Cca State of California Promotional Sheet 2007
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SATE OF CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 2007 A Sound Corrections Partner for California Consider these CCA As the nation’s leading corrections management company in the United States and Accreditation: Each of these facilities is accredited by the nation’s leading accreditation organization, the American Correctional Association, which demands adherence to more than 500 key industry standards. the federal government (including the U.S. Marshals Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons), nearly half of all states, and numerous local Facility Operations: chapel, recreational facilities, and housing units, among other standard operational utilities. Out-of-State O Though CCA is a relatively new partner to California, the company is not a new partner abuse treatment, faith-based initiatives, and life skills training. These comprehensive, not only change behaviors, but to change lives. budget constraints on new correctional facility construction. Today, eight states, including California, partner with CCA for out-of-state placement, involving more than nearly 9,100 offenders. These offenders are located at many of the 65 facilities that CCA operates throughout the country. At least seven other states previously have utilized CCA’s out-of-state management services to provide temporary immediate relief for their correctional systems. Work and Recreation: within the facility at a variety of jobs to earn money and gain valuable job skills. Additionally, Visitation: have access to standard mail, telephones calls, contact visitation and may have access to video visitation. Flexibility and Service for California at CCA Facilities California has contracted with CCA for the housing of up to 7,772 inmates. As of October 2007, California has more than 1,300 offenders in three CCA facilities (Tallahatchie, West Tennessee and Florence). California anticipates utilizing available bed capacity at CCA’s North Fork facility as well. Additionally, CCA is constructing the 3,060-bed La Palma Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ, that is expected to be fully utilized by CDCR. WASHINGTON M A I N E M O N T A N A O R E G O N N O R T H D A K O T A V E R M O N T M I N N E S O T A I D A H O N E W Y O R K W I S C O N S I N W Y O M I N G S O U T H D A K O T A M I C H I G A N CONNECTICUT N E B R A S K A P E N N S Y L V A N I A I O W A N E V A D A ILLINOIS U T A H O H I O I N D I A N A W E S T V I R G I N I A C O L O R A D O C A L I F O R N I A K A N S A S M I S S O U R I V I R G I N I A K E N T U C K Y West TN Mason TN O K L A H O M A T E N N E S S E E A R I Z O N A Florence Florence AZ N E W M E X I C O North Fork Sayre OK N O R T H C A R O L I N A S O U T H C A R O L I N A A R K A N S A S Tallahatchie Tutwiler MS A L A B A M A T E X A S G E O R G I A MISSISSIPPI L O U I S I A N A CCA Facilities to house California inmates Other CCA Facilities N E W H A M P S H I R E MASSACHUSETTS F L O R I D A N E W RHODE ISLAND J E R S E Y D E L A W A R E M A R Y L A N D Selected CCA facilities where California Typical Programs O O • Adult Basic Education • GED Preparation • Basic Literacy Warden: John Gay Florence Correctional Center 1100 Bowling Road P.O. Box 2667 Florence, AZ 85232-2667 PIO email: Phone: 520.868.9565 • Vocational Programs CCA owned and managed facility Bed capacity: 1,824 Employee count: 277 • English As a Second Language Specialist • GED 21 Century (software program used in preparation for the GED test) Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Washington, California • Cognitive and Intervention Programs (Understanding & Reducing Anger) Warden: Fred Figuero PIO email: Phone: 580.928.8200 • Self Help Programs (Alcoholics Anonymous) CCA owned and managed facility Bed capacity: 1,440 (2,400 by December 2007) Employee count: 145 North Fork Correctional Facility 1605 East Main Sayre, OK 73662-3122 • Specialized Character/Spiritual Building Program (Self Exploration) • Other Vocational: • Carpentry, • Horticulture, • Masonry, • Computers, • Drafting, Colorado Warden: Marcel Mills PIO email: Phone: 901.294.3060 • Life Skills CCA owned and managed facility Bed capacity: 600 Employee count: 122 West Tennessee Detention Facility 6299 Finde Naifeh Jr. Drive P.O. Box 509 Mason, TN 38049 Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Vermont, California Warden: Robert Adams · ' "V 1:1:.. -e ~ 'e \ Tallahatchie County Correctional Facility 295 U.S. Hwy 49 South Tutwiler, MS 38963 Victoria Holly PIO email: Phone: 662.345.8527 CCA Owned and managed facility Bed capacity: 1,104 (1824 by December 2007) Employee count: 310 Mississippi Visit us online: or: CCA Spokespersons: Louise Grant , VP Marketing and Communications 615-263-3106 ; Steve Owen, Director Marketing and Communications 615-263-3107 ; Arienne Brint, Senior Director State Customer Relations 615/263-3238;