Fbop Ncr Monthly Reports 1993apr-jun
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JU , UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SUBJECT: TO: John Nort L~/1. memorandum Shaw, Region~i Counsel ntral Regi0}2'~ ::::ace :~P:::~e~AS(~istant Director ,jJl~'-/~/''WI ,i General Counsel and Review l~_()m~P§~~RlR~ARISONS ~ " LCOUNsn PENDING TRIALS/HEARINGS There were no reports of pending trials or hearings for the month of May 1993 received from the institutions within this region. DECISIONS/SETTLEMENTS/CASES OF iNTEREST Gladson v. u.s. Penitentiary, 92-3505, D. Kansas, USP Leavenworth. Plaintiff alleges that defendants have improperly withheld medical records which he requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Institution staff have no record of the inmate's request for medical records. Upon receipt of the inmate I s request, access to the releasable portion "of his medical file was provided. A Motion to Dismiss or in the alternative for Summary Judgment was filed on March 1, 1993. The Court has given the plaintiff until May 7, 1993 to respond to the Motion for summary Judgment. united states v. Kizel, 90-CR-114, E.D. Wisconsin. Defendant Rick Kizel, a convicted drug dealer incarcerated at FCI Tallahassee, returned to the Eastern District of Wisconsin pursuant to a reduction of sentence motion. In support of the motion, inmate Kizel wrote a seventeen page letter to the Judge complaining of medical treatment by medical staff at the MCC Chicago. Judge stadtmueller did not seek a response from the Bureau of Prisons. The AUSA did not object to the accuracy or contents of the letter. The Judge assumed the inmate's comments and allegations were accurate and directed the AUSA to have BOP staff "available to provide testimony on the matter in March. The Judge' s comments were the topic of several newspaper articles in the Milwaukee area.' In response to the letter and the Judgels comment, MCC chicago staff prepared and submitted a fifteen page report with the court that established inmate Kizel'received appropriate care and treatment while at MCC Chicago. A copy of the report (dated March 1, 1993) and an Executive Summary dated March 2, 1993 was previously submitted to your office. OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV.I-aG) GSA FPMR (.1 CPR) 101-II.e SOI~". '" The Assistant u.s. Attorney informed our office that if the Court desired further information concerning Mr. Kizel, the u.s. Attorney's Office would be contacted by the Judge. At this time neither the u.s. Attorney nor the BOP has received any inqu~r~es from the Court concerning Mr. Kizel. We presume the matter to be closed. OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST Last month we finally were able to log onto the FOI/PA database via modem. We have updated our request files to January 1, 1993 except for those requests received directly from the requestor and processed in this office. These latter requests are from medical institutions or social Security Disability offices only. within the next months we will be copying these requests from our files and forwarding the request and a copy of our response to the FOI/PA section for initial logging. After utilizing the FOI/PA tracking system for the past month we had a few comments that were conveyed to Yvonne Hinkson by memorandum last week. STAFF TRAVEL AND LEAVE John MAY 3,4,5,6 MAY 12,13 MAY 18,19 Washington, D.C. USP Marion FPC Yankton Daryl MAY 12,13 MAY 28 USP Marion Annual Leave Paul MAY 3,4,5,6 LEI-Chicago Gary MAY 27,28 Annual Leave Helen MAY 21,24,25 Annual Leave ...,)u- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: J • Shaw, Regional Counsel North Central Region MONTHLY REPORT - N ~ TO: Wallace H. Cheney, Assistant Director General Counsel and Review PENDING TRIALS/HEARINGS There were no reports of pending trials or hearings for the month of June 1993 received from the institutions within this region. DECISIONS/SETTLEMENTS/CASES OF INTEREST Gladson v. u.s. Penitentiary, 92-3505, D. Kansas, USP Leavenworth. Plaintiff alleges that defendants have improperly withheld medical records which he requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Institution staff have no record of the inmate's request for medical records. Upon receipt of the inmate's request, access to the releasable portion of his medical file was provided. A Motion to Dismiss or in the alternative for Summary Judgment was filed on March 1, 1993. The Court gave plaintiff until May 7, 1993 to respond to the Motion for Summary Judgment. As of this date we have no further information in this action. Gonzalez v. Benson, 93-3166-RDR, D. Kansas, USP Leavenworth. and Gonzalez v. Jenkins, 93-3157-RDR, D. Kansas, USP Leavenworth. Petitioner, in 93-3166 alleged staff violated his rights when they denied him food and assaulted him in his cell. In 93-3157 he alleged staff assaulted him on several occasions and that his complaints to the Warden went unanswered. The Court in each of the above actions dismissed without prejudice to allow the Petitioner an opportunity to exhaust his administrative remedies. The Court held that the Bureau of Prisons had special expertise in the areas of prison management and an interest in promoting internal resolution of inmate complaints and in preserving its authority by preventing" the undermining of its authority by unnecessary resort by prisoners to the federal courts. Both actions were dismissed without prejudice on April 30, 1993. OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST Eddie Jones FTCA Administrative claim for wrongful death at the U. S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, springfield 'o~~Ai9~.,o (REV. 1-80) GSA FPMR (4' CFR) 101-11 •• $0'0-"4 ·U.s. GPO: 1882-3120071/!50028 This claim is due for a response on June 3, 1993. However, at this juncture, the claimant has not provided our previously requested evidence of adoption. In our most recent correspondence to the attorney for the claimant we have reasserted our need for the above information prior to making any determination in the claim. We continue to struggle with FOI/PA. We find that several problems are recurring and are in need of some form of remedial action. We have listed these concern in a seperate memorandum to you. STAFF TRAVEL AND LEAVE John JUNE 7-10 Denver Daryl JUNE JUNE JUNE JULY Annual Leave Denver Annual Leave Annual Leave 4 7-10 18 1,2 Paul JUNE 25 JULY 1-6 Annual Leave Annual Leave Gary JUNE 7-10 Denver Helen JUNE 14-22 Annual Leave Sonya JUNE 16-25 House Hunting Trip Washington D.C. Jackie JUNE 22-25 Annual Leave Erv JUNE 1 Annual Leave Amy JUNE 4 Annual Leave UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: July 7, 1993 . i REPLY TO " .. "', John R. SJja...., I '7, (: .'. " ~., ~ ." .A / J.F;ion I Counsel North Central Regional Office Kansas City, MO 64153 ! 'l' J MONTHW REPORT/QUARTERLY REPORT . TO: ' ; ,.., j": " /, I SUBJECT: '\ -memorandum / wall~{H. Cheney, Assistant Director General Counsel and Review PENDING TRIALS/HEARINGS Duarte v. U.S.A., Civil Number 92-509-WDS, FILS, USP Marion. In this action the inmate alleged the loss of personal property in his placement in administrative detention at USP Leavenworth and his subsequent transfer to USP Marion. Claimant asserted .a loss in the amount of $884.30. Our review of the administrative claim and subsequent suit disclosed a possible loss of a few minor items of personal property. Accordingly, the inmate was offered $54.00 in settlement of his claim, but refused the offer. A bench trial is scheduled for Friday, July 9, 1993, at the USP Marion Courtroom. There were no other reports of pending trials or hearings received from the institutions within this rellion .... . DECISIONS/SEITLEMENTS/CASES OF INTEREST Gladson v. U.S. Penitentiary, 92-3505, D. Kansas, USP Leavenworth. Plaintiff alleges that defendants have improperly withheld records which he requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Specifically, he claims that certain medical records were never released to him. Institution staff were never informed of the inmate's request for medical records and, upon notice of the inmate's request, provided him access to the releasable portion of his medical file. On June 2, 1993, the Court dismissed this action on the basis the inmate failed to pursue his administrative remedies and moot ness when he was provided access to releasable medical files. Sellars v. Carlson, 80-4038, Southern District of Illinois, USP Marion. This action relates to the inmate's complaint of ineffective medical treatment for his diabetic condition. The case was appealed following a dismissal and subsequently reopened. The court has appointed counsel for the inmate and is considering whether to allow discovery. At this point we have heard nothing regarding discovery in this case. We note that, while inmate Sellars was pro se, he was allowed extensive discovery. Bellecourt v. USA, 92-1818MN and 92-2002MN, 8th Cir. Court of Appeals, FMC Rochester. Plaintiff appealed the District Court's dismissal of his medical malpractice action. The basis of Plaintiffs appeal is whether a grossly negligent misdiagnosis is a form of deliberate indifference prohibited by the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution, even where a physician states a personal belief that he has followed a reasonable course of treatment. Dr. Wynn, a defendant, was a government contractor. He cross-appealed the trial court's conclusion that he was an independent contractor rather than an employee. The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court finding (1) the plaintiff has presentment of an administrative claim, (2) the contract physician was not indifferent, and (3) the trial court properly dismissed the pendant state action malpractice because the plaintiff failed to file a timely notice of expert review. cross-appeal was dismissed as moot not proven deliberately for medical Dr. Wynn's FTCA ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS The FICA administrative claim concerning the alleged wrongful death of Eddie Bishop Jones is pending response. We continue to research this matter and collect further information regarding the law ~nd factual issues in this claim. Our focus at this point is in determining whether the claimant, Mrs. Jones, is actually the mother of the deceased inmate and whether she was timely (for purposes of the FICA claim) appointed the legal representative of the estate. STAFF TRAVEL AND LEAVE Daryl JULY 1,2, & 6 Annual Leave Paul JULY 1,2, & 6 Annual Leave Sonya JULY 1 & 2 Annual Leave Gary JULY 15, 16, 19, 20, & 21 Annual Leave AMY July Annual Leave 2 LITIGATIOH LOC NUM HC FTC BIV OTH 7 ?-. 'z... '7,..., , .... 2'1 I~ ANS PEN CLD HIT SET AWO .:""", -; ~c cJ C 0 MXR NER SER NCR ! ~ .-...- " SCR WXR CO TOT NARRA'l'IVB ABALY8I8 DEfINITIOU LaC - LOCATION mnc - Nt1KBD 01' TOTAL LAWSUITS FILED IN QUARTER BC - -NUMB.. 01' HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FILED PTC - HUXBIR 01' lTCA ACTIONS PILED BIV - HOKB.. 01' BIVENS ACTIONS FILED O'l'B - OTRla ACTIONS lILHD ANa - HUXBI. 01' LITIGATION REPORTS COMPLETBD PEN - PIJlDDG CLD - NUMB.a 01' ACTIONS CLOSBD HIT - NUMB.a 01' HBARINGS OR TRIALS (INCLUDE INFO IN NARRATIVE) SET - N'tJXBBR 07 ~BTTT.1I!V1!!!,!,! (!!!Cltm! !m'O :n: !uum:.'l':VZ~ AWD - NUXBla OJ' AWARDS ( INCLUDB INFO IN NARRATIVE) GOVERHMEBT ACTION AND DATB 01' ACTION - (INCLUDE IN NARRATIVE) , TORT CLAIMS LOC NUM PROP PI /6<6 1;2. 3 '15' APPR AMT DEN PEND 00 7<7' ..;; v I ' L/ , .' r::-- .-., A/O AlP ...... '?/ - MXR j I NER SER NCR /~ 3;2.6·- '- SCR WXR , TOT NARRATIVE ANALYSIS DEFINITIONS LaC - LOCATIO. NOH - NUMB.. ~%LED r.H QUARTER PROP - PROPEan CLAm PI - PEUOnt. INJURY CLAIK APPR - APPROVBD :' ANT - TOTAL AXOtJN'l' A1»PROVED DBH - DBHIED PBND - PBHDIIIG 00 - H'OHBBR OVBRDtJB :. . AIO - AVlRAaB HUKBBR OP DAYS OVERDUB AlP - AVERAGB LBHGTH;: OP TID TO PROCESS i