Fbop Mxr Monthly Report 1995mar
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';PR-05-1995 14: 17 FROM TO E;OP MARO 9-2023072995 ~ P.01 .- ... ~;Q J f '.- .' UNITED STATES GOVERN~-lENT memorandum 0 ...1E: ru:rLT TO ;.-:i";' or:: St:aJ!iCT: w. AprilS, '1':n,dBur ~l" B~~~ R ' , C ounse 1 eg~ona_ March 1995 Monthly Report Ge~eral Ccu~sel wallace H. Cheney, ADMINISTRA TIVE REMEDIES JAN FEB Received Answered 106 l06 91 85 TORT CLAIMS JAN FEB MAR APR 161 '78 72 54 73 200 64 59 ( .. MAR APR 47 200 4 1 JAN FEB 63 SO 72 36 40 60 53 44 51 72 66 53 36 34 28 LITIGATION JAN FEB MAR APR Cases Pending New Cases Received Habeas Corpus 293 8 1 4 291 282 12 13 3 8 3 1 4 FOI/PRIV ACY II Pending : Race:ved ;; Answeiea ;; Pending Ii C·.'ei 30 Day s Bivens FTCA Other Casas Closed Cases Pending tepons Completed s/Hearing or Trials lementsiAwards .. Settlements/Awards (S in Tho~sands) 1 2 JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC DEC 201 3 MAR APR 5 0 1 23 291 28 282 14 15 15 3 1 0 $0 1 0 1 $55 $155 12 MAY JUN 92 112 178 '- " ~ng~on, Mid-Atlantic Region .. ( ~iid-Atl3.J'l(ic Regional Offi~. Annapolis Junc[ion. ~1D 20701 1995 264 __ . ." CP'jION....~ FOF:M 9'l :7 9:lj FAX TRANSMITTAL l=r::tTo I 2 APR - J5-1 '~95 14: 18 F' F:OM TO BOP MARO 9-2023072995 P.02 Fag;: 2 !,,1XR r-,,.,lcntniy Re=por: ITEMS OF INTEREST, PERSONAL LEAVE, BUSINESS TRIPS,·MOVES, ETC. Eill Burlington, Regional ::~nsel, Acril 3 ~hru 6, 1995 ! will travel to Washington , D.C. f~r the R~gional!Associate Genera~ Counsel's r4ee:.ing. en P_p:::-i: 10-12 : \.1:"11 travel to Lompoc tc d~Dose inmate Dunbar i~ a pc~sible Bive~s j~ry t~ial case: en . Apr:l 21 I will be on annual leave. I am p~easec ~o mantlon that mv wife a!'"~d I celebra.te:: cur 25t~ w'iedding ~~ni versary this month. Joseph Tang, Attorney, FMC Lexing~or., will be on annual leave Aoril 17-21. Kathy rtarris , Paralegal Specialist, ~~RO, will ~ at~FMr Le.y_~.r.cton _apY_:~ 17-20 tc assist du~_~~a b'- ~.= .'~"'" -., .. - - Joe's absence. Teresa Ma~vel, C~ annual Randy le~ve ?a~alesal Spa=!al~st, ~3? Ter~e Ha~~e, will be Apri: 24-23. :995. ~vere~t, Lega: Tech, leave Apr:l 10-18, :995. ~SF ~er~e ~a~=e will be cn ann~al SITUATION OF INTEREST, CONTACT WITH FEDERAL BENCH, HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES 1 ETC.: Criminal Prosecution - FeI Butner - U.S. v. Oschele, E.D. N.C. On April :!.C, 1934, inmate Oschele will ~.lndergo criminal prosecution fer an assault ira 1994 on inmate Mar~in. Inmate Oschele stabbed Martin 31 ~i~es. !nma~e Ma~tin was severely injured, but survived ~he assaul~. In~ate Oschels will apparently a~gue that he was defend:"~9 hi~self from homosexual by in~ate Ma:::-tin. Ws expect ~~e trial will las~ 'pressu~e several days, with app~cxi~ately five 3u:ner staff testifying for the prosecution. Criminal Prosecution - FCI Memphis - ~.S. v. Castenada and Perez, W.D. Tenn . . If the cc~~~ accep~s the defendants' plea .... t"n~s '-""a S;, 0 :c:::.n t.:--' .... c ro·,.... ... ""'':1 7 , 1c:.:l~ ... ... __ •. ,-.log \\1,.:,___ .... ... l:._ on :' _r_id:a. . . y., _-.p_.:. ~J_. Grand Jury - FeI Memphis, w.o. Tenn. - A Grand :u~y will ccnvene O~ Apri: 17, :~SS, :0 cor-sider SOP cases: three drug int:::-od~=tion cases. one case who bit a s=aff Tom Rea~ ~embe= a~d wi:l be assisting a~ HIV posi~~ve inma~e o~e dr~g possession case. :~e p=osecu:!~g A~SA. agains~ ;osslbly Tl:omas Read, Attcrney, Fer r~ern:;his, met ~"ith the Clerk of the Court, Clerk's Chief Deputy and Clerk's Systems Analvst co discuss ways to improve gett:'ng inma.te's dccket information. SUBSTANTIVE PLEADINGS (COMPL_~INT I ETC.): None 3087 MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, 14::~ APR-05-1995 FRO~ TO BOP MARO 9-2023072995 P.03 Page 3 MXR MonthlY Repor: ( SETTLEME~~S : In an \::;:;xPe=:ed and u~f=rtur:at= ceve:'cpment, hUSA. Helen Campbell Altmeyer settled this wrongful deat~ case for $130,000 without firs: receivir.g ?ermissio~ to settle from t~e Bureau c= P~:sons. This case involved the al~eged failure of staff a~ Fe! ~organ~own to p=eve~= an inrnata suicide in 1988. The case !-.ad a complicated pr.~cedural :-.. istory and \ole had alreadv received one cou~~ order where Judge Keeley had deterrnl~~d that pr~or.tc the su~c~de t~e deceased was depresse: and rece1Vec no rnenta~ ~eal:~ ~rea~~ent. A = .. -;vc·no:,--l· .... 0-'J. ~'::'~'-O~-=·:.J· S'lcg-s-e''':: ,:,:,:v'=";-;::"'hi-gs the "nsT'"':r~'t";,...,,!," • _ ...... ...... ~-~ \...:oJ Co .... ...,~ ""---'-.. •• - - - - .... '--~'-"'., p 54 - ....... .... d. -v,::. ";"""e ..~.:.~~ ",..,.:,..... ....--. --v· have h='iped ~rQ'·r-.nrt·•• .... e c::.na ;:) uv---u _;::. ~-c,·id ... _ ... __ \0.0. .... ": "U:'. .:--~. ~ .... .: _.L _ r=comrnencat~cr:s ;:·ecame t:le .caS1S ~heory of why '~oJe ,·!ere neg2igent. T!:;Se sui=ide. plaint.if!' s in~e~vie',,'ed As we cestify have ~hat bee~ they staff t fe~c ~he \~e discovered suic:ce was for t.,.,10 -err~plcyees \\tho ',Jculd pred~c~able and should a~ticipated .. Due to ~~e rsc~nc illness and eve~tual deat~ of her father, ACSA A!:~eye= did ~c: ser~cusly iisc~ss wic~ ~anda Hunc and me unt~: ~~ld~y, ~arch 24th, ~he ~eed t= ~ave se~tl~ment . a~t~or1=Y :rom :he E~reau !~ acva~ce of a ffia~catory settlement conferai".'::c c;-~ r·'!arch 28, :395. Despite being told we \\}'culd no~ have Bureau approval for settle~e~t in t~e a~ount of $100,000 t.o $150,~OO b~ March 2S, 1995, ~s. Altneye~ spoke with the ~.s. Accor~ey and Chief of Civi:, and :elc their office had ~o try and sett:a the case at the settlement conference, or again be chastised by Judge Keeley. ~uring =his conference, olaintiff's counsel informed the AUSA t~at the brother-in-law, ~ho was also i~carcerated at Fe! Morga~~ow~ a~ the time, reported to the unic office= t~at Batista was considering We had no record O~ doc~mentation cf such a report, and t~e=e:c~e, coulcl not confir~ or de~y the accusation at that ~ irr.; . suicide. I c. While : feel advance approval ~ro~ the Bureau should have been obtai~ed, even it if meant Ms. Altmeyer had ~o tell the court due to her fa~her's illness ste was not prepa~ed for che settlerne~t cc~fe~ence, I bel!eve settlement a~ $130,000 is a geod risk management decision in this .case. This U.S. ~_t:torn-eyl s C:fice has been v=~y sup?cr=~ve cf :.he Burea~, sc I do no: 7 T ~ant ~c allow ~his inciden: to damage our ~ela:~cnship. t ....... ~ ~ T.)- . S . .",\-,~. - .. ... ,.. -. . . r.l_~.'.::I" ... 0 - xp. r --::;) =c: - r.:v h .... p e ... ha .. r- ~1_= ; -: ".. wll_ net be repeated :~ t~e ::~=ure. -"'1 -_ .....,-. .~.J -...... :-'-= ~ .. - ~ l"'7.:.· ... '"'" lnClden~ 'oJ 3088 '- '- .... h?F~ -0C:· -1 995 14 : ~\:::1 IU Page 4 MXR Monthly Repon ( ADVERSE P.::~!"v ~ECISIONS C·...! ~·jc·..~ n e OR SIGNIFIC.~T C c:~21e v . :].5., DECISIONS: US ? Terre S.::: , Ir-!c. ?3-2::"':' . Eaute In an excel:ent ~ecisio~, Judge McKinney r~led tha~ ~he discretionary fL:::::tion Exemption :0 che F'::Cl>. p::-ec2.·..:des inmates from challengins the decision t o classify and place an inmate in a high EeCU=~:i ..:nit at US? Terre Haute. :::mace Caudle was scabbed while in a hig~ securicy ..:nic and subsequently sued che Government: fer failure ~ o ?re:ect . RElyi~S on Bailor v. Sa-·v 2Iticr•.:; ..... m·v·. =5~ F.S:..!pp. 1::':;: !.N. ~'. Ir.d. 1:S-9~ j, :.he court held, "t:-!2 ·:isc:-;:::ic:la::-y fU:1ctio~ exceptic·n tc the ?TCA bars re~over~' p~edica:~d on the classificatio~ Allen D. ?arr v. U.S., TH S4-S-C, S.D. of inmates. ~~Q •• ~SE It Terre Haute In this FTCA case, th~ Magist~ace found i~ f·avor 0= plaintiff for nominal dama=es, $10, based en missinc o=ooertv du~ing mass s~akedown. ~Despite ~he fact that th~r~ n; confiscation for~, the Magistrate found that US? T~rre Hauce scaff ccnveycec. che pY0l=ercy ):>5So26. en eh" fac: che samo2 property tad bee~ confiscatee en ether ~=cas!=ns . was UPDATE ON CASSS, TRIALS OR HEARINGS, REPORTS: Amv Poir:er- v. U . S ., :"c.tbe~ij'~e 94 -443; 94-440; and V.D.M. v. U.S., ETC. NOTED IN PRIOR 94 -4 31, D . ;..;'es:-Vlecner v. £ . D. Ky . , U . S., FMC Lo2xington TheSe are c:"1e r:.;:-sr. i:-; a. s€.:-:'e:s cf ?TC."t. st.:i~:s prepa!""ed by che: Yale Legal Assis:ance Program, In .wh ich female in~a:es claim O~~i~~~~S_~: ~~c~~~~~ngto~_~~i~ed a .... ~a\..ol._;".:::: Isaiah 0. ... Eva~s c.,."le .!::I~IC.:. v. Woeds" cf mdle ~, TH SS-40-C , S.D. al~€~es esccrt l~ ~~e , uS? Terre Haute sch=d'J.le ~--: fo:- t!"ial cn f\~ ay ~~e . c~~icer ~5e~ excessi~'e for=e This BiVens ::35::: is i~mate - ~nc . sF2::1al hcusins 3089 u~i~. 15, 1995. duri~g an The HPR-r35-1995 14: 21 FROM TO BOP MARO 9-2023072995 P.0S Paye 5 NIX?' Mcnthly Report 3urkr:a-t v. Hahn, ;~ 0.1., 91-::C264A 1 ~1.D. Tenn., ?CI rv1emphis This is a Bivens case :~at alleges =ailure·to provide medical treatment and harassment by staff. The BO? defaulted on this case due to the fact t~at ~eit~er the Attorney General ~or the BOP were ever served, :.hus nc response \.Jas made t,o the complaint. Both ~ctions !crreconsideration filed by the ,... t - de..,': A~"~ "", "~~- h-c:: b~on ... -t '~overn!f1e.~ , _were: .... -:.;..ed . ~.. ': . ,', '~,"' . ..,.:;;~"'::J~-: .~~~~ _ . < 8 , reau~rln:\ tne sever:. ~ame cefenaants to be ~n ~~~~~.:' "'¥.'. - 'court: . Wilsor: v. Bristol. et al.,' 93-3003 .. TU!BRO, w.o. Tenn, FCI Memphis This is a 3ivens case ~..;here::: tile plaintiff alleges improper medical care includi~g a cast be~~g put O~ by another i~mate, as opposed to medi=al staff. T~e Sixth Circuit dis~issed ths ~':- c::.. -.:.- nt ~~ -&of's 1:" l ,,·-,·-· ......... -; •nt~ - -- -.... ~ ......, ....... - -.." - '1 ve~y in agair.st cii Gogoin v. u. S., ( th:s ;:::;r-.:a' ,...."!"\r""'- .:-tl· .... ,::. ,...r..;-· ... """" l:' ""J.... '- • rho: ... •• ~~ case. ~~or 'tI.III -- ..., - - '-- • '-' ;.J - 91-2735 -HI/A, il. D. Tenn, Fe! Memphis We reported this FTCA nedical malpractice award of $55,000 in last month's reoc~t. Since the~ the Plaintiff has filed a motion to alter-or amend the· j~dgmen~ with the District Court. Before the District Court ruled en t~e motion, the Plaintiff filed an appeal to the Sixth Circuit for an increased judgment. Plaintiff's complaint was .for $1 million. Wood v. Hah~. This Bivens et al., 2:95-CV-133. 3:D. Va., ac~icn FC! Petersburg challenges restri=tions of telephone for u~au:hc~ized ~se ci t~e telephone. Plaintiff ~Sserts the sanccion violated his righc tc protect property and curtailed access to his attorney. A motion to dismiss defe~dants i~ :hei~ individua: capacity has been filed on behalf of the d~fendants d~e :0 irnp==per service. We were advi.s~d by the P._U5.~ on Ap:::-i2. 3, ;,,9iS, t:tat ,J\ldge Spense::- has issued an order dismissing, w~tho~t prejudice, all defendants p~ivileges in their individual capaci:y. REPRESENTATION NOT RECO~~ENDE~ FOR STAFF: None SIGNIFICANT FTCA CLAIMS: c. !ormerly an inmate at Fer Ashland, lost t~e evesigr.t in one eve as a result of g!aucoma. ~nmate alleg~s prescribed medications were delayeci which caused infec=io~. !nma:e also alleges he T .. MXR-94 .. 587 Claude Adams, Reg. [\'0. 02942-028, was not seen for follow-u~ apPoint~ents as reauired. claim seeks $1 million in·dam~aes. 3090 - The APR-0S-199S 14:21 FROM BOP MARO TO 9-2023072995 P.06 Page 6 MXR i...1onthly Repor: T-SER-94-11S9 Altheda Je~k ns ~iled ~his =:ai~ ~e;ardi~g the alleged wrc~g~~l ~ea~h of ~~at~ Wi:lie Eras~ell. The claim see~~ $3. ~i::!on. ~he in~a:e ~as ~il:~d wte~ he d~o~=eci a ~e~g~~ bar ~~ his neck, ==~s~ing his w~~~pi?e. SIGNIFICANT 1-.DMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES: c.' 3091 Nor,e. New Litigation Cases by In.stitution and Type Received During the Month of March 1995 AlD ASH ·BUT CUM lEX MAN MRG MIL MEM MLL PET SEY THA MXA TOT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 FTCA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 .1 0 0 0 0 0 4 He 0 0 0 0 "1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 OTH 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 TOT 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 1 0 Q 0 2 0 13 MLL PET SEY THA MXR TOT 0 2 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 9 BIV o - I- - ==~--- New Litigation Cases by Institution and Type Received Calendar Year to D~te o O!:- ALD ASH BUT CUM LEX MAN MRG MIL MEM BIV 0 0 0 a 1 4 1 7 0 FICA 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 2 2 He 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 aTH 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 a TOT 1 2 0 0 3 4 4 13 2 0 2 0 2 -3 --- 0 33 ([ E: a.. a(jJ E o O!: LL {\J .. N ~ .-4 - 0 - -_ .. _._-- -