that proposes to provide, such as CCA, 9 that proposed to provide correctional 10 services must prove it's qualifications to 11 run a facility and comply with, correctional 12 standards. TCA Section 41-24-101 establishes 13 performance criteria for contracts, and 15 actually requires the State to establish 16 certain performance criteria. The statutes 17 make provision for the governor to certify a 18 plan in which the State will resume control 19 of the prison when the contract with prison 20 contractors terminate. Certain powers and 21 duties are not delegable to prison 22 contractors. And those authorities and 23 responsibilities which stay with the 2. Commissioner and are not handed to or 25 contracted with a prison contractor are 1 2 ,. Page 24 developing and implementing procedures for calculating inmate release and parole 3 eligibility dates; developing and • implementing procedures for calculating and s awarding sentence credit; approving inmates , for furlough and work release; approving type 7 of work inmates may perform and the wages and 8 sentence credit; granting, denying or 9 revoking sentence credit; placing inmates 10 under less restrictive custody or more 11 restrictive custody or changing any 12 disciplinary actions. 13 We know that the employees of the prison contractors, pursuant to 41-24-113 are 15 not deemed state employees. There's certain grandfather provisions regarding employees 17 who are currently within the prison system, 18 employed by the prison system, when prison 19 contractors take over prison maintenance and 20 prison management. We know that CCA 21 employees are authorized to use deadly 22 weapons and that they must -- "they", that is 23 the employees who use deadly weapons, must 2. meet the standards of national and state 25 prison associations for safety and other 1 2 ,. " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (6) Page 21 - Page 24 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 Page 25 standards. As for the analysis, thatis the 3 application of the law to the facts and • balancing the factors that are present in s this case in attorney general opinion 0864 6 the attorney general stated that the Airport 7 Authority is a public agency for purposes of 8 the Records Act. The Attorney General also , applied the functional equivalent standards 10 in Memphis Publishing Company and Cherokee 11 Children and Family Services in analyzing the 12 Airport Authority and found, relied upon TCA 13 Section 42-3-115, which states that all land and other property used or acquired by the 15 Airport Authority are declared to be inquired 16 and used for public and governmental purposes 17 and as a matter of public necessity, and as a 18 side as not nearly the force of the statute 19 the Attorney General also applied Memphis 20 Publishing to the facts in the Airport 21 Authority case, or in the Airport Authority 22 situation, and found that the Airport 23 Authority is the functional equivalent of a 2. government agency, but based primarily upon 2' the decision that the legislature has made. 1 2 ,. Page 26 And in applying the law of the facts the Court finds that CCA is the 3 functional equivalent of a government agency • based first and foremost on the fact that the s Tennessee Constitution makes the maintenance 6 of the prisons and the keeping of the 7 prisoners a government function and CCA, as a 8 threshold matter for the Court to decide, CCA , has been assigned those functions certainly 10 on a temporary basis, but it has been 11 assigned those functions. CCA does receive 12 its funding mostly from public funding and 13 here I'm talking about the functions that take place in Tennessee are funded by 15 Tennessee taxpayers. 16 Government involvement is, it's 17 difficult to compare government involvement 18 in this matter with government involvement 19 with other agencies that have been found to 20 be the functional equivalent of a government 21 agency, because the facts in this prison case 22 are so different from the Airport Authority 23 facts or the facts which arose in Cherokee. 2. The Court has distinguished, earlier 2' distinguished Cherokee from the facts in this 1 2 ,. Page 28 Page 27 case because in Cherokee the Attorney General state government was insisting upon viewing 3 Cherokee as a government agency, as the • functional equivalent of a government agency, s and here we have a private citizen litigating 6 the issue of whether CCA is a government -- a 7 functional equivalent of a government agency 8 and then we have CCA which is a private , agency objecting to the characterization of 10 its activities and its duties as anything 11 akin to the functional equivalent of a 12 governmental agency. 13 The Court balances the factors as follows: The statutory scheme at 41-24-1 01 15 does require that the State of Tennessee 16 provide a liaison at the prisons to confer 17 with CCA and that person is an employee of 18 the prison system and that person's function appears to be as much a monitor as other any 20 other characterization you can give that 21 person. Government involvement in the issue 22 of both the custody of the prisoners, how 23 long they're going to be there, calculating 2. and awarding all of the release and 2' sentencing decisions which strongly impact 1 2 " " which services CCA will provide, indicate that the State and CCA are so intertwined as 3 to require the Court to decide for purposes • of the Public Records Act, given the fact s that the Public Records Act says it must be 6 construed liberally and wherever possible to 7 make public record, make records which 8 probably are public, to make sure they are , made public and so for purposes of the Public 10 Records Act the Court finds that the fact 11 that prisons have always been in the State of 12 Tennessee a government function to be, as a 13 threshold issue, to be so far on the side of 14 the plaintiff that all of the factors, the 15 level of government functioning, the extent 16 of government involvement with, regulation 17 over or control over CCA, whether CCA was 18 created by an act of the legislature -- we 19 know it wasn't -- it has not been previously 20 determined to be open to public access by law 21 in the State of Tennessee, but the threshold 22 issue which is whether the services that are 23 provided by CCA to state government and to 2' the public are a public function is such a 2' strong threshold issue in this particular 1 2 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (7) Page 25 - Page 28 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 30 Page 29 case, it's not talking about airplane flying, it's not talking about any other things that 3 are government functions, but that are not so • essential to the safety of the public or the 5 citizens of Tennessee, I find that that 6 threshold question creates an environment in 7 which the factors must be balanced in favor B of finding that CCA is a functional , equivalent of an agency; therefore, because 10 CCA is the functional equivalent of a public 11 Tennessee agency for purposes of the Public 12 Records Act, its records are public records, 13 to the extent requested public records are in the custody -- to the extent that the 15 requested public records are in the custody 16 or control of CCA, CCA is required to make 17 those records available for inspection during normal business hours and may not avoid its 19 obligations under the Public Records Act by 20 directing the citizens to another 21 governmental agency that may also have copies 22 of the requested records. 23 CCA must make records immediately 2. available for inspection regardless of the 25 age, size, and nature of the records 1 2 ,. " requested unless the records are confidential or privileged. In all cases where any person 3 has the right to inspect such public records, • such person shall have the right to take 5 extracts or makes copies thereof and to make 6 photographs or photostats of the same, while 7 such records are in possession, custody and , control of CCA. The custodian of CCA's 9 records may enforce reasonable rules 10 governing the making of such copies, 11 photostats or photographs. If requested, 12 copies must be provided. The custodian may 13 require a charge or fee per copy that will cover the cost of producing such copies. 15 And here the Court was persuaded 16 to use the language in Tennessee Opinion 17 Allorney General number 0864 because it tracks the language of the statute, but makes 19 it a lillie more understandable, and having 20 ruled that CCA is the functional equivalent 21 of a governmental agency, we need now to 22 address the issue of which of these documents 23 that the plaintiff is seeking are 2. confidential or not, fall within the 25 exception, so I'll hear Mr. Welborn on that. 1 2 ,. " Page 31 MR. WELBORN: Your Honor, I'm going to address the Court briefly and if I 3 can turn it over to Mr. Callen because he is • going to address the issues we raised. I 5 just need, I wanted to ask the Court some 6 questions about clarification on your ruling. 7 And I think, I think, I understand this. We , have in the State of Tennessee contracts with 9 federal government and other states where we 10 house inmates in the State of Tennessee from 11 other states. I assume your ruling is not 12 that we're the functional equivalent of a 13 Tennessee agency for those purposes, for those contracts in those documents, but it's 15 the question I've got for the Court. 16 THE COURT: Okay. Now tell me 17 some more. Give me some example of what you mean. MR. WELBORN: For example, our 19 20 West Tennessee Detention Facility has nothing 21 to do with the State of Tennessee. It has a 22 contract with the federal government, the 23 Bureau of Prisons, it's either the Bureau of Prisons or US Marshal's office and it also, I 25 think, there are inmates in that facility 1 2 ,. " " ~ Page 32 from other states and those are pursuant to contracts with other states or the federal 3 government and that is not pursuant to any • statute in Tennessee. THE COURT: That prison not -- the 5 6 land and the prisons are not owned by the 7 State of Tennessee. e MR. WELBORN: West Tennessee 9 Detention Facility is not. Another example is our Whiteville 10 11 facility. Even though currently it has, I 12 believe, Tennessee inmates, through 2002 13 Wisconsin inmates were housed in that 1. facility pursuant to a contract with the 15 State of Wisconsin and it had nothing, again, 16 to do with the State of Tennessee's pursuant 17 contract. We even cited I think Your Honor, in our reply a case that states that there's 19 no authorization in Tennessee, there's no 20 prohibition, there's no authorization in 21 Tennessee by statute to allow that to happen 22 and the Court there says it's okay, but it's 23 not pursuant to any State statute, so those 2. are two facilities. I think in our Silverdale facility 25 1 2 " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (8) Page 29 - Page 32 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman J nly 29, 2008 Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Page 33 Page 34 Detention Facility? THE COURT: Detention facility. MR. WELBORN: There's Shelby 3 • Training Center and Shelby Training Center, 5 Your Honor, I think has some local or some 6 juveniles from the State of Tennessee, but it 7 also has federal inmates, and then Silverdale 8 Detention Facility in Chattanooga. MR. CLARKE: Thank you, Your 10 Honor. With respect to the federal prisons, I I that's clearly covered by the FOL There's a 12 federal only records request that allows you 13 to get records and documents from federal prisons, so I don't think even our request 15 asks for those. 16 The Whiteville, Shelby County 17 having to deal with prisoners, things like 18 that, those ones -- we think, you know, the 15 Court's ruling as of their functional 20 equivalent of a governmental entity, at this 21 point we're now in a different aspect of 22 where we are. Once they are, if they are, 23 we've been operating prisons and everything 2. they do when they're operating a prison for 25 the State the Tennessee, for a state or local we have federal inmates at that facility as well. I think we also have Tennessee 3 inmates. I take that back. I think there • are local inmates in that facility pursuant 5 to a contract with county government. And, 6 but there are some federal inmates there 7 pursuant to contract. It's either going to 8 be with the US Marshal's Office, Bureau of , Prisons or Office of Customs and Immigration 10 Enforcement. So those contracts have nothing to II 12 do with the State of Tennessee. They are 13 separate and apart. I just need some clarification from the Court on if we're the 15 functional equivalent of a Tennessee agency, 16 is that with respect to the contracts in 17 Tennessee with either the State of Tennessee 18 or Tennessee local governments, which is my assumption. 20 THE COURT: Well, let's hear what 21 the plaintiff has to say about the, we're 22 talking now about the west Tennessee facility 23 at -- would you tell me the name of that 2' again? MR. WELBORN: West Tennessee 25 1 1 2 2 , ,. " " Page 35 municipality or entity is subject to the Tennessee Public Records Act. Federal stuff is different because 3 • there is federal laws that allow them to 5 contract and allow them to be involved in 6 that and there is a federal Freedom of 7 Information Act, you know, the FOI Act. But 8 with respect to the Tennessee State stuff, , the state property, anything that's in the 10 -State, pursuant to their operations of that I I facility, pursuant to the contract with the 12 State, we don't care who they're housing 13 there or the function that it's serving, and having that prison allow them to do it, the 15 State's got to allow the people that house 16 prisoners there from Wisconsin if they want 17 to. That's got to be something that comes 18 from the State, but if we made a distinction between the federal and the state facilities, 20 we think we're entitled to everything within 21 the state facilities regardless of what 22 contract it is because they're not allowed to 23 be there except for the contract with the 2. State of Tennessee. 25 Then you get into a third and 1 2 " " Page 36 fourth tier of equivalency, and I think we are kind of falling back into an argument now 3 which I think the Court has made the • determination, I think wisely, in looking at 5 what are they doing. They're doing this, 6 this is their constitutional duty and 7 obligation and you have found that. Now 8 we're not going to be able to split the hairs , as we go down the road, but the federal stuff 10 is different, Your Honor. We would look at I I that and also I would actually think our 12 records request is confined to the Tennessee 13 state stuff if you look at Exhibit A to our 14 petition. I don't think it covers the 15 federal prison and, again, at this point now, 16 now we survived our burden, with all due 17 respect to Mr. Welborn's argument here, I 18 don't know how to take it who houses what and what contract according to what the issues 20 he's saying Wisconsin prisoners were here 21 pursuant -- for 2002. At this point, you 22 know, with raising of the burdens I don't 23 think he has sustained any type of burden 2. whatsoever. There's no proof whatsoever as 25 to the makeup of any prison. 1 2 " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (9) Page 33 - Page 36 Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Page 37 Page 38 Act. THE COURT: All right. And let's 3 get to the plaintiffs letter because I think • that's where we are. 5 MR. CALLEN: Okay. Yes, Your e Honor. And if I can just begin with that, 7 there are specifically two categories of 8 documents that are included within the , documents requested by Mr. Friedmann in his 10 letter that CCA contends they are exempt from 11 disclosure in the Public Records Act, even 12 with this Court's ruling today that CRA is 13 the functional equivalent of a state agency. 14 And these two categories include CCA's 15 litigation tracking database which is protected by " also includesthe attorney work product and 17 privileged communications and 18 also a confidential settlement agreement 19 that's under seal by court order. 20 Mr. Friedmann's records request 21 includes request for, one, all spreadsheet 22 summaries where similar databases of all 23 litigation involving CCA in Tennessee that 2. .resulted in payment of damages or fees from 25 2002 to the present, and that's payment or THE COURT: All right. Now, Mr. Welborn, I hear your question. You have a 3 stipulation about the federal owned and 4 operated-MR. WELBORN: And we-5 THE COURT: Just a minute. And s 7 the operated entities, you don't have a 8 stipulation about anything else. And I don't , think I can help you with that question. I 10 don't think I have enough of a record here to 11 answer your question except to say that as 12 for the Public Records Act I found that CCA 13 is the functional equivalent of a state agency and that is about the best I can do. MR. WELBORN: I think that answers 15 my question that I have to produce when the " time comes, documents related to our state 17 18 activities. That's the only purpose of my question. We own three of these facilities ~, 20 that I'm talking about, so I think that 21 answers my question. " THE COURT: All right. 22 MR. WELBORN: What you just 23 2. stated, Your Honor. Mr. Callen is going to 25 address the exceptions to the Public Records 1 1 2 2 " Page 39 damages of fees that were greater than $500 2 and also all settlement agreements, 3 regardless of whether those agreements are • under seal, in suits filed in Tennessee from 5 2002 to the present in which CCA ultimately s paid over $500 in damages or fees to the 7 plaintiff. Now in this briefing Mr. Friedmann 8 , does not dispute that records protected by 10 the attorney work product offering or 11 attorney/client privilege are not subject to 12 disclosure nor does he appear to take issue 13 with the general proposition that settlement " agreements under seal by court order are not 15 subject to disclosure. Tennessee's Public Records Act 17 grants citizens the right to inspect state, 18 county and municipal records unless those 19 records are, quote, otherwise provided by 20 state law, close quote. That's from TCA 21 Section 10-7-503, and the key, Your Honor, in 22 that quote is the phrase, unless quote, 23 otherwise provided by state law. Courts have interpreted this 2. 25 phrase to mean that documents protected by 1 " Page 40 work product and the privilege are exempt from the disclosure and in our opening brief 3 we cited to the Court a number of cases that • stand for that proposition. 5 Courts have also interpreted the s same phrase to mean that settlement 7 agreements under seal by court order are also 8 exempt from disclosure and, again, in our , opening brief we cited a number of cases that 10 have held that. Beginning first with CCA's 11 litigation tracking database, we believe as 12 outlined in our opening brief that that 13 database clearly qualifies for work product protection. Tennessee's work product 15 doctrine is embodied in Tennessee Rule of 16 Civil Procedure 26.023 which protects any 17 documents prepared in anticipation of 18 litigation by or for the attorney. 19 We believe that that standard is 20 satisfied here and so attached to the opening 21 brief and now accepted by the Court today as 22 an exhibit. CCA's deputy counsel, Steve 23 Groom, testified in his affidavit that CCA's 2. litigation database was created and is 25 maintained by CCA in-house counsel in 1 2 " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (10) Page 37 - Page 40 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 41 anticipation of litigation against the company. 3What that database contains is, it 4 contains lists of lawsuits filed against CCA; 5 it identifies the outcomes of that 6 litigation; contains attorney/client 7 priVileged communications from CCA as the a client, as well as communication from outside 9 counsel; contains attorney analysis of cases, 10 exposure and loss for analysis, theory, 11 strategy and attorney thought process. 12 Now what that database has been 13 used for, it is used by CCA's attorney to 14 manage, defend, analyze the assess risk and 15 pending and future litigation. CCA's 16 attorneys specifically use the database to 17 assess risk in CCA's position and pending and 18 future litigation while identifying potential 19 settlement amount in light of that offered in \ 20 similar suits. 21 And not only this database 22 protected by the attorney work doctrine, but 23 it's also protected by the attorney/client 24 privilege. That database as I just described 25 to Your Honor contains privileged Page 42 communications, communications back and the forth between CCA and its attorneys. For 3 example, the database contains the 4 confidential settlement amounts which 5 communicated to CCA's in-house attorney 6 through their employment and, therefore, is 7 covered by the attorney/client privilege. Now Mr. Friedmann responds in his s 9 briefing, the only response that I'm aware of 10 in his briefing, to this assertion of 11 protection for the database by work for work 12 product, attorney work doctrine, 13 attorney/client privilege is to argue that 14 CCA hasn't been specific enough in its 15 identification of this database. 16 Well, the standards that CCA must 17 satisfy in assertion of work product 18 protection and attorney/client privilege is 19 found in Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure 20 26.025. That rule provides that the party 21 asserting privilege for work product 22 protection, quote, shall describe the nature 23- of the document, communications or things not 24 produced or disclosed in a manner that, 25 without revealing information thought 1 1 2 2 Page 43 privileged or protected will enable the other parties to assess the applicability of the 3 privileged protection, close quote. 4 That standard, Your Honor, we 5 submit is clearly satisfied here by CCA and 6 by the affidavit submitted by deputy general 7 counsel Steve Groom. In Mr. Groom's s affidavit CCA has identified each element 9 that is contained in the database who has 10 created the database and then what that 11 database is used for. 12 In short, CCA has done everything 13 short of producing a sample database itself 14 which, of course, under rule 26.025, it's not 15 required to do. 16 MR CLARKE: May I respond to 17 that? IS THE COURT: Well, wait. 19 MR. CALLEN: I was going to move 20 to discuss the settlement agreement unless 21 Your Honor has specific questions about the 22 litigation tracking database that you would 23- like me to address. THE COURT: No, I'm just trying to 24 25 figure what is the role of Rule 26. Page 44 1 1 2 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. CALLEN: Well, the role of Rule 26, Your Honor, is in this instance was to define -- to provide first the definition of the standard for work product protection and then it was our stance that it also defines what CCA is required to do in terms of asserting that rule and, excuse me, in terms of asserting that protection under the work product doctrine, what type of showing CCA required to make. Mr. Friedmann, in his briefing, suggested that CCA needed to submit a privileged log or something along those sorts. In our briefing as well as in Deputy General Counsel Steve Groom's affidavit, CCA went far beyond what was privileged. We identified who created this database, each element of what is contained in the database and what that data is used for. THE COURT: Well, I know that that database is something that CCA counsel is very concerned about. I understand that, but I wanted to ask first about number one in the letter Which says, I am requesting the last complaint or amended complaint each and every Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (11) Page 41 - Page 44 Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 Page 45 lawsuit claim and other legal action filed against on Corrections Corporation 3 originating in the State of Tennessee. Now $500 or more in damages, you 5 may not be able to -- that's a lot of work s for somebody to go through and find a number 7 500, but what about the complaints or amended 8 complaints? MR. CALLEN: Your Honor-THE COURT: Are those -- do you 10 11 keep them stored or do you just keep the 12 information about the lawsuit? MR. CALLEN: Your Honor, it's my 13 understanding that the, almost the entirety 1. 15 of what Mr. Friedmann has requested is likely stored, but I can't guarantee that, but it's 17 almost all stored either in offsite storage 18 facilities or with CCA's counsel and we would , " have to go through and determine whether or 20 not all these materials dating back to 2002 21 in fact still exist and are still in CCA's 22 possession. Some of those complaints may 23 still be there, may likely to be still there, 24 some of them may not. Obviously, as Your 25 Honor indicated, by requesting all complaints 1 2 • , ,. Page 46 from every case in which CCA ever paid more than $500, that could potentially be a large 3 spectrum of cases and I can't, standing here • today, guarantee that every single one of 5 those complaints have been saved throughout e the five years period or six years, I guess, 7 dating back to 2002 of what Mr. Friedmann is 8 seeking. THE COURT: Well, it might be, I 10 don't know if the plaintiff here, I'm going 11 to ask the plaintiff, what you really want. 12 I know you'd like to have a copy of the 13 complaint. What you really want I'm understanding is probably to know what are 15 the cases. Would that be right? 1. MR. CLARKE: I mean, to get back, 17 what we want, what my client wants and I 18 submit to the Court with all due respect and I hope this doesn't come out wrong, what my 20 client wants any public record for is 21 immaterial and it's relevant. I could go in 22 and talk about what I think my client wants 23 to do, but you know what, I never asked him, 2. because I really don't care. He runs a 25 prison, legal organization. CCA is an 1 2 , ,. " . Page 47 organization that tries to settle cases in secrecy. I think he wants to know, I think 3 that he's entitled to know the types of • complaints that are filed. For him that 5 reaches a certain threshold or benchmark. e The problem I'm having right now is to 7 show -- and now we're past my burden and with 8 all due respect to my wonderful opposing , counsel here 26.05 requires a privileged law 10 and they have not produced it and according 11 to Rutter D. Wells, they cannot come in here 12 and say, I got this general claim of 13 privilege. And I'm sitting here trying to be as respectful to the situation -THE COURT: Well, hold on one 15 second. One reason I'm asking about the 17 complaints and the amended complaints in each 18 and every lawsuit is because none of that can be privileged. " possiblyCLARKE: Right. MR. 20 THE COURT: The actual existence 21 22 of those papers, and so let's get back to 23 this side of the table and just say, you 2. stated to me that you think you probably have 25 those somewhere. To the extent that you have 1 2 ,. ,. Page 48 them you have to bring them forward and let the plaintiff inspect them. 3 MR. CALLEN: That's correct. To • the extent that we have those complaints, 5 Your Honor, we do have to follow the Court's e ruling that we do have to, of course, as you 7 also held that we are able to set specific 8 rules for copying costs and to the extent , that Mr. Friedmann wants to copy any of those 10 complaints. I wasn't and I didn't want to 11 confuse the Court, I wasn't specifically 12 addressing those complaints. I was 13 specifically addressing the litigation database. It is likely to run through each 15 one of the requests. THE COURT: I think that would be 17 the most efficient way to move forward. 18 MR. CALLEN: Beginning with the-we discussed the complaints, Your Honor, " which is the first request. The second 20 21 request was for verdict form releases, claim 22 payment forms and settlement agreements. 23 I'll specifically come back to and address 2. settlement agreements, but verdict forms 25 releases claim payment forms to the extent 1 2 " ,. Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (12) Page 45 - Page 48 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 Page 49 that those aren't drafts protected by attorney work product doctrine, I believe we 3 would be required to produce those. All Tennessee state has a third s request that Tennessee state, county and 6 rnunicipal government reports, audits, 7 investigations or similar reports issued from • 2002 to the present, which found that CCA did , not comply with its contractual obligations. 10 You know, those documents as we pointed out 11 in our initial response letter are available 12 from other public agencies, but of course now 13 the Court has found CCA to be the functional equivalent we would not contend that those " documents are not SUbjectto disclosure by 16 CCA. All Tennessee court rulings 17 issuing injunctive or declared to a jUdgment from 2002 to " to get CCAsay that those the present, again, I 20 would just are available from 21 court files. Of course, since we are again 22 held to be the functional equivalent we will 23 produce those to the extent that we have 2. them. I cannot represent to the Court today 2' that we have every single court rUling issued Page 50 1 1 2 2 • • 3 s 6 7 e , 10 11 12 13 ,. ,. " 16 17 ,. " 19 20 21 22 23 2. 2' injunctive of declaratory relief dating back six years. The next request is for the all spreadsheets, summaries or similar databases of all litigations involving CCA in Tennessee that resulted in payment of damages or fees from 2002 to the present. That's what I have just been addressing. In respect to Mr. Clarke's point that we can't assert a general claim of privilege. I don't think that's at all what we're doing. We specifically described the database that we believe fits within in this request and would be responsive to this request, but that we contend is protected by the attorney work product and privilege for all the reasons outlined. It's not a specific general assertion privilege for work product protection that CCA has named. We specifically identified the document. We stated exactly the elements of each element of what's contained in that document, who creates if and what it's used for and we've done that through sworn testimony and submitted the affidavit of Mr. Groom. Page 51 1 2 3 • s 6 7 s , 10 11 12 13 ,. " 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 2. 25 Next request is -THE COURT: Let's stay on five just for a moment. You apparently do have a spreadsheet or some sort of database showing all litigation against CCA including Tennessee, which resulted in the payment of money damages. Now, I'm assuming that you can make prints of screens. I'm assuming that you can make a print of a screen that summarizes the actual names of the cases. MR. CALLEN: It summarizes the names of the cases, to create a separate -are you asking, Your Honor, I just want to make sure I understand, are you asking can we create a separate document from what our litigation tracking database is using information that's contained in the database? THE COURT: You're telling me that some of this information is privileged and I'm saying it's certainly not all priVileged, so I'm trying to get a handle on what the database looks like. Ultimately, I may have to look at it myself, but I'd rather not, but I'm trying to figure out what it looks like and whether there are spreadsheets, summaries Page 52 1 2 3 • s 6 7 • , 10 11 12 13 14 " 16 17 " " 20 21 22 23 2. 2' and screens that can be printed that just show the name of the cases, the summaries, the litigation that concluded which maybe you have a column that shows what the money damages were. Maybe you have that or maybe you don't, but I'm trying to get a feel for what that looks like. MR. CALLEN: To address that, Your Honor, I will say that my contention isn't that all of the information in the database is privileged. There is privileged information, but more broadly the entire database is attorney work product that's created in anticipation of litigation. The only reason that database is created is for CCA attorneys to be able to manage their current litigation and that they've prepared in anticipation of future litigation so that CCA can assess its risk going forward. The database, I think to get to Your Honor's point, it's my understanding that it does contain a list of cases. It doesn't contain outcomes from the cases. If a verdict was entered, the amount of the verdict, if a settlement was entered into, Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (13) Page 49 - Page 52 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bouuyman July 29, 2008 Page 53 the amount of the settlement or if the case was dismissed, it might indicate that as 3 well. Going even more beyond that as it's 4 created and as that information is put in, 5 also put into the database are attorney , thought processes, what their assessment of 7 their case, how this case might impact other 8 currently pending or future litigations that 9 CCA might enter into, so there's a wealth of 10 information that is entered into this 11 database that goes beyond I think what Your 12 Honor is getting at. 13 THE COURT: I think it goes beyond 14 what he is requesting too. He's requesting 15 spreadsheets and databases that show all " cases or claims involving prison property or 17 litigation' concluding against CCA, so I don't 18 think he's looking for anything that you 19 described that you're concerned about. 20 MR. CALLEN: Your Honor, just to 21 circle back, that isn't all of our database. 22 Our database contains all of this 23 information. I think -- are you suggesting 24 that what he's looking for is something that 25 would require us to then delete out certain Page 54 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 , 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 " 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 information from that database? THE COURT: Maybe you would need to. I don't know what the prints of your screens would look like, so I'm trying to get a feel for that. MR. CALLEN: My understanding is that a print from the screen could include the types of privileged information that I'm talking about. THE COURT: Do you know that? MR. CALLEN: I think -- I believe that it can, yes, your Honor. And as far as just again to circle back, whether or not it would even include the privileged and confidential communication, once again, that information is being created, the database itself is being created by CCA's attorney and is being created for the purposes of litigation and anticipation of litigation and impending litigation, so we would contend that the whole database itself is protected attorney work product. THE COURT: Well, we get to, when we get through the list I'll have the plaintiff respond. Now we're looking at Page 55 number six. MR. CALLEN: All contracts between 3 CCA and Tennessee related agencies and 4 entities from 2002 to the present, CCA is 5 contending today that those should not be , subject for disclosure or exempt from the 7 disclose act. 8 THE COURT: Okay. Just one 9 second. You're saying in number six they are 10 exempt or are not? 11 MR. CALLEN: No. Are not. Not 12 exempt. 13 THE COURT: Okay. 14 MR. CALLEN: Not exempt from the 15 act. " THE COURT: That's what I thought. 17 Okay. 18 Now, going back and looking at 19 number one, I'll ask the plaintiff to 20 respond. 21 MR. CALLEN: And Your Honor, I'm 22 sorry, before I sit down I just want to make 23 sure I didn't make any argument concerning 24 settlement agreements if you want to hear 25 from Mr. Clarke first just regarding the 1 2 Page 56 litigation that's fine. I just wanted to make sure if you wanted to hear from CCA's 3 position regarding why a settlement should be 4 exempt, a settlement agreement under seal by 5 court order should be exempt from disclosure s I'm happy to address that now. 7 THE COURT: Not right now. Thank , you. 9 MR. CLARKE: Thank you, Your 10 Honor. In going through the list just to 11 make sure I understand, we don't contend that 12 anything that is true attorney work product 13 or true attorney/client privilege is subject 14 to production under the Open Records Act. We 15 will cite to you Rudder v. Wells that says 16 they can't just say that it is this thing, I 17 don't have my rules, but I saw 18 Mr. Welborn with the rules, if I could borrow 19 this. Under Rule 26.05 I believe it is, 20 "when a party withholds information otherwise 21 discoverable under the rules by claiming it 22 is protected as trial preparation or any 23 other materials or any other privileges, 24 shall give a law." 25 So they can't come here, I submit 1 2 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (14) Page 53- Page 56 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 57 1 2 3 • s , 7 , , ,. 11 12 13 " " " 17 18 ,. 20 21 22 23 2. 25 to the Court, and show cause hearing and come up and say well, I think, you know, it's this, it's this. My guy says it was made in anticipation of litigation that applies to all documents. That's wrong. You have to have the date, the time, what it was for, description so we can evaluate the privilege. We don't have any of that here. Let me just kind of get to the meat of the coconut. With respect to the complaints and anything over $500, we're trying to just get copies of complaints where there was a monetary payment. I don't think they've argued or I must have misunderstood if they did, Mr. Callen argued that we are not entitled to these things. We want to inspect everything first, Your Honor, and then make sure if we want to copy it we decide if we want to pay to copy it. Verdict forms, releases, claimant forms, these are not attorney/client -verdict forms, releases, you know, anything that deals with any kind of release is black letter law under the Public Records Act that you cannot make a settlement agreement Page 58 1 2 3 • s s 7 e s ,. 11 12 13 ,. " " 17 18 ,. 20 21 22 23 2. 25 confidential. Only the legislature can make an agreement settlement confidential. I've cited in my brief beyond argument that they can do this. Swift v. Campbell even says a settlement agreement made confidential by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure is the not exempt from the Public Records Act. We have to look at state law, interpret state law. Nothing in federal law applies to exempt us from the Tennessee Public Records Act. Swift v. Campbell says, "we decline to hold the rules governing in proceedings in federal court for the Tennessee public records statute, so when you get into -- when you look at a settlement agreement, the extent this is the covered by it, they don't have the right as the functional equivalent of a governmental entity to enter into those agreements. \ I will cite to the Court pleading the case if I need to, but I don't think I have to. They are in my brief. I think with respect to paragraph one, paragraph two we get everything. With respect to paragraph three, this is the government audits, I think Page 59 1 2 3 • s s 7 , s ,. 11 12 13 ,. " 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2. 25 they said we're titled to get them with respect to court rulings and injunctions and declaratory judqments I think they said we're entitled to get them. With respect to these spreadsheets, let me point out to the Court, under the Public Records Act it expressly says you cannot refuse to produce something just because it contains confidential information. A perfect example is a law enforcement officer's personnel file. If I want to get it I make a request, I go down to Nashville, I go down to the City of Memphis, they give me the record, but they have to redact Social Security numbers, they have to redact -- the Court is looking for a cite, I believe it's 10-7-504. So when you have a document, you know, a personnel file is, when it comes up most of the time you have somebody's home address, telephone number, Social Security number. Now they can't, if the fact that the document contains confidential information, we wouldn't be able to obtain any of those records, but it's clearly a public record. Page 60 1 2 3 • s , 7 , s ,. 11 12 13 " " 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2' 2' If they contend that something in the litigation database spreadsheet is confidential they can scratch through it; however, I would submit this to the Court and while this is not my burden it is my belief and my understanding based on my information from my client, that CCA creates these databases like I'm holding here, Your Honor, and they submit them with bid proposals, and this contains absolutely no confidential information. Facility, matter, nature of action, date opened, incident date, outcome, date of occurrence. There is not one iota of confidential information in this litigation spreadsheet. Now, they may be talking about something different, something broader, something that encompasses more. I don't know. I don't have a privilege law. I have somebody saying we obtain things in anticipation of litigation. I'm going to say that my client has produced this to me as a contract bid proposal as an attachment to Dickson County, Dickson County, Tennessee, which we clearly would be privileged as Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (15) Page 57 - Page 60 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 62 Page 61 Tennessee Public Records Act. That's Swift v. Campbell at page 577. 3 So we don't have any kind of • preemption there. It's cited in my response 5 filed on July 11th on page 12, but I don't 6 know what they're talking about, the 7 litigation-For identification I would like to 8 9 mark this, Your Honor. THE COURT: All right. MR. CLARKE: I would be happy to 11 12 respond to any other questions the Court has. 13 THE COURT: Is there anything else you like to say? You have the burden so you 15 have the last word. 16 MR. CALLEN: Your Honor. 17 THE COURT: All right. I've got a 18 paper proposed here that says settlement 19 report from 1/1 through 12/31/03. This is 20 provided to educate the Court about what 21 might be possible and about -- to give the 22 Court an idea of what it is that the 23 plaintiff thinks is there that he should be 2. able to inspect, so I'm going to mark that as 25 the next numbered exhibit, Number 6. waived. Now again, with respect to this the aspect of the hearing, I have not seen 3 anything that can even allow the Court to • properly evaluate the privilege. The only 5 thing I will agree to is if there is, as the 6 case law has said, it has determined 7 attorney/client privilege stuff, is not 8 subject to protection. You have to evaluate 9 the particular information. Work product is 10 not. I would say the biggest point that 11 12 I think we're going to have an argument about 13 is confidential settlement, make confidential settlements. If there is no court order 15 there is absolutely no basis for their not 16 being produced. That's number one. Number two, if there is an order 17 18 it depends on what it is. Pursuant to 19 Tennessee versus Adams, Rule 31 confidential 2. settlement, based on our Supreme Court 21 arbitration Rule 31. That is subject to 22 disclosure. I would have to see the actual 23 rule of civil procedure by which the Court 2. actually closed it. I would say this: A 25 federal case cant be confidential under the 1 1 2 2 ,. ,. ,. Page 64 Page 63 MR. CLARKE: Thank you, Your Honor. MR. CALLEN: And Your Honor, just 3 • to begin with what is our burden, I agree 5 that it is our burden here today to assert 6 and show that certain documents are protected 7 by attorney work product or are privileged. 8 I dispute though, I think Mr. Clarke was 9 making a suggestion that these documents 10 that, you know, we had seen and don't know 11 for sure where they exactly came from, they 12 haven't been offered through testimony, the 13 extent that he's arguing that those waiver " constitute some type of or workof 15 attorney/client privilege product 16 protection, I would dispute that it is our 17 burden to show that we haven't waived work 18 product or attorney/client privilege through 19 those documents that have been submitted, but 2. what I want to circle back to is the specific 21 request that Mr. Friedmann has made. His request for litigation 22 23 spreadsheets or summaries or similar database 2. tracking litigation is not limited and I'll 25 read the specific language. I'm 1 2 requesting -- I'll quote, "I am requesting all spreadsheets, summaries or similar 3 databases showing all litigations including • against CCA in Tennessee which resulted in 5 payment of money damages, settlements, 6 sanctions, claims and/or attorney fees from 7 January 1st, 2002 through and including the 8 date of this letter regardless of whether CGA 9 contends that the payment of money damages are work confidential. Said documents should 11 include the names of the parties, name and 12 location of the court, case and claim number, 13 the amount paid and the types of claims. All cases or claims involving prisoner property 15 damage or lost property shall be excluded 16 from these records," close quote. 17 Just to go back to the first 18 sentence or first phrase, "I'm requesting all 19 spreadsheets, summaries or on the similar 2. databases" and with the large scope of this 21 request the database that litigation database 22 that I've described to you today, Your Honor, 23 would clearly fit within his request and that 2. is why GGA is arguing that that database 25 shouldn't be required to be produced. It 1 2 ,. " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (16) Page 61 - Page 64 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorahle Clandia Bonnyman . Jnly 29, 2008 Page 65 Page 66 agreements. And what the type of settlement agreement that CCA contends are not subject 3 to disclosure by settlement agreements that • are under seal by court order. And I want to s make that distinction clear to the Court , because what's important here is that CCA 7 doesn't want to end up in the crosswise 8 position of being forced to choose which 9 Court's order to comply with. If the Court 10 were to order CCA to produce documents that 11 are under seal and that has been ordered by a 12 federal or state court not to produce, then 13 CCA is going to be in a particularly difficult position. CCA would be forced to choose which Court's order to comply with and I do not think that that is required under " the Tennessee Public Records Act. 17 18 First, to begin with, there are 19 settlement agreements that CCA has entered 20 into that are under seal by state court 21 order. We contend that those settlement 22 agreements are not subject to disclosure 23 under Tennessee's Public Records Act. We 2. cited several cases in our opening brief that 25 say that court order -- court orders under would fit within the scope of his request and we contend for all the reasons that we put 3 forward and particularly that are set forth • in Mr. Groom's affidavit that that database s is protected attorney work product and it , also contains privileged communication. And 7 because of the attorney work product, Your 8 Honor, it's not as a simple a task as to 9 simply excise certain information that is 10 deemed privileged or confidential. The whole 11 database itself is protected because it's 12 attorney work product. It's created by CCA's 13 attorney and maintained by CCA's attorney during impending litigation and the anticipation of future litigation, so the " whole database itself is protected attorney " work product and disclosure shouldn't be 17 18 required merely by excising certain 19 information that could or could not be 20 considered confidential or privileged because 21 the whole database itself is protected work 22 product. Now, I want to move back to the 23 2. second category of documents that Mr. Clarke 25 addressed and that's our settlement 1 1 2 2 ,. " " a Page 67 seal or settlement agreements trump the requirements of the Tennessee's Public 3 Records Act. The second type of settlement s agreements are settlement agreements that CCA , has entered into under seal and that are 7 under seal by federal court order and Mr. 8 Clarke has argued that those particular 9 settlement agreements that are under seal by 10 federal court order are subject to disclosure 11 and we dispute that. There are two reasons 12 that those settlement agreements under seal 13 by federal court order are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act. First, orders " entered federal courtthe Federal Rules of pursuant to 17 Civil Procedure 26(C) enter into those 18 settlement agreements under seal, those 19 orders combine the Federal Rules of Civil 20 Procedure 26(C) preempt Tennessee's Public 21 Records Act requirement. 22 Second, second reason is that 23 state courts based on the case law that we 2. cited in our opening brief should avoid 25 issuing orders that seek to void or otherwise 1 2 • ,. " Page 68 reverse a federal court order requiring us to keep those documents under seal and 3 confidential. I'll begin with the preemption s issue first. When CCA entered into a , settlement agreement and the federal court 7 entered that order under seal it does so 8 pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 9 26(C) which broadly grants federal courts the 10 authority to enter protective orders 11 requiring the filing of documents under seal 12 and thereby ensuring their confidentiality. 13 When a federal court enters an argument to CCA requiring CCA and the other party in the litigation to " confidential,keep a settlement agreement " 26(C) trumpsthat order combined with RuleAct. 17 the required Public Records 18 The ruling in Swift versus 19 Campbell is not inconsistent with this 20 analysis. As Mr. Clarke suggested to the 21 contrary, that case did not involve a 22 settlement agreement. What was going in that 23 case, Your Honor, was the Court was faced 2' with a broad, vague claim that the federal 25 rules of civil procedural somehow as a whole 1 2 • ,. Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (17) Page 65 - Page 68 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Houorable Claudia Bounyman July 29, 2008 Page 69 trump the requirements of the Public Records Act. That case, Your Honor, involved a 3 request from a federal public defender to a • state assistant attorney district general for 5 that state assistant district attorney , general litigation and investigation file for 7 the federal public defender's client. This 8 was occurring within the context of a pending , federal writ of habeas corpus petition. It 10 was pending in the district court. Instead 11 of using normal mechanisms of discovery in 12 federal case, the federal public defender 13 submitted a Public Records Act request to the state district attorney general for his 15 litigation file. In response to that request the state assistant district attorney general 17 made .several arguments. First, he argued 18 that his files were protected by attorney work product and privilege. Next, he argued that even if 20 2l attorney work product or privileged 22 protection didn't apply, the Federal Rules of 23 Civil Procedure where the avenue that the 2. public defender has to use to get that 25 information and not a public record's Page 70 request. So that was the specific issue that the Court in Swift versus Campbell was 3 dealing with and what the Court ultimately • said in dicta because they initially held 5 that large aspect of that file, the assistant , district attorney general's file was 7 protected by work product and privilege and 8 protection, they held that first, that in , dicta that went on to say well, it's also 10 true that we don't believe that the federal 11 rules somehow uphold or prevent a party from 12 also submitting a request through Tennessee's 13 Public Records Act for those documents. That's totally not the situation 15 that we're dealing with here. We're dealing with a federal court orders entered pursuant 17 to a specific Rule of Civil Procedure, Rule 18 26(C) that are requiring CCA to keep these documents under seal and confidential. Those 20 rules and those, that rule and that order 2l combined together to trump any requirement 22 that CCA would otherwise have under 23 Tennessee's Public Records Act. The second, even if you put aside, 2. 25 Your Honor, the issue of preemption, we cited 1 1 2 2 " " " " " " Page 71 to you several federal court of appeals cases that discussed the danger of a state court 3 stepping in at a later date posthoc, after a • federal court has already issued an order and 5 then the state court seeking to reverse or , overturn or otherwise void the federal court 7 order. Those federal courts of appeals cases 8 that we cited made clear that this is not , something that state court should seek to do 10 and something that state court should avoid. In particular we cited to you a 11 12 Ninth Circuit decision from 2003, JC and KB 13 Investments, Inc. versus Wilson. There the Ninth Circuit was faced with a situation 15 where a federal district court had issued an order confirming an arbitration award. A 17 later state court decision ruled that the 18 federal district court lacked jurisdiction and the arbitration order was void and 20 vacated. The Ninth Circuit held that that 2l later state court order could not trump the 22 earlier federal court order. 23 Despite whether or not that prior court order was correct or wrong on the 2' 25 merit, in assessing whether a state court 1 2 Page 72 could void a federal court decree nunc pro tunc, the Ninth Circuit specifically held 3 that, quote, the well-established principle • is to the contrary for state courts have no 5 power to void federal court decree and the , federal court may join such impermissible 7 collateral tax on federal judgments, close 8 quote. Your Honor, again I want to make 10 clear we're talking about two categories of 11 documents the type of settlement agreements 12 that CCA contends are not subject to 13 disclosure; those under seal by state court order and those under seal by federal court 15 order. CCA obviously wants to avoid the danger of being forced to choose which 17 Court's order to comply with, because those 18 courts, despite whatever this Court rules today, those other court orders will still be 20 out there and still be binding on CCA. If you have no questions, Your 2l 22 Honor, I have nothing further. THE COURT: Now, they have the 23 last word. 2' 25 MR. CLARKE: Can I provide you a 1 2 , ,. ,. " " " " Vowell & Jeunings, Iuc. (615) 256-1935 (18) Page 69 - Page 72 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 73 1 cite, Your Honor, I mean a citation to Swift , v. Campbell? 3 THE COURT: No, I have a copy of , it Thank you. Anything else on this side 5 of the table? Okay. What we ought to get done 7 today is to produce an order that clearly • states the reasoning why the Court has found 9 that CCA is the functional equivalent of a 10 government agency and, too, an order saying 11 exactly what papers the plaintiff has should be " requested that the plaintiffOpen Records Act to 13 allowed by law under the inspect. That's what I'm doing, I'm " do that right now so everybody can goingifto see 15 l' there's any -- what I want to hear from you 17 afterwards is if there is a fundamental l' question and you can't figure out what I 19 mean, I do want to know that. I don't want \ 20 to hear any more argument because we have 21 done that. You've done a good job with your aa briefs. I don't really know what else you 23 could tell me that you haven't already told 24 me. I think we've looked at all the cases. 25 I believe we have. If there is a question I Page 74 1 want to make the order as clear as I can a because that's really what I'm supposed to do. So as to the plaintiff's request, 5 this court orders that the plaintiff may s inspect, and that means that CCA must make 7 available at its offices in Nashville, • Tennessee to the extent that CCA has these 9 papers anywhere in its custody or under its 10 control, all complaints against CCA in which 11 the complaints originated in Tennessee. l' Now, the plaintiff appears to be 13 most interested in those where resulted in at l' least a $500 payment or so in damages, 15 attorney's fees or settlements and rather l' than subrogating those out, if CCA wants to 17 provide all of them, then I would just put 1. all of them out for the plaintiff to inspect. If you choose to segregate those 19 20 $500 cases from the other complaints and just 21 make those available, that seems to be, that would satisfy the plaintiff according to his 23 letter and so I think that's just up to CCA, 24 how you have them stored and that sort of 25 thing. Whatever makes the most sense and 3 , , " . Page 75 1 takes -- take it indoors and the amount of a time you go through them and figure out which one are $500 cases and give him all of them. Number two, the plaintiff may 5 inspect verdict forms, releases, claim , payment forms, settlement agreements, all 7 settlement agreement whether confidential or • not, unless there's a court order stating 9 that the agreement is sealed. And in lieu of 10 providing, in that case, in lieu of providing 11 the settlement agreement, then CCA must make available for inspection the " the non provided settlementorders that seal agreement and 13 l' when I say provide, I don't mean make copies 15 or do anything else, I just mean make them l' available so that the plaintiff can look at 17 them and decide which copies it makes sense l' to pay for. And this is from the date 19 January 1, 2002, so that CCA doesn't have to 20 go through everything it's ever owned, but 21 just from January 1, 2002. Number three has been conceded. 23 The defendant, CCA, agrees that those papers 24 that it has are and will be public documents 25 under the Court's ruling. 3 , " Page 76 1 Number four, I think is the same , so long as there's no order sealing any of 3 those findings and again if there is a , sealing then the plaintiff would need to see 5 the sealing order so the plaintiff can be , assured that the plaintiff has been shown the 7 documents, the public records that he's • requested to inspect. Number five, the issue in number 9 10 five is really not the database. The issue 11 is providing the plaintiff in some form that l' is legible and can be copied, summaries or 13 spreadsheets or databases or lists showing alililigation CCA in " Tennessee, concluded againstpayment of money 15 which resulted in l' damages or settlements or sanctions or claims 17 or attorney's fees from January 1, 2002 through and including the date of this 19 letter. And that is whether the monies that 20 were paid are subject to the confidentiality 21 agreement. If they're subject to a sealing provided " order then that needs to be can see itor 23 placed there so the plaintiff and understand that that particular litigation " settlement agreement is not being made 25 ,. Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (19) Page 73 - Page 76 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 77 available for inspection. So here are the issues, it's not 3 Rule 26, it's not the spreadsheet, it's not • the database, it's making sure that the , plaintiff has available to the plaintiff to s inspect the gathering together or the summary 7 in whatever form of all of the litigation 8 concluded against CCA since January 1, 2002. And then last I believe that the 9 10 defendant, CCA, has stated that given the 11 Court's ruling that these final executed 12 contracts and contract renewals between CCA 13 and the State of Tennessee and any county or 14 municipality regarding the ownership, management or operations of a jail system from January 1, 2000 through April 3, 2007 be 17 made available for inspection. 18 So I'm really not looking, the 19 plaintiff didn't ask for the lawyer's , 20 thoughts or analysis of anything and so it 21 looks like it can be done in a fairly 22 straightforward way without, hopefully, a lot 23 of pain. 2' So is there anything that either 25 side wants to ask that is not clear? MR. CLARKE: With respect to when you said paragraph two, I believe, that 3 they'll produce all the verdicts and releases • and everything except if they are sealed, but s if there is a case that there was a verdict s or settlement that was sealed, they have to 7 produce an order and give us the basis of the 8 sealing. Now does the Court make any 9 distinction between a state order or federal 10 order in that? 11 THE COURT: No. 12 MR. CLARKE: Okay. So if there's 13 any order, then they produce that order and if we have any other issues, I guess we will bring it back to the Court's attention. THE COURT: And that way the 17 plaintiff can know that he's-not receiving a 18 public record and here's the reason why, so I 19 think maybe that will help. 20 MR. CLARKE: And that if the Court 21 has anything else I just want to make sure 22 that the Court was going to make a ruling at 23 this time on attorney's fees. I don't want 2. my silence to be a waiver of a request. THE COURT: I'll hear you on the 25 1 1 2 . Page 78 2 ,. " " " " Page 79 attorney's fees and I'll hear from CCA. 2 You've got the burden. 3 MR. CLARKE: Yes, Your Honor. The • statute says very, very basically that s somebody who willfully, it's 10-7-505(G) that s if there is a willful failure to disclose 7 public records that the Court in its 8 discretion may award reasonable attorney's 9 fees. We submit that in this case as this 10 Court found, while CCA made a number of 11 arguments about a lot of things of all the 12 issues with respect to functional equivalency 13 their basic defense to this case was, we're not the government, and while I duly appreciate the Court's careful and the thoughtful analysis of everything, I think 17 when we read this transcript the Court really 18 came back to the fact that this is prison. 19 This is isn't an Airport Authority, this 20 isn't an arena, this isn't an ice hockey 21 rink, this isn't some daycare center. This 22 is a core governmental function, so in 23 determining whether or not the Court should 2. find a willful failure to disclose records, I 25 mean, it's no question they didn't give them 1 ,. " " Page 80 to us. There is no question they don't want to be found as a governmental -- there's no 3 question in 2002 the Tennessee Supreme Court • and then in 2005, gave the Court guidance and , the ability to hold somebody like CCA as a , private entity as a functional equivalency as 7 a government. I submit to the Court that despite 8 9 the very fine lawyering by CCA's lawyers, 10 they can't escape the fact that they didn't 11 want to produce this stuff. They didn't have 12 a legitimate legal basis to determine that 13 they should not be subject, based on the case 14 law that was out there. They have been found in other cases while they have wrote very extensive 17 and well-written briefs and law review 18 articles, in this case they didn't point out 19 to the Court certain cases where they have 20 been found to be a public entity. I think 21 that's important. I think with respect to 22 the transcripts, you know, of the first 23 hearing, you know, they tried to argue they 2. weren't funded while the Court said that the 25 contracts that were produced weren't 1 2 " " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (20) Page 77 - Page 80 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorahle Claudia Bonnyman July 29,2008 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Page 81 probative of the issues that the Court had to consider, they still did show that they are 3 receiving appropriated funds. I think what we have is a 5 situation where somebody did not want to , produce something. They knew that. I don't 7 think there is an honest argument that a 8 prison could not, somehow be not subject to , the Public Records Act. We think, when we're 10 talking about willful under the act, we're 11 talking about with no legal justification, 12 and I think that CCA does not want to produce 13 this. They don't want to produce it to Mr. Friedmann. I know that. In their 15 opening brief they smeared him. I mean, they talked about what he does and which is 17 irrelevant under the statute. I think those 18 go to where this Court should make a determination and finding that the conduct 20 was willing. When they point out irrelevant 21 22 information to the Court in an effort to put 23 my client in a bad light, I think that is 2. very significant consideration for the Court, 25 but given that, this was a finding which Page 82 1 1 2 2 3 • • 5 , 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 ,. ,. 15 " " 17 18 " " 20 21 22 23 24 25 really went back to kind of the obvious, it went back to what that Florida Court said. I could not consider anything more uniquely governmental than this, and with that can they say with a straight face that they actually thought that operating a prison was not going to be the functional equivalent of a governmental entity. I think not, Your Honor. I think the answer is easy as the first one, although I do understand the great pain, effort and consideration that you gave to the first one. It really came back to a very simply issue. States run prisons and jails. Private companies don't. With that I submit it to the Court to see if their refusal to give this stuff was willful and I appreciate your consideration. MR. WELBORN: Your Honor, we submit that Mr. Friedmann is not entitled to recover his attorney's fees and costs here. The standard that the Court must apply is very strict. They have to show that we willfully, CCA willfully failed to disclose records, and the Court's interpretations of that requires bad Page 84 Page 83 faith conduct and the courts have repeatedly held that the willful element in that is 3 synonymous with bad faith. It's not a • disagreement of the law. It's not even 5 negligence or even bad judgment. It's bad , faith conduct and we had and will continue to 7 have for a while, I think, a disagreement 8 here over the application of this act to CCA. Your Honor has made your ruling, 10 but it was a careful, considered -- you 11 considered the case law. It's not, it wasn't 12 an easy decision it didn't appear to us, but 13 it required going through all the factors. We've been in business for a while. We've 15 never been held subject to the Public Records Act in Tennessee. We have never been held to 17 the functional equivalent of a governmental 18 agency in the State of Tennessee. There are real and both factual issues that need to go up to the Court of 20 21 Appeals and legal issues that need to go up 22 and ultimately decided on this issue and, you 23 know, there has simply been no showing by the 2. plaintiff here that CCA acted willfully in 25 bad faith. 1 2 , " " " The records or the courts say you've got to engage in conscious doing of a 3 moral wrong because of dishonest purpose. • That's how the courts have described bad 5 faith conduct. There's been no shoWing of , that here by CCA. We have a legitimate 7 disagreement with Mr. Friedmann on whether we 8 are a functional equivalent of a Tennessee , governmental agency, and no court that has 10 ever ruled that we could find that a private 11 entity is a functional equivalent of 12 governmental entity has ever awarded 13 attorney's fees. They didn't award 1. attorney's fees in Cherokee. They didn't 15 award attorney's fees in Allen versus Day, and we've never had that ruling, the 17 functional equivalency ruling against us. Again, there's been no evidence 18 here presented to the Court. We presented 20 our arguments, Your Honor rejected those 21 arguments, but those were presented in good 22 faith. They are reasonable arguments and 23 while I respectfully disagree with Your 24 Honor's decision, they were put forth that 25 way and they have a legitimate basis for us 1 2 " " Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (21) Page 81 - Page 84 Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Conrt - Vol. Houorable Clandia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 85 1 2 3 • s , 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 " " " 17 18 " 20 21 22 23 2. 2' to make those arguments. You know, one case that is particularly good on this is the case where the Court says, and I'm trying to find it here in my notes, that it says that a request for fees have been denied, but the question was whether the record sought was publicly not straightforward or simple or involved complex interpretation of controlling case law, which this case involved. And the Tennessee Supreme Court has admonished that the Tennessee courts and this is particularly true here, must not compute to a governmental entity the duties that foretell an uncertain judicial future. We had an uncertain judiclal future coming in here and, you know, until this is ultimately decided at the appellate level, it's going to remain uncertain. We had good faith reasons for why we didn't produce these documents. There are legitimate justifications privilege wise that Your Honor has ruled and we don't have to give the privileged information and orders under seal. There is a legitimate basis for Page 88 our objections to producing these records and there's been no showing of bad faith conduct. 3 And Your Honor, just to get back • to a point you mentioned earlier, where we s might get today, I think this is a final , ruling, so this is a final order and it can 7 go forward and we can have this decision 8 decided as you mentioned I think by -, reviewed by the Court. 10 MR. CLARKE: Your Honor, I'll just 11 point out with respect to what Mr. Welborn 12 stated. I don't believe the word bad faith 13 is written into any terminology into the Public Records Act. It has to be willful and knowing. Nobody's going to argue that " didn't willfully produce anything. If they they 17 thought things were to be produced they 18 conceded things. They didn't bring them 19\ though. There has been no conduct on their 20 part from which to recognize that they have 21 certain documents. The Court has ruled 22 against them on confidentiality, has 23 basically said produce the orders on the 2' other things. It says, I'm going to quote 2' you from the Tennessean versus Lebanon, it i 2 ,. " Page 87 1 2 3 • s , 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 " " " 17 18 " 20 21 22 23 2. 25 says, Regardless of the sometime varying statements expressed by this Court as the standard for determining whether the refusal was willful and knowing, in actuality our courts have consistently applied the same analysis, which is their officials knew that the record sought is public and subject to disclosure. So it evaluates the validity of the refusing entity's legal position supporting its refusal. Critical to the determination is the evaluation of the law. Now, if Mr. Welborn's argument is stating to his logical conclusion, any case where you have to balance factors, you could not be entitled to attorney's fees. It's going to discourage lawyers like myself from handling cases for people like Prison Legal News and Mr. Friedmann which is the purpose I think the statute allowing attorney's fees is to allow for competent representation of people in cases where private paying -- they may not be able to pay for attorney's fees. If you look at the validity of the legal argument and if you're going to look at, I think it gets back to the Florida case. Page 88 1 2 3 • s , 7 8 , 10 11 12 13 14 15 " 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2. 25 There is nothing more unique than governmental entities. If this was the case that first announced that a private company could be subject to the Public Records Act, I'd give them that. I let Cherokee, I let Allen v. Day. Allen v. Day involved a corporation running an ice hockey rink or something .. This is not the one where there is a legitimate dispute. That's number one. So if they thought they were going to comply with the act then they should have -- they never produced a privileged log and they didn't produce these other things that would allow us to evaluate things, so with all due respect to Mr. Welborn's articulation of the standard, I don't believe that is the case and the case I cite is from the Tennessean and it goes through that and what we have to look at is there legal justification. While this Court -- I think, both parties want to thank the Court for thoughtful consideration of the issues, I don't think that when we come back to it and we come all the way around and we look at it, sometimes the easy answer is right in front of you. This is a Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (22) Page 85 - Page 88 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Page 89 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 prison. The argument against it not being a public entity was well made, just wrong, dead wrong and to point that it's willful, I will point out that with all the cases that CCA cited in their 44-page memorandum, they never cited the one case where they were found to be the public, the functional equivalent of an entity. I think they just don't want to produce the stuff, Your Honor, and I think they put up a very nice defense. I just don't think it's legally justified as found by the Court. Thank you. THE COURT: Okay. Now lawyers, the next step, let me say about the attorney's fees, I think that there is certainly public policy that the Public Records Act should be read broadly and liberally, that probably goes to the attorney's fees as well. I haven't read closely the few cases that do provide attorney's fees, I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that this afternoon, so I'm going to take that under advisement for a very short time. We know that TCA 10-7-505 says Page 90 that the Court is supposed to make conscious fact decisions through the law, which I have 3 done. 505(E) says that upon judgment in '\\ favor of petition of the Court shall order 5 that the record be made available to the 6 petitioner unless there is a timely filing of 7 appeal and the Court certifies that there a exists and the Court certified the existence 9 of substantial legal issue with respect to 10 disclosure of the documents which ought to be 11 resolved by the appellate courts. 12 And so I made finding of 13 conclusion. I said that the documents must 14 be made available immediately because at the 15 moment I don't have a motion for appeal or 16 notice of appeal and I've taken under 17 advisement the issue of the attorney's fee 18 and because of the expedited nature of the 19 Public Records Act {equirements, if I don't 20 get something out to you this afternoon, I'll 21 get something out to you tomorrow morning. 22 MR. CLARKE: Thank you, Your 23 Honor. 24 THE COURT: Any questions? Are 2S y'all ready to go? 1 2 Page 91 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MR. WELBORN: Your Honor, I assume that the other issues will be addressed at another motion hearing. This part about notice of appeal and state of appeal, we'll raise that. THE COURT: People need to figure that out. So we're now adjourned. MR. CLARKE: Thank you, Your Honor. THE CLERK: All rise. (Whereupon, the following proceedings were adjourned at 3:30 p.m., on July 29, 2008,) Page 92 COURT REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 1 2 I, JENNIFER SWAN HAYNIE, Notary 3 4 Public and Court Reporter, do hereby certify S that I recorded to the best of my skill and 6 ability, by machine shorthand, all the 7 proceedings in the foregoing transcript and 8 that said transcript is a true, accurate, and 9 complete transcript to the best of my 10 11 ability. I further certify that I am not 12 attorney or counsel of any of the parties, 13 nor relative or employee of any attorney or 14 14 counsel connected with the action, nor 15 15 financially interested in the action. 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 12 13 22 ~ day of _ _, 2008. JENNIFER SWAN HAYNIE Notary Public State of Tennessee at Large 22 23 SIGNED this 23 24 24 25 25 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (23) Page 89 - Page 92 Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 2004 (1) 19:12,22 17:16 42-3-115 (1) accepted (1) 2005 (1) 25:13 40:21 $500 (8) 80:4 44-page (1) access (4) 39:1,6;45:4;46:2;57: 11;74:14, 20;75:3 2007 (3) 89:5 $ 17:4;18:6;20:8;28:20 13:22;21:24;77: 16 according (3) 5 2008 (4) 0 60:10;61:15 1:.5;3:3;91: 13;92:16 36:19;47:10;74:22 accurate (1) 207 (2) 500 (1) 92:8 01-1105-1 (1) 1:.5;2:18 45:7 accurately (1) 1:.5 213 (1) 505 (1) 15:19 0864 (2) 16:18 16:3 aclarke@borodandkramercom (1) 25:5;30:17 214 (2) 505E (1) 2:7 1:.5;2:17.5 90:3 acquired (1) 24 (1) 565 (1) 25:14 21:24 17:15 Act (66) 7:11;8:1,9;9:19;13: 15,19;14:7, 22,22;16:2,11;17:2;18:5,22; 19:1,7,17;20:2,6,6,10;21 :20; 22:23;23:1;25:8;28:4,5,10,18; 29:12,19;35:2,7,7;37: 12;38:1, 11;39:16;55:7,15;56:14;57:24; 1 1 (5) 244 (1) 577 (1) 75:19,21;76: 17;77:8,16 16:18 62:2 1/1 (1) 256-1935 (1) 6 62:19 1:.5 1:00 (1) 26 (3) 3:3 43:25;44:2;77:3 6 (1) 10-7-501 (1) 26.023 (1) 62:25 58:7,11;59:7;62:~;66:17,23; 13:19 40:16 615 (1) 10-7-503 (4) 26.025 (2) 1:.5 14:2;16:3;21:23;39:21 42:20;43:14 615.256.1935 (1) 67:3,14,21;68:17;69:2,13;70:13, 23;73:13;81 :9,10;83:8,16;86: 14; 88:4,11;89:18;90:19 10-7-504 (1) 26.05 (2) 2:19 acted (1) 59:17 47:9;56:19 615.313.6000 (1) 83:24 10-7-505 (2) 26C (5) 2:13.5 15:10;89:25 67:17,20;68:9,17;70: 18 acting (1) 8:13 7 10-7-5050 (1) 29 (3) 20:10 1:.5;3:3;91:13 10-7-505G (1) 2nd (2) 79 (1) 79:5 2:17.5;20:18 17:24 action (5) 16:10;45:1;60:12;92:14,15 actions (1) 24:12 activities (2) 11th (1) 3 62:5 8 27:10;37:18 actual (4) 12 (1) 62:5 3 (1) 80 (1) 9:19;47:21;51: 10;61:22 12/31/03 (1) 77:16 2:5.5 actuality (1) 62:19 3:30 (1) 821 (1) 87:4 150 (1) 91:13 20:18 actually (6) 2:12.5 31(2) 87 (1) 159 (1) 61:19,21 17:24 6:4;18:2;23:15;36:11 ;61:24; 82:6 Adams (1) 17:15 32 (1) 15th (1) 16:5 10:18 37201 (2) 1986 (2) 1:.5;2:18.5 19:7,17 37219 (1) 2:6.5 addition (1) 1991 (1) 2:13 921 (1) 7:23 20:19 38103 (1) 20:18 additional (1) 1st (1) 2:6 9th (1) 7:14 64:7 3rd (3) 5:6 2 9 add (1) 901-524-0200 (1) 16:18;17:15,24 6:12 address (11) A 4 9:20;11:2;30:22;31:2,4;37:25; 43:23;48:23;52:8;56:6;59:20 addressed (3) ability (3) 2000 (1) 77:16 61:19 41-24-101 (3) 13:12;65:25;91:2 80:5;92:6,10 addressing (3) 2002 (17) 19:6;23:13;27: 14 able (8) 48:12,13;50:8 13:21 ;32:12;36:21 ;38:25;39:5; 45:20;46:7;49:8,19;50:7;55:4; 64:7;75:19,21;76: 17;77:8;80:3 41-24-110 (1) 9:13;36:8;45:5;48:7;52: 16; 59:23;62:24;87:22 91:8,13 41-24-113 (1) above-styled (1) admit (1) 2003 (1) 24:14 3:1 9:15 71:12 41-24-115 (2) absolutely (2) admitting (1) 22:20 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 adjourned (2) (1) $500 - admitting Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorahle Clandia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 admonished (1) 9:25;10:13;12:22;13:4;16:18; 17:11;20:5;21: 16;84:15;88:6,6 85:11 allow (10) appear (2) assert (2) advisement (2) 39:12;83:12 50:9;63:5 89:24;90:17 8:10;9:24;32:21;35:4,5,14,15; 61:3;87:20;88:14 APPEARANCES (1) asserting (3) affidavit (12) allowed (3) 2:1 42:21;44:7,8 3:16,21 ;4:8,13,19;5:23;40:23; 43:6,8;44:15;50:25;65:4 8:7;35:22;73:13 appears (2) assertion (3) allowing (2) 27:19;74:12 42:10,17;50:18 5:23 Appeals (6) aspect (3) 13:13,15;17:15;71:1,7;83:21 34:21;61:2;70:5 affidavits (1) 19:8;87:19 appellate (2) assess (4) 5:13 allows (1) 85:18;90:11 41:14,17;43:2;52:19 afternoon (2) 34:12 applicability (1) assessing (1) 89:23;90:20 almost (2) 43:2 71:25 afterwards (1) 45:14,17 application (2) assessment (1) 73:17 along (2) 25:3;83:8 53:6 again (13) 4:14;44:13 applied (3) assigned (2) 6:21;32:15;33:24;36:15;40:8; 49:19,21 ;54:13,15;61:1;72:9; 76:3;84:18 alternate (1) 25:9,19;87:5 26:9,11 9:17 applies (2) assistant (4) alternative (1) 57:4;58:10 69:4,5,16;70:5 against (12) 4:16 apply (4) Associate (1) .41:1,4;45:2;51:5;53:17;64:4; 74;10;76:14;77:8;84:17;86:22; 89:1 although (1) 13:18;15:16;69:22;82:22 1:.5 82:10 applying (1) associations (1) always (1) 26:1 24:25 age (1) 28:11 appreciate (3) assume (3) 29:25 amended (3) 9:10;79:15;82:17 17:21;31:11;91:1 agencies (5) 44:25;45:7;47:17 appropriated (1) assuming (3) 10:24;16:14;26:19;49:12;55:3 AMERICA (1) 81:3 3:23;51:7,8 agency (36) 1:.5 approved (1) assumption (1) 8:13,15;11:I; 12:13;13:24;14:5, 14;16:17;17:24;18:II, 14,20; 19:4,24;20:17,24;25:7,24;26:3, 21;27:3,4,7,9,12;29:9,11,21; 30:21;31:13;33:15;37:14;38:13; 73:10;83:18;84:9 American (1) 23:1 33:19 13:21 approving (2) assured (1) Among (1) 24:5,6 76:6 16:19 April (2) attached (1) amount (5) 21:24;77:16 40:20 41:19;52:24;53: 1;64:13;75:1 arbitration (3) attachment (1) agency's (1) amounts (1) 61:21;71:16,19 60:23 attention (2) 6:8 42:4 arena (2) ago (2) analysis (10) 8:5;79:20 8:24;78:15 3:7;11:3 argue (4) attorney (41) agree (3) 13:16;17:25;21 :2;25:2;41:9,I 0; 68:20;77:20;79: 16;87:6 8:17;42:13;80:23;86: 15 13:5;61:5;63:4 analyze (5) argued (7) agreed (2) 7:18;9:13;21:13,15;41:14 12:19;15:15 analyzing (2) 6:15;11 :23;57:14,15;67:8; 69:17,20 63:13;64:24 14:16;23:3;25:5,6,8, 19;27:1; 30:17;38:16;39:10;40:18;41 :9, 11,13,22;42:5,12;49:2;50:15; 52:13;53:5;54: 17,22;56: 12;63:7; 64:6;65:5,7,12,13,13,16;69:4,5, 14,16,18,21;70:6;92: 12,13 argument (12) attorneylclient (12) 10:4;36:2,17;55:23;58:3 ;61:12; 68:13;73:20;81:7;87:12,24;89: I 14:18;39:11;41:6,23;42:7,13, 18;56:13;57:21 ;61:7;63:15,18 6:24;25:11 38:18;43:20;56:4;57:25;58:2,5, andlor (2) 16;66:2;68:6,15,22;75:7,9,11,13; 14:17;64:6 ANDREW (1) 76:21,25 agreements (20) 2:4.5 39:2,3,14;40:7;48:22,24;55:24; Annotated (2) 16:3;19:5 58:19;66:1,3,19,22;67:I ,5,5,9, announced (1) 12,18;72:11;75:6 agrees (1) 88:3 75:23 annual (1) ahead (1) 4:1 5:3 annuity (1) airplane (1) 22:7 29:1 anticipation (8) Airport (8) 40:17;41:1;52:14,18;54:19; 25:6,12,15,20,21,22;26:22; 57:4;60:21 ;65:15 apart (1) 79:19 akin (1) 33:13 27:11 apparently (1) ALEX (1) 51:3 1:.5 appeal (5) Allen (11) 90:7,15,16;91 :4,4 agreement (17) arguing (2) arguments (7) attorneys (3) 9:4;69:17;79: 11;84:20,21,22; 85:1 41:16;42:2;52:16 arising (1) 15:11;74:15;76:17;78:23;79: I, 8;82:21;84:13,14,15;87:15,19, 22;89:16,20,22;90: 17 16:1 arose (1) attorney's (17) 26:23 audits (2) around (1) 49:6;58:25 88:24 authorities (1) Article (1) 23:22 16:5 Authority (9) articles (1) 80:18 25:7,12,15,21,21,23;26:22; 68:10;79:19 articulation (1) authorization (2) 88:15 32:19,20 aside (1) authorized (2) 70:24 22:21;24:21 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (2) admonished - authorized Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America authorizes (1) 19:13 automatically (1) 12:10 available (13) 29:17,24;49: 11,20;74:7,21; 75: 12,16;77: 1,5,17;90:5,14 Avenue (5) 1:.5;2:5.5, 12.5, 17.5;69:23 avoid (5) 18:21;29: 18;67:24;71: 10;72: 15 award (4) 71: 16;79:8;84: 13,15 awarded (1) 84:12 awarding (2) 24:5;27:24 aware (2) 20:25;42:9 away (1) " 10:9 B back (24) 10:6;33:3;36:2;42: 1;45:20;46:7, 16;47:22;48:23;50: 1;53:21; 54: 13;55: 18;63:20;64: 17;65:23; 78: 15;79: 18;82: 1,2, 12;86:3; 87:25;88:23 bad (9) 81:23 ;82:25 ;83:3,5,5,25;84:4; 86:2,12 balance (2) 13:6;87:14 balanced (2) 17:8;29:7 balances (1) 27:13 balancing (2) 17:10;25:4 based (10) 7:3;9:4,5; 15:11;25:24;26:4; 60:6;61 :20;67:23;80: 13 basic (1) 79:13 basically (2) 79:4;86:23 basis (6) 26: 10;61: 15;78:7;80: 12;84:25; 85:25 becomes (1) 17:22 begin (4) 38:6;63:4;66: 18;68:4 Beginning (2) 40:10;48:18 behalf (2) 10:3;17:19 belief (1) 60:5 benchmark (1) 47:5 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonuyman July 29, 2008 best (3) 37:14;92:5,9 bestowed (1) 15:24 beyond (7) 10:21;17: 13;44:16;53:3,11,13; 58:3 bid (2) 60:9,23 big (1) 6:22 biggest (1) 61:11 binding (1) 72:20 bit(l) 6:25 black (1) 57:23 board (5) 22: 11,12,12,14,15 Bonnyman (2) 1:.5;3:2 BOROD (1) 2:5 borrow (1) 56:18 both (6) 6:9,23;22: 18;27:22;83: 19;88:20 brief (9) 40:2,9,12,21;58:3,22;66:24; 67:24;81:15 briefed (1) 7:4 briefing (5) 39:8;42:9,10;44:11,14 briefly (2) 6:20;31:2 briefs (11) 6: 10,17;7:13;9:5;10:4,5,5;13:2; 15:18;73:22;80: 17 bring (3) 48: 1;78:15;86: 18 broad (1) 68:24 broader (1) 60:17 broadly (4) 20:7 ;52: 12;68:9;89: 18 Building (2) 1:.5;23:2 burden (22) 6:6;9:9,22; 10: 16,21; 12:3,4, 16; 13:8;14:23; 15:2;16:12,14;36: 16, 23;47:7;60:5;62:14;63:4,5,17; 79:2 burdens (2) 3:9;36:22 Bureau (3) 31:23,23;33:8 business (8) 7:2;10:23;17: 16,18;18: 10; 20: 16;29: 18;83: 14 businesses (1) 17:17 17:1;19:21,23;20:23;21: 19,25; 22:1,17;23: 1,8;24:20;26:2,7,8, 11;27:6,8,17;28:1,2,17,17,23; 29:8,10,16,16,23;30:8,20;37: 12; C 38: 10,23;39:5;40:25;41 :4,7; 42:2,14,16;43 :5,8,12;44:6, 10, 12, calculating (3) 15,21;46: 1,25;49:8, 13,16,19; 24:2,4;27:23 50:5,19;51 :5;52: 16,19;53:9,17; called (1) 55:3,4;60:7;64:4,8,24;66 :2,6, 10, 5:21 13,14,19;67:5;68:5,14,14;70: 18, CALLEN (22) 22;72: 12,15,20;73 :9;74:6,8,10, 2: 11.5;31:3;37:24;38:5;43:19; 16,23;75: 11,19,23;76: 14;77:8, 44: 1;45:9, 13;48:3, 18;51: 11; 52:8;53:20;54:6,11;55:2,11,14, 10,12;79: 1,10;80:5;81: 12;82:23; 83:8,24;84:6;89:4 21;57: 15;62: 16;63:3 CCA's (18) came (5) 5:5;6: 17;30:8;38: 14;40: 10,22, 3:1;9:9;63: 11;79: 18;82:12 23;41: 13,15,17;42:5;45: 18,21; Campbell (7) 17:14;58:4,11;62:2;68: 19;70:2; 54: 17;56:2;65: 12,13 ;80:9 Center (3) 73:2 34:4,4;79:21 can (37) certain (12) 5:2,14;6:2;7:22;8: 19;13: 15; 14:23;21: 13;27:20;31 :3;37:9, 14; 9:24;21: 13;23: 16,20;24: 15; 47:5;53:25;63 :6;65:9,18;80: 19; 38:6;47: 18;51 :8,9,14;52: 1,19; 86:21 54: 12;57:7;58: 1,4;60:3;61 :3; 72:25;73: 15;74: 1;75: 16;76:5, 12, certainly (3) 26:9;51 :20;89: 17 23;77:21;78: 17;82:4;86:6,7 CERTIFICATE (1) candor (1) 92:1 9:10 certified (1) care (2) 90:8 35: 12;46:24 certifies (1) careful (2) 90:7 79:15;83:10 certify (3) carefully (1) 23:17;92:4,11 13:3 CHANCERY (1) carry (2) 1:.5 13:9;14:23 changing (1) carrying (1) 24:11 13:9 characterization (2) case (45) 27:9,20 3: 12;10: 14,15; 12: 11;13:2; charge (1) 15: 16;17:1,7;18: 17;25:5,21; 30:13 26:21;27: 1;29:1;32: 18;46: 1; Chattanooga (1) 53: 1,7,7;58:21 ;61 :6,25 ;64: 12; 34:8 67:23;68:21,23;69:2,12;75: 10; Cherokee (15) 78:5;79:9,13;80: 13,18;83: 11; 85:2,3,9,10;87: 13,25;88:2,16,17; 7: 17;8:24;9:25;10: 12; 13:4; 17:5, 24;21: 16;25: 10;26:23,25;27: 1,3; 89:6 84:14;88:5 cases (29) 3: 10; 13:4,14;30:2;40:3,9;41 :9; child (1) 46:3,15;47: 1;51: 10, 12;52:2,22, 21:11 Children (2) 23;53: 16;64: 14;66:24;71: 1,7; 17:5;25: 11 73:24;74:20;75:3;80: 16,19; choose (4) 87:17,21;89:4,21 66:8,15;72: 16;74: 19 categories (3) chose (1) 38:7,14;72:10 10:17 category (1) circle (3) 65:24 53:21;54:13;63:20 cause (1) Circuit (4) 57:1 71: 12,14,20;72:2 CCA (128) circumstance (1) 3: 19;6:7,23;7: 1;8: 10, 18; 10:3, 10,22; 12: 11,13,14,17; 14:4,6,7, 18:16 citation (1) 12,21,22; 15:4, 12; 16:12,14,20; Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (3) authorizes - citation Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman . July 29, 2008 73:1 column (1) confidential (25) cite (5) 52:4 56:15;58:20;59: 16;73: 1;88:17 combine (1) contentions (1) cited (12) 67:19 32:17;40:3,9;58:3;62:4;66:24; 67:24;70:25;71:8,11;89:5,6 combined (2) 14:19;30:1,24;38:18;42:4; 54:15;58:I,2,5;59:9,23;60:3,1 0, 14;61:13,13,19,25;64: 10;65:10, 20;68:3,16;70:19;75:7 68:16;70:21 confidentiality (3) 3:6 citizen (2) coming (1) 68:12;76:20;86:22 continue (1) 21:21;27:5 85:17 confined (1) 83:6 citizens (4) Commission (1) 36:12 contract (20) 22:15;29:5,20;39: 17 23:2 confirming (1) City (2) Commissioner (2) 71:16 14:3 context (1) 69:8 continuation (1) 20:18;59:13 23:4,24 confuse (1) Civil (10) committee (1) 48:11 9:1;19:9,10,18;21 :3,14;22:21; 23:19;31:22;32: 14,17;33:5,7; 35:5,11,22,23;36:19;60:23; 77:12 40:16;42: 19;58:6;61 :23;67:17, 19;68:8,25;69:23;70:17 23:7 connected (1) contracted (1) communicated (1) 92:14 23:25 claim (8) 42:5 Connecticut (1) Contracting (6) 45:1;47:12;48:21,25;50: 10; 64:12;68:24;75:5 communication (3) 18:8 7:11;8:9; 19:7,15,16;22:25 41:8;54:15;65:6 connection (2) contractor (3) claimant (1) communications (5) 18:9;20:15 19:18;22:22;23:25 57:20 38:17;41:7;42:1,1,23 conscious (2) contractors (4) claiming (1) companies (1) . 84:2;90:1 23:20,22;24:14,19 56:21 82:14 consequently (1) contracts (18) claims (6) Company (4) 14:6 16:1;53:16;64:6,13,14;76:16 17:5;25: 10;41:2;88:3 consider (4) 7:22,23;81:2;82:3 4:20,22;5:14;6:19;20:21 ;21:2,5; 23:1,5,14;31 :8,14;32:2;33:11, 16;55:2;77:12;80:25 clarification (2) compare (1) 31:6;33:14 26:17 consideration (7) contractual (1) CLARKE (28) competent (1) 49:9 2:4.5;3:15;4:5;5:7,16;6:14;11 :5; 12:21 ;34:9;43: 16;46: 16;47:20; 55:25;56:9;62: 11;63:1,8;65:24; 67:8;68:20;72:25;78: 1,12,20; 79:3;86:10;90:22;91:9 87:20 8:12;9:7;20:4;81:24;82: 11,17; 88:21 complaint (3) considered (4) 18:23 44:25,25;46:13 17:8;65:20;83:10,11 contrary (2) complaints (17) considering (1) 68:21;72:4 45:7,8,22,25;46:5;47:4,17,17; 48:4,10,12,19;57: 11,12;74: 10, 11,20 10:21 control (6) consistently (1) 87:5 16:25;23: 18;28: 17;29:16;30:8; 74:10 controlled (1) Clarke's (1) 50:9 contractually (1) Claudia (2) complete (1) constitute (1) 1:.5;3:2 92:9 63:14 11:20 clear (7) completely (1) constitutes (1) controlling (1) 19:25;20:5;66:5;71 :8;72:10; 74:1;77:25 11:18 20:11 85:9 complex (1) Constitution (2) copied (1) clearly (7) 85:9 16:4;26:5 76:12 34:11;40:13;43:5;59:25;60:25; 64:23;73:7 comply (6) constitutional (1) copies (8) CLERK (1) compute (1) 23:11;49:9;66:9,15;72: 17;88:10 36:6 construe (2) 29:21;30:5,10,12,14;57:12; 75:14,17 91:11 85:13 18:3,4 copy (7) client (8) conceded (2) construed (2) 41:8;46:17,20,22;60:7,22;69:7; 81:23 75:22;86:18 20:7;28:6 4:4;30:13;46:12;48:9;57:18,19; 73:3 concerned (2) contain (2) copying (1) Cliff (1) 44:22;53:19 52:22,23 48:8 copy-of (1) 17:14 concerning (1) contained (4) close (4) 55:23 43:9;44:18;50:22;51: 17 5:8 39:20;43:3 ;64:16;72:7 concluded (3) contains (11) core (1) 79:22 closed (1) 52:3;76:14;77:8 61:24 concludinq (1) 41:3,4,6,9,25;42:3;53:22;59:9, 22;60:10;65:6 closely (1) 53:17 contend (7) 17:25 89:21 conclusion (3) CORPORATION (7) cornerstone (1) coconut (1) 3:13;87:13;90: 13 49:14;50:15;54:20;56: II ;60:I; 65:2;66:21 57:10 conclusions (1) contending (1) Code (3) 4:13 55:5 corpus (1) 16:2;19:5,16 conduct (7) contends (7) 69:9 collateral (1) 19:21;81: 19;83: I ,6;84:5;86:2, 19 14:4,7,14;38: 10;64:9;66:2; 72:12 correction (1) 72:7 collective (1) confer (1) contention (1) correctional (3) 5: 11 27:16 52:9 23:6,9,11 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 1:.5;13:20;21:20;22:3,13;45:2; 88:7 22:22 (4) cite - correctional Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America CORRECTIONS (4) created (14) 79:21 24:8 1:.5;13:20;23:5;45:2 dead (1) department (2) 15:11;30:14 7:25;17:2;21 :20;28:18;40:24; 43:10;44:17;52:14,15;53:4; 54:16,17,18;65:12 cost (2) 89:2 11:17;23:4 deadly (2) depends (1) costs (2) creates (3) 24:21,23 61:18 48:8;82:21 29:6;50:23;60:7 deal (1) deposition (1) counsel (10) credit (3) 34:17 4:11 40:22,25;41:9;43:7;44:15,21; 45:18;47:9;92:12,14 24:5,8,9 dealing (4) deputy (3) criteria (2) 12:23;70:3,15,15 40:22;43:6;44:14 countervailing (1) 23:14,16 deals (1) describe (1) 20:4 critical (2) 57:23 42:22 COUNTY (10) 15:3;87:10 debts (1) described (5) 1:.5;21 :9,I0;33:5;34:16;39:18; 49:5;60:24,24;77:13 crosswise (1) 7:8 41:24;50:12;53:19;64:22;84:4 66:7 decide (6) description (1) course (5) . current (1) 15:3,8;26:8;28:3;57:19;75: 17 57:7 4:10;43:14;48:6;49:12,21 52:17 decided (4) Despite (3) Court (211) currently (3) 14:20;83:22;85: 18;86:8 71:23;72:18;80:8 1:.5,.5;2:15.5;3:5,8,10,12,16,23; 4:3,14;5:1,10,19,24;6: I,2,22;7:3, 5,22;8:23;9:7,12,21,23; I0:1,7; 12:8,25;13:5,13,14,15,17;15:2,8, 16,21;17:7,9,15;18:4,8,18;20:2, 12,19,21 ;21:4,12,15,18;22:14; 26:2,8,24;27:13;28:3,I0;30:15; 31:2,5,15,16;32:5,22;33:14,20; 34:2;36:3;37:1,6,22;38:2,19; 39:14;40:3,7,21 ;43:18,24;44:20; 45:10;46:9,18;47: 15,21;48:II, 16;49:13,17,21,24,25;51 :2,18; 53:13;54:2,10,23;55:8,13,16; 56:5,7;57:1;58:13,20;59:2,6,16; 60:4;61:3,14,20,23;62:10,12,13, 17,20,22;64:12;66:4,5,9,12,20, 25,25;67:7,10,13,15;68: 1,6,13, 23;69:10;70:2,3,16;71:1,2,4,5,6, 9,I0,15,17,18,21,22,24,25;72:1, 5,6,13,14,18,19,23;73 :3,8;74:5; 75:8;78:8,II, 16,20,22,25;79:7, 10,17,23;80:3,4,8,19,24;81: 1,18, 22,24;82:2,15,22;83:20;84:9,19; 85:4,11;86:9,21;87:2;88:20,21; 89:13,14;90:1,4,7,8,24;91 :6; 92:1,4 24:17;32:11;53:8 decision (7) detached (1) custodian (2) 30:8,12 3:7;25:25;71:12,17;83:12; 84:24;86:7 detail (1) custody (8) decisions (2) courts (14) 15:25;39:24;40:5;67:23;68:9; 71:7;72:4,18;83:I;84:1,4;85:12; 87:5;90:11 Court's (16) 22:18;24:10,II ;27:22;29:14,15; 27:25;90:2 declaratory (2) 30:7;74:9 50:1;59:3 Customs (1) declared (2) 33:9 25:15;49:18 D 11:19 13:10 detailed (1) 7:5 Detention (5) 31:20;32:9;34:1,2,8 determination (5) decline (1) 16:20;18:15;36:4;81: 19;87:11 58:12 determine (5) damage (1) decree (2) 6:3;8:2;13:8;45:19;80:12 64:15 72:1,5 determined (3) damages (11) deemed (2) 17:3;28:20;61:6 38:24;39:1,6;45:4;50:6;51 :7; 52:5;64:5,9;74:14;76:16 24:15;65:10 determining (2) defend (1) 79:23;87:3 danger (2) 41:14 developing (2) 71:2;72:16 defendant (6) 24:1,3 data (1) 13:22;14:7,11,14;75:23;77:10 Dickson (2) 44:19 defender (3) 60:24,24 database (48) 69:3,12,24 dicta (2) 38:15;40:11,13,24;41 :3,12,16, 21,24;42:3,11,15;43:9,10,11,13, 22;44:17,18,21;48:14;50:12; 51:4,16,17,22;52:10,13,15,20; 53:5,11,21,22;54:1,16,21;60:2; 63:23;64:21,21,24;65:4,11,16, 21;76:10;77:4 defender's (1) 70:4,9 69:7 different (7) defense (2) 79:13;89:11 6:25;21:15;26:22;34:21 ;35:3; 36:10;60:17 define (1) difficult (2) 44:3 26:17;66:14 defined (1) directing (1) 22:23 databases (7) 38:22;50:4;53: 15;60:8;64:3,20; defines (1) 44:6 76:13 4:7,24;5:2;8:12;9:10;34:19; date (8) 38:12;48:5;66:9,15;72:17;75:25; 57:6;60:12,12,13;64:8;71:3; 77:11;78:15;79:15;82:25 75:18;76:18 definition (1) 29:20 directly (1) 21:12 disagree (1) 44:3 84:23 delegable (1) disagreement (3) cover (1) dated (1) 23:21 83:4,7;84:7 30:14 21:24 delegating (1) disciplinary (1) covered (3) dates (1) 18:23 24:12 34:11;42:7;58:16 24:3 delete (1) disclose (4) covering (1) dating (3) 53:25 55:7;79:6,24;82:24 13:21 45:20;46:7;50:1 deliberately (1) disclosed (1) covers (1) DAVIDSON (1) 18:5 42:24 36:14 1:.5 delineate (1) disclosure (22) CRA (1) Day (11) 13:13 38:12 denied (3) create (2) 10:14;12:22;15:9;16:18;17:11; 20:5;21:17;84:15;88:6,6;92:16 9:15;12:6;85:6 51:12,15 daycare (1) denying (1) 16:15;18:22;19:25;20: 1,3; 38:11;39:12,15;40:2,8;49: 15; 55:6;56:5;61:22;65:17;66:3,22; 67:10,14;72:13;87:8;90: 10 . Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (5) CORRECTIONS - disclosure Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 discourage. (1) Editor (1) 45;14 exception (2) 87;16 1;.5 entities (4) 4;22;30;25 exceptions (2) discoverable (1) educate (1) 18;25;37;7;55;4;88;2 56;21 62;20 entitled (8) 8;22;37;25 discovery (5) efficient (1) excise (1) 4:17;9;14,18,24;69;11 48:17 15;10;22:6;35:20;47:3;57; 16; 59:4;82;20;87:15 discretion (1) effort (2) entity (25) excising (1) 79;8 81;22;82;II 65:18 discuss (1) either (6) 43:20 9:1;31:23;33:7,17;45: 17;77;24 44;7 discussed (3) element (4) 8;25;I0;10;12;I; 14:23;16:21, 23,25;17:1,20;18:1,12,24;19:3; 23;8;34:20;35:1;58;19;80:6,20; 82:8;84:11,12;85: 14;89;2,8 3:7;48:19;71:2 43:8;44:18;50;21;83;2 entity's (2) 65:9 excluded (1) 64:15 excuse (1) dishonest (1) elements (1) 19:1;87:9 executed (1) 84;3 50:21 environment (1) 77;11 dismiss (1) eligibility (1) 29:6 exempt(12) 9;20 24;3 equipment (1) dismissed (2) else (7) 16;22 38:10;40:1,8;55:6,I0,12,14; 56:4,5;58:7,10;67: 13 12:7;53:2 5:14;37:8;62: 13;73:4,22;75;15; equivalency (5) 12:24;36:I ;79:12;80;6;84:17 78:21 dispositive (6) exempted (1) 4:21 4;7,24;5;2;7;16;17:10;18:18 E-Mail (1) equivalent (41) exhibit (6) dispute (5) 2;19.5 3:18,21;5:11;36:13;40:22;62:25 distinguished (2) 24;18 26:24,25 employee (2) district (8) 27:17;92;13 6;7;8;14;10:11,25;12:2,12,14; . 14:5,13;15;5;16:13,17;17:23; 18:13;19:4,24;20:24;25:9,23; 26;3,20;27:4,7,11;29;9,10; 30:20;31:12;33:15;34:20;37:13; 38:13;49: 14,22;58; 18;73:9;82:7; 83:17;84:8,11;89;7 69;4,5,10,14,16;70;6;71;15,18 employees (5) erection (1) exists (1) doctrine (5) 24:13,15,16,21,23 16:6 90:8 39:9;63:8,16;67;11;88:9 embodied (1) distinction (4) 40;15 \ 6:22;35:18;66;5;78:9 employed (1) exhibits (5) 3:14;4;1;5:12;10; 19,20 exist (1) 45:21 existence (2) 47:21;90:8 40;15;41:22;42:12;44;9;49;2 employment (1) escape (1) expand (1) document (6) 42:6 80:10 6;13 42:23;50:20,22;51;15;59;18,22 enable (1) essential (1) expedited (1) documents (33) 43;1 29:4 90;18 II; 15;12:16,17;13:23;14:15; 30:22;31:14;34:13;37:17;38;8,9; 39:25;40;17;49:10,15;57:5;63;6, 9,19;64:10;65:24;66:10;68:2,11; 70;13,19;72;11;75:24;76;7; 85;21;86;21;90;10,13 enacted (1) establish (1) expired (2) 19:7 23:15 21;5,8 encompasses (1) establishes (1) exposure (1) 60:18 23;13 41:10 end (2) evaluate (4) express (1) 15;9;66;7 57:7;61:4,8;88:14 15;19 done (12) enforce (1) evaluates (1) expressed (1) 4:16;7:9;8;7;13;2;15:21;43:12; 50:24;73:6,21,21;77;21 ;90:3 30;9 87:8 87:2 Enforcement (2) evaluation (1) expressly (1) down (4) 33;10;59;11 87;11 59:7 36:9;55;22;59;12,13 engage (1) even (15) extensive (2) drafts (1) 84:2 49;1 enough (2) extent (16) due (4) 37;10;42;14 8:10;10:21 ;20:3;32;11,17; 34;14;38:11;53:3;54; 14;58:4; 61;3;69;20;70;24;83;4,5 36;16;46:18;47;8;88:14 ensure (1) everybody (1) 19:3;80;16 4;6,23;16:24;17;22;18;1;28;15; 29:13,14;47:25;48;4,8,25;49:23; 58;16;63;13;74;8 duly (1) 18;20 73:15 79:14 ensuring (1) evidence (4) extracts (1) during (2) 68:12 6:2;10:19,22;84: 18 30:5 exact (1) 29:17;65;14 enter (5) duties (3) 22:21;53;9;58;19;67:17;68:I0 21;3 23;21;27:10;85;14 entered (9) exactly (4) duty (2) 52:24,25;53;10;66;19;67:6,16; 68:5,7;70;16 5;25;50;21;63:II ;73:11 face (2) examine (1) 20:3;82:5 enters (1) 12:15 faced (2) 68;13 example (5) 68:23;71:14 entertainment (1) 31;17,19;32: 10;42:3;59:10 facilities (5) earlier (4) 8:5 except (3) 32;24;35;19,21;37;19;45: 18 13;1;26:24;71 ;22;86:4 entire (1) 35;23;37;11;78:4 facility (17) easy (3) 52:12 excepted (1) 82;9;83:12;88;24 entirety (1) 20:1 II ;25,25;23:11;31:20,25;32:9, 11,14,25;33;1,4,22;34: 1,2,8; 19:20;36;6 E Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 F (6) discourage - facility Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America 35:11;60:11 fact (14) 5:21;6:2,4;8:8;18: 17;20:20; 26:4;28:4,10;45:21;59:22;79: 18; 80:10;90:2 factor (3) 5:2;7:22;17:9 factors (19) 7:4,15,17,21,24;9:25;13:6,11, 11;16:19;17:8;21:15,16;25:4; 27:13;28:14;29:7;83: 13;87:14 facts (7) 25:3,20;26:2,21,23,23,25 factual (1) 83:19 failed (1) 82:24 failure (3) 15:12;79:6,24 fairly (4) 5:22,25;7:5;77:21 faith (9) 83:1,3,6,25;84:5,22;85:20;86:2, 12 fall (1) 30:24 falling (1) 36:2 Family (2) 17:6;25:11 far (3) 28:13;44:16;54:12 favor (3) 18:6;29:7;90:4 federal (54) 31:9,22;32:2;33:1,6;34:7,10,12, 13;35:3,4,6,19;36:9,15;37:3; 58:6,9,13;61:25;66:12;67:7,10, 13,15,16,19;68: 1,6,8,9,13,24; 69:3,7,9,12,12,22;70: 10,16;71:1, 4,6,7,15,18,22;72: 1,5,6,7,14;78:9 fee (2) 30:13;90:17 feel (3) 7:14;52:6;54:5 feels (2) 9:8,21 fees (22) 15:11;38:24;39: 1,6;50:6;64:6; 74:15;76:17;78:23;79: 1,9;82:21; 84:13,14,15;85:6;87:15,19,22; 89:16,20,22 few (1) 89:21 figure (5) 43:25;51:24;73:18;75:2;91:6 file (6) 59:11,18;69:6,15;70:5,6 filed (13) 3:13,17;4:2;5:6;6:9,17;18:7; 20:21;39:4;41 :4;45:1;47:4;62:5 files (5) 11:10,10,17;49:21;69:18 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 filing (3) 4:2;68:11;90:6 final (3) 77:11;86:5,6 financed (1) 22:3 financially (1) 92:15 find (6) 20:11;29:5;45:6;79:24;84:10; 85:4 finding (5) 21:18;29:8;81:19,25;90:12 findings (2) 20:20;76:3 finds (4) 20:21;21:4;26:2;28:10 fine (2) 56:1;80:9 FIRM (1) 2:15.5 first (23) 5:20;10:f5; 12:24;15:1;21:17; 26:4;40:10;44:3,23;48:20;55:25; 57:17;64:17,18;66:18;67:15; 68:5;69:17;70:8;80:22;82: 10,12; 88:3 fit (2) 64:23;65:1 fits (1) 50:12 five (4) 46:6;51:2;76:9,10 Florida (2) 82:2;87:25 flying (1) 29:1 FOI (2) 34:11;35:7 follow (1) 48:5 following (3) 3:3;22:20;91:12 follows (1) 27:14 force (1) 25:18 forced (3) 66:8,14;72:16 foregoing (1) 92:7 foremost (1) 26:4 foretell (1) 85:14 form (3) 48:21;76:11;77:7 formed (1) 14:9 forward (5) 48:1,17;52:19;65:3;86:7 found (16) 19:15;25:12,22;26:19;36:7; 37:12;42:19;49:8,13;73:8;79: 10; 80:2,15,20;89:6,12 four (6) 3:13;7:15,21;20:21;21 :8;76:1 Fourth (2) 2:12.5;36:1 Freedom (1) 35:6 FRIEDMANN (14) 1:.5;10:9;38:9;39:8;42:8;44: 11; 45:15;46:7;48:9;63:21 ;81:14; 82:20;84:7;87:18 Friedmann's (1) 38:20 front (1) 88:25 fullest (2) 18:6;20:8 function (11) 6:25;7:6,18;18:3;22:19;26:7; 27:18;28:12,24;35:13;79:22 functional (44) 6:7;8:14;10:11,25;12:2,12,14, 24;14:4,13;15:5;16:13,16;17:23; 18:13;19:4,23;25:9,23;26:3,20; 27:4,7,11;29:8,10;30:20;31:12; 33:15;34:19;37:13;38:13;49:13, 22;58:18;73:9;79:12;80:6;82:7; 83:17;84:8,11,17;89:7 functioning (1) 28:15 functions (7) 14:11;17:22;22:5;26:9,11,13; 29:3 fundamental (1) 73:17 funded (3) 11:21;26:14;80:24 funding (4) 7:24;16:23;26:12,12 funds (3) 22:4,5;81:3 furlough (1) 24:6 further (2) 72:22;92:11 future (7) 41:15,18;52:18;53:8;65: 15; 85:15,17 G Gl (1) 2:5.5 gathering (1) forms (8) 77:6 48:22,24,25;57:20,21,22;75:5,6 gave (2) forth (3) 80:4;82:11 42:2;65:3;84:24 General (17) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 23:3;25:5,6,8,19;27:1;30: 17; 39:13;43:6;44: 15;47:12;50:9,17; 69:4,6,14,16 general's (1) 70:6 Genesis (1) 22:1 gets (2) 4:9;87:25 gist (1) 11:8 given (4) 18:17;28:4;77:10;81:25 goes (6) 10:9;18:18;53:11,13;88:18; 89:19 good (4) 73:21;84:21;85:3,20 govern (1) 19:14 governing (2) 30:10;58:12 government (51) 6:8;8:1;13:24;14:5,14;15:6; 16:13,17,23,24;17:20,23;18:11, 14,20;19:2,4,13,24;20:17,24; 21:11;22:7,19;25:24;26:3,7,16, 17,18,20;27:2,3,4,6,7,21;28: 12, 15,16,23;29:3;31 :9,22;32:3; 33:5;49:6;58:25;73: 10;79:14; 80:7 governmental (26) 7:1,7,19;8:13,14,25;9:16;12:12; 14:11;16:21;18:2;25:16;27:12; 29:21;30:21;34:20;58:18;79:22; 80:2;82:4,8;83:17;84:9,12; 85:13;88:2 governments (1) 33:18 governor (1) 23:17 grandfather (1) 24:16 granting (1) 24:8 grants (2) 39:17;68:9 great (1) 82:10 greater (1) 39:1 Griffin (1) 20:17 Groom (4) 4:12;40:23;43:7;50:25 Groom's (4) 3:21;43:7;44:15;65:4 group (1) 8:5 guarantee (2) 45:16;46:4 guess (2) 46:6;78:14 (7) fact - guess Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America guidance (1) 80:4 guy (1) 57:3 H habeas (1) 69:9 hairs (1) 36:8 handed (1) 23:24 handle (1) 51:21 handling (1) 87:17 hands (2) 17:12;18:12 happen (1) 32:21 happy (2) 56:6;62:11 Hardeman (1) 21:9 HAYNIE (3) 2:16.5;92:3,18.5 hear (10) 6: 11;30:25;33:20;37:2;55:24; 56:2;73: 16,20;78:25;79: 1 heard (1) 3:1 hearing (10) 3: 18,22;5:20;10: 17;11:23; 14:1; 57: 1;61:2;80:23;91:3 hearsay (4) 4:8,19,22;5:23 held (11) 20: 12;40: 10;48:7;49:22;70:4,8; 71:20;72:2;83 :2,15,16 help (3) 21:15;37:9;78: 19 hereby (1) 92:4 here's (1) 78:18 hockey (2) 79:20;88:7 hold (3) 47:15;58: 12;80:5 holding (2) 18:19;60:8 home (1) 59:20 honest (1) 81:7 Honor (59) 3: 15;4:5;5: 17,18;6: 14;7:13; 10:2,14; 12:4;31: 1;32: 17;34:5, 10;36: 10;37:24;38:6;39:21; 41 :25;43:4,21;44:2;45:9, 13,25; 48:5,19;51: 13;52:9;53: 12,20; 54: 12;55:21 ;56:10;57: 17;60:8; Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July29 , 2008 incident (1) 62:9,16;63:2,3;64:22;65:8; 68:23 ;69:2;70:25 ;72:9,22;73: 1; 60:12 79:3;82:9,18;83:9;84:20;85 :23; include (7) 86:3,10;89: 10;90:23;91: 1,10 14:20;16:22;18:11;38:14;54:7, Honorable (2) 14;64:11 included (1) 1:.5;3:2 Honor's (2) 38:8 includes (2) 52:21 ;84:24 hope (1) 38:17,21 including (4) 46:19 hopefully (1) 51:5;64:3,7;76: 18 inconsistent (1) 77:22 hours (1) 68:19 incredibly (1) 29:18 house (2) 8:11 independent (1) 31:10;35:15 housed (1) 13:2 independently (1) 32:13 houses (1) 15:21 indicate (2) 36:18 housing (2) 28:1;53:2 indicated (2) 7:7;35:12 Humane (2) 5:20;45:25 'indicia (1) 8:4;16:8 14:12 Individually (1) I 1:.5 indoors (1) ice (2) 75:1 79:20;88:7 industry (1) idea (1) 19:9 62:22 informal (2) identification (2) 5:25;9:11 42:15;62:8 information (26) identified (3) 3: 10;35:7;42:25;45: 12;51: 17, 43:8;44:17;50:20 19;52: 10,12;53:4,10,23;54: 1,8, identifies (1) 16;56:20;59: 10,23;60:6, 11,14; 41:5 61:9;65 :9,19;69:25;81;22;85:24 identifying (1) in-house (2) 41:18 40:25;42:5 identity (1) initial (4) 21:3 6: 16;10:5; 16:12;49: 11 111(1) initially (1) 2:10.5 70:4 immaterial (1) injunctions (1) 46:21 59:2 immediately (2) injunctive (2) 29:23;90: 14 49: 18;50: 1 Immigration (1) Inmate (3) 33:9 11:10,10;24:2 impact (2) inmates (12) 27:25;53:7 24:5,7,9;31: 10,25;32: 12,13; impending (2) 33: 1,3,4,6;34:7 54:20;65: 14 inquired (1) impermissible (1) 25:15 72:6 insisting (1) implementing (2) 27:2 24:1,4 inspect (11) important (3) 30:3;39: 17;48:2;57: 17;62:24; 8:11;66:6;80:21 73: 14;74:6, 18;75:5;76:8;77:6 INC (3) inspection (6) 1:.5;2:17;71:13 16:7;29: 17,24;75: 12;77: 1,17 incarcerating (1) instance (1) 7:7 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 44:2 instead (2) 21:9;69:10 intend (1) 18:19 intentionally (2) 9:1;18:21 interested (2) 74:13;92:15 interpret (2) 18:8;58:9 interpretation (1) 85:9 interpretations (1) 82:25 interpreted (2) 39:24;40:5 intertwined (1) 28:2 into (19) 10:19;13:10;15:17;21:3;22:21; 35:25;36:2;52 :25;53:5,9,10; 58: 15,19;66:20;67:6,17;68:5; 86:13,13 investigation (1) 69:6 investigations (1) 49:7 Investments (1) 71:13 involve (1) 68:21 involved (5) 35:5;69:2;85:8,10;88:6 involvement (7) 7:25; 16:24;26: 16,17,18;27:21; 28:16 involving (4) 38:23;50:5;53: 16;64: 14 iota (1) 60:13 irrelevant (2) 81:17,21 issue (22) 4: 15;5:8; 13:7,7; 15:1;20:23; 27:6,21 ;28: 13,22,25;30:22; 39: 12;68:5;70: 1,25;76:9,10; 82: 13;83:22;90:9,17 issued (4) 49:7,25;71:4,15 issues (12) 12:10; 14:20;31 :4;36: 19;77:2; 78: 14;79: 12;81: 1;83:20,21; 88:22;91:2 issuing (2) 49:18;67:25 J jail (6) 8:17,18;11:5,6,9;77:15 jails (1) 82:14 (8) guidance - jails Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 January (6) 71:18 lieu (2) 64:7;75:19,21 ;76:17;77:8,16 land (2) 75:9,10 12:10;13:4 JASON (1) 25:13;32:6 light (2) makes (7) 2:11.5 language (7) 41:19;81:23 JC (1) 17:10;20:5,6,9;30:16,18;63:25 likely (3) 4:12;21:18;26:5;30:5, 18;74:25; 75:17 major (2) 71:12 large (5) 45:15,23;48:14 makeup (2) JENNIFER (3) 22:3;46:2;64:20;70:5;92:19.5 limited (4) 22:11;36:25 2:16.5;92:3,18.5 last (6) 5:22,22;15:25;63 :24 making (4) jenniferhayine@comcastnet (1) list (3) 18:15;30:10;63:9;77:4 2:19.5 11:23;12:8;44:24;62:15;72:24; 77:9 52:22;54:24;56: 10 MALONE (1) JENNINGS (2) later (3) lists (2) 2:12 1:.5;2:17 71:3,17,21 41:4;76:13 manage (2) job (1) law (29) litigating (1) 41:14;52:16 73:21 keep (5) 6:5;15:14,19,23;17:4;20:14; 27:5 25:3;26:1;28:20;39:20,23;47:9; litigation (40) 56:24;57:24;58:8,9,9;59:10; 11:16,17;38: 15,23;40:11,18,24; 60:19;61:6;67:23;73: 13;80:14, 41:1,6,15,18;43:22;48: 13;51 :5, 17;83:4,11;85: 10;87:11;90:2 16;52:3,14,17,18;53:17;54:19, laws (1) 19,20;56: 1;57:4;60:2,14,21; 62:7;63:22,24;64:21 ;65:14,15; 35:4 lawsuit (3) 68:15;69:6,15;76: 14,24;77:7 litigations (3) 45:1,12;47:18 lawsuits (1) 50:5;53:8;64:3 \ little (2) 41:4 lawyering (1) 6:24;30:19 local (5) 80:9 Lawyers (6) 10:24;33:4,18;34:5,25 3:5;12:9;13:1;80:9;87:16;89:14 location (1) 64:12 lawyer's (1) log (2) 77:19 44:13;88: 12 lead (1) logical (1) 3:12 87:13 least (2) long (2) 3:8;74:14 27:23;76:2 Lebanon (1) look (16) 86:25 LEGAL (12) 6:1;7:3,15;18:16;22:24;36: 10, 1:.5;4:12;45:1;46:25;80:12; 13;51:23;54:4;58:8,15;75:16; 81:11;83:21;87:9,17,24;88: 19; 87:23,24;88: 19,24 90:9 looked (2) legally (1) 13:3;73:24 looking (7) 89:12 legible (1) 36:4;53:18,24;54:25;55: 18; 76:12 59:16;77:18 45:11,11 ;68:2,15;70:18 legislation (1) looks (4) keeping (1) 8:7 51:22,24;52:7;77:21 69:11 26:6 legislature (8) loss (1) meet (2) key (1) 7:10;15:24;17:2;21 :21;22:2; 25:25;28:18;58: 1 41:10 12:3;24:24 39:21 lost (1) memorandum (2) kind (6) legitimate (6) 64:15 6:18;89:5 6:24;36:2;57:9,23;62:3;82: 1 80:12;84:6,25;85:22,25;88:9 lot (5) Memphis (5) knew (2) less (1) 4:12;6:19;45:5;77:22;79:11 2:6;17:4;25:10,19;59: 13 81:6;87:6 24:10 knowing (2) letter (9) 86:15;87:4 Knoxville (1) 21:24;38:3,10;44:24;49: 11; 57:24;64:8;74:23;76: 19 machine (1) 17:18;65:18 20:18 level (7) 92:6 merit (1) KRAMER (1) 7:24,24;11:25,25;16:22;28: 15; 85:19 maintain (1) 71:25 22:17 met (3) liaison (1) maintained (2) 10:16,20;12:3 27:16 40:25;65:13 might (8) liberally (2) maintenance (2) 28:6;89:19 24:19;26:5 3:18;13:11;46:9;53:2,7,9;62:21; 86:5 Joe (1) 10:2 join (1) 72:6 JOSEPH (1) 2:10.5 judgment (3) 49:18;83:5;90:3 judgments (2) 59:3;72:7 judicial (2) 85:15,16 July (5) 1:.5;3:3;5:6;62:5;91: 13 jurisdiction (2) 16:1;71:18 justification (3) 16:15;81:11;88:19 justifications (1) 85:22 justified (1) 89:12 juveniles (1) 34:6 K KB (1) 71:12 2:5 L lacked (1) managed (1) 14:8 management (2) 24:20;77:15 manner (1) 42:24 mark (3) 5:10;62:9,24 Marshal's (2) 31:24;33:8 materials (2) 45:20;56:23 matter (7) 3:1;15:25;22:8;25:17;26:8,18; 60:11 matters (2) 6:3;22:7 may (18) 18:25;24:7;29: 18,21 ;30:9,12; 43:16;45:5,22,23,24;51:22; 60:16;72:6;74:5;75:4;79:8; 87:22 Maybe (6) 21:7;52:3,5,5;54:2;78: 19 mean (11) 9:16;31:18;39:25;40:6;46: 16; 73:1,19;75:14,15;79:25;81: 15 means (1) 74:6 meat (1) 57:10 mechanisms (1) mentioned (2) M 86:4,8 merely (2) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (9) January - might Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America minute (1) 37:6 misunderstood (1) 57:14 moment (3) 11:3;51 :3;90: 15 monetary (1) 57:13 money (5) 51 :7;52:4;64:5,9;76: 15 monies (1) 76:19 monitor (2) 19:20;27:19 Monroe (1) 2:5.5 moral (1) 84:3 more (12) 7:6;24: 10;30: 19;31: 17;45:4; 46: I ;52: 12;53:3;60: 18;73:20; 82:3;88:1 morning (1) 90:21 most (7) 13: 14;15:3;22:4;48: 17;59: 19; 74:13,25 mostly (2) 15:15;26:12 motion (3) 5:5;90:15;91:3 move (4) 4: 14;43: 19;48: 17;65:23 much (2) 21:2;27:19 municipal (3) 17:20;39:18;49:6 municipality (3) 19:11;35:1;77: 14 must(22) 13:9; 15:3,8; 17:8,20;20:2;23: 1, 6,10;24:22,23 ;28:5 ;29:7,23; 30:12;42:16;57:14;74:6;75:11; 82:22;85:13;90: 13 myself (2) 51:23;87:16 N name (3) 33:23;52:2;64:11 named (1) 50:19 names (3) 51:10,12;64:11 Nashville (5) 1:.5;2: 13,18.5;59: 13;74:7 national (1) 24:24 nation's (1) 6:8 nature (4) 29:25;42:22;60: 11;90: 18 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 nearly (1) 25:18 necessarily (1) 7:20 necessary (1) 4:18 necessity (1) 25:17 need (11) 4:8,14;30:21 ;31 :5;33: 13;54:2; 58:21;76:4;83:20,21 ;91:6 needed (1) 44:12 needs (2) 4:15;76:22 negligence (1) 83:5 neither (1) 19:17 NEWS (2) 1:.5;87:18 next (6) 12: 13;50:3;51: 1;62:25;69:20; 89:15 nice (1) 89:11 Ninth (4) 71:12,14,20;72:2 Nobody's (1) 86:15 non (2) 16:15;75:13 none (1) 47:18 nonexhaustive (1) 16:19 nor (4) 19:17;39: 12;92: 13,14 normal (2) 29: 18;69: 11 North (3) 1:.5;2: 12.5,17.5 Notary (2) 92:3,19 note (1) 4:25 notes (1) 85:5 notice (4) 4:2;5:8;90: 16;91:4 number (21) 30: 17;40:3,9;44:23;45:6;55: 1,9, 19;59:20,21;61: 16,17;62:25; 64: 12;75:4,22;76: I ,9,9;79: 10; 88:9 numbered (1) 62:25 numbers (1) 59:15 nunc (1) 72:1 operated (4) 11:20;14:8;37:4,7 operates (1) 18:13 objecting (1) operating (4) 27:9 8: 18;34:23,24;82:6 objection (1) operations (2) 4:25 35:10;77:15 objections (1) opining (1) 86:1 13:17 obligation (2) opinion (3) 9:2;36:7 8: 11;25:5;30: 16 obligations (3) opposing (1) 18:22;29: 19;49:9 47:8 obtain (3) order (43) 16:11;59:24;60:20 38: 19;39: 14;40:7;56:5;61: 14, obvious (1) 17;66:4,9,10,15,21,25;67:7,10, 82:1 13;68:1,7,16;70:20;71 :4,7,16,19, Obviously (2) 21,22,24;72: 14,15,17;73:7, I 0; 45:24;72:15 74: 1;75:8;76:2,5,22;78:7,9, I 0, occurrence (1) 13,13;86:6;90:4 60:13 ordered (1) occurring (1) 66:11 69:8 \ orders (11) offered (3) 66:25;67: 15,19,25;68: 10;70: 16; 10:19;41:19;63: 12 72: 19;74:5;75: 12;85:24;86:23 offering (1) ordinance (1) 39:10 20:15 office (3) organization (2) 31:24;33:8,9 46:25;47:1 officers (1) originated (1) 22:16 74:11 officer's (1) originating (1) 59:11 45:3 offices (1) others (2) 74:7 14:12;15:20 official (3) otherwise (7) 18:10;20: 16;21:25 14: 17;39: 19,23;56:20;67:25; officials (1) 70:22;71:6 87:6 ought (2) offsite (1) 73:6;90:10 45:17 ours (1) Once (2) 11:17 34:22;54:15 out (22) one (27) 5:2;7: 16,21;11 :2;12:11;13:7,7; 6:20;9:1;10:4;13: 11;46: 19; 49: 10;51 :24;53:25;59:6;72:20; 16:22;21 :8;38:21 ;44:23;46:4; 73: 18;74: 16,18;75:2;80: 14,18; 47: 15,16;48: 15;55:8, 19;58:23; 60: 13;61: 16;75:3 ;82: 10,12;85 :2; 81:21 ;86: 11;89:4;90:20,21 ;91:7 outcome (2) 88:8,9;89:6 13:8;60: 12 ones (5) outcomes (2) 6:4,4;10:17;21 :6;34:18 41:5;52:23 only (7) 34: 12;37: 18;41 :21;42:9;52: 15; outlined (2) 40: 12;50: 17 58:1;61:4 outside (1) Open (8) 41:8 14:6,21;17:3,17;21 :23;28:20; over (10) 56:14;73:13 6:21; 11:8;16:25;24: 19;28: 17, opened (1) 17;31:3;39:6;57: 11;83:8 60:12 overseas (1) opening (7) 40:2,9,12,20;66:24;67 :24;81: 15 18:9 oversee (1) operate (2) 19:21 7:2;8:10 0 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (10) minute - oversee Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America oversight (1) 23:7 overturn (1) 71:6 own (3) 6:8;7:2;37:19 owned (4) 21: 19;32:6;37:3;75:20 ownership (1) 77:14 P page (2) 62:2,5 paid (6) 22: 12,12;39:6;46: 1;64: 13;76:20 pain (2) 77:23;82:11 paper (2) 5:5;62:18 papers (4) 47:22;73:11;74:9;75:23 paragraph (4) 58:23,23,24;78:2 parole (1) 24:2 part (3) 22:3;86:20;91:3 particular (5) 28:25;61 :9;67:8;71: 11;76:24 particularly (4) 65:3;66: 13;85:3, 12 parties (11) 3:9;5: 19,24; 14:3; 15:15,22; 17:12;43:2;64: 11;88:20;92:12 parts (1) 3:11 party (5) 20:25;42:20;56:20;68: 14;70: 11 party's (1) 15:18 past (1) 47:7 pay (5) 7:8;8:23;57: 19;75: 18;87:22 paying (1) 87:21 payment (12) 38:24,25;48:22,25;50:6;51 :6; 57: 13;64:5,9;74: 14;75:6;76: 15 pending (5) 41: 15,17;53:8;69:8,10 people (5) 7:8;35:15;87: 17,21;91:6 per (1) 30:13 percent (1) 10:23 perfect (1) 59:10 perform (1) 24:7 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 performance (3) 19:21;23:14,16 performing (1) 17:19 performs (2) 7:1;18:2 period (2) 13:21;46:6 person (5) 11:12;27: 17,21;30:2,4 personnel' (2) 59:11,18 person's (1) 27:18 persuaded (1) 30:15 petition (5) 6: 16;12:6;36: 14;69:9;90:4 Petitioner (5) 1:.5;2:3;5: 17;6:23;90:6 photographs (2) 30:6,11 photostats (2) 30:6,11 phrase (4) 39:22,25;40:6;64: 18 place (1) 26:14 placed (1) 76:23 placing (1) 24:9 plaintiff (45) 3: 13;6:9, 11;13:9,18;14:1,4,16, 24;15:2,10;16: 11;20:22;21:6,7, 21,23;28: 14;30:23;33:21 ;39:7; 46:10,11;48:2;54:25;55:19; 62:23;73:11,12;74:5,12,18,22; 75:4,16;76:4,5,6,11,23;77:5,5, 19;78:17;83:24 plaintiff's (2) 38:3;74:4 plan (2) 21:1;23:18 pleading (1) 58:20 pm (1) 91:13 point (19) 3: 11;4:9,10;6:5,20;21: 12;34:21; 36: 15,21;50:9;52:21 ;59:6;61: 11; 80:18;81:21;86:4, 11;89:3,4 pointed (2) 21:17;49:10 policy (1) 89:17 position (7) 10:14;13:24;41: 17;56:3;66:8, 14;87:9 possession (2) 30:7;45:22 possible (4) 18:6;20:8;28:6;62:21 possibly (1) 47:19 posthoc (1) 71:3 potential (1) 41:18 potentially (1) 46:2 power (1) 72:5 powers (1) 23:20 preempt (1) 67:20 preemption (3) 62:4;68:4;70:25 preparation (1) 56:22 prepared (2) 40:17;52:17 present (7) 25:4;38 :25;39:5;49: 8, 19;50:7; 55:4 presented (6) 6:5; I0: 18;20:22;84: 19,19,21 pretty (1) 10:4 prevent (1) 70:11 previously (3) 6:15;17:3;28:19 primarily (1) 25:24 principle (1) 72:3 principles (2) 15:14,23 print (2) 51:9;54:7 printed (1) 52:1 prints (2) 51:8;54:3 prior (1) 71:23 PRISON (36) 1:.5;7: 11;8:9, 10; 19:6, 15,16,18, 19;22:22,25;23: 19,19,21,25; 24: 14,17,18,18,19,20,25;26:21; 27: 18;32:5;34:24;35: 14;36: 15, 25;46:25;53: 16;79: 18;81 :8; 82:6;87: 17;89: 1 prisoner (1) 64:14 prisoners (8) 16:6,8;22: 18;26:7;27:22;34: 17; 35:16;36:20 prisons (15) 16:6,7,7;22:17;26:6;27: 16; 28: 11;31:23,24;32:6;33:9;34: 10, 14,23;82:13 Private (27) 7: 10;8: 1,8, 10; 16:21; 17:16,16; Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 18:12,24,25; 19:1,6,9,15, 16,17; 22:2,13,15,25 ;27:5,8 ;80:6; 82: 14;84: 10;87:21;88:3 privately (1) 21:19 privilege (22) 14:18;39: 11;40: 1;41:24;42:7, 13,18,21 ;47: 13;50: 10,16,18; 56: 13;57:7;60: 19;61:4,7;63: 15, 18;69: 19;70:7;85:22 privileged (24) 30:2;38: 17;41:7,25;43: 1,3; 44: 13,16;47:9, 19;51: 19,20; 52:11,11;54:8,14;60:25;63:7; 65:6,10,20;69:21;85:24;88: 12 privileges (1) 56:23 pro (1) 72:1 probably (4) 28:8;46:14;47:24;89: 19 probative (2) 20:23;81:1 problem (1) 47:6 procedural (1) 68:25 Procedure (9) 40: 16;42: 19;58:6;61 :23;67: 17, 20;68:8;69:23;70:17 procedures (2) 24:1,4 proceeding (1) 3:6 PROCEEDINGS (5) 1:.5;3:4;58: 13;91: 12;92:7 process (1) 41:11 processes (1) 53:6 produce (21) 9:2;11: 13;37:16;49:3,23;59:8; 66: 10,12;73 :7;78:3,7,13;80: 11; 81:6,12,13;85:21;86: 16,23; 88:13;89:10 produced (10) 4:20;8:20;42:24;47: 10;60:22; 61: 16;64:25;80:25;86: 17;88: 12 producing (3) 30:14;43: 13;86: 1 product (29) 14:17;38: 16;39: 10;40:1,13,14; 42: 12,17,21;44:4,9;49:2;50: 16, 18;52: 13;54:22;56: 12;61:9;63:7, 15,18;65:5,7,12,17,22;69: 19,21; 70:7 production (1) 56:14 prohibition (1) 32:20 promulqate (1) 19:13 proof (11) (11) oversight - proof Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America 3:9;4: 15;5:21 ;7: 14;9;9; 10: 18; 15;2; 16:14;22:9, 10;36:24 proper (1) 20;13 properly (1) 61;4 property (5) 25: 14;35;9;53; 16;64; 14,15 proposal (1) 60:23 Proposals (2) 23:5;60;9 propose (3) 21:1,7,14 proposed (2) 23:9;62;18 proposes (1) 23:8 proposition (2) 39:13;40:4 protected (18) 14:17;38: 16;39;9,25;41 :22,23; 43: 1;49: 1;50;15;54;21 ;56:22; 63:6;65 :5,11,16,21 ;69: 18;70;7 protection (12) 40: 14;42:11,18,22;43:3;44:4,8; 50; 19;61:8;63: 16;69:22;70:8 protective (1) 68:10 protects (1) 40:16 prove (1) 23;10 provide (16) 13;23;15:7,12; 19:18;21: 14; 22;22;23;6,8,9;27: 16;28; 1;44:3; 72;25;74: 17;75: 14;89:21 provided (9) 15;4; 16:9;28:23;30: 12;39; 19, 23;62:20;75: 13;76:22 provides (1) 42:20 providing (5) 14:2;17:21;75: 10,10;76: 11 provision (1) 23:17 provisions (2) 9;19;24:16 public (101) 4:21;7: 19;8:22;9: 16,19;11; 11; 12:18,23; 13: 19,25; 14:25; 15:7, 13;16:2,10; 17:3, 12,13,17,21; 18:2,5,6,7,10,25;20:1,8,8,10,11; 22:4,5,16;25:7,16,17;26: 12;28:4, 5,7,8,9,9,20,24,24;29:4,10,11,12, 13,15,19;30:3;35:2;37; 12,25; 38: 11;39: 16;46:20;49: 12;57:24; 58:7,11,14;59:7,25;62: 1;66:17, 23;67:2,14,20;68: 17;69: 1,3,7,12, 13,24,25; 70: 13,23;75 :24;76;7; 78: 18;79:7;80;20;81 :9;83: 15; 86: 14;87:7;88:4;89:2,7,17,17; 90: 19;92:4, 19 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 publicly (1) 85:7 Publishing (3) 17;5;25;10,20 purpose (5) 14;10;19:8;37; 18;84;3;87: 18 purposes (7) 25;7,16;28:3,9;29: 11;31; 13; 54;18 pursuant (19) 15;9; 19;22;20; 14;21 ;22;24: 14; 32: 1,3,14,16,23;33:4,7;35:10, 11; 36:21;61: 18;67: 16;68:8;70: 16 put (10) 9; 12;10:22;53:4,5;65;2;70:24; 74:17;81:22;84:24;89: 11 reasons (4) 50: 16;65:2;67: 11;85;20 receive (1) 26:11 received (3) 4:23;9:21;20:14 receiving (2) 78:17;81:3 recognize (2) 5;5;86;20 record (17) 4;18;10;22;12:18;15;17;19;25; 20: 12,13;22; 11;28:7;37;10; 46:20;59: 14,25;78; 18;85:7;87:7; 90:5 recorded (1) 92:5 records (99) Q 4:21;8:19,20,22;9:3;11;6,10,11; 12:23; 13:19,20,25,25; 14:7, 15, qualifications (1) 21,24,25; 15: 13;16:2, 11,11, 16; 23:10 17:11,12,13,17;18:5,7,9,12; 19:1; qualifies (1) 20:2,9,10;21 ;23;25;8;28:4,5,7, 40;13 10;29: 12,12,12,13,15,17,19,22, quickly (1) 23,25;30; 1,3,7,9;34: 12,13;35:2; 9:13 36: 12;37: 12,25;38: 11,20;39;9, quote (11) 39: 19,20,22,22;42:22;43:3 ;64: 1, 16,18,19;56: 14;57:24;58;7,11, 14;59:7,24;62: 1;64: 16;66:17,23; 16;72:3,8;86:24 67:3,14,21;68;17;69; 1,13;70:13, 23;73; 13;76:7;79:7,24;81 :9; R 82:24;83: 15;84: 1;86: 1,14;88:4; 89: 18;90: 19 raise (1) record's (2) 91:5 9:16;69:25 raised (2) records' (1) 11:4;31;4 9:19 raising (1) recover (1) 36;22 82:20 rather (3) redact (2) 9:20;51 :23;74: 15 59:15,16 reach (1) refusal (3) 17:13 82:16;87:3,10 reaches (1) refuse (1) 47:5 59:8 read (6) refused (1) 13:1;15: 16;63:25;79:17;89: 18, 13;22 20 refusing (1) ready (2) 87:9 6:11;90:25 regard (2) real (1) 14;25;15;1 83:19 regarding (4) really (15) 3:12;6: 18;7;17;8:23;21: 1;46: 11, 24; 16;55;25;56:3;77: 14 regardless (5) 13,24;73:22;74:2;76: 10;77: 18; 29;24;35;21;39:3 ;64: 8;87; 1 79:17;82:1,12 regards (1) rearguing (1) 5:25 6:20 regulate (2) reason (6) 19;14,20 9:8; 12:5;47; 16;52: 15;67:22; regulating (1) 78:18 19:8 reasonable (4) regulation (2) 15:11;30:9;79:8;84:22 16:25;28:16 reasoning (2) regulations (1) 13:16;73:8 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 19;14 rehashing (1) 6:21 rejected (1) 84;20 related (2) 37:17;55:3 relationship (1) 19:2 relative (1) 92:13 release (4) 24:2,6;27:24;57:23 releases (6) 48 :21,25 ;57 :20,22;75:5;78:3 relevant (2) 16:20;46:21 relied (1) 25:12 relief (1) 50:1 remain (1) 85:19 renewals (1) 77:12 repeatedly (1) 83:1 reply (1) 32:18 report (1) 62:19 Reporter (2) 23:3;92:4 REPORTER'S (1) 92:1 Reporting (2) 1:.5;2:15.5 reports (2) 49:6,7 represent (1) 49:24 representation (1) 87:20 request (33) 4; 16;9; 17,18;11: 14; 12:6, 15; 13:19;34: 12,14;36: 12;38:20,21; 48:20,21;49:5;50:3,13,14;51: 1; 59: 12;63 :21,22;64:21 ,23;65: 1; 69;3,13,15;70: 1,12;74:4;78:24; 85;5 requested (10) 21:24;29: 13,15,22;30: I,ll; 38;9;45: 15;73: 12;76;8 requesting (8) 11:16;44:24;45:25;53; 14,14; 64:1,1,18 requests (1) 48:15 require (5) 20:2;27: 15;28:3;30: 13;53:25 required (12) 13:6; 15:6;29; 16;43: 15;44:6, 10; 49:3;64:25;65: 18;66: 16;68: 17; (lZ) proper - required Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 83:13 rise (1) scratch (1) settle (1) requirement (2) 91:11 60:3 47:1 67:21;70:21 risk (3) screen (2) settlement (42) requirements (3) 41:14,17;52:19 51:9;54:7 67:2;69:1;90:19 road (1) screens (3) requires (3) 36:9 51:8;52:1;54:4 23:15;47:9;82:25 role (2) scrutiny (1) requiring (4) 43:25;44:1 17:18 68:1,11,14;70:18 Rudder (1) seal (22) 38:18;39:2,13;40:6;41: 19;42:4; 43:20;48:22,24;52:25;53:1; 55:24;56:3,4;57:25;58:2,5,15; 61:13,20;62: 18;65:25;66: 1,3,19, 21;67:1,4,5,9, 12,18;68:6,15,22; 72:11;75:6,7,11,13;76:25;78:6 research (2) 56:15 13:3;15:20 Rule (1S) resolved(1) 38:19;39:4;14;40:7;56:4;66:4, 11,20;67:1,6,7,9,12,18;68:2,7, 11;70:19;72:13,14;75:12;85:25 40:15;42:20;43: 14,25;44:2,7; 56:19;61:19,21,23;68:16;70:17, sealed (3) 17,20;77:3 75:9;78:4,6 90:11 respect (19) 33:16;34:10;35:8;36:17;46:18; 47:8;50:8;57:10;58:23,24;59:2, 5;61:1;78:1;79:12;80:21 ;86:11; 88:15;90:9 settlements (4) 61:14;64:5;74:15;76:16 several (4) 3:6;66:24;69:17;71:1 shall (6) 16:8;30:4;42:22;56:24;64:15; 90:4 ruled (6) sealing (S) 3:8;30:20;71:17;84: 10;85:23; 86:21 76:2,4,5,21;78:8 Second (10) shared (1) rules (17) 1:.5;13:15;47:16;48:20;55:9; 65:24;67:4,22,22;70:24 3:10 34:3,4,16 respectfully (3) 19: 13;30:9;42: 19;48:8;56:17, 18,21 ;58:6,12;67:16,19;68:8,25; secrecy (1) 69:22;70:11,20;72:18 47:2 12:5;21:4;84:23 ruling (17) 43:12,13;89:25 respond (4) 4:7,24;5:3;31 :6,11;34:19;38:12; 14:2;15:10;16:5;19:22;20:9; 48:6;49:25;68:18;75:25;77: 11; 21:22;23:13;25:13;39:21 Security (2) 78:22;83:9;84:16,17;86:6 rulings (2) 59:15,21 seek (2) 49:17;59:2 67:25;71:9 run (3) 23:11;48:14;82:13 seeking (3) running (2) 30:23;46:8;71:5 seeks (2) 8:5;88:7 runs(1) 13:18;19:10 46:24 seem (1) Rutter (1) 3:11 seems (2) 47:11 5:24;74:21 respectful (1) 47:14 43:16;54:25;55:20;62: 12 responded (1) 6:17 Respondent (2) 1:.5;2:9.5 responds (1) 42:8 response (4) 42:9;49:11;62:4;69:15 responsibilities (2) 18:23;23:23 responsibility (1) 17:21 Section (9) S responsive (1) Shelby (3) short (3) shorthand (1) 92:6 show (11) 12:17;14:12,23;47:7;52:2; 53:15;57:1;63:6,17;81:2;82:23 showing (9) 6:7;16:12;44:9;51 :4;64:3; 76:13;83:23;84:5;86:2 shown (1) 76:6 shows (1) 52:4 side (S) 25:18;28:13;47:23;73:4;77:25 segregate (1) SIGNED (1) 74:19 50:14 92:16 significant (1) restrictive (2) safe (1) sense (2) 24:10,11 16:7 74:25;75:17 81:24 resulted (6) safety (2) sentence (4) silence (1) 38:24;50:6;51:6;64:4;74:13; 76:15 24:25;29:4 24:5,8,9;64:18 78:24 same (4) sentencing (1) Silverdale (2) resume (1) 30:6;40:6;76: 1;87:5 27:25 32:25;34:7 23:18 sample (1) separate (3) similar (7) revealing (1) 43:13 33:13;51:12,15 42:25 sanctions (2) separated (1) 38:22;41:20;49:7;50:4;63:23; 64:2,19 revenue (1) 64:6;76:16 12:10 simple (2) 22:4 satisfied (2) sequence (1) 65:8;85:8 reverse (2) 40:20;43:5 19:6 simply (S) 68:1;71:5 satisfy (2) serious (1) 12:2;13:6;65:9;82:13;83:23 review (2) 42:17;74:22 20:3 single (4) 6:10;80:17 saved (1) served (1) 17:9;18:17;46:4;49:25 reviewed (2) 46:5 5:9 sit (1) 23:7;86:9 saw (1) serves (1) 55:22 revoking (1) 56:17 19:3 sitting (1) 24:9 saying (6) Services (14) 47:13 right (17) 11:12;36:20;51 :20;55:9;60:20; 73:10 1:.5;15:4,5,6;17:6,19;19:10,19; 22:23;23:6,10;25:11;28:1,22 25:22;47:14;70: 14;71:14;81:5 scheme (1) serving (2) six (4) 27:14 14:10;35:13 46:6;50:2;55:1,9 12:25;22:10;30:3,4;37: 1,22; 38:2;39:17:46:15;47:6,20;56:7; 58:17;62:10,17;73:15;88:25 situation (S) rink (2) scope (2) set (4) size (1) 79:21;88:7 64:20;65:1 7:12;10:4;48:7;65:3 29:25 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (13) requirement - size Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 14:10 19:8,11,17,19;21: 10,11;22:2,8, 20;23:2,15,18;24:15,24;27:2,15; 28:2,11,21,23;31:8,10,21;32:7, 15,16,23;33:12,17;34:6,25,25; 35:8,9,I0,12,18,19,21,24;36: 13; 37:13,17;38:13;39:17,20,23; 45:3;49:4,5;58:8,9;66:12,20; 67:23;69:4,5,14,16;71:2,5,9,10, 17,21,25;72:4,13;77: 13;78:9; 83:18;91:4;92:19.5 somebody (5) 45:6;60:20;79:5;80:5;81 :5 skill (1) 92:5 smeared (1) 8i:15 Social (2) 59:15,21 Society (1) 8:4 21;66:2,22;67: 10;72:12;76:20, 21;80:13;81:8;83:15;87:7;88:4 T submit (12) 12:4,5;43:5;44:12;46:18;56:25; table (2) 60:4,9;79:9;80:8;82:15,19 47:23;73:5 submitted (5) talk (1) 9:6;43:6;50:25;63:19;69:13 46:22 submitting (1) talked (1) 70:12 81:16 subrogating (1) talking (15) stated (7) 74:16 substantial (1) somebody's (1) 13:I ;25:6;37:24;47:24;50:21; 77:10;86:12 90:9 8:3,4,6;9:10;26:13;29:1,2; 33:22;37:20;54:9;60:16;62:6; 72:10;81:10,11 59:20 statements (2) suggested (2) task (1) somehow (3) 15:17;87:2 44:12;68:20 65:8 68:25;70:11;81:8 states (10) suggesting (1) tax (1) sometime (1) 16:5;20:6;25: 13;31:9,11;32:1,2, 53:23 18;73:8;82:13 suggestion (1) State's (2) 63:9 Suite (2) 19:9;35:15 stating (2) 2:5.5,18 75:8;87:13 suits (2) statute (11) 39:4;41:20 17:14;22:8;25:18;30:18;32:4, summaries (8) 21,23;58:14;79:4;81: 17;87:19 38:22;50:4;51 :25;52:2;63:23; 64:2,19;76:12 statutes (1) summarizes (2) 23:16 statutory (2) 51:10,11 19:19;27:14 summary (2) stay (2) 22:25;77:6 23:23;51:2 supervise (1) step (2) 19:20 supplemental (3) 12:13;89:15 stepping (1) 6:9,18;10:5 supporting (1) 71:3 Steve (3) 87:10 40:22;43:7;44:15 supposed (2) still (7) 74:2;90:1 45:21,21,23,23;72:19,20;81:2 Supreme (8) stipulation (2) 18:4,8,18;20:12,19;61 :20;80:3; 85:11 37:3,8 sole (1) 87:1 sometimes (1) 88:24 somewhere (1) 47:25 \ sorry (1) 55:22 sort (2) 51:4;74:24 sorts (1) 44:14 sought(5) 14:1,16,24;85:7;87:7 speaking (1) 3:19 specific (9) 12:16;42:14;43:21;48:7;50: 17; 63:20,25;70:1,17 specifically (8) 72:7 taxpayers (2) 22:6;26:15 TCA (11) 14:2;15:9;19:12,22;20:9;21:22; 22:20;23:13;25:12;39:20;89:25 Telephone (2) 2:19;59:20 telling (1) 51:18 temporary (1) 26:10 ten (1) 10:23 TENNESSE (1) 1:.5 Tennessean (2) 86:25;88:17 Tennessee (93) 1:.5 77:22;85:8 sustained (1) 1:.5;2:6,13,18.5;7:9;10:25; 11:11,13,19,21;14:9,10,13; 15:20,24,25;16:2,5;17:15;18:4, 5;19:5,11;20:12,19;21 :22;22:5, 6,15;23:4;26:5,14,15;27:15; 28:12,21;29:5,11 ;30:16;31:8,I 0, 13,20,21;32:4,7,8,12,19,21 ;33:2, 12,15,17,17,18,22,25;34:6,25; 35:2,8,24;36:12;38:23;39:4; 40:15;42:19;45:3;49:4,5,17; 50:5;51:6;55:3;58:10,14;60:24; 61:19;62:1;64:4;66:17;74:8,11; 76:15;77:13;80:3;83:16,18;84:8; 85:11,12;92:19.5 stance (1) strategy (1) 36:23 Tennessee's (8) 44:5 41:11 SW (4) stand (1) strict (1) 16:18;17:15,24;20:18 32:16;39:16;40:14;66:23;67:2, 20;70:12,23 terminate (1) 38:7;41:16;48:11,13,23;50: 11, 20;72:2 spectrum (1) 46:3 split (1) 36:8 storage (1) sure (9) spreadsheet (5) 45:17 28:8;51:14;55:23;56:2,11; 57:18;63:11;77:4;78:21 38:21;51:4;60:2,15;77:3 . stored (4) spreadsheets (8) 45:11,16,17;74:24 survived (1) 50:4;51:25;53:15;59:6;63:23; 64:2,19;76:13 straight (1) 36:16 82:5 sustain (1) Square (1) straightforward (2) 9:8 40:4 82:22 SWAN (2) standard (6) strong (1) 92:3,18.5 23:20 40:19;43:4;44:4;82:21;87:3; 88:16 28:25 Swift (6) terminology (1) strongly (1) 58:4,11;62:1;68:18;70:2;73:1 86:13 standards (5) 27:25 sworn (1) terms (3) 23:12;24:24;25:1,9;42:16 stuff (8) 50:24 6:1;44:6,8 standing (1) synonymous (1) test (1) 46:3 35:3,8;36:9,13;61:7;80:11; 82:16;89:10 State (86) subject (24) testified (1) 4:23;7:8;10:24,24;11 :1,11,13, 19,21;14:8;15:19;16:4;17:19; 14:6,21,22;15:25;18:25;35:1; 39:11 ,15;49:15;55:6;56:13;61 :8, 83:3 system (4) 24:17,18;27:18;77:15 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 20:13 40:23 testimony (2) (14) skill- testimony Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonuyman July 29, 2008 50:24;63:12 treatment (1) 9:23;10:15 1:.5 theory (1) 16:8 up (11) way (9) 41:10 trial (1) thereby (1) 56:22 7:17;11:14;12:19,22;48:17; 77:22;78:16;84:25;88:23 68:12 tried (2) 7:12;9:9;21 :17;22:16;57:2; 59:19;66:7;74:23;83:20,21; 89:11 therefore (2) 9:12;80:23 uphold (1) 8:2;9:12 29:9;42:6 tries (1) 70:11 wealth (1) thereof (1) 47:1 upon (8) 53:9 30:5 true (5) weapons (2) ways (2) third (2) 56:12,13;70:10;85:13;92:8 3:8;6:13;15:12,24;25:12,24; 27:2;90:3 35:25;49:4 trump (4) use (6) weeks (1) though (3) 67:1;69:1;70:21;71:21 32:11;63:8;86:19 trumps (1) 13:7;24:21,23;30: 16;41:16; 69:24 WELBORN (21) thought (7) 68:17 41:11;42:25;53:6;55: 16;82:6; 86:17;88:10 try (2) thoughtful (2) trying (9) 79:16;88:21 thoughts (1) 11:24;43:24;47:13;51:21,24; 52:6;54:4;57:12;85:4 77:20 tunc (1) 72:2 7:17,24;21:5,8;37: 19;58:25; 75:22 \ threshold (6) 2:10.5;3:20,25;5:18;10:1,2,3; 25:14,16;41:13,13;43:11;44:19; 30:25;31:1,19;32:8;33:25;34:3; 50:23 37:2,5,15,23;56: 18;82:18;86:11; using (2) 91:1 51:16;69:11 Welborn's (3) utilized (1) 36:17;87:12;88:15 4:6 well-established (1) . 72:3 turn (1) 26:8;28:13,21,25;29:6;47:5 3:6 used (7) 13:12;16:1 three (7) 24:22,23 V 31:3 Wells (2) 47:11;56:15 turned (1) vacated (1) 71:20 80:17 vague (1) weren't (2) well-written (1) 36:1 11:8 two (11) 12:10;16:23;32:24;38:7,14; 58:23;61:17;67:11;72:10;75:4; 78:2 87:8,23 31:20;32:8;33:22,25 timely (1) type (7) varying (1) what's (2) 90:6 24:6;36:23;44:9;63: 14;66:1; 67:4;72:11 87:1 50:22;66:6 verdict (8) whatsoever (2) 48:21,24;52:24,25;57:20,22; 75:5;78:5 Whereupon (1) throughout (1) 46:5 tier (1) TIPPS (1) 2:12 types (3) tilled (1) 47:3;54:8;64:13 59:1 68:24 80:24,25 validity (2) West (4) 36:24,24 verdicts (1) U today (11) 8:17;38:12;40:21 ;46:4;49:24; 55:5;63:5;64:22;72:19;73:7; 86:5 39:5;51:22;70:3;83:22;85: 18 together (2) 91:12 78:3 wherever (1) versus (14) 28:6 Whiteville (2) unauthenticated (1) 10:13;16:18;17:5,11,14;20:5, 18;21:16;61:19;68:18;70:2; 71:13;84:15;86:25 70:21;77:6 10:20 viewing (1) 54:21;65:10,16,21;68:25 told (1) uncertain (3) 27:2 willful (9) ultimately (5) 32:10;34:16 whole (5) 73:23 85:14,16,19 void (5) tomorrow (1) under (46) 67:25;71:6,19;72:1,5 15:12;79:6,24;81 :10;82:16; 83:2;86:14;87:4;89:3 90:21 VOWELL (2) willfully (5) 70:14 16:1,10;18:22;20:1;24:10; 29:19;38:19;39:4,14;40:7;43: 14; 44:8;56:4,14,19,21 ;57:24;59:7; 61:25;66:4,11,16,20,23,25;67:6, 7,9,12,14,18;68:2,7,11;70:19,22; 72:13,14;73:13;74:9;75:25; 81:10,17;85:25;89:24;90: 16 tracking (5) understandable (1) wait (1) 32:13,15;35:16;36:20 38:15;40:11;43:22;51: 16;63:24 30:19 43:18 wise (1) tracks (1) unintentionally (2) waived (2) 85:22 30:18 9:2;18:21 61:1;63:17 Wisely (1) Training (2) unique (1) waiver (2) 36:4 34:4,4 88:1 63:14;78:24 wit (1) transaction (2) uniquely (2) WALKER (1) 3:4 18:10;20:16 7:6;82:3 2:12 withholds (1) TRANSCRIPT (5) unless (7) wants (9) 56:20 1:.5;79:17;92:7,8,9 19:24;30:1;39:18,22;43:20; 75:8;90:6 7:23;46:17,20,22;47:2;48:9; 72:15;74:16;77:25 within (8) unquestionably (2) Washington (1) tort (1) 22:7 totality (1) 18:16 totally (1) transcripts (1) 80:22 79:5;82:23,24;83:24;86:16 1:.5;2:17 willing (1) W 81:20 Wilson (1) wages (1) 71:13 24:7 Wisconsin (4) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 24:17;30:24;35:20;38:8;50: 13; 64:23;65:1;69:8 (15) theory - withiu Davidson Connty Chancery Court- Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America without (5) 10·7·5050 (2) 26.05 (4) 1:.5 6:20;7:9;8:7;42:25;77:22 20:10,10 47:9;56:19;47:9;56: 19 615.256.1935 (1) witnesses (1) 10·7·505G (2) 26C (10) 2:19 5:20 79:5,5 615.313.6000 (1) wonderful (1) 11th (2) 67:17,20;68:9,17;70: 18;67:17, 20;68:9,17;70:18 47:8 62:5,5 29 (4) word (4) 12 (2) 62:5,5 2nd (3) work (36) 12131/03 (2) 2:17.5;20:18,18 14:16;24:6,7;38:16;39:10;40:1, 13,14;41 :22;42:11,11,12,17,21; 44:4,9;45:5;49:2;50: 15,18; 52:13;54:22;56:12;61:9;63:7,15, 17;64:10;65:5,7,12,17,21;69: 19, 21;70:7 62:19,19 7 1:.5;3:3;91: 13,13 12:9;62:15;72:24;86:12 2:13.5 3 150 (1) 79 (2) 17:24,24 8 2:12.5 159 (2) 3 (2) 17:15,15 77:16,16 80 (1) 15th (1) 3:30 (2) 2:5.5 writ (1) 10:18 91:13,13 821 (2) 69:9 1986 (4) 31 (4) 20:18,18 written (2) 19:7,17,7,17 61:19,21,19,21 87 (2) 9:6;86:13 1991 (2) 32 (1) 17:24,24 wrong (6) 20:19,19 16:5 46:19;57:5;71 :24;84:3;89:2,3 1st (2) 37201 (2) wrote (1) 64:7,7 1:.5;2:18.5 80:16 9 2 y 37219 (1) 901·524·0200 (1) 2:13 2:6.5 38103 (1) \ ..... 921 (2) 2000 (2) 2:6 20:18,18 y'all (1) 77:16,16 3rd (5) 9th (1) 90:25 2002 (33) 17:15,24;16: 18;17:15,24 32:12;36:21;38:25;39:5;45:20; 4 46:7;13:21;49:8,19;50:7;55:4; 64:7;75:19,21;76: 17;77:8;80:3; 32:12;36:21;38:25;39:5;45:20; 41·24·101 (6) 46:7;49:8,19;50:7;55:4;64:7; 19:6;23:13;27:14;19:6;23:13; 75:19,21;76: 17;77:8;80:3 27:14 5:6 2003 (2) 41·24·110 (2) 71:12,12 22:20,20 9:13;36:8;45:5;48:7;52: 16; 59:23;62:24;87:22;36:8;45:5; 48:7;52:16;59:23 ;62:24;87:22 years (3) 46:6,6;50:2 $ $500 (16) 39:1,6;45:4;46:2;57: 11;74:14, 20;75:3;39:1,6;45:4;46:2;57: 11; 74:14,20;75:3 0 A ability (4) 80:5,5;92:6,10 able (15) 2004 (2) 41·24·113 (2) 17:16,16 24:14,14 above-styled (1) 2005 (2) 41·24·115 (4) 3:1 80:4,4 19:12,22,12,22 absolutely (4) 2007 (5) 01·1105·1 (1) 42·3·115 (2) 60:10;61:15;60: 10;61:15 1:.5 21:24;13:22;77:16;21 :24;77:16 25:13,13 accepted (2) 0864 (4) 2008 (5) 44·page (2) 40:21,21 1:.5;3:3;91 :13,13;92:16 89:5,5 access (8) 25:5;30:17;25:5;30:17 207 (2) 1 5 1:.5;2:18 213 (1) 17:4;18:6;20:8;28:20;17:4; 18:6;20:8;28:20 according (6) 1 (10) 16:18 500 (2) 75:19,21 ;76:17;77:8,16;75:19, 21;76:17;77:8,16 214 (2) 45:7,7 36:19;47:10;74:22;36: 19;47:10; 74:22 1:.5;2:17.5 505 (1) accurate (1) 1/1 (2) 24 (2) 16:3 92:8 accurately (1) 62:19,19 21:24,24 505E (2) 1:00(1) 244 (1) 90:3,3 15:19 3:3 16:18 565 (2) aclarke@borodandkramercom (1) 10·7·501 (1) 256·1935 (1) 17:15,15 2:7 13:19 1:.5 577 (2) acquired (2) 62:2,2 10·7·503 (6) 26 (6) 21:23;39:21;14:2;16:3;21:23; 39:21 43:25;44:2;77:3;43:25;44:2; 77:3 10·7·504 (2) 26.023 (2) 59:17,17 40:16,16 10·7·505 (3) 26.025 (4) 62:25,25 15:10;89:25,25 42:20;43:14;42:20;43: 14 25:14,14 615 (1) act (121) 6 6 (2) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256·1935 17:2;18:5,22;19:1 ,7,17;20:2,6,6, 10;21:20;22:23;23: 1;7:11;25:8; 28:4,5,10,18;8: 1,9;29:12,19; 9:19;35:2,7,7;37:12;38:i.n, 39:16;13:15,19;14:7,22,22;55:7, (16) wlthour- act Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America 15;56:14;57:24;58:7,11;59:7; 16:2,11;62:1;17:2;66:17,23; 67:3,14,21;68:17;18:5,22;69:2, 13;70:13,23;19: 1,7,17;73:13; 20:2,6,6,10;21:20;81:9,10;83:8, 16;22:23;86:14;88:4,II ;23:I; 89:18;90:19;25:8;28:4,5; 10,18; 29:12,19;35:2,7,7;37: 12;38:I, 11;39:16;55:7,15;56: 14;57:24; 58:7,11;59:7;62:1;66: 17,23; 67:3,14,21;68:17;69:2,13;70:13, 23;73:13;81:9,10;83:8,16;86:14; 88:4,11;89:18;90:19 acted (2) 83:24,24 acting (1) 8:13 action (7) 45: I ;60:12;16:I 0;45: I ;60:12; 92:14,15 Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorahle Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 announced (2) 5:13 25:6,12,15,20,21,22;26:22; 79:19;25:6,12,15,20,21,22; 26:22;79:19 afternoon (4) akin (2) 4:1 89:23;90:20;89:23;90:20 27:11,11 annuity (2) afterwards (2) ALEX (1) 22:7,7 73:17,17 again (25) 6:21;32:15;33:24;36:15;40:8; 49: 19,21 ;54:13,15;61:1;72:9; 76:3;84:18;32:15;33:24;36:15; 40:8;49:19,21;54:13,15;61:I; 72:9;76:3;84:18 against (24) 41:1,4;45:2;51:5;53:17;64:4; 74:10;76:14;77:8;84:17;86:22; 89:1;41:1,4;45:2;51:5;53:17; 64:4;74:10;76:14;77:8;84:17; 86:22;89:1 1:.5 anticipation (16) 43:6,8;44:15;50:25;65:4 affidavits (1) 88:3,3 annual (1) 40:17;41:1;52:14,18;54:19; 57:4;60:21;65:15;40:17;41:1; 17:11;20:5;21:16;9:25;10:13; 52:14,18;54:19;57:4;60:21; 12:22;13:4;16:18;17:11;20:5; 21:16;84:15;88:6,6;84: 15;88:6,6 65:15 Allen (17) allow (18) apart (2) 8:10;32:21 ;9:24;35:4,5,14,15; 33:13,13 61:3;87:20;88:14;32:21;35:4,5, apparently (2) 14,15;61 :3;87:20;88:14 51:3,3 allowed (5) appeal (10) 8:7;35:22;73:13;35:22;73:13 allowing (4) 90:7,15,16;91 :4,4;90:7,15,16; 91:4,4 19:8,8;87: 19,19 Appeals (10) age (2) allows (2) actions (2) 29:25,25 34:12,12 17:15;13:13,15;17:15;71:1,7; 83:21;71:1,7;83:21 24:12,12 agencies (8) almost (4) appear (4) activities (4) 45:14,17,14,17 39:12;83:12;39:12;83:12 along (3) APPEARANCES (1) 61:19,19 26:19;I0:24;49:12;55:3;16:14i 26:19;49:12;55:3 agency (64) 17:24;18:11,14,20;19:4,24; 20:17,24;25:7,24;26:3,21;27:3,4, 7,9,12;8: 13,15;29:9,11 ,21;30:21; 31:13;33:15;37:14;38:13;II: I; 12:13;13:24;14:5,14;16:17; 17:24;18:11,14,20;19:4,24; 73:10;20:17,24;83:18;84:9;25:7, 24;26:3,21;27:3,4,7,9,12;29:9, 11,21 ;30:21;31:13;33:15;37:14; 38:13;73:10;83:18;84:9 add (1) 27:10;37:18;27:10;37: 18 actual (7) 9:19;47:21 ;51: I 0;61:22;47:21; 51:10;61:22 actuality (2) 87:4,4 actually (11) 18:2;6:4;23:15;36:11;61:24; 18:2;82:6;23: 15;36:II ;61:24; 82:6 Adams (2) 4:14;44:13,13 2:1 alternate (1) appears (4) 9:17 27:19;74:12;27:19;74:12 alternative (1) . appellate (4) 4:16 85:18;90:11;85:18;90:11 although (2) applicability (2) 82:10,10 43:2,2 always (2) application (4) 28:11,11 25:3;83:8;25:3;83:8 amended (6) applied (6) agency's (1) 44:25;45:7;47:17;44:25;45:7; 47:17 applies (4) 25:9,19;87:5;25:9,19;87:5 6:12 6:8 AMERICA (1) 57:4;58:10;57:4;58: 10 addition (1) ago (2) 1:.5 apply (6) 7:23 3:7;11:3 American (1) additional (1) agree (5) 13:21 13:18;15:16;69:22;82:22;69:22; 82:22 7:14 13:5;61:5;63:4;61:5;63:4 Among (1) applying (2) address (20) agreed (2) 16:19 26:1,1 30:22;31:2,4;9:20;37:25;II :2; 12:19;15:15 43:23;48:23;52:8;56:6;59:20; agreement (34) 30:22;31:2,4;37:25;43:23;48:23; 38:18;43:20;56:4;57:25;58:2,5, 16;66:2;68:6,15,22;75:7,9,11,13; 52:8;56:6;59:20 76:21,25;38:18;43:20;56:4; addressed (5) 57:25;58:2,5,16;66:2;68:6,15, 13:12;65:25;91 :2;65:25;91:2 22;75:7,9,11,13;76:21,25 addressing (6) 48:12,13;50:8;48:12,13;50:8 agreements (40) 39:2,3,14;40:7;48:22,24;55:24; adjourned (4) 58:19;66:I,3,19,22;67:1,5,5,9, 91:8,13,8,13 12,18;72:II ;75:6;39:2,3,14; admit (1) 40:7;48:22,24;55:24;58: 19;66:1, 9:15 3,19,22;67:1,5,5,9,12,18;72: 11; admitting (1) 5:23 75:6 amount (10) appreciate (5) 41:19;52:24;53: I ;64:13;75:1; 41:19;52:24;53: 1;64:13;75:I 9:10;79:15;82:17;79:15;82:17 amounts (2) 81:3,3 42:4,4 approved (2) admonished (2) agrees (2) 6:24;25:11,11 argue (7) 85:11,11 75:23,23 andlor (3) advisement (4) ahead (1) 14:17;64:6,6 89:24;90:17;89:24;90:17 5:3 ANDREW (1) affidavit (18) airplane (2) 2:4.5 3:16,21;4:8,13,19;5:23 ;40:23; 43:6,8;44:15;50:25;65:4;40:23; 29:1,1 Annotated (3) Airport (16) 19:5;16:3;19:5 8:17;42:13;80:23;86:15;42:13; 80:23;86:15 argued (12) 6:15;11:23;57:14,15;67:8; 69:17,20;57:14,15;67:8;69: 17, 20 appropriated (2) analysis (19) 23:1,1 17:25;21:2;25:2;41:9,10;13: 16; approving (4) 17:25;68:20;77:20;79: 16;21 :2; 24:5,6,5,6 87:6;25:2;41:9,I0;68:20;77:20; April (4) 21:24;77:16;21:24;77:16 79:16;87:6 analyze (8) arbitration (6) 21:13,15;7:18;9:13;41:14; 21:13,15;41:14 61:21;71:16,19;61 :21;71:16,19 analyzing (3) 8:5;79:20,20 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 arena (3) (17) acted - argued Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 arguing (4) 8:24;78:15,15 20:25;42:9;20:25;42:9 63:13;64:24;63: 13;64:24 Attorney (79) away (1) 6:22 10:9 biggest (2) 23:3;25:5,6,8,19;27: 1;30:17; 36:2,17;10:4;55:23;58:3;61: 12; 38:16;39:10;40:18;41 :9,11,13, 68:13;73:20;81:7;87:12,24;89:1; 22;42:5,12;49:2;50: 15;52:13; 36:2,17;55:23;58:3;61:12;68:13; 14:16;53:5;54: 17,22;56: 12;63:7; 73:20;81:7;87:12,24;89:1 64:6;65:5,7,12,13,13,16;69:4,5, arguments (13) 14,16,18,21;70:6;23 :3;25:5,6,8, 9;4;69:17;79:11;84:20,21,22; 19;27:1;30:17;38:16;39:10; 85:1;69:17;79:11;84:20,21,22; 40:18;41:9,11,13,22;42:5,12; 85:1 49:2;50:15;52:13;53:5;54: 17,22; arising (1) 56:12;63:7;64:6;65:5,7,12,13, 13, 16;69:4,5,14,16,18,21 ;70:6; 16:1 arose (2) 92:12,13 26:23,23 attorney/client (23) around (2) 39:11;41:6,23;42:7,13,18; 88:24,24 14:18;56:13;57:21 ;61:7;63:15, Article (1) 18;39:11;41:6,23;42:7,13,i8; 56:13;57:21;61 :7;63:15,18 16:5 argument (23) 61:11,11 B binding (2) 72:20,20 bit (1) back (47) 33:3;36:2;10:6;42:1;45:20;46:7, 16;47:22;48:23;50:1;53:21; 54:13;55:18;63:20;64: 17;65:23; 78:15;79:18;82:1,2,12;86:3; 87:25;88:23;33:3;36:2;42:1; 45:20;46:7,16;47:22;48:23;50:1; 53:21;54:13;55:18;63:20;64: 17; 65:23;78:15;79:18;82:1,2,12; 86:3;87:25;88:23 22:11,12,12,14,15,11,12,12,14, 15 Bonnyman (2) 1:.5;3:2 BOROD (1) 2:5 borrow (2) balance (3) 6:9,23;22:18;27:22;83: 19; 22:18;88:20;27:22;83: 19;88:20 80:18,18 articulation (2) 41:16;42:2;52: 16;41:16;42:2; 52:16 13:6;87:14,14 88:15,15 attorney's (33) balanced (4) aside (2) 17:8;29:7;17:8;29:7 assert (4) 15:11;74:15;76:17;78:23;79:1, 8;82:21;84:13,14,15;87:15,19, 22;89:16,20,22;90:17;74:15; 76:17;78:23;79: 1,8;82:21;84: 13, 14,15;87:15,19,22;89: 16,20,22; 90:17 50:9;63:5;50:9;63:5 audits (4) 34:21;61:2;70:5;34:21 ;61:2; 70:5 57:23,23 board (10) bad (18) attorneys (6) aspect (6) 6:25 black (2) 81:23;82:25;83:3,5,5,25;84:4; 86:2,12;81:23;82:25;83:3,5,5, 25;84:4;86:2,12 articles (2) 70:24,24 big (1) \ 56:18,18 both (10) brief (18) 27:13,13 40:2,9,12,21;58:3,22;66:24; 67:24;81:15;40:2,9,12,21;58:3, 22;66:24;67:24;81 :15 balancing (4) briefed (1) 17:10;25:4;17: 10;25:4 7:4 balances (2) based (16) briefing (10) 39:8;42:9,10;44:11,14;39:8; 42:9,10;44:11,14 asserting (6) 49:6;58:25;49:6;58:25 42:21;44:7,8;42:21;44:7,8 authorities (2) 7:3;25:24;26:4;9:4,5;15:11; 60:6;61:20;67:23;80:13;25:24; 26:4;60:6;61:20;67:23;80:13 assertion (6) 23:22,22 basic (2) 6:20;31:2,2 42:10,17;50:18;42:10,17;50:18 Authority (18) 79:13,13 briefs (13) assess (8) 25:7,12,15,21,21,23;26:22; 68:10;79:19;25:7,12,15,21,21, 23;26:22;68:10;79:19 basically (4) 41:14,17;43:2;52:19;41: 14,17; 43:2;52:19 6:10,17;7:13;9:5;10:4,5,5;13:2; 15:18;73:22;80:17;73:22;80:17 basis (12) bring (6) assessing (2) authorization (4) 71:25,25 32:19,20,19,20 48:1;78:15;86:18;48:1;78:15; 86:18 assessment (2) authorized (4) 26:10;61:15;78:7;80:12;84:25; 85:25;26:10;61:15;78:7;80: 12; 84:25;85:25 53:6,6 22:21 ;24:21;22:21;24:21 becomes (2) 68:24,24 assigned (4) authorizes (2) 17:22,22 broader (2) 60:17,17 79:4;86:23;79:4;86:23 briefly (3) broad (2) 26:9,11,9,11 19:13,13 begin (8) assistant (8) automatically (1) 69:4,5,16;70:5;69:4,5,16;70:5 12:10 38:6;63:4;66:18;68:4;38:6; 63:4;66:18;68:4 Associate (1) available (26) Beginning (4) 20:7;52:12;68:9;20:7;89:18; 52:12;68:9;89:18 1:.5 29:17,24;49:11,20;74:7,21; 75:12,16;77:1,5,17;90:5,14; 29:17,24;49:11,20;74:7,21; 75:12,16;77:1,5,17;90:5,14 40:10;48:18;40:10;48:18 Building (3) 17:21;31:11;17:21;91: 1;31:11; 91:1 Avenue (6) 60:5,5 1:.5;2:5.5,12.5,17.5;69:23,23 benchmark (2) assuming (5) avoid (10) 47:5,5 3:23;51:7,8,7,8 assumption (2) 18:21 ;29:18;67:24;18:21;71:10; best (4) 72:15;29:18;67:24;71: 10;72:15 37:14,14;92:5,9 33:19,19 award (8) bestowed (1) assured (2) 71:16;79:8;84: 13,15;71:16; 79:8;84:13,15 15:24 Bureau (6) beyond (13) 31:23,23;33:8;31 :23,23;33:8 business (14) associations (2) 24:25,25 assume (6) 76:6,6 broadly (8) behalf (3) 1:.5;23:2,2 17:19;10:3;17:19 burden (31) belief (2) 6:6;9:9,22;36:16,23;10:16,21; 12:3,4,16;47:7;13:8;14:23;15:2; 60:5;16:12,14;62:14;63:4,5,17; 79:2;36:16,23;47:7;60:5;62:14; 63:4,5,17;79:2 burdens (3) 3:9;36:22,22 attached (2) awarded (2) 40:20,20 84:12,12 attachment (2) awarding (4) 17:13;10:21;44: 16;53:3,11,13; 58:3;17:13;44:16;53:3,11,13; 58:3 60:23,23 24:5;27:24;24:5;27:24 bid (4) 17:16,18;18:10;20:16;7:2; 29:18;10:23;17:16,18;18:10; 20:16;83:14;29:18;83:14 attention (3) aware (4) 60:9,23,9,23 businesses (2) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (18) arguing - businesses Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America 17:17,17 C calculating (6) 24:2,4;27:23;24:2,4;27:23 called (1) 5:21 CALLEN (43) 2:11.5;31:3;37:24;38:5;43:19; 44:1;45:9,13;48:3,18;51:11; 52:8;53:20;54:6,11;55:2,11,14, 21;57:15;62:16;63:3;31:3; 37:24;38:5;43:19;44:1;45:9,13; 48:3,18;51:11;52:8;53:20;54:6, 11;55:2,11,14,21;57: 15;62:16; 63:3 came (8) 3:1;9:9;63:11;79: 18;82:12; 63:11;79:18;82:12 Campbell (14) 17:14;58:4,11;62:2;17:14; 68:19;70:2;73:2;58:4,11;62:2; 68:19;70:2;73:2 can (67) 5:2,14;6:2;21:13;7:22;27:20; 8:19;31 :3;37:9,14;38:6;47:18; 13:15;51:8,9,14;52:1,19;14:23; 54:12;57:7;58:1,4;60:3;61 :3; 72:25;73:15;74:1;75:16;76:5,12, 23;77:21;78:17;21:13;82:4;86:6, 7;27:20;31:3;37:9,14;38:6; 47:18;51:8,9,14;52:1,19;54:12; 57:7;58:1,4;60:3;61:3;72:25; 73:15;74:1;75:16;76:5,12,23; 77:21;78:17;82:4;86:6,7 candor (1) 9:10 care (4) 35:12;46:24;35: 12;46:24 careful (4) 79:15;83:10;79:15;83:10 carefully (1) 13:3 carry (2) 13:9;14:23 carrying (1) 13:9 case (84) 3:12;17:1,7;18:17;25:5,21; 26:21;27:1;29:1;32:18;10:14,15; 12:11;46:1;13:2;53:1,7,7;15:16; 58:21;61:6,25;64:12;17:1,7; 67:23;68:21,23;18:17;69:2,12; 75:10;78:5;79:9,13;80: 13,18; 83:11;85:2,3,9,10;87:13,25;88:2, 16,17;89:6;25:5,21 ;26:21;27:1; 29:1;32:18;46:1;53:1,7,7;58:21; 61:6,25;64:12;67:23;68:21 ,23; 69:2,12;75:10;78:5;79:9,13; 80:13,18;83:11;85:2,3,9,10; 87:13,25;88:2,16,17;89:6 cases (55) Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 3:10;30:2;40:3,9;41:9;46:3,15; 26:9;51 :20;89:17;26:9;51 :20; 47:1;13:4,14;51:10,12;52:2,22, 89:17 23;53:16;64:14;66:24;71:1,7; CERTIFICATE (1) 73:24;74:20;75:3;80: 16,19; 92:1 87:17,21;89:4,21;30:2;40:3,9; certified (2) 41:9;46:3,15;47:1;51:10,12; 90:8,8 52:2,22,23;53:16;64:14;66:24; certifies (2) 71:1,7;73:24;74:20;75:3;80:16, 90:7,7 certify (4) 19;87:17,21;89:4,21 23:17,17;92:4,11 categories (6) CHANCERY (1) 38:7,14;72:10;38:7,14;72: 10 1:.5 category (2) changing (2) 65:24,24 24:11,11 cause (2) characterization (4) 57:1,1 27:9,20,9,20 CCA (232) 3:19;17:1;19:21,23;20:23;6:7, charge (2) 23;21:19,25;22: 1,17;23:1,8; 30:13,13 24:20;7:1;26:2,7,8,11;27:6,8,17; Chattanooga (2) 28:1,2,17,17,23;8: 10,18;29:8,1 0, 34:8,8 16,16,23;30:8,20; 10:3,10,22; Cherokee (25) 37:12;38: 10,23;39:5;40:25;41 :4, 17:5,24;21: 16;7:17;25:10; 7;42:2,14,16;43:5,8,12;44:6,10, 26:23,25;27:1,3;8:24;9:25; 12,15,21;12:11,13,14,17;46: 1, 10:12;13:4;17:5,24;21: 16;84:14; 25;49:8,13,16,19;50:5,19;51 :5; 88:5;25:10;26:23,25;27:1,3; 52:16,19; 14:4,6,7,12,21,22;53:9, 84:14;88:5 child (2) 17;55:3,4;15:4,12;60:7;16:12, 14,20;64:4,8,24; 17:1;66:2,6,10, 21:11,11 13,14,19;67:5;68:5,14,14;70: 18, Children (4) 22;72:12,15,20;19:21,23;73 :9; 17:5;25:11;17:5;25: 11 choose (8) 74:6,8,10,16,23;75:11,19,23; 76:14;20:23;77:8,10,12;79:1,1 0; 66:8,15;72:16;74:19;66:8,15; 80:5;21:19,25;81: 12;82:23;83:8, 72:16;74:19 chose (1) 24;84:6;22:1,17;23:1,8;89:4; 24:20;26:2,7,8,11 ;27:6,8,17; 10:17 28:1,2,17,17,23;29:8,10,16,16, circle (6) 23;30:8,20;37: 12;38: 10,23;39:5; 53:21;54:13;63:20;53:21;54:13; 40:25;41:4,7;42:2,14,16;43:5,8, 63:20 12;44:6,10,12,15,21 ;46:1,25; Circuit (8) 71:12,14,20;72:2;71:12,14,20; 49:8,13,16,19;50:5,19;51 :5; 52:16,19;53:9,17;55:3,4;60:7; 72:2 64:4,8,24;66:2,6,10,13,14,19; circumstance (2) 67:5;68:5,14,14;70: 18,22;72: 12, 18:16,16 15,20;73:9;74:6,8,10,16,23; citation (2) 75:11,19,23;76: 14;77:8,10,12; 73:1,1 79:1,10;80:5;81:12;82:23;83:8, cite (10) 56:15;58:20;59: 16;73:1;88:17; 24;84:6;89:4 56:15;58:20;59: 16;73:1;88:17 CCA's (34) 5:5;6:17;30:8;38: 14;40:10,22, cited (24) 23;41:13,15,17;42:5;45: 18,21; 32:17;40:3,9;58:3;62:4;66:24; 54:17;56:2;65: 12,13;80:9;30:8; 67:24;70:25;71:8,11;89:5,6; 38:14;40:10,22,23;41:13,15,17; 32:17;40:3,9;58:3;62:4;66:24; 42:5;45:18,21 ;54:17;56:2;65: 12, 67:24;70:25;71 :8,11;89:5,6 citizen (4) 13;80:9 21:21;27:5;21 :21;27:5 Center (6) citizens (8) 34:4,4;79:21 ;34:4,4;79:21 22:15;29:5,20;39:17;22: 15; certain (23) 29:5,20;39:17 21:13;23:16,20;24:15;9:24; 47:5;53:25;63:6;65:9,18;80:19; City (4) 20:18;59:13;20:18;59: 13 21:13;86:21;23: 16,20;24:15; 47:5;53:25;63:6;65:9,18;80:19; Civil (20) 40:16;42:19;58:6;61 :23;67:17, 86:21 19;68:8,25;69:23 ;70:17;40:16; certainly (6) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 42:19;58:6;61 :23;67:17,19;68:8, 25;69:23;70:17 claim (16) 45:1;47:12;48:21,25;50: 10; 64:12;68:24;75:5;45: 1;47:12; 48:21,25;50:10;64:12;68:24; 75:5 claimant (2) 57:20,20 claiming (2) 56:21,21 claims (11) 53:16;16:1;64:6,13,14;76:16; 53:16;64:6,13,14;76:16 clarification (4) 31:6;33:14;31:6;33:14 CLARKE (48) 2:4.5;3:15;4:5;5:7,16;6:14;34:9; 11:5;43:16;12:21;46:16;47:20; 55:25;56:9;62:11;63:1,8;65:24; 67:8;68:20;72:25;78:1,12,20; 79:3;86:10;90:22;91:9;34:9; 43:16;46:16;47:20;55:25;56:9; \ 62:11;63:1,8;65:24;67:8;68:20; 72:25;78:1,12,20;79:3 ;86:10; 90:22;91:9 Clarke's (2) 50:9,9 Claudia (2) 1:.5;3:2 clear(14) 19:25;20:5;66:5;71 :8;72:10; 19:25;74:1;20:5;77:25;66:5; 71:8;72:10;74:1;77:25 clearly (14) 34:11;40:13;43:5;59:25;60:25; 64:23;73:7;34:11;40:13;43:5; 59:25;60:25;64:23;73:7 CLERK (2) 91:11,11 client (16) 41:8;46:17,20,22;60:7,22;69:7; 81:23;41 :8;46:17,20,22;60:7,22; 69:7;81:23 Cliff (2) 17:14,14 close (8) 39:20;43:3;64:16;72:7;39:20; 43:3;64:16;72:7 closed (2) 61:24,24 closely (2) 89:21,21 coconut (2) 57:10,10 Code (5) 19:5,16;16:2;19:5,16 collateral (2) 72:7,7 collective (1) 5:11 column (2) 52:4,4 (19) calculating - column Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29,2008 combine (2) 4:13 44:18;50:22;51:17 copied (2) 67:19,19 conduct (14) contains (22) 76:12,12 combined (4) coming (2) 41:3,4,6,9,25;42:3;53:22;59:9, 19:21,21;81: 19;83:1,6;84:5; 86:2,19;81:19;83:1,6;84:5;86:2, 22;60:10;65:6;41:3,4,6,9,25; 42:3;53:22;59:9,22;60:10;65:6 19 85:17,17 confer (2) contend (14) Commission (2) 27:16,16 23:2,2 confidential (49) Commissioner (4) 30:1,24;38:18;42:4;14:19; 54:15;58:1,2,5;59:9,23;60:3,10, 14;61:13,13,19,25;64: 10;65:10, 20;68:3,16;70:19;75:7;30: 1,24; 38:18;42:4;54: 15;58:1,2,5;59:9, 23;60:3,10,14;61: 13,13,19,25; 64:10;65:10,20;68:3,16;70: 19; 75:7 49:14;50: 15;54:20;56: 11;60:1; 65:2;66:21;49: 14;50: 15;54:20; 56:11;60: 1;65:2;66:21 68:16;70:21;68:16;70:21 23:4,24,4,24 committee (2) 23:7,7 communicated (2) 42:5,5 communication (6) 41:8;54:15;65:6;41 :8;54:15; 65:6 confidentiality (6) copies (16) 29:21;30:5,10,12,14;57: 12; 75:14,17;29:21 ;30:5,10,12,14; 57:12;75:14,17 copy (13) contending (2) 4:4;30:13;46:12;48:9;57: 18,19; 73:3;30:13;46: 12;48:9;57: 18,19; 73:3 55:5,5 - copying (2) contends (11) 48:8,8 38:10;14:4,7,14;64:9;66:2; 72:12;38: 10;64:9;66:2;72: 12 copy-of (1) contention (2) core (2) 5:8 52:9,9 79:22,22 contentions (1) cornerstone (2) communications (10) 17:25,25 38:17;41 :7;42:1,1,23;38: 17; 41:7;42:1,1,23 CORPORATION (12) 68:-12;76:20;86:22;68: 12;76:20; 14:3 context (2) 86:22 confined (2) 69:8,8 _companies (2) continuation (1) 36:12,12 confirming (2) 82:14,14 3:6 continue (2) Company (8) 71:16,16 confuse (2) 83:6,6 17:5;25:10;41 :2;17:5;88:3; contract (39) 48:11,11 25:10;41:2;88:3 compare (2) connected (1) 19:9,10,18;21:3,14;22:21; 26:17,17 23:19;31 :22;32:14,17;9: 1;33:5, 92:14 competent (2) Connecticut (2) 7;35:5,11,22,23;36: 19;60:23; 19:9,10,18;77: 12;21 :3,14;22:21; 87:20,20 18:8,8 complaint (6) 23:19;31 :22;32:14,17;33:5,7; connection (4) - 35:5,11,22,23;36: 19;60:23; 44:25,25;46:13;44:25,25;46: 13 18:9;20:15;18:9;20: 15 77:12 complaints (34) conscious (4) contracted (2) 45:7,8,22,25;46:5;47:4,17,17; 84:2;90:1;84:2;90:1 consequently (1) 23:25,25 48:4,10,12,19;57:11,12;74:10, Contracting (10) 11,20;45:7,8,22,25;46:5;47:4,17, 14:6 19:7,15,16;22:25;7: 11 ;8:9;19:7, consider (6) 17;48:4,10,12,19;57:11,12; 15,16;22:25 7:22,23;81:2;82:3;81:2;82:3 74:10,11,20 complete (1) consideration (12) contractor (6) 1:.5;21 :20;22:3,13;45:2; 13:20; 21:20;22:3,13;88:7;45:2;88:7 corpus (2) 69:9,9 correction (2) 22:22,22 correctional (6) 23:6,9,11,6,9,11 CORRECTIONS (6) 1:.5;23:5;45:2;13:20;23:5;45:2 cost (3) 30:14;15:11;30:14 costs (4) 48:8;82:21 ;48:8;82:21 counsel (18) 40:22,25;41 :9;43:7;44: 15,21; 45:18;47:9;40:22,25;41 :9;43:7; 44:15,21 ;45:18;47:9;92:12,14 countervailing (2) 20:4;8:12;9:7;20:4;81 :24;82:11, 19:18;22:22;23:25; 19:18;22:22; 20:4,4 completely (1) COUNTY (19) 17;88:21;81 :24;82:11,17;88:21 23:25 considered (8) contractors (8) 1:.5;21:9,10;33:5;34: 16;39:18; 11:18 complex (2) 17:8,8;65:20;83: 10,11 ;65:20; 23:20,22;24:14,19;23:20,22; 49:5;60:24,24;77:13;21:9,10; 24:14,19 33:5;34:16;39: 18;49:5;60:24,24; 83:10,11 85:9,9 comply (12) considering (1) contracts (32) 77:13 4:20,22;5:14;20:21 ;6:19;21 :2,5; course (9) 23:11;49:9;66:9, 15;72: 17; 10:21 4:10;43:14;48:6;49:12,21; 23:1,5,14;31 :8,14;32:2;33: 11, 88:10;23:11;49:9;66:9,15;72: 17; consistently (2) 16;55:2;20:21;77: 12;80:25;21:2, 43:14;48:6;49:12,21 87:5,5 88:10 compute (2) constitute (2) 5;23:1,5,14;31 :8,14;32:2;33: 11, Court (381) 85:13,13 63:14,14 1:.5,.5;2: 15.5;3 :5,8,10,12,16,23; 16;55:2;77: 12;80:25 contractual (2) 4:3,14;5:1,10,19,24;17:7,9,15; conceded (4) constitutes (2) 18:4,8,18;20:2,12,19,21;6: 1,2, 75:22;86:18;75:22;86: 18 20:11,11 49:9,9 22;21 :4,12,15, 18;22: 14;7:3,5,22; concerned (4) Constitution (3) contractually (2) 26:2,8,24;27: 13;28:3,10;8:23; 44:22;53:19;44:22;53: 19 18:23,23 26:5;16:4;26:5 30:15;31 :2,5,15,16;32:5,22;9:7, concerning (2) constitutional (2) contrary (4) 12,21,23;33:14,20;34:2;36:3; 68:21;72:4;68:21;72:4 55:23,23 36:6,6 10:1,7;37:1,6,22;38:2,19;39: 14; concluded (6) construe (4) control (11) 52:3;76:14;77:8;52:3;76:14; 18:3,4,3,4 23:18;28:17;29: 16;30:8;16:25; 40:3,7,21;43:18,24;44:20; 12:8, construed (4) 77:8 74:10;23: 18;28: 17;29:16;30:8; 25;45:10;46:9,18;47: 15,21; 48:11 ,16;13:5,13,14,15,17; concluding (2) 20:7;28:6;20:7;28:6 74:10 controlled (1) 49:13,17,21 ,24,25;51:2,18; 53:17,17 contain (4) 53:13;54:2,10,23;55:8,13,16; conclusion (5) 52:22,23,22,23 11:20 controlling (2) 56:5,7;15:2,8,16,21;57: 1;58:13, 3:13;87: 13;90:13;87: 13;90:13 contained (8) 20;59:2,6,16;60:4;61 :3,14,20,23; conclusions (1) 43:9;44:18;50:22;51:17;43:9; 85:9,9 92:9 VoweJl & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (20) combine - Court \ Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America 62; 10, 12,13,17,20,22;64; 12; 17;7,9,15;66;4,5,9,12,20,25,25; 67;7,10,13,15;68; 1,6,13,23; 18:4, 8,18;69; 10;70;2,3,16;71; 1,2,4,5, 6,9,10,15,17,18,21,22,24,25; 72; 1,5,6, 13,14,18,19,23;73;3,8; 74;5;75;8;20;2,12,19,21;78;8,11, 16,20,22,25;79;7,10,17,23;80:3, 4,8,19,24;21 ;4, 12,15,18;81; 1,18, 22,24;82;2,15,22;83 ;20;84;9, 19; 22; 14;85;4,11;86;9,21;87;2; 88;20,21 ;89; 13,14;90; 1,4,7,8,24; 91 ;6;26;2,8,24;27; 13;28;3, 10; 30; 15;31 ;2,5, 15,16;32;5,22; 33; 14,20;34;2;36;3;37; 1,6,22; 38;2,19;39; 14;40;3,7,21 ;43; 18, 24;44;20;45; 10;46;9,18;47; 15, 21;48; 11,16;49;13,17,21,24,25; 51;2, 18;53; 13;54;2,10,23;55;8, 13,16;56;5,7;57; 1;58; 13,20; 59;2,6,16;60;4;61 ;3, 14,20,23; 62; 10,12,13,17,20,22;64;12; 66:4,5,9,12,20,25,25;67;7,10,13, 15;68; 1,6,13,23;69; 10;70;2,3,16; 71; 1,2,4,5,6,9,1 0,15,17,18,21,22, 24,25;72; 1,5,6, 13,14, 18,19,23; 73;3,8;74;5;75;8;78;8,11,16,20, 22,25;79;7,10,17,23;80;3,4,8,19, 24;81; 1,18,22,24;82;2,15,22; 83;20;84;9,19;85;4,11;86;9,21; 87;2;88;20,21 ;89; 13,14;90; 1,4,7, 8,24;91 ;6;92; 1,4 Courts (27) 39;24;40;5; 15;25;67;23;68;9; 71 ;7;72;4, 18;83; 1;84; 1,4;85; 12; 87;5;90; 11;39;24;40;5;67;23; 68;9;71 ;7;72;4, 18;83; 1;84; 1,4; 85; 12;87;5;90; 11 Court's (27) 4;7,24;5;2;8; 12;9; 10;34; 19; 38; 12;48;5;66;9, 15;72: 17;75;25; 77; 11;78; 15;79; 15;82;25;34; 19; 38; 12;48;5;66;9, 15;72; 17;75;25; 77;11;78;15;79;15;82;25 cover (2) 30;14,14 covered (6) 34;11;42;7;58; 16;34;11;42;7; 58;16 covering (1) 13;21 covers (2) 36;14,14 CRA (2) 38;12,12 create (4) 51:12,15,12,15 created (27) 17;2;21 ;20;7;25;28; 18;40;24; 43; 10;44; 17;52; 14,15;53:4; 54; 16,17,18; 17;2;65; 12;21 ;20; 28; 18;40;24;43; 10;44; 17;52; 14, 15;53:4;54;16,17,18;65; 12 Davidson Connty Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 creates (6) 29;6;50;23;60;7;29;6;50;23; 60;7 credit (6) 24;5,8,9,5,8,9 criteria (4) 23;14,16,14,16 critical (3) 15;3;87;10,10 crosswise (2) 66;7,7 current (2) 52;17,17 currently (6) 24; 17;32; 11;53;8;24; 17;32;11; 53;8 custodian (4) 30;8,12,8,12 custody (16) 22;18;24;10,11;27;22;29;14,15; 30;7;74;9;22; 18;24; 10, 11;27;22; 29; 14,15;30;7;74;9 Customs (2) 33;9,9 D damage (2) 64;15,15 damages (22) 38;24;39; 1,6;45:4;50;6;51 ;7; 52;5;64;5,9;74; 14;76; 16;38;24; 39; 1,6;45;4;50;6;51 ;7;52;5;64;5, 9;74;14;76;16 danger (4) 71;2;72; 16;71 ;2;72: 16 data (2) 44;19,19 database (96) 38; 15;40; 11,13,24;41;3,12,16, 21,24;42;3,11,15;43 ;9,10, 11,13, 22;44; 17,18,21;48; 14;50;12; 51;4,16,17,22;52;10,13,15,20; 53;5,11,21,22;54;1,16,21;60;2; 63;23;64;21,21,24;65;4,11,16, 21;76; 10;77:4;38; 15;40;11,13, 24;41;3,12,16,21,24;42;3,11,15; 43;9,10,11,13,22;44;17,18,21; 48; 14;50; 12;51:4,16,17,22; 52; 10, 13,15,20;53;5,11,21,22; 54; 1,16,21 ;60;2;63;23;64;21 ,21, 24;65;4,11,16,21;76; 10;77;4 databases (14) 38;22;50:4;53; 15;60;8;64;3,20; 76; 13;38;22;50:4;53; 15;60;8; 64;3,20;76; 13 date (16) 57;6;60; 12,12, 13;64;8;71 ;3; 75; 18;76; 18;57;6;60; 12,12,13; 64;8;71:3;75; 18;76; 18 dated (2) 21:24,24 dates (2) 24;3,3 dating (6) 45 ;20;46;7;50; 1;45 ;20;46;7; 50;1 DAVIDSON (1) 1;.5 Day (17) 17;11;20;5;21;17;10;14;12;22; 15;9;16; 18;17;11;20;5;21:17; 84; 15;88;6,6;84; 15;88;6,6;92; 16 daycare (2) 79;21,21 dead (2) 89;2,2 deadly (4) 24;21,23,21,23 deal (2) 34;17,17 dealing (7) 12;23;70;3,15,15,3,15,15 deals (2) 57;23,23 debts (1) 7;8 decide (10) 26;8;28;3; 15:3,8;57; 19;75; 17; 26;8;28:3;57;19;75; 17 decided (7) 14;20;83;22;85; 18;86;8;83;22; 85:18;86;8 decision (13) 3;7;25;25;71; 12,17;83;12; 84;24;86;7;25;25;71; 12,17; 83; 12;84;24;86;7 decisions (4) 27;25;90;2;27;25;90;2 declaratory (4) 50; 1;59;3;50; 1;59:3 declared (4) 25; 15;49;18;25; 15;49; 18 decline (2) 58;12,12 decree (4) 72;1,5,1,5 deemed (4) 24;15;65; 10;24; 15;65; 10 defend (2) 41;14,14 defendant (8) 13;22;14;7,11,14;75;23;77; 10; 75;23;77;10 defender (6) 69;3,12,24,3,12,24 defender's (2) 69;7,7 defense (4) 79; 13;89; 11;79; 13;89; 11 define (2) 44;3,3 defined (2) 22;23,23 defines (2) 44;6,6 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 definition (2) 44;3,3 delegable (2) 23;21,21 delegating (2) 18;23,23 delete (2) 53;25,25 deliberately (2) 18;5,5 delineate (1) 13;13 denied (4) 9;15;12;6;85;6,6 denying (2) 24;8,8 Department (3) 23:4;11; 17;23;4 depends (2) 61;18,18 deposition (1) 4;11 deputy (6) 40;22;43;6;44; 14;40;22;43;6; 44;14 describe (2) 42;22,22 described (10) 41 :24;50; 12;53; 19;64;22;84:4; 41 :24;50; 12;53; 19;64;22;84:4 description (2) 57;7,7 Despite (6) 71 ;23;72; 18;80;8;71 ;23;72; 18; 80;8 detached (1) 11;19 detail (1) 13;10 detailed (1) 7;5 Detention (10) 31 ;20;32;9;34; 1,2,8;31 ;20;32;9; 34; 1,2,8 determination (9) 18; 15;36:4;16;20; 18; 15;81; 19; 87; 11;36:4;81: 19;87: 11 determine (7) 6;3;8;2;45; 19; 13;8;80; 12; 45;19;80;12 determined (6) 17;3;28;20;61 ;6;17;3;28;20; 61;6 determining (4) 79;23;87:3;79;23;87;3 developing (4) 24;1,3,1,3 Dickson (4) 60;24,24,24,24 dicta (4) 70:4,9,4,9 different (13) 6:25;21; 15;26;22;34;21 ;35;3; (21) Courts - different Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 36: 10;60: 17;21: 15;26:22;34:21; document (12) 35:3;36: 10;60: 17 42:23;50:20,22;51: 15;59: 18,22; difficult (4) 42:23;50:20,22;51: 15;59: 18,22 documents (61) 26:17;66:14;26: 17;66: 14 directing (2) 30:22;31: 14;34: 13;37: 17;38:8, 9;39:25;40:17;11:15;12:16,17; 29:20,20 directly (2) 13:23;49: 10, 15;14:15;57:5;63 :6, 9,19;64: 10;65:24;66: 10;68:2, 11; 21:12,12 disagree (2) 70: 13,19;72: 11;75:24;76:7; 85:21;86:21;90: 10, 13;30:22; 84:23,23 disagreement (6) 31: 14;34:13;37: 17;38:8,9;39:25; 40: 17;49: 10, 15;57:5;63 :6,9, 19; 83:4,7;84:7;83:4,7;84:7 disciplinary (2) 64: 10;65:24;66: 10;68:2,11; 70: 13,19;72: 11;75:24;76:7; 24:12,12 disclose (8) 85:21 ;86:21 ;90: 10, 13 done (19) 55:7;79:6,24;82:24;55:7;79:6, 24;82:24 4: 16;7:9;8:7 ;43: 12;13:2;50:24; disclosed (2) 15:21;73:6,21,21 ;77:21 ;90:3; 42:24,24 43: 12;50:24;73:6,21 ,21;77:21; disclosure (43) 90:3 down (8) . 18:22;19:25;20:1,3;38: 11; 39: 12,15;40:2,8;49: 15;55:6; 36:9;55 :22;59: 12, 13;36:9; 56:5; 16:15;61 :22;65: 17;66:3,22; 55:22;59:12,13 drafts (2) 67: 10,14;18:22;72: 13;19:25; 49:1,1 20:1,3;87:8;90: 10;38: 11;39: 12, due (8) 15;40:2,8;49: 15;55:6;56:5; 61:22;65: 17;66:3,22;67: 10,14; 36: 16;46: 18;47:8;88: 14;36: 16; 46: 18;47:8;88: 14 72: 13;87:8;90: 10 discourage (2) duly (2) 79:14,14 87:16,16 discoverable (2) during (4) 29:17;65:14;29: 17;65: 14 56:21,21 discovery (6) duties (6) 23:21 ;27: 10;85: 14;23:21 ;27: 10; 4: 17;9:14,18,24;69: 11,11 discretion (2) 85:14 duty (4) 79:8,8 discuss (2) 19:20;36:6; 19:20;36:6 43:20,20 discussed (5) E 3:7;48: 19;71:2;48: 19;71:2 dishonest (2) earlier (7) 84:3,3 26:24; 13:1;71:22;86:4;26:24; dismiss (1) 71:22;86:4 9:20 easy (6) dismissed (3) 82:9;83: 12;88:24;82:9;83: 12; 12:7;53:2,2 88:24 dispositive (8) Editor (1) 4:7,24;5:2; 17:10;18:18;7: 16; 1:.5 17:10;18:18 educate (2) dispute (10) 62:20,20 39:9;63:8,16;67: 11;88:9;39:9; efficient (2) 63:8,16;67:11;88:9 48:17,17 distinction (7) effort (4) 6:22;35: 18;66:5;78:9;35: 18; 81:22;82: 11;81:22;82: 11 66:5;78:9 either (11) distinguished (4) 31:23;9:1;33:7,17;45: 17;77:24; 26:24,25,24,25 31:23;33:7,17;45: 17;77:24 district (16) element (8) 69:4,5,10,14,16;70:6;71: 15, 18; 43:8:44: 18;50:21 ;83:2;43 :8; 69:4,5,10,14,16;70:6;71: 15, 18 44: 18;50:21 ;83:2 doctrine (10) elements (2) 40: 15;41:22;42: 12;44:9;49:2; 50:21,21 40: 15;41:22;42: 12;44:9;49:2 eligibility (2) 24:3,3 else (13) 5: 14;37:8;62: 13;73:4,22;75: 15; 78:21 ;37:8;62: 13;73:4,22;75: 15; 78:21 E-Mail (1) 2:19.5 embodied (2) 40:15,15 employed (2) 24:18,18 employee (3) 27:17,17;92:13 employees (10) 24: 13,15,16,21,23, 13,15,16,21, 23 employment (2) 42:6,6 enable (2) 43:1,1 enacted (2) 19:7,7 encompasses (2) 60:18,18 end (3) 15:9;66:7,7 enforce (2) 30:9,9 Enforcement (4) 33:10;59:11 ;33:10;59:11 engage (2) 84:2,2 enough (4) 37: 10;42: 14;37: 10;42: 14 ensure (2) 18:20,20 ensuring (2) 68:12,12 enter (10) 22:21;53:9;58: 19;67: 17;68: 10; 22:21;53:9;58: 19;67: 17;68: 10 entered (18) 52:24,25;53: 10;66: 19;67:6, 16; 68:5,7;70: 16;52:24,25;53: 10; 66: 19;67:6, 16;68:5,7;70: 16 enters (2) 68:13,13 entertainment (1) 8:5 entire (2) 52:12,12 entirety (2) 45:14,14 entities (8) 18:25;37:7;55:4; 18:25;88:2; 37:7;55:4;88:2 entitled (15) 22:6;35:20;47:3; 15:10;57: 16; 59:4;82:20;22:6;87: 15;35:20; 47:3;57: 16;59:4;82:20;87: 15 entity (43) 17:1,20;18: 1,12,24; 19:3;23:8; 8:25;34:20;35: 1;10:10;12: 1; Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 14:23;58: 19;16:21,23,25;17: 1, 20; 18:1,12,24; 19:3;80:6,20; 82:8;84:11,12;85:14;23:8;89:2, 8;34:20;35: 1;58: 19;80:6,20; 82:8;84: 11,12;85: 14;89:2,8 enlily's (4) 19:1,1;87:9,9 environment (2) 29:6,6 equipment (1) 16:22 equivalency (9) 36: 1;12:24;79: 12;80:6;84: 17; 36: 1;79:12;80:6;84: 17 equivalent (70) 17:23; 18:13;19:4,24;20:24;6:7; 25:9,23;26:3,20;27:4,7,11;8: 14; 29:9,10;30:20;31: 12;33: 15; 34:20;10: 11,25;37:13;38: 13; 12:2,12,14;49: 14,22; 14:5,13; 15:5;58: 18;16:13,17;17:23; 18:13;19:4,24; 73:9;20:24;82:7; 83: 17;84:8,11;89:7;25:9,23; 26:3,20;27:4,7,11;29:9,10; 30:20;31: 12;33: 15;34:20;37: 13; 38: 13;49: 14,22;58: 18;73:9;82:7; 83: 17;84:8,11;89:7 erection (1) 16:6 escape (2) 80:10,10 essential (2) 29:4,4 establish (2) 23: 15,15 establishes (2) 23:13,13 evaluate (8) 57:7;61 :4,8;88: 14;57:7;61 :4,8; 88:14 evaluates (2) 87:8,8 evaluation (2) 87:11,11 even (28) 20:3;8: 10;32: 11,17;34: 14; 10:21;38:11;53:3;54:14;58:4; 61:3 ;69:20;70:24;20:3;83:4,5; 32: 11,17;34: 14;38: 11;53:3; 54:14;58:4;61 :3;69:20;70:24; 83:4,5 everybody (2) 73:15,15 evidence (5) 6:2;10: 19,22;84: 18,18 exact (2) 21:3,3 exactly (7) 5:25;50:21;63: 11;73:11;50:21; 63:11;73:11 examine (1) 12:15 example (10) (22) difficult - example Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 20;1,1 68;23;71;14;68:23;71:14 78;9;31;9,22;32;2;33;1,6;34;7, 10,12,13;35;3,4,6,19;36;9,15; 37;3;58;6,9,13;61;25;66;12; 67;7,10,13,15,16,19;68; 1,6,8,9, 13,24;69;3,7,9,12,12,22;70; 10, 16;71;1,4,6,7,15,18,22;72: 1,5,6, 7,14;78;9 exception (3) facilities (10) fee (4) 4;22;30;25,25 30;13;90;17;30;13;90;17 64;23;65;1;64;23;65;1 exceptions (3) 32;24;35;19,21;37;19;45;18; 32;24;35;19,21;37;19;45;18 feel (5) fits (2) 8;22;37;25,25 facility (32) 7;14;52;6;54;5;52;6;54;5 50;12,12 excise (2) feels (2) five (8) 9;8,21 46;6;51;2;76;9,10;46;6;51;2; 76;9,10 excluded (2) 23;11;31;20,25;32;9,11,14,25; 33;1,4,22;34;1,2,8;35;11;11;25,. 25;60;11;23;11;31:20,25;32;9, 11,14,25;33; 1,4,22;34;1,2,8; 35;11;60;11 64;15,15 fact (24) excuse (2) 5;21;18;17;20;20;6;2,4;26:4; 28;4,10;8;8;45;21 ;59;22;18;17; 20;20;79;18;80;10;90;2;26:4; , 28;4,10;45;21;59;22;79;18; 80;10;90;2 few (2) 48;5,5 factor (4) 89;21,21 following (5) 5:2;17;9;7:22;17;9 figure (10) 3;3;22;20,20;91;12,12 factors (28) 43;25;51;24;73;18;75;2;91;6; 43;25;51;24;73;18;75;2;91;6 follows (2) 27;14,14 file (12) force (2) 59;11,18;69;6,15;70;5,6;59;11, 18;69;6,15;70;5,6 forced (6) 31;17,19;32;10;42;3;59;10; 31;17,19;32;10;42;3;59;10 F except (6) 35;23;37;11;78;4;35;23;37;11; 78;4 face (4) excepted (2) faced (4) 65;9,9 excising (2) 65;18,18 44;7,7 executed (2) 77:11,11 exempt (24) 38;10;40;1,8;55;6,10,12,14; 56:4,5;58;7,10;67;13;38;10; 40;1,8;55;6,10,12,14;56;4,5; 58;7,10;67;13 exempted (1) 4;21 exhibit (9) 3;18,21;5;11;36;13;40:22; 62;25;36;13;40;22;62;25 20;3,3;82;5,5 17;8;21;15,16;7;4,15,17,21,24; 25:4;27;13;28;14;29;7;9;25; 13;6,11,11;16;19;17;8;21; 15,16; 83;13;87;14;25;4;27;13;28;14; 29;7;83;13;87;14 fees (43) 38;24;39;1,6;50;6;15;11;64;6; 74;15;76;17;78;23;79;1,9;82;21; 84;13,14,15;85;6;87;15,19,22; 89;16,20,22;38;24;39; 1,6;50;6; 64;6;74;15;76;17;78;23;79;1,9; 82;21;84;13,14,15;85;6;87; 15, 19,22;89;16,20,22 29;1,1 FOI (4) 34;11;35;7;34;11;35;7 follow (2) 25;18,18 foretell (2) factual (2) 83;19,19 files (7) existence (4) failed (2) 47;21;90;8;47;21;90;8 82;24,24 exists (2) failure (5) 25;3,20;26;2,21,23,23,25;25;3, 20;26;2,21,23,23,25 82;2;87;25;82;2;87;25 flying (2) 66:8,14;72:16;66;8,14;72;16 exist (2) 3;14;4;1;5;12;10;19,20 Florida (4) foregoing (1) 45;21,21 facts (14) fit (4) filed (20) 3;13,17;4;2;5;6;18;7;20;21;6;9, 17;39:4;41:4;45;1;47;4;62;5; 18;7;20;21 ;39;4;41 ;4;45;1;47;4; 62;5 exhibits (5) 44;3,23;12;24;48;20;55;25; 15;1; 57;17;64;17,18;66;18;67;15; 68;5;69;17;70;8;80;22;21; 17; 82;10,12;88;3;26:4;40; 10;44;3, 23;48;20;55;25;57;17;64;17,18; 66;18;67;15;68;5;69;17;70;8; 80;22;82;10,12;88;3 92;7 foremost (2) 26:4,4 90;8,8 15;12;79;6,24,6,24 11:10,10,17;49;21;69; 18;49;21; 85;14,14 69;18 form (6) filing (5) 48;21;76;11;77;7;48;21;76; 11; 4;2;68;11;90;6;68;11;90;6 77:7 expand (1) fairly (5) final (6) 6;13 5;22,25;7;5;77:21,21 77;11;86;5,6;77:11;86;5,6 14;9 expedited (2) faith (18) financed (2) forms (16) 90;18,18 21:5,8,5,8 83;1,3,6,25;84;5,22;85;20;86;2, 22;3,3 financially (1) 12;83;1,3,6,25;84;5,22;85;20; 92;15 86;2,12 exposure (2) fall (2) find (12) expired (4) 41:10,10 30;24,24 express (1) falling (2) 15;19 36;2,2 20;11;29;5;45;6;20: 11;79;24; 84;10;85;4;29;5;45;6;79;24; 84;10;85;4 expressed (2) Family (4) finding (10) 87;2,2 17;6;25;11;17;6;25;11 expressly (2) far (6) 21;18;29;8;21;18;81;19,25; 90;12;29;8;81;19,25;90; 12 59;7,7 extensive (4) 28;13;44;16;54;12;28;13;44;16; findings (4) 20;20;76;3;20;20;76:3 54;12 formed (1) 48;22,24,25;57;20,21 ,22;75;5,6; 48;22,24,25;57;20,21,22;75;5,6 forth (6) 42;2;65;3;84;24;42;2;65:3; 84;24 forward (10) 48;1,17;52;19;65;3;86;7;48;1, 17;52;19;65;3;86;7 found (32) 19;3,3;80;16,16 favor (6) finds (8) extent (29) 18;6;29;7;18;6;90:4;29;7;90;4 4;6,23;17;22;18;1;28;15;29;13, 14;47;25;48:4,8,25;49;23;58; 16; 16;24;63;13;17;22;18;1;74;8; 28;15;29;13,14;47;25;48;4,8,25; 49:23;58;16;63;13;74;8 federal (108) 20;21;21;4;26;2;28;10;20;21; 21;4;26;2;28;10 19;15;25;12,22;26;19;36;7; 37;12;42; 19;49;8,13; 19;15;73;8; 79;10;80;2,15,20;89;6,12;25;12, 22;26;19;36;7;37; 12;42;19;49;8, 13;73;8;79;10;80;2,15,20;89;6, 12 fine (4) four (9) 56;1;80;9;56;1;80;9 FIRM (1) 3;13;20;21 ;21;8;7;15,21;76;1; 20;21;21;8;76;1 extracts (2) 30;5,5 31;9,22;32;2;33;1,6;34;7,10,12, 13;35:3,4,6,19;36;9,15;37;3; 58;6,9,13;61;25;66;12;67;7,10, 13,15,16,19;68; 1,6,8,9,13,24; 69;3,7,9,12,12,22;70; 10,16;71; 1, 4,6,7,15,18,22;72;1,5,6,7,14; 2;15.5 Fourth (3) first (42) 2;12.5;36;1,1 5;20;21;17;26:4;10;15;40;10; Freedom (2) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (23) except - Freedom Davidson County Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America 35:6,6 General (34) greater (2) 78:19 FRIEDMANN (26) 23:3;25:5,6,8,19;27:1;30:17; 39:13;43:6;44: 15;47:12;50:9, 17; 69:4,6,14,16;23:3 ;25:5,6,8,19; 27:1;30:17;39:13;43:6;44: 15; 47:12;50:9,17;69:4,6,14,16 39:1,1 hereby (1) 1:.5;10:9;38:9;39:8;42:8;44: 11; 45:15;46:7;48:9;63:21 ;81:14; 82:20;84:7;87:18;38:9;39:8; 42:8;44:11;45:15;46:7;48:9; 63:21;81:14;82:20;84:7;87: 18 Griffin (2) 92:4 20:17,17 here's (2) Groom (7) 78:18,18 hockey (4) general's (2) 4:12;40:23 ;43:7;50:25;40:23; 43:7;50:25 Friedmann's (2) 70:6,6 Groom's (7) hold (6) 38:20,20 Genesis (2) 47:15;58:12;80:5;47:15;58:12; 80:5 holding (4) 79:20;88:7;79:20;88:7 front (2) 22:1,1 3:21;43:7;44:15;65:4;43:7; 44:15;65:4 88:25,25 gets (3) group (1) fullest (4) 4:9;87:25,25 8:5 18:19;60:8;18:19;60:8 18:6;20:8;I 8:6;20:8 gisl(1) guarantee (4) home (2) function (19) 11:8 45:16;46:4;45:16;46:4 59:20,20 18:3;6:25;22:19;7:6,18;26:7; 27:18;28:12,24;35:13;18:3; 79:22;22:19;26:7;27:18;28:12, 24;35:13;79:22 given (8) guess (4) honest (2) 18:17;28:4;18:17;77:10;81:25; 28:4;77:10;81:25 46:6;78:14;46:6;78: 14 81:7,7 guidance (2) Honor (109) goes (11) 80:4,4 functional (75) 18:18;10:9;53:11,13;18:18; 88:18;89:19;53:11,13;88: 18; 89:19 guy (2) 17:12;18:12;17:12;18:12 3:15;4:5;5:17,18;6:14;7: 13; 31:1;32:17;34:5,10;36:10;10:2, 14;37:24;38:6;39:21;41:25;43:4, 21;44:2;12:4;45:9,13,25;48:5, 19;51:13;52:9;53:12,20;54:12; 55:21;56:10;57:17;60:8;62:9,16; 63:2,3;64:22;65:8;68:23;69:2; 70:25;72:9,22;73:1;79:3;82:9, 18;83:9;84:20;85 :23;86:3,10; 89:10;90:23;91: 1,10;31: 1;32:17; 34:5,10;36: 10;37:24;38:6;39:21; 41:25;43:4,21;44:2;45:9,13,25; 48:5,19;51:13;52:9;53:12,20; 54:12;55:21 ;56:10;57:17;60:8; 62:9,16;63:2,3;64:22;65:8; 68:23;69:2;70:25;72:9,22;73:1; 79:3;82:9,18;83:9;84:20;85:23; 86:3,10;89:10;90:23;91:1,10 happen (2) Honorable (2) 17:23;18:13;19:4,23;6:7;25:9, 23;26:3,20;27:4,7,11;8:14;29:8, 10;30:20;31:12;33:15;34:19; 10:11,25;37:13;38:13;12:2,12, 14,24;49:13,22;14:4,13;15:5; 58:18;16:13,16;17:23;18:13; 19:4,23;73:9;79:12;80:6;82:7; 83:17;84:8,11,17;89:7;25:9,23; 26:3,20;27:4,7,11;29:8,10; 30:20;31:12;33:15;34:19;37:13; 38:13;49:13,22;58:18;73:9; 79:12;80:6;82:7;83:17;84:8,11, 17;89:7 57:3,3 H good (8) 73:21;84:21;85:3,20;73:21; 84:21;85:3,20 habeas (2) govern (2) 69:9,9 19:14,14 hairs (2) governing (4) 36:8,8 30:10;58:12;30:10;58:12 handed (2) government (92) 23:24,24 handle (2) 26:14;11:21;80:24;26:14;80:24 17:20,23;18:11,14,20;19:2,4,13, 24;20:17,24;6:8;21:11;22:7,19; 25:24;26:3,7,16,17,18,20;27:2,3, 4,6,7,21;28:12,15,16,23;8:1; 29:3;31:9,22;32:3;33:5;13:24; 49:6;14:5,14;15:6;58:25;16:13, 17,23,24;17:20,23;18: 11,14,20; 19:2,4,13,24;73: 10;20:17,24; 79:14;80:7;21: 11;22:7,19;25:24; 26:3,7,16,17,18,20;27:2,3,4,6,7, 21 ;28:12,15,16,23;29:3 ;31 :9,22; 32:3;33:5;49:6;58:25;73:10; 79:14;80:7 funding (6) governmental (42) 2:16.5;92:3,18.5 77:22,22 7:24;26:12,12;16:23;26:12,12 18:2;7:1,7,19;25:16;27:12;8:13, 14,25;29:21 ;30:21;9:16;34:20; 12:12;14:11;58:18;16:21;18:2; 79:22;80:2;82:4,8;83: 17;84:9, 12;85:13;88:2;25:16;27:12; 29:21;30:21;34:20;58:18;79:22; 80:2;82:4,8;83:17;84:9,12; 85:13;88:2 hear (19) hours (2) functioning (2) 28:15,15 functions (13) 17:22;22:5;26:9,11,13;29:3; 14:11;17:22;22:5;26:9,11,13; 29:3 fundamental (2) 73:17,17 funded (5) funds (6) 22:4,5;81:3;22:4,5;81:3 furlough (2) 24:6,6 further (3) 72:22,22;92:11 future (14) 51:21,21 handling (2) 87:17,17 hands (4) 32:21,21 1:.5;3:2 happy (4) Honor's (4) 56:6;62:11;56:6;62:11 52:21;84:24;52:21 ;84:24 Hardeman (2) hope (2) 21:9,9 46:19,19 HAYNIE (3) hopefully (2) 6:11;30:25;33:20;37:2;55:24; 56:2;73:16,20;78:25;79:1;30:25; 33:20;37:2;55:24;56:2;73: 16,20; 78:25;79:1 29:18,18 house (4) 31:10;35:15;31:10;35:15 housed (2) heard (1) 32:13,13 3:1 houses (2) grandfather (2) 36:18,18 3:18,22;5:20;10:17;11:23;14:1; housing (3) 57:1;61:2;80:23;91 :3;57:1;61:2; 7:7;35:12,12 Humane (2) 80:23;91:3 8:4;16:8 hearsay (4) 4:8,19,22;5:23 24:16,16 41:15,18;52:18;53:8;65:15; 85:15,17;41:15,18;52:18;53:8; 65:15;85:15,17 held (22) granting (2) 20:12;40:10;48:7;49:22;70:4,8; 71:20;72:2;20:12;83:2,15,16; 40:10;48:7;49:22;70:4,8;71 :20; 72:2;83:2,15,16 governments (2) 33:18,18 governor (2) 23:17,17 G G1 (1) hearing (14) I 2:5.5 24:8,8 gathering (2) grants (4) 77:6,6 39:17;68:9;39: 17;68:9 gave (4) great (2) help (6) 62:22,22 80:4;82:11;80:4;82:11 82:10,10 21:15;37:9;78: 19;21:15;37:9; identification (4) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 ice (4) 79:20;88:7;79:20;88:7 idea (2) (24) FRIEDMANN - identification Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 42; 15;62:8;42: 15;62;8 industry (2) identified (6) 19:9,9 43;8;44:17;50;20;43:8;44:17; 50:20 informal (2) identifies (2) information (51) 41:5,5 5:25;9;11 13;10;52:25;53:5,9,10;15:17; 58:15,19;66;20;67;6,17;68:5; 21;3;22;21 ;86:13,13;35:25;36:2; 52;25;53:5,9,10;58: 15,19;66:20; 67:6,17;68:5;86: 13,13 1:.5;2:17 job (2) 73:21,21 Joe (1) 10:2 immaterial (2) 3:10;35:7;42:25;45; 12;51:17, 19;52:10,12;53 :4,10,23;54:1,8, 16;56:20;59: 10,23;60:6,11,14; 61:9;65:9,19;69:25;81 :22;85:24; 35:7;42:25;45:12;51:17,19; 52:10,12;53:4,10,23;54:1,8,16; 56:20;59: 10,23;60;6, 11,14;61 :9; 65:9,19;69:25;81 :22;85;24 46;21,21 in-house (4) involved (10) 59;3;72;7;59;3;72;7 immediately (4) 40:25;42:5;40;25;42;5 jUdicial (4) 29;23;90:14;29:23;90: 14 initial (5) 35;5;69:2;85:8,10;88;6;35:5; 69;2;85:8,10;88:6 Immigration (2) 6;16;10;5;49;11;16; 12;49:11 involvement (12) July (7) identifying (2) 41:18,18 identity (2) 21:3,3 III (1) 2;10.5 investigation (2) join (2) 69:6,6 72:6,6 investigations (2) JOSEPH (1) 49:7,7 2;10.5 Investments (2) judgment (6) 71:13,13 involve (2) 49:18;83;5;90;3;49: 18;83:5; 90:3 68;21,21 jUdgments (4) 85;15,16,15,16 33;9,9 initially (2) impact (4) 70:4,4 7:25;26:16,17,18;27:21 ;28;16; 16:24;26;16,17,18;27:21 ;28;16 1:.5;3:3;5:6;62;5;91: 13;62;5; 91;13 27:25;53:7;27:25;53:7 injunctions (2) involving (8) jurisdiction (3) impending (4) 59:2,2 54:20;65;14;54;20;65: 14 injunctive (4) 38:23;50:5;53: 16;64:14;38;23; 50:5;53:16;64:14 justification (5) impermissible (2) 49:18;50;1;49:18;50:1 iota (2) 16:15;81:11;88:19;81:11 ;88:19 72;6,6 in.t.ate (4) 60:13,13 justifications (2) implementing (4) 24:2;11:10,10;24:2 irrelevant (4) 85:22,22 24;1,4,1,4 Inmates (24) 81:17,21,17,21 justified (2) important (5) 24;5,7,9;31;10,25;32;12,13; 33;1,3,4,6;34;7;24;5,7,9;31: 10, 25;32;12,13;33:1,3,4,6;34;7 issue (39) 89:12,12 4;15;5;8;20;23;27;6,21 ;28:13, Juveniles (2) 22,25;30;22;39;12;13:7,7;15:1; 34:6,6 68;5;70;1,25;76;9, 10;20;23; 82:13;83:22;90:9,17;27;6,21; K 28:13,22,25;30:22;39;12;68:5; 70:1,25;76:9,10;82;13;83;22; KB (2) 90;9,17 71:12,12 8;11;66;6;80:21;66;6;80:21 INC (4) 1;.5;2;17;71;13,13 inquired (2) incarcerating (1) 25;15,15 7:7 insisting (2) incident (2) 27;2,2 60:12,12 inspect (22) include (12) 18:11;38;14;14:20;54;7,14; 16:22;64;11;18: 11;38:14;54:7, 14;64;11 30:3;39;17;48:2;57:17;62;24; 73:14;74:6,18;75:5;76:8;77;6; 30;3;39:17;48;2;57: 17;62:24; 73:14;74;6,18;75:5;76:8;77:6 included (2) inspection (11) 38;8,8 29:17,24;16;7;75;12;77;1,17; 29:17,24;75;12;77: 1,17 includes (4) 38:17,21,17,21 instance (2) including (8) 44:2,2 51:5;64;3,7;76: 18;51 ;5;64;3,7; 76:18 instead (4) inconsistent (2) issued (8) keep (10) 49:7,25;71 :4,15;49:7,25;71 ;4,15 45;11,11 ;68;2,15;70;18;45:11, issues (22) 11;68:2,15;70: 18 31;4;36:19;12;10;14;20;77:2; keeping (2) 78;14;79;12;81;1;83;20,21; 26;6,6 88:22;91 :2;31:4;36;19;77;2; key (2) 78:14;79:12;81;1;83:20,21; 39:21,21 88:22;91;2 kind (11) issuing (4) 6;24;36;2;57;9,23;62:3;82;1; 49:18;67:25;49: 18;67;25 36:2;57;9,23;62;3;82: 1 intend (2) 21;9;69:10;21 :9;69:10 knew (4) J 68;19,19 18:19,19 incredibly (1) intentionally (3) 16;1;71:18,18 81;6;87;6;81:6;87;6 knowing (4) jail (7) 86:15;87;4;86:15;87:4 8:11 18:21;9;1;18;21 8;17,18;11:5,6,9;77:15,15 Knoxville (2) independent (1) interested (3) jails (2) 20:18,18 13:2 74:13,13;92: 15 82;14,14 KRAMER (1) independently (1) interpret (4) January (12) 2:5 15:21 18:8;58:9;18;8;58;9 indicate (4) interpretation (2) 64;7;75:19,21 ;76:17;77:8, 16; 64;7;75;19,21;76: 17;77:8,16 28;1;53:2;28: 1;53:2 85:9,9 JASON (1) indicated (3) interpretations (2) 2:11.5 5;20;45;25,25 82:25,25 JC (2) 71:18,18 indicia (1) interpreted (4) 71;12,12 land (4) 25:13;32:6;25:13;32;6 14;12 39;24;40:5;39:24;40:5 JENNIFER (3) Individually (1) intertwined (2) 28;2,2 lacked (2) 2:16.5;92:3,18.5 1;.5 L language (14) jenniferhayine@comcastnet (1) 17:10;20:5,6,9;30:16,18;63:25; indoors (2) into (35) 2;19.5 17:10;20;5,6,9;30: 16,18;63:25 75:1,1 21:3;22:21;35;25;36:2;10;19; JENNINGS (2) large (9) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (25) identified - large Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 22:3;46:2;64:20;70:5;22:3; 46:2;64:20;70:5;92:19.5 7:24,24;28: 15;11:25,25;16:22; 85:19;28:15;85:19 loss (2) last (10) liaison (2) 41:10,10 11:23;44:24;12:8;62:15;72:24; 77:9;44:24;62:15;72:24;77:9 27:16,16 lost (2) 31:18;9:16;39:25;40:6;46: 16; 73:1,19;75: 14,15;79:25;81: 15; 31:18;39:25;40:6;46: 16;73: 1,19; 75:14,15;79:25;81:15 liberally (4) 64:15,15 means (2) later (6) 28:6;89:19;28:6;89: 19 lot (8) 74:6,6 71:3,17,21 ,3.17,21 lieu (4) 4: 12;6:19;45:5;77:22;79: 11; 45:5;77:22;79:11 meat (2) law (54) 75:9,10,9,10 17:4;20:14;6:5;25:3;26: 1; 28:20;39:20,23;47:9;56:24; 15:14,19,23;57:24;58:8,9,9; 59:10;60:19;61:6;17:4;67:23; 73:13;20:14;80:14,17;83:4,11; 85:10;87:11;90:2;25:3;26:1; 28:20;39:20,23;47:9;56:24; 57:24;58:8,9,9;59:10;60:19; 61:6;67:23;73:13;80:14,17;83:4, 11;85:10;87:11;90:2 52:7;77:21 light (4) 57:10,10 mechanisms (2) M 41:19;81:23;41: 19;81:23 likely (6) 69:11,11 meet (3) 45:15,23;48: 14;45:15,23;48:14 machine (1) 24:24;12:3;24:24 limited (5) 92:6 memorandum (3) 5:22,22;15:25;63:24,24 maintain (2) 6:18;89:5,5 list (6) 22:17,17 Memphis (9) 52:22;54:24;56: 10;52:22;54:24; maintained (4) 56:10 40:25;65:13;40:25;65: 13 2:6;17:4;25:10,19;59: 13;17:4; 25:10,19;59:13 lists (4) maintenance (4) mentioned (4) laws (2) 41:4;76:13;41:4;76: 13 24:19;26:5;24:19;26:5 86:4,8,4,8 merely (4) 35:4,4 litigating (2) major (2) lawsuit (6) 27:5,5 12:10;13:4 17:18,18;65:18,18 45:1,12;47:18;45:1,12;47:18 litigation (78) makes (13) merit (2) lawsuits (2) 4:12;21:18;26:5;30:5, 18;74:25; 71:25,25 75:17;21:18;26:5;30:5,18;74:25; met (3) 10:16,20;12:3 75:17 least (3) 38:15,23;40: 11,18,24; 11:16,17; 41:1,6,15,18;43:22;48: 13;51:5, 16;52:3,14,17,18;53:17;54: 19, 19,20;56: 1;57:4;60:2,14,21; 62:7;63:22,24;64:21 ;65:14,15; 68:15;69:6,15;76: 14,24;77:7; 38:15,23;40:11,18,24;41:1,6,15, 18;43:22;48: 13;51:5, 16;52:3, 14, 17,18;53: 17;54:19,19,20;56:1; 57:4;60:2,14,21 ;62:7;63:22,24; 64:21;65:14,15;68:15;69:6,15; 76:14,24;77:7 41:14;52:16;41 :14;52:16 11:3;51:3;90:15;51:3;90: 15 3:8;74:14,14 litigations (6) managed (1) monetary (2) 41:4,4 lawyering (2) 80:9,9 Lawyers (9) 3:5;12:9;13:1;80:9;87: 16; 89:14;80:9;87:16;89:14 lawyer's (2) 77:19,19 lead (1) 3:12 makeup (4) might (14) 22:11;36:25;22: 11;36:25 3:18;46:9;13:11;53:2,7,9;62:21; 86:5;46:9;53:2,7,9;62:21 ;86:5 making (8) 18:15;30:10;63:9;18:15;77:4; 30:10;63:9;77:4 minute (2) MALONE (1) misunderstood (2) 37:6,6 2:12 57:14,14 manage (4) moment (5) Lebanon (2) 50:5;53:8;64:3;50:5;53:8;64:3 14:8 57:13,13 86:25,25 little (3) management (4) money (10) LEGAL (22) 6:24;30:19,19 24:20;77:15;24:20;77: 15 1:.5;4:12;45:1;46:25;80:12; 81:11;83:21;87:9,17,24;88: 19; 90:9;45:1;46:25;80:12;81: 11; 83:21;87:9,17,24;88: 19;90:9 local (9) manner (2) 51:7;52:4;64:5,9;76: 15;51:7; 52:4;64:5,9;76: 15 33:4,18;34:5,25; 10:24;33:4,18; 34:5,25 42:24,24 monies (2) mark (5) 76:19,19 location (2) 5:10;62:9,24,9,24 monitor (4) legally (2) 64:12,12 Marshal's (4) 19:20;27:19;19:20;27: 19 89:12,12 log (4) 31:24;33:8;31 :24;33:8 Monroe (1) legible (2) 44:13;88:12;44: 13;88:12 materials (4) 2:5.5 76:12,12 logical (2) 45:20;56:23;45:20;56:23 moral (2) legislation (1) 87:13,13 matter (12) 8:7 long (4) 84:3,3 3:1;22:8;25:17;26:8,18;15:25; more (23) legislature (14) 27:23;76:2;27:23;76:2 60:11;22:8;25:17;26:8,18;60:11 24:10;7:6;30:19;31:17;45:4; 17:2;21 :21;22:2;7:10;25:25; look (29) 46:1;52:12;53:3;60:18;73:20; matters (3) 28:18;15:24;58:1;17:2;21:21; 18:16;6:1;22:24;7:3,15;36:10, 6:3;22:7,7 82:3;88:1;24:10;30:19;31 :17; 13;51 :23;54:4;58:8,15;18:16; 45:4;46:1;52:12;53:3;60:18; 22:2;25:25;28:18;58:1 may (36) 73:20;82:3;88: 1 legitimate (12) 75:16;22:24;87:23,24;88:19,24; 18:25;24:7;29: 18,21 ;30:9,12; morning (2) 80:12;84:6,25;85:22,25;88:9; 36:10,13;51 :23;54:4;58:8,15; 43:16;45:5,22,23,24;51 :22; 80:12;84:6,25;85:22,25;88:9 75:16;87:23,24;88: 19,24 90:21,21 60:16;18:25;72:6;74:5;75:4; less (2) looked (3) 79:8;87:22;24:7;29:18,21 ;30:9, most (12) 24:10,10 13:3;73:24,24 12;43:16;45:5,22,23,24;51 :22; 22:4;48:17;13:14;15:3;59: 19; 74:13,25;22:4;48: 17;59:19; letter (18) looking (14) 60:16;72:6;74:5;75:4;79:8; 21:24;38:3,10;44:24;49:11; 36:4;53:18,24;54:25;55: 18; 74:13,25 87:22 mostly (3) 57:24;64:8;74:23 ;76:19;21:24; 59:16;77:18;36:4;53:18,24; Maybe (12) 38:3,10;44:24;49:11 ;57:24;64:8; 54:25;55:18;59: 16;77:18 21:7;52:3,5,5;54:2;78: 19;21:7; 26:12;15:15;26: 12 looks (8) motion (5) 74:23;76:19 52:3,5,5;54:2;78:19 level (9) 51:22,24;52:7;77:21 ;51 :22,24; mean (21) 5:5;90:15;91 :3;90:15;91:3 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (26) last - motion Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 move (7) 1:.5;87:18,18 obvious (2) 4:14;43:19;48:17;65:23;43:19; 48:17;65:23 next (11) 82:1,1 8:18;34:23,24;82:6;34:23,24; 82:6 12:13;50:3;51:1;62:25;69:20; 89:15;50:3;51:1;62:25;69:20; 89:15 Obviously (4) operations (4) 45:24;72:15;45:24;72: 15 35:10;77:15;35:10;77:15 occurrence (2) opining (1) municipal (6) nice (2) 60:13,13 13:17 17:20;39:18;49:6;17:20;39:18; 49:6 89:11,11 occurring (2) opinion (5) Ninth (8) 69:8,8 25:5;8:11;30:16;25:5;30: 16 71:12,14,20;72:2;71: 12,14,20; 72:2 offered (5) opposing (2) 10:19;41:19;63:12;41:19;63:12 47:8,8 Nobody's (2) offering (2) order (86) much (4) 21:2;27:19;21 :2;27:19 municipality (6) 19:11;35:1;19:11;77:14;35:1; 77:14 38:19;39:14;40:7;56:5;61:14, 17;66:4,9,10,15,21,25;67:7,10, 13;68: 1,7,16;70:20;71 :4,7,16,19, 31:24;33:8,9;31 :24;33:8,9 16:15;75:13,13 officers (2) 21,22,24;72:14,15,17;73:7,10; none (2) 47:18,18 22:16,16 74:1;75:8;76:2,5,22;78:7,9,10, nonexhaustive (1) officer's (2) 13,13;86:6;90:4;38: 19;39:14; 40:7;56:5;61: 14,17;66:4,9, 10,15, 16:19 59:11,11 nor (6) offices (2) 21,25;67:7,10,13;68: 1,7,16; 19:17;39:12;19:17;39:12;92:13, 74:7,7 70:20;71:4,7,16,19,21,22,24; official (6) 72:14,15,17;73:7,10;74:1;75:8; 14 normal (4) 18:10;20:16;21:25;18:10;20:16; 76:2,5,22;78:7,9,10,13,13 ;86:6; 29:18;69:11;29:18;69:11 21:25 90:4 \ 86:15,15 must (41) 17:8,20;20:2;23: 1,6, I 0;24:22, 23;28:5;29:7,23;30:12;42:16; 13:9;15:3,8;57:14;17:8,20;74:6; 75:11;20:2;82:22;85: 13;23:1,6, 10;90:13;24:22,23;28:5;29:7,23; 30:12;42:16;57:14;74:6;75: 11; 82:22;85:13;90:13 myself (4) 51:23;87:16;51:23;87:16 N 39:10,10 non (3) office (6) North (3) officials (2) ordered (2) name (6) 1:.5;2: 12.5,17.5 87:6,6 66:11,11 33:23;52:2;64:11;33:23;52:2; 64:11 Notary (2) offsite (2) orders (22) 92:3,19 45:17,17 named (2) note (1) Once (4) 50:19,19 4:25 34:22;54:15;34:22;54: 15 names (6) notes (2) one (46) 66:25;67:15,19,25;68:10;70:16; 72:19;74:5;75:12;85:24;86:23; 66:25;67:15,19,25;68:10;70:16; 72:19;74:5;75:12;85:24;86:23 ordinance (2) 5:2;21:8;7:16,21;38:21;11:2; 44:23;12:11;46:4;47: 15,16; 20:15,15 notice (6) Nashville (7) . organization (4) 4:2;5:8;90:16;91:4;90:16;91:4 48:15;13:7,7;55:8,19;58:23; 1:.5;2:13,18.5;59:13;74:7; 46:25;47:1;46:25;47:1 number (42) 60:13;16:22;61: 16;75:3;21:8; 59:13;74:7 originated (2) 30:17;40:3,9;44:23;45:6;55: 1,9, 82:10,12;85:2;88:8,9;89:6; national (2) 19;59:20,21;61:16,17;62:25; 38:21;44:23;46:4;47: 15,16; 74:11,11 24:24,24 64:12;75:4,22;76: I ,9,9;79:10; 48:15;55:8,19;58:23;60: 13; originating (2) nation's (1) 88:9;30:17;40:3,9;44:23;45:6; 61:16;75:3;82: 10,12;85:2;88:8, 45:3,3 6:8 55:1,9,19;59:20,21;61: 16,17; 9;89:6 others (2) nature (8) ones (7) 14:12;15:20 29:25;42:22;60:11;90:18;29:25; 62:25;64:12;75:4,22;76:1,9,9; otherwise (13) 79:10;88:9 6:4,4;21:6;34: 18;10:17;21:6; 42:22;60:11;90:18 numbered (2) 34:18 39:19,23;14:17;56:20;67:25; nearly (2) 62:25,25 only (14) 70:22;71:6;39:19,23;56:20; 25:18,18 numbers (2) 34:12;37:18;41:21;42:9;52:15; 67:25;70:22;71 :6 necessarily (1) ought (4) 58:1;61:4;34: 12;37:18;41:21; 59:15,15 7:20 nunc (2) 42:9;52:15;58:1;61:4 73:6;90:10;73:6;90: 10 necessary (1) open (14) ours (1) 72:1,1 4:18 17:3,17;21 :23;28:20;14:6,21; 11:17 necessity (2) out (40) 56:14;17:3,17;73:13;21:23; 0 25:17,17 28:20;56:14;73:13 6:20;9:1;10:4;46:19;13:11; need (20) opened (2) 49:10;51:24;53:25;59:6;72:20; objecting (2) 4:8,14;30:21;31:5;33:13;54:2; 60:12,12 73:18;74:16,18;75:2;80: 14,18; 58:21;76:4;83:20,21;91:6;30:21; 27:9,9 opening (14) 81:21;86:11;89:4;90:20,21 ;91:7; objection (1) 31:5;33:13;54:2;58:21 ;76:4; 40:2,9,12,20;66:24;67:24; 46:19;49:10;51:24;53:25;59:6; 4:25 83:20,21;91:6 81:15;40:2,9,12,20;66:24;67:24; 72:20;73:18;74:16,18;75:2; needed (2) objections (2) 80:14,18;81 :21;86:11;89:4; 81:15 44:12,12 86:1,1 operate (2) 90:20,21;91:7 needs (3) obligation (3) outcome (3) 7:2;8:10 4:15;76:22,22 9:2;36:7,7 operated (6) 13:8;60:12,12 negligence (2) obligations (6) outcomes (4) 83:5,5 18:22;29: 19;49:9;18:22;29: 19; 37:4,7;11:20;14:8;37:4,7 operates (2) 41:5;52:23;41:5;52:23 neither (2) 49:9 outlined (4) 18:13,13 19:17,17 obtain (5) 40:12;50:17;40:12;50:17 59:24;60:20;16:11;59:24;60:20 operating (7) NEWS (3) 51:10,12;64:11;51:10,12;64:11 85:5,5 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (27) move - outlined Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29 2008 , 54;25;55:19;15:2,10;16: 11; 62;23;73:11,12;74:5,12,18,22; 75;4,16;76;4,5,6,11,23;20:22; paying (2) 77;5,5,19;78;17;21:6,7,21,23; 87;21,21 83;24;28;14;30:23;33:21;39;7; payment (24) 46;10,11;48;2;54:25;55; 19; 38;24,25;48:22,25;50:6;51:6; 62:23;73;11,12;74:5,12,18,22; 57;13;64;5,9;74; 14;75;6;76;15; 75;4,16;76:4,5,6,11,23;77;5,5, 38;24,25;48;22,25;50;6;51:6; 19;78;17;83;24 57;13;64;5,9;74; 14;75:6;76;15 plaintiffs (4) pending (10) 38:3;74:4;38:3 ;74:4 plan (4) 41:15,17;53:8;69:8,10;41: 15, 17;53:8;69;8,10 21:1;23:18;21:1;23;18 people (9) pleading (2) 7:8;35:15;87:17,21;91;6;35;15; 58:20,20 pm (2) 87:17,21;91:6 per (2) 91;13,13 point (33) 30:13,13 percent (1) 3:11;4:9,10;6:5,20;21: 12;34:21; 10:23 36:15,21 ;50;9;52;21 ;59:6;61;11; perfect (2) 80:18;21;12;81 ;21;86:4,11 ;89;3, 59;10,10 4;34:21;36:15,21 ;50:9;52:21; perform (2) 59:6;61:11;80:18;81 :21;86:4,11; 24;7,7 89;3,4 pay (8) over (17) 6;21;24:19;28:17,17;31 :3;39;6; 11;8;57:11;16;25;83:8;24: 19; 28;17,17;31:3;39:6;57; 11;83;8 overseas (2) 18;9,9 oversee (2) 19:21,21 oversight (2) 23:7,7 overturn (2) 71:6,6 own (4) 6:8;7:2;37:19,19 owned (8) 21:19;32:6;37:3;75;20;21;19; 32:6;37:3;75:20 ownership (2) 77:14,14 P page (4) 19,21,19,19,21 7;8;8:23;57:19;75:18;87:22; 57;19;75:18;87:22 outside (2) 41;8,8 pretty (1) performance (6) 62;2,5,2,5 19;21;23;14,16;19;21;23:14,16 paid (12) performing (2) 17:19,19 22;12,12;39;6;46;1;64;13; 76;20;22;12,12;39;6;46:1;64:13; performs (3) 18:2;7:1;18:2 76:20 pain (4) period (3) 77:23;82:11;77:23;82:11 46;6;13;21;46;6 paper (3) person (9) 5:5;62:18,18 27;17,21;30:2,4;11: 12;27:17, 21;30;2,4 papers (8) 10:4 prevent (2) 70:11,11 previously (5) 17:3;6;15;28: 19;17:3;28:19 primarily (2) 25:24,24 principle (2) 72;3,3 principles (2) 15:14,23 print (4) 51;9;54:7;51 ;9;54:7 printed (2) 52:1,1 prints (4) 51:8;54;3;51;8;54:3 prior (2) 71:23,23 PRISON (68) 1:.5;19;1', 15,16,18,19;22:22,25; 23;19,19,21,25;24: 14,17,18,18, pointed (4) 19,20,25;7: 11;26:21;27: 18;8:9, 21:17;49:10;21:17;49:10 10;32:5;34;24;35: 14;36;15,25; policy (2) 46;25;53:16;19:6,15,16,'18, 19; 89:17,17 79:18;81 ;8;82:6;22:22,25;87: 17; position (12) 23;19,19,21,25;89: 1;24;14,17, 10:14;41:17;13:24;56:3;66:8, 18,18,19,20,25;26:21 ;27:18; 14;87;9;41; 17;56:3;66:8, 14;87;9 32:5;34:24;35;14;36;15,25; possession (4) 46:25;53;16;79;18;81:8;82:6; 30:7;45:22;30:7;45;22 87:17;89:1 posslole (8) prisoner (2) 18;6;20;8;28;6;62:21;18:6; 20:8;28;6;62;21 prisoners (14) 64:14,14 47:22;73:11;74:9;75:23;47:22; 73;11;74:9;75:23 personnel (4) 59;11,18,11,18 possibly (2) paragraph (8) person's (2) 47:19,19 58;23,23,24;78;2;58:23,23,24; 78;2 27;18,18 posthoc (2) persuaded (2) 71:3,3 prisons (27) parole (2) 30;15,15 potential (2) 24;2,2 petition (8) 41:18,18 part (6) 22;3,3;86:20;91 ;3;86:20;91:3 6;16;36:14;12:6;69:9;90:4; 36:14;69;9;90:4 46:2,2 22:18;26:7;27:22;34: 17;35;16; 36;20;16:6,8;22: 18;26:7;27:22; 34;17;35:16;36:20 particular (10) Petitioner (6) power (2) 22;17;26:6;27: 16;28:11;31;23, 24;32:6;33;9;34;10,14,23;16;6, 7,7;82:13;22:17;26:6;27:16; 28:11 ;31;23,24;32:6;33;9;34:10, 14,23;82: 13 28;25;61;9;67:8;71:11;76:24; 28:25;61:9;67:8;71 :11;76:24 1:.5;2:3;5:17;6:23;90;6,6 72:5,5 private (49) photographs (4) powers (2) particularly (8) 30:6,11,6,11 23;20,20 65;3;66;13;85:3,12;65;3;66; 13; 85:3,12 photostats (4) preempt (2) 30:6,11,6,11 67;20,20 parties (15) phrase (8) preemption (6) 3:9;5:19,24;17:12;43:2;14;3; 15:15,22;64: 11;17;12;88:20; 43:2;64:11;88;20;92;12 39:22,25;40:6;64;18;39:22,25; 40:6;64:18 62;4;68:4;70;25;62:4;68:4; 70:25 17;16,16;18:12,24,25;19:1,6,9, 15,16,17;22:2,13,15,25;7: 10; 27:5,8;8;1,8,10;16:21;17;16,16; 18:12,24,25;19:1,6,9,15, 16,17; 80;6;82;14;84:10;22:2,13,15,25; 87:21;88:3;27;5,8;80:6;82: 14; 84:10;87:21;88:3 place (2) preparation (2) privately (2) parts (1) 26;14,14 56;22,22 21:19,19 3:11 placed (2) prepared (4) privilege (43) party (10) 76:23,23 40:17;52:17;40:17;52;17 20;25;42:20;56:20;68: 14;70:11; 20;25;42:20;56:20;68: 14;70:11 placing (2) present (14) 39:11;40:1;41:24;42:7,13,18, 21;47:13;50:10,16,18;14;18; 56:13;57:7;60;19;61:4,7;63; 15, 18;69:19;70;7;85:22;39: 11; 40:1;41 :24;42:7,13,18,21 ;47:13; 50:10,16,18;56: 13;57;7;60: 19; 61;4,7;63:15,18;69: 19;70:7; party's (1) 15:18 past (2) 47:7,7 potentially (2) 24;9,9 25:4;38:25;39;5;49;8,19;50:7; 55:4;25:4;38:25;39;5;49;8,19; 3:13;20:22;6:9,11;21;6,7,21,23; 50:7;55:4 28:14;30:23;33 :21;39:7;46;10, presented (10) 11;48:2;13;9,18;14;1,4,16,24; 20:22;6:5;10:18;20:22;84; 19, plaintiff (78) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (28) ontside - privilege Alex Friedmann v. Corrections Corporation of America 85:22 privileged (48) 30:2;38:17;41 :7,25;43:1,3; 44:13,16;47:9,19;51:19,20; 52:11,11;54:8,14;60:25;63:7; 65:6,10,20;69:21;85:24;88:12; 30:2;38:17;41:7,25;43:1,3; 44:13,16;47:9,19;51:19,20; 52:11,11;54:8,14;60:25;63:7; 65:6,10,20;69:21 ;85:24;88:12 privileges (2) 56:23,23 pro (2) 72:1,1 probably (8) 28:8;46:14;47:24;89: 19;28:8; 46:14;47:24;89:19 probative (4) 20:23,23;81:1,1 problem (2) 47:6,6 procedural (2) 68:25,25 Procedure (18) 40:16;42:19;58:6;61 :23;67:17, 20;68:8;69:23;70:17;40:16; 42:19;58:6;61:23;67:17,20;68:8; 69:23;70:17 procedures (4) 24:1,4,1,4 proceeding (1) 3:6 PROCEEDINGS (7) 1:.5;3:4;58:13;91:12;58:13; 91:12;92:7 process (2) 41:11,11 processes (2) 53:6,6 produce (40) 9:2;37:16;11:13;49:3,23;59:8; 66:10,12;73:7;78:3,7,13;80: 11; 81:6,12,13;85:21;86:16,23; 88:13;89:10;37:16;49:3,23;59:8; 66:10,12;73:7;78:3,7,13;80: 11; 81:6,12,13;85:21 ;86:16,23; 88:13;89:10 produced (18) 4:20;8:20;42:24;47:10;60:22; 61:16;64:25;80:25;86:17;88:12; 42:24;47:10;60:22;61:16;64:25; 80:25;86:17;88:12 producing (6) 30:14;43:13;86:1;30:14;43:13; 86:1 product (57) 38:16;39:10;40:1,13,14;42:12, 17,21;44:4,9;49:2;50:16,18; 52:13;14:17;54:22;56:12;61 :9; 63:7,15,18;65:5,7,12,17,22; 69:19,21;70:7;38:16;39:10;40:1, 13,14;42:12,17,21 ;44:4,9;49:2; 50:16,18;52:13;54:22;56:12; Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 61 :9;63:7,15,18;65:5,7,12,17,22; providing (9) 69:19,21;70:7 17:21;14:2;17:21;75:10,10; production (2) 76:11;75:10,10;76:11 provision (2) 56:14,14 prohibition (2) 23:17,17 32:20,20 provisions (3) promulgate (2) 24:16;9:19;24:16 19:13,13 public (185) proof (14) 4:21;17:3,12,13,17,21;18:2,5,6, 3:9;4:15;5:21 ;22:9,10;7: 14;9:9; 7,10,25;20:1,8,8,10,11;22:4,5, 36:24;10:18;15:2;16:14;22:9,10; 16;7:19;25:7,16,17;26:12;28:4, 36:24 5,7,8,9,9,20,24,24;8:22;29:4,10, proper (2) 11,12,13,15,19;30:3;9: 16,19; 20:13,13 35:2;37:12,25;38:11;39:16; properly (2) 11:11;12:18,23;46:20;13: 19,25; 61:4,4 49:12;14:25;15:7,13;57:24;58:7, property (10) 11,14;59:7,25;16:2,10;62: 1; 25:14;35:9;53: 16;64:14,15; 17:3,12,13,17,21;66:17,23;67:2, 25:14;35:9;53: 16;64:14,15 14,20;68:17;18:2,5,6,7,10,25; proposal (2) 69:1,3,7,12,13,24,25;70: 13,23; 60:23,23 75:24;76:7;20:1,8,8,10,11; Proposals (4) 78:18;79:7;80:20;81 :9;83:15; 23:5;60:9;23:5;60:9 22:4,5,16;86:14;87:7;88:4;89:2, 7,17,17;90: 19;25:7,16,17;26:12; propose (6) 21:1,7,14,1,7,14 28:4,5,7,8,9,9,20,24,24;29:4,10, proposed (4) 11,12,13,15,19;30:3;35:2;37:12, 23:9;62:18;23:9;62: 18 25;38:11;39:16;46:20;49: 12; proposes (2) 57:24;58:7,11,14;59:7,25;62: 1; 23:8,8 66:17,23;67:2,14,20;68:17;69: 1, proposition (4) 3,7,12,13,24,25;70: 13,23;75:24; 39:13;40:4;39: 13;40:4 76:7;78:18;79:7;80:20;81 :9; protected (35) 83:15;86:14;87:7;88:4;89:2,7, 38:16;39:9,25;41 :22,23;43:1; 17,17;90:19;92:4,19 49:1;50:15;14:17;54:21;56:22; publicly (2) 63:6;65:5,11,16,21;69: 18;70:7; 85:7,7 38:16;39:9,25;41 :22,23;43:1; Publishing (6) ·49: 1;50:15;54:21;56:22;63:6; 17:5;25:10,20;17:5;25:10,20 65:5,11,16,21;69: 18;70:7 purpose (9) protection (24) 19:8;37:18;14:10;19:8;84:3; 40:14;42:11,18,22;43:3;44:4,8; 87:18;37:18;84:3;87:18 50:19;61:8;63:16;69:22;70:8; purposes (14) 40:14;42:11,18,22;43:3;44:4,8; 25:7,16;28:3,9;29: 11;31:13; 50:19;61:8;63:16;69:22;70:8 54:18;25:7,16;28:3,9;29: 11; protective (2) 31:13;54:18 68:10,10 pursuant (37) protects (2) 19:22;20:14;21:22;24:14;32:1, 40:16,16 3,14,16,23;33:4,7;35: 10,11; prove (2) 36:21;15:9;61:18;67:16;68:8; 23:10,10 70:16;19:22;20:14;21:22;24:14; provide (29) 32:1,3,14,16,23;33 :4,7;35: 10,11; 19:18;21:14;22:22;23:6,8,9; 36:21;61:18;67:16;68:8;70:16 27:16;28:1;44:3;13:23;15:7,12; put (18) 72:25;19:18;74:17;75:14;21:14; 9:12;10:22;53:4,5;65:2;70:24; 22:22;23:6,8,9;89:21;27: 16; 74:17;81 :22;84:24;89: 11 ;53:4,5; 28:1;44:3;72:25;74: 17;75:14; 65:2;70:24;74:17;81 :22;84:24; 89:21 89:11 provided (16) quickly (1) 9:13 quote (22) 39:19,20,22,22;42:22;43:3;64: 1, 16;72:3,8;86:24;39: 19,20,22,22; 42:22;43:3;64:1,16;72:3,8;86:24 R raise (2) 91:5,5 raised (3) 31:4;11:4;31:4 raising (2) 36:22,22 rather (5) 9:20;51:23;74:15;51 :23;74:15 reach (2) 17:13,13 reaches (2) 47:5,5 read (10) 13:1;15:16;63:25;79:17;89:18, \ 20;63:25;79:17;89:18,20 ready (3) 6:11;90:25,25 real (2) 83:19,19 really (26) 3:12;6:18;21:1;7:17;8:23;46: 11, 13,24;73:22;74:2;76: 10;77:18; 79:17;21:1;82:1,12;46:11,13,24; 73:22;74:2;76:10;77:18;79:17; 82:1,12 rearguing (1) 6:20 reason (10) 9:8;12:5;47:16;52:15;67:22; 78:18;47:16;52:15;67:22;78:18 reasonable (7) 30:9;15:11;79:8;84:22;30:9; 79:8;84:22 reasoning (3) 13:16;73:8,8 reasons (8) 50:16;65:2;67:11 ;85:20;50:16; 65:2;67:11;85:20 receive (2) 26:11,11 received (4) 4:23;20:14;9:21;20:14 receiving (4) 78:17;81:3;78:17;81:3 recognize (3) 5:5;86:20,20 record (30) provides (2) qualifies (2) 4:18;19:25;20: 12,13;22:11; 28:7;10:22;37:10;12:18;46:20; 15:17;59:14,25;19:25;20:12,13; 78:18;22:11;85:7;87:7;90:5; 28:7;37:10;46:20;59: 14,25; 78:18;85:7;87:7;90:5 42:20,20 40:13,13 recorded (1) 28:23;30:12;39:19,23;15:4; 16:9;62:20;75:13;76:22;28:23; 30:12;39:19,23;62:20;75: 13; 76:22 Q qualifications (2) 23:10,10 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (29) privileged - recorded Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29,2008 92:5 84:20,20 require (10) revenue (2) records (175) related (4) 22:4,4 4:21;17:11,12,13,17;18:5,7,9, 12;19:1;20:2,9,1 0;21:23;25:8; 28:4,5,7,10;8:19,20,22;29:12,12, 12,13,15,17,19,22,23,25;30: 1,3, 7,9;9:3;34:12,13;35:2;36:12; 37:12,25;38: 11 ,20;39:9,16,18, 19;11 :6,10,11;12:23;13:19,20, 25,25;14:7,15,21,24,25;56: 14; 15:13;57:24;58:7,11,14;59:7,24; 16:2,11,11,16;62: 1;64:16;17:11, 12,13,17;66: 17,23;67:3,14,21; 68:17;18:5,7,9,12;69: 1,13;70:13, 23;19:1;73:13;76:7;20:2,9,10; 79:7,24;21 :23;81:9;82:24;83: 15; 84:1;86:1,14;88:4;89: 18;90:19; 25:8;28:4,5,7,10;29: 12,12,12, 13, 15,17,19,22,23,25;30: 1,3,7,9; 34:12,13;35:2;36:12;37:12,25; 38:11,20;39:9,16,18,19;56:14; 57:24;58:7,11,14;59:7;24;62: 1; 64: 16;66:17,23;67:3,14,21; 68:17;69:1,13;70:13,23;73:13; 76:7;79:7,24;81:9;82:24;83:15; 84:1;86:1,14;88:4;89:18;90:19 record's (3) 9:16;69:25,25 37:17;55:3;37:17;55:3 20:2;27:15;28:3;30: 13;53:25; 20:2;27:15;28:3;30: 13;53:25 relationship (2) required (22) 68:1;71:5;68:1;71:5 19:2,2 29:16;43:15;44:6,10; 13:6;49:3; 15:6;64:25;65: 18;66: 16;68:17; 83:13;29: 16;43: 15;44:6,10;49:3; 64:25;65:18;66:16;68: 17;83:13 review (3) 24:2,6;27:24;57:23;24:2,6; 27:24;57:23 requirement (4) revoking (2) 67:21;70:21;67:21;70:21 24:9,9 releases (12) requirements (6) right (33) 48:21,25;57:20,22;75:5;78:3; 48:21,25;57:20,22;75:5;78:3 67:2;69:1;90:19;67:2;69: 1; 90:19 relevant (3) requires (6) 46:21;16:20;46:21 relied (2) 23:15;47:9;82:25;23:15;47:9; 82:25 25:12,12 requiring (8) 22:10;30:3,4;37: 1,22;38:2; 39:17;12:25;46: 15;47:6,20;56:7; 58:17;62:10,17;73:15;22:10; 88:25;30:3,4;37: 1,22;38:2; 39:17;46:15;47:6,20;56:7;58: 17; 62:10,17;73:15;88:25 relief (2) 68:1,11,14;70: 18;68:1,11,14; 70:18 rink (4) 50:1,1 remain (2) research (2) rise (2) 85:19,19 13:3;15:20 91:11,11 renewals (2) resolved (2) risk (6) 77:12,12 90:11,11 41:14,17;52:19;41: 14,17;52: 19 repeatedly (2) respect (38) road (2) 83:1,1 36:9,9 relative (1) 92:13 release (8) reverse (4) 6:10;80:17,17 reviewed (4) 23:7;86:9;23:7;86:9 79:21;88:7;79:21 ;88:7 recover (2) 23:3,3;92:4 33:16;34:10;35:8;36:17;46: 18; 47:8;50:8;57:10;58:23,24;59:2, 5;61:1;78:1;79:12;80:21;86: 11; 88:15;90:9;33: 16;34:10;35:8; 36:17;46:18;47:8;50:8;57: 10; 58:23,24;59:2,5;61: 1;78:1; 79:12;80:21 ;86:11;88: 15;90:9 82:20,20 REPORTER'S (1) respectful (2) redact (4) 92:1 47:14,14 59:15,16,15,16 Reporting (2) respectfully (5) refusal (6) 1:.5;2:15.5 21:4;12:5;21:4;84:23,23 40:15;42:20;43:14,25;44:2,7; 56:19;61:19,21 ,23;68:16;70: 17, 17,20;77:3;40: 15;42:20;43:14, 25;44:2,7;56:19;61: 19,21,23; 68:16;70:17,17,20;77:3 82:16;87:3,10;82: 16;87:3,10 reports (4) respond (8) ruled (11) refuse (2) 43:16;54:25;55:20;62: 12;43:16; 3:8;30:20;71:17;84: 10;85:23; represent (2) 86:21;30:20;71:17;84: 10;85:23; 54:25;55:20;62: 12 responded (1) 86:21 49:24,24 rules (34) representation (2) 6:17 Respondent (2) 87:20,20 19:13;30:9;42:19;48:8;56: 17, request (59) 1:.5;2:9.5 18,21;58:6,12;67: 16,19;68:8,25; 4:16;9:17,18;34:12,14;36:12; responds (2) 69:22;70:11,20;72:18;19:13; 38:20,21;11:14;12:6,15;48:20, 42:8,8 30:9;42:19;48:8;56:17,18,21; 21; 13: 19;49:5;50:3,13,14;51: 1; response (8) 58:6,12;67: 16,19;68:8,25;69:22; 59:12;63:21,22;64:21,23;65:1; 42:9;49:11;62:4;69: 15;42:9; 70:11,20;72:18 ruling (31) 69:3,13,15;70: 1,12;74:4;78:24; 49:11 ;62:4;69: 15 4:7,24;5:3;31:6,11;34:19;38: 12; 85:5;34:12,14;36:12;38:20,21; responsibilities (4) 48:6;49:25;68:18;75:25;77: 11; 48:20,21;49:5;50:3,13, 14;51: 1; 18:23;23:23; 18:23;23:23 78:22;83:9;84:16,17;86:6;31:6, 59:12;63:21,22;64:21,23;65: 1; responsibility (2) 11;34:19;38:12;48:6;49:25; 69:3,13,15;70:1,12;74:4;78:24; 17:21,21 responsive (2) 68:18;75:25;77:11;78:22;83:9; 85:5 50:14,14 84:16,17;86:6 requested (20) rulings (4) 21:24;29:13,15,22;30:1,11; restrictive (4) 24:10,11,10,11 49:17;59:2;49:17;59:2 38:9;45:15;73: 12;76:8;21 :24; run (6) 29:13,15,22;30:1, 11 ;38:9;45: 15; resulted (12) 38:24;50:6;51 :6;64:4;74:13; 23:11;48:14;82: 13;23:11 ;48:14; 73:12;76:8 requesting (15) 82:13 76:15;38:24;50:6;51 :6;64:4; 11:16;44:24;45:25;53: 14,14; running (3) 74:13;76: 15 64:1,1,18;44:24;45:25;53: 14,14; resume (2) 8:5;88:7,7 runs (2) 64:1,1,18 23:18,18 requests (2) revealing (2) 46:24,24 48:15,15 42:25,25 Rutter (2) reply (2) 32:18,18 report (2) records' (1) 62:19,19 9:19 Reporter (3) 59:8,8 refused (1) 13:22 refusing (2) 87:9,9 regard (2) 14:25;15:1 regarding (8) 24:16;55:25;56:3 ;77:14;24:16; 55:25;56:3;77:14 regardless (10) 29:24;35:21;39:3;64:8;87: 1; 29:24;35:21 ;39:3;64:8;87:1 regards (1) 5:25 regulate (4) 19:14,20,14,20 regulating (2) 19:8,8 regulation (3) 28:16;16:25;28:16 regulations (2) 19:14,14 rehashing (1) 6:21 rejected (2) role (4) 43:25;44:1;43:25;44:1 Rudder (2) 56:15,15 Rule (30) 49:6,7,6,7 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (30) records - Rutter Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America 47:11,11 S safe (1) 16:7 safety (4) 24:25;29:4;24:25;29:4 same (8) 30:6;40:6;76: 1;87:5 ;30:6;40:6; 76:1;87:5 sample (2) 43:13,13 sanctions (4) 64:6;76: 16;64:6;76: 16 satisfied (4) 40:20;43:5;40:20;43:5 satisfy (4) 42:17;74:22;42:17;74:22 saved (2) 46:5,5 saw (2) 56:17,17 saying (11) 36:20;11: 12;51:20;55:9;60:20; 73: 10;36:20;51 :20;55:9;60:20; 73:10 scheme (2) 27:14,14 scope (4) 64:20;65: 1;64:20;65: 1 scratch (2) 60:3,3 screen (4) 51:9;54:7;51:9;54:7 screens (6) 51:8;52: 1;54:4;51 :8;52: 1;54:4 scrutiny (2) 17:18,18 seal (44) 38: 19;39:4, 14;40:7;56:4;66:4, 11,20;67: 1,6,7,9,12,18;68:2,7, 11;70: 19;72:13,14;75: 12;85:25; 38: 19;39:4, 14;40:7;56:4;66:4, 11,20;67:1,6,7,9,12,18;68:2,7, 11;70:19;72:13,14;75: 12;85:25 sealed (6) 75:9;78:4,6;75:9;78:4,6 sealing (10) 76:2,4,5,21 ;78:8;76:2,4,5,21; 78:8 Second (18) 1:.5;47: 16;48:20; 13:15;55:9; 65:24;67 :4,22,22;70:24;47: 16; 48:20;55:9;65:24;67:4,22,22; 70:24 secrecy (2) 47:2,2 Section (15) 19:22;20:9;21 :22;23: 13;25: 13; 39:21;14:2; 15:10;16:5;19:22; 20:9;21 :22;23: 13;25: 13;39:21 Security (4) Davidson County Chancery Ceurt» Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 59:15,21,15,21 seek (4) 67:25;71:9;67:25;71 :9 seeking (6) 30:23 ;46:8;71:5 ;30:23 ;46:8; 71:5 seeks (3) 19:10;13:18;19:10 seem (1) 3:11 seems (3) 5:24;74:21,21 segregate (2) 74:19,19 sense (4) 74:25;75:17;74:25;75:17 sentence (8) 24:5,8,9;64: 18;24:5,8,9;64: 18 sentencing (2) 27:25,25 separate. (6) 33: 13;51: 12;15;33: 13;51: 12,15 separated (1) 12:10 sequence (2) 19:6,6 serious (2) 20:3,3 served (1) 5:9 serves (2) 19:3,3 Services (24) 1:.5;17:6,19;19: 10,19;22:23; 23:6,10;25: 11;28: 1,22;15:4,5,6; 17:6,19; 19:10, 19;22:23;23 :6,10; 25:11;28:1,22 serving (3) 35:13;14: 10;35: 13 set (6) 7: 12;10:4;48:7;65:3 ;48:7;65:3 settle (2) 47:1,1 settlement (84) 38: 18;39:2,13;40:6;41: 19;42:4; 43:20;48:22,24;52:25;53: 1; 55:24;56:3 ,4;57 :25;58:2,5, 15; 61: 13,20;62: 18;65:25;66: 1,3,19, 21;67: 1,4,5,9, 12,18;68:6,15,22; 72: 11;75:6,7,11,13;76:25;78:6; 38: 18;39:2, 13;40:6;41: 19;42:4; 43:20;48:22,24;52:25;53: 1; 55:24;56:3 ,4;57 :25;58 :2,5,15; 61: 13,20;62: 18;65:25;66: 1,3,19, 21;67: 1,4,5,9, 12,18;68:6, 15,22; 72: 11;75:6,7,11,13;76:25;78:6 settlements (8) 61: 14;64:5;74: 15;76: 16;61: 14; 64:5;74:15;76:16 several (7) 3:6;66:24;69: 17;71: 1;66:24; 69:17;71:1 shall (11) 30:4;42:22;56 :24; 16:8;64: 15; 90:4;30:4;42:22;56:24;64: 15; 90:4 shared (1) 3:10 Shelby (6) 34:3,4,16,3,4,16 short (6) 43: 12,13;89:25;43: 12,13;89:25 shorthand (1) 92:6 show (19) 12:17;47:7;52:2; 14:12,23; 53: 15;57: 1;63:6,17;81:2;82:23; 47:7;52:2;53: 15;57: 1;63:6,17; 81:2;82:23 showing (16) 6:7;44:9;51:4; 16:12;64:3; 76: 13;83 :23;84:5 ;86:2;44:9; 51:4;64:3;76: 13;83:23;84:5; 86:2 shown (2) 76:6,6 shows (2) 52:4,4 side (10) 25: 18;28: 13;47:23;73:4;77 :25; 25: 18;28: 13;47:23;73:4;77:25 SIGNED (1) 92:16 significant (2) 81:24,24 silence (2) 78:24,24 Silverdale (4) 32:25;34:7;32:25;34:7 similar (14) 38:22;41 :20;49:7;50:4;63 :23; 64:2,19;38:22;41 :20;49:7;50:4; 63:23;64:2,19 simple (4) 65:8;85:8;65:8;85:8 simply (8) 12:2; 13:6;65:9;82: 13;83 :23; 65:9;82: 13;83:23 single (8) 17:9; 18:17;46:4;49:25;17:9; 18:17;46:4;49:25 sit (2) 55:22,22 sitting (2) 47:13,13 situation (10) 25:22;47: 14;70: 14;71: 14;81 :5; 25:22;47: 14;70: 14;71: 14;81:5 six (8) 46:6;50:2;55: 1,9;46:6;50:2; 55:1,9 size (2) 29:25,25 skill (1) 92:5 smeared (2) Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 81:15,15 Social (4) 59:15,21,15,21 Society (1) 8:4 sole (1) 14:10 somebody (10) 45:6;60:20;79:5 ;80:5;81:5; 45:6;60:20;79:5;80:5;81 :5 somebody's (2) 59:20,20 somehow (6) 68:25;70:11;81:8;68:25;70:11; 81:8 sometime (2) 87:1,1 sometimes (2) 88:24,24 somewhere (2) 47:25,25 sorry (2) 55:22,22 sort (4) 51:4;74:24;51 :4;74:24 sorts (2) 44:14,14 sought (7) 14:1,16,24;85:7;87:7;85:7;87:7 speaking (1) 3:19 specific (17) 42: 14;43:21; 12:16;48:7;50: 17; 63:20,25;70: 1,17;42: 14;43:21; 48:7;50: 17;63:20,25;70:1,17 specifically (16) 38:7;41: 16;48:11,13,23;50: 11, 20;72:2;38:7;41: 16;48:11,13,23; 50: 11,20;72:2 spectrum (2) 46:3,3 split (2) 36:8,8 spreadsheet (10) 38:21;51 :4;60:2,15;77:3;38:21; 51:4;60:2,15;77:3 spreadsheets (16) 50:4;51 :25;53: 15;59:6;63:23; 64:2,19;76: 13;50:4;51 :25;53: 15; 59:6;63:23;64:2,19;76: 13 Square (1) 1:.5 stance (2) 44:5,5 stand (2) 40:4,4 standard (12) 40: 19;43:4;44:4;82:21 ;87:3; 88: 16;40: 19;43:4;44:4;82:21; 87:3;88:16 standards (10) 23: 12;24:24;25: 1,9;42: 16; 23: 12;24:24;25: 1,9;42:16 (31) safe - standards Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29,2008 Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America standing (2) 46:3,3 State (159) 4:23;17:19;19:8,11,17,19;21: 10, 11;22:2,8,20;23:2,15,18;24: 15, 24;7:8;27:2,15;28:2,11,21,23; 31:8,10,21;32:7,15,16,23;33: 12, 17;34:6,25,25;35:8,9,10,12,18, 19,21,24;36: 13;10:24,24;37: 13, 17;38:13;39:17,20,23;11:1,11, 13,19,21;45:3;49:4,5;14:8; 15:19;58:8,9;16:4;17:19;66:12, 20;67:23;69:4,5,14,16;71 :2,5,9, 10,17,21,25;72:4,13;19:8,11,17, 19;77:13;78:9;21: 10,11;83: 18; 22:2,8,20;23:2,15,18;91 :4;24:15, 24;27:2,15;28:2,11,21,23;31:8, 10,21 ;32:7,15,16,23;33: 12,17; 34:6,25,25;35:8,9,10,12,18,19, 21,24;36:13;37: 13,17;38:13; 39:17,20,23;45:3;49:4,5;58:8,9; 66:12,20;67:23;69:4,5,14,16; 71:2,5,9,10,17,21,25;72:4, 13; 77:13;78:9;83:18;91:4;92: 19.5 stored (8) 6:9,18;10:5 45:11,16,17;74:24;45:11,16,17; supporting (2) 74:24 87:10,10 telling (2) 51:18,18 temporary (2) straight (2) supposed (4) 26:10,10 82:5,5 74:2;90:1;74:2;90:1 ten (1) 10:23 18:4,8,18;20:12,19;61 :20;18:4, TENNESSE (1) strategy (2) 8,18;20: 12,19;80:3;85: 11 ;61:20; 1:.5 Tennessean (4) 41:11,11 80:3;85:11 strict (2) sure (18) 86:25;88:17;86:25;88: 17 Tennessee (167) 82:22,22 28:8;51:14;55:23;56:2,11; strong (2) 57:18;63: 11;77:4;78:21;28:8; 1:.5;2:6,13,18.5;17:15;18:4,5; 28:25,25 51:14;55:23;56:2,11;57: 18; 19:5,11;20:12,19;21:22;22:5,6, strongly (2) 63:11 ;77:4;78:21 15;23:4;7:9;26:5,14,15;27: 15; 27:25,25 survived (2) 28:12,21;29:5,11 ;30:16;31 :8,10, stuff (16) 36:16,16 13,20,21 ;32:4,7,8,12,19,21 ;33:2, sustain (1) 12,15,17,17,18,22,25;34:6,25; 35:3,8;36:9,13;61:7;80: 11; 82:16;89: 10;35:3,8;36:9,13; 35:2,8,24;36:12;10:25;38;23; 9:8 sustained (2) 39:4;40:15;11:11,13,19,21; 61;7;80:11;82: 16;89:10 42:19;45:3;49:4,5,17;50:5;51:6; subject (44) 36:23,23 18:25;35:1;39: 11 ,15;49:15; 'SW (7) 14:9,10,13;55:3;15:20,24,25; 14:6,21,22;55:6;56: 13;15:25; 17:15,24;20:18;16:18;17: 15,24; 58:10,14;60:24;16:2,5;61:19; 62:1;64:4;17:15;66: 17;18:4,5; 61;8,21;66:2,22;67: 10;18:25; 20:18 SWAN (2) 19:5,11;74:8,11 ;76:15;20:12,19; 72:12;76:20,21 ;80:13;81:8; 77:13;80:3;21 :22;83:16,18;84:8; stated (13) 83:15;87:7;88:4;35: 1;39:11 ,15; 92:3,18.5 22:5,6,15;85: 11 ,12;23:4;26:5,14, 25:6;37:24;47:24;13: 1;50:21; 49: 15;55:6;56: 13;61 :8,21;66:2, Swift (12) 15;27:15;28:12,21;29:5,11; 77:10;86:12;25:6;37:24;47:24; 22;67:10;72: 12;76:20,21;80: 13; 58:4,11;62:1;68:18;70:2;73:1; 30:16;31 :8,1 0,13,20,21;32:4,7,8, 50:21;77:10;86:12 81:8;83:15;87:7;88:4 58:4,11;62:1;68:18;70:2;73: 1 12,19,21 ;33:2,12,15,17,17,18,22, statements (3) submit (22) sworn (2) 15:17;87:2,2 25;34:6,25;35:2,8,24;36: 12; 43:5;44:12;12:4,5;46: 18;56:25; 50:24,24 38:23;39:4;40:15;42:19;45:3; states (19) 60:4,9;79:9;80:8;82: 15,19;43:5; synonymous (2) 49:4,5,17;50:5;51 :6;55:3;58:10, 20:6;25:13;31:9,11;32:1,2,18; 44: 12;46:18;56:25;60:4,9;79:9; 83:3,3 14;60:24;61: 19;62:1;64:4; 16:5;73:8;20:6;82: 13;25:13; 80:8;82:15,19 system (8) 24:17,18;27:18;77: 15;24:17,18; 66:17;74:8,11 ;76:15;77: 13;80:3; 31:9,11;32:1,2,18;73:8;82:13 submitted (9) State's (4) 9:6;43:6;50:25;63: 19;69:13; 27:18;77:15 83:16,18;84:8;85: 11,12;92:19.5 Tennessee's (16) 19:9;35: 15;19:9;35: 15 43:6;50:25;63:19;69:13 32:16;39: 16;40:14;66:23;67:2, stating (4) submitting (2) T 20;70:12,23;32:16;39:16;40:14; 75:8;87:13;75:8;87: 13 70:12,12 statute (22) subrogating (2) 66:23;67:2,20;70: 12,23 table (4) terminate (2) 17:14;22:8;25: 18;30: 18;32:4, 74:16,16 47:23;73:5;47:23;73:5 21,23;58:14;17: 14;79:4;81 :17; substantial (2) 23:20,20 talk (2) terminology (2) 22:8;87:19;25:18;30: 18;32:4,21, 90:9,9 46:22,22 suggested (4) 23;58:14;79:4;81:17;87:19 86:13,13 talked (2) statutes (2) terms (5) 44:12;68:20;44: 12;68:20 81:16,16 23:16,16 suggesting (2) 6:1;44:6,8,6,8 talking (26) statutory (4) 53:23,23 test (2) 26:13;8:3,4,6;29: 1,2;9:10; 19:19;27:14;19:19;27:14 suggestion (2) 20:13,13 33:22;37:20;54:9;60: 16;62:6; stay (4) testified (2) 63:9,9 72:10;81:10,11;26:13;29:1,2; 23:23;51:2;23:23;51 :2 40:23,23 Suite (2) 33:22;37:20;54:9;60: 16;62:6; testimony (4) step (3) 2:5.5,18 72:10;81:10,11 12:13;89: 15,15 suits (4) 50:24;63:12;50:24;63:12 task (2) stepping (2) 39:4;41:20;39:4;41:20 theory (2) 65:8,8 71:3,3 summaries (16) 41:10,10 tax (2) Steve (6) 38:22;50:4;51 :25;52:2;63:23; thereby (2) 72:7,7 40:22;43:7;44:15;40:22;43:7; 64:2,19;76: 12;38:22;50:4;51 :25; taxpayers (4) 68:12,12 52:2;63:23;64:2,19;76: 12 therefore (4) 44:15 22:6;26:15;22:6;26: 15 still (14) 29:9;42:6;29:9;42:6 summarizes (4) TCA (20) thereof (2) 45:21,21,23,23;72: 19,20;81 :2; 51:10,11,10,11 19:12,22;20:9;21:22;22:20; 45:21,21,23,23;72: 19,20;81:2 summary (4) 30:5,5 23:13;25:12;39:20; 14:2;15:9; stipulation (4) 22:25;77:6;22:25;77:6 third (4) 19:12,22;20:9;21:22;22:20; 37:3,8,3,8 supervise (2) 23:13;89:25;25: 12;39:20;89:25 35:25;49:4;35:25;49:4 storage (2) though (6) 19:20,20 Telephone (3) 45:17,17 supplemental (3) 32:11;63:8;86:19;32: 11;63:8; 2:19;59:20,20 straightforward (4) Supreme (16) 77:22;85:8;77:22;85:8 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (32) standing - though Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America Davidson Connty Chancery Conrt - Vol. Honorable Clandia Bonnyman Jnly 29, 2008 86:19 47:1,1 unique (2) thought (14) true (9) 88:1,1 41:11;42:25;53:6;55: 16;82:6; 86:17;88:10;41:11;42:25;53:6; 55:16;82:6;86:17;88:10 56:12,13;70:10;85:13;56:12,13; uniquely (3) 7:6;82:3,3 70:10;85:13;92:8 thoughtful (4) 79:16;88:21;79:16;88:21 thoughts (2) 77:20,20 three (12) 21:5,8;7:17,24;37:19;58:25; 75:22;21:5,8;37:19;58:25;75:22 threshold (12) 26:8;28:13,21,25;29:6;47:5; 26:8;28:13,21,25;29:6;47:5 throughout (2) 46:5,5 lier (2) 36:1,1 timely (2) 90:6,6 TIPPS (1) 2:12 titled (2) \ 59:1,1 today (21) 8:17;38:12;40:21 ;46:4;49:24; 55:5;63:5;64:22;72: 19;73:7; 86:5;38:12;40:21;46:4;49:24; 55:5;63:5;64:22;72: 19;73:7; 86:5 together (4) 70:21;77:6;70:21 ;77:6 told (2) 73:23,23 tomorrow (2) 90:21,21 tort (2) 22:7,7 totality (2) 18:16,16 totally (2) 70:14,14 tracking (10) 38:15;40:11;43:22;51: 16;63:24; 38:15;40:11;43:22;51: 16;63:24 tracks (2) 30:18,18 Training (4) 34:4,4,4,4 transaction (4) 18:10;20:16;18:10;20:16 TRANSCRIPT (6) 1:.5;79:17,17;92:7,8,9 transcripts (2) 80:22,22 treatment (1) 16:8 trial (2) 56:22,22 tried (3) 9:12;80:23,23 tries (2) trump (8) W wages (2) unless (14) 24:7,7 19:24;30:1;39:18,22;43:20; wait (2) 19:24;75:8;90:6;30: 1;39:18,22; 43:18,18 43:20;75:8;90:6 trumps (2) waived (4) 68:17,17 unquestionably (2) 61:1;63:17;61:1;63:17 try (2) 9:23;10:15 waiver (4) 13:12;16:1 up (20) 63:14;78:24;63:14;78:24 trying (17) 21:17;22:16;7:12;9:9;57:2; WALKER (1) 59:19;66:7;74:23;21: 17;83:20, 2:12 11:24;43:24;47:13;51 :21,24; 52:6;54:4;57:12;85:4;43:24; 21;22:16;89:11;57:2;59:19; wants (17) 47:13;51 :21 ,24;52:6;54:4;57: 12; 66:7;74:23;83:20,21 ;89:11 7:23;46:17,20,22;47:2;48:9; uphold (2) 85:4 72:15;74:16;77:25;46: 17,20,22; tunc (2) 70:11,11 47:2;48:9;72:15;74:16;77:25 upon (12) 72:2,2 Washington (1) turn (2) 3:8;6:13;25:12,24;27:2; 15:12, 1:.5 24;90:3;25:12.24;27:2;90:3 31:3,3 way (14) turned (1) use(11) 7:17;11:14;12:19,22;48:17; 24:21,23;30:16;41:16;13:7; 11:8 77:22;78:16;84:25;88:23;48: 17; two (20) 69:24;24:21,23;30: 16;41:16; 77:22;78:16;84:25;88:23 32:24;38:7,14;12:10;58:23; 69:24 ways (2) 16:23;61:17;67: 11;72:10;75:4; used (14) 8:2;9:12 78:2;32:24;38:7,14;58:23;61: 17; 25:14,16;41:13,13;43:11;44: 19; wealth (2) 67:11;72:10;75:4;78:2 50:23;25:14,16;41: 13,13;43:11; 53:9,9 type (14) 44:19;50:23 weapons (4) 24:6;36:23;44:9;63:14;66:1; using (4) 24:22,23,22,23 67:4;72:11;24:6;36:23;44:9; 51:16;69:11;51:16;69:11 weeks (1) 63:14;66:1 ;67:4;72:11 utilized (1) 3:6 types (6) 4:6 WELBORN (35) 47:3;54:8;64:13;47:3;54:8; 2:10.5;3:20,25;5: 18;30:25;31:1, 64:13 V 19;32:8;33:25;34:3;10:1,2,3; 37:2,5,15,23;56: 18;82:18;86: 11; U vacated (2) 91:1;30:25;31:1,19;32:8;33:25; 71:20,20 34:3;37:2,5,15,23 ;56:18;82:18; ultimately (10) vague (2) 86:11;91:1 39:5;51:22;70:3;83:22;85:18; 68:24,24 Welborn's (6) 39:5;51:22;70:3;83:22;85:18 validity (4) 36:17;87:12;88: 15;36:17;87:12; unauthenticated (1) 87:8,23,8,23 88:15 10:20 varying (2) well-established (2) uncertain (6) 87:1,1 72:3,3 85:14,16,19,14,16,19 verdict (16) Wells (4) 48:21,24;52:24,25;57:20,22; 47:11;56:15;47:11;56:15 under (90) 18:22;20: 1;24:10;29:19;38:19; 75:5;78:5;48:21,24;52:24,25; well-written (2) 39:4,14;40:7;43:14;44:8;56:4, 57:20,22;75:5;78:5 80:17,17 weren't (4) 14,19,21 ;57:24;59:7;16:1,10; verdicts (2) 61:25;66:4,11,16,20,23,25;67:6, 78:3,3 80:24,25,24,25 7,9,12,14,18;68:2,7,11;18:22; versus (26) West (8) 70:19,22;72:13,14;73:13;74:9; 17:5,11,14;20:5,18;21: 16; 31:20;32:8;33:22,25;31 :20; 75:25;20:1;81:10,17;85:25; 10:13;16:18;61:19;17:5,11,14; 32:8;33:22,25 89:24;90:16;24:10;29:19;38:19; 68:18;70:2;71: 13;20:5,18;21: 16; what's (4) 39:4,14;40:7;43: 14;44:8;56:4, 84:15;86:25;61:19;68:18;70:2; 50:22;66:6;50:22;66:6 whatsoever (4) 14,19,21 ;57:24;59:7;61 :25;66:4, 71:13;84:15;86:25 36:24,24,24,24 11,16,20,23,25;67:6,7,9,12,14, viewing (2) 18;68:2,7,11 ;70:19,22;72: 13,14; 27:2,2 Whereupon (2) void (10) 73:13;74:9;75:25;81: 10,17; 91:12,12 wherever (2) 67:25;71:6,19;72:1,5;67:25; 85:25;89:24;90: 16 28:6,6 understandable (2) 71:6,19;72:1,5 VOWELL (2) Whiteville (4) 30:19,19 1:.5;2:17 32:10;34:16;32: 10;34:16 unintentionally (3) whole (10) 18:21;9:2;18:21 67:1;69:1;70:21;71 :21;67:1; 69:1;70:21;71 :21 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (33) thought - whole Alex Friedmann v, Corrections Corporation of America 54:21;65:10,16,21 ;68:25;54:21; 65:10,16.21;68:25 Davidson County Chancery Court - Vol. Honorable Claudia Bonnyman July 29, 2008 y willful (17) 15:12;79:6,24;81:10;82:16; 83:2;86:14;87:4;89:3;79:6,24; 81:10;82:16;83:2;86:14;87:4; 89:3 y'all (2) 90:25,25 years (6) 46:6,6;50:2;46:6,6;50:2 willfully (10) 79:5;82:23,24;83:24;86:16; 79:5;82:23,24;83:24;86:16 willing (2) 81:20,20 Wilson (2) 71:13,13 Wisconsin (8) 32:13,15;35:16;36:20;32:13,15; , 35:16;36:20 wise (2) 85:22,22 wisely (2) 36:4,4 wit (1) 3:4 withholds (2) \ 56:20,20 within (16) 24:17;30:24;35:20;38:8;50:13; 64:23;65:1;69:8;24:17;30:24; 35:20;38:8;50:13;64:23;65: 1; 69:8 without (7) 6:20;7:9;8:7;42:25;77:22; 42:25;77:22 witnesses (1) 5:20 wonderful (2) 47:8,8 word (7) 12:9;62:15;72:24;86:12;62:15; 72:24;86:12 work (71) 24:6,7;38:16;39:10;40:1,13,14; 41:22;42:11,11,12,17,21;44:4,9; 45:5;49:2;50:15,18;52:13;14:16; 54:22;56:12;61:9;63:7,15,17; 64:10;65:5,7,12,17,21 ;69:19,21; 70:7;24:6,7;38:16;39:10;40:1, 13,14;41:22;42: 11,11,12,17,21; 44:4,9;45:5;49:2;50:15,18; 52:13;54:22;56:12;61:9;63:7,15, 17;64:10;65:5,7,12,17,21;69: 19, 21;70:7 writ (2) 69:9,9 written (3) 9:6;86:13,13 wrong (12) 46:19;57:5;71 :24;84:3;89:2,3; 46:19;57:5;71 :24;84:3;89:2,3 wrote (2) 80:16,16 Vowell & Jennings, Inc. (615) 256-1935 (34) willful - years