Fbop Scr Quarterly Reports 1996jan-dec
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u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons South Central Regional Office Dallas, Texas 75219 April 12, 1996 APR I 5 ;::J':: I 1\ MEMORANDUM FOR WALLACE H. CHENEY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/GEN,~~ COUNSEL C~RAL OFFICE FROM: ~ChjlQ Hoo , SUBJECT: Quarterly Report for January - March, 1996 Counsel Attached is our quarterly report for the above-noted months. Attachments ( I I 2896 =,-,,',,'\,. LITIGATION NARRATIVES JANUARY 1, 1996 - KARCH 31, 1996 ( SIGNIFICANT CASES Crow v. Rich, at al.; 94-CR-017-001-B (ND/TX, Dallas Division) Seagoville inmate has attempted to file habeas action (he has filed it under his criminal case number), challenging denial of his eligibility for one year sentence reduction under 18 U.S.C. § 3621(e). Inmate's crime fell under the "may be violent" section of the Program Statement, and he was denied sentence reduction based on two point enhancement for presence of firearm. A litigation report has been submitted (after consultation with the LeI and Litigation Branches in DC). A Motion to Dismiss was filed on February 21, 1996, and we are awaiting a copy of the Motion. washington v. Reno, at al.; Case Nos. 83-217 and 93-290 (' ...... , ... Prepared Declarations at FMC, Carswell for Camp Administrator Lisa. Austin and Case Manager Tim Grace regarding the Motion for Enforcement, Renewal and'Further Relief of Judge's Order Filed August 5, 1993, seeking that the Court enforce its previous Protective Order by not allowing inmates Robinson and Preston to be transferred as planned by FMC, Carswell. Also, the inmates request the Court enjoin the Bureau of Prisons from retaliating against the Plaintiffs of the ITS lawsuit • Haughton v. Hawk, CIV-96-25-R (WD/OK) It is a combination Bivens/Injunctive suit, and challenges our 'definition of "crime of violence" under 18 USC 3621(e) as it relates to one year off for drug treatment. Agramonte v. U.S.; 3:94-CV-2015-G (ND/TX) Medical malpractice case; pretrial hearing in April - possible settlement· negotiations. RELIGIOUS ISSUES Susan Tinsley v. Thomasatte Pittari; 4-9S-CV-907-E (ND/TX) ( The Plaintiff claims she is of an orthodox Christian faith that follows the tenets of the early Christian Church. She states that she is required to observe the double Sabbaths, or high holy days, by work proscription, which she states must be computed by a lunar calendar, not the solar calendar. Religious Services denied her request because the requested days were not recognized work proscription days according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons policy. Plaintiff cites Bivens and RFRA. 2897 2 (' -. FTCA adminis~rative claim filed by inmate Michael James Thundercloud, Reg. No. 06178-059, claiming that staff at FCI, Oakdale, damaged one eagle feather and one hawk feather beyond repair when this property was packed upon the inmate's placement into SHU on January 31, 1996. Inmate seeks $14,000 for damage to the feathers, and $214,000 for personal injury arising from being "spiritually and morally" damaged by the conduct of institution staff. We are working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assist the inmate in replacing the eagle feather. Susan Tinsley v. Department of Justice. et a1. (The complaint has not been filed with the court as of March 26, 1996. ) Plaintiff claims Defendants have wrongly placed her in FRP refusal status due to her "religious beliefs", which has resulted in denial of rights and benefits. CASES WITH SETTLEMENTS/AWARDS Armstrong v. U.S.; 94-2562-B-M2 (MD/LA) C:: Lexington inmate filed suit for personal injury allegedly incurred at FMC, Carville in 1992 when handicapped commode railing gave way. Case was settled for approximately $7,000, based primarily of inaccessibility of Carville records, and conflicting recollection of former Carville employees regarding facts of the incident. Krumrye v. Reno; H-94-4354 (SD/TX) EEO case - probationary employee fired for leaving key in lock; alleged gender based discrimination. Settlement agreement reached at mediation March 18, 1996 because of witness problems. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION Youset Rouhani v. Six Unknown Federal Agents; l:96CV005 (ND/TX) Complains he was taken to hospital without medical records. Benedetto Artino V. U.S.A.; 96-WY-4 (D/CO) The inmate has filed suit for 3 million dollars, alleging our improper medical care lead to loss of his kidney. ( 2898 3 CASES WITH BEARINGS'OR TRIALS Jerry Loudermilk v. Franco; EP-95-CA-436-H (WO/TX) Magistrate ,scheduled an expedited evidentiary hearing in this habeas case for February 20, 1996, during which it was argued that plaintiff had not exhausted administrative remedies, and therefore a hearing on the merits was improper. Magistrate then ordered the filing of submissions by February 28, 1996, to address the issue of exhaustion, as well as the merits regarding whether drug treatment program, was eligible for early release under § 3621(e), despite being an inappropriate candidate for half-way house placement due to his·violent offense conduct. UPCOMING BEARING OR TRIALS Ama40 Jose Torres v. Dr. Clinton strong, et a1.; CIV-94-356-B (WO/OK) FTCA medical malpractice action, claiminq inappropriate medical care by BOP, U.S. Ma'rshals Service, and contract physician Dr. Strong for lower back problems. Scheduled for tria~ the week of April 15. Aqramonte v. U.S.; 3:94-CV-2015-G (ND/TX) Mediation scheduled for April 15, 1996. ***** Potential evidentiary hearing in Denver regarding Timothy McVeigh week of April 8 - sta~f members from El Reno may be requested to testify regarding conditions of McVeigh's confinement. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIM T-SCR-96-113i Tony Johnigan, Reg. No. 27593-077, has filed a tort claim seeking $75,000. Mr. Johnigan claims that Health Services staff at FCl, Seagoville failed to diagnose and treat him for a fractured ankle on February 5, 1996. He states that his foot was broken for 18 days before it was placed in a cast. ( 2899 HUM \ LeC I , He: \ FTC BIV I I MXR I Kl:1t O'l'H \ ANS I PEN I CLD T 5 S4 2 20 WXR I ~ I I I I 300 19· \ c:a , 1 , TO'r ,.~ ~~.,. i i I \ .... I « I 34 , , I I 61 I SET I AWD I I I SIR NCR sea H/'l' I 0 2 I i , I i NARRATIVE ATI'ACHEO ON SEPARATE PAPER PlrXI',!AU LaC - LO.a&Uoa 1l11li - I I ' . ' a. 'l'OQL L&. . .l:ft I'ZI.BD IJI Q1JU!'•• Ba - JIINI'. c:aawtrII acnGIf8 7%r.lD .'1'C - . . . . . CD' naa laD o. ...... ...,m••• Bn - . . . . o••" ... aa-nOD on - ~ aanoa I'zz.ma IB-.,,,O. aD • .IUD F'• • O. UftClU%OJI -..o2H CQJDUnD ar.D - . . . . &c:UCm. CW)8JID B/" - . . . . 0,. DMna oa 'RIaL. (%IIC:LtmB IDa III lIAIlD'ZIVl) S8' - _ 01' ••ftf,••, •• (Douma %DO IX n.u~%VB' MID - . . . 01' ana. (DCl.IRm %DO DI . . . .a'!%VJIJ QOn. . ~%.. UID DaR all AC"IO•. - ( I_aLUOI: Ilf D.Il.IIAll'nz, ··wa ( \. 2900 Tort Claims Second Quarter - FY96 (January 01, 1996 - March 31, 1996) r T~OC I Num ~ 128 PP 88 PI PPPI 0 5 21 Med WD 14 set 11 Amnt 3267 Variable Definition Den 198 51 00 1 A/O A/P 6 145 Time Period Num - Number of claims filed .•.•.••.• PP - Personal Property claims ••.•... PI - Personal Injury claims •••••••.• PPPI - Both PP & PI claims .•••...•••.. - Wrongful Death claims •..••••••. WD Med - Medical claims •..•••••.•••••.•• Set - settled/a~proved claims .••.••.. Amnt Amount pal.d .••••.••.•...•••••..• Pen - Pending/open claims ..••••••••.. Den Number of claims Denied ..••••.. 00 - Number of claims OverDue ••.•... A/O - Avg number of days Overdue .•... A/P - Avq number of days to Process ~ Med = PIM+ WDM+ PPPIM+ PPWDM ~ Pen 01/01/96 01/01/96 01/01/96 01/01/96 01/01/96 01/01/96 01/01/96 01/01/96 =< D Accept <= 03/31/96 =< O-Accept <= 03/31/96 =< O-Accept <= 03/31/96 =< O-Accept <= 03/31/96 =< O-Accept <= 03/31/96 =< D-Accept <= 03/31/96 =< D-Closed <= 03/31/96 =< O-Closed <= 03/31/96 ~~ Entire Database ~~ 01/01/96 =< 0 Closed <= 03/31/96 ~~ Entire Database ~~ 01/01/96 =< D Closed <= 03/31/96 01/01/96 =< D-Closed <= 03/31/96 ~ WO = WD+ PPWD Press any key to continue ( 2901 ~ ·S~P-0 ( FOI/PA DQuzaT. LOC I NUM PROC PEND i .00 I MXR I AIOD I II I I ~ 'SER I NCR I SCR I 101 85 161 I WXR 1 I :1 I 0 CO TOT ! ! 6 mos. ! 0 ! I ! LOC - LOC&lfI08 HUll - IIUDD JI%LBD III QUUDR PROC - PBOCB88BD PEW - '..,Dca OD - OVBlllRm A/OD - Avataall IIUIIB.. 01' DAYS OVBRDOB AlP - AVBaa88 LBBGTH 01' TIKB TO PROCESS CA - Crv%L A~%OB8 ~ILBD UBD.. POI/PA ACTS I 0 I ! ! DBI:tHl:T%QJl8 2902 I I 1 ! . I I I , i I ! I CA I I I NER I AlP I I i I I ! South Central Region co JUL 22'- LITIGATION NARRATIVES APRIL 1, 1996 - JUNE 1, 1996 SiGNiFiCANT CASES Marchetti, et a1. y. BOP, at a1., C~A. No. 6:96CV026C, ND/TX Case transf"erred from" DDC, attempted class action filed by alien inmates, claiming they are denied equal protection by being housed in a contract facility (Eden Detention Center). Class certification has been denied, applications of approximately 20 additional inmates to join the suit have been denied, and the case has been severed into five separate actions - one for each original named plaintiff. We expect that the case may be dismissed under 28 USC § 1915(d), as there is Sth Circuit law directly on point. United States v. Alicia Earl; 4:96-CV-356-E (NO/TX) A motion for a commitment and expedited hearing was filed under 18 USC § 424S. A Federal Public Defender was appointed to represent Ms. Earl. An order was entered regarding the necessity of appointing an individual psychologist. Edigin, et a1 y. county of Reeyes, et a1., No. P-9S-CA-4S-B (WD/TX) This FTCA claim, brought by former inmates at the Reeves County Law Enforcement Center alleged that the Bureau of Prisons had been negligent in failing to prevent an alleged assault on Nigerian inmates by Hispanic inmates. The case had originally been dismissed as to the U.S. because 6 months had not passed between the filing of the administrative tort claim, and the date suit was filed. After the administrative claim was denied (based on statute of limitations), we were brought back into the suit, and trial scheduled for the week of June 23. The court has now again dismissed the suit against the U!S. because the alleged assault occurred on July 19, 1993, and the administrative claim was t not presented to the United States until July 20, 1995. Stonecipher, et a1. y. Turnbo, et a1., C.A. No. 9S-COll14-C (NO/OK) This Biyens case, brought by a former inmate and his wife, alleged that Regional and Community Corrections staff failed t'o provide appropriate medical care to plaintiff and claimed physical and mental anguish because' he was required to make 2903 2 (- payments on his fine or he would not be placed in a CTC. The case was dismissed for improper venue, but is subject to being refiled in Texas. Loudermilk y. Franco, No. EP-95-CA-436-H (WD/TX) As previously reported, the Magistrate recommended, that this habeas petition be granted. Petitioner was denied halfway house placement, and therefore, could not receive a sentence reduc'tion under 18 U.S.C. § 3621(e). The Judge dismissed the case for failure to exhaust administrative remedies. Inmate is now proceeding through the remedy system and we expect the case to be refiled. Bostio y. Aguirre, EP-96-CA-139-DB (WD/TX) Habeas Corpus.petition wherein petitioner challenged the Bureau of Prison's Costs of Incarceration Fee (COIF) policy. Regional Counsel's Office and United States Attorney's Office are developing an approach to seek reconsideration by the District Court. ( We received judgments of dismissal in two 3621(e) cases - Medina y. Franco, No. EP-96-CA-156-H, Western District of Texas, and Sorrells y. Bureau of Prisons. No. EP-96-CA-155-H, Western District of Texas. In addition, we have received a positive Report and Recommendation in another 3621(e) case out of Seagoville, Crow v. Rich, No. 3:96-CV-065, Northern District of Texas. Richey y. Corum, EP-96-'CA-241-H (WD/TX) Bivens case wherein plaintiff alleges staff member assaulted him while he was in hard restraints in the Special Housing Unit. The matter was referred to the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) for review. ~owever, OIA instructed 'the Special Investigative Supervisor (SIS) Lieutenant at this institution to conduct the investigation is now complete, and concluded that the staff member, who is defendant Corum, acted properly. Susan Tinsley y. Thgmasette Pittari. et al., 4-9S-CV-907-E Provided the AUSA with a Supplemental Litigation Report to assist him in addressing the addition of Daryl DesJardin, Supervisory Chaplain, as a Defendant and the Preliminary Injunction Motion. Court allowed plaintiff to amend her Complaint and file against our objection. 2904 3 ( " Denyer Reed V. Smith. Bidelspach. et al., CIV-96-874-C (WD/OK) Alleges excessive use of force. The matter was initially received in the regional office. To date, none of the defendants have received service. The matter was referred to OIA while we were at the legal conference, and we have not heard back from them. CASES WITH HEARING OR TRIALS Am@do Jose Torres V. Dr. Clinton Strong. et al., CIV-94-356-B FTCA medical malpractice action, claiming inappropriate medical care by BOP, U.S. Marshals Service,and contract physician Dr. Strong for lower back problems. Trial held April 15 and April 16. Judge recently ruled in our favor. Anne H, Hammond v, Kathleen Hawk. et al" (~.... This case involves an inmate who was at FMC, Carswell and was sent to the MINT program. A hearing was held regarding ~ssuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction prohibiting removal of the inmate from Greenbrier Birthing Center. This case was filed in West Virginia and names Warden Bogan as a defendant. United States v. Alicia Earl, 4:96-CV-356-E Commitment hearing for Alicia Earl. medications ordered. Committed under 4245 and CASE WITH SETTLEMENT OR AWARD Deborah A~strong V. Department of Justice, C.A. No. 3:95-CV-1329-G (ND/TX) ( " A court-ordered mediation was conducted in this case in mid-June. Plaintiff (a former employee) had alleged that she had been'unfairly disciplined because of her gender and race. Settlement was reached as a result of mediation, in which plaintiff agreed to drop her monetary claims, and the Bureau agreed to provide a IIneutral" reference in response to any inquiries from potential employers, except for law enforcement agencies, to whom a thorough vouchering would occur. We agreed that plaintiff's disciplinary file would not be disclosed except in response to requests from law enforcement entities, and plaintiff agreed never to seek employment with the BOP. 2905 4 ( SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIM Inmate Cesar Givanni Morales-Morales, Reg. No. 59905-079, from Fel, Three Rivers has filed a tort claim (T-SCR-96-121) seeking $1,200,000. The claim was accepted on April 3, 1996. Mr. Morales-Morales alleges that while he was incarcerated at FCl, Texarkana he broke his left humerus while playing soccer. He states that Dr. Stringfellow authorized a "blind pinning with a sidle humeral locking nail" instead of a cast. On June 8, 1995, Mr. Morales-Morales arrived at FCI" Three Rivers. Dr. Tharpe at FCI, Three Rivers referred him to community physician who recommend that the hardware be removed. Mr. Morales-Morales states that the community physician stated removal of the hardware would reduce his pain by 50% Dr. Tharpe rejected the removal and Mr. Morales-Morales continues to be in pain. RFRA CASE Myers y. Franco, EP-96-CA-1S6-H, (~ .~ .... (El Paso Division) Habeas petition filed by purported founder of IIChurch of Marijuana," alleging we have violated his religious rights by not allowing him to smoke marijuana in prison. Published decision in District of Wyoming has already found that this is not a "religion" under RFRA. In addition, defendant was convicted of possession with intent to distribute marijuana - we anticipate rapid dismissal. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION Richard Lee Atkins v. George Killinger, et al., 4:96-CV-397-Y (ND/TX) Alleging he received inadequate medical treatment for injuries he sustained at the Mansfie~d Law Enforcement'Cen4er. He alleges defendants at Mansfield and FMC Fort Worth failed to provide adequate follow-up treatment for his serious injuries. PROSECUTION Inmate Homicide, Sergio Garcia-Chavez at FCI Three Rivers. Matter currently being investigated by FBI. No indictment yet. Three suspects and at least one witness. ( 2906 u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau 0/ Prisons ( Dallas, Texas 75219 South Central Regional Office october 15, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR WALLACE H. CHENEY ASSISTAN~~~;~GENERAL COUNSEL M?F\~ FROM: Micn~D. SUBJECT: Quarter.ly Report for July - september, 1996 Hood, Regional Counsel Attached is our quarterly report for the above-noted months. Attachments (' .' • , "/. , . • • • •: • • ,.;1 I I· 2907 ~".. . LeC t HUM : MXR l K1!1t SIR Nea sa He I I I I \ I 49 26 BIV M'C 1 I 6 aTH ANS , PEN I CtJ:) I I \ I I I I I ! I, 17 I I I , 1 I 33 I 265 I 1 ND I I ca \ i ; I I '1'C'f 1 I i J I I MlJ··'~ ~~.z. I I \ l, i ! I I I : I : I I I I i I I Awe I : HIT . SET 5 \ i I I I 2 0 .o·u. r.&.arn I'IUD Ka - ..... - o. -.'... cau... acftOD PIC . . . . . CD PICa Aiftm.. .%I.J&D an - tlunl' .1.... aa-na_ .u.zD an - 01 .e aaftOD I'SIaI os- 'l'OUL O. I 1 i III Q1JU~• • JI%r.BD AD • • •, . O. LZft-.zall UIWOaft CCJDI.8ftD c. . , . . .. W _ ClaD - . . . . . 1-. .nft···· o. acncm. at.OlI1ID oa '1'1I',LI (Ulm.va. DI70 III ~tnw, aft - . . . . 01' H (aoum. %DO %. . . . . .I'%VIfJ AD - . . . . . O~ a1lUD8 (DlCl.1ID8 %DO IJI _ _ GO".····. acna. an D&H QJI ~rCDI - (1llC1LtmZ III DRD'!rvB' HI" - I'd • • OJ- 'D8 ( 2908 : I NARRATIVE ATI'AOiED ON SEPARATE PAPER t.OC'lUOli I I ! Dlll11tZ AR LaC JIVJI - t I I 10 ~ "%VB' I LITIGATION NARRATIVES JULY 1, 1996 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 SZGNZPICANT CASES Loren Green v. U.S.; 4:96-CV-4l2-E (ND/TX) Claims Bureau of Prisons negligence when he scalded himself in bath tub. James B. Mitchell v. Officer Tonya, et al., 4:96-CV-367-A (ND/TX) Alleging his constitutional rights were violated when correctional staff in the SHU confiscated legal materials with other inmates' names on them. wilson v. BOP, 4:96-CV-459-A (NO/TX) and Ravrilchuck v. Reno, 4:96-CV-476-Y (NO/TX) Both are cases dealing with one-year sentence reduction for OAP completion. Tinsley v. Pittari, et a1., 4-95-CV-907-E ( ...... . ~~ Tinsley filed several additional pleadings and response~. The institution notified the plaintiff that her requested September religious observance would not be granted. The case was dismissed on october 8, 1996. Haughton v. Hawk, CIV-96-25-R (WO/OK) We received another affirmative judgment (our first out of WO/OK) regarding 18 U.S.C. § 3621(e) and the year off for drug treatment. CASES WITH SETTLEMENT OR AWARD Fuller v. USA, CA No. 95-2107-PHX (O/AZ) This FTCA personal property case was finally settled and dismissed on July 22, 1996, for payment of $450.00. It involved a missing ring. Artino v~ USA, CA No. 96-WY-4-CB (D/CO) FTCA medical malpractice case, in which plaintiff alleged we failed to diagnose kidney stone, leading to necrosis of kidney. We were unable to obtain expert testimony to support our treatment, and settlement authority was granted by Central Office 2909 2 ( July 31 for $90,000. We have just received word that the case has been settled for approximately $105,000, and have a call in to the Assistant u.s. Attorney to reconcile this discrepancy. CASE WITH HEARING OR TRIAL Puller v. Martyn, et al., C.A. No. C-95-603 (SD/TX) An evidentiary hearing was conducted on September 25, regarding the inmate's allegation of substandard medical care. The judge (a former registered nurse) has taken an unusual interest in this case. The three named defendants are the HSA, Medical Technician, and Chief Physician at Three Rivers. We continue to argue that plaintiff received appropriate care, and, furthermore, that all defendants are entitled to qualified immunity. This case bears close watching, given the reputation of the Judge (Janis Graham Jack), who, we have been informed, was recently reversed by the 5th Circuit when she held an AUSA in. contempt. Zacher v. Hawk, et al., C.A. No. C-96-40 (SD/TX) c. . A Spears hearing was held on this case on September 25. It was a rambling, baseless complaint, alleging improper classification, transfer, etc. The hearing was held before Judge Janice Graham Jack (see note above from Fuller v. Martyn case). The hearing was continued because plaintiff did not have his legal materials with him (he had been transported. by the Marsh.als, who did not insure that his legal materials traveled with him). At second hearing, case was dismissed by Judge Jack. Okonofua v. U.S., 4:96-CV-037-A (ND/TX) A "trial" of this FTCA property claim was held before Judge McBryde on September 23. The inmate had filed suit for over $1,000.00 for lost property. We acknowledged that certain property had been lost, but were unable to settle the administrative claim or the lawsuit because plaintiff failed to provide any proof of the value of the lost property. At trial, the Judge awarded plaintiff $100.00 for one box of lost property, but offset that against an award of $373.00 previously entered in favor of the U.S.A. for attorney's fees for plaintiff's earlier failure to respond to discovery. Thus, the net judgment was in favor of the U.S.A. for $273.00. Muniz v. Childers, A-95-CA-02S9-JN (WD/TX) On September 27, 1996, a hearing was conducted before Magistrate Albright in Austin. Muniz, now a free man, showed up and requested time to respond to the defendant's pending motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, for summary judgment. The 2910 3 ( magistrate gave him until october 11, at which time, if he denies the motion, he will set the case for trial. Plaintiff filed a response which is currently being evaluated. This case is not a big concern however. united states v. Rebecca Adoma, 4:96-CV-632-Y (ND/TX) A mental health hearing was held at FMC, Carswell. She was committed for hospitalization pursuant to 18 USC 4245. UPCOMING BEARING OR TRIAL spaniol v. US, CA No. 4:94-CV-237 (ED/TX) This FTCA wrongful death/medical malpractice case was scheduled for trial August 12 and 13 in Sherman, Texas, but plaintiff's counsel was disqualified in August, 1996, and the trial date has been· continued. Schneider v. Brown, l:96-CV-0151-C (ND/TX) A Spears hearing will be held on October 22, 1996. This inmate alleges he was denied water during a hunger strike • ( ....... -. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION Richard Lee Atkins v. George Killinger, et a1., 4:96-CV-397-Y ·(ND/TX) Alleging inadequate medical treatment for injuries he sustained to his face and teeth prior to his arrival at FMC, Fort Worth; seeking $50,000 in general damages, punitive damages, and legal costs and expenses. In addition to federal defendants, Atkins is suing officials from the Mansfield Law Enforcement Center. Carter v. Medical Review Board, et al., 95-CV-781-E (ND/TX) Numerous complaints ranging from negligence in regard to her claustrophobia and sore gums to her denial of short line meals. MEDICAL MALPRATICE TORT CLAIMS LITTRELL, Okie, Register Number 13227-075 - Claimant submitted his claim to the Central Office, who in turn forwarded it to the South Central Regional Office, North Central Regional Office, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional O(fice. Claimant alleges that while he 2911 4 was housed at FOC, Oakdale, Marion Camp, and FPC, Millington, Bureau of Prisons medical staff failed to diagnosis that he was suffering from throat cancer. Mr. Littrell is represented by counsel and seeks $300,000.00 for personal injury. Initial investigation by staff at FMC, Fort Worth has indicated that there may be some negligence on the part of medical staff at FOC, Oakdale. Mr. Littrell was examined at FOC, Oakdale and staff diagnosed a swollen tonsil, and after he transferred to FPC, Millington he was diagnosed with a tumor on his tonsil. This investigation is in the beginning staff and medical staff at FMC, Fort Worth are currently doing a comprehensive review of the medical file. (Claim Number T-BOP-96-168) BURT, Richard, Register Number 02403-095 - Claimant alleges that when he arrived in the Bureau of Prisons, "officials" were made aware that he suffered from ulcers. He further states that medical staff at FCl, Texarkana were medically indifferent by failing to provide him with medical treatment to prevent the . perforation of the ulcer several weeKs later. He is seeking $600,000.00. (Claim Number T-SCR-96-352) ( SALDIVAR, Heriberto, Register Number 41673-079 - Claimant alleges that on February 15, 1996, he broke his foot and went to the Health Services Department for treatment. He claims that medical staff diagnosed his foot as only sprained and that he now. has permanent damage. He seeks $25,000.00 compensation. Investigation of the claim revealed that claimant received . appropriate treatment and care. Claimant injured his ankle on the handball court and then walked to the Health Services Department , which is approximately 100-150 yards from the handball court. He was instructed to return to his housing unit and obtain a pass in order to be evaluated as an "eJ1.lergency." He later returned with a slight limp,· but without limping, gross deformity, or swelling. His range of motion was normal .. He was treated with an ace bandage, anti-inflammatory medication, and instructed to use ice. He was ·placed on idle status for one day. The next day he returned complaining of more swelling and pain. Examination revealed swelling and tenderness, range of motion and circulation were good. A routine x-ray was ordered.· The x-ray was taken on February 21, 1996, and a spiral fracture of the distal fibula, which remained non-displaced was revealed. Claimant was placed in a short leg cast and issued crutches and checked periodically. He had no further problems during his course of recovery. The cast was removed on March 27, 1996, and an x-ray was taken. The x-ray revealed good callous formation. Rehabilitation exercises were initiated. He regained full function and use of his right ankle. (T-SCR-96-156) ( 2912 5 ('. CRIMINAL MATTERS/PROSECUTIONS Fel. Three Rivers FBI has completed additional investigation into' Garcia-Chavez homicide. It is anticipated that the case will be presented to the Grand Jury the week of August 14, 1996. Garcia-Chavez homicide was rescheduled to go before the Grand Jury on September 25, 1996. FMC. Fort Worth Paulo Gutierrez, Reg. No. 22336-080, referred to FBI on June 16, 1996, for possible prosecution for ingestion of heroin balloons. FPC. Bryan Ron Schielack - This individual is accused of engaging in sexual relations with inmates who worked for him in the warehouse. He was the warehouse supervisor until he was approached regarding these allegations. At that time he resigned from the BOP. The case did go before the Grand Jury, and an Indictment was handed down. Mr. Schielack .is expected to enter a plea in this case in the very near future. - This individual is accused on engaging in sexual relat ons inmates at FPC, Bryan, particUlaMlilil one who he knew before he became a Correctional Officer. has been on home duty for approximately four months. The gent Warren and AU SA Doyle (SD/TX), are still attempting to gather sufficient evidence to pursue formal criminal charges. Ron Schielack, former warehouse supervisor, entered a guilty. plea to two counts of a four counts indictment charging him with violation of 18 U.S.C. 2243(b), Sexual Abuse of a Ward. sentencing is scheduled for De·cember 6, 1996. case. _ remains on o whether charges will be There is no change in the home duty pending a decision filed. A Physician's Assistant,. has had allegations raised by at least two inmates that he "molested" them while performing vaginal and rectal examinations. OIG was in the institution a few weeks ago to administer polygraphs to the inmates. Preliminary indications reveal no sign of deception on their part. has declined to be polygraphed. IIIIt ( 2913 6 (' FMC, Carwell united states v. Bridgett Brad'ford, 4: 96-CR-077-E We are working with the AUSA setting up staff interviews and releasing subpoenaed documents. The AUSA and Warden have decided not to prosecute this. I'CI, El Reno Inmate Dennis Sells, Reg. No. 06113-062, escaped 1991, and still at large. Inmate Antonio Wilson, Reg. No. 07191-062, accused of assault/introduction of drugs and indictment is outstanding. Inmate James Jones, Reg. No. 07148-062, accused of introduction of drugs and indictment outstanding. Inmate William Hardwood, Reg. No. 03271-063, camp walk away and still at large, indictment outstanding. Inmate Mark Robitalle, Reg. No. 07382-062, camp walk away and still at large, indictment outstanding. (.,. Dennis Sells, Reg. No~ 06113-062, Camp Escape. investigating. USM is Antonio Wilson, Reg. No. 07191-062, Assault/Introduction Drugs, FBI has accepted. James Jones, Reg. No. 07148-062, Introduction Drugs, FBI has accepted. William Hardwood, Reg. No. 03271-063, Camp Escape, FBI has accepted. Mark Robitaille, Reg. No. 07382-062, Camp Escape, Judge does not want to pursue since he is terminally ill; inmate is at Springfield. FCI, TEXARKANA On August 6, 1996, two inmates assaulted another inmate with a single edge razor blade. The inmate received lacerations to his left facial cheek and left side which required sutures to close. On August 7, 1996, the FBI responded and it was accepted for prosecution on September 10, 1996. " On september 11, 1996, The Grand Jury indicted inmate Ronald Pereira, Reg. No. 35839-004 for Possession of a Weapon. The 2914 7 c:: Grand Jury declined prosecution of Pereira and inmate Victor Ortega, Reg. No. 99878-024, on the Assault charges. On August 3, 1996, staff observed a vehicle drop a package at the perimeter of the Federal Prison Camp. The package contained a 375ml bottle of Crown Royal whiskey. It was determined that the vehicle belonged to curtis and Cassandra Rawls, relatives of inmate Derrick Rawls, Reg. No. 12480-076. The incident was referred for prosecution on August 28, 1996. On September 12, 1996, prosecution was declined. On September 13, 1996, an inmate was as~aulted while on the Recreation Yard with what was believed to be a weight. The inmate was struck three times on the head which required twenty sutures to close. The incident was referred for prosecution on September 13, 1996. During the interview with the victim by FBI, the victim refused to cooperate should this incident proceed to trial. Thus, prosecution was declined. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIMS ( .. Inmate Arthur Mosley, Reg. No. 63058-061, from FCI, EI Reno has filed a tort claim (T-SCR-96-13). Medical malpractice case; We requested authority to settle because PA did not have privileges to perform surgery. He is seeking $60,000.000. Settlement has been approved for $6,000. Danny Jarrett, T-SCR-96-304, alleging negligence of the part of the government driver in an accident which occurred in February 1995. This accident was the result of a third-party who slammed into the rear of the government van, causing it to flip. Jarrett was a passenger in the van and sustained injuries, along with three staff who also sustained minor injuries. Jarrett is represented by counsel. TRENTADUE, Kenneth Michael, Register Number 51098-098 - Jesse Trentadue is making claims on behalf 'of various family members and himself for the alleged wrongful death of his brother at FTC, Oklahoma city on August 21, 1996. Mr. Trentad~e is an attorney in the Salt Lake City area. (T-SCR-96-322) EDWARDS, Bruce, Register Number 11568-064 - Claimant seeks three million dollars for alleged exposure to a pesticide. He states that he was exposed to pesticides while his housing unit at FCl, Seagoville was being sprayed. Investigation of the claim revealed that the spraying did occur on December 5, 1994, while the Safety Office was conducting its"quarterly fogging of the utility tunnels. Smoke was observed by staff and the unit was evacuated. However, one inmate (not the claimant) suffered a seizure and 14 staff members who responded to the alarm developed 2915 8 ( respiratory problems, along with nausea and headaches as a result of inhaling the pesticide. Four staff members and one inmate were transported to a'local hospital via ambulance and ten staff were transported via POV. The four staff members and one inmate were admitted to the hospital overnight for observation. On December 6, 1994, a OSHA field investigator arrived at the institution to conduct a preliminary investigation. On December 7, 1994, the OSHA investigator, an institution Safety Office staff member, and. a member of the Executive staff conducted a walk through the tunnels and later interviewed four staff members. On December 9, 1994, the OSHA investigator returned to the institution to conclude his investigation and stated that no violations had occurred and therefore no citations were issued. On December 6, 1994~ claimant complained of chest pains, shortness of breath, and throat irritation. A medical examination revealed that his throat was without irritation and his lungs were clear. The assessment was allergic rhinitis. He was treated with medication, which he refused. Records further indicate that on the date of the incident claimant did not have any symptoms. Claimant was examined several more time for the same symptoms, but medical staff determined that his condition was unrelated to his resmethrin (pesticide) exposure. c. According to the manufacture of resmethrin, at very high doses, resmethrin might cause transitory symptoms such as those associated with hay fever. However, the symptoms usually resolve within hours of exposure. There are no residual effects resulting from exposure. (T-SCR-96-148) TORT CLAZH SETTLEMENT Inmate Maria Mullins, Reg. No. 12964-0776, from FMC, Carswell filed a miscellaneous-personal property tort claim the sum certain was $290.40. It was settled for $88.00. SITUATIONS OF INTEREST FMC, Carswell - Conchita Washington filed Constructive Notice and Demand regarding access to court issues. On October 1, 1996, united States Magistrate Judge Charles Bleil and his staff visited FMC, Fort Worth. Magistrate Robert Faulkner paid a personal visit to two inmates at FPC, Texarkana. After his visit, he met with Warden Conner as a courtesy. 2916 9 (- SIGNZFZCANT ADHZNISTRATIVE REMEDIES Melvin Deutsch, Case No. 118064-Fl, complaining of the Common Fare program at FMC, Fort Worth. He presents a myriad of complaints. ( .. 2917 Tort Claims Fourth Quarter - FY96 (July 01, 1996 - September 30, 1996) r~ (~ . ;CR I Num 133 PP 95 PI 24 .' PPPI we 2 Med 1 Set 10 12 Amnt 2148 variable Definition Num PP PI PPPI WD Med Set Amnt Pen Den OD A/O A/P ~ Med Pen Den 166 41 00 0 A/O A/P 32 131 Time Period - Number of claims filed ••.•••••• 07/01/96 Personal Property claims ••••••• 07/01/96 Personal Injury claims ••.•••••• 07/01/96 Both PP & PI claims •••••.•••••• 07/01/96 Wrongful Death claims •••••••••• 07/01/96 Medical claims ••••••••••••••••• 07/01/96 Settled/a~proved claims •.•••••• 07/01/96 Amount pa~d •••••••••••••••••••• 07/01/96 Pending/open claims ••••••. ~..... ~. Number of claims Denied •. ":..... 07/01/96 - Number of claims OverDue ••••••• ". •• - Avg number of days Overdue ••••• 07/01/96 - Avg number of days to Process 07/01/96 = PIM+ WDM+ PPPIM+ PPWDM • Press any key to continue (. ( 2918 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 =< D-Accept <= 09/30/96 =< D-Accept <= 09/30/96 =< D-Accept <= 09/30/96 =< D-Accept <= 09/30/96 =< O-Accept <= 09/30/96 =< D-Closed <= 09/30/96 =< D-Closed <= 09/30/96 Entire Database ~~ =< D Closed <= 09/30/96 Entire Database ~~ =< D_Closed <= 09/30/96 =< D Closed <= 09/30/96 ~ WO = WD+ PPWD ~ U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons South Central Regional Office Dallas, Texas 75219 October 15, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR WALLACE H. CHENEY ASSISTANT DIRE CENT 0 GENERAL COUNSEL FROM: Mich a D. Hood, Regional Counsel SUBJECT: Quarterly Report for July - September, 1996 Attached is our quarterly report for the above-noted months. Attachments 2907 LSTX0A21011 LOC NUN HC 'FTC I B/V 0TH iANS I PEN I ICCR NER SER NCR SCR 49 26 6 117 1 33 cLn 1 H/T I SET I 265 1 10 AWD 12 CO SLIzamm Anus= RUMUZIOXI NARRATIVE ATTACHED ON SEPARATE PAPER LOC - LOCUM= NON - MOM OP TOTBL WarsorTs 711,20 ix QUART= HC - WMOONLow RUMS =UM ACTIONs pm= TTe dU1' 07 ?SCI AOTTON. PILED BIT - WOMB or miss horroxii PILED oTR amEMIumass rum Bma =KM OP 24720=700x assomps ocoapLninD WIN - MEM= CLD - =NM OP ACM= =Os= E/? =WM OP MUM OR TRUED =CLODS EVIO IN NARRATIVI) SET - =CM OP OXIMMERWS (EL= MO IS WARRATIVW) AWD MOM or aims (IDOL= tRWO IN WARRATIVR) COVIMOODUW ACTION AND DAVI op ACT= - (IECLUDZ I2t NARRATZVZ) LITIGATION NARRATIVES JULY 1, 1996 SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 SIGNIFICANT CASES Loren Green v. U.S., 4:96-CV-412-E (ND/TX) Claims Bureau of Prisons negligence when he scalded himself in bath tub. James B. Mitchell v. Officer Tonva, et al., 4:96-CV-367-A (ND/TX) Alleging his constitutional rights were violated when correctional staff in the SHU confiscated legal materials with other inmates' names on them. Wilson v. BOP, 4:96-CV-459-A (ND/TX) and Havrilchuck v. Reno, 4:96-CV-476-Y (ND/TX) Both are cases dealing with one-year sentence reduction for DAP completion. Tinsley v. Pittari, et al., 4-95-CV-907-E Tinsley filed several additional pleadings and responses. The institution notified the plaintiff that her requested September religious observance would not be granted. The case was dismissed on October 8, 1996. Haughton v. Hawk, CIV-96-25-R (WD/OK) We received another affirmative judgment (our first out of WD/OK) regarding 18 U.S.C. 3621(e) and the year off for drug treatment. CASES WITH SETTLEMENT OR AWARD Fuller v. USA, CA No. 95-2107-PHX (D/AZ) This FTCA personal property case was finally settled and dismissed on July 22, 1996, for payment of $450.00. It involved a missing ring. Artino v. USA, CA No. 96-WY-4-CB (D/CO) FTCA medical malpractice case, in which plaintiff alleged we failed to diagnose kidney stone, leading to necrosis of kidney. We were unable to obtain expert testimony to support our treatment, and settlement authority was granted by Central Office 2909 2 July 31 for $90,000. We have just received word that the case has been settled for approximately $105,000, and have a call in to the Assistant U.S. Attorney to reconcile this discrepancy. CASE WITH HEARING OR TRIAL Fuller v. Martyn, et al., C.A. No. C-95-603 (SD/TX) An evidentiary hearing was conducted on September 25, regarding the inmate's allegation of substandard medical care. The judge (a former registered nurse) has taken an unusual interest in this case. The three named defendants are the HSA, Medical Technician, and Chief Physician at Three Rivers. We continue to argue that plaintiff received appropriate care, and, furthermore, that all defendants are entitled to qualified immunity. This case bears close watching, given the reputation of the Judge (Janis Graham Jack), who, we have been informed, was recently reversed by the 5th Circuit when she held an AUSA in. contempt. Zacher v. Hawk, et al., C.A. No. C-96-40 (SD/TX) A Spears hearing was held on this case on September 25. It was a rambling, baseless complaint, alleging improper classification, transfer, etc. The hearing was held before Judge Janice Graham Jack (see note above from Fuller v. Martyn case). The hearing was continued because plaintiff did not have his legal materials with him (he had been transported by the Marshals, who did not insure that his legal materials traveled with him). At second hearing, case was dismissed by Judge Jack. Okonofua v. U.S., 4:96-CV-037-A (ND/TX) A "trial" of this FTCA property claim was held before Judge McBryde on September 23. The inmate had filed suit for over $1,000.00 for lost property. We acknowledged that certain property had been lost, but were unable to settle the administrative claim or the lawsuit because plaintiff failed to provide any proof of the value of the lost property. At trial, the Judge awarded plaintiff $100.00 for one box of lost property, but offset that against an award of $373.00 previously entered in favor of the U.S.A. for attorney's fees for plaintiff's earlier failure to respond to discovery. Thus, the net judgment was in favor of the U.S.A. for $273.00. Muniz v. Childers, A-95-CA-0289-JN (WD/TX) On September 27, 1996, a hearing was conducted before Magistrate Albright in Austin. Muniz, now a free man, showed up and requested time to respond to the defendant's pending motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, for summary judgment. The 2910 3 magistrate gave him until October 11, at which time, if he denies the motion, he will set the case for trial. Plaintiff filed a response which is currently being evaluated. This case is not a big concern however. United States v. Rebecca Adoma, 4:96-CV-632-Y (ND/TX) A mental health hearing was held at FMC, Carswell. She was committed for hospitalization pursuant to 18 USC 4245. UPCOMING HEARING OR TRIAL Spanjol v. US, CA No. 4:94-CV-237 (ED/TX) This FTCA wrongful death/medical malpractice case was scheduled for trial August 12 and 13 in Sherman, Texas, but plaintiff's counsel was disqualified in August, 1996, and the trial date has been continued. Schneider v. Brown, 1:96-CV-0151-C (ND/TX) A Spears hearing will be held on October 22, 1996. This inmate alleges he was denied water during a hunger strike. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LITIGATION Richard Lee Atkins v. George Killinger, et al., 4:96-CV-397-Y (ND/TX) Alleging inadequate medical treatment for injuries he sustained to his face and teeth prior to his arrival at FMC, Fort Worth; seeking $50,000 in general damages, punitive damages, and legal costs and expenses. In addition to federal defendants, Atkins is suing officials from the Mansfield Law Enforcement Center. Carter v. Medical Review Board, et al., 95-CV-781-E (ND/TX) Numerous complaints ranging from negligence in regard to her claustrophobia and sore gums to her denial of short line meals. MEDICAL MALPRATICE TORT CLAIMS LITTRELL, Okie, Register Number 13227-075 - Claimant submitted his claim to the Central Office, who in turn forwarded it to the South Central Regional Office, North Central Regional Office, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Office. Claimant alleges that while he 2911 4 was housed at FDC, Oakdale, Marion Camp, and FPC, Millington, Bureau of Prisons medical staff failed to diagnosis that he was suffering from throat cancer. Mr. Littrell is represented by counsel and seeks $300,000.00 for personal injury. Initial investigation by staff at FMC, Fort Worth has indicated that there may be some negligence on the part of medical staff at FDC, Oakdale. Mr. Littrell was examined at FDC, Oakdale and staff diagnosed a swollen tonsil, and after he transferred to FPC, Millington he was diagnosed with a tumor on his tonsil. This investigation is in the beginning staff and medical staff at FMC, Fort Worth are currently doing a comprehensive review of the medical file. (Claim Number T-BOP-96-168) BURT, Richard, Register Number 02403-095 - Claimant alleges that when he arrived in the Bureau of Prisons, "officials" were made aware that he suffered from ulcers. He further states that medical staff at FCI, Texarkana were medically indifferent by failing to provide him with medical treatment to prevent the perforation of the ulcer several weeks later. He is seeking $600,000.00. (Claim Number T-SCR-96-352) SALDIVAR, Heriberto, Register Number 41673-079 - Claimant alleges that on February 15, 1996, he broke his foot and went to the Health Services Department for treatment. He claims that medical staff diagnosed his foot as only sprained and that he now has permanent damage. He seeks $25,000.00 compensation. Investigation of the claim revealed that claimant received appropriate treatment and care. Claimant injured his ankle on the handball court and then walked to the Health Services Department , which is approximately 100-150 yards from the handball court. He was instructed to return to his housing unit and obtain a pass in order to be evaluated as an "emergency." He later returned with a slight limp, but without limping, gross deformity, or swelling. His range of motion was normal. He was treated with an ace bandage, anti-inflammatory medication, and instructed to use ice. He was placed on idle status for one day. The next day he returned complaining of more swelling and pain. Examination revealed swelling and tenderness, range of motion and circulation were good. A routine x-ray was ordered. The x-ray was taken on February 21, 1996, and a spiral fracture of the distal fibula, which remained non-displaced was revealed. Claimant was placed in a short leg cast and issued crutches and checked periodically. He had no further problems during his course of recovery. The cast was removed on March 27, 1996, and an x-ray was taken. The x-ray revealed good callous formation. Rehabilitation exercises were initiated. He regained full function and use of his right ankle. (T-SCR-96-156) 2912 5 CRIMINAL MATTERS/PROSECUTIONS FCI, Three Rivers FBI has completed additional investigation into Garcia-Chavez homicide. It is anticipated that the case will be presented to the Grand Jury the week of August 14, 1996. Garcia-Chavez homicide was rescheduled to go before the Grand Jury on September 25, 1996. FMC, Fort Worth Paulo Gutierrez, Reg. No. 22336-080, referred to FBI on June 16, 1996, for possible prosecution for ingestion of heroin balloons. FPC, Bryan Ron Schielack - This individual is accused of engaging in sexual relations with inmates who worked for him in the warehouse. He was the warehouse supervisor until he was approached regarding these allegations. At that time he resigned from the BOP. The case did go before the Grand Jury, and an Indictment was handed down. Mr. Schielack is expected to enter a plea in this case in the very near future. - This individual is accused on engaging in sexual relations with inmates at FPC, Bryan, particular) one who he knew before he became a Correctional Officer. has been on home duty for approximately four months. The gent Warren and AUSA Doyle (SD/TX), are still attempting to gather sufficient evidence to pursue formal criminal charges. Ron Schielack, former warehouse supervisor, entered a guilty plea to two counts of a four counts indictment charging him with violation of 18 U.S.C. 2243(b), Sexual Abuse of a Ward. Sentencing is scheduled for December 6, 1996. There is no change in the case. 111111kremains on home duty pending a decision by OIG as to whether charges will be filed. A Physician's Assistant, has had allegations raised by at least two inmates that he "molested" them while performing vaginal and rectal examinations. OIG was in the institution a few weeks ago to administer polygraphs to the inmates. Preliminary indications reveal no sign of deception on their part. has declined to be polygraphed. 2913 6 FMC, Carvell United States v. Bridgett Bradford, 4:96-CR-077-E We are working with the AUSA setting up staff interviews and releasing subpoenaed documents. The AUSA and Warden have decided not to prosecute this. PC', El Reno Inmate Dennis Sells, Reg. No. 06113-062, escaped 1991, and still at large. Inmate Antonio Wilson, Reg. No. 07191-062, accused of assault/introduction of drugs and indictment is outstanding. Inmate James Jones, Reg. No. 07148-062, accused of introduction of drugs and indictment outstanding. Inmate William Hardwood, Reg. No. 03271-063, camp walk away and still at large, indictment outstanding. Inmate Mark Robitalle, Reg. No. 07382-062, camp walk away and still at large, indictment outstanding. Dennis Sells, Reg. No. 06113-062, Camp Escape. USM is investigating. Antonio Wilson, Reg. No. 07191-062, Assault/Introduction Drugs, FBI has accepted. James Jones, Reg. No. 07148-062, Introduction Drugs, FBI has accepted. William Hardwood, Reg. No. 03271-063, Camp Escape, FBI has accepted. Mark Robitaille, Reg. No. 07382-062, Camp Escape, Judge does not want to pursue since he is terminally ill; inmate is at Springfield. FCI, TEXARKANA On August 6, 1996, two inmates assaulted another inmate with a single edge razor blade. The inmate received lacerations to his left facial cheek and left side which required sutures to close. On August 7, 1996, the FBI responded and it was accepted for prosecution on September 10, 1996. On September 11, 1996, The Grand Jury indicted inmate Ronald Pereira, Reg. No. 35839-004 for Possession of a Weapon. The 2914 7 Grand Jury declined prosecution of Pereira and inmate Victor Ortega, Reg. No. 99878-024, on the Assault charges. On August 3, 1996, staff observed a vehicle drop a package at the perimeter of the Federal Prison Camp. The package contained a 375m1 bottle of Crown Royal whiskey. It was determined that the vehicle belonged to Curtis and Cassandra Rawls, relatives of inmate Derrick Rawls, Reg. No. 12480-076. The incident was referred for prosecution on August 28, 1996. On September 12, 1996, prosecution was declined. On September 13, 1996, an inmate was assaulted while on the Recreation Yard with what was believed to be a weight. The inmate was struck three times on the head which required twenty sutures to close. The incident was referred for prosecution on September 13, 1996. During the interview with the victim by FBI, the victim refused to cooperate should this incident proceed to trial. Thus, prosecution was declined. SIGNIFICANT TORT CLAIMS Inmate Arthur Mosley, Reg. No. 63058-061, from FCI, El Reno has filed a tort claim (T-SCR-96-13). Medical malpractice case; We requested authority to settle because PA did not have privileges to perform surgery. He is seeking $60,000.000. Settlement has been approved for $6,000. Danny Jarrett, T-SCR-96-304, alleging negligence of the part of the government driver in an accident which occurred in February 1995. This accident was the result of a third-party who slammed into the rear of the government van, causing it to flip. Jarrett was a passenger in the van and sustained injuries, along with three staff who also sustained minor injuries. Jarrett is represented by counsel. TRENTADUE, Kenneth Michael, Register Number 51098-098 - Jesse Trentadue is making claims on behalf'of various family members and himself for the alleged wrongful death of his brother at FTC, Oklahoma City on August 21, 1996. Mr. Trentadue is an attorney in the Salt Lake City area. (T-SCR-96-322) EDWARDS, Bruce, Register Number 11568-064 - Claimant seeks three million dollars for alleged exposure to a pesticide. He states that he was exposed to pesticides while his housing unit at FCI, Seagoville was being sprayed. Investigation of the claim revealed that the spraying did occur on December 5, 1994, while the Safety Office was conducting its'quarterly fogging of the utility tunnels. Smoke was observed by staff and the unit was evacuated. However, one inmate (not the claimant) suffered a seizure and 14 staff members who responded to the alarm developed 2915 8 respiratory problems, along with nausea and headaches as a result of inhaling the pesticide. Four staff members and one inmate were transported to a local hospital via ambulance and ten staff were transported via POV. The four staff members and one inmate were admitted to the hospital overnight for observation. On December 6, 1994, a OSHA field investigator arrived at the institution to conduct a preliminary investigation. On December 7, 1994, the OSHA investigator, an institution Safety Office staff member, and .a member of the Executive staff conducted a walk through the tunnels and later interviewed four staff members. On December 9, 1994, the OSHA investigator returned to the institution to conclude his investigation and stated that no violations had occurred and therefore no citations were issued. - On December 6, 1994, claimant complained of chest pains, shortness of breath, and throat irritation. A medical examination revealed that his throat was without irritation and his lungs were clear. The assessment was allergic rhinitis. He was treated with medication, which he refused. Records further indicate that on the date of the incident claimant did not have any symptoms. Claimant was examined several more time for the same symptoms, but medical staff determined that his condition was unrelated to his resmethrin (pesticide) exposure. According to the manufacture of resmethrin, at very high doses, resmethrin might cause transitory symptoms such as those associated with hay fever. However, the symptoms usually resolve within hours of exposure. There are no residual effects resulting from exposure. (T-SCR-96-148) TORT CLAIM SETTLEMENT Inmate Maria Mullins, Reg. No. 12964-0776, from FMC, Carswell filed a miscellaneous-personal property tort claim the sum certain was $290.40. It was settled for $88.00. SITUATIONS OF INTEREST FMC, Carswell - Conchita Washington filed Constructive Notice and Demand regarding access to court issues. On October 1, 1996, United States Magistrate Judge Charles Bleil and his staff visited FMC, Fort Worth. Magistrate Robert Faulkner paid a personal visit to two inmates at FPC, Texarkana. After his visit, he met with Warden Conner as a courtesy. 2916 9 SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES Melvin Deutsch, Case No. 118064-F1, complaining of the Common Fare program at FMC, Fort Worth. He presents a myriad of complaints. 2917 Tort Claims Fourth Quarter - FY96 (July 01, 1996 - September 30, 1996) Loa SCR Num PP PI PPPI WD Med Set 133 95 24 2 1 10 Variable Definition Amnt Pen Den OD A/O A/P 12 2148 166 41 0 32 131 Time Period Num - Number of claims filed ....... 07/01/96 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 PP - Personal Property claims ..... 07/01/96 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 PI - Personal Injury claims ....... 07/01/96 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 PPPI - Both PP & PI claims ........... 07/01/96 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 WD - Wrongful Death claims ........ 07/01/96 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 Med - Medical claims ............... 07/01/96 =< D Accept <= 09/30/96 Set - Settled/approved claims ....... 07/01/96 =< DClosed <= 09/30/96 Amnt - Amount paid .................... 07/01/96 =< DClosed <= 09/30/96 Pen - Pending/open claims ................ Entire Database 44 Den - Number of claims Denied ....... 07/01/96 =< D Closed <= 09/30/96 OD - Number of claims OverDue ........... Entire Database 44 A/O - Avg number of days Overdue .... 07/01/96 =< D Closed <= 09/30/96 A/P - Avg number of days to Process .. 07/01/96 =< D Closed <= 09/30/96 _ Med = PIM+ WDM+ PPPIM+ PPWDM WD = WD+ PPWD Press any key to continue • — — — — 2918 APR-23-1997 14:07 214 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 767 5053 u.s. Department of Justice <I Federal Bureau of Prisons South Celllra/ R~gional Office Dallas, Taos 75219 January 16, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR WALLACE H. CHENEY : ASSISTANT~ENERAL COUNSEL FROM: ~e~D. SUBJECT: Quarterly Report for October - December, 1996 Hood, Reqional Counsel Attached is 'our quarterly report for the above-noted months. Attach1l1ents~ NaN 7540~'-31 )'-7.U;8 5000-101 GENERA( EAVICES ~DMII\IIS P.01 APR-23-1997 14:08 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 214 767 5053 P.02 i I LITZGATZON HARRATZVBS I i. OCTOBER 1, 1996 - DBCEHBBR 31, 1996 I ! SIGNIPZCAHT:CASES ! I Veteto v. Ralph, 92-1139-A (WO/OK) ! Case arising out of El Reno resurfaced; District court decides that case h~s merit after four years dormancy. Key issue is ·proper serv~ce of process to all named defendants where defendants ~re now all in various locations throughout the Bureau, and!some have resigned. stewart v. Ralph, EP-9S-CA-453F (WD/TX) ! The case is !interestinq because it is based on a Hindu inmate's complaint that the common fare ~eal plan violates his 8th Amendment r~qhts because it contains items such 'as meat, fish, . poultry, e9~s, onions and garlic that may not be offered before God in prayer. The inmate also complains that he is not allowed to remove offensive items from his tray for fear of beinq removed from the co~mo~ fare meal plan. v. Terise Ahr Federal Bureau of Prisons, 43932-272, District Court of Brazos County, Texas This is a c.se which has been filed in state court in regard to the Bureau/~ alleged failure to comply with the terms of a settlement ~greement between Ms. Ahr, a former employee, and the Bureau. We :are working with the Assistant U.S. Attorney I Robert Bernard, to ~have the case removed to Federal court. Following the removal/~ we will respond to the merits of. the case . . Loudermilk V:. Franco, EP-96-423-H Received a favorable decision. The case involved early release under J621(~), and our decision not to place the inmate in a halfway house for transitional services. I Daas v. SCOtt. at a1., C.A. No. CV96-0724 CWD/LA) Plaintiff is a detainee at Foe Oakdale. He has alleqed that he has been re~aliated aqainst (in the form of disciplinary action and AD placement) for filing lawsuits/grievances. The Magistrate Judqe has t~en a particular interest in the case, and a motion to dismiss bias been filed, along with a "Report" detailinq the reasons for ~laintiff's latest placement in AD. William Pau~ Shaver v. united states Bureau of Prisons. et al., C .A. No.4: 9!6CV419 I (ED/TX) In this Habeas action, the inmate alleges he is improperly incarcerated. He asserts that the petition for revocation of APR-23-1997 14:08 B.O.P.~S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 214 767 5053 P.03 2 supervised ~elease ~as filed more than five months after the supervision ishould have been terminated., l FMC Fort Wo~th has received 10 Haheas Corpus petitions requesting deportation jpursuant to the new INS procedure. CASB WITH S.TTLEMEKT DR AWARD , Velleqa9 v. '~ardep, 96-13S9LC CWD/LA) i We received ;an adverse decision in this 3621(e)e case out of the Western Dis~rict of Louisiana, Lake Charles Division. The court relied upon ithe reasoning of Downey, held that the language of 3621.(e) is not ambiguous (i.e., that the t.erm "crime of violence" has an accepted meaning and definition), and that our interpretation "conflicts with the plain language of the statute." Tohe court then went on to order that the inmate qet the one year reduction. Our motion for reconsideration has been denied. u.s. Attorney's office is recommending appeal. Car4ofta-SaD~oval v. Brush, No. 96-1583 CWO/LA) an We received adverse decision on this habeas case. The offender ~aSi on parole, qot picked up for committing a crime while on pa~le, and received a sentence for that new crime. The Parole Commi~sion took a long time to file a parole violator detainer, a~ the new conviction was subsequently overturned. We gave the inmate credit aqainst his parole violator term for all days after the filing of the parole detainer, but not any time prior to fil!inq of the detainer. The USPC asked us to nunc pro tunc the de~ainer back to the date of inmate's arrest, but we couldn't because the detainer wasn't in existence at the time. We asked the! US PC to take the inmate's "dead time" into account in imposing ~e violator term, but they felt their regulations prohibited them from doing that. The jUdge has now ordered that the "dead time" be credited to'the parole violator term. Neither the Parole commission nor our office recommends appeal. The inmate was originally scheduled for release on November 25, 1996. This moves h~s release date up by about a week or 2. Since he is being turned: OVer to INS for deportation back to Columbia, all this does is: move the deportation up by a ·week or so. CASE W%~H HBARXNG OR TRXAL l GlenD B. Zacher V. Kathleen Hawk, et a1., C.A. No. 96-405 A spears hearing was conducted on october 8, 1996. dismissed. Case APR-23-1997 14:09 8.0.P.-S.C.R.O.-DALLAS '214 767 5053 P.04 J L.J. an4 "yle~e Carter Y. DSA, C.A. No. LR-C-95-407 (ED/AR) A bearing was held on october 23, in Little Rock, Arkansas. This is the case/in which we assessed sUbsistence fees aqainst 2 defendants ~ho were direct court commitments to the CCC, despite the fact that the J&C imposed a fine, ana contained the standard language "THis fine includes cost of incarceration and/or supervision.!" The hearin9' went surprisingly well, but we are in the.p:ocess ;of supplementinq the record (the Judqe asked for add1t1onal ~ocumentation) and no ruling has been issued yet. u.s. v. Joseph Clinton .einm~DsoD, III, CR. No. 96-10008-01 CWO/LA) , A hearing w~s held on october 29, in shreveport, Louisiana. This criminal ca~e involved Sentencinq Guidelines issues, and the Judqe's des~re that the defendant serve his term of imprisonment in a ecce aecause of the nature of the defendant's offense (possession !of child pornography), we did not follow the Judqe's "recommendat!ion" for halfway house placement. Other issues (e.g., a cl~im· by the USPO that We had "promised'· to place this inmate in a ~CCC) were also involved. At the hearinq, the Judge resentenced ~he defendant to probation with a condition of one year CCC pl~ement. whitney Broabh v. Cbristopher M. zepher. at al., C.A. No. H-9~-1450 (SD/TX) ! An emerqenc~ telephone hearinq was conducted on October 11, as a result of pe~itioner's emergency petition, askinq that the Bureau of Prisons nOt release her. Ms. Broach claimed that she was in need of sur~ry for removal of leaking breast implants (true), and that thei Bureau of Prisons had an obligation to pay for her surgery. Th~s, she sought an order that she be kept in custody so that the surgery could be performed at the government's expense. Th~ Community Corrections Office in Houston was instrumental in gathering information on extremely short notice (approximate~y 24 hours lead time), whereby we proved to the judge that MS. Broach had been offered the surgery in the past by the BOP, but:' refused those offers. The emergency petition was denied. A Spears hearing was held December 30 on this case which was originally f~led as a habeas, but was "converted,·' at the Court's behest, to a: potential Bivens claim. The case involves allegations regarding disciplinary action taken at a Houston CCC, as well as failure to provide plaintiff with surqery for removal of leaking breast implants. No rulinq has been issued yet, but we are extremely confident that the court will dismiss the case as to the BO~ defendant. RPR-23-1997 14:09 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DRLLAS 214 767 5053 P.05 4 Va11ier v • •arris, at al., No. A-93-CA-41 CWO/TX) i ~e pre~aile4 on all claims in this BiYens case. The case, 1nvolv1nq a~le9ations of deliberate indifference to medical neeas (failure tOidiaqnose and/or treat a heart attack) was handled by Martin Swea~ey (FCl Bastrop) and Assistant u.s. Attorney Harold Atkinson. ~n addition, our Honors Attorney, Marsha Foulks, attended the trial, (conducted November 12 and 13) and sat as 3d chair. Aft~r several hours of deliberation, the 6 person jury ruled in favor of our staff members on all claims. The inmate was represe~ted by counsel. HED%CAL HALPRACTZCB Torts: Inmate Rich~rd Burt, Reg- No. 02403-095, of PCI Texarkana, requests $6QO,OOO.OO for personal injury for alleqed medical indifferenc~. . He claims medical staff failed to treat him for ulcers resulting in emergency surgery for an ulcer perforation. He claims h~ is not treated for severe arthritis or a skin disorder. ~nvestigation is pending(T-SCR-96-352) Inmate Edwa~d Funches, Reg. No. 37764-054, from FMC, Fort worth has filed a ~tort claim alleqing that medical staff failed to properly treat him for a decubitus ulcer and as a result he was required to iunderqo a surgical procedure. He is seeking $1.5 million in ~amaqes. (T-SCR-96-415) Inmate Jose Reynoso-olascoaqa, Reg. No. 64714-079, from Fe!, Big spring has filed a tort claim alleging that he did not receive adequate tr~atment for a broken jaw. Mr. Reynoso~lascoa9a alleges that on May 11, 1996, while he was walking on ~e track at Fe!, Big spring, he was struck with a bat thrown from ~he adjacent softball field. The inmate was taken to a community ~ospital, but there was no dentist or oral surgeon available a~d the inmate was given a pain medication and ice pack and sent ba~k to the institution for the night. The inmate was examined the next day in the institution hospital, and the .edi~al staff advised him that his jaw would have to be wired closed. The inmate refused the procedure at that time. It is unknown 1~ the procedure was later performed. The inmate is seeking $10 million in damages. "CT-SCR-96-430) APR- 23- 1997 14:1 0 B. O. P. - S . C. R.O.- DALLAS 214 757 5053 P . 0b 5 L:tTIGATION: Johnigan v. :Trueblood, at al., No.3 :96-CV-2434-T Plaintiff alleges medical staff misdiagnosed his broken foot and he sUffered :severe pain as a result. CRIMINAL MA~TERS/PROSECUTIONS FPC BRYAN As sistant U.:s. Attorney Gerald Doyle, southern District of TexasHouston, deSlined pros e cution in the Vincent Rosas case. ' Mr. Doyle cfted the lack o f credible and forthcoming witness testimony as the basis for not prosecuting. However, new information ,has surface d and the matters will be represented to the u.s. Attorney's Office. We have issued a letter to Mr. Rosas proposing t~rmination. Vincent Rosas has been issued a proposal letter indicating he will be terminated on December 27, 1996. He appeared and provided a re s ponse to Warden Beasley regarding the proposal on :December 17, 1996. A letter regarding the tinal decision is :in the review process, and should be issued within the next few days. Ron Scheilack, former Materials Handler supervisor, was sentenced on December :6, 1996, to a five year term of probation, 4 months home confin~ment, and fined $2,000. He is also prohibited from seek i ng emp~oyment with any Federal, state or local law enforcement ~ agency during the term of his probation. ~ . . I\~ ion into allegations of sexual impropriety by Physician Assistant, continues. alA agents and an\(I AU rom Main Justice (Civil Rights) will be in the institution ~ during the ~ eek of J a nuary 19971 1 l 'nterview the Subject and others. As :an offshoot of the cl l l i lations l l of sexual impropriety have been raised ag correc. o·al Officer. D~ring an interview of an i 1nvo ve in the case, a sem~n sample _ v i ded by the inmate who claimed had been frQm Officer . OIG and the FBI. have confirmed that the sample is sem an have apparently determined the blood type of the 'person who produced the semen. During their visit in January 1997, a search warrant will be executed in order to obtain a blood sample from Officer . . . . . . , FMC CARSWELL staff Chapl~in may be indicted under 18 usc section 2243(b), seXual Abus~ of a Ward, and/or a misdemeanor regarding making false statenent during an official investigation. , APR-23-1997 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 14:10 214 767 5053 P.07 6 FCZ EL RDO ; Ramos-Juarez, Raul, Reg. No. 56817-079, Possession FBI accepte~. Muniz, Edwa~do, Reg. No. !J.ccepted. . 69237~080, of Weapon, Possession of Weapon, FBI watts, Chri$topher, Reg.·No. 25757-077, Assault on Inmate, FBI declined - ~o staff witnesses. R~cky, investiqati~9· Hilliard, Reg. No. 12401-076, Possession of Narcotics, FBI Erving, Anthony, Reg. No. 18804-016, Assault on aec:epted .. ~nmate, FBI Se11s, Dennis, Req. No. 06113-062, Camp Escape, USM investiqatinq. Ant~nio, wilson, Drugs, indi~1:ed. Req. No. 07191-062, Assault/Introduction of Jones, James~, Req. No .. 07148-062, .Introduction of Druqs, FBI indicted .. Ju~, Reg. No. 22720-077, Introduction of DrugS/Assault, indicted. ~dwood, William, Req. No. 03271-063, Camp Escape, FBI acceptedi • Luevano, .Harris, Jerry, Reg . No. 12187-064, Introduction of Drugs, FBI declines due: to small amount. Pere~, Virginio, Reg. No. 60665-080, Camp Escape, USM investigating. Aerceo, Elida, Reg. N·o. 76999-080, camp Escape, USM investigatingFHC FORT WOR.'l'H The FBI has declined to prosecute for injestion of heroin balloons Gutiierrez, Paulo, Reg. No. 22336-080. The Warden is aware of th~ declination. Fez OAKDALB ; Inmate Soeunq Chhunn, Reg- No. 05755-041, stabbed inmate Jonathan Lock, Reg. N~o. 10020-265, on the SHU recreation yard in November, 1996.. The i~vesti9ation has been referred to the FBI. The APR-23-1997 14:11 214 B.O.P.~S.C.R.O.-DALLRS 767 5053 P.08 7 investiqatian should soon be completed and the case forwarded to the U.S. At~orney's Office. Inmate Donald smith, Req. No. 10043-078, walked away from the camp. This ;camp inmate was on an "extended unapproved furlough" in early De¢ember, 1996. (He went to visit his wife in B~aumo~t). :Initially referred to FBI because of possible k1dnap1nqi nowever, once that was disproved, the FBI backed out of the pioture. The institution then referred the complaint to the u.s. Marshal's Service. The investiqation should be complete or very c1o~e to beinq completed. It will then be forwarded to the u.s. At~orney/s Office. FTC OKLAHOD One matter ~f sexual assault was referred to the FBI, but the matter was declined and referred to the Oklahoma city Polioe Department i~stead. Two incidents were reported to the FBI, one inmate assault on inmate and o.ne inmate assault on staff for spittinq. The 'FBI decided not to submit these matters to the u.s. Attorney's Office for prosecutJion. FCl: TE~ Several matters were referred to the prosecution. : u.s. Attorney's office for On october 16, 1996, four balloons containinq .arijuana were confiscated from inmate Martin Jackson, Reg. No. 07953-055. The FBI was contacted on october 17, 1996, and declined prosecution. This matter will be re-presented to the FBI and if necessary to the u.S. Att~rney's office. On october 17, 1996, inmate Ramirez, Reg. No. 27688-077, was assaulted by: inmate Hernandez, Reg- No. 72163-079, at the satellite camp. Inmate Hernandez struck inmate Ramirez with a oombination ~ock and a clothes iron. The assault was reported to the FBI on October 21, 1996. The FBI declined prosecution. On November ~2, 1996, Inmates Cordona-Rodriguez, Reg. No. 61017079, and Morris Haughton, Reg. No. 50380-079, became involved in a heated verbal argument in the Dininq Hall. Hauqhton then assaulted co~dona-RcQriguez by cutting him across the forehead with a single edge razor blade. cardona-Rodriquez received 32 sutures to ~lose the wound. The incident was referred to the FBI on November i2, 1996. On December 4, 1996, Inmate Horris Haughton, Reg. No~ 50380-079, was indicted. APR-23-1997 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DRLLAS 14:11 . 214 767 5053 P.09 8 PC% TERRB RrvBRs On November '13, 1996, UNICOR staff observed inmates Carlos Dolores-Rodr:iquez, Reg. No. 33472-198, and Juan Alberto Gonzales, Reg. No. 544:31-080, in a verbal confrontation which led to inmate Conzale~ at~mptinq to strike inmate Dolores-Rodriguez with a screwdriver.: inmate Dolores-Rodriquez avoided the blow and simultaneous~y struck inmate Gonzalez on the left side of the neOk with a utility knife causing a deep laceration. Both inmates sepa~ated and dropped their weapons when ordered to do so by staff. r~ma~e Gonzales was airlifted to a local hospital. He has been released from the hospital and is recoverinq fro~ his injury. Dolores-Rodriquez was treated tor a small abrasion to his left knee and placed in administrative detention. The FBI was notified~ The u.s. Attorney's Office declined prosecution because the·~ircumstances did not warrant prosecution, as the inmate's actions wou1d be construed as self defense. The Warden concurs with: the decision to not prosecute the inmates . .Both inmates are pending disciplinary action ana be recommended for separation s~atus. The u.s. Attorney's Office is awaiting the results of additional forensic evidence to be released by the FBI in the Garcia-Chavez homicide case for presentation of an indictment to the grand I jury. I Thomas Su.merville, Req. No. 01970-l90, is pending prosecution for phone/credit card fraud. Inmate established an outside contact whom:was employed with a moving company. This individual provided inmate vith customer na~es, credit card and social security numbers. The credit cards were used to order various items which Were delivered to the inmate's residence. This activity occ.rred over a lonq period of time and involves the FBI, CIA and:several state agencies. The CIA is interested in prosecution. 8ZGBX~ICART ~ORT CLALKS MED~CAL Inmate Eric ~WRENCE, Register Number 60517-080, filed an administrative clai~ number T-SCR-96-470, on December 24, 1996, alleging that medical staff at FMC, Fort Worth has been negligent because he h~s received his Insulin injections two hours late for three weeks. : He claims that his body has had to adjust to receiving shots later and that it is' "taxing on his system.~ He also states that because of the aedical treatment he has received over the last four years for his diabetic condition, he has suffered:a stroke and is now leqally blind. He seeks sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) compensation for personal injury. the APR-23-1997 14:12 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 214 767 5053 P.10 9 Inmates Gen~ GRAVENMEIR, Register Number 08224-097; George JANIS, Reqister N~ber- 37039-198; and Robert BUTLER, Register Nu.ber 68846-079 have filed administrative tort claims alleging that they are be~nq exposed to second hand smoke at FMC, Fort Worth. Mr. Gravenm~ir (T-SCR-96-391) seeks $5,030,000.00. The investiqatidn by staff at FMC, Fart Worth indicates that Mr. Gravenmeir has been incarcerated in the BOP since July 3, 1996. He currently has been housed at FMC, Fort Worth due-to his medical his~ory of hypertension, ~ajor depression, ana a previous cerebrovascqlar accident in July 1995. On October 9, 1996, Mr. Gravettm~ir vas referred to the institution psycho1ogist who noted that he ~as irritable due to being housed in an area where smoking is p~rmitted. On october 11, 1996, he was evaluated and treated for a possible upper respiratory infection and on october 18, 1996, he: was evaluated by a contract psychiatrist. Mr. Gravenme:ir was treated on october 30, 1996, for a ru~ny nose and he complained of inmates smoking around him. His lun~s were clear and a normal nasal mucosa. On November 6, 1996, he again complained to medical staff about the smoking, and he said that the smoking was causing him to cough; the examination was normal. Staff indicate that there is nothing to indicate that Mr. Gravenmeir has suffered because of second hand smoke. Mr. Janis (T-SCR-96-427) seeks $12,940,000.00. The investigation reveals that; he has been incarcerated in the BOP since April 27, 1995. He has sought treatment on multiple occasions for a dry cough, and has been diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. On November 12, 1996, he complained to medical staff that the smoking in tne housing units is causing his cough, runny nose, and wa~ery eyes. The physician noted that the runny nose, cough, and w~tery eyes was secondary to smoke in the environment. Mr. Janis had a heart condition and breathing problems prior to being incarcerated and at his own admission, it was related to . second hand smoke. However, he alleqes that inmates are allowed to smoke in ¢ommon areas in the housing unit. Robert Butler (T-SCR-96-446) seeks $286,000.00 in damages. He bas not made: any specific allegations reqardlnq his injuries. He simply $tate~ that he has been exposed to second hand smoke since his first day of incarceration. We have not received an investigation from institution reqarding this claim . . It should be;hoted that FMC, Fort Worth implemented a non smoking- policy in Dallas and Fort Worth Units beginning January 2, 1997. W APR-23-1997 ~ Ulc : HaM , I KXR 214 B.O.P.~S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 14:13 I Be , FTC I I ~ KD~ I BIV O'rB 1 I 1 ,\HS , PEN I C:~ I I I I sa ' I , I Kc:R. sea 'i4 \~ 39 , WXR c::a 8 P.13 I K/'1' I SE~ I t ! I 1 r 1 I ,I I I , I I AliI) I , I : I I I \ 31 . 2.33 \ I : I I I i I iI i l j I 1 i 14 i ftrr 767 5053 I 32 \ 6 I \ I a 2· I NARRATIVE ATt'AOiED ON SEPARATE PAPER LaC -:I !I'G''1011 . . - l '. • a. 4fCIID.I. ~ft'ft PI'-'D %lI Qna~. . Bel - ¥' • ... PM" ClGdaa . . . . . . ~u.u ftc: - an i •. -! IF. atS .:\. ... - •• ... -Is • Wi'1UU I'Z~ aaaa_ ,zea nlaD W c:u - .\' err n . O. . . .NW ~D.D . . . !.Zft. . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . .. aft. . . . " . . . _ .... ,.g aa UT'Y (ZIIa.mm DIIO DI 1IU."~nwJ CIn. . . ZDD m DDU%ftJ MID e l l ' .. a. . . . (~ DIlle m ......%98. GIG" M:fta. UIII Daft 0" &n'X. - (DCLtrmI Dr 'OPPA'!rrBI .,." - ". 1ft -:. M N· _ \ i APR-23-1997 14:14 214 B.O.P.-S.C.R.O.-DALLAS 767 5053 P.15 -Tort Claims First Quarter - FY97 (October 01, 1996 - December 31, 1996) n L~c SqR I Num I 113 PP ; PI PPPI 23 86 I Med WD 3 0 1 Set 16 Amnt 2780 - Number ~f claiDs filed .•••••.•. - Personal Property claims ...... . :PI - Personal Injury claims •••.••..• PPPI - Both PP & PI claims ..•.....••.• we - Wrongful Death claims ....••••.• Med Medical: claims ......•.•........ -Set - settle~/approved claims ....... . .Amnt - Amount pal.d .•.••.......•...••.. Pen - Pending/open claims ........... . Den - Number of claims Denied ....... . 00 - Number ~of claims OverDue ••..... :pp Den 150 74 00 0 A/O AlP 0 136 _ Time Period Variable :Definition ! : 'Hum Pen 10/01/96 =< D Accept <= 12/31/96 10/01/96 ~< D Accept <- 12/31/96 10/01/96 =< 0 Accept <- 12/31/96 10/01/96 ~< O-Accept <= 12/31/96 10/01/96 -< 0 Accept <~ 12/31/96 10/01/96 =< D Accept <= 12/31/96 10/01/96 =< D-Closed <- 12/31/96 10,/01/96 ~< 9:Closed <= 12/31/96 •• EntLre Database 44 10/01/96 ~< D Closed <; 12/31/96 •• Entire Database ~~ - Avg n~ber' of days Overdue ..... 10-/01/96 =< O_Closed <= 12/31/96 AlP - Avg n~er_ of days to Process .• 10'/01/96 =< D Closed <= 12/31/96 ~ we = WD+ PPWD • Mad = PiK+ WDH+ PPPIM+ PPWDM A/O .- Press any key to continue 4 TOTAL P.lS