Ca Laco Brd Supervisors Status Report Oct 2011 Progress Co Jail Violence 8-2012
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QInunfy- nf 1I.lns An~!I~les c:Shcriff'", Dqlllriml'lt! 'MeIlDqullrict5 4700 l{11.m.umt NuulcMri) jlf[ultfcrl'l! Jlnrk, Q:lllfbntin SL751_216.9 August 24, 2012 The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 Dear Supervisors: 30-DAY STATUS OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE OCTOBER 18, 201" BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' MEETING REGARDING THE MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM On October 18, 2011, your Board requested IhallOO Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department (Department) report back on the motion to immediately implement the recommendations previously made by Special Counsel Merrick Bobb and Ihe Office of Independenl Review. In addition, your Board requested the Department report back on deputy worn video cameras, the status of the Department's hiring practices, sting audits, a force rollout team, and the length of time deputies serve in the jails. Attached is an update on each recommendation from the June 20, 2012, response. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me or Assistant Sheriff Cecil W Rhambo, Jr.. al (323) 526-5065. Sincerely, LE OY D. SACA S ERIFF RECOMMENOAn ONS BY MERRICK BOBS AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES· SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT The purpose of this document is to prOVide a status of the recommendations by dale and litle, prepared by Special Counsel Merrick Bobb, the Office of Independent Review, and the Board of Supervisors. I. Install surveillance cameras at the Men's Central Jail, the Inmate Reception Cent~ and the Twin To_/'$ COfTVCtion;J1 Facility within 3D days and develop a plan to purchau and Instal1 surveillance cameras at the remaining jail facilities . The Department has installed all 705 cameros at Men's Cenfral Jail (MCJ) As of May 31, 2012, all cameros are online and tl!OOfding. The Department is ins/alfing camaras at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) and the !nmale Reception Canter (IRC) Currentfy. 659 cemeras heve bsen installed at TTCF (2 recording) and 64 cameras have been Instefled at IRC (19 recording). The attached document (Camera Project Status Report) depicts the Deparimenf's curront status on camero instaflation and the proj6Cted lolal of cameras. ~ .""~, ;,~~:~~~~~~~~. to Additional provide storage hard dnves 01 video and footage storage enclosures have deployed provide /ong-tenn storage of the video footage. TechniciClns are enalyZlng equipment effICiency and stOrag6 capacity as cameras are added to the system. Options rff garding the expansion of video storage have been considered in order to meet /egal and Board approved requirements for archived video, while ensuring quality raso!ution at various frame rates. The nel>#orlc upgrade for MCJ was completed at /he elld of April 2012. The instal/alion of the servers and storage equipment was completed at the end of May 2012_ The network upgrade for aN of TTCF and IRe IS currently underway and is scheduled to be completed in November 2012. The remaining cameros for TTCF and IRC are scheduled to be brough' on line in Decembftr 2012. Pa~ 1 019 RECOMMENDAnONS BY MERRICK B08B AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAil SYSTEM Polic y The DtJpartment has drafted a new policy regarding video sutV8iJlallC9. The policy is in the final stages of being revlBwed by Department executives end County Counsel. II. Eliminate the use of heavy flashlights as batons to subdue Inmatos. The Department and the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS) came to a mutual agreement regard/fig the usa of flashlights In the jails. The Shenff direcled and approved e new policy to limit the size and weight of 1116 flashlight The poliCY specifieS that the flashlights shall not weigh more than 16 ounces, and shall no! be more /han 13 inches in length. Flashlighls longer than 6 Inches shall be of plastic or nylon composite malerial only. The Custody Division Manual (COM) section 3-0&'055.20 Flashlights, was published all May 23, 2012. This policy effective date witl be extended to September 1. 2012, in order to allow employees a reasonable transition period to acquire a new duty tfgll/, or be iSSUf!d a lightweight baltery msert from the Department. 111. Eliminate the use of "steel·toe" shoes. Recommendation implamented. On October 24, 201 1. tha Department made rovi$i.)ns to the eXlstmg 'Footwear" policy (MPP 3-031225.(0) This policy was published into the Dep&1menfs Manual of Policy and Procedures and disseminated to all p8fsanne/ on Febtvary 12. 2012. Resaarr;h of existing personnel showed that Department personnel have never wom 'slool toe~ Doots in any capacity; however, the Department formally revised rhll policy to strictly prohibit any use of ·steel toe' boots. IV. Revise the Policy on Head Strikes with Impact Weapon s to forb id all head strikes, including, but not limited to, head strikes against flxod o bjects su ch as floors , walls or Jail bars , unless the standard for lethal forc e has been met Recommendation implemented. On Oc/ober 10, 2011. thfJ Sheriff initiated a "Fon:e PreV6lltion" policy (COM 3-021035.00) which provides d/l"eClion for personnel rela/ing 10 respecl based treatment of incarcerated indJviduafs. This policy was published into the Custody DIvision Manual and disseminated 10 all custody assigned personnel on November 8, 2011. The policy wes then discussed with the AI..AOS WClfking Page 2 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK 8088 AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM group in which revisions W9f& made. The revised ForCfJ Pravenlion poRcy was republished and redistributed to a/l personnel in the jails on March 19, 2012. On October 26,2011, the Department made additions to the existing ' Unreasonable Force' (MPP 3-011025.10) policy and the "Activation of Force/Shooting Response Teams' (MPP ~09/434.05) to strictly prohibit head strikes against a hard object. Unless o/helWisa handled by the Intemel Affairs Bureau (lAB), the Custody Forr:e Response Team (CFRT) responds to all forr:e if'tcicients where any head strike occurs, whether the sirike Is initlSted by parsonttel, or by con/act with 1/00($, walls orothfN hard objects The ' Unreasonable Force~ and "Acltvalion of ForceJShoollflg Response Teams ' policies wefe published into the Departmenfs Maf'tuaJ 01 Policy and Proceduros and disseminated to all personf'tei on FebruBf}' 13, 2012 V. Rotate jail deputies betweon floors at Men's Central Jail and othor jail facilities at no less than si)(·month inlervals. Recommendation Implemented. In January 20", MCJ began rotating their staff 110 less then every six months. After consulting with ALADS, 8 new Custody Dire<:tive 'Manda/ory Rolation of Line Personnel in Custody' (12-001) was published and disseminated 10 all cvstody personnel OIl February 17, 2012, mandating the rmotion of all cvslody line personnel evety six months. VI. Enforc:e the Anti-Retatlation Polky to prevent Sheriffs deputies from relaU ..tlng against inmates speaking with legal representative. or inmate advocacy groups or for expressing disutisfaction with jail conditions. Recommendation imp~manted. In August 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Treatment of Inmates" (COM 5· 121005.00) policy to prevent deputies from relaliallng against inmates. All slaff assigned to Custody Division were provided 8 formal briefing on the revisions to the policy. The briefing began August 4, 2011 , and continued for a lWo-week period. In aridillon, lIle Department redistribuled the policy on October 25, 2011, for anofher /Wo-week feGrJITing briefing to ensure each $/aff member was fully aware of t/"Je expectations of the policy and mandated quarterly recurring briefings be conducted. The Depilrtment made addillonal revisions to the existing 'Treatment a/Inmates' policy in order 10 separate and create specific orders relating 10 retaliation 8ga/nst inmates. The Custody DivisiolJ Manual, 'Anti-Retaliation Policy" (COM 5Page J ofe RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM 12/005.05) mandates that all complaints of retaliation are fotwarded to lAB; the captain of lAB will determine which unit will conduct the investigation. This revised version of the "Treatment of Inmates' policy and the new "Anti-Retaliation Policy" were published and disseminated to all custody personnel on February 27.2012. VII. Interviews of inmates who make claims of excessive force should not be conducted by, or in the presence of, the deputies or their supervising sergeant involved in the alleged use of force. Recommendation implemented. On October 26. 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Use of Force Reporting and Review Procedures · (MPP 5-091430.00) policy ensuring privacy during force intefYiews. This policy was published in the Department's Manual of Policy and Procedures and disseminated to all personnel on February 13, 2012. VIII. Interviews of inmates alleging use of force and any witnesses must occur as soon as feasibly possible, but no later than 48 hours of the incident. Recommendation implemented. On October 26, 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Use of Force Reporting and Review Procedures· (MPP 5-091430.00) policy directing supefYisors to immediately conduct intefYiews. As noted in VII, this policy was published in the Department's Manual of Policy and Procedures and disseminated to all personnel on February 13, 2012. IX. Develop a prioritization process for Use of Force Investigations to ensure that the most severe incidents are completed within 30 days and that all others are completed within 60 to 90 days. Recommendation implemented. The Department developed a CFRT Directive (11-005) that established new criteria for force review in the jails. This ensures that significant force casas. not handled by lAB, are externally evaluated and completed within 30 days. At that time, they are reviewed by the newly formed Custody Force Review Committee (CFRC), which consists of three commanders. The last CFRC was conducted on August 23, 2012. and included oversight by the Office of Independent Review (aiR). The next CFRC is scheduled for September 18. 2012. Page4of9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY UERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM The Depariment continues 10 process the most sevent incidents as lAB Investigations, which are gBnarally compkJtad within 90 days unless unaxpectfJd circumstances arise_ The CFRT Directive was published end disseminated to a/l CliStady personnel on November 7, 2011. The aforamentioned CFRT Directive was revised and publishBd as a Custody DiviSion Policy on May 23, 2012. The CFRC policy was published and disseminated to all custody personnel on Apnl16, 2012. X, Davelop ill plan for more Intonn supervision that requires jail "rgoants to dil"9cU~ supefVise jail deputiH. lncluding walking the row of Jail cells and "oors lind responding as soon as possible to an~ notification of Intefltction where force is being used on an inmate. Recommendation Implemented a/ MCJ. On October 27, 201" the Deperimant ooJivered a /eUer to the CEO requesting additional supervisory staff in the jails However, the Deparlment fall it wes imp9rative /0 immediately increase staffing et MCJ. Effective November 6, 2011 , 19 sarge ants were added to MCJ's ourrent staffing to ensure the appropriate supelVfslon was In place_ These items were removed (rom otflerctitical areas within the Department and deployed to COl'8r both Day and PM shifts Funding for these items was requested in a letter to the CEO on October 26, 2011, however, to dale the request has gone unfulfilled. There are now 2 sergeants assigned to 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, and 9000 floors, and a fulltime sergeant is dedicated 10 170011750. All sergeants were briefed on the expectations to be visible and ectively monffonng activity on the floor at 811 times. In addition, the Departr11(lIlt is worKing on "duty statements' for a/l custody personnel to ensure they have 8 full understanding of the expectations of their assignment. XI. Immediatel~ mandate that all c ustody medical personnel report eli suspicious injuries of Inmalos to the Internal Affairs Bureau or tho captain of the jail facility where the Inmata Is housed. Recommendahon implemented. On October 26, 2011, /he Department's Medical SeNices Bureau revised the "In}ury//iiness Reporl - Inmate" policy (M206.09) 10 include a proVlSJOn requiring medical steff 10 advise the facility watch commander in the event an Inmate reports/al/eges that tOOir injuries are the result of force used by a Department PaS8 5 of S RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REV IEW REGARDING TH E JAI L SYSTEM employee. This policy was diswminaled to ell medical personnel on October 26. 2011. XII. Report back on the rolo of the new jail c ommanders and how they will be used to reduce jail viOlence. As reponed /0 the &;lard on November 1, 201 1. Since the imptementation or efforts by the CMTF 10 ~ jail VIOlence end associat9d use of lorce incidents, tolal significant uses offorce continue to decline. Two documenls are attached relating to force inoiOOnts in the jails Force Used by Month - Significant force vs. Less signlfican! force Force Year to Date - 2007 to 2012 The /811 commanders continue goals wt forth by the Sherfff. to wort With each custody uml to accomplish the The jail commanders oversee the operations of the CMTF, comprised of live commanders, eight lieutenants, eight sergeants, and four support stoff The lieutenants, sergBants, and suppod staff are all items that were removed from critical units within th& Oepertmenl and deployed 10 this task fon:e. The CMTF MissJOn is to assess and transform the culture of the custody facilities in order to provide a safe, secure learmng environment for our Depadment personnel and the inma tes placed in the Depadmenl's care. The CMTF's purpow ;s to ampower Department personl1el /0 provide a level of professionalism and serw the needs of inmates consistent with the Department's "Core Values. ~ The CMTF's responsibilities and goals include promoting community trust, reducmg j ail violen ce by changing ths deputy culture of ths custody environment. encouraging respect based communications with inmates, reviewing and implementing new training for staff assigned to the j ails, preparing and reVising all directives and policies necessaty to Implement Special Counsaf Menick. BOOb and OIR recommendations, analyzing force incidents and developing and implementing a custodial career path The CMTF and Custody Supporl SeN ices have been working collaborativsly to fulfill rscommenda tion requests mada by the American Civil Liberties Union, Special GCJunse/ MfJrrick Bobb, the OIR, and the Los AngeJes C<uJnty Board of Supervisors, which pertain to the jails. Page6of 9 REC OMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM The eight CMTF lieu/enants WOIk directly /fISGromplish/ng Ille goals 58t forin by Sheriff 8fId CMTF commanders. The eight CMTF sergeants are comprised as a jail force "rofl-our team (CFRT) who OV&P.!88, fflfl{)lor and reView ell significant force cases lnat meet a particular criterion, yel do not rise to tntl level of an lAB investigation. tfltI XIII. Sheriff to work with the Chief Executive Office to Immediately study the fl-aslbllity of purchasing officer wom video cameras for all custody pef'$onnel to use, to identify potential funding for this purpose, and develop appropriate policies and procedures for the USti or these cameras. Policies should include II requirement that custody penlonnel record ali interactions with Inmatetl, including Title 15 checks, any movement throughout the jail facilities and any use of force. Each failure to record or Immediately report any use of force against inmates muat be appropriately disciplined. As reported to the Board on March 13. 2012. The Deparimenl is conducting a six month ·Proof of Concept" in order to determine whether there is a practical use for Personal Video Recording (PVRD, in Custody Operations Divisions. Devices The Department has received and iswed 30 PVRD's (or Ihe pilot program. The CMTF drafted a guideline, end conducted training for the volun/eer deputies involved in tha progrem, Tha PVRD's are I'oOm by deputies interacting with inmates at MeJ and TTCF. The Department has conducted testing with tl)1'98 different models of PVRD's. The pilof program began 011 February 26, 2012. and is nearing Iha end of ils six-month pilot period. The Depaffment wi" provida e review of the pilot program in the f1fIx/ monthfy slatus report XIV. Consider the feasibility of targeted and random undercover sting operations pertormed in custody fa ci lities to ensure deputies are working within policy. As reported in closed session. Th e Shariff discussed this motion during the November 1, 2011, closed session meeting. Page70fG RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL. SYSTEM XV. Consider II " roll-out custody facility. toam~ to investigate when there Is a use afforce In a Recommendation implemented. Sflginnlng Novembflr 2011, the Department created the CFRT, comprised of eight sergeants and a lieutenant, who are tasked with responding to selected custody facility force Incidents. Thfl CMTF created e Sft' criteria that mandates facility watch commanders 10 contact the CFRT and request a response. The CFRT sergeant will oversee and assist In the force documenta tion for the facility. In the course of reviewing the incident, tha CFRT sergeant shall givfl specific direction to the handling supBfVisor. If any policy violatioos are discovered, the CFRT will Imroodiatety assume responsibility of /he foroo investigation and inlflat9 illllAB inV9s1igalion. All incidents requiring 9 CFRT response wlfl be re viewed by a oowfy formed CFR C comprised of threa commanders assigned to Custody Division. The CFRC has the authority 10 order additional investigation , make recommendations, or request an lAB Investigation If there appears to be e possible violation of Department policy. SlOW the implementation of the CFRT, they have responded to 82 Incidents as of August 18, 2012 XVI. Report back in 30 days on the hiring standards for deputy sheriffs and hOW" they changed durIng the last hiring push. Recommendation completed - a full report on the hiring standards was provided In tha November f, 2011 leiter. XVII. Consider a two·trac k career path for deputies, patrol deputies and custody deputies. FBasibility study IS ongoing On December 16, 2011, the CMTF concluded en extensive (w(I..monih study which aTJ8l}7ed different melhods of implemenling a two·track. career path wMin the Department. Study results and CMTF recommendations have 009fJ presented to the CEO, ALADS, Professional Peace Officers Associa tion (PPOAJ, and the Public Safety Cluster Agenda Review (CAR) meeting on February B, 2012. The Department formed 8 subject matter ellpert worlang group to update tha current sergeant and lieutenant classificatIOnS (or the Dual Track Career Pa/h Page 8 019 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM proposal, and is also working with the CEO's Classification Unit regarding its impl9mentation. The CMTF continues to conduct informational m66tings conceming the proposal with the CEO, ALADS, and PPOA. XVIII, Review e)(isting policy of assigning new deputies to custody functions, specifically, the length oftimo spent in custody and the hiring trend as its primary determining factor, and rovhse the policy to reduce the longth of time deputies serve in custody. On October 28, 201 f. thfJ Depat1f1l6nt authorized cusrody personnel 10 initiata eXlens/Ofls if they desire to remain in their current assignment As o( August 17. 2012.438 deputies have taken adVantage offhis offer; which will ultimately cause a roducIion 01 time that deputies win SeNe in a custody assignment. As noted in the above item, recommendations for a twcrtrack career path were presentfK1 to the CEO, ALADS, PPOA. and too Public Safety CAR meeting Of) February B, 2012, Which will reduC6 the length of time deputies. serve in custody Page90f 9 ,.,.;-,-, c .... >: z§ " < "o" ~ <. c~ ~ ·" , ~. , "z ~ ~ ,~ ~ , 8 ·","" z, · ,,', ,,'·r _1_'_,_, ~ ", 0 < , g :t" 2 j ,, • • ~ i :' ( n -,, " ~ n H '.' ~ ,_ • • • • • II " 0; " • _'-.Y .. .. -- - ,.. ----"" .......... 8y Month lO U "\'" "6 '~- _ ... _.......... _-_ .... · --"'-""-' ..,--.-.~ ,. _" ... " _ u ""u .. _ "'" _ II 00" _u ,,",u I \ ~: i ~" _" ... ,, .... u .............. " _---_ ..-- ~ -- ---..~ --.,._ .. - . """"'-"-----.-- -.. ---_........_ .-...-_ _-_ __ __ .....-_ .. ....,.--_...... ..-.... ...._---.... • co> ~ , ,_ _ _ _ _ ...... _ · ...............-_..' - ....... ............... ·· .......... _.. . --............. ..... .. _. ....... -~ _ , ..... _ , .. _ ... "'_'''''' _ _ _ _ -.-. r>~ I ._1 ::/ ~" , '-. ,-I , .. ~ l -~ 1- CAMERA PROJECT STATUS REPORT 7/23/2012 MCJ 70S 70S nCF ::lj , II ~ =1= , :E' ::It o lOS ANGElES COUNTY SHERiff'S OEPARTMfNT FORCE USfD Y1D2()(JJ-2012 '" ... ·IFiJIC _1 ..." ,. , .., J