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Ok Doc Termination Letters Sept 2012

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Slide or Oklahoma
Oklahoma Department of Qlrm:tloas
Dlvlllon III - lolltllJllJoas

September 05.2012
Beatrice S. Glover
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Re: Termination of Employment
Dear Lieutenant Glover:
This letter is to notify you that you are terminated from your employment with the
Department of Corrections effective September OS, 2012. This action is being
taken under Merit Rule 4p5: 10-11-14 and 17 which provide that a permanent
classified employee may be discharged for cause to wit: misconduct, Inefficiency
and other just cause.
Statute. Rule! Policy! Practice or Procedure Violated


OP - 110215 - "Rules Concerning the Individual Conduct of Employees"
I. Establishment of Rules and Code of Conduct

A. Code of Conduct
Employees of the department shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a manner
befitting the office or position that the employee holds. Employees shall uphold
the correctional employee oath, as well as the public's trust, and will reflect the
highest ethical standards. Employees will:
1. Devote full time, atten.tlon and effort to their duties during assigned
hours of duty;
3. Refrain from conduct which is corrupt, Illegal, serves to denigrate,
demean, or disregard the welfare of others;
4. Promote and model exemplary, law abiding behavior; (4~ACRS-3A­


Beatrice s. Glover
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Tenninatlon of Employment
Page 2

7. Conduct work In a' manner which contributes to and supports a safe and
healthful work environment; (4-APPFS-3E-01) and

B. Promptly and truthfully report any improper actions which violate
department policies and procedures, endanger others, or undermine the
principles contained herein.
II. Duties and Responsibilities

A. Compliance
1. Laws/rules/regulations/policles/procedures/dlrectlves/orders
a. Employees will comply with all laws, rules, and regulations, which apply
to any aspect of their job duties, responsibilities, or state employment
b. Employees will comply with all department policies and procedures
contained in policy statements, operations memoranda, administrative
memoranda, field memoranda and other written or verbal directives Including the
lawful orders or directives of department supervisors and managers.
D. Performance of Duties
Employees will fulfill, to the best of their abilities, the duties of their position (MerH
rule 530:10-11-91 (a) and devote full time, attention, and effort to the duties and
responsibilities of their positions ,during assigned hours of duty (Merit Rule
530:10-11-91(d» (Oklahoma Constitution, Mil, Section 11).
2. Employees will not willfully fall to carry out their assigned duties, nor willfully
misrepresent actual work performed, hours worked, or whereabouts while on
duty, Employees will not engage in any activities not directly related to their
assigned departmental duties while on work time.
OSP-040102-43 II; B ", ..The unit Lieutenants will ensure through inspections and
observations that all equipment Is In working order and any equipment that is in
need of replacement or repair Is documented and submitted."
OSP-040102-43 IV; B,B The Lieutenants will ensure that weekly security device
inspections including windows, locks, doors, gates, etc. are completed properly
and documented in compliance with OSP~040104-01 "Inspection of Security
Devices" (4-4186).

Beatrice S. Glover
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment
Page 3
Description of Acts or Omissions Constituting Grounds for Suspension
During the period June 2012 thru July 2012 you were assigned to H Unit. You
were responsible for documenting the 'Weekly Health and Safety Inspection
Reports- for that Unit. On those reports you indicated in Item 37 that All fire
alarms are in working order. On July 28, 2012 H Unit NE5 offender Parker
485685 had started a smoldering fire in his cell. The fire alarm did not activate to
alert the unit that smoke andlor fire was in the area. It was later discovered the
fire alarm was inoperative and had been since June 24, 2012. Failure to conduct
your inspection properiy and to document correct Information on your reports as
outlined In policy Is a contributing factor In this Incident. This Is a failure of our
most basic mission to protect the public, the staff, and the offender.
Prior Disciplinary Action
Right to Appeal
You have a right to file an appeal within 20 calendar days of receipt of this letter
with the Merit Protection Commission located at 3545 N.W. 58th Street, Suite
360, Oklahoma City, OK, 73112. A copy of the Commission appeal form Is
attached. The Merit Protection Commission requires that appeals be filed
electronically through their website, www.ok.govlokmpc. If you are unable to file
. electronically, you must contact the Commission in advance to request proceed with a paper-only appeal.

Randall G. Workman, Warden
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Distribution: Original to Employee
Copy to personnel file
Copy to central personnel unit administrator
Attachment: MPC Appeal Form

201 HAS r CII I: ROKEEoM('AI.ESTER·OK 74S0 1·S0olU·()FfICE: (91 3H2J-4 I+loFAX: (C)J 8)42(,.11116

' It~
. .











State of Oklahoma
OklabollUl Deplll1lDellt of Correcdolll
DlvIIIDD D1- baItltuliolll

September 13, 2012
Larry Jiles
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Re: Termination of Employment
Dear LIeutenant Jiles,


This letter is to notify you that you are being terminated from your employment

with the Department of Corrections effective September 13, 2012. This action is
being taken under Merit Rule 445: 10-11-14 and 17 which provide a permanent
classified employee may be discharged for cause wit: misconduct, inefficiency
and other just cause.
Statute. Rule, Po/1cv. Practice or Procedure Violated
Merit Rule 455: 10-11-14 lists the causes for termination including misconduct.
conduct unbecoming a public employee and any other just cause.

OP -110215 - "Rules Concerning the Individual Conduct of Employees"

I. Establishment of Rules and Code of Conduct .

A. Code of Conduct
Employees of the department shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a manner
befitting the office or position that the employee holds. Employees shall uphold
the correctional employee oath, as well as the public's trust, and will reflect the
highest ethical standards. Employees will:
1. Devote fuU time, attention and effort to their duties during assigned
hours of duty;
3. Refrain from conduct which is corrupt, illegal. serves to denigrate,
demean, or disregard the welfare of others;
4. Promote and model exemplary, law abiding behavior; (4-ACRS-3A(07);
201 E,\ST CIII:ROK EE'MC,\I.ESTER-OK 1 4501-5040-01'1'1('1:: (91 Rl 42J-II .J,t·Fi\X· (918 ) -126-61 16

Larry Jiles
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment
7. Conduct work in a manner which contributes to and supports a safe and
healthful work environment; (4-APPFS-3E..01) and

8. Promptly and truthfully report any Improper actions which violate
department policies and procedures, endanger others, or undermine the
principles contained herein.

II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. Compfiance
1. Laws/rules/regulatlonslpollcles/procedures/directlves/orders
a. Employees will comply with all laws, rules, and regulations, which apply
to any aspect of their job duties, responsibilities, or state employment.

b. Employees will comply with all department policies and proced"ures
contained In policy statements, operations memoranda, administrative
memoranda, field memoranda and other written or verbal directives
including the lawful orders or directives of department supervisors and

D. Performance of Duties
Employees will fulfill, to the best of their abilities, the duties of their position {Merit
rule 530:10-11-91 (a) and devote full time, attentiof1. and effort to the duties and
responsibilities of their positions during assigned hours of duty (Merit Rule
530:10-11-91(d» (Oklahoma Constitution, Art. II, Section 11).
2. Employees will not willfully fall to carry out their assigned duties, nor willfully
misrepresent actual work performed, hours worked, or whereabouts while on
duty, Employees will not engage in any activities not directly related to their
assigned departmental duties while on work time.
OSP - 040102- 43 II B ''The Unit Lieutenants will ensure through inspections and
observations that all equipment Is In working order and any equipment that Is in
need of replacement or repair is documented and submitted." (4-4186)

asp - 040102 - 43 IV B 2 ''The Lieutenants will ensure that maintenance work
orders are submitted on all inoperable equipment or areas in need of repair." {44186
201 EASTCH EROKflEoM('ALESTl!RoOK 1450I,504000FFICE: (918)423-4loW oFAX: (918)0126-<11 16

Larry Jiles
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma Stale Penitentiary
Termination of Employment

OSP - 040102-43 IV B 8 '111e Lieutenants will ensure that weekly security device
inspections including windows, locks, doors, gates, fire panels, alarms (4-4219)
and etc. are completed properly and documented in compliance with OSP 040104-01 "Inspection of Security Devices" (4-4186)
OSP· 050102·02 V G "Assist in the evaCuation of casualties and the removal of
flammable material from the immediate vicinity of the fire.
ODOC OP 060109 - "1. Any staff member who Is involved in, Is witness to, or
has knowledge of an Incident Involving offenders, staff, visitors, contraband or
other reportable Issues will record the incident on the "lncldentlStaff Report" form
(Attachment A, attached) and/or in the Offender Management System (OMS). If
both methods are available, the incident will be recorded In OMS; a paper copy
of the report may be printed from OMS If ~eeded."
"Incident reports will be submitted to the shift/departmental supervisor prior to the
end of the shift or prior to being relieved. If additional time Is needed to complete the
report, prior approval must be received by the facllfty/dlstrlctlunlt head or designee."

Description of Acts or Omissions Constituting Grounds for Suspension
On July 28, 2012 you were assigned to work on H Unit NE5. During that tour of
duty offender Parker 485685 had started a smoldering fire In his cell. It was
reported to you by Sgt. Nair at approximately 1:50 p.m. that there was smoke
coming from cell 5AA on the NE Quad of H Unit. You chose to end your shift and
leave the premises. You took no responsibility as to what was happening dUring
your tour of duty and left without reporting any information to your supervisors.
You did not write an Incident report until July 31, 2012. During your ' interview
with Agent Parvin on August 8, 2012, you admit knowledge of the event as you
admit that you heard him report the smoke to Ll Pettit and "I didn't go check and
look because Inmates build fires to heat up coffee all the time." "I didn't think It
was that severe."
A check of the fire alarm panel history found that the panel's last event was on
June 24, 2012 and then a power up on July 28, 2012. Therefore the required
security equipment checks were not being performed In accordance with policy.
201l!AST CIIliROKEF.-MC'ALESTERoOK 74S01-5040-0FFICE: (9111) 423-414.J-FAX: (1}IR)42b-6llb

Larry Jiles
Correctional Security Manager I
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment
this is a failure of our most basic mission to protect the public, the staff, and the
offender and Is negligent for the life, safety, and welfare of another human life.
Prior Dlsclplinarv Action

BIght t9 Appeal
You have ~ right to flle an appeal within 20 calendar days of receipt of this letter'
with the Merit Protection Commission located at 3545 N.W. 58th Street, Suite
360, Oklahoma City, Ok,73112. A copy of the Commissioned appeal form Is
attached. The Merit Protection requires that appeals be flied electronically
through their website, If you are unabl~ to file electronically,
you must contact the CommIssion In advance to request permission to proceed
with a paper-only appeal.

Randall G. Workman, Warden
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Distribution: Original to Employee
Copy to personnel file
Copy to central personnel unit administrator

MPC Appeal Fonn

201 EAST ('IIEROKEEoMCAJ.ESTERoOK 74S01-S04000FFICE: (9J8H23-4loW-FAX. (918)42(.-6116

S1ate ofOldalla_
Oldaho_ DIptu1DIeat orCorrecdDDa
DItlllDa m -........CIo..

August 27. 2012
Jerry D. Hunt
Safety Consultant III
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Re: Termination of Employment
Dear Mr. Hunt
This letter is to notify you that you are terminated from your employment with the
Department of Corrections effective Monday, August 27, 2012. This action Is
being taken under Merit Rule 455:10·11-14 and 17 which provide that a
permanent classified employee may be discharged for cause to wit: (misconduct
and any other Just cause). Prior to making this final decision. I reviewed your
performance evaluations.
Statute. Rule. Policy. Practice or ProcedUre Violated
Merit Rule 455: 10-11-14 lists the causes for termination including misconduct.
conduct unbecoming a public employee and any other just calise.
OP -110215 - "Rules Concerning the IndMdual Conduct of Employees"
I. Establishment of Rules and Code of Conduct

A. Code of Conduct
Employees of the department shall. at all times, conduct themselves in a manner
befitting the office or position that the employee holds. Employees shall uphold
the correctional employee oath, as well as the pubnc's trust. and will reflect the
highest ethical standards. Employees will:
1. Devote full time, attention and effort to their duties during assigned
hours of duty;
2. Engage In conduct which affords respect, courtesy, and preserves the
dignity of others;
3. Refrain from conduct which is corrupt, illegal, serves to denigrate,
demean, or disregard the welfare of others;
201 EAST CHBROKEBoMCAIJlSTBRoOK 74S01-S04(J00FFlCB: (918) 423-4144 opAX: (918) 426-6116

Safety Consultant III
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment
Page 2

II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. Compliance
1. LawslrulesJregulationsipolicies/proceduresldirectives/orders
a. Employees will comply with all laws, rules, and regulations. which apply
to any aspect of their job duties, responslbDlties, or state employment.
b. Employees will comply with all department poliCies and procedures
contained in policy statements, operations memoranda, administrative
memoranda, field memoranda and other written or verbal directives Including the
lawful orders or directives of department supervisors and managers.
B. Insubordination
Any failure to cany o~ the lawful orders or directives of supervisors/ managers.
or any conduct towards a supervisor/manager which disregards or is
disrespectful of the authority or office of the superlvisor/rilanager. wID be
considered Insubordination.
. 2. Employees will not willfully fail to cany out their assigned duties, nor willfully
misrepresent actual work performed, hours worked, or whereabouts while on
duty. Employees will not engage in any activities not directly related to their
assigned departmental duties while on work time.
OP -110355 "Procedures for Employee Attendance and Leave"

C. Responsibilities of Employees
Employees are responsible for:
1. Reporting for work as directed or scheduled.
OSP-050102-02 I; B. 1 and 2

201 EASTCHBROKBEoMCALESTERoOK 74.501-S04OeOFPICE: (918) 423-4144oFAX: (918)42~1l6

Jerry Hunt
Safety Consultant III
Oklahoma State Pen1tentiary
Tennlnatlon of Employment
Page 3
Procedures for fire inspection and testing of equipment are outlined as foUows:
1. The designated, qualified, Ftre and Safety Officer wID perform a
comprehensive and thorough inspection of the facility on a monthly and
quarterly basis for compliance with fire and safety prevention standards.
(4-4211 M #2) Weekly Fire and Safety reports will be turned into the Fire
and Safety OffIcer. All persons designated for these duties wDl be trained
according to fire and safety standards. The checklist developed by the
department of corrections shall be used for recording the results of the
2. All fire alarm systems and automatic detection system elements are to be
tested on a quarterly -basis by an outside fire alarm contractor. (44211 M
#2) The results of the test are to be recorded, and action to correct
discrepancies will be taken Immediately after discovery of such.
OSP..050102..02 IV; A. 5.
A. The Warden will designate a qualified Fire and Safety OffIcer, who will be
responsible for the performance of duties outlined below.
5. To conduct thorough monthly Inspections of the facility for compliance
with safety and fire prevention standards.
DescriPtion of Acts or Omissions Constituting Grounds for Suspension
On July 28, 2012 offender Parker 485685 started a smoldering fire in his cell.
When investigating the causes of the fire it was discovered that the fire alarm
system had been tampered with causing the alarms to not function as they
should. When questioned you stated that you had checked the alarms in the
week previous to the Incident. Upon checking you then stated It could have been
tetwo or three weeks". In fact the tampering had occurred on June 24, 2012 which
had been over a month before the incident. Failure to carry out inspections of
these systems is a failure of our most basic mission to protect the public. the
staff, and the offender.

201 EAST CHEROKEE-MCALESTER-OK 74S01-SQ4OeOPPICB: (918) 423-4144-PAX: (918) 426-6116

Jerry Hunt
Safety Consultant III
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Tennlnation of Employment
Page 4

Additionally, on August 8, 2012 at approximately 4:50PM, Art Ughtle, Acting
Warden, Oklahoma State Penitentiary, instructed you to report for work on
August 9, 2012 and that your leave request was canceled. This was pursuant to
an investigation concerning the death of an offender due to smoke Inhalation
related to the fire specified above. You stated you were tired of It; you were
leaving and probably would not be In on August 9, 2012. You also stated you
were packing your stuff, going to the house and would call and tell us if you were
coming in or not. On August 9, 2012 you did not report to work or caUed your
supervisor informing him that you would not be at work.
Prior Dlsciplinarv Action
Right to Appeal
You have a right to file an appeal within 20 calendar days of receipt of this letter
with the Merit Protection commission located at 3545 N. W. 58th Street. Suite
360, Oklahoma City, OK, 73112. A copy of the Commission appeal form is
attached. The Merit Protection Commission requires that appeals be filed
electronically through their website, If you are unable to file
electronically, you must contact the Commission in advance to request
permission to proceed with a paper-only appeal.

Employee Signature/Date
Distribution: Original to Employee
Copy to personnel file
Copy to central personnel unit administrator
Attachment MPC Appeal Form
201 EASTCHBROICEB.MCALBSTBR·OK 74S01-S040·0mCE: (91S) 423-4144·PAX: (91S) 426-6116


Jutia JolICI


Slate of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Department ofCCIJ'R~ou
DlvllloD 111- lutilDlioRl

September 07, 2012
David Willis
Correctional Security officer IV
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Re: Termination of Employment
Dear Sergeant Willis:
This letter Is to notify you that you are being terminated from your employment with the
Department of Corrections effective September 07, 2012. This action Is being taken under
Merit Rule 445: 10-11-14 and 17 which provide a permanent classified employee may be
discharged for cause wit: misconduct, Inefficiency and other just cause.


Statute. Rule, Policy, Practice or Procedure Violated
Merit Rule 455: 10-11-14 lists the causes for termination Including misconduct, conduct
unbecoming a public employee and any other just cause.
OP -110215 - "Rules·Concerning the Indlvidyal Conduct of Emplovees"

I. Establishment of Rules and Code of Conduct
A. Code of Conduct

Employees of the department shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a manner befitting the
office or position that the employee holds. Employees shall uphold the correctional employee
oath. as well as the public's trust, and will reflect the highest ethical standards. Employees will;
1. Devote full time, attention and effort to their duties during assigned hours of duty;
3. Refrain from conduct which Is corrupt, illegal, serves to denigrate, demean, or
disregard the welfare of others;
4. Promote and model exemplary, law abiding behavior; (4-ACRS-3A-


201 EAST CI If.R(lKr:E~fCALHSTER·OK 7450 (-5040-01:I''/(.c: t9IS)42J-4I-M-I'AX. l'H ll j -I-.!Ii-bI16

David Willis
Correctional Security Officer IV
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment

7. Conduct work In a manner wh1ch contributes to and supports a safe and healthful
work environment; (4-APPFS-3E-01) and
8. Promptly and truthfully report any Improper ac£ions which violate department policies
and procedures, endanger others, or undermine the principles contained herein.
II. Duties and Resoonsibllltjes
A. Compliance
1. Laws/rules/regulations/policies/procedures/dlrectlves/orders
a. Employees will comply with all laws, rules, and regulations, which apply to any aspect
of their job duties, responsibilities, or state employment.
b. Employees wlJl comply with all department policies and procedures contained in
policy statements, operations memoranda, administrative memoranda, field memoranda and
other written or verbal directives Including the lawful orders or directives of department
supervisors and managers.
D. Performance of Duties
Employees will fulfill, to the best of their abilities, the duties of their position {Merit rule 530:1011-91 (a) and devote full time, attention, and effort to the duties and responsibilities of their
positions during assigned hours of duty (Merit Rule 530:10-11-91 (d» (Oklahoma Constitution,
Art. II, Section 11).
2. Employees will not willfully fall to carry out their assigned duties, nor willfully misrepresent
actual work performed, hours worked. or whereabouts while on duty. Employees will not
engage In any activities not directly related to their assigned departmental duties while on work
OSP-040102-16 IV C 10 "Assigned Correctional Officers will observe each offender at least
every 30 minutes on an Irregular schedule. Offender who are violent or mentally disordered or
who exhibit unusual or bizarre behavior will be observed more frequently as determined by a
qualified mental health professional. Suicidal offenders will be under continuous observation,"

201 EAST CIIEKOKEEoMC,\(.ESTf:RoOK 74501-SU4000I'FICE: (91 814234 144°I':\X: ('>18) 426-6116

· .
David Willis
Correctional Security Officer IV
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment

OSP-040102-16 XVI "In the event of an emergency, procedures In the 05 series Emergency
Plans policies will be followed.

OSP-040102-16 XVII liThe officer will follow the "fire panel Instructions" (attachment D) when
the fire alarm panel activates.II
OSP 050102-02 V G "Assist in the evacuation of casualties and the removal of flammable
material from the immediate vicinity of the fire.

OSP-050102-02 XV A Procedures for reporting fires,· "Any person who discovers a fire will
shout "FIRE" to arouse occupants of the building and will set off the manual alarm
immedIately. "
OSP-040104-01 III D 5 "Fire panels and alarms I annunciators will be tested a minimum of
monthly during fire drills. In addition, fire panels, alarms I annunciators, and smoke detectors
will be tested by the appropriate vendor as defined by the contract
The alarm panel is checked each shift by the control room officer, witl:1 findings documented in
the control room log book.
Reading should show "System Normal". It should not show alarm or trouble.
Description of Acts or Omissions Constituting Grounds for Suspension
On July 28,2012 you were assigned to work on H Unit NE5. During that tour of duty offender
Parker 485685 had started a smoldering fire In his cell. You were assigned as the control room
officer on that day and that shift. On July 28,2012, when questioned by Agent Parvin you state
that you had no knowledge of the fire alarm system state during your shift. Further, you admit had dozed several times during this shift. Upon questioning you admit that you failed
to act as outlined in policy. The failure to act In this case resulted in the death of an offender.
This Is a failure of our most basic mission to protect the public, the staff, and the offender and
disregards the life, safety, and welfare of another human life.
Summary of Evidence Justifying Proposed Termination
1. Video Recording of H Unit NE from July 28,2012


E,\~TCJlF.ROKl£· l\1CAl.ESTER·OK 1~501-S040'OFFICE :

(9 1I)42H I44' I'AX: (!1 11l)42b·bl


David Willis
Correctional Security OffIcer IV
Oklahoma State Penitentiary
Termination of Employment

2. Memo from Department of Correction Medical Services documenting that offender
Parker 485685 died at 3:47 pm on July 28, 2012, listing a probable cause of death as
smoke Inhalation.
3. Your recorded interview with Agent Parvin of August 8, 2012.
Prior Disciplinary Action
Oe~ember 16, 2008 Letter of Reprimand for failure to follow unit policies resulting in offender
February 9, 2010 Letter of Reprimand for failure to follow policies when conducting stand up 10

Right to Appeal
You have a right to me an appeal within 20 calendar days of receipt of this letter with the Merit
Protection Commission located at 3546 N.W. 58th Street, Suite 360, Oklahoma City, OK,
73112. A copy of the Commissioned appeal form Is attached. The Merit Protection requires
that appeals be filed electronically through their website. If you are unable
to file electronically, you must contact the Commission in advance to request permission to
proceed with a paper-only appeal.

Randall G. Workman, Warden
Oklahoma State Penitentiary


Employee signature


Distribution: Original to Employee
Copy to personnel file
Copy to central personnel unit administrator
Attachment: MPC Appeal Form

:lO I H,\S r C'1II:ROKEE'fv!C'ALESTER'OK 7450 1-5040'OFI'ICE: (1) 1 11}423-~I44' FAX : [91l! )4 26-6116



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