Dc Doc Closed Cases 2000-2008
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.J,. _¥.~ -==;. CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1 /1512008 J Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4071 MCFADDEN JONAlHAN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1113012000 0.00 5091 Nickens, Theodore M. 01-1827 (ESH) (AK) Prisoner Complaint Common Law 121312001 4551 SHAJFER, DON Prisoner Complaint Common law 4181 SHAVERS, SHA~ 63349 Disposition Date Status Summary JUdgment Defendant 111112002 Closed 4,987.00 Settled 10/1012002 Closed 4123/2001 0.00 Settled 612612001 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/512001 500.00 Settled 111912001 Closed Abdullah, Mlubakr v. DC 02·1642 HHK Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 911112002 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 11212008 Closed 10802 Adrian Wiliams - EI v DC, 00-3612 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 6/1012002 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 6NOflO02 Closed 82422 Agbebakun. Joshua F. v. DC, 02-8289 Employment Complaint 10/412002 - Civil Rights 25,000.00 Settled 3/512004 Closed 127684 Ali, Abdus-Shahid M.S. v. DC, 04-6800.. Inmate alleges loss of legal files and books in transfer. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 9/1512004 3,700.00 Settfed 711312006 Closed 2054 Andre Richardson v. District of Columbia 01-7044 Prisoner Complaint Common law 41612002 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 61312004 Closed 4861 Andregua Pearson v DC, 01-5296 Prisoner Complaint Common law 7119/2001 17,500.00 SetUed 913012002 Closed 131242 Angel Gainza v DC, 92-5418 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 11/1512004 0.00 Judgment for 121812006 Closed 112512008 5:33:53 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 1 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1 It 12000 to 1125120081 Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Defendant 4463 Arnold Jefferson v DC, 01-11 09 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311912001 3,000.00 Settled 41912002 aased 4151 Arrington, Derrek, E. v DC, 00-2463 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 11212001 6,500.00 Settled 1113f2003 aased 88815 Ashford, Edward D. v. DC, 02-1955 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1/15/2003 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 912612006 Closed 3868 AlKINS, KEVIN Habeas Corpus 11n12000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 41512001 Closed 9930 Barbara v DC, Case No. 01-5153 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51812002 2.500.00 SetUed 913012002 Closed 97937 Battle, Kennison and AAderson-bey, Kenneth v.DC Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 61312003 48,700.00 Settled 811212004 Open Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 61312003 48,700.00 Settled 8112flOO4 Open Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 61312003 48,700.00 Settled 8112flOO4 Open 00-2000; 99-1788 126307 Baugham, Steven L. v. DC, 04-5920. Inmate injned by hot contents of transportation food cart Negligence Miscellaneous PI 812312004 2,000.00 Settled 1114QOO5 Cased 116437 Bell, Jesse l. v. DC, 04-1774 Inmate on inmate assaute at DC Jail. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311812004 15,000.00 Settled 10114f2oo5 Cased 00-2000; 99-1788 97937 Battle, Kennison and AAderson-bey, Kenneth v.DC 00-2000; 99-1788 97937 Battle, Kennison and AAderson-bey, Kenneth v.DC 1125120085:33:58 PM Page: 2 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008 J. Disposition Date Stams Dismissed 7119f2oo1 Closed 35,000.00 Set1led 6fJOf2oo3 Open 511012002 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1012812002 Closed 1011412003 16,895.00 Settled 1011412003 Closed Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 511712005 12,000.00 SetUed 911412006 Closed Disaimination 512312002 0.00 818f2oo2 Open 212212007 Closed Matter ID Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4492 BENNETT, DONNELL v. DC 01-4761 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3127/2001 0.00 100114 Bessye Neal v. DOC 93-2420 Employment Complaint 7n12003 - Civil Rights 10044 Bownan, Neil v. District of Columbia 01-2037 Prisoner Complaint Common law 106501 Branch, David A v. DC, 02-0033 142346 Brisbon, Ronald v. DC, 05-3705. Inmate on inmate assault Negligent care in treatment 10446 Britton, Patrida B. v. DC, 02-0640 Tennination on the basis of sex in connection strip search. Disposition Outcome wth 152915 Bryant Yvette v. DC, 05-2089 - Personal Representative to the Estate of Mid1ael Farrar Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1012812005 0.00 10433 Bynum. Marcus v. DC, 02-0956. Class action. Over-detertion of pre-trial detainees and post conviction prisoners in violation of 1983 Statutory Civil Rights Tort 512312002 12,000,000.00 Set1led 21212006 Open 63515 Byrd, Ivthur v. DC. 02-1738(JR) 911312002 500.00 Settled 112812003 Oosed 134145 Byrd, Vema v. D.C., 04-2231. Alleged sex harassment Employment Complaint 111312005 - Civil Rights 25,000.00 Settled 411812006 Oosed 100582 Caldwell, Lawence v. DC 03-1464 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 711412003 22,500.00 Settled 811812005 Closed 5008 Caldwell, Lawence v. washington 01-1989 Med Mal Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1011412001 55,000.00 Settled 613012003 Closed 112512008 5:34:03 PM Set1led Page: 3 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (11112000 to 112512008 J Disposition Date Status SetUed 91612002 Oosed 50,000.00 Settled 812312004 Oosed 4/412001 2,043.17 Settled 912412003 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61812001 22,500.00 Settled 11812003 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 112812004 10,000.00 Settled 3/112005 Oosed Statutory Civil Rights Tort 411712003 31,000.00 Settled 4/1712003 Oosed Cofield, Timothy v. DC, 03-2688 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 511212003 23,000.00 Settled 912112004 Closed 4781 Cornell W. Barber v DC, 00-5153 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 81612001 2,500.00 Settled 8/1612002 Closed 40010 Crawford-EI, Leonard Rollon 7111/2002 Prisoner Complaint Common Law Freedom of Information Act Request 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 101412002 Closed 4536 CROSBY-BEY. MELVIN (SCOO-1941) Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411212001 3,500.00 Settled 7f712003 Oosed 5173 Cunningham, Warren Prisoner Complaint Common Law 31712002 6,000.00 Settled 612712002 Closed 4077 CURRIE, STANLEY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1113012000 6,000.00 Settled 1012512002 Oosed Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4466 Carson, J v DC, 01-1448 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3/2012001 5,000.00 3392 CARTER-EL, GEORGE E. 98-2645 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 5/512000 4503 CARTER-EL, GEORGE E Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4711 Chance, L v DC, 01-4053 112911 Chesley, AJoyouis v. DC, 04-0265 04-0276 94615 Clark, Teressa 96437 1125120085:34:08 PM v. DC, 01-1553 v. DC, 02-5363 Disposition Outcome Page: 4 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) MaUerID Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 207348 Davis, La'Mence, Jr. v. DC, 07-200 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 7/2712007 3,000.00 4984 Douglas, Henrietta 01 -1878 Statutory Civil Rights Tort Employee Misconduct 912512001 163614 Durham. Jennifer A v. DC, 06-0349. Survival Act daim. Death of Thomas Jones Jr. at DC Jail. Alleged failure to provide adequate medical care and assault of inmate over ao'Mfing. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 208584 Eastridge. Joseph Wayne, et al 07-5408 4778 Disposition Date Status Settled 11/Sf1.007 Closed 150,000.00 Judgment for Plaintiff SI6f1.003 Closed 212712006 175,000.00 Settled 1118f1.007 Closed Miscellaneous Cause of Action 811312007 0.00 JUdgment for Defendant 1flf1.008 Closed Estate of Elijah Steptoe v DC, 01-5282 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 81612001 90,000.00 Settled 7116f1.003 Closed 4426 Evans, Eric v. DC, 01-884 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 311612001 400.00 Settled 3110flOO4 Closed 103756 Fearwetl, Steven L. v. DC, 03-11958. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 9/312003 0.00 Dismissed 1110flOOS Closed 174565 Fraternal Order of PolicelDHS Labor Committee (McCloud)v. DC, 06-3914. Application to Confirm and Enforce Arbitration Award. Personnel 512212006 16,315.00 Settled 10f2S12007 Closed 4826 Freddy Arfis-Bey v DC, 01-4840 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 712312001 15,000.00 Setded 6fJOflOO6 Closed 102643 Freeman, Dwayne v. DC, 03-1516 (plaintiff daims excessive force used by police officer) Police False Arrest-Assault Civil Right 811512003 22,500.00 Settled 6123flOOS Closed Prisoner Complaint 1011812004 2f1.7flOO7 Closed 129633 1125120085:34:13 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 5 0 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (11112000 to 112512008) Matter Description Matter Category Gabriel, Vernal v. DC 04-7804. Inmate injJred after falling from the top bunk Common law 3796 Gant v DC, 00-4946 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4244 Garner, J., v DC, 00-8658 92903 Matter 10 Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 5,500.00 Settled 812812000 2,500.00 Settled 3121/2003 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112512001 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 9/1212002 Oased Gibson, Lisa v. D.C., 03-1803 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312412003 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 51612004 Oased 163442 Givens, Melvin v. DC, 06-1324. Inmate on inmate assault Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212312006 11,000.00 Settled 21112007 Oased 110206 Green, Delory v. DC, 03-9733 Prisoner Complaint Common law 12/1212003 50,000.00 Settled 121912004 Oosed 40108 Hannon, Francis v. DC. 02-1600 (JOB) Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 711612002 2,500.00 Settled 121812003 Oased 10276 Harris, Joseph v DC, 02-0088 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 512012002 3,000.00 Settled 9fJl2003 Oosed 44591 Harvin, AngeialBennett, Joseph v.DC 02-0729 Statutory Civil Rights Tort 811412002 150,000.00 Settled 912612003 Oased 110177 Hatch, Donald. v DC, 93-10430 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1211212003 15,000.00 Settled 912812006 Oosed 88534 Hayes & Poindexter (SC 02-10503) Prisoner Complaint Common Law 119f2003 9,500.00 Settled 2111f2oo4 Oosed 114336 Heard, Joseph Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 2f2012004 1,100,000.00 Settled 8123f2oo5 Oosed 1125120085:34:17 PM v. DC 02-296 or 02-0296 Page: 6 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1 It 12000 to 112512008) Disposition Date Status Setded 111712003 Closed 5,000.00 Settled 1012412003 Closed 612912005 15,000.00 SetUed 311612006 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1112412000 10,000.00 Settled 7fTf1.oo3 Closed Hines, Anthony v. DC, 05-2187. Negligence. alleged con stitutional violations, and failure to administer medication. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1011312005 1.500.00 Settled 412f1.007 Closed 122692 Hinnant Michael J. v. DC, 04-4469, Failure to provide timely medical care and failure to receive bottom bunk Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612512004 2,500.00 Settled 1012112005 Closed 4809 Holland, Rodney Prisoner Complaint Common Law 811412001 6,500.00 Settled 1012512002 Closed 5219 Howard, James V. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212012002 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 512212002 Closed 90605 Howard, Rashann v. DC, 03-0825 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212112003 15,000.00 Settled 512812003 Closed 3374 Hunter, Kenneth v DC, 00-2060 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 5/112000 5,000.00 Settled 1/412002 Closed 129635 Hunter, MarQJs v. Corrections Corporation of America Negligence Miscellaneous PI 1011812004 8/28/2006 Closed MaUsrlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 102108 Henderson, Rickie v. Wiliams, et al.• 03-6112 Plaintiff slipped in the shower at DC Jail Prisoner Complaint Common Law 8/612003 1,300.00 3304 HILL, GEORGE 00·2072 Prisoner Complaint Common law 411 012000 145097 Hill, George v. D.C. 05-4042b. False imprisonment Untimely parole revocation hearing. Prisoner Complaint Common law 4061 Plaintiff. HILL, GEORGE V~N 151812 04-2791. 04-788 1125120085:34:21 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 7 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1 It 12000 to 112512008 J Matter 10 Matter Category Matter Description Open Date DC not yet a party to 04-2191. CCA is giving DC notice pursuant to DC Code 12~309 of its intent to file a daim in connection 'Nith the undertying sexual assault by Marcus Hunter. Disposition Value Disposition Outcome 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant Disposition Status Date 176492 Jacobs. Freddie v. DC, 06-4578. Inmate on inmate attack. Alleged negligent supervision. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 6/1612006 11,000.00 SetUed 3119Q007 Closed 123742 Jefferson, Arnold A v. DC, 04-0282, inmate allegedly beaten at D. C. Jail Prisoner Complaint Civil Righ ts 1/1412004 6,500.00 Setded 811Q005 Closed 3913 Jenkins, Jr., C. v DC, Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/512000 0.00 SetUed 513012001 Closed 115890 Johnson, Walter v. DC, 04·1679 Constitutional Claims 311012004 12,000.00 Settled 815'2004 Closed 3939 JONES, ANGELA 00-2140 Employment 10/1912000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 9/29Q004 Open 39851 Jones, Theodore v DC, 01-8787 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 71312002 12,500.00 SetUed 611212003 Closed 103240 Jordan, Jeffrey T. v. DC, 03·1415 inmate on inmate assault Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 812612003 500.00 SetUed 1111912003 Closed 4858 Karl Carrington v DC, 01-51 43 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 7/1712001 9,000.00 Setded 6110flOO2 Closed 189471 Kee, Michael v. DC, 06-8249. Alleged over detention. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1112112006 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 212612007 Closed 112512008 5:34:25 PM OO~464 Page: 8 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 111511008) Matter 10 MaUer Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 191067 Kee, Michael v. District of Columbia 06-7974. Alleged overdetention. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1211512006 0.00 167193 lane. IVIdre v. DC. 06-2319. Inmate on inmate assault at D.C. Jail. Alleged negligence in supervision, control of con1raband, and training. Prisoner Complaint Common law 313112006 4241 larry Convington v DC. 00-8211 Prisoner Complaint Common law 94164 law Offices of Rich Greenberg Rosenthal (George Carter-EI) v, DC, 02-741 9828 Law-ence Caldwell v. Green., 02-446 Tuna case 123131 Disposition Date Status Summary Judgment Defendant 112212007 Closed 0.00 Settled 8fJflOO7 Closed 112312001 192,500.00 Settled 9f30fl002 Closed 411 012003 7,319.67 Settled 41712003 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51612002 0.00 Settled 3fJ12003 Closed Law-ence, Naval v. DC, 03-2557. Inmate assaulted by officer at the jail. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 71212004 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 412112006 Closed 129640 Lee, Da..nd v. D.C. 04-7523. Inmate on inmate assault Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1011812004 12,500.00 Settled 61312005 Closed 3627 LESESNE, JOHN B. 00-356 Prisoner Complaint Common law 911912000 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 121212004 Closed 2770 Lester, Jeremiah, 99-5676 multiple stabbing at lorton Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1011311999 6.000.00 Settled 21912003 Closed 2229 Levi, Bernard S. v. District of Columbia, et at - CA Freedom of Information 411712002 Act Request 61112004 Closed 93-3246, 96-2198, 03-1060 1125120085:34:29 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 9 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 1125J2008J Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Dept of Corrections FOIA matter, 03-CV-1 060 . Disposition Value Disposition Outcome 2,700.00 Settled Disposition Date Status 91929 Levi, Bernard S. v DC, 93-3246 Negligence Miscellaneous PI 311012003 2,700.00 Settled 6/112004 Closed 1958 Linwood Orlando Barnes, et at. - 02-485 - Police shooting, Y60ngful death, negligent hiring and training. Police False Arrest-Assault Civil Right 41212002 500,000.00 Set1led 1/1412004 Closed 132583 Makins, Brenda v. DC 98-2693 Employment Complaint 1211012004 - Civil Rights 0.00 Settled 2{712007 Closed 106976 Marbury, Shelton v DC., et at, 01-1109 1012212003 3,000.00 Settled 51312004 Closed 104164 McCloud, June v. DC. 03-1777 AJleged W'ongful death resulting from failure to provide emergency medical care. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 911012003 5,000.00 Settled 6/1012005 Oosed 148559 McManus, Edna v. DC, 05-1621. AJleged Y80ngful termination and ADA violation. Employment Complaint 812512005 - Civil Rights 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 31612007 Oosed 163439 Mercer, Wlliam D. v. DC, 06-0900. Negligent assignement to top bunk v.tlich allegedly proximately caused inmate plaintiff to fall. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212312006 1,000.00 Settled 9/1812007 Oosed 122155 Milliken, Sean & Hannon, Francis v. DC. 04-3152assault by corrections officer and conspiracy Prisoner Complaint Common Law 611712004 0.00 Settled 912212004 Oosed 4587 Minnis, C., v DC, Case No. 01-3271 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51812001 25,000.00 Settled 312512002 Oosed Prisoner Complaint 312112000 11nl2OO0 Oosed 3273 112512008 5:34:33 PM Page: 10 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1 It 12000 to 112512008) Matter Description Matter Category Mitchell, Wallace G. 00-916 Civil Rights 108500 Mitchell, wallace v. DC, 03-8808 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 131037 Moctar, Grant v. DC, 04-1907. General conditions of confinement and placement on suicide watch. 98524 MatterlD Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1111312003 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1113012004 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1111 012004 80,000.00 Settled 711812006 Oosed Moore, James v. DC, 03-4627 Prisoner Complaint Ci vii Rights 611212003 15,000.00 Settled 611512004 Closed 114293 Moore, James v. DC, 04-0198 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 212012004 15,000.00 Settled 311112005 Closed 39372 Moore-bey, James K. v. DC Dept of Corrections, 02-9356 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 611712002 100.00 Settled 91512003 Closed 10443 Mosby, Deloise v. DC, 02-0936 Inpry from tour of DC Jail. Phillip Mosby was not strip searched but complains of the general conditions and allegedly watching inmates masturbate StatlJtory Civil Rights Tort 512312002 24,000.00 Settled 1211212002 Closed 3853 MUNSON, LAV\RENCE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111212000 0.00 Settled 611012002 Closed 85354 North, Robert M. v. DC, 02-1835 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1111312002 8,500.00 Settled 1112412003 Closed 63706 Nowin, Charles v. DC, 02-7903 Police Misconduct 911712002 6,500.00 Setded 1013112003 Closed 83288 Pair, Robert v. DC, 02-1607 Employment 1011712002 500.00 SetUed 1f2812oo3 Closed 88345 Palmer, W v. Washington, et al.. 02-2529 Employment 1n12003 30,000.00 Settled 3/1712004 Closed 1125f2008 5:34:38 PM Page: 11 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1 12512008 J MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 63181 Parson, Michael v. DC, 02-6946 Negligence Miscellaneous PI Constitutional Claims Prisoner Complaint Common Law 91912002 350.00 4986 PAYNE, TYRONE ET AL01-1645 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 9/1 012001 151807 Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of Ivn. v. DC, No. 05-2015 (RJL). Challenge to Presaiption Drug Excessive Pricing Act of 2005 as unconstitutional. 121459 Phillips, Alonzo v DC, 04-0858 121100 Disposition Date Status Setlled 3/11flO03 Oosed 9,500.00 Setlled 612312004 Oosed 10/13/2005 0.00 Summary Judgment Plaintiff 1212212005 Closed Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 61312004 15,000.00 SetUed 11/112005 Closed Pindle, Davant v. DC , 04-3148, DOC allegedly lost medication. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 512812004 3,500.00 Setlled 611612005 Oased 10453 Pindle, DaVant v. DC, 01-1.101 Inmate allegedly cut his tounge from glass in his food. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 512312002 1,000.00 Settied 511412003 Closed 4788 Plaintiff. Abdur-Rahim, Na'il Prisoner Complaint Common Law 81912001 1,000.00 SetUed 7fJOJ2002 Oased 4573 Plaintiff. ftBOUSSM1,ADI, YN-tYA Habeas Corpus 51712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 2n12oo2 Cased 4372 Plaintiff. ALEXANDER, ERIC 00-831 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212712001 17,500.00 SetUed 6112f2002 Oosed 4873 Plaintiff. Alexander, Eric 01-1809 Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8/1/2001 Oosed 1125120085:34:42 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 12 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Date Status 4865 Plaintiff. Allen, Ingrid Medical Malpractice 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 813112001 aosed 4816 Plaintiff: ALLEN, KARlEN Habeas Corpus 71612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 712712001 Oosed 4845 Plaintiff. ANDERSON, CLAYVON Habeas Corpu s 711212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711812001 Closed 5254 Plaintiff: Anderson, \Mil Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311212002 50.64 Settled 6fJ12oo2 Oosed 4803 Plaintiff. Artis-Bey, Freddie Habeas Corpus 8/1012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 51612002 Oosed 2981 Plaintiff. A\lERY, ANTONIO Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/412000 5,000.00 Settled 1011612000 aosed 3617 Plaintiff: BAILEY, FREDDIE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 81212000 12,000.00 SetUed 4112!2oo1 Oosed 3408 Plaintiff. BAKER, MICHAEL E. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 511012000 500.00 Settled 121512002 Oosed 3212 Plaintiff. BAl-DWN, KEVIN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3n12000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 612712000 Closed 2695 Plaintiff. BANKS, RODNEY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812812000 45,000.00 Settled 1111312001 Oosed 3631 Plaintiff. BARBER, CORNELL Habeas Corpus 711112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1113012001 Closed 112512008 5:34:46 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 13 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (11112000 to 112512008) MatterlD MaUer Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3587 Plaintiff: BARBER, CORNELL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612312000 12,500.00 4336 Plaintiff: BARBER, CORNELL W. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211612001 3223 Plaintiff. BARR, MALCOLM A Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4229 Plaintiff. BARTON, ROBERT 3280 Disposition Date Status Settled 811612002 Closed 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 31112001 Closed 3nf2000 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 91812000 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112212001 17.500.00 Settled 513012002 Closed Plaintiff. BA5SIL-EL, CARLTON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312212000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 212312001 Closed 3163 Plaintiff: BECKHAM,MICHAEL Habeas Corpus 212812000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711512000 Closed 4210 Plaintiff: BEDNEY. JM1ES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111812001 0.00 Settled 611312001 Closed 2797 Plaintiff: BEGO, CATHERINE BODDIE Employment 1012611999 131,400.00 Settled 8/412000 Closed 2964 Plaintiff: BeU. Antonio Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11312000 1,500.00 Settled 411312001 Closed 4123 Plaintiff. BERNARD, EUDON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/612000 20,000.00 Settled 713112003 Closed 2800 Plaintiff. BEST, TONY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012611999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 813012001 Closed 112512008 5:34:49 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 14 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008 J Disposition Date Status Settled 411512002 Oased 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 212012001 Oased 711212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 712012001 Oased Habeas Corpus 711612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 51612002 Oased Plaintiff. BOLING-BEY, OLIVER Prisoner Complaint Common Law 31712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 511512001 Oased 4644 Plaintiff. BOUKNIGHT, REeco Habeas Corpus 512212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 81312001 Oased 2886 Plaintiff. BOV\MAN, SHAV\N LM1M Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1113011999 3,000.00 Settled 311012000 Cased 4795 Plain6ff. Boyd, David Prisoner Complaint Common Law 81212001 7,000.00 Settled 4122(2002 Oased 2922 Plaintiff. BREV\.,ER, ROBERT Habeas Corpu s 1211411999 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 512112001 Oased 3524 Plaintiff. BREV\ER, ROBERT L. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61212000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 212812001 Oased MaUerID Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 2764 Plaintiff. BLANGO. JAMES RAY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/611999 4,000.00 2859 Plaintiff. BLISS. PETER C. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111811999 4840 Plaintiff. BLISS, PETER C. Habeas Corpus 4852 Plaintiff. BOIUNG-BEY. OLIVER 4397 1125120085:34:53 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 15 CLD ProJaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1125J200B 1 MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Status Date 3829 Plaintiff: BRINKLEY, JEFFREY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 813112000 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 712412001 Oosed 2861 Plaintiff: BRISBANE, GEORGE"H. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1111 011999 5.000.00 Settled sn412001 Oosed 2818 Plaintiff: BRISBANE, GEORGE H. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012711999 250.00 Settled 412012001 Oosed 4641 Plaintiff. BROOKS, TERRANCE Habeas Corpus 512212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 61112001 Closed 4837 Plaintiff. BROV\rN, JAMES L.. JR. Habeas Corpus 7/1112001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 311912002 Closed 3175 Plaintiff. BRO\MI.I, JOHNNIE K. Habeas Corpus 311412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 111912001 Oosed 3859 Plaintiff. BROV\N, PROPETESS 00-7278 Medical Malpractice 111312000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 411112002 Closed 4574 Plainfiff: BRO\MI.I, WLBERTE. Habeas Corpus 5(712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 12fJ12001 Oosed 3193 Plaintiff: BUFORD, QUINCY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311512000 20,000.00 Settled 3n612001 Closed 2651 Plaintiff: Bunting, Alicia, et AI. 01·2484 Statutory Civil Rights Tort 1212712001 118,081.00 Set1led 1011712002 Oosed 3364 Plaintiff. BURNER, TROY Habeas Corpus 412712000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 712412000 Oosed 1125120085:34:58 PM Page: 16 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1 12512008} Disposition Date Status Settled 1011712001 Oosed 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 712312001 Oosecl 512212000 200.00 Judgment for Defendant 101312003 aased Habeas Corpus 1111612000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 5/412001 Closed Plaintiff. BYRD, ANDRE LEON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011411999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 6126f2oo2 Oosed 4686 Plaintiff. CAMPBELL, PAUL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61112001 0.00 Settled 61112001 aosed 4673 Plaintiff. CARLTON, LURIE Habeas Corpus 61112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1211412001 Oosed 4581 Plaintiff: Carter, Darnell Prisoner Complaint Common law SnJ2001 600.00 Settled 511512002 Closed 4230 Plaintiff. CARlER, JOSEPH W. Prisoner Complaint Common law 112212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 211912002 Cosed 4872 Plaintiff. Cavins, Anthony Eden Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 81112001 Closed Prisoner Complaint 112212001 511812001 Oosed MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 2713 Plaintiff: BURNEY, JOHN F. Negligence Miscellaneous PI 21812001 3.000.00 4647 Plaintiff: BUTlER, KEVIN Habeas Corpus 512212001 3473 Plaintiff: BUTlER, KEVIN T. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4053 Plaintiff. BYARS, EUGENE 2781 4223 1125120085:35:02 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 17 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) Matter Description Matter Category Plaintiff: CHANDLER, JOHNNY R.. SR. 00-8660 Common Law 3436 Plaintiff. CHANDLER. JOHNNY RAY 00·1243 Habeas Corpus 3161 Plaintiff: Chappelle, Andre 3002 Matter 10 Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 611212000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 71212001 Oased Habeas Corpus 212812000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 3fl5J2000 Oosed Plainfiff: CHAPPELLE, ANDRE Habeas Corpus 111 012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 212012000 Cosed 4148 Plaintiff. CHARLES, ET PL. JOHN 0 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 121212002 Cosed 2721 Plaintiff: CHASE, 'NYDELL Habeas Corpus 312212000 0.00 Summary JUdgment· Defendant 5f20f2oo0 Oosed 4700 Plaintiff: CHASE, WYDELL Habeas Corpus 61812001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 31212001 Oosed 4288 Plaintiff. CHASE. WYDELL Habeas Corpus 21812001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 312/2001 Oased 4203 Plaintiff: CHASE. WYDEll 00·20493 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111812001 250.00 Setded 2f27J2001 Oosed 4715 Plaintiff. CHEW, DONALD Prisoner Complaint Common law 611312001 8,000.00 Setded 9fl 112001 Oosed 3495 Plaintiff. Clayborne, James Habeas Corpus 513112000 0.00 Summary 6fl312000 Cosed 1125120085:35:06 PM Page: 18 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (1/1/2000 to 1/25/1008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value DlsposUion Outcome Disposition Date Status Judgment Defendant 4838 Plaintiff: COLEMAN, MAURICE A Habeas Corpus 711212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711812001 Closed 4520 Plaintiff. COLEMAN, WLLlE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 121412001 aased 2799 Plaintiff. COLEMAN, \MLUE Prisoner Complaint Common law 1012611999 3,000.00 SetUed 1211812000 Oased 4586 Plaintiff. COLEMAN-BEY,DONALO Prisoner Complaint Common law 5n12001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1011012001 aosed 3312 Plaintiff. COLES, AVERil Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411112000 13,500.00 Setued 41612001 Oased 4553 Plaintiff. COLLIER, ANTHONY J. Prisoner Complaint Common law 412312001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10fJI2OO1 Oosed 4521 Plaintiff. COVINGTON, DAVID Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4/1112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 5f2J2002 Oased 2901 Plaintiff. CRI\NGLE, J.K. Prisoner Complaint Common law 121811999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1011712001 Oosed 4960 Plaintiff. Crawford, Curtis 01-2194 Habeas Corpus 9/1012001 0.00 Summary Judgment - 1111412001 Oosed 1125120085:35:10 PM Page: 19 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Cate Status Defendant 4728 Plaintiff. CRAV\,f=ORD, CURTIS E. 01-1491 Habeas Corpu s 612112001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 81212001 Oosed 4855 Plaintiff. CROSBY, LARRYN. Habeas Corpus 711712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8fJ112oo1 Oosed 3269 Plaintiff. CROSBY-BEY, MELVIN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 11512001 Oosed 3794 Plaintiff. CROSBY-BEY, MELVIN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812812000 3,200.00 Settled 411912001 Oosed 3130 Plaintiff: DARGIN, DEMERRIUS Habeas Corpus 211812000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 5fJl2000 Oosed 4495 Plaintiff. DARRELL, JOHN S. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312712001 5,000.00 Settled 611412002 Oosed 2704 Plaintiff. DAVIS, JAMES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112112000 3,000.00 Settled 211512000 Cosed 4371 Plaintiff: DAVIS, KEVIN Z Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 111112001 Oosed 3057 Plaintiff. DAVIS, MICHAEL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 21112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 316flOOO Oosed 3291 Plaintiff. DENNIS, GREGORY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312912000 0.00 Summary 31512002 Oosed 112512008 5: 35:14 PM Page: 20 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome DisposJtion Date Status Judgment Defendant 2986 Plaintiff. DEWS, FERDINAAD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 4N312001 Closed 2779 Plaintiff. DONELSON, llMOTIiYL. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011311999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 612612001 Closed 2776 Plaintiff. DO'YlE, DAVID Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011311999 1,500.00 Settled 11f2212000 Closed 4716 Plaintiff: DRAME, ,ABRAHAM Negligence Miscellaneous PI 611312001 75,000.00 Settled 10~12002 Closed 2892 Plaintiff: DUCKETT, PHILLIP Prisoner Complaint Common Law 121311999 30.00 Settled 512112001 Closed 4668 PlainUff: DUNCAA, LARON, ET. AI... Habeas Corpus 513012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7/18QOO1 Closed 3904 Plaintiff. DYSON, AI... VlN l. v DC, 00-1364 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 101312000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 61812001 Closed 2855 Plaintiff: EASLEY, VINCENT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111811999 4,000.00 Settled 4/1912001 Closed 4491 Plaintiff. EBRON, RICARDO CARLTON Habeas Corpus 312712001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 51612002 Closed 2698 Plaintiff. ELLENTUCK, ROBERT, ET. AI.... Contract 312812001 50,000.00 Settled 11141.2002 Closed 112512008 5:35:18 PM Page: 21 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008) Disposition Date Status Summary Judgment Defendant 51312002 Closed 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 912612000 Closed 911912000 150.00 Settled 211512002 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 813112000 0.00 JUdgmen t for Defendant 812812001 Closed Plaintiff. Evans. Eric v. DC, 02-7721 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 9/1712002 250.00 SetUed 312812003 Closed 4346 Plaintiff EVERETT, LARRYD. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211612001 0.00 Judgment for Plaintiff 711912001 Closed 4886 Plaintiff: Everett. Larry Darnell Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1212112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 312712002 Closed 2682 Plaintiff. FARUG, ROBERT J. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11/511999 9,000.00 SetUed 111112001 Closed 2678 Plaintiff. FERGUSON, ANDREW Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112512001 10,000.00 SettJed 1fl 012001 Closed 4735 Plaintiff. FIGUEROA, MARIA, ET. ft.L. 01-4313 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612212001 22,500.00 Settled 11612004 Closed 3990 Plaintiff: FISHER, MARK Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1211912000 0.00 Summary Judgment - 51112002 Closed MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3073 Plaintiff. EPPS, LARRYD. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211012000 0.00 3591 Plaintiff. ESSEX JESSE Habeas Corpus 71612000 3849 Plaintiff. EVANS, ERIC Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3827 Plaintiff. EVANS, ERIC 63699 112512008 5: 35: 22 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 22 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Defendant 3056 Plaintiff: FISHER, RICHARD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 21112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 3/1512000 Oosed 4114 Plaintiff. FISHER, RICHARD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/612000 1,000.00 SeUfed 21812001 Closed 3472 Plaintiff. FITZGERALD, MARVIN L. Habeas Corpus 512212000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7/14f2000 Cosed 3135 Plaintiff: FlOv\£RS, HAlIM Habeas Corpus 211812000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7/16f.2001 Closed 3785 Plaintiff: FLOYD, BENNIE Habeas Corpus 812512000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 112612001 Oosed 5039 Plaintiff. Floyd, James F. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011712001 0.00 Setled 12/5f.2001 Oosed 3793 Plaintiff. FORD, ERNEST Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812812000 0.00 Setled 11 f.28J2OO1 Oosed 4874 Plaintiff: Ford, Rickey O'Neil Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7130/2001 Closed 4479 Plaintiff: FREEMAN, JOSEPH Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 81212001 Oosed 4513 Plaintiff: GABRIEL, KEirn Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4/412001 0.00 Summary 7117f2002 Oosed 1125120085:35:27 PM Page: 23 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (1/112000 to 1/1512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Judgment Defendant 5163 Plaintiff. Gales, David III Habeas Corpus 112812002 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 211512002 Closed 5109 Plaintiff. GARN ER, JOH N 01-231 0 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1211212001 8,000.00 Settled 1012412003 Closed 3624 Plaintiff. GARRISON, REGINALD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 9/1812000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 11512001 Closed 3628 Plaintiff: GIBSON, DOMINIC Habeas Corpus 911912000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 113112001 Closed 3512 Plaintiff: GIBSON, DONALD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61112000 6,000.00 Settled 113012001 Closed 4295 Plaintiff: GLASCOE, ERIC Habeas Corpus 2/812001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 51612002 Closed 2657 Plaintiff: GLENN, MITCHELL 00-6650 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/11/2000 20,000.00 Settled 21212001 Closed 5037 Plaintiff: Glover, Keith M. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/1712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1111512001 Closed 3140 Plaintiff. GOODWIN, DAMION Habeas Corpus 2/1812000 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 411412000 Closed 3986 Plaintiff: GOODWIN, PAUL A Habeas Corpus 1111312000 0.00 Summary 11/1912001 Closed 112512008 5: 35: 31 PM Page: 24 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Judgment Defendant 4368 Plaintiff. GRANT, ELMER Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212712001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 101112001 Closed 4410 Plaintiff. GREEN, DAVID NAlHANIEL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311212001 0.00 SetUed 911012002 Cosed 3112 Plaintiff: GREEN, RICK Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112712000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 211812000 Cosed 3014 Plaintiff GREENFIELD, TIRONE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/1412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711412000 Oosed 3640 Plainfiff. GREEN\AOOD, TERENCE O. v DC, 98-6923 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 711212000 50.00 Settled 612812001 Cosed 4038 Plaintiff. HAFIZ. MUHAMMPD A Habeas Corpus 1111512000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 11912001 Cosed 2683 Plaintiff: HAIDER, MAHMOOD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11212001 417,000.00 Settted 1/11 fl002 Oased 3612 Plaintiff. HAllH, MONROE Habeas Corpus 8/112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1122f2002 Oosed 3267 Plaintiff. HAMILTON, STEVEN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312012000 15,000.00 Settled 311612001 Cosed 5013 Plaintiff: Hannon, Francis Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011512001 0.00 Summary 1111412001 Cosed 1125120085:35:35 PM Page: 25 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008 J. Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Judgment Defendant 3923 Plaintiff. HANNON, FRANCIS Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011112000 750.00 Settled 5/17f2001 Oosed 5048 Plaintiff. Harrington, Bobby 01-1406 StabJtory Civil Rights Tort 10/2612001 160,000.00 SetUed 2119f2003 Oased 4121 Plaintiff. HARRINGTON, EDWARD J. Prisoner Complaint Common law 12/612000 125,000.00 SetUed 1011612001 Closed 2802 Plaintiff. HARRINGTON, THEODORE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012611999 1,500.00 Settled 612612000 Closed 4542 Plaintiff. HARRIS-El. KENNETH D. Habeas Corpus 4/1712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 911012001 Closed 3963 Plaintiff: HARRISON, O'MAR Habeas Corpus 10/24/2000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 113112001 Oosed 4476 Plaintiff. HARRISON. QUINTON WAYNE Habeas Corpus 312112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 51612002 Closed 3797 Plaintiff. HA'M<INS, EDWARD M. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812812000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 11fJI2000 Oosed 4842 Plaintiff: HA'Jlvt<INS, EDWARD M. Habeas Corpus 711212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711612001 Closed 2923 Plaintiff: HAW<INS, SHA~ Prisoner Complaint Common law 1211411999 26,500.00 Settfed 91812000 Closed 112512008 5: 35: 39 PM Page: 26 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008 J MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3442 Plaintiff: HAYES, ANTOINE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 511212000 0.00 3595 Plaintiff. HAYNES'AQRTH, TROYCE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 7/612000 4532 Plaintiff. HENRY, DOMINIC Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4533 Plaintiff HENRY, DOMINIC 4746 Disposition Date Status Summary Judgment Defendant 1112112000 Closed 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 312312001 Closed 411212001 0.00 Settled 212812002 aased Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411212001 0.00 Settled 212812002 aased Plaintiff. HENRY, EUGENE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612812001 800.00 Settled 41912002 Oosed 4066 Plaintiff. HILL, GEORGE VANN Prisoner Complaint Common law 1112712000 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 61812001 Cased 2840 Plaintiff. Hill, LEVETT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11/1/1999 7,500.00 Settled 1/1812001 Oased 4462 Plaintiff. HILL, ROOSEVELT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3/1912001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 6/112001 aosed 2796 Plaintiff. HILL, ROOSEVELT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/2611999 500.00 Settled 1112912000 Closed 4779 Plaintiff. Howard, Charles Habeas Corpus 8"12001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10/112001 Closed 4273 Plaintiff HOWE, GRADY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 2/512001 16,000.00 Setlled 711012001 Closed 112512008 5: 35: 43 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 27 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 /1,000 to 1J25/l00B) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4869 Plaintiff. Hulen, Ronald Christopher Habeas Corpus 7/2012001 0.00 3137 Plaintiff. HUNT, DARRELL Habeas Corpus 2/1812000 5026 Plaintiff: Hunt Darrell J., Sr. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 2865 Plaintiff. HUNTER, LEON 4679 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Summary JUdgment Defendant 7fJ012001 Closed 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 411412000 Oosed 1011712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 311112002 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common law 1111211999 87,500.00 Settled 121512000 Closed Plaintiff. IRVING, CLIFTON L. Prisoner Complaint Common law 61112001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 1215fl001 Oosed 3532 Plaintiff. JACKSON, JAMES Prisoner Complaint Common law 61212000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 12flOflOOO Closed 4599 Plaintiff. JACKSON, KEVIN Habeas Corpus 5/912001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 4/1612001 Closed 5042 Plaintiff: Jackson, Kevin Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 21112002 Closed 4453 Plaintiff: JACKSON, RICKEYR. Prisoner Complaint Common law 51212001 0.00 Settled 211912002 Closed 3517 Plaintiff. JACKSON, ROBERT L. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61112000 0.00 Summary 1011612000 Oosed 112512008 5: 35: 48 PM Page: 28 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (11112000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Slams Judgment Defendant 2929 Plaintiff: JACKSON, lRACY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/1411999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 412412001 Closed 3802 Plaintiff: JACKSON-BEY, lRACY Habeas Corpus 812912000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 912612000 Closed 3957 Plaintiff: JAMES. TYRONE R. Habeas Corpus 1012412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1J3112001 aased 3389 Plaintiff: JEFFERSON, ARNOLD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51512000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1112712000 Oosed 4931 Plaintiff: Jenifer, Neil Habeas Corpus 813012001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 12flO12001 Oosed 4406 Plaintiff: JENKINS, ANTONIO Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311212001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 1011912001 Cosed 4443 Plaintiff: Jenkins, Cliffton Jr. 01-905 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 51112001 500.00 Settled 11fl612003 Oosed 3748 Plaintiff. JENKINS, CLIFTON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812112000 0.00 Settled 5fl12001 aosed 3151 Plaintiff. Jenkins, Clifton. Jr. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212312000 0.00 Summary Judgment - 61812001 aased 1125fl008 5:35:52 PM Page: 29 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008 J. Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Defendant 2863 Plaintiff: JENNINGS. llMOTHY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11/1211999 7.000.00 Settled 4/2612001 Cfosed 3236 Plaintiff: JOHNSON, CLARENCE 00·518 Habeas Corpus 311312000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 91812000 Cfosed 2731 Plaintiff: JOHNSON. DAVID Prisoner Complaint Common Law 712612000 26,500.00 SetUed 112312002 Cfosed 3979 Plaintiff: JOHNSON. GERALD Habeas Corpus 1012612000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 212812001 Oosed 5060 Plaintiff. Johnson. Ivan L. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012612001 500.00 Settled 11812003 Cfosed 3820 Plaintiff. JOHNSON. JAMES Habeas Corpus 813112000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 81212001 Cfosed 4447 Plaintiff. JOHNSON, KENNElH Habeas Corpus 5/112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1112812001 Oosed 4980 Plaintiff. Johnson, Michael Prisoner Complaint Common Law 912612001 0.00 -.SeWed 2/1912002 Closed 3017 Plaintiff. JOHNSON, VV1LLlAM A Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 2/1512000 Oosed 4348 Plaintiff: JONES, DEMElRIOUS. SR. 01-18185 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211612001 5.000.00 JUdgment for Plaintiff 2/1612001 Oosed 1125120085:35:56 PM Page: 30 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date to 112512008 J. Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 3270 Plaintiff. JONES. DEaN Employment 312112000 315,000.00 Settled 2Q8Q002 Closed 4866 Plaintiff. Jones, Jr., Charles Edward Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7fJOflOO1 Closed 2747 Plaintiff. JONES. MICHAEL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012612000 7,500.00 Setded 8/28/2001 Oosed 5035 Plaintiff. Jones, Michael Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011712001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7J9QOO2 Closed 3192 Plaintiff. JONES, RICARDO Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311512000 25,000.00 Settled 10f4QOO1 Closed 4585 Plaintiff: JONES, RUDOLPH Prisoner Complaint Common Law 5n12001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7f18flO01 Closed 4693 Plaintiff. JORDAN,LARRY Habeas Corpus 61812001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711012001 Closed 3337 Plaintiff. JOYNER, ERNEST Prisoner Complaint Common law 412012000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 911812001 Oosed 3327 Plaintiff: JOYNER. ERNEST Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411712000 0.00 Summary Juc;fgment Defendant 9f18f2001 Closed 4747 Plaintiff: JO't'NER. ERNEST Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612812001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 6fl8flO01 Closed 112512008 5: 36:00 PM Page: 31 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3222 Plaintiff. JOYNER, YVONNE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3nf2000 0.00 Disposition Outcome Summary Judgment Defendant Disposition Date Status 511f2002 Oosed w 2729 Plaintiff. KARRIEM, ElIZHA Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411712000 19,500.00 Settled 512212001 Oosed 4182 Plaintiff. KELLER, lERRESA. ET AL Employment 11512001 350,000.00 Settled 1212112001 Oosed 4608 Plaintiff. KENNEDY, DOLORES YVONNE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 511 012001 3.000.00 Settled 511012001 Oosed 3991 Plaintiff. KING, EARL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1212112000 11,250.00 Settled 111012002 Oosed 3272 Plaintiff. KING, JEFFERY Habeas Corpus 3/2112000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 51912000 Oosed 3238 Plaintiff. KINNftRD, JAMES Habeas Corpus 311312000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 5fll2000 Oosed 2777 Plaintiff. KIRKLAND, JAMES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011311999 3,000.00 Settled 4/1412000 Cosed 2654 Plaintiff. KYLE, FREDERICK D. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 412712000 10,000.00 SetUed 5/112001 Oosed 3133 Plaintiff. KYLE, FREDERICK DOUGLAS Habeas Corpus 2/18/2000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 61512000 Oosed w 3889 Plaintiff. LAW, SUSAN C. Employment 912812000 7,500.00 Settled 811412001 Oosed 4825 Plaintiff. LAV\RENCE, ALLEN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 71612001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 1211112001 Oosed 112512008 5: 36:04 PM Page: 32 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1 12512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 2906 Plaintiff: LEBKE, \J\ERNER P. Employment 12/811999 80,000.00 Settled 911 812000 Closed 2700 Plaintiff: LEE, DOMINIQUE Prisoner Complaint Common law 3/1412001 0.00 Settled 811512001 Closed 4814 Plaintiff. LEE, DOMINIQUE Habeas Corpus 71612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7118f2oo1 Closed 5226 Plaintiff. Lee, John Jr. 01-1851 Auto Negligence 212512002 12.500.00 Settled 711812003 Closed 4133 Plaintiff. LEE, JOHN. JR. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1211512000 5,000.00 Settled 31112001 Closed 3230 Plaintiff. LESESNE, JOHN Habeas Corpus 3/1012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 41512000 Closed 4268 Plaintiff. LEWS. DONALD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 21212001 8,000.00 Settted 1J8QOO3 Closed 2706 Plaintiff: L1TllE, ALVlN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/14/1999 5,000.00 Settted 111612002 Closed 4721 Plaintiff. L1TllEJOHN. ROBERT Habeas Corpus 611812001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 612612001 Closed 2663 Plaintiff. Lozano, Nelson R. Miscellaneous Cause of Action 811412001 50.00 Settled 11312002 Closed 4367 Plaintiff. MACE, PHILLIP Prisoner Complaint Common Law 2127/2001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1013112001 Closed 3071 Plaintiff. MACK, VV1LLlAM Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 511812001 Closed 112512008 5:36:09 PM Page: 33 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date DisposItion Value 3336 Plaintiff. MADDOX, DEON M. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 412012000 0.00 2662 Plaintiff: MAREE.BEY lHOMAS Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/512001 2653 Plaintiff: MARllN, DAVID Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4415 Plaintiff. Martin, Jasper 02 3808 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Settied 812512002 Closed 0.00 Settled 101212001 Oosed 411712000 9,500.00 Settled 31112001 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311312001 0.00 SeWed 61112001 Oased Plaintiff. MARllN, MARCUS JEROME Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812912000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8130flOO1 Cased 4841 Plaintiff. MARllN, MARCUS JEROME Habeas Corpus 7/1212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7/1812001 Oosed 4844 Plaintiff. MARllN, MAURICE Habeas Corpus 711212001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 7/1 812001 Oosed 2927 Plaintiff. MASKE. JOE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12114/1999 0.00 SeWed 6/1512001 Oosed 2862 Plaintiff. MAlHIS. NAlH,4N Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1111211999 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 61812001 Closed 4312 Plaintiff: MCCAIN, EARNEST Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 9119t2001 Closed ·4120 Plaintiff: MCDUFFIE, SANDY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/612000 10,000.00 Settled 2/1312001 Closed 1125120085:36:14 PM Page: 34 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (11112000 to 1 12512008 J MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4972 Plaintiff: McMillan, Timothy Prisoner Complaint Common law 912512001 0.00 2921 Plaintiff: MCMILLIAN, l1MOlHY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/14/1999 2980 Plaintiff: MEDLAY, JAMES A Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4247 Plaintiff. MEEKS, DARNELL 2714 Disposition Date Staius Settled 71312002 Closed 21.500.00 SeWed 4f.2712001 Closed 1/412000 500.00 Settled 81312001 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112512001 4,000.00 Settled 8f.24flOO1 Closed Plaintiff. Melvin, Stacey Miscellaneous Cause of Action 813012001 7,000.00 Settled 1011 712001 Closed 2966 Plaintiff Miller, Rodney Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11312000 5,000.00 Settled 9/18fl001 Closed 5145 Plaintiff. Minor, Ch aries 01 -8962 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112212002 8.000.00 Settled 9flO12oo2 Closed 40332 Plaintiff. Minor, Michelle et at, v DC, 02-1225 Statutory Civil Rights Tort Employee Misconduct 711912002 150,000.00 Settled 912412003 Closed 2801 Plaintiff. MITCHELL, WALLACE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/26/1999 400.00 Setded 413f2001 Closed 2817 Plaintiff. MITCHELL, WALLACE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/27/1999 125.00 Setded 1J8fl001 Closed 3579 Plaintiff: MOCTAA, GR.ANT Habeas Corpus 612012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8/1 8flOOO Closed 4815 Plaintiff: MONTGOMERY, CLYDE Habeas Corpus 7/612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 813fl001 Closed 4248 Plaintiff. MOORE, KELVIN LEROY False Arrest or Assault 112512001 0.00 Setled 71312001 Closed 1125120085:36:19 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 35 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 1125/200Bl MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 2871 Plaintiff: MOORE, LARRY A Prisoner Complaint Common law 11/1211999 0.00 4277 Plaintiff. MOORE, RANDY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 21612001 4584 Plaintiff. MOORE-BEY, JAMES K01-6847 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 5065 Plaintiff. Moore-Bey, James K. 4525 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Summary JUdgment· Defendant 7118flOO1 aosed 20.000.00 Settled 8/1712001 Closed 5n12001 75.00 Settled 7/112003 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/1212001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 1/412002 Closed Plaintiff: MOORE-BEY. JAMES K. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 11/1312001 Closed 3171 Plaintiff: MORTON-EL, LEON DAVID Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311412000 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 31612001 aosed 2691 Plaintiff: MOSES-El, MICHAEL Prisoner Complaint Common law 61112000 16.500.00 Settled 4/1312001 Closed 3843 Plaintiff: MOVE. JOHN Habeas Corpus 9/1912000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1012512000 Closed 3276 Plaintiff. MUNN-BEY, WlLlE G. Habeas Corpus 3122/2000 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 1111312001 Closed 4588 Plaintiff. MUNSON, LA\l'\RENCE Prisoner Complaint Common law 51812001 9,000.00 Settled 412212002 Closed 1125120085:36:24 PM Page: 36 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases £111 12000 to 112512008 J Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category OpenDafe Disposition Value 3345 Plaintiff. MUZZAMIL, ASHR,AF B.AKRUDDIN Habeas Corpus 5/1012000 0.00 4267 Plaintiff. NA1l0NAL PRISON PROJECT OF THE AMER.O\/. Freedom of Information 21212001 I\ct Request 4472 Plaintiff: NEAL, JAMES H. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 2856 Plaintiff. NELSON, THOMAS D. 2671 DIsposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Summary Judgment Defendant 6fJOI2000 Oased 0.00 Settled 61112001 Oosed 312012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 111812002 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111811999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7fJ112oo0 Oosed Plaintiff: NEWTON, JULIUS Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311412001 300.00 Settled SnQOO1 Oosed 5074 Plaintiff. Nicken, Theodore M. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1111912001 0.00 Settled SQ9QOO2 Oosed 5073 Plaintiff: Nicken, Theodore M. 01-1848 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1111912001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 7fJ1QOOO Oased 3863 Plaintiff: NICKENS, THEODORE V DC, 00-2222 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11n12000 3,000.00 SeWed 9fJOflOO2 Oosed 4959 Plaintiff Norris, Rudolph V. Habeas Corpus 9/1 012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1216f2oo1 Cosed 4560 Plaintiff: NOW-IN. JOHN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 812412001 Oosed 112512008 5: 36: 28 PM Page: 37 eLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1 It /1000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3561 Plaintiff: ODEMN S, TAnOR Prisoner Complaint Common Law 611312000 1.100.00 3246 Plaintiff. OLIVER, HERMAN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3/1412000 2958 Plaintiff. OLIVER, WLLlPM Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4475 Plaintiff. padella, )Jan carlos 2866 Disposition Date Status Setted 411212002 Oosed 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 1111312000 Oosed 12122/1999 22.500.00 Settled 711812001 Oosed Habeas Corpus 3/2112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 516f2002 Closed Plaintiff: PAAKER, KEVIN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11/1211999 14,500.00 Settled 7113f2000 Closed 3492 Plaintiff: PARKS, DARRELL, J. Habeas Corpus 5130/2000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 6ft 512000 Oosed 3809 Plaintiff: PATIERSON, EUGENE 00-1881 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 812912000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 911612002 Oosed 2933 Plaintiff: PATTERSON, FRANKL. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12115/1999 6.000.00 Settled 2ft 612001 Oosed 3320 Plaintiff. PATTERSON,LEONARD Habeas Corpus 411712000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 2128/2000 Oosed 2867 Plaintiff. PATTERSON, LEONARD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11112/1999 750.00 Settled 1211712001 Oosed 5019 Plaintiff: Peterson, Robert 01-5558 Auto Negligence 1011512001 12,500.00 Settled 1112012002 Oosed 3994 Plaintiff. PETTY, KEVIN Habeas Corpus 2/512001 0.00 Summary 6'26/2001 Oosed 112512008 5:36:31 PM Disposition Outcome Page: 38 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1 12512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status JUdgment Defendant 3183 Plaintiff. PETIY, STANLEYL. Habeas Corpus 311412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 613f.lOOO Closed 3506 Plaintiff. Petway, Isaac Prisoner Complaint Common Law 513112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 413012002 Closed 4147 Plaintiff. PETWAY, ISAAC Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1f.l5QOO2 Closed 3334 Plaintiff: PHILLIPS, ALONZO Habeas Corpus 412012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 511512000 Closed 5125 Plaintiff. Pierce, Helen Employment 1212712001 9.000.00 SetUed 3n12OO2 Closed 2853 Plaintiff: PINOLE, DAVANT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11/511999 500.00 Settfed 9Q2f2000 Closed 3226 Plaintiff: PIXLEY. CURTIS Prisoner Complaint Common Law 31912000 13.000.00 Settfed 4f13f2001 Closed 4437 Plaintiff. POINDEXTER. JOSEPH EDWARD 01-758 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 412412001 80,000.00 Settled 912012002 Closed 4063 Plaintiff. PONSON, AI.. VlN. JR. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1112412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 3/1212001 Closed 2701 Plaintiff: POV\,£RS, WAYNE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 412312001 300.00 SeWed 811512001 Closed 1/25120085:36:35 PM Page: 39 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 /1.000 to 112512008 J. MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3105 Plaintiff: PRATT, JOHN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/2112000 3,000.00 2996 Plaintiff: PRIM, LEON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/412000 3668 Plaintiff: PROCTOR. GMY Habeas Corpus 3713 Plaintiff. PROCTOR. GMY 4868 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Settled 1112212000 Oosed 7,000.00 Settled 212312001 Oosed 712012000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 7fl6f2001 Oosec:t Habeas Corpus 8/412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7fl612000 Closed Plaintiff. Quinn. Larry Patrick Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 7fJ012001 Closed 4867 Plaintiff: Raymond, Randolph Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8n12001 Closed 3850 Plaintiff: REDMOND, JESSE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 911912000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7n112002 Closed 4918 Plaintiff: Reynolds-EI, Keith Prisoner Complain t Common Law 8/2412001 5,000.00 SelDed 812412001 Closed 3586 Plaintiff. REYNOLDS.EL, KEITH Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612312000 3.000.00 SelDed 11/3012001 Closed 2934 Plaintiff. RICHARDSON. ELllE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/15/1999 2.000.00 Settled 12J812003 Closed 3861 Plaintiff. RICHARDSON, T. CMLTON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11/612000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 81112001 Closed 1125120085:36:39 PM Page: 40 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008 J MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3131 Plaintiff: RILEY, JULIAN Habeas Corpus 211812000 0.00 2790 Plaintiff: RILEY, PATRICK Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10114/1999 4677 Plaintiff. ROBERSON, PAUL Habeas Corpus 3851 Plaintiff. ROBERTS, STEVEN 3491 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Summary Judgment Defendant 615flOOO Closed 0.00 Set1Jed 813012001 Oosed 61112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 101912001 aosed Habeas Corpus 111112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1111312000 Closed Plaintiff. ROBINSON, ANll-iONY Habeas Corpus 513012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 61512000 Oosed 3629 Plaintiff. ROBINSON, FREDERICK Prisoner Complaint Common Law 7/1112000 7,500.00 Set1Jed 113112001 Closed 4664 Plaintiff: ROBINSON, JIMMY, JR. Habeas Corpus 513012001 0.00 Judgment for Defendant 61512001 Oosed 4724 Plaintiff: ROBINSON, RICARDO R. Habeas Corpus 612012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 711012001 Oosed 5034 Plaintiff: Rogers, Anthony 01-6404 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1 250.00 SetUed 61312003 Closed 4743 Plaintiff: RORIE, CORNELL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612812001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 81312001 Closed 4958 Plaintiff: Russell, Lawence R. Habeas Corpus 911 012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 121612001 Closed 112512008 5: 36: 43 PM on 712001 Page: 41 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1J25/J.OOB) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3026 Plaintiff. SAMPSON-BEY, CHRISTOPHER Prisoner Complaint Common law 1/1412000 250.00 3842 Plaintiff. SANCHEZ, HUMBERTO Habeas Corpus 911912000 4456 Plaintiff. Sarton, Charles Negligence Miscellaneous PI 3024 Plaintiff. SCOTT, EUGENE 4890 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status SetUed 4113f.2oo1 Closed 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1011912000 Oosed 51212001 0.00 Settled 8131f.2001 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111412000 250.00 SetUed 118f.2oo1 Closed Plaintiff. Shaifer, Don Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1212112001 0.00 SetUed 3114/2002 Oosecl 4179 Plaintiff: SHANNON, ROBERT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1/512001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 3f2f2001 Closed 2946 Plaintiff: SHERROD, JOSEPH Habeas Corpus 12/15/1999 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 813012001 Oosed 2670 Plaintiff: Short, Daniel Prisoner Complaint Common Law 912412001 12,500.00 Settled 1216flOO1 Closed 4870 Plaintiff: Simmons, Eric Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 81112001 Oosecl 4833 Plaintiff. SIMPSON, DERRICK Prisoner Complaint Common law 711012001 3,000.00 Settled 5f21fl002 Closed 5021 Plaintiff: Skinner, Clarence Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011512001 5,000.00 Settled 1213112002 Oosed 4710 Plaintiff. SKYERS, AUDLEY Prisoner Complain t Common Law 61812001 0.00 Settled 7fJ112oo1 Closed 1125120085:36:48 PM Page: 42 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 3918 Plaintiff: SKYERS. AUDlEY 00-2248 Prisoner Complaint Common law 10/612000 5,000.00 5007 Plaintiff: Skyers. Audley 01-1003 Prisoner Complaint Common law 1011412001 3514 Plaintiff: SKYERS, ET AI.. AUDlEY Prisoner Complaint Common law 3676 Plaintiff: SMITH, BERNARD 3941 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Settled 31312003 Closed 5,000.00 Setded 911712002 Closed 61112000 800.00 Settled 41312001 Closed Habeas Corpus 712112000 0.00 Settled 1212812001 Closed Plaintiff: SMITH, BERNARD Prisoner Complaint Common law 10/1912000 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 31712001 Closed 3286 Plaintiff: SMI11-I, CURTlS Habeas Corpus 312812000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 51112000 Closed 3317 Plaintiff: SMITH, DARNEll Prisoner Complaint Common law 411212000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 411212000 Closed 3687 Plaintiff: SMllH, JOSEPH Prisoner Complaint Common Law 712512000 0.00 Settled 61612001 Closed 3593 Plaintiff: SMITH, SlEVEN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 71612000 800.00 Settled 511012001 Closed 4091 Plaintiff: SMITH. SlEVEN A Prisoner Complaint Common law 12/412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 311612001 Closed 2992 Plaintiff: SMITH, STEVEN A Prisoner Complaint Common law 1/412000 4,000.00 Settled 9117f2001 Closed 3232 Plaintiff. SMITH-BEY. KEVIN Habeas Corpus 3/1312000 0.00 Summary 611612000 Closed 1125120085:36:52 PM Page: 43 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Judgment Defendant 3363 Plaintiff. SMOlHERS, CHARLES A Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4/2712000 9,999.00 SetUed 611412002 Oased 4871 Plaintiff. Snipe, Derrick Habeas Corpus 712012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8t2J2001 Oased 4822 Plaintiff. SNIPE, DERRICK Habeas Corpus 7/612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 8(2212001 Oased 4821 Plaintiff: SNIPE, DERRICK Habeas Corpus 71612001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 911012001 Oased 2956 Plaintiff: SO'A£LL, JAMES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12121/1999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10t2J2000 Oased 4226 Plaintiff. SPARKS. JESSE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112212001 31.000.00 Settled 10111f2oo1 Oased 2687 Plaintiff. SPARKS, JESSE L. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112312001 31,000.00 Settled 10/11f2001 Oased 3721 Plaintiff. SPEIGHT, WLLlAM A Habeas Corpus 81912000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1211412001 Closed 2676 Plaintiff. SPENCER. TONYB. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4/412001 2,000.00 SetUed 101912001 Oosed 3152 Plaintiff: Springs, Robert Lee Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212312000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 312012001 Oosed 112512008 5:36:56 PM Page: 44 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/112000 to 112512008) MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4455 Plaintiff. ST.SKYERS, AlJDLEY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51212001 400.00 2830 Plaintiff: STARR, KEllH Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012911999 5053 Plaintiff. Steward, Donte 01-7045 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4709 Plaintiff: STOUTE, ARlHELSTA 4239 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Settled 8fJQOO1 Oosed 5,500.00 Settled 3/1412001 Closed 1012612001 75.00 Settled 12/1312001 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61812001 5,000.00 Settled 5QJ2oo2 Oosed Plaintiff: STROY, ANDRIAN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112312001 5,000.00 Settled 112312001 Oosed 2926 Plaintiff. SUnON, STEVEN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12/14/1999 14,000.00 Settled 3/1612001 Cosed 4772 Plaintiff. SWANN. KEllH M. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 71212001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10ltS12oo1 Oosed 3307 Plaintiff: S\M:AT, JOSEPH Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411 012000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10lt112001 Closed 4942 Plaintiff. Sykes, James E. Habeas Corpus 9/512001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 101112001 Closed 3585 Plaintiff. SYKES. MAURICE A Prisoner Complaint Common Law 612312000 8,750.00 Settled 71t9Q001 Closed 4798 Plaintiff: Sykes, Maurice A 01·5151 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 81912001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 121212002 Closed 1125120085:37:00 PM Page: 45 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/112000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 4251 Plaintiff. T,ALIAFERRO, CLAYTON Prisoner Complaint Common Law 112512001 8,000.00 3426 Plaintiff. TA nOR, MARCELLUS Habeas Corpus 5/1112000 2982 Plaintiff. TERRY, OllS Prisoner Complaint Common Law 3528 Plaintiff: THOMAS, ANDRE 4843 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status SeWed 512812002 Oased 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 1212012000 Oased 1/412000 15,000.00 SetUed 121112000 Oased Prisoner Complaint Common Law 61212000 3,000.00 Settfed snOl2001 Cased Plaintiff. THOMAS, LARRY Habeas Corpus 711212001 0.00 Summary Judgment· Defendant 812812001 aosed 3400 Plaintiff. THOMAS, RILEYH. JR. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 511 012000 15,000.00 SetUed 312212001 Oased 2970 Plaintiff. Thomas-Bey, Irving Prisoner Complaint Common law 11312000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 2n712000 Cased 3828 Plaintiff: THOMPSON, LANDY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 813112000 1,215.00 SeWed 419f2002 Oased 2736 Plaintiff. TONEY, LAMONT Prisoner Complaint Common Law 312212000 7,500.00 Settfed 9f2412001 Cosed 2734 Plaintiff. TORNEY, CARDELL RICHAAD Prisoner Complaint Common law 1/512001 3,000.00 SetUed 412412001 Oased 4817 Plaintiff. TO"""'SEND, CALVIN Habeas Corpus 71612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 7nS12oo1 Oased 3008 Plaintiff. TRICE. TERRY D. Habeas Corpus 111 012000 0.00 Summary Judgment - 31912000 Oased 1125120085:37:03 PM Page: 46 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 /2000 to 112512008 J MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Defendant 4591 Plaintiff. ruCKER. FIONNE Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51812001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10/412001 Oosed 2788 Plaintiff. lURLINGTON, DORIS Prisoner Complaint . Common Law 1011411999 95,000.00 Set1ied 411212000 aased 4552 Plaintiff. lURNER. CHMJNCEY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 412312001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 71512001 Oased 3855 Plaintiff. TURNER. CHAUNCEY Habeas Corpus 1112/2000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 211312001 aased 3471 Plaintiff: TURNER, CHAUNCEY Habeas Corpus 512212000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 613012000 Oosed 4211 Plaintiff. TURNER, MICHAEL Prisoner Complaint Common Law 111812001 0.00 SetUed 711012001 aased 2869 Plaintiff: ULLAH, ZAFOR Employment 11/12/1999 1,000.00 SetUed 3fll2001 Oosed 4347 Plaintiff: UMAR, MUHSIN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 211612001 0.00 SetUed 112512002 Closed 2709 Plaintiff: UPSHER-BEY, CHARLES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411112000 500.00 Settled 511612001 Closed 2710 Plaintiff: UPSHER-BEY, CHARLES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 411112000 500.00 Settled 511612001 Cosed 3265 Plaintiff: VASCIANNIE, QUENTIN 00-1551 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311712000 12,000.00 Settled 31912001 Cased Prisoner Complaint 311212001 811912003 Oosed 4412 112512008 5:37:08 PM Page: 47 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008 J Matter Description Matter Category Plaintiff. VASCIANNIE, aUINTlN 01-888 Common law 4404 Plaintiff. VAUGHN, JIMMY J. Prisoner Complaint Common law 4452 Plaintiff. VAUGHN, JIMMY J. 2711 Plaintiff. V1NES-BEY, RONNIE 5097 Plaintiff. Vines-Bey, Ronnie, et AI. 4727 Plaintiff. WALKER, lHEODORE 4643 Matter 10 Open Dale Disposition Value Disposition Outcome DlsposJtlon Date Status 9,999.00 Settled 311212001 1,500.00 Settled 2ffS12002 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common law 51112001 2,500.00 Settled 1ffS12002 Closed Prisoner Complaint Common law 412012000 0.00 Settled 1111612001 Closed 1112612001 4,950.00 Settled 1216f2oo1 Closed Habeas Corpus 612112001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 9113f2001 Closed Plaintiff. WAl..LACE, DONAlD Prisoner Complaint Common law 5122/2001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 112312002 Closed 3675 Plaintiff. WARREN, MORRIS J. 00-1808 Habeas Corpus 712112000 0.00 Settled 9f2812oo1 Closed 3747 Plaintiff. WASHINGTON, ANTHOlENO Habeas Corpus 812112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 101312001 Closed 3011 Plaintiff. WASHINGTON, lUllY Prisoner Complaint Common law 111412000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1111512000 Closed 3448 Plaintiff: lA£ANS, WARDY Employment 511812000 32,500.00 Settled 611512001 Closed 3907 Plaintiff: lA£lCH, NATHAN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 10/512000 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 311012001 Closed Prisoner Complaint 1/412000 511012001 Closed 2983 1125120085:37:12 PM Page: 48 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 1 o.512008) Matter Description Matter Category Plaintiff. v.A:LLS, lERRENCE Common law 2658 Plaintiff: V\tiALEN, THOMAS Prisoner Complaint Common law 2759 Plaintiff: WGGINS, STANLEY 3187 Matter 10 Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 1,500.00 Settled 71212001 400.00 Settled SI2I2001 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common law 1012912001 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 12N2I2001 Oosed Plaintiff: VV1LKERSON, JAMES Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311512000 500.00 SetUed 112212003 Oosed 2998 Plaintiff: WLLI AMS, BI LlY Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11412000 10,000.00 Settled 412712001 Oosed 4968 Plaintiff: Wiliams, Char1es T. Habeas Corpus 912512001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 101612000 Cosed 3189 Plaintiff: WLLlAMS, CHRISTOPHER Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311512000 20,000.00 Settled 2122J2OO1 Oased 4957 Plaintiff: Wiliams, Kenneth T. Habeas Corpus 911 012001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 10(2512001 Oased 4238 Plaintiff: WLLlAMS. SHEILA ET. AL. Slip and Fall 112312001 13.500.00 SetUed 61512002 Oosed 4819 Plaintiff: WLLlAMS, VICTOR Habeas Corpus 71612001 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 101512001 Cased 3427 Plaintiff. WLSON. DWAYNE Habeas Corpus 511112000 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 6NS12000 Oased 2787 Plaintiff. WNDSOR. JOHN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011411999 2,500.00 Settled 212512002 Oased Prisoner Complaint 91612001 1112912001 Oosed 4935 1125120085:37:18 PM Page: 49 f" CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 1 125120081 MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Plaintiff. Wnters, Anthony Common Law 2903 Plaintiff. WlHERS. DAVID O. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4124 Plaintiff. YOUNG, DElAJANDRO 4507 Open Date Disposition Value DIsposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 12/8/1999 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 112112000 a osed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 12n12000 5,500.00 Settled 312512002 aosed Plaintiff. YOUNG, MELVIN Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4/412001 26,000.00 Settled 711512002 aased 3830 Plaintiff. YOUNG-BEY, REGINALD Prisoner Complaint Common Law 91812000 400.00 Settled 512112001 Oosed 5051 Plaintiff. Kirkland. Kenneth 01-7115 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1012612001 7,500.00 Settled 1012312002 aosed 88525 Poindexter, Joseph v. DC, 02-10504 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 11912003 9,500.00 Settled 211912004 aosed 98525 Portillo, Ricardo v. DC. 03-4587 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 611212003 10,000.00 Settled 1125f2oo5 Oosed 115889 Po Y.ell, Roosevelt v. DC, 04-1678 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 311012004 7,000.00 Settled 101112004 Oosed 10668 Rice, ,Arnica v. DC, 02-0637 Minor allegedly strip-searched on tour of DC Jail. Statutory Civil Rights Tort 6/512002 105,000.00 Settled 1011612003 Oosed 186209 Richardson, T. Carlton v. DC, 06-1665. Plaintiff seeks post jJdgment relief, seeking his bar license. Miscellaneous Cause of Action 1011012006 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 813012007 Oased 1125120085:37:22 PM Page: 50 go CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/112000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 5142 Riggins, Paulette 00-625 (RV\R/JMF) Prisoner Complaint Common law Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 11812002 1,450.00 139653 Roach, David v. D.C., 05-2322. Breach of contract for payment of attorneys fees. Contract 4fl12005 5050 Robertson, Trealetha 01-1405 Statutory Civil Rights Tort 84980 Rodgers, Andrew v. DC. 02.a963 4416 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Selded 811212003 Oosed 62,000.00 Settled 712212005 Oased 1012512001 45.100.00 Settled 618f2oo5 Open Prisoner Complaint Common law 11n12002 35,000.00 Settled 5J6f2oo4 Closed Rodney B. Holland v DC, 00-3060(RMU). 00-2465(RMU) Prisoner Complaint Common Law 311312001 2,500.00 Settled 612712002 Oased 110205 Rowe. Gary v. DC, 03·9735 Prisoner Complaint Common law 1211212003 15,000.00 Settled 311712005 Oosed 95611 Savage, Tony Edward v. DC, 03-184 Employment Complaint 51112003 - Civil Rights 50,000.00 SelUed 1111912004 Oosed 5158 Sawyers. David 01-2596 Prisoner Complaint Common law 111812002 6.000.00 Settled 5Aif2oo3 Oosed 154030 Scott, Mary R.. Personal Representative of the Estate of Prisoner Complaint Jonathan Magbie, Deceased v. DC, 05-1853. PJleged Civil Rights medical malpractice, disability discrimination, and 8th amendment violation. 1111512005 1,000,000.00 Settled 2126f2007 Closed 4407 SHA\,,£RS, SHA'MII Prisoner Complaint Common law 311212001 0.00 Selded 111912001 Closed 5038 Shavers. Sha\\fl, 01-7046 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1011712001 750.00 Settled 8/412003 Oosed Prisoner Complaint 412412002 811912003 Closed 2385 1125120085:37:27 PM Page: 51 CLD Pro/aw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008 J Matter Description Matter Category Shavers, ShaW'l, 01-8827c1aimshis constitutional rights (freedom of religion and access to courts) were violated. Civil Rights 4088 SHAVERS, SHAV\N A Prisoner Complaint Common Law 4087 SHAVERS, SHAV\N A 150168 Simms, Wlbert v. DC, 05·7619. Inmate on inmate assault at the jail. 122542 Skinner, Clarence 1964 Matter 10 Open Date Disposition Value Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status 1,500.00 SetUed 121112000 0.00 SeWed 111912001 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 121112000 0.00 SetUed 1111912001 Oased Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 912012005 7,500.00 SeWed 4(712006 Oased Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 6/2312004 15,000.00 SetUed 612312004 Oosed Smith, Alvin Darrell v. DC, et aI., 99.0543 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 41212002 0.00 Summary JUdgment Defendant 1211312005 Oased 68102 Smith, Steven A v. DC, 02-1638. Alleged conditions of confinement at Lorton Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 101312002 25,000.00 Settled 411212006 Oased 121456 Smith, Steven use. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 6f312004 750.00 SeWed 512212006 Oosed 10823 Spencer-El, Emmett v. DC, 02.0126 Prisoner Complaint Common law 611 012002 17,500.00 SetUed 311612004 Cosed 39676 St Skyers, Audley v. DC, 02·1197 Prisoner Complaint Common law Constitutional Claims 612612002 5,000.00 SeWed 911712002 Cased 129641 Terrell, Robert v. D.C. 04-7934. Inmate on inmate stabbing. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 1011812004 50,000.00 SetUed 11/3/2006 Oased 112512008 5: 37: 31 PM v. DC, 01-1645 v. DC 01-1882. Alleged denial of library Page: 52 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (111 12000 to 112512008 J Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 5193 Thomas, Donnell v. DC. 02-7781 02-0778 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 212012002 25,000.00 124090 Thompson, Eric v. DC, 04-5265. Inmate's fingure severed by gate allegedly negligently dosed by corrections officer Negligence Miscellaneous PI 711912004 40112 Thompson, Landy Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 3410 Plaintiff: TIPPETT, WAYNE 3601 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Settled 611712004 Closed 18,500.00 Settled 311512005 Closed 711612002 2,000.00 Settled 512112003 Oosed Prisoner Complaint Common Law 511 012000 300,000.00 Setued anQ.OO2 Cosed Tweh T. v DC,. 00-4056 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 7f112000 19,500.00 Settled 811212004 Closed 1863 Vasciannie (II), Quintin v. DOC (Vasciannie II); 02..0325 allegdely inhuman treatment during transport of prisoner Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 312512002 9,500.00 Settled 112312004 Cfased 5212 Vasciannie, Quintin 01-2174 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 212012002 18,000.00 Setued 1Q.3Q.OO4 Oosed 139069 wade, Dennis J. v. DC, 05-0449. Failure to provide adaquate medical care. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 313112005 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1013112005 Cosed 43827 WAGNER. STEPH~IE M. v DC et at, 02..0965 MarQJs Bradley Strip search Statutory Civil Rights Tort 81112002 150,000.00 Setued 1011612003 Oosed 126305 Wall, Elizabeth Thornton Dixon v. DC, 04-6332. Negligence in disposition of aemated body Negligence Miscellaneous PI 812312004 11,500.00 Settled 1011312006 Oosed 1125120085:37:35 PM v. DC, 02-5291 Page: 53 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008 J MatterlD Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 183873 Walton, James v. DC, 06-6690. Inmate burned by hot water in kitchen at ClF. Negligence Miscellaneous PI 91812006 5,000.00 4049 Warren, Morris J. v DC, et at, 00-2351 Prisoner Complaint Common Law 1111612000 82429 Watkins, Ronald K. v. DC, 02-8150 Employment Complaint 10/412002 - Civil Rights 10660 Watson, Merle v. DC, 02-0980 (GK) Prisoner complaint - Inmate held on parole detainer that should have been executed - Failure to notify Marshals and U.S. Parole Comm'n of dismissal of new charges. Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 10660 watson, Merte v. DC, 02-0980 (GK) Prisoner complaint - Inmate held on parole detainer that should have been eXeaJted - Failure to notify Marshals and U.S. Parole Comm'n of dismissal of new charges. 3168 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Setded 812312007 Closed 0.00 Summary Judgment Defendant 1012412005 Oosed 35,000.00 Judgment for Plaintiff 612912004 Closed 61512002 181,000.00 Setded 1111012005 Cosed Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 61512002 181,000.00 Settled 1111012005 Cosed WATTS, CLARENCE 00-314 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 311412000 33,000.00 Setded 411312005 Closed 151374 watts, Clarence v. DC, 05-7642. Breach of contract to pay settlement in Matter # 3168. Contract 1 800.00 Settled 31912007 Oosed 2703 Wlittaker, DaVida 01-1403 Statutory Civil Rights Tort 1012612001 100,000.00 Judgment for Plaintiff 311712005 Closed 10299 Wiliams, Troy An1hony v. District of Columbia 02-81 93- Property stolen 512012002 100.00 Settled 612712002 Oosed 112512008 5: 37:38 PM on 12005 Page: 54 CLD Prolaw DOC Settled Cases (1/1 12000 to 112512008) Matter 10 Matter Description Matter Category Open Date Disposition Value 9993 Wnters, Bruce, v. District of Columbia, et al. - 02-1882 -Inmate fell through roof of furniture warehouse. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 51912002 4,500.00 89958 Wse, Darryl v. DC, 03-0171 Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights 2/512003 163440 Young, Melvin v. DC, 06-1321. Inmate on inmate assault .aJleged negligent supet'Vision. Prisoner Complaint Common Law 122537 Young, Reginald Prisoner Complaint Civil Rights Total Cases: 582 1125120085:37:40 PM v. DC. 01-1645 Disposition Outcome Disposition Date Status Settled 311312003 Ctosed 17,000.00 Settled 111412004 Ctosed 212312006 11,000.00 Settled 311612007 Oosed 612312004 4,000.00 Settled 612312004 Closed Total Disposition Value: 21 ,385,809.48 Page: 55