Miniken v. Walter, Complaint, Bulk Mail Ban on PLN Unconstitutional, 1996
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II r .... ., FILED IN THE ,.S. DISTRICT COURT EASl£RN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON I I JUL 2 4 1996 .1 1 2 3 DONALD W. MINIKEN #975666 Airway Heights Corrections Center P.O. Box 2019, K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 (509) 244-6700 JAMES R. LARSEN. CLERK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DEPUTY 4 5 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 6 7 DONALD W. 8 MINIK:::intiff~ Sj- 96 - 04 07' J L 9 vs , 10 KAY WALTER and DAVID BUSS, 11 12 Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT -------------) 13 INTRODUCTION 14 This is a civil rights complaint brought by a pro se 15 prisoner litigant pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. 16 alleges that defendants have rejected and destroyed copies of the 17 Prison Legal News when they arrived at the Airway Heights Plaintiff 18 Corrections Center, without notice of or reasons given for 19 rejecting the magazines. 20 Plaintiff further alleges that the practical effect of 21 defendants practice is to unilaterally exempt from First 22 Amendment protection all mailings sent by bUlk rate, regardless 23 of the mailing's content or effect on the security of the 24 prison. Defendants decision to censor or reject copies of the 25 Prison Legal News, without affording plaintiff ~ny measure of 26 process constitutes irreparable harm. Plaintiff seeks 27 declaratory, injunctive and monetary relief. 28 crv . $.hQ RIT COM . t ( -1- 4&4£,£6.Q... 1 for handling and processing prisoners mail. These defendants 2 acted under color of law. 3 4 ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES 8. Plaintiff filed two institutional grievances, which 5 resulted in no corrective action. Plaintiff has no adequate 6 remedy at law other than the relief requested herein. 7 8 FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 9. On or about December 20, 1995, plaintiff subscribed to 9 the Prison Legal News, a monthly magazine of news and analysis 10 pertaining to legal and political developments affecting those 11 involved in the criminal justice system. 12 10. Because he had not received an issue of the Prison 13 Legal News by April, 1996, plaintiff wrote to that publication 14 inquiring as to why he had not received a single issue. 15 Plaintiff was informed that an issue of the magazine had been 16 sent to him each month since January, 1996. 17 11. On April 12, 1996, plaintiff filed two grievances in 18 connection with the failure of the Airway Heights Corrections 19 Center mailroom's failure to deliver his mail. The first 20 pertained to AHCC FI 450.100, which states: "Bulk mail will not 21 be delivered." Exhibit 1. The second addressed the rejection 22 and destruction of the Prison Legal News without notice to either 23 himself or the pUblisher. 24 12. Exhibit 2. On April 26, 1996, plaintiff received responses to both 25 grievances. In response to the first complaint the grievance 26 coordinator stated: "There is no postal requirement to deliver 27 the mail further than the facility." 28 CIV RIT COM -3- Exhibit 1. In response to 1 the second complaint the grievance coordinator stated: "Bulk mail 2 is NOT rejected mail. 3 to sender if possible or disposed of properly." 4 13. 7 On May 23, 1996, plaintiff received a response to his appeals which are identical. 14. Exhibit 2. On April 27, 1996, plaintiff appealed both responses. 5 Exhibits 3 & 4. 6 It is considered 'junk mail' and returned On Ju~y Exhibits 3 & 4. 9, 1996, plaintiff received the Affidavit of 8 Rollin Wright (with attachments), the publisher and registered 9 business agent of the Prison Legal News. In his Affidavit, 10 Mr. Wright explains why the magazine is mailed via third class 11 non-profit mail, why a subscriber cannot make arrangements to 12 receive the Prison Legal News via first or second class mail, and 13 that he has never been sent any type of notice that plaintiff's 14 issues to the Prison Legal News were being censored at the Airway 15 Heights Corrections Center, nor given an opportunity to appeal 16 that censorship. 17 18 Exhibit 5. RELIEF REQUESTED 15. Plaintiff requests declaratory judgment that defendants 19 rejection of any mail addressed to plaintiff on the sole ground 20 that the mail is sent bUlk rate is unconstitutional in that it 21 violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. 22 16. Plaintiff re~uests declaratory judgment that defendants 23 rejection of any mail addressed to plaintiff without affording 24 plaintiff notice of rejection and an opportunity to appeal the 25 rejection is unconstitutional in that it violates the Fourteenth 26 Amendment of the United States Constitution. 27 17. 28 CIV RIT COM Plaintiff requests injunctive relief from this court -4- . " .. ' 1 enjoining defendants, and their agents, from rejecting mail 2 addressed to plaintiff on the sole ground that the mail is sent 3 bUlk rate. 4 18. Plaintiff re~uests injunctive relief from this court 5 enjoining defendants, and their agents, from rejecting mail 6 addressed to plaintiff without affording him notice of rejection 7 and an opportunity to appeal the rejection. 8 9 10 11 12 13 19. Plaintiff requests this court award plaintiff $250.00 for each rejected and destroyed magazine. 20. Plaintiff requests an award of costs and attorney fees pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988. 21. Plaintiff requests that the court grant any other such relief as the court may deem appropriate and just. 14 15 SIGNED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY this 18th day of July, 1996. 16 Donald W. Miniken Airway Heights C rections Center P.O. Box 2019. K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 17 18 19 20 21 ~ ~ 24 25 26 27 28 ClV RlT COM -5- .NITIAL GRIEVANCE DEPARTMENT OF CaRRE" ••.JNS DIVISION OF OFFENDER PROGRAMS RESIDENTIAL FACIUTIES ,.... ~. ;. ." MIDDLE FIRST LAST MINIKEN w. DONAID DAll:TYPED REUAHl) NUMBER ~!19/96 RESPONSE DUE ,c;/ 7 ;'t:jf.::. I PART A -INITIAL GRIEVANCE • I want to gneve the section in Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCe) Field Instruction 450.100, Page 9, which states that "Bulk mail will not be delivered." Page 1 defines "bulk mail' as any "mail sent without endorsement (i.e., address correction requested, forwarding, postage guaranteed, etc.) as classified by the Untied States Postal Service. ~ In fact, this definition is not supported by the postal service requirements for nonprofit bulk mail. Nonprofit bulk mail such .as the Prison Legal News (pLN) specifically state that postage has been paid. Yet, the PLN has been rejected at AHCC, despite its apparent compliance with postal service bulk mail requirements. The continued rejection and destruction of the PLN violates the state and federal constitutions. "This situation been facilitated by is the direct result 'ot' the' delltieiate-jft<illfcrencc of the superintendent and/or the superintendent's designee. has and SUGGESTED RE~1EDY: Stop rejecting nonprofit bulk mail such as the Prison Legal News. :,~j \'~I J .~J l A 'IJ ~/'/ ....J1. 1-;'" ' ) . r - - .vi r: • -, GRIEVANCE COORDINAlOR' PARTB -LEVELI RESPONSE .?JICC field Ins tzuct'ion ~?-450.100 reads IIBuE< tail t.;ill rout ce del.Ivececi." i·!&::.l sent cul.k class moil is a Lew ccsc postal service uhich is Iow cost iUG,tOr, f::':~, to nc ~:e·,~ . . r.::>"'Y" ;-0 t,!~,,",--c:~ 1"~:>~;""1 ·J.'·.,-':~~11·· ""'~.;~ J':" ..:... ...u !I_"''''c1or ... !'"1'-::'41"1'IM:>~ ..._;..&._ ,-_e c.: • .1. \.:. ... _v...... .. the 1.'= ......... .. _v". ;:!.L-,.__:', ;"ulk l.IC4._l • __" ,.-; ,' ........ for bul.k nai.L thcLe is no P051:ta r sqni.rement to delivG~ the ,i1ail rurt.isr t.h2.'::"1 the cb.c':'l:'t T·e. ~'C ~~r:r. suc iect t.o J -:-'1 -"-' 5 on del.i.vary !"\ -. ..: ' ;"":111~ _ ....... .• m=.~l ~c the .... .._.. c;;.~"i'''''':e~·I~ ""r":r·r-~~-r ,~.: .a. ccszal. <.'e"\~~~<:: has ot~e j;ecn....~·;,.. ,...~Wlly. been conc Iuded 1:-'\,1 : :-.-. J,..:.-l..._~~ ,'. '-.. . . ' ,.. ~.'. ~:': 0,.. ~~ ... ~..... ~. . <l-::~~ ::~~~••. ,}:":~:-:t~~~~::~,:--':;I''': ."_'~M~~~ ~:-. ,_•. ~ .... ~ - '""'"'J..c:_~ -- - ... .- - _--- _:--J_ _ .&....,'-"~ 0 ... oJ o::~;.'o.:. ..1 _ _.... ~-- 1~. ~ '_..: ....._ ....~ _ _ " ; ,f:et~1CQ. or-.(1.:=_1.very, l' 'rne procrern as net tne i:'Ll~ per see re l:'l:ODl em'1.5 t.ile se1 ect.ed i.e., unendorsed zul.k ,~il del::ver*If the instituticn accept that li.~t:;od of celi~;er\f for any ;,.~ . '" pL:~.!.ic,:};:i0i.1, they e£ff:::ti·... ~ly op::i.1 the Goer to ~11 f:ubH.c.:lticns celivered in t~-::::t narmer , ':·i~~ ccsts of ?~oc~ssi!i; Level,s of junk mail , ill tel:":ns or staff ;?Ct:er, contraband, to ... .. .... , .. ,... sacety , se::'W:l6.~' ann ~l};g1.ene, ci2eI1Y cer:rczent. a le;;J..t::"tr~t~ ~~lo!.c8J.c~! C.!:U3S (or reject: , " • .- 1~ie 4. • • •• • • - T • , , . ~... obvious ?.I1S\·le:: is to contact coe cencer and (la'/e secouc cl.ass .oai.L, ti5.e:::.tly f rcm tee publ.i.sher and ill of the institution. ~ tl~'..:DilS~nG. your ~u;)lic~ticn aC:::'0l:GDnc.2 ~·/· firzt 0;:- tne i')ublis":1eC, rules . I.d~~Jq(c " DATE Exhibit 1. . I~' \5l?' ~_r~ ••.. ., " . '-~ NAME; I .•~ITIAL c;lRIEVANCE :,.' DEPARTMENT OF CORREC'I,vNS DIVISION OF OFFENDER PROGRAMS· RESIDENTIAL FACIUTIES LOG 1.0.NUMBER 9607340 AHCC 975666 \V. DONALD MINIKEN EMERGENCY (02) FAClUTY MIDDLE ARST LAST :. 0 DATETYPED REMAND NUMBER PENDING 4/19/96 .- Cli- PARTA-tNmALGRIEVANC~ \ Rr\WttrlOYDie~ .. • the 1\tfailroom for refusingto deliver to me the January, February, March, and April issues of the'publication Prison Legal News (PL~J. Indeed, issues of the PLN have been rejected at AUw2Y Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) and destroyed, an without notice to me or to the PLN as the publisher. AHCe FieldInstruction450.100, Page 14, states: 1. If any portion of an inmate' s incoming or outgoing mail is restricted for the reasons set forth in this field instruction, written notification "ill be provided to the inmate and the sender by Mailroom staff utilizing DOC form 5-525. (emphases added). a, The notification shall specify the publication, letter, or package which has been restricted and include • "thereasons for the action. (emphases ad ed). '. ~.. --- -.--a-~'- -_. ' -." -- _ -_. . _.-.- . _._"-- _---~- ~ '~'-"'-. _ J_ _ • . • .- The field instruction includes the mandatory language of will and shall. Thus, an Offender Mail Rejection noticewas required each time an issue of the PLN was rejected. The continuing rejection of and destruction of the PLN violates the state and federal constitutions. This situation has been facilitated by and is the direct result of the deliberate indifference of the superintendent and/or the superintendent's designee. SUGGESTED RE!\-lEDY: Due to the ongoing violations, a training program should be developed to ensure that the staff personnel responsible for handling inmates mail, understand their obligations and responsibilities to protecll inmate's constitutional rights and th~ imP7rtce 0 honoring those obligations. '1/. J -_.....- / L/ f:: .(//'7/7~ CA.../ ~ Q ./ ?-/ /~ ... J.r8:f=.::::::....Li. /1:Jd~~.P;;:2: _ _.l-.~.s:i..~~~2...._ GRIEVANCE COORDINAtoR ) DATE GRIEVANT * '(.- PART B -LEVEL I RESPONSE -1'£0,- !'..:.,:•..~: Field Inst.ructi.on wlicv , " reads "iarl.k llai.I t-Till not be del.Lvered ," 1 a 1 . .. , . :. . . 1 . ~ • . C..-l CC:::;': ~.;Qs~~,J.. service ~;1-a~11 1:: .:..0'"1 cosc {EE, Hi paz t , to ~'iO ?,uarent·:.:e or dal.Lvery to the address, Ty;>:ieally, buE< is wi.tnout "1 • ~ '; :' "1\' . encorsenenc. I ,t ·a , e., aocress correc t ron, rorearcnng or r:; t un to senoar , Absent tne purcnas •• ~.." H'" 1" .1 " . ~~cVl£LUn or enuo~sa~ent ior ~ ~ ma~ : tnere ~s no postal ~equ~rcTaent to .Lf.!:rl-hE;r ; __... to' "-:'it~., .... It__ i~ iec.t va en ':;el~"·" _ dei.;veJ:._.t..'1e.~T _' ..._ ;:-,\,..m ... ", ..... .... " 't~~T.'·l . '-- __ ub . "-"..... ~;icul~ :.:air· as . t~ie sender" s :c: '" .. ;;,cf of ~stal'·'Se?Acesotne:.~se·:nav~';'oeen~S1P'~s'Sftilly" ccn::lu(!.ea. r"~~.L .. sell t ~~ u· ," uU.:..i:\:'::' a:::s ~~ ~~. - 1" 1 mar• 1 .,.. ,,-II re J"~ t' ... ~ "L..... 0;:-:' ;;:'2 ,,~tI::-.Jt,.::J~ ~~-~~ ,.I..L .,..~ .,) _ -_V\; .• _ . . ".JUi'1L: i . , fl .. ..... .J consa.erec mai.r ana• raturnea tc senoer z• rpo~sible or disposed of properly. The r=~~iy to your ~cffi~luin~ is tv ~o~tact tho: publisher of ?LU BnG. set u~ errangenents to hch= E!;e ?uolication sent to the Insti.tutec rirst or second class mail, dil:ac.tly rl:'Oi;i the ?ubU.sber- and in accordance \lic~'l Inst i tut.icn zulss , UU K ., <:. !i'~l....... .... 2.1. J.5 iio changes to policy ...." ill occur , YOU MAYAPPEAl.THIS RESPONSEBY SUBMITTING A WRITTEN APPEAL TO THECOORDINATOR WITHINTWO (2) WORKING DAYSFROMDATE THIS RESPONSE WASRECEIVED J J 1:,~J?It? I DATe Exhibit; 2. ~OI~'I\"'T (REY.1t9.:l DOC 5-168 ,; .). ... ~ ~ {'~'" ,'. ~¥.;.. :,"5. ...~:. - APPEAL TO.J-\. LEVEL II ,.~~' o.~': ... :,'; SUPERINTENQENTi AD~INlsTRAToR ~$, :'o. .. .:f '~SN~N' , "'!. ~;~ • .. . :.: . REMArP NUMBER . .~. .'~~; / -o. V' DAlE TYPED ~ RES~?N~~E FACmicc :~"MlOOlE . ' Wi \, FIRALDST DON. I 'it tr: •••: . ,: .~ j;: .. 'Mt l~ .' ~ it. .. 5~/%' ~ PENDING j~:" PA,RT A • "PPEAL TO LEVEL II .~~ :d:: ~o. I' ·t.. tto~eve to the next level'~e res;onse of the Grievance'Coordinator dated ~25/96.~.~ received the . \ ~an 4/26/96 I herebv reiterate th~·· complaint and remedy in the initial grievaIi,ee. The response does response on ' . J .' , ' . • • th th. '.. 1aim d i . t tisfy th e. ctualcriteria to be examinedin making. 'the determination as to whe er .. e restriction c e IS no sa e ra . .' d lib'~ / . aiffi f th corls6tUtional. This situation has been facil:i~ted by and is the direct result of the e. ~te (In. erence 0 e superintendent aiuJ!or the superintendent's .4esign~, ~. -> '. • ." ~.~~. __ .. \. .» ;-., -:. • ',," "" • •-;.. a ,.,. / ~- .. I I ,. , ' .: ; l . t; :, "'.,1 .. , ' '.f . . . •... :,.' ...._. ... " •.t ~.; . ' PART,B. LE~rL II RESPONSE i t..,/;. (. t • .J I ',r ; ,., .' ' :\ ..- ...... 'f.- . ~ ........ •...=- ': ~ .~!£: I:./ <.. : :::: ..•. ~:-. . I ~vc reviewed your appeal to Levell, LevelI ~e~. and appeal to Level Il, W~ ~ rcCeiVcd ~er . .c~cation from Headquarters regarding bulk mail, When bulk mail arrives at an institUtiod:Jmd -has ~~tumed . pos.~e Guaranteed" written on it, it will ~ de1ivefed to the inmate if the contents are ~ih~~ in compliance jwitll"WAC and DOC mail policy, No othei;type ofbulkmail will be delivered to inma~ and rejection notices wii(not'be issued due to the; enormous' woridoa~ thai wouid be ;gen~aied.'· , You' tequest'pu~1iSh~ to s~d; .y<nif.DW1 at postage rates' other than bulk·mia DQC Headquarters has stated that the Issue of bulk mail will be adckessed in both the WAC and DOG policY when'ihey are next revised. . i-j ' . ' can o... . . .) ,. . :i.. \ ) .., ,~.~ :,. ., ' \ -c- ~~: ,~, J . ,.'. t .: ..;: I• .~- .;1•. ",0 I ;. '. . .-/ YOUMAYAPPEAL THISRESPONSE BY SUBMITTING A WRITTEN APPEAL TO TIiE COORDINATOR WITHIN TWO(2) WORKING DAYSFROM DATE THIS '.: RESPONSE WASRECEIVED. /., .': ~ . :' . -e.LJ. .. ; ' : ; . ~ .- . . 6. ". / SUPERINTENDENT I ADMINISTRATOR 3. DOC 5-168 . ~ ~~.: .~\'fl ~'. 1 • • ,;.: ! ;' -' . . . ~ .:;.... " FIRST . :~, ~ ..", . DOC NUMBER , d ." . . ~: '-, ~~_: ~. '. l~ .PA~T A· ~PEALTO LEVEL II . '~~f. .... t . mcc . l1tRsitII L~6&~l~' r~ ..~ os REMEDY '~ RES~bNSE DU i ~: . '. FACl 975666 .~ ._0 .;~;.. / ':< SUPERINTENDENT I ADMINISTRATOR .~ 'MIDDLE .' W DONAlD .' J~ ~.~ f: ... '. £ .,. ~1)' ~. APPEAI1TO LEVEL II DEPARTMENT OFiCORRE<.. , ,JNS ~'~~.,.. , :( DIV~SION OF OFFENDER PROGRAM$ ; .'. ~/ RESIDENTIAL FACILITiES . .~".. ' J. . -. ~" '~1 . . ~ .- '. ':r~ " ~> I ~ant to grieve to the next level the re~~nse cif the Grievance Coordinator dated ~5196:: I received the reSPonse on 4/26/96. I hereby reiterate th~· ~p!aint and remedy in the initial gri~ae. Wliat section of the .' :.~~ AlICCField Instruction 450.100 defines "Pmk mail"? t / ' ;~ ~; ~, ~'i-», 't. ... . :; ; ... ~' .' .. ~ .. -. .. •• ~ .: 0;0 <:" ...." ~ "' ;; "'!..'~ or ..... " ~, .r c .~ -z -. J" ..r, _:¥..J!~_~ .. _ ~. . . ~'-' { 7:' -6-J ~\;'IIJ~/ ..:~ ":: GRIEVANT DATE ',+,,e .. PART B· LEVEL II R E S P O N S E · · : j r . '::'. ~:. . .' . . ~-~':; , I have reviewed your appeal to Levell, Level I response, and appeal to Level IT. We: have received further ctanfication fromHeadquarters regarding bli!kmai{: When bulk mail arrives at an instit4tion and has "Returned P~e Guaranteed" .written on it, it will ~~de1ivef.ed to the inmate if the Contents are.plherwiSe iIi compliance . with WAC and DOC mail policy. No other' bulk mail will be CielivCred ioinnuit~~ and rejectiOti notices wi(not be issued d~ to the enonriou.S·w6¥0ad dlafwoi11dbe generated,' 'You can ~ilest pt.l!>lislters ~o send your mail at postage rates other than bulk ~. nQc Headquarters has stated that the 1S~~e of bulk mail will be ad~ed in boththe WAC and DOC policy'when theY are next revised. . . .·;.Y·· type of '.-; ' .... '?: . . , "<'. ~ ... :~:' ..-. ../.:' I . ." ~ " .;.;. ~" ." .,' ~ 't~- /.'. . Z?'. .; "'l~' :"; ',. :::-:: '.~' . .. ,. ,"'. .. ~~ ~'~l' ;, ,! i '.: . \ ';' YOU MAY APPEAl. THIS RESPONSE BY SUBMrrTlNG A WRITIEN APPEAl TO . RESPONSEWAS RECEIVED, .~~. ~,,:t~. '. i.~;. .. , __ .' • Co' " THECOORDINATORWITIiINTWO(2)WORKJNGDAYSFROMD~TETHIS" ., ',' '~. ..,' ~. ~ . ':. : ~ :..•. .' r. ',:.:.' ",!! . ..;': ~ ,/ '.j:' -,« " . 0 r', : ..·,. :-/ .--/ ..-ee ;./ .- (, ..-~, "" ." _,~.~..~~.~ r· l··~ ollJr.nI''''' ..........g .;~i. ". " ... , ._...... ~ ._-- ntJml"'OII"V\I,"", . -- ~ -...... ·t z."j · · ~.. ,~ .~ !'~'I7If'? ~ iExhibit 4. DATE DOC~'68 (REV liI92: UNITED STAT ES DISTRICT COU RT EA STERN DISTRI CT OF W ASH INGTON DONALD W. MINIKEN, Plaintiff , ) 1 ) 1 VS . KAY WALTER; DAVID DUSS , De f e nd an t s . ) ) ) CAS E NO . CS-96-407-JLQ AFFIDAVIT OF ROLLIN WRIGHT ) _ _ __ _ _ _ _l STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ) SS ) I, Rollin R. Wright, after first being duly sworn upon oath , do hereby depose and say: That I am over 21 years of age , a citizen of the United States and competent to be a witness therein; That I am the publisher and registered bus iness age nt of Prison Legal News , a monthly magazine of new s and ana lysis pertaining to legal and po litical developments affecting those involved in the criminal justice system . In this capacity I respond to PLN 's mail, answer inquiries, receive mail and issues of the magazine which have been returned by the post office. No issues of PLN addressed to any subscribers at the Airway Heights Corrections Center (A HCCl in Airway Heights, Washington, have ever been returned to PLN by the post office or by the prison. The only time I have eve r received a notice of mail rejection or censo rship from AHCC officials was in march , 1996, when an issue I had sent to AHCC prisoner, and PLN SUbscriber, Billy Blankensh ip, was censored. I have written to AHCC superintendent Kay Walter and DOC secretary Chase Rivela nd requesting more information why that issue was censored and as of today's date neither has seen fit to respond to my inquiry. PLN is a non-profit educational corporation. As such it mails its publications via third class non-profit mail, now called "standard mail" by the post office . The reason for doing so are the non -profit rate s are significantly cheaper than first or second class mail and has fewer bookkeeping requirements than second class mail. A brief Exhi bit 5 . / - .. i" .. \ -. - -; economic comparison: it would cost at least 55 cents to mail each issue of PLN via first class mail, whereas now PLN pays 12.1 cents to mail each issue. Because PLN is a reader supported non-profit operation our subscription rates are based on mailing each issue via non-profit rates. It is not possible, economically, for PLN to send its publications via first or second class mail. Since AHCC opened in 1994 I have consistently received complaints from our subscribers at that facility stating that they were not receiving their PLN. On October 27, 1995, I wrote to Chase Riveland inquiring why PLN was not being delivered to AHCC and Washington State Penitentiary subscribers. I sent copies of this letter to AHCC superintendent Kay Walter. (Attachment 1) In November, 1995, I received a letter dated November 8, 1996, from Tom Rolfs, the Director of the Division of Prisons for Washington state. (Attachment 2) He informed me that AHCC does not deliver "bulk mail" to its prisoners. He claimed there was no requirement that prisons process "bulk mail." At no point have I ever received any type of notice that PLN was being censored at AHCC due to its bulk mail status, nor have I been afforded any opportunity to appeal this censorship. It appears PLN is simply being destroyed by AHCC officials. None have been returned to me by the post office. To my knowledge no AHCC prisoner has ever received a copy of PLN sent to him via third class mail. Donald Miniken # 975666 subscribed to PLN in January, 1996. His subscription does not end until January, 1997. Mr. Miniken has been sent an issue of PLNfor each month since January, 1996, to his-address at P.O. Box 2019, Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019. None have been returned to me by the post office nor have I received any notice whatsoever from prison officials that PLN was being censored. Donald MacFarlane # 981260 has been a PLN subscriber since November, 1992. His PLN subscription is being sent to him at: P.O. Box 1839, Airway Heights, WA 99001-1839. No issues sent to Mr. MacFarlane have been returned to PLNfor any reason nor have I received any notice that his subscription is being censored for any reason. Over the past two years PLN has had approximately eight to twenty subscribers at AHCC. This number is continually declining because AHCC prisoners do not renew their subscriptions upon learning they will not receive their copies due to the ban on non-profit bulk mail. All issues are individually addressed to each subscriber and includes their proper address, name of commitment, DOC number and each issue usually requests an address correction if for any reason the post office cannot deliver a given issue. . \ - PLN has prisoner subscribers in all fifty states. The only prisons who do not permit mail sent via third class mail are AHCC and WSP in Washington and the Oregon DOC. I worked for the postal service for thirty years as a bulk mail specialist. I have recently reviewed the Domestic Mail Manual and contacted George Hoyt, U.S. Postal Service Bulk Mail Specialist for the southeastern United States. I have found no mention of any postal rule or regulation that third class mail be treated any differently than first class mail in terms of it being delivered to its addressee. Contrary to Mr. Rolfs' statement, AHCC subscribers to PLN cannot make arrangements to receive PLN via first or second class mail. Each issue of PLN is printed and mailed via third class mail by our printer. Our entire operation is centered on mailing issues via third class mail as an economic and logistical matter. The Washington Department of Corrections has been unwilling to resolve the matter of bulk mail deliver through administrative or informal means as evidenced by my correspondence with Mr. Riveland and Mr. Rolfs. Under penalty of pe~ury I swear that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sworn and Subscribed to on this 25th day of June, 1996. ROLLIN R. WRIGHT Publisher, Prison Legal P.O. Box 1684 Lake Worth, FLA. 33460 ,. Prison _ Leg~a~lN~e~w;;s~~~~~ P.O. Box 1684. Lake Worth, FL. 33460. October 27, 1995 Chase Riveland Secretary of Corrections P.O. Box 41100 Olympia, WA. 98504 RE: Censorship ofPLN at WSP and AHCC Dear Mr. Riveland, I am the publisher of Prison Legal News, a monthly magazine which reports legal andpolitical developments affecting those involved withthe criminal justice system. As you may know, we have subscribers across the country, including throughout the Washington DOC. I am writing because I have received repeated complaints from subscribers at both the Washington State Penitentiary (WSP) and Airway Heights Correction Center(AHCC) that they are not receiving theirissues ofPLN. The issues are beingsent to these subscribers at their correctaddresses andthey are not beingreturned by the post office as undeliverable nor haveI received any notice of mail rejection stating that PLN is beingcensored for any reason. This has been a repeated, consistent problem at WSP for the past five years and at AHCCsince it opened. These problems do notoccurat anyotherWashington state facilities, nor anywhere else in the country for that matter. It seems apparentthat officials at WSP and AHCC are illegally censoring PLN by destroying the issues without noticeto either the subscribers or myself. Needless to say,this violates both stateand federal law concerning the delivery of mail in general and the censorship of prisoner mail inparticular. Please advise me what steps you plan to take to ensure that PLN is properly delivered to its WSP and AHCC subscribers or in the event of censorship boththe affected subscribers and I are notified of the censorship and providedan opportunity to appeal the matter. Also. please adviseme what the procedure is for me, as PLN's publisher, to send unsolicited copies of PLN to prisoners at WSP. If you haveany questions please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address or phone. I look forward to your replyand assistance in this matter. Sincerely, 1:4 Rollin Wright, Publisher, PLN cc: Tana Wood, Superintendent, WSP; Kay Walters, Superintendent, AHCC; Michael Gendler, Attorney at Law; John Midgley. Evergreen Legal Services; As Needed AttachJ1J,rit STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DIVISION OF PRISONS P.O. BOX 41123 • Olympia, Washington 98504-1123 • (360) 753-1502 FAX: (360) 586-9055 November 8, 1995 Rollin \Vright Prison Legal News P.O. Box 1684 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Dear Mr. Wright: Secretary Chase Riveland asked me to respond to your recent correspondence appealing the alleged censorship of your publication by Airway Heights Corrections Center and the Washington State Penitentiary. In reference to your question concerning the distribution of Prison Legal News, the facilities handle bulk mail differently. Airway Heights Correction Center does not process incoming bulk mail to offenders. The Washington State Penitentiary allows for offenders to receive free publications sent via bulk mail provided it has been approved in advance and the publication does not violate the Department of Corrections policy on mail. The Washington State Penitentiary Field Instruction 450.100, Inmate Use ofMail, outlines the process required. According to recent court rulings and the United State Post Office, there is no requirement to process incoming bulk mail to offenders since offenders can arrange to have materials sent by first or second class mail. Mail room staff are extremely busy and do not have the time to examine bulk mailings for contraband articles. Sincerely, /}t::J ~I Fh" . LI ~(;6 ~ Tom Rolfs, Director I Division of Prisons TR:srb.Sec 915 cc: Secretary Chase Riveland Superintendent Tana Wood, WSP Mail Room Supervisor, WSP ~ Attachment ~ 1 2 3 DONALD W. MINIKEN #975666 Airway Heights Corrections Center P.O. Box 2019, K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 {509} 244-6700 4 5 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 6 7 DONALD W. MINIKEN, 8 9 Plaintiff, vs. 10 KAY WALTER and DAVID BUSS, 11 Defendants. } No. CS-96-407-JLQ ) } } } } } } ) ) NOTICE OF HEARING NOTE ON MOTION DOCKET: August 5, 1996 12 13 TO: Clerk of the above-entitled court. 14 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff's Motion for Temporary 15 Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction will be brought 16 on for consideration without oral ar~ument on Monday, August 5, 17 1996, and the clerk is requested to note this cause on the motion 18 docket for that day. 19 20 Respectfullj submitted this 18th day of July, 1996. 21 22 23 W. Minik #975666 Airway Height Corrections Center P.O. Box 2019, K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 24 25 26 27 28 NOT OF HEAR -1- J 1 2 3 DONALD W. MINIKEN #975666 Airway Heights Corrections Center P.O. Box 2019, K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 (509) 244-6700 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 5 6 7 DONALD W. MINIKEN, Plaintiff, 8 9 vs. 10 KAY WALTER and DAVID BUSS, 11 Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. CS-96-407-JLQ MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND/OR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION 12 13 14 COMES NOW the plaintiff Donald W. Miniken, appearing pro se, hereby moves this court for an order granting a Temporary 15 Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction: (1) enjoining 16 defendants from rejecting mail addressed to plaintiff without 17 affording plaintiff notice of rejection and an opportunity to 18 appeal the rejection to an impartial third party; and (2) 19 enjoining defendants from rejecting mail addressed to plaintiff 20 on the sole ground that the mail is sent bUlk rate. 21 This motion is based upon Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of ~ Civil Procedure, and the attached memorandum of authorities. ~ Respectfully submitted this 18th day of July, 1996. 24 ~ 26 27 28 MOT FOR TRO/PI Donald W. Miniken Airway Heights Co ctions Center P.O. Box 2019, -A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 -1- 1 2 3 DONALD W. MINIKEN #975666 Airway Heights Corrections Center P.O. Box 2019, K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 (509) 244-6700 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 5 6 7 DONALD W. MINIKEN, Plaintiff, 8 9 vs , 10 KAY WALTER and DAVID BUSS, 11 12 13 14 Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. CS-96-407-JLQ MEMORANDUM OF AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND/OR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION --------------) COMES NOW the plaintiff Donald W. Miniken, appearing pro se, respectfully submits this memorandum in support of his Motion for 15 Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction. 16 17 STATEMENT OF THE CASE This is a civil rights complaint brought by a pro se 18 prisoner litigant pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Plaintiff 19 alleges that defendants have rejected and destroyed copies of the 20 Prison Legal News - a monthly magazine of news and analysis 21 pertaining to legal and political developments affecting those 22 involved in the criminal justice system - when they arrived at 23 the Airway Heights Correction Center, without notice of or 24 reasons given for rejectiny the magazines. 25 In his complaint plaintiff alleges that defendants have 26 violated his First Amendment rights by rejecting a magazine 27 mailed to him solely because it was sent via bulk mail and by 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI -1- 1 failing to afford plaintiff any measure of process in rejecting 2 the magazine. Plaintiff seeks declaratory, injunctive and 3 monetary relief. Plaintiff seeks this Temporary Restraining 4 Order and/or Preliminary Injunction to halt the continuing 5 violation of his constitutional rights. 6 sworn under ~enalty of perjury and 7 Plaintiff's complaint is su~~orts this motion. DISCUSSION 8 A litigant may be granted a temporary restraining order by 9 the court upon showing that plaintiff is in danger of immediate 10 and irreparable injury, that the adverse party will not be 11 substantially harmed if the temporary restraining order is 12 granted, and that the plaintiff has a strong likelihood of 13 success in his lawsuit. 14 (9th Cir. 1987). Cassim v. Bowen, 824 F.2d 791, 795 15 A party seeking a preliminary injunction " • . • must show 16 either (1) a combination of probable success on the merits and 17 the possibility of irreparable injury, or (2) the existence of 18 serious questions going to the merits and that the balance of the 19 hardships tip sharply in [the movant's] favor." 20 v. Borg, 918 F.2d 793, 795 (9th Cir. 1990). Diamontiney 21 A. 22 The loss of constitutional rights, even for a short period Irreparable Injury. 23 of time, constitutes irreparable injury. 24 u.s. 25 defendants decision to censor or reject copies of the Prison 26 Legal News, without affording plaintiff any measure of process 27 constitutes irreparable harm. 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI 347, 373, 96 S.Ct. 2673, (1976). Elrod v. Burns, 427 In the present case, -2- 1 B. 2 Defendants will suffer no harm if enjoined to deliver the No Harm to Defendants. 3 Prison Legal News to plaintiff ~endin9 resolution of this action. 4 C. 5 Rights secured by the First Amendment are fundamental, and Likelihood of Success on the Merits. 6 convicted prisoners retain all First Amendment rights not 7 incompatible with their status as prisoners. 8 Thornburgh v. Abbott, 490 U.S. 401, 109 S.Ct. 1874, 104 L.Ed.2d 459 (1989). 9 Because lawful incarceration legitimately requires the retraction 10 or withdrawal of many rights and privileges, the courts apply a 11 reasonableness test "less restrictive than that ordinarily 12 applied to alleged infringements of constitutional rights." 13 O'Lone v. Estate of Shabazz, 482 U.S. 342, 348, 107 S.Ct. 2400, 14 96 L.Ed.2d 282 (1987). 15 prisoner's ability to receive a ~ublication are analjzed under 16 the Turner test of reasonableness: "such regulations are valid if 17 they are reasonably related to legitimate penological interests." Prison regulations which affect the 18 Thornburgh, 490 U.s. at 414, (citing Turner v. Safley, 482 U.S. 19 78, 89~ 107 S.Ct. 2254, 2261, 96 L.Ed.2d 64 (1987». 20 to the present case, the question is whether the rejection of a As applied 21 magazine sent to plaintiff on the sole ground that it is sent 22 bUlk rate is reasonably related to legitimate penological 23 interests. 24 The law is well established that it does not. Under state regulations, there is no limit to the amount of 25 first class mail a prisoner may receive, but the Department of 26 Corrections may limit amounts and types of all other mail (AHCC 27 FI 450.100). Operating pursuant to the regulati'on, defendants 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI -3- 1 prohibit prisoners from receiving all bulk rate mail. 2 Defendants have articulated no reason, let alone a legitimate penological 3 one, for a blanket prohibition against mail sent by bUlk rates. 4 The Sixth Circuit rejected such a distinction. In Brooks 5 v. Seiter, 779 F.2d 1177 (1985), the court held that there is "no 6 principled basis for distinguishing pUblications specifically 7 ordered by a prison inmate from letters written to that inmate 8 for purposes of first amendment protection." 9 court there rejected any distinction based upon the commercial ~. at 1181. The 10 nature of the pUblication or the fact that a subscription to a 1£. 11 publication constitutes a commercial transaction. 12 Virginia State Bd. of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer 13 Council, Inc., 425 14 (1976». u.s. (citing 748, 96 S.Ct. 1817, 48 L.Ed.2d 346 Courts in the Ninth Circuit have also rejected such 15 distinctions. Harper v. Wallingford, 877 F.2d 728, 733 (9th Cir. 16 1989); Pratt v. Sumner, 807 F.2d 817, 819-20 (9th Cir. 1987); 17 Campbell v. Sumner, 587 F.Sup~. 376, 378 (D. Nev. 1984); Martyr 18 v. Mazur-Hart, 789 F.Supp. 1081, 1085 (D. Or. 1992). These cases 19 all support the proposition that interference with a prisoner's 20 incoming mail must be based upon some consideration of prison 21 order, safety, security, or rehabilitation. 22 Prison officials may not enforce blanket prohibitions against classes of incoming mail 23 based on irrelevant considerations such as its bUlk rate postage 24 25 or commercial nature. Likewise, there is no legitimate distinction for First 26 Amendment purposes between first class mail and printed 27 publications sent by bUlk rate mail, simply on the basis of the 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI -4- -, 1 postage rate. 2 "legitimate reasons for interfering with a prisoner's incoming 3 mail." Prison officials bear the burden of putting forth Parrish v. Johnson, 800 F.2d 600, 604 (6th Cir. 1986). In the absence of any legitimate penological interest - either 4 5 raised by defendants or envisioned by the court - the rejection 6 of plaintiff's magazine solely because the magazine travelled by 7 bulk rate is an unreasonable infringement of plaintiff's First 8 Amendment rights. ~ Thornburgh, 409 u.s. at 417, (First 9 Amendment protects sUbscription publications to prisoners); 10 Pepperling v. Crist, 678 F.2d 787 (9th Cir. 1982); Brooks v. 11 Seiter, 779 F.2d at 1181; Guajardo v. Estelle, 580 F.2d 748 (5th 12 Cir. 1978) (prisoners have First Amendment right to receive 13 printed pUblications by mail order or subscription).l The practical effect of defendants practice is to 14 15 unilaterally exempt from First Amendment protection all mailings 16 sent by bUlk rate, regardless of the mailing's content or effect 17 on the security of the prison. Although the law accords prison 18 officials wide ranging deference, it does no cede them unilateral authority over constitutional rights. 19 20 873, 877 (9th Cir. 1993). ~ Ward v. Walsh, 1 F.3d Prison officials remain free to impose 21 22 1Courts have declined to reach the question of the proper treatment to be given to "mass mailings" under the First 23 Amendment. Procunier v. Martinez, 416 u.s. 396, 408 n. 11 24 (1974); Brooks v. Seiter, 779 F.2d at 1180. The present case, like Brooks does not involve mass mailings. Under the Brooks 25 standard, a "single order of a particUlar pUblication more nearly resembles personal correspondence than a mass mailing." Id. Accordingly, this court likewise has no need to address the 26 proper handling of true mass mailing, such as coupon flyers, sale 27 advertisements, and mail addressed to "occupant". 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI ".·:..,..c ..n t. . t &QZZ,A dm.i . t! .6. -5- 1 reasonable restrictions upon incoming mail, when either the 2 content of the mail or its packaging presents a threat to the 3 institution. 4 ("publisher or bookstore only" rule valid because of threat of 5 smuggling contraband); Harper v. Wallingford, 877 F.2d at 733; 6 (materials advocating homosexuality properly screened from prison 7 because of threat to security). 8 have not alleged any colorable reason, based either on 9 substantive content or dangerous packaging, justifying blanket See~, Pratt v. Sumner, 807 F.2d at 819-20; In the present case, defendants 10 rejection of all bUlk rate mail. 11 12 Furthermore, even if defendants rejection of the magazine were reasonably related to legitimate penological interests, 13 defendants nevertheless violated plaintiff's constitutional 14 rights by failing - seven times - to accord him any notice or 15 appeal in connection with the rejections. The deciSion to censor 16 or withhold delivery of particular articles of mail must be 17 accompanied by "minimum procedural safeguards." ~ Procunier 18 v. Martinez, 416 u.S. 396, 417, 94 S.Ct. 1800, 40 L.Ed.2d 224 19 (1974). 20 adequately protect the important First Amendment interests at 21 stake: 22 The following three procedures are required to (1) notice of rejection must be given to the inmate; (2) the author or sender of the materials must be given notice and an 23 opportunity to protest the decision rejecting the materials; and 24 (3) the inmate must have the opportunity to appeal the rejection ~. 25 at a hearing conducted by an impartial third party. 26 at 418. Plaintiff did not receive notice or written reasons 27 explaining why his magazines were not being delivered. 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI The -6- i .............. ,,(0 "''''.!.!. .. u,q:;; .b~.w.Q.i.V:W L. - ~ .....,,", : ".\.Wii!!.J.$.Ji4.. ., ~~ ~..,.......,.;::q;;,-- .... -. -". i{.. .. q;:;:;;HIM& 1 publisher of the Prison Legal News states that none of the copies 2 sent to plaintiff have ever been returned, nor has he received 3 any notice whatsoever from defendants that the magazine was being 4 censored. 5 will be delivered to inmates and rejection notices will not be Exhibit 5. Defendants state that no II • • • bUlk mail 6 issued due to the enormous workload that would be generated." 7 Exhibits 3 & 4. By their own words defendants seek to exempt 8 certain mail from the coverage of binding Supreme Court and Ninth 9 Circuit authority. Clearly, plaintiff did not receive the 10 minimum procedural safeguards that shoUld have accompanied the 11 decision to reject delivery of the Prison Legal News. Defendants 12 conduct in this regard also constitutes an infringement of 13 plaintiff's constitutional rights. 14 15 CONCLUSION Based on the facts in this case, the applicable case law and 16 plaintiff's showing of irreparable harm and likelihood of success 17 on the merits, plaintiff respectfully moves this court to ~rant 18 the Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction 19 pending resolution of this action on the merits • . 20 21 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of July, 1996. ~ ~ 24 Donald W. Miniken 5666 Airway Heights Co ections Center P.O. Box 2019, K-A-51-L Airway Heights, WA 99001-2019 ~ 26 27 28 MEM OF AUT IN SUP OF MOT FOR TRO/PI -7-