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Taser M26 Akron Police General Orders 2000

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8/10/00 Draft

This procedure sets forth the Akron Police Departments policy regarding deployment of the M26
The ADVANCED TASER is deployed as an additional police tool and is not intended to replace
firearms or self-defense techniques. The ADVANCED TASER may be used to control a
dangerous or violent subject when deadly physical force does not appear to be justified and/or
necessary; or attempts to subdue the subject by other conventional tactics have been, or will
likely be, ineffective in the situation at hand; or there is reasonable expectation that it will be
unsafe for officers to approach within contact range of the subject.
The M26 Advanced ADVANCED TASER has a dataport. It stores the time and date when it was
fired. This data protects officers from claims of excessive use of force by providing complete and
accurate documentation of each firing.
The M26 Advanced ADVANCED TASER falls into the category of Less Lethal force
technology and equipment, which is defined as:
Those items which, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or
serious physical injury than force commonly referred to as “deadly”.
Note: Less Lethal Force is defined as a concept of planning and force
application which meets operational objectives, with less potential for
causing death or serious physical injury than conventional police tactics.
The M26 fires two probes up to a distance of 21 feet from a replaceable ADVANCED Cartridge.
These probes are connected to the weapon by high-voltage insulated wire. When the probes
make contact with the target, the M26 transmits powerful electrical pulses along the wires and
into the body of the target through up to two inches of clothing.
This Electro-Muscular Disruption technology uses a powerful 26-Watt electrical signal to
temporarily override the central nervous system and directly control the skeletal muscles. This
causes an uncontrollable contraction of the muscle tissue, allowing the M26 to physically
debilitate a target regardless of pain tolerance or mental focus.

1. ADVANCED TASERs shall be issued to and used only by officers who have completed
the Department’s ADVANCED TASER Training Program.
2. Only properly functioning and charged ADVANCED TASERs shall be carried in the


3. Each discharge, including accidental discharges, of an ADVANCED TASER shall be
investigated and documented utilizing an ADVANCED Taser Use Report (ATUR).
4. The M26 is programmed to give a 5-second “electrical current.” The operator can shorten
or extend this time. The probes should not be touched during this time period as you
would also receive the same “electrical current.” In addition, officers should avoid
stepping on or tripping over the wires.
5. Never aim the ADVANCED TASER at the eyes or face. It is laser-sighted – the top probe
will follow the front and rear sights and the laser sight; the bottom probe will travel at an
8-degree downward angle below the aim point/laser-sighted area. The rule of thumb for
the bottom probe is that it drops 1 foot for every 7 feet that it travels.
6. Keep hands away from the front of the unit at all times unless the safety slide is
forward and the ADVANCED TASER is deactivated.
7. Always replace Air Cartridges by their expiration date and use for training only.
8. Do not fire the ADVANCED TASER near flammable liquids and fumes. The
ADVANCED TASER can ignite gasoline or other flammables. Some self-defense sprays
are flammable and would be extremely dangerous to use in conjunction with the
ADVANCED TASER. Do not deploy the ADVANCED TASER in highly flammable
meth labs.

D. Uniform Subdivision Commander Responsibilities
1. Review each use of an ADVANCED TASER by officers within their subdivision.
2. Ensure training on less-lethal devices is provided as needed.
a. ADVANCED TASER refresher training will be conducted on a yearly basis by
members of the ADVANCED TASER Certified Instructor Staff.

E. Shift Commander Responsibilities
1. Ensure that incidents involving ANY discharge of an ADVANCED TASER are
investigated and appropriately documented.
2. Ensure use of the ADVANCED TASER is delegated to a trained officer.
3. Monitor the use of ADVANCED TASERs and related tactics.


F. Sergeant’s Responsibilities
1. Ensure the batteries of the ADVANCED TASER are properly charged. (Duracell Ultra
alkaline AA batteries or Energizer Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeables are only
recommended. When checking the batteries, the Air Cartridge must be removed. A
blinking LED light indicates the batteries are good. Otherwise replace. Duracell Ultras
Batteries during the winter need to be above freezing if Duracell Ultras are to be used. If
rechargeable Energizers are used, the batteries must be recharged properly. Note: The
battery indicator will not properly work with rechargeables. To test rechargeables,
remove the Air Cartrige and check for a rapid pulse rate of 12-15 pulses per second.)
2. Respond to scenes where the ADVANCED TASER has been deployed.
3. Ensure that officers who use the ADVANCED TASER complete an ATUR. Use includes
presentation, “stun” or discharge. CAN YOU MAKE THIS SOP?: The ATUR should be
forwarded to TASER International for its national Use of Force database for the Int’l
Assn. Of Chiefs of Police.
4. Investigate each incident in which an ADVANCED TASER is fired or used as a “stun
gun” and review the Incident Report and ATUR.
5. If not already on the scene, summon EMS to administer emergency medical care.
6. Ensure that Polaroid pictures are taken of the probe penetration sites and any
secondary injuries caused by falling to the ground, etc.

Complete a Use of Force Package.

G. Field Officer Responsibilities
1. Upon encountering a situation, which may require the use of an ADVANCED TASER,
request an ADVANCED TASER equipped backup, if available, and a supervisor.
2. When practical, don’t escalate the situation prior to the arrival of an equipped
backup and a supervisor.

H. Officers discharging an ADVANCED TASER shall:
1. Request the response of a supervisor if not enroute or on-scene.
2. Prior to the use of the ADVANCED TASER, if practical, request an EMS unit and
broadcast “Code Zebra,” indicating a use of the ADVANCED TASER is immenient to
prevent sympathetic nerve shootings.


3. Persons who have been subjected to the ADVANCED TASER, or the probes, shall be
treated as follows:
a. Once in custody, officer(s) shall advise paramedics or the
emergency room staff that the person has been subjected to the ADVANCED
TASER and relate the approximate time the action occurred. If the probes
penetrate the skin, the puncture sites shall be brought to the attention of the
officer’s supervisor, paramedics or emergency room staff. Note: the probes are
#8 straightened fishhooks that can only penetrate a maximum of ¼ inch. Only
emergency room staff may remove ADVANCED TASER probes.
b. After examining the affected person, the paramedics will make the
determination if the person should or should not be transported to the
hospital. Transportation to a medical facility will be by police transport unless an
ambulance is more appropriate.
c. If the probes used are no longer impaled in the skin the subject may be released to
the custody of the officer(s) pending EMS evaluation and their discussion with online Medical Control.
d. The officer(s) shall obtain Medical Clearance from the emergency
room physician before transporting a subject shot by an ADVANCED TASER to a
detention facility. This can be obtained from the physician, if the subject has been
treated in the emergency room. If on-scene, the subject must be evaluated by EMS
and discussed with Medical Control to determine if release to the officer(s) is
medically appropriate.
e. Officers must be aware that one easily overlooked aspect of injury in
shooting a subject with an ADVANCED TASER is that of falling from a standing
position. A thorough physical examination with particular emphasis on secondary
injuries should be performed by the paramedics.
4. Complete an ATUR and submit with a copy of the Incident Report.

The Air Cartridge and probes used shall be tagged into evidence. Since the
probes will probably have blood on them (biohazard) the officers should wear
protective latex gloves when handling. The wires shall be wound around the
cartridge. The probes shall be inverted into the portals they originally were
deployed from (this will prevent the sharp ends from penetrating the evidence
envelope). Tape should then be placed over the portals to secure the probes in
the cartridge. Place into an evidence envelope.

6. Tactical Deployment
1. Use common sense.
2. Use verbal commands and point laser sight at subject prior to firing.


3. Have a second Air Cartridge present or a second M26 ready to fire in case probes
miss the target, a malfunction or an Air Cartridge is a dud.
4. Required backup/arrest team (depending on situation possibly with lethal force
5. Aim at center of mass and from rear if possible. Watch for thick and/or loose
clothing. If probes hit clothing, the electrical current can only penetrate from
maximum of two inches away.
6. Use cover and distance to ensure officer safety.
7. Use to avert violent confrontation.
8. If target runs, officer must run also to prevent wires from breaking.
9. Avoid use on slanted rooftops or on edge of tall buildings.

NOTE: The ADVANCED TASER is a sensitive electronic product and costly device, which
should be encased in its protective holster, when not in use. Care should be taken to avoid
dropping the ADVANCED TASER and to assure that it is adequately secured while being
transported in vehicles. Defective ADVANCED TASERs and Air Cartridges shall be returned to
the Commissary. The faceplate of the ADVANCED TASER Air Cartridge is secured to the Air
Cartridge body. Direct sunlight, heat, or pressing on the faceplate may cause the cover to
disengage from the Air Cartridges. Air Cartridges with loose faceplates should be returned to the
Commissary. Do not place Air Cartridges near static electricity.

I. Use of Force Issues
1. The use of the ADVANCED TASER constitutes a Use of Force.
2. The ADVANCED TASER is placed on the Use of Force Continuum at the Baton level.
3. The ADVANCED TASER may be used from up to 18 feet away when:

The suspect is punching or kicking, or
Threatening to punch or kick, or
Lesser force options are ineffective, or
Likely to be effective, or
The officer reasonably believes the suspect poses a credible threat, or
The suspect poses a threat from a distance and the officer is at risk of injury if he/she
attempts to close the gap.
g. Other considerations on deployment are:
1. Imminent threat to officers and/or others.
2. Suspect actively resisting arrest (detention).
3. Circumstances are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving.
4. Severity of the crime at issue.
5. Attempting to evade by flight.
h. Officer/Subject Factors that may be considered:
1. Age


2. Sex
3. Pregnancy (avoid use if possible on late term women as the ADVANCED
TASER could cause complications from a secondary injury fall).
4. Skill level
5. Multiple Subjects/Officers
6. Relative strength
i. Special Circumstances:
1. Closeness of a weapon
2. Injury or exhaustion of officer
3. Officer on ground
4. Distance between officer and subject
5. Special knowledge
6. Availability of other options

By Order Of,

Michael T. Matulavich
Chief of Police





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