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MN Adult Facilities Offender Handbook MN DOC 2012

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Adult Facilities


Minnesota Department of Corrections
Adult Facilities Offender Handbook

Table of Contents
Intake Screening
ID cards


Sexual Abuse/Assault


Offender Assignments and Pay


Facility Count
Dress/Hygiene/Hair Care


Offender Accounts


Voucher and Wages


Housing Expectations
Security Threat Groups


Gate Money
Cost of Confinement
Indigent Offenders


Drug Testing
Lock Ups




Health Services
Health Care Co-pay
Medical Alert Tags
Private Health Care
Offenders with Disabilities






Case Management
Program Review Team






Food Service
Hobby Craft
Religious Services


Intensive Supervised Release
DNA Analysis
Chemical Dependency Programs
Sex Offender Treatment
Work Release
Release Reviews
Office of Hearings and Release


Resource Agencies


Adult Correctional Facilities


Education Programs
Reentry Services
Other Programs
Offender Rights





This Handbook is a summary of some of the policies that effect many offenders. If you have questions or
concerns about a subject, read the complete policy or talk to staff.
Each subject in this handbook shows at least one policy number. The number refers to a Minnesota
Department of Corrections (DOC) Policy, Division Directive or Instruction about that subject. There may
be other policies about the subject that are not shown. There are many other policies about other
subjects not included in this handbook.
The DOC Policy Manual is available in the library of each facility.
Each facility or program will tell you about the rules in that facility or program.
When a staff person tells you to do something, you must follow his/her direction. Even if you think staff
are wrong, you must still comply. Later, you can discuss it with the staff or supervisor.
Intake Screening
Offender Orientation

Policy Number: 202.040

New offenders admitted to the DOC come to reception centers at Minnesota Correctional Facility (MCF)St. Cloud or Shakopee. During orientation you learn about the rules and procedures. Many rules are the
same in all facilities. Some rules are different at each facility. You get another orientation when
transferred to a new facility.
All offenders will have tests and meetings with staff during the first two weeks. Information is gathered
about each offender so a program plan can be made. There is more about this in the MCF-St. Cloud
Offender Handbook and MCF-Shakopee Orientation Information Handbook.
Offender ID Cards

Policy Number: 302.255

You will be given an identification card (ID). Look in the facility or unit rules to find out the rules for
wearing ID cards.
ID cards must be replaced if they are lost, stolen or broken. Also, if you change how you look, the ID
must be replaced. You may be charged $5.00 to replace it. There is no charge when the ID has to be
replaced because of normal wear and tear. The ID card must be turned in when you are released.
Offender Status

Policy Number 202.110

All offenders are assigned one or more statuses (program, living unit, work or others). There are policies
and/or rules for each status that explains them. There are privileges or restrictions that go with them.
Here are a few of the statuses that can be assigned.
Administrative Segregation
Investigative Restriction
Pre-Hearing Detention
Unauthorized Lay-In
Non-Contact (visiting)

Loss of Privileges
Disciplinary Idle
In-House Segregation
Temporary Unassigned
Unassigned Idle

A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Plan
Fire Prevention
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan - Offender

Policy Number

In any emergency it is very important to do what staff tell you to do.
There is a plan for getting staff and offenders away from a fire. Fire evacuation routes are posted in all
areas in all facilities. There are regular fire drills when everyone practices what to do in case of a fire.
There is also a plan for ensuring the safety of offenders and staff during a tornado or bad weather.
Sometimes there will be tornado drills to practice what to do if there is a tornado.
All offenders will get training about safety during orientation. When you are assigned to a job, you get
more training about the safety rules for that job.
You should report any injury to staff, no matter how minor. Report safety hazards to staff. Do not create
safety hazards.
Some diseases can be passed to another person by contact with body fluids such as urine, blood, or
feces. You should treat any other person’s blood or body fluids as if they are contaminated and avoid
contact with them.
Offender Incompatibility

Policy Number: 202.120

If you think that another offender might harm you, report it to staff. Staff will look into it. If staff think it is
needed, a plan will be made to keep certain offenders apart. Staff cannot protect you if you don’t tell
them you are in danger and give them enough information to help you.
Facility Count Report

Policy Number: 300.050

Staff must know where offenders are at all times. This is the reason for offender counts and controlled
movement. Offender counts are done several times each day. You must follow the rules about count. It
is a discipline violation to not follow count rules. You must also follow the rules about going from one
place to another in the facility. Look in the facility handbook to read about the rules for movement and
Offender Dress/Hygiene/Hair Care

Policy Number: 303.020

You must keep yourself and your property clean and neat. Those who do not meet this standard may
get a discipline report. Clothes must fit properly.
You must keep your private parts covered except when changing clothes, taking a shower, or using the
You must be fully dressed (including underwear and shoes) when out of your cell/room. No underwear
may show through the clothes. Robes must be worn with underwear. Robes can be worn to and from
the shower.

Living, work, and program areas can have special dress codes.
Clothes must be clean. Clothes may not be altered, ripped or torn. You must wear clothes how
they were designed to be worn.
Sunglasses cannot be worn indoors without medical approval.

Headgear (hats)
• Headgear issued for work can only be worn for work.
• Do-rags may only be worn in cells/rooms.
• Headgear, baseball caps, stocking hats etc. can only be worn outdoors.
• Religious headgear may only be worn in cell/room or at religious services.
• Sports headbands can only be white and only be worn at recreation.
• Plastic caps and curlers cannot be worn outside of living unit.
Approved neckwear (crosses or religious medallions, medicine bags) must be worn under clothing and
worn on approved plastic chains available through canteen. Neckwear must be removed when NO shirt
is being worn.
Personal Hygiene
Hygiene supplies are for sale in the canteen. If you do not have money to buy them, they will be
provided (see Indigent Offenders). You are expected to shower regularly and keep yourself clean.
Hair Care
Offenders can do hair care for others, such as cuts and perms, but only if they are approved to do it, and
only in an approved area. Offenders may not take tips. Offenders may not sell or give products to other
offenders. There is more information in the facility handbooks about hair care rules.
Offender Housing Conditions and Expectations

Policy Number: 303.025

When assigned to a room or cell, check it completely. Report damage or contraband to staff right away.
You are responsible for what is in your cell, area or room, and locking devices.
Offender personal living areas must be kept clean and neat. You must clean your cell/room and make
your bed daily. Clothing must be kept in drawers, closets, footlockers or containers.
You will be assigned a cell/room and issued a key or locking device. The cell/room must be locked when
you are out of it. If you share a cell or room, your footlocker or other storage area must also be locked
when you leave.
Some facilities have living unit rules. Rules are posted in each unit. Read and follow living unit rules.
Offensive material is defined in the policy. Writing, photos, drawings or tattoos could be offensive if they
are about: violence or threats, sex or nudity, or put-downs of a person or group. These things may not
be displayed. They must be stored out of sight when not being viewed. If they are not stored out of
sight, they can be taken and a discipline report written.
Security Threat Groups (STG) (Gangs)

Policy Number: 301.110

Being a member of a gang is not allowed. It is against the rules to engage in gang activities. This
includes having, using, or showing anything related to gang symbols or signals.


Policy Number: 301.030

You may NOT be in possession of contraband. Possession means either on one's person, in one's cell,
or in one's control.
Anything that may present a risk to the security of the facility or safety of staff and offenders can be
contraband. Contraband includes, but is not limited to:
Controlled substances
Weapons or ammunition
Escape tools
Sexually explicit material
Martial arts books or magazines
You may not have printed information about another offender's crime.
Even property that is normally allowed can be contraband if you are not approved to have it. For
example, some items must be in their original containers. Too much property, property not on the
inventory, and altered property are also contraband.
Contraband is taken and stored. Then it is decided if it has to be thrown away, sent out of the facility, or
returned to the owner.

Policy Number: 301:010

You may be searched at any time and for any reason. Cells/rooms and areas may be searched at any
time. You are responsible for anything in your cell/room, on you person, or in your property.
Drug and Alcohol Testing

Policy Number: 205.230

Drug and alcohol testing is done in all facilities. All positive drug tests will result in discipline.

Policy Number: 301.020

The amount of force needed to stop an escape will be used. This could be deadly force. An escape or
attempt to escape will result in a felony conviction.

Policy Number: 301.070

During a lock-up, normal programs stop. You must stay in your cell/room/bunk area unless directed by


Offender Discipline

Policy Number: 303.010

You must obey the rules written in the Discipline Regulations Handbook and facility or unit rules. If you
do not follow the rules, disciplinary action will be taken. The Discipline Regulations Handbook explains
the your rights in the discipline system. There is a formal discipline system and an informal sanction
Informal Sanctions
Informal sanctions are penalties given to offenders who violate minor facility or unit rules. Informal
sanctions include: written warnings, loss of privileges and loss of use of equipment (property or phone).
Informal sanctions are not used for major rule violations. The informal sanction plan is explained in the
facility handbook or unit rules.
Formal Discipline
The formal discipline system is used for more serious rule violations. Offenders get written notice of the
violation. A disciplinary hearing is scheduled. Formal disciplinary reports are settled either by a
disciplinary hearing or a waiver.
Disciplinary Hearing
In a disciplinary hearing, a hearing officer from the facility or DOC Central Office listens to all sides - the
offender, the discipline officer, and witnesses. The hearing officer decides if the offender is guilty of the
rule violation. If the offender is found guilty, the hearing officer gives a penalty such as segregation time
or loss of privileges. Hearings may be done in person with a hearing officer or by video tele-conference.
Offenders may have a representative to help them at their hearing and have witnesses testify for them.
Hearing findings can be appealed to the warden.
Waiver of Hearing and Plea of Guilty
The offender can sign a form saying he/she violated the rules and accepts the penalty offered. No
hearing is held. Usually the penalty will be less than what would be given after a finding of guilty in a
hearing. Penalties agreed to on a waiver cannot be appealed.
Minor Misconduct: a minor report results in a penalty that does not include extended incarceration (EI).
Usually the penalty for a minor report is loss of privileges.
Major Misconduct: a major report results in a segregation sentence and/or extended incarceration.
Repeated minor violations may result in a major penalty.
In the Discipline Regulations Handbook, many of the rules have the full range of penalties, from loss of
privileges to segregation and extended incarceration. Whether the penalty is minor or major depends on
the situation.

Offender Property

Policy Number: 302.250

The types and amounts of property an offender can have are listed on the Allowable Property List that is
posted in each living unit. Some special programs or units such as segregation, orientation/reception
may have other rules about property and limit what an offender can have. You are responsible for
keeping your property within the allowable limits.
There are two kinds of property that offenders may have, personal property and state issue items. Some
things, like clothing and electrical items are counted and written on a Property Inventory Record.
Consumable items that are perishable, used up, consumed through use, or inexpensive non-durable
items (e.g., food, hygiene and writing supplies, and plastic items); personal papers including published
and legal materials, are non-inventoried items. You can have only the amount of property that fits into
two footlockers. Large items like fans and TVs don’t have to fit in the footlockers.
You are solely responsible for the care and safekeeping of your personal property. When leaving the
cell/living area, you must ensure all personal property is secure.
State Issue Property
State issue items are those the DOC gives an offender to use at no charge. They include shirts and
pants, underclothes, socks, shoes, and bed linens. You are responsible for your state issue items. You
may be charged the cost of replacing missing, damaged or destroyed items.
Personal Property
Personal property is anything that an offender may get that belongs to him/her and is not a state issue
item. The Allowable Property List tells what and how much you may have. The only way to get personal
property is to order it through the property department or buy it from canteen.
Your family and friends cannot send or bring property to you. Family members and friends are not
allowed to bring-in or mail-in any personal property.
Each facility has catalogs available for you to place orders. All property items are to be ordered through
the institution catalogs or canteen. Check the facility handbook to see how to order an item.
Property Inventory
Property that has a limit on the Allowable Property List is inventoried on a computer program. The
following are against the rules:
 Not having all the items that are on the inventory;
 To have more than what is on the inventory;
 To trade, sell or give property to another offender;
 To have someone else’s property; and
 To have property that has been changed or altered.
You should not throw away inventoried property. A kite should be written to "Property" before you get rid
of property that has been inventoried. If personal property is lost or stolen, you may not be allowed to
replace it for a period of time.


Policy Number: 302.010

You can buy the things you need from MINNCOR centralized canteen. There are food, health, hygiene,
writing supplies, televisions, radios and fans for sale through canteen.
Offenders are given a centralized canteen catalogue whenever a new one is issued. Changes in prices
and products are posted in the living units. You must update your catalogue with the posted information
to keep it correct. Order forms are passed out to offenders each week. There are special order forms for
special programs or living units, such as segregation, that restrict what offenders may buy.
If you think there has been a mistake in the canteen order, it must be verified by staff at the time you
receive the order. The rules for ordering and solving problems with orders are in the centralized canteen
The canteen spending limit for offenders in general population is $120.00 per week. Televisions,
typewriters and telephone time is not included in the limit.
You must have money in your account to pay for what is ordered. The canteen staff cannot answer
questions about offender accounts. If you have questions about the account, send a kite to “Offender
Settlement of Claims

Policy Number: 106.020

Property Claims
You may be paid for loss of property due to an action or inaction by staff. The loss must be reported to
staff within 24 hours. Consumable items that are perishable, consumed through use, or inexpensive
non-durable items (e.g., food, hygiene and writing supplies, and plastic items); personal papers including
published and legal materials, are non-inventoried items and will not be payable in the claims process. A
claim must be filed within 30 days on the DOC claim form. All claims require a $5.00 filing fee. The filing
fee will be returned if any part of the claim is paid. You must submit proof of loss with the claim.
Injury Claims
You may be paid if you have a permanent injury, which occurred while performing assigned duties. It is
best to report the injury right away. The injury must be reported within 30 days. The claim must be filed
within 180 days. For information about claims, send a kite to the facility claims officer.

Policy Number: 302.210

A personal identification number (PIN) is needed to use the telephone. Do not tell anyone your PIN.
You may be charged money to change your PIN. Facilities will not accept collect calls for offenders.
Abuse of telephone privileges results in discipline, and may result in loss of telephone privileges for a
period of time. Rules for telephone use are posted in the living unit, Informal Sanction, or in the facility
You must not call staff, volunteers, interns, or vendors.
3-way and call-forwarded calls are not allowed.
Phone Monitoring
Offender telephone calls may be listened to and recorded. Legal calls are not monitored.

Legal Calls
You should contact attorneys by mail. In an emergency, you can ask for a free legal call from your
caseworker. More information about how to get a legal call is in the facility handbook.
Emergency Calls
If there is a death or serious illness in your family, someone can call the facility and leave a message.
Staff will check to see if the message is true. If it is, they will give the message to you. If you need to
make an emergency call, you can ask staff. The watch commander or case manager decides if the call
can be made.
TTY or TTD Calls
Hearing impaired offenders can have their own, or use the facility’s, TTY/TTD machines.

Policy Number: 302.020

It is important for you to tell your family and friends about the mail policy. There is no limit on the amount
of mail you can get or send. You cannot use the facility address as a business address. When you
transfer or are released, your first class mail will be forwarded for 60 days.
Mail is not delivered if it contains or refers to the following:
• Risks to security and safety of facility or public;
• Contraband;
• Threats of harm to another;
• Breaking the law or facility rules;
• Security threat groups;
• Unauthorized business activity;
• Asks for gifts from sources other than family and friends;
• Code that can’t be understood;
• Sexually explicit material;
• Material/photos that contain nudity;
• Photographs of staff;
• Cash or personal checks, stamps, credit or instant cash cards, telephone cards;
• Items that may be a safety or health hazard or seem suspicious; or
• Safety or sanitation hazards such as lipstick, perfume, oily stains, discoloration, crystallization, or
anything else that can’t be identified.
Outgoing Mail:
• May include paper with words/drawings on it, signed greeting cards, clippings and photocopies
from publications, and photographs.
• Must have a return address including offender’s commitment name, OID number and the full
name of the facility -all in upper left hand corner of envelope.
• Must use only envelopes purchased in the canteen, or pre-printed postage-paid metered
business-reply envelopes.
• Offender legal mail may be sealed and must be sent to the mailroom. (Officers in the living units
do not check legal mail that offenders are sending out).
• May be inspected and must be unsealed (except special/legal mail which must be sealed in front
of staff).
• Mail to another offender can only be delivered through the U.S. mail, not through interoffice mail
or the kite system.
• Will be identified as being mailed from a correctional facility.
• For special services such as registered, priority and express mail, contact the mailroom.

Incoming Mail:
• Is limited to 16 ounces per mail item to permit timely processing and thorough inspection. Items
in excess of this limit will be returned to sender unopened with an explanation for the rejection.
• Must be addressed to the offender’s commitment or legal name and OID number. If it is not, it
may be returned to sender.
• Will be opened and checked for contraband.
• May be read if it may present a risk to safety and security.
• Special/legal mail will be opened in front of the offender. Staff will check it for contraband.
• “Junk mail” will be discarded. Catalogs, non-profit mailings, subscribed and allowed newspapers
and magazines are accepted.
• Magazines or other published commercial materials must come from the publisher or an
approved vendor. Offenders must pay in advance for subscriptions or gift subscriptions, which
are also allowed. Magazines will be reviewed – if they are not allowed they will be returned to
• Money can be sent in the form of bank drafts, money orders, cashier checks and U.S. Treasury
checks. See “Offender Accounts” in this book for more information on this.
• Incoming mail should have the sender’s complete return address on it including name, street
address, city and zip code.

May include • Paper with words/drawings on it;
• Signed, store-bought greeting cards and post cards (no musical cards);
• Photographs (Polaroids must have backing removed);
• Magazines and published material shipped directly from publisher or vendor;
• Books must have a packing slip or other notice showing who paid for it;
• Money orders, bank drafts, cashier’s checks; or
• Clippings or photocopies of published materials.

Non-Delivery of Offender Mail
• If mail is not delivered to you, you will be sent a Notice of Non-Delivery of Mail/Package stating
the reason. You have 30 days to tell the mailroom what to do with the rejected mail. It can be
returned to the sender or destroyed.
• If an item cannot be delivered or returned due to missing or wrong addresses, it will be kept for 30
days. If it is not claimed within 30 days it will be destroyed.
Review of Rejected Mail
• You may ask for a review of the decision to reject mail. Send a kite to the mailroom supervisor
within 15 days after getting the Notice of Non-Delivery of Mail/Package. Send a copy of the
Notice with the kite.
• After the answer comes back on the first review, you may ask for a final review. Send a kite and
the Notice to the Correspondence Review Authority. This must be done within 15 days after
getting the mailroom supervisor’s decision.


Policy Number: 302.100

Visiting is a privilege. The rules for visiting depend on your status. Visitors have to be approved before
they come to visit. You may send a visiting application form to the people you want on your visiting list or
the visitor may get a visiting application on the DOC website at (click on “facility
information” and then click on “visiting information”). The visitor must fill out the form and return it to the
facility. Staff approve or deny the visitor. Staff tells the offender that the visitor is approved and you
must tell the visitor if they are approved. Staff send a letter to visitors who are not approved. It is very
important for visitors to be honest and completely fill out the form. People who have criminal records or
who are on probation can be approved to visit. They must be truthful when filling out the form or they will
be denied.
Visitors can be on the visiting list of only one offender incarcerated in any of the Minnesota Correctional
Facilities. If they have been on someone else’s visiting list in the last six months they cannot visit. The
visitor must request to be removed from another offender’s visiting list, then wait six months to apply on
the new offender’s list. There are exceptions to this rule for immediate family members of offenders.
Visitors under 18 years old must be listed on the visiting application of a parent, legal guardian or another
adult with notarized permission from the parent or legal guardian. A copy of the child’s birth certificate
must be sent with the application.
Each offender is allowed 24 approved visitors. Offenders on reception status can have only two adult
visitors on their list. When an offender transfers to another facility, their visiting list transfers too.
The amount of time allowed for visiting depends on the custody level of the facility.
There are different rules for visiting for offenders in segregation. Read the segregation handbook to find
out about visiting while in segregation.
Read the facility handbook to learn about all of the visiting rules. Here are some that are the same at all
• Visitors must bring an ID when they come to visit.
• Visitors may be searched.
• Visitors must dress modestly (as decided by visiting staff).
• Adults must control children’s behavior. Unruly behavior is not allowed. Children must be under
direct supervision by an adult at all times while on facility grounds.
• Offenders are searched before and after the visit.
• Offenders must dress neatly and modestly.
• Nothing can be brought into the visiting room.
• Offenders and visitors may hug, kiss on the cheek briefly, and shake hands when they first arrive
and when they leave.
• Children under six may sit on their parent's lap unless the offender has a special visiting
restriction with minors.
• No other physical contact is allowed.
Breaking the visiting rules could result in:
A warning
Non-contact visiting status
The visitor being banned from visiting

A discipline report
Ending the visit
Arrest and criminal charges

New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day and day after Thanksgiving

President’s Day
Labor Day
Christmas Day

Food Service

Policy Number: 302.030

Food service menus are posted in all living units and work areas. A dietitian reviews menus to see that
they are healthy. The Health Department inspects the food service area to make sure it is clean and
Two types of meals are available at lunch and dinner: the regular menu, and an alternative meal that
meets the need of most religious and medical diets.
You must not take extra food. You should eat what you take. It is a rule violation to take extra food or
waste food.
You must sit where the staff tell you to sit.
Look in the facility handbook to learn about other food service rules.

Policy Number: 204.045

Every facility has a library that offenders can use. There are many different kinds of books and other
materials in the library. Restorative Justice and Transitions (Pre-Release) information are available in
the library. Check your facility handbook or unit rules to see when you can use the library.

Policy Number: 204.080

Every facility has a recreation program that includes activities in the gym, outside yard, living units and/or
courtyards. Activities may include handball, basketball, volleyball, walking/running track, weight lifting,
and use of exercise equipment. Full contact sports, such as tackle football, boxing, and martial arts, are
not allowed. Outside recreation can be cancelled when the weather is bad. Each facility has a
recreation schedule and rules. Look in the facility handbook or unit rules to find out the schedule and
Hobby Craft

Policy Number 204.047

You can participate in a hobby craft program by buying craft items from the canteen or approved
vendors. Only certain hobby crafts and supplies are allowed at each facility. You may not give, trade,
loan, display or sell hobby craft items. Completed projects must be sent out of the facility. Read the
policy or facility instructions for more information.
Religious Services/Programs

Policy Number: 302.300

All offenders can practice their religion. Every facility has a religious services coordinator. If you have
questions about religious activity, contact the religious services coordinator. Religious services are open
to everyone. The number of offenders allowed to attend a service may be limited. Religious activity can
be restricted if it causes security or safety problems.

Educational Programs

Policy Number: 204.040

There are education programs at all facilities. Not all programs are at every facility.
The education programs include:
Basic/general education
Special education
General Educational Development (GED) Vocational education
All offenders have their reading and math levels assessed. The results are used to decide what
education programs you may take.
If you do not have a verified GED or high school diploma, you are assigned to education classes as
openings occur.
Adult Offender Reentry Services and Programming

Policy Number 205.140

There are programs to help you succeed when you get out of prison. The programs will teach you how
to look for and keep a job. They will also give information about how to get services in the community
such as housing and health care. Most offenders are required to attend a pre-release program before
their release.
Other Programs
There are other programs to help you learn skills to improve your life. Each facility has some of these
programs. Some of the programs include: anger management, cognitive skills, life skills, parenting, and
victim impact.
Offender Rights

Policy Number 202.055

The Department of Corrections seeks to protect offenders from personal abuse, physical punishment,
personal injury, property damage, harassment, and disease.
You have a right to access to the courts.
You have a right to access to legal counsel, and to have confidential contact with legal counsel.
You have a right to equal opportunity. The DOC prohibits discrimination based on an offender’s race,
religion, national origin, sex, disability or political views.
The DOC ensures that an offender who is a citizen of another country has access to the diplomatic
representative of his/her country.
If you think that any of these rights have been violated, you may complain and ask for relief. The part of
this handbook titled “Offender Grievances” explains how to make a complaint.

Sexual Abuse/Assault Prevention, Reporting, and Response
The DOC maintains a zero-tolerance policy on sexual abuse/assault to promote a safe and humane
environment, free from sexual violence and misconduct for everyone. Sexual conduct between offenders
and staff is forbidden. It is also forbidden between offenders.
Staff (including volunteers and contractors) cannot give or accept gifts or special favors.
A brochure entitled Sexual Abuse/Assault Prevention and Intervention is included in the orientation
packet offenders receive when they are admitted. Read it to find out more about this.
Sexual abuse/assault can include, but is not limited to:
• Any behavior or act of a sexual nature, consensual or non-consensual;
• Touching in a sexual way;
• Sexual comments or gestures;
• Promising anything in exchange for sexual favors;
• Threatening anything if an offender does not give sexual favors;
• Sexual language or behavior;
• An act that involves sexual contact or an intimate relationship;
• Kissing; or
• Sexual harassment.
DOC Sexual Assault Helpline: (651) 603-6798 - this is a free call
Report sexual abuse/assault right away to staff. They will refer you to medical staff. You do not have to
give the name of the person who assaulted or abused you in order to get medical treatment. Medical
information gathered is confidential.
In order to use the information as evidence in discipline or prosecution against the person who assaulted
you, you have to sign a release. You have the right to refuse to sign the release.
Mental health staff are available to help offenders recover from the emotional impact of sexual
False Accusations:
If an investigation reveals that an offender has made a false accusation that he/she, in good faith, could
not have believed to be true, the facility may take disciplinary action against the offender through all
means available to the DOC.
Grievance Procedure

Policy Number 303.100

Verbal Communication
You may try to resolve a problem or ask a question by respectfully discussing it with staff.
Kites are printed forms that offenders use to communicate with staff. A kite is used to ask for a service
or ask a question, or to informally resolve a complaint or grievance.

When trying to get a service or resolve a problem, use the chain of command. Each facility posts their
chain of command that explains which staff is responsible for what area. Check the chain of command to
see who is responsible for the area you are concerned about. Talk to or send a kite to the staff. Send a
kite to only one person at a time and wait for a response before writing to the next person in the chain. If
you are not satisfied with the answer, or you have no written answer after 5 working days - send a kite to
that staff’s supervisor, state your concern, whom you have talked or written to and their answer.
If the problem or question is not resolved, use this system up to the level of the warden. Do not skip
steps in the chain of command. Always state whom you have contacted already and their answer to your
complaint. Staff responses are to be attached to your kite as it proceeds up the chain of command.
The formal grievance procedure is used if the complaint is not resolved through the kite or informal
system. A formal grievance is written on an Offender Grievance form and sent to the facility grievance
coordinator (it may be sealed). The offender needs to have more than 40 working days left until release,
and needs to attach all kites with staff responses used in the chain of command. Grievances cannot be
submitted about discipline, mail, assignment terminations, or any other policy that has its own written
appeal procedure. Offenders may not request discipline/dismissal of staff. The issue being grieved must
have occurred within the past 30 days.
A grievance should be about only one issue. You can get help filling out a grievance, but no one may
submit a grievance for someone else.
You must state what the problem is, state what has been done to informally resolve the problem, and
state what should be done to resolve the problem. The complaint must be on the grievance form and
only one additional page. You must attach supporting papers such as receipts or previous kites. Usually
a response is sent back within 20 working days.
If you are not satisfied with the response to the grievance, a Grievance Appeal form may be sent to the
DOC Central Office grievance appeal coordinator. The grievance appeal must be sent within 15 working
days of the date the grievance response was signed. A copy of the grievance must be sent with the
grievance appeal. Usually a response is sent back within 20 working days.
If you can show that you would be in danger if the complaint is known at the facility, the grievance may
be sent directly to the Central Office grievance appeal coordinator.
Offender Assignment and Pay Plan

Policy Number: 204.010

All offenders who can work, must work. If you refuses to work, you will have many privileges taken
away. Work can be education, treatment or other programs.
All offenders’ first assignments at the intake center are in reception/orientation status. After offenders
are off orientation or reception status, they must submit an application to get another assignment. If you
do not have an assignment, you must take any that is offered to you. An offender who refuses to accept
an assignment will get a discipline report. There is a probation period of ten days after beginning a new
assignment. Usually you must remain in an assignment for 90 days before you can ask for a change.
Pay is based on the pay range for that job in the DOC offender assignments and compensation plan.

Offender Accounts (Banking)

Policy Number: 300.100

The department that takes care of offenders’ money is called Offender Accounts. The facility keeps
financial accounts for each offender. There are savings, spending, and gate accounts. You get a
statement about your accounts each month. It will show all changes in the accounts during the previous
Wages earned at the offender’s work assignment and money sent to the offender are put in the spending
Family and friends can send money to you. Please note that funds must be sent to a different address
than regular mail. It must be mailed to:
MCF - (Name of facility where offender is housed, such as: St. Cloud, Faribault, Shakopee)
P.O. Box 1000
Moose Lake, MN 55767
Funds must be in the form of a money order, cashier’s check, or certified bank check. It must be made
payable to “(offender’s name and OID).” It must also have the sender’s full name and address including
street address, city, state, and zip code on it. The writing must be legible - staff must be able to read all
of the information.





Pay to: JOHN DOE OID# xxxxxx
Address: MCF-XXX (offender location)
P.O. Box 1000
Moose Lake, MN 55767
000000000000 : 000000000000000”




From : James Doe
Address: Sender’s Street Address
Sender’s CITY and ZIP


Cash or personal checks are not accepted.
Tax refunds, payroll checks, tribal checks can be mailed to the facility where you are located, if
You cannot exchange money or property with another offender or his/her family or visitors.
You cannot exchange money or property with staff or volunteers.

Voucher forms are used by offenders to ask Offender Accounts to do things with your money. To have
money sent to a person or business, fill out a voucher form. Vouchers must be filled out in ink. Staff
must see you sign the form. The staff will send the form to the correct department. The unit lieutenant or
case manager must approve a request for $500 or more.
The voucher must include:
• Offender name;
• OID number;
• Name of living unit;
• Amount of money to be withdrawn;
• Reason for the request;
• Name of person or business the check should be written to;
• Address where check is to be sent; and
• An addressed envelope.
When the money is sent out, you will be sent a copy of the voucher.
If there is not enough money in your spending account to cover the voucher, the form will be sent back to
you with “NSF” or “insufficient/non-sufficient funds” written on it.
You are paid for the work you do. Pay is based on the DOC pay plan. Payroll is put in offender accounts
every two weeks. You will be sent a statement that shows the hours worked, gross pay, deductions and
net pay.
Savings (facility)
Offenders can have money put in their savings account. A voucher form is used to have money taken
from the spending account and put it into the savings account. It is also used to take money from
savings and put it in spending. You can have only one transfer of money per pay period.
Savings accounts earn interest. Interest is paid quarterly and is put into the offender's spending account.
The hold account is used to keep money aside for a certain event or payment, such as when a radio or
television needs to be sent out for repair. The repairperson says what they think it will cost to repair the
item. That much money is taken from the spending account and put on “hold.” After the repair is paid
for, any money left over will be put back in the spending account.
Outside Banking
You may send money to an outside bank after you have saved $100 gate money. It is up to you to
contact the bank and make arrangements for banking by mail. Personal or business checking accounts
are not allowed. You are responsible for your savings books and other records.
You may not charge on a credit account or have a credit card at the facility.
When you earn money at a job, some of that money gets taken to pay your court ordered debts
(obligations). Up to half of an offender’s wages will be taken to pay restitution, court fees, fines, and child
support. All offenders pay 5% of their wages to aid victims of crime. All of an offender’s wages can be
used to pay back money owed to the facility. You can pay more than what is required on your bills, if you

Offender Gate Money
You are expected to save $500 for gate money. This money is given back to you when you are
released. Half of your earnings will be put in this account and saved until it reaches $500. The money in
a gate money account earns interest.
When you are released, you will get $100 gate money even if you have not saved that much, and will
receive the actual balance of the gate savings account, over $100.
Spending Gate Money
You can ask to spend money in your gate savings account. In order for the request to be considered the
following must apply:
• You must have two years left to serve;
• You must not have any unpaid court-ordered charges such as child support, restitution, or fines;
• You cannot buy something you already own (can't upgrade);
• You must have saved $100 gate money;
• If the money is to pay a debt, it will be verified; and
• Can ask only one time per year.
Cost of Confinement

Policy Number: 300.1015

10% of money you bring with you or receive from some outside sources, is taken to help pay the cost of
your confinement.
Indigent Offenders

Policy Number: 300.140

Offenders who have no money can get the basic things they need. You can get such things as
toothpaste, soap, deodorant, paper, pens, and envelopes. You can also get photocopies and postage
for legal mail. An offender who does not have a job and has had less than $1.00 in his/her accounts for
at least one full pay period, can get these things. You must ask for them.

Health Services
Dental Health Services
Behavioral Health Services

Policy Number: 500.010

There are medical, dental, nursing, and mental health services for offenders. Medical information about
you is private. You may refuse health care. Most facilities have “sick call” so you can get health care
quickly. Look in the facility handbook to find out how to get health services.
Health Screenings and Health Appraisals
Periodic Exams

Policy Number: 500.050

Offenders who are under 19 years old or over 50 years old may get a (medical) physical examination
each year. Offenders between 19 and 50 years old may get a physical exam every other year.
Offenders may also get a physical exam just before release. You have to send a kite to medical staff
and ask for these exams. There is a $3 co-pay for these exams.
Adult Offender Health Care Co-Pay

Policy Number: 300.100

You may have to pay a $5 co-pay when they see any medical staff. Indigent offenders who have no
money can still get health care. There is no co-pay for mental health care, emergencies, or injuries while
on a job.
Medical Alert Tags

Policy Number: 500.060

You can get a medical alert tag. The medical staff have to approve it. The medical alert is put on the
back of the offender ID card.
Offender Requested Private Health Care

Policy Number 500.135

Offenders can see their own doctor in the community. You must have enough money in your account to
pay for all of the costs to do this. This has to be approved by the warden.
Offenders with Disabilities
Adaptive Equipment

Policy Number 203.250

If you have a disability and needs special services, you must ask for them. There is an Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator at each facility.
Medication Management
Medication Administration

Policy Number: 500.200

Some medicines are given to offenders to keep in their cell/room to take as directed. Other medicines
have to be taken in front of staff. Each dose is given to the offender by staff. Medicine has an expiration
date on it. Any unused medicine must be returned to medical staff by the expiration date. Over- thecounter medicine such as aspirin, Tylenol, cold pills and skin creams can and should be bought through
Offenders who need medicine are given a one-week supply when they are released. They also get a
prescription so they can buy enough for 30 more days. Some people have illnesses that need medical
care after they are released. Staff can help you plan how to get health care.

Case Management Process

Policy Number 203.010

Each offender has a case manager. Case managers help you know and follow polices and laws related
to your case. They also help you develop a program plan and release plan. They also help with
classification and transfers. They write reports and present them to the program review team.
Program Review Team (PRT)
PRT is a group of staff that decides which rules apply to an offender’s case. They look at all of the
information gathered about you. Once they have gathered all of the information about you and your
case, they will meet with you to discuss your case or offer you an opportunity to waive your personal
meeting. The PRT can recommend programs that an offender can take. PRT can also direct you to
treatment programs such as chemical dependency treatment and sex offender treatment. This means
you are required to go to the program. If you are directed to go to treatment and refuse to do it when the
program is offered, you can get a discipline report and extended incarceration time. Each year there is
an annual review team (ART) meeting for each offender. The PRT also reviews your release plans.
There is more information about this in the Release Reviews section of this handbook.
Classification System

Policy Number: 202.100

You will be assigned a custody classification. Facility placement and programming are based on it.
There are five levels. 5 is maximum. 4 is close. 3 is medium. 2 and 1 are minimum. Classification is
based on:
• Behavior during the current offense;
• Criminal behaviors in last ten years;
• Behavior during other incarcerations;
• Escapes or trying to escape;
• Violent offender status;
• Length of sentence; and
• Behavior in facility - a major rule violation can result in a higher classification level.
Classification can be appealed. Get the appeal form from the case manager. Send the completed form
to the classification officer. The classification officer sends a recommendation to the associate warden of
operations who approves or denies the appeal. That is the final decision.


Intensive Supervised Release (ISR)

Policy Number: 201.023

ISR can be assigned to an offender. It is based on your history of violence or sexual offenses. ISR
status offenders follow special rules when they are released. You may be assigned to ISR and have to
go to a halfway house or report to an agent more often, or have other special conditions of release such
as house arrest or electronic monitoring. You may have to attend programs such as sex offender or
chemical dependency treatment.
DNA Analysis of Offenders

Policy Number: 203.040

State law requires all offenders to provide a blood sample for a DNA test. You must give the blood or
other body fluid sample when directed to do so.
Chemical Dependency Programming

Policy Number: 500.308

There are programs to help you stop using drugs and alcohol. There are treatment programs at most
facilities. All offenders are assessed to see if they need treatment. The PRT can direct you to go to
treatment. If you don’t go, you could get a discipline report. There are also Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups at most facilities.
Sex Offender Treatment/Programming

Policy Number: 204.050

There are programs to help sex offenders change their behavior. Offenders who have committed crimes
involving sex-related behavior must be assessed to see if they need to go to sex offender treatment. The
PRT can direct you to go to sex offender treatment. If you don’t go, you could get a discipline report.
Work Release

Policy Number: 205.120

The work release program allows some offenders to live and work in the community. Usually the
offender lives in a halfway house or community correctional facility. You must apply for the program.
You must be accepted by the Work Release program. The PRT and the hearings and release unit
(HRU) must also approve an offender for Work Release.
Release Reviews

Policy Number: 106.112

Most offenders do not serve their whole sentence in prison. Some of the sentence is served on
supervised release. You will have an agent that you must report to when you are released. Offenders
must have a plan for what they will do when they are released. The case manager will help you make a
plan. The agent must agree with the offender’s release plan. The HRU also must agree with the plan.
The plan will have the rules you must follow when you are released. Some rules are for all offenders;
these are called standard conditions of release. Some offenders will have special rules; these are called
special conditions. If you do not follow the rules when you are released, you might have to come back to
Hearings and Release Unit (HRU)
This office makes the final decision about an offender’s release. HRU grants releases for parole,
supervised release, and Work Release. If you do not follow the rules while on a release program, the
HRU decides what happens to you. HRU also conducts disciplinary hearings at correctional facilities.
HRU is located at the Department of Corrections at this address: Hearings and Release Unit, 1450
Energy Park Drive, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108.

Resource Organizations for Offenders – the list below is just a sampling of resources available.
Additional information on these and many other organizations and resources can be found in the library
of the transition resource centers at most DOC facilities. Also, most facilities have a transition
coordinator who can provide info and assistance.
Amicus: provides one to one volunteer support to offenders through regular visits, phone calls and
letters. Call 612 348 8570 or write Amicus, Inc at 15 S 5th Street, Suite 1100, Minneapolis, MN 554021062.
Council on Crime and Justice: provides assistance to offenders and their families before and after
release. Call 612 348 7874 or write the Council at 822 South 3rd Street, Minneapolis, MN. 55415.
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED): provides pre- and postrelease employment services and resources to offenders at DOC facilities as part of pre-release classes.
DEED staff also provides employment-related and other transition assistance to individuals released
from Minnesota correctional facilities including: post-release workshops (New Leaf) focused on the
needs of ex-offenders; post-release case management assistance at WorkForce Centers where project
staff are housed; access and referrals to all WorkForce Center services, including resource room
assistance, workshops, assessment and training opportunities; referrals to external education and
community based organizations; and employment retention and follow-up assistance.
Legal Assistance to Minnesota Prisoners (William Mitchell College of Law): Provides assistance in civil
legal areas of divorce, custody, visitation, property claims, debts, conditions of confinement, immigration
or deportation. No criminal matters or child support issues. Call 651 290 6413 or write LAMP at 875
Summit Ave., Room 254, St. Paul, MN 55105.
State Public Defender’s Office: provides legal help on post conviction reviews and appeals, community
notification hearings and supervised release or parole hearings. Call 612-627-6980 or write to 540
Fairview Ave. North, Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55104.
Law Library Service to Prisoners: provides access to law library materials and help with legal research.
Requests for information related to criminal appeals, conditions of confinement and family law topics are
given priority. Contact the law librarian by sending a kite to Law Librarian at your facility library or write
LLSP at Minnesota State Law Library, Minnesota Judicial Center, Room G25, 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155-6102.
Child Support: For information and assistance with child support, contact the Office of Child Support
Enforcement, Dept. of Human Services, 444 Lafayette Road, 4th Floor, St. Paul, MN 55155-1714 or
contact the local child support officer in the county where the support order is filed.
Personal Finance Counseling Services: Novadebt and Family Means provides pre-release money
management classes at all DOC facilities as part of pre-release. Topics include: credit history/rating,
budgeting, spending habits, banking, checking accounts, bankruptcy. Novadebt also provides postrelease financial planning services. For more information contact the transition coordinator at your
facility or write Novadebt at 1700 West Highway 36, Suite 301. Roseville, MN 55113.
Faith Based Resource Organizations:
Prison Fellowship
Salvation Army
Central Minnesota Reentry Project
Union Gospel Mission
Place of Hope Ministries, St. Cloud
Minnesota Teen Challenge
Lutheran Social Services
Catholic Charities
Christian Restoration Services
Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches

For more information on any these
organizations and their work with
offenders, visit the transition
resource center at your
facility library.

Maximum/close custody Level 5. It is high security adult male correctional facility. This facility also
contains a Mental Health Unit and Transitional Care Unit. There are program opportunities in the areas
of training, education and work experiences under close supervision within a highly structured
environment. Address: 5239 Osgood Avenue North, Stillwater, MN 55082-1117
Close custody Level 4. It houses male offenders 19 years of age and older. A wide choice of
educational programs and prison industries, and a chemical dependency program are offered. Some
cells are double-bunked. Minimum Level 1 program houses offenders of all ages. Address: 970 Pickett
Street North, Bayport, MN 55003-1490
Close custody Level 4. It is the male intake center for the DOC. Adult male offenders sentenced to the
department will start out at St. Cloud for reception and orientation. Work, educational and chemical
dependency treatment opportunities are provided for general population. Some cells are double-bunked.
Address: 2305 Minnesota Boulevard, St. Cloud, MN 56304
Close custody Level 4. Nearly all offenders are double-bunked and participate in work or educational
programming. Address: 7600 – 525th Street, Rush City, MN 55069
Medium custody Level 3 and Minimum Level 1. It has sex offender and chemical dependency treatment
programs , as well as providing educational and work opportunities. Address: 7525 Fourth Avenue, Lino
Lakes, MN 55014
Medium custody Level 3 and Minimum Level 1 and 2. One living unit is adapted to meet the needs of
older offenders. A variety of work, educational and other programs are offered. Address: 1101 Linden
Lane, Faribault, MN 55021-6400
Medium custody Level 3. The facility provides a variety of programs including education, sex offender
programming and industry. Address: 1000 Lake Shore Drive, Moose Lake, MN 55767
Minimum custody Level 1 & 2 and Medium Level 3 classifications. CIP is a boot camp-style program for
male non-violent, property or drug offenders. Address: 86032 County Highway 61, Willow River, MN
All custody classifications except maximum. CIP is a boot-camp style program for female non-violent,
property or drug offenders. Address: 62741 County Road 551 Togo, MN 55723
This facility houses adult women offenders of all custody classifications. MINNCOR provides work for
about half of the population. The facility has a variety of other education, treatment and work programs.
Address: 1010 West Sixth Avenue, Shakopee, MN 55379
Adult Level 1 minimum custody. 1079 Highway 292, Red Wing, MN 55066



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