Youth Center Stcharles Il Fy 2006 Audit
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STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Center Officials Management Assertion Letter Compliance Report Summary Accountants’ Report Independent Accountants’ Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance, and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Schedule of Findings Current Findings Prior Findings Not Repeated Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Summary Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Net Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Description of Locally Held Funds Schedule of Locally Held Funds – Special Revenue Funds (not examined) Schedule of Locally Held Funds – Cash Basis (not examined) Schedule of Changes in State Property (not examined) Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts and Deposits (not examined) Analysis of Significant Variations in Expenditures Analysis of Significant Lapse Period Spending Schedule of Changes in Inventories (not examined) Analysis of Operations Center Functions and Planning Program Average Number of Employees Employee Overtime (not examined) Inmate Commissary Operation Shared Resources (not examined) Annual Cost Statistics Costs Per Year Per Inmate (not examined) Ratio of Employees to Inmates (not examined) Cell Square Feet Per Inmate (not examined) Food Services (not examined) Medical and Clergy Service Contracts (not examined) Service Efforts and Accomplishments (not examined) Page 1 2 4 6 9 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 27 29 30 32 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 CENTER OFFICIALS Acting Warden (4/1/06 - Present) Mr. Bobby Moore Warden (Transfer out 3/31/06) Ms. Janice Shallcross Assistant Warden - Programs (2/1/06 - Present) Mr. Eric Flaherty Assistant Warden - Programs (Transfer out 1/31/06) Mr. Jesse Tinajero Assistant Warden - Operations Mr. Bobby Moore Business Office Administrator (10/01/05 - Present) Mr. Kim Turner Acting Business Administrator (7/01/04 - 9/30/05) Mr. Srikishan Varadaraj The Center is located at: 3825 Campton Hills Road St. Charles, IL 60175 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 COMPLIANCE REPORT SUMMARY The limited scope compliance testing performed during this examination was conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and in accordance with the Illinois State Auditing Act. ACCOUNTANTS’ REPORT The Independent Accountants’ Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes relates only to those chapters of the “Audit Guide for Performing Financial Audits and Compliance Attestation Engagements of Illinois State Agencies” (Audit Guide) which are identified in the report as having compliance testing performed. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Number of Findings Repeated findings Prior recommendations implemented or not repeated This Report 2 0 Prior Report 0 0 0 0 Details of findings are presented in a separately tabbed report section. SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS CURRENT FINDINGS Item No. Page Description 06-1 9 Inadequate controls over meal reimbursements for dinner 06-2 11 Noncompliance with contract terms PRIOR FINDINGS NOT REPEATED The Illinois Youth Center – St. Charles did not have any prior year findings. 4 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 EXIT CONFERENCE Responses to the recommendations were provided by Mary Ann Bohlen, Accounting Manager, in a letter dated February 9, 2007. Center management waived having an exit conference per a letter dated January 19, 2007. 5 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Current Findings 06-1 FINDING (Inadequate controls over meal reimbursements for dinner) The Illinois Youth Center at St. Charles (Center) did not maintain adequate controls over meal reimbursements for dinner. During our testing, we noted the following: • Twenty-three of 47 travel vouchers (49%) tested, totaling $4,182, contained instances in which employees were paid meal reimbursements for dinner without meeting meal allowance requirements. Travel times indicated on vouchers submitted did not agree to Center movement records. Movement records are sign in and out sheets located at the entrance gate of the Center. All employees and visitors are required to sign a visitor log when entering and leaving the facility. Instances totaled $1,207 and $170 in fiscal years 2005 and 2006, respectively. • Twenty-four of 47 travel vouchers (51%) tested, totaling $4,556, contained instances in which employees were paid meal reimbursements for dinner in which the Center records could not support. Travelers completed vouchers claiming meal reimbursements, however, the movement records did not list the travelers on travel status for the claimed days. Instances totaled $1,479 and $306 in fiscal years 2005 and 2006, respectively. • Seven of 47 vouchers (15%) tested, totaling $1,978, contained instances in which auditors were unable to determine if employees were entitled to meal reimbursements for dinner because movement records were incomplete. Movement sheets contained missing travel times, which made it difficult to determine if the claimed meal reimbursements were accurate. Instances totaled $136 fiscal year 2005. Illinois Department of Corrections’ Administrative Directives 02.37.101, states employees are entitled to dinner meal reimbursements if they return to the Center or their residence at least 2 hours after the end of their normal work shift. In addition, 02.37.110 requires the Center’s Business Office audit travel vouchers for accuracy and legibility. Center personnel stated when travel vouchers were submitted to the Business Office the Center did not verify employees were entitled to meal reimbursements for dinner. Failure to recalculate and check the accuracy of travel reimbursements may subject the State to excessive travel reimbursement expenditures. Failure to implement adequate 9 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Current Findings - Continued internal controls over payment of travel increases the risk that errors and irregularities will occur and not be detected. (Finding Code No. 06-1) RECOMMENDATION We recommend the Center implement controls to verify claimed travel reimbursements. In addition, we recommend the Center request reimbursement from employees for the improper claimed dinner meal reimbursements. CENTER RESPONSE Recommendation accepted. The Department has implemented tracking procedures to verify the return of employees to the facility. Each employee is logged as returning to the facility to ascertain the valid time. Additionally, the facility is working to strengthen the overall controls for travel and will make every effort to ensure the travel reimbursements are proper and required. 10 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Current Findings - Continued 06-2 FINDING (Noncompliance with contract terms) The Illinois Youth Center at St. Charles (Center) did not comply with contract terms. The contractual agreement for health services requires advance payments of one twelfth of the total estimated annual contract amount to be made each month with the exception of June. June’s payment should be made upon the reconciliation of fourth quarter adjustments. This contract is a multi-year contract for the period of 07/01/2002 through 06/30/2007. During testing of fiscal year 2006 contract payments, we noted two months of service totaling $365,215 were paid 32 to 45 days in advance of the contract terms. Center personnel stated that the Illinois Department of Corrections (DOC) – Central Office instructed the Center when to make payments. Failure to comply with contract terms results in improper payments to contractors from agency appropriation without regard to when the services were provided. (Finding Code No. 06-2) RECOMMENDATION We recommend the Center monitor the contract to ensure all terms are met. CENTER RESPONSE Recommendation accepted. The facility will comply with the terms of the contracts. The payments were a result of an oversight due to the timing of the invoices and in an effort to meet Prompt Pay guidelines. 11 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Prior Findings Not Repeated There were no findings noted during the Limited Scope Compliance Examination for the two years ended June 30, 2004. 12 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR STATE COMPLIANCE PURPOSES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 SUMMARY Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes presented in this section of the report includes the following: Fiscal Schedules and Analysis: Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Net Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Description of Locally Held Funds Schedule of Locally Held Funds – Special Revenue Funds (not examined) Schedule of Locally Held Funds – Cash Basis (not examined) Schedule of Changes in State Property (not examined) Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts and Deposits (not examined) Analysis of Significant Variations in Expenditures Analysis of Significant Lapse Period Spending Schedule of Changes in Inventories (not examined) Analysis of Operations Center Functions and Planning Program Average Number of Employees Employee Overtime (not examined) Inmate Commissary Operation Shared Resources (not examined) Annual Cost Statistics Costs Per Year Per Inmate (not examined) Ratio of Employees to Inmates (not examined) Cell Square Feet Per Inmate (not examined) Food Services (not examined) Medical and Clergy Service Contracts (not examined) Service Efforts and Accomplishments (not examined) The accountants’ report on the Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes presented in the Compliance Report Section states the auditors have applied certain limited procedures as prescribed by the Audit Guide, as adopted by the Auditor General to the 2006 and 2005 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes, except for information on the Schedule of Locally Held Funds – Special Revenue Funds, Schedule of Locally Held Funds – Cash Basis, Schedule of Changes in State Property, Comparative Schedule of Cash Receipts and Deposits, Schedule of Changes in Inventories, Employee Overtime, Shared Resources, Annual Cost Statistics and Service Efforts and Accomplishments on which they did not perform any procedures. However, the auditors do not express an opinion on the supplementary information. The auditors have not applied procedures to the 2004 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes, and accordingly, do not express an opinion thereon. 13 14 $ $ 20,283,586 0 682,170 8,419 14,798 65,959 123,043 0 741,300 16,000 15,500 72,900 142,100 21,623,000 1,078,619 1,023,568 3,195,833 11,185 1,132,400 1,073,900 3,637,000 14,700 192,043 13,840,933 47,016 $ $ 51,200 192,100 14,533,900 $ $ 1,317,101 0 58,604 7,552 664 6,898 18,931 52,486 50,238 440,646 3,494 4,104 0 673,484 LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES JULY 1 TO AUGUST 31, 2006 Note: The information reflected in this schedule was taken from the Center's records and reconciled to records of the State Comptroller. Total - Fiscal Year 2006 GENERAL REVENUE FUND - 001 Personal services Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Student, member and inmate compensation State contributions to State Employees' Retirement System State contributions to Social Security Contractual services Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications services Operation of automotive equipment PUBLIC ACT 94-0015 APPROPRIATIONS NET OF TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 $ $ 21,600,687 0 740,774 15,971 15,462 72,857 141,974 1,131,105 1,073,806 3,636,479 14,679 51,120 192,043 14,514,417 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14 MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2006 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND LAPSED BALANCES For the Year Ended June 30, 2006 15 $ $ 22,160,318 10 700,479 10,352 0 95,214 118,076 900 881,200 19,200 101,500 126,400 148,600 23,916,532 2,300,348 1,059,643 2,950,068 14,543 2,425,000 1,121,300 3,358,000 41,600 32,032 14,825,574 53,979 $ $ 59,100 32,032 15,601,700 $ $ 1,570,747 0 151,471 5,818 85,000 7,038 20,176 120,298 55,812 350,002 2,866 5,040 0 767,226 LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES JULY 1 TO AUGUST 31, 2005 Note: The information reflected in this schedule was taken from the Center's records and reconciled to records of the State Comptroller. Total - Fiscal Year 2005 GENERAL REVENUE FUND - 001 Personal services Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Student, member and inmate compensation State contributions to State Employees' Retirement System State contributions to Social Security Contractual services Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications services Operation of automotive equipment PUBLIC ACT 93-0842 & 93-0681 APPROPRIATIONS NET OF TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES THROUGH JUNE 30, 2005 $ $ 23,731,065 10 851,950 16,170 85,000 102,252 138,252 2,420,646 1,115,455 3,300,070 17,409 59,019 32,032 15,592,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14 MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2005 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND LAPSED BALANCES For the Year Ended June 30, 2005 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF NET APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND LAPSED BALANCES For the Years Ended June 30, 2006 GENERAL REVENUE FUND - 001 Appropriations (net of transfers) FISCAL YEAR 2005 2004 P.A. 94-0015 P.A. 93-0842 & 93-0681 P.A. 93-0091 $ 21,623,000 $ 23,916,532 $ 26,780,400 EXPENDITURES Personal services Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Student, member and inmate compensation State contributions to State Employees' Retirement System State contributions to Social Security Contractual services Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodites Printing Equipment Telecommunications services Operation of automotive equipment Total Expenditures $ 14,514,417 192,043 51,120 1,131,105 1,073,806 3,636,479 14,679 $ 15,592,800 32,032 59,019 2,420,646 1,115,455 3,300,070 17,409 $ 16,424,191 859,263 68,798 1,482,158 1,219,421 3,376,479 27,246 0 740,774 15,971 15,462 72,857 141,974 $ 21,600,687 10 851,950 16,170 85,000 102,252 138,252 $ 23,731,065 116 545,926 19,861 26,093 132,295 147,600 $ 24,329,447 LAPSED BALANCES $ $ $ 16 22,313 185,467 2,450,953 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION DESCRIPTION OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 The locally held funds of the Center are grouped into two fund categories, Governmental and Fiduciary funds. These are non-appropriated funds with the exception of the Travel and Allowance Revolving Fund, which is an appropriated fund. The funds are not held in the State Treasury and are described as follows: 1. Governmental Funds General Revenue Fund The Travel and Allowance Revolving Fund is a cash imprest fund located at the Center and is used to provide travel and allowances for discharged residents/inmates. The Travel and Allowance Revolving Fund is replenished from the Center’s General Revenue Fund appropriation on a monthly basis upon submission of a duly authorized voucher. Special Revenue Funds Special revenue funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. The Center maintains two special revenue funds. Residents’ Benefit Fund and Employees’ Benefit Fund are used to provide entertainment and recreational activities for residents and employees. The Employees’ Benefit Fund is also used to provide travel expense reimbursement for correctional officers while travel vouchers are being processed. During fiscal year 2006 the accounting and expenditure processing of the Residents’ Benefit Fund were transferred to the Department of Corrections General Office. 2. Fiduciary Fund Agency Fund An agency fund is used to account for assets held as the agent for others. The Center maintains one such fund, the Residents’ Trust Fund which is a depository for the residents’ money. The Residents’ Trust Fund is used to account for the receipts and disbursements of the resident’s individual accounts. 17 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year ended June 30, 2006 (NOT EXAMINED) REVENUES Income from Sales Interest / Investment Income Miscellaneous Entry Fees Postage Other Donations Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Purchases General and Administrative Contractual Equipment Postage Cable Television Donations Other Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Transfers In Transfers (Out) Total Other Financing Sources Employees' Benefit Fund Residents' Benefit Fund $ $ 7,135 12 0 413 2,279 97,463 9,426 97,876 2,398 699 12,841 2,160 7,855 10,952 15,001 (1,526) 82,875 157 0 Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance July 1, 2005 Fund Balance June 30, 2006 $ 157 (1,526) 83,032 3,548 2,904 2,022 $ Note: Schedule is presented on the accrual basis of accounting. 18 85,936 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS For the Year ended June 30, 2005 (NOT EXAMINED) REVENUES Income from Sales Interest / Investment Income Miscellaneous Entry Fees Postage Other Donations Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Purchases General and Administrative Contractual Equipment Postage Cable Television Donations Other Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Transfers In Transfers (Out) Total Other Financing Sources Employees' Benefit Fund Residents' Benefit Fund $ $ 8,582 10 0 35 2,976 13,175 11,568 13,210 4,129 8,717 4,653 865 3,159 6,362 13,650 14,235 (2,082) (1,025) 79 0 Net Change in Fund Balance 79 (2,082) Fund Balance July 1, 2004 (946) 5,630 Fund Balance June 30, 2005 $ 3,548 3,850 $ Note: Schedule is presented on the accrual basis of accounting. 19 2,904 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF LOCALLY HELD FUNDS - CASH BASIS (NOT EXAMINED) For the Years Ended June 30 2005 2006 Travel and Allowance Rev. Fund Balance - July 1 $ Receipts Investment Income Inmate Account Receipts Appropriations from General Revenue Fund TOTAL RECEIPTS Disbursements Inmate Account Disbursements Disbursements for released inmates TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Fund Transfers Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers (Out) TOTAL TRANSFERS Balance - June 30 Residents' Trust Fund 450 $ 11,828 50 79 164,983 50 165,062 Travel and Allowance Rev. Fund $ 454 Residents' Trust Fund $ 157 162,047 0 162,204 109,350 46 46 $ 124,463 53,695 163,045 0 454 $ Note: Schedule is presented on the cash basis of accounting. 20 (79) (79) 13,766 13,766 162 162 $ 0 292 39,519 163,982 $ (157) (157) 11,831 21 $ 1,914,459 $ $ 29,711,175 833 833 102,830 102,830 Buildings 29,609,178 $ $ 2,367,798 262,273 18,242 143,130 100,901 184,665 376 33,993,432 263,106 833 18,242 143,130 100,901 287,495 376 292 82,123 179,180 292 82,123 76,350 Total 33,969,043 25,524 $ $ 25,524 Equipment 2,445,406 $ $ 1,914,459 0 0 Land 1,914,459 $ $ 29,609,178 0 551,957 551,957 Buildings 29,057,221 Note: Center management indicated the balances at June 30, 2006 and 2005 have been reconciled to the property reports submitted to the Office of the Comptroller. Balance, ending 0 Deductions: Transfers-out: Intra-agency Inter-agency Scrap property Surplus property Condemned and lost property Adjustment Total Deductions Land 1,914,459 0 $ Additions: Purchases Transfers-in: Intra-agency Inter-agency Capital Development Board Employees' Commissary Fund Employees' Benefit Fund Residents' Commissary Fund Residents' Benefit Fund Donations Grants Adjustments Total Additions Balance, beginning 2006 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN STATE PROPERTY (NOT EXAMINED) For the Years Ended June 30, $ $ 2005 2,445,406 103,807 1,745 24,616 39,611 37,835 209,209 45,070 38,655 99,241 26,243 Equipment 2,340,004 $ $ 33,969,043 103,807 1,745 24,616 39,611 37,835 761,166 45,070 38,655 651,198 26,243 Total 33,311,684 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DEPOSITS (NOT EXAMINED) For the Years Ended June 30, FISCAL YEAR 2005 2006 RECEIPTS Jury Duty $ Inmate Restitution 90 $ 143 2004 $ 206 738 1,820 2,229 3,919 1,430 5,916 Staff Witness Fees 25 0 0 Contraband Cash 10 0 10 Copying Fees 11 4 0 Postage 20 0 54 161 301 305 Dormant Inmate Accounts Miscellaneous TOTAL RECEIPTS REMITTANCES General Revenue Fund - 001 $ 4,974 $ 3,698 $ 8,720 $ 4,216 $ 1,874 $ 6,436 Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund - 523 758 1,824 2,283 TOTAL RECEIPTS REMITTED DIRECTLY TO STATE TREASURER $ 4,974 $ 3,698 $ 8,719 DEPOSITS Receipts recorded by Center $ 4,216 $ 1,874 $ 6,436 Add: Deposits in transit - Beginning of year 266 Deduct: Deposits in transit - End of year (60) DEPOSITS RECORDED BY THE STATE COMPTROLLER $ 4,422 1,486 0 (266) $ 3,094 (1,486) $ Note: The Deposits reconciliation section of this schedule is a reconciliation of the Center's General Revenue Fund receipts to the Comptroller's General Revenue Fund deposits only. The Comptroller's records do not provide a detail breakdown of deposits into the Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund #523 by Center. 22 4,950 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Fiscal Year 2006 A comparative schedule of significant variations in expenditures (20% or more) for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2005 are shown below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Employee retirement contributions paid by employer State contributions to State Employees’ Retirement System Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Equipment Telecommunications services FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2006 2005 $192,043 $32,032 $1,131,105 $2,420,646 $0 $15,462 $72,857 $10 $85,000 $102,252 INCREASE (DECREASE) AMOUNT % $160,011 500% ($1,289,541) (53%) ($10) ($69,538) ($29,395) (100%) (82%) (29%) Center management provided the following explanations for the significant variations identified above. Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Employee retirement contributions paid by employer increased due to the State making payments for one half of FY06 compared to one pay period in FY05. State contributions to State Employees’ Retirement System State contributions decreased due to the percentage paid for contributions decreasing from 16.107% in FY05 to 7.792% in FY06. Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Travel and allowance for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners decreased due to DOC – Central Office’s instruction to draw down the Center’s local fund until all funds were depleted. Equipment Equipment expenditures decreased due to the Center’s equipment purchases for required equipment in FY06 compared to FY05’s sole payment for efficiency initiatives. 23 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Telecommunications services Telecommunication expenditures decreased due to FY06 expenditures paid with FY07 appropriations. 24 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 A comparative schedule of significant variations in expenditures (20% or more) for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004 are shown below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Employee retirement contributions paid by employer State contributions to State Employees’ Retirement System Travel Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Commodities Equipment Telecommunications services FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2005 2004 $32,032 $859,263 $2,420,646 $17,409 $10 $851,950 $85,000 $102,252 INCREASE (DECREASE) AMOUNT % ($827,231) (96%) $1,482,158 $27,246 $938,488 ($9,837) 63% (36%) $116 $545,926 $26,093 $132,295 ($106) $306,024 $58,907 ($30,043) (91%) 56% 226% (23%) Center management provided the following explanations for the significant variations identified above. Employee retirement contributions paid by employer Employee retirement contributions paid by employer were funded for only the first pay period of July 2004. State contributions to State Employees’ Retirement System State contributions increased due to no contributions made in FY04 for the period of March 2004 through June 2004. Travel Travel expenditures decreased due to the Center utilizing teleconferencing equipment for training purposes. In addition, employees were required to stay at the Academy when conducting business in Springfield. Travel and allowances for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners Travel and allowance for committed, paroled and discharged prisoners decreased due to DOC – Central Office’s instruction to draw down the Center’s local fund until all funds were depleted. 25 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS IN EXPENDITURES For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Commodities Commodities expenditures increased due to food purchases being completely funded by the General Revenue Fund in FY05. In FY04, food purchases were funded by the DOC – reimbursement fund (Fund 523). Equipment Equipment expenditures increased due to DOC – Central Office’s instruction for the Center to make one sole payment for an efficiency fund initiatives. Telecommunications services Telecommunications expenditures decreased due to previous fiscal year’s purchases for security cameras and other telecommunication items in the visiting center. 26 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT LAPSE PERIOD SPENDING For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Our testing of lapse period expenditures for fiscal year ended June 30, 2006 disclosed two appropriation line items with significant (20% or more) lapse period expenditures, as scheduled below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 TOTAL LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE Travel $14,679 $3,494 24% Printing $15,971 $7,552 47% Center management provided the following explanations for the significant lapse period expenditures identified above. Travel The Center was waiting for DOC – Central Office to approve a 2% appropriation transfer to pay travel expenditures. Printing The Center received invoices and goods during the lapse period. 27 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF SIGNIFICANT LAPSE PERIOD SPENDING For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Our testing of lapse period expenditures for fiscal year ended June 30, 2005 disclosed two appropriation line items with significant (20% or more) lapse period expenditures, as scheduled below: EXPENDITURE ITEM Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 TOTAL LAPSE PERIOD EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE Printing $16,170 $5,818 36% Equipment $85,000 $85,000 100% Center management provided the following explanations for the significant lapse period expenditures identified above. Printing The Center received invoices and goods during the lapse period. Equipment The Center was instructed by DOC - Central Office to make efficiency payment during the lapse period. 28 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER - ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN INVENTORIES (NOT EXAMINED) Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Balance July 1, 2005 GENERAL REVENUE FUND General Stores Mechanical Stores Officers' Clothing Postage Surplus Inventory Kitchen $ $ 155,950 58,517 0 3,798 0 57,191 275,456 Additions $ $ Balance July 1, 2004 GENERAL REVENUE FUND General Stores Mechanical Stores Officers' Clothing Postage Surplus Inventory Kitchen $ $ 192,041 43,803 0 13,571 0 60,120 309,535 341,152 277,056 41,925 24,500 4,661 397,430 1,086,724 Deletions $ $ Additions $ $ 286,871 312,513 25,728 25,000 0 509,164 1,159,276 325,654 284,845 41,925 28,076 1,079 418,421 1,100,000 Deletions $ $ 322,962 297,799 25,728 34,773 0 512,093 1,193,355 Note: The inventory balances at June 30 were reconciled to the records of the Center. 29 Balance June 30, 2006 $ $ 171,448 50,728 0 222 3,582 36,200 262,180 Balance June 30, 2005 $ $ 155,950 58,517 0 3,798 0 57,191 275,456 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Function The Illinois Youth Center – St. Charles (Center) is a male residential level II, medium security facility within the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice. The Center is regulated under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, the purpose of which is to secure for each minor, when removed from his family, custody, care and discipline and to ensure that the minor receives services necessary to his proper development, including health, education and social services. Under the enabling Act of the Juvenile Division the facility has two functions. The first is to provide a medium security residential facility for male residents under the age of 18 that encompasses appropriate custody, responsible care and relevant programs to meet the needs of its resident population. The second function is to provide a Reception Center to process newly adjudicated male juvenile offenders committed by the courts to the Department of Juvenile Justice. Operations The Center has three main components: The Reception Unit, the General Population, and the Special Treatment Units. The Reception Unit admits male juveniles into the Juvenile Division for multiple centers. Offenders in the General Population are involved in a diverse range of programs based upon an assessment of their individual needs. The two Special Treatment Units assist offenders with emotional disorders through provision of intensive mental health services and myriad of program services. As part of the general program, the Center provides a comprehensive educational and vocational program including a full academic curriculum ranging from elementary through high school. Vocational classes include carpentry, computer education, plumbing, masonry and farming. The Center also provides a work program where the residents can earn wages for jobs performed in the dietary, hospital, administration and other departments. The wages earned can be used to purchase personal items, to send money home, and to meet other obligations. Planning Program The management of the Department of Juvenile Justice does planning for the Department as a whole. The Center has its own planning body called the Administrative Staff Team. This team was organized to implement department-wide goals as well as to develop, implement and monitor internal long range and immediate goals. The Administrative Staff Team is composed of the Acting Warden, Assistant Wardens, each representing a different operational unit, the Business Administrator, and all area administrators. Monthly meetings are used to monitor daily operations and provide current feedback into the 30 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 Planning Program (cont.) planning process. Additionally, each operational unit has a monthly meeting so department heads are aware of any new progress or anticipated problems. One of the models used to accomplish effective planning is The American Correction Association’s Accreditation Standards for Juvenile Training Schools. Each year, the Center updates its progress, goals and planning using this prescribed format both on a facility-wide level and for each operational unit. Financial planning is accomplished through the budgetary process. Each department head reviews actual data from previous periods and combines this with current information about departmental data to develop a detailed budget. Budgetary needs are prioritized. The Accounting Information System (AIS) provides daily reports of budgeted and actual expenditures, which are viewed by the Business Administrator. Department of Juvenile Justice officials perform monthly reviews of budget to actual. Auditor’s Assessment of Center’s Planning Program The planning program developed by the Center includes the establishment of specific goals and objectives and a methodology to monitor and report on their implementation. Accordingly, we conclude that the planning program appears to be adequate for the Center’s needs. 31 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES The following table, prepared from Center records, presents the average number of employees, by function, for the past three years. 2006 10 11 20 1 22 1 169 10 2 2 9 0 257 Administrative Business office and stores Clinical services Recreation Maintenance/Utilities Laundry Correctional Officers Dietary Medical/Psychiatric Religion Records Farm and Grounds - Transportation Total Fiscal Year 2005 7 12 20 1 23 1 182 10 2 2 12 1 273 2004 9 15 24 3 25 0 197 10 3 3 13 1 303 EMPLOYEE OVERTIME (not examined) Certain employees are eligible for overtime if the hours worked during a day exceed the employees standard work hours. Correctional Officers receive a ¼-hour of overtime for each day they stand for roll call. The roll call overtime is paid at straight time for all but Correctional Lieutenants who receive 1 ½ times normal pay. Overtime is to be distributed as equally as possible among employees who normally perform the work in the position in which the overtime is needed. An employees’ supervisor must approve any overtime. In most cases, except for roll call, employees are compensated at 1 ½ times their normal hourly rate for overtime hours worked. Employees have the opportunity to be compensated either in pay for the overtime or receive compensatory time off. 32 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 EMPLOYEE OVERTIME (cont.) The following table, prepared from Department records presents the paid overtime and earned compensatory time incurred during fiscal year 2006 and 2005. Paid overtime hours worked during fiscal year Value of overtime hours worked during fiscal year Compensatory hours earned during fiscal year Value of compensatory hours earned during fiscal year Total paid overtime hours and earned compensatory hours during fiscal year Total value of paid overtime hours and earned compensatory hours during fiscal year 2006 2005 18,903 40,430 $655,313 $1,310,621 8,745 10,218 $206,390 $240,659 27,648 50,648 $861,703 $1,551,280 INMATE COMMISSARY OPERATION The Center does maintain a Residents’ Commissary Fund, therefore, no testing was performed at the Center. SHARED RESOURCES (not examined) The following staff functions were paid by the Center but performed at other agencies as follows: Staff Function Chaplain Youth Supervisor 4 Youth Supervisor 2 3 Maintenance Workers Assistant Warden of Programs Employee Service Administrator Center/Agency Name IYC – Chicago IYC – Joliet Stateville Correctional Center IYC – Valley View IYC – Joliet Westside Adult Transition Center DOC – Central Office 33 % Time Spent 10% 10% 100% 10% 10% 10% 50% STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 SHARED RESOURCES (cont.) The following facility’s expenses were paid by the Center, but other agencies used the facility as follows: Estimated Facility Center/Agency Name Expenses Paid % Time Used Washington Cottage IYC – Chicago $20,000 100% Washington Cottage Grants Unit $20,000 100% COSTS PER YEAR PER INMATE (not examined) Comparative costs of inmate care, prepared from Center records for the fiscal year ended June 30, are shown below: 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 2004 Rated population 318 318 318 Inmate population (as of May 31) 322 355 399 Average number of inmates 330 362 409 Expenditures from appropriations Less-equipment and capital improvements Net expenditures $21,600,687 $23,731,065 $24,329,443 15,462 $21,585,225 85,000 $23,646,065 26,093 $24,303,350 Net inmate cost per year $ $ $ 65,410 65,321 59,421 Net expenditures for computing net inmate cost per year represent total expenditures from appropriations less equipment expenditures divided by average number of inmates. The rated population and inmate population noted above was taken from the Illinois Department of Corrections’ quarterly reports to the State legislature. 34 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 RATIO OF EMPLOYEES TO INMATES (not examined) The following comparisons are prepared from Center records for the fiscal year ended June 30: 2006 2005 2004 Average number of employees 257 273 303 Average number of correctional officers 169 182 197 Average number of inmates 330 362 409 1 to 1.3 1 to 1.3 1 to 1.3 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2.1 Ratio of employees to inmates Ratio of correctional officers to inmates CELL SQUARE FEET PER INMATE (not examined) The following comparisons are from a report issued by the Department of Corrections to the State legislature: Approximate Square Foot Per Inmate 35 2006 2005 2004 69 63 56 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 FOOD SERVICES (not examined) The following table, prepared from the Center records, summarizes the number of meals served and the average cost per meal. 2006 120,484 120,484 120,484 9,100 29,120 1,040 400,712 Fiscal Year 2005 131,040 131,040 131,040 9,100 34,580 1,820 438,620 2004 146,730 146,730 146,730 9,100 41,975 4,160 495,425 Food Cost $ 377,632 $ 482,547 $ 561,711 Cost Per Meal $ $ $ Breakfast Lunch Dinner 1:00 a.m. meal Staff meals Vocational School Meals Total Meals Served 0.94 1.10 1.13 MEDICAL AND CLERGY SERVICE CONTRACTS (not examined) The following table, prepared from Center records, summarizes what was paid to vendors for medical and clergy contractual services for fiscal years 2006, 2005 and 2004. Medical Services: Health Professionals Adler Professional School Psychology Clergy Services: 36 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 2004 $1,834,007 177,125 $2,011,132 $1,782,486 139,359 $1,921,845 $1,861,076 166,333 $2,027,409 $ 101,582 $ $ 133,594 95,479 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ILLINOIS YOUTH CENTER – ST. CHARLES LIMITED SCOPE COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS For the Two Years Ended June 30, 2006 SERVICE EFFORTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS (not examined) The Illinois Youth Center – St. Charles (Center) has remained constant in providing a safe and secure working and living environment for all staff and youths. The following is a list of accomplishments the Center has achieved during the period: • Religious services are provided on a consistent basis and programming continues to expand under the supervision of the Chaplains. • The youths work details within the facility from food preparation to maintenance and landscaping allowing the youth to participate in outside work programs and earn monies for commissary items. • The Anti-Cruelty Society of Chicago comes to the facility twice per year for a three-day workshop. The purpose of the program is to show the youth animals are not just fighters and defenders, but they can be taught kindness and to respect to their trainers; that behavior can be shaped and bonds can be formed. Trained pit bulls are also used to show they are not always aggressive fighters. Staff is encouraged to bring in their dogs to participate in the program. • GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) was a new program implemented the past year to teach youth vocational training. With help from the Extension Office and teachers, youth planted vegetables and flowers, were responsible for weeding and tending the gardens and watched what they had planted grow. Pride and a sense of accomplishment were achieved by the youth from this program. The produce was consumed by the youth at the facility as a supplement to their meals. • The facility held youth baseball tournaments in the summer months teaching competition and teamwork. Basketball competitions were held teaching sportsmanship and discipline. • The facility has a Substance Abuse Program that provides counseling to the youth. The facility also has a psychology contract that provides interns to counsel, develop and implement therapy programs. • Many youth have received their GED and High School diplomas. • The Business Office successfully moved to the new North Main Gate and was given a shared Business Administrator in October 2005. Expenditures were monitored closely and met budget expectations. 37