Taser Greene County Sheriff Policy and Procedure 2001
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GREENE COUNTY SHERIFF=S DEPARTMENT JAIL DIVISION POLICY AND PROCEDURE SUBJECT: Taser M26 Deployment NUMBER : Jail -Q- 5560 1. 2. 3. ISSUE DATE: 09-04-01 REVISION DATE: 12-18-01 02-07-02 POLICY: It is the policy of the Jail Division of the Green County Sheriff∋s Office to allow the deployment of the Taser M26 in situations where the safety of offenders and officers is at risk. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish the proper methods of Taser M26 deployment to insure both the officers and the offenders safety. REFERENCES: 3-ALDF-1D-17 4. DEFINITIONS: 1. Deployment is any shooting of the projectiles from the TASER M26. 2. Discharge is any time the TASER M26 is triggered without a cartridge of projectiles on it. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Greene County Sheriff is responsible for establishing the requirements contained within this policy. Director of Corrections is responsible for insuring that his personnel are properly trained in the use of Taser M26 before allowing them to carry and use it. The Training Division is responsible for providing approved training courses in the use of the Taser M26. Those officers certified to use the Taser M26 will be responsible for the constant control and safety of any unit assigned to them. All personnel are responsible for complying with the requirements contained within this policy. Section 3 Tab A Jail -Q- 5560 6. 7. 8. The Training Officer is responsible for performing inspections of the Taser M26 each month for effective use. Any batteries older than three years from the manufacture date will be discarded and replaced. The Training Officer will also perform a yearly function test of the Taser M26 and inspection of the cartridges for their 5-year expiration date. The Shift Supervisor will be responsible for reporting of any deployment or discharge of the Taser M26. Any deployment or discharge of the Taser M26 rather intentional or accidental will be reported and verification through the Taser M26 software will be conducted by Page 1 of 3 the Training Officer. 6. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There are many models of TASERs. The Greene County Jail will use the Taser M26 model 44000. Only those who have current certification in the use of the Taser M26 may deploy the weapon. The Shift Supervisor will assign TASERs out to officers certified to use them each shift. Each person carrying the Taser M26 should have a minimum of 2 cartridges with them. The Taser M26 may only be deployed as taught and certified in training. The Taser M26 may only be used on persons between the ages of 2 - 75 years of age. The Taser M26 may only be deployed when no flammables are present. The Taser M26 may be deployed from 3-21 feet, but optimal range is 12-18 feet. The Taser M26 may be discharged on contact with the subject. The brachial plexus origin area on the neck, the femoral nerve in the groin area and the common peroneal area 6-8 inches above the knee are recommended. Taser deployment may be in any situation where verbal commands are not effective in controlling a subject. To reduce risk to the subject and officers, the Taser M26 will normally be used up to a need for an impact weapon or less lethal force. The Taser M26 may be used in place of pepper gas based on the officers observations of the situation and what he/she deems to be safest and most effective given the totality of circumstances. Certification of Taser M26 use will address this issue. The Taser M26 may be used to control a non-compliant subject or a dangerous and/or violent subject or attempts to subdue the subject by other conventional tactics have been, or will likely be, ineffective in the situation at hand; or there is reasonable expectation that it will be unsafe for officers to approach within contact range of the subject or when deadly physical force does not appear to be justified and/or necessary. The Taser M26 is not intended to replace firearms or self-defense techniques. Section 3 Tab A Jail -Q- 5560 11. 12. 13. 7. Upon encountering a situation, which may require the use of a Taser M26, an officer may request the response of a back-up and a supervisor with a Taser M26 unit by notifying Master Control with, ΑCode Zebra≅ and the location of the need for the Taser. For example ΑCode Zebra, Pod A, Cell 222.≅ When ever possible and the situation permits, a Taser M26 will not be deployed or discharged without a supervisor being present. The primary consideration will be shot placement to center mass and to the back when deployed. Medical Considerations Page 2 of 3 1. 8. Subjects who have been subjected to the Taser M26 or the probes, shall be treated as follows: 1. Once the subject is under control, a certified Taser M26 officer shall advise the medical staff that a person has been subjected to the Taser M26 and the approximate time the action occurred. 2. If the probes penetrate the skin, the probes shall be removed by trained officers or medical staff, then treated with a disinfectant to sterilize. 3. If the probes are embedded in soft tissue areas such as the neck, face and groin, removal shall be by medical staff only. A sample probe will go with the subject to the hospital or emergency room to be shown to the staff treating the subject. 4. Always seek medical staff for a medical evaluation of the affected subject after any use of the Taser M26 on a subject. Reports of Use to be turned in to the Captain of Operations and Training Officer regarding use of the Taser M26 1. All documentation of the incident from each officer and supervisor involved 2. All treatment reports from medical personal 3. A review of policy and debriefing APPROVED: Date: ____________________________________ Sheriff Page 3 of 3 ____________________________