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NARSOL Calls Out Patch: STOP the Red Dots!

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Contact: Sandy Rozek; 888.997.7765; ext 1

NARSOL Calls Out Patch: STOP the Red Dots!
"Red-dotting" sex offender homes at Halloween feeds baseless hysteria
Raleigh, North Carolina -- Every year as Halloween approaches, many Patch media outlets, as well as others, publish
articles featuring “red-dot” maps showing addresses, and sometimes names, of persons listed on sexual offense registries.
Within the last few years, this practice has been adopted by some local police departments on their Facebook pages. According
to the editors and publishers of such pieces, this is done in order to help protect children who will be trick or treating at
The National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL) also wants children protected and kept safe. We are in
full agreement with that goal. However, there is a total lack of evidence that the publication of these addresses at Halloween
keeps children safe. Indeed, the volume of evidence showing no connection at all between Halloween and sexual harm done
to children is numerous and well documented.
“A heightened risk of being sexually abused is NOT one of the dangers children face at Halloween. The simple fact is that there
are no significant increases in sex crimes on or around Halloween. There is no ‘Halloween effect.’ There is no change in the
rate of sexual crimes by non-family members during Halloween. That was true both before and after communities enacted
laws to restrict the activities of registrants during Halloween.” (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) 2019)
“. . . the scariest thing about Halloween today is the fear-mongering designed to persuade parents that their kids live in a
neighborhood full of dangerous predators. And yet, the facts say otherwise.” (Marty Klein, Psychology Today, 2018)
“Using national incident-based reporting system (NIBRS) crime report data from 1997 through 2005, we examined 67,045
non-familial sex crimes against children age 12 and younger. Halloween rates were compared to expectations based on time,
seasonality and weekday periodicity. There were no significant increases in sex crimes on or around Halloween, and
Halloween incidents did not demonstrate unusual case characteristics.” (Jill Levenson, ATSA, 2014)
“Research shows no evidence of increased child sex abuse on Halloween. . . .” (Emily Horowitz, Huffington Post, 2014)
Management practices that impose restrictions on registrants related to Halloween activities in an attempt to keep children
from sexual harm do not make children or society safer.
Indeed, they can actually create situations that contribute to greater risk.

They perpetuate the myth of “stranger-danger,” thus diverting the focus away from where harm to children is much more
likely to come. According to the Huffington Post , “. . . government data shows the vast majority (about 93%) of sex crimes
against children are not committed by strangers but by family members or acquaintances.”
They ignore one of the legitimate increased risks to children at Halloween, that of being injured or killed in car-child accidents.
“Children are three times more likely to be fatally injured by a car on the [Halloween] holiday, and the risk grows to 10 times
for kids 4 to 8.” (Washington Post, 2019)
They further target and ostracize all who live in the home featured as a “red dot” or whose address is printed as belonging to
one labeled a “sex offender.” As many registrants are married with children, this puts those children at risk for ridicule,
vandalism, and harm to property and person.
The Patch publications, as well as others, justify this continued practice by responding that it is what their readers want.
Journalism must always represent non-partisan truth telling. It must never cater to political correctness or advocate for any
practice merely because it is consistent with public popular opinion but contrary to the facts based upon reliable data.
Communities rely on Patch for information they can depend upon without reservation. This petition presents an opportunity
for bringing the truth to Patch’s readers and reinforcing the integrity of journalistic ethics.
NARSOL and its affiliates, along with all of the other undersigned, call for an end to the publication of the names and/or
addresses of persons registered as sexual offenders at Halloween under the guise of “public awareness” or “child protection.”
This campaign to reduce harm and to cease a hurtful publication practice that has no positive effect at all on
child protection or public safety is endorsed by all of the following.
National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL) -- sponsor
One Standard of Justice (Connecticut) – co-sponsor
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)
R. Karl Hanson, Ph.D., C.Psych, Carleton University and Ryerson University
Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Ph.D.,Director, Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Professor, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health (The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of
the Johns Hopkins University.)
Dr. Jill Levenson, PhD, LCSW, Professor of Social Work, Barry University
Fred S. Berlin, M.D. Ph.D., Director, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma
Ira Ellman, Charles J. Merriam Distinguished Professor of Law and Affiliate Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, Arizona
State University
Catherine L. Carpenter, Professor of Law

Chrysanthi Leon, JD, PhD, Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice
Alissa R. Ackerman, PhD
David S. Prescott, LCSW, LICSW, Editor, Safer Society Press
Maggie Ingram, MHS, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Emily Horowitz, Ph.D.
Professor J.J. Prescott, University of Michigan
Ilan H. Meyer, Ph.D., UCLA School of Law
Erin B. Comartin, Ph.D., LMSW, Associate Professor of Social Work, Wayne State University
Prostasia Foundation
Meaghan Ybos, co-founder of People for the Enforcement of Rape Laws (PERL)
Heather Marlow, co-founder of People for the Enforcement of Rape Laws (PERL)
Robin J. Wilson, Ph.D., ABPP, Wilson Psychology Services LLC
Liam E. Marshall, Ph.D., RP, ATSAF, Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting, Canada
Dr. Jennifer L. Klein, Associate Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator, Criminal Justice, University of Texas at Tyler
Michael J. Gilbert, Ph. D., Associate Professor Emeritus (retired), Dept. of Criminal Justice & Criminology, University of
Texas at San Antonio
Rev. J. Amos Caley, Salvation and Social Justice, Abolition Campaign Director; Abolish the Drug War, NJ Organizer0
Joseph J. Plaud, Ph.D., M.A.T., Exec. Director, Applied Behavioral Consultants, LLC, Boston, MA
Janice M. Bellucci, civil rights attorney and E.D., Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws
Christopher P. Dum, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Kent State University
Dr. Danielle T. Cooper, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, University of New Haven
Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL)
Dr. Jean Kennedy, Kennedy Consultant

Richard Resch, Managing Editor, Criminal Legal News
Brian Kelmar, Chairman of LRIDD (Legal Reform for Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled)
Dr. Meridith Spencer, Assistant Professor, Program Director, Criminal Justice, Fisher College
Dr. Danielle Bailey, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Texas at Tyler
Judge William Buhl, chair of the Professional Advisory Board to Michigan’s Coalition for a Useful Registry
Ken Abraham, Founder, Citizens for Criminal JUSTICE
Robert B. Chatelle, Executive Director, National Center for Reason and Justice
Jefferson B. Davis, former CT state legislator and former registrant
Lisa Anne Zilney, Ph.D., Montclair State University
Scott H. Greenfield, Attorney and Blogger at Simple Justice
Nancy E. DiZio M.Ed LMHC, Associate Clinical Director, New England Forensic Associates
Human Rights Defense Center
Earl Yarington, MSW, PhD, journalist, Baltimore Post-Examiner
Russell Dick, MSW
B4U-ACT, Inc.
Prison Legal News
Criminal Legal News
James H. Maynard, Esq., Maynard Law Office, LLC, New Jersey, specializing in sex offense law
Lenore Skenazy, advocate for rationality
Mary Kay Villaverde, social media coordinator, FSDP (Families for Sensible Drug Policy)
Rita Finley, CAUTIONclick National Campaign for Reform
Vicki Henry, President, Women Against Registry (W.A.R.)
E. King Alexander, Jr., attorney

Will Mingus, PhD, Editor in Chief, LifeTimes magazine
John Sloan, site manager, Women Against Registry of Florida
Norm Pattis, Pattis and Smith, LLC
Wayne Bowers, Executive Director, CURE-SORT
Melissa D. Grady, PhD, Associate Professor
Joshua Vaughn, reporter, The Appeal
David Mensah
Lois Pullano, Executive Director, Citizens for Prison Reform
Dr. Peter P. Ventura, Golden State Bible Baptist Prison Ministry
Joshua B. Hoe, Decarceration Nation
Michael McKay, Editor, LifeTimes magazine and The Registry Report
Marty Weiss
Phil Telfeyan, Executive Director, Equal Justice Under Law
Carolyn Gil
Thomas Chleboski, Vice-President of Maryland CURE
Tom Luettke, Esq., President, Ohio Association of Local Reentry Coalitions
Alexander Taubes, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney
Paul Rigney, Executive Director, Registrant Travel Action Group, Inc.
Joshua Hoe, Safe and Just Michigan
Rev. Patti Aupperlee
John S. Santa
Ohio Voices
Attorney Debra Beard Bader

William Canavan, Boston Release Network
Hope Metcalf, New Haven, Connecticut
The Michigan Center for Youth Justice
Ken Nolley, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of English and Film Studies, Willamette University
Christopher Zoukis, MBA, author, managing director Zoukis Consulting Group
Timothy C. Moynahan, JD of The Moynahan Law Firm, LLC.
Kathleen Hambrick, Lady Justice Myth Blog
Christopher E. Pelloski, MD, author
Leslie M Lothstein, PhD, ABPP, CGP
Derek W. Logue of, registered citizen/civil rights advocate
Kathy Williams, paralegal
Michael Boyle, Law Offices of Michael Boyle
Families and Individuals for Reform (FAIR – Ohio)
Barbara Wright, attorney
Eric Tennen, attorney
Connie Cooper, retired special education teacher
Hallie Liebermann, sexual issues historian and journalist
Eden Koz, owner Just Be®, LLC
Susan. G. Figge, Behind Bars and Beyond Interfaith Working Group, Wooster
Vanita L. Nevis, program coordinator, ARCH (Returning Citizens with Hope) Ministry
Barbara Allan, founder, Prison Families Anonymous -- 50 YEARS OF HEALING FAMILIES
Phil Taylor, LPC, Dallas, TX
Glenn Gerding, attorney

Rory Fleming, attorney and advocate
Nebraskans Unafraid
Jeanie Mezger, Board of Directors, Nebraskans Unafraid
Stacey Borden, founder/president, New Beginnings Reentry Services, Inc.
Carol Tierney, SOPRI
Leonard A. Bard, Ph.D., forensic psychologist
Alice Benson, Director, Titus House Ministries
Alex Tischenko, Director, Revosys, Inc.
Martha Barbone, DVM, CPS, retired USAF officer
Sex Offender Solutions and Education Network (SOSEN)
Maria Laskowski, officer, OSJ, Connecticut
Tiheba Bain, Executive Director, Women Against Mass Incarceration
Beatrice Codianni, Executive Director, SWAN
Marty Klein, Ph.D, certified sex therapist, qualified forensic expert in human sexuality
Dr. Kate Sutton, Ph.D.
Rahisha Bivens, MSW social worker
Charlotte R. Simpson
Tatyana Manos
Dan Swern, Producing Director, coLAB Arts
Bill Himelhoch
Carol Tierney, SOPRI
Rosario Guzzi, Paralegal
John M. Campbell, Member, Texas Voices

Frank Bertram, Ph.D.
Eric Miller, concerned citizen
Noah Ford, law-abiding citizen
Tony Caruso, registrant since 1993, married, father of three, ages 5, 5, and 3
Sara Gonzalez
Efrain Morales, Jr
Tony B. Nelson
Jorge Guzman
Amanda Redfern
Jim Cornelio
Frans D. VanderBerg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laskowski, parents of a person listed on the sexual offense registry
Linda Quinet
Alan Wulff
John Crossley
Deborah Galasso
Jeffrey Scheckwitz
Advocates for Change, Colorado
Arizonans for Rational Sexual Offense Laws
Arkansas Time After Time
Coalition for Sexual Offense Restoration (CSOR-CO)
Families Advocating Intelligent Registries, Maryland (FAIR)

Florida Action Committee (FAC)
Idaho Sex Offense Awareness & Reform (ISOAR)
Illinois Voices for Reform
Indiana Voices
Liberty and Justice Coalition, New Mexico
Michigan Citizens for Justice
Michigan’s Coalition for a Useful Registry
NH Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform
North Carolinians for Rational Sexual Offense Laws
Oklahoma for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (OKRSOL)
Oklahoma Voices
Oregon Voices
Pennsylvania for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL)
Restore Georgia
Safer Virginia
Sex Offender Policy Reform Initiative (SOPRI-MA)
Texas Voices for Reason and Justice
Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform
West Virginia for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (WVRSOL)
Paul Shannon, NARSOL board member and chair; executive committee, Sex Offender Policy Reform Initiative of

Allan Marain, attorney, NARSOL contact, New Jersey
Joseph Beaudoin, IT professional, father, NARSOL contact, Louisiana.
Mike Wilson, NARSOL advocate, Michigan
David Garlock, NARSOL board member
Ken Roberts, NARSOL contact, Mississippi
Patricia Borden, NARSOL advocate, Arizona
Terry Borden, NARSOL advocate, Arizona
Jeff Goetz, NARSOL contact, Kentucky
Jeff Miller, Victims Against the Registry, NARSOL advocate, Utah
Brenda Jones, NARSOL board member and executive director; executive director, FAIR; NARSOL advocate, Maryland
Jan Nolley, M.S.W., NARSOL advocate, Oregon
Michael Shimkin, NARSOL board member; executive board, SOPRI; NARSOL advocate, Massachusetts
Theresa Robertson, Ph.D., NARSOL contact, Pennsylvania
Robin W. Vander Wall, NARSOL board member and vice-chair
Timothy R. Burgess Advocate / Mediator, Vermont
Janna Tippits, NARSOL contact, Idaho
Margaret Hawkins, E.D., Assc. for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (DARSOL); NARSOL contact, Delaware
Bart Holt, NARSOL advocate, Montana
Casey Peppin, NARSOL advocate, Washington State
Janna Tippens, NARSOL contact, Idaho
Larry, NARSOL board member
Travis Hardy, NARSOL contact, Wyoming
Dave Frank, NARSOL advocate, Wisconsin

Don Thurber, NARSOL advocate, South Carolina
Richard Earl, NARSOL board member; NARSOL advocate, New Hampshire
Lori Hamilton, Executive Director, OK Voices, NARSOL advocate, Oklahoma
Dwayne Daughtry, NARSOL board member
Susan Walker, Director/Regional Coordinator, CSOR and NARSOL, NARSOL advocate, Colorado
Cindy Prizio, E.D. One Standard of Justice, NARSOL advocate, Connecticut
Sandy Rozek, NARSOL board member; communications director, NARSOL

NARSOL is the nation’s largest civil rights organization advocating on behalf of registered citizens and their families.
NARSOL opposes dehumanizing registries and works to eliminate discrimination, banishment, and vigilantism against
persons accused or convicted of sexual offenses through the use of impact litigation, public education, legislative
advocacy, and media outreach in order to reintegrate and reconcile affected individuals and restore their constitutional

Copyright © 2020 NARSOL All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 25423
Raleigh, NC 27611



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