Ga Sheriffs Assoc Standards for Adult Pretrial Detention Facilities 2008
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GEORGIA STANDARDS FOR ADULT PRETRIAL DETENTION FACILITIES GEORGIA SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION JAIL ASSISTANCE DIVISION Revised June 2008 ( TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION TO STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Chapter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Administration Fiscal Management Personnel Training Staffing Records i Ii Page 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 FACILITY PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE 7. 8. 9. Planning of New Facilities Physical Plant Design/Flow Secnrity Conditions Sanitary Conditions Space Provisions /Reqnirements Fire Safely 7-1 8-1 8-1 8-6 8-10 8-13 9-1 CLASSIFICATION SCREENING 10. 11. 12. 13. Admissions, Orientation and Release Classification Trusties Special Honsing 10-1 11-1 12-1 13-1 SERVICES, PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Medical and Health Services Sanitation and Hygiene Inmate Commnnications Legal Access Food Service Volunteers Inmate Programs Disciplinary Procedures Grievance Procedures Security, Supervision and Surveillance Emergeucy Procedures GLOSSARy INDEX JAIL STANDARUS 1~1·:VISION FACILITY SELF-AlIUI1' 14-1 15-1 16-1 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22-1 23-1 24-1 A B C D Chapter Fourteen Medical and Health Care Principle: The sheriff and the facility administrator have the responsibility for obtaining medical care for inmates in the facility. The kind and amount of medicai services provided will depend on the number of "special" inmates the facility receives. In assessing this responsibility, many courts have ordered sweeping provisions for medical and health care. Although these orders differ in detail, the common elements are that reasonable care and adequate medical attention be readily availabie to the inmate population. Designation of Responsible Physician 14.01 The provision of medical services for the facility shall be the responsibility of a designated medical doctor pursuant to a written agreement between the governmental funding agency responsible for the facility, the sheriff, and the responsible qualified medical authority. Comment: None Designation of Receiving Medical Facility 14.02 The provision of medical services for the facility shall be the responsibility of a designated medical doctor pursuant to a written agreement between the governmental funding agency responsible for the facility, the sheriff, and the responsible qualified medical authority. Comment: None Licensing of Medical Personnel 14.03 ,J State licensors and/or certification requirements and restrictions shall apply to health care personnel working in the facility, which are the same as those working in the community. Comment: None 14-1 Prohibition Against Restrictions 14.04 The responsible physician shall have no restrictions imposed upon him I her by the facility administration regarding the practice of medicine. Comment: None Conformance to Security Regulations 14.05 Appropriate facility security regulations shall be followed by medical personnel. Comment: None Operating Procedures 14.06 Written policy and procedures, approved by the responsible physician shall be followed to include: • • • • • • • Sick cell Receiving screening Health appraisal data collection Non-emergency medical services Emergency medIcal and dental services Management of inmates with transmittable, medically documented, communicable diseases Job descriptions for medical personnel ........... _. __ .__ _-------_....:......_--'--------_. __ .~._------~~ Comment: None 14-2 Delivery Plan 14.07 The facility shall provide 24-hour emergency medical and dental care, as outlined in a plan approved by the responsible physician. This shall include arrangements for: • • • • Emergency evacuation of the inmate from the facility Use of an emergency medical vehicle Use of one or more designated hospital emergency rooms or other appropriate health facilities Emergency on-call physician and dental services when the emergency facility is not located in a nearby community Comment: None Preparation of Medical Records 14.08 There shall be a quarterly report prepared by the physician and/or his designee for the physicians comments and approval on the health delivery system and the health environment of the facility, and an annual statistical summary made. These documents shall be submitted to the sheriff. Comment: None Treatment by Other Individuals 14.09 Treatment by medical personnel other than the responsible physician shall be performed pursuant to standing or direct orders from the physician. Comment: None Provision of Treatment Space 14.10 If medical services are delivered in the facility, adequate equipment, supplies and materials, as determined by the responsible physician, shall be provided for the delivery of primary health care. Comment: None 14-3 Notification of Availability of Services 14.11 At the time of admission to the facility, inmates shall receive written/oral orientation information on the procedures for gaining access to medical services. Such information shall also be posted conspicuously within the facility. Comment: None Medical Screening at Time of Booking 14.12 Receiving screening shall be performed by the booking officer or designee on all inmates upon admission to the facility and before their placement in the general population or housing area. The find ings shall be recorded on a printed screen ing form approved by the responsible physician. The screening shall be reviewed by medical personnel upon completion of inquiry into: • • • • • Current illnesses and health problems Medications taken and special health requirements Behavior observation, including state of consciousness and mental status to include risk of suicide Notation of body deformities, tattoos, trauma marking, bruises, lesions. jaundice, ease of movement, condition of skin, including rashes and infestations Disposition/referral of· inmates to qualified medical personnel on an emergency basis ._----~- -------------------------------- Comment: None Completion of Health Appraisal 14.13 A health appraisal data collection shall be completed for each inmate who remains in the detention facility for more than fourteen (14) days and shall include: • • • • • Review of the earlier receiving sCreening Additional data to complete the medical and psychiatric history Laboratory and diagnostic tests to detect communicable diseases, including venereal diseases and tuberculosis as approved by the facility physician Height, weight, pulse, blood pressure and temperature A standardized medical examination with appropriate comments about medical and dental status 14-4 Further, qualified medical personnel may collect inmate health histories, vital signs and other he.alth appraisal data. All health appraisal data shall be recorded on the health data forms approved by the responsible physician. The responsible physician or designated medical personnel shall review the results of the medical examination, tests and problem identification. Comment: None Method of Identifying Medical Complaints 14.14 Inmates medical complaints shall be collected daily and responded to by medically trained personnel in a timely fashion. Comment: Inmates should not be used to collect complaints. Sick Call 14.15 Sick call, conducted by a physician and/or other qualified medical personnel, shall be available to each inmate as follows: • • • Small facilities of less than fifty (50) inmates shall hold sick call once per week, at a minimum Medium-sized facilities of fifty (50) to two-hundred (200) inmates shall hold sick call at least three (3) times per week Large-size facilities of over two-hundred (200) inmates shall hold sick Gall a minimum of five (5) times per week. Comment: None Medical Training for Facility Staff 14.16 Facility personnel shall be satisfactorily trained in emergency care procedures. Such training shall incorporate the following steps: • • • • • Awareness of potential emergency situations Notification or observation in determinillg that an emergency is in progress Transfer to the appropriate medical provider ReGognition of systems of illness most common to the facility Look at 14.21 14-5 Comment: Policy shall be written to provide for proper monitoring referral and follow up on inmates at risk for suicide. First Aid Training and Preparation 14.17 All personnel shall have current training in basic first aid equivalent to that defined by the American Red Cross. First a'id kits shall be available with the responsible physician approving the number, content, location and procedure for periodic inspection of the kit(s), Comment: None Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training and Certification 14.18 At least one (1) person per shift shall have current training in receiving screening, in recognition of symptoms of the conditions most common to the facility, and in basic life support, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification, Comment: None Provision of Prostheses 14.19 As determined by the responsible physician, medical and dental prostheses shall be provided when the health of the inmate would otherwise be adversely affected, Comment: None Provision of Dental Care 14.20 Dental care shall be provided to each inmate upon the commendation of the responsible physician, Comment: None 14-6 Screening of Mentally Disordered Inmates 14.21 Screening, evaluation and referral for care shall be provided to mentally disordered or retarded inmates whose adaptation to the detention environment is significantly impaired. The responsibie physician shall have designated in advance specific referral sources. Comment: Go to 14.16. Staff should be trained to identify the signs of suicide risk in inmates. Actions Regarding Mentally Disordered Inmates 14.22 Written policy and procedures shall require consultation between the facility administrator and the responsible physician or designated mental health professional prior to the following actions taken regarding inmates who reasonably appear to be mentally disordered or retarded. • • • • Housing assignments (see Chapter 11.07) Program assignments Disciplinary measures Transfer in and out of institution Comment: None Provision of Detoxification Services 14.23 When not provided in a community health facility, detoxification from alcohol, opiates, barbiturates and other drugs shall be performed at the facility under close supervision as approved by the responsible physician. Comment: None 14-7 Procedures for Use of Pharmaceuticals 14.24 The facility's policy and procedures, as approved by the responsible physician, for the proper management of pharmaceuticals shall include: • • • • • • A formulary Policy regarding the prescription of all medications with particular attention to behavior modifying medications and those subject to abuse Policy regarding medication dispensing and administration Policy regarding the maximum security storage and weekly inventory of all controlled substances, syringes, needles and surgical instruments Policy excluding the use of inmates to dispense medication Policy that inmates shall not have access to medications Comment: None Procedures for the Administration of Medication 14.25 The person administering medication shall receive training from the responsible physician or appropriate facility. The facility administrator shall be accountable for administering medications according to orders and shall record the administration of medications in a manner and on a form approved by the responsible physician. Comment: None Components of Medical Record File 14.26 The medical record file shall contain: • • • • • The completed receiving screening form Health appraisal data collection form A record of all findings, diagnosis, treatments, dispositions, prescriptions and administration of medications Notes concerning patient education and notations of place, date and time of medical encounters Discharge from medical treatment The method of recording entries in the medical record, and the form and format of the record shall be approved by the responsibie physician. Comment: None 14-8 Maintenance and Security of Medical I Mental Health Records 14.27 Access to the medical/mental health record shall be controlled by the responsible physician. The physician-patient privilege applies to these records which shall not be in any way a part of the confinement record. Summaries or copies of summaries or copies of the medical/mental health record file shall be routinely sent to the facility to which the inmate is transferred. Comment: Inmates shall be excluded from access to all medical/ mental health fiies. Consent for Treatment 14.28 Informed written consent shall be obtained for all examinations, treatments and procedures. In the case of minors, the informed written consent of parents, guardian or legal custodian is necessary. Comment: None Prohibition Against Medical Experimentation 14.29 The conduct of medical or pharmaceutical testing or treating for experimental or research purposes shall be prohibited. Comment: None 14-9