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Disciplinary Self-Help Litigation Manual, 2nd ed.

Punch and Jurists, March 2, 2015.

Disciplinary Self-Help Litigation Manual (Second Edition)

Punch & Jurists, Vol.22, No.04, March 2, 2015


This updated and revamped book, by noted civil rights lawyer Daniel E. Manville, Esq., is the third in a series of excellent jailhouse Guides published by Prison Legal News. Together with the "Prisoners' Self Help Litigation Manual" (the 900-plus page "Bible" of all jailhouse lawyer guides, which in now in its Fourth Edition) and "The Habeas Citebook: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel," this trilogy of books offers the perfect library of essential resources for pro se litigants, prisoner and civil rights advocates, and the criminal defense bar generally.

As its title implies, the "Disciplinary Self-Help Litigation Manual" ("DSHLM") is designed to inform prisoners in both State and Federal prisons of their rights when faced with the consequences of those murky and one-sided disciplinary hearings that take place at the drop of a hat every day across America. The stakes in such disciplinary proceedings can be extremely punitive; and if one doesn't know his or her rights or how to fight back, he or she can face placement in solitary confinement; the loss of many important amenities such as commissary rights and visiting privileges; and the forfeiture of good-time credits. This authoritative and comprehensive work educates prisoners about their rights throughout that process and helps guide them through all stages, from administrative hearings to litigation.

In addition to explaining the many legal and procedural hurdles that exist in disciplinary proceedings, Mr. Manville has an entire Chapter comprehensively covering the varied and various state due process issues that come into play in each of the 50 states. DSHLM makes a great gift from any criminal defense attorney to a client serving time in any one of America's thousands of prisons and jails. It can be ordered online for $49.95 at:


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