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Sarasota, FL Sheriff's Office Contract with Armor Correctional Health Services, 2012

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I&NIAtl(HEALTH CARE-SERVIC;ES AGREEMli!NT ':_.__ _ _- -THis_;~~~;~ ·s~~vi¢E~ ;AdREEM);tNT- c~~~~e_eni~~i;:,) b~t~ientl1~ sai_~so~a _ _ _-_-C_ou)lty ~ Slieriff~s_ :Otfice; -_a :Florid~ _:99\l:n,ty (hhr~i_ilaftel; •i~fer1;ed 'tc? --as -the ':Sheriff'_ o(the- -' - _. _--





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- -:Wi,iEJ{13A,s :t4~- Sh~~w is ch~g~d by iaw' w1tEtiie·tesp6~sigility f9i ~~hiining ~d- ---_ pi6vidmg :£eason~biy· nec~ssaiy hea1tnicare (1n¢1ri.ciihg));iedicai, d~ntilL an~· menial health -_-I

_ _serviCes) for Jhe.-detiuqees-_afiq iniri~t~s:•in'::the·p1).ysi6al_car~~ ()U~i:ocly_ and-ciQrtfi:ol_df 'the._· _
sneiiff;- incluclirik,detawees artd-ifl.matci:itbqoked ihto"tbi south C6IU1ty_H:oidi#g :Facilit)r:a:~ - _.
wen': as -thos~- ho~s~d- a{the_Saraso,ta:- County. ¢otreCtionaf_;F?aC.ilitY:· (herein~t¥ :'th~~e _hvb ;faci~itiesmaybetyferr~~to ~sthe"F~ciHty/' tiie-"Fa~ilitiys'~-ot_the ':Jail~);


arict _- _.· <: ..:'


·- •: -•. :\wrnR!iAs,-th~ sh~riff- d6~i!~s: :to'·_ provide, f~r he~ltli:::cary\ to: the. '¥t~ri~es mid ._
inma.tes in. the :care;. cUStody 'a_hd "control ofthe Sheriff in ·_acc6rdance with .applicable l~wi :·.
-and_>_ ·-. ;,_-..
- · · -.
._ - - - - - -- - ·.

"\VHEREAS, the _·sh.ei:iff. desires to enter. into t~s Agi·eem~nt with -A:tfl1or to
promotethls-ob~ectiy~;-~d··. ,_-..

. ·-·.· :_. :WiffiREAS, Arnidrls)ii tii~ 1JJsiri~sstif pt6vidf~~ c~rr~ctidnal-healih _ciu:e _-s~rY1ces .

__ -and 'des:i!~s to provide- stic:h ·services for the ·sheriff uiider the ·terms in.d ·cohditiohs of this:··
Agtci-~m~ll.t ~~i~tiv~ to qetrunees
in the ·cal:~ •. ctl'stb"Ci:Y anci contr~r o{the ~h~riff
who· are housed atthe Facility. .·
-, '






.. ·.

- - - NOW, THEREFORE, in consider~tlon of the p~~rirlses _and the
proniises hereiP,aftermade~ th~ pmties-hereto agree a.'s fo!Jows:· --..




·,-." :·

,i.l. . General Engagement: A);!);!ciintme~t. The Sheriff hereby engages- and
apj:10illts Armor to provide for .the· delivery ·of :i:eason·ably ll.ecessaryhealth-care,.includiilg
niedical, dental and mental health se:rVices, "to debiinees alJ,d inmates in. the. -care; custodyand control of the Sheriff who have been physicaliy :bcioked into .either the· -South ·county ·
holding facility or the Sarasota Cou~ty Correctional F~teility for housing therein (such
detainees and inmates being hereinafter referred -to in this .''Inmate'' or
"Inmates"), which excludes in.rllates and detainees who are only participating in ·the woi·k
release program and not housed at the. Facility, and Armor accepts such appointment to perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions 9f this Agreement.

1.2. Scope of General ServiCes. The responsibility of Armor for providing
health care to an individual commences once the individual is in the care, custody and
control of the Sheriff and has been physically booked into the Facility for housing therein.

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. Ar~or has .~b ,iesp~ii~ib.ility *n~. ~lralltio{ ~e liaple. fot .a~y:health c~e ·.or' c'o~t~ any .
. lnqividualp, beconling wi:rnm~te; Tfle scSOsJiail;natiiya :lliember.o{!he·oiJ~site
· · Ariiior -·st¢'f ot arty ·bookings· p¢rformed:autside ,the·::Facility'and/while Armor.luts· no
.__ ·• JigarigiaLobligation r6f #J,dividuals. bo_ol£~4. :offs{te; 'best effortf to pf.6vide ·
: ·;utiiizat:ion. management for those !riciividiials booked qffsite ·a!u~. 1;ecefvirig inpaHenJ ·care ·

· ·
.. ·:.-_-.

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·. regtilarly: scheduled· sick' can;.ntitsiiig::citre, iegtiJar.:pJiysician· and dentist vi'sits:·to\1:11,6 ..
,·faCilityI' ·b.osp#aii~ati~n. medical'~peciaitf's'ervices,~ erri,eigeilcy medical,t;:_ate, .'(nnergency '
ambul~npe ,services. Y.,hetl medically necessary;.: medical r~cords management; pliarriiicy .
'setVices;·; th;Jn#ude. Hrv medications' :but 'exdudirig:; hemgphiJiac 1Jlqdd.'piodi.1cts'':and •..
relateii s_rippiie~·; niedical tlearafice~ :for in_tii and iriter-a,g~r12y tthl}~fers;: food hat1dling a~4 .
..woik clearances;: contiiiiiing_care:pfjden~fied iiealfu. .problems; detoxWbatioJi, ·. (!ischarge.
piiiJ:initjg,:, -: 1i¢alth .· ., ec1ucatiol1 . '~nd ·'· tra,iiliilg '·.·... a .•. 'qua1ity ~: a'Ssur1luce .:; pfp gr~m; ..
iiclmfriistiative support. serV'~c¢s;·_. arid. other:· $ezyic'es,. aJ.I_:a~ :'inorf.'. specificall)F' de:scrlbed. :, :
. -herein ...• :.Armor · wiH ·alsb · provide .-scre~i:iing: and·. ·as&es.shlg: of ··an: individual i s-]riedica}·: ·.
: condition at,Jhe.. time the individu&l iS'.beihg b'ooked into :the •F,adlhy;: even prior to :tlJ.e :
<;oriipletion the booking process. .. · · ·
··· · · ·
.· · · · ·. · : :
· · ·· ·· .· " -·


. > .. L3. ·.. ··:_Specialty Services.· In addltion to providing the. general services. described
, ahove, ~ Armor ·: wJll optain lor. Inmat~s housed at ·'the -JiaciHty .sp~Ci'f,lL medic~l :seryices<
, .hl.clliding 'J?asic .radiology :services ·an:ct laboratory;_ser:Vices; · Armor wlli .also: ~valuate· the
. need .for ani:tJeasibillty o{ providing: selectphsite spec~alty sefi/lces. (e.g.;. Obgyn) to,r~dtice
offsite: ·transports .. · Thtise · spedalty ·serviCes 'A.fmof. (ietetriljties ·to ·• J!e .· fe~si:ble
provided onsite: When rton.;einergency specialty care .Is reqli1red arid capnot be rendered at
the Facility, 'Ai·i.q.or w.i,Jl make· appi·qpriate off~site arrangements foi· Hie· ten;de:drig of suc)J .
·'care·' arid shall make ·arrangelnents with 'the Shet1ff"fof the. transpO:rtati.on. 6{ ~ Xilniate in.
acpordance witl1 this Agreement_.
. . :·. ' . .
. '. · -~•



1.4. . . Emergeriby. Serv1c'es. kmor shall pi·ovide em~rgency. medical care; . as
medically necesaaty, to Inniates through arrangements to be.· detenilined by. Aimor w:lth
local hospitals. :A:ririor shilii provide for qualified ·eip.ergency EIIIlbulance transpo#ation
services . when: mediCally necessary in connection with .off-site vinergency medical
treatment. Additionally, Armor shal( provide emergency fiil!t aid .to correctional staff and
visitors to the -Facility upon request of the Sheriff or
employees or agents,. except when .
doing so wouid jeopardize Arnicir' s care to an Inmate. Armor shall not be responsible for
payment of emergency and follow-up services ·and transportation provided to con·ectional
staff or visitors within the Facility in the event of an emergency.


1.5. Hospitalization Services and Limitations on Catastrophic Medical.Services.
Armor will arrange for the admission of any Inmate who, in the opinion of the Armor
Medical Dh'ector requires hospitalization, and will bear the costs thereof up to the limits
set forth herein. Subject to the limits set forth herein, Armor will be responsible for all

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¢osts assodated ~ith ~ospitalizatioi1,ail off~site a11d·on~sitespeti~ty s~tvi~es;·iri6Iu~iv~ of .
- dia~nosticpm~edt#es,-·&n:d.~IIi~~geri~y~i:an~?PortatiiJn ~~rviees:.-.-· -- --- ·-_-·:-, .: •.




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{a)- ,;Hospitaliitttion'_' r~fers''tCithos'e s~t~i~63. Whitli renMredJii:~·hospitai;·- .
. .._which J?rovidei cbhiJ?~dieJ;is~ve w~i:il_ptii'o.a.t·~'.;. Su¢h services· ln,c;lude.but ar~ riotlinUtec( t6 ·
•:inp~ti~ni:hospitiilization, physician fees·. asso.chitecLwitli •inpatient anciJor".·outi>aHent •- care,--·_
~bul~tocy surgery'. 'eme~geJj~y· aml:>ulatory. -c~re? ,' _dhtgnostic -a~ct· the.rapeutlc -r~diqlogy,- _·:.''
' laboratory and pathol6g~ciif'capabilities, and physiqai therapy capaqilities. Armor' :vvm;
.pt},rsli~. pt~fe~red prdy!d~t. coiitta~W~~§qount .igr~eri.i¢llt~)ii :.tMce :with 1p9ath6spifa,W.to_·.
> meet tlu~ needs ofth~.:S~~0. i:hillatiiheaith•car~ pr6gr,airt ;~t Jli~ s.tMt •date .bf._fhi&; coritr~ct _._ .


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<~- -: ...-.•_ ~~s;ti/;r!tr~~~~t~.;~~~:d~~f~~~~~Jr~JJj:fJt1~l~!ff~tc~e ~~~i·e~~oi~fJ!~t!~e.f~ :· .· •·
. notjnoluded in the initial$25o;ooo aggregat~ cap;

-_-.. - ' ' ' ' -._ - '
. . ·.- (b) ~·ofi~site•mediCal spe~i~list care" ref~r~ to.those services renC16r'eX'~:y licensed.
medical specialists, which are not 'proyided on~site at the Jail, and which' are pioyi~ed \)ff~
:~>itejn a hqspital;: physiCian's office or clinic; ot other 1Ilecil¢al faCility/. .Armor willptri·sue·











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:tm~fetred· provider :co1itracts/discbu~t. agreements -iri' place wifh offs1te_ c'are p~ovi4~ts• t6 . .: llieet the· needs -ofthe. SCS (} llllrUlt~_health. C_are: pfogi'am at the. StW:t date: Of:this :t()ntTftCt. ..
.:THe:·scsO:· shall .have' access to :arid b~'· PI9Vide4 <~bpies· . bf Jhese agi·eeriient~· :~ritt .·any:_·,

.subs~quen(renewals gr tmiendrrierits throughout the Arrrior/SCSO. ccu1traqt .pel'iod.rl:inning .
fromOctober1throughSepteihbet.3b.---.. :-···-.- .
<: -.:- .. - · ·· ·. - · · · · ..
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. ..·. ·:·.~· (c) For each twelve·_ (12) 'month p'eriod 6f the Agre'emen:t; Atmor' s iiaJ)ility for ·ca:sts.the: Facility ti.e. ,:hospitali.zatlon
:Off~site medic~ specialistqare defitieq iibove):~wil~ be: a~ fpllows: '_,
. ': ' : -



asso~iated .\Yith health .care for lniriat~srendered. O'!Jtside of

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. . . · (1) ·.·. Arm6r; s iriithi(llability for hospltai. aiid. ~t.f~site me-dieM speciaLty :<:o.sts Will ·
,be $~5o,ooo:fpr'each tw_elv~ (12) montli'per!od under this Ag~eement; ~_;,- -,.:· . ·
(2) · . :_Aiiy_ho~pftai o~off~site.meilical specialty c~-~ts·'in .~xcess.~f$2So,oo'o ~ut.
· less-'than· or equEil to $~oo,ood · durfug any twelve (12) )nonth p=~dod)hall_. be
. m~miged and' paid_ by' -Arirtor. accordingly_ but shrul be rdinbui;sed to Armor. by·.
scso; as set forth below. Armor will assume al11iabiiity for hospital and off~site
medicai speoiaity costs beyond $600,000 for each twelve (i2) ~orithperi6d under ·
this agre~111ent
·· - · -·
Should the total hospit~ medical speciaity costs for ·any twelve
(12) month period fall below $250,000 at'ter afull rec·onciliation, Armor will credit
100% of the difference bade to tlie Sheriff.

(d) Aggregate Reconciliation- Following the completion of each 12 month period
(running from October 1 to September 30), Armor shall submit an invoice showing any
amount Armor has actually paid in excess of the initial $250,000 liability during the past
12 month period. Armor will provide supporting documentation along with this invoice.
The SCSO will reimburse Armor for the excess amount up to $350,000 within 3b days of
receipt of invoice. Armor shall then, within 180 days (except for late billing beyond



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Atrii~r' s contJ.;ol, irtappmpri~te lJiHings stich :as Medi9ai{and ~l!llm ciisptlt~;'- Th~s~ shall :
_pr9mptly ~~- suhthlttedfor reiml:iursetnentb)'S¢~0 :aft~r receiptimd veri~cation})fterJhe :- ·
-·end.: of_ _each; i_2 ~onth _:period, ·'sub@r a' fina1'1#voii;:e- whi¢h -shalf ~et :fpftll:all_._addftipnaJ-- :. . -:-.-amotints;J\rtpoT- has'. paid_ iii:e~c~ss .of the 1nl,tial_-~$2?Q;poo·u_aqility'.- Tl)e ,sqso:_sh&ll_- ._ _ reiiriburs-~ Arindi fqt. 'il:J,is-.-exce~s al:ilount up'- tci. $3~0;ooo: witliirt3() :.~~Ys of-~re2eipt :.of_ ._.-_ -. · .,_- : •-·-.- -.iJ1v6i6'~: .._Armor-will co.opet;at6 -~d:Novide to: the.scso ariy;c6~f infodnatibn-r~que'#e.cL.: ··-- ·- -· .

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· :' -_-. -)e) .·::::. Ar1n~r---at1~-the Slierif(s'·o£fi9~ ~t~f(~!Ii J?rofilpt1y-r4¢htii;Un~~t~~ ,th~t-Aie- : _,• ___
.__ -._.·.-

.- •n~g~tivelyaf;f~cting gf,fsite cOsts anq_'!ls~ist/w1J.e11. possib~e,'il). fmilirig ~l~e!l.iativ~_plac~mep.t-: _ :
-._ '_for;thiUengthofth~cc?ntni¢t andanyext~nsioris.' · · __
· '· -- --- --. ·
:·. ;


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-·.· ·.•· •. - -(±)_ ; :rn:t~e:·e-v~ntthisAgree~~ti{ is tebliiri~ted durlngth;e_y~ai;,then_the ~nio-l-ints .·

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. _ ---.- ·1.9.. - -_ Aff~tdable cate·A:~rcover~ge. -Th~Aff9fciatii6 c~e'l\ctwin-sigthn()~tiy- ,';_
.chang~ Medicmcf eli-gibl)itfpdteda: effective lantiaiy_.l;: 20}4;- Ariti:or·ili coop~r#io:P 'with:
•t~~ Sarasota Ccn1nty •$l1_eriff' i(Offic::e will _-h~ve-•1n ·::r,lace ·the llieqhailisms:·-to ··access_ -all •
of_ this.'ac't
·~ccess to _matchesand tlm. entojl_ment
.. · induding
. ··...
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. •• - _ ):7. : :Eic.ciepti~ns to'i'reatrrient. Atiriol'shaU notl:iefmandaiiyr~pbi;isibleJ~r.the qost of-any •medicai ~tr~attnent _or.-hefilth_ care -seryices- proVided to. no.n: }nmat{}s, _
~ Tpls . -· ·.
-itidu4es anY. treatmei)f r~ceived _by !lllY .individual·prlor to being- pJaced: hito the Car.e; i
. custody :a~d contJ:ol- of the Sheriff and physiCalbooked futo the: Facjlity for housing · -''
t_li~rdn> ·
· - · .- ·
- ·
· ··
· --

_.· .... ·

·.' .

; ·..:.· --- l.s. - --on¢e:f!.~ 1ndi'\ilciualha'~beenplated intoth~ca,r~;custcidy·~~ cbntrol~ft~e
·· -sheriff,.: afid .pliysiC:;ruiY' pooked into .the ·. J;?~dlity · fci1; :housing-_ the1:~iJ;J.! :- Arinar· _=_~ill be ·-···
·fjli~nciaily ,.te$pcmslbl~ fdf;tb~.Cs)St _of all medical. ttea,tinent; SubjeGttq·:fu.e 1ithlts :noted jn_ ..·_
· .this Agreement, for heaith ·car~ servic~s regarciJess of
nat~re- of t~e iith.ess :o~ illjiu:y .or .·:
wJJ.etlier or ·riot -the :)lip.ess. ·or .injury occurred prior 'or. supsequent-. to: the. Itlmate.b~ing -_tni.hsported to. the.-Facility. _An Itirhate. shall be medically cleared for booking; into the ..
_ :Facility wli~n •medically --stabilized ~nCi the itidividual's·· ID:~di~a1- coilCiitioh--.- no_loriger
·require'$ Jriunedhtte emergendy medical care· or outside hospitalization so_ that. _the Inmate can be reas·onably ho_used at the :Facility. . . . - .
. . .. -


(a) Armor s-hall not b-e financially responsible for significant changes in treatment
standards, which a:re_ not FDA approved. at the start date of this Agreement or are. not. part
of Armor's rii~dic~lly :t;easonable w:dtten protocols in use at the Facility .at the time this
Agreement becomes effective. ShoUld any new drug class or diagnostic test be numdated
and approved- in relati6n to cotnmuhity health care standards ofor treatm.ent arid or required.
by the Armor's Medical D!rector as necessai:y for the treatment of Inmates housed at the
Facility, and the cost of such treatment, in total aggregate, would exceed 2% of the annual
base compensation for any twelve (12) month period under the initial term of this
Agreement, then the Sheriff and Armor shall negotiate for additional compensation due
Armor for all actual expenses incurred from newly mandated changes in treatment


··, ..


. :. ... . :. (b) Amio~ s~all ~royide ~r~ttatal, qelivery a11:i:I post. part:Um lieahl;t t~e s~t\rices. ~o
pregp.ant:bul1ates,. bqtheaJth:care se1:vi9es pr6v~qed•t9 .im Jtifarit fqJJ,ow\ng biith':wili not' be· .
. the re~ponsibility of Ainmr.' Armor shall not ~e responsible for the. ·costs :or furnishing of .
.ahy abortion~n.lp.~~S$ m~dicaliy necess·a:):y; .
., .'
·: , . .
.· . .-:'· .. ~· ...: .. ·: .. :, .·:.· ... : .•• ,· ::...

~. ·..·. : ....

'·.·. ··:'. : ,: .·· •.. "·<: .· ... ·, .

.·. :_ : . (c) Anndr :Wi).l.Ii()fbe l;esp()p.siblefof. any. ·rtiedical testing qr o~tai1.1ing:sainple~, ·
. whlth':are'foi:elisic :iri.natme; exCept' as . requit, Florida Statilte:•segtiO'n.9.43;~i5~·.or•~hy_ ..
oth,er1aw.:. . ..
.'. '·
. : :;·. .
. . .. : . .
. :

th~ Fa~flit;. J:re~tll c~re serv~ces

orily ;or ~ates.··

.:·.:·:·•. tj3 .. ·Inmates Outside
IniTiates pn~&ItY-sorl of.temporai;y :.rele~s~ (authorized qr.~hii.uthoilzed);''including;··bq{not
limitici .to, 'hufuttes :temporarily rele'aselfor the'. pilrpose· of attendhig'i:b'li¢rals·· ()f ·.other
ia!riily. einetgencie's, tn)llates on ~sb:kpe statlis, 'rnfl1ate~_'b~ :·.pas$, pm:ole ;o~ :supervis~ed .
·custody who: do. :fiat ·slf~ep in_ the Facility: :at night, w1ll..riot :Jie · indudecl in ;:the :dailY. .· ..
.i)opulatioi1·6ount,. ~d. .V:,jii n(lt ~e.
responsibllify of :Afrp,~t Vv'Hh -re_spect 'to :.fillY :cl_~. ·.
. ·liability, cost or expehseJ6r the payment or fupiishing of health c&e·services;c The c.osfof
medlca1:serVi6~s.· inmates~ w:ha become or are itij~tted'w1lne on temporary ..
rei~a~~ wjll not .:be the· :financial resp<n1s1qility .of. Armor af'ter ·:aie±r'retUrh t{J .·the .FacilitY... ·
This r¢lates solely tO the costs relating to the patticular illness. or)njuryihcurred :W:liilci on ··
sucii. temporary •rele~se; ··..The cost .of Iri~dicru services. for. other' and. injriri~s ·will: . ·
bethe.:re:sponsibiiity,6:f-Ari??r.·: .· · _:_.· '.' :_•. .... : :• .. : · .··:·. ··.. ··
. ··_;:: :: · :· .....

the ·




·.. __




' . . •. (a) Iruriate:i lh th~ ·~;:iistody. of 6thbr ·police. or. other. pefiai jti:ds.diCtions arc;, olikewise .
e:x:chided. from tlie":population. count. and are not i.he tesponsibility of Armor :fo.r the .
· ·
. f\lrfljshing oipa~rnertt. of health care services. · · ·

.Armor- will

. : :.: ,-1;9.. : Electiv~: Medical Care..
'te~POl1Sible: fof··provl(,Ung .· .
.eiecth~e. medicai. cru:e Jo:Jnniates;. :For purpose~ of 'this Agreementi --~'electiv~ meclicai .:care·.·~


ihearis niedicalcarci, which, if not proyideci, would not, hiJhe opinion of.Aritiorls Medical
Direetor, ..cause the Inmate's health to deteriorate or cause· definite
to the funi.ate' s
weii~be!ng .. .Stich 4eci~i~ns coiiceniing medica! care sh~u· be· consistent with applicablv
l~w~ anci genenil NCCiiC standards.. In the event of dispute b~tween. Armor's Medicai
Director arid the Sheriff regarding effective medical care, Armor Wip state· in writing to the
stso rea&oils wb.Y. t:he. medical ,caie is b~iiig defied. If the. Sheriff det~~triines that the
medical care being <sought or recommended is medically. necessary rather than .elective
medical care, the cieterttiinatiori of the Sheriff shall be final and binding on Aimor, and the
Sheriff. shall release atid indernriify Armor from and ·ag·ainst any claims arising from or
relating .to the Sheriff's. determination and pay all Offsite, hospital and specialty costs
associated with that determination. Any referral of Inmates for elective medical care must
be reviewed and approved by the Sheriffpiior to theprovlsion of such services.



Transportation Services. To the extent any Inmate requires off~site non~
emergency health care treatment including, but not limited to, hospitalization care and
specialty services, for which care and services Armor is obligated to provide under this
Agreement, the Sheriff will, upon p1ior request by Armor, its ·agents, employees or
contractors, provide transportation as reasonably available; provided that such
transportation is reasonably scheduled in advance. When medically necessary, Armor


·.. _.·.

sh:an :provide- hll elli6rg~ncy ain.b~ianc-~ transportation_ of Inni~t~s in :accordap.c·e With ~nus ---·•
- -_ :--- · -_
- ·> > _
- - - ---. -



.. -·



... ·-




·.,' -·

- .. ,-- ..

: -


:_- l.ll ;: -_- __ HIV and Other" ll1nesses: <resting.• ·Armor wi1i·adn:iiniste1: t~sts', .wheth('}r -:yoluntary, court bi'ci~r~ct or otheiwi~¢-•requih~d hy)aw; 'to_:fnmates)ri th,e screen for
di~ea-se_ ~ii4 other health hi!Z~4~' as 'directedJJy the 'Sli~iiff _or r~qu1r¢~i,hy:l&w / --_-.;: - -. ',- .'- ·.
--- : .. ,.. ·. .: - .. ·. - . -. . - .·.


. .


.. ;--:.












- _to:$4oo;oq_of'qrea'oh•twelve·(i2)_manthpetiodl.inderthisAgieenie~t. ': _




- -.

.. .

• . ---

- -

-· __ . JJ3 .: __. Phai·fu~ty R~tbricmati~n ..Sho11!cLtlie iota1 p}.l~rmicy c-o_~t.~~c~6a $4b~q;6od,. • : -the Sh_erlf(shallreimbprs~ ArJi'lor th~ exce~s: :~hpuld.the:tot~.;p@rwatiy ·cbs(Qe lessth~ ----



- the:$4_00,009,
sli~ll.credif-tl1~-.-$herif(tJ}eni1fferetic~~-: .FpJ1ti~wg .t~l ~tid ofeacli :!2 fuqrtth 'period, ~or s]lan• su!nllit -e~ther- ~ credit 6~ aijd ~hv:oice 'showi_nif:acttial_piiatma~y .
. . . .pald.-by:Xrmor. <AJiy. credifto 'the ·shdi·iff.shan:·b'e:refl.ected·cin Mmoi;-S ;.nei(mohthly" ·.
. : inYoiCi~;:-~nd miy·-¢x9e~,-~--~liair b~ renn~1,1rs~d·:-by th~·:s)ierif('tb':A@o~; within· j(r_dajis:_:of -.·i;ec~ipt Of .J.tivoicei receipt. :&roof agryes tci check tci 'see if itiliiates h~ve pr~yate in81-irance: ...
·.If_ sb~ .Armor. shall'mstfuct_ ·tll~ ·pharmacy. to s_eek: :P:a.ym¢h(from, _the _insill;~nce>- ·AnY.'Je~ . -..·
- cdyer¢c;ibyinsuran¢~is
irithe biitial
cap .. · . '-- - :·. - .
- .. . -- .
. -- .


,- • .




·....·. _. UA .· -340bJ>riCing. :::P~rtding ~ii~c-~:ssfulimpl{lmerit~t.io1Lof3..40b .'pti._~frig:]j-;o~th:e' .
state depru.t¢~rit of _c6rr~ctj.~n~, Aimof. will reco1Juhimd .colhiboratio.h_with the scso_:and . .
·J:he Sarasota County I!ealth Departiridtt ot_i a 'stratygy fo~. achjeving F~detal agency and_· ·
-gi~te~ :apJ?rov~ ~s a~~Qb'p~~~red ~ritity: · · .



-- '

- -





·, ... 2,1. · Staffing;:·: A.rn;iors4~11 ptrivide ~edicaJ., dental, mental h~alth; teclWic-ai and
support personnel as l:lecessaryJor the-·rendel'ing of health care lnir).ates at ,the··.
Facility as_ described in and required-py th~$ Agreement.- The chait attached as Exhl~it -A.
incil.ld¢s the agreed~upon 'staffing matrix n{fqessary to provide the health care imd support
sefvices required by the Facility:Jor an average daiiy imnatepopulation of 1150 In_n'iates.
Arinot agree8 to cond1,1ct thorough background checks of all employees and be. fully
responsible for any negligent hiring cir .negligent supervision claims th~t arise 6ut.-of
Armor's hirip.g process. ·
(a) Should the inmate population exce-ed 1150 by 100 for. three consecuti:ve
monthly averages, then both parties agree to review staffing and contract price to ensure
proper care is reasonably able to be provided. If additional staffing is needed to properly
cru.·e for the increased population, the Sheriff and Armor shall agree upon additional
compensation required to provide the additional staffing;
(b) In the event the Facility operations or processes change impacting Armor's
delivery of medical care and performance under this Agreement, Armor reserves the right





· identify as reason~ble !lnd nec~s·sary t9r Armof"to ad~qt~ately perform its obligations
·here,Wndei:; ·
· · · ·
· .· , · ·
· · · ·· · · · · · ·
. · ·· · · ·,.
· .;'

·. · . 5.6 ,,: ; ::

A.rrbbr ·Records Avaii~ble ·.t6 'the··,sh.etif'f.with::rdttritaiiail~". :c>ii til~Ciosur~. :. ·


and· 'Qthet (!o~trols ejhplpyed by:.~Armor·in_>tlie· ·
-_-.p~r.forrn!Jnceof·:its. qbiigati()ris· hereucider lire:pt6prietitry. in rif1tt.trfb·, arid .'wUI;remrun.the ·•
.· prbpeitf :o:f,:A.tffioi: ::· infbim~tioli '6ortcernilig;s\l~~>rpa)/Jiot_,' ·at ·,,·!ill)<time, 6~::fi8¢C1;- : ..
. · .copied 'Or'))tlierwi_se utllizid b)( tqe:;·Sq_edf:f,.: extept iii ~cohilect~cin ·with :ihe .
. d,eiiv~ry of,hea!fh c~~. s~tvices ;b,ereu~der,. and a~ penriltted or r~qt1i!~cLby hiw; iinle$s _such _· ..
. _ciisci_osrti~ is appiov~ciina_d-.iaricein'\yritlngby Armor: •·· : · · · · · ·. ·
···.. ·
· · .· ·

· ·_meth(>as,:




... -.

proceqilt~&i- writ~eJi;·:rnM~tl~f

· · .· ·

- .. -.._


·.·. i : : 5.7. ·_ .Sheriff's Records Available. to :_Arillor.,witti -Lirtiitatio.ns·
Disclosure;; . • :·_,.
:Dufing th~derm·af this'Agreenl,eritari:(for ·a.~~eas()hfl'ble:iiii:te:th.ere~ft~r;: the ·~hetil.:'f:wll1: : ..
_· :piirv1de :A±moi;~ at At:rri_qr; s request; .Sheriff'8 iecci'rds :tehttipg fo ilifprovis~oh a£ health _· ··· ·


. -care ~etyices to Iilmat~s as riiayhe'rea:son.ablyreqii_~sted by:Ani1o.r or a&. are peitin~ntto the


.my~stig~tion~ _'defense . at. any,,· Claim' related ::th;_Armcn?s: qoni:luct: ·•· Coi}~isterit with ·
..·applicable law~ :the Sh~#ft wiihnake ~vagable io, At~~r'suchri~or4s. as ~e niaintain~d by.
·the Sheriff, hospital~ _catJ,d: ot1J.~f. q:qtside. health:: ·cme providers:·· 1~volve(:l·, ii1.' the :c~re· or •.
tre:atrilent 'oftri~ates (to the extertt _the~ Shenff;b,~s :any do'nti·ol'over thos~ •ri:icotds}. as :Armor'
may reasonably request. kiy .s119h .iiiformatidn: provided· by::nl(;~. Sheriff to: Armor-that: the~­
Sheti~f-ccirtsideis c6nffderi#al.and cJearly labeled coiifiderttialshallb~ k:ept comidentiiil by·
.Armor ._and shaii :not, except: as .may b¢. I'equii'ed by 'law~ :be distribute~ to any third _patty
withputtlieJ?ridr written.appfbya(Oft~e-$hel'lff.· : .. · . . . .
. .
. . ·.. .. .

. > · · j.s: . . Banda Public R.ecorCiLaw. ·.AtmQr acknawle4gestliatit is Jailliuar witli the. ·_.
provision$ of Florida~:s. PUblic. ~ecords. Law (CJ~apt~r) i9 /'F.S .) ·arielall of-its te_cords as .
.:_they pe:itain to hea:Itb.. care. s~rvices iol' tli~ Sheriff inay be s~bj ect. to the.'p:rovisions ·()f.tiie
. Public Records Law of Floi'ida, unless ~pecifically exempted Iinder. Chapter 119,- Fi6rida · ·
.Statutes, or. other such provisions ~6{ Florida hiw providitrg fdr the. confidentiality 't:Jf
meqical.recotds .. ln the ,event' thit Ai:iilor'should asselt ·any proprietary or._confidential
status to.any of its systems, methods, proMdures· or written· m.ateria1s and other controls .
employed by Armor in .the petfor.ljtanceof its Obligatio_n tc) this· Agreement, .th~n · ·
Arniot shall assert such tlaim oii its own; and shall defend; indenmi:fy 'anci'imld hai:niless .
the Sheriff, the Sheriff's employees, officers, appointees and agents ~gainst all liabilities
for Armor's failure to comply with the requirements of the law with regard to the i'elease of

5.9. HIPAA Compliance. To the extend HiPAA applies to Armor, Armor shall
comply with those requirements of the Health Insurance Po.itability and Accountability Act
of 1996 (HIPAA) relating to Armor's responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement.


-. ·,

. -_'








.... .............




·_,· . . . ·
. :.;,

h~alth·careunlt·priort6 the corn!nence!heM of ~ervicesbi Xrrnoru~der the .i.nitiitl.and
subs~quent Agr~(:}m~nts.













· ·






··from the .Armor Medical AdinhiistrMcir'ail'ci iii consultation. ,~dth :thb SCSO; the· SCS 0. will· .



expense purchase imidichl h_nd office equipment it needs to perform S~rViees pursu~nt to
this agreement with ·an ind,ividrial item cost of $2,$00. less: .At
full.,cmiclusion of this· ..
.• contricta11 eq'i.lipriiepl pbrchastd }y.Al'¢or ~hall-l:l~c(im~ tJJ,e.piop~iiY o{; ;!{the .·
coritr~ct' \vith Atmor'" is teiililiiat~.d ~prior. "to •the .initiru.;:coritia:Ct ·t~rril• anci e*tensiohs tlie .
.scsd . will be. proVi(led .the qppqrh.1nity _'to .purchase. the. equipment "at _the .tiln.e:. of ·the.·
•.. ·tJntract tertiiinatiori at iti;:depteciated ya1rie.~base46n a'thf~e ye~ ~epredation sthequle.. : .· .·




. .-_:.



. .


. . ., ._· ...· -. ...

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-· -



--. --- ..' -_: -~~---.:. ·_ ·, -.

. .- .-·-: .. : --


. .:.. ·.: .7,4. ·.<: Genei·al Maiiiteilance. -services.': Th6·~sheriff wilfprovlde :ior, ·ei~h.'irunate ..
-receiving health Care services a:t f:he Facilit)Tthe sairie~s·ei'vices provided by:theSheriff.for .· .
ait Inm~~~s· ·~t ·th~ :Fa~ilitf inch.i~ing, . btif ri6t 'ihriited~ :to, ·chiily iious:~k.eepilig •s~rvicts, .·.
dietary servites,: bi:dldiiig· maintenance 'services; personal hygiene. @pp_lies.. aila. se:A).ices, .

andlinen; supplies.

. . ·..·.


. . . . . ..


. ·.. .

.. .

Supplies .. Armor w~rants and represents that 'llie: ~uality. ~d-quantity6:f
supplies· on :hattd ·during this' Agreement will. be. sufficient to ·enable ,Afri:ior to' p~rfotfu its .
obligations b,ereunder,' barfing asig~ific~nt.deviatlon "from. stancfard usage (e:g.; ricit) .. Ar~or
shaH he responsible, at. its sole· expense,. purchase. any and .all additional bffiGe sl:tpplies
needed;.:frorii time to time, .to prqvide he~lth services. tci the Inmates pursuant tci. the .
. provisions ofthls l}~eenient
. ,. ~
.. . . . . . . . . .
. .

.· · .?r:;:-.:· .·


. 7.6. · Biohaiardous Waste. ,·A.tinor shall ber~sp9nsib1e, at its soie ~ost, fo~ the .
. proper. disposal.of aU .bioh~zardops_ medically generated··waste ..occurring. a.L the FaCility
· dudrig the t6rm of tliis Agreement. . ·
· ·
·· · ·
.7.7. Softwar~ and inectronic information. All softw~e ,pn;lgrari:ls and other
infoi·mation technology purchased or dev~loped by Armor mid used iri its performance of
this Agre~nient are proprietru·y to ·ap.d/or the property OfAr.mor, and ,SCSO shitll not have.
any dght, title or interest, in or to s-uch pmperty, except as otherwise provided in tbis
paragraph. At the expiration or .termination of. this Agreement, Al;ruor will provide the
scso with ali Inmate qata that has been stored electronically, in a useable format for the
SCSO, on Atmor systems and shall·ensure that all paper Inmate medical records and I or
electronic documents are complete and remain in the SCSO possession..

Term. This Agreement will be effective at 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2012,
as to the providing of services hereunder, although the parties have been bound to adhere
to the terms of this Agreement upon the signing of this Agreement, even if prior to the



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-.-·.·.·... ·_

- -·.· ·.



.. ,·




. i·

as othe£wise requir¢d ·t()_ be niaintfdri~~ .·by_,~u~h. ptofessi9n~ls jmd~r Flmida .Ja~. If .
·. requ~~ted_ ·by .th~: Shedff; ·Armor:. will,·<ph1vicii •. ·to -·the Sheriff .copies of.. ·subcont~aCtm: ·. •
-~gr~~ipentsprov+dingsel'vi~~-1lnder~~e.·Agreementr : < _:_:, .. -.
~ ..:_ :.- .·::··:.-

.. ·.·-··

·- ·--···~;_- · ·• .·:•·2:7. ·• ·. ·-biscri~ri~ti~~:~ .-_i)cirin'i~~~e ·pmfin•man~i;:of. this. :A~~citri~ilt,-:Ai~ni~t~;-·a_t{·cf

scso. their eiriplayee·s~ :agen,ts,-:subcoiltt;acJors, ~aricfassign~~s &.gree· as" (oli6ws:> ,. . ·· - · · ·
.·(a)· ·•.• ~()~~\¥ilta!~cdlninat·6 aga1nS.t :any ~mpl~ye'e:ai·applibinf·' to/e6plo:Ym~nt·
. bebause·.ofr~ce, 'coior; religioil., sex,··age~Vietnam·Veteian ~tatlis; disability. · -· ·
. .··.






... ·,_. ·:·


' ..

·.·:_ .





,-;,.- :.·.' .. ··· .·







· ~~FZ~·tl~~~~t!~~l~~~~f~~~~;~t~"·.. ·. .

. .- •.·

c' .".

- operation .6ffi1e contractor, \Eath will agfee to post in 'ctinspicuous· phic{ls ,· .
-. av~ilable. employees
appliduits. for employ:inent, tiotices settirig.f<)rth
· t4e\pto~ts'i6ns Qfthis ~O.tidi_s9riin1;ilatiorielatis~: .. : :: . : ·~ .- · : · :· · ·· · ·· ·




· (b) ·.•

~~J~~~i~£~:~~;,n~ fo, mn~loY~;;, eam ~rustaie#ru~

. ··N-otices; ad~ertis~in~nts ·and ~-6iicltati~ns.piicediti- accord&rice \Vifli,federal ·
. iaw, rble. or regulatlon_shiili be'·deemed sufftqient fol''the purpqse 'ofllieeting .
tl:J.e requir~ments.of t_bis section. ·.: : .. . :.
. .- . . -.-: -. . . : .


·.· ..



. _. . . ·,2;8.. A.tmo_r :sh~ provid¢
q~alitl.~d m.lrse:tobe ·a member ()f. tlie'Bh~nri·s ·
· ·. inspection team· on,,Florlc1a ·Model Jail .Inspection~; Tlie'Sherjf{ shatl deduct Armor's
actual' <;:osts (e.g., J:iote( travei, backfill, meals;) 'associated with providing this ritirs~ from .
perialti~s and /or withhoidst}lat :Qiay 6tiiezy;,ise bhapplie~ to Armor . . .· . - -, . :·.



. .



. ""

·._ ..







· ........... .






. .





.. ·c··.-

.. 3.1. Obligation of-.Armor. ArriJ.9r's ·service's~h~ll be_·designed .to_':i:neet- the
standards. promuigated/developed. by (lie '}lational Corfullission .·. ori .Correction~l Beaifu ..
Care for iails (NCCHC);- Florida Coi:iectional Accreditatiori.Commission (FCAq an~ the_ :.Fiorlda 'Model Jail Standm;ds.~Atm~r will cooperate fuliy with the Sheriff in effottsto
:tiui:intain . fotmhl· ·acpreditation of the Fadli.tie8 heaith _care program:- .. Armor
-be .
resp()rtsibl_e_ for~th~payriierit cifth~ fees for imihitalning _or renewing NCCHC ~C~l;~ditation
as ·welLas those assoCiatea with the medidtl portion of FCAC, a:11d Florida. M9dellails. ·
ATJ-y deficiency in Armor's perforrri~ce of heaitfrcare services 1.1nder this Agreement
resulting in notice from any regulatory or accrediting orgafiization: may con-stitute a
matedal breach of this Agreement and shall be rectified immediately_ pmvided that such a
breach is directly attributed to Armor, inCluding Armor's employees, agents ~nd
subcontractors. Failure to rectify any such deficiency within a thirty (30) d!ly cure period
may result in causing the Sheriff, in his sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement. In the
event accreditation from the NCCHC is not maintained during the term of this Agreement
for failure on the part of Armor to comply with NCCHC standards, then Armor will pay a
penalty of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to the SCSO as liquidated damages in




. · .. ·


.- :'·,


·. _., ..




. :


. addition. to -~y damages that ·arise as a ]:~suit of a~:act·or olllissl.o11 inconsistent With .the.
.. . .
. . . : . . . . .. . .
· .. _


·..··_ .····p~i.~i;T~~~!~u~d·~~~~.~~rll:u~o;;;j~~'wt~~t~~··~-~~~:J"~6i
. •·
Armor shall
-: _·

pq(b~ respo.tisible'for:NCCHC~:fequi!ementsnot

. 'cli1:ect co~troJur within the's.tope~q'fAt'inor ser_vic~s.· •... _·: < ..· ·. .


. -_. ·~; : . .-.. -

. .

. --. ·.



~ --~ :






. -

·.-. J_..



-·' .~


. . .. . . . . . . ..

' --- .

. .


-· ··:AR.±iCLEiv: .EDUCATioN--_-,-i .· .·.- ,,•

.___ ,._


'' ~ -- _--. -



. ~ - --:--



;~ "·:! ~-



staf( as required By accredit~ng' bodies._:.~HI also work with .the· sh.eriff·to j:iro'Vide · -.. cqrrectionaJ. ~taff 1,.yith health c~e' training -as d~sired by: the Slleriffand as: Arrriofis ~bl¢ to
accomiJ:iodate ~ith~~fde?~.#dizill~ th(qufilitfo~Jn,ln~t~~al'e,.:.. ' ·_ ' .

<. . .:

. ·-•· 4.2.: ... Medicai -gel.'Vices stilf£: Eaucati6n.· '·At:riJ.or •. wifl·tequiie tha(its ;medic~. ·. pr9fes~io;nal' and:-par~~professiQnal :~taff "·receive·: all necess_aiy .~~a;:r~qijisite Jegal :and'.

statutorily ·mafidate(l_ in-;Seryice; ariri\lal or proficiency. training and' other: such. professiori~l · _
para~pfofessi()iial education_ an#' tr-aining prdgtams n~ed~d tbprovld¢ cutreniprofidency .
_· the :Pro~essional' s or :para~prqfessi¢naP ~ .particrilapD,e_di~a:I :discipline :qr ~ve~ia~ty.. ' . ·_- -.


. - .; ... -~

-. -


·. _.. _- _... : ._. ., - . .

,- .- .·


- .: _.:.. _-



- -. -:.


. ,--.

. .. . ARTICLE











to. be niaint~ln~~ a fo(each Inmate receiv.ing_health care_s~rviC'es;from . _- .
..Airitor: ·: E,ach i,nedicafi·eciord,
be the jj~operty of:thci,:Sheriff an<l:'such r~cords shall):i~
. mruhtain~d:· By: Atv:iqr. ·ui;: acoordiWc£ ·with·:·applicabie ·:ta:ws;_.: Ncq:s;c-,:·st~nd~Cis ·_and :th.e: ·
Sheriff's poliCies· anc1 procedures .. The medical records ilieiuding·.fmy et~ctronic.medica!
- recotd~. kept sep ~~ate n;()~p.. th~ Jiimate' s_:confirt~!herit :J.:~cqrd. . A ~omp_leteJegible.
·._copy' of the applicable lji¢dicalrecord shall be available, witliin'a reasonab1e'time;to the
Sheriff _and. may: be .av~iilable ,to ' ad:oippariy .e_acih Ip.maJ~ :yVh_o .is~ transfetofed -from the .
FacUicy to. another locatio]) for off-site services or transferred to another in~iittition ?~ith
reasonablt;} notice. -Iy1edi2al r~bords shalf be-kept c·onfideritiaL ·:subject to_ aJ?pJicable law
regarding confidentiality-of such records;' A,rmor. shatl. comply w#li Florida law 'filid the.
Sheriff's. policy with h~giird to acc.ess by Inmates and Facility staff _to. medical rec9rds. No
information coiitained in the medical i·ecords shall be released . by Ai:mor except .as
provided by the Sheriff's policy, by a court order, or otherwise in accorchince witlJ.
applicable law. .Ai'nior shall provide all medical records, fonns, jackets, .and other
materials necessary to maintain the medical records. Upon the expiration or'termination of
this Agreement, all medica~ records shall be delivered to and remain with the She:dff.
However, the Sheriff shall, within the liinits of applicable law, provide Al'rrior with
reasonable ongoing access to all medical records even after the termination/expiration of
this Agreement to enable Armor to pl'operly prepare for litigation or anticipated litigation
or any other legal m· regulatory claim or action bl'ought or threatened by third persons in
connection with services rendered during the term hereof.

- _- , . 5J . ..

M~dicai -~etords. _ ·.Ai·mb~ ·-Sl{all caus~-'::ana.·_.r~qu~·e


·_c(;mip~ete ~nd·~cciu:ate .medical i'ecotd





s·.2. ~ .El~cfronic Medic~l · Records ... Armbt.. sian i~stall. ati .~l~tronie .• ~e~lical .
· records system)hat siiccess:fuliy i1lteifaces.withJhe
jag martage~ent ·sy~terii.. The~ •·
.EMR systeni cQ1llpr~hensiv~ EMR' functionatit:y· aridihterop¢rability.·' . : . . ..... .
















• '

•• •

• .'

• '. _,-






• •• • •

·, • ·, .'





,. ;


• ,•o •

...-... •. _·.-: •

• . :



• •

'. • •: • ••





·-~ • ·. •

•• '





' :_






,·._ ..(1.) . The sys~im. riiust provide easy ritiii efficient -~eli~~ f~r :medical
· · . . :· 16 .- cifec~velf · inafi~il ;it1d}.vic1uat: ·pati~nt '6:~:atrilent>: ~ :Jts ·.
:· .fi.Ui9tionaiities ··will :include:·, :Pati~nf :1Y.taria:g¢meiit :• ·capabilities,

· · ~~u~:Bi~!~Eii~~§r~

the •hiborat9ryyend()r; _providing· orders to :arid/or .
.res1Jlts froin t4.e' laboratory vendor contaihing Jab 'values to
·. populate: difedly ·ihto the. irinlate' ~{d:l~rt. .·•. ·
': ·::·.·


.-.- ...


. (2) . PrOcedures
. ·-·--


'· ·: ·-·

will. be
1n.stit\lted fbr.. the.
:·and. filing·.
of .iui.--Ollt/lide
- - ' ·-- ·..
. .
-..-. .







:x.:.fays, .·..enietgency room· visits· and. _irtpati¢nt· ..
. · hospitilJ, ions. · ·

· (3)

Tli~ syst~ni rtmstbe ·r~bus(fffiii •ban be fictes~·ed ·sitttuitarieausly ·by
· --multiple~{ises.froili,.muhiple
·.·•. - . ·.












(4) •Anho~. shall

be ·. soiely: .responsible f01~ the s'~~tem' pe~foiro~nce, ·
• hardware; software, and te_cihnicai support. . : . '

, I







• I







~ (5) Arrrtor shah implement ·poJiciel:1 ·and ' pl'Ocedur~s to assure
. : confideJ,Wauty and conipiianc'e with HIP:A,A, as well as informed
. . consent and acce~s/disc19suie ofrecorcls.
. .. . :~~ .
. . . .• -

-~ ·i .

- . '·


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", _. '

·5.3. · R~gulai ·Repciris bY Armor to the .Shet~iff. ·. .ATirior ._shall pro~id6 · to _the
Sbd:iff, on a date and in a Jorin mutually accept~ble to Armor and tlie. Sheriff, monthly and
anm:ial reports reiatingtosd.Yices rendered uri<ierthis Agreement: .. · ·.... ·.
5.4. Third Party Reimburs~ment. Atmor will se~k and obtain from Inmat~s
information concerning any health irls\}rarice the. Inni~te ::might have that would cover Off:-.
site services managed by Armor. All third party remunei;ation that is tecovered.'or credited
because of any 1nmate third party source or entity, including without limitation·, workers
compenS\ltiOn insurance, COriunercial meq.iC~!IInsurance, or local_ health Cf\re be:ilefits or
programs, will be credited to the Sheriff's office, as ·directed by the Sheriff. Armor shall
provide th¥ Sheriff with timely reports when s~c~ credits are to be applied. Armor and the
Sheriff specifically understand that Medicaid 1:\nd Medicare are not· available third party
sources, and Armor's policies strictly forbid asking about Medicaid/Medicare arid
providing any Medicaid/Medicare information to any provider.

5.5. Inmate Information. Subject to the.applicable Florida law, in order to assist
Armor in providing the best possible health care services to Inmates, the Sheriff will
provide Armor with information pertaining to Inmates that Armor and the Sheriff mutually






· identify as reason~ble !lnd nec~s·sary t9r Armof"to ad~qt~ately perform its obligations
·here,Wndei:; ·
· · · ·
· .· , · ·
· · · ·· · · · · · ·
. · ·· · · ·,.
· .;'

·. · . 5.6 ,,: ; ::

A.rrbbr ·Records Avaii~ble ·.t6 'the··,sh.etif'f.with::rdttritaiiail~". :c>ii til~Ciosur~. :. ·


and· 'Qthet (!o~trols ejhplpyed by:.~Armor·in_>tlie· ·
-_-.p~r.forrn!Jnceof·:its. qbiigati()ris· hereucider lire:pt6prietitry. in rif1tt.trfb·, arid .'wUI;remrun.the ·•
.· prbpeitf :o:f,:A.tffioi: ::· infbim~tioli '6ortcernilig;s\l~~>rpa)/Jiot_,' ·at ·,,·!ill)<time, 6~::fi8¢C1;- : ..
. · .copied 'Or'))tlierwi_se utllizid b)( tqe:;·Sq_edf:f,.: extept iii ~cohilect~cin ·with :ihe .
. d,eiiv~ry of,hea!fh c~~. s~tvices ;b,ereu~der,. and a~ penriltted or r~qt1i!~cLby hiw; iinle$s _such _· ..
. _ciisci_osrti~ is appiov~ciina_d-.iaricein'\yritlngby Armor: •·· : · · · · · ·. ·
···.. ·
· · .· ·

· ·_meth(>as,:




... -.

proceqilt~&i- writ~eJi;·:rnM~tl~f

· · .· ·

- .. -.._


·.·. i : : 5.7. ·_ .Sheriff's Records Available. to :_Arillor.,witti -Lirtiitatio.ns·
Disclosure;; . • :·_,.
:Dufing th~derm·af this'Agreenl,eritari:(for ·a.~~eas()hfl'ble:iiii:te:th.ere~ft~r;: the ·~hetil.:'f:wll1: : ..
_· :piirv1de :A±moi;~ at At:rri_qr; s request; .Sheriff'8 iecci'rds :tehttipg fo ilifprovis~oh a£ health _· ··· ·


. -care ~etyices to Iilmat~s as riiayhe'rea:son.ablyreqii_~sted by:Ani1o.r or a&. are peitin~ntto the


.my~stig~tion~ _'defense . at. any,,· Claim' related ::th;_Armcn?s: qoni:luct: ·•· Coi}~isterit with ·
..·applicable law~ :the Sh~#ft wiihnake ~vagable io, At~~r'suchri~or4s. as ~e niaintain~d by.
·the Sheriff, hospital~ _catJ,d: ot1J.~f. q:qtside. health:: ·cme providers:·· 1~volve(:l·, ii1.' the :c~re· or •.
tre:atrilent 'oftri~ates (to the extertt _the~ Shenff;b,~s :any do'nti·ol'over thos~ •ri:icotds}. as :Armor'
may reasonably request. kiy .s119h .iiiformatidn: provided· by::nl(;~. Sheriff to: Armor-that: the~­
Sheti~f-ccirtsideis c6nffderi#al.and cJearly labeled coiifiderttialshallb~ k:ept comidentiiil by·
.Armor ._and shaii :not, except: as .may b¢. I'equii'ed by 'law~ :be distribute~ to any third _patty
withputtlieJ?ridr written.appfbya(Oft~e-$hel'lff.· : .. · . . . .
. .
. . ·.. .. .

. > · · j.s: . . Banda Public R.ecorCiLaw. ·.AtmQr acknawle4gestliatit is Jailliuar witli the. ·_.
provision$ of Florida~:s. PUblic. ~ecords. Law (CJ~apt~r) i9 /'F.S .) ·arielall of-its te_cords as .
.:_they pe:itain to hea:Itb.. care. s~rvices iol' tli~ Sheriff inay be s~bj ect. to the.'p:rovisions ·()f.tiie
. Public Records Law of Floi'ida, unless ~pecifically exempted Iinder. Chapter 119,- Fi6rida · ·
.Statutes, or. other such provisions ~6{ Florida hiw providitrg fdr the. confidentiality 't:Jf
meqical.recotds .. ln the ,event' thit Ai:iilor'should asselt ·any proprietary or._confidential
status to.any of its systems, methods, proMdures· or written· m.ateria1s and other controls .
employed by Armor in .the petfor.ljtanceof its Obligatio_n tc) this· Agreement, .th~n · ·
Arniot shall assert such tlaim oii its own; and shall defend; indenmi:fy 'anci'imld hai:niless .
the Sheriff, the Sheriff's employees, officers, appointees and agents ~gainst all liabilities
for Armor's failure to comply with the requirements of the law with regard to the i'elease of

5.9. HIPAA Compliance. To the extend HiPAA applies to Armor, Armor shall
comply with those requirements of the Health Insurance Po.itability and Accountability Act
of 1996 (HIPAA) relating to Armor's responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement.


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..•.· .ARTICLE VI:, -S~CURITY ....

·ar~ ~ect~;~y.:f~tik~~~f~~~~~n~~;:~t~~ift~~j~~~f:~a;·~J:~~;:£i:~·QS:=tts~~v~~1·~:;·:.·:•

as .f~r the se.curity. of the :pimates and _the Sheriff's staff, eonsistent with .tlie correctional_.·_
setting. The Sheriff .will take all re~sonabl~ :in~aslires to provide sufficient· security to
. . .. e4~ible .A.Jitnor, ~ri~ its: personnel, to safdy and adeq).iately provid~. the:.p,e:ar~li;··serviqE1s .· .'
descrihedd~ this :Agr~exilerit;.' 1,\imcif;)ts staff a,:ncfp~isoilfiel~ ..YriderstaO:&t~~t theJacilityoifi ·· ·
-. .'·.





.,_ -._

Armor erriploye~s; age~ts or:subco~tractots, iil,chiding theit employees: . .. . .. ·... ·.., .. . .
-.:- ..
. ''.' .· : >. '(~) It! th~. ¢vent that'· a~y recozyiinehdacl(m',th~.Armot'fo,r~pa~tic~iar he~t1r: §,ervices ..... .
. for any lrimat6 or ·ttan~fers to l:j. medical :facility shouid not Be. :bnplemefited an~foarriei:l out ·. >.


.·.: .. - ...


·..tor Eiecurit}' reasons;·, Armor wiii be. rQieaie(i:-fr&m . professioriilfihiblli{v· ror.~ ailY: <:lamige{. • . .
. resulting from ~y :sudi ciedsion on the: Part of the Sliei'if(iicit'to t~spond oi:·io· ~h~titute'.fi·

. ~·requested transfer of any Trrmate as the request was ih~de in wdti!ig._ .. .





. .-. - ..

:·_ .-·· . . . -

. ..



6.2 .. ·.. Loss t(}f Eqhipm~rit
SnpPlies~ :.rlie Sheriff. shall. iwt b¢Jlable_fcit i~ss of .
. or. datruige to eqqipmeiit i\i1d· supplie~. qf-Atrnor, its· agerits;'·ertl.pioyees. ol ~iibcqttractbrs .'
.· unle~s·· ·such loss.or-damage was.caused by the negiiMrice· of t:hesh~i#f ·or l]is. emplqyees~ .·.

. .:


- ~:

.6.3:· . s~t:~rlty ciuri~g.Transpoi:~ation ori-'site:·· The Sh~riff'wiilp~ovlcie. sicurity
as .rieces.sary and appropi'iatdn conrie_ci:km with Jhe trarisjJOrt,aticin of ariy Irimate:l)etween ' ·
· the Fability ~tid any otP,ei lciqatio~Jor :qff;-si~e ser.vices as contemplated _herein. • ·. . . ... ·..


-.:-: .. ··

- ; ·'·

S(J:P:f.:t:.tES ·.:
. . - --.
. .
.. . - . . .. . . . . .



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..... : 7.1. . Gerier~i. · The Sheri.~ agrees' i:o. pr9yide @n1or,Y,ith ~ffl~e)p~d~,-~~.the
Facility, the use ofthe equiptilent (inCluding office furniture) _currently. being used at the
Facility to provide health care servic~.s :to Irimates~
utilities (suC;h ~s eiectdeitfand
water) sufficient to· Armor to petfqt;ni'its obligations hereunder. ,Armor.
anc( be. responsible foi:. payment ot tekphone carriei· 'services and equipmeht withi~ th¢ Jail
for 1o11g·.distance access for u,se of its personnel. The Sheriff will provide, riecessru·y.
maintenance and housekeeping of the 'office space at the FaCility. Armor agrees it has
inspected the Facility and medical office.s{mce at the J?acility and that such space 'and
Facility can be utilized to perform the· obligations :required under this Agreement. .




7.2, Delivery ·of Possession. The Sheriff will provide to Armoi.', beginning on
the date of corrunencement. of this Agreement, possession and control of all medical and
office equipment and supplies that are the Sheriff's property, in place ·at the FacilitY's
health care unit. At the termination of this or any subsequent Agreement, Armor will
return to the Sheriff's po.ssession and control of all supplies, medical and office equipment,
in working order, reasonable wear and tear accepted, which were in place at the Facility's











.... .............




·_,· . . . ·
. :.;,

h~alth·careunlt·priort6 the corn!nence!heM of ~ervicesbi Xrrnoru~der the .i.nitiitl.and
subs~quent Agr~(:}m~nts.













· ·






··from the .Armor Medical AdinhiistrMcir'ail'ci iii consultation. ,~dth :thb SCSO; the· SCS 0. will· .



expense purchase imidichl h_nd office equipment it needs to perform S~rViees pursu~nt to
this agreement with ·an ind,ividrial item cost of $2,$00. less: .At
full.,cmiclusion of this· ..
.• contricta11 eq'i.lipriiepl pbrchastd }y.Al'¢or ~hall-l:l~c(im~ tJJ,e.piop~iiY o{; ;!{the .·
coritr~ct' \vith Atmor'" is teiililiiat~.d ~prior. "to •the .initiru.;:coritia:Ct ·t~rril• anci e*tensiohs tlie .
.scsd . will be. proVi(led .the qppqrh.1nity _'to .purchase. the. equipment "at _the .tiln.e:. of ·the.·
•.. ·tJntract tertiiinatiori at iti;:depteciated ya1rie.~base46n a'thf~e ye~ ~epredation sthequle.. : .· .·




. .-_:.



. .


. . ., ._· ...· -. ...

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-· -



--. --- ..' -_: -~~---.:. ·_ ·, -.

. .- .-·-: .. : --


. .:.. ·.: .7,4. ·.<: Genei·al Maiiiteilance. -services.': Th6·~sheriff wilfprovlde :ior, ·ei~h.'irunate ..
-receiving health Care services a:t f:he Facilit)Tthe sairie~s·ei'vices provided by:theSheriff.for .· .
ait Inm~~~s· ·~t ·th~ :Fa~ilitf inch.i~ing, . btif ri6t 'ihriited~ :to, ·chiily iious:~k.eepilig •s~rvicts, .·.
dietary servites,: bi:dldiiig· maintenance 'services; personal hygiene. @pp_lies.. aila. se:A).ices, .

andlinen; supplies.

. . ·..·.


. . . . . ..


. ·.. .

.. .

Supplies .. Armor w~rants and represents that 'llie: ~uality. ~d-quantity6:f
supplies· on :hattd ·during this' Agreement will. be. sufficient to ·enable ,Afri:ior to' p~rfotfu its .
obligations b,ereunder,' barfing asig~ific~nt.deviatlon "from. stancfard usage (e:g.; ricit) .. Ar~or
shaH he responsible, at. its sole· expense,. purchase. any and .all additional bffiGe sl:tpplies
needed;.:frorii time to time, .to prqvide he~lth services. tci the Inmates pursuant tci. the .
. provisions ofthls l}~eenient
. ,. ~
.. . . . . . . . . .
. .

.· · .?r:;:-.:· .·


. 7.6. · Biohaiardous Waste. ,·A.tinor shall ber~sp9nsib1e, at its soie ~ost, fo~ the .
. proper. disposal.of aU .bioh~zardops_ medically generated··waste ..occurring. a.L the FaCility
· dudrig the t6rm of tliis Agreement. . ·
· ·
·· · ·
.7.7. Softwar~ and inectronic information. All softw~e ,pn;lgrari:ls and other
infoi·mation technology purchased or dev~loped by Armor mid used iri its performance of
this Agre~nient are proprietru·y to ·ap.d/or the property OfAr.mor, and ,SCSO shitll not have.
any dght, title or interest, in or to s-uch pmperty, except as otherwise provided in tbis
paragraph. At the expiration or .termination of. this Agreement, Al;ruor will provide the
scso with ali Inmate qata that has been stored electronically, in a useable format for the
SCSO, on Atmor systems and shall·ensure that all paper Inmate medical records and I or
electronic documents are complete and remain in the SCSO possession..

Term. This Agreement will be effective at 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2012,
as to the providing of services hereunder, although the parties have been bound to adhere
to the terms of this Agreement upon the signing of this Agreement, even if prior to the



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: -


effective. aate. '!'he initiai. terni this Agr~ement _shan. be three. (3) years collirrtenci:t:ig .
· .. :Octoberl, 2012. Subjecfto Section8;2; thi~-Agree:rri~iitinay be. renewed undetlike terrl:is
for" two (2) additional one ·(1) year terms. thereafter, each renewal s~bjecit to mutual
agreenienrby the par_U~s.
· · · _ :: ..
. ··
.' · ' :}8.2. i:··;ernlina~i~n. Thi~:1gr~ehlent.mi~-be·q~~l:~i~e p~o~i~~d i~ •... · · ·
thi_s Agreement or as· follows:: · ·
· . -· .
. .
. . . . : · ··
.. ' .


.. .




. -.






- ... ~




.. :



(a) _ Terfuinatiail· by Agi6eln.enk_\~ .:th~ event th'at _e~6h:

6£ th~· .paitl!3s

. ·.. ;·

; :mufuallf.agrees·inW~iting, this ;Agieeinimt ~ay'be terminated dnihe.

·. teqps;~d\iate stipul_at64 .t~ereiti>:


. ·.-..

c ·_ ·••

;.-: :. '- . ··. :.

-· -... • •• •


·: : ••



: ..... --· :·.

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:·· •••. ::__ - •• - ._ •••. --

• -. •


:· -. -


·. · ·

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·••• • •


•• .: •

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·- •




Terriliriatioti by Cancellation.. This Agr~e:therit may he 9ari~;elled · ·
. . by. eithet party upon ohe hl:indred twenty. (120). days .
. piicir.:.wtitten nqticctin· a<;cordance .with .:Seciion~·-·lr.4 ._a£ th~s.
· · •·
· · • ... · ·- ••• · .:.: .· ·.


.f6rihl~ati6d' for' Default.. m.·ihe event dth~i-pat;ty, ~h~l giVt::hotlce
.·. to ,th~·-:· othe:r thaf sl.{ch other p~rtj.r" has'" materially :iiefaiilt~cl1ti, th~.'. ';
pe:iior,minice .of: any ·.otit~ ":maJedal :obligai:ions'her¢qnder.:iiii.d such
.default ~ban not'have·been clii~ed wifPin ..fhirty. (3d)·. t:lays foll(;>wiilg
..':tile· giying .of sudli notice. in writing·; tli~' p_ili,tfgivliigthe.. n~ti9e shail_
have'th~- rlgilr iri;l,niedlately .to. tetnlinate. tPis Agreem~.llt; ·· · ·

(d) ··. ArtnuaLL\dpropthitiorts,

a~d, ~undin~'... B"oth:·~~~e~ ackn6~i~dgethat . ·

-~- the , per~or:n::tance of·. this:, Agreeme~t . ap.d : paylri:ent :for_ nu:dicai .·
,· ·.services: to .A.rffior_pui·suant. to 'thjs Agreein~ri( is. pre_dicated :pn the
. - ROntinued . minl:iai . . appropriatioiis' ·tJy' t4e:: :$oill.:d ):if_:; ·~Copiity
Con0tissioiiers ~p{Sarasota ( the $h~~fffwith specific fu~ds · ·
allocated :to _":ineet the niediC~ needs of the Ii1illates' in. the ·Facility·
aric:lth~ Sheriff's ab,iJitY top¢l.'form.undedhis.Ag!ie:rnent. __ · .· _ .

8.3. . Responsibility· f~r Inmate : Health . Care. ' Upon /ter~nation · .·of
Agreement, all of Arnior'.s responsibility for providing heruth. 9are. s~rvices to. all Iiullates,
inCluding Inmates reteiving health care services at &ites outside tlie F'~dlity, will terriiiriate.

8.4. Owner of Documents upon Early·Terininatlon. Upon early te~rmination of
this Agreement. priot to its expiration, all finished or unfinished docpments, studies,
con·espondence, reports or other products prep~red by Armor for SCSO shall become the
exclusive property of the SCSO.
9.1. Base Compensation. For each twelve (12) month period under the initial
term of this Agreement, the base monthly compensation shall be invoiced at the end of the
month in which services are provided. The Sheriff shall pay the base monthly
compensation invoice within 30 days of the end of the month of service. All monthly
adjustments (e.g., withholds,. per diems) shall be invoiced or credited, as the case may be,
15 .

. :



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.. .


. . . the following· lll@th~ ~ Jti tlie" everitthis. Agi·eernenf shouJcUerininate od)e am~~d~d on a. . .
. . :. date .other than: the ·en4 of any calend~r mcnlth,. comp~nshtion to Arnior 'Wiil be proiated . :
.. :. acpqi·dingly;~~secl'oh t~e •f'n\otipn_ai .:Portimi of 'the month during V/hi¢h' AJ:mor ~btu.EltlY: .
· pmvicfe<fscrvices;
· · · : >:
-·.·. · - ·_ . · :.. . . · ....


···· . ·:;.~·.:··_·.·.: .,. -~---·: . :·, ·--~·-.:··>: '. .:_ ·..:.~·- ·: ... ·' .. ··.···: ... ,. ·. _. _:·:·::
~-- . :.·
::~·- . >
. ·:-~.·-· .•. ·_:(a) ·F6r:~the.fh.~~ twblye .(1_2):Ulo~t~ p~r~-~d ofth~ initii{ter~: ofthis 'ig~~~rile~t.~Jfie:: ·:-· ·: ·.
Shedffis requim.d;fa· pay to Armo:t; tJle:.h~se price &utri qf.$3;36l,7Q,2forth~ ·qaily:ayerage •· _·_
.· _ . bas~·ifim:ate poprii~:tiori up to i 1~6; pAyable hi.tweb/e (1~) equai.mo9thlyinstanm~nt.s>





·rat. ·

·..· ·· · ea¢11 'mrri:ate·in eic~ss :ofth~:.nso ayetage daily. popul~~ion, th~. si:iei:if(#ian't)ay Ailhor.a •
· -·_ .·.·. p~iw~~\.of$t.o~>: :. ._ ... _ -:· ·~< :.. -.. :: :· :>. / _:··- ·- :_ :··/·_ ·.·: ·; ·.-:. <,_.: · · : .: ._.-. · .. · ·••···.. ·
..· ·: ~·· ~ .. ·.








. .

....:· ·. ·.. ·. .
... ·

. ·. -··· ~/(b) F<lr·t~~ s62orid ~w~lve'(i~) fu~~th.Periodof th~ irutia1 t~ik .9f $.~/Agr~em¢~t; ,···


the:Shei·iffis·required. to payArinor the.base sum 9:t $'3;407,447-for ad8.iljr·~verage
· · pop_rilatioti up ·to ..1150, -p~yable Ifi. twel-\re (12) equal· morithlyiri~ti:tliilli!lts. F,or each .
. .Jrilriate·. in excesf6f the '1150 averagb da1ly popuhi:tion·, the Sheriff shail_ :pay Arn}or .a per :
diemof$i.d9. · · ·
· ...
· · . . ·. · ·
. -· .-. · :-, -· · · · .. · .·. ·

. -~ ·.. '..-

_: '. .' .



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: .- .








. . .. . .. . ... 9.2; •. . bmJ.ate Popuh\tlon. The'·averag~ .·daily. hnn~t~ r~~id~nt P9PUl~ti~.n sh£ill be.·.
- bas~d upon_the •count taken at lJ :00 p;in~· each. day. The. ayerage daily population courits .
:: ary ad(;led.Jor each _day qf_:the J11~nth:'!it_id'c:Iivid~d. by t~e.number of days inthe_mop.tllt()
. detemiine the averag~)noiithly- in_rriai~ popUlation. .T.P.e eicess, if:#tiy,:-:(>ver thejiiliulte .·
.. ppp_rilation:'·caps .will. be' multipliea·b'Y: the p_er di~n'{. rate ari~ ;the nprober' of days jp: th.e .·
.· 1Jlorith'to• arrive at'the.hicrease'iri ~ompetisatlbn payable _to Aniibr.for the:nion:t:h:·: ': . . .' .

' ·_ ·_ ..·



.. .



















. .




_ ·. '(a) sho:uld the_·Sheriff designate any other ·sarasota ·county. site as: a facil,ity_
requiring the provision of heaith care services by Armor; the parties. agtee to negotiate the
· additiorial_staff atid f;Omj:>erisation prior to Armor coillmend~g- setvices. ~t the. riewly
. designated facility. · · · · ·
· ·
·· ·
Compensation for Additionai Renewal Teims; P~iclng will be adjusted for
the renewal terms, as descdbed in .Section .8.1, based on the mutual .vhitte:n
agree~ent of the Sh~riff and Armor. 9'.4
Failure to. . PerforrDJRehnbursem~:iJ.t.
For any services required to be perfoimed by .Armor under this A-greement, brit that
are performed by SCSO due to Armor's failure to pe1form, Armor shall reimburse
Shedff fol' those expenses and such expenses shall be reduced from the monthly
payment due Armor undel' this Agreement.

I 9.5.




Jinnate in excess. of. t~e 1150 average daily population, th~ Sheriff shrill pay Armor a p~r
· :.: ~ .:.'
. ,.
·- .· . . ·

;, _.:·. . .



' f$1,. 09 .

~ ~~


· . . ··

·_· :.. · _ •~... :·. :(~YF6r the thlrd t~elve· (12) ~b~th peri~d ~£the Jrut;!ru 1:~11Il-tiithis Agreembri(the -. ·.. ·requiTed Ai:!nor the base sum of_$~.484,138.00 for:a.-daliy:av~rage:base .· ..
. PPPlilatioti up to ·{iso~ payal:Jie. in :tW~lve ci2) ~qual inoiithly: #~stallmert~s.: · -Fo:r each- · :'.

.. ·

·. .

I Explanation/Time I $ Amount

I Per (houl', day, etc) I

·. .




Pericl.tfes ,to which Armor
__ iss~bjectiti¢1ude,t~e_: : ·:·

- ~-- following: P~ybackitem --

-__ . _--- - _: -. - -- ----

--- -· ·
··:Receiyin.gSci'eerifuk-: · ;: _ 6-hot~rs:ofi{ti'iy~--- _ $100:
- -··- Ifu:n~te/Hour>·--_ Herutli-Asses~metif· : __ 14dllY's~of'arrrv~l. -· $100
-. · _-Irimat~ID!l.Y MeiitalH~aHhAssessment: .14 d~:Yfofaiiival
- liiriiafe/bay. -·
-··-: Orcil Screei.rihg - .- _ i44ays 6fah'ival
:$too -· - - 1nriiate/Day I?etlodicHealtP,Assess; _.- 12:in6nths'
- _ $100. ·
_ Iri.mate!.DaY :·SiCi(CallTri!\ge :- > ·' 2kh6urs:-- :-::''· _. - _. · . $fOO
.:I:Qma:tef])a'Y_; -_. Sick:Can G:iibiM ,, . " - / -721Ioui:s iofReferrar ·$100 .· -- · -- - · : ltltrHite/Day. _
· License/C~itifkation

J'.hfoug4c)uL - $lOb'
Loss of/Failure:to . · · $10,000
obtahi·--NccH:c .:

... Status__ '

.. ··

. - A.cA.;:F.tVus·.





. .·
. . .








. _- •- ··








. --



_., '--

·. -:.:

. :·-·

· ..

.. . -::_-


__ AimO:r shan not be liahie for ·a penruty wlien .Armor' s· faiiute ari~es as i:result ~ny--_- reasoh -.beyond-its control as _re'asollabiy c:letetilliriedby thQ_~cso, 'iri~luditig :hut-not ' ·.·
IiriJited to physic~ -·plallt iiiili!ations, stiikes_ ~r labor di~putes 6y the SCSQ _·staff, ·
-inmate -disturhances, acts. of dod, or any other siri:iflar 6auses beyond the :teasortable

. .


. . ..




. ..

-. -9[6. . .Iluriates froni-Othet 'Jurisdictiohs.

Meqical ca~;e ren~ered with1n the Facility
t<? Inmates :froih other juiis4i¢ti()ns housed in the Fac:Uity Pllrsuari(to 'c()nhacts betw~en' tlie ·.
County. 'imd such· ·other jurisdictipns will be the: responsibility· of Armor. Armor ·-will
arrange inedical-:care that catmot be repder~d in· t!le ~ricility, but Armot shall. hav~ n6 .
firiandal nisp:onsibillty for such sehiice&.--- -_ - . .. . . ' - . . " . . -.. ~ .- - . .
. 9.7: Responsibility -for Work Release. Inmates. Notwfthstapding any- other
provisions of this Agreemen~ to the cQnttary~ both ·p~ties agree that inmates_ assigned to
the work release :Prograiit· ~l.lo ·a:re riot housed at the Jail ar~ pe,rs.onallYtespon_sible for the
costs .of any meqicafservices 'proVided to them .. Armor shall -as'sisf .w1th'irrt\llging the
necessary transportati6n for Jn:[p.ates participating in the work rel~ase program who are 'not .
housed at the Jail to obtain medical care.
9.8. Chahgesin theLaw. If any statUte, mle or re.gillation is passed or any order
issued or any statute or guideline adopted which materially increases the cost to· Armor of
providing health care services pursuant to this Agreement, Armor and the Sheriff will
agree on additional compensation to be paid by_the Sheriff to Almor as a result of such
changes; provided, however, that if the parties are unable to agree on appropriate
compensation, the matter shall be submitted to mediation according to the provisions of
this Agreement.


-. '


. - .-: ~. ·..






. ·.·-..:





·. :,

:·.. ·


•·: .

.. :''

.'·:·_. _·_.


. .
.. ·.

- ·.··


.. '

: :q6ila1i($1;60d;ooo·.oo) ,~·diliiyinjul'y _ahc1·property ii~bilhy di#it~g;e cGritbitied. single Hiiiif; .
: onY :ca!ript~he~sive J\utoriiobjle:L~abj}ity.:)n§l1t~ilc¢':1n\the: in,itiiniuifi'::ruliO'lint: of:_-one·. '
. -.. IVuUtoj).· Poilars· :.($1~doo,Q.Qo;oo) ~ bodiiy:'irijuryiand'j)ropetty. Jial)ilit"y·.4a"inagi ~- colli"Qined -,·.
..·.. sHl.gj~·;41pit, ~nci (iv):-~tiliJitiyee Jiideiity-frisl1i:aii9e .iti;_t1le·.fuimmtim am~lii#:8~- qriJ':lv.fiiii()Ii :·_
. ::Qoll~l('($l,ooo;ooo.oo).~· .A111nsutance: polid~s sb.W-1 be-:witP.Jnsrirl;lrs ·qu_alifi.¢i:l--an4. C1aihg blJsi~ess _in Florid~.':: Physic~~~~; phy~i~jari: . as·sistilnts-; nurs~s. anttd~ntists .pi'()vided by · .
Arim:>r wili be :ihch]aed .in the<tove1~age. :The. Sh~dffShall-be nallied on the Cettifidl;lte. of
.fusudnce ·.a~ ~:ai:tditionaJ;. msiued. ·_.· fu_;thtf ~vent ;thaf'the'' coydrag~ ch~ng~s; 'Aihiof );hall. ,prqvide the. Sheriff _With~ thh:ty': (3Q).cJays nbtic~ ill :-wri#l)g. A.J:mor'shall ,-a!so provicie !birtY .
. (30) ~ i:lays adv~nce notice to ·,llie '$Jie~iff, ·hf.\;\il:itJJJ.g;. 6r -~ny ch~1lges_ Hi. .policy. coverage, pr,
.. iunot1ni ~n.dqaiJ:ce11atid1i ~)t)l~~"rene~~ ofhis~fa11¢e· coy~~~ge;: '<: ' ·, ·' ·, - · ·- . .. .: .·
·· .. -. -_ ·(~)'All ins~r~ric~ p6lices ·sh~l_lli~ ~t~ i~smeisq~alified. to :da·btisiU:ess·iliFioi·id~;
-Armor Jil$o: ~grees :tci _.prOVid~ .Sara$ota :Sheriff's _Office' :~ith :(;6pies :. of. poliCies and
su~seg:~ent t~n~v;l~ p~l~qi~s. ·Sara$ot~- S~e~Jfts :()ffice'will be' n~tif'i~d if ~}lere. 'are aiJ,y. ·. _.
-· cll~ges iri:'oimtracfqr ·provi4ers .from insurance caii:iers ·an a·tilt1dy basis.' .Jlailure 'to:.
·.. maintain suQP. cov~rage
be determined' a~ ;material bteac~ o(.conttact>. 8'aia~ota ..·
no ·riatlGe
ioss.. .
- - .· .
:" ,·. ·:·
- .. -. ..
. ..
. - .






.• ·_. (b)lrt aqditton-, Armb~ sh~ll ll1EiiPthl~ -over th6 't~rrn ~nd ai{y retiewal t~rill ofthls
_Agre~meiit, Worker'~ Comp~ns~tiqn )nsujance for. ali o(its employe¢s .· coimected with tb,e _
-. wo!Ji,_·6£ tbls-_ Agreeme)lt::atid in···any- ca_se ,of.subcon~r~6tin$,-:will·,_fe9u1re_:t~at -the:·:
~ubcontf~ctcirhave suffidel_lt c'overage.,as well . ··such inst~rance_wlll ci:nnply'fully"with~tP,e .
-. FiciddaWorkei'.'sCompensaH6nLaw. , - . . · ·
· :; > ~

·_10.Z. _La\Vsuits ag~inst ·th~ sheriff· or Sarasota· County. fn th~ ·event. that ariy
lawsuit (whethei' frivolocis' or otherwise) is fiied agams[one or more of the "$heriff, his
eip.ployees or agerits; based on allegations concerning rii._edical c~re of IJ.iiriates. m; op. the
performance of Ai·mor's employees~ agents, Sl.lbc(nJ.tractci£s 6r assign,ees, the parties agree
that Armor, its employees, agents, subcotittactots, assignees Oi.; independent contfactoi·s~: as
the' mise 'may be, may be jollied as· parties defendant in any' such iawsuit arid !ihall be .
responsible for th~ir own defense and any judgments rendered ag~inst them, the Sheriff or
the. employees or agents of either, pursuant to Section 10.4 of this Agreement. Nothing
herein shall prohibit any of the patties to this Agre~:iiient from joining the remaining
parties hereto as defendimts in lawsuits filed by third parties.
10.3. Indemnity. Armor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
Sheriff, their respective officers, appointees, agents and employees from any claim, loss,
damage, cost, charge ot· expense arising out of any act, action, neglect, omission or failure
to act by Armor, except that neither Armqr nor any of its subcontractors shall be liable for




.. ···~·~~·.

. . . . 1:.::

·.. ;.·

the pOrtion o{an .inj~i:y ordainagecaused -by or restilting from the_ neglig~nce ·of theS4eriff, his 9fficers, ~gents-an~ em]Jlo-y13es; ._
- 0

--•. - . -

_- (a) h{no -~verit ho\Vy~er;~ shalfArrtior's obiigations iri tm~ ~~ttionapply or:_~xierid.

t_o: _- ' - .,__

- - -_ -- - _._ -

























---H) tb.e 1?9rtion ofiny Claiin, liability, ~post -~r exp~l1ses -ari~iiig oi -ihcurred: ~t;@y·_ •

-..timein connectii)ii \Vithfi·eaymentdf'finy Inmate;s_ i~jqry_ if ~s}ltii -tre~ttilent _ - _
-; occuh;ed:pl'lo:(to the !nriiat~'s b~ingjn the care, custody ;arid control~ of tile·_ -_

·.· ··-*:~~1;h'tot .~der fl>~'~yon~~il\tJ.Of Ar'0f''
- -(2)


Pu~~allt fu J::i•. ·.

the j_:mition of any Claini;lHibil,ity or'c~st ar~sirig ·out of:tJi~ act~ or•bdllssicn)s

-cif ~rry Sheriff's _c;>fficers, agentfl -or_- einploy~es- w_hich prevent ··anlnmate.fro:in--

rece~ving fuedicai .care. as direct~(\ by Ar:hl~l;; p~~vent- ~li trimaty:• tli_tough- the• --~ f~ltire _to-: exerCise:· ··goCid Jridg!heiit, .- io.·.·obtaii:J.-: pronipL ·medical ,.riview.~ ·:or... . _.
·.•. exaffiination. by Ariri.dt' { eiriployees• 9r c,6nt:iact61:~ ~- or :Which. amo~nt .tci:.•w)1ifu1 •. '
. .iillscbnd:uc:t. · ·
- , ... · · ·
..-:· ...





. .

. :·





. 1Q.4. ·· .Lhmtatlo~ of Liabiiity. ius the iritent:of the parties· to
Ag!eeHJ.e11t tJJ;at
Almor providhig the seryice~ cqnt~rifplat~d hereunder is_ actin~f on behai( ()f_the Sheriff, <·
consequently; 'it -is')nte11d~d that':'any ·.apd all stati:itO:ry, commo_ri
;.or legisJatiye'
· lirtrlta:iions. the liability of instn:iment~ity' ~ 9f the_ Sheriff are.' applicable to Armor ~and
its healtlicafe provi~ts io the extent allowable bylaw.·
-.-•· · · ·· - ·
- ·





... ·


.. .






... . . . -

. . - ..
.. ·. - - .




. ..


. .

. . .·


. ..


. . · 11.1. Irid~pend~nt Contractor Statts. The parties acknowledge th~t Anii<Jr-is an
independent contraC'tor a11d that all medical care deCisions will be the sole fesponsibllity of
Nmor. · this Agreeinetit is intended, rior shall they be constiued, to create .an
agency re1atiohship; an employer/e1Ilployee rel~tionship, .a joint venture relationship, joitit
employe1:- any other relationship .allowing the Sl1eriff _to e~ercise. ~ci.titrol _or· direction ..
over the manlier or method by- which Ariiior, its employees, agents, assignees or' its
subcontractors perform hereunder.


11.2. Warranty' against Contingent Fees. Armor acknowledges and warrants that
no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit this Agreement for a
commission, pe!centage, brokerage or contingency, except bona fide employees 0:1; selling
agents maintained by Armor for the purpose of securing this Agreement.
11.3. Assignment and Subeontracting. Except as otherwise permitted in this
Agreement, Armor shall not assign or subcontract this Agreement, in whole or in part, to
any other entity or person without the express written consent of the Sheriff, which consent

:·.. ·.·


. shallriofh~,.utrreasonably withheld. Any such assignment or s~bcontract sli.ah inchide.the.
o~Hgatfoii~ contained. in this Agte~m~nt. .·Any assiginilerit ·or. subcontra9t. sh~ P:ot reli~ve .... ~ ..
A!In;or, Of, hs ·in~ep¢n.d~rit · ol)ligation. :tb. prtivide .the ~ seryiP.~s and ,:!Je .bouh4 .·by ·til¢ ..·
. .. re.quirerrierits ·'of this :Agreeine:.nt.,; the .:she1iff arid Atmor. eac:h·bmcls •itself, i'ts si.iccessors; ...·..

··. ~i!~~~f~~~lj~~~~!:;.;·i~1%P~~~dW.i!infr."~~~~·fd·.···· •

·. :~~~i~~i:d~~~~~t;~~f~~~~~~~=~~~ .

:pelivery .shall :be ·b)i c¢tiifi~d qfregisteretl irirui •. rf:i~urn reeeipt J.;eqt.msteq, postage ·P!'epilld,
. imd acidr~ssed. to. tb,e ~ppropr~ate 'party at the following address or to ariy other pers.m1 at
anf<?dier ·addr~s~ ·as may be designatedirnvi:itihgby'theparties:
· · · ·
·. sheiiff}'h~m~~ Kriight: ·.• ·
: •.. ·


. .· . sli.~rlff ~f Sar~stit~ C6~iicy
·· sheriff 'ih6llihs knight ·..·
2011 '~ingling Bo.ulevard ,
·, .Sarasota;:Floridci3423.7 · ·





• · v.iith a copy to: ·Maj~r Kurt Hoffman
. . . . . . ' . Santsota Sherif:hi Office .
20?1. Rillgling Bcmle~ard
Sarasota; Florida 34237


Bruce tea:I, cE:o ,

. . . .

Armor Correctional Health Sertices, Inc.
4960S.W. 72nd Ave, Suite400 · . .
.Miaini, Florida 33155

With a copy to: Kenneth Palombo, COO
Armor Correctional Health Services, Inc.
4960 S.W. 72nd Ave, Suite 400 .
Miami, Florida 33155
11.5. Governing Law. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the
parties hereto shall be governed by, and construed according to, the laws of the State of
Florida, notwithstanding any conflicts of law principles to the contrary, and exclusive
venue for the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement or relative to any dispute


. -._.; .



--.. -::;

:· . . .





. · aris~g regm:4ing ar.unCiyr this Agreem~nt·~haltbe in tl1e appra1?fiate state
· .S~asotaCounty, :Fiori~a•..evet~)f yenue wquld.bep~oper el~eWhere. . . ·
, __


~ou.rt lo~at~~l in ·.






· :&ubjeet matter her~of.:

:No fu9dificatioris ·or.;·amendmeP.ts :·tojhis' Agree~~nf shall.:he


.· ..-

·:'.~, -~~~;

A~~~d~~~t.'~·ThlsAgreefiiei1tm~ybe.amb~~ed orr~vi~ed;·6~1y.irt 'Wfltl~g ...

· .· ; .. :;li.?;·.
·. and signedbJ'a:Q.parties_:. ·



...·. . ·: .·11.8. · ivi~di~tiri11:·of Disputes·. ::Prl~t io.bri~gh}g any Iaw~iJi{l,ltider·thi~ A@ee~eni, . .::
tlj.~··paities. hei·eto agre_e t6 :fii.lbinit any. and. all .·di~p\ites·'to~~pre:sui(mecHatidri.tinde!< the.·
. . :Fi6rida R'tiles for' Celilfied aijd ¢<luq-Appoitited IVJediai()rS. and the 'I1orida :Rtii~s ~f .Civil •.•
· Prod~cihre 1.7oo tlii'ough· f. 730,. ail(lFRCP. ·1.7~6,- ·ex.Ciciding s1,1bspctiori (b) together ,}Villi
·:the niles ·.of .the ·.American 'Arbitration· ·.Associati6n · ·dr:; the_ ·:Fcnindatioh ·.for-~ Dispute
··The parti¢s agree -to' share equa,lly:the
of. the
. ..

- -



. .

~:. : ~;

.. '

.-: ;


. ..

. ~:-. _--




'. '


- - ..

.' ~· l1.9 .. Wruve{·of Breac]I: ·'I'h~ v;aiver by ~it1J.e.r··partyofa:breach o~ v.lolation:of . .

· provision {)fthls Agreement &half not operate as,-6r be construed to· be; a· waiver Of ~my·.. .
S]lbsequen(breachpf the sam.y· or :other :pl;OVisibn hereot . .
. .·
.· ..
·.. '; ·_


•. ·. . ..'ti.Hl; Enforcem~nt .. Iri 'the event. either pm.ty_incprs Iegal expen~~s cir c.osts .to
.. enforce. tlie :tei~ Of this Agteeineilt, 'th,ejirevailitJ.g' party in any p!_oceeding he,reundetshall
. be ;'~tititled .to 'recover·, the: cost :such·' action so :incurred, iiicludiiig •without .lirirltatioii,
.reasonable :attorney's fees.:, The ~he!iff' s obligation utidei this. sectiofi:shaii be. to the ])yiaw. :~ . -.
· .. · · ·


; 11.11. other Cont~acts arid Third~Prirty Benefi~iarie8..·;The parties agree thatthey ..
have not entered into this· Agi·eemeht for the benefit of any third person or persons, a11d it
is their expres~ ·intention. ,that the Agree:rrient is intended to be· .fot ·their respective be,(lefit
only ~d . noi for the penait of others who might otherw~se 'be' deemed to constitute thirdparty bfmefichiries hereof.
· · ··
· ··
· · ·

11. 12. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to be
unenforceable for any reason, the unenforceability thereof shall not affect the remainder of
the Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect and enforceable in accordanc·e
with its terms.
11.13. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or
failure in performance (other than payment obligations) to the extent that such delay or
failure is caused, _without limitation, by strikes, Inmate disturbances, acts of public enemy,
fire, flood; earthquakes, hurricanes, failure of transportation, explosion, war, embargo,



. .



·· ...,···
;· ... ·




·. . . . ··,

_. __ . _·:

:_: ·.





·._. ~ _·.






govei:nmeritregulatlon, Civii or military autho1~ity ,- aCts ofG6d,- acts or onli~sions ofcaii"iers
-c)r other shhilar:cau~es beyond 'its cml.trol.
. .
-- - - .· --



: :. -·..




·. ·.









~- :


-_: . .


-- . .-.-.-

~ :- -

- reliiedy,·oft)le_$hedft"andthe Sherfff )s ()therwise entitleqio seek)ill :atJ}er_Jawfuli·ei1),~dies. •-

·:_#~~~~i:it~~:U~~J~;1~~:;~si~~J~:~Jn~~fi~~~;~:~t~~:-~aF-~~e~_;ste~~~~ -__ --

--· _:-.

;:·1~015; Fcinclirig:s;urri68:::-'13bth._parti~~- ac~~:Wiedg~tha~--:;e~~rrriance·,()r:·tlii~~--- ·




. · Agreement, a1l,ct :payiiie11f ~or-. itiedi9at:ser\dce to Airrtof_,pursuartt· fo this ~1\.greement_ ls ··· predicated, oit th~ :contin~e<i anrn1al_ ~ppropriations by_ S~asota ¢orin~y t(l -th~ Sheriff :\Vith '- --speCific funds ·anocated•:to
:the hiedic&l-iJ.ee4S of the Irim:ates in.the- Jail- and the -_-Sh~iyesahilit}'to:p·eii9J:in0ttll.Mrthis:Agreeini*t . --·- · __ : ~- · · - - ----- - - ---


· -··

_Perritit~ .aiid~Li~eri~e~-

ackrid~ledges ~hat

mai~t~n ~ ~r~le~~f

-: '· : i l.t6.
: . . -. -· · ·
_•perillits '•and jicenses ·;re-qtiH:ed --tor_ -Ailli9r. to. perfohli the- sery1Ces·'requited:-by 'this
Agreernent:.:i'his\vili i~cihde, but p.ot beli#~ed tolicell,ses):~nd ·_permfts for,radioiogY and
:Phatin_acy. · ·Aifn9f:-shan · ~nsui:e 4hat .all< individuals . . or entities . ]J~i~orri:rin_g ~he -:-seryl.ces - requi'r~·li.:u~der. Hils' Agteiment,including~but_ not li~ited -t_ci:its- em]Jipyee~, _·agen:t~;· __ ..
. a~sigri_ee~~- •.subco:!ltrf,tctor~.- ·or -Jiidep_erid~nt · conti:actors- .shall--be' appropriately· ,lic¢nsed;'':-_ - ·
•• · registered cir Certified as required b}":app1ipable law. •·: Aiinor shall·notify the _Sheriff; of ·a:ny, .· ··
- • r~vo·c~tii:)n,' susperision,·ter#rlnatio1l, expira:tion; restricitions,- etc.; of any ;required license, .
·_ r¢gist~at1ori or cettificaticii:i of~my lndividua}or entity to_ fully perform the selYice~ h~reiri
· ..


_·-.: • . . . . ·











. - ... · -11.1.7~ .Effect :.-C;f:this. A~teemerit. _ · Thls Agree¢~P:t ·constitutt~s ~he·_ -~6fupiete- understanding betweeir-the paiities with respect to the lerins,-and chndiftons "setJorth here1h ·:- .-(lnd ~uperse~_e 1\11 previous written or oral agteements al'ld repn~~eniations·;: The terms and .
c6nditions -of this Agre~ment _shall control over b,ny terins :and Conditi6ris iri any
s<'!!i'iit~tion,: request _fci]:' J#oposal, propbsal, purchase O:rder;- · acknC:iwledgment,. oi oth~r
wdtte~ forni.- 'fJris_- Agreement may be modified only in writing that exptessly refetenc~s ·
this Agreement and
is executed by both .of th_e- parties hereto.
. . ··. -·
.. .





11.18. Liais~n. +he Sheriff or his deslgn:ee (so
Sheri-ff) shall be the liaison with Armor.


in wt1ting by



11.19. Autho~ity. Each party hereto expressly represents and warrants that the
person executing this Agreement is the legal, valid and binding representative of each
11.20, Counterparts; Facsimile Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in
multiple counterparts and by facsimile signatures, each of which shall be deemed to be an
original and all of which together shall be deemed to be the same instmment.




11.21. Sheriff's Cmtedtibn~ He~thc~~e Advo~ate. ~T,he_ Sh¢riffrn~Y designate a
. Gori:ectionctl· H~aJth''Qar~ Monitor ~he<
be ·its: 1:epresentative. ·;;~.~d who sh~ll ;t'equire'
.. ~li}oi. t~::tileet.a1~· :contr~ptreqilh:ymelit~; rn?rit!or(Arrii()l," s 'cornpJiahce' any; c0.1Teptiv~ . ..
· action to /reso!V~ at;eas o_f liqn~c.oip:pli!lh:P~ Or'. deficienci~s;, riC:olriln~f1ded ':or. reconurtei)·d ·to . .
· · ·. •¢rifttile ass,~s.srri:e11t ~ofoJ!9.uic!~te~ ;daffia~es/p~naltie~. b~s-~a :on.:nc) Mici· as ·_· .
:s~tfoith:withinthi_s Agr~emerit; and :facilitate .an,d,disp':te·resoluti6ri. ·. · · · · :'· :::: ·_. ::. · · . ·. ·.


. . . ·,, . . . . _"?· : ·_ ·..~;. ,: . .. ·. ·.• '· : ·_. .

. ' . ·.· :.

. . ll.~n.


any· othe1· court' related pui'p.ose r~iatt# to

·shall d.isc:uss the s_~rvices provided under this Akt·ec;,meiit wit:h Iocal·dvic groups or visith1g. ·
·· · . · · ·
· . · ·
.· ·
·· ·. ·. · ·. ·
: ·.;




...:· 1Li4. Shd:iffjsF~dlity: ·.··. ·Th~~ sli~iiff Iha:Y ."pr8hiblt· ~ntl'Y .to My .·Fa~ility~dr. •·
reniove from .i ·Ffipil(ty ·any of .·Aiffidr; ~ · sribc9ntnictors,- )ridepencierit ·: ·coritractoii: or :
employees. who
·not li¢n9rin ·th~ir duties· in a:, :profession!i,l riuinner, who "\rioiate the .. ·
.secUrity regulations fiij.d procedui·es bf the S1ie1:lff,:rir who .ptes~ilt a .:security :d~k or tl:ireat .
:as detetffi.ihed in tlie)ole discretion ofthe Sheriff. TheSh~riff reserv~s the:rightto search· ..· ..
·any person, ptop~rty ·artiCle .~nteJ:ing ·~y ::facility. ·.Armor's employees, -:iridepencieiit
contractors, ~Iid 'stibcontract6rs, theiipesks, lockers, pers!)intl effects, ·an.d yehides parked
in the prertuses are s~~ject tosearc~ .~(any time~·. . . ·.' .. . . .· . . .. ·. ·. . •.




\ i i .2$. coniputer security... Armor shall use .its h~st efforts to. ensure thai any ofit~
actions ··ero not ·corrupt .oi: infeCt any of Sheriff'.s. computer equipment, C<:imputei·· softw.are,
data f'iles,'or'databast-is.' · · · · · · · · ·
·· ,
· ..... · ·
. .·











·· .:~, · .: <•: · .::: .. ·~. ,: · :· ·· •: ' ' : ·· ·• ...· :.: ·· ~-· · :. · ," .:'~· . .':.: ·.· .
dV:i~ G~o~ps·. ··Upon mutliai agte~#lerit df-the Sheriffari.d. .Aihim:; A{mor

ine(~icafsel'VicM an~~ ~cso~



·. . · 'ti•. ~2.:: Arh:iear~ll:t~s.- _: Aflripr' i. ·iepres~ritati ;~s :cooperate \vitli. the scso as

. net~sEiry far· i~qriWed c6urt::~appeaiances



·. ·,.·

: ,11.26. Media Requests. rr media requests are received, .Aim6r may be responsible···. ·
. . for respondirig . to . the. media. after .. coordinati.rig its . . :respbnse' with Slieiiffi s Public ..
Information Office. ·. ·

li.27. Emergency Notification. Armor shall promptly notify SCSO of atiy Inmate
hospitalizations, icmY u:Q.usual illnesses, any emergen:cy care, any Inmate de~th, and any
potential media concern.
. .
11.28. Infection Control. Armor shall implement an infection control program
which includes. but . is not limited to concurrent surveillance of staff and Inmates,
prevention. techniques, treatment, and reporting of infections in accordance with local, state
and federal laws, OSHA and Governing Standards.
11.29. Inmate Grievances, Complaints. Inmate complaints or grievances regarding
services under this Agreement sh~ll be forwarded to the Armor's Medical Director or
designee who shall promptly review the complaint or grievance, gather all information
concerning the complaint or grievance; and take appropriate action in accordance with the








.·:· ...



.·. . .







\:. ,... ·; ... :·.~ .:---<---




· ; _:·::.· . .



. _.·.

__ -.·

: ._-:"·--·

..- -- ~- _:- ,' 11 ;3o. iJtiliz~tion. -Re~i~w~ ' :A!·rilor::Sh~l~- implem~nt -a~((-op~tate ·:-a' utiti~atiqn,: . ·•.
--'· ·.. -

-' :_ , ;·::--.



sh~~;ltfs gtievance procedures.·. A~hi6r --sh~i' respond to an .Inmate complaints- ot·
_gt:i¢Wnces :conc~i·nirig services itncie:r- this Agreement within seventyctwo _· (72) liour~ .- ot
-. -Ari,tior's'rpceipfofsui::l:!compiaii:it or gri~vand~; - - . ': - . - . - -.· .

__ .

·--~- ·:·_

·.. ·



.··.· :..._--:

- _·. ~ -~- H.3l.·_·cciinpfehensiveo" QualitY .::rlnprovelrieiii.- ;-'Arfuor ~ sliaiL :!fevelop a.:
_ccnripr~h8nsiye:·:qti~Hy :impro_vem~rit Jn~ogriim:ofregularly :scheduled alidit~·-cif rui'IAniate. __ .. . _ .. _.


_ detention· ·he111th- cate'. consu1tai;it(s): on·
:an.nual. bask-_ ·.'I'he _- rt;lsl:ilts; 6{ the -outside'. · ·cons-ultant's :rev:i~w(s) s~all'b:e provided. tO the S.f+erjffand avai1ab1e fo±fC,Ad, FMJS-~nd
· .NCCHC· accreditaticiri. .Armor .shail. bear· all •· costs ··associatei:rwith. the outside
· <:ob.s~ltanbi-~ .· ·· · · ·
· · · . _. ,.,
· ·-·
-, · ·
· · .. ;

;.__·: ..


. .. :







. ~- . ''·. .



. . . ·.


: .~



':· '

. - - 1i.32; _The Sheriffs ·offic~ ~_ill -~ssist. witl;i the.. iihplem¢ntati6n of ':an Electronic ..
'M~dical :R_ecords.(J3MR) progr~_~y ptpyidtng:IT: s:upp6rt.·_ Arwcir will:rirhlce'its . be~t · .
. l(fortto fuilyimplem~nf an-~iedroP,ic·Re(;cirds. program hy Qctober 1, 2012
- . biin1o iater-than:p~be1llhei;31-, 2_0ti; ~n1es& due to inteiface 'iss~es on.the.side of the·_
-·- thii<i:partyprovidet (e.'g;~ t>Haiih~cy, lab ..-:.i.n which ·case# shailb~·completecCasJast as ·
·.··commei'Cihlly reasonable): •· ·A.rtllar wiJ). maintain the Er\1:.R ,prograni for the length of the
coritrilct andanY. ext~ilsioris. .;.
. ·. .
. • . - -.. .
. . -.


..·: ·.-il.33 .. Medical: M~st~~ Plari. : · Subject tci the appro~al of th~. She;iff,. Atmol'. shall.
in~ntain i:>:ro'~e4ures frohi the effective dati- of the Agreement for' the deiiverjT·of medical·
· se1.Yic~s i:ti the~ ~venfof a· aisasteidn.thi.ding b1}til,ot ·iJ:rruied.- to>.rue, t<:Jp).aciei, .-hurricane,·

._ ·epide@c, riot; ~trfke.or mass an:6sts.• Such proced~resj~ail bemaintained-arid/ormodffied _
_by- :Acinor'ldv:l:edical
DireCtor_ worldng
closely with_the S.h~rlff's staf(and
may include:· · - .. · ' · . . . . ..




(a) .









Cohriuu-nications syst~m;.- .
:Recall of. key staff;
Assigflriient ofheaith care Staff;
Establislurient Of coriimand post;
. .
Safety andsecurityot'the patieiitand staff areas;
Use. of_ emerge1ky equipment and supplies to include automatic extemal
defibrillators (AED's);
Establishment o.f a triage area;
Triage procedul'es;
Medical recm~ds -identification of injured;
Use of ambulance services;
Transfer of injured to local hospitals;
Evacuation procedures (to be coordinated with security personnel); and
Practice drills annually at each Facility involving staff from each shift in
accordance with NCCHC standards.


. •. ·

_,·_·.... ·

. . . .·,.

·... ··


.<)L34. ]iadges- ,ahd/~t Visitor- ·pa~~es. Al1 ArincJl·· .efi1ploye~s- ~rill_, wear_
'identifi~aiio.iJ. badges· :at allJirnes iti- a visible manner: _
Armo6shdll-return 1i:l~ntification

. - _·

. ~~~.t~R~~;~~~;;t:~~·it'~~:~~~:i(~~i11~%~r:: · · ....




~ .: ..


,rN yYIT~§S.wiffi~oj-1,-j~e- parties h~ye_executed thi~:A~e_erii~~t)t1cth¢1{;'offiqial-_-cap~,citiesyr~th_1egruaut1Ioritytoaoso;



:. :-

·. .

. ..



- ,, :

.. :-






: ,_.

. ...


-, -_--

··- .







~of ~~ation

Date:- _~ :J


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:- - -._






/t.r1firJ<:.eM. L V / - '!t?i:-1~

Major Kurt A. Hoffnlfm~ - Date
General Counsel · ·




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