Wisconsin - Magazines 2006 to 9-5-2019
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REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2006 12/21/2016 MAGAZINE 4 the Streets ACOUSTIC GUITAR ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED Voume 2 JUNE 2006 3/10/06 5/22/06 NO NO PAGE and REASON see "Elements for Life" INST AGENCY JCI ADVOCATE FEBRUARY 2006 2/4/06 NO RGCI ADVOCATE June 6, 2006 5/24/06 NO JCI ALLURE APRIL 2006 4/4/06 NO ALTERNATIVE PRESS MAY 2006 4/7/06 YES Pg. 151 baphomet OSCI ALTERNATIVE PRESS SEPT 2006 8/25/06 YES OSCI ALTERNATIVE PRESS OCTOBER 2006 8/25/06 YES Pages 132, 239 Satanic/baphomet, inverted cross Pages 64,135,141Satanic/baphomet, "Death before Dishonor", Anarchy symbol ALTERNATIVE PRESS NOVEMBER 2006 9/29/06 NO DCI ALTERNATIVE PRESS DECEMBER 2006 10/30/06 NO OSCI ISSUE 6 3/16/06 NO CCI AMERICAN CURVES FEBRUARY 2006 1/3/06 NO Security Chief AMERICAN CURVES MARCH 2006 2/10/06 NO CCI AMERICAN CURVES MAY 2006 4/3/06 NO JCI, CCI AMERICAN CURVES Swimsuit Edition '06 4/7/06 NO CCI AMERICAN CURVES JUNE 2006 5/15/06 NO Security Chief AMERICAN CURVES JULY 2006 5/30/06 NO Security Chief AMERICAN CURVES SEPT 2006 8/18/06 NO JCI, CCI AMERICAN CURVES WINTER 2005/2006 8/23/06 NO CCI AMERICAN CURVES OCTOBER 2006 9/22/06 NO AMERICAN CURVES NOVEMBER 2006 11/3/06 NO Summer 2006 6/27/06 NO Winter 2006 11/21/06 NO AMERICAN IRON MAY 2006 4/4/06 YES AMERICAN IRON JUNE 2006 4/28/06 NO JCI AMERICA AMERICAN CURVES/Glutes Special AMERICAN CURVES Lingerie JCI OSCI JCI Per security Chief Security Chief CCI JCI Pgs. 248,251,253 iron crosses JCI AMERICAN IRON JULY 2006 6/5/06 NO JCI AMERICAN IRON AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI AMERICAN IRON SEPT 2006 8/29/06 NO JCI AMERICAN IRON OCTOBER 2006 9/15/06 NO JCI AMERICAN IRON DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI AMERICAN IRON Buyers Guide NOVEMBER 2006 9/15/06 NO JCI OCTOBER 2006 10/9/06 NO OSCI ANIME Best of 2006 12/7/06 NO AS IS Issue #2 12/19/06 NO Per security Chief Security Chief MARCH 2006 2/21/06 YES Page 29, Imperial Gangster NLCI #2 8/7/06 YES Pages 2,15,24 - satanic OSCI Nudity and sexual content WCI AMERICAN VIRGIN (comic book) BASS GUITAR BAST BIKER JCI FEBRUARY 2006 12/05 YES BIKE WORKS MAY 2006 4/3/06 NO JCI BIKE WORKS JUNE 2006 4/24/06 NO JCI BIKE WORKS JULY 2006 5/15/06 NO BLACK BEAT MARCH 2006 2/27/06 YES JCI Pgs. 24&25 (Insane Duce), 40 (VL), 54 (WWG) DCI BLACK BEAT MAY 2006 5/2/06 YES Pgs. 6 Eastside, 24 Surenos, 27 Duece, 30 LK CCI Details self defense moves pgs. 54,69-74 JCI BLACK BELT FEBRUARY 2006 2/21/06 YES BLACK BOOK WINTER 2005/2006 1/24/06 NO OSCI BLACKMEN DEC/JAN 2006 12/21/05 NO OSCI/WSPF BLACKMEN FEB/MAR 2006 2/14/06 NO OSCI BLACKMEN APR/MAY 206 4/20/06 NO OSCI BLACKMEN #43 5/25/06 NO CCI BLACKMEN JUNE/JULY 2006 6/21/06 NO CCI, JCI BLACKMEN AUG/SEPT 2006 8/23/06 NO CCI BLACKMEN #63 9/18/06 NO CCI BLACKMEN OCT/NOV 2006 11/28/06 NO CCI BLACKMEN DIAMANTE Swimsuit Edition '06 4/10/06 NO JCI BLACKMEN - Swimsuit Extra #57 1/9/06 NO JCI BLACKMEN - Swimsuit Extra Fall 2006 7/20/06 NO CCI BLACKMEN Vida Guerra Swimsuit Issue #54 3/1/06 NO OSCI BLACKMEN Vida Guerra Swimsuit Issue #62 9/11/06 NO OSCI BLACKMEN SSX #33 12/7/06 BLACKMEN SSX #45 7/12/06 YES Pages 45, 51 (Piru Bloods) WSPF BLACKMEN SSX #53 3/27/06 YES Page 122 dueces, disrespecting Bloods SCI BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX #56 #61 #64 #65 8/7/06 3/1/06 8/11/06 9/20/06 NO YES NO NO BLENDER JAN/FEB 2006 12/21/05 NO BLENDER MARCH 2006 2/13/06 NO Just remove CD CCI BLENDER APRIL 2006 3/14/06 YES Pgs. 101,102,103 White supremist CCI BLENDER MAY 2006 4/20/06 YES Page 41 Imperial Gangsters CCI BLENDER JUNE 2006 5/22/06 NO JCI BLENDER JULY 2006 6/23/06 NO OSCI BLENDER AUGUST 2006 7/21/06 NO OSCI BLENDER SEPT 2006 8/30/06 NO CCI BLENDER OCTOBER 2006 9/22/06 NO JCI BLENDER NOVEMBER 2006 10/24/06 NO OSCI BLENDER DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI BMX Plus JULY 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI BOXING DIGEST MARCH 2006 3/20/06 NO JCI BOXING DIGEST MAY/JUNE 206 5/22/06 NO BURN BRANDON #17 3/16/06 YES Summer 2006 7/14/06 NO BUD PLANT'S Catalog BUD PLANT'S Catalog CCI Back cover;GD 3pt crown in Right corner, 4-life in Left corner OSCI CCI CCI CCI OSCI JCI Pg. 4 Skinhead, pg 32 Anarchy Symbol OSCI JCI pornographic & erotica Holiday 2006-2007 12/5/06 YES June 12, 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI Fall 2006 11/08/06 NO CCI CAR CRAFT JULY 2006 5/24/06 NO CARGO MAY 2006 4/13/06 NO CCM JULY 2006 6/23/06 NO JCI SPRING 2006 7/17/06 NO DCI BUSINESS WEEK Californai Prison Focus CELEBRITY CARS JCI JCI Remove sample from page 88 JCI *Changed CLIK CMYK (ISSUE 32) COMIC SHOP Catalog Previews COMPLEX COMPLEX COMPLEX COMPLEX COMPLEX COMPLEX COMPLEX COMPLEX CRUTCHFIELD Catalog CURVES CURVES CURVES DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 2/15/06 NO OSCI WINTER05-06 2/14/06 NO OSCI SEPT 2006 9/15/06 NO DEC/JAN 2006 FEB/MAR 2006 APR/MAY 206 JUNE/JULY 2006 JULY/AUG 2006 AUG/SEPT 2006 OCT/NOV 2006 DEC/JAN 2007 Summer 2006 JULY/AUG 2006 OCTOBER 2006 NOVEMBER 2006 MARCH 2006 APRIL 2006 JUNE/JULY 2006 AUGUST 2006 SEPT 2006 DECEMBER 2006 12/05 2/06 4/7/06 7/21/06 6/23/06 8/25/06 10/24/06 12/19/06 7/14/06 6/23/06 9/25/06 11/2/06 2/21/06 3/27/06 6/29/06 8/7/06 9/20/06 1/8/07 YES YES YES NO YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO Pages 23,54,64 Eastside Gangster Crips Pgs. 33,51 WCCrip/Imerial Gangster Pg.87 Bloods OSCI Pg. 74 Satanic Page 64, VL's dissing GD's Page 96 Blue Goat "G", "1978", 3-pt crown Remove poster Page 4, LK graffiti OSCI OSCI OSCI OSCI OSCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI CCI CCI JCI SCI JCI JCI DCI JCI DIME JAN/FEB 2006 1/9/06 YES Pg. 28 Duce, Pg.56 West Coast Crip NLCI DIME FEB/MAR 2006 2/21/06 YES Pg. 28 5-pt star NLCI DONK - Box and Bubble #28 3/16/06 YES Pg. 96 Insane Duece OSCI DON DIVA #25 5/10/06 YES watch the cover may be for Car & Driver magazine ALSO Pages 2630 article on Identity Theft (tells how) page 71 Hoover Crips AGENCY DEC '05/JAN '06 3/1/06 YES Pg. 50, 57,62 Alimight Insane Unknowns, 63 Insane Duces DCI DUB ISSUE #31 1/9/06 YES Page 80 West Coast Crip, Pgs. 114, 146 Duce SCI/CCI DUB MARCH 2006 2/15/06 YES Pg. 92,146,172 Duce, Insane Duce and SCR CCI DUB #33 4/3/06 YES Page 124 4th Street Brothers, 2-1's OSCI DUB #34 4/20/06 YES Pgs. 84,111,118,122,145,149 Blood killers, Duece OSCI DUB #35 5/30/06 NO DUB AUG/SEPT 2006 8/7/06 YES DUB #37 9/28/06 NO DUB #38 10/27/06 NO DOWN OSCI Pages 153,156,160,164,174,216; Duece OSCI OSCI JCI EASY RIDER APRIL 2006 2/17/06 YES Pornography EASY RIDER JUNE 2006 5/30/06 YES Pornography EBONY JUNE 2006 5/15/06 NO JCI EBONY JULY 2006 6/29/06 NO JCI EBONY AUGUST 2006 7/17/06 NO JCI EBONY OCTOBER 2006 9/14/06 NO JCI EBONY NOVEMBER 2006 10/10/06 NO JCI EBONY DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI VOLUME 2 2/14/06 NO AGENCY ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY June 2, 2006 6/6/06 NO ESPN FEB. 13, 06 2/14/06 YES JANUARY 2006 12/29/05 NO ELEMENTZ OF LIFE(4 the streets) ESQUIRE JCI Security Chief OSCI Pg. 41Imperial Gangster CVTF JCI issue change ESQUIRE FEBRUARY 2006 1/25/06 NO NLCI ESQUIRE MARCH 2006 2/21/06 NO JCI ESQUIRE ARPIL 2006 3/13/06 NO ESQUIRE MAY 2006 4/14/06 YES ESQUIRE JUNE 2006 5/15/06 NO ESQUIRE JULY 2006 6/29/06 NO ESQUIRE AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 YES Article on page 124 "To be a masochist" JCI ESQUIRE OCTOBER 2006 11/2/06 NO Per security Chief Security Chief ESQUIRE NOVEMBER 2006 10/18/06 NO Remove CD JCI ESQUIRE DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO #64 7/14/06 YES Fables 52 Son of Empire OCTOBER 2006 10/9/06 NO F.E.D.S. Issue #15 Vol. 3 4/17/06 YES FHM JANUARY 2006 12/05 NO FHM MARCH 2006 2/8/06 YES Manufacture Weapons pg54 DCI/GBCI FHM APRIL 2006 3/7/06 YES Page 72 Satanist andarchy symbol CCI FHM MAY 2006 4/3/06 NO FHM JUNE 2006 5/10/06 YES FHM JULY 2006 6/5/06 NO FHM AUGUST 2006 7/3/06 NO FHM SEPT 2006 8/7/06 YES FHM OCTOBER 2006 9/12/06 NO FHM NOVEMBER 2006 10/10/06 NO FHM - UK Edition NOVEMBER 2006 11/21/06 YES FHM DECEMBER 2006 11/7/06 NO FLASH JANUARY 2006 12/05 YES FLASH MARCH 2006 1/24/06 NO CCI FLASH MAY 2006 2/21/06 NO OSCI FLASH JULY 2006 4/14/06 NO OSCI FLASH SEPT 2006 6/23/06 NO OSCI FLASH OCTOBER 2006 8/24/06 NO OSCI FLASH NOVEMBER 2006 9/22/06 NO OSCI MARCH 2006 12/30/05 NO NLCI JCI ESTHER BAXTER FLASH TATTOO JCI Cover and page 26, Duece OSCI JCI JCI JCI Page 96 - 2-1handsign JCI OSCI Pgs. 14 Eastside, 46 IUK, 65, 72, 73, 76 Folks, 79 VL MSDF CCI OSCI Escape Artists Pages 106 - 110 DCI JCI, OSCI AGENCY Page 8; Hoover Crips CCI CCI, OSCI JCI contains several pages of nudity JCI CCI Gang Pg. 87 OSCI FORBES APRIL 10, 2006 4/3/06 NO FORBES MAY 22, 2009 5/15/06 NO FLOSSIN MAGAZINE VOL 4 NUM 3 1/24/06 YES FLOSSIN MAGAZINE SPRING 2006 5/22/06 NO FOUND #4 3/1/06 YES Page 54 MLD OSCI FUEGO WINTER 2006 12/13/05 YES Pages 78,79,80….Surenos handsigns CCI FURIA MARCH 2006 (?) 3/27/06 YES Pg 24 Crips, pg 26 Westcoast & blood killers SCI FURIA APRIL 2006 4/24/06 NO CCI FURIA JULY/AUG 2006 7/17/06 NO CCI FURIA OCTOBER 2006 10/9/06 NO CCI FURIA DECEMBER 2006 12/7/06 NO CCI #8 3/1/06 NO OSCI #152 12/7/06 NO JCI GARAGE GENRE JCI Page 76 - Mongols OSCI AGENCY NO Pornography pages 129,130,131 GQ FEBRUARY 2006 1/25/06 Security Chief GQ MARCH 2006 2/28/06 NO GQ APRIL 2006 3/27/06 YES GQ MAY 2006 5/10/06 NO JCI GQ JUNE 2006 5/22/06 NO NLCI GQ JULY 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI GQ AUGUST 2006 8/7/06 NO JCI GQ NOVEMBER 2006 10/27/06 NO JCI GQ DECEMBER 2006 12/5/06 NO GREEN ANARCHY SPRING 2006 3/27/06 YES advocates violence WSPF GRIP DEC/JAN 2006 1/11/06 YES covers, 20,83,109,111,118 OSCI covers, 19,20,97,109,111 Duce, Bg 79 MG OSCI/CCI NLCI, JCI Page 7 LK graffiti SCI JCI GRIP NOV/DEC 2005 2/06 YES GUITAR EDGE NOV/DEC 2006 12/7/06 NO GUITAR ONE JANUARY 2006 12/05 YES Page 39 OSCI GUITAR ONE FEBRUARY 2006 2/06 YES Pg 79 motorcycle OSCI GUITAR ONE MARCH 2006 1/24/06 NO GUITAR ONE APRIL 2006 3/20/06 YES Page 80 baphomet JCI GUITAR ONE MAY 2006 3/20/06 YES Page 120, 124, 131 baphomet & supremist JCI, OSCI GUITAR ONE JUNE 2006 4/20/06 YES Page 119 & back cover, satanic baphomet OSCI GUITAR ONE JULY 2006 5/16/06 YES Pages 22, 120 and back cover - satanic / baphomet JCI, OSCJ GUITAR ONE AUGUST 2006 6/16/06 YES Back cover;baphomet CVTF GUITAR ONE SEPT 2006 7/21/06 YES Page 120 and back cover; satanic/baphomet OSCI GUITAR ONE JCI OSCI OCTOBER 2006 8/29/06 NO GUITAR PLAYER AUGUST 2006 6/23/06 NO JCI GUITAR WORLD JANUARY 2006 12/05 YES Pages 18,23 motorcycle/supremist/baphomet OSCI GUITAR WORLD FEBRUARY 2006 1/5/05 YES Pg. 15 satanic hand sign Pg. 75 outlaw motorcycle gang OSCI GUITAR WORLD MARCH 2006 1/11/06 YES Pg. 19, 105 motorcycle gang, satantic OSCI GUITAR WORLD APRIL 2006 2/06 YES Pg 22,23, 226 Baphomet OSCI/CVTF GUITAR WORLD MAY 2006 3/10/06 YES Baphomets pages 20 & 178 JCI GUITAR WORLD JUNE 2006 4/7/06 YES Baphomets pages 23,110,182 OSCI GUITAR WORLD JULY 2006 5/3/06 YES Pgs. 25,36,5,178 Satanic/baphomet OSCI GUITAR WORLD AUGUST 2006 6/5/06 YES Pages 32, 81,157, 180 Baphomets JCI, OSCI GUITAR WORLD SEPT 2006 7/14/06 YES Pages 46,53,55,81,95 Baphomets, MC, WS JCI, OSCI JCI GUITAR WORLD OCTOBER 2006 8/7/06 NO GUITAR WORLD NOVEMBER 2006 8/29/06 NO GUITAR WORLD DECEMBER 2006 10/9/06 YES Pages 37,184 Iron crosses, devils head handsign JCI JANUARY 2006 12/05 YES Numerous pages of weapons nomenclature and assembly RCI JULY 2006 6/23/06 NO HISPANIC NOVEMBER 2006 11/2/06 YES HOLD UP 2/24/06 2/21/06 NO OSCI HOT BIKE Volume 38 #7 6/5/06 NO JCI HOT ROD JUNE 2006 4/24/06 NO JCI HOT RODS Bike World APRIL 2006 3/13/06 NO JCI HUMANIST JULY/AUG 2006 6/23/06 NO JCI HUNTING MAY/JUNE 206 4/4/06 NO JCI HUNTING AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI GUNS GUNS & AMMO Herb/Randy JCI JCI 5 page article on the 18th Street Gang WCI *Changed/Overturned IMPORT TUNER INSIDE KUNG-FU INSIDE KUNG-FU INSTINCT INSTINCT INSTINCT JUNE 2006 MAY 2006 JUNE 2006 MAY 2006 JUNE 2006 AUGUST 2006 4/13/06 5/1/06 5/1/06 5/2/06 5/24/06 7/20/06 NO YES YES NO NO NO INTERVIEW MARCH 2006 2/28/06 NO JCI INTERVIEW APRIL 2006 3/23/06 NO DCI INTERVIEW JUNE 2006 5/22/06 NO JCI MARCH 2006 1/19/06 NO CCI OCTOBER 2006 10/9/06 NO OSCI JET Dec. 26-Jan,2 2006 12/29/05 NO JCI JET MARCH 2006 4/3/06 NO JCI JET MAY 2006 5/15/06 NO JCI JET June 26, 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI JET Dec. 18, 2006 12/19/06 NO JCI JEWEL Summer 2006 7/17/06 NO JCI JEWEL FALL 2006 10/18/06 NO JUXTAPOZ FEBRUARY 2006 1/19/05 YES Pages 46,63,110 Satanic, Hate, Biker OSCI JUXTAPOZ MARCH 2006 2/21/06 YES Page 116 Satanic, hate, biker OSCI JUXTAPOZ APRIL 2006 3/23/06 YES Pgs. 72,73,91,112,128-Satanic, Anachary, OMG OSCI JUXTAPOZ MAY 2006 4/14/06 YES Page 117 Satanic/OMG OSCI JUXTAPOZ JUNE 2006 5/22/06 YES Page 116 Satanic / motorcycle club OSCI JUXTAPOZ JULY 2006 6/16/06 YES Pages 73,74,130 - satanic, OMG, WS OSCI OSCI IRON WORKS Jack of Fables (comic book) Details martial arts techniques Details martial arts techniques JCI PDCI PDCI CCI JCI CCI JCI JUXTAPOZ AUGUST 2006 7/21/06 YES Pages 37,105,116 - satanic, OMG, WS JUXTAPOZ SEPT 2006 8/24/06 YES Page 129 - satanic, MC, WS OSCI JUXTAPOZ OCTOBER 2006 9/22/06 YES Page 120 - satanic, MC, WS OSCI JUXTAPOZ NOVEMBER 2006 10/30/06 YES Page 122 - satanic, MC, WS OSCI JUXTAPOZ DECEMBER 2006 11/28/06 YES Pages 30,120 satanic/MC/Supremist magnetic insert OSCI KEYBOARD APRIL 2006 4/3/06 NO KING JANUARY 2006 12/05 NO KING MAR/APR 2006 1/27/06 YES Page 41 Imperial Gangsters Agency KING MAY 2006 3/7/06 YES Page 151Eastside Gangster CCI KING JUNE 2006 4/20/06 YES Page 159 Blood killers OSCI KING JULY/AUG 2006 6/8/06 NO Agency KING SEPT 2006 7/12/06 NO CCI KING OCTOBER 2006 8/23/06 NO KING NOVEMBER 2006 10/9/06 YES KING DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI LAST GASP FEBRUARY 2006 3/1/06 NO OSCI LATINA MARCH 2006 2/28/06 NO JCI LATINA MAY 2006 4/28/06 NO LATINHOP Edicion Vanoi 3/17/06 YES LOW RIDER JANUARY 2006 12/05 NO LOW RIDER FEBRUARY 2006 1/9/06 YES LOW RIDER MARCH 2006 2/8/06 NO JCI CCI CCI, OSCI Page 154, 5% Nation of Gods & Earths OSCI, CCI JCI pg.5 LK, pg. 6 5-pt crown, pg.96 crips, pg.56&90 WWG, pg.60 Blood killer SCI OSCI Pg. 24 & 28 Duce handsigns SCI/CCI CCI *Changed LOW RIDER APRIL 2006 2/06 LOW RIDER MAY 2006 3/16/06 NO LOW RIDER JUNE 2006 4/20/06 YES Pges 46 & 47 Crips, 78 LK CCI, OSCI LOW RIDER JULY 2006 5/22/06 YES Page 28 swastika OSCI LOW RIDER AUGUST 2006 6/16/06 NO LOW RIDER SEPT 2006 7/21/06 NO LOW RIDER OCTOBER 2006 8/21/06 YES LOW RIDER NOVEMBER 2006 9/15/06 NO JCI, OSCI Summer 2006 7/21/06 NO OSCI LOW RIDER DECEMBER 2006 10/24/06 NO CCI MAD NOVEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI MAXIM JANUARY 2006 12/29/05 NO JCI MAXIM FEBRUARY 2006 2/06 NO MAXIM MARCH 2006 2/15/06 NO MAXIM APRIL 2006 3/16/06 NO MAXIM MAY 2006 4/20/06 YES MAXIM JUNE 2006 5/22/06 NO OSCI MAXIM JULY 2006 6/23/06 NO OSCI MAXIM AUGUST 2006 7/25/06 NO MAXIM SEPT 2006 8/25/06 NO Allow per Security Chief Westfield MAXIM OCTOBER 2006 9/20/06 YES Pages 58 & 59 MS-13 Agency MAXIM NOVEMBER 2006 10/24/06 NO MAXIM DECEMBER 2006 11/15/06 NO AUGUST 2006 8/7/06 YES Pages 108-112 prison riot CCI MAXIM en espanol FEBRUARY 2006 1/19/06 YES Pornography pages 12,24,25,83 CCI MAXIM en espanol APRIL 2006 3/7/06 YES Pg. 44 Satanic, 85 weapons, 93 satanic CCI MAXIM en espanol MAY 2006 4/7/06 YES Pgs. 14,60-65 MS13 Pg. 15 nudity CCI MAXIM en espanol JUNE 2006 5/17/06 YES Pgs. 12 & 13 MS13 RCI MAXIM en espanol JULY 2006 6/21/06 NO CCI MAXIM en espanol AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 NO OSCI MAXIM en espanol SEPT 2006 8/25/06 NO OSCI MAXIM en espanol NOVEMBER 2006 10/18/06 NO CCI MAXIM en espanol DECEMBER 2006 11/10/06 NO CCI JAN/FEB 2006 12/29/05 NO JCI MAY 2006 4/3/06 NO JCI MENS FITNESS MARCH 2006 2/4/06 NO RGCI MENS FITNESS APRIL 2006 2/28/06 NO JCI MENS FITNESS MAY 2006 4/10/06 NO JCI MENS FITNESS JUNE/JULY 2006 5/15/06 NO JCI MENS FITNESS NOVEMBER 2006 10/9/06 NO JCI MENS HEALTH JUNE 2006 5/24/06 NO JCI METAL EDGE MARCH 2006 2/06 NO METAL EDGE MAY 2006 3/20/06 YES METAL EDGE AUGUST 2006 6/6/06 NO METAL EDGE NOVEMBER 2006 9/11/06 NO METAL MANIACS FEBRUARY 2006 1/13/05 YES LOW RIDER - Best of Radicals MAXIM-British Edition MAXIM FITNESS MAXIMUM PC NO OSCI, CCI OSCI OSCI OSCI Page 36 Blood killer DCI, CCI OSCI Betting Guide on 70 &71 OSCI, CCI OSCI, CCI Page 135 pitchforks OSCI Agency OSCI CCI OSCI Page 46 baphomet JCI OSCI NLCI Satanic images Agency *ICE Over turned; ALLOW METAL MANIACS AUGUST 2006 5/26/06 YES Pgs. 15, 28, 74 Satanic / baphomets CCI CCI OSCI METAL MANIACS SEPT 2006 6/21/06 YES Pages 16,18,22,53,74,93,122 Satanic symbols METAL MANIACS DECEMBER 2006 10/24/06 YES Pages 4,5,16,17,18,29,33,35 etc. METRO SOURCE OCT/NOV 2006 12/7/06 NO MINI TRUCKING MARCH 2006 2/06 YES PG 84 CRIP OSCI MODERN DRUMMER FEBRUARY 2006 1/20/06 YES Pages 149, 155 baphomets CVCTF MODERN DRUMMER APRIL 2006 3/20/06 NO MODERN DRUMMER SEPT 2006 8/29/06 YES MODERN DRUMMER NOVEMBER 2006 10/9/06 NO JCI MODERN DRUMMER DECEMBER 2006 10/27/06 NO JCI JULY/AUG 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI MURDER DOG MAY 2006 5/11/06 NO MURDER DOG Volume 13, #1 6/28/06 YES Loaded with handsigns - cover,4,6,8,11,36 WCI MURDER DOG Volume 13, #2 9/12/06 YES Loaded with handsigns - 17,19,21,32 NLCI MUSCLE & FITNESS APRIL 2006 3/13/06 NO remove CD JCI MUSCLE & FITNESS AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 NO MUSCLE & FITNESS NOVEMBER 2006 10/9/06 NO MUSIC REVIEW VOL 5, ISSUE 61 12/19/06 NO JUNE 2006 7/14/06 NO JAN/FEB 2006 4/4/08 YES 309.04(4)c 8.b. Security Chief NATIONAL VANGUARD #132 MAY/JUNE 2006 12/21/16 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Poses a threat to the security Security Chief NATIONAL VANGUARD #134 SEPT/OCT 2006 12/21/16 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Poses a threat to the security Security Chief MOTHER JONES NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NATIONAL VANGUARD JCI Pages 57 & 63, baphomets JCI AGENCY JCI JCI Per security Chief Security Chief JCI SEPT 2006 10/9/06 NO NEWSWEEK FEB. 13, 2006 2/8/06 YES NEW WITCH #13 9/20/06 NO OUT FEBRUARY 2006 1/19/06 NO OUT APRIL 2006 3/20/06 YES OUT DECEMBER 2006 12/7/06 NO OZONE AUGUST 2006 8/18/06 YES PC MAGAZINE Sept. 19, 2006 9/15/06 NO JCI PEOPLE WEEKLY Sept. 4, 2006 9/1/06 NO OSCI Peterson's BOW HUNTING MAY/JUNE 206 5/24/06 NO JCI Peterson's BOW HUNTING JULY 2006 5/24/06 NO JCI OSCI NEW ENGLAND COMICS CATALOG PHATAZZ.COM Magazine Catalog OSCI Page 41 Aryan Brotherhood WCI CCI CCI Page 112, almight insane unknowns DCI JCI Page 1 Blod killers, 23 westcoast bloods & blood killers CCI ISSUE 2 2/21/06 NO SEPT 2006 8/23/06 NO #11 8/7/06 YES bonus issue 4/4/06 NO RAP UP WINTER '05-'06 3/1/06 YES READERS DIGEST AUGUST 2006 7/17/06 NO DECEMBER 2006 11/2/06 NO REMIX JUNE 2006 5/22/06 NO Remove CD JCI REMIX FEBRUARY 2006 2/6/06 YES Pg. 24 World wide gangster,Westcoast Crip NLCI REMIX AUGUST 2006 9/11/06 YES Pages 32 & 90 WCI FEBRUARY 2006 12/05 YES Pg. 42,55 anarchy symbol, satanic OSCI DCI/NLCI OSCI PLANET MUSCLE PLUSH-Streetlife in Motion PREDATOR XTREME REALMS OF FANTASY REVOLVER *Changed JCI CCI Page 20; Dueces OSCI JCI Page 46, Almighty Insane Unknowns DCI JCI REVOLVER MARCH 2006 2/14/06 YES Pg. 22, Almighty Insane Unk. Universal pitchfork REVOLVER APRIL 2006 3/1/06 YES Pgs. 20,62,64,69,76,84,85,94,100,105,112 *Changed REVOLVER MAY 2006 3/23/06 YES Pgs. 32,33,57,68,97 Satanic OSCI OSCI REVOLVER JUNE 2006 4/28/06 YES Pgs. 34,64,82,95,116 Satanic/baphomet REVOLVER AUGUST 2006 6/6/06 YES 9,54,55,85,93,108,113,114,119 Satanic/baphomet/Biker/WS OSCI REVOLVER SEPT 2006 7/21/06 YES Pgs. 28,71,124,128 satanic/pentagram OSCI REVOLVER OCTOBER 2006 8/29/06 NO REVOLVER NOVEMBER 2006 9/22/06 YES Pgs. 57,79,93,118,124 satanic, OMG, WS OSCI REVOLVER DECEMBER 2006 11/7/06 YES Pgs. 14,17,27,61 Satanic CCI RIDES DEC/JAN 2006 12/05 YES Gang Pg. 43, 128 SCI RIDES MAR/APR 2006 2/06 YES PG 42, Disrespect to 4th street brothers OSCI/CCI RIDES MAY/JUNE 206 4/7/06 YES Pg. 34 Insane dueces, 51 2-1's/4th St. Bros., 129 Bloods OSCI RIDES JULY/AUG 2006 6/21/06 NO CCI RIDES SEPT/OCT 2006 8/18/06 NO DCI RIDES NOVEMBER 2006 9/20/06 NO CCI RIDES DEC/JAN 2007 11/2/06 NO OSCI ROLLING STONE DEC.26- JAN.12,06 12/23/05 NO ROLLING STONE FEB. 9, 2006 2/14/06 YES ROLLING STONE FEB. 23, 2006 2/15/06 NO ROLLING STONE MARCH 9, 2006 3/1/06 YES ROLLING STONE MARCH 23, 2006 3/14/06 NO ROLLING STONE April 4, 2006 3/28/06 NO ROLLING STONE April 20, 2006 4/14/06 YES ROLLING STONE May 4, 2006 5/2/06 NO ROLLING STONE May 18, 2006 5/15/06 NO ROLLING STONE June 15, 2006 6/5/06 YES ROLLING STONE June 29, 2006 6/21/06 NO ROLLING STONE July 27, 2006 7/11/06 NO ROLLING STONE Aug. 10, 2006 8/7/06 YES Anarchy page 73 OSCI, CCI ROLLING STONE Aug. 24, 2006 8/17/06 YES Ad between pages 24 &25 for Weeds, symbol & smell of pot DCI ROLLING STONE Sept. 7, 2006 8/30/06 NO CCI ROLLING STONE Sept. 21, 2006 9/14/06 NO CCI, OSCI ROLLING STONE Oct. 5, 2006 9/26/06 NO JCI ROLLING STONE Oct. 19, 2006 10/25/06 NO DCI ROLLING STONE Nov. 2, 2006 10/25/06 NO DCI ROLLING STONE Nov. 16, 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI ROLLING STONE Nov. 30, 2006 12/4/06 NO ROLLING STONE DEC. 14, 2006 12/19/06 YES SAVAGE FEBRUARY 2006 12/05 NO SAVAGE APRIL 2006 1/19/06 YES Pages 75 & 79 MS-13 OSCI SAVAGE JUNE 2006 3/16/06 YES Page 27, supremist OSCI SAVAGE AUGUST 2006 5/30/06 YES Pages 78, 83 OSCI SAVAGE OCTOBER 2006 8/7/06 NO SAVAGE NOVEMBER 2006 9/11/06 NO SAVAGE DECEMBER 2006 10/24/06 YES Pages 63,65,89,90 Satanic/baphomet/Surenos OSCI JAN/FEB 2006 12/05 YES Pg. 32 (crip) 66 (De Rey Mafia) 112 (World Wide Gangster JCI/WSPF Page13, 54, 76, BGD, Latin Eagles, Disn-Bloods WSPF SCRATCH SCRATCH MAR/APR 2006 2/14/06 YES SCRATCH MAY/JUNE 206 4/7/06 NO JCI CCI Pg. 22. Latin King NLCI OSCI Page 81Spanish Cobra OSCI OSCI, CCI CCI, OSCI Pages 8 & 9, BPS OSCI CCI JCI Page 124 Eastcoast crip handsign JCI CCI CCI JCI Pages 71 &74 per security chief 309.02(14) Security Chief OSCI OSCI OSCI CCI 6/23/06 YES Pages 69,76 People affiliation/Vice Lords SCRATCH JULY/AUG 2006 OSCI SCRATCH SEPT/OCT 2006 8/7/06 NO SCRATCH NOV/DEC 2006 10/24/06 YES SCRYE NOVEMBER 2006 9/11/06 YES SCRYE DECEMBER 2006 10/9/06 NO OSCI SGT. GRIT Catalog SPRING 2006 7/14/06 NO JCI SHOW Summer 2006 1/2/07 NO CCI SHOW Nov/Dec 2006 1/2/07 NO CCI CCI Page 30, Westcoast Crip, 70 Bloodkiller/Crip details fantasy games, rules & role playing such as Dungeons & Dragons OSCI OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER JANUARY 2006 12/05 NO CCI SISTER-2-SISTER FEBRUARY 2006 1/11/06 NO OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER MARCH 2006 2/15/06 NO SISTER-2-SISTER APRIL 2006 3/16/06 YES Pg. 79 disrespect LK, Pg. 95 - 6 down OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER MAY 2006 4/14/06 YES Pages 108 & 109, Bloods, "V" down, disrespecting VL OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER JUNE 2006 5/10/06 NO CCI SISTER-2-SISTER JULY 2006 6/6/06 NO OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 NO OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER SEPT 2006 8/10/06 NO OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER OCTOBER 2006 9/11/06 NO OSCI SISTER-2-SISTER NOVEMBER 2006 10/18/06 NO CCI SISTER-2-SISTER OSCI, CCI DECEMBER 2006 11/8/06 NO SKIN ART #108 5/30/06 YES Page 83, white supremist CCI OSCI SKIN ART #109 7/21/06 YES Page 22 OSCI SKIN INK FEBRUARY 2006 12/05 NO OSCI SKIN INK JUNE 2006 4/28/06 NO OSCI SKIN INK AUGUST 2006 6/6/06 NO SKIN INK NOVEMBER 2006 9/11/06 NO SLAM FEBRUARY 2006 2/06 NO SLAM MARCH 2006 1/24/06 NO SLAM MAY 2006 3/2/06 NO remove CD CCI Page 29 la familia JCI OSCI 9/11 Supplement is OK'd too OSCI OSCI OSCI SLAM APRIL 2006 3/20/06 YES SLAM JUNE 2006 4/24/06 NO SLAM JULY 2006 5/18/06 NO SLAM AUGUST 2006 6/29/06 YES SLAM NOVEMBER 2006 9/25/06 NO SLAM DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO SMOOTH MARCH 2005 2/27/06 NO NLCI, CCI SMOOTH ISSUE #1 6/8/06 NO CCI SMOOTH ISSUE #3 6/8/06 NO CCI SMOOTH ISSUE #6 8/18/06 NO OSCI SMOOTH ISSUE #8 6/8/06 NO CCI SMOOTH ISSUE #12 6/8/06 NO CCI SMOOTH ISSUE #13 6/8/06 NO SMOOTH ISSUE #20 3/20/06 YES Pgs. 5 & 66 M.O.B. JCI SMOOTH ISSUE #23 3/20/06 YES Page 60, worldwide gangster Allowed 4-21-15 per Mike S. DCI SMOOTH ISSUE #25 5/2/06 YES Page 55, Bloods CCI JCI JCI Page 25 WCI JCI remove CD JCI CCI ISSUE #26 SMOOTH ISSUE #61 6/5/06 NO SMOOTH MAY 2006 4/28/06 YES SMOOTH #27 9/20/06 NO CCI SMOOTH #28 10/24/06 NO OSCI SMOOTH GIRL ISSUE #4 7/20/06 NO CCI SMOOTH GIRL ISSUE #5 2/06 NO OSCI SMOOTH GIRL ISSUE #6 7/14/06 NO JCI SMOOTH GIRL ISSUE #8 8/18/06 NO OSCI SMOOTH GIRL SPRING 2006 10/25/07 NO OSCI SMOOTH GIRL Summer 2006 10/29/07 NO OSCI SMOOTH GIRL 6/21/06 YES Page 61 5% SMOOTH CCI, OSCI JCI Page 60, Bloods OSCI FALL 2006 10/29/07 NO SOURCE FEBRUARY 2006 3/1/06 YES Page 14 GD Pitchforks, 39 WWG DCI SOURCE APRIL 2006 4/20/06 YES Page 75 Bloods, 111text for photo #7, duece OSCI SOURCE MARCH 2006 5/22/06 NO SOURCE JUNE 2006 9/11/06 YES Pages 80 & 85 West Coast Crips OSCI SOURCE DECEMBER 2006 1/29/07 YES Pages 13, 82-87 CCI SPIN JANUARY 2006 12/21/05 NO OSCI SPIN FEBRUARY 2006 2/06 NO OSCI SPIN MARCH 2006 2/21/06 NO SPIN APRIL 2006 4/3/06 YES Pg. 91 Blood killer OSCI SPIN MAY 2006 4/28/06 YES Pages 25 & 53, Insane Duece, Pitchforks OSCI SPIN JUNE 2006 5/24/06 NO SPIN JULY 2006 6/23/06 YES SPIN AUGUST 2006 8/9/06 NO Herb SPIN SEPT 2006 8/18/06 NO OSCI SPIN OCTOBER 2006 9/25/06 NO JCI SPIN NOVEMBER 2006 11/2/06 NO DCI JUNE 2006 6/5/06 NO JCI SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Swimsuit Edition '06 2/20/06 NO CCI SPORTS ILLUSTRATED May 15, 2006 5/15/06 NO JCI December 30, 2005 12/29/05 NO JCI #61 3/20/06 NO JCI June 5, 2006 6/5/06 NO JCI SEPT 2006 8/29/06 NO STREET MASTER NOV/DEC 2006 12/19/06 YES STUFF JANUARY 2006 2/06 NO STUFF FEBRUARY 2006 2/7/06 NO STUFF MARCH 2006 2/8/2006 YES Gang pg. 13 Imperial Gangster OSCI/CCI STUFF APRIL 2006 3/1/06 YES Pg 50 Satanic (upside down cross), BG OSCI STUFF MAY 2006 4/7/06 YES Pg 60 Dueces, 74 Van Ness Gangster Bloods OSCI, DCI STUFF JUNE 2006 5/2/06 YES Page 53 Crips / blood killers OSCI STUFF JULY 2006 6/5/06 NO Page 85 Baphomet is in an ad for a Motley Crew t-shirt Herb STUFF AUGUST 2006 7/11/06 NO STUFF SEPT 2006 8/18/06 NO STUFF OCTOBER 2006 9/20/06 NO SPORT TRUCK SPORTING NEWS SSX presents Buffie the Body STAR STREET CHOPPER OSCI AGENCY OSCI JCI Page 42, 18th street gang OSCI JCI Per security Chief 309.04(8)(b)(10) Security Chief OSCI CCI/DCI CCI, OSCI OSCI, CCI Per Dan Westfield Security Chief *Changed STUFF STUFF NOVEMBER 2006 10/24/06 NO CCI, OSCI Pg. 49 Van Ness Gangster blood, Pg. 88 Swan Blood DECEMBER 2006 11/3/06 YES SUPER STREET SEPT 2006 9/5/06 NO SUPER STREET BIKE MAG MAY 2006 3/27/06 YES AUGUST 2006 7/17/06 NO VOL 1 #3 3/1/06 NO TAILGATE FEBRUARY 2006 12/05 YES Gang pg. 75 OSCI TAILGATE MAY 2006 3/27/06 YES Pgs. 76 & 81 Westcoast, pgs. 88 Imperial Gangster SCI TAILGATE AUGUST 2006 5/3/06 YES Page 65, latin king OSCI TAILGATE AUGUST 2006 6/16/06 NO OSCI TAILGATE NOVEMBER 2006 8/10/06 NO OSCI TABLE TALK TABLIST TASCHEN GBCI DCI Page 20; Almighty Insane Unknown DCI JCI OSCI Summer 2006 6/23/06 NO TATTOO JANUARY 2006 12/05 YES TATTOO FEBRUARY 2006 12/05 NO TATTOO MARCH 2006 2/10/06 YES TATTOO APRIL 2006 1/24/06 NO TATTOO MAY 2006 2/28/06 NO TATTOO JUNE 2006 3/23/06 YES TATTOO JULY 2006 4/2/06 NO TATTOO AUGUST 2006 5/30/06 NO TATTOO SEPT 2006 6/23/06 YES TATTOO OCTOBER 2006 8/7/06 NO OSCI, JCI TATTOO NOVEMBER 2006 8/25/06 NO OSCI TATTOO DECEMBER 2006 10/9/06 NO OSCI JANUARY 2007 10/27/06 NO #123 3/1/06 YES AUGUST 2006 5/30/06 NO OSCI TATTOOS for MEN #63 6/23/06 NO OSCI TATTOOS for WOMEN #71 6/23/06 NO THE HORSE JANUARY 2006 1/11/06 YES Pgs. 29,36,86,90,103 white supremist THE HORSE MARCH 2006 1/24/06 YES Pges 20,22 motorcycle gangs THE HORSE APRIL 2006 3/27/06 YES TATTOO 20th Anniversary TATTOO REVUE TATTOO SUPPLEMENT JCI Gang Pg. 21 OSCI OSCI Pg. 56,89,91, almighty insane unknowns NLCI CCI JCI, OSCI Page 73, baphomet OSCI OSCI OSCI Page 23, Bloods OSCI JCI Page 26 Outlaw biker OSCI OSCI OSCI #16 10/9/06 YES OSCI Pg 48 Outlaws, 51 black pistons SCI Not conducive to rehabilitation, promotes rape, mutilation, violence against women, graphic photos OSCI THRASHER JANUARY 2006 12/05 YES Pg. 157,215,216,217,218 anarchy symbol, satanic/baphomet OSCI THRASHER MARCH 2006 2/14/06 YES Pg20,216,217,218.also insert SATANIC OSCI THRASHER APRIL 2006 3/1/06 YES Pgs. 24,71,133,215,216,217,218 OSCI THRASHER MAY 2006 4/3/06 YES Pgs. 215,216,217,218 (ad inserts) Satanic/baphomets OSCI THRASHER JUNE 2006 4/28/06 YES ad insert, 80,215,216 ad insert 217,218 Satanic.baphomet OSCI THRASHER JULY 2006 6/6/06 YES ad insert, 20,216,217,218 satanic/baphomet OSCI THRASHER Summer Photo Issue 6/16/06 YES ad insert 167,168,169,170 - satanic OSCI OSCI OSCI THE LUNA BROTHERS GRILS THRASHER AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 YES ad insert 20, 215,216,217,218-satanic,/baphomet THRASHER OCTOBER 2006 9/1/06 YES Pgs. 18,20,101,110,215-218 satanic/baphomet/anarchy TODAYS BLACKWOMAN FEB/MAR 2006 3/20/06 NO JCI TOM REDMOND'S OUTDOORS 2006 CATALOG 5/24/06 NO JCI MARCH 2006 2/15/06 NO OSCI TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING APRIL 2006 4/3/06 NO OSCI TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING MAY 2006 4/3/06 YES Pgs. 197,198 Inverted cross/satanic TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING JUNE 2006 4/3/06 YES Page 29 Blood Killer TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING SEPT 2006 7/14/06 NO TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING NOVEMBER 2006 9/11/06 YES Pages 92,154 satanic/baphomet/anarchy OSCI TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING DECEMBER 2006 10/24/06 YES Page 192 anarchy symbol OSCI TRANSWORLD SNOWBOARDING NOVEMBER 2006 9/22/06 NO OSC TRAPPER & CALLER JUNE/JULY 2006 5/24/06 NO JCI UPSCALE MAY 2006 5/24/06 NO URB MAY 2006 6/1/06 YES last page - Ambrose Folks DCI SPRING 2006 3/1/06 YES Page 16, 2-1 gangsters DCI CCI URBANOLOGY OSCI OSCI, JCI OSCI CCI VIBE JANUARY 2006 12/13/05 YES Page 112, west coast bloods handsign VIBE FEBRUARY 2006 1/19/06 YES Page 138 west coast bloods handsign CCI VIBE MARCH 2006 2/22/06 YES Pages 86,129,146 Imperial Gangster, Crip Killer CCI,DCI VIBE APRIL 2006 3/14/06 YES Pg. 24, 74, 86 Bloods, 4CH, westcoast CCI VIBE MAY 2006 4/20/06 YES mafia family, duece CCI, OSCI VIBE JUNE 2006 5/24/06 NO VIBE JULY 2006 6/23/06 YES VIBE AUGUST 2006 7/14/06 NO VIBE SEPT 2006 8/18/06 YES Page 54; Hoover Crips AGENCY Page 70 Villian Bloods or Playboy Gangster Crips & Hoover Crips GBCI AGENCY Page 49, Almight Latin Queen Nation, 56, 89, Bloods NLCI, OSCI JCI VIBE OCTOBER 2006 9/14/06 YES VIBE NOVEMBER 2006 10/18/06 NO CCI, OSCI VIBE DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO JCI SPRING 2006 2/21/06 NO OSCI VIDA GUERRA #62 4/3/06 NO OSCI VIDA GUERRA #66 10/10/06 NO JCI Holiday 2006 11/2/06 NO WW Magazine SEPT 2006 8/29/06 NO Remove poster JCI WW Magazine OCTOBER 2006 9/15/06 NO Remove poster JCI JCI VIBE VIXON VIXEN CCI WWE NOVEMBER 2006 9/26/06 NO remove cards WWE DECEMBER 2006 11/21/06 NO Remove poster JCI WWE Holiday 2006 12/4/06 NO Remove bingo game JCI WWF RAW JANUARY 2006 1/19/06 NO OSCI WWF RAW MARCH 2006 3/13/06 NO JCI WWF RAW APRIL 2006 4/4/06 NO WWF RAW JULY 2006 6/29/06 NO WW SMACKDOWN JANUARY 2006 1/19/06 NO WW SMACKDOWN APRIL 2006 4/3/06 NO WW SMACKDOWN JULY 2006 5/15/06 NO WHEELS ISSUE #31 2/14/06 NO JCI Remove poster JCI OSCI JCI Remove poster JCI OSCI WHEELS ISSUE #32 4/20/06 YES Page 26 Bloods WHEELS ISSUE #33 8/9/06 YES Several handsigns. Examples on pages 97 &134 West coast WCI WHEELS ISSUE #34 10/13/06 YES Page 34 Crips/Bloodkillers OSCI WIRED FEBRUARY 2006 1/24/06 NO OSCI WIRED MARCH 2006 2/21/06 NO OSCI OSCI WIRED APRIL 2006 3/23/06 NO OSCI WIRED MAY 2006 4/28/06 NO OSCI WIRED JUNE 2006 5/30/06 NO OSCI WIRED JULY 2006 7/14/06 NO OSCI, JCI WIRED AUGUST 2006 8/7/06 NO OSCI WIRED SEPT 2006 8/25/06 NO OSCI WIRED OCTOBER 2006 10/9/06 NO #6 12/21/05 YES WIZARD #181 9/29/06 NO WIZARD #183 12/4/06 NO DECEMBER 2006 12/19/06 NO X-BOX APRIL 2006 3/10/06 NO JCI XLR8R JAN/FEB 2006 2/14/06 NO OSCI XXL JANUARY 2006 12/05 NO GBCI XXL FEBRUARY 2006 2/06 NO XXL MARCH 2006 2/06 YES Page46WestsideCripPg48HooverCrip,Pg54CK DCI/CCI XXL APRIL 2006 3/1/06 YES Pg. 116 Worldwide Gangster Pg.125 Almighty Insane Unknown DCI WITCHING HOUR VIDEO Catalog WORD UP! OSCI Page 46 Swastika, contains nudity OSCI JCI JCI Remove poster JCI OSCI XXL MAY 2006 4/3/06 YES Pg. 6 BPS, 20 Blood killers, 22 Surenos, 36 WWG, 54 Five %ers CCI, OSCI XXL JUNE 2006 4/28/06 YES Pages 36 & 78, duece OSCI XXL JULY 2006 6/6/06 YES Page 46 Crips (read article) ,95 Bloods, 129 Crips AGENCY XXL AUGUST 2006 6/27/06 YES Page 93 IG, 171 Crips CCI XXL SEPT 2006 8/9/06 YES Page 49 Blood killers CCI XXL OCTOBER 2006 8/30/06 YES Page 51 Hoover Crip, page 178 West side krips CCI, JCI XXL NOVEMBER 2006 9/29/06 NO DCI XXL DECEMBER 2006 11/2/06 NO AGENCY DISPLAY UNTIL 5/06 2/14/06 NO OSCI YELLOW RAT BASTARD WINTER 05-06 2/14/06 NO OSCI YELLOW RAT BASTARD ISSUE #61 2/14/06 NO ZOO WEEKLY APRIL 2006 4/7/06 YES ZOO WEEKLY AUGUST 2006 9/1/06 NO XXL EYE CANDY OSCI Pg. 14 4th St. Bros.,16 & 17 OMG OSCI OSCI REVIEWED PAMPHLETS & NEWSPAPERS A Beat of Our Own (P) ISSUE #1 3/16/06 NO Allied Resistance Affiliates Anarchism's Promis for Anti Capitalism Resistance May 2006 8/25/06 NO by Cindy Milstein Back From Hell 8/25/06 YES 3/27/2006 YES OSCI Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI advocates violence WSPF WSPF Break The Chains (P) ISSUE #22 3/27/06 YES Brothaman Vol 9 #38 9/1/06 NO Michael Bakunin 8/25/06 YES by Donald Heisler 8/25/06 YES J. Balze Cruz 8/25/06 YES Capitalist System, The Damned & Deceived = Determined & Defiant Poetry Evolution of Ghetto-Style Organizations, The OSCI OSCI Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI Final Call May 16, 2006 Handbook for Survivng Solitary Confinement: A Survival Guide for the Targeted Prisoner by Khalfani Malik Khaldun HISTORICAL & DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM Kevin Rashid Johnson La Torcida Leviathan (Newsletter for the Black Panther Party) YES New Black Panther Party 8/25/06 YES Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI 12/7/06 YES Black Panther Party Propaganda CCI 5/17/06 YES La Raza CCI 11/28/06 YES Black Panther Party Propaganda CCI Page 27; satanic OSCI AGENCY Midwest Metal MIM Theory - The Official Theoretical Journal of the Moaist Int'l Movement #28 8/7/06 YES #14 10/13/06 NO OSCI MIM Notes #331 10/13/06 NO OSCI MIM Notes #330 10/13/06 NO MIM Notes #328 10/13/06 YES Pages 1 &2 - Crips OSCI May 22, 2006 6/26/06 YES DOC 309.04 Security Chief Our Day Will Come (P) ISSUE #1 3/16/06 NO OSCI Prison Legal News Prisoners: New Forms of Enviromental Racism Vol 17 #8 9/1/06 NO 8/25/06 YES OSCI Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI 7/12/06 3/16/06 YES YES Page 2 Anarchy Symbol New Abolitionist, The San Fran Bay Blk Nat Newspaper Slug and Lettuce (N) Turning The Tide (P) Under the Yoke of the State Selected Anarchist Responses to Prison and Crime, Vol.1 Winter 2006 Volume 19 No. 2 3/27/2006 8/25/06 YES YES OSCI WSPF OSCI WSPF Distributed by Kansas Mutual Aid. Promoting anarchism, soliciting money for pamphlet OSCI REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2007 9-2-08 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. Please look closely at magazines - DonDiva magazines are being sent in with covers of other magazines. MAGAZINE ALTERNATIVE PRESS AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES - DUOS AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES - Swimsuits AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AMERICAN IRON AS-IS AS-IS AS-IS BIKE WORKS BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN SSX BLACKMEN Vida Guerra Swimsuit BLACK BEAT BLACK BELT BLACK BELT BLACK BELT BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER ISSUE JAN 2007 JAN 2007 FEB 2007 Lingerie Edition'06 Spring 2007 MAR 2007 MAY 2007 JUNE 2007 JULY 2007 AUG 2007 Summer 2007 OCT 2007 NOV 2007 DEC 2007 Fall 2007 JAN 2007 FEB 2007 MAR 2007 APR 2007 MAY 2007 JUNE 2007 JULY 2007 AUG 2007 SEPT 2007 OCT 2007 DEC 2007 #3 #4 #5 MAY 2007 DEC/JAN 2007 #68 #76 FEB/MAR 2007 APR/MAY 2007 JUNE/JULY 07 SEPT/OCT 2007 NOV/DEC 2007 #67 #71 #72 #73 #74 DEC/JAN 2007 SEPT 2007 APR 2007 JULY 2007 AUG 2007 JAN/FEB 2007 MAR 2007 APR 2007 MAY 2007 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 11/30/06 N Features nudity - Per Security Chief Westfield 12/4/06 Y Features nudity - Per Security Chief Westfield 1/8/07 Y 1/26/07 N 2/9/07 2/27/07 4/2/07 5/3/07 6/1/07 7/16/07 8/17/07 8/30/07 10/11/07 11/2/07 12/13/07 12/7/06 1/29/07 2/6/07 3/1/07 4/2/07 5/3/07 5/29/07 6/19/07 7/19/07 9/24/07 10/23/07 6/7/07 8/30/07 10/25/07 3/21/07 1/5/07 1/29/07 11/20/07 2/19/07 4/24/07 7/2/07 9/12/07 12/13/07 12/13/06 3/16/07 5/10/07 7/31/07 8/14/07 1/24/07 7/18/07 3/22/07 5/17/07 6/19/07 1/8/06 2/16/07 3/21/07 4/17/2007 Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N decision reversed by security chief 309.04 (4) 8.a approved by security chief approved by security chief approved by security chief approved by security chief pages 44-45 teaches martial arts teaches martial arts teaches martial arts 309.02 (14) MAGAZINE BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER BLENDER BROTHA MAN BUD PLANTS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG BUD PLANTS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG BUD PLANTS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG BUD PLANTS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG BUD PLANTS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG BUD PLANTS FINAL CALAVERA Beautiful Bloody & Bare CCM COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW COMIC SHOP CATALOG PREVIEWS COMPLEX COMPLEX CONSUMER REPORTS - CARS DEER & DEER HUNTING DELUX 920 DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS DON DIVA - 7th Anniversary Edition DON DIVA DON DIVA DON DIVA DON DIVA DONK DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUB DUNGEON EBONY EBONY EBONY EMINEM In My Skin ESPN ESPN ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ISSUE JUNE 2007 JULY 2007 AUG 2007 SEPT 2007 OCT 2007 NOV 2007 DEC 2007 FEB/MAR/APR 2007 VOL 7, NO 1 VOL 7, NO 2 #706RA Holiday Preview Holiday Update 2007 No. 1 OCT 2007 JULY/AUG 2007 FEB 2007 DEC/JAN 2007 NOV 2007 2007 AUG 2007 Fall 2007 JAN/FEB 2007 MAR 2007 APR 2007 DEC 2007 Vol. 7 Issue 28 Vol. 2 Issue 8 Issue 25 Vol. 3 Issue 12 Issue 31 #13 #39 #40 #41 #42 MAY 2007 #45 AUG 2007 SEPT 2007 OCT 2007 NOV 2007 DEC 2007 FEB 2007 SEPT 2007 NOV 2007 DEC 2007 Apr. 23, 2007 MAY 2007 JAN 2007 FEB 2007 MAR 2007 APR 2007 JUNE 2007 JULY 2007 AUG 2007 OCT 2007 REVIEWED DENIED 5/29/2007 N 6/19/2007 Y 7/16/107 N 8/21/2007 N 9/19/2007 N 10/15/2007 N 11/20/2007 N 10/15/2007 N 3/20/07 Y 4/3/07 N 6/20/07 Y 9/21/07 N 11/2/07 N 1/11/08 N 4/4/07 Y 10/15/07 N 8/9/07 N 2/8/07 N 12/19/06 N 11/2/07 N 12/07/06 N 5/29/07 N 11/2/07 N 1/25/07 N 3/1/07 N 4/2/07 N 1/3/08 N 9/19/07 N 10/3/07 Y 10/3/07 Y 10/9/07 N 12/13/07 N 12/19/06 N 11/30/06 N 1/5/07 N 2/2/07 N 2/27/07 N 4/2/07 N 6/1/07 N 7/2/07 N 8/3/07 N 8/24/07 N 10/10/07 N 11/2/07 N 1/24/07 Y 9/4/07 N 10/15/07 N 11/20/07 N 5/1/07 Y 4/17/2007 N 5/4/2007 N 2/5/07 N 2/6/07 N 2/6/07 N 4/24/07 N 5/10/07 Y 6/7/07 N 7/18/07 N 9/24/07 N PAGE and REASON Page 58 - how to make a shank Features nudity - Per Security Chief Westfield per security chief per security chief 309.02 (14)(16a1) Remove poster Remove CD photos of sex acts Specific details of identity theft (pgs. 26-30) **See note below Role playing DOC 309.05 (2. b. 1 & 2) Page 88 & 89, fighting techniques, how to win a fight MAGAZINE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE ESQUIRE F.E.D.S F.E.D.S F.E.D.S F.E.D.S FHM FHM FHM FHM (UK Edition) FHM (UK Edition) FHM (UK Edition) FHM (Girls of) Collectors Edition FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL FINAL CALL ISSUE SEPT 2007 NOV 2007 DEC 2007 Vol. 4 Issue 17 Vol. 1 / Issue 2 Issue #5 (2000) Issue #7 (2001) JAN/FEB 2007 MAR 2007 SEPT 2007 MAY 2007 AUG 2007 OCT 2007 2007 Jan. 9, 2007 Feb. 6, 2007 Feb. 13, 2007 Feb. 20, 2007 Feb. 26, 2007 Mar. 13, 2007 Mar. 20, 2007 Mar. 27, 2007 Apr. 3, 2007 Apr. 10, 2007 REVIEWED DENIED 10/23/07 N 10/15/07 N 11/20/07 N 10/3/07 Y 10/25/07 N 10/25/07 N 10/25/07 Y 12/7/06 N 2/5/07 N 10/9/07 Y 5/30/07 Y 8/14/07 N 10/15/07 N 1/24/07 N 3/20/07 N 2/22/07 N 2/22/07 N 2/220/7 N 2/26/07 N 3/13/07 N 3/20/07 N 3/27/07 N 4/9/07 N 4/12/07 N FLASH JAN 2007 11/21/06 FLASH FEB 2007 1/8/07 supplement 2/8/07 FLASH (Far out Flas) FLASH APR 2007 2/5/07 FLASH MAY 2007 3/22/07 FLASH JULY 2007 5/4/07 FLASH SEPT 2007 9/11/07 FLASH NOV 2007 9/21/07 FRONT JULY 2007 9/18/07 FUNNY TIMES MAR 2007 2/19/07 GENRE MAY 2007 5/4/07 GENRE JULY 2007 6/7/07 GIRLS of the WORLD Fall 2007 11/02/07 GO APR 2007 5/1/07 GQ FEB 2007 1/25/07 GQ MAR 2007 3/1/07 GQ APR 2007 4/2/07 GQ MAY 2007 5/29/07 GQ JUNE 2007 5/24/07 GQ JULY 2007 7/2/07 GQ AUG 2007 7/18/07 GQ NOV 2007 10/23/07 GRIP Volume 2 #8 6/20/07 GRIP Volume 2 #9 6/20/07 GUITAR EDGE MAR/APR 2007 4/5/07 GUITAR EDGE SEPT/OCT 2007 8/9/07 GUITAR ONE JAN 2007 11/30/06 GUITAR ONE FEB 2007 1/2/07 GUITAR ONE MAR 2007 1/24/07 GUITAR ONE APR 2007 3/5/07 GUITAR ONE MAY 2007 4/5/07 GUITAR PLAYER JULY 2007 6/11/07 GUITAR PLAYER AUG 2007 7/2/07 N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N PAGE and REASON 5% propaganda promotes gang lifestyle (18,19,24,26,27,30,31,33,34,53-57) Article page 98 Nudity 309.02 (14) decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield decision reversed by security chief Westfield 309.02 (14), 309.04 (4)8a Features Nudity child nudity on page 194, DOC 309.04 8.a., 309.02 16.a. 5. per security chief per security chief MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON GUITAR WORLD JAN 2007 11/28/06 GUITAR WORLD FEB 2007 12/21/07 GUITAR WORLD MAR 2007 1/26/07 GUITAR WORLD APR 2007 2/5/07 GUITAR WORLD MAY 2007 3/21/07 GUITAR WORLD JUNE 2007 4/3/07 GUITAR WORLD JULY 2007 5/2/07 GUITAR WORLD AUG 2007 6/1/07 GUITAR WORLD SEPT 2007 7/2/07 GUITAR WORLD OCT 2007 8/3/07 GUITAR WORLD NOV 2007 9/4/07 GUITAR WORLD DEC 2007 10/2/07 GUITAR WORLD Holiday 2007 10/23/07 GUNS & AMMO JAN 2007 12/19/06 GUNS & AMMO MAR 2007 2/5/07 GUNS & AMMO APR 2007 3/21/07 GUNS & AMMO MAY 2007 4/11/07 GUNS & AMMO JUNE 2007 5/21/07 GUNS & AMMO JULY 2007 6/7/07 GUNS & AMMO AUG 2007 7/10/07 GUNS & AMMO NOV 2007 10/10/07 HAND GUN DEC/JAN 2008 10/23/07 HEAVY METAL JAN 2007 1/2/07 HEAVY METAL HEAVY METAL - World's Foremost Adult Illustrated Fantasy Mag MAR 2007 1/8/07 Spring 2007 4/4/07 HEAVY METAL NOV 2007 9/18/07 HIGH TIMES MAR 2007 01/26/07 Issue 17, Vol 2 9/19/07 HIT PARADE MAR 2007 2/27/07 HIT PARADE APR 2007 3/22/07 HIT PARADE AUG 2007 9/11/07 MAY 2007 4/17/2007 HIP HOP WEEKLY HOME THEATER HOOTERS MAR/APR 2007 3/22/07 HOT ROD JUNE 2007 4/17/2007 INSIDE KUNG-FU JULY 2007 6/19/2007 INSIDE KUNG-FU NOV 2007 8/30/2007 2007 Edition 1/3/2008 INSTINCT JAN 2007 12/5/07 INSTINCT MAY 2007 5/3/07 INTERVIEW NOV 2007 11/2/07 INSIDE OUT IRON HORSE NOV/DEC 2007 1/11/08 JET Jan 15, 2007 1/24/07 JET Feb. 26, 2007 2/27/07 JET Apr. 16, 2007 4/17/2007 JEWEL CIARA WINTER 2006 12/19/06 JOURNALISM REVIEW JUXTAPOZ JULY/AUG 2007 7/16/07 JAN 2007 12/21/06 JUXTAPOZ FEB 2007 2/2/07 JUXTAPOZ MAR 2007 3/21/07 JUXTAPOZ APR 2007 3/22/07 JUXTAPOZ MAY 2007 5/2/07 JUXTAPOZ JULY 2007 7/2/07 JUXTAPOZ AUG 2007 9/21/07 JUXTAPOZ SEPT 2007 8/30/07 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N Y N N N per security chief contains animated sex acts, nudity & depicts violence per security chief 309.02 (14)(16a1) 309.02, features nudity magazine advocates marajuana Remove poster teaches martial arts teaches martial arts drawing of 2 naked children Page 112 DOC 309.02 (16)(5) Page 55 denied DOC 309.04 (4)309.02 (9 a) remove stickers MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON JUXTAPOZ NOV 2007 10/23/07 JUXTAPOZ DEC 2007 11/20/07 KING DEC/JAN 2007 1/5/07 KING MAR/APR 2007 1/29/07 KING MAY 2007 3/21/07 KING JUNE 2007 4/24/07 KING JULY/AUG 2007 6/19/07 KING SEPT 2007 7/18/07 KING OCT 2007 9/4/07 KING NOV 2007 10/9/07 KING DEC 2007 11/20/07 LATINA MAY 2007 4/17/2007 LATINA JUNE/JULY 07 6/1/2007 LOWRIDER JAN 2007 11/21/06 LOWRIDER FEB 2007 12/19/06 LOWRIDER MAR 2007 1/29/07 LOWRIDER APR 2007 3/21/07 LOWRIDER MAY 2007 3/22/07 LOWRIDER JUNE 2007 4/11/07 LOWRIDER JULY 2007 5/29/07 LOWRIDER AUG 2007 6/19/07 LOWRIDER OCT 2007 8/24/07 LOWRIDER NOV 2007 9/21/07 LOWRIDER DEC 2007 10/23/07 LOW-RIDER ARTE DEC/JAN 2007 1/5/07 LOW-RIDER ARTE APR/MAY 2007 5/9/07 LOW-RIDER GIRLS NEW PUB 1/5/07 MARVEL PREVIEWS #42 2/8/07 JAN 2007 12/19/06 MAXIM FEB 2007 1/25/07 MAXIM MAR 2007 2/16/07 MAXIM APR 2007 3/30/07 MAXIM MAY 2007 4/24/07 MAXIM JUNE 2007 6/1/07 MAXIM JULY 2007 7/2/07 MAXIM AUG 2007 7/31/07 MAXIM SEPT 2007 8/21/07 MAXIM MAXIM OCT 2007 9/21/07 MAXIM NOV 2007 10/23/07 MAXIM DEC 2007 11/20/07 MAXIM British Edition FEB 2007 4/9/07 MAXIM En Espanol FEB 2007 1/24/07 MAXIM En Espanol MAR 2007 3/5/07 MAXIM En Espanol APR 2007 3/15/07 MAXIM En Espanol JUNE 2007 5/7/07 MAXIM En Espanol JULY 2007 6/11/07 MAXIM En Espanol AUG 2007 7/18/07 MAXIM En Espanol SEPT 2007 8/2/07 MAXIM En Espanol OCT 2007 9/21/07 MAXIM En Espanol Autos 2008 10/10/08 MAXIM En Espanol NOV 2007 9/2/08 MAXIM En Espanol DEC 2007 11/20/07 MAXIM PC DEC 2007 11/20/07 MENS JOURNAL AUG 2007 8/1/07 METAL EDGE JAN 2007 11/2/06 N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N Y Y N N N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N Y Y Pg. 120-122 drug & gang references per STG agency trainers Page 65 Advocates violence - per security chief per security chief per security chief 309.04 (4)c.5., c.7.b.c.d. Avoiding a manhunt Page 32 Martial Arts techniques. Page 80-86 per security chief Page 14; explicit sex acts per security chief Pgs. 48-51 depicts violence, vividly explains criminal activity 309.04 (4)c.8 b,c. 10 Pgs. 6,8,10,23,24,28,30,58,59,70 Satanic MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON METAL EDGE FEB 2007 11/30/06 METAL EDGE MAR 2007 1/24/07 METAL EDGE OCT 2007 10/17/07 METAL MANIACS JAN 2007 11/28/06 MILWAUKEE MAGAZINE JAN 2007 1/2/07 MODERN DRUMMER JAN 2007 11/21/06 MODERN DRUMMER APR 2007 2/16/07 MODERN DRUMMER NOV 2007 9/21/07 MODIFIED MUSTANGS JAN 2007 1/24/07 MOJO MAY 2007 7/18/07 MAY/JUNE 2007 4/17/2007 MOTHER JONES MURDER DOG VOL 14 8/30/2007 MUSCLE & FITNESS JULY 2007 6/7/2007 MUSCLEMAG INTERNATIONAL APR 2007 3/1/07 MUSCLEMAG INTERNATIONAL MAY 2007 4/3/07 Muslim PrisonerBulletin Vol. 2 Issue 3 3/7/07 AUG 2007 7/19/07 NATIONAL VANGUARD MAY/JUNE 2007 4/4/08 NOVEMBER COALITION Summer 2007 8/9/07 OL' SKOOL RODZ MAR 2007 01/24/07 OZONE SEPT 2007 10/30/07 PC GAMER APR 2007 2/27/07 PLANET M JUNE 2007 5/16/07 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PLAYBOY 2007 Summer Catalog Summer 2007 3/21/07 POPULAR SCIENCE FEB 2007 1/26/07 PREVIEWS ADULT FEB 2007 2/8/07 PREVIEWS ADULT MAR 2007 4/4/07 VOL 2 8/30/07 PRISON LIVING PRISON LIVING VOL 3 12/4/0 PRISON UPRISE 4 JAN 2007 2/8/07 RADAR JULY 2007 6/7/07 RESISTANCE #25 Winter 2005/2006 3/20/07 REVOLVER JAN 2007 11/30/06 REVOLVER MAR 2007 2/2/07 REVOLVER MAY 2007 3/21/07 REVOLVER NOV 2007 9/21/07 REVOLVER DEC 2007 10/15/07 Revealing Fleshy Directions #129 Revealing Fleshy Directions #129 Revealing Fleshy Directions #130 Spring 2007 6/2/07 Autumn 2007 10/9/07 Summer 2007 10/9/07 RIDES DEC/JAN 2007 11/2/06 RIDES MAR/APR 2007 2/16/07 RIDES MAY 2007 3/22/07 RIDES JUNE 2007 5/10/07 RIDES JULY/AUG 2007 6/19/07 RIDES SEPT 2007 7/31/07 RIDES OCT 2007 9/21/07 RIDES DEC/JAN 2008 11/2/07 RISEN MAY/JUNE 2007 6/6/07 ROLLING STONE Dec 28-Jan 11 12/21/06 ROLLING STONE Jan. 25, 2007 2/27/07 ROLLING STONE Feb. 8, 2007 2/5/07 ROLLING STONE Feb. 22, 2007 2/26/07 ROLLING STONE Mar. 8, 2007 3/21/07 ROLLING STONE Mar. 22, 2007 3/22/07 N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N Y N Y N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y N Y N N Y N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N remove CD and poster Per Security Chief, identifies gang members and LE officers created by Missouri inmates, asks for money 309.04(4)c 8.b. pornography per security chief 309.02 (14)(16a1) The Abolishment Movement Denied DOC 309.04(4)7.b.c.d. white supremacy Pages 28,29,40,41 309.04 (4)7. b-c. contains nudity & sexual acts depicts nudity depicts nudity Page 58 How to get Marijuana legally MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON ROLLING STONE Apr. 5, 2007 4/2/07 ROLLING STONE Apr. 19, 2007 4/17/2007 ROLLING STONE May 3-17, 2007 5/3/2007 ROLLING STONE May 31, 2007 5/27/2007 ROLLING STONE June 14, 2007 6/6/2007 ROLLING STONE June 28, 2007 7/18/2007 ROLLING STONE July 12-26, 2007 7/10/2007 ROLLING STONE Aug. 9, 2007 8/3/2007 ROLLING STONE Sept. 6, 2007 8/30/2007 ROLLING STONE Sept. 20, 2007 9/24/2007 ROLLING STONE Oct. 4, 2007 10/2/2007 ROLLING STONE Oct. 18, 2007 10/11/2007 ROLLING STONE Nov. 1, 2007 11/2/2007 ROLLING STONE Nov. 15, 2007 11/20/2007 ROLLING STONE Nov. 29, 2007 12/4/2007 ROLLING STONE Dec. 13, 2007 12/13/2007 SAVAGE FEB 2007 11/30/06 SAVAGE MAR 2007 1/5/07 SAVAGE APR 2007 2/27/07 SAVAGE JUNE 2007 4/3/07 SAVAGE JULY 2007 5/16/07 SAVAGE AUG 2007 7/2/07 SAVAGE OCT 2007 8/9/07 SAVAGE NOV 2007 9/21/07 SAVAGE DEC 2007 12/13/07 SCRATCH JAN/FEB 2007 1/8/07 SCRATCH MAR/APR 2007 2/2/07 SCRATCH MAY/JUNE 2007 4/2/07 SCRATCH JULY/AUG 2007 6/19/07 SCRATCH SEPT/OCT 2007 8/3/07 SCRATCH SHADES OF BLACK (Mo Flavor 3) NOV/DEC 2007 10/10/07 Platinum Edition 2/8/07 SHOW JAN/FEB 2007 1/24/07 SHOW MAR/APR 2007 3/22/07 SHOW #6 5/10/07 SHOW MAY 2007 5/16/07 SHOW #7 7/2/07 SHOW #8 10/15/07 JAN 2007 12/19/07 SISTER 2 SISTER FEB 2007 1/24/07 SISTER 2 SISTER MAR 2007 2/14/07 SISTER 2 SISTER APR 2007 3/21/07 SISTER 2 SISTER MAY 2007 4/24/07 SISTER 2 SISTER JUNE 2007 5/10/07 SISTER 2 SISTER JULY 2007 6/11/07 SISTER 2 SISTER AUG 2007 7/16/07 SISTER 2 SISTER SEPT 2007 8/9/07 SISTER 2 SISTER OCT 2007 9/21/07 SISTER 2 SISTER NOV 2007 10/11/07 #116 9/26/07 DEC/JAN 2007 2/21/07 SKATEBOARDING SEPT 2007 8/9/07 SKATEBOARDING OCT 2007 8/9/07 SLAM MAY 2007 3/21/07 SHOW Black Lingerie SISTER 2 SISTER SKIN ART SKIN SHOTS 8/17/07 N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N JCI Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N prepubescent female nudity pg 114-115 remove stickers Pg 24 Promoting violence against police MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON SLAP NOV 2007 10/23/07 SMOOTH JAN 2007 1/8/07 SMOOTH #30 4/11/07 SMOOTH #31 5/10/07 SMOOTH #32 8/14/07 SMOOTH #33 10/2/07 SMOOTH #34 12/13/07 SMOOTH GIRL #5 10/10/07 SMOOTH GIRL #6 10/10/07 SMOOTH GIRL #9 1/26/07 SMOOTH GIRL #10 3/1/07 SMOOTH GIRL #11 6/19/07 SMOOTH GIRL #12 10/23/07 SOLE OCT 2007 11/2/07 SOUND & VISION MAY 2007 4/17/2007 SOURCE SEPT 2007 10/3/2007 SPIN JAN 2007 1/5/07 SPIN FEB 2007 1/29/07 SPIN MAR 2007 3/1/07 SPIN APR 2007 4/2/07 SPIN MAY 2007 5/3/07 SPIN JUNE 2007 6/1/07 SPIN JULY 2007 7/2/07 SPIN AUG 2007 7/31/07 SPIN OCT 2007 10/15/07 SPIN NOV 2007 11/2/07 SPIN DEC 2007 11/20/07 WINTER 2007 2//21/07 MAY 2007 4/24/07 STREET CHOPPER JUNE 2007 6/19/07 STREET CHOPPER SEPT 2007 8/17/07 STREET MASTERS SEPT/OCT 2007 10/9/07 STREET MASTERS Vol. 1 / Issue 9 10/25/07 STREET MASTERS SPORTS ILLUSTRATED STREET CHOPPER Vol. 1 / Issue 19 10/25/07 STUFF JAN 2007 1/8/07 STUFF FEB 2007 1/12/07 STUFF MAR 2007 2/16/07 STUFF APR 2007 3/22/07 STUFF MAY 2007 4/24/07 STUFF JUNE 2007 5/29/07 STUFF JULY 2007 6/11/07 STUFF AUG 2007 7/16/0 STUFF SEPT 2007 8/17/07 STUFF SUMMIT Racing Equipement Catalog OCT 2007 9/24/07 MAR/APR 2007 2/19/07 #82 11/2/07 TAILGATE FEB 2007 11/28/06 TATTOO FEB 2007 11/30/06 TATTOO MAR 2007 1/5/07 TATTOO APR 2007 1/25/07 TATTOO MAY 2007 2/19/07 TATTOO JUNE 2007 3/22/07 TATTOO JULY 2007 5/3/07 TATTOO AUG 2007 6/1/07 TATTOO SEPT 2007 7/2/07 SUPER CIRCUITS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N remove stickers Remove 3-D glasses Pages 89-91 depicts fighting techniques by an expert magazine is all about security cameras MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON TATTOO OCT 2007 08/30/07 TATTOO NOV 2007 10/2/07 TATTOO DEC 2007 10/10/07 TATTOO JAN 2008 11/2/07 DEC/JAN 2008 12/17/07 TATTOO LIFE TATTOOS FOR MEN #71 12/13/07 THRASHER JAN 2007 12/21/06 THRASHER SEPT 2007 8/7/07 THRASHER OCT 2007 9/11/07 THRASHER NOV 2007 10/2/07 THRASHER DEC 2007 11/6/07 TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING JAN 2007 11/28/06 TRANSWORLD SKATEBOARDING FEB 2007 12/21/06 Feb. 19-25, 2007 2/19/07 TV Guide TyNOVELAS UNCUT UNIQUE Publications Feb. 17, 2007 3/1/07 MAY 2007 7/18/07 2007 Catalog 10/23/07 UTNE MAY/JUNE 2007 7/31/07 UTNE JULY/AUG 2007 7/31/07 UTNE NOV/DEC 2007 11/2/07 VIBE JAN 2007 12/20/06 VIBE FEB 2007 1/26/07 VIBE MAR 2007 3/5/07 VIBE APR 2007 4/2/07 VIBE MAY 2007 4/11/07 VIBE JUNE 2007 5/4/07 VIBE JULY 2007 6/11/07 VIBE AUG 2007 7/10/07 VIBE SEPT 2007 8/17/07 VIBE OCT 2007 9/11/07 VIBE NOV 2007 10/11/07 VIBE DEC 2007 11/20/07 VIBE VIXON FEB/MAR 2007 2/6/07 VIBE VIXON APR/MAY 2007 4/2/07 VIBE VIXON JUNE/JULY 07 7/16/07 VIBE VIXON AUG/SEPT 2007 8/9/07 WWE FEB 2007 1/29/07 WWE MAR 2007 2/19/07 WWE MAY 2007 4/11/07 WWE JUNE 2007 5/3/07 WWE JULY 2007 6/7/07 WWE AUG 2007 7/2/07 WWE SEPT 2007 8/9/07 WWE OCT 2007 8/30/07 WWE NOV 2007 10/2/07 WWE Holiday 2007 11/20/07 WIRED MAR 2007 3/1/07 WIRED MAY 2007 5/3/07 WIRED AUG 2007 7/18/07 WIZARD 192 Fall Preview 8/30/07 WORD UP JAN 2007 1/24/07 WORD UP FEB 2007 1/25/07 WORD UP APR/MAY 2007 5/3/07 WORD UP JULY 2007 6/19/07 WORD UP SEPT 2007 7/31/07 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y explains martial arts techniques excerpts from pages 75-77 per security chief Pg. 44 teaches defense moves Remove poster magazine consists soley of removable posters magazine consists soley of removable posters magazine consists soley of removable posters magazine consists soley of removable posters magazine consists soley of removable posters MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON WORD UP OCT/NOV 07 9/21/07 WORD UP DEC 2007 11/2/07 XXL JAN/FEB 2007 11/30/06 XXL MAR 2007 1/26/07 XXL APR 2007 2/27/07 XXL MAY 2007 4/3/07 XXL JUNE 2007 5/3/07 XXL JULY 2007 6/11/07 XXL AUG 2007 7/18/07 XXL SEPT 2007 8/3/07 XXL OCT 2007 9/21/07 XXL NOV 2007 10/4/07 XXL DEC 2007 11/2/07 #15 1/24/07 AUG 2007 9/19/07 XXL HIP HOP SOUL 2007 ZOO WEEKLY Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N magazine consists soley of removable posters Remove poster 2-27-07 DCI received a copy of DON DIVA magazine, issue #28 with the cover of Road & Road magazine disguising it Road & Road is not a real magazine. This magazine was denied because of the disguise. 8-21-07 WCI received a copy of DON DIVA magazine, volume 7 issue #29 with the cover of Smart Money magazine disguising it. This magazine was denied because of the disguise. 12/17/2007 CCI received a copy of DON DIVA magazine volume 3 issue #12 with the cover of Scene Magazine disguising it. The Don Diva magazine inside is not the same magazine that was reviewed and approved in October. This issue will be denied because of an article promoting the gang lifestyle. NEWSPAPERS, NEWSLETTERS AND PAMPHLETS ALL THE WAY Apr-07 Vol. 21 Bayview Nat'l Black Newspaper Volume 32 #29 7/25/2007 Brotha Man - Newsletter for blackmen Feb '07 Brotha Man - Newsletter for blackmen March '07 Brotha Man - Newsletter for blackmen April '07 Coalition For Prisoners' Right Newsletter May '07 Coalition For Prisoners' Right Newsletter Aug '07 Coalition For Prisoners' Right Newsletter Nov '07 LEVIATHAN No. 4, Vol. 3, Winter '06-'07 THE LIBERATOR No. 1 Winter '06-'07 THE LIBERATOR No. 2 Spring '07 The NEW ABOLITIONIST March 22, 2007 The NEW ABOLITIONIST May 25, 2007 The NEW ABOLITIONIST July 25, 2007 The NEW ABOLITIONIST September 21, 2007 REVOLUTION Newsletter September 16, 2007 REVOLUTION Newsletter September 23, 2007 REVOLUTION Newsletter November 25, 2007 RIGHT ON! No. 6 RIGHT ON! No. 7 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 6/6/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 6/13/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 8/29/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 9/5/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 9/12/2007 N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N N N Skinhead magazine. This copy expresses political views, further copies should be monitored. per security chief promotes Prisoner Justice Day DOC309.04(4) c.5.,c.8.b. take a stand and challenge social injustices of the Court and Penal System. Also promotes The Nation of Gods and Earths. Newsletter of the Black Brigade Newsletter of the White Panther Organization Newsletter of the White Panther Organization newsletter of The Prisoners' Action Coalition - this is now allowed per Security Chief (6-2-08) newsletter of The Prisoners' Action Coalition may be distributed - per security chief newsletter of The Prisoners' Action Coalition support/encourage revolutionary tactics Newsletter of the New Black Panter Party Newsletter of the New Black Panter Party poses a security threat to the institution poses a security threat to the institution MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 9/19/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 9/26/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 10/3/2007 The San Francisco Bayview National Black Newspaper 10/31/2007 SERVE THE PEOPLE No. 1 Spring/Summer 2007 TURNING the TIDE WORKERS WORLD Vol. 20, No. 2 Mar/Apr 2007 5/17/2007 Vol. 49, No. 19 N N Y Y N Y N per security chief 309.04(4)8.b.c. Newsletter of the Black Panther Party Newsletter of the New Black Panter Party approved by agency trainers INST OSCI Security Chief Security Chief OSCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI MSDF JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief OSCI OSCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI CCI JCI JCI CCI, JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI RCI, CCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI INST JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI NLCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI CCI jCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI DCI JCI RCI JCI INST JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI OSCI OSCI CCI JCI DCI Security Chief JCI JCI CCI agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency agency JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI CCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI RCI JCI PDCI PDCI CCI JCI OSCI CCI CCI CCI CCI JCI JCI INST OSCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief Security Chief DCI OSCI JCI JCI CCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI jCI JCI INST JCI JCI OSCI JCI agency JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI CCI JCI JCI OSCI CCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI Security Chief OSCI Security Chief agency CCI JCI JCI CCI JCI JCI J JCI JCI Security Chief OSCI INST OSCI OSCI NLCI OSCI Security Chief JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI J JCI JCI JCI DCI JCI Security Chief JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI Security Chief JCI JCI Security Chief JCI agency OSCI JCI Pat/Dan JCI JCI RCI RCI RCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI DCI JCI JCI INST JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI RCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI/CCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI CCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI CCI CCI RYCF RYCF JCI INST JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI CCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI OSCI JCI DCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI INST JCI JCI JCI JCI jCI JCI OSCI CCI CCI CCI CCI OSCI OSCI JCI JCI JCI jCI JCI JCI JCI Security Chief OSCI CCI JCI JCI JCI JCI CCI JCI CCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI RCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI INST JCI JCI OSCI CCI DCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI OSCI JCI OSCI OSCI ng it security chief WSPF JCI JCI JCI security chief security chief NLCI CCI 4-2-07 CCI 4-2-07 CCI 4-2-07 security chief security chief security chief security chief trainers JCI JCI CCI 4-2-07 CCI 4-2-07 security chief security chief NLCI NLCI NLCI INST NLCI NLCI NLCI security chief Herb CCI 4-12-07 REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2008 1/26/2009 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail & DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. Please be aware that Don Diva magazines are coming in with covers from other magazines. 3/7/08 DonDiva #29 arrived at JCI with a "Money Smart" cover & a Nov. '06 issue came with a "Collection" cover. Deny for misrepresentation. 11/28/08 Don Diva #35 arrived at WSPF with a "Future" cover MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 4Front ADVOCATE ADVOCATE ADVOCATE ADVOCATE ALTERNATIVE PRESS ALTERNATIVE PRESS AMERICAN BAGGER Issue #20 3/11/08 April 8,2008 4/1/08 Sept. 23, 2008 9/16/08 Oct. 31, 2008 10/14/08 Dec. 16, 2008 12/3/08 Jul-08 6/6/08 Oct-08 9/19/08 MAY 2008 FEB 2008 MAR 2008 MAY 2008 JUNE 2008 JULY 2008 SEPT 2008 OCT 2008 DEC 2008 WINTER 2008 Summer 2008 Summer 2008 4/1/08 1/11/08 2/18/08 4/1/08 5/20/08 6/20/08 7/31/08 9/19/08 10/27/08 4/20/09 7/9/08 7/9/08 AMERICAN IRON JAN 2008 11/20/07 AMERICAN IRON FEB 2008 12/13/07 AMERICAN IRON MAR 2008 1/16/08 AMERICAN IRON APR 2008 2/25/08 AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES AMERICAN CURVES - Wet & Wild AMERICAN CURVES - Swimsuit AMERICAN IRON MAY 2008 4/1/08 AMERICAN IRON JUNE 2008 4/17/08 AMERICAN IRON SEPT 2008 7/31/08 AMERICAN IRON OCT 2008 9/2/08 AMERICAN IRON DEC 2008 10/27/08 AMERICAN PHOTO SEPT/OCT 2008 9/3/08 AMERICAN RIDER FEB 2008 1/11/08 AP JULY 2008 6/20/08 AP AUG 2008 7/15/08 AP SEPT 2008 7/31/08 AP OCT 2008 9/25/08 AP NOV 2008 10/14/08 AP DEC 2008 11/24/08 AsIs Issue #6 2/13/08 AsIs Issue #7 5/14/08 AsIs Issue #8 10/7/08 SEPT 2008 9/2/08 BEAT WITHIN Volume 13.25 8/19/08 BEAT WITHIN Volume 13.26 8/19/08 BET US.com March 10, 2008 4/1/08 BLACK ENTERPRISE MAR 2008 4/1/08 BLACK BELT JUNE 2008 4/17/08 BLACK BELT MAY 2008 5/7/08 BLACK BELT JULY 2008 5/21/08 BLACK BELT AUG 2008 6/20/08 BLACK BELT SEPT 2008 7/24/08 BLACK BELT OCT 2008 9/2/08 BADGER NATION N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y per security chief remove poster on pages 96-97 allowed per security chief per security chief interview w/Boonie Black promoting/advocating gang life Pages 52-57 & 126-133 Advocates gang lifestyle per security chief guide to betting self defense techniques and martial arts techniques self defense techniques and martial arts techniques self defense techniques and martial arts techniques self defense techniques and martial arts techniques self defense techniques and martial arts techniques self defense techniques and martial arts techniques BLACK BELT NOV 2008 1/26/09 BLACK BELT DEC 2008 10/27/08 BLACK MEN #62 12/3/08 BLACK MEN #68 6/6/08 BLACK MEN #71 7/15/08 BLACK MEN #77 3/10/08 BLACK MEN #78 5/15/08 BLACK MEN APR 2008 4/1/08 BLACK MEN #82 4/17/08 BLACK MEN #84 6/20/08 BLACK MEN #87 11/27/08 BLACK MEN AUG 2008 7/22/08 BLACK MEN OCT 2008 10/14/08 BLADE Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N OCT 2008 7/31/08 BLENDER JAN/FEB 2008 1/3/08 BLENDER MAR 2008 2/18/08 BLENDER APR 2008 4/1/08 BLENDER MAY 2008 4/17/08 BLENDER JUNE 2008 5/20/08 BLENDER JULY 2008 6/6/08 BLENDER AUG 2008 7/15/08 BLENDER SEPT 2008 9/2/08 BLENDER OCT 2008 10/14/08 BLENDER BLENDER NOV 2008 Dec/Jan-09 10/14/08 11/23/2008 Issue #15 10/14/08 N Issue #806A 6/18/08 Y Issue #807E 8/12/08 N JUNE/JULY 2008 7/9/08 DEC/JAN 2008 12/13/07 COMPLEX FEB/MAR 2008 2/18/08 COMPLEX APR/MAY 2008 4/17/08 COMPLEX JUNE/JULY 2008 6/6/08 COMPLEX AUG/SEPT 2008 8/12/08 COMPLEX OCT 2008 10/14/08 COMPLEX NOV 2008 11/14/08 COMPLEX DEC 2008 11/24/08 CURVES JUNE 2008 5/29/08 CURVES SEPT 2008 8/12/08 CURVES OCT 2008 9/25/08 CURVES NOV 2008 10/27/08 CURVES DEC 2008 11/24/08 DETAILS MAR 2008 4/1/08 DETAILS APR 2008 4/17/08 DETAILS JUNE/JULY 2008 6/6/08 DETAILS AUG 2008 7/22/08 DETAILS SEPT 2008 8/13/08 DETAILS Holiday 2008 11/3/08 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N BRIDGE of VOICE BUD'S ART BOOKS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG BUD'S ART BOOKS INCORRIGIBLE CATALOG Complete History of Hard Rock COMPLEX DIRT WHEELS JUNE 2008 6/3/08 DON DIVA Vol. 1 Issue 27 4/29/08 DON DIVA Vol. 8, Issue 32 5/15/08 DON DIVA Vol. 8, Issue 34 10/31/08 DON DIVA Vol.4, Issue 14 5/23/08 DOWN WINTER 2008 2/27/08 JAN 2008 12/13/07 DUB MAR 2008 3/10/08 DUB JUNE/JULY 2008 7/9/08 DUB self defense techniques and martial arts techniques self defense techniques and martial arts techniques complete magazine of knives N features nudity.309.02 (14) 309.04 (4) 8.a Features Nudity remove poster remove poster on page 179 Pages 21-26, 86-87 promotes Vice Lord activity DUB AUG 2008 10/27/08 DUB SEPT 2008 10/27/08 DUB OCT 2008 10/27/08 DuPont Registry AUG 2008 7/24/08 EBONY MAR 2008 2/25/08 EBONY APR 2008 4/1/08 EBONY MAY 2008 4/17/08 EBONY JUNE 2008 6/3/08 EBONY JULY 2008 7/15/08 EBONY AUG 2008 9/2/08 EBONY OCT 2008 9/25/08 EBONY SEPT 2008 10/14/08 EBONY NOV 2008 10/27/08 EBONY DEC 2008 11/14/08 EBONY (collectors edition) 1 of 8 7/24/08 EBONY (collectors edition) 3 of 8 7/27/08 SEPT 2008 7/31/08 March 24, 2008 4/1/08 ESPN MAY 2008 5/20/08 ESPN JUNE 2008 5/29/08 ESPN JULY 2008 7/24/08 ESPN OCT 2008 10/14/08 ESPN NOV 2008 11/3/08 ESQUIRE JAN 2008 1/3/08 ESQUIRE FEB 2008 1/29/08 ESQUIRE MAR 2008 2/18/08 ESQUIRE APR 2008 4/1/08 ESQUIRE may 2008 4/17/08 ESQUIRE JUNE 2008 5/20/08 ESQUIRE JULY 2008 6/10/08 ESQUIRE AUG 2008 7/9/08 ESQUIRE SEPT 2008 9/2/08 ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTLY ESPN ESQUIRE OCT 2008 9/25/08 ESQUIRE NOV 2008 10/14/08 ESQUIRE DEC 2008 1/6/09 FANGORIA MAY 2008 4/17/08 F.E.D.S. (Sweets) Vol. 1 Issue 4 5/15/08 F.E.D.S. (Sweets) Vol. 1 Issue 5 8/15/08 F.E.D.S. (Sweets) Vol. 4 Limited Ed 8/15/08 F.E.D.S. (Sweets) Vol. 4 Issue 27 10/31/08 MAR 2008 3/10/08 FIGHT APR 2008 4/17/08 FIGHT JUNE 2008 6/3/08 FIGHT JULY 2008 7/15/08 FIGHT AUG 2008 7/31/08 FIGHT NOV 2008 12/16/08 FINAL CALL May 20, 2008 5/29/08 FINAL CALL July 1, 2008 7/22/08 FINAL CALL July 8, 2008 7/22/08 FINAL CALL July 15, 2008 7/22/08 FINAL CALL Aug. 5, 2008 8/12/08 FINAL CALL Aug. 19, 2008 9/2/08 FINAL CALL Oct. 21, 2008 10/27/08 FINAL CALL FIGHT Nov. 18, 2008 11/24/08 FHM JAN 2008 2/13/08 FHM OCT 2008 9/26/08 FLASH JAN 2008 11/20/07 FLASH MAR 2008 1/29/08 FLASH MAY 2008 4/1/08 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N Y N N N N N N N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Y N N N remove poster on page 91 remove insert on page 77 "How to throw a bunch" page 77 309.04 (4)(c)4, 8.b Pgs 88-97, 126 & 128 - 129 Escape from prison 309.04 (4)(8)(c,d)(10) pages 59-60 describes specific fighting techniques pages 30-61 describes specific fighting techniques pages 58-59 teaches defense techniques pages 58-59 teaches defense techniques 309.05 (2) b. 2,4, Teaches Fighting Techniques. page 100+ torture 309.04 (4)c.,8. b,c,d, 10. 309.05 (2)b5 FLASH SEPT 2008 7/31/08 FLASH NOV 2008 9/25/08 FLASH TATTOO JULY 2008 5/21/08 FLEX MAR 2008 2/18/08 FLEX MAY 2008 4/17/08 FLEX JUNE 2008 5/20/08 FLEX NOV 2008 10/14/08 FLEX DEC 2008 11/24/08 Vol. 7, No. 21 10/31/08 FULL CONTACT FIGHTER #12 3/10/08 FULL CONTACT FIGHTER #13 4/1/08 GAMEINFORMER JULY 2008 7/9/08 GENRE JUNE 2008 6/10/08 GENRE SEPT 2008 11/24/08 GIANT OCT 2008 10/27/08 GIANT NOV 2008 10/27/08 GIRLS OF THE WORLD FALL 2008 8/12/08 GQ FEB 2008 1/29/08 GQ MAR 2008 2/25/08 GQ APR 2008 4/1/08 GQ MAY 2008 4/21/08 GQ JUNE 2008 6/2/08 GQ JULY 2008 7/15/08 GQ AUG 2008 7/22/08 GQ OCT 2008 9/23/08 GQ SEPT 2008 9/25/08 GQ NOV 2008 10/27/08 GQ DEC 2008 1/6/09 MAY/JUNE 2008 4/17/08 FEB 2008 1/11/08 GUITAR PLAYER MAY 2008 4/21/08 GUITAR PLAYER JUNE 2008 5/20/08 GUITAR PLAYER NOV 2008 6/25/08 GUITAR WORLD JAN 2008 12/13/07 GUITAR WORLD FEB 2008 12/13/07 GUITAR WORLD MAR 2008 1/11/08 GUITAR WORLD APR 2008 2/18/08 GUITAR WORLD MAY 2008 3/10/08 GUITAR WORLD JUNE 2008 4/17/08 GUITAR WORLD JULY 2008 5/1/08 GUITAR WORLD SEPT 2008 7/9/08 GUITAR WORLD OCT 2008 7/24/08 GUITAR WORLD NOV 2008 8/28/08 GUITAR WORLD DEC 2008 9/25/08 GUITAR WORLD Holiday 2008 11/3/08 GUNS & AMMO JAN 2008 12/13/07 GUNS & AMMO FEB 2008 1/11/08 GUNS & AMMO MAR 2008 2/18/08 GUNS & AMMO MAY 2008 4/17/08 DEC/JAN 2008 10/23/07 HARD BODZ SPRING 2008 9/19/08 HARD STYLE Winter 2008 2/13/08 HARPERS APR 2008 4/1/08 HARPERS JULY 2008 6/20/08 HEAVY METAL JAN 2008 12/14/07 HEAVY METAL FEB 2008 1/11/08 HEAVY METAL MAR 2008 1/29/08 HEAVY METAL MAY 2008 4/1/08 HEAVY METAL JULY 2008 5/6/08 FRONT GUITAR EDGE GUITAR PLAYER HAND GUN N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N Y N N Y Y remove poster on page 177 magazine gives detailed fighting techniques magazine gives detailed fighting techniques remove insert on page 31 per security chief per security chief shows martial arts techniques 309.02(9)a., (16)1,b 309.04 (4) c.5,8.a per security chief contains nudity and sexual content contains nudity and sexual content HEAVY METAL SEPT 2008 7/31/08 HEAVY METAL NOV 2008 9/25/08 HEAVY METAL FALL 2008 10/27/08 HIP HOP JULY 2008 7/15/08 HIT PARADER MAY 2008 7/15/08 HIT PARADER JUNE/JULY 2008 7/15/08 HIT PARADER AUG/SEPT 2008 8/13/08 Vol. 2, Issue 2 5/15/08 HOOTERS NOV/DEC 2008 11/14/08 IGNITE MAR/APR 2008 4/17/08 IMPORT TUNER SEPT 2008 7/31/08 IMPORT TUNER OCT 2008 8/12/08 IMPORT TUNER DEC 2008 10/14/08 INSIDE KUNG FU MAY 2008 2/26/08 INSIDE KUNG FU JULY 2008 5/6/08 INT'L TATTOO ART APR 2008 2/18/08 INT'L TATTOO ART JUNE 2008 4/17/08 INT'L TATTOO ART JULY 2008 5/21/08 HOODSTAR INT'L TATTOO ART OCT 2008 9/25/08 INT'L TATTOO ART NOV 2008 10/14/08 INT'L TATTOO ART DEC 2008 10/27/08 INTERVIEW MAR 2008 2/18/08 INTERVIEW JUNE/JULY 2008 5/29/08 INTERVIEW SEPT 2008 9/2/08 INTERVIEW OCT 2008 10/20/08 INTERVIEW NOV 2008 11/3/08 IRON WORKS JAN/FEB 2008 1/11/08 JET March 17, 2008 4/1/08 JET April 14, 2008 4/17/08 JET June 9, 2008 6/6/08 JET June 16, 2008 7/9/08 JET June 23, 2008 7/15/08 JET July 14, 2008 7/22/08 JET July 21, 2008 7/22/08 JET Sept. 15, 2008 9/19/08 JET Oct. 6, 2008 10/14/08 JET Nov. 10, 2008 11/14/08 JET Jim Bacent's Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose Nov. 17, 2008 11/14/08 MAY 2008 7/2/08 Issue 40 5/20/08 JUXTAPOZ JAN 2008 12/18/07 JUXTAPOZ FEB 2008 1/29/08 JUXTAPOZ APR 2008 4/1/08 JUXTAPOZ MAY 2008 5/15/08 JUXTAPOZ JUNE 2008 5/29/08 JUXTAPOZ JULY 2008 6/20/08 JUXTAPOZ AUG 2008 7/31/08 JUXTAPOZ OCT 2008 10/7/08 JUXTAPOZ NOV 2008 10/2708 KING MAR/APR 2008 2/13/08 KING MAY 2008 4/1/08 KING JUNE 2008 4/17/08 KING JULY/AUG 2008 6/3/08 KING SEPT 2008 7/15/08 KING OCT 2008 9/19/08 KING NOV 2008 10/14/08 KING DEC/JAN 2009 11/17/08 KISS Preview Issue 8/15/08 JUSTICE DENIED N Y N N N N N Y N N N N N Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N Page 88 rape scene 309.04 (4) ( c) 8c, 10 Pages 18,19,67 promotes and glorifies the Crips shows martial arts techniques shows martial arts & fighting techniques not allowed. 309.04 (4)(8)(a) Features Nudity Pages 106,180,188,191 309.04 (4)(8)(a) Features Nudity. Pages 57,144,147-149 Features nudity 309.04(4)(8)(a) 309.04 (4)(8)(a) Features Nudity remove poster on page 25 remove poster on page 43 remove poster on page 35 Page 97 Details escape. 309.04 (4) c.8. b,d. 309.05 (2)b.2. KUNG FU MAY 2008 3/19/08 KUNG FU JUNE 2008 4/4/08 KUNG FU AUG 2008 6/4/08 LATINA MAR 2008 2/25/08 LATINA MAY 2008 4/21/08 LATINA AUG 2008 7/22/08 LATINA SEPT 2008 8/13/08 LATINA NOV 2008 11/3/08 LOADED JAN 2008 1/29/08 LOW RIDER JAN 2008 11/20/07 LOW RIDER FEB 2008 1/3/08 LOW RIDER MAR 2008 1/16/08 LOW RIDER APR 2008 3/10/08 LOW RIDER MAY 2008 4/1/08 LOW RIDER JULY 2008 5/29/08 LOW RIDER AUG 2008 7/15/08 LOW RIDER DEC 2008 10/27/08 APR/MAY 2008 4/21/08 MAD NOV 2008 10/14/08 MAD DEC 2008 11/14/08 MAXIM JAN 2008 12/21/07 MAXIM FEB 2008 1/15/08 MAXIM MAR 2008 3/4/08 MAXIM APR 2008 3/13/08 MAXIM MAY 2008 4/17/08 MAXIM JUNE 2008 5/21/08 MAXIM JULY 2008 6/20/08 MAXIM AUG 2008 7/16/08 MAXIM SEPT 2008 8/13/08 MAXIM OCT 2008 9/15/08 MAXIM NOV 2008 10/15/08 MAXIM DEC 2008 11/14/08 MAXIM en Espanol MAR 2008 2/25/08 MAXIM en Espanol APR 2008 4/8/08 MAXIM en Espanol JUNE 2008 5/08/08 MAXIM en Espanol JULY 2008 7/8/08 MAXIM en Espanol OCT 2008 2/16/09 MAXIM en Espanol NOV 2008 11/21/08 MAXIM en Espanol DEC 2008 12/2/08 MENS FITNESS JAN 2008 11/20/07 MENS FITNESS MAR 2008 4/1/08 MENS FITNESS MAY 2008 4/17/08 MENS FITNESS JUNE/JULY 2008 5/19/08 MENS FITNESS AUG 2008 7/15/08 MENS FITNESS SEPT 2008 9/2/08 MENS HEALTH MAR 2008 2/19/08 MENS HEALTH APR 2008 4/1/08 MENS HEALTH JULY/AUG 2008 7/9/08 MENS HEALTH SEPT 2008 8/13/08 MENS HEALTH NOV 2008 10/27/08 MENS HEALTH DEC 2008 11/27/08 MENS JOURNAL JAN 2008 12/13/07 MENS JOURNAL APR 2008 4/1/08 AUG 2008 7/15/08 Vol. 1 Issue 2 7/24/08 LOW RIDER AUTO MENS JOURNAL MF - Cares MOTHER JONES MURDER DOG SEPT/OCT 2008 9/2/08 Vol. 15 3/10/08 MUSCLE & FITNESS JUNE 2008 6/6/08 MUSCLE & FITNESS NOV 2008 10/14/08 Y Y Y N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N Y N N N N Y N N N Y Y N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N knife fighting techniques 309.04(4) C.8.B.C. fighting techniques 309.04(4) C.8.B.C. fighting techniques 309.04(4) C.8.B.C. features nudity.309.02 (14) 309.04 $4) 8.a Features Nudity remove poster remove poster remove poster remove poster remove poster remove poster on page 70 remove poster remove poster Page 108 How to manufacture a weapon 309.04(4)c.5,c.8.a.,c.10 APPROVED BY WESTFIELD fighting techniques page 106 not allowed DOC 309.04 (4)8.b. Pages 26-27 teaches defense techniques per security chief Pages 30-31 teaches fighting techniques 309.05 (2) b. 2,4, Pages 48-53 features nudity 309.02(14), 309.04(4)(8)(a) page 40 - fighting techniques remove fake mustache from page 75 MUSCLE MAG INTL JULY 2008 6/6/08 MUSCLE MAG INTL AUG 2008 7/9/08 MUSCLE MAG INTL SEPT 2008 7/24/08 MUSCLE MAG INTL NOV 2008 9/25/08 MUSCLE MAG INTL DEC 2008 10/27/08 NEW OXBOW REVIEW JUNE 2008 6/6/08 SEPT/OCT 2008 9/2/08 NEW WORLDS NUCLEAR REGISTER Aug. 8, 2008 6/3/08 NUCLEAR REGISTER July 3, 2008 7/22/08 OK JULY 2008 7/24/08 OUT FEB 2008 1/11/08 OUT JUNE/JULY 2008 5/29/08 OUT AUG 2008 7/15/08 OUT SEPT 2008 8/12/08 OUT OCT 2008 9/19/08 OUT NOV 2008 10/14/08 OUT TRAVELER SPRING 2008 1/11/08 OUT TRAVELER FALL 2008 7/15/08 OUT TRAVELER WINTER 2008 10/14/08 OZONE #65 5/14/08 OZONE #66 7/11/08 OZONE #67 8/5/08 PASTE MAY 2008 4/17/08 PASTE JUNE 2008 5/20/08 PASTE JULY 2008 7/15/08 PASTE SEPT 2008 9/2/08 PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET JUNE/JULY 2008 5/29/08 PLAYBOY'S LINGERIE AUG/SEPT 2008 8/5/08 PORTFOLIO APR 2008 4/1/08 PORTFOLIO AUG 2008 7/24/08 PRISON LEGAL NEWS MAY 2008 5/29/08 PRISON LEGAL NEWS Vol.19 No.9 10/14/08 PRISON LEGAL NEWS NOV 2008 12/3/08 PRISONWORLD WINTER 2008 5/15/08 PRISONWORLD MAR 2008 5/15/08 PROMINENT Vol. 1 4/1/08 REALMS of FANTASY OCT 2008 9/19/08 REBEL RODZ JUNE 2008 5/8/08 REMIX JUNE 2008 5/29/08 REMIX JULY 2008 7/9/08 REPS WINTER 2008 10/14/08 REVOLVER FEB 2008 12/13/07 REVOLVER MAR 2008 1/29/08 REVOLVER APR 2008 2/26/08 REVOLVER JUNE 2008 4/28/08 REVOLVER JULY 2008 5/20/08 REVOLVER AUG 2008 6/10/08 REVOLVER SEPT 2008 7/24/08 REVOLVER OCT 2008 9/2/08 REVOLVER NOV 2008 10/7/08 REVOLVER DEC 2008 10/14/08 REVOLUTION July 27, 2008 8/12/08 REVOLUTION Aug. 10, 2008 9/2/08 REVOLUTION Aug. 17, 2008 9/2/08 REVOLUTION Oct. 19, 2008 11/14/08 REVOLUTION Nov. 16, 2008 12/3/08 RFD Winter '07-'08 1/3/08 RFD SPRING 2008 4/21/08 DEC/JAN 2008 11/20/07 RIDES N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N Pages 16-19 309.05(2)(b)2,4 Advocates drug dealer lifestyle remove CD on page 33 remove free CD on page 33 remove CD on page 33 features nudity 309.02(14), 309.04(4)8.a. Child nudity 309.02 (16) 5, 309.04 (4)c.1,8,c remove sticker on page 35 remove posters on pages 35 & 67 remove poster on page 67 remove poster Depicts nudity DOC 309.02 (14), 309.04 (4) Depcits sexual intercourse DOC309.02 (14)(16)1, 309.04(4)8.a. RIDES MAR/APR 2008 3/10/08 RIDES MAY 2008 4/1/08 RIDES JUNE 2008 6/3/08 RIDES JULY/AUG 2008 7/15/08 RIDES SEPT 2008 9/2/08 RIDES OCT/NOV 2008 9/25/08 RIDES DEC/JAN 2009 12/3/08 RING NOV 2008 10/7/08 ROLLING STONE Jan. 24, 2008 1/16/08 ROLLING STONE Feb. 7, 2008 1/31/08 ROLLING STONE Feb. 21, 2008 2/18/08 ROLLING STONE Mar. 6, 2008 3/10/08 ROLLING STONE MAR 2008 4/1/08 ROLLING STONE April 3, 2008 4/1/08 ROLLING STONE Apr. 17, 2008 4/17/08 ROLLING STONE May 1, 2008 4/21/08 ROLLING STONE May 29, 2008 5/20/08 ROLLING STONE June 12, 2008 6/6/08 ROLLING STONE June 26, 2008 6/20/08 ROLLING STONE July 10, 2008 7/9/08 ROLLING STONE Aug. 7, 2008 7/31/08 ROLLING STONE Aug. 21, 2008 8/13/08 ROLLING STONE Sept. 4, 2008 9/25/08 ROLLING STONE ROLLING STONE ROLLING STONE ROLLING STONE ROLLING STONE ROLLING STONE ROLLING STONE Sept. 18, 2008 Oct. 2, 2008 Oct. 16, 2008 Oct. 30, 2008 Nov. 13, 2008 Dec. 11, 2008 Dec. 25-Jan 8 9/25/08 9/25/08 10/14/08 10/27/08 11/3/08 12/3/08 1/6/09 SAVAGE FEB 2008 1/16/08 SAVAGE MAR 2008 2/18/08 SAVAGE MAY 2008 4/17/08 SAVAGE JUNE 2008 6/3/08 SAVAGE JULY 2008 5/29/08 SAVAGE AUG 2008 7/9/08 SAVAGE OCT 2008 10/7/08 SAVAGE NOV 2008 10/14/08 SAVAGE DEC 2008 11/3/08 SHOW #1 4/1/08 SHOW #2 1/3/08 SHOW #3 4/17/08 SHOW #6 1/20/09 SHOW #9 5/7/08 SHOW #10 5/29/08 SHOW #11 4/17/08 SHOW #12 5/1/08 SHOW Spec Edit #2 of 4 7/22/08 SISTER 2 SISTER JAN 2008 12/13/07 SISTER 2 SISTER FEB 2008 1/29/08 SISTER 2 SISTER MAY 2008 4/17/08 SISTER 2 SISTER JUNE 2008 5/20/08 SKETCH #36 9/25/08 SKIN & INK JAN 2008 11/20/07 SKIN & INK FEB 2008 12/21/07 SKIN & INK MAY 2008 4/1/08 SKIN & INK APR 2008 4/17/08 SKIN & INK JUNE 2008 5/20/08 SKIN & INK JULY 2008 5/29/08 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Y N N N Y per security chief Murder must-haves page 2 309.04 (4) ( c) 8b,c,d 309.02(14) Pg. 64-74 shows how to make a homemade tattoo gun Page 80-82 how to make a tattoo gun SKIN & INK AUG 2008 7/22/08 SKIN & INK SEPT 2008 8/12/08 SKIN & INK OCT 2008 10/14/08 SKIN & INK NOV 2008 10/27/08 SKIN & INK DEC 2008 1/6/09 SMOOTH #23 11/24/08 SMOOTH #32 11/24/08 SMOOTH #35 2/18/08 SMOOTH #36 5/7/08 SMOOTH #37 7/15/08 SMOOTH #38 9/25/08 SMOOTH #39 11/24/08 SMOOTH GIRL #11 1/11/08 SMOOTH GIRL #12 7/22/08 SMOOTH GIRL #13 1/29/08 SMOOTH GIRL #14 5/21/08 SMOOTH GIRL #15 7/31/08 SMOOTH GIRL #16 1/6/09 SNOW SAKURA FEB 2008 8/19/08 SOURCE MAR 2008 4/1/08 SOURCE MAY 2008 5/20/08 SOURCE AUG 2008 10/7/08 SOURCE OCT 2008 10/27/08 SPIN JAN 2008 1/11/08 SPIN FEB 2008 1/29/08 SPIN MAR 2008 3/10/08 SPIN APR 2008 4/1/08 SPIN MAY 2008 4/17/08 SPIN JUNE 2008 6/3/08 SPIN JULY 2008 6/20/08 SPIN AUG 2008 7/24/08 SPIN SEPT 2008 9/19/08 SPIN OCT 2008 9/19/08 SPIN NOV 2008 10/27/08 SPIN DEC 2008 11/24/08 2008 catalog 8/12/08 STRAIGHT STUNTIN Vol. 1, Issue 2 3/11/08 STREET ELEMENTS Issue 101 5/23/08 STREET ELEMENTS Issue 103 5/23/08 STREET ELEMENTS Issue 104 10/31/08 Vol. 2, Issue 1 3/11/08 Fall/Winter '08-'09 11/27/08 SPIRAL SWAGG TASCHEN TATTOO JAN 2008 11/2/07 TATTOO FEB 2008 12/13/07 TATTOO MAR 2008 1/29/08 TATTOO APR 2008 2/13/08 TATTOO MAY 2008 3/10/08 TATTOO JUNE 2008 4/17/08 TATTOO JULY 2008 5/7/08 TATTOO AUG 2008 6/3/08 TATTOO SEPT 2008 7/15/08 TATTOO OCT 2008 8/12/08 TATTOO NOV 2008 9/19/08 TATTOO DEC 2008 10/14/08 TATTOO ART FEB 2008 12/17/07 TATTOO ART MAY 2008 6/20/08 TATTOO LIFE DEC/JAN 2008 12/17/07 Summer 2008 8/12/08 MAR 2008 4/1/08 THIRTEEN THONGS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N remove poster remove poster pornography 309.05 (2) b.2 309.02 (9.a) Pages 44-47 article advocating prostitution,drugs 309.04(4)(8)c,d 309.05(2)b,2 THONGS WINTER 2008 7/15/08 THRASHER JAN 2008 12/13/07 THRASHER MAR 2008 2/27/08 THRASHER AUG 2008 8/12/08 THRASHER SEPT 2008 9/2/08 THRASHER OCT 2008 9/15/08 THRASHER NOV 2008 10/14/08 THRASHER DEC 2008 11/10/08 UNDER LOCK & KEY NOV 2008 12/3/08 URB JULY/AUG 2008 7/15/08 URB SEPT/OCT 2008 9/19/08 URBAN INK MAY 2008 7/15/08 URBAN INK #75 7/15/08 URBAN INK #83 8/12/08 URBAN INK #86 10/14/08 VARIETY May 12-18, 2008 5/29/08 VARIETY June 12, 2008 5/29/08 JAN 2008 12/13/07 VIBE FEB 2008 1/14/08 VIBE MAR 2008 2/26/08 VIBE APR 2008 4/1/08 VIBE MAY 2008 4/17/08 VIBE JUNE 2008 5/20/08 VIBE JULY 2008 7/8/08 VIBE AUG 2008 7/16/08 VIBE SEPT 2008 8/21/08 VIBE OCT 2008 9/15/08 VIBE NOV 2008 10/27/08 VIBE DEC 2008 11/19/08 VIDEO MAKER MAY 2008 4/17/08 Summer 2008 7/23/08 VIBE WET & WILD WIRED FEB 2008 1/31/08 WIRED MAR 2008 2/26/08 WIRED APR 2008 4/1/08 WIRED MAY 2008 4/21/08 WIRED JULY 2008 7/9/08 WIRED AUG 2008 7/22/08 WIRED SEPT 2008 9/2/08 WIRED OCT 2008 9/25/08 WIRED NOV 2008 10/27/08 WIZARD JUNE 2008 5/20/08 WIZARD AUG 2008 7/9/08 WORD UP JAN/FEB 2008 1/11/08 WORD UP MAR 2008 2/19/08 WORD UP APR 2008 4/21/08 WORD UP SEPT/OCT 2008 10/27/08 WORLD OF WESTFIELD JUNE 2008 6/13/08 WORLD OF WESTFIELD JULY 2008 7/9/08 WORLD OF WESTFIELD AUG 2008 8/13/08 WORLD OF WESTFIELD OCT 2008 10/14/08 WORLD OF WESTFIELD NOV 2008 11/14/08 WWE JAN 2008 12/18/07 WWE FEB 2008 1/16/08 WWE MAR 2008 2/26/08 WWE APR 2008 4/1/08 WWE MAY 2008 4/17/08 WWE JULY 2008 6/6/08 WWE OCT 2008 9/19/08 WWE NOV 2008 9/25/08 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N per security chief remove stickers per STG trainers per security chief remove booklet on page 35 remove pamphlet on page 49 remove insert on page 38 all posters all posters all posters all posters remove poster remove poster remove poster remove poster N N XXL MAR 2008 1/23/08 N XXL APR 2008 2/26/08 N XXL MAY 2008 4/1/08 N XXL JUNE 2008 4/17/08 N XXL JULY 2008 5/21/08 N XXL AUG 2008 7/15/08 N XXL SEPT 2008 7/24/08 N XXL OCT 2008 8/27/08 N remove poster XXL NOV 2008 9/23/08 N XXL DEC 2008 10/28/08 N PAMPHLETS & NEWSLETTERS Prison Action Wisconsin Oct-08 10/7/2008 N Prisoners' Speak #2 2/13/08 Y reviewed and denied by STG agency coordinators Right On #12 4/28/08 Y 309.04 (4) c.10 San Francisco Bay View Newspaper 3/12/08 N per security chief San Francisco Bay View Newspaper 3/26/08 N per security chief What is the National Alliance? (by Nat'l Vanguard Books) Y 309.04(4)c 8.b. Wisconsin Defender Winter/Spring 2008 N WI Prison Watch Jan-08 3/4/08 N per security chief WI Prison Watch May-08 5/13/08 N now allowable per security chief WI Prison Watch Sep-08 9/5/08 per security chief N WI Prison Watch Nov-08 12/2/08 N per security chief Who Rules America? A Research Report (by National Vanguard Books) Y 309.04(4)c 8.b. WWE XXL DEC 2008 10/27/08 JAN/FEB 2008 12/4/07 REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2009 11/6/2018 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail & DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. Please be aware that Don Diva magazines are coming in with covers from other non-existant magazines. ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 4 Front #17 1/15/2009 N #18 1/15/2009 N #19 1/15/2009 N #20 1/15/2009 N #21 1/15/2009 N Advocate Feb-09 1/26/2009 N ALL THE WAY Mar-10 2/28/2010 N per Dan Westfield Aug-09 9/11/2009 Y not allowed. 309.04(4)c.8c. And 309.05(2)b.1. Dec-10 11/9/2010 N per Dan Westfield Alternative Press Jan-09 1/26/2009 N Feb-09 1/26/2009 N Mar-09 2/12/2009 N Apr-09 3/22/2009 N May-09 4/20/2009 N American Curves Jan-09 1/6/2009 N Feb-09 1/20/2009 N Apr-09 3/2/2009 N Jun-09 5/28/2009 N Aug-09 7/3/2009 N Sep-09 8/26/2009 N Oct-09 4/14/2016 N Dec-09 11/23/2009 N Summer Lingerie 7/3/2009 N Fall 2009 11/23/2009 N American Photo Jan/Feb-09 12/19/2008 N per security director Mar/Apr-09 3/2/2009 N As Is #1 1/15/2009 N #2 9/8/2009 N #3 5/4/2009 N pages 92-93 Allowed, per security chief #8 1/15/2009 N #9 1/26/2009 Y not allowed. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 3. 5. #10 7/3/2009 N Big Black Butt Dec-09 10/16/2009 Y is not allowed. 309.04 (4)(c.)8.a. Depicts Features/Human Sexual Behavior Nudity Black Belt Mar-09 1/26/2009 Y self defense techniques and martial arts techniques Black Tail Jun-09 6/1/2009 Y features nudity; DOC 309.04 (4)(c)8.a. MAGAZINE Blender Dec/Jan-09 11/23/2008 Mar-09 2/12/2009 Apr-09 3/22/2009 Brew Your Own Sep-09 8/26/2009 Bridges of Voices Issue 15 1/14/2009 2009 Debut 1/26/2009 Buds Art Books Issue 902 P 3/2/2009 Issue 903A 3/25/2009 N N N Y N N N Y allowed. 309.05(2)b.3. Newsletter of Forum For Understanding Prisons (FFUP) all nudity Colorlines Mar/Apr-09 3/20/2009 Complex Feb/Mar 09 2/12/2009 Jun/Jul-09 6/9/2009 Details Jan/Feb-09 1/20/2009 Mar-09 3/2/2009 Don Diva Sep-09 9/8/2009 Issue 35, Vol. 8 2/11/2009 Issue 36, Vol. 8 5/12/2009 Easy Rider May-09 11/16/2009 Esquire Jan-09 1/6/2009 Feb-09 1/14/2009 Mar-09 2/18/2009 Apr-09 3/17/2009 May-09 4/13/2009 Jun-09 5/12/2009 Aug-09 7/9/2009 FANGORIA F.E.D.S. (SWEETS) FIGHT Sep-09 9/8/2009 Dec-09 11/18/2009 Oct-09 10/7/2009 Vol. 1, Issue #5 2/12/2009 Vol. 1, Issue #7 2/12/2009 Vol. 1, Issue #9 7/27/2009 Vol. 1, Issue #10 7/3/2009 Vol. 1, Issue #30 8/20/2009 Vol. 2, Issue #8 5/12/2009 Vol. 2 Issue #10 9/8/2009 Vol. 2 Issue #11 11/23/2009 Vol. 4, Issue 28 1/26/2009 Issue 43 5/28/2009 Apr-09 4/6/2009 Dec-10 2/4/2010 FMH Feb-09 2/25/2009 GQ Jan-09 1/6/2009 Feb-09 2/18/2009 Glutes (Amercan Curves) Heavy Metal Interview Mar-09 3/2/2009 May-09 5/12/2009 Sep-09 8/26/2009 Fall 2009 11/6/2018 Jan-09 11/27/2008 Mar-09 1/26/2009 May-09 4/3/2009 Jul-09 511/09 Nov-99 1/20/2009 Spring 2009 3/2/2009 Summer 2009 8/17/2009 Fall 2009 2/2/2011 Sep-09 11/16/2009 Nov-09 11/16/2009 Dec/Jan-09 12/19/2008 Feb-09 1/20/2009 Mar-09 3/16/2009 Apr-09 3/30/2009 N N N N N N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N Y Y N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N N N Y per security director DOC 305.05 (2) b. 2. 3 not allowed. 309.04 (4)c. 8. a. Features Nudity per security director per security director Is not allowed 309.04 (4) c. 10. 309.05 (2) b. 2 teaches fighting techniques 309.05 2.b.1.4. teaches fighting techniques 309.05(2)(B)1.4. per security director per security director 309.04 (4) c. 8. a & c Contains nudity and sexual acts per security director features nudity. 309.04(4)C.8.A not allowed. 309.04 (4) c. 8. a. Depicts human sexual behavior not allowed. 309.04 (4) c. 8.a. Human Sexual behavior. Features Nudity per security director per security director 309.04 (4)(8)(a) features nudity Juxtapoz June/July 09 6/18/2009 Aug-09 9/2/2009 Jan-09 1/6/2009 Feb-09 2/12/2009 Mar-09 3/2/2009 May-10 5/10/2010 Jun-09 6/11/2009 Jul-09 7/3/2009 Aug-09 9/8/2009 Dec-10 KG Body #1 King Maxim 1/5/2009 11/10/2009 Apr/May-09 2/26/2009 Jan-09 12/19/2008 Feb-09 1/20/2009 Mar-09 3/2/2009 Apr-09 3/17/2009 Jun-09 5/21/2009 Jul-09 6/18/2009 Aug-09 7/21/2009 Sep-09 8/20/2009 Oct-09 9/23/2009 Nov-09 10/23/2009 Dec-09 11/18/2009 Maxim-The Real Swimsuit Issue Feb-09 1/20/2009 Maxim en Espanol Apr-09 3/25/2009 May-09 5/4/2009 Jul-09 6/30/2009 Sep-09 8/31/2009 Feb-09 1/21/2009 Nov-10 1/11/2010 MENS FITNESS MF Care Mother Jones Ozone Vol. 1 Issue 3 1/5/2009 Nov-Dec-09 11/16/2009 #72 12/15/2008 #73 2/12/2009 #77 9/23/2009 #78 9/23/2009 #80 12/20/2009 Para Hombr's Dec-10 2/4/2010 Prison Legal News Jan-09 3/2/2009 Revolution Feb-09 2/12/2009 Revolver RFD Rolling Stone Mar-09 4/3/2009 Jan-09 11/27/2008 Feb-09 2/12/2009 Mar-09 1/26/2009 Apr-09 3/2/2009 May-09 3/20/2009 Jun-09 4/21/2009 Aug-09 6/18/2009 Sep-09 8/6/2009 Oct-09 9/1/2009 Winter 2009 #140 1/5/2010 Dec. 25-Jan 8 1/6/2009 Y N N N N Yes N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N Y Y N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N Depicts sexual behavior. 309.05(2)B)4 per security director 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features Nudity 309.04 (4)(c).8.a. Both collectors covers are OK 309.02(14), 309.04 (4)(8)(a) features nudity on pg 48-53 309.02(14), 309.04 (4)(8)(a) features nudity on pg 84-88 per security director per security director per security director fighting techniques 309.04. (4) c.8.a. engaged in sexual activity Features nudity. Denied 309.04(4)c.8.a remove poster per security director DOC 309.04 (4)c. 8. a. Features Nudity Pages 9 & 31 Savage Tattoo Jan. 22, 2009 1/20/2009 Feb. 5, 2009 2/12/2009 Feb. 19, 2009 3/2/2009 Mar. 5, 2009 3/2/2009 Mar. 19, 2009 3/22/2009 April 2, 2009 4/20/2009 April 16, 2009 4/17/2009 May 14, 2009 5/12/2009 May 28, 2009 5/28/2009 June 11, 2009 6/11/2009 Jun-09 7/3/2009 July 9-13, 2009 7/3/2009 Nov. 12, 2009 11/23/2009 Mar-09 1/6/2009 Oct-09 9/8/2009 Dec-09 11/23/2009 Scrye Mar-09 3/2/2009 Show East #19 3/2/2009 Skin & Ink Slam Straight Struntin' Latina 3/2/2009 Black Lingerie 4/20/2009 #5 11/23/2009 #6 11/23/2009 Jan-09 1/20/2009 Feb-09 5/12/2009 Mar-09 3/2/2009 May-09 3/20/2009 Jun-09 5/27/2009 Jul-09 7/3/2009 Aug-09 8/13/2009 Sep-09 9/8/2009 Nov-09 12/20/2009 Dec-10 1/11/2010 Apr-09 2/18/2009 May-09 3/22/2009 Anniversary Issue 2/12/2009 #5 2/12/2009 #7 2/12/2009 #9 12/20/2009 Kay Slay Issue 4/3/2009 G Unit Terminate of Sight Issue 4/3/2009 2nd Anniversay Issue 9/23/2009 Movement Issue 9/23/2009 #10 1/11/2010 Volume 2 1/15/2009 Stunnaz Jul-09 7/23/2014 Tetu Nov-10 2/1/2010 Thrasher Feb-09 1/26/2009 Mar-09 2/18/2009 Apr-09 3/22/2009 Street Literature Review Ultimate MMA Aug-09 7/20/2009 Dec-09 11/23/2009 Jun-09 5/20/2009 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N Y N N N N N N Y Y N N N N N Y per security director how to make a tattoo gun features nudity. 309.04 (4) c. 8. DOC 309.02 (14). Features nudity on several pages. Denied per 309.04(4)c 8.a Teaches fighting techniques 309.05 2.b.1.4. pages 105,106 and 107 Sep-09 10/5/2009 Jan/Feb-09 12/1/2008 Mar-09 1/30/2009 Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y N N N Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Apr-09 3/2/2009 N May-09 4/1/2009 Jun-09 5/12/2009 N N N N N N N Under Lock & Key Sept/Oct-09 10/22/2009 V Magazine Spring 2009 4/9/2009 Jan-09 12/12/2008 Feb-09 1/21/2009 Mar-09 2/16/2009 Apr-09 3/17/2009 May-09 5/1/2009 June/July 09 5/21/2009 Feb-09 1/15/2009 Jul-09 7/2/2009 Jul/Aug-09 2/18/2010 Jan-09 1/6/2009 Feb-09 1/20/2009 Vibe "W" White Voice Wired Wisconsin Prison Watch XXL Mar-09 3/2/2009 Jun-09 5/28/2009 Jul-09 7/2/2009 Aug-09 8/13/2009 Sep-09 9/8/2009 Oct-09 11/16/2009 Jan-09 1/14/2009 Mar-09 4/9/2009 Jul-09 6/8/2009 Aug-09 7/7/2009 Sep-09 8/5/2009 Oct-09 9/23/2009 Nov-09 10/27/2009 advocate the use of armed struggle to bring about revolution features nudity. 309.04 (4) c. 8. features nudity Upon further review it is allowed (DW) features nudity 309.04(4)(8)(a). allowed. 309.02 (2) b. 1.4. advocates hatred for race cellphone usage by prisoners 309.04 (4) c.5, 8.b page 38 how to make fireworks 309.05 2(b)3, 4 not allowed. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 3 & 5 309.04 (4)C. 8. b.c. 309.05 (2) b.2. per security director REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2010 11/6/2018 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. Please be aware that Don Diva magazines are coming in with covers from other non-existant magazines. MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON All The Way Jan-10 Feb-10 Apr-10 May-10 American Curves Jan-10 Mar-10 American Curves Lingerie Summer '10 American's Sovereign's Bulletin Sept/Oct 2010 Art News Dec-10 Art Spectrum #16 As Is #3 #12 As Is Assets #5 Attitude Sep-10 Black Belt Jul-10 Bound By Ink Premiere Issue Bud's Art Books Incorrigible Catalog Issue 106A Celebrity Sleuth Vol. 60 Details (10th anniversary) Dime Piece DNA DOLLZ Don Diva Vol. 61 Mar-10 Vol. 2 #121 #38 Vol. 10 #39 Vol. 10 #26 Vol. 6 #42 Vol. 11 10th Anniversary Edition Issue 0040 Issue #41 Easy Rider Jun-10 Esquire Jan-10 Nov-10 F.E.D.S. (SWEETS) Vol. 2 Issue 11 Vol. 2 Issue 12 Vol. 3 Issue 12 Vol. 3 Issue 13 Vol. 3 Issue 14 Vol. 7 Issue 32 Vol. 7 Issue 33 Vol. 1 Issue 7 FHM (UK) Apr-10 Fight Jul-10 Final Call 12/21/10 Football Play Book Sept/Oct 2010 Fox Fantasy Football 2010 FRONT Feb-10 #138 Mar-10 Gay Times Mar-10 Gorgeous Jun-11 1/26/2010 2/1/2010 11/9/2010 11/9/2010 1/5/2010 3/16/2010 8/5/2010 2/8/2011 12/1/2010 5/12/2010 2/22/2010 5/26/2010 9/24/2010 10/14/2010 6/23/2010 7/13/2010 No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 6/23/2010 4/12/2010 Yes Yes 5/25/2010 2/23/2010 1/25/2010 2/18/2010 2/19/2010 1/26/2010 1/26/2010 1/3/2011 1/3/2011 5/25/2010 7/16/2010 5/26/2010 12/10/2009 10/22/2010 1/25/2010 2/22/2010 3/10/2010 8/6/2010 12/14/2010 6/14/2010 12/14/2010 12/7/2010 5/4/2010 7/13/2010 2/2/2011 10/28/2010 8/12/2010 3/10/2010 3/29/2010 5/10/2010 1/20/2011 Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Per Dan Westfield Per Dan Westfield Per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)c.8c. And 309.05(2)b.1. allowed per Dan Westfield DOC 309.05(2).b.2 DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Nudity Pages, 7,22-29, 47-49 DOC 309.04(4) (c) 8.c., 10. Features Nudity. 309.04(4) c.8.a Pages 50, 52, 56-58; 309.05 2.b.1. 4. Teaches fighting techniques 309.05 (2)b. 2 & 5. Teaches How Build a Tattoo Machine Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Page 66, along with others 309.04 (4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity Pges 54,58, 90 DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a . Features Nudity. Depicts Human Sexual Behavior, Depicts Genitalia not allowed 309.05 (2) B.4 Features Nudity (160-161) DOC 309. 309.04 (4) c.8.a. Features nudity, depicts bondage (74-79) Per Dan Westfield MS13 Article per Dan Westfield Medical Marijuana article DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2),(3) Pages 58-62 DOC309.04(4)c 8.b, c.10 Pages 49,83,85,91,93 DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity Pages 134-15 Allowed Per Dan Westfield Page 92 309.04 c.8.a depicts human nudity Per Dan Westfield Per Dan Westfield Page 39 allowed per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Page 106 Nudity 309.04 (4)C.8.a. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques. Per Dan Westfield Facilitates gambling 309.05 (2) b. 2. 309.04 (4)©8.c allowed per Dan Westfield features nudity 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features Nudity. 309.04 (4)c.8.a allowed per Dan Westfield Features Nudity. DOC 309..04(4)c.8.a MAGAZINE GQ GT (Gay Times) Gutta Magazine "H" (Spanish) Heavy Metal Hush International Tattoo Art Interview Juxtapoz Kandy Girls (KG Body) Kobold Loaded Manner ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON Jan-10 Jun-10 384 Vol. 1 Issue 1 Oct-10 Dec-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jul-10 Summer '10 Sep-10 Nov-10 Fall '10 Fall 1998 6 Vol. 1 No. 1 Vol. 1 No. 3 Vol. 1 No. 4 Dec/Jan-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Jan-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 Cover 5 of 5 Aug-10 Vol. 1 Vol. 2 1/5/2010 6/23/2010 10/14/2010 4/21/2010 10/4/2010 12/1/2010 3/10/2010 10/7/2010 6/23/2010 6/23/2010 9/24/2010 9/17/2010 10/14/2010 10/27/2010 12/23/2010 1/3/2011 1/3/2011 1/3/2011 2/1/2010 4/13/2010 11/4/2010 8/5/2010 9/17/2010 10/22/2010 1/11/2010 2/22/2010 4/7/2010 5/26/2010 10/4/2010 4/12/2010 4/30/2010 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Spring 2010 (13) 5/26/2010 3/11/2010 8/3/2010 8/3/2010 12/18/2009 1/19/2010 3/2/2010 4/19/2010 6/23/2010 8/17/2010 10/4/2010 10/13/2010 12/13/2010 1/25/2010 12/30/2009 2/1/2010 7/1/2010 11/2/2010 2/22/2010 1/5/2010 12/23/2010 3/16/2010 3/16/2010 2/1/2010 2/1/2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No Feb-10 3.1 6.1 Maxim Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Mens Fitness Mar-10 MF Cares Vol. 1 Issue 3 MMA Mar-10 Murder Dog Vol. 16 Issue 3 Vol. 17 Ozone #81 Revolver Jan/Feb-10 RNPA Books & Other Neat Stuff 2009-2011 Skin & Ink Mar-10 Apr-10 Skin Tones #3 Smooth Girl Holiday Special Pages 168,207 Allowed per Dan Westfield Pages 38-41 Features Nudity. 309.04 (4) C.8.a. DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features nudity not allowed 09.04 (4)(8)(a) Features Nudity (pg 23,24,27++) 309.04 (4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity Pages 44-48, 81-82 309.04(4) C. 8.a. Features Nudity Pages 27,55,81,82 Features Nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Contains numerous pages depicting nudity. allowed per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a.Features Nudity and Human Sexual Behavior. Features nudity 309.04(4)C.8.A Per Dan Westfield Per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.a. Features Nudity. Features Nudity on regular basis. 309.04 (4) c. 8. a. 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features nudity on a regular basis Features Nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)(c)8.a. allowed per Dan Westfield 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Contains numerous pages depicting nudity. Page 113 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis (93) Features Nudity on regular basis. 309.04 (4) c. 8. a. DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity pg 56,57,100 DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8.a. Features Nudity Pages 53,61,78 - allowed per Dan Westfield allowed per Dan Westfield Pages 22-23, 31-33 DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.c. Teaches Fantasy Role Play Game Features Nudity 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity 309.04(4) c.8.a. page 22 - allowed Per Dan Westfield Page 56 - allowed per Dan Westfield Page 28 - allowed per Dan Westfield Page 86 - allowed per Dan Westfield Page 32 - allowed per Dan Westfield page 60 - allowed Per Dan Westfield pages 441-443 309.04 (4)c.8.a. pages 108-111 - Per Dan Westfield pages 18 - 23 Per STG Agency Coordinators 309.02 (2) b. 1.4. Advocates hatred of other races. pages 11,19,68-79 Per Dan Westfield MAGAZINE Source ISSUE Apr/May-10 Sports Illustrated Ultimate Swimsuit 1964-2002 Street Elements Swiss Money Magazine Issue 103 Issue 104 Jun/jul-10 Aug/Sept-10 Issue 40 2010 Tapout Taschen 30th Anniversary Tattoos for Women #5 The Come Up #1 Thongs (American Curves) Winter 2010 UFC Magazine Dec/Jan-10 Under Lock & Key May/Jun-10 (14) Vibe Mar-10 "W" Sep-10 Nov-10 Wired Jun-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 XXL Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jul-10 13th Anniversary Issue Oct-10 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 5/10/2010 9/22/2010 8/31/2010 8/31/2010 11/17/2010 11/2/2010 3/29/2011 11/4/2010 1/3/2011 12/20/2009 11/6/2018 2/1/2010 11/2/2010 2/22/2010 10/4/2010 11/18/2010 8/10/2010 10/28/2010 12/3/2010 2/18/2010 3/12/2010 4/19/2010 7/1/2010 8/13/2010 9/24/2010 No Yes No No Page 50 Per Dan Westfield Should be 309.05 2.b.4 depicts nudity of childred No allowed per Dan Westfield Per STG Agency Coordinators Teaches fighting techniques. DOC 309.05(2)b.1.2.3 Features Nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)(C) 8.a. 309.04(4)(c)8.a. Features Nudity. features nudity 309.04 (4)c.8.a. No Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Denied for 309.05(2)(B)1.4. (118-119) DOC 309.04 (4)(c)5., 8. b. nudity - allowed per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)C.8.a. Pg 152-153 denied for 309.04(4) c.12. Article details nomenclature of AK-47 rifle. 309.05 (2) b. 3. Per STG Agency Coordinators REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2011 5/13/2019 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. Please be aware that Don Diva magazines are coming in with covers from other non-existant magazines. MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 504 Dymes All The Way American Curves Swimsuit Amercan Curves American Photo American's Sovereign's Bulletin Art in America Art of Sexy ARTnews 7/18/2011 4/7/2011 3/22/2011 11/15/2011 3/21/2011 3/22/2011 9/7/2011 Yes No No Yes No No No Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)c.8c. And 309.05(2)b.1. per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield 2/8/2011 3/8/2011 9/21/2011 4/18/2011 5/6/2011 11/1/2011 12/21/2011 5/10/2011 1/19/2011 Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.05(2).b.2 per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield DOC 309.94(4)c.8.a. Full frontal nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.b. Poses a Threat to the security 3/4/2011 8/12/2011 Yes Yes 10/20/2011 11/29/2011 2/8/2011 4/8/2011 6/2/2011 9/20/2011 12/5/2011 5/29/2014 3/9/2011 1/9/2012 1/5/2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Features Top 10 Prison Gangs not allowed. DOC 309.04(4)c. 8. c.d. Features nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. STG related - DOC 309.04(4)c. 8. b. c.d., 10 Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features nudity. Denied for 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis per Dan Westfield Dec-Jan-11 3/4/2011 Yes DOC 309.05 (2).b.2 Cellphone use is correctional institutions. Prison disturbance article. Issue 7 Aug-11 (183) Issue 43 Pages 38-41 Volume 11 Issue 45 11-Oct Sep-11 Aug #305 Vol. 4 Issue 16 4/7/2011 9/20/2011 Yes No 4/7/2011 Yes 7/18/2011 9/20/2011 8/30/2011 8/1/2011 5/9/2011 Yes Yes No No No Collector's Edition Feb-11 Mar-11 Sep-11 Spring 2011 Apr-11 Sept-Oct-11 Vol. 2 Issue 1-02 Jan - Feb-11 Feb-11 Nov-11 Apr-11 May-11 Oct-11 Dec-11 ASIS #7 #13 ASIS Assets Biker Blackmen Bluff The Thrill of Poker Bound by Ink Cell Door Coalition for Prisoner Rights Crossed DIVA Don Diva Easy Rider Esquire Fangoria FEDS - Sweets Special Edition Anniversary Issue #16 #5 #8 Apr-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Oct-11 FEB. 2012 Sep-11 Iss 9 Jan-11 Issue 7 Vol. 10 Issue 2 309.05(2)(B)2,3,4 and 309.02(16)(2). Sex with animals, drug usage. DOC 309.04(4)c.8 c. d. Denial based on 2 articles, 1) identification of drugs 2) gun silencers. DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a.,c.Feature nudity/human sexual behavior. Graphic violence per Dan Westfield DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2),(3) Article depicts different types of drugs and their effects Page 32 DOC 309.04(4)C.8.b. 10. Teaches or advocates violence Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield FEDS Fight Front FTTP #11 Girls & Corpses Girls of Hustlenomics Gorgeous H Para Homres Hails & Horns Heavy Metal High Times High Times Medical Marijuana In The Wind Inked Interview Kandygirlz Kit Builders Maxim New York Night of the Living Dead RFD The Ring Rolling Stone They are now using the cover of this magazine on a version that contains articles that were not allowed. per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features genetalia DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features nudity DOC 309.04 (4) c. 10. 309.05 (2) b. 2 DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting techniques Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 and 309.04 (4) C.8.b., 10 DOC 309.04(4)(c)8. per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A Denied for 309.05(2)(B)(2)(3 Illegal drugs Denied for 309.05(2)(B)(2)(3 Illegal drugs Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a Vol. 4 Issue 16 Vol. 4 Issue 17 Vol. 4 Issue 18 Vol. 3 Issue 15 Vol. 8 Issue 34 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 #158 Spring 2011 Volume 5 7/18/2011 8/4/2011 11/10/2011 10/20/2011 6/14/2011 4/11/2011 5/10/2011 6/22/2011 8/1/2011 8/1/2011 10/17/2011 10/17/2011 9/20/2011 2/20/2012 5/12/2011 Vol. 1 Issue 9 Febrero 2011 11-Sep Issue 21 Jan-11 Mar-11 May-11 Jul-11 Summer 2011 Sept-11 Jan-12 Nov-11 (430) Fall 2011 Sept-11 Nov-11 (40) Feb-11 Mar-11 Sept-11 Nov-11 #3 #62 Mar-11 May-11 Aug-11 Oct-11 2/7/2011 8/12/2011 2/18/2011 9/20/2011 5/4/2011 11/18/2010 1/10/2011 3/17/2011 4/28/2011 6/16/2011 8/1/2011 11/17/2011 9/20/2011 9/20/2011 6/9/2011 11/8/2011 3/14/2011 3/4/2011 9/8/2011 11/8/2011 8/17/2011 4/7/2011 3/4/2011 4/20/2011 8/17/2011 9/28/2011 2/16/2011 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Issue 1 4/7/2011 Yes Issue 2 4/7/2011 Yes Issue 3 #146 Summer 2011 Jul-11 Apr. 14, 2011 9/8/2011 Yes DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a.,c.Feature nudity/human sexual behavior. Graphic violence Denied for 309.04(4)C.8.A Features Nudity 7/18/2011 5/19/2011 4/14/2011 No No No per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. per Dan Westfield Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. DOC 309.05 (2)b.2. Credit Card Fraud is not allowed (98-103) per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a.,c.Feature nudity/human sexual behavior. Graphic violence 10/30/2011 No 9/6/2011 Yes per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)c.8.b.. Teaches or advocates Hunger Strike Activity 10/13/2011 8/30/2018 Yes NO DOC 309.05 (2) b.2., DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8., 10. per Mike Saunders 11/18/2011 4/14/2011 9/20/2011 12/19/2011 5/25/2011 11/8/2011 5/12/2011 7/18/2011 7/18/2011 12/8/2011 10/5/2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No DOC 309.04(4)c.8.b. DOC 309.05 (2)b.2., (2)b.3. Page 55 DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity. 2/8/2011 Yes Dec-Jan-11 Mar-11 Jan-Feb-11 May-Jun-11 Jul-Aug-11 Sept-Oct-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Feb-11 9/26/2011 1/19/2011 1/5/2011 3/22/2011 7/26/2011 8/22/2011 10/13/2011 6/22/2011 8/26/2011 2/8/2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Apr-11 Sep/Oct-2011 Oct-11 4/11/2011 5/13/2019 9/26/2011 Yes No No Taschen Tattoos for Men Sept. 1, 2011 Aug-11 Vol. 36 No. 3 Sept-11 Vol. 36 No. 9 Vol 25 Oct-11 Vol. 36 No. 10 Apr-11 Vol. 41 No. 5 Special Edition Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Feb-Mar-11 Apr-May-11 Jun-11 Winter 2011-12 #92 Turning The Tide Vol. 24 No. 1 JanMar 2011 San Francisco Bay View Smooth Girl Source Southwest Art Collector Straight Stuntin Stunnaz Swiss Money Vol. 24 No. 4 OctDec-11 UFC Ultimate MMA Under Lock & Key "W" Wired Women of King - Wet Issue XXL DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Shows exposed female genitals per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features nudity per Dan Westfield Promotes unification of gangs, promotes disruptive actions in prisons Promotes unification of gangs, promotes disruptive actions in prisons Teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05(2) b,1.4. Teaches fighting techniques pages 112-115 309.05 2.b.1. 4. DOC 309.05 (2) 1., DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8 DOC 309.05 (2) b.2., DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8., 10. DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8.b., 10 DOC 309.05 (2) b.2., DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8., 10 per Dan Westfield DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04 (4)c.1 309.05 (2)b.2.)pg 69 on how to ship cocaine DOC 309.04 (4)c.1 309.05 (2)b.2.)Article teaches how to smuggle cocaine / concealing it in various materials. Allowed per Dan Westfield REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2012 5/13/2019 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. , CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. gazines are coming in with covers from other non-existant magazines. MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 4Struggle 504 Dymes (Collectors Edition) ALT American Artist ARTForum 1/3/2013 9/12/2012 11/20/2015 6/15/2012 5/9/2012 12/18/2012 3/26/2012 5/14/2012 6/21/2012 12/18/2012 4/30/2012 10/15/2012 5/13/2019 9/14/2012 6/4/2012 7/10/2012 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 309.05 (2)(b)(1)(2)(4) Issue #21 #4 July/Aug-12 Apr-12 Dec-12 Mar-12 May-12 Jun-12 Dec-12 May-12 Premier Issue Nov/Dec-12 Sep-12 #3 #18 Biker Feb-12 12/5/2011 Yes DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis Black Belt Black Men Dec-12 Jan-12 Mar-12 1/14/2012 2/3/2014 1/12/2012 Yes No Yes 309.05 2.b.1. 4. Teaches fighting techniques. Bound by Ink Issue 7 1/9/2012 Yes DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis Cosmopolitan Details Dime Piece Nov-12 Nov-12 Issue #2 Issue #5 Issue #6 Vol. 13 Issue 47 Vol. 13 Issue 48 May-12 Jul-12 10/25/2012 11/16/2012 3/22/2012 3/22/2012 4/30/2012 4/18/2012 8/21/2012 6/6/2012 7/10/2012 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.05(2) (b) 1. 2. criminal activity DOC 309.05 (2)(b) 1. 2. Promotes Drug Use DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity Esquire Apr-12 3/26/2012 No F.E.D.S Vol. 8 Issue 35 Vol. 8 Issue 36 Vol. 4 Issue 26 Vol. 5 Issue 19 Vol. 1 Issue 9 Nov-12 Issue #171 4/2/2012 4/2/2012 10/10/2012 8/2/2012 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes ART News Art in America The Art of Sexy by Show The Artist ASIS (Assets) ASIS Don Diva Easy Rider F.E.D.S SWEET Fight FRONT Issue 21 Fall'012 11/28/2012 12/11/2012 10/23/2012 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis DOC 309.04 (4) c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography DOC309.04(4)C.8.a. Features Nudity Page 46 Denied for 309.05(2)(B)(2)(3). DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis DOC 309.05(2)(b.) 4. and DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.b. and d and 10. DOC 309.05(2)(b.) 4. and DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.b. and d and 10. DOC 309.05(2) (b) 1. 2. criminal activity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. Teaches fighting DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity Issue #172 Jun-12 Dec-12 10/30/2012 7/10/2012 11/28/2012 Yes No No Oct-12 Aug-12 May-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Mar-12 May-12 Vol. 7 Issue 23 Mar-12 May-12 9/12/2012 10/17/2012 4/26/2012 10/17/2012 10/17/2012 1/23/2012 4/18/2012 12/11/2012 3/19/2012 5/9/2012 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Jan-12 1/9/2012 Yes Winter 2012 1/9/2012 No Apr-12 1/19/2012 Yes DOC 309.05 (2)(b)3. 4. 5. Security threat (nerf gun) Feb-12 Jun-12 Nov-12 Nov-13 Dec-12 Issue #1164 1/12/2012 7/3/2012 10/30/2012 3/1/2013 11/28/2012 9/13/2012 Yes No No Yes Yes No DOC 309.05 (2)(b)3. 5. Tactics are threat to security Juggalos/ICP article Jan-12 May-12 Issue #4 Issue #3 Dec-19 #254 2/21/2012 5/21/2012 3/23/2012 7/16/2012 1/28/2019 9/13/2012 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No DOC 309.04(4) c.8.b. Advocates hunger strike activity DOC 309.04(4) c.8.b. Advocates hunger strike activity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity Spin Sports Illustrated - Swimsuit May-Jun-12 2012 Edition 7/3/2012 2/20/2012 No No Juggalos/ICP article Straight Stuntin LE Issue #93 Issue # 12 Issue #14 Issue #16 Issue #17 Issue #18 Issue #21 Issue #22 Issue #23 Issue #24 2012 2012 Dec-12 Jan-13 3/19/2012 9/12/2012 3/22/2019 3/22/2019 4/18/2012 4/18/2012 3/22/2012 9/12/2012 11/6/2012 11/15/2018 4/2/2012 4/2/2012 12/11/2012 12/11/2012 No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes GQ Glamour Guns Guns & Ammo Heavy Metal Hip Hop Weekly Interview Juxtapoz King - The Woman of Make Maxim Para Hombres Penthouse Letters Rolling Stone San Fran Bay View Newspaper Skin Tones, The Pictorial SHOW Source 5th Anniversary Edition Stunnaz Mag - Missy Tribute Stunnaz Mag - Valentine S.W.A.T. Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.05 (2)b.3. DOC 309.05 (2)b.3. DOC 309.05 (2)b.3. DOC 309.05 (2)b.3. DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.05(2)(b.) 4. & DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.b.a.d. &10. DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features Nudity DOC 309.05 (2)(b)3. 5. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)3. 5. DOC 303.05(2)b 1&4 teaches fighting techniques Tai Chi TAPOUT Tattoo Life Under Lock & Key Vanity Fair Issue #68 Sep-12 9/12/2012 9/25/2012 Yes #74 Mar/Apr-12 Jul/Aug-12 Sep/Oct-12 Jan-12 Mar-12 Dec-12 1/30/2012 4/26/2012 8/10/2012 11/1/2012 1/12/2012 3/19/2012 11/16/2012 No. 267 2/20/2012 3/21/2012 7/5/2012 11/1/2012 3/9/2012 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA "W" XXL Mar-12 Apr-12 Jun-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 DOC 309.05 (2) b. 1 & 4. DOC 309.04 (4)c.10) DOC 309.05(2)b.2. DOC 309.05 (2) (b) (2)(4). Protests DOC309.05 (2) (b) (2)(4) protests DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Page 153 DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. Features nudity DOC 309.04(4)c.8.b.c Encourages anti government DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Depicts nudity on a frequent basis DOC 309.04(4) c. 8. a. Features nudity DOC 309.04(4) c.8.a. Features nudity REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2013 12/14/2018 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 4 Strugglemag ACE entertainment magazine American Curves American Curves American Photography Art of Sexy Art of Sexy AS IS Assets AS IS AS IS AS IS Issue 22 May-13 Spring 2013 Fall 2013#79 Sept/Oct-13 Issue #4 Jan 2013 Issue #24 Mar/Apr 2013 #9 #8 #14 #19 #20 Azure Green Catolog Black Belt Black Lingerie Black Men Don Diva ESPN Fantasay Football Index FEDS - Sweets F.E.D.S FHM Final Call FFUP (Forum For Understanding Prisons) Girls, Girls, Girls GQ H Para Hombres Harper's Bazaar Heavy Metal Heavy Metal-Limited Edition Heavy Metal-Movie Special 10/28/2013 11/26/2013 12/14/2018 7/1/2013 8/12/2013 Yes Yes Yes No No DOC 309.04 (4)(c)(10) DOC 309.05(2)(b)(2) promotes drug use DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography 7/25/2013 Yes DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A - features nudity 3/8/2013 3/1/2013 7/11/2013 5/7/2013 3/6/2013 No No Yes Yes No Decision reversed on 9/20/13 6/25/2013 DOC 309.05 (2)b.manufacture or use of drugs and firearms 309.05 2. b. 3 309.04(4)C.8.c. (originally allowed but after further review it is DENIED) Vol. 5 Issue 20 Vol. 1 Issue 8 Vol. 7 Issue 21 Vol. 7 Issue 22 Vol. 9 Issue 38 Aug-15 Vol.32 No. 50 2/18/2013 7/24/2015 5/6/2013 5/26/2015 6/2/2016 7/8/2013 7/24/2013 10/28/2013 2/22/2013 8/21/2013 1/14/2013 8/20/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 6/25/2013 7/3/2015 9/24/2013 Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes 13-Sep Volume 4 10/7/2013 11/12/2013 No Yes Feb-13 2/14/2013 11/26/2013 5/10/2013 8/20/2013 11/22/2013 10/7/2013 10/7/2013 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 11/19/2013 Mar-13 Simmer 2013 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Vol. 15 Issue 50 Spring 2013 Issue 52 2/18/13 Aug-13 (issue 171) May-13 #264 #265 20 years DOC 309.05 (2)(b) 1, 2, 4 gang article DOC 309.05 (2)b.manufacture or use of drugs Teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05(2)B 1,4 Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows nipples Allowed DOC 309.05(2)(b)(2) and DOC 309.05(2)(b)(3) advocates drug use tax fraud article Page 42 DOC 309.05(2)(b)(2) &(3) Gambling DOC 309.05(2)(b)(2). as of 7-2-14 per Mike SaundersDAI 309.00.50 I. A. (3) (7). does not feature nudity Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. promotes drug use 5% Literature DOC 309.05 (2)© DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2) as of 12-4-13 Approved by S.Schueler DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Hustlenomics #59 3/18/2013 Yes Issue 3 Issue 1 Issue 4 2013 Edition Issue 2 Dec-Jan14 #5 #9 Apr-13 Aug-13 #234 Jan/Feb-13 May-13 Jul/Aug 2013 Nov-13 7/17/2013 8/22/2013 10/7/2013 Yes Yes Yes Features Nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No per DOC 309.05(2)(b)(2). Dec-13 Jun-13 Issue 2 #6 8/21/2013 12/18/2013 8/21/2013 3/12/2013 2/14/2013 12/4/2013 1/22/2013 5/6/2013 8/5/2013 10/21/2013 11/25/2013 &12/4/2013 6/20/2013 10/3/2013 3/1/2013 Yes No Yes No DOC 309.05(2)(b)(5) Poses a threat to institution security Volume 1 11/12/2013 Yes DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) #20 / 2013 3/8/2013 5/1/13 #302 5/6/2013 5/26/13 #305 6/20/2013 Rolling Stone Jun-13 6/25/2013 Rune Quest Vol. 5.06 Jun-13 10/3/2013 Shaolin Kung Fu Tai Chi May/June 2013 11/14/2014 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 3/1/2013 Sports Illustrated "Swimsuit Portfolio: The Explorers Edition #25 New Years Straight Stuntin 3/1/2013 Issue 19 8/19/2013 Issue 28 11/27/2013 Summer 2013 Stunnaz 8/20/2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No I Adore Inmate Shopper Interview KG Body Knives Illustrated Loaded Maxim National Geographic Phat Puffs Picture Dis Pole Rebel Ink Revolution Stunnaz Stunnaz Sub O Fat Puffs Spring 2013 Tools for Freedom Catalog 2013 Urban Ink Fall 203 Vanity Fair "W" Weed Magazine Wired 2012-2013 Super Bowl Edition DMV Part 2 Special Edition Issue #1 Vol. 1 Issue 33 Dec-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Sep-13 Issue #105 Aug-13 Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05 2.b.1.4. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. Page 30 How to make meth DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(3) DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. ICP article glamorizes the ICP lifestyle; DOC 309.05(2)(b.) 4. and DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.b. and d and 10. DOC 309.05 (2) (b) (2)(4). Hunger strike DOC 309.05 (2) (b) (2)(4). Hunger strike DOC 309.05 (2)b.manufacture or use of drugs DOC 309.04 (4)(c)(12). DOC 309.05(2)b(2)-Teach of advocate violence DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4) Features Nudity Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)c.8.a. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). This features nudity. does not feature nudity, only 1 picture Denied per DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) 10/14/2013 Yes 1/14/2013 Yes No 2/14/2013 9/11/2015 12/19/2013 2/26/2013 2/28/2013 8/26/2013 7/30/2013 Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8/6/2013 Yes Descison reversed on 4-1- 14. Magazine is now allowed. Denied per DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) Sovereign Citizen material DOC 309.04(4) C.5, C. 8.c., C. 8.d. 309.05(2)(b)(4) Features nudity DOC 309.04 c.8.a. Features nudity DOC 309.04 c.8.a. Features nudity DOC 309.04 c.8.a. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(3). Drugs DOC 309.04(4) c.8.b., 12 DOC 309.05 (2)(b)3.5 XXL Mar-Apr-13 3/18/2013 No REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2014 9/2/2016 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 21st Century Karno's Klassics Nov-14 Iss.23 8/10/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 4StruggleMag ALT 2/27/2014 10/10/2014 10/22/2014 12/26/2014 9/18/2014 9/18/2014 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sept/Oct 14 Jan-15 Issue 3 Issue 6 Issue 10 Issue 17 pages 17-19 Issue 21 Belles Issue 1 Vol. 1 BIZSU Fall 2014 Black & Pink Feb-14 Black Lingerie by SHOW Issue 10 White Issue Blackmen Vol. 17, #1 Vol. 17 #4 Feb-14 Nov-14 Boston ABC 9/4/2014 12/3/2014 1/8/2014 1/8/2014 9/19/2014 5/7/2014 6/4/2014 10/10/2014 10/29/2014 2/24/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 5/8/2014 12/3/2014 11/25/2014 6/26/2015 2/17/2014 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Candid Backshots #1 Candid Backshots - Dem Strippers Cosmopolitan Dec-14 DAMN Girl Magazine 2nd Issue Details Nov-14 Don Diva Vol. 1, Iss 48 Issue 51 Vol. 53, Iss 53 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 11/14/2014 8/21/2014 10/29/2014 2/3/2014 2/28/2014 4/4/2014 Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Ebony Esquire Eye Spy Issue 54 Vol. 6 Iss 26 Nov-14 May-14 #89 2014 8/4/2014 6/5/2014 11/20/2014 5/13/2014 4/22/2014 Yes Yes No No No F.E.D.S F.E.D.S F.E.D.S Vol 4, Iss 25 Vol. 4, Iss 26 Vol. 10 Iss 40 1/3/2014 2/3/2014 2/24/2014 Yes Yes No Alternative Revolution American Frontiersman Issue 23 #3 #4 Issue #8-2014 2014 - #153 2014 - #158 American Photo American Survival Guide As Is Assets STG agency trainers approved DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Exposed breast DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Exposed breast DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. features nudity DOC 309.05(2)(b) Per DOC 309.05(2)(b) DOC 309.04 (4)(c)(8)(b); poses a risk to the security DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). It features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). It features nudity. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b pages 24-27 309.305 (2)(b)(2); it advocates/glamorizes illegal activities. 309.305 (2)(b)(2) DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed nipples and labia DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. Self Defense DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a.shows areola, nipples, pubic area. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Visible areola and breast. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. (38,39,42,96,97,104,105) DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nipples and breasts visible DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4) Denied per DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Denied per DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a pages 1867-187 DOC 309.04 4(c) 8(a). Contains exposed labia pg 82 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Glamorizes marijuana DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2); it advocates/glamorizes illegal activities. Pages 24,25,30,31,42 DOC 309.05(2)(b)2. And DOC 309.04(4)(c) 8.b. and d. and DOC 309.05(2)(b)3. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2); it advocates/glamorizes illegal activities. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2) and DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). Glamorizes gang activity DOC 309.04 (4)(c)(8)(b); this poses a risk to the security Vol. 9 Iss 39 Vol. 9 Iss 41 Vol. 10 Iss 40 Vol. 10 Iss 42 F.E.D.S F.E.D.S F.E.D.S F.E.D.S F.E.D.S. SWEETS Vol.1, Iss 6 5/16/2014 5/13/2014 12/19/2014 9/18/2014 No No Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows areola and genital area DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4) and DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2); it features nudity and glamorizes illegal activity (drugs and gang related). DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4) Nudity DOC 309.00.50 I. A. (3) (7). DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features nudity Vol. 4, Iss 17 Vol. 5 Iss 20 Vol. 8, iss 23 2/28/2014 1/24/2014 7/2/2014 6/19/2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes Sep-14 Vol. 33 #16 Vol. 33 #25 Vol. 33 #38 Vol. 33 #43 Vol. 33 # 47 Vol. 33 #50 Vol. 33 #51 Vol. 34 #9 Vol. 34 #10 Vol. 34 #12 Issue #6 Issue #2 Issue #1 Feb-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Nov-14 #31 Issue 4 Jun-14 July-Sept 14 #266 #267 #268 #269 #271 May-14 Vol.9 Iss15 Annual 2014 10/29/2014 1/29/2014 4/21/2014 7/2/2014 8/21/2014 9/3/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 12/19/2014 12/19/2014 1/12/2015 7/23/2014 11/14/2014 10/29/2014 1/29/2014 7/28/2014 9/19/2014 11/14/2014 8/21/2014 4/4/2014 5/15/2014 1/14/2016 1/3/2014 2/25/2014 5/7/2014 6/19/2014 10/22/2014 5/8/2014 8/4/2014 4/22/2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Hustlenomics - collectors edition pictoral Hustlenomics #59 IADORE Issue 001 4/18/2014 5/13/2014 1/6/2015 No Yes Yes DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity DOC 309.94 4 (c) 8 a. Page 56 Issue 003 Issue 005 Issue 006 May-16 1/24/2014 8/13/2014 10/10/2014 4/1/2016 YES Yes Yes No this is the same magazine that is on the 2013 list that has been denied per Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)(c)(8.a.) DOC 309.04(4)(c)8.a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Allowed FHM Final Call Fyne Girls GGURLS GQ Girls & Corpses Go Der Golf Digest Got Curves Heavy Metal Hightimes Hip Hop Weekly Homegrown Terrorism 7,16,17,18,43,72,74 Ink Trap Pg 116 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. teaches fighting techniques DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). DOC 309.04(4)c.8.c., 12 DOC.309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.02 (14) DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. page 5 has naked breasts DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 (a) (c). page 268 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. (pg 180) DOC 309.04 4(c) 8(a). Depicts sex acts DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2); it advocates/glamorizes illegal activities. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). It features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). It features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity and human sexual behavior DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography DOC 309.05(2)(b)(2); it promotes illegal activity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(2); it advocates/glamorizes illegal activities Inmate Shopper 2014 Inmate Shopper 2014 Interview Juxtapoz Spring Summer Dec/Jan-15 Mar-14 Apr-14 Sep-14 #167 Dec-14 Jan-15 KG Body Issue 1 KG Body #12 / PE1 Licious Curves Issue 1-2014 LowRider Dec-14 Make Jun/July-14 Maxim Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jul/Aug 2014 Men's Health Jan-Feb-14 Sep-14 Men's Journal Nov-14 Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords" JanJan-14 2014 Nylon Sep-14 7/2/2014 9/18/2014 12/19/2014 2/6/2014 4/21/2014 9/4/2014 11/14/2014 12/12/2014 6/13/2014 2/14/2014 12/26/2014 10/10/2014 5/20/2014 2/17/2014 3/24/2014 4/23/2014 7/23/2014 12/19/2013 9/18/2014 11/14/2014 1/24/2014 9/4/2014 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Originators Outlaw Biker 10/10/2014 1/14/2014 Yes Yes 10/29/2014 3/13/2014 9/4/2014 12/19/2014 10/10/2014 9/2/2016 7/28/2014 3/11/2015 10/22/2014 1/7/2015 2/5/2014 3/12/2014 12/3/2014 12/26/2014 3/18/2014 7/7/2014 10/29/2014 1/6/2015 7/2/2014 1/24/2014 12/12/2014 2/20/2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 9/4/2014 2/4/2014 Yes No Issue 5 200th Issue No. 203 Mar-14 Pole #2 Popular Science Jan-15 Prison Action News Feb14-Vol. 7.1 Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund Sep-14 Recoil Issue #14 Revolution Sept. 1, 2014 Oct. 19, 2014 Dec. 14, 2014 Rolling Stone Feb. 13,2014 13-Mar-14 Dec. 4, 2014 Rhymes & Dimes #009 Show Black Lingerie Issue 16 Show Class Issue 19 Issue 21 Issue 22 Show Art of Sexy Apr/May 2014 Smooth Girl Flavors Issue So Kold Vol. 4 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2014 Stack Models Straight Stuntin Jul/Aug-14 30th Ann Iss DOC 309.05 4. (c) (8) (b) (c). DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Depicts bondage, nudity DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4); it features nudity. DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features nudity. Denied per DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(8) (a); it features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Exposed breasts, areolas and nipples DOC 309.05(2)(b)(5) Poses a threat to institution security DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); security issue ping pong ball shooter DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) (page 79) Page 78 how to pick a lock DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. DOC 309.04 (4) (c) 5, 8d DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Transparent view of nipples and shaved pubic area and labia DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Magazine features pictures with breasts and labia DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); features nudity. DOC 309.04 (4) 8 a. Denied per 309.05 2 (b0 3. manufacture hooch Denied per DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. DOC 309.05(2)(b)(5) Poses a threat to institution security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 (b) and 9 pen attack DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. DOC 309.04 (c) 5, 8 b. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. DOC 309.05(2)(b)(4) DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. contains nudity – 309.05(2)(b)(4). DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Features nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features nudity DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); features nudity DOC 309.04 (4) 8a. 2014 Limited Edition Reprint Issue 29 2/27/2014 2/27/2014 No No Volume 1 Issue Straight Stuntin (limited edition) 31 Straight StuntinNorth vs South edition Issue 32 Issue #33 Straight Stuntin 3/24/2014 5/15/2014 7/23/2014 No Yes Yes DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity After further review it was discovered these were the same magazines DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). Straight Stuntin Fall 2014 9/18/2014 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 (a). Exposed areola and and 309.05 2 (b) 2 glorifies Sovereign movement. (pg 104-105) #48 Issue 2 9/4/2014 5/20/2014 Yes Yes Cover - DOC 309.04 (4)c.8.a. Features nudity. DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. Spring 2014 #3 Issue 56 Issue 57 Winter 2014 #90 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Issue 1 Issue 3 Vol. 1 2014 Vol. 2 2014 Issue 2 3/18/2014 7/24/2014 2/24/2014 3/24/2014 12/3/2014 11/14/2014 8/21/2014 9/19/2014 10/22/2014 12/3/2014 3/18/2014 9/4/2014 11/26/2013 4/4/2014 2/17/2014 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Vanity Fair Oct-14 Jan-Feb-14 Nov-Dec 14 Feb-14 11/25/2014 2/5/2014 2/12/2015 1/21/2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes VIBE Winter 2014 3/18/2014 No Vice V Magazine "W" Wanted zine Feb-14 Spring 2014 Mar-14 Vol. 2 2/14/2014 3/21/2014 2/14/2014 7/23/2014 6/12/2014 Yes No Yes No DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); features nudity. Yes DOC 309.05 (2) (b) (1), & (2). Stunnaz Stunnaz Ink Sub Zero Phat Puffs Summer 2014 #4 TABU Taschen Tattoo Life The Ring Thick Tools for Freedom catalog Trap Ink 2014 Turning the Tide (Vol.27 #4) Under Lock & Key Workers World Vol 56, No 12 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a). Page 55 Allowed 11-20-14 DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Contains nudity, breasts, pubic area DOC 30904 4 (c) 8 a exposed breasts DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 (b) (c). Teaches fighting Pages 27-29 DOC 309.04 4 (c0 8 b DOC 309. 04 4(c) 8 (b) (c). DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Teaches fighting techniques. DOC 309.04 (4)(c) 8 a. Sovereign Materials - DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). Sovereign Materials - DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); features nudity DOC 309.05 (2)(b)1, 4. Teach or advocate violence or hatred DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4). DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1, 2. Teach or advocate violence DOC 309.04 (4) c. 8. a. Nudity DOC 309.05 (2)(b)(4); it features nudity. REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2015 1/10/2019 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 2015 Pro Forecast 26th Ann Edit 10/12/2015 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. B; promotes gambling 2015-16 Pro Basketball Preview & Fantasy Guide 10/12/2015 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. B; promotes gambling 2015 FANTASY FOOTBALL DRAFTBOOK 10/30/2015 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. B; promotes gambling 504 Dymes Allure Americal Bulletin American Survival Guide ASIS ASIS Assets Art News Collectors Edition Jan-15 Vol. 41 1-2-15 7/15/2015 1/20/15 2/10/15 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a.shows breasts, pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows exposed breast DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1, 2. Teach or advocate violence 12/3/14 Yes DOC 309.04 (4)(c)(8)(b); poses a risk to the security 2/10/15 3/11/15 2/10/15 7/14/15 4/16/15 4/1/16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c.,10. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2, 3. 2. manufacture drugs, weapons DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b pages 24-27 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows breast and nipples Allowed 11/23/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 10/30/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. Promotes gambling 12/11/15 2/10/15 No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 (c) 8 a, b. Pornography Vol. 10 Iss. 10 10/30/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, 10. b. Poses a threat to the security Feb-15 Apr-15 Aug-15 Holiday Issue 2016 11/25/14 6/1/15 5/12/15 11/12/15 Yes No Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. (38,39,42,96,97,104,105) Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. shows nipples DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Transparent areola and pubic areas Vol. 3 Iss 2 7/15/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Magazine features totally topless models. Issue 001 Issue 002 Issue 7 6/26/15 7/15/15 12/30/15 No No Yes Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. depictions of full nudity 5/12/15 6/12/15 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c). Article describes sex positions along with drawings DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Jan-15 #99 collectors edit Issue 11 Issue 10 Issue 5 Issue 2 80-81 110-112 17, 70-71,114115 24-27 22 77 Nov-15 Athlon Sports College Basketball 2015-16 preview Atomic Dogg Barearms Bayview Blackmen Bodacious Bottles N Models Bound by Ink Cosmopolitan #29 #1 Jun-15 Jul-15 44,104 70-75 122-123 154-155 MAGAZINE Curves Diabolique Dice ISSUE PAGES Sep/Oct-15 46-47 10/12/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed breasts Issue 24 July - Sept 2015 2/19/16 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. Features nudity 9/11/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features nudity. #63 Don Diva summer #15 Winter 14 72 3/11/15 No Allowed Issue 54 Issue 57 40,42,67 6/19/15 8/14/15 5/1/2015 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a for photos showing pubic area, vagina, and nipples as well as 309.05 2 (b) 2, 3, 2. Glorifies marijuana use. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c. c. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows pubic area Vol. 21 Iss 56 Easy Rider REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON Aug-15 Oct-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Features numerous fully topless nude models DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. features article/pictures of breasts Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Esquire Apr-15 Aug-15 Oct-15 7/15/2015 9/11/2015 5/26/2015 7/15/2015 3/30/15 7/24/15 11/12/15 Ember Issue 0 6/16/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features nudity to include breasts #343 9/17/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. security threat 22-23 8/28/15 3/11/15 8/14/15 12/30/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. B promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, 10. Teaches or advocates illegal activity DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2 glorifies drug dealing DOC 309.04 4 (c) 10. 10. Teaches or advocates illegal activity Vol 7 Issue 22 Issue 24 47 4/16/15 12/11/15 Yes No Features Nudity. DOC 309.04(4)C.8.A. Allowed FHM (UK Edition) Feb-15 114-118 3/11/15 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. use of drugs Fighters Only Jan-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 110-119 110-119 4/8/15 4/8/15 3/11/15 4/8/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Poses a threat to the security 2/16/15 7/16/15 10/16/15 No No Yes Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c), 5, 8 b, 10. Calls for uprisings Elle Fangoria Fantasy Football Index F.E.D.S. 25th Anniversary Issue F.E.D.S. Sweets Final Call 2015 Vol. 10 Iss 43 Vol. 11 Iss 44 Vol. 4 Iss 25 Feb. 3, 2015 May-15 Sep. 29, 2015 140,146 121 32-37 12-Mar DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Has seven pages of Breasts, nipples, and areolas MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES Oct. 20, 2015 Get Money Vol. 3 Iss 2 59-61 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 10/30/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 5/26/15 Yes DOC 309.04 c, d. c. Poses a threat to security 2/10/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. GGURLS #1 Grid Gurl Issue 5 34, 40 7/7/15 No Allowed GQ Jul-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 62-69 7/3/15 10/30/15 12/11/15 Yes Yes No DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Article features nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Vol. 31 #4 Vol. 32 #2 6/1/15 8/14/15 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, d. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, d. b. Poses a threat to the security #273 #274 #275 #277 #278 2/20/15 5/1/15 6/19/15 10/30/15 12/23/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features nudity 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features nudity in cartoons. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Depicts nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features full frontal nudity. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Full frontal nudity Vol. 1 Loyal 2015 Oct-15 3/20/15 12/19/17 9/11/15 Yes NO Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 1/6/15 6/19/15 9/11/15 12/11/15 8/6/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.94 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows female breasts 12/19/14 6/19/15 9/25/15 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Depicts bondage, nudity DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 a. Features cartoons of nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Displays naked breasts 9/11/15 No 12/12/14 1/20/15 2/10/15 3/19/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Hacker Quarterly Heavy Metal Highschool DxD (comic book) Hip Hop High Times IADORE Inked Interview Inmate Shopper Catalog Juxtapoz Issue 001 Issue 007 Issue 008 Issue 009 Sep-15 40,67,68,70 56 45,46,77 7, 20 20-21 Dec/Jan-15 July/Aug-15 Sep-15 Spring Summer 2015 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 66,67 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows exposed breasts DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. full frontal nudity of females DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES May-15 Dec-15 100 KG #1 #3 #4 2/10/15 6/1/15 2/10/15 Yes Yes KG: Body 32,34,45 37,56,59,61 90 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed labia in picture. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Transparent areola and nipple DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. shows exposed labia Kung Fu Mar-Apr-15 38,39,54,80 3/31/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Lindy's Sports Pro Basketball 2015-16 Lindy's Sports College Basketball 2015-16 9/25/15 10/30/15 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. Promotes gambling Martial Arts Illustrated Sep-15 10/12/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Feb-15 Mar-15 Aug-15 Nov-15 Dec/Jan-16 1/20/15 3/19/15 7/15/15 10/30/15 12/11/15 Yes No No No No DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. manufacture weapons, hooch Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed 10/16/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. How to pick locks 6/12/15 6/12/15 Yes Yes 309.04 4 (c) 8 c, 10. c poses threat to security 5/1/15 6/5/15 12/11/15 12/22/15 3/13/15 No No No No Yes Allowed Allowed; “Weed The new science of marijuana” Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. 4/8/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed breasts 6/26/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features full frontal nudity. Maxim Mental Floss Mob Candy National Geographic Outlaw Biker Paper - Winter 2014 Paper - Summer 2015 Nov-15 14, 15, 64 76, 79, 80, 81 39 Vol. 1 No. 7 Vol. 1 No. 8 May-15 Jun-15 Dec-15 #7 #205 22 66-81 Vol. 31 Iss 3 46, 48, 74 31,71,72,73,74,76,77 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 4/21/15 No Allowed 11/12/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Full nudity, depicts sexual intercourse 309.04 4(c) 8 c,10. c poses threat to security Paper 15-Oct 10/30/15 No Does not feature Penthouse Letters May-15 4/16/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Contains photos of sex acts Fall 2015 #7 10/30/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Discussed various sex acts that are considered deviant. Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. b. Poses a threat to the security Phat Puffs Phil Steele's 2015 College Football Preview & Fantasy Football Guide MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES Phil Steele's 2015 Pro Football Preview & Fantasy Football Guide REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. b. Poses a threat to the security Pole: lifestyle of the 21st century Vol. #2 35 6/12/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Opaque view of pubic/vaginal area. Popular Mechanics Mar-15 Sep-15 62 72-73 2/16/15 7/31/15 Yes Yes Oct-15 Jan-15 67 11/12/15 12/19/14 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c. Threat to security page 63 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances. 11/2/15 11/18/15 11/12/15 Yes No No DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. manufacture hooch DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances. Allowed Allowed 82-84 6/12/15 No allowed Apr-15 59 1/20/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Poses a threat to the security Issue 18 Issue 19 8/2/15 8/30/15 9/27/15 10/11/15 10/25/15 11/22/15 12/20/15 Apr. 23, 2015 July 16-30 2015 Oct. 22, 2015 100-109 154-158 5/12/15 6/29/15 8/6/15 8/28/15 10/12/15 10/30/15 11/20/15 12/18/15 3/18/16 5/1/15 7/15/15 10/12/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons Popular Science Nov-15 Dec-15 Volume 1 QOC (Queen of Curves) R&M WHOLESALE USA INC CATALOG Rebel Ink Recoil Revolution Rolling Stone 400-401 38-45,66-67 52-59 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 (c) 5, 8 b, 10. Advocating mass protests DOC 309.04 (c) 5, 8 b, 10. Advocating mass protests Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Also 309.05 2 (b) 1. b. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1, 2. 1. Teach or advocate violence DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Teaches or advocates illegal activity. Allowed Allowed SHOW Black Lingerie Issue 21 37 4/8/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography SHOW - Charm Issue 19 34,46,48,88,95 9/17/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography 18,40 3/17/15 7/15/15 10/12/15 11/20/15 6/19/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Show Class Shy Girl Vol.4, Iss 4 Vol. 25 Vol,5, Iss 2 Vol. 5 Iss 3 #27 Issue 1 Exposed breasts and pubic area Contains frontal nudity Features frontal nudity Nudity MAGAZINE ISSUE Skin & Ink Oct-15 SlingShot Iss 18 Spring 2015 Smooth Smooth Girl - Spring2015 Spicy Sports Ilustrated Swimsuit Issue 20 Issue 34 Issue 35 Issue 1 Issue 3 Issue 4 PAGES 5,66 8/22/2018 66 11 2015 Edition Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Portfolio: Fantasy Island Sporting News 2015-16 Basketball REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 8/6/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Is pornography. b. Poses a threat 6/1/15 No Allowed 4/21/15 6/26/15 10/30/15 7/15/15 7/15/15 6/19/15 No Yes No No No NO Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Breasts, areola, nipples visible Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (C) 8 a. 2/16/15 Yes 8/28/15 10/16/15 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Features nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of breasts, areolas, nipples through transparent tops. 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c, d. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Labia visible in photo. Allowed 12-1-15 STACK #55 17,20,21,43 7/3/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nipple and areola visible Straight Stuntin 2015 New Year Edition #35 #36 76,144,146 3/11/15 3/19/15 Yes No 5/1/15 12/11/15 7/15/15 6/26/15 11/20/15 Yes No No No No DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Model’s vaginal area appears to be visible under mesh part of outfit. Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed 7/24/15 12/23/15 3/11/15 10/12/15 6/12/15 9/11/15 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows opaque views DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows opaque views Spring #5 3/11/15 Yes Summer #6 Nov-19 Mar-15 Oct-15 Vol. 35 #6 7/15/15 1/10/19 4/8/15 9/4/15 1/20/15 Yes Yes Yes No Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. for written material Describes acts involving defecation and urination for sexual gratification. #37 #39 Straight Stuntin 8 Year Anniversay Issue Straight Stuntin - Originators Issue 6 Straight Stuntin - Originators Issue 7 Stunnaz Sub Zero Phat Puffs Survival Guide Tarot The Artist's Magazine The Backwoodsman Premerie Issue Issue 53 Issue 54 Issue 57 Issue 59 Issue 61 2 Issue 38 26, 31, 33 25,26,28 2-4,6,14, 19 DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity Allowed DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3 manufacture, use of weapons MAGAZINE The Gay & Lesbian Review The Ring Thick Allowed 2/1/16 Tools For Freedom Transformation Trapdoor Magazine Turning the Tide UHM Under Lock & Key #44 Under Lock & Key #45 Under Lock & Key #47 Urban Harem Magazine US Weekly Vanity Fair Vor tru W Magazine Wired Workers World ISSUE PAGES Mar/Apr-15 12,21,22 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 3/11/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity 12/3/14 2/10/15 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Teaches fighting techniques. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Teaches fighting techniques. 6/19/15 7/3/15 6/19/15 9/17/15 3/19/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. shows labia DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. visible pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows areola in see through top DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1, 2. 1. 5/6/15 Yes DOC 309/04 4 (c) 8a depicts naked models Jan-15 Aug-15 Vol. 28 #1 Vol. 28 #3 9/3/15 12/11/15 1/28/15 9/17/15 Yes Yes Yes No DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 (2)(b)1, 4 Allowed Vol. 101 6/26/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. May/June 2015 July/Aug 2012 Nov/Dec 2015 #108 6/12/15 9/25/15 12/23/15 10/30/15 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 10. 10. Teaches or advocates illegal activity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security per DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Depicts drawings of various sexual positions 1/20/15 No Allowed 4/21/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography 6/1/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. 10. b. Poses a threat to the security, Jan-15 Apr-15 #005 #004 #006 #007 2015 Vol. #2 48,71 13,18,67,74 24,36,45,63 26,32,98 #86 14-15 Jan. 5, 2015 May-15 #53 Mar-15 Apr-15 Apr-15 May-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 Aug-15 Vol. 57 #2 154-157,161 Yes 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows breasts, areola, nipples Allowed Pages 127,129,131,133,134 No 4-16-15 Upon further review DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows breast through opaque coverings 124 5/1/2015 No Allowed 7/15/2015 No Allowed 9/17/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Full frontal nudity 3/11/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Is pornography. 82, 83 4/10/15 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. manufacture of weapons 76-83, 98 7/31/15 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3 manufacture of weapons 2/16/15 3/30/15 1/20/15 No Allowed MAGAZINE ISSUE Vol. 57 #20 Vol. 57 #22 Vol. 57 #23 Vol. 57 #25 Vol. 57 #34 Vol. 57 #36 PAGES REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 6/1/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 6/8/15 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 6/26/15 No Allowed 6/25/2015 No Allowed 9/17/2015 No Allowed 9/11/2015 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Poses a threat to the security Eden Press - The Original Privacy Catalog 2015-16 - The catalog cannot be banned, but we can ban the books if ordered on an individual basis. It will be allowed, with the caveat that if the inmate orders any of the publications they will in all likelihood be denied. REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2016 1/11/2017 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 2600 Magazine Hackers Quarterly Vol. 33, No. 1 6/3/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Vol. 33 No. 2 8/10/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Vol. 33 No. 3 10/21/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 2016 Draft Engine Fantasy Football 9/2/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Promotes gambling 2016 Fantasy Football Draftbook” 21st Anniversary Issue 9/2/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Promotes gambling Abolitionist 9/9/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b.inmate strikes, encourages prison disobedience 8/10/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 4/6/2016 7/7/2016 9/2/2016 7/29/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. Nov-16 6/23/2015 10/7/2016 10/7/2016 11/11/2016 Yes Yes Yes No DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Allowed Issue #99 12/21/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 2/29/2016 Yes DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling 9/2/2016 Yes DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling 5/2/2016 1/14/2016 Yes No DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed nipples and labia Allowed 8/5/2016 Yes 309.04 4 (c) 8 a.visible pubic area and areola nipples through clothing 2/29/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Transparent areola and pubic areas 9/30/2016 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons 3/18/2016 No Allowed #26 Summer 2016 American Survival Guide Oct-16 Athlon Sports 2016 NFL Draft Athlon Sports : 2016 NFL Preview Pro Football edition Athlon Sports : 2016 Preview College Football edition Athlon Sports: Fantasy 2016 Football Guide Art Forum Int'l Summer 2016 Fall 2016 (Sept) Oct-16 AS IS Baseball America 2016 Almanac Beckett Sports Fantasy Football-- 2016 Draft Guide Belles Issue 1 Vol. 1 Issue 2 Vol. 1 Best of Blackmen Volume 15 Cover 2 of 2 Black Men Holiday 2016 Bonita Vol. 1 Iss. 5 Bottles Modelz 28,90 64,65,66 #4 81 c. Promotes gambling c. Promotes gambling c. Promotes gambling c. Promotes gambling MAGAZINE Burning Spear ISSUE PAGES Vol. 29 No. 9 Vol. 29 No.11 Vol. 29 No. 12 Vol 30. No. 1 10 Casino Player Magazine Sep-16 Chicago Oct-16 Combat Aircraft Aug-16 Comopolitan Feb-16 Apr-16 Jun-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Craze 102-105 126 130 112-113 Vol. 1 Issue 21 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 5/11/2016 7/19/2016 8/5/2016 9/16/2016 Yes No Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 9/30/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Promotes gambling 9/22/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 8/4/2016 No Allowed 1/22/2016 3/18/2016 5/11/2016 10/21/2016 10/21/2016 11/11/2016 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows various sex toys and describes how to use them DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a.Depicts and describes various sexual positions DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a.Depicts and describes various sexual positions 2/2/2016 No Allowed 7/29/2016 No Allowed Decibel Sep-16 Dice Issue 65 2/1/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. photos of breasts and/or drawings of nudity Dimepiece Issue 5 20,28-29,62,63,66,87 6/17/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Visible areola in see-through tops, pubic area 7/19/2016 No Allowed 1/14/2016 1/22/2016 3/18/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b c, 10. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b c, 10. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 11/23/2015 1/14/2016 1/14/2016 2/19/2016 3/18/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. 7/6/2016 No No Allowed Allowed Dogs Unlimited 2015-2016 Don Diva Business 2.0 Dynamic Business Easy Rider Esquire 54 & 55 Big Book #0032 #0036 #0046 #57 #54 #55 #57 Jan-16 #511 Feb-16 #512 Mar-16 #513 Apr-16 #514 May-16 #515 Feb-16 Aug-16 cover, 99 cover, 61 cover 10,11,12 26,31 40 103 photos of fully exposed breasts photos of fully exposed breasts photos of fully exposed breasts Numerous photos of fully exposed breasts. Numerous photos of topless women MAGAZINE ESPN Body 2016 ESPN Fantasy Football 2016 Evolution ISSUE PAGES Sep-16 Oct-16 44 7/12/2016 7/12/2016 No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 10/21/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 8/3/2016 9/2/2016 Yes Yes DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 b, c, b. Promotes gambling DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 b, c, b. Promotes gambling 6/9/2016 9/2/2016 2/19/2016 6/9/2016 12/8/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1, 3. 1. Teach or advocate violence or hatred DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Glorifies drug dealers and crime syndicates 5/2/2016 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Teach or advocate behavior that violates the law 7/15/2016 No Allowed 7/22/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Many pictures where labia is visible. 4/18/2016 6/1/2016 10/11/2016 11/11/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 5/11/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos to include transparent/seethru/air-brushed pubic regions 8/5/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. Includes nudity, depicted sexual acts Issue 27 9/16/2016 Yes Jun-16 Jul-16 78-95 6/1/2016 6/23/2016 No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c 8 a. Features frontal nudity to include breasts Issue 279 Issue 280 Issue 281 Issue 283 67,75,76,78 2/29/2016 5/2/2016 7/5/2016 11/2/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous depictions of total nudity and sex acts. 7/5/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 9c 8 a Frontal nudity Jul-16 Oct. 3, 2016 Fantasy Football Cheatsheets 2016 Fantasy Greek 2016 Fantasy Football Draft Guide July/Sept 2016 F.E.D.S Felon FFUP Newletter FIEN Fighter's Only Fyne Girlz Magazine Girls & Corpses Issue 40 Issue 44 Issue 45 Issue 46 Issue 47 Heavy Metal Hi Fructose 15-17, 28-29 Issue 12 Jul/Aug-16 Premiere Issue 25,30,33,46,57,58 May-16 Jun-16 Dec-16 Holiday 2016 Issue 15 Vol.10 Spring No. 61 Goder Magazine Collector’s Edition 28th Issue GQ REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON Allowed 8/5/2016 No 9/16/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Vol. 39 DOC 309.04 4 (c 8 a. Features frontal nudity to include breasts DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Nudity, sex acts depicted DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Comic with full frontal nudity MAGAZINE I ADORE ID Idea Discoveries In The Wind Incarcerated Workers Inked Inmate Services Digest Interview ISSUE PAGES #005 #006 #009 #010 16,17 7, 43, 72-73,74 3, 13, 25, 56, 65 Aug-16 Oct-16 #165 7,11,13 Issue 3 Winter 2016 Issue 4 Summer 2016 Issue 5 Fall 2016 Issue 9 Issue 10 Oct-16 Nov-16 45-16 60-68 Jul-2016 Issue 2 Nov-16 Issue 3 Dec/Jan-16 Mar-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Jits Vol. 10 Juxtapoz Jan-16 132, 143 42, 82, & 83 6,7,28 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 KG Body #3 #4 #5 Lindy's Sports College Football National 2016 Preview Lindy's Sports Pro Football Draft 2016 Lindy's Sports Pro Football 2016 Preview, Vol. 30 20,47,91,117 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 1/14/2016 7/12/2016 11/2/2016 5/31/2016 Yes Yes No Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows opaque nipple/areola DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Areola and nipple visible through top Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Several pictures of pubic areas 6/20/2016 8/10/2016 Yes No DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed 1/14/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Topless images 6/1/2016 9/7/2016 9/7/2016 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 2/29/2016 2/19/2016 9/26/2016 11/2/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pubic area visible DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pictures show pubic area 11/17/2016 11/17/2016 No No Allowed Allowed 12/23/2015 3/18/2016 11/2/2016 11/28/2016 No Yes Yes No Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of breasts and frontal nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of breasts Allowed 5/16/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 12/11/2015 3/18/2016 4/8/2016 5/11/2016 7/12/2016 9/2/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Frontal nudity 3/18/2016 9/22/2016 9/22/2016 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pubic area and outer labia showing DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. numerous photos of labia showing/visible DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. numerous photos of labia showing/visible 9/2/2016 3/30/2016 8/3/2016 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a., c. S&M photos not suitable for correctional environment DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much pubic area showing DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Depicts naked children’s genitalia DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Frontal nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a and c. Depicts full frontal nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Frontal nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Frontal nudity MAGAZINE Maxim ISSUE No No Yes Yes No Yes No 9/16/2016 No Allowed 7/7/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Jan-16 1/11/2016 No Jun-16 6/2/2016 No Allowed Allowed - will not be allowed for inmates with a nexus to Sex Offenses involving children on a case-by-case basis 9/16/2016 No Allowed 12/11/2015 No Allowed 10/4/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Winter 2016 12/21/2016 No Allowed Nov-16 10/11/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Graphic nudity/sex acts in photos 2/1/2016 No Allowed 9/2/2016 8/3/2016 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Promotes gambling 2/2/2016 4/18/2016 5/11/2016 7/18/2016 7/20/2016 9/2/2016 9/30/2016 10/26/2016 Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Still features full frontal nudity Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) c, d. c. Is inconsistent with or poses a threat DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c. c. Is inconsistent with or poses a threat 6/17/2016 No Oct-16 Mother Jones Jul/Aug 2016 News & Letters Nylon Penthouse Letters People Pages 52, 54 Sept/Oct-16 Jan-16 OEKA Fellowship Exceptional Prison Ministries PAPER Newsletter Jan. 25, 2016 Phil Steele's 2016 College Football Peview Phil Steele's 2016 Pro Football Preview & Fantasy Football Guide Playboy Pole REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 12/11/2015 5/11/2016 7/20/2016 7/19/2016 10/7/2016 11/2/2016 12/7/2016 Dec/Jan-16 May-16 Jun/July16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec/Jan-17 Men's Journal Nat'l Geographic PAGES Jan/Feb-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Ju/Aug16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Issue 4 Page 31 Page 66 65-69 Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Visible nipple/areola and nipple/areola visible through material DOC 309.04 4 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Lots of photos showing nipples and breasts Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Visible nipple/areola and nipple/areola visible through material Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Visible nipple/areola and nipple/areola visible through material DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. a. Pornography Allowed MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES Jan/Feb-16 Sept/Oct-16 90 82 Feb-16 Apr-16 Jul/Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 99,100 18 108-110 29 & 30 34 24 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 1/14/2016 9/30/2016 Yes Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons 1/14/2016 3/18/2016 6/21/2016 7/29/2016 10/26/2016 10/26/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons Aug-16 9.2 9/16/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security #50 Fall 2016 11/8/2016 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. promoting future disruptions 9/2/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 Yes Yes DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling DOC 309,04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Promotes gambling 7/22/2016 No Allowed 3/18/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/25/2016 4/25/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 8/3/2016 9/2/2016 11/8/2016 11/23/2016 1/5/2017 1/22/2016 9/16/2016 9/9/2016 11/23/2016 No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Allowed Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Yes No No No DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Teach or advocate behavior that violates the law ROTOWIRE FANTASY FOOTBALL 2016 8/24/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Promotes gambling San Francisco Bay View 3/18/2019 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Popular Science Popular Mechanics Prison Action News (PAN) Prison Focus Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund9/1/14 Pro Football Weekly Fantasy Guide 2016 Pro Football Weekly PREVIEW 2016 QOC (Queen of Curves Issue 2 Revolution Newspaper 1/1/16 2/14/16 2/28/16 4/10/16 4/24/16 6/27/13 7/13/16 7/11/16 8/15/16 10/3/16 11/14/16 12/15/16 Jan. 28, 2016 Sept. 8, 2016 Sept. 22, 2016 Dec. 1, 2016 Rolling Stone Mar-16 42 43 52-57 DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture of intoxicants DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture alcohol Allowed Allowed Allowed MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Seductive Issue 12 Show Show-East (18) Shy Girl Issue 25 Slim Thick Smooth Girl Socialist Action Spice 22,72,85 Issue 2 Issue 3 #1 16,56,61,63,96 #32 #35 Vol. 34 # 10 October 2016 Issue 5 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 4/22/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 5/16/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 6/17/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 7/12/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 8/10/2016 No Allowed 9/16/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 10/21/2016 11/28/2016 Yes No 11/2/2016 No Allowed 5/11/2016 7/22/2016 2/1/2016 7/5/2016 1/14/2016 Yes Yes No Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows pubic area(s) and some areola visible through top 5/2/2016 12/21/2016 No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (C) 8 a. 10/11/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 11/2/2016 No Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Promotes and advocates for past and future prison strikes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Transparent underwear combined with photos showing labia Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos showing opaque covering of breasts DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. This edition features numerous photos of models in swimsuits that while covering breasts, allows one to see through them and the areola and nipple area is quite visible. 2016 Swimsuit Edition Sports Ilustrated Sports Illustrated 2016 college football Preview Sports Illustrated Fantasy Football Guide 2016 2/29/2016 8/15/2016 9/2/2016 Yes No Yes Sporting News Fantasy Football Sporting News College Football Sporting News Pro Football 2016 6/13/2016 9/2/2016 8/5/2016 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b.promotes gambling 6/9/2016 4/18/2016 No Yes Allowed 6/23/2016 12/7/2016 10/4/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photographs of visible areola Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 11/23/2016 No Allowed Straight Stuttin #40 #41 #42 #44 Fall 2016 Holiday Edition 2016 22, 24, 54, 59, 60, 61, 74, 77, 174, 178 83,93,126,130,202 120 Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much see-through of pubic/vulva area MAGAZINE Straight Stuttin Originators Stunnaz Sub Zero Phat Puffs SWEETS Tarot Witch of the Black Rose ISSUE PAGES Issue 8 23, 24, 91, 97, 109, 194, 196, 198 #72 #76 #79 Spring 2016 Issue #8 TASCHEN Winter 2015/2016 Tattoo Life 2017 Calendar Tattoo Society The Edge Yes 10,14,17,21,39,41 3/30/2016 9/2/2016 9/2/2016 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Photos show exposed labia/pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a 10,62,54,44 5/11/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Not due to pictures, but due to written word including coprophilia and masochism. 10, 14, 30, 34 Issue 54 Issue 55 Mar-16 back cover The Fantasy Football 2016 Professional Edition The Final Call The Source Thick Vol.35 # 29 April 26 2016 Vol. 35 # 33 May 24, 2016 Vol. 35 #44 August 9, 2016 Vol. 35 #46 August 23, 2016 Vol. 35 #52 October 4, 2016 Dec/Jan-16 Vol.03/No.269 #008 #10 #66 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photographs showing transparent areola/nipples 6/23/2016 Fall 2016 Issue #9 25th Anniversary #101 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 17,26,38,84,87 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a.poorly covered nipples and too much breast and pubic area as well as written depiction of correctional staff engaging in sex act with inmate 11/2/2016 12/8/2016 Yes No 12/21/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity to include breasts, pubic area 4/6/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity 10/7/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity 11/8/2016 11/23/2016 No No Allowed Allowed 3/30/2016 No Allowed 8/24/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Promotes gambling 4/25/2016 No Allowed 6/2/2016 No Allowed 8/5/2016 No Allowed 8/29/2016 No Allowed 10/7/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 12/18/2015 3/31/2016 No No Allowed Allowed 2/29/2016 5/17/2016 11/8/2016 No Yes No Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Allowed Allowed MAGAZINE ISSUE Total Tattoo Andrea Lanzi on cover Trap Door Issue 5 Trap Ink (China Dawl cover) Issue 3 Turning the Tide UHM USA Today Sports Weekly Ultra Violet Under Lock & Key PAGES 3,31,33, CF Vol. 28 No. 8 Vol. 28 No. 9 Issue 102 53-55 Vol. XIV No. 52 Sept 14-20 Sept 21-27 Sept 28- Oct 4 Oct 5 -11 Oct 12-18 Oct 19-25 Oct 26-Nov 1 Vol. 27 #1 Vol. 27 #2 Mar/Apr 2016 May/June 2016 Jul/Aug16 Sep/Oct-16 Nov/Dec-16 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 10/21/2016 No Allowed 2/29/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 6/23/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Photos show exposed areola and pubic area. 7/19/2016 10/11/2016 Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 3/18/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Areola and nipple visible. 9/7/2016 9/16/2016 9/22/2016 9/30/2016 10/7/2016 11/2/2016 11/2/2016 10/26/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B. Promotes gambling 6/21/2016 9/30/2016 No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 5/17/2016 6/14/2016 8/15/2016 10/21/2016 12/21/2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1. 1. Teach or advocate violence DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Urban Ink Sep-16 9/16/2016 Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Vanity Fair Oct-16 9/16/2016 No Allowed Vogue Jan-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 100, 108 12/23/2015 9/30/2016 10/26/2016 No No No Allowed Allowed Allowed May-16 Sep-16 6/17/2016 9/16/2016 No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 2/29/2016 6/9/2016 9/30/2016 Yes Yes Yes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Several photos of nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. photos depict sadomasochistic abuse DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Several photos of nudity Voices From Behind The Wisconsin Prison Gates W Mar-16 May-16 Oct-16 MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES Wired Jan-16 Apr-16 Aug-16 65 Jihad article 84 Workers World Xotix XXL 14-Jan-16 10-Mar-16 24-Mar-16 31-Mar-16 26-May-16 2-Jun-16 23-Jun-16 7-Jul-16 14-Jul-16 21-Jul-16 4-Aug-16 1-Sep-16 8-Sep-16 15-Sep-16 22-Sep-16 29-Sep-16 6-Oct-16 13-Oct-16 27-Oct-16 17-Nov-16 29-Dec-16 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 62 13,8 REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON 12/23/2015 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or manufacture use of weapons 4/6/2016 Yes DOC 309.05 2 (b) 1, 3. 1. Teach or advocate violence or hatred 8/3/2016 No Allowed 3/18/2016 3/18/2016 3/30/2016 3/30/2016 6/1/2016 6/1/2016 6/23/2016 7/7/2016 7/19/2016 7/20/2016 8/4/2016 9/2/2016 9/22/2016 9/16/2016 9/26/2016 9/30/2016 10/7/2016 10/21/2016 10/26/2016 11/17/2016 1/5/2017 7/22/16 No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a 7/19/16 No Allowed Eden Press - The Original Privacy Catalog 2015-16 - The catalog cannot be banned, but we can ban the books if ordered on an individual basis. It will be allowed, with the caveat that if the inmate orders any of the publications they will in all likelihood be denied. REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2017 2/2/2018 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. B Rhetoric is thinly veiled and associated with recognized ABOLITIONIST ISSUE 27 5/3/2017 YES STG groups ADOVCATE 1/17/2017 One photo, doesn’t feature nudity 1/5/2017 NO DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Promotes ALLURE 10/17/2017 10/2/2017 YES marajuana useage ATLANTIC 12/17/2017 54-67 Doesn’t glorify group 11/20/2017 NO ALTERNATIVE REVOLUTION ISSUE 14 11/1/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography AMERICAN'S DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a BULLETIN MAY/JUN-17 5/31/2017 YES threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity to include breasts, vulva. Pubic region, and pubic ART IN AMERICAN 12/1/2018 1/12/2018 YES hair. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos ART OF SEXY NO. 3 9/13/2017 YES of full frontal nudity 35, 64, AS IS ASSETS ISSUE 6 65, 66 Allowed 4/6/2017 NO ASIS DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a Special Edition ISSUE 23 4/7/2017 YES threat to the security ATHLON SPORTS BIG TEN FOOTBALL DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates Vol. 41/2017 10/4/2017 YES gambling. ATHLON SPORTS DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for FANTASY FOOTBALL Fantasy football, which can be used to 2017 7/19/2017 YES gamble. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for ATHLON SPORTS Fantasy football, which can be used to PRO FOOTBALL 7/9/1905 6/21/2017 YES gamble. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Anti-Semitic BARNES REVIEW JAN/FEB-17 2/2/2017 YES rhetoric. BBO (BAD BITCHES ONLY) BILLBOARD MAGAZINE BOTTLES & MODELZ CARD PLAYER VOL. 1 ISSUE 3 8/14/2017 YES JAN 7,2017 1/31/2017 YES ISSUE 86 8/16/2017 YES ISSUE 8 10/11/2017 YES March 1,2017 26-30 3/3/2017 YES 3/29/2017 24-28 3/22/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity to include breasts and male and female genitalia DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substance DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much exposed labia. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed outer labia in many of photos. DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards Church of Loves Own Dream CLX (by Shygirl Magazine) Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 8/30/2017 8/23/2017 YES 10/25/2017 10/31/2017 YES 11/8/2017 11/10/2017 YES 11/22/2017 11/20/2017 YES 12/6/2017 12/14/2017 YES 12/20/2017 12/14/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b, c. b. Gives instructions on how to gamble and play cards 10/17/2017 10/31/2017 NO Allowed #08 3/20/2017 NO Close call, but obscured enough to allow 6/5/2017 NO Allowed 11/29/2017 NO Allowed May-17 11/17/2017 CONCEALMENT ISSUE 5 COSMOPOLITAN 4/17/2017 5/17/2017 8/17/2017 6/19/2017 YES 161-167 3/8/2017 YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teaches weapons concealment and hand to hand/bladed weapon combat techniques. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. The article, depictions, and drawings show sexual organs, positions, and tips and ways to perform various sexual movements 196-205 4/19/2017 7/19/2017 NO NO No questionable pictures, sex described is between consenting adults. Doesn’t feature nudity. CULTURE GIRL PREMIER ISSUE 10/17/2017 NO DAMN GIRL DECIBEL DIME PIECE EDITION 2 11/17/2017 #4 3/1/2017 10/2/2017 3/1/2017 YES NO NO Photos are airbrushed enough to not show areolas or nipples, based on photos submitted this edition will be allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Too much pubic area/outer labia Allowed Allowed NO Fake cover of Business 2.0 January 2017; false cover, it’s not enough for denial. One could argue the article glorifies cocaine dealers, one could also argue it’s cautionary, as it points out the subject was killed and all his money was squandered. It will be allowed. DON DIVA #60 3/1/2017 #61 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. promotes illegal activities 10/31/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c, d. Pictures of models include see-through material of breasts/areolas. Too much visible of pubic area as well. Article on credit card skimming not appropriate for correctional environment. this magazine glorifies criminal activity. 8/23/2017 YES 5/31/2017 9/27/2017 NO NO 1/12/2017 NO 8/16/2017 #71 DRAFT ENGINE FANTASY FOOTBALL 2017 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. promotes illegal activities Allowed; Appears to be legitimate Art magazine Allowed Not enough to deny-one small article and depiction (not very graphic) DRAWING DULCE LATINAS SPRING 2017 VOL 1 COSMOPOLITAN 2/17/2017 EASY RIDER 7/17/2017 6/19/2017 YES 9/17/2017 8/14/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of topless females to include breasts. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of naked female breasts. 12/17/2017 9/26/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of women exposing naked breasts. YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too many photos of topless women exposing breasts R-rated Edition 145 1/18/2018 ESQUIRE 11/10/2017 3/17/2017 4/17/2017 40,42 3/2/2017 3/22/2017 NO NO 9/17/2017 40 9/27/2017 NO Article on books gives review of written words and photos are not deniable, article on penis transplant is informational. This edition will be allowed Distasteful to most, but one page and not enough to deny. It will be allowed. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy football, which can be used to gamble. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Articles and photos glorify criminal behavior and gang life DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much exposed labia, “strategic” foam covering breasts and pubic/vulva area not “strategic” enough. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Shows fighting techniques FANTASY FOOTBALL INDEX 7/9/1905 8/9/2017 YES FELON Issue 13 8/25/2017 YES PREMIER ISSUE 1/17/2017 YES 11/13/2017 YES 1/27/2017 NO 3/14/2017 YES Allowed DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the Security; Not conducive for institution climate 5/31/2017 NO Allowed FIENMAG FIGHTERS MAGAZINE FINAL CALL 11/17/2017 VOL 36, NO16 VOL 36, NO21 VOL 36, NO33 VOL 36, NO44 VOL 37, NO 2 VOL 37, NO 4 FORUM FOR UNDERSTANDING PRISONS GAME TRADE MAGAZINE GIRLS & CORPSES GLAMOUR GODER GQ YES 10/31/2017 NO Allowed 10/31/2017 NO Allowed SUMME R 2017 6/21/2017 NO FALL 2017 10/4/2017 YES 11/13/2017 YES 10/11/2017 YES 10/11/2017 YES 10/11/2017 YES 10/11/2017 YES 6/9/2017 NO Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Contains excerpt from ED 43. Inmates aren’t allowed access to ED’s. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. deals with role playing DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Is pornography Allowed; one photo does not feature nudity NOV-17 #213 VOL. 1 WINTER VOL. 3 WINTER VOL. 4 SUMMER VOL. 9 WINTER 6/17/2017 #29 3/31/2017 YES 1/17/2017 12/21/2016 YES 2/17/2017 2/20/2017 NO 3/17/2017 2/20/2017 YES 5/3/2017 7/27/2017 9/8/2017 YES NO NO 2/20/2017 10/31/2017 NO NO 5/17/2017 8/17/2017 9/17/2017 HARPER'S BAZAAR 8/9/2017 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 3/17/2017 11/17/2017 113 DOC 309.04 4(c) a, c. Pictures with models in see-through attire showing nipples and areolas as well as pubic/vulva area. Articles and pictures extolling virtues of different strains of marijuana. Not conducive to rehabilitation. Marijuana is still illegal in this state. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2, 3. 2. Encourages illegal drug usage as means of increasing productivity This edition will be allowed. Not glorifying it. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security; Article on marijuana sales not suitable for correctional environment DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 b. b. Tells how inmates escaped from a correctional facility. Almost a “how to”. Not suitable for our environment. Allowed Allowed Doesn’t feature nudity and example is partially obscured. Doesn’t feature nudity HEAVY METAL #284 back cover 2,3,4044 One photo, doesn’t feature nudity REVERSAL, after futher reviews this magazine is now denied. 5/17/17 per DOC for DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Pornography. Graphic depictions of naked women showing full frontal nudity to include breasts, pubic area and pubic hair engaged in sex acts. DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Numerous depictions to include full nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Photos depict sex acts, nudity, male genitalia. 1/5/2017 YES 3/31/2017 YES Vol. 3 #15 2/20/2017 YES 5/25/2017 5/31/2017 NO Vol. 7 ISS 25 3/14/2017 NO ISSUE 1 5/31/2017 YES HUSTLENOMICS #59 5/17/2017 YES IADORE #12 3/14/2001 YES #13 10/31/2017 YES Allowed Some may be, some are not, no gang narrative with them to discern DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a and c. Depictions of women showing breasts, areolas and nipples in covering, but one can see through them DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Nudity to include breasts and pubic area in see-through clothing DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. excessive labia/seethrough pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography. Pictures show too much labia and pubic area. #285 HEAVY TRAFFIC HIGH COUNTRY NEWS HIP HOP WEEKLY HIP HOP INK INKED (10th Anniversay) 1/17/2017 ISSUE 11 27-31 12/21/2016 3/17/2017 NO NO Doesn’t rise to level of denial Doesn’t rise to level of denial ISSUE 13 17,25,36 10/31/2017 NO Allowed 4/19/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Pictures and descriptions of strains of marijuana 5/17/2017 INTERVIEW IWW GOB 10/17/2017 1/17/2017 2/17/2017 9/26/2017 1/11/2017 3/9/2017 YES NO NO 3/17/2017 3/27/2017 YES 7/17/2017 9/17/2017 5/31/2017 9/26/2017 YES NO #10 2017 10/31/2017 NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. While the photos are to support women who have overcome breast cancer, there are still numerous photographs of women naked from the waist up exposing their breasts. Doesn’t rise to level of denial Nudity, it isn’t featured, will be allowed DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. naked breasts, nipples, areolas, pubic area and pubic hair Pictures of breasts covered in paint that one can still see the areola and nipple, pubic area with a tattoo. Allowed The account is after-the-fact. It will be allowed KG BODY #1 Premier 3/1/2017 * #5 3/14/2017 YES #6 3/1/2017 * 10/4/2017 YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates gambling. YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates gambling. 3/22/2017 NO Statistics deal with prospective players NFL teams may draft for future employment, not necessarily on how or whom to pick to win a game if gambling. 6/26/2017 YES 6/22/2017 YES 3/17/2017 7/27/2017 2/23/2017 YES NO 4/17/2017 5/17/2017 9/17/2017 10/17/2017 3/31/2017 5/9/2010 8/28/2017 10/9/2017 NO NO NO NO 11/17/2017 11/10/2017 NO LINDY'S SPORTS COLLEGE BASKETBALL 20172018 LINDY’S SPORTS PRO BASKETBALL 2017-2018 10/13/2017 LINDY 'S SPORT PRO FOOTBALL DRAFT 2017 LINDY 'S SPORT PRO FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2017 LINDY 'S SPORT FANTASY FOOTBALL MARC LAWRENCE'S PLAYBOOK 2017 FOOTBALL PREVIEW GUIDE MAXIM MENS HEALTH MENS JOURNAL MOTHER JONES NEW REPUBLIC NEW YORKER NEWS & LETTERS Case by case, they have been using the same cover for the past few years, contents are different. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed labia and pubic area. Case by case, they have been using the same cover for the past few years, contents are different. 5/17/2017 4/17/2017 89-91 4/19/2017 3/2/2017 YES NO 6/17/2017 44 5/9/2017 YES MAR/APR 17 6/17/2017 Oct. 16-29, 2017 18-22 2/20/2017 5/31/2017 NO NO 10/31/2017 NO MAR/APR 17 JUL/AUG 17 3/23/2017 7/10/2017 NO NO Nov/Dec-17 11/21/2017 NO DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates gambling. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates gambling. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b Facilitates gambling. Allowed Buttocks are allowed in commercial magazines, nipples and areolas are obscured in several of the photographs were breasts can be seen. Allowed Allowed Allowed Close call, doesn’t feature nudity, two pages DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed Allowed; One picture. Doesn’t feature nudity or sex acts Allowed Allowed Allowed; Nothing to incite a riot, exercising First Amendment ORIGINATORS (Straight Stuntin) OUT ISSUE 9 10/17/2017 OUTDOOR LIFE FEB/MAR 17 4/17/2017 PAC YARD PAPER PENTHOUSE LETTERS 38-40 34-40 PLUSH XL POPULAR MECHANICS YES NO 4/6/2017 NO YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution 3/22/2017 ISSUE 6 7/19/2017 YES Winter 2017 12/8/2017 NO 6/17/2017 6/27/2017 YES 11/17/2017 12/14/2017 YES 7/14/2017 YES 7/10/2017 YES JAN/FEB-17 12/21/2016 YES MAR/APR-17 3/1/2017 YES MAY/JUN-17 4/26/2017 YES JUL/AUG-17 7/19/2017 YES SEP/OCT2017 8/30/2017 YES PHAT PUFFS SPRING 2017 ISSUE 10 PHIL STEELE COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2017 PLAYBOY 9/6/2017 9/27/2017 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Pornography Allowed Doesn’t tell you how to manufacture or use the weapons #2 86-89 3/14/2017 NO 2/17/2017 85-88 1/11/2017 YES 4/17/2017 9/17/2017 86-87 3/22/2017 YES 8/3/2017 YES Normally, catalogs for publications are allowed with a “buyer beware” warning that publications ordered may not be allowed. The examples in this case are so explicit with breasts, pubic areas, genitalia, etc. that the catalog is denied for DOC 309.04 4 (c) Pornography Not tasteful, doesn’t rise to level of denial though. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Graphic photos of male and female genitalia, fellatio, cunnilingus, anal sex DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Full nudity, sex acts to include penetration, body fluids. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Poorly disguised bare nipples and too much pubic area and some labia showing DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates gambling. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Breasts, nipples and areola, some pubic area. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. frontal nudity to include breasts, areolas, and nipples DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too many photos of topless models displaying breasts, areolas, nipples. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous pages of bare breasted models. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. features numerous pictures of nude models to include breasts and frontal nudity and some obscured pubic/vulva area Close call, but this edition will be allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, d. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security 12/17/2017 88,90 11/13/2017 YES JAN/FEB-17 88 12/21/2016 YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances. 8/23/2017 3/23/2017 NO NO Allowed Allowed 7/10/2017 NO Allowed 1/18/2018 NO First amendment rights. 11/13/2017 YES Pro Football Weekly Fantasy Guide 2017 8/1/2017 YES Pro Football Weekly Preview 2017 9/8/2017 YES 10/17/2017 11/20/2017 YES NO 5/12/2017 7/13/2017 8/1/2017 8/10/2017 10/19/2017 2/20/2017 4/6/2017 10/2/2017 YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 8/9/2017 YES 1/20/2017 YES 2/20/2017 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 NO NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Promotes and facilitates gambling. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Not advocating uprisings, reporting their version of truth and news. Allowed Allowed 7/10/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution. Advocates for inmates to strike. 3/22/2017 3/1/2017 NO NO Close call, but will be allowed Allowed POPULAR SCIENCE PRISON ACTION NEWS PRISON FOCUS PRIVACY CATALOG Eden Press 2/1/2017 WINTER 2017 No. 51 SUMMER 2017 No. 52 FALL 2017 No. 53 2016 -2017 QUEEN OF CURVES VOL. 3 RANGE FINDER 11/17/2017 REVOLUTION NEWSLETTER MAY 5,2017 7/17/2017 7/24/2017 7/31/2017 Oct. 9, 2017 ROLLING STONE Feb 23,2017 4/6/2017 8/24/2017 ROTOWIRE FANTASY FOOTBALL 2017 SAN FRANCISCO BAY VIEW 1/17/2017 44 29 2/17/2017 5/17/2017 6/17/2017 7/17/2017 SEDUCTIVE COMPLEXTIONS SHY GIRL ISSUE 13 ISSUE 4 2,70,74 16,28 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c. c. Is inconsistent with or poses a threat to the safety DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy football, which can be used to gamble. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy football, which can be used to gamble. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Pictures include see through tops showing areolas and nipples as well as low cut bottoms showing pubic area Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Calls for overthrow and uprising Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed; Only one photo Allowed; factual article on Guzman ISSUE 5 VOL. 1 ISSUE 6 SLIM GIRL ISSUE 4 SLIM THICK SLINGSHOT ISSUE 91 #123 #125 17, 24, 26, 29, 30 8 & 12 1,2,3 3/1/2017 NO Allowed 9/27/2017 NO Allowed 9/27/2017 YES 10/9/2017 2/21/2017 12/6/2017 YES NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much pubic area visible, pubic hair, outer labia, poor quality airbrushing of areolas DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Exposed outer labia, pubic hair. Allowed Allowed 5/17/2017 YES 1/17/2017 NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of breasts, nipples, areolas through transparent clothing and pubic area/labia. Reporting on an event, not encouraging or inciting others YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of breasts-either partially obscured, transparent, painted but viewable, etc. as well as pubic area in plain view. It is featured in this edition, therefor denied. 8/30/2017 YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy football, which can be used to gamble. 2/23/2017 NO Allowed 3/1/2017 YES 8/31/2017 YES 12/15/2017 YES 9/6/2017 YES ISSUE 128 STRAIGHT STUNTIN XXXPOSURE Pornstar 12/8/2017 12/14/2017 YES YES STREET & SMITH'S 2017-18 BASKETBALL 11/10/2017 YES 7/27/2017 YES SO KOLD SOCIALIST ACTION SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SPORTS ILLUSTRATED FANTASY FOOTBALL 2017 IV VOL.35, #1 JAN17 11 SWIMSUIT 2017 SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT FOR THE INCARCERATED 2/17/2017 STRAIGHT STUNTIN ISSUE 45 2/20/2017 79,88,98 ,168,184 ISSUE 47 ISSUE 48 Big Brother Issue STREET & SMITH'S 2017 FANTASY FOOTBALL DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Lots of labia, areola, and pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Gang signs, colors, gang glorification, and nipples, breasts, and pubic areas on models DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much transparent visible breast and pubic area that can’t be unseen. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. a. Pornography DOC 309.04 4 9c 8 a. Showing too much pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy football, which can be used to gamble. DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy football, which can be used to gamble. STUNNAZ Black Lingerie Edition 12/29/2017 YES SPRING 2017 6/21/2017 YES FALL 2017 Nov/Dec-17 10/31/2017 9/8/2017 YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much exposed labia and not enough obscuring of breasts, nipples, and areolas. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much pubic area and outer labia. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much exposed labia . Not obscured enough. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography. Not enough obscuring of pubic area and nipples DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Written excerpts talk about Coprophilia, Urination for sexual pleasure, etc. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. a. Written word that discusses choking, urinating on people during sex, defecating during sex, “fisting”. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. too much nipple 5/3/2017 3/22/2017 NO NO Does not feature nudity Only one photo, doesn’t feature nudity 7/11/2017 YES VOLUME 1 SPRING 2017 Summer 2017 8/14/2017 YES 5/12/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 8/16/2017 NO Allowed VOL 28.2 4/26/2017 NO Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much exposed labia. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Shows too much outer labia in numerous photos. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pubic area, exposed labia Allowed based on what was submitted ISSUE 77 1/31/2017 YES ISSUE 86 3/2/2017 YES Edition IV 6/21/17 SCI Stunnaz 90 All Atlanta SUB ZERO PHAT PUFFS TATTOO TATTOO LIFE TATTOO SOCIETY THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO DRONES 2017 THE ISLAM MAGAZINE THE MOVEMENT #31 THE SOURCE (special edition) THE STUDENT OF INSURGENT THICK 5/17/2017 ISSUE 57 ISSUE 7 ISSUE 10 ISSUE 11 ISSUE 13 THE BEST OF THICK THRASHER TURNING THE TIDE 16,73,8991 7/20/21017 26,32,34 53,65,69 ,93 YES YES 6/30/2017 YES 4/6/2017 9/13/2017 YES NO ISSUE 14 ISSUE 15 10/2/2017 10/17/2017 YES NO ISSUE 12 9/27/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. poor airbrushing allows one to see some areola and nipple, outer labia, and pubic area on models Very close call, but will be allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Partial view of areola and too much pubic area on see through materials. 7/17/2017 6/23/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c. c.Glorifies drug use, underage drinking, unhealthy lifestyles to already vulnerable population Vol. 29 issue2 1/22/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation Vol. 29 issue 3 5/4/2017 YES 7/10/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 9 b. Espouses views from recognized STG groups for DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8b. Depictions of Trump as a Nazi, various depictions of Black Riders and Black Panther STG groups glorifying their agendas. 1/18/2018 NO First amendment rights. UltraViolet Newsletter of LAGAI Vol.29 issue 4 Vol. 29 issue 6 Vol. XVIII, No. 2 10/31/2017 NO UNDER LOCK & KEY JAN/FEB-17 6/26/2017 YES MAR/APR17 4/19/2017 YES MAY/JUN-17 6/19/2017 YES 8/14/2017 YES 1st Amendment rights, have to allow. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Justifies the killing of inmates who cooperate with prison officials, glorifies Black Panther Party (STG group), article on how to manipulate correctional staff to get what an inmate wants. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Thinly veiled ”unity amongst gangs while incarcerated to get more power” writings. Gives shout outs to Crips, Bloods uniting for revolution. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Thinly veiled reference to encourage inmates not to work on anniversary of September 9th strike last year and article about Black August, a month recognized with STG and month of a known attempted 2017 inmate work strike. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution. 10/19/2017 12/29/2017 NO NO 12/22/2016 NO JULY/AUG17 SEPT/OCT17 Nov/Dec-17 US WEEKLY JAN 2,2017 USA TODAY JUN 23-25, WEEKEND 2017 USA TODAY SPORTS AUG 30 WEEKLY SEP 5 SEP 6 - SEP 12 SEP 20-SEP 26 SEP 27-OCT 4 OCT 4 - OCT 10 OCT 11 OCT 17 OCT 18 OCT 24 22, 23 6/27/2017 YES 8/31/2017 YES 9/15/2017 YES 10/9/2017 YES 10/9/2017 YES 10/4/2017 YES 10/13/2017 YES 10/19/2017 YES Allowed Allowed Doesn’t “feature” nudity, only two small photos DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling VOGUE NOV 8 - 14 11/13/2017 YES NOV 15 -21 11/20/2017 YES NOV 22 - 28 NOV 29 DEC 5 DEC 27 -JAN 1 5/17/2017 6/17/2017 11/29/2017 YES 12/19/2017 YES 12/29/2017 4/26/2017 6/7/2017 YES NO NO 7/14/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. facilitates gambling Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security (DECISION TO DENY WAS MADE 8-9-17) 1/24/2018 NO Allowed VOICES FROM BEHIND WI PRISON GATES VOLUPTUOUS CURVES "W" SUMME R 2017 FALL 2017 ISSUE 4 3/14/2017 1/31/2017 2/20/2017 YES NO 8/17/2017 12/17/2017 7/10/2017 11/13/2017 NO 10/4/2017 YES 3/17/2017 2/23/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photographs of women naked from waistup showing fully exposed breasts. Allowed Allowed, only one picture; does not feature nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. nudity DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Facilitates gambling. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b.Marijuana is legal in some states, but not Wisconsin and definitely not in our correctional facilities. 4/17/2017 JAN 5,2017 6/7/2017 1/31/2017 NO NO Allowed Allowed JAN 12,2017 2/2/2017 NO Allowed JAN 19,2017 2/2/2017 NO Allowed JAN 26,2017 2/2/2017 NO FEB. 2, 2017 2/23/2017 YES Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Talks about Harvard workers strike and gives a "blueprint" on how to organize a strike. FEB. 9, 2017 2/20/2017 NO FEB. 16, 2017 2/23/2017 YES 3/23/2017 YES Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Calls for and advocates a Strike and uprising in May of 2017 by the public and directions on how to win a strike. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Advocates for a general strike on May 1, to include inmates in institutions. 4/26/2017 NO Allowed Warren Sharp's 2017 Football Preview WIRED WISCONSIN WATCH WORKERS WORLD 154 MAR. 16,2017 APR. 20, 2017 APR. 27, 2017 NO MAY 4, 2017 MAY 18, 2017 6/1/2017 6/29/2017 7/6/2017 5/31/2017 YES 6/5/2017 8/31/2017 8/31/2017 8/31/2017 NO NO NO NO 8/3/2017 8/9/2017 YES Allowed; reporting on past event Allowed Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (C) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security 9/26/2017 NO Although we may not appreciate or agree with the paper’s account of incident, we don’t actually really know what transpired and not staff were singled out by name. 10/19/2017 NO Allowed 12/11/2017 NO 9/6/2017 YES 8/16/2017 NO 1st Amendment rights. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Poorly airbrushed nipples and areolas Based on this one photo, not enough to deny DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances. Sept. 21, 2017 Oct. 12, 2017 Nov. 23, 2017 XOTIC Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) b. b. Poses a threat to the security 5/3/2017 XXL ISSUE 4 Summer 2017 Church of Love's Own Dream-Reverend Ashley Barnes 7/1/2017 YES REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2018 1/14/2019 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the ABOLITIONIST Fall 2018 12/28/2018 YES security Winter 2018 2/23/2018 NO Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the Summer 2018 7/11/2018 YES security AMERICAN HOTTIES Aperture Athlon Sports 2018 Guide NFL Draft Athlon Sports 2018 NASCAR Racing Preview Athlon Sports Big Ten 2018 College Football Preview Anthlon Sports Pro Football 2018 NFL Preview ARTFORUM AS IS BBO Magazine BOTTLES N MODELZ BRIDGE OF VOICES BUTTZ CAR SHOW HOTTIES VOL. 1 8/20/2018 YES Issue 232 12/7/2018 YES 4/26/2018 YES 3/9/2018 YES 8/17/2018 YES Nov-18 6/7/2018 11/15/2018 YES NO Dec-18 12/20/2018 YES #24 Issue 1, Volume 1 ISSUE 10 WINTER 2018 VOL. 1 VOL. 1 1/18/2018 10/15/2018 7/19/2018 12/28/2018 9/6/2018 3/29/2018 YES YES NO NO NO YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling Allowed Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Glorifies drug dealers, gangs, and gang leaders DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography Allowed Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. CHEEKS COSMOPOLITAN CLX by SHYGIRL CULTURE GIRL CURVES 2 DON DIVA VOL. 3 Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Apr-18 Vol. 10 3/29/2018 5/14/2018 10/30/2018 3/8/2018 3/29/2018 YES NO NO YES NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography will be allowed will be allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. close call, but will be allowed ISSUE 2 ISSUE 3 Mar-18 4/9/2018 7/10/2018 4/12/2018 NO YES YES Not enough to deny, it will be allowed. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Article teaching fellatio with suggestive photo. Not suitable for correctional environment #23 Upscale Cover EARTH FIRST EASY RIDER "R" Edition 7/3/2018 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Article discussing anal sex techniques #19 Spring 2018 7/13/2018 6/7/2018 YES NO Summer 2018 9/13/2018 YES Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security Jan-18 11/10/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too many photos of topless women exposing breasts Feb-18 12/20/2017 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos of topless models and one photo with what appears to be a model with something phallic in her mouth. Mar-18 May-18 1/24/2018 3/21/2018 YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Numerous photos showing naked females featuring breasts DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography Jun-18 Jul-18 4/18/2018 5/29/2018 YES YES ESPN ESQUIRE Sep-18 Nov-18 Jan-19 7/9/18 Apr-18 7/29/2018 11/269/18 11/20/2018 7/3/2018 3/23/2018 YES YES YES NO NO DON DIVA ISSUE 62 4/2/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Numerous photos of women naked from waist up exposing breasts. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is Pornography. Photos of topless women. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography Not pornographic. Only one photo, does not feature DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security, Glorifies gang life, drug dealing, murder. 8/15/2018 2/6/2018 6/15/2018 YES NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling Close call, but it will be allowed. Close call, but it will be allowed. Fantasy Football Cheat Sheets 2018, 21st Anniv. Special Edition 8/30/2018 YES Fantasy Football Guide 2018 Professional Edition 8/30/2018 YES Fantasy Football Pro Forecast 29th Year 8/30/2018 YES Draft Engine Fantasy Football 2018 DULCE LATINA ENTREPRENEUER Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Oct-18 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling Allowed F.E.D.S. MAGAZINE "SWEETS" ISSUE 26 10/15/2018 NO FELON Issue 12 12/3/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security FIELD & STREAM May-18 3/23/2018 YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons Jan. 23, 2018 2/6/2018 YES Jan. 30, 2018 2/6/2018 YES FYNE GIRLZ Vol 38 No. 9 ISSUE 22 1/10/2019 6/15/2018 YES NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. speaks of FOI (recognized as an STG) and glorifies their activities in a prison in CA. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Speaks to and supports FL prisoner’s strike. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Preaches and advocates separatist and what some could consider inflammatory views Allowed GAY TIMES Mar-18 3/8/2018 NO Doesn’t feature nudity, will be allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security; article on marijuana FINAL CALL GQ GRATERFRIENDS GUILD NOTES Mar-18 3/8/2018 YES Jun-18 Feb-18 Spring 2018 5/31/2018 6/7/2018 5/14/2018 YES NO NO Summer/Fall 2018 GUNS MAGAZINE GUNS & AMMO HANDGUNS HACKER QUARTERLY 9/11/2018 DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of illegal substances. Allowed will be allowed YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons Apr-18 2/20/2018 YES Feb/Mar-18 1/24/2018 YES Jul-18 6/29/2018 NO DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons Doesn’t tell how to build or alter a gun, make ammo. Vol. 35 #2 7/27/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation HIGH TIMES HIP HOP HIP HOP INK Hockey New Draft Preview 2018 IADORE Jan-18 #92 1/2/2018 2/13/2018 #92 3/29/2018 YES #14 5/21/2018 3/9/2018 NO NO Doesn’t speak to Fantasy leagues or how to draft players yourself. Allowed. Allowed NO Allowed After further review this will be denied DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography 10/18/2018 IDEAS & DISCOVERIES May-18 INKED Jan-18 24 Mar-18 May-18 ISSUE 12 22,94,95 IWOC Notes DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Appears to be some device in the anus of a model. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. #15 INKED MEMBERS CLUB YES NO 2/23/2018 YES 12/11/2017 NO 1/24/2018 3/19/2018 5/15/2018 YES NO NO Aug-18 7/29/2018 NO Nov-18 ISSUE 2 10/1/2018 9/24/2018 NO YES 6/5/18 6/19/18 8/10/18 9/10/18 9/24/18 10/1/18 6/27/2018 8/7/2018 10/9/2018 10/9/2018 10/9/2018 10/9/2018 YES NO NO NO NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 c, d. c. Is inconsistent with or poses a threat to the safety If this is only questionable picture, this edition will be allowed. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Nudity to include breasts and pubic area. Allowed Allowed Speaks to subjects, doesn’t tell “how to” or go into great detail Doesn’t feature nudity, the few photo of breasts DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed IWOC Solidarity Journal IWOC One Big Union IWOCPreamble and Constitution 10/15/18 11/5/18 11/19/18 12/3/18 12/17/18 Autumn 2018 October-18 10/29/2018 11/14/2018 11/27/2018 12/6/2018 12/27/2018 9/18/2018 10/31/2018 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed This version will be allowed January-18 10/31/2018 NO ###### 11/20/2018 YES This version will be allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Advocates for support of national Prison strike 3/8/2018 5/7/2018 NO YES YES YES NO NO NO appears to be “art” and not for prurient interest DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography Close call but allowed Close call but allowed Allowed Industrial Workers of the World General Organization Bulletin JUXTAPOZ KANDIGIRLZ (KG) KARNO'S MONTHLY KG BODY KREAM LINDY’S SPORTS Pro Basketball 2017-2018 LINDY’S SPORTS Pro Basketball 2018-2019 LINDY’S SPORTS Pro Football 2018 Preview LINDY’S SPORTS Fantasy Football 2018 Spring 2018 #205 #2 #5 Sep-18 #6 #7 Vol. 1 10/13/2017 YES 9/11/2018 YES 6/7/2018 YES 6/15/2018 LINDY’S SPORTS College Football National 2018 Preview LINGERIE, STOCKINGS & HEELS 11/27/2018 12/14/2018 3/8/2018 2/13/2018 ISSUE #4 Hump Day Edition Vol. 1 YES 8/2/2018 YES 6/7/2018 6/7/2018 YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography MADISON MGAZINE Feb-18 1/22/2018 NO MAKE MARC LAWRENCE'S PLAYBOOK.COM 2018 FOOTBALL PREVIEW GUIDE Apr/May-18 3/19/2018 YES MARIJUANA VENTURE MAXIM Dec-18 Jan/Feb-18 Mar/Apr-18 July/Aug-18 Vol 25 No 8 MAYFAIR MENS HEALTH MEN'S JOURNAL NASCAR 2017 PREVIEW PRESS GUIDE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NESTLER GIRLS NEW YORK ORIGINATORS YES Mar-18 Apr-18 Dec-18 Mar/Apr-18 65 Article doesn’t glorify marijuana in sense of glamorizing trafficking or illegal sales but objectively looks at whether or not legalization makes sense. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. promotes the use of marijuana 11/29/2018 1/12/2018 3/8/2018 7/11/2018 4/9/2018 YES NO NO NO YES 2/20/2018 4/26/2018 11/20/2018 YES NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed 2/23/2018 2/20/2018 NO NO Allowed Allowed Oct-18 10/1/2018 NO VOLUME 1 1/24/2018 YES This edition will be allowed unless inmate receiving/attempting to check out has a nexus to a sex crime against children. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. numerous pictures of naked females YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Too many pages with full frontal female nudity. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography APR 16-28, 2018 ISSUE 2 5/3/2018 11/12/2018 OUT PAPER SPRING 2018 PHIL STEELE'S 2018 PRO FOOTBALL PREVIEW & FANTASY FOOTBALL GUIDE PICTURE DIS PLAYBOY PLUSH XL POPULAR MECHANICS PRISON ACTION NEWS PRISON FOCUS Mar-18 VOL 34, #3 2/19/2018 3/29/2018 NO YES YES ISSUE 2 4/5/2018 Doesn't feature nudity DOC 209.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling NO Borderline, but this edition will be allowed. Models are adults ISSUE 5 4/5/2018 YES Though one picture, this edition will be denied for DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Shows too much labia and vulva. ISSUE 6 4/5/2018 YES Though one picture, this picture shows a lot of pubic area and this edition will be denied for DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. ISSUE 7 MAY/JUNE18 #3 4/5/2018 4/26/2018 5/15/2018 YES YES NO #4 3/8/2018 NO Jan/Feb-18 1/5/2018 YES They cover up stuff just enough to be allowed. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons, explosives, drugs, or intoxicating substances. Allowed May-18 Jun-18 4/18/2018 5/15/2018 YES NO Sep-18 8/15/2018 YES Feb-18 3/9/2018 YES Sping 2018 #55 5/25/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. Shows picture of nude woman in bondage DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography Allowed DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8b. Extolls virtues of inmateled strikes PRISON LEGAL NEWS APR 2018 VOL.29 #4 MAY 2018 VOL.29 #5 PRO FOOTBALL WEEKLY DRAFT GUIDE 2018 Spring Edition PRO FOOTBALL WEEKLY PREVIEW 2018 Fall Issue PRO FOOTBALL WEEKLY PREVIEW 2018 National Issue PRO FOOTBALL WEEKLY PREVIEW 2018 Winter Issue REVOLUTION REVOLVER ROLLING STONE 4/18/2018 6/15/2018 YES NO 4/30/2018 NO 6/20/2018 YES 7/13/2018 YES 9/6/2018 YES APR. 23, 2018 5/15/2018 YES May 21, 2018 June 18, 2018 6/7/2018 6/27/2018 YES NO August 6, 2018 9/6/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security August 27, 2018 November 26, 2018 9/4/2018 12/3/2018 YES NO JUN-JUL 2018 March 8, 2018 6/15/2018 3/8/2018 NO NO 5/15/2018 YES Glorifies the inmate strikes August 21September 9. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Allowed Allowed. Article discusses legal marijuana and CBD extract-the non-high producing part of marijuana. Factual article, doesn’t glorify use DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Gives infor that would make managing a facility more difficult for staff. Poses a threat to the security May 17-30, 2018 June 14-28, 2018 6/20/2018 Jul-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 7/3/2018 8/2/2018 11/6/2018 NO NO NO 9/24/2018 YES May 2018 Vol. 43, #5 5/31/2018 YES October 18, 2018 10/18/2018 YES Dec-18 ISSUE 15 Issue 16 VOL. 6 ISSUE 5 12/20/2018 3/29/2018 2/7/2018 4/26/2018 8/15/2018 YES YES NO NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Speaks of Prison strike June 19-September 9 and lists Black Panther propaganda DOC 309.04 4 9c 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography Allowed Allowed Allowed #92 ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 3/29/2018 9/20/2018 10/1/2018 YES NO NO Appears to be some device in the anus of a model. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Allowed Allowed YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security; Sends wrong message to inmates about sex workers and human sex trafficking. YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security; material referencing a call for a nationwide prison strike August 21-September 9 Rotoworld Fantasy Football 2018 Draft Guide SAN FRANCISCO BAY VIEW SEDUCTIVE COMPLEXTIONS SHOW LATINA SHY GIRL - BEST OF SLIM THICK SLINGSHOT SOLID BLACK FIST Allowed. Although pictures show genitalia and have nudity, it is for anthropological reasons, not prurient interest Allowed Allowed Summer 2018 ISSUE 1 5/25/2018 8/7/2018 ISSUE 2 ISSUE 3 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED STICKY STRAIGHT STUNTIN 8/7/2018 YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security; material referencing a call for a nationwide prison strike August 21-September 9 Swimsuit 2018 2/19/2018 YES Fantasy Football 2018 8/22/2018 YES #1 #26 SPRING ISSUE 12/11/2018 3/9/2018 4/12/2018 YES YES YES #48 #50 Street & Smith's Basketball College/preps/Pros 2018-19 STREET & SMITH'S COLLEGE FOOTBALL 2018 STREET & SMITH'S FANTASY BASEBALL 2018 STREET & SMITH'S FOOTBALL 2018 STRIP LV 8/7/2018 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security; material referencing a call for a nationwide prison strike August 21-September 9 #0215 #914 8/7/2018 10/1/2018 YES YES 11/14/2018 NO 8/17/2018 YES 2/1/2018 YES 7/27/2018 4/13/2018 4/13/2018 YES YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Pornography. photographed through transparent or opaque covered tops, visible pubic area. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is Pornography. Too much pubic area, areolas and nipples covered but still visible outline and breasts visible DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography Doesn’t contain Fantasy information DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.05 2 (b) 2. 2. Gives stats for Fantasy baseball, which can be used to gamble. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Is Pornography STUNNAZ Lingerie Edition STUNNAZ ALL ATLANTA 2 STUNNAZ INKED #1117 #92 #90 4/12/2018 10/18/2018 8/15/2018 YES YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is Pornography #11 1/18/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much areola, nipple and outer labia, pubic area YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much areola, nipple and outer labia, pubic area #12 ISSUE 13 1/18/2018 5/7/2018 8/30/2018 YES YES YES Jun-18 4/26/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Too much areola, nipple and outer labia, pubic area DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the manufacture or use of weapons DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography #13 SUB 0 PHAT PUFFS SURVIVAL GUIDE TABU TATTOO Tarot-Witch of the Black Rose TATTOO LIKE TATTOO SOCIETY THE COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER THE SUMMER SWELL THICK 1/18/2018 WINTER 2018 #12 Jul-18 ISSUE #61 5/31/2018 4/11/2018 YES YES MARCH #109 4/9/2018 YES #10 #60 4/11/2018 2/6/2018 NO NO #62 #65 Apr-18 Nov-19 7/29/2018 10/3/2018 5/14/2018 12/28/2018 YES YES NO NO Jul-05 #16 6/19/2018 2/6/2018 YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography While potentially offensive, it does not violate code Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is Pornography. Only two pages, but one of them is quite graphic. Full nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography Allowed Allowed (Kiosk version) DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Advocates for prison strikes later this summer DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Pornography THRASHER #17 Dec-18 4/27/2018 11/6/2018 NO NO TIME TRAP INK Mar-18 ISSUE 2 3/13/2018 7/10/2018 NO NO Allowed Allowed Incidental parts of reporting, not advocating. Allowed. Allowed YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is Pornography. Too many photos of too much pubic area exposed ISSUE 4 UNDER LOCK & KEY TURNING THE TIDE USA TODAY USA Today Sports Weekly Fantasy Extra March 14-20 USA Today Sports Weekly Fantasy Extra August 22-28 USA Today Sports Weekly Special Edition 7/10/2018 Jan/Feb-18 2/19/2018 YES July/Aug-18 8/13/2018 YES Sept/Oct-10 10/18/2018 YES Nov/Dec-18 12/7/2018 YES Oct-18 10/30/2018 YES Nov/Dec-2018 Jan 31-Feb 6 11/15/2018 2/1/2018 YES NO 3/23/2018 YES 8/22/2018 YES Sept. 5-11, 2018 9/11/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Sept. 12-18, 2018 9/11/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Sept 26-Oct 2, 2018 10/1/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security. Encourages inmates to participate in demonstrations within facilities. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. c. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security, DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to USA Today Sports Weekly USA Today Sports Weekly Oct 3-10, 2018 Oct 10-16, 2018 10/9/2018 10/17/2018 YES YES USA Today Sports Weekly Oct 17-23, 2018 10/18/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Oct 24-30, 2018 10/30/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly USA Today Sports Weekly Oct 31-Nov 6, 2018 Nov 7-13, 2018 10/31/2018 11/12/2018 YES YES USA Today Sports Weekly Nov 14-20, 2018 11/15/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Nov 21-27, 2018 11/21/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Nov 28- Dec 4, 2018 11/30/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly DEC 5-11, 2018 12/7/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly DEC 12-18, 2018 12/14/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Dec 19-25-2018 12/20/2018 YES USA Today Sports Weekly Dec 26 -Jan1 2019 12/27/2018 YES VOICES FROM BEHIND WI PRISON GATES - Issue 5 Summer 2018 7/30/2018 NO VOICES FROM BEHIND WI PRISON GATES - Issue 6 Summer 2018 10/1/2018 NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. facilitate gambling Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Could be used to Be careful and look for other “versions” of this APPROVED version. One that is close, but has some unsuitable content was recently denied at KCC. Allowed "W" The Art Issue WIRED Vol. 4 2018 Vol.7 2018 9/11/2018 11/15/2018 NO NO Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. shows illegally ship arms and weapons to ISIS. DOC 309.04 4 (d 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security Jan-18 12/20/2017 YES WHITE VOICE Nov/Dec-18 2/23/2018 YES WORKERS WORLD Jan. 11, 2018 1/22/2018 NO Jan. 18, 2018 2/1/2018 YES First Amendment rights on other stuff DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security YES NO NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Advocates for sustaining a recent prisoner’s strike and disobedience Allowed Allowed Jan. 25, 2018 Feb. 1, 2018 Feb. 15, 2018 2/6/2018 2/20/2018 2/23/2018 July 26, 2018 8/2/2018 YES August 2, 2018 9/13/2018 YES August 16, 2018 9/13/2018 YES August 23, 2018 9/13/2018 YES August 30, 2018 9/11/2018 YES September 6, 2018 October 18, 2018 October 25, 2018 9/18/2018 10/31/2018 10/31/2018 YES NO NO November 8, 2018 11/15/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c ) 8 b. b. Promotes National Prison Strike August 21-September 9, 2018. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Speaks to and glorifies inmate nation-wide strike August 21-September 9 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Glorifies National Prisoner’s Strike. DOC 309.04 4 (c) b. b. Poses a threat to the security, Allowed Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. c. Poses a threat to the security Xotica Issue 5 11/12/2018 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS - 2019 7/8/2019 Disclaimer: Publications may be reviewed in accordance with DOC Administrative Code 309.04 Inmate Mail and DOC 309.05 Publications. The list may not include all magazines due to the volume of publications received. If a magazine has posters, CDs, etc. please remove these before delivering to inmates. These magazines will no longer be listed individually - just remove contraband. MAGAZINE ISSUE PAGES REVIEWED DENIED PAGE and REASON ABOLITIONIST ISSUE 30 2/28/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, ART FORUM INTERNATION May-19 5/13/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is 6/17/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate Athlon Sports 2019 NFL Preview Pro BOTTLES & MODELZ ISSUE 6 ISSUE 11 5/13/2019 1/15/2019 NO YES Allowed DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography BOUND BY INK ISSUE 16 2/28/2019 NO Allowed SPRING 04 19 SPRING 05 19 4/30/2019 5/15/2019 YES NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, This version will be allowed. First Amendment. VOLUME 2 VOLUME 3 5/29/2019 5/29/2019 NO NO Just enough censorship to approve Just enough censorship to approve Mar-19 Apr-19 Jun-19 Issue 5 2/15/2019 3/27/2019 5/15/2019 3/28/2019 YES NO YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography. Has depictions and Not enough for denial. Allowed. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, b, c. Glorifies STG life, drug dealing and thug life. Photo shows too much labia and pubic area as well. BRIDGE OF VOICES BUTTZ COSMOPOLITAN DIME PIECE MAGAZINE DON DIVA Winter Issue 63 3/25/2019 DULCE LATINA ISSUE 4 2/4/2019 NO close call, but allowed EASY RIDER "R" Edition Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 11/20/2018 1/31/2019 4/29/2019 YES YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography. ELLE Feb-19 1/17/2019 Volume 2 Issue 2 2/27/2019 NO close call, but allowed Volume 4 Issue 25 3/25/2019 YES Glorifies STG’s. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation ISSUE 91 2/4/2019 NO close call, but allowed VOL. 1 2019 3/11/2019 NO Doesn’t feature nudity, nudity in photo not overt Mar-19 1/14/2019 YES May-19 3/18/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution MAR-19 (524) 3/12/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography 1/7/19 2/4/19 2/18/19 3/4/19 3/18/19 4/1/19 4/15/19 1/15/2019 2/28/2019 3/20/2019 3/29/2019 3/29/2019 4/9/2019 4/25/2019 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO This version of notes/meeting is allowed This version of notes/meeting is allowed This version of notes/meeting is allowed This version of notes/meeting is allowed This version of notes/meeting is allowed This version of notes/meeting is allowed This version of notes/meeting is allowed FANGORIA F.E.D.S HIP HOP INK HOLLYWOOD TALES INKED INTERVIEW IWOC Some top frontal nudity, doesn’t feature it. IWOC Abuse, Indifference and Exploitation: An Assessment of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections MARCH 5/7/2019 NO First Amendment rights KANDIGIRLZ #7 4/5/2019 NO One photo, not featured. This edition will be allowed BB#1 2/11/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography ISSUE 3 3/27/2019 NO Based on what is submitted, it will be allowed MAR/APR-19 2/27/2019 NO Doesn’t meet denial criteria threshold Mar-19 May-19 2/27/2019 4/26/2019 YES NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography Allowed FEB/MAR-19 1/15/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Details how to make alcoholic APR 1-14, 2019 4/5/2019 NO This edition is allowed. Nudity shown not for prurient Apr-19 May-19 3/18/2019 5/14/2019 NO YES Does not feature nudity DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. a. Is pornography #001 6/27/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography 4/16/2019 YES DOC 309.05 2 (b) 3. 3. Teach or describe the FEB 25, 2019 (584) 3/4/2019 YES MARCH 11, 2019 (586) 3/27/2019 YES March 15, 2019 3/28/2019 YES KG BODY KITE MAXIM MENS HEALTH MOTHER EARTH NEWS NEW YORK OUT PINKY'S PLAYHOUSE POPULAR MECHANICS REVOLUTION May-19 82-83 DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Inflammatory language that could upset institution climate. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Calls for abolition of prisons, and numerous disparaging remarks about law and order and need for overthrowing and having a revolution. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Talks of revolting and overthrowing life as we know it April 8, 2019 4/16/2019 NO allowed under First Amendment May 1, 2019 5/6/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Numerous articles glorifying Jan-19 2/28/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, ISSUE 14 1/15/2019 NO Doesn’t meet denial criteria threshold SLIM THICK Special Edition Vol. 1 3/29/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4(c) 8 a. Is pornography SLINGSHOT SPRING FORTH 2019 3/7/2019 NO Allowed ROLLING STONE SAN FRANCISCO BAY VIEW SEDUCTIVE COMPLEXIONS (SHY GIRL) SWIMSUIT EDITION 5/14/2019 YES DOC 309.00.50 and DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography No. 69 4/26/2019 NO Allowed VOLUME 1 VOLUME 2 3/4/2019 3/25/2019 YES NO DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography Based on what is submitted, the photos are allowable. Winter 2019 #14 12/26/2018 YES Winter 2019 #15 4/29/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a, c. Pictures borderline, but articles discuss sodomy and violence while having sexual encounters TATTOO LIFE Issue 114 2/28/2019 NO Doesn’t feature nudity THE COMMUNITY Feb-19 May-19 Issue 170 2/28/2019 5/15/2019 2/28/2019 NO NO NO Allowed Allowed Some nudity, but not featured SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SMOOTH STRAIGHT STUNTIN (DIGITAL) STRAIGHT STUNTIN (DIGITAL) Sub 0 PHAT PUFFS TOTAL TATTOO Under Lock & Key Mar/Apr-19 4/18/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. Tells uncorroborated stories USA Sports Weekly Jan 2-8 '19 Jan 9-15, 2019 Jan 23-29, 2019 1/17/2019 1/30/2019 1/30/2019 YES YES YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b, c. Could be used to facilitate Issue 7 2/28/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security #6 3/12/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a. Is pornography July/Aug-19 7/8/2019 VOICES VOLUPTUOUS CURVES WIRED WORKERS WORLD XOTIX XXL 309.04(4)(5)8. Is injurious. (d) Facilitates criminal activity and 9. Contains information that, if communicated, would create a clear danger of physical or mental harm to any person. DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 b. b. Poses a threat to the security, orderly operation, discipline or safety of the institution APR. 18, 2019 5/2/2019 YES Issue 5 4/29/2019 YES DOC 309.04 4 (c) 8 a Is pornography Spring 2019 4/23/2019 NO Allowed