Nebraska police officer decertifications
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Revoked Officers Person First Name ID 16251 Robert 11684 Scott 5257 Gerald 11897 Kristopher 13992 Lance 16009 Kevin 8964 Christopher 12890 Matthew 4037 Cassandra 11256 Randy 8881 Edward 3290 Ronald 10608 Michael 12412 Kevin 2348 Stanly 9723 Jerry 14939 Cory 5730 Eugene 10469 James 3575 Steven 8576 Mark 12902 Lance 2386 Michael 11692 David 12203 Jason 7777 Keith 12892 Shannon 5451 Kathy 7162 Kevin 7026 Steven 1806 Robert 15101 Sean 8809 Michael 5051 Billy 9425 Jesse 8879 Dale 9124 Leroy 10344 Ron 3741 Greg Last Name Adams Antoniak Asche Baker Bennett Bombeck Bovee Bower Briggs Brown Butler Caples Capps Cave Colby Conn Cooper Corder Costello Crile Crouse Dow Edwards Erickson Fisher Fisher Fries Garrelts Haberman Hauser Henderson Heyenga Hinkley Hobbs Houpt Johnson Jones Jones Jump Revocation Date 10/17/2014 5/7/2010 10/18/2013 10/17/2014 5/7/2010 5/2/2014 7/18/2014 10/22/2010 5/19/2013 7/22/2016 1/31/1997 1/29/1999 10/21/2011 12/20/2013 10/17/2014 1/31/1997 7/24/2015 7/30/2007 1/25/2013 7/18/2014 7/24/2009 7/18/2014 1/26/2007 7/30/2007 10/21/2011 10/17/2014 5/27/2015 1/28/2000 9/5/2000 3/25/2005 11/23/2009 1/27/2012 10/17/2014 7/30/2007 8/4/2006 10/17/2014 1/25/2008 5/7/2010 11/20/2003 Agency Grand Island Police Dept Omaha Police Dept Spalding Police Dept Auburn Police Dept Nebraska City Police Dept Hall Co Shf's Off Decatur Police Dept Franklin Police Dept Lincoln Police Dept Harlan Co Shf's Off Omaha Police Dept Nemaha Co Shf's Off Minden Police Dept Omaha Police Dept Fairbury Police Dept Grand Island Police Dept Douglas Co Shf's Off Dawson Co Shf's Off Sioux Co Shf's Off Dawes Co Shf's Off Grant Co Shf's Off Adams Co Shf's Off Grant Co Shf's Off Omaha Police Dept Johnson Co Shf's Off Jefferson Co Shf's Off Cass Co Shf's Off Kearney Police Dept Mitchell Police Dept NSP-NE State Patrol NSP-NE State Patrol Omaha Police Dept Dodge/Snyder Police Dept NSP-NE State Patrol North Platte Police Dept Washington Co Shf's Off NSP-NE State Patrol Clarks Police Dept Omaha Nation Law Enforcement as of 2/21/2017 Last Day 7/8/2013 11/9/2005 2/28/2013 11/30/2012 3/25/2009 1/17/2013 11/20/2009 9/26/2007 4/24/2011 6/24/2011 8/3/1994 9/3/1992 11/17/2004 9/7/2012 9/15/2013 2/26/1991 4/28/2008 11/20/2006 9/15/2009 8/31/2009 11/1/2001 10/4/2013 1/16/2002 1/19/2007 6/9/2011 10/19/2010 9/23/2014 12/7/1993 10/15/1998 4/1/2005 3/15/2006 1/26/2010 11/20/2000 2/17/2006 5/7/2002 5/24/2011 3/18/2005 5/30/2000 1/29/1998 Revoked Officers Person First Name ID 14090 David 15239 James 7261 Alan 13733 Todd 9235 Mark 5836 Deirdre 8608 Lynn 7301 James 10439 Ramon 4918 Kenneth 10068 Richard 2065 Samuel 16243 Joshua 1822 Donald 7780 Jeffrey 3904 Steve 13367 Timothy 9199 Charles 12838 Robert 15375 Tyler 13456 Kristopher 1071 Guadalupe 5315 Darren 8588 John 10675 Roddy 7571 Jason 1146 Michael 12946 Stanley 14124 Terrance 3873 Terry 4090 Bryan 8552 R. Bruce 9941 Patricia 6498 Martin 4105 Loren 2267 Joel 6815 Dwight 1403 Gregory 2165 Richard 12547 William Last Name Kass Kinsella Kosmicki Landis Lindburg Logan Longmore Markham Marquez Miller Morten Nickel Nincehelser Northcott Jr. Ortgies Ostransky Otte Rasmussen Regester Reinpold Rinne Robledo Rowe Schmuck Schoenrock Sears Shasky Smith Smith Stiles Tankesley Theye Thomas Todd Trautman Tyndall Walton Webb Wellnitz Welsh III Revocation Date 8/12/2013 10/17/2014 10/21/2011 7/20/2012 10/10/2013 5/7/2010 1/27/2012 10/30/1998 7/24/2009 2/7/2003 5/5/1995 1/23/2015 3/10/2015 7/31/1998 7/18/2014 10/27/2006 7/23/2010 4/17/1998 10/16/2015 8/12/2013 5/7/2010 9/5/2000 4/17/1998 11/15/2004 2/16/2005 7/24/2015 2/22/2001 10/18/2013 6/9/2014 5/9/2013 7/30/2007 7/18/2014 2/14/2000 1/31/1997 4/1/2005 5/7/2010 7/31/1998 1/31/1997 11/15/1999 10/30/1998 Agency Omaha Police Dept Omaha Police Dept York Co Shf's Off Richardson Co Shf's Off Hemingford Police Dept Dawson Co Shf's Off Callaway Police Dept Callaway Police Dept Madison Police Dept NSP-NE State Patrol Phelps Co Shf's Off Crofton Police Dept Richardson Co Shf's Off Lincoln Police Dept Deuel Co Shf's Off Cass Co Shf's Off Sarpy Co Shf's Off York Police Dept Minatare Police Dept Scottsbluff Police Dept Dundy Co Shf's Off Boyd Co Shf's Off Crete Police Dept Lincoln Airport Authority Thayer Co Shf's Off Wayne Police Dept NSP-NE State Patrol Clay Co Shf's Off Lexington Police Dept Gage Co Shf's Off Lincoln Police Dept Holt Co Shf's Off Papillion Police Dept Grand Island Police Dept Brown Co Shf's Off Walthill Police Dept Nance Co Shf's Off Lyons Police Dept Gordon Police Dept Lincoln Police Dept as of 2/21/2017 Last Day 3/15/2010 4/23/2013 1/29/2000 11/17/2006 12/1/2011 5/3/1996 1/4/1993 1/4/1993 2/28/2003 5/15/2000 9/29/1993 10/30/2000 6/20/2014 2/24/1991 1/6/2011 9/15/2004 1/6/2009 5/1/1986 4/30/2015 1/7/2011 6/10/2008 3/1/2000 11/11/1996 6/12/2005 4/14/2004 5/9/2014 11/8/1995 8/6/2007 6/10/2013 7/31/2006 10/18/2006 1/9/2003 3/6/1998 3/8/1982 4/1/2005 3/22/2007 12/5/1983 1/6/1987 9/7/1997 1/1/1977 Revoked Officers Person Revocation First Name Last Name Date ID 12523 James 10/18/2013 Wenzl 19118 Byron Wilkinson, Jr. 10/14/2016 3411 Larry 1/27/2012 Williams 476 William 2/22/2001 Williams 2759 David 1/31/1997 Wilson 7854 Anthony 10/18/2013 Ybarra 9700 Ivan 5/7/2010 Young 12900 Franklin Zimmerman 10/16/2015 87 # of Revoked Officers: Agency Johnson Co Shf's Off Sidney Police Dept Ravenna Police Dept NSP-NE State Patrol Omaha Police Dept Scottsbluff Police Dept Holt Co Shf's Off Harlan Co Shf's Off as of 2/21/2017 Last Day 1/5/2011 1/17/2016 1/28/2005 3/2/1998 4/15/1994 3/11/2003 8/10/2006 10/27/2014