Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00001714
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Department-of J".~tice Inspector- Gener'al-Ques~icmnaireRe~a'r,din'~ Detain:ee's D,OJ.-OI~ INVEST,IGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FO~ REVIEW AN{j USE ONL¥ BYIN{jIV1DUAL FBI ItESPONDENTS '" , 1:1'(1 NOT FORWARD PR: Dl~EMI~ATE ' , qUEsTIONNAIREID:tes~QQO~17~4 ,As 'oJ ~I'.t~ I~sttime thjs:q!J~~i(mnaire. w~~ sa~~di ~ome re:quire,d fields:",av~ nQ~ ~een C9~pl~~ed. PJ~cis'~ r:evi~wytJlJr' responses. ~}J&~:'_~ :jA:P;rsoO~I'I~fPrmaj:ion Please,pr.ovide' thefollowi.ntl information: 1. Fir;st namia' "i,'Mldgle InWaf: 3: Last name: 4. E,riter.ed on .IJ.u:ty Date (EOD): ::5:, Currei:\t D,j~isfQnlField, Office: 6., 9ummt Job Jitle: .7., Direct:dial bffice,tel,ephmie number: 6 '!J.7¢PERAC?REEJ)I1!=.NT '6 & 'lCPERAGREEMENT (5 &, 7.C PER AGREEMENT ,6 &- 7C ~ ~ '7e SpeCLq.! Ag,ent ,6:&7CPERAGREEMENT ,~_ 8, fBI t~1I phone' ,nUri'loet: FB.i p.i:;rger nLllnb:er~ '6~ t-9PE.RAGREEMfENT ~ &/1(; PER,~GRi;Ef¥1.ENT 10.. Be~t C:;Qptact /Jumper for'you~ '6 & TC PER,AGREEMENt 11.. At any time a'ft:6f'lSep"temoer 1':1'1 2.001f did you serve as ,a memJ:)er of the U.S. Military, or as an, empI6y:~e 'or contractor ot the FBI,orany other government agency, ,at Guantanamo Bay~ 'Cuba; Iraq; Afg\1?,stcU1; or'ip areqs' controll~ by the ~. MiIi~ry or a l),$. int:elligeoc:e 5~lVj~e irn:qnne<;:{f0'J:\'witli the rs. ',9190al W?lron t~trot1 12. En~er the number :of time.s,ypuw~[e,d~pi9y.ed or:as$ign~d to E1ach ofthe.follOWitig [ogat(ons KGiJantanamo Bay, Cuba;, lraq'~~Afghanistan;or in any areas controlled by'the_U:S. 'lYJilita'rY ,or a U.S~. in~~lIig.en\S~ s~.rVt~ej';l. ' For~each deployment or 'assignment ;complE!te the following seCtion. Location 'select one) .. ~ep,l~ym~.nt Qf'lis,siimrilent ~eg1ln' q'iJ 01' DeplpY,Jl1MJ: 9rusignmei;lt e.'tded. on , " " ," .' , ,/, ~G'Ga'n't~:i'najj]:Q,BaY: - . . . . . .~~ •• >.. \, • •' '.-',; . aboll,t, Dr about 08/2003 10/200:3' ~2~. Whp·t ~?stJie :gen'~(c~1 natO r'~ ~ hi=! p,u tp'q~~ qf'yQur assi~ rim_~I)'.t ~:Ihct -aj:tivitie.s] IntervieW· of detainees at ,Gua'ntanamo, Bay 12b. Please provide,the', names of the"spedficvcamps, bases{ or facilities where you:worked. Camp Del~a- Gu~ntan~m9' Bay' 12c. N'9~:' if IhfPrmi9Jion' ,a.b.Qu,t a ~p.e.cffic C'9mp, base" or'facill!:y' rs,C1a'sslfled :ab9,v~ SECRET, plea~"th'eck here-Dr include in your:answer that yOll ha~e HadditJQoal'inf<:mnatioo t1assified-aJ~QVe 'SECREf/l' and, if you know, ia.entify·the.c1assification, level, ticket, ,co-rnpaifment~ programJ or,other' desi9'1~ti0.n th~t appUes t9 t~e,informafiqn, .Qo not includ.e theC!ddit!onal classified fnf9rrnatrQn In:your , OIGQ-004960 perso'nnel with the neces.sary clearance will cgntact you to rec~,ive it. DIG qI.Je'stic;mnaire re$ponse$. ~ame P~sition, ,Giqnt Mendenhall ~12~. Did YQ\.l jointly' iht¢tyi,eW _'_.---- _'_' ' , Witb:what kinds cif : 0 CITF ' ASAC pt inte.rrogate any det.airie_e w~th hOn-F~t per$otmej?, , 0 '{e,s 0 lill=! ' ". A ._">- _-_\_. ,.. , _ :. .; IJOn-Far personnel di~ you wo,rkjoint!y?· .. ;:. b Other U.S. Military ; D 0.:5. inj:eliigeil'c~ ,; 'Dl'idfelg:n -rilliitary ;~ D. O.tber Qg.efiC;Y or Inteillgence,agelicy . ' ' :;::,: :.:-:: ':.:.:~:.:.::::: ::: :::::::: :.::: :.::":': :::~::: ::: ::::::: ::':::: :::.::.:::.:::~: 'ji2L Did you jointly plan any. detainee iriter.view Qr iriterro,gatlon strategy,. objectives,. or tactics w·(th' non-;F~I perso.lll1el'?· , ~I 0~ ' . , O~ .. rwith wh~tki~ds-;t~~~~FBip'~r;;;n~1 did:-Yb~ ~o;kjoirrtiy? --.- -': -,-'- ~ -:- - ~'- ~ --",-'-- -----'- ---:0 CITF '! 0' ,-Other u.s. Military ~ O'u,Pj intelligen!='e agency : DFor~lgn mJIIJ,ary Qr INelllgenc~ qgenc;y ': D Other 1 'i J,... , __ "or.- _ "f' -:- _.<- ,.. _, .!- - - - - - - -,- - -t- - - -. - - - - - - - - "':" _ _ .... _ .- ... _ _ ,~ _ .... -e _ _ - _ - .- _. - _ - ,- - - - ~ - - ..... - .-. ....., - - - -A- -'~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -.- - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - '- ---", ,12g . .wet~',you ever Pth~lse Involved In detalnee,lriterviews o.rlnterrogations ~Ith non'-fBI pe:rsonn¢l?- '. -' _.... -,... --, --,~ . - - - -,... -- - - - - - -'- "-'-'- -- -,..., b~ t·· '. - e~' - - - - - - - - -'- -'- - -'- - -'- - - - - ....."\> \ \'~ • -. _:.. - - - -- - -- - - -"-- -- _.,.... - . "'" . ;.. .. ,'.:. A,. Tra~l;1in.g Pripr 'tp 'Qv~.r~ea$ ~eployment or A$$.ignm~nt B. Did you rMeiye anV training, insttilctioor. ,o'r ,gu'idanGe sp!=difiCally in 'pteparati6h for a'ny;6f your overseas d'epldyments or assignments? .bYes 14. Iii pr:eparatiol1 for, a'riy eNo e Do Not Recall of ¥our 'oVers.eas deploYments .or ,assignments,·iI id you- receive any traihir;lQ, in'struCtibn,,-or ,gu idanre ,cOncerning tne, sta nda'r<:1 s: of condiict a'pplicable to 'the.treatment; , interview,- or interrog,atio'n'ofdetainees by FBI personnel? ~NO OIGQ-004961 15. In preparation-for any of your overseas deployments'or assignments, did you receive any' training, In~ructlon, or guldao~ ~ncemlllg'the,.stand.arg~9fc0nd!Jc~applfc;~Q.Je to ~he tre,atm~rJt; Intervi~W, or iriterrdg.atlQn of.detainees by' non-FBI p!,!rs.onn¢l? 'OYes,. 0N6 ODD NQt Recall preparatio.n Tor any·of your overs~~~ep'lqYrnent$or q~sJgrHn~nts, dId you' rece,ve·~~w ~rajn!DQJ' Instruction, or:gt,lId.C!nt.e con~emlng ~/hat '1.04 we~~,sup'P.95e~.t0 do {fYo~ 'opse'ryed or'h'e<!r~ a~.oQl iii In tlte'lt, 'interview,. Qr in.terrogatibn.of i:letaine.e~ bY FBI p~i'S(mli'!'!I, Which YQu fj'eli¢yed to b-e Trlappr'~pr.ia·tef i.rnpr6.f~ssibnal, coer-tiv,e,:f3buSilie( ot'linlaWful? .. .aYes ONe> ,000 NotRecall n. In. p'reparaJ:ip)'lJoJ ~nY~~(Yol,lr Ov.ets,e:as. !:feploym'eJ1~s or 'assJg!iinent~, ,Cltd V~I.) ri:!ceive any :trai,hin'g, instruction,.. or 'gaida'nee COrle,em irig What You, Vy,er.e' ~u pp,os:ed :to do if you 0 bserved :or heard ~ bO.ut , the'treat"merif, interviewi: or ii1terrQgation',Df detainees. by non-FBI personn'el,. which you 'believed: 'to be.ll1apPfOpriaf~,unp.r0fe~~i.on!3l,:cqerciXie, ,abu2,iye,. <=!f unlC!lA!fuft 'Is. Tr:airiing Durin'g 'Ov,erseas Depldynmnts or AS$i~nmenlS I 18. During any.of your .over:seas· deployments or assig nmen'ts, did you. receive a,ny·training .. instructioni' ~r €)l,Iid,a!1<:ie 'con~rnir1g th,~,!?t~nd,?r~~ of ,CQrJ'CIu_q.~ppli~p~11=~d,the tr-eat.ffi'~,nt'J intervIew; or intert09i;ltlon oJ l:let~lne~s"y F~[ ~rsoon€!17 l~' QNti, 18:a, Whd P~9V!P'e(( ~h~ tr~ir'llng" In's.tru~tlqnf ,qr gUlclance~ TQY $sA,!lt <$,ua~tan~l']lQ- ~ay QoP. N0t Re.cair 19b. Briefly describe the substan<::e of the 'trainiI"'!9(, instructlon r or gUidance· provided' to:you. ACIvisea tliat FBI stahtfard's' for' interviews"apjjlied .at .GJMQ· 'lS.c:. WC\$::aby 0f th~ 'trai'niti"9, "jri:structJQr}, qr gl)idat:lt~' p'(qyide'd in' wrlttng? , , , :aVes "ONo, :0 Do, Not ReGaIl 19. D\J~jn~'~nr Pf-Y?U~ ?:y,~rs~~'s',d~pJ,~Y!TI~nts or ~~siqm~~rltS, 'did yo~. re~~~.e ,af1~,tr:al~!~,~, in.stnJc.tion', ,or;gUldance,c,oncernlr'ig tlie standar.Qs of c,onduct applicable to,th:e treatment, mtenilewror ' Interrqgatlon of detainees by. non-FBI pe~onnel? . .oy.~ . ., 0No ,20. Ourihl:j i3ny of your bv.erseas,deployments or a:;s.ig"nm.ents, did you reteiv6 any. tra,inirig, instructio"n, ·or:qliiaance, concerning what "" w~'re' sa pposed to de 'if you :obserVea .ofheard .alJouHhe t~tf!l~n~J.lntervlewi,'Or In~~rrQgatll?!l'of d~,nees, FBJ personn~l, Whlc,h Y9lf b~lleve9 ,to be in;:!PP'r!=lPJi9.t~,·ll,rtpr9f!,!?sfon~li"c~eraiV~i ?b~~ive, Qf lJf:ilaWf1,lr? "v '0 Yes OIGQ-004962 21. During any of your,oversea's deployments or assignments, did you receive any. training; instruction" ·or'gufda.nce concernll1g wh?~ you were',suppos'ed to ~o·lf you obse~~d ,or'J:l~r~ ·aRout the: -treatment! interview,. or int¢r:rogatiOh',of ,Qe~inees by n9h-FBI pers()nn~I, Which yo.u b"elieved to D.e inapproprrate~ unpYoles.$IOrial, ~o€!tti,rera.~QsiY~, or urtlaWf1H?, OYes 'QDo Not'Recall ·eNo. Ie. Adequacy of Training. I :2.2.)0' ·your.·opinion, ·d)d, YOlJ r~ejv.e ad~quate:traJni.n.g,. ins~ruction,· or.gul~a.Qqe rela~jng. t.o·$ta.ndards M ~nJ:iuct by ,FBI ,and rlQn-FBI persQnnE;i1 r~lating to treatment} .ihterview; qr interrogation of deta,inees. p.rlpr to. yout' deployment .Qr as.siq nment? o Yes 0 Nq --2,2<;1., --- Please -'- - --- --'- -- -- _.- .... - --.., -_ ........ --- -'' ' ' _ ... - -- - ----- -- -_.- --- --'- - .... _- - ---, ~esc~ib~ th~ 'y.r~Y$ 'in 'lfhich :yGU belie'l.e t/:l~ trail1ing, iJ:lstructiofl orguic!an~ was -~ _..:.. -"- ih.;ldequCjfe:. , , _"p~i9·Ct_b~dj~:p~Jj:i.tJ9 !~f_~~a!1~_ti~!!J9J3jlY!:.1_ ~~g~t!~~!I!~'e!vJ'l~L ~!~YJ~~i!J9. 23..'Ifj your:opinip[I" , ;pf conduet ~ , di~ yo!-! r~~jy.e;p'd~quate tratniIJ9, ifl5tr:uct!on, or'gt;.lIdcm'cereli;ltjng to.s:t:Qrtdq,rc;ls: PV FBI'and n~n-FEn pJ~I~tinel relcjt/rig t(>'trea~mE;!nt, interJi.ew,. pr in~er(9.gati9nqf A.etalhe~s,curing' your deployment;bf~assl.gnmeritT 0Y~ nNa 14.1n 'your opinion, did 'lOU receiv.e'adeQuate training., InstruCtion,'or guidanee co-hcerning -What you lJ.{ere SUPP9Se4 t9 d'o' ifYo~. o,bserv~s:J :<ilr he~rd ab9ut. the treatf!leni,. in,t~rv!ew, or; In~errogation :of getail;l~esl by FBLof'n~n':FB,I p,etS9nrel, t!iat ¥ou pelieve<l wC\sinapRrQp-riale, ,unprofessional, t'6.e'rdve~ ab~sIVe~ pr un'lawful? .25. (Optional)'In what ways; can the 'FBJ improve. training 'assignments? ' on this;slibj~ctfdr future.· deployments at . lo•.comments 2'&. I ---,-----:-------,----,---------,------- P.le,a·se provi~e.~:my ,?ldditipnal i.nformatio.n <;~n'c~.mlri.g trafnir:i9 .for Qvers~a~ deplqym~ritsor ~s~i9:rlments of FBI p:ersonnel yb.u b.eli$.ve isreleval)t• .In~",p,d!JcUbn ,tQ Par~IU~ rrf~~iS :sec,ti<m', W,e -ar~ :~le!=Ring infgrnjation :r~!'!tplng :a vliire' rang,e 9f int.ervleyv :Qf int~rrbgaJ(Qn';linique?: '9n:d o.tli~r Wpes, of:det;aine.e tr.~atht~t ;alle~r~(r tb h<;l'y'~ QP;:.ufreJ:t You should n6tass\.lme, jlist because we'are,askinq ab,out a particular techhiq'ue or practice) tnatwe, have conduded that it In 'faet oCUlrred. We recog nize that :some of these techniques or practices may at times OIGQ-004963 be ne!=eSSClI)' for safewand security. In acIetefl~ion settibg. Ilf adcfitloJYr ,Yl/e re<:;ognize that, ~OV1e oftnese techn IqQeq 9.T pr9c~lc~ ma~ .haye be~n authqrlzeg for u~e: I:>Y mllit~lIY qr ot.her~ ql,iemment pers(;mrtel. With respect to ',each .identified technTque( pradicer.0r type of €onduct:aeScrlbed below, we ate seeking information ,about its occurrence during or in connection' with the interview or interrogation- of a de~aineei·or ~uring th~'~elE!ntlo.n .of a get~in~ b~ygnd wh~t is.l1e~d¢d fQr s~fe~ ang se~urity. In' that ',~ont~t)' we. will Fisk you to te.!.! ps Jf!h!=~her 90r=.or mQre, Of.1h:e folI!:lWi,n~ ;srateriteht~ ~te: tr!Je: 1. Ipefsbnally' ooserved this conduct. ·1,. r observed ,detainee(s} in a conditfon tnat led' me to believe' that 'this-conduct had 'OCCUfrea. 3 .. ~et~Jn~{~l.t<?ld IT\~ th~t, thl.s:<;ondl-!ct; "Cl~ oq:urr!=~. . Other:~wh~ obse:rved, Jill? l:,onctt,l¢t de~j:riJj,ed jt to me. 5,. I, nave. releva)U. information C1asslfieq above, "SECRET"'; '6. I never .observed this conduct nor heard about it fromsomec:me:who: did. 4, a. D r per.Sonally· obserVed this 'cbnduc.t. b. 0 Iobs,erv.ed detaifiee(s).lil,:a',cond itioh that led me' to b.ellelle thanhls Conduct had ,(jc'cllrred., c. D Detainee (5). t'gld ,me that this corid tict had ,occuh:ed. d. D Others who observed ,this cond uct described it to me. e. D f. g r nave relevant information classified abov.e !'SECRETll:. - cl,~~ 1 never'observed this:conduct nOf heard aboutit from someone who did. ·i8. ,q~priying <3, 'dt;tain~ ~-'.~.- !::if-clo'thing a. o II pet.sonany,o'b§enied' this ,conduct b. D iI bb'serv.ed' detain~e(s} in.a lZ.ohditRm that led me. to b~IJ~ve Jhat thi~ co.hdtit:t ttad "occurr~d. c. D 1Detalnei=(s) told 'me that this: cond u'et had ,occurred. ··_'·E_M__' _.- ---.-.----,,,--.-,,.---.,--..-",---.---.,-..-,, -,---.-----. to. me. 'd. q e. o II have h~levant inform'ation Glassified above·"-5ECRET'I. f. lathers who Observed this co'nduet describ.ed it o II. never observed' thrs:conduct nor heard 'about it from someone'wh@ did. I :2.9,. Depriying;:\, detainee ofsleep, \)r ioterr:upting ·s.l~p h'Y frequ¢nt·c~1i Jelo(;ations'or'otber mettlQds a, b'. D I persbnally dh,ser:v:ea this cOni:rut.t. hl'~~orid.ition ~nat l¢d 0.. r 6bseryed"detaine~(s): . .. ' , . me, to b~ljeye thqt:this conduct haQ oq;t.irr~tl., .. .' .. OIGQ-004964 · ., , c. 0 d. 0 0 f: 0 e. Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred. o.thers who observed this conduct described it to me. r ~ave releva!1t Informqt!on c1a?slfl~ q~ove: I\SJ=CR,ET"', I nevE?( 0 05erve:~ tnis,<conc;j lmt ,nor hecJrd a bpll.t it frpm" ~meC?ne' Who d ld. 'g'; Pleas,~ provrd'~ the qppt6xim~t~tim.~ framec;lurlhg which thjs' c~'ridljet .Qq;:.urre(:{. 000 Not Recall From .08/2003 to. Hl/2003 ' h.; The.ctetalnt;ielS') treated. in thi.s wCly.were located at the time In: i'0 GI,J<;lntan,arrio . . 2, 01~:q 3'0 Afghanistan 4 0 otber Locatkm ~ 0 00 NotRec:alJ I. Please Id,entlfy',theidetalnee('S) bYJ1ame and number:' unknown· ,j. Pleas¢, id~ntifY t'he:'j:j¢rsan:(:s:}. wh~,treaj:¢d, the,.de~aJnee(i) iJ) t.h'i~ manner" in¢Li.!Oin'g ~n¢ir' riame(5)' arid .gov.errimentagencYCies}: observed or ·wa's spedflcciUy' told abolit aiiy.detaiitee: being ,oepriv.ed of sleep'. However was, ?,Wpre Qf pr9gr~r.n the Army 'callet! th~:"fr~L!,el1! fly~r Pfo9rqlT.l:" Oet~lJ!ee~,wer~ !T1oved Jr<;>!T1. e~lI. t9 cell'very'freq~ently. Do no~ know h9yV many times ln ~,glven time perlop they were a~tlJ,al!Y moted. NeYer)iersanally- btisei?J.ed'thiS. Pl.~~$¢ !<l~n,tify 'f1:J-Y}.'lther FBI persp,ii,neJ 9r npri-F~I 'pers,o'nliel In thiS; manner, i1iCludjng their'lJal'n.~Cs) ,and ,agency'(ies); 1<. Possibly, FBI "SAl I .. wt:!Q· 6,p,serve(1 c;I~talne,ets) ttePted b6 b7C -, I. 'Thls'conduct 'occurred rn connectl'0'n with;. " , ' , , ' .., ' 10 -One detaln'ee" 2 'Os'ev~ral detainee~ (2-4-) , Many geta i nee:>: (more: fhan 41 Do NQ,t Recall ' 30 4 '0 m. (.bptfppal) Rleasedes<;rjbe'th!='rel~vant dn::umstanc~~ in mQre'dett;lil:: b6 b7C :3'0. Seating a, detainee 0 r per$bnaJly ob_~r-v:ed tliis.cqnduG.t. b. 0 ~ obs'ervetl,deti~inee.(s)·, ili:~ ,condition that I¢d 8, me. to believe that'this'Clin!:lucit lia,d Qccuireti. OIGQ-004965 .. ,. .. , ., . d. 0 D 'e. o irhave re1eva)1t informCltion d,?S5jff~ Cl90ve "S,ECR~r'·. l 0 3:1., .t9 p-reYentQre~tbin,g c. . , " , . Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Others: who observed this cond uct described it to' me, I nev~r' op~erve:d thisJtQncjud·nor heard apqUt'it trom ~JT1ebi1~who,dI4. . by a ,detalnE!e,dr tQ.·¢recit¢ the ~en~tiQn pfdroWr1,ing 0 I personallY ob'ser.ved this"conduct. b. 0 Lohserveddetalne,e(s) ina condition that leet me to belieye thatthis conduct 'Co D Detainee(s} toM me that this conduct had :0ccurred. d', D Others whID observed this EDnduct described It to me. e. D. I, ~ave ,relevant inforrn~~jl?~. c1as~m~ above: "S,EGRET"'. a, f. 0 t. ! fiad .occllrted. t~i~ 'CQJ:\d(J~~ nor l:J~xd abqut-!t fl"9!11'~lrreoD~ who d,i9, : , '32:: ljgln~ hpods, rpp~,_ dnanything or $tra~g'i~ a detP'ine¢" 'f''''''','; _ _. ,else, tcrchoke , .... ~~~. ,a. 0 I, personally oDse(\!ed this ~on·duct. b. D, I 'obserVed. deta',neets:) irribEond ttiah fhat lea me to, believe lhat:'this c0ndu:d:' had .occiJ~red. c. 0 Detainee(.s)-toJd rile had,o,cc::urred. d. D Others who obsellfed this conductdescribed it to me. e. 0 I have releyant information classified abo:v:e "SECRET",. f. 0 r never ob?erye~ thi,s 'colJd\lct nor heqrd qb,!:lut i~ from: someon~ whO' qid. '3,3. ThJea~entng nth,eraPlkm to'caus,~,p,hy~lccd Wl'i(l, rnjury,:d!stig"JremeHt" Qr depth ,a. D I persOnallY ooseiVea this,;cdhduet. b.. D [observed detalliee(sJ hi a,cond iUo'n that 1M me to. belIeve thanhls- conauct hadoGcurred. ~, 0 Detaiilee(s}told me that this' conduct had occurred. d. -0 e; D f, 0 Others: who ol:isetVed this tond,Lid d'escribetJ if to hie.. r have relevant Information: classified ilbove !!S,ECRET",. : r,r:tev,erobserve-q th"s'condu~t,nor heqrd about-it from somepn~w:~o di~, OIGQ-004966 34. ' treatril.ent or C!i;:tl~m' causing j;igriifi,cant p'hysical pain Dr injury" or cam~ing t1isf!guremE:!l'I! Qr death' . 0 I personall.Y observed this.conduct. b: 0 I observed ·deta'~lJ.~~(s) in ·a~cQnclitio.(lt~a~ led me to beUev~ thi;tt t.his cc:mdu,q: had occurred., <;. D. O~JS!in~(s) tol~ rn~t.n9.t this. C.9"g.uC~ h~d '9.ccurre<;l. . 'cj • 0 ., Other;>: ~l1q ob'seryeq tf:iis cqndl(<;t d.e$<;dped It to. me., e. 0 I h~l.'.~e iDformatiori dcjssified "ql;JoVe·'(SEtRi:T"'. 'a: , f. ItT r' ne\;(er qQ$erved this c9J.1.dq¢t nor he?ird 'abQut it 'fram. $Qhi~9ne'Wh9 diq. :.35. Pla~lng a detahiee .pn a htlt $urfac~ or Burning 0 .b: 0 E;~ D a. a de~lnee. . I personally observed this'conduct. Lobserved detaIl'.lee(s) In :a'con<;litI0[l tha,t led Jll~' to believe that.~hl~ cond,l!ct hac!9~<;urred . De~ainee.(sJ to/.d me that t,hi.s cQnduct ~,aq occurr~. o lQthers who observecj this. cqndl1ct described it to me. e.. o jr. h~ve rel.evant inform~tlon f:la~s'ined abov~: "SE¢R.ET"'. ~, _ ..... ~~ f: 0' ~ never·erv:e~ this cQndlJ-d lior heard ,aoo.uUt fram.s.Cirhebne:wbb' did. :3.6. Using shad<les or"oth~r .restraints, in a: h.. c. a prolcing~d manner d II personallY'0bserved this,'condue:t. o Ir'observ,ed detainee(s) In a-·condition that led me to' believe thatthis conduct had ;ocGurred. o !D~~ainee(s) toldf.T:le that t~is. c0n~l.uct. ,000:;~u~.reQ .. <;L 1010thers who o~ser:ved t~i$ ~lJd.L!ct;desql~ed it t9 e. f. me, o lr. have relevant information dassjfiE~d above "SECRET''' o II never obs'~rved thi~.C90~h~ct nqrl1e,ar~ ·apou.t it fr9rh'Sqrn~pn~VJhQ'dip. . I I ' . . ' \ ..... '" • ~;... • • g. Pleaqg provid~ tne. \3pproximate time.frarne'dL!rrrrg whiG.h ~i1'js con'd,uctQ~clJrred. Frdni 08/20'03 to 10/2003' . Not Recall Dno h, 'Th'e:d~~arn'e~($) .tre~ted 1 0 <;:i~antan.amo 'in thiS' way w¢re IQ.!:'at$.:i at the tjiTre in: . OIGQ-004967 20 Iraq 0 Afg hanistan if 0 Other Location 5 0 Dl:> Not Recall ;3. I. Pl¢ase· Identify the. detaln~(s) by name :and. hLim ber: Unknown . j, 'Pie~se identity- the p.e[son (5) 'who. treate.d th¢ detalnee(s) jr'! .this rhanne'r, in'e1udlng their natners) <;InQ .gov~rnri1enta:e'ncy;~).: .' .Lbelieve :bf,sAl~hterviewsr the-Army guards inadvertently left a detainee in shackles for an extenderl period a "time. Not sure how lon,g (an afternoon perhaps) k. PJea5e< Identify any.ottie'''' FBI. or nGn-FBf personnel·Who,observed detall'1ee(s) .treated in this manner including their name(s) and agency (ies) :. ' ' rs~ sAl ICO I.. ThisJ:ond:uct occurred in :Co'ME~"ctiohWith: O'n¢. d.l~tajnee Severa'l d.etafn~s (~-4") 30 Many detainees (l'n6i'e than 4} 4 q Do ~0t Re~n 1. 0 2; 0 m. ·(.op:tional) Ple<ise desGriDe·the·relevaht more:detailr .a. D b, c: d', I pe;rsonally oDseJVed thIs ~onduc.t. 0 detciinee(s) 16 Cl'coriditf0l'i toat led -me to believe that this' c<mduct bad·occu'rred. o told me that .ttiis l':bntlu.ct had ·Qceurrei:f.. 0' e, D E ci Others who ol:i.served thjs conduct described it- to me. I have relevant fl'lfotma"tion dassifTed aboVe· '~S·ECREP. }; never observed this ~GOnduct nor heard about It from someone who d"ICi. 9.. PI~~s,e provjd~ t.he approx!m9~e tirn:e :rrafTTe qu~lllg whi~.h .thls;cqndYGt .oc<?u(r~d. From' 'Q~iiQ03 to io/i6(t~· DD,t) .Not Recci1i h~ T~e detaine~:(s.} treated !n ~f1!S way· wen~ located ~t the time In: J, It] C?u;slntanqmo ~ D'I~q 3 0 ,Afg han·15t.~n 4 0 Other LoCation OIGQ-004968 b6 b7C sO Do Not Re<::;:'lll ,. Please id.entify the detaineer~} by. name all.d number: Unkri9Wn . J. 'Pleas.e idehtity the'persoft(s)"whp treated the·detalnee(s) in tbis manner, Indudlng their. name(s) and government,agenCY(ie!i.Y: ·Assumed.Army k. Please identify ·any' other FBI perSonnel or non.:.FBI 'personnel who observed detainee(s,) treated io ~h~ m.~I'ln¢rrrn:~,I~dl~gt~~rr ng!T1~(s} fl'nd:qg~ncy(~~): . Do riot res:all I. This·coni:lllCt :ecCurr.ed In :cO"onedl.on 1. t a 'One detainee a wlth~ ' Several detainees (2..-4.) Many .de~~ne~ .(l!lor~ than 41 40 Ij>o Not ReG3I! j 0 m. fbpiional) Please describe the' relevant ciroumstances in more-detail: [,belieVe I recall hearing ruinorS of a :techniqiJe'.tne mintary used .whicnVias to keep,a'detaine.e r~t,rail!~ i~ j3n un,oom"fo$~Ie-l?t?Sitio.~'c;fuFlng il)t~,l'\!!ew$, I90 not:have any fjr.St h.and knqwl~g~ pfthl!;:. 138. Fon::!ng a 9~t~lnee. t:..q'per1~HlT,I.demancflng Rtjysjc~1 e,x:erclse a. 0 b. 0 c. 0 d. I perSplially 9~"Sj§rved thts qmc;fue,t. I 9b.>e:rved detaln~(s). ind,CQ[id1tipn' tJ1at led me to b't!:lieve thqUhiS conJ:!utt h~ oCq,Irrec{. Detainee(s) told 'me .tiiat this. cond uct had ,ocCurred,. o ptl:lerS who Qliser\led this oonduct·descrlbed It to. ttla .e. o I[ have releVant loroiTriatlOn dasslfied .abOve '~SECRET", f. 0" II heYer.observed this coOdi....c t nor neard,abOlitIt from.sOmeone wlio.dld. '39, Using elettrlc::::al shG¢k.on a detainee a. D II personally 6bs:e~ed t"tiis~c6ndu~t. b'.' If6~serv-W p~~all1e"e(:sJ In.a CQndltIOh'~hat t~ beliey~ .,thl,(t ~tS"~n-quct had :oq~lIrr¢!:i. c. 1i;Jetaine,e(s) told .me tnat thiS:f;Qoo!iq: had ottUrfeP. o o .d. o 'ottle"rs whb o~Se:rved this.l;ond.uct·d.ese·rib.ed it .tp, ril~ e. o ~ hav.e relevant InfOrmatIon I:las.slfied ab'o1Je "S'ECRfT·. - OIGQ-004969 ~L ne~er observed thl;. condu~t no~ heard about It from some0n~. W·hO. did. -40. Thre1'ltenlng to :usee(~cfrical sho'ck'ol1 a Qetainee: 0 perso nally obsE!rved this celid oct:. 6. 0 [,ops~rv:¢d detain~e.(s) iii a cohd ition th~t led. me. to believe that this- ~oh.du~t Iia~ :occurretl. a. G. o "D¢tai nee(s) ford .me that tn.iS' conti uct had ,o.ccurred. d. 0 e>tbets: who .obseliled this cOild uct destribed it to me. e. 0 [ have relevant information dassified above "SECRET~!. f: ~ L observed this:conduct nor'heard about it from.someonewho did. ~.Ljntentfonally delaying 'or~denying detainee rriedk:al care a. 0 ~. lferSQtlally,' ob~rve9 ~hls . :cQo.d.u~t. d.etaineeCs)' ill:a .cblidition that ied me fef believ.e that. this c.6nduct had .ocGurr:eCi. b.. :0- ~. obsel"Ved ....... . c'. 0 Detain~(5)-told me' th~t this .coOOu(;:.t had .occurred. d. 0 e>ttl~rs: who obseliled thIs corid'uct d~scr'lbed It to me; ." ._~. ·.e. "f. 0 r have releyatit iofrilrmation c;[assiried .a Do)i.e '~SECREr". 0 I never observed. this 'con(J"uct n.i?r'lieard·a o"o"ut it frOm· someone who did; a. 0 r: p~r,s6r'ialiy·.6p'serv'e~r fro o c. o this c'orlilu¢t. !I obse-Ned detalnee("s)" In .:a·condltlon' led me' to: b~II~.e that,thls: tonduct h'ad .occurred. IDetainee~s) tdld me lhat this- c.onduct had :o.ccurred. 0 Othe~ who ob~rvel:l :this- coMatt des:crib¢·t! it to' me:. e: 0 I ha\le'relev~:lnt Information Classified -abOVe "SECRET". d. If. J0' H neVer' ebserved thiscoiiduct nor'heard about it from someone:Whb dId. "' ••• , J._ ......_ _ _"_". _ .• _.___ .. __ . _ , . . . . __.•_ _ _ . • • . • _ ~ ________•• __ ~_- _ _ ... _ .__ - ~--'~ -~. 43. Sllpjec,ting a d'etainee to cold or hot rG9m temperatures f(H e~ended perJ,ods OIGQ-004970 -----a; D , ,. I personally observed thls,conduct. b. [1 I observed detainee(s) in a'conditionthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. D petainee(s) told me that thiscondl,lct haq:Qccurre9. d. D !Oth~l? Who 'ob~eryed this c9ndL!ctQ~s~rfbed It to IT)e: e. 0 I have rerevan~ i[lTOrmati?..:n_dassi~e9 pb'ove, ",SfC,R~~~ ___ f. Itf rnever~b'serv.edthis cl?npu...d n,qr h~rd'abol!t it fromSOl11eone:who did. '-- 44. Subjec:tlrlg a detaln,ee to loud musl.e a. D I personally observed this 'conduct. 0 r 'observed detalnee(s) In'a cond Ition that led me to belieYe that this eonduct had occurred. c; 0. Det?linee(s'j. told l"fl~ that this conduc;t h~d ~CCUlJe;d,~ q} 0 Otl1erp whp'O_bserye,d this l,:on<!u~t'des?rilJ~d it t~ me:, e.;, 0 I hf.lve r~l~varit l.lJforma:tI~,n c1a,s~Jfl,e9 i::!PQv~ ":~'EC'RET'·!. f. 0 r neVer o.~~eN~d this'conduGt not he:ard"abqu~ it from:'$orn~~"n~=whodi~. b, , , -I 9.. PI!aa~a provid~ the ~pprQ~imat~time fr'a'me ,durln'g wtijt,b this, cqnduct QCCurred. from ,08/2:003' to, 19)20,03,: , ODo Not Recall h. 'rhe:ctetaiile,e(s) tte,a.fed in 'this yVpV Were la,cate!=! at th~ tiril¢ 'in: 1 0 'GUailtaiTc!rr19 20 Iraq 3D 'Afghanistan 4 0 ,Other Location 5 0 DC) Not Recall i. 'Please.'identify,tbe,detainee(s) by' name and' number: Q9' not tt~ve fir~t ,h?!lq kf1qY'!~9g,e j. PI~ase id¢'ntify' th~ p~r~6nfs) 'Who treated' ~he detain'e~'(.s) rlClme( 5) "~lid ~o.vernh1ent a'~fehcy(les)': ' Assumed to be military in thi~, manner; jl'idllding ~h.eir' ., p~rSbnhel or n6n~FB-I personnel Who on-served detairie'e(~) treated in this,manner:" includ'ing their name(s) and agency'(ies), r b~lievethis'Wa5"talked ab,Out the'fIrst'dayJ;' i3rriv¢a:at G.TMQ' k. Please identify an'tother- FBI L Thls,conduct :occt,trred in' connectl~n with: One de~)n'ee 2 S(;i,v~ral d~ta'iri~'s (Z-4);3 '0 Many defaineesTt"riore 4) 1"0 a tlian OIGQ-004971 , 4 0 Do Not Req311 111. (bptfqnal) Please ctesqrib'e,the:relevant ~Jrcumstances fn more"defaH: I do not reca II bei ng advised 'of 'any: partiGu far' event..I believe.orr the first day 'of our arriva I the TE>Y· SSP; mention~!:I the military playing loyd music tluring in~ervi~Ws' ·-45. SUbjecting a detainee to bright, flashingJ!.g:.-h_ts_o_.r_d_a_r_l<n_e_s_s _ a. D I pe(?Qnally:observed tliis ~nduct. r9b~~rv:ed,detainee(?) in .cfcqhditiQn'th~t me to b'elieve that t!ii~ c<>.n'duct hap 'ot~l,fr:r¢d, l),', 0 t. o ~tre.tain¢e($)·tolq Iil~e .tha:t .thi~ G~rfdJ,ltt I)~~ DCC!Jrt:ea. tL 0 ~. 0 f. 0 Jed 0th.e'rS' who 'obser'Yed this tond utt d,escfiBed it to me. (have rdevant iriformation' ¢Iassified 'a~o,ve "S,ECREf". I: rieVer observed. thIs ;conti utt'nor ~h'ea rd abtiutlt from 'sOm~prie'W,ho did. ';g. Please provide :the approximate time frame during which this.conduct,ocrcurred. 00:0 Nqt R,ec;:all From 08/2Q03 to i,Ol:W(J~: h. Th'e detainee(s) treated lnithis 1 r~l-Guatitanamo 2 way .Wer,e located at the time in: o 'Iraq .gO ,P,\fgh;:m,lstan 40 5 0 :Otb¢r LocatIon [)o Not Recali t. ,P1~se:i.clentlfY the det?l,nee(~) by nam,s= anp n.vmber;, Unknown j. Please' identify the person(s): who treated the detainee(s) in this manne~r 'induding their !19m~($J gl1d g9yernrt1el1t;:.agel)c~(ie~I: ·As$um!=d military . '~; PJ~a$e' igentifY'?lIW other- F,BI p~rS9nllel or n~'>n-FBt personneJ 'Wh9"Qb~rve_q lietai,neg(s) 't,rE¥'!teq rn this manner, inclupiny):t1eir n'a!TI~Xs) ,?ntl ;C!-g-ency('ies): I believe thiswas:ta'lked about first Gr'MO. ' ,I. This"conduct 'occurred fn connection with: 1,d One detainee :2 QS~vera I c;let9'inee.s l?-4) .3 0 Many 'deta'ihee~ .(more than' 4), 4 0 OQ. Not R-eG:! II ~. (()ptlonal) Plea~ destrlbe, th~, r~levant clrcum!;fai:'!ces In more detail; OIGQ-004972 AspartoHhe briefing upon arrlyal, I .believe the TDYSSA tpld us oflplJd music and str9b'e .lights-. b-~ing u~ect .bY the iTllllt,ciiy. 4,6, IS9I13~ing a qetaine~ fon~n exten(ied p.~rJ9d. a. 0 I persOnallY' obs~rY.ed this;conauct. b, 0 I,observed detainee(S) In .a,l::ond Itlon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. 0 Detainee(s) told inethclt this conduct.had.oc'cur'red. d. 0 Others who observed this cond uet described it to me. e. 0 1. have relevant Information dassffied abov.e '!S.ECREf'l. f: IB I, £1e~,er obs:'r;'ed ~!S 'G0nd~o\E. ~cmf ,Cl_~p_ut it f~~i~ll1~o.!}o d icl. <:;;. ----- 47.. Using. duct tape to r~str'Cjin, g~,or E[;,.;~;;.;;;.:'h.:..a;:;...;;;d...~t,;;;'a;,;,;ln;;;.;,e;..:e;...·. - _ .' ·a. 0 r persatially observ:ed this ',conduct. b. 0 I observed t1etainee(s) in a condition that led me to belleVe that this cQ'nduct hadoc::clirretl. 0 D.etaihee(s)·told me that this conduCt had .oc€urred. d. 0 Others who obSerVed this conduct described it to me. C. e. [I I. have rele~ant information classified above !!SECRET":. f. 0' I observed this,conduct nor heard about It from someone who did. I ! 4S. Using, rapid .responqe te9ms anglor: fon:ed: c~1l ~x;tractii;ms, :a.. '~ II' p~rSdnal.i.y dbserved 'i'his tbJidu.I;£ b. 0, r b,bservep det,airiee(s) iii fa ' c:ond ition'that led c. d. I o !Detainee(s) tbld me tliat this con'dtJ.ct had 6,ccurred. o !Others who otisehred this cl:lndilct described it tb me.. -e. 0, f. me to belieVe that. tbis cO'nduct had ·.o<i,curred. 0 r. hav.e relevant information classified above "SECRET'l. I never observed this.·cond'uct nor heard about it from someone who did. 'g", Please provid~ the apprOXimate time fraIT)e ~urfng which this'con~uct 'Occurred. .From 08/2003 to 10/20Q3' . OD:o Not Re~ii OIGQ-004973 h. The detainee(s) t(eated in this way were Jocatea cit the .time in: 1 R1 GllantCmamo 20 Iraq 3D Af,ghanlstan 4 '0 9tl;ler Locati9n .5. 0 Qp',NC!tR~1I !\ ,~lease identify the det,a,in~(s) by nam.e an~ number:' I,)nknowo j. Please identitY the pe'rson(s)'whb ,treated ,the 'name(s) ,and{l~): , ,AnDY del~liriee(s) in ' . this, ma,nn¢r:, lricluding'tHeir . k Plea'se Identify any. 'other FBI personnel or non:.FBI personnel who:observed detaiAee(s.) treated to 1:hjs-lTIaonerr inGluqing .th~ir D;:lme(s) '~mdqgencY(ie~)': Unkno.vln I. T.l1ls':cpndu:et occur're:d In .conn,eetloh wlth~ :( 0 One: detainee :l '0 S'ever'ci'l detainees r?i-:4) ~ p Mq,ny ,qet~inees Irqore:ttJ?lrJ. 4)' '4 q DQ Not Re~lI m. (Optional) Please describe, the relevant circumstances in more;detail: During Ibui:! d1sturba'nres inside tamp Delta I obserVed' 'a team br.I'i1g' a restraIned detainee ,alit .on a f1af :b.oard or s~fetcher.,r ~ssume ~~e leam ha~ extracted h'irrr tram the' cell. I'd id, not witn~!1 ,~nything: insi~e th¢',camp. '4!:l. Using a military workJng,~ on Of near a det;:llnee'other than .during tletaln~~~rt~·a.'-'.tl~o;..;.n _ _ II' 0 p~r;:;~~~~serve:d {his,·qj.n~·uct. p, 0 I ()!:5set\fed '.detalnee.(s) IWa tond itlon that led me to bell~-v.e :that' ,this con.duct had :6c~utreti. c. 0 [)i;itaiilee(s). taid rri'e ~hat this conduct i'ia'd 'o~turred, d. 0 Others: whO ,ob.$erved :Uris (;:obdact pe'scribea if to' m.e: ,ff. I -------....,.......---------------1 e. --~--:.---------------------I 0 II haVe relel7a'lit lnformat 6,ii t1a'ssified a.c.ove ".sECRET". ------------------------1 f: 011 nev'er' 0bserved this:conduat nor'tleard'abbul it from S0ineohe'whb did. SO. Threatening to use military working dogs:on or near a detainee, ~0 II p"erSQnaiiy ohrerved. thrs_.;..;.cQ_.n_d_u....;cl_. --,... --,-_ _....,.....1 OIGQ-004974 - 0 L observed detalnee(s) In a ,cond ftlon that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. d. 0 qther"?' who observed t~is col1d uct descriqed it to m~. e. 0 I have releyant Information classified Abov~, "SECRET'!, f. 0 r neverob~rveJ! thfs'q:mQUGt,n9r ,hear9 'abo.ut it from someOne. who b. a. 0 I pers9nally o.bserved this 'conduct. b' " q I observed detainee(s) In a'condifio.n'that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. ,c. 0 Detalnee.(s.) told me that this conduct had :occurred. cL o lothers who ob~erye.c! '~,I:!is c0nductde$crl~eCl it to fIle. eo. 0 f: 0' a. I, ha-v:~ releva~rjt Information' c1as~ifiec1 ab.oy~ "S~~ET'''' I n~y~r qps,~rve:c!, th~s 'coDfluct ngr ,h~r.d :al?o.!-l,t It :trorn,~rn~on~'who dtd. o II p,sr30hally'ebserved, tliis.condlkt. b. 0 I,obserVed deiainee(s)' in :a-cohdition that led me to' believe that this conduct had :cccurred. , c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :o'ccurred. ~ 0 I·e. 0 If. 0 I Others who observed this conduct described it to me: I have relevant informati.on classified i;lbove; "SECRET'''. I never9P~erv~(.qhis,co.nd,=,ct noriJ~rd.a.p.P\ltfit from someone:who qid 7 • ) 53.. DJsrespectful,sjatem$rtts, handling r 'QI' ,actions. involvi ng the K9ta n: 0 per.sonally-Ob.served this condutt. ~ 0 I 'observed detainee(s): in a condition that led me to. believe that this conduct, had .occu'rred. 0 Detaihee(s)tola me theit {his conduct haa"oCGurtect. d, 0, ,Others who observed .this conduct described it to me. 'e: 0 ~,hqv.e relevant !nform~.tion. dassifie.rJ C3bove I~S~CRl:r"· .. f. 0 t Dever o.bse,rved, this ''90 ndl,Ict nor heqr.d ·abou~ i~ from,sorrreo,ne 'o/no di<!. la. Ie; OIGQ-004975 .~. Ple'ase, provide th,e approximate time frame .during which this cpndu.ct :occyrr:,e:d. DDo,Not R.~calr- From .08/2003' to' 10/2003, h. The .detainee(s) treated in tflr~ way, were located at the time in i 10 Gl1ahtanamo L 0 Iraq a 0 Afghanistan d :0th~r Locat19n 50 Pc?: N'qt ReGlII ,4 r. please (dentlfy'the det~)n~{$) ~y nalJ1e ~nd nU,rnber: nam~'or nu.mb~ ...S~U9i unknoWn j identify the petson(s}"whb treated the detaiilee(s) in ttiisrhanner,. including their name(s) and ,government :agency(ies): ' . <:l:S,sume9 Ar,my k. 'Plea'se, iaenfify.any 'other FBI personnel or non'-FBI personnel who~observed detaiAee(~J. treated in t~I~' m~nt")err,lncludlQg thek n~lTJ~(~J:and ag'el1cy(l~s): D'o liot recall who was; in iJiteNiew 'rbom whe'ri detainee relayed h'earsay info I. This conduct occui"red iii ,connection with.:' 1, '@ 'One' detainee 2.0 Sev.eral detainees (2-4). , ,3 0 ~any detaillees (more; than ,4 0 09 Npt R!,!call 4) m. (Optional) Please describethe relevant circumstances' in mor.e detail: young'Szuldi detci inee was angry, d yrihg 'intervieW because he, had heard that· a guard had , dlsr~spect~ th:e, Kor?!! . 54. 'Shavl~g a' detainee'S' facial 'or other'halrto embarrass;:or humiliate: a detainee, r;.\ persona(lyobserved this ...tonduc::t. .. , , R; ,0 II pb~lV!=:.d ~etal~ee(i): ilT ia~cpnd itioli th~t led me to peUe~e tnanhiS: C;OIT.P!Jct hac:! :occutrep. c; 0. P'etalnee($} told me ~hat ,this. CQridul:t haQ ,oc~urt:ed. d. [1 Others. Wh'Q Qbserv,eq ttIi$: cQiid,utt j:fescr'ibed it .to, ro~. $. 0 I h;we re,le,vC\nt Informatlqri cias.slfled ~bov~ ·;$:E~REf". f: o II never'observed this,c6nduct,norliear.d aboul it from 'sorneone wJi'O:did. g'. Please proVide the app'r6xlmate time frarh~ during w.hlch thrs conduct:0ccurred. OIGQ-004976 00-0 Not Recall From 08/2003 to 1O/-200s h. The petaln~e($) treated in t.hls w.ay ~ere IQ.~ate9 at th¢ time tn: 1 .~.uantal)amo 2,0 lra~ 3,D,Afghanistan 4 0 Other Location ~.D De ~ot ~e<;all !tJ i. Please 'identitY the detalnee(s} by flame and number: t:;an no~ recalL.:.w0uld remem~r detai!1e~:Dame"if pr!?lT1pted j, PI~!3se i~en.tify- the persolJ(s)' whQ Jreated the ~E;!,t,ainee(s) iii thi~ rTJ~nhl:l~, intlljding th'eir name('5),and goverrimeiifagency.(ies):: . . Army -. , k. Please identify'anY other: FBlpefsonnel or' hOI'l-FBIJjersol1nel wlio:obselVed detainee(s) W:~ated .!n this manner. Ihcludlng thelr name~sl and agency(les): , P-'o:S$iJj)yl ~9r'1 I : L Tlii,s Co.riolrGt .oG!:;J..Irted, iii ~pnJi,etli.o:n With: '1-0. :Qrie. de,taJn~ 2 .0 .severai detainees (2-4) 3 d Many' detafnees '(.inore than 4;): :4 b. Do N0t Reca'lI 'til. (Opti6.nal) Please' describe the'rel~\I.ant circumstances iii Inore,'aetail: D~tciinee's :h~a~ w'Q$' sli;;\ve,,a,in'e¢ s.aid hi,S head was; ~naVed 'b¢Ca,use'rp\l9h:s,oiTie~hin~r ,on one ofthe:gliards.(pesslbly water) , , --,--------~--_._-------- 0 D'. 0 c. 0 1. personally observed this:conduct a. <,I. e. o 0 ~: observed; detqrnt?'~.c s} In 'a,:cond1t1O'n th~t led ~~ to' believe t~at: ~his cond uct had occurred. O-etaIDee.(s) t,qld rn~ that this condu~t hl:lq ·oc:cl,!rred. , Others who observed this conduct- d,escribed it to' me. . . . ~, • ~ • - • ," ........ • ." ' •• ~ - • • .... , , I _ ~'" • .._ I ~~ve rele;va,nt l.nfprll)atlon c1a~sifl,ed ~b'o'J~' "SECRI;P'. ~ f. ~ I n~'i!er obserJ~ct this Cl;induct norheal'd abp,utiUrom's0rIJeonewt)b di~. 56. Touching 'Cl d'elainee. or a-ttlh'g toward a d.eta,ll:I~ In 'a 5e),tual .0Q11 personallY observ~d this condu~t. OIGQ-004977 b6 b7C " D iI observed detalnee(s) In a ,condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. b. c. o rOetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. d. 0' O~hers' who observed t~i$ conduct described it to m~. e. 0 I haVE;! relevant Inf9rmation <;Iassif!ed ClbovE;!, "$ ECRET" • f: 0, I$~rv.ep thls'c~:md,uGt.nor hearp 'abqu,t it .fralT) $omeolle:whp did. Piea~e. p"t6vf~e 'th~ ~pptb,~imCite time rr~rile durfng, whi~.h t.hTs dC,¢lJrred. Frpm .08J2,OO,~ to 10j20Q3' '000 Not ReCall g. 11. The ,petainE;!e'(~) t,rt=qted )n ~l1iS 'tJay were )qcCltep, at .the time im 1, [if Guantariarno 20 'Iraq' 3D,Afghanistan 4 0 Other location ?0 Do. N9t R,eq'lll i:. Pleaseddentlfy the"detainee(s) by name and. nim'lbe'r:: Qnknqwn j. 'PI~as¢ iden~ify the, p~'rsQrt(s) wfiQ trgate'd" the. ~etain~~(s)" and g6vernment ag,~i1cy(les}: assumed Army - 'name(s) in thi$ mCmn~rT in<;luding th:~ir ' . k. Please. id.entify':any oXher· FBl per5t>hr'iel 0t' non-fBI w~rsonnel:who;,observed detalnee(~) treated in this manner, induding their name(s} and ag,ency(ies): PQ,sslqJY r'PY' ~SA, i. Tnis',:c;ql'lduct :bccJJrr~d in cQnneo:lbo ,with: i0 2: 0 3 :4 a 0 .Qn¢ de,t9ir(e,~ SevE:jral d~tajli¢'e~, (4-4) Many' detainees {rr\ore'than 4} Do Not Recall .rfi. (DPtional) Please deSttib'e the::rl::ilevant circumstances in 'more~detail: I.h~lIev.e we w.ete .tala df ro:m6t~ 'dfstrlp,rQ'utlnes; li.e-rtdtrried In fhont 'of d:et~in~~s' as part -of our' first bn':ef. We-Were told have' any inv61vemeritwlth it. 57-. Hold-ing'detaine-efs) Who ,detaihjhg the perSon,' , '<;I; 0 were not officialty"ackno,wl~t1ged ,or registered as such by·the,agen'cy .- . I p~rS0naI.lY qp~~rved tbis ,<!Ol'!qu!=~. I?:, 0 I ob~rveq.d~t~inee(s) ina cpnditi-on that le~ me to believe that this,conduct c. D Detain,e~(s) told me that this. conduc,t \lad occurred. b~ occurred. OIGQ-004978 . I D Others. who observed thIs conduct described It to me. e. D I have rele)/ant information classified Clbo)/e "SEtREf". d. f. 0 (n~ver,Ob5€lrv~d this'conduct nor heard about it from.some0m~,wh~.did.. 58,. ~~n~:fing a cfetail'1~ tP. a.o't;ltber coun~ry fo~ more~ggn:~ssl've interwgation .. .' .a. D I personally..6bse.rved this 'cohduiZt. D I observed detainee(s) in 'a·.c'ond ition that led me tb believe tnat'this cOnduct hi3dbccurreo. e. 0 D,etainee(s) told me that this conduct had o.ccln'red. b. d. q e. 0 I have rerevarit Information classified abov.e \!SECREf'l. f. 0' others who. 0bserved this conduct described it to me.. I, l.'leven:>b~el'Yed this :cond.4<;,~ nor ,hecml abc;mt it ·from 'Sorneomn~ho e!!d. : ,~9. ThreC'!tt=nlr9 W s.~nq '? ~et<il!n!=.e ~o' another cb!-ln~ry for det~lJ.tI9.n,or:l1Jor~·agg res~l\(e: int~r(.6gati9n D II persat'l?\t1yobserved this ,conduct. -a,b. -g-ji::~bserveti detainee(s) I~ a:cond Ition that led me to believe 'thanhis cO.liduct had ,occurred. e~ d. e. 0, !D.etaihee(s) teilo me that this conduct had ,dccurb::rl. D ;athers who'obserVed :this conduct described ino me. D II have relevant Information' classified above: I!SECREf". f: Itt' iI, never'observed this;conduet nor'heard aboutit from 'someone who did. ;6,Q; Thre?,t~tring to t9~~ ~:n:;~iqn 9~fl'inst: C! .d~t~in~'e!5 f<il'rni\Y a. 0 I persOnally oDserV.ed this :tbn(\uc.t. b.. 0 TODserY~d detairie~cs) in 'a q5r\d itipnthat led me to Qelieve th~ntiis' conduct had 6ctthrteCl, c; D tDetal nee(s) told me that this cof1d had .o,ccu fred. D lathers- who observed this GofidiJct described it to me. E 0 r naV'Errelevarit informa'tionclassified aOOye "SECRET'!. f. 0 1 never observed thls:conduet nor heard about It from someone who did. ,d'. , . OIGQ-004979 61. Othe'r treatment or action qcmslng severe ~mt;>tiona[ or psychQlogl~al trauma ~o a detainee a. 0 r. personally obserVea tliis :condutt. Lbbserv'ed:detalriee(sJ In a,c;:ond itioh that led me'to b,elJeve that this Coridu,ct had ,octUrred. 0.. 0 ,-t. o 'Detainee(s) ford me that this condUct had ,occurred. -'-:-f -'--~'-, -~,,~-,- --,~~~- ...,,-, -------'-~.~._-.--~-'-.,.- d. o Others. who observed this cc:mduct described it to me; _ e. [j I have relevant I'nformatlon classified ,abov.e !!SECRET'\ t 0 I never observed this, ,conduct nor heard a.bput it from someone w~o did. B2. 'Other religio,us~or sexual h9ras§m.eot Qr humifiatiqrfof $ d~tainel?: b:. 0 I perSonally obserVed thiS.conduct. 0 ~,,:oosei'vetl.~etainee(sJ In ~,~e,6:nd1ti6n'that lea ,me to. Belieye thaUt:iis conduct had6,Gcur'r~a. c~ d, IDetalnee(s) 'fold ·a. 'd. 0 ille tlicit this ~ondui::t Odd .occur-reel. OtherS, who'obser'vea this co,ndu¢t described it to me. e. 0 I hav.e relevant information' classified abov.e f. 0 ~'SECRET"" 1. observed' this ,conduct nor heard about It'fromsomebne who, did. 6':$:. O~tJertre~tme.nt 6f'a d~tqihe'e t\1.aE'in'yolJ,roplnion w?l's.,unpr9(~~sJ.blJpl, \:lnd.uly npr~h <;>r agg,(es,siye, :coel'ciV~,.ab.uslv~, <ir unlaWfuf a: 0' I personally' observed this conduct. .. b. 0 I observed E1etalnee{s) In a'Gonditlonthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me thatthis conduct had ,occurred. d .. 0 Q-thers wIT0 obseryed this (;;qlJ<:Il!ct'qesCfi~eq it; t9 !'De,: e'! 0 I have relevant fnrormatlon classified .above ·'SEem·... f. 0 I never ob~rved thts·c9n.qlJGf'r19r.hea~d'a,bOlJ~ it :frQm~arneqn~ who did. , ._ • • •• • ,...... ~. f ' .. " , , , _rf\0,~~'@j'~'~.:'~::"':; 6~. bid you .o:bserv~ anylmp'~rsol1atI9n 'of F~I per~(jl1nel by ~nypne ouring an Intervl~iN pr'lhtermgG)t1on 'q,d¢taine~? o Yes. !l '9f <:> No OIGQ-004980 65. Did ~tiy df:@inee. or bthf:~ person ,t~1I 'lOU t~at he or ~hf: had Wi~ne..s'~~ "t~~ irtlp~rsQliatiQr) of FBI persoflriel'(n connection with detainee IntervIew or' Interrogation?, . . QYes' ~ No, 6S. Are ;you a~are'of any II,s~am" ,or :1'staged lo 'd.eta!nee. i.ntenti~s;Q.r ..iT)ter,:qgatio,,!s cOI1~octed 'f~r M,er:nb~T:S Qf th,e'!,J..?; £Qngres? 9r their . '0 y,e? '~. No. a b]. To yo~r knowledge, did any military or ilitellige[1c~ personnel 'ev~r d:eny: .or dE:llay F~I'C!Gce,ss to:a- , ,qeti; the: FEH ,qu~iol'J because. ttle 9!=tpine~.Ii'cfd~S\lstairf~d Injl,l rie$ ,after' he ,was capt\.,lreq?' . 9'(e,s' 0 No dYes. '0 No; 69. Were YQ.!J E;V~rtQ.lcj itrq'~;,a-n9.,th~r. FBI :ero p,lqyee ~nd&ll)i~ or h¢f ~artl~lp~~IQrr In Ql' ~h,serjlpt't911 ~f;,~ ,defainee interview. ,or fnte'rr.og:atio.'rl' rectl,use. of the: interv,iew ,dr interrogation :methods. b.ein,!l ,lised?' Q.Yes' ,0 No 79. rlurjng ;:Joy of YRu,r'Qy'~r,s~a~d~p,19Yl'TJe,nts,qr ~s~Jg rlrnent~, di~ yql! any 'd eta rnee.:iri t¢f'/iew Qr i'riterrogatiQn ,s,uperilis'or? . repgrt ~nr. c;onC!~.r(lsTeg?r~jfng practices~ :Pf ,o,tber typ~s :Qfd'ef~ itl,~ .tre.a..troe,nt,i. t'q-arr ,FBI 0 NG: 71. P,u rl ng .any '<j?f 'Yo\W9ve~sei3,s' c;I~pJ9YlT!er.m~ qr Cl,SS[g11 men't~/ i:l id 'YPI,I 'r~p'prt any '<;on~~rn s· r~gprdlng ~fr'ty .detC!.!r1~ irit'erv'i.e~ Qr"int~rr(,igc;jti9,ti p,@<;;tic:e% Qt qthenYP:E!?:'9f'(:i¢rEiin~~rep~(ngh1'y.91,l db.senfE:d or heard about, :to·a nori-FB,I supeivi~or or ot.h~:r rjon-FB, , 7.,2,. HQ'\Ie,Y0l;! :~\{er bee!)' or~er:ed Q,Yes 8r~VreGted 110t-to r~polt or,,~:Ii~courag~d ·o_bsery~tiQI1.S pr alr~g~~i9ri'~relat$(f p.r,aq;ices? ~ No: . ,tA 'det9,jrie~J:r~i3tJ)1~nt in ClfPl W,ay' fr~rrr rep,orti'ngr ~r intervfew. Pf int~r(O~Cl'tio'n 'ac;:tipfI"!i:,qr n Y..¢~: ,0, No ' 73. Have. you iexperienced-any actual or threatened retaliation for reporting observations,br allegations af'tr.eatmen( Of In.tery)~w .ar Int,errogatlo,n, a.~ions or. prac~Ices?) .0. Yes ~ No' '74. (Optional) Please iw)y.lde any'addltlonaJ comments regardJng the reporting,.of concerns related tet in.fervie\y-' or ihJeuog atiol) ~edinjq u,es; d~,~enf!<?'3 practi~es.l or ·,<?ther ~et~.ii:le~ tre~.tfTlelJt. Ba~.ed ,9'0. my o~.s~rva~!(;m?'ahOob!?~,rvatIOI1$'9i ,o~hersr I 9Q not .b~ll4e\fe thal many of ~h~ ,nqry':FBI ag~n.c1e~ w¢re ~oncju(;:,thig very.:effe'qiye intervi~W? NQLdJJeJQ'urie!hi~1 prijc,tic~ b,llt tp iri1:Omp.~tent InterVjeWir\~ skills, OIGQ-004981 IM~ ~~. D' JUO . 7.5. WereYQu: debriefed, other than the,standat.d debrief in FD-772, c.oricernlng ,you'r oVersea-s assig nment(s) ·or, dep lo:yment(s) after ·you. com pleted the.d ep loyment(s) or ,assig nment(s):?; O'Yes ·0 No 76., Additional r;:omlTlent~.~,od R,eooJUmenQgti(;>n~: OIGQ-004982