Prison Legal News v. Johnson, Complaint, Virginia Censorship, 2009
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LINITED STATESDiSTzuCTCOURT r$nK'EoFFlcEii,$.gtsTc0uRT ATO+IARTOTTESVILE, VA tri FD DISrzucroF VIRGINIA FORrHE WESTERN DIVISION CHARLOTTESVILLE, LEGALNEWS,INC., PzuSON rlCT V\ e g ?cJ3 uti \:*vf.#*'',.t i jUh(t' t* iUh.iCO_R^N, QLE8K COMPLAINT AND JURY DEMAND Plaintiff, Civil ActionNo. 3:09cv vs. ' '- JOHNM. JABE, GENEM. JOHNSON, BENJAMINWRIGHT' W.D.JENNINGS, WHEELER' SUSAN 1-5, JOHNDOE TONICOIK,SAMUELPRUETT,andR'W' JAMISON, Defendants. INTRODUCTION L the Th.isis a civil actionbroughtpursuantto 42 U.S.C.$ 1983to vindicate Plaintiff s Constitution' rig;htsunderthe First and FourteenthAmendmentsto the United States pllintiff seeksdeclaratoryand injunctivereliefto orderDefendantsto ceasetheir conductas outlinedbelow. Plaintiffalsoseeksnominal,compensatory unconstitutional and punitive damages,and an awardof reasonableattomey'sfeesand costs' Z. of the publication"PrisonLegalNews" ("PLN") haveengagedin censorship Drlfendants and el'enthoughthe publicationcontainsnon-sexualand non-violentarticles that do not implicatelegitimatesecurityconcerns.Additionally, ailvertisements Defendants'censorshippolicy and practicesdo not provide for timely and adequate a final ngticeand a meaningfulopportunityfor the publisherto provide commentsbefore decisionto ban an issueof PLN from entryinto the Virginia prisonsystem.These of their First and Fourteenth policiesandpracticesdeprivePlaintiffand its subscribers Amendmentrightsand serveno neutral,legitimatepenologicalpurpose. J. Defendantsalso currentlyprohibit prisonersfrom receivinggift books and gift subscriptionsto magazinesfrom Plaintiff and other publishers,requiring insteadthat paymentfor theseitems comesfrom prisoners'prison accountsand that ordersbe placed andpractices,prisoners,manyof whom throughprisonstaff. UnderDefendants'policies are indigent,may not receivepurchaseson their behalf by family members,friends,or charitableorganizations.This policy and practicedeprivesPlaintiff,as well as its subscribers, of its First Amendmentrightsand servesno neutral,legitimatepenological purpose. A a. Defendantshave also prohibitedreceiptby prisonersof PLN informationpackets,which containinformationaboutsubscriptions, renewalsand otherpublicationsandbooksthat may be of interestto its subscribers andotherprisoners.This policy and practicedeprives Plaintiff of its First Amendmentrightsand servesno neutral,legitimate,penological purpose. JURISDICTION 5. This actionarisesunderthe First and FourteenthAmendmentsto the United States Constitution and42 U.S.C.S 1983.This Courthasjurisdictionoverthis actionunder28 U . S . C .$ $ 1 3 3 1a n d 1 3 a 3 ( a ) ( 3a)n d( a ) ( a )a n d2 8 U . S . C .$ $ 2 2 0 1a n d 2 2 0 2 . VENUE 6. Venueproperlyliesin thisDistrictpursuant to 28 U.S.C.$$ 1391(bX2) because of the morethan35prisoninstitutions in Virginia,Plaintiffhasnarrowed anddirected thefocus of their asrepresentative of a numberof its specificfactualclaimsto two institutions Divisionof the arelocatedin theCharlottesville grievances; bothprisoninstitutions Western Districtof Vireinia. PARTIES 7. PlainrriffPrisonLegal News ("PLN") is a projectof the Human Rights DefenseCenter ("HRDC"), a WashingtonState501(cX3)non-profitcorporation.Plaintiff is in the Stateof Washington,locatedat2400NW 80'hStreet,PMB #148, headquartered Washington98117. PLN publishesa monthlyjoumal entitled"PrisonLegal SeattJle, News;"which reportson criminaljusticenewsand issues.PLN alsopublishes,sellsand d i s t r i b u t e s b o o k s o n a v a r i e t y o f c r i m i n a l j u s t i c e , h u m a n r i g h t s a n d s e l f - h e lP p iLsNs u e s . of containingan extensivedatabase alsooperatesa website( commentary, andothermaterialrelatedto thesetopics.,verdicts,settlements, 8. Deferrdant GeneM. Johnsonis the Directorof the Virginia Departmentof Corrections and enforcementof all VDOC ("VDIOC"). He is responsible for the implementation policiesandprocedures.At all timesrelevantto this Complaint,he was actingunder colorof statelaw. He is suedin his individualand official capacities. o DefendantJohnM. Jabeis the DeputyDirector,Division of Operationsof the Virginia Departmentof Correctionsand hasbeenso at all timesrelevantto this complaint. Appealsfrom the decisionsof the PublicationReviewCommitteedisapproving publicationsaretakento his office. At all timesrelevantto this Complaint,he was acting undercolor of statelaw. He is suedin his individualand official capacities. 10. DefendantW.D. Jenningshasbeen,at timesrelevantto this Complaint,Chairmanof the Publ:ications ReviewCommittee("PRC"),which committeeis responsible for making final decisionsto disapprovepublicationssentto prisonerswithin the Virginia Deparrtment of Corrections.He hasalsobeen,at timesrelevantto this Complaint,the personwithin the Office of the DeputyDirector of Operationsto hearappealsfrom the final decisionsof the PublicationReviewCommittee.At all timesrelevantto this Complainthe was actingundercolor of statelaw. He is suedin his individualandofficial capacities. I l. DeferrdantBenjaminA. Wright hasbeen,at times relevantto this Complaint,Chairman of the PublicationReviewCommittee,which as notedabove,is responsible for making final decisionsto disapprovepublicationssentto prisonerswithin the Virginia Departmentof Corrections.At all times relevantto this Complaint,he was actingunder color of statelaw. He is suedin his individualandofficial capacities. 12' Defendants JohnDoe 1 though5 havebeen,at timesrelevantto this Complaint,members of the PublicationReview Commiftee.Eachof them is a voting memberof the Comrnitteefor the purposeof approvingor disapprovingpublications sentto prisonersat VDOII facilities.At all timesrelevantto this Complaint,theywereacting undercolor of statelaw. Eachis suedin his individualandofficial capacities. l3' DefendantSusanWheelerhasbeen,at times relevantto this Complaint, the Wardenat FluvannaCorrectionalCenter.As suchsheis chargedwith the responsibility to make initial decisionsto disapprovepublicationssentto prisonersat that facility. At all times relevantto this Complaint,shewas actingundercolor of state law. Sheis suedin her individual and offrcial capacities. l4 Defen.dant Toni Cox is the OperationsOfficerat FluvannaCorrectionalCenter.At times relevantto this Complaint,shehasbeendelegatedthe authorityto make initial decisions to disapprovepublicationssentto prisonersat that facility and hasexercisedauthorityto denyprisonerspossession of publicationsto which theyhavesubscribed.At all times relevamt to this Complaint,shewas actingundercolor of statelaw. Sheis suedin her individualand official capacities. l5 DeferLdant SamuelPruett hasbeen,at all times relevantto this Complaint,the Wardenat CoffeewoodCorrectionalCenter. As suchhe is chargedwith the responsibilityto make initial decisionsto disapprovepublicationssentto prisonersat that facility. At all times relevamt to this Complaint,he was actingundercolor of statelaw. He is suedin his individual and offi cial caoacities. l6 DefenLdant R.W. Jamisonis the OperationsOfficer at CoffeewoodCorrectionalCenter. At tinies relevantto this Complaint,he hasbeendelegatedthe authorityto make initial decisionsto disapprovepublicationssentto prisonersat that facility. At all timesrelevant to thir;Complaint,he was actingundercolor of statelaw. He is suedin his individual and official capacities. FACTS t7, PLN is a legaljournal that reportson newsand litigationconcerningdetentionfacilities. l8 PLN haspublishedmonthlysince1990andhasapproximately7,000 subscribers in all 50 statesand abroad.PLN's subscribers includelawyers,journalists,judges,courts,public,universitiesand prisoners.The estimatedactualreadershipis 70,000per month. PLN alsomaintainsa websitethat receivesmorethan 100.000visitorsa month. 19. this Complaint' Pllri currentlyhas,and at all times relevantto who areprisonersinthe custodyof the vDoc' subscribers hashad' numerouspaid at includingsubscribers Flu.rannaCorrectionalCenterandCoffeewoodCorrectionalCenter. 20. public concern' PLI'{engagesin protectedspeechon mattersof 21. Defendantshave implementedvDoc Del,endantJohnsonhaspromulgatedand all of the op.:ratingProcedureS03.2,..IncomingPublications''(..oP803.2'')' 22, permissionfrom the VDOC FacilityUnit Pursuantto OP 803.2,all prisonersmust secure to or otherwisereceivinga heador his or her designeeprior to ordering,subscribing publication. 23. receiptof a publication' Someof ot, 803.2alsocontainsa list of criteriafor disapproving the criteriaare specific,suchas the criteria for disapprovingpublicationswith sexual "Material whosecontentcould be content,while other criteria are vaguesuchas of the facility,or offenderrehabilitative detrimentalto the security,goodorder,discipline ef[ortsorthesafetyorhealthofoffenders,staff,orothers.'' 24. "legitimate source"and publicationsmust Prisonersmay only receivepublicationsfrom a beprepaidfromtheprisoner,sprisonaccount...Gift''subscriptionsareprohibited.For CorrectionCenter'was ChristineAcker, a prisonerincarceratedat Fluvanna e>lample, ailvisedbyDefendantCoxthatshecouldnolongerreceivePLNbecauseitwaspaidfor as a result of that third parry b.ya third party,eventhough shehad beenreceivingPLN the limited funds piayment.Ms. Acker was ableto securea shortsubscriptionfrom friend had a.vailableto her in her prison account,eventhoughher year subscriPtionfor her' alreadypaid for a two 25. Eachpermittedpublicationreceivedat a VDOC facility is reviewedprior to distribution to the prisoner. zo. may disapprovea publication. The Wardenat eachfacility or his or her designee 21. andtherefore, No ngticeis providedto the publisherthat disapprovalis beingconsidered Plaintiff hasno opportunityto opposethe proposedban. 28. receives If disapprovedby the facility, the prisonerto whom the publicationis addressed noticeof disapproval.No noticeis providedto the publisher. zY. For example,ThomasLittek, who is a subscriberto PLN and incarceratedat Coffeewood Conr:ctionalCenter.receivednoticefrom DefendantJamisonthat he had disapproved possession of the April and May 2009issuesof PLN pendingreviewby the PRC. The noticeto Littek simply identifiedOP 803.2,SectionL l2, "Materialwhosecontentcould be detrimentalto the security,good order,disciplineof the facility, or offender rehabilitativeefforts or the safetyor healthof offenders.staff, or others." However, neithLer Mr. Linek, nor other prisoners,receiveany informationas to the contentof the that promptedthe decisionto disapprovethe publication articte(s)and/oradvertisement(s) at issuemeetthe criteria or arrexplanationof how the article(s)and/oradvertisement(s) idenrlified. J IJ. publicationis the disapproved Unlesswaivedby the prisonerto whom it is addressed, submittedto the PublicationReviewCommittee("PRC") for final decision. l t J I at the facility level,the wardenis requiredto makea Whe,na publicationis disapproved recordof hislher reasonsfor disapprovingthe publication,which recordis forwardedto the I'RC. At no time is the publisherprovidedwith this record. -)/.. The PRC needonly meetquarterlyto reviewpublicationssubmittedto it from the various facilitieswithin the VDOC. No limit is placedon the Committeeas to the time within which it mustconsidera particularpublicationor makea decisionwith respectto that publication. : i3 . If the PRC makesa final decisionto disapprove a publication,only thenis the publisher notified. Suchnotificationsincludeonly the page(s)disapproved without specifuingthe article(s)and/oradvertisement(s) which promptedthe disapproval.In someinstances, Plaintiffhasreceivednoticethat the contentof the entirepublicationis disapproved, Thus,for example,the noticereceivedby PLN with respectto disapprovalof the March 2009 issuestatesthat the entirepublicationviolatescriteria#12 in that it "could be detrimentalto the securifyand sood orderof the institutionand the rehabilitationof offenclers."No otherinformationis provided. , \ A -)1t. The noticemerelyidentifiesby numberthe criteriauponwhich the disapprovalis based, typically,as notedabove,"Materialswhosecontentcould be detrimentalto the security, good,rrder,disciplineof the facility,or offenderrehabilitativeeffortsor the safetyor healthof offenders,staff,or others." No informationis given as to how the disapproved materialmeetsthe criteriaidentifiedby the Committee. :r5, The only time Plaintiff PLN receivedspecificinformationas to why a particular publicationwas disapprovedcamein response to an appealto Def'endant Jabein which he uphe|l a PRC decisionbecausethe materialin question"presentsinformationgeared towar,Ja negativeperceptionof law enforcementthat could be deemeddetrimentalto the securityof the facility or offenderrehabilitationefforts." 36. Noticesto publishersare often delayedand thereforea publisher,suchas PLN, may only receivenotice monthsafter the publicationwas disapprovedat the facility level and,in someinstances,monthsafter a final disapprovaldecisionwas madeby the PRC. For by the PRC on Apri|24,2009,yet notice example,the May 2009 issuewas disapproved wasrLotreceivedby PLN until August19,2009. 37. In someinstances, Plaintiff hasreceivedno noticeof decisionsby the PRC to disapprove oneof its publications. 38. providesthat a publishermay appealthe decisionof the PRC to the Deputy OP 8113.2 Directorfor Operations.All of the appealsfiled by Plaintiffhavebeendenied. 39. by the PRC. Since2007,approximatelyfourteenissuesof PLN havebeendisapproved The c,ensorship decisionsare statewideand serveto ban PLN from all VDOC facilities. 40. by facilitieswithin VDOC. Sincer 2007,evenmore issuesweredisapproved 41. From time to time, Plaintiff sendsinformationpacketsto its subscribersand other priso.ners, which includeinstructionson how to subscribeand describingbooksandother printedmaterialsthat are availablefor sale. Defendantshavebannedsuchinformation from distributionassertingthat prisonersmust seekpre-approvalof all suchmaterial. CAUSESOF ACTION FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Lack of Timely and AdequateNotificationto Publisher) -L. Aa Plaintiffreallegesand incorporates by referenceparagraphs1-41herein. 43. NeithLer the publishernor the subscribingprisoneris given noticethat a facility heador his or her designeeis consideringdisapprovalof a publication. ' 4t TA the publication. prisoneris givennoticethat the facility hasdisapproved The s'ubscribing |-l6qrev0r,a prisonerhasno right to provide any informationto the PRC, is not informed at issue,and doesnot have a copy of the as to lhe article(s)and/oradvertisement(s) publication.Thus,only the publishercouldmakea meaningfulchallengeto a censored decisionto censora publication. 15. However,no notificationis providedto the publisherthat its publicationhasbeen disap'proved until aftera final decisionhasbeenmadeby the PRC. Thus PLN is preventedfrom providinginformationor otherwisecontestinga disapprovaldecision befor,:the PRC. The publicationis effectivelybannedwithout input until a decisionis madeby the PRC. This is a binding,statewidedecisionthat resultsin the publication beingbannedin all VDOC facilities. 46. As noted,no noticewas receivedby Plaintiffas to someof the decisionsof the PRC to apublicationand when Plaintiffdoesreceivesnotices,it is oftenmonthsafter disapprove the final decisionhasbeenmade. 47. Moreover,if the PRC upholdsthe disapprovaldecisionof the facility,the Noticesentto uponwhich the publishersdoesnot speciff the article(s)and/oradvertisement(s) disapprovaldecisionwas madenor doesthe noticestatehow the article(s)and/or violatethe identifiedcriteria. advertisement(s) 48. Thus.,Plaintiff PLN is preventedfrom beingableto meaningfullyrefuteor otherwise rebutany decisionof the PRC in its appealto the Deputy Director for Operations. 49. reasonsfor disapprovaldecisions, The failureto providetimely notificationand adequate penologicaljustification,violatesPlaintiff s First Amendmentanddue withoutadequate 10 processrights. 50. As a Cirectand proximateresultof the conductof Defendants, Piaintiff hassuffered financialinjury. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Lack of Timely Decision) 51. Plaintiffrealleges and incorporates by referenceparagraphs 1-50herein. 52. OP 8t13.2doesnot setany limit on when a reviewof a facility censorshipdecisionmust be considered and completedby the PRC. 53. In adrJition, the delayin providingnoticeto thepublisherof the decisions of the PRC furtherdelaysthe ability of the Plaintiffto takethe limited appealavailableto it and effect.ivelybansthe publicationevenlonger. 54. The failureof Defendantsto expeditiouslyconsiderand resolvethe proposedban of a publication,especiallywithout noticeto the publisherand without adequate penological justification,violatesPlaintiff s FirstAmendmentand dueprocessrights, THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (ArbitraryandCapriciousDecisions) 55. Plaintiffreallegesand incorporates 1-54herein, by referenceparagraphs 56. Since2007,Defendantshavedisapproved numerousissuesof PLN. On informationand beliel"someof theseissueswerecensoredbasedon advertisements, suchas an advertisement allowinga prisonerto purchaseitemsby the useof postagestampsfor curTerncy. 57. Similaradvertisements havebeenincludedin everyissueof PLN sinceapproximately 1995and Defendantshavenot censoredall of the issuesthat containsuchadvertisements. 1t 58. issuesof PLN basedon the assertionthat someof the havealsodisapproved Defendants articl,:sput law enforcementin a negativelight and that thesearticlestherefore"could be detrirnentalto the securityand good order of the institution and the rehabilitationof offenders." 59. Most of thesearticlesare summariesof reportedcourt decisionsor of the public recordof the court proceedingstakenfrom court recordsor mainstreamnewspapers.However, havenot bannedthe public sourcematerialsfor those while censoringPLN, Defendants articles. 60. More,over,Defendantshave not provideda rationalefor concludingthat truthful reporling of court proceedingsand decisions"could be detrimentalto the securityand good orderof the irrstitutionand the rehabilitationof offenders,"thus preventingPlaintiff from respc,nding to suchclaims. 61. The rraguecriteria describedabovehas led to arbitraryand capriciousdecisionsat the facility level as well as the at PRC, particularlysincethe practiceof the PRC hasnot providedadequateguidanceon the meaningof that criteria. 62. The arbitraryand capriciousconductof Defendantsas describedabove,without adequate justification,violatesPlaintiff s FirstAmendmentand dueprocessrights. penological 63. Plaintiffhas As a directand proximateresultof the aforesaidconductof Defendants, sufferedfi nancialiniurv. FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Censorship of Constitutionally ProtectedSpeech) 64. Plaintiff reallegesand incorporatesby referenceparagraphs1-63 herein. l2 65. Defendantshave disapprovedpublicationsthat containconstitutionallyprotectedspeech. basedon articlesaboutcourtproceedings For e:xample, issueshavebeendisapproved merelybecausethe proceedingor decisionputslaw enforcementin a negativelight. Thus.issuesof PLN that containarticlesbasedupon court decisionsrelatedto law enfor,cement officials engagingin illegal and unconstitutionalactswill likely resultin that issuebeingbannedfrom receiptby any prisonerconfinedin facilities underthe direction and control of Defendants. 66. Other issueshave beendisapprovedbecauseof an article that describesthe conditionsof prisorrsandthe daily drudgeryand crueltiesof prisonlife. 67. penologicaljustification, violates The a.foresaid conductby Defendants, withoutadequate Plaintiff s First Amendmentrishts. 68. As a directand proximateresult of the aforesaidconductof Defendants,Plaintiff has suffer:edfinancial iniurv. FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Refusalto Allow Gift Subscriptions) 69. Plaintiffrealleges paragraphs1-68herein. and incorporates by reference 70. prohibitsprisonersin facilitiesundertheir OP 8t13.2andthe practiceof Defendants directionand control from receivinggift subscriptionsand gift books. 71. The prolicyand practiceof Defendantsin refusingto allow gift subscriptionsand gift penologicaljustification,violatesPlaintiff s FirstAmendment books,without adequate rightsr. 72. As a rlirectand proximateresult of the conductof Defendants,Plaintiff has suffered IJ financialinjury SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION (Refusalto allow informationpackets) 73, Plainl.iffreallegesand incorporatesby referenceparagraphsl-72 herein. 74. Prohibitingthe receiptby Plaintiff s subscribersand othersof informationon how to subscribeto the magazineand aboutbooks and other publicationsfor saleby Plaintiff, without adequatepenologicaljustification,violatesPlaintiff s First Amendmentrights. 75. As a ,Jirectand proximateresult of the conductof Defendants,as describedabove, Plaintiffhassufferedfinancialinjury. WHITREFORE, Plaintiff requeststhe following relief: a. Declaratoryjudgment that the failure to provide adequateand timely notice of decisions to disapprovea publicationand to provide Plaintiff a timely and adequateopportunityto be heardviolatesPlaintiff s First Amendmentand due processrights; b. Prelirninaryand permanentinjunction requiringthat facilities underthe control and directionof Defendantsprovidenoticeto the Plaintiffof any proposeddecisionto disapprovea PLN publicationprior to a decisionand that the noticeindicatewhat specific are at issueand if a book, what pages,and an article(s)and./oradvertisement(s) or pagesin questionmay violate explenationof how the article(s)and/oradvertisement(s) the criterialistedin OP 803.2; Preli:minaryand permanentinjunction requiringthat facilities underthe control and directionof Defendantsprovide noticeto the Plaintiff of any facility decisionto 1 A l a aPLN publication,that the noticeindicatewhat specificarticle(s)and/or clisapprove eLdvertisemenr:(s) are disapprovedand if a book, what pages,and an explanationof how the or pagesin questionviolatethe criterialistedin OP article(s)androradvertisement(s) 803.2; d. Prelinrinaryand permanentInjunctiondirectingthatthe PublicationsReviewCommittee consiclerany and all informationsubmittedto it by Plaintiff prior to decidingwhetherto upholl a facility decisionto disapproveor ban a PLN publication; o. Prelinrinaryand permanentinjunction directingthat the PRC determinewhetherto upholda ban imposedby a facility underthe controlof Defendantswithin 10 business daysc,freceivinga publicationthat hasbeendisapproved at the lacility level; 1. Prelinrinaryand permanentinjunctionrequiringthat the PRC providenoticeto the Plaintiffof any decisionto upholda facility decisionto disapprovea publicationwithin 7 daysof that decisionandto providenoticeasto the specificarticle(s)and/or advertisement(s) at issueand if a book, what pages,and an explanationof how the or pagesin questionviolatethe criterialistedin OP article(s)and,'oradvertisement(s) g. 803.2; judgmentthat an articlethat presentsa negativeperceptionof law Declaratory without more cannotbe the basisof a censorshipdecisioneitherby a faciliry enforcement underthe directionand controlof Defendants or the PublicationReviewCommittee. h. judgmentthat the policy that prohibitsprisonersin facilitiesunderthe Declaratory and gift books directionand controlof Defendantsfrom receivinggift subscriptions violat,es the First Amendment; i. Prelinrinaryand permanentinjunctionprohibiting Defendantsfrom enforcingthe policy prohibitinggift subscriptions to PLN andthe purchaseof gift booksby third parties; t5 Decliuatoryjudgmentthat the policy that prohibitsprisonersfrom receivinginformation packets(or comparableinformation)in facilitiesunderthe directionand controlof Defe:ndants violatesthe First Amendment; '1. l(. Prelirninaryand permanentinjunction prohibiting Defendantsfrom enforcingits policy prohibitingprisonersfrom receivinginformationpackets(or comparableinformation) from PLN; I l. Awalding Plaintiff nominal, compensatoryand punitive damages; m Awalding attorney'sfeesand coststo Plaintiff; n. Awarding suchother and further relief as the court may deemjust and proper. JURY DEMAND Plaintiffherebydemands a trialbyjury on all issues sotriable. Respectfu lly submitted, PzuSON LEGALNEWS,INC. By Counsel Jef${yE. Fogel,'VSB #75643 913 E. Jefferrson Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 '434-984-0300 (Tel) Enrail: i eff.fc'eel@smai StevenD. Rosenfield,VSB #16539 .Attomeyat Law ?11E. JeffersonStreet t6 VA 22902 Charlottesville, (Tel) 434-984-0300 Ilmail : DanielE. Manville (ieneralCounselfor the Human Rights DefenseCenter P.O.Box 20321 llerndale,Ml48220 '.248-890-4720 (Tel) llnrail: t,oproceedprohac vice to be filed ,A.pplication for Plaintiff ,A,ttomeys t /