Taser M26 Demo Procedures
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ADVANCED TASER M26 DEMONSTRATION PROCEDURE & INDEMNIFICATION CLAUSE Demonstrating the ADVANCED TASER on a volunteer is an elective procedure (i.e. the volunteer is choosing to do it) rather than a necessity (as in a field application where the ADVANCED TASER is being used in lieu of potentially more dangerous alternatives). Therefore, extra care should be taken in elective scenarios to minimize any risk of injury. Accordingly, the following procedure is recommended: #1 The critical element for demonstration is the effect of the electricity (you can demonstrate the ballistics of the probes by firing at a target). There is no need to fire the probes into the volunteer. The preferred method for demonstrating is to manually fix the wires to the volunteer without firing the probes into the subject: • First, fire the probes into a conductive target. It is highly important that you use a conductive target as provided by TASER Int’l. If you do not have a conductive target, the energy from the TASER has no outlet and may burn through the wires. If the electricity burns through the wires, you will see an arc between the wires. Once this happens, the wires will short out and will not conduct the pulse to the target. The way to avoid this is to ensure you fire at a conductive target. (This is not a problem in field deployments because the body of the human target provides a conductive target). • Place the probes on the Volunteer. This can be best accomplished using tape. It is recommended that you first cut the wires (do not break, use cutters) and remove the entire probe shaft, including the fishhook spears from the wires so that if the volunteer falls on the probe it doesn’t stick the subject. Removing the probe shaft also helps reduce the area of contact reducing the burn-like effected area (more closely simulating dart applications). Do not place the entire probe side on the volunteer. BEST DEMONSTRATION PROBE LOCATIONS: • • • • • • • • Right Ankle to Left Ankle Right Shoulder to Right hip or thigh Hip (under belt) to Foot Make sure the wires/probes are close to the flesh by taping them on tight areas of clothing. The energy from the ADVANCED TASER can arc through up to 2.5 cumulative inches of clothing. However, you must remember that when the probes are fired, they will compress clothing and hold it compressed with the barbs. If you simply tape the probes on loose clothing, it may pull away from the body of the volunteer and lose the connection. This is a poor simulation of reality and may cause a failed demonstration. If the clothing is completely loose, use tape to compress it so that it remains close to the flesh. Again, the probes will do this naturally on impact. In many cases, we’ve fired upon people wearing skijackets and the probes compress the jacket enough to stick into the skin. Do not tape the probes directly on the flesh. For a variety of technical reasons, you should not tape the probes on the flesh. If you do, it will cause stronger burn like marks on the skin (because the energy tries to pass through the entire surface between the probe and the skin). When the energy arcs, it passes through one small point instead of the whole surface area. Also, when the dart penetrates the skin it passes through the small needle. Hence, taping the probe right on the surface of the skin is not a good simulation of reality – and it will cause more discomfort to the volunteer. Avoid any unnecessary risks: • • • • Do not run the current directly through the heart. I.e. don’t place the probes in a position where the current will pass directly through the heart (such as on the center of the chest and in the center of the back). All the medical studies show that the M26 will not cause dangerous heart interference – but remember, this is an elective demonstration of a less-lethal weapon, so be conservative. Do not connect the unit anywhere near a cardiac pacemaker. Again, it’s an obvious precaution for a demonstration. If a volunteer with a pacemaker wants to be hit, we suggest you avoid hitting the main torso. Use a hip to ankle placement. Move furniture and place the volunteer away from sharp edges. He’s going to fall down, so make it safe. Use floor mats and spotters to prevent the volunteer from falling hard and getting hurt. #2 If the volunteer insists on being shot with the probes: • Optimal safety is to shoot the subject in the back. There are fewer sensitive areas on the back (eyes, throat, groin, etc. • If the subject insists on being shot from the front, make sure to use a laser on the center of the chest. Have the subject wear eye and groin protection. Fire from 7 – 12 feet. U:\taser\Version 9.0\Documents for 9.0\Aids for Deployment MISC\Demo Procedures.doc Forewarning for ADVANCED TASER Testing Being TASERed is a traumatic event for the human body. The ADVANCED TASER needs to be treated as a serious item for use only in self-defense. Listed below are several of the types of injury which may occur -- although the list is not inclusive as effects may very between individuals. • Puncture wounds: The two probes hit with a velocity of approximately 165 ft/sec. and are capable of puncturing up to 1/4” with the spear into the flesh. A hit to the eye will obviously cause injury. Primary danger zones for serious injury: Eyes, Throat (larynx is particularly vulnerable), face (teeth could get chipped), and genitals. • Skin Irritation: The ADVANCED TASER can cause skin irritation similar to a sun burn. Generally, these irritations disappear within two to three days. Primary danger zones: eyes and genitals. • Injuries Related to Falling: The ADVANCED TASER can cause what amounts to temporary loss of motor control. In the course of falling to the ground, a person could sustain any of a wide variety of injuries from head concussion to broken bones to dislocated joints, etc. • Intense Physical Stress: The ADVANCED TASER puts the human body through a very high stress experience. Involuntary muscle contractions are to be expected, as is an involuntary release of adrenaline in response to the TASER effect. If you have any health conditions which could be adversely affected by vigorous physical activity, elevated blood pressure and stress, you should not subject yourself to the output of the ADVANCED TASER. Recommendations Should a person or group decide to use the ADVANCED TASER in a test type situation, the following recommendations should apply: • • • • A Person being willingly TASERed should be standing somewhere without hard objects which may cause injury during the fall. For safety, fire from behind the target, shooting the subject in the back. If you want to shoot from the front, wear protective gear around the face, throat, and genitals. Viewing of supplied instructional video & reading of printed materials as well as practice firing of the ADVANCED TASER is recommended and encouraged prior to use in a live firing. To help control the situation, we recommend using a laser sight during the demo. I have read and understood the above risks and have decided of my own free will to submit myself to the ADVANCED TASER to test its effectiveness, _____________________________ Name ____________ Date U:\taser\Version 9.0\Documents for 9.0\Aids for Deployment MISC\Demo Procedures.doc