Fbop Ser Monthly Report 1993may
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JU.N 24 • 12 10 : 5 0 F ROM BOP S E REG COUNS EL PAGE . 001 united States Government MEMORANDUM June 24, 1993 Reply to Attn of: Subject: counsel~ Sherree L. Sturgis, Regional southeast Region, Bureau of prisons~ May Litigation Report To: Joyce Zoldak, Associate General Counsel Litigation Branch Attached is the May CEO Litigatiion report. I have also attached some updated information on the unusually active trial sche dule f rom the past month. Attachment Oo l/y J~N 24 '12 10:50 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL ERT H. BURNS v. C. LAWTHER, et al . NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: CV~·H-0475·E; Type of Case: Personal Liability Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $2,500.000 SubJecc: MEDICAL TREATMENT Institution: Fel. Talladega Facts Al1e9ed: Refused treatment at TOG in 1988 for Intestinal track problem. Later tests showed gall bladder had burst. Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to speclaf monitoring Date Case Flied: 03-14-1990 Significant Activity: 03-05-1992 Interiocutory appeal by Inmate dismissed by Eleventh Circuit, 91·7814. 06-16·1993 Triar on the merits was attended by Van Vandivier and went well. -------------------------------------~ JOSEPH C. SUN v. HAROLD D. DELASHMIT, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: go-AR..o051-5; Type of Case: Personal Uability Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $200,000 Subject: MEDICAL TREATMENT Institution: Fel, Talladega acts Alleged: Denied medical care, and bathroom • rivileges on plane In transport between PET an TOG in 1989, also excessive use of force. Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Flied: 04-02·1990 SignificantActlv.fry: 06-01-1993 Trial scheduled. Continued to 06-04- 1993. Two day trial was attended by Van Vandivier. 06~8-'993 Verdict for Defendants. HE~BERT LEE, et al v. RICHARD THORNBURGH Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:90-CV-1350-JOF; Type 01 Case: Employment Discrimination; Damages Req: unspecified wages and earnings Subjecr. DISCRIMINAT10N Institution: USP, Atlanta Facts Alleged: Black Employees at ATL allege discrimination based on race because denied promotions. Special Monitoring: 1C2. Publlctty /Impact on staff morale, All employee suits. Date Case Filed: 06-22·1990 Significant Activity: 05·24-1993 Three day trial was attended by Earl Cotton. Presentation went well. PRGE.002 GLENN WAYNE MITCHELL v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, et 81 Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:90-CV-915.JTC; Type of Case: Employment Discrimination; Damages Req: unspecffled Subject DISCRIMINATION Institution: USP, Atlanta Faces Alleged: Dismissed from CO position at AlL because of race, threatened coSpecial Monitoring: 1C2, Publicity I Impact on staff morale, All employee suits. Date Case Filed: 04-24-1990 Significant Activity: 06-14-1993 Trial scheduled. Continued to 08-09-1993 because of debate over admissability of photographs taken from institution tower. J~N 24 '12 1121:51 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL United States ·Government Memorandum Date: Reply to June 4, 1993 ~ Attn. 01: Sherree L Sturgis. Regional nsel Southeast Region, Bureau Prj ns Subject: May, 1993 SER Litigation To: SER CEOs, Regional AdmInistrators fnstitution Paralegals and Attorneys Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel New Cases 1. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (SEABOARD SURETY COMPANy) v. FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS, ot 81 Court: DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 93·1561-LRA Institution: MDe, Guaynabo of Case: Other, Miller Act ".r.r~r-r. MISCELLANEOUS Facts Alleged: Action brought by surety company that issued the performance bond to Triangle Construction, the general contractor on the MDe Guaynabo project. Triangle is in bankruptcy. Surety seeks an interpleader to dissolve itself of its contractual Obligations to others exceeding $2,500,000, the amount of the bonct. Outstanding debts to subcontractors and suppfiers are estimated at $3,706,486. The action Is pled under Miller Act. 40 U.S.C. 270a. Damages Req: 1,206,486; Special Monlloring: IB6. May be financial liability, Other. Rec'd in Legal: May 3, 1993; Due: 07~1993 Assigned to: OsvaJdo Carto Linares; Assistant U.S. Attomey Chief, CivIl Division, Hato Rey, PR; Zoe Laboy, Attorney Advisor. MOC, Guaynabo PAGE.003 2. PABLO L FERNANDEZ-ORTIZ v. WARDEN, et al Court: DfSTRICT OF- PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 93-1629-JP Institution: MDC, Guaynabo Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject. SENTENCING Facts Alleged: Inmate designated to JES In 1993 alleges that he has served his federal sentence and should not be reincarcerated. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd In Legal: May 6, 1993; Due: 07~1993 Assigned 10: Osvaldo Carto Linares; Assistant U.S. Attorney Chief, Civil OivfsJon. Hato Rey, PR: Wilson Moorer. Paralegal Specialist, FCI, Jesup 3. DAVID FRIEDLAND v. FRED STOCK, Court: NORTHERN OfSTAICT OF GEORGIA Docker No.: 1 :93-CV~2-CAM Institution: USP. Atlanta et 81 Type of Case: Habeas Corpus SUbject AD DETENTION Facts Alleged: I nmate at AlL In 1993 complains that he has been paced in segregation tor no apparent reason. He states that he has not received any disciplinary reports that would result in his being placed In segregation. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: O. Not 8~sJgned to .'. special monitoring ..... Rec'd in Legal: May S, 1993; Due: 0$-17.1993'· . Assigned to: Russell G. Vineyard; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Atlanta, GA; Sharon Ragland, Paralegal Specialist. Southeast Regional Office 4. RENE BENITEZ Y. UNITED STATES Coutt. SOUTHERN [)\SlRter OF GEORGIA Docker No.: 293-54 InstiMion: FCI. Jesup Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING Facts Alleged: Inmate at JES in 1993 complains that his sentence should be credited with the time spent incarcerated In Columbia awaiting extradition to the United States. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd in Legal: May 6. 1993; Due: ~2C>1993 Assigned to: Paul G. J~stfce: Assistant U.S. Anorney, Savannah, GA; Wilson Moorer, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Jesup . JUN 24 '12 10:53 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL PF=lGE.004 ';--'" ,CEO. Litigation Report. 'June ,4, 1993 •. WILUE CLARK, JR., RISONS, et al Page 2 e~ 81 Y. FEDERAL BUREAU OF Coun: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:93.cv-811.RCF Institution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: DETAINERS Facts Alleged: Inmate at All In 1993 challenges a detainer that has been placed on him from the state of Texas. Damages Req: 0; SpecIal Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd in Legal: May 8,1993; Due: 05-24-1993 Assigned to: Curtis E. Anderson; AssIstant U.S. Attorney, Chief, Civil Division, Atlanta, GA; Darrln C. Scott, Attorney Advisor, SERO 6. JOEL RODRIQUEZ LOPEZ v. WilLIE E. THOMPSON Coun: MIDDLE DISTRICT OF ,ALABAMA • Docket No.: 93-H-0063-N InstitlAion: FPC, Maxwell Air Force Base Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: TE~PHONES cts Alleged: Inmate at MON in 1993 filed a motion with e court to "protect evidence'" telephone monitoring tapes that were In the control of the Warden of the Institution. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd in Legal: May 6, 1993; Due: ·1993 Assigned to: Kenneth E. Vines; Assistant U.S. Attorney Chief, Civil OivisJon, Montgomery, AL; Michelle Coulombe, ParalegaJ Specialist Trainee. Southeast Regionat Office 7. GABRIEU ANDRE' DAVIS v. FRED STOCK, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Dock.et No.: 1 :93·CV·83&-JEC InstItution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject. COMMUNITY TAEATMENT CENTERS Facts AI/eged: Inmate at FPC ATL In 1993 alleges that he is eligible for CCC placement. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to .special monitoring Rec'd In Legal: May 6, 1993; Due: 0&-1()'1993 Assigned to: James R. Schuttz; Assistant U.S. Anorney, anta, GA; Darrin C.' ~~ Anorney Advisor, SERO 8. BONITA LACY Y. UNITED STATES Court: EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA Docker No.:·93-CV'()253 Institution: Fel, Marianna Type of Case: Federal Tort Claims Act Subject. PROPERTY Facts Alleged: Inmate claims property was lost when packed at MNA In 1991 for transfer to LEX. Damages Req: $562.58; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd In Legal: May 6, 1993; Due: -1993 Baylso~; U.S. Attomey, Phnadelphta. PA; Stertlng Dawson, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Marianna Assigned to: Michael 9. JERRY SINGLETARY v. A. WHITE, et 81 Court. NORTHERN DlSTRJCT OF AlABAMA Docket No.: CV-93-PT-o385-E Institution: Fel, Talladega Type of Case: Personal Liability Action (Bivens) Subject MEDICAL TREATMENT Facts Alleged: Inmate at TOG claims a tooth broke during extraction In 1992 and he had to walt several days for the rest of the tooth to be extracted. Dama.ges Req: $' 5,000; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to speciaJ monitoring Rec'd in Legal: May 6,1993; Due: <&2$-1993 Assigned to: Winfield J. Sinclair; Assistant U.S. Attomey, Birmingham. AL; Gerelene Gooden. Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Talladega 10. RAUL ALFREDO GARCIA Y. R. E. HONSTED, et at Court SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: CV 293'()56 Institution: FCI, Jesup Type of Case: Habeas C01pUS Subject: SENTENCING FacCSAJleged: Inmate at JES In 1993 claims BOP has improperty computed one of his offenses as non parole eligibfe. He also complaIns that the USPC refu~s to consider the offense as parole eligible. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to speclaJ monitoring Rec'd.fn Legal: May 21, 1993; Due: Q&.03.1993 Assigned to: Paul G. Justice; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Savannah, GA; Wilson Moorer, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Jesup . JUN 24 '12 1'21: 54 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL PAGE.eJeJ5 ~. CEO ~itigation Page 3 Report June 4, 1993 DWAI~E'L COPELAND v. JOHN FANELLO NORTHERN :DI~AICT OF FLOR1DA Docket No.: 93~0134/'NEA InstiMion: FPC, Pensacola Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject:. SENTENCING Facts Alleged: Inmate at PEN In 1993 alleges that he should receive more good time credit under old law. His first offense was old law. after he was returned for he violating his supervised release he earns under new law. Damages Req: 0; SpecIal Moniton"ng: O. Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd In Legal: May 21. 1993; Due: 07-12-1993 Assigned to: Samuel A. Alter. Jr.; Supervising Assistant U.S. Anomey, Pensacola FL; Angie Grider, legallntem. SERO 13•. GILBERT HILL v. WARDEN, 8t 81 Court. NORTHEP.N DISTRICT OF flORIDA Docket No.: 93·50098/WEA Institution: Fel, Marianna Type of Ca~e: Personal LlabUity Action (Bivens) Subject: INMATE DISCIPUNE FacrsAJleged: Inmate at MNA In 1993 alleges that he received three false incident repons. As a resutt of the Incident reports, he was placed In administrative detention. He was later the subject of a IIForoe Cell Move" In which he alleges he was severely beaten. He also complains that the videotape of the "Force Cell Move" was broadcast over the institution's cable system In violation of his prtvacy rights. Damages Req: $11,500,000; Special MonItoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ R~~~Leg~~y~,1~;~e:NONENOWMM~SI~UE~ 12. TIMOTHY L RUBLE, et 81 Assigned to: Samuel A. Alter, Jr.; Supervising Assistant U.S. v. LIEUTENANT KING, et al Anorney, Pensacofa FL; Stertlng Dawson, Paralegal Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Specialist, FCI, Marianna Docket No.: 1 :93·CV·1024-JEC Institution: USP. Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Liabntty Action (Btvens) Subject: INMATE DISCIPLINE Is Alleged: Inmates at AlL In 1993 allege that to a '1orce cell move, tI they were beaten and assaulted. They also compfalns that they dJd not rece'v8 Immediate medical.care for their InJuries. Damages Req: $7,200,000: SpecIal Monitoring: IB6, May be financiaJ liability, Other. Rec'd in Legal: May 21,1993; Due: NONE, NO SUMMONS ISSUED. Assigned to: Curtis E. Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief, Civil DMslOf\ Atlanta, GA: Wanda Hunt, Staff Counsef, USP, Atlanta _~~~~_ _ _ _ _~_~_ _~~~~- 14. CHARLES S. BOCCHINO v. SARAH B. WESSTER Court: MIDDLE DISTRICT OF AlABAMA Docker No.: 93-A-541-N Institution: FPC, Maxwell Air Force B8S8 Type of Case: Mandamus Subject. AD REMEDIES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MeN in 1993 alleges that he has been refused access to the Administrative Remedy Index In vloIatJon of Program Statement 1330.7. Damages Req: 0; SpecIal Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd In Legal: May 21, 1993; Due: ()s'2S-1993 AssIgned to: Kenneth E. Vines; Assistant U.S. Attorney Chief, ClvH Division, Montgomery, At; Angle Grider, Legal Imem, SERO JUN 24 '12 1121:56 CEO Utigatfon Report PFlGE.006 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL ----. June 4, 1993 BENJAMIN BARRY. KRAMER v. METRO-DADE EPT Of CORRECTIONS, et al Court: SOUTHERN DtSTRICT OF FlORIDA • Docket No.: ~"()798-CIV-HIGHSMITH Inst/M/on: MCC, Miami Type of Case: Injunction Subject: PRETRIAL DETAINEES Facts Alleged: Inmate at MIA In 1993 alleges that as a Page 4 18• .HENay· RUDOLPH Court. v. ~ITH E. OLSON,·et 81 N.ORTHERN I)tSTAICT OF FlORIDA Docket No.: TCA-93-40062-WS Institution: Fel, Tallaha88ee Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: DETAINEAS Facts Alleged: Inmate at TAL In 1993 alleges that an illegal detainer has been paced on him by the State of Aorida as a result of a probation Violation. pre-trial detainee, he was subject to unconstitutional conditions of confinement and insufficient medical treatment Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to while being housed in a county jail awaiting trial. Seeks' special monltorfng transfer to Mee, Miami. Rec'd In Legal: Maya. 1993; Due: Q5.21 ..1993 • Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to Assigned to: Kenneth W. Sukhla; United States Attorney, special monitoring Tallahassee, Fl; Dan ROUSi!, Paralegal Specialist, Fel, Rec'd In Legal: May 2S. 1993; Due: ~2S-1993 TaJlahassee Assigned to: Maureen Donlan; Assistant U.S. Attorney. Miami, FL; Mich~eI Pybas, Attorney Advisor. MCC. Miami, FOC. Miami 16. THEODORE K. GALE v. KEITH E. OLSON, at 81 Coult: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: TCA 93-40032-WS '1sm[lJllC)fJ: Fel, Tallahassee of Case: Habaas Corpus ubJect: SENTENCING Facts Alleged: In~te at TAL in 1993 complains that his sentences shoutd be aggregated. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: O. Not assigned to special monitoring Rec'd In Legal: May 'ZI, '993; Due: 0&01·1993 Assigned to: Audry A. Butler; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Tallahassee, FL; Dan Rouse, Paralegal Specialist, Fel. Tallahassee 17. BUFORD SHEFFIELD v. KEITH OLSON, at 81 COUIT: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF flORIDA Docket No.: TCA 93-40054/MMP InsrlMion; Fel, Tallahassee Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject. DETAINERS Fact$ Alleged: TAL Inmate In 1993 claims a detainer placed on him by the State of Florida should be removed as they had ampe opportunity to prosecute. Damages Req: 0; Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring 'd in Legal; May 'D. 1993; Due: 05-1S.1993 J:~;I.,nlC1rrl to: Thomas F. Kirwin; Assls1ant U.S. Attorney, hassee. FL; Dan Rouse, ParaJegaJ Specialist, Fel. Tallahassee Significant Activity on Existing Cases RUBY J. BLACKWELL v. UNITED STATES Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: ~0306/RV: Type of Case: Federal Ton Oaims Act; Damages Req: $500,000 Subject. TORT Institution: FPC, Pensacola Facts Alleged: Civilian visitor at FPC. Pensacola tripped over loose piece of carpet on 07~O·1990 and Injured unspecified part of body. Special Monitoring: 0, Not aSSigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: , 0-29-1990 Significant ActivIty; 05-13-1993 Memorandum of Decision finds for the United States. The case was stipulated for submission on depositions and affidavits In lieu of trial. The inmate's vlsltor who fen was found to be a business invitee under Rorlda law. The plalntJff failed to prove that the floor mat over which she claims to have tripped was on the sidewalk or that it caused her fan. JUN 24 '12 1121:57 CEO Litigation Report June 4,1993 OHN DAWSON ., PRGE.1211217 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL v. ROGER scon· NORTHER~ ·DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: CV·92-AR-1·168-E; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: 0 Subject: SENTENCING Institution: FCI, Talladega Facts Alleged: Inmate at TOG alleges that he has been denIed credit to his sentence for the time spent in the half-way house and safe house. may have been in state custody at the time. Special MonitorIng: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: 5-20-1992 Significanr Activity. 05-10-1993 In forma pauperis denied on appeal, dismissed. Appeal to 11th .circuit, 92-1137. Dismissed, os.. 10-1992 JESSE W. GREEN v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSnCE, et 81 Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: CV 92.H-1728-E; Type of Case: Personal Liability Action (Btvens); Damages Req: $125,589.00 Subjecl: CONDlnONS OF CONFINEMENT Institution: Fel, Talladega Facts A1leg~: TOG inmate claims violation of Eighth ment becauSe of housing with Cuban detainees. hostage in 08-1991 disturbance. ~l.Ic,,'a, Monltpring: le1, Publicity /Impact on staff morale, All arising from institution disturbances. Date Case Flied: 07-29-1992 Significant Activity. 04-15-1993 Magistrate's report recommends granting of government's motion for summary Judgement. Fel, TalJadega staff were not wantonly or callously Indlffere.nt to potemlal danger when they placed this American Inmate in administrative detention with Cuban Detainees in Alpha Unit just prior to the 1991 hostage Incident. There had been no prior injuries or security problems wtth these detainees at Tanadega. There was no indication they were a threat to the Inmate plaintiff. He did not suffer any physlcallojurles. Even If the t'John Doe" correctional officer was negligent In failing to secure the gate to the recreation area, mere negligence will not support a clvH rights action. The decision not to allow food or medical supplies into the unit during the Incident was not an Eighth Amendment violation. It was a good faith effort to restore d1sclpllne, not designed to punish. 05-11-1993 Order adopts magistrate's report. dismisses case. DANNY LOWE Page 5 Y. GRAI~ TUBBS, at 81 Coutt. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 293·10; Type of Case: Personal LJabnity Action (Bivens); Damages Req: $500,000.00 Subject: SAFElY. Institution: Fel, Jesup Facts Alleged: MNA Inmate In 1993 dalms the recreation yard at JES was unsafe due to on-golng construction In the area in 1991. Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Flied: 10-13-1992 S/gnlflcam Acrlvtry: OS..()4-1993 Dismissed because Inmate failed to apprise court of change of address. RAUL MOJENA v. WILLIAM P. BARR, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 92~240/RV; Type of Case: Federal Tort C1ajms Act; Damages Req: unspecified Subject: MEDICAL TREATMENT InstltutJon: FCI, Marianne Facts Alleged: Inmate at MNA In 1992 alleges that he has not recetved proper medical treatment. Special Monitoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Date Case Filed: 01-01-1992 Significant Ac;t;vity. 04-14-1993 Magistrate·s report recommends dismissal because of Inmate·s fallure to respond to coort order. 05·11-1993 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses case. ARMANDO SANTIESTEBAN v. JOSEPH P. CLASS, et 81 Court. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: MeA 91 -50245JWEA; Type of case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: 0 Subject: SENTENCING Institution: Fel! Marianna Facts Alleged: BOP 1mproperty computed parole eligibility date at MNA In 1992. Special MonItoring: 0, Not assigned to special monitorfng Dale Case Filed: 04-13-' 992 Significent AcrMtt: 04-'4.1993 Magistrate's report recommends dismissal. There Is no ex post facto violation when changing an incorrect presumptive parole date. 05-14-1993 Order adopts magistrate's repon, dismisses case. JUN 24 '12 10:59 PAGE.008 FROM BOP SE REG COUNSEL PageS CEO: Liti9ation Report June 4, 1993 VIC F. RYDE·R v. W,J.•. THOMPSON,,' et'al MIDDlE DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: $3~; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: 0 Subject: COMMUNITY TREATMENT CENTERS Institution: FPC, Maxwell Air Force Base Facts Alleged: Inmate at MON In 1992 aUeges he Is eligible for 6 months CCC pfacement instead of 2 months approved. Also claims violation of equal protection as other similar Inmates are given 6 months. Special Monitoring: 0, Not assIgned to special monitoring Dare Case Flied: 03-24-1993 Significant Activity. 04-19-1993 ·Magistrate's report recommends dismissal because an inmate has no constitutional right to pacement In CCC. 05·20·1993 Order adopts magistra~ets report, dismisses case. DWAYNE HEATON Y. P.I. UnLE, et 81 Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA DocKer No.: 1 :92·CV-2243~TC; Type of Case: Personal Uability Action (Bivens); Damages Req: 1100.00 Subject: INMATE ACCIDENT COMPENSATION stiwrtion: USP, Atlanta Alleged: Inmate at ATL camp in 1992 claims he has received payment through Inmate Accident Compensation as a result of an Injury sustained in UNICOR in 10-91. He also alleges that he was placed on a work detaH inconsistent with his medical orders. Lastly. he alleges that he wm be transferred In retaliation as a result of his lawsuit. There are difficult~es with the merits of this case. After extensive discussion with institution staff concerning this maner, It appears he was carried on medicaJ idle status as a result of a wOrk-related injury for many months. It is likely that he had recovered, but he was never ordered back to work. See related case, Floyd v. Stock, FGAN. Special Monnorlng: 0, Not assigned to special monitoring Dare Case Filed: 09·22.e2 SignifiC8J7t Acrlvlry: 05-24-1993 Order dismisses case for failure to file administrative remedies. We wJll probably have to deal with this matter 8~ln after the inmate has exhausted remedies. scon, JOHN BERRV v. WARDEN It'al' . Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: CV 91-H-3013-E; Type of Case: Personal Uabntty Action (Bivens); Damages Req: 0 SUbject. MEDICAL TREATMENT InstiMlon: Fel, Talladega Facts Alleged: Unknown, original petition not served. First notice of case when notke of appeal filed. Special Mon/rorlng: 0, Not assigned to speclaJ monltoring Date Case Filed: 12-26-1991 Significant Activity. 04-07-1992 Dismissed for failure to prosecute. 03-30-1992 Court dismisses Inmate's motIon to have magistrate disqualified. 04-23-1992 Appeal to 11th Circuit, 92-6348. 05-05-1993 Appeal dismissed for failure to prosecute. ERNEST L CITRON Y. WIWE SCOTT Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: peA 90-30337{WEA; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: 0 Subject SENTENCING Institution: FPC, Eglin Air Force Base Facts Alleged: Denied jail credit for time in state custody. Oalms did not receJve credit for time on slate sentence. AT EGL In 1990. Special Monitoring: 0, Not ass1gned to special monitoring Dare Case Flied: 12-10-1990 Slgnfflcant Act/vir;: 11-23·1993 Order dismisses cass. The inmate is not emitled to credit on his federal sentence for time in state custody serving a state sentence even though a federal detainer had been.1odged. 05-04-1993 Appeal to 11 th Circuit. 92-3297.