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PLN files censorship suit against Michigan jail

Chicago Tribune, Jan. 1, 2011.
PLN files censorship suit against Michigan jail - Chicago Tribune 2011

Prison Legal News sues to get into Michigan jail

Associated Press

5:15 a.m. CDT, August 10, 2011
HOWELL, Mich.—

A monthly journal about prisons is being locked out of the Livingston County jail.

Prison Legal News is suing the county and Sheriff Robert Bezotte (Bih-ZOTT') claiming its free-speech rights are being violated because authorities won't distribute the publication to inmates.

Most regular mail at the Livingston County jail is restricted to postcards.

West Brattleboro, Vt.-based Prison Legal News says it has more than 7,000 subscribers, including lawyers and judges. It reports stories about inmate rights and prison conditions. The August edition has a story about tax fraud committed in prisons.

A message seeking comment was left for the sheriff Wednesday. The jail is in Howell, 40 miles east of Lansing.

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