Fbop Ner Monthly Reports 2001jan-dec
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u.s. Department of Justice ( Federal Bureau of Prisons \. Nonheast Regio1lal Office I !.s. Om"", Houst 211,/ ,~ Cllr,fllllll Strt'tl.f /'lli ItIIld"IIill. PA. / fJJ 06 February 23, 2001 MEMORANDUM 'FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - January 2001 I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days D~C 161 173 185 149 0 B. Administrative Tort Cla~s - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Pending on 1st 335 Rec'd in month 93 Recons. rec'd 3 Ans'd in month 77 Pending at End 354 Over 180 days 0 c. Tort Cla~ Investigation Status: As of January 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MeR NYM OTV PHL t' \. RBK SCH Pending 5 7 14 2 18 1 o 4043 6 2 17 4 2 4 2 1 5 4 1 Over 60 days 3 o 4 1 6 o 3 o o o o 4 o o o o (' 1 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 46 44 70 20 2* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: As of January 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCR NYM OTV PHL RBR SCH NER Pending 0 0 >20 days 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0 0 I \ II. A. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION S~Y REPORT Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Lit Reports Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 11 7 1 1 1 1 10 10 B. SZGNIFZCANT LZTlGATZON MATTERS: None C. BEARINGS/TRIALS: - 1) Toolasprashad v. Lane, .et ale (4:CV-98-1234) (MDPA) (Biv) - Plaintiff alleged that five FCI Allenwood staff transferred him in retaliation for exercising his First Amendment rights. Trial commenced with jury selection on January 3, 2001. On January 4, 2001, the Plaintiff ( elected to dismiss his case with prejudice. It should be noted that \ 4044 the Plaintiff had unsuccessfully tried to have subpoenas served on a ( number of current and former staff. At the time of trial, he was limited to presenting the retaliatoiy transfei issue, thwarting his plan to use racial allegations. Judge Muir was extremely upset over the fact that the Plaintiff waited so long to dismiss his case. FCC 3 Allenwood Attorney Mike Sullivan served as co-counsel for the trial. 2) Vorhaur v. Zenk (3:CV-00-0444) (MDPA) (HC) - Petitioner sought thirty one (31) days of jail time credit for the period of time from when he alleged he was paroled from a state sentence until the time the USM took him into custody. An evidentiary hearing was concluded on January 11, 20Dl, at which time the court ordered FCI Allenwood to award the credit. After careful consideration of the unique circumstances surrounding this case, it has been decided not to recommend appeal. c. . 3) u.s. v. Zhang, Cr. No. 98-356 (EDPA) - On February 2, 2001, Judge Schiller held a hearing regarding the status of a deportation hearing for inmate Jun Oing Zhang, 52008-066. On December 1, 2000, the court sentenced the inmate to 36 months, but if INS ordered deportation, the inmate was to be transferred to INS for deportation. The Court ordered the hearing when it learned INS would probably not consider a deportation order until near the end of the sentence. At the hearing, the AUSA, INS counsel, and I explained the process and tried to accommodate the Court's intent, to the extent possible. The court was advised that there was a statute prohibiting earlier release from a not-completed sentence unless approyed by the Attorney General. The court recommended that the inmate be transferred to LSCI Allenwood· where INS holds hearings. We complied wi th that recommendation. i D. RELIGIOUS CASES: ' '. .. :-' 1) Toulouse, et. ale v. United States, et.al., 00-4840 (JAP) (DNJ) Three FCI Fort Dix inmates allege that the institution has not provided them proper materials to perform the required sweat lodge ceremonies. In addition, one inmate alleges that he was injured trying to split firewood. The representation requests of the individually named defendants have been forwarded to Main Justice for review and possible granting of private representation. E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: - No new activity. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: REFERRALS: I} USP Allenwood - 11 referrals (3 inmate on staff assaults, 1 inmate on inmate assault with a weapon, 1 possession of escape paraphernalia, 5 drug related (1 introduction of marijuana, 4 possession of brown tar 4045 heroin) ) 2) FeI Allenwood - 5 referrals (3 ~nmate on staff assaults, 1 inmate on inmate fight, 1 possible inmate on inmate rape) 3) LSCI Allenwood - 2 referrals (~ inmate on inmate fights (both I I 4 declined) 4) FPC Allenwood - 1 referral (inmate on inmate fight) 5) MCC New York - 2 referrals (Inmate used institution telephone to, issue a'hit on a fellow gang member on the street; inmate arrived with marijuana-filled ballo9n inside him) tl.S. v. Macario Garcia - Sentencing is scheduled for March 9, 2001. The defendant pled guilty to two of twenty one counts for assaulting staff at USP Lewisburg and USP Allenwood . • v. Kenney (4:CR-99-0280) - Inmate charge with assault on USP Allenwood Unit Manager. Case removed from January 2001 trial list. 'Currently scheduled for April 17, 2001.' Mental Health examination was ordered by the court. Inmate Kenney is already approved for transfer to USP Marion. ' • v. Latimore (4:CR-00-0331) - Inmate Edward Latimore, #33260-060 is charged in the hostage incident at USP Allenwood on August 29, ~OOO. Trial it, scheduled for May 1, 2001. \ VEL AND LEAVE SC~OLE FOR FEBRUARY. 2001: ,b(p Travel: OGe Meeting - February 27-March 2 Annual Leave~ February 16 Travel - Atty Supv. Training - February 4-8 FMC Devens Staff Assist - February 21 Annual Leave - None Travel - None scheduled Annual Leave - None scheduled 1 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None scheduled 4046 ..... - ~ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ( Federal Bureau of Prisons NORTHIAST RI'IONAl 0111tl UJ. CUSTOM HOUSE JND'CHlITNUTSTREm PHIlADELPHIA, PA. '''06 March IS, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS / \. FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - February 2001 I. ADMINiSTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITiES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 ci!ays JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 149 232 142 239 0 B. Administrative Tort Cla~s - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Pending on 1st 335 354 Recld in month 93 90 Recons. recld 3 4 Ansld in month 77 105 Pending at End 354 343 Over 180 days 0 0 c. Tort Claim Investigation Status: As of February 28, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH Pending 10 12 20 5 20 2 4 4479 9 3 15 6 3 7 6 3 7 5 8 ( Over 60 days 3 2 8 1 0 0 0 0 o 3 o o o o o 010 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 20 64 33 51 5* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: As of February 28, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending 1 6 0 1 3 O· >20 days* 0 1 0 0 1 0 *Note all are archived records II. 5 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 5 0 2 1 1 0 LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT ( Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 401 11 14 \ 7 8 1 2 4 1 1 0 0 1 10 17 B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: 1) Berman v. United States, 3:CV-96-1708(MDPA) - On February 28, 2001, the Court entered judgement against the United States in this FTCA case. Trial was completed in August 2000. The Court found that the United States was negligent in the medical care it provided to former inmate Jeffrey Berman, 42588-066. This inmate arrived at USP Lewisburg Camp in September 1993 with an existing, long standing ileostomy. While at the camp, the Court essentially found that the medical care was negligent by failing to provide the proper opportunities for dilations and by failing to provide an adequate number of the proper bags. The inmate was transferred to FMC Fort Worth in September 1994. While there, he underwent surgical procedures to revise his ileostomy with varying degrees of success. The Court awarded the Plaintiff $178, 294.00 ($150,000 pain and 4480 ( suffering and $78,294 f'or post-release medical expenses): 3 C. HEARINGS/TRIALS: - 1) United States v. Abdelohani Meskini, 00 Cr. 15 (SDNY) - Judge Keenan held a hearing to address two letters from a defense attorney in which he claimed that MCC New York was enforcing an unfair and inconsistent legal mail policy which was interfering with his client's, Abdelghani Meskini, 44712-054, right to counsel. The attorney had been attempting to get some legal materials to his client, but would not follow the procedures explained to him by legal staff. MCC Attorney Andrea Girolamo assisted at the hearing. Special mail procedures were briefly explained to the judge, who instructed the defense attorney to follow the instruction. The court recognized that mail handling is a security issue for the MCC. ( 2) United States v. Myles Rappaport (SDNY) - Inmate Myles Rappaport, 39477-053, was criminally charged with filing false income tax returns after he procured names and social security numbers of approximately 20 inmates while he was incarcerated at FCI Fairton and then used this information to file false returns. On February 20, 2001, Mike Dellamarco, ISM Manager, testified at trial, explaining SENTRY printouts that identified inmates' social security numbers, and dates and places of incarceration. Inmate Rappaport was convicted. AUSA Bill Johnson handled the case. 3) United States v. Thomas O'Brien - (EDNY) - Judge Kimba Wood held a hearing on February 7, 2001, regarding the decision by the Warden at MDC Brooklyn not to permit a psychiatrist to bring a video camera and lap top computer into the institution to conduct an evaluation of an inmate, The inmate's attorney and the psychiatrist argued that the video camera and computer were essential tobls and would help, not only the doctor, but the finder of fact as well. MDC Brooklyn argued that the Warden has discretion to determine what may be brought into an institution. The Warden had legitimate security concerns with permitting the camera and laptop into the institution. Judge Wood found that it would be in the best interest of justice to allow the psychiatrist to use the video camera and computer. However, the court stated that she would not second-guess the administrative correctional decisions of the Warden. Judge Wood ordered the u. S. Marshals'to transport the inmate from MDC Brooklyn to a holding area in the courthouse where the evaluation could take place. MDC Brooklyn was represented at the hearing by Todd Bailey, Attorney and James Sherman, Associate Warden. D. RELIGIOUS CASES: 1) Toulouse, et. ale v. United States, et.al., 00-4840 (DNJ) 4481 ( Three FeI Fort Dix inmates allege that the institution has not 4 provided them proper materials to perform the required sweat lodge ceremonies. In addition, one inmate alleges that he was injured trying to split firewood. The representation requests of the individually named defendants have been forwarded to Main Justice for review and possible granting of private representation. E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: - No new activity. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: u.s. v. Kenney (4:CR-99-0280) - Inmate charged with assault on USP Allenwood Unit Manager. Case removed from January 2001 trial list. Currently scheduled for April 17, 2001. Mental Health examination was ordered by the court. Inmate Kenney has been approved for eventual transfer to USP Marion. U.s. v. Latimore (4:CR-00-0331) - Inmate Edward Latimore, 33260-060, is charged in the hostage incident at USP Allenwood from August 29, 2000. Trial is scheduled for May I, 2001. ( TRAVEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR MARCH 2001: " Travel: MARO (EEO Counselors Training) March 6 Annual Leave: None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - March 14-16 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - March 9-13 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled ~ Travel - DHO Training/MSTC - March 5-9 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled 4482 u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Nonheast Regional Office U.S. CUJItIIII HilusI' 2"d & ChCOSlllltl Streets Pllilucltlpllia. PA. 19106 April 13, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - March 2001 ( I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 161 149 239 173 232 202 185 142 251 149 239 190 000 B. Administrative Tort Cla~s - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Pending on 1st 335 354 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 3 4 11 Recons. rec'd Ans'd in month 77 105 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 000 Over 180 days C. Tort Cla~ Investigation Status: As of March 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MCR NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH Pending ( '., 6 15 15 6 21 3 6 4082 11 2 15 9 3 8 5 1 3 6 5 Over 60 days 1 2 o 1 4 o 000 6 o o 0 o 000 1 2 D. FeI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 51 20 77 64 33 105 23 51 o 5* * Note: Archived records. E. FeIA Requests for records: As of March 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MeK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending 0 5 3 3 2 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >20 days* 0 0 *Note all are archived records 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 II. A. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION S~Y REPORT Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bi vens / FT.CA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 401 398 11 14 11 785 121 143 100 102 10 17 9 B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION ~TTERS: 1) Wolf, et ale v. Reno, Civil No. 978-408 (WDPA March 2001) ~ This case was discussed in prior reports. Three inmates at FCr McKean have requested injunctive type relief challenging the application of the Ensign Amendment and the part of the Zimmer Amendment which prohibits the showing of R, X, and NC-17 films. The District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss. The Court found the Ensign and Zimmer amendments, and their implementing regulations, to be neutral and . reasonable, and rationally related to penological interests. 4083 c. BZARINGS/~ALS: - 1) United States v. Hector Ayala, (EDPA) On March 5, 2001,. the Court held a resentencing on a case involving a joint state federal plea 3 agreement which did not properly take into account state law. This office has been working with the u.s. Attorney's office over the past three years in an effort to best accommodate the Federal Court's intent. Ron Booher, Regional ISM and Michael Tafelski assisted at the hearing. 2) United States v. Bin Laden, 98 Cr. 1023 (SONY) - The trial judge held two hearings involving MCC NY in the Embassy Bombing case. On March 27, 2001, Judge Sand held a hearing regarding the conditions of confinement for inmate Mohammed Adam, 45047-054. The attorney complained about restrictions. The court told the defense attorney she needed to abide by MCe's policies. On March 29, 2001, Judge Sand held a hearing concerning voluminous subpoenas served by the attorney for inmate Mohammed Al-Owhali, 42371054, on the media, numerous government agencies (including MCC N~w (/ York), and current and former government employees. Judge Sand was '. extremely skeptical about the attorney's justification for the subpoenas and held them to be over broad. Judge Sand instructed the attorney to revise the subpoenas to government entities and resubmit them for review. 3)U.S. v. Mercardo, - (SONY) On April 3, 2001, a sentencing hearing was held before Judge Marrero regarding MCC New York inmate Damaso Mercardo, 12353-054. The hearing was expedited as concerns for the medical care of the inmate needed to be addressed. Dr. Glover and Andrea Girolamo, Attorney assisted at the hearing by explaining the inmate's medical condition and the care the Bureau can provide. The judge sentenced the inmate to the balance of his supervised release time (7 months), committed him to the custody of the Bureau and asked that he be placed at a facility where he can receive adequate medical care. D. RELIGIOUS CASES: 1) Toulouse, et. ale v. United States, et. al., 00-4840 (DN~) Three FeI Fort Dix inmates allege that the institution has not provided them proper materials to perform the required sweat lodge ceremonies. In addition, one inmate alleges that he was injured trying to split firewood. The representation requests of the 4084 ~ individually named defendants has been approved by Main Justice and private counsel has been selected. E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: -See note above. 4 lIZ. CR~INAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: . v. Latimore (4:CR-00-0331) - Inmate Edward Latimore, 33260-060, is charged in the hostage incident at USP Allenwood from August 29, 2000. Trial is scheduled for May 1, 2001. VEL AND LEAVB SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 2001: Travel: 4/24 - FeI Fort Dix (Jurisdiction meeting) Annual Leave: 4/16-4/18· Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - 4/13 Travel - Med/Leg Training FMC Butner 4/23-4/27 Annual Leave --None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - March 9-13 C:.- , Travel ~ 4/16-4/19 Jekyll Island, PIg 1 ,Training Seminar Workgroup Annual Leave - 4/20, 23 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - 4/30 - 5/4 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled E: Welcome: • I '"\ -" 1'\ " 4085 I lI .. l : ! u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Nonheast Regional Office U.S. Custom House 2nd &: Chestnut Streets Philadelphia. PA. /9/06 May 21, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - April 2001 I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 o FEB 149 232 142 239 0 B. Administrative Tort MAR 239 202 251 190 o APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 190 185 190 185 Cla~s 0 - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 3 4 11 1 Recons. rec'd Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 0 0 0 0 Over 180 days C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: Pending Over 60 days As of April 30, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH 4 18 24 8 14 3 10 14 3 13 2 4 16 5 4 4 6 6 \ 4 7 8 3 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 " 4086 2 ", ( D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End OVer 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* 2001 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 20 51 23 77 54 64 33 105 47 51 23 30 0 0 5* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: As of April 30, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending 0 1 4 1 1 2 >20 days· 0 o· 0 0 0 0 *Note all are archived records II. 1 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 2 o· 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION "A. SUMMARY REPORT Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 401 398 400 11 14 11 10 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 9 8 10 17 B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: 1) Brady v. Hawk, Civ No. 97-2515 (D.N.J.) - On April 26, 2001, tht Court dismissed this action filed by current Fer Schuylkill inmate Duane Brady, 06648-067, who alleged that while at FCr Fort Dix he We exposed,to asbestos both during his work assignment and housing ~ assignment. The Court held that the inmate's exclusive remedy was tht Inmate Accident Compensation Act and he had not properly exhausted this remedy. The case had generated a great deal of discovery material. C. HEARINGS/TRIALS: - (, I} United States v. Latimore, (4:CR-00-0331) - Inmate Edward Latimore, 33260-060, is charged in the hostage incident at USP Allenwood from August 29, 2000. The Court denied, a.fter numerous days of testimony, 4087 (' 3 the Defendant's motion to suppress his confession. Supervisory Attorney Advisor Michael Sullivan assisted the AUSA. Trial tentatively scheduled for August 2001. . 2) United States v. Mercado, Crim No. (SONY) On April 3, 2001, a hearing was held regarding the $entencing of Oamaso Mercado, 12353-054, who was placed at MCC New York on March 19, 2001, because he violated supervised release (failed numerous drug tests). The inmate was found to have a medical condition in advance stages, which is also drug resistant. In order to facilitate his move to a medical center, we requested the AUSA to try to expedite the sentencing; all parties agreed. MCC New York medical staff testified at the sentencing to explain the inmate's medical condition and the care the BOP can provide at a Federa1 Medical Center. The defendant received a 7 ~onth term (the balance of his supervised release time). The court recommended the defendant be placed at a facility where he can receive adequate care. His designation was expedited to FMC Rochester. MCC NY Attorney Andrea Girolamo assisted the AUSA. D. RELXGIOUS CASES: 1) Ash-Bey v. Fauntleroy, et. al., 98-1447 (DNJ) FC! Fort Dix inmate alleged violation of RFRA occurred when he was not ( .... allowed to wear his religious headwear on the compound. In April, the Court dismissed the case. Private counsel represented the individual . defendants. ~ E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: -No new activity. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: s. v. Kenney, 4:CR-99-0280 (MDPA) - USP Allenwood inmate . 05238-041 is c~arged with assaulting a unit manager by punching him in the face. Trial is scheduled to begin on May 22, 2001. ~VEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FO~ MAY 2001: Travel: 5/10 - H~rtford, CT - Bureau Training for USPOs for Connecticut and Rhode Island 5/22-26 - Sentencing Training - MSTC t)l9 Annual Leave: None i Travel - 5/9, 5/14-16 - MOC Brooklyn Annual Leave - 5/11 4 \ \. 4088 u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Northeast Regional Office V.S. CII.fiW", Hllust 2nd & Cht.f"'''' Strttls Pilillldtlpilill. PA. 19106 June 21, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - May 2001 I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT ( A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 APR 190 185 190 185 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 185 223 189 219 0 0 B. Administrative Tort Claims - 2001 . . JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC . Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 4 11 Recons. rec'd 3 1 4 Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 78 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 Over 180 days o o 0 0 0 c. Tort Claim Investigation Status: As of May 31, 2001 . ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAr FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH Pending 4 If{ 2l> b 1-1 ~ 8 1-; i Over 60 days 3 7 10 3 0 0 4 3 n 4112 ly ~ 6 2 12 3 2 3 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 (. 2 ,. D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* 2001 FEB MAR APR 20 51 23 64 77 54 33 105 47 51 23 30 5* 0 0 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 30 71 81 20 3* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: As of Nay 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK rA! Pending 1 >20 days* 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 2 0 F'Tfl i.Et-J LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER (1,. (; 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +Note all are archived records II. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT (l, ..,. . Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 401 398 400 402 11 14 11 10 9 7 8 5 6 5 2 1 1 0 0 1 4 3 3 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 17 10 9 9 8 B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: 1) Robbie v: Shearjn, Civil No. Ol-167J(WDPA) - On May 24, 2001, FCl Loretto inmate Joseph Robbio, 02890-020, filed a request for an emergency hearing concerning his continued designation at Fel Loretto. The United States Magistrate Judge scheduled an emergency hearing in part because the inmate also alleged he had been threatened with a knife by another inmate and he feared for his safety. He was seeking an immediate transfer to a minimum security facility or camp. At the June 5, 2001 hearing, the Judge treated the request as one for injunctive relief and insisted the inmate to agree to pay the $150.00 filing fee. He also allowed the inmate to present new evidence, all of which dealt with issues concerning other inmates, not himself. The complaint was dismissed for failing to exhaust Administrative Remedies. CLC NER Assistant Regional Counsel Roberta Truman assisted the AUSA in witness preparation and at trial. c. HEARINGS/TRIALS: - 4113 ( See above D. RELIGIOUS CASES : No new activity E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: -No new activity. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: TRIAL: . v. Kenney, 4:CR-99-0280 (MDPA) - USP Allenwood inmate John C. Kenney, 05238-041 was charged with assaulting a unit manager by punching him in the face, resisting arrest, and possession of a weapon. On Wednesday, May 30, 2001, the 5 ~ day trial concluded. On June 4, 2001, the jury found inmate Kenney not guilty by reason of insanity of assaulting the USP Allenwood Unit Manager and not guilty of resisting staff. The jury did find inmate Kenney guilty of possession of a weapon. Although USP Allenwood staff did an outstanding job refuting inmate Kenney's mental health defense, it appears as though the jury believed that he did in fact suffer from a mental defect. FCC Allenwood Supervisory Attorney Mike Sullivan actively assisted the AUSA in all stages of the trial. States V Bjp I,adep, 98 Cr. 1023 (SONY) - On May 29, 2001, the all fou( Bin Laden defendants" were found guilty on 302 counts of murder. THe death penalty phase immediately began for defendants Al-'Owhali and K. Mohammed. On June 12, 2001, the jury decided against imposing the death penalty on defendant Al'Owhali. The sentencing phase of the case continues. ERRALS: 6 referrals (4 possessions of a weapon, 2 inmate on inmate assault) 4 referrals (1 attempted introduction of narcotics Allenwood: (discovered via telephone monitoring), 1 assault on staff (minor), 2 inmate on inmate assaults) 1 referral (inmate on inmate assault) I Allenwood: 1 referral for threatening over the phone. Allenwood: 1 referral (inmate, while being escorted, assaulted Lewisburg: officer with feces) Allenwood: VEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 2001: Travel: None Scheduled Leave: June 18, June 28 - July 6. Trave l - OGC, DHO Workgroup - June 5; 4114 U.S. Departtneot of Justice (. Federal Bureau of Prisons Nonheast Regional Office U. s. Custom House 2nd & Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, PA. 19106 August 24, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS (" FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - June and July 2001 I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 APR 190 185 190 185 0 B. Administrative Tort Claims Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Recons. rec'd Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 180 days JAN 335 93 3 77 354 0 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 185 223 189 219 0 - 219 210 228 201 0 201 205 210 195 0 2001 FEB MAR APR MAY 354 343 353 355 90 81 86 81 4 11 1 4 105 82 84 78 343 353 355 362 0 0 0 0 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 362 343 90 78 3 4 113 82 343 342 0 0 C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: As of July 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH Pending Over 60 days 2 0 15 1 9 1 1 0 18 0 5 0 9 0 14 3 4153 9 0 14 3 4 0 0 0 6 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 4 1 ( 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 51 23 30 20 47 Pending on 1st 46 20 77 54 71 72 82 Rec'd in month 44 64 Ans'd in month 70 33 105 47 81 45 84 23 30 20 47 45 Pending at End 20 51 0 0 3* 2* 3* Over 20 days 2* 5* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: As of July 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending 2 1 4 1 4 1 >20 days* 0 0 0 0 2* 0 *Note all are archived records II. 5 1* 3 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 401 398 400 402 402 9 10 11 14 11 10 5 7 5 6 8 8 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 10 17 9 9 20 8 ( B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: Smith v. DOJ, No. 00-5211 (D.C. Cir. June 12, 2001) - In this FOIA case, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reversed the district court and ordered the government to produce recordings of an inmate's monitored telephone calls with an attorney. The district court upheld the Bureau's application of exemption (b )(3) to the recordings. Our position was that the recording fell within the provision of Title III (the wiretap statute) and disclosure was permissible only under 18 U.S.C. § 2517 of that Act. The Court of Appeals recognized that Title III is a statutory scheme which satisfies exemption (b )(3), and so recordings covered by Title III need not be disclosed under FOIA. However, the court held that the Bureau recordings were made pursuant to an exception to Title III, and therefore were not covered by Title III at all. Thus, the court reasoned discovery is not governed by 18 1) 1. . 4154 3 ( U.S.C. § 2517. DOJ decided not to pursue further appellate review: The FOIA Branch is assessing other exemptions and practical methods to address future FOIA requests for such tapes. c. HEARINGS/TRIALS: - U.S. v. Vince Davis, Criminal No. 01-940 (SONY) - On June 1, 2001, Judge Griesa held a hearing concerning the medical care of an MDe Brooklyn inmate. MOe BRO Medical Officer Dr. Francin provided testimony concluding that the inmate had received adequate medical care and medication for his sickle-cell anemia condition. Dr. Francin's testimony convinced the Court that Davis was receiving adequate care for his condition, and the Court was assured that if Davis in fact suffered from a sickle-cell attack. he would be hospitalized at a local hospital. The Judge noted he was not going to interfere in the medical and administrative decisions of the MOC since they do an admirable job of caring for inmates. Attorney Les Owen assisted at the hearing. 1) i \. 2) U. S. v. Joseph Watts, Criminal No. 01-011 (EDNY) - On July 3, 2001, a hearing was held before Judge Trager in response to a court order that the MDC not wake the pretrial detainee prior to 6:30 a.m. on days of the trial. The judge issued the order after defense counsel stated that Watts was awaken too early and was too tired to participate in his own defense. The AUSA asked the judge to vacate the order and offered to transfer Watts to MCC New York where he would be allowed to sleep later due to a different movement schedule of USMS inmates. The court agreed to vacate the order and seemed satisfied by the compromise. However, defense counsel objected on the grounds that Watts was more comfortable in M·De Brooklyn and opted to have the inmate remain in MOC Brooklyn and get up early. The Court vacated the order, but asked that the US Attorney's Office and the Bureau of Prisons review the procedures used to get inmates to court on time. 3) Monsalve v. Parks. et aI., 01 Civ. 6010 (SONY) On July 3, 2001, Bivens plaintiff, Juan Monsalve, 58156-053, requested an Order to Show Cause why he should not be removed from administrative detention at Mec NY. He was placed in SHU based on his possession of escape paraphernalia (a dummy). On July 12, 2001, Judge McKenna held a hearing. Attorney Andrea Girolamo attended the hearing. On July 16, 2001, Judge McKenna issued a Memorandum and Order denying plaintiff's motion, based on the fact that he has not exhausted his administrative remedies. 4 )United States v. Jaime Lara, 98-CR-1164 (SONY) - On July 13, 2001, Judge Berman granted an emergency hearing to address a motion filed by the attorney for MeC NY inmate Jaime Lara, 44680-054, alleging that 4 I, Lara reported experiencing severe abdominal pain and blood in his urine, and that MeC personnel failed to address his condition. Defense counsel had called the Legal Department the day prior to articulate his concerns. In response, Health Services was notified and the 4155 inmate was examined that evening. He was found to be in no acute distress, and blood and" . urine were drawn for immediate testing. Senior Staff Attorney Les Owen informed the Court the actions taken by MCC personnel, and provided assurances that Lara's medical needs " would be met. The Court was satisfied with MCC's efforts and suggested that Defense counsel follow up the situation with the MCC Legal Department the following week. S) United States v. Davis, Crim No. 00... 10124(0. Mass) On July 16, 2001, I attended a post-sentencing hearing ordered by Judge Woodlock to discuss the Medical Designation's decision to not follow the court's recommendation for direct court commitment to a community corrections center for service of the 15-month sentence. The Judge was particularly concerned that the AUSA wrote ~ letter to the Bureau disagreeing with the Court's recommendation. The court requested that the person making the deSignation attend the hearing .. Dr. Cary Mack from Medical DeSignation made the decision to designate the inmate to an institution instead of to a CCC. Dr. M'ack did a fine job in testifying how he reached is decision. Atter direct questioning from the court, the court was satisfied that Dr. Mack was not privy to the letter from the AUSA. NER Designator Tom Washburn also testified on general issues concerning designations. After the hearing, the court was disturbed that the position of the AUSA did not include the court's view that the prior record'of Mr. Davis was over ten years old and did not truly reflect his present status. The court asKed the Bureau to reconsider its designation in light of this information. I attended the hearing and agreed to submit the' court's views for reconsideration. . 6) Sully-Martinez v. Dr. Glover. et al.. 00 Civ. 5997 (SONY) - MCC NY inmate Sully-Martinez, #) 45682-004, claims deliberate indifference to his medical needs based on the claim that he ( should have received a skin graft for a fissure on his right middle finger, injured while working -, " at UNICOR in 1992. On July 18, 2001, there was a status conference before Judge Lynch at which the pro se plaintiff attended. Judge Lynch attempted to explain the applicable law to Sully-Martinez, and expressed doubt that the actions taken by the MCC could arise to the level of deliberate indifference. Judge Lynch stated that it appeared that the MCC had provided quite extensive medical care to the inmate and reminded the inmate that doctors are only doctors. not umiracle workers. It The court set an expedited schedule for the filing of remaining documents on the summary judgment motion. We anticipate a prompt decision. Andrea Girolamo attended on behalf of the MCC. 5 7) United States v. Agnew, CR-93-435 (EDNY) - FMC Rochester inmate David Agnew, #51461-053, wrote Judge Platt, his sentenCing Judge, complaining of various inadequacies concerning his medical care. Agnew t who suffers chronic back pain associated with a bodysurfing injury in 1985, was part of a clinical trial for an experimental pain relief drug, Ziconotide, prior to his incarceration. Using his medical condition, Agnew had successfully delayed his sentencing for nearly three years. On February 3,2001, Agnew was sentenced to 5 years in prison for his role in a large-scale drug distribution ring. The Bureau had attended a number of hearings prior to the actual sentencing. After clearance through Health Services Division, the Bureau agreed to the following three requests from the Judge: (1) that Agnew be 4156 t ( designated to FMC Rochester for initial commitment and evaluation; (2) that he be allowed to remain on his experimental medication for 30 days (he was to report with a 3~-day supply in his intrathecal pump); and (3) that the Bureau of Prisons would make application to the drug company to continue Agnew in the clinical trial for Ziconotide. The Bureau complied with each of these requests. Judge Platt held hearings on July 30 & 31,2001, to address what he considers the Bureau's failings to abide by his "order." Judge Platt believes that the BOP agreed to keep Agnew on the Ziconotide (which is not supported by the record). At the previous hearings, Judge Platt had specifically recognized the right of the Bureau's treating physicians to make the determination as to what course of treatment would be medically appropriate for Agnew. At the hearings, Judge Platt repeatedly threatened to release Agnew if he was not put back on the Ziconotide immediately. Medical records revealed that the inmate was evaluated by the Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota at Rochester, and FMC Rochester each of whom had determined that the medication was not effective in pain relief for the inmate. Judge Platt indicated that he wants a written submission by the inmate's former physician (who was administering the clinical trial), as to whether or not he believes the inmate should continue on the Ziconotide. The court will give the Bureau an opportunity to respond, and hold a fullfledged hearing, with witness testimony, if necessary. He did not set any dates for either submission. Senior Staff Attorney Les Owen assisted the AU SA at the hearings, with significant telephonic and documentary assistance from FMC Rochester's Attorney Mary Benning, Associate Warden Dave Good, and Staff Physician Fred Roberson. All three were standing by, via telephone, during both hearings in case the Judge wished to hear from them. 4157 6 D. RELIGIOUS CASES: No new activity E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: -No new activity . III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS / TRIALS: TRIAL: ted States v. Bin Laden, 98 Cr. 1023 (SDNY) - On May 29 , 2001, the all four "Bin Laden defendants" were found guilty on 302 counts of murder. The death penalty phase immediately began for defendants AI-'Owhali and K. Mohammed. The jury decided against imposing the death penalty on either of these two defendants. MCC New York staff testified concerning the attack by K. Mohammed on Officer Pepe. ERRALS: Brooklyn: Lewisburg: 2 referrals (2 inmate on staff assaults) 1 referral (29 inmates involved in large scale incident on June 26, 2001) Elkton: . 1 referral (escape of two inmates) Fort Dix: 5 referrals (4 inmate on staff, 1 inmate forgery) "C!w York: 2 referrals (1, inmate assault on staff, 1 introducti on of .ontraband (marijuana) ( VEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST 2001: Travel: Prisoner Litigation Seminar August 14 & 15, USP LEW /FCC ALW August 16 Annual Leave: August 20 -2 4, 2001 Travel - None Scheduled Leave - None Scheduled Travel - Prisoner Litigation Seminar - August 13-17 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - Legal Liaison training, Annual Leave - August 29 - 31 ~ None Scheduled Leave - None Schedules Travel - FOI Re t reat August 14 -1 6 Annual Leav e - None Scheduled 4158 FCI Danbury - Augusc U.S. Department of Justice ( Federal Bureau of Prison:; Northeast Regional Office u.s. Outom House 2nd & Chestnut Streets Philodelphia, PA. 19106 August 24, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/<3ENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - June and July 2001 I. ADMINISTRATJ:VE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT ( '. A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Recld in month Ansld in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 APR 190 185 190 185 0 MAY 185 223 189 219 0 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 201 205 210 195 0 JUN 219 210 228 201 0 B. Administrative Tort Claims - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 362 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 90 78 Recons. rec'd 3 4 11 1 3 4 4 Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 78 113 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 343 342 Over 180 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: As of July 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRa DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MCK NY~ OTV PHI RBK SCH Pending 2 15 9 1 18 5 9 14 9 14 4 0 6 5 0 1 7 4 Over 60 days 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4128 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days 46 44 70 20 2* 30 71 81 20 3* 20 51 23 77 54 64 33 105 47 51 23 30 0 0 5* 20 72 45 47 2* 47 82 84 45 3* * Note: Archived records. As of July 31, 2001 E. FOIA Requests for records: ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL· RBK SCH HER Pending 2 >20 days* 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 2* 1 0 5 1* 3 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 *Note all are archived records II. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT " ( \"'"" JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NJV DEC Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed 400 401 398 400 402 402 11 14 11 10 9 10 7 8 5 5 8 6 0 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 4 3 2 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 20 10 17 9 8 9 B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: 1) Smith v. DOJ, No. 00-5211 (D.C. Cir. June 12, 2001) - In this FOIA caSEt, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reversed the district court and ordered the government to prodJce recordings of an inmate's monitored telephone calls with an attorney. The clistrict COL rt uplleld the Bureau's application of exemption (b )(3) to the recordings. Our position was that :he recording fell within the provision of Title III (the wiretap statute) and discloslJre was permissible only under 18 U.S.C. § 2517 of that Act. The Court of Appeals -ecognizej tha': Title III is a statutory scheme which satisfies exemption (b)(3), and so recordings'covered by Title III need not be disclosed under FOIA. However, the court held that the Bureau recordings were made pursuant to an exception to Title III, and therefore WE!re not cOllered by Title III at all. Thus, the court reasoned discovery is not governed by 18 4129 3 U.S.C. § 2517. OOJ decided not to pursue further appellate review. The FOIA Branct is assessing other exemptions and practical methods to address future FOIA rE~quests for suc, tapes. C. HEARINGS/TRIALS: 1) U.S. v. Vince Davis, Criminal No. 01-940 (SONY) - On June 1, 2001, Jud"e Griesa leld .~ hearing concerning the medical care of an MOC Brooklyn inmate. MOC BR() Medical Officer Dr. Francin provided testimony concluding that the inmate had received adequate meclical care and medication for his sickle-cell anemia condition. Dr. Francin's testirrlony conv nced the Court that Davis was receiving adequate care for his condition, and the C;ourt was assu -ed that if .Davis in fact suffered from a sickle-cell attack, he would be hospitalized at a lOCi II hospital. The Judge noted he was not going to interfere in the medical and ndministra live decisions of the MOC since they do an admirable job of caring for inmates. .~ttomey Les Owen assisted at the hearing. 2) U. S. v. Joseph Watts, Criminal No. 01-011 (EDNY) - On July 3,2001, a hearing wcs hel::l before Judge Trager in response to a court order that the MOC not wake the pretrial d 3tainl~e prior to 6:30 a.m. on days of the trial. The judge issued the order after defense counsel stated that Watts was awaken too early and was too tired to participate in his own defense. The ,., . AUSA asked the judge to vacate the order and offered to transfer Watts to 1\1CC New York ( where he would be allowed to sleep later due to a different movement scheclule of USMS ", .. inmates. The court agreed to vacate the order and seemed satisfied by the comprom see However, defense counsel objected on the grounds that Watts was more comfortable in MDC Brooklyn and opted to have the inmate remain in MDC Brooklyn and get up early. Thl~ COLIrt vacated the order, but asked that the US Attorney's Office and the Bureau of Prisons 'evie\v the procedures used to get inmates to court on time. 3) Monsalve v. Parks. et aI., 01 Civ. 6010 (SONY) On July 3, 2001, Bivens plaintiff, Juan Monsalve, 58156-053, requested an Order to Show Cause why he should nl)t be remuved from administrative detention at MCC NY. He was placed in SHU based on his 'possessior of escape paraphernalia (a dummy). On July 12, 2001, Judge McKenna held Cl hearing. Attorney Andrea Girolamo attended the hearing. On July 16, 2001, Judge McKenna issued a Memorandum and Order denying plaintiff's motion, based on the fact that hu has not exhausted his administrative remedies. 4 )United States v. Jaime Lara, 98-CR-1164 (SONY) - On July 13, 2001, Judge Berman granted an emergency hearing to address a motion filed by the attorney for MCC NY nma1e Jaime Lara, 44680-054, alleging that 4 Lara reported experiencing severe abdominal pain and blood in his urine, and that MGC , personnel failed to address his condition. Defense counsel had called the Legal Department ( the day prior to articulate his concerns. In response, Health Services was n::>tified and the " 4130 (' ...) inmate was examined that evening. He was found to be in no acute distress, and blood and urine were drawn for immediate testing. Senior Staff Attomey Les Owen infclrmed the Court of the actions taken by MCC personnel, and provided assurances that Lara's medical neuds would be met. The Court was satisfied with MeC's efforts and suggested thut Defense! counsel follow up the situation with the MCC Legal Department the following week. 5) United States v. Davis, Crim No. 00-10124(0. Mass) On July 16,2001, I attended a post-sentencing hearing ordered by Judge Woodlock to discuss the Medical Designati In's decision to not follow the court's recommendation for direct court commitment to a cor1mur ity corrections center for service of the '15...month sentence. The Judge was palticularly concerned that the AUSA wrote a letter to the Bureau disagreeing with the Court's recommendation. The court requested that the person making the designation attend the hearing. Dr. Cary Mack from Medical Designation made the decision to designate the inmate to an institution instead of to a eec. Dr. Mack did a fine job in testifying hOYl he react ed is decision. After direct questioning from the court. the court was satisfied that Dr. Mack was not privy to the letter from the AUSA. NER Designator Tom Washburn also testified on gf.neral issues concerning designations. After the hearing. the court was disturbed that the pc sitior. of the AUSA did not include the court's view that the prior record of Mr. Davis 'lIas overtnn years old and did not truly reflect his present status. The court asked the Bureau to reconsider itfi designation in light of this information. I attended the hearing and agreed to submit thEI coul1's views for reconsideration. /- ~,. ~nez v. Dr. Glover. et at. 00 Civ. 5997 (SONY) ... MCC NY inmat'9 ~aims deliberate indifference to his medical needs '"..1 based on thEI claim thEit he ~fE should have received a skin graft for a fissure on his right middle finger, injUl·ed while '\lorking at UNICOR in 1992. On July 18,2001. there was a status conference before Judge Lynch at which the pro se plaintiff attended. Judge Lynch attempted to explain the applicable 'ilW to Sully-Martinez, and expressed doubt that the actions taken by the MCC cou d arise to the II~vel of deliberate indifference. Judge Lynch stated that it appeared that the MC(~ had proHided quite extensive medical care to the inmate and reminded the inmate that do,~tors are only doctors, not "miracle workers!' The court set an expedited schedule for the filing of rE maining documents on the summary judgment motion. We anticipate a prompt dech;ion. Andrea Girolamo attended on behalf of the MCC. 5 ~~...:.:...!.~II:'~':Ci. CR-93-435 (EDNY) - FMC Rochester inmate , \01 wrote Judge Platt, his sentencing Judge. complaining of varloL s inadeqL acieH concerning his medical care. Agnew. who suffers chronic back pain associElted with EI bodlsurfing injury in 1985. was part of a clinical trial for an experimental pain reli13f drug, Z conotide, prior to his incarceration. Using his medical condition, Agnew had successf Jlly delayud hi!i· . sentencing for nearly three years. On February 3. 2001, Agnew was senter ced to 5 rears in prison for his role in a large-scale drug distribution ring. The Bureau had attended a f1Umb9r of hearings prior to the actual sentencing. After clearance through Health Services 0 vision. the Bureau agreed to the following three requests from the Judge: (1) that I\gnew be 4131 designated to FMC Rochester for initial commitment and evaluation; (2) that he be allcwed:o ('.' remain on his experimental medication for 30 days (he was to report with a 30-day su~ply iu , his intrathecal pump); and (3) that the Bureau of Prisons would make appliccltion to the, drun company to continue Agnew in the clinical trial for Ziconotide. The Bureau cJmplied '" ith each of these requests. Judge Platt held hearings on July 30 & 31,2001, to address what he considors the Bureau's failings to abide by his "order." Judge Platt believes that the BOP agreed to keep Agnew 011 the Ziconotide (which is not supported by the record). At the previous hearings, JUdgE! Platt had specifically recognized the right of the Bureau's treating physicians to make the determination as to what course of treatment would be medically appropriatEt for Agne N. At the hearings, Judge Platt repeatedly threatened to release Agnew if he was not put be ck on the Ziconotide immediately. Medical records revealed that the inmate was evaluated I>y thu Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota at Rochester, and FMC Rochester each of who", had determined that the medication was not effective in pain relief for the inmate. Judge P att indicated that he wants a written submission by the inmate's former physician (who WetS administering the clinical trial), as to whether or not he believes the inmate should continue on the Ziconotide. The court will give the Bureau an opportunity to respond, and hold a f JIIfledged hearing, with witness testimony, if necessary. He did not set any dates for eit ier submission. Senior Staff Attorney Les Owen assisted the AUSA at the hearings, with sig1ificant te ephcnic and documentary assistance from FMC Rochester'S Attorney Mary Benning Associat 9 Warden Dave Good, and Staff Physician Fred Roberson. AJI three were standing by, via ( telephone, during both hearings in case the Judge wished to hear from thenl. ~., I 4132 ( 6 D. RELIGIOUS CASES: No new activity E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: -No new activity. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: TRIAL: ted States v. Bin Laden, 98 Cr. 1023 (SONY) - On May 29,2001, the all four "Bin Lade,n defendants" were found guilty on 302 counts of murder. The death penalty phase immediately be!lan f(or defendants AI-'Owhali and K. Mohammed. The jury decided against imposing the de1lth penalty on either of these two defendants. MCC New York staff testified concerning the attack by K. Mohammed on Officer Pepe. ERRALS: Brooklyn: Lewisburg: ( 2 referrals (2 inmate on staff assaults) 1 referral (29 inmates involved in large scale incident on June 26, 2001) 1 referral (escape of two inmates) Elkton: 5 referrals (4 inmate on staff, 1 inmate forgery) Fort Dix: 2 referrals (1, inmate assault on staff, 1 introduction oE 'C!W York: .ontraband (marijuana) VEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST 2001: Travel: Prisoner Litigation Seminar USP LEW/FCC ALW August 16 Annual Leave: August 20-24, 2001 AU~ ' ust 14 & 1! I ............... Travel - None Scheduled ~Leave - None Scheduled Travel - Prisoner Litigation Seminar - August 13-17 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - Legal Liaison training, FCr Danbury . Aucjust 27 -2 Annual Leave - August 29-31 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Schedules Travel - FOI Retreat August 14-16 Annual Leave - None Scheduled 4133 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ,UmCE ( Federal Bureau of Prisons US. tWJIPM IIDUII 1N"tIlllfHUTI7III1J ""WIlIHI4 M '''01 October 10, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - August/September 2001 A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 o FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 APR 190 185 190 185 0 MAY 185 223 189 219 0 JUN 219 210 228 201 0 JUL 201 205 210 195 o AUG 195 193 206 182 0 SEP OCT NOV DEC 182 173 172 183 o B. Administrative Tort Cl.aims - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 362 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 90 78 3 Recons. rec'd 3 4 11 1 4 4 Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 78 113 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 343 342 o o 0 0 0 0 ·0 Over 180 days C. Tort Claim Investigation status: Pending Over 60 days AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 342 340 101 59 7 9 110 89 340 319 0 o As of September 30, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO CAN CEV ELK FAI FTC LEW LOR MeK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH 1 8 7 1 27 5 11 13 4 20 10 2 3 18 3 2 8 2 0 3 1 0 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4474 ( 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* FEB MAR APR 51 23 20 77 54 64 33 105 47 23 30 51 0 0 5* MAY 30 71 81 20 3* JUN 20 72 45 47 2* JUL 47 82 84 45 3* SEP OCT NOV DEC 18 75 51 42 0 AUG 45 56 83 18 0 * Note: Archived records. E. FOZA Requests for records: As of September 30, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending 1 4 1 1 2 4 5 1 2 7 3 1 2 1 0 2 1 4 0 >20 days* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Note all are archived records II. LZ~ZGA~ZON ACTJ:VJ:~Y - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY (JON JOL)AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 402 392 392 400 401 398 400 402 10 10 3 9 11 14 11 10 7 8 5 5 8 1 1 1 2 4 100 334 2 1 o o 10 17 B • SIGNl:FlCANT LITZGATZON 6 o 0 1 0 2 0 0 o o 9 8 9 20 6 1 3 0 0 10 2 o 1 o o 18 !G.~TERS: 1) Tully v. Hasty and Rementer, 00-CV-5856 (E.D.N.Y.) Tully v. BOP, OO-CV-5366 (E.D.N.Y.) Former employee alleged violations of the Privacy Act and Bivens claims stemming from actions taken by supervisors to require Plaintiff to return from work and curb military absences. The Court ruled that the Civil Service Reform Act precludes jurisdiction over Plaintiff's Bivens claims. Some of Plaintiff's Privacy Act claims were barred by a prior settlement agreement. The rest were dismissed as' Plaintiff's suit was deemed to have constructively waived his privacy interests in the documents in question. 4475 ( 3 2) Chilingirian v. Ellis, et.al. Civ No. (WDPA) On August 23, 2001, a telephonic hearing was held regarding the Petitioner's Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order in which he requested to be free of retaliation for his filing in June 2001 in which he requested an immediate furlough to attend his son's wedding. The Magistrate Judge recommended denying the motion as it is an extraordinary remedy and the allegations w~re speculative. C. IIEARDlGS/TRIALS: - 1) Cuoco v. Luther. et.al. 95-330 (Erie) (WDPA) This Bivens case is scheduled for a two week trial in the Western District of Pennsylvania beginning on October 15, 2001. The Plaintiff, inmate John Cuoco, Reg. No. 80894-054, names 18 defendants and alleges that during October 1993, while housed at FC! McKean, staff failed to protect him from being the victim of a sexual assault. ·Assistant u.s. Attorney Paul Skirtich is representing the defendants. James Vogel, Paralegal Specialist, NER, will assist at trial. D. RELIGIOUS CASBS: ( Toulouse et aI, v. U.S., et aI, OO-CV~4840 (JAP) (D.N.J.) RFRA case filed by three former FC! Fort Dix alleging religious services staff interfered with proper sweat lodge ceremonies. Case dismissed as Plaintiff's withdrew complaint. Private counsel appeared for Defendants. B. ENSIGN AMENDMEN!r CASBS: - Wolf. et ale v. Reno, 01-1869 (3d Cir) (Dist. ct. No. 978-408) (WDPA March 2001) - This case was discussed in prior reports. Three inmates at FC! McKean have requested injunctive type relief challenging the application of the Ensign Amendment and the part of the Zimmer Amendment which prohibits the showing of R, X, and NC-17 films. The District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss. The Court found the Ensign and Zimmer amendments, and their implementing regulations, to be neutral and reasonable, and rationally related to penological interests. Oral argument is anticipated in January 2002. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSBCUTIONS/TRIALS: TRIAL/SENTENCINGS: u.s. v. Powers, Cr. No. (D.N.J.) On October 1, 2001, Inmate John J. Powers, 03220-028 was sentenced to a consecutive term of 45 months for his escape from Fe! Fairton in May 1999. 4476 4 ( u.s. v. James, Cr. No. (M.D.PA.) On September 13, 2001, former LSCI Allenwood Correctional Counselor Mark James was sentenced to 18 months (which is above the guidelines) and $4000 fine on three counts (Conspiracy to Receive Bribes and Destroy Public Documents; Receipt of Bribes by Public Official; and Destruction of Public Documents). u.s. v. Latimore (4:CR-OO-0331) (M.D.PA.)- Inmate Edward Latimore, 33260-060, is scheduled to be sentenced on October 18, 2001 for the hostage incident at USP Allenwood in August 2000. REFERRALS: MDC Brooklyn: 1 referral (Inmate on staff assault - pen) USP Lewisburg: 3 referrals (Inmate on staff (liquid); inmate lunged at DHO; Two inmates assaulted one inmate) FCI Fort Dix: 2 arraignments for misdemeanor assault conducted on military base before Magistrate Judge FMC Devens: 1 referral - An inmate, in an outgoing, unsealed, general correspondence letter placed in the unit mailbox, admitted to his attorney that he had committed a murder. He wrote that he had been arrested but never convicted/charged. The admission was referred to the U.S.· Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, who intends to prosecute. !l'RAVBL AIm LEAVE SCBBDULE FOR OCroSER 2001: Travel: MCC NY and MDC BRO - October 4 DOJ Attorney Interview Training - October 11 Attorney Supervisor's Training - Oct. 15-19 Annual Leave: None Scheduled Travel - DOJ Attorney Interview Training - October 11 FMC Devens Staff Assist - October 22-24 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel -Attorney Supervisor's· Training - Oct. 15-19 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Extended Annual Leave due to family medical issue Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - October 5-12 (Wedding/Honeymoon) Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled 4477 ( 5 Travel None Scheduled Annual Leave - October 24-30 Travel - Cuoco Trial - Erie, PA October 13-26 Annual Leave - None Scheduled ( U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ( -- f ('........l ,. deral Bureau of Prisons Q. '. 'RTHEAST RE'IONAl OFFICE ----------- ............_.........-.u.s. CUSTOM HOUSE JND'CHESTNUTITREm PHIlADElPHIA, PA. "'D. October 10, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS ( FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - August/September 2001 I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 239 202 251 190 0 190 185 190 185 0 185 223 189 219 0 219 210 228 201 0 201 205 210 195 0 195 193 206 182 0 182 173 172 183 .0 B. Administrative Tort Claims - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 362 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 90 78 Recons. rec'd 3 4 11 1 4 4 3 Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 78 113 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 343 342 Over 180 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: Pending Over 60 days AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 342 340 101 59 7 9 110 89 340 319 0 0 As of September 30, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAr FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH 1 0 8 3 7 1 1 0 27 1 5 11 0 5 4197 13 1 4 0 20 1 10 0 2 0 3 0 18 2 3 0 2 0 8 0 2 0 2 / { D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* FEB MAR APR 20 51 23 64 77 54 33 105 47 51 23 30 0 0 5* MAY 30 71 81 20 3* JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 20 72 45 47 2* 47 82 84 45 3* 45 56 83 18 0 18 75 51 42 0 * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: As of September 30, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending 1 >20 days* 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 7 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 -0 0 *Note all are archived records II. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY (JUN JUL}AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 402 392 392 400 401 398 400 402 10 10 3 11 14 11 10 9 8 5 6 8 6 7 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 820 10 18 10 17 9 9 ( B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: 1) Tull::::: v. Hast::::: and Rementer, 00-CV-5856 Tull::::: v. BOP, 00-CV-5366 (E.D.N.Y.) (E.D.N.Y.) Former employee alleged violations of the Privacy Act and Bivens claims stemming from actions taken by supervisors to require Plaintiff to return from work and curb military absences. The Court ruled that the Civil Service Reform Act precludes jurisdiction over Plaintiff's Bivens claims. Some of Plaintiff's Privacy Act claims were barred by a prior settlement agreement. The rest were dismissed as Plaintiff's suit was deemed to have constructively waived his privacy interests in the documents in question. 4198 3 ( 2) Chilingirian v. Ellis, et.al. Civ No. (WDPA) On August 23, 2001, a telephonic hearing was held regarding the Petitioner's Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order in which he requested to be free of retaliation for his filing in June 2001 in which he requested an immediate furlough to attend his son's wedding. The Magistrate Judge recommended denying the motion as it is an extraordinary remedy and the allegations were speculative. C. HEARINGS/TRIALS: - 1) Cuoco y. Luther, et.al, 95-330 (Erie) (WDPA) ~C This Bivens case is scheduled for a two week trial in the Western bL District of Pennsylvania beginning on October 15, 2001. The Plaintiff, inmate John Cuoco, Reg. No. 80894-054, names 18 defendants and alleges that during October 1993, while housed at FCl McKean, staff failed to protect him from being the victim of a sexual assault. Assistant u.s. Attorney Paul Skirtich is representing the defendants. James Vogel, Paralegal Specialist, NER, will assist at trial. D. RELIGIOUS CASES: Toulouse et aI, v. u.s., et aI, 00-CV-4840 (JAP) (D.N.J.) RFRA case filed by three former FCI Fort Dix alleging religious services staff interfered with proper sweat lodge ceremonies. Case dismissed as Plaintiff's withdrew complaint. Private co~nsel appeared for Defendants. . E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: - Wolf, et al. v. Reno, 01-1869 (3d Cir) (Dist. Ct. No. 978-408) (WDPA March 2001) - This case was discussed in prior reports. Three inmates at FCI McKean have requested injunctive type relief challenging the application of the Ensign Amendment and the part of the Zimmer Amendment which prohibits the showing of R, X, and NC-17 films. The District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss. The Court found the EnSign and Zimmer amendments, and their implementing regulations, to be neutral and, reasonable, and rationally related to penological interests. Oral argument is anticipated in January 2002. III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: TRIAL/SENTENCINGS: u.s. v. Powers, Cr. No. (D.N.J.) On October 1, 2001, Inmate John J. Powers, 03220-028 was sentenced to a consecutive term of 4S months for his escape from Fcr Fairton in May 1999. 4199 4 ( u .s. v. James, Cr. No. (M.D.PA.) On SepterrUber 13, 2001, former LSCI Allenwood Correctional Counselor Mark James was sentenced to 18 months (wh ich is above the guidelines ) and $4000 fine on three counts (Conspiracy to Receive Bribes and Destroy public Documents; Receipt of Bribes by Public Official; and Destruction of Public Documents ) . u.s. v. Latimore (4:CR-00-0331) (M.D.PA.)- Inmate Edward Latimore, 33260-060, is scheduled to be sentenced on October 18, 2001 for the hostage incident at USP Allenwood in August 2000 . REFERRALS: 1 referral (Inmate on staff assault - pen) MDC Brookl yn: USP Lewisburg: 3 referrals (Inmate on staff (liquid); inmate lunged at DHO; Two inmates assaulted one inmate) 2 arraignments for misdemeanor assault conducted on FCI Fort Dix: military base before Magistrate Judge 1 referral - An 'inmate, in an outgoing, unsealed, FMC Devens: general correspondence letter placed in the unit mailbox, admitted to his attorney that he had committed a murder. He wrote that he had been arrested but never convic·ted/charged . The admission was referred to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, (. who intends to prosecute. TRAVEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 2001: Travel: MCC NY and MDC BRO - October 4 DOJ Attorney Interview Training - October 11 Attorney Supervisor's Training - Oct. 15-19 Annual Leave: None Scheduled Travel - DOJ Att orney Interview Training - October 11 FMC Devens Staff Assist - October 22-24 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel -Attorney Supervisor's Training - Oct. 15-19 Annual Leave - None Scheduled . Travel - None Scheduled Extended Annual Leave due t o family medical issue Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - Oc tober 5-12 (Wedding/Honeymoon) Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - None Scheduled 4200 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •________ • :-Joyca Zoldak":-monthlyffj)Oiwpd . : . 4_0_' ~. _ _ ••• -________ . _ . _ . . • • , .... _ • •_ _ . ' _ _ • • • _ •• Page 1 ' ... u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Northeast Regional Office US Custom House 2nd & Chestnut Streets PhIladelphIa. PA. 19106 November 23, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS I FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - October 2001 Ii I I i I. ADMJ:NIS~TIVB LEGAL ACTI~TIES I~. - SUMMARY REPORT " A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 APR 190 185 190 185 0 MA Y 185 223 189 219 0 JUN 219 210 228 201 0 JUL 201 205 210 195 0 AUG 195 193 206 182 0 SEP 182 173 172 183 0 OCT NOV DEC 183 192 206 169 0 B. Administrative Tort Claims - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 362 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 90 78 Recons. rec'd 3 4 11 1 4 4 3 Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 78 113 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 343 342 Over 180 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: Pending Over 60 days AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 342 340 319 101 59 78 7 9 8 110 89 108 340 319 297 0 0 0 As of October 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRa DAN DEV ELK FA! FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH 1 0 5 0 8 1 0 0 .- . • • . . ----,----.. - - - - - . - . - 29 1 .• - 0 0 9 0 14 0 7 18 0 1 - - _ . _ ..- ..... _ • • - - - - - . - - - - .... - 4212 3 0 - _ .. - ... - 0 0 5 0 16 3 0 0 3 0 7 2 5 0 . . . - . -_ _ _ _ _ •_ _ ..... - _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ._.J ! Joyce Zoldak - monthly11 .00 1.wpd ( 2 D. FOI / Priv a cy Ac t Requests Pending on 1st Rec ' d in mo nt h Ans ' d in month Pe ndi n g at End Ove r 20 days • JAN 46 44 70 20 2' - FEB MAR APR 20 51 23 77 54 64 33 105 47 51 23 30 5' 0 0 2 001 MAY 30 71 81 20 3' JU N 20 72 45 47 2' JU L 47 82 84 45 3' AUG 45 56 83 18 0 SEP 18 75 51 42 0 OCT NOV DEC 42 53 75 20 0 Note: Arch i v e d records. E. FOIA Reque sts f or records: As o f Oct ober 31 , 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL R8K SCH NER Pending >20 days· 0 o a o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o *Note all are archived records II . LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2 001 NORTHEAS T REG I ON A . SUMMARY REPORT (, Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Co r pus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Cl os e d JAN FEB MAR APR MAY (JUN JUL)AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 402 392 392 37 7 400 40 1. 398 400 402 14 11 10 10 10 3 6 11 9 7 8 6 2 8 5 6 5 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 4 3 4 2 3 1 2 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 17 9 8 9 20 10 1 8 17 B . SIGNI F I CANT LITIGATION MATTERS : C . HEARINGS/TRIALS : 1 ) Muhannad v. Reyes , et . al , 4:CV-99 - 0468(MDPA) Th is case, or i gina l ly filed as a Bivens but conve r ted t o an FTCA, wa s filed by USP Lewisburg inmate Anthony Austin , 12760 - 047 c l ai mi ng inadequate med i cal care for a hand injury . A one day tri al occurred on November 4 , 2 001, at which time the Judge dismissed the case . Lori Cunningham assist ed the AUSA. Infante v . Frank , et.al. CV-97 - 824 (M DPA ) Th is Bivens case filed by now former inmate Robert Infante , challenges his work assignme n t due t o a medical condition. _0_0---.-._------_.__._.-._-- --- 02 4 2 1 -08 2 Th re e 3 defendants remain. Jury selection is scheduled to begin on December 3, 2001. Michael Sullivan and Jeff Fromm are assisting the AUSA. D. RELIGIOOS CASES: Jackson v. Hasty, et.al, Civ. No. 00-CV-2808 (EDNY~ USP Leavenworth inmate Patrick Jackson, 13340-004, alleges that wh~le housed at MOe Brooklyn for approximately four months, he was denied his religious diet. Jackson, a Rastafarian, failed to submit the completed religious diet form. E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: - Wolf, et ale v. Reno, 01-1869 (3d Cir) - This case was discussed in prior reports. Three inmates at FCI McKean have requested injunctive type relief challenging the application of the Ensign Amendment and the part of the Zimmer Amendment which prohibits the showing of R, X, and NC-17 films. The District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss after a finding that the Ensign and Zimmer amendments, as implemented, to be neutral and reasonable, and rationally related to penological interests. Oral argument is anticipated in January 2002. r ~ ~~ III. CRIMINAL RBFBRRALS/PROSEctJTIONS/TlUALS: TRIAL/SENTENCINGS: ;. v. Latimore 4:CR-00-0331 (M.D.PA.)- Inmate Edward Latimore, 33260-060, was sentenced on October 18, 2001 for the staff hostage incident at USP Allenwood in August 2000. He received a consecutive sentence of 96 months, and $300 special assessment. 5. v. Kenney, 4:CR- (MDPA)- Inmate John Kenney, 05238-041 was sentenced for possession of a weapon resulting from a September 1999 incident in which the inmate assaulted a USP Allenwood Unit Manager. Kenney received a 41 month consecutive sentence and a $100.00 dollar special assessment. The jury found inmate Kenney not guilty of resisting staff and not guilty by reason of insanity of assaulting staff. The weapon (razor blade) was found in the inmate's possession after the assault had occurred. ~ERRALS : : Allenwood: Suspected arson in recreation building referred to FBI :1 Allenwood: 3 referrals (inmate on inmate fight; documents found regarding a counterfeiting scheme; inmate billing purchase of personal books to r I i .. ~ ""-"- ---... -... -. I -'-. '- I I I . ---------._---_._--------_...__.._---,...__..... : J~y~~ Zoldak - monthly11.001. wpd -~.- .......-.- ... " .•. ,,-.......... . ( Education Dept.) 'FCI Allenwood:4 referrals (2 inmate assaults on staff (throwing a 4 book, pulling cuffs through wicket); possession of narcotics (marijuana): inmate placing baby powder in envelope to scare another inmate). USP Allenwood: 4 referrals (2 inmate on inmate assaults, 1 possession of weapon, 1 use of mail to threaten another) USP Lewisburg: 2 referrals (Inmates on staff with injury (puncture wound and scratches; inmate on inmate fight) 'FCI Fort Dix: 2 arraignments for misdemeanor assault conducted on military base before Magistrate Judge: 4 referrals FCI Otisville: 6 (4 inmate on inmate assaults, 2 improper use of mail) TRAVEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 2001: Travel: Honors Attorneys Interviews (PHL)- Nov 1 Fed. P.O. Meeting - Boston - Nov 2 New Atty Training - D.C. - Nov 15 Annual Leave: Nov 6-9 Travel - FCC Allenwood After Action Nov 13-14 Leave - Nov 23 bLo Travel -None Annual Leave - Nov 21, 23 Travel - None Scheduled Periodic/Extended Leave for family medical issue Travel - New Atty Training - Nov 13-15 Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - Nov 21, 23 Travel - None Scheduled Annual Leave - Nov 21 Travel - None Annual Leave - None Scheduled I ! ! I . _,'_. __ . . ,. . . . . ___. . . __. ___.___._________~___ J 4215 Joyce Zoldak - monthly12.001.wpd Page 1 .. -_ ........ -- ._-- .... _.. ._---- ...... - .. - ( U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons NorlheastRegronalOfflce US Custom House 2nd & Chestnut Streets Philadelphia. PA. 19106 December 27, 2001 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS ( '" FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - November 2001 - SUMMARY I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES A. Administrative Remedies Pending on 1st Recld in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 0 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 - REPORT 2001 APR 190 185 190 185 0 B. Administrative Tort Claims MAY 185 223 189 219 0 - JUL 201 205 210 195 0 JUN 219 210 228 201 0 AUG 195 193 206 182 0 SEP 182 173 172 183 0 OCT 183 192 206 169 0 NOV DEC 169 175 176 168 0 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 362 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 90 78 4 3 Recons. rec'd 3 4 11 1 4 Ansld in month 77 105 82 84 78 113 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 343 342 0 0 Over 180 days 0 0 0 0 0 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 342 340 319 297 101 59 78 78 7 8 4 9 110 89 108 83 340 319 297 298 0 0 0 0 As of November 30, 2001 C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: i j. I n-: PE:: .. j::.~ Over 60 days ... -1 ~.,i·; ;"';'r- ~;.." J 1 0 0 ci\_ .... 1 ~~: ':"'':;". - :;,.~ 0 (j l:.4.i~ ~ ...:. C 2 J r"';~ ;"EW LOk MCK NYM UTV PHL RBK SCH 11 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 13 9 1 0 5 0 3 1 6 0 ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .• _. _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----J I 4253 Page 2 Joyce Zoldak - monthly12.001.wpd ._-----'-----_._-_._-_. __ .- '--' .,.. ' 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ansld in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* FEB MAR APR 51 23 20 77 54 64 33 105 47 51 23 30 0 0 5* MAY 30 71 81 20 3* JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC os:> .- 47 82 8-i -17 4S 2* 3* 20 72 45 56 83 18 0 18 75 51 42 0 42 20 53 8 75 15 20 13 0 5* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: ALF ALM ALP ALW Pending >20 days· 0 *No~e II. 0 0 BRO DAN DE\, 0 1 0 1 As of November 30, 2001 EU~ Q F7D :: '~E~ LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER o o 0 o o 0 o o , all are archived records .. LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT i / Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY (JUN JUL)AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 400 401 398 400 402 402 392 392 377 366 11 14 11 10 9 10 10 3 6 18 7 8 5 6 5 8 6 2 3 9 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 3 3 4 2 1 3 2 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 17 9 8 9 20 10 18 17 8 (, ). I B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: ,. C. HEARINGS/TRIALS: - 1) Infante v. Frank, et.al. CV-97-824 (MDPA) - In this Bivens case, former inmate Robert Infante, 02421-082, aileged that UNICOR staff had forced him to exceed his medical restrictions at USP Allenwood in 1997. Mr. Infante was released from custody in November 2001. After his release, the inmate did not comply with several court orders and rules regarding pre-trial preparation. The court issued an order pr'ohibiting him from calling any witnesses and from using nis fifty four exhibits in the case, although the court did allow Mr. Infante to testify and to use our witnesses and exhibits. On December 3, 2001, when the case was called for jury selection, Mr. Infante was not able Ii I ! I, I. ,. I ( r 4254 Joyce Zoldak - monthly12.001.wpd Page.3 -------------------------_._._-_... _..... __ .. -_.. ( to be located. The court ordered the case dismissed. Michael 3 S~llivan and Jeff Fromm assisted the AUSA. 2. U.S. v. Gregory Ferguson, 99 CR 1262 (SONY)- On November 20, 2001, the criminal trial judge held a hearing to address religious diets issues raised by the attorney for MD~ Brooklyn inmate Gregory Ferguson, # 41238-054, a Rastafarian. The issue involved the decision to remove the inmate from the certified foods program as stated in the Warden's BP-9 response, which instructed him to apply for the "No Flesh diet if he wished to receive vegetarian meals. The government· argued that a lactose-free, No Flesh diet adequately meets Ferguson's religious and dietary needs .. The inmate's attorney argued that Ferguson had been receiving meals of raw vegetables for three years through the Common Fare program and the No Flesh diet does not satisfy Rastafarian requirements. The Court withheld judgement pending the outcome of the administrative remedy process, but requested MDC Brooklyn should provide Ferguson with raw vegetables until the process has been exhausted. The AUSA agreed. Att Bail assisted the AUSA at the heari ~~ ,c ll ( ... 3. U.S. v. Joseph Rini, 00 CR 237 (SDNY) - Counsel for defendant Joseph Rini (free on bail) subpoenaed any and all telephone calls made by another inmate "to date, and henceforth." In ~ddition, counsel p~-eser~ted a court order directing the Bureau of Prisons maintain the tape recorded telephone conversations and ordered the Bureau of Prisons not to divulge the existence of the order or subpoena to anyone. In October 2001, Todd Bailey, Staff Attorney,· represented MOC Brooklyn:at a hearing and argued that the subpoena was overly broad; would unduly burden MOC staff; the subpoena's request for calls "henceforth" was prohibited by federal wiretap statutes; the order impeded MOC's ability to properly release information through the U.S. Attorney's Office; and, the order prevented MOC from exploring these and other defenses with the U.S. Attorney's Office. The 'Court agreed the subpoena was overly broad and narrowed the request to calls made to one phone number (a total of seven phone calls). The Court also agreed that a request for calls "henceforth" was improper and restricted the request to calls up to the date of the subpoena. Finally, the Court modified the order to allow MDC Brooklyn to contact the Civil Division of the US Attorney's Office, which then formally responded to and objected to the subpoena. The issue became moot when Rini pled guilty in his criminal case and withdrew the subpoena. 4. United States v. Hunton, CV-01-4592 - Civil action to evict an MDC Brooklyn employee from staff housing and recover unpaid past due rent. Hunton vacated her Dayton Manor apartment November 22, 2001. MOC Brooklyn is pursuing summary judgement to recover unpaid back rent. ;; I " I j' ------------------~~ 4255 .. Joyce Zoldak - monthly12 .001 .wpd - - - _._ . .. _._--_._... - - -_ .. __.- --_.__ ... . --- Pagt - ( 4 D_ RELIGIOUS CASES: E_ ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES : Wolf, et al. v. Reno, 01-1869 (3d Cirl - This case was discussed in prior reports. Three inmates at FCI McKean have requested injunctive type relief challenging the application of the Ensign Amendment and the part of the Zimmer Amendment which prohibits the showing of R, X, and NC-17 films. The District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss after a finding that the Ensign and Zimmer amendments, as implemented, to be neutral and reasonable, and rationally related to penological ir.terests . Oral argument is anticipated in January 2002. 111_ CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: TRIAL/SENTENCINGS: -REFERRALS: ~CI Allenwood: 2 referrals (inmate on inmate assaults I (' ., , USP Allenwood: 8 referrals (2 inmate on staff assaults (minor - without injury!; 2 threatening staff; 2 inmate on inmate assaults (one attempted killing!; 2 possession of weapon! USP Lewisburg: 3 referrals (Inmate on staff without injury (threw a magazine!; 2 inmate on inmate fight! FCI Schuylkill : 1 referral (Inmate alleged sexual assault by another inmate! TRAVEL AND LEAVE SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 2001: Travel : None Scheduled Leave: Dec. 26, 31 Travel - Newark, N.J. Annual Leav e - Dec. 26-31 Travel -None Annual Lea Ve - Dec . - Sentencing Hearing Dec . . 18 19-~1 Travel - None Scheduled PeriodiC/Extended Leave for family medical issue Travel - I.F. (at FCI Fairton ! Dec . 3 - 14 I .r," I :f 4256 Joyce Zoldak - monthly1.02.wpd Page 1 ( u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons Northeast Regronm Offlce U S Custom House 2nd & Chestnut Streets Phl/adelph;a, PA. 19106 January 22, 2002 MEMORANDUM FOR CHRISTOPHER ERLEWINE, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GENERAL COUNSEL, FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS FROM: Henry J. Sadowski, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Monthly Report - December 2001 I I (. .I I. ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ACTIVITIES - SUMMARY REPORT A. Administrative Remedies - 2001 Pending on 1st Rec1d in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 30 days JAN 161 173 185 149 0 FEB 149 232 142 239 MAR 239 202 251 190 0 0 APR 190 185 190 185 0 MAY 185 223 189 219 0 JUN'JUL 219 201 210 205 228 210 201 195 0 0 AUG 195 193 206 182 0 SEP 182 173 172 183 0 OCT 183 192 206 169 0 NOV 169 175 176 168 0 DEC 168 167 167 168 0 B. Administrative Tort Claims - 2001 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL Pending on 1st 335 354 343 353 355 362 343 Rec'd in month 93 90 81 86 81 90 78 Recons. rec'd 1 4 11 3 4 4 3 Ans'd in month 77 105 82 84 78 113 82 Pending at End 354 343 353 355 362 343 342 Over 180 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. Tort Claim Investigation Status: AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 342 340 319 297 298 101 59 78 78 66 7 9 4 8 2 110 89 108 83 83 340 319 297 298 293 0 0 0 0 0 As of December 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN DEV ELK FAI FTD LEW LOR MCK NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH Pending Over 60 days 2 0 8 0 11 2 5 0 23 11 2 0 9 3 9 1 5 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 15 10 4 0 3 0 0 0 14 1 ( 1 i 4280 Joyce Zoldak - ~onth!y1.02:~~d P~ge.2 (' 2 D. FOI/Privacy Act Requests Pending on 1st Rec'd in month Ans'd in month Pending at End Over 20 days JAN 46 44 70 20 2* - FEB MAR APR 20 51 23 77 5~ 64 33 105 47 51 23 30 5* 0 0 2001 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 30 71 81 20 3* 20 72 4S 47 2* 47 82 84 45 3* 4S 56 83 18 0 18 75 51 42 0 42 53 75 20 0 13 30 30 19 1* 20 8 15 13 5* * Note: Archived records. E. FOIA Requests for records: I As of December 31, 2001 ALF ALM ALP ALW BRO DAN CEV ELK FAI FTC LEW LOR MCR NYM OTV PHL RBK SCH NER Pending >20 days* 0 3 0 0 3 1 3 310 3 o 1 o 0 0 1 0 0 *Note all are archived records II. " :1 I LITIGATION ACTIVITY - 2001 NORTHEAST REGION A. SUMMARY REPORT ( I Open on 1st New Cases Habeas Corpus FTCA Bivens Other Bivens/FTCA Cases Closed JAN FEB MAR APR MAY (JUN JUL)AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC** 392 392 377 366 402 400 401 398 400 402 18 10 6 3 10 9 11 14 11 10 9 6 2 3 S 8 7 6 8 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 6 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 10 18 17 8 20 8 9 10 17 9 ** The discovery of a glitch in processing incoming cases has required an adjustment of litigation numbers. The revised numbers for each month are set forth below. The S3 noted for December are actually cases from earlier in the year which were logged into Lawpack in December. New Cases JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 15 17 15 15 13 16 20 10 13 25 28 53 B. SIGNIFICANT LITIGATION MATTERS: 1. Haywood v. Alcantara & Lassi, 99 CV 1127 (EDNY) This Bivens action filed by an inmate at MOC Brooklyn alleged that two correctional officers were deliberately indifferent to the safety of 4281 I I ... ,. Page 3 Joyce Zoldak - monthly1.02.wpd ( 3 the Plaintiff by not removing him from the housing unit. The Unit Officer, who had received some information, moved the inmate to a bed closer to the officer's station in the open dormitory type unit. The Officer also reported it to the Lieutenant's office and. relayed the information to the officer who relieved her. Later that evening, the Plaintiff was attacked. The Court,. in granting the Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgement, held that lithe officers did place themselves on a heightened alert, they did not observe anything in the moments before the attack to suggest it was coming and, therefore, I don't see anything about their failure to take greater preventive action that could support an Eighth Amendment claim." Plaintiff has filed a Notice of App~al. Les Owen and Todd Bailey assisted the AUSA on this case. c. HEARXNGS/TRXALS: 1. U.S. v. Mauriello, CR-S-97-082 (D. Nevada) - On December 21, 2001, telephonic hearing was held concerning a request by LSCI Allenwood inmate Stephen Mauriello, 32013-048 for halfway house placement, home confinement, or compassionate release. The sentencing judge ruled that he did not have jurisdiction over the issue. Mike Sullivan presented the arguments on behalf of the Bureau. 2. U.S. v. Barnes, Crim. No. 00-06, Civ. No. 01-4454 (EDPA) On December 21, 2001, a hearing was held on the inmate's motion for a resentencing based upon trial counsel's ineffective assistance of counsel (regarding appeal time frames) and requesting a downward departure based upon allegations that FDC Philadelphia could not provide proper medical care. AUSA requested Bureau assistance in case the medical issue had to be addressed. Regional and institutional staff assisted and attended the hearing, although no testimony was necessary as the Court agreed to reissue a J&C to permit the inmate to file an appeal. 3. Gammon v. Warden, FMC Devens, et ale (Civil No. COl-435-M, D.N.H.) In a motion before the sentencing court, FMC Devens inmate Frank Gammon, 01578-081 alleged the Bureau of Prisons was not treating his chronic back pain as indicated by a letter from the Medical Director prior to sentencing. The Court determined this to be habeas petition contesting "the conditions of his confinement ll and ordered a Magistrate's hearing to review the inmate's request for injunctive relief. I On December 18, 2001, Dr. Karl Bernhardt, Staff Physician, at FMC Devens, testified concerning the treatment and medications Gammon has received since his November 9, 2001, arrival at FMC Devens. Dr. Bernhardt also provided a synopsis of the treatment plans being I I t 'l 42R2 page 4 ( 4 considered and any pending consultation orders. William Baumgartel, Paralegal Specialist, also testified concerning the Bureau's Administrative Remedy Program and the inmate's failure to exhaust. The Magistrate Judge acknowledged the improper venue and jurisdiction as well as the inmate's failure to exhaust, but did not indicate what recommendation would be forwarded to the District Judge. 4. U.S. v. MCKeithan (Criminal No. 1:00-CR-278-01, M.D.PA) On December 20, 2001, a video conference sentencing hearing was conducted at FMC Devens for inmate Curtis McKeithan, 04888-067. Due to a history of heart attacks he was admitted to FMC Devens as a pre-sentence inmate and stipulated to appear at sentencing via video conference. Upon conclusion of arguments, Judge Rambo announced a sentence of 420 months. D. RELIGIOUS CASES: None E. ENSIGN AMENDMENT CASES: Wolf, et ale V. Reno, 01-1869 (3d Cir) - This case was discussed in prior reports. Three inmates at FCI McKean had requested injunctive type relief challenging the application of the Ensign Amendment and the part of the Zimmer Amendment which prohibits the showing of R, X, and NC-17 films. The District Court granted the Government's motion to dismiss after a finding that the Ensign and Zimmer amendments, as implemented, to be neutral and reasonable, and rationally related to penological interests. Oral argument was held before the Court of Appeals on January 7, 2002. The argument was very well presented by DOJ Attorney Ed Himmelfarb on behalf of the government. ( '" III. CRIMINAL REFERRALS/PROSECUTIONS/TRIALS: TRIAL/SENTENCINGS: REFERRALS: FCI Allenwood: 2 referrals (1 - inmate on, phone threatened to kill his boyfriend (former inmate) if messing around; 1 - inmate assaulted another inmate with cane) LSCI Allenwood: 1 referral (inmate on inmate assault) USP Allenwood: 8 referrals (1 inmate on staff assault (minor - without 4283 .,.i Joyce Zoldak - monthly 1.02 .wpd Page 5 - - - - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - -- --- ---_._.. ( 5 "i ;injury ) ; 4 inmate on inmate assaults; 3 possession of weapon) USP Lewisburg, 1 refer r al (Inmate attempted to stab another inmate with piece of . window wire through the cell door window ) 'FCI otisville, 1 referral (introduction of narcotics ) FCI Schuylkill, 1 referral ( Inmate on inmate assault ) ,TRAVEL AND LEAVE S CHEDULE FOR J ANUARY 2001: Travel, January 10, 2002 - FCI Fort Dix January 15-18 , 2002 - General Counsel Meeting - Los Angeles Annual Leav e, January 9, 2002 II Travel - No ne Scheduled Annual LeaVE None Scheduled Travel -None Annual Leave - None Scheduled Travel - None Scheduled Periodic / Extended Leave for family medical issue Travel - FCC Allenwood, January 14-18, 2002 Annual Leave - None Scheduled I ( :.;~ .'. Trav el - None Scheduled Annual Leave - January 8, 2002 Travel - None Scheduled Annua l Leave - - January 11, 2002 None Scheduled Annual Lea v e - January 10, 18, 2002 Trav el - None Annual Lea v e - None Scheduled ( 4284