Taser Phoenix Pd Dataport 2001
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(. y April 30. 2001 KalIn Hanrahan Chief Financial Officer Tas('1" llllernational. Incorporated 7339 [asl ballS Road Scuttsdale. /\/., R5260 Dear !'vIs. Ilanrnhan R~'celltl\ the Phoenix Police Departlllent's ProfessIOnal Standards Bureau conducted an admll1istrntj\c il1\('S\l~atioll of an incident in II !lich olle of your air lasers was deplo;. cd. One I ('I"Y lin port anI aspect 10 \)1Il" in\'cstigmioll lIas an J((;urall: nUl11lxf oftimcs the lasL'r \Ias disclliJrgcd lile taser was examined by your company and because orlhc computer chip built il1to the laser. IOLIf tcclll1icians \Icre able (Q determine the exact number of times our officer discharged the 1<!s(.'r, fh:lIlk you vcry Illuch tor the assistance and your prompt response. Sincerel). I IAROLD L. IIURTT POLICE Cl !lEF .... , Ihomas V. Lannoll. Commander I'rofessiollal Standards I1UI"(',1l1 '---( --