OH Butler County Coroner Autopsy Report of Taser Death, OH Butler County, 2010
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OCT-25-2010 12:39 From: r To: 9121634494 1280000 P.3 I, i: l3utler C()Unt" £()rVner I, L 1~1ton, 315 High Street - S ita 650 Ha Ohio 45011 Phone (513) 785-5860 ·;x (513) 785-5866 1 1 !: l Richard P. Burkhardt, M.D. I' Cur(Jner t It I j: j! ,l' 09-598 ;, BOUCHER, Douglas Engen 39 1 Male I Caucasian April 13, 1970 December B, 2009 J 2349 DATE/TIMEOF~EATH: nATE 1TIME OF AUTOPSY: December 14, 2009/1215 , , DATE REPORT COMPLETED: February 5, 2010 !i PATHOLOGIST: James W. Swinehart, M.D., orensic PathJ~ogist AUTOPSY OKm;RIW 8Y: Richard P. Burkhardt, M.D., Butler Coun~ Coroner P09227 [I PATHOLOGY NO: CORONER CASE NO: PATIENT: AGE 1 SEX 1 RACE: nATE OF BIRTH:, FINAL GROSS A1I.jn MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS: 1_ Craniocerebral injury su~jned afteI electro-muscular-disruption fEMD) ·history of stdking face on eurb I -impact area within right forchcad and right periorbilal art"<1 manifested b ~xtensive skin abr,,-~ion, deep cont~ilm and laceration Ii -~aetures of 0:bital ~lates. bil~tcral~ with extensive retro bull:iar hemorrhag :/ right 2. AbraslOns, recent; lnvolvmg anltmor chIn Ii 3_ Missing upper cCliltral incisors due to traumatic injury I Ii 4. Patterned stun gun abrasion of anterior thorax, ()verly~ng stem m, with dee .I! subcutaneous hemorrhage I' 5_ Taser puncture wounds of left lateral thorax and right mid back (2 inches apart :1 6- Two abrasions ofposterior left back associated with deep contusio al subcutanc \lS hemorrhage 7- Recent abrasiollS,:poste110r aspect of left hand f 8. Splenomegaly (weight 990 g r a m s ) ' 9. Hepatomegaly (weight 3950 grams) 10. Pulmonary edema, moderate (weight right lung 690 grams I wei ht left lung 6:, grams) II. Evidence of stasis dermatitis within right lower leg I' i I i ii I' TOXICOLOGY: Postmortem ethanol ~creen: negative IIi Urine drug screen: negative mood drug screen: Cyclobenzaprine 34_7 ng/ml. (therapeutic b6) Ii [i I, OCT-25-2010 12:39 From: To: 912163449421280000 I PATIENT: BOUCHER, Douglas Eugene CORONER CASE NO: 09-598 I Ii'I I. P.4 (page 2 of 7) II OPINION: Tn my opinion the death of Douglas Eug=e Boucher is do to a crani terebral injury sustained when striking a eurb with his lore-he",l and lace following a Taser ineiden ~ Examination of the forehead andrighl periorbital area revealed evidence of a orceiu! impa~t with a large periorbital contosion, abrasion, and laceration of the skin. Altho gh, no majo~l injuries were identified within the Wlderiying brain, there were bilateral fractures fthe orbital p~tes within the anterior fossa as well 'as extensive retrobulbar hemon'hage ofthe right 'yc. Examin;.Lion ofthe neck and cervical spinal c,~rd revealed no injuries. Vi Maio described cases ,,!lowing sevW head trauma resulting in death without signs ofsignitkant brain trauma, The majo ity ofhis easc~, how~ver, did show significant alcdhol elevation, which was not the case in this ins ance. DcMai~ attributed the death, in th~se. c?"~e"" ~o posttr~umatie apne~ dU~ to concussion an al:ohol !nto.~ic,ation. TIven though the llldlVldual III questIOn was negative for alcubol, thl: sc e lllvcstlgat~"n rcvcaled no response to resuscitation which was begun in a timely lashion. Ther fore, my con ~usion is death was due to posttraumatic concu.~si(}n probably resulting in apnca. extent ofb in injury is not always visible even microscopically whcn dcath is rapid, ie., there m have very w~~1 been diffuse axonal injury due to the lbrcerul impact. Of course, it is impossible to ompletely ru~~ out a terminal cardiac arrhythmia d~e to tIle Tascr. Thc etiology of the splenomeg y is not kno ". I' I. I: i 'I CAUSE OF DEATH: Craniocerebral injury resulting in posttraurna ic eoncussio :~d apnea ;1 i JWS:sp OCT-25-2010 12:39 From: PATIENT' Tl:912163449421280000 i BOUCHER, Dougl... E .. ~ene CORON~R CASE N<>: 09-598 P.5 (page 3 of 7) I,I SCENE INVESTI«;;ATION: The body for examination is that of a irty-nine ye~~-old Caucasian male who was pronounccd dcad at West Chester Medical Center . I crgcncy Roolh. He had been in a'1 altc.rc~tion ~~b two Mason Police Officers at Ihe speedway ~ervice StatiO! :1 Oil. State Route #42. AfteT lDsultmg the derk, officers attempted to arrest him. There was an altc ,catIon and only onc handcuff was placed on the right \o\'fist. lIe struck one officer i+ the head wi 11 the unattached left hand~'uff. A Taser gun was then used and the decedent fell striking his face ~n the curb. He bccamc unrcsponsi";'c and a life squad was called and resuscitatioh attempts w ~e made before transporting to West Chester Medical Center where he was pronourlced dead. !! I I! I EXTERNAL EXAMINATIOO: The body weighs !! 295-jund~ and me Ii ures 69-inchcs Hair. The irid :are green. The in length. The he~ is normocepbalic and covered by dark brown teeth are namral. The trachea is midline. The anterior thorax and aMumen un: s I ctrical. Thcre is a 3 i~ch umbilical hernia. The external genitalia aTe unremarktle and show injury. The extrernltles and back are unremarkable. ;1 fO Ii Rigor .mortis is well developed at the time of examination and a 1 vidity patterlir~ noted in the postenor aspects oHhe body. I; Ii CLOTHING: The in~[ividual is dressed in alight, black windbreaker e jacket and!:,aek undershirt. The legs aTe covere" by black sweat pants and the underwear consist d of black bri Is. RInck loafer type slippers arc ideptified on the feel. There are no socks. There i a handcuff 0 J the tight wrist which hangs loose.• A handcuff has not been plaeed on the left wTi t. Two Tllse~lwires pTotrude from the body. Om; is within the left anterior chest and the other in the right uppc# back. Both of the laser barbs have penetrated the clothing and punctut'e the unde lying skin. canister was received with the boJy. The rigbtlower leg showed extensive venou '1:asis and a S~uUllllccr of the dOTllal aspect of the ;mkle was identified measuring 1/4 inch in d.i eter. Ii db" r EXTERNAL SIGN$ OF INJURY: Examinarion ofthe face reveals a rominentabraikioll ofthe right forehead extending 1!Ipward from the orbital ridge mC'-dSuring 2-3/4 x inches. BenM the abrasion there is a large hemltoma The right eyel\d is swollen and the eye i dosed. The~ is a superlieiul laceration between the right eyebrow, which is horizontally oriented measures inch in length. Blood exudes from this laccmt;on. Extending downward onto the rig t maxillary aryla is an abra~ion mea~uring 2-1/2 inches which does not extend to the comer of the mouth. Thed is an abrasion involving the right !lateral nose extending to thc right ala. There s also a su~ficial abrasion involVing the hridge of the nose as well. The anterior ehin contains recent abras1pn mea~uring 1 x 1/-14 inches. Exm)Jination ofthe mouth reveals intraoral blood an the two uppe ,bentral incisors are completely missi~g and the sockets are hemorrhage indicaling T~tinjury. Th J osterior a~pect of the left hand, ovci"lying knuckles 2,3,4 and 5, show evidence ofr . t abrasion' easuring up to li~in~re. d ! j i I Iff I !, , To: 912163449421280000 OCT-25-2010 12:40 From: P.6 I j, PATIRNT: BOUCHER, Douglas Eugene CORON£R CASE NO: 09-59~ 'j I, (page 4 of 7) Ii :1 KJiTERNAL SIGNS OF INJURY (continued) 111 Examination ofthc back reveals two oval abrasions ofthe skin, the m re superior m~asuring 1 x 1/2 inch and the more inferior measuring 3/4 x 1/2 inch. The, abrasions ~e located 2- ly2 inches apart and sections througp the abrasions reveal deep contusional hemor'hage vvithin the underlying subcutaneous fat. In,addition, the left lower lumbar area, laterally juSji: above the b :toeks, contains a 2 x 1/2 inch purple-gr<1Y contusion. The posterior aspect of the left leg contains' 3-1/2 x 1 inch purple.gray contusion within the calf area. I, I' EVIDENCE OF STUN AND TASERINJURY; Within the skin of e anterior che ", overlying the stcrnum and 1-1/2 inchcs below the nipple line, is <1 p,ltterned rcctang lar abrasion c6psisting oftwo parallellinetlr abrasions measuring 1·1/2 inches in length and separ ed by 1/2 ine~ofintervening skin. The superior end of the len <1brasion contains a more prominer t circular abr Iilion measuring 1/4 inch in diameter and showing a 1/2 inch purple-gray contusion of ,e adjacent s 'h. The inferior end of this abrasion also contains a punctate 118 inch abrasion. 1/ ineh below • e two vertical abrasions just described are two parallel horizontally oriented 1/2 i ch abrasions_ i~his patterned injury is interpreted as a point of Shlll Gun contact. The skin beneat this abrasionhows evidence of deep subcutaneous hemorrhage (eontusion)- A Taser barb is atta cd to the Ie Jateral thoracic wall, ~-1 14 inches laie~al to th';' left.njpp.le. The Taser cont~ct point is.fharacteri~ed thre~ parallel abrasIOns, each avera,gmg I18meh In slze, the central abrasIOn appearmg burnt Wlth lackenmg. The second Taser puneh~re point is idcnti11ed within the right middle ~ack, 1/2 inc ,:Ito the right of midline, This is represented by two small puncture wounds, 1/4 inch part. Punet ,wound ttl and puncture wound #2 are 20 inchcs apart as measured around the eurv ture ofthe dy. 'y . , !I I' SIGNS OF MEDICA.L INTERVENTION: There is an cndotrachealtube in plaee riA intravenous needle is projecting trom the left tibia. EKG leads are atlached to chest. t Ii !: Ii I, j; Ii 1 INTERNAL EXA MIN AT) ON: Internal examination rcv<;:' Is no intemal iigns of injury. The body cavities ar~ Free ol"blood and fluid. The stomach is distenred with air. I GROSS ORGANS: I II ORGANS Ot<' Tu..¢ NECK: The neck organs are examined insitu. There is ,'upper airway obstruction. The is Jvidence of endoesophageal intubation and thc e dotra<:heal tu~e is positioned in the esophagus. The vocal cords appear nom1aL There is no c idcnec of glfric aspiration. Examiltation ofthe cervical spine anteriorly reveals no evidence offr' 'ture and no eNfidenee of deep hemorrhage. The neck is also examined posteriorly and an inci ·ion from th¢iloccipital area downward to include the upper thoracie area reveals no evidence 0 subeutaneou~ 'hemorrhage or de,ep hemorrh~ge, The cervical.spine is well aligned. There u:e no inj ies to the h~id bone a~dlor laryngeal cartilages. ' The thyrOid gland IS red-gray symmetrical and shows no gross nodularlty or enlargement To: 912163449421280000 OCT-25-2010 12:40 From: PATIRNT: P.7 I BOUCHER, DouglaS Eugene (Page 5 af7) CORONER CASJ>; NO: 1/9-598 HEART: The he.art:weighs 400 grams. The pericardial sac con s the lL~ual mount of clem yellow fluid. ~ere ~ no ~oss evidence ofpericarditis. ?toss sectio~through ~le ~ajor~pieardial coronary artcncs rcvCal widely patent lumens Wlthout eVidence ofartenosclerotic n~rrowll1g and/or Ot:~ludi.ng thrombi. Cross sections through the left ventricular myoc~diwll and vcJlricular stJptum reveal qu:stionabl~ hemon:hage within the lateral wall.ofthe left vcntYcle and thi~~:nl be attempted to be eonhrme<l mlt'I'OSCOplcally. Both the left lateral tree wall and v tncular sep . \ each avtJrage l2mm in thickness. The right lateral free wall averaRes 2-3mm in ickness. The 'ndocardiuill is smooth and glistening. No mural thrombi arc identifi;d. The cardiac alvcs arc unr h,arkable.. The coronary ostia are nonnally placed and widely patent. The ascen ing thoracie ~orta shows no evidence of arteriosclerotic change. Ii LUNGS: The weight of the right lung is 690 grams and the weight )1' Ihe left lu I is 650 grams. Both lungs show their nonnal lobations. The visceral pleural ~1ace of each 'ng is smuuth, glistening and red-gray. No fibrous pleural adhesions are present. erss sections !Irnugh the lung reveal a homogeneous red-gray cut surface showing moderate congeStion and edel~~. There is nu evidence of pulmonary contusion. The trachea and bronchi arc Jnrcmarkahle 1Jhd there is no evidence of aspirated blood. The pulmonary vessels are free of throilibi. II LIVER: The liver weighs 3950 grams. TI,e capsule of the liver is ' Iooth and gli ~ning. The eut surface ofthe liver is mottled red-brown and the liver is firmer than us . I in consiste'cy. No hepatic ~m~~ I I . GALLBLADllKR: The gallbladder measures 3 x 2 em and contains pproximatcly IOcc ofyellowgreen viscid bile. No gallstones are present. Ii Ii SPLEEN: The spleen is enlarged weighing 990 grams and measurin R x 5 x 2 inces. The spleen is very soft in consistency and the cut surface shows e\';dence of pro . ent fol1id II•• There are no II lacerations or contusions of the spleen. II PANCREAS; The pancreas is light tan tIrm and nodular and weighJj 80 grams. T il ere is no gross evidence of pancreatitis. No pancreatic mlL~ses are present. II ADRENAL GLANDS: TI,e combined weight ofthe adrenal glamls is 15 grams. has bright yellow cortex and brown medulla. Ii adrenal gland I T~~ GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The weight of the right kidney is 20 gran,s. weight of the left kidney is 240 grams. The capsule of caeh kidncy strips with ellS . revealing a ~ooth red-gray external cortex showing no cvidcnce ofseaning or narrowing. The re al cortex bil~rlll1y averages 7 mm in thickness. No abnOlmalities of the calyces, pelves and/or eters are no ;'. The urinary bladder is thin walleil and contains a quantity of clear yellow urine mch was neg ~tive on u rapid urine drug screen for alcohol and drugs of ahuse. Howevcr a COlI pwhensive p ~tmortem drug screen will be perfonned. The urinary bladder, grossly, is unremark ble. II Ii" II :[ [I i! Iii OCT-25-2010 12:40 From: To: 912163449421280000 I (pu~e PATIENT: BOUCHER, Dougla. Eugene CORONER CASE NO: 09-598 P.8 6 of7) GASTROINTRS11NAL TRACT: The mucosa ofthe esophagus is Finkled and II ay-white. TI1e gastroesophageal junction is unremarkabk. The gastric contents consist of a Smallilquantity of tan liquid. No undigested food particles arc present The rugal pattern l' the stomacHiis normaL The pylorus is not thickened Or ddormed. The remainder of the gastroin· shnnl tract i~ unremarkable. The appendix is present and normaL CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Therc arc no lacerations or co tusions of the ~calp. There is no evidence of subga1eal hcmorrhage other than in the right frontal kea. The wei "ht of the brain prior to lurmalin lix~ltion weighs 1570 grams. There is no epidural!or subdural b rd. However, the parasagital overlying the c·erebral cortex bilaterally eotltnin ultiple small irrunetate areas interpreted as subarachnoid hemorrhage. The brain in this area is re in coloration I irross sections of the brain anti brain stem reveal no areas of softening or hemorrh ge. The spinil1 fluid is clear. The hlood vessels at thc basc of the brain are thin and delica and show Ho evidence of mteriosc1erosis or aneurysm 1urmation. Examination of the base f the skull I' II eals extensive fractures of both orhital plates within the anterior fossa. Beneat* the fracture Ibilaterall Y are extensive retro bulbar hematomas, more =ked on the right than on the left. RONE MARROW: A sample of bone marrow was obtained fr m a left rib ccausc ot the splenomegaly observed b'Tossly. I i CERVICAL SPINAL CORD: The cervical spinal cord is rem ved intact .m an anterior " the cervical approach. There is no evidence ofepidural, subdural. subarachnoid l~emorrhage wi ~in spinal cord segmcnt. Grossly there is no "vidence ofcompression and!lor contusion. !Representative sections ofthc cervical spinal cord will be submitted forhistologie amination. il I i To: 912163449421280000 i OCT-25-2010 12:40 From: PATIENT: BOUCIlER, Doul!las Eugene P.9 (page 7 of?) CORONER CASJ<; NO: 09-598 MICROSCOP]C: II HEART: Multiple sections ofleft ventIicular myocardium, ventticul' septum and right ventricular wall reveals no histologic abnormalities. There is no evidence of re I ent or rcmutli~schemia. The intramural myocardial vessels are patent. Microscopic sections [kited to revc: any areas of hemorrhage that was sLlspected grossly. T LUNGS: Sections ofhmg reveal tlvidenc·e of congestion and edema. I LIVER: A random section of liver reveals evidence of mild steatosi of macrovesi [ular type. SPLEEN: unremarkabltl I I PANCREAS: unremarkable ADRENAL GLANDS: unremarkable BRAIN: unremarkable I SPINAL CORD: unremarkable II SKIN: Sections of skin Ii'om the llnterior thofax, whcre the stlm g m was appliefi!, reveals deep su,bcutaneous hemorrhage. The hemorrhage extends!nt.o the subcutan .O~lSfa~. Micr:t~e{)picsections of the Ta~er puncture wound onthe thorax rcveals eVlclenctlofthermai Jury mvol the overlymg epidermis. To: 912163449421280000 OCT-25-2010 12:39 From: P.l l3utler (:()Unty 6'1' 315 High Street Floor Phone (513) 78'5-5860 (:()I"()nel" I Ham iton, Ohio 45011 Fax '513) 78505866 I I i Richard P. Burkhardt, M.D. Coroner DAIE _O~ct,!!.ob'!be<!.r~2,L,5...,;2<.!f-!ClO~ _ _ +-__ To: _~WJJ:!iQn~&;.lir~C;Qo~. LLlP?1AL- (FAX: II I I (216) 344-9421 I ... ATIENTlON: FROM: -!- _-->!.lo!!hlljn...JW:!.....!.l.IIl.!l£tllL-. _ Butler E. # OF PAGES - INCLUDING COVER ---~f---RESPONSE REQUESTED TRANSMnTED BY: (per the request 01) $YES +*NO j (unless you have q' estions) No uSechrist _ _-+- ----'-~~~=L- _ _ I II.· To: , 912163449421280000 OCT-25-2010 12:39 From: P.2 i UutlerC()unt~ C()J"()ner- 315 High Street, Sui e 650· H Phone (513) 785 '. on, Ohio 45011 I 860' Fax (5113) 785-5866 Richard P. Burkhardt, M.D; Coroner ' October 25, 2010 Mannion & Gl-.lY Co.; LPA Attn: John W. Bumet~ 1375 East Ninth Street, Suo J600 CLTIVELAND OR .44114 Dear Mr. Burnett, Attachcd is th~ infonnatiol1 you requested regarding, BOlle ER u Is . Ell 'cne (#09-598) datc ofdCath December 13. 2009 . Charges tbrthese eports are as follows: (0) (1) 'Coroner's ~eport Autopsy Report $10.00 each copy $25.00 each copy The total amoUnt due is $ 25.00 ,md payment should be County C~roner's office at the above address. Sincerely yours, Nonna Sechrist, Ollic:e Secretary Richard P. Burkhardt,'M.n. Coroner of Butler CoLinty, OR Truth and Compassion ade payable the Buller