Fbop Ser Monthly Reports 1997may-jun
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United States Government memorandum Date: Reply to Attn Of: June 10, 1997 Sherree L. Stu rgis, Regi ona l Cou nse l Southeast Region SUbject: May, 1997 SER Litigation To: SER CEOs, Regional Adm inistrators In stitution Attorneys and Para lega ls Wallace H. C heney, Genera l Counse l Joyce Zo ldak, Assoc iate General Counse l Regional Counsel New Cases - Civil I. DONALD P. CHAPPELL v. VINCENT DISANTO Court: Nort hern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:96 C V-I72S In stituti on: USP Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject : MEDICAL TREATMENTS Facts alleged: ATL in mate in 1996 claim s that he has chronic pain from a foot injury from the Vietnam war. Staff have refused pain medication. change in job, and special shoes. Damages Requested : 400,000 .00; Not ass igned to spec ial monitoring Assigned to: Jane Swift, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Atlanta, Ga; Terry Co llins, Attorney Advisor. ATL 2. AUGUSTO G. FALCON v. PATRICK WHALEN Court: Southern Di strict of Florida Docket No.: 97-1488 Instituti on: FDC Miami Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: MIM inmate in 1997 c la im s confinement in SHU s in ce 1991 is not justified by sec urity concerns and the refore is punishment without due process. He suffers menta l and medical problems as a resu lt. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to spec ial monitoring Assigned to: Robyn I-Iermann, Assistant U.S. Attorney. Chi ef, Civ il Division, Miami, Florida: Michael Pybas, Attorney Advisor. MIM 3. SALVADORMAGLUTA v. PATRICK WHALEN Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: 97-1490 Institution: FDC Miami Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: MIM inmate in 1997 claims confinement in SHU since 1991 is not justified by security concerns and therefore is punishment without due process. He suffers mental and medical problems as a result. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Robyn Hermann Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief, Civil Division, Miami, Florida; Michael Pybas, Attorney Advisor, MIM 4. RICHARD FRESON v. US Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: 97-1373-CV-GRAHAM Type of Case: Personal Liability and Tort Subject: ASSAULTS Facts alleged: Civilian working as a private courier in 1994 was assaulted by staff while attempting to deliver a package to an employee at MIA. A staff member punched him in the head, broke his glasses, and caused his head to strike a flagpole, resulting in extensive bleeding. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Vivian Rosado, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Miami Florida: Michael Pybas, Attorney Advisor, MIM 5. GILLERMO GIL v. WARDEN WILLIE J. SCOTT Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:96-CV-03071 Type of Case: Personal Liability and Tort Subjects: MEDICAL TREATMENT, CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: Inmate claims in 1994 in ATL he injured his ankle playing soccer. Staff ignored a prison hospital determination that he could eat in his unit. He was required to go down steps in housing unit and to dining hall on crutches. Elevator did not work. He fell down the stairs injuring his neck and spine. Access to medical care was delayed. Staffwould not permit food to be brought to him in his cell. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Curtis Anderson, Assistant u.S. Attorney, Chief. Civil Division, Atlanta, GA; Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 6. CHARLES EDWARD HUNTER v. DANNY HOBBS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-422-CV -J-20A Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Facts alleged: COL inmate in 1997 claims his PSI Report is incorrect. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Ralph Lee Assistant U.S. Attorney, Jacksonville, Florida; Darrin Scott, Attorney Advisor, COL 7. DOROTHY JEAN JONES v. L. R. GREER Court: Northern District of Florida Docket No.: 497-CV-098 Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING Facts alleged: TAL inmate in 1997 seeks a one year credit for completing DAP. Credit was denied because of two level enhancement on her sentence for possession of dangerous weapon. Damages Requested: 400,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Jane Swift, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Atlanta, Ga; Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 8. JESSIE LEE MYLES v. UNITED STATES Court: Northern District of Florida Docket No.: 5:97-CV-76/RH-2/MD Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING Facts alleged: MNA inmate in 1997 claims that he should be eligible for a one year credit on his sentence for the completion of DAP because he is currently serving a sentence as a not based on a crime of violence. He claims discrimination against current non-violent offender. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Michael Finney, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Pensacola, Florida; Sterling Dawson, Paralegal Special, MNA 9. ISHMAEL VALLADE v. BUREAU OF PRISONS et. al Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:96 CV-1332-RLV Institution: USP, Atlanta Type of Case: Federal Tort Claims Act Subject: PROPERTY Facts alleged: Inmate claims his property was lost when he was transferred from JES to GUA in 1994. Damages Requested: 10,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Curtis Anderson; Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief, Civil Division, Atlanta, GA; Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL Significant Activity On Existing Cases - Civil 1. NICHOLAS LASORSA V. SALVATORE SEANEZ Court: Northern District of Georgia Institution: FCI, Marianna Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Facts: MNA inmate in 1996, claims should receive 12 month sentence reduction for completing (DAP). He should not have been classified as "violent criminal" for use of weapon, as per BAILEY. Significant Activity: 03-28-1997 Magistrate's report recommends dismissal based on inmate's request. 04-25-1997 Order dismisses case. • 2. GEORGE JOHN LAURENTI V. STEVE MORTON, et al Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: CIV-96-2382 Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: ASSAULTS, MEDICAL TREATMENT Facts Alleged: Hermann MIA inmate claims SORT used excessive force while quelling disturbance during Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Evacuated to Duval County, no medical care for a rash. Significant Activity: 05-07-1997 Order dismisses case for inmate's failure to appear at status conference. Inmate is a fugitive. 3. CHARLES RELIFORD v. U.S. Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:95-CV-l 002-JTC Type of Case: Federal Tort Claims Act Subject: PROPERTY Facts Alleged: ATL inmate in 1994 seeks $100 for property lost in the mail where officer allegedly refused to allow inmate to insure the package before sending it to TOG. Significant Activity: 12-29-1996 Order dismisses case for inmate's failure to correct defects in service on defendants. Appeal to Eleventh Circuit, 96.2347. 01-29-1997 Appeal dismissed. 4. WILLIAM VASQUEZ V. U.S. BUREAU OF PRISONS, et a' Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: 92-2201-CIV-MARCUS Type of Case: Subject: Personal Liability Facts Alleged: Inmate presently at SPG claims MIA staff members failed to secure his property when placing him in administrative detention. Significant Activity: 05-28-1997 Order dismisses case with prejudice. 5. ELENA RIVERA V. U.S. Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: 93-1380-CIV-KING Type of Case: Federal Tort Claims Act Subject: TORT Facts Alleged: Civilian alleges that in 1990, a MIA staff member was negligently operating a car which collided with hers, causing her injury. Offered $37,000 in settlement of administrative claim. Significant Activity: 05-17-1994 Dismissed based on settlement. Criminal Cases 1. GERRARDO RODRIGUEZ-RAMOS, 09407-069 Institution Tracking No.: ATL:95-7006 Name of Case: U.S. v. Rodriguez-Ramos Court: FGAN, Docket No.: 1:97-CR-128 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 03-11-1996 Description: Inmate set fire to cell. Special Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Status of Referral: Accepted Update: 03-19-1997 Ind icted for arson. Tria I schedu led for 06-22-1997 Assigned to: AUSA: Dave Nahamias 2. JOHN HUMMANSTI, 57495-065 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0069 Name of Case : U.S. v . Humman sti Court : FGAN, Docket No.: Ins titution: ATL Date of Offense: 12-13-1 996 Description: Inmate assa ult on staff member, C .O. C hri stine Sco tl. Spec ia l Monitoring: Not ass ig ned to spec ial mo nitoring S tatus of Referral: Accepted Upda te: 03-19-1997 Indicted for Assaulting e.O . Assigned to : AUSA: Joe Plummer 3. DESMOND MORRI S, 83529-022 In stitutio n Tracking No.: ATL-96-0243 Name of Case: U.S . v. Desmond Mo rris Cou rt : FGAN , Docket No.: Institution : A TL Date of Offense: 09-1 2-1996 Description : Inm ate assaulted staff. Jud i Parks. Robert Willis. Melvin Adams Specia l Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Status of Referral: Accepted Upd ate: Indicted , 05-29-1997 Pretrial Conference. Assigned to: AUSA: Katherine Monahan 4. JACK QUARLES, 42883-019 RICHARD ELlFF, 20244-001 In stituti on Track ing No.: ATL-96-0277 Name of Case: U.S . v. Quarles Court : FGAN, Docket No.: In stitution : ATL Date of Offense: 10-10-1996 Descr ipti on: Escape - Inmates observed crossi ng street to convenience store. Spec ia l Monitoring: Not ass ig ned to spec ial mo nitoring Status of Referral: Accepted Update: Pendin g indictment Assigned to: AUSA: Beverly Mitchell 5. ANTHONY BATTLE Institutio n Tracking No.: ATL-94-4170 Name of Case: U.S. v. Battle Court : FGAN , Docket No.: I :95-CR-528 In stitution : ATL Date of Offense: 12-21-1994 Descri ption: Inm ate killed correctiona l officer, D'Antonio Was hingto n w ith hammer. Spec ial Monitoring: Death of Staff Status of Referral: Accepted Update: Convicted, sentenced to death . 04-03-1997 Motion for New Trial. Sentencing Hearing and Correction or Reductio n of Sentence. Assigned to : AUSA: McKinnon. Jenkins 6. RICKY JONES, 10724-018 In stitution Tracking No. : Name of Case: Court: , Docket No.: Institution: JES Date of Offense: 05-06-1997 Description: Inmate Michael Graham beaten on head. 24 sutures to close lacerat'ion. Special Mon itoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Status of Referral: Accepted Update : Will indict for Assault with intent to kill. Assigned to: AUSA: 7. LARRY COWARD, 12989-056 TRAVIS JEFFERSON, 91086-071 Institution Tracki ng No.: 7034 Name of Case: Court: , Docket No.: Institution: EST Date o f Offense: 05-04-197 Description: Inm ate Coward approac hed staff for film to take photos in visit in g room. Film given . When camera bag searched later, found unopened can of film . Ca n conta ined marijuana. Specia l Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Status of Referral: Accepted Update: Await ing indictment. Ass igned to: AUSA: 8. STEVEN HOLLOWAY, 01839-112 Institution Tracking No. : Name of Case: Court: . Docket No.: Institution: COM Date of Offense: 05-22-1997 Desc ription : Inmate in SHU fo r assau lting inmate destroyed ce ll. Broke window. pulled holted in desk fro m wall. Threw carton of milk, str iking staff member. When staff entered ce ll for forced move, soap on noor caused staff to s lip. Injured two staff by striking with heavy object in sock. Spec ia l Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Status of Referral: Accepted Update : Indi ctment pending Assigned to: AUSA: June Travel Plans Sturgis - AL 6-13 , 6-16, 6-23 Vandivier - AL 6-16 to 6-30 Cotton - ML 6-2 to 6-13, AL 6-19 to 6-20 United States Government memorandum Date: Reply to Attn of: July 8, 1997 herree L. Stur,is, R~giOnal Counsel ::Southeast Regio,', f~'to S. \> Subject: To: ~onthly Rep&t (JiA.Ne) R. L. Matthews, Regional Director Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel SER CEOs, Regional Administrators Associate General Counsel Regional Counsel Institution Attorneys and Paralegals New Cases 1. DEAN ALLEN CRAWFORD v. GREGORY PARKS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-53-CIV-Oc-10B Institution: FCC Coleman Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Facts alleged: COL inmate claims in 1993 he was denied one year credit after completing DAP program. His offense was classified as a crime of violence. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Reginald Luster, Assistant U.S. Attorney; Cindy Tureaud, Paralegal Specialist 2. RAY "DAVIS et. ale v. R. D. HUDSON et. ale Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:97-CV-50-JTC Institution: USP Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: ASSAULTS Facts alleged: ATL inmate claims in 1996 he and other inmates were assaulted by the defendants while in holdover at ATL. Attack was racially motivated. Seeks class action certification. Supervisory personnel failed to discipline the assailant. Damages Requested: 1,485,000; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Curtis Anderson, Assistant u.S. Attorney, Atlanta, Ga; Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 3. DESMOND LAWRENCE v. THOMAS KEOHANE Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:97-CIV-36-GET Institution: USP Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: ASSAULTS, RESTRAINTS Facts alleged: ATL inmate in 1996 claims that staff assaulted him with a broomstick and a walkie talkie causing injuries to his anus and to his face. Damages Requested: 110,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 4. JOHN E. MILLER v. WILLIE SCOTT et ale Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1: 96-CV-3380-GET Institution: USP Atlanta Type of Case: EEO Subject: DISCRIMINATION Facts alleged: ATL inmate claims in 1994 UNICOR fired him because of physical handicap. Stated reason for the firing was the inmate's refusal to make payments on fine. Damages Requested: 5,000,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: David Wright, Assistant u.S. Attorney, Atlanta, Gai Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 5. PAULINUS CHIDI NJOKU v. JOHN FANELLO et ale Court: District of South Carolina Docket No.: 9: 96-0300-32JC Institution: FCI Estill Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: ASSAULTS Facts alleged: EST inmate claims in 1995 he was assaulted by inmate gang members, resulting in his placement in SHU for protection. Contrary to orders, while in SHU he was forced to recreate with other inmates. Staff left him handcuffed in the recreation yard. An unrestrained inmate who was a friend of the prior assailant assaulted him. Damages Requested: 2,275,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Barbara Bowen, Assistant U.S. Attorney, South Carolina; Roy Lathrop, Paralegal, EST 6. WILLIAM R. OMASTA v. GREGORY L. PARKS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-156 CV-OC lOb Institution: FCC Coleman Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING Facts alleged: COL inmate in 1997 seeks credit for time served in state confinement. He claims that his federal sentence was ordered to run concurrent with his state sentence. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to spedial monitoring Assigned to: Charles R. Wilson, US Attorney, Tampa, FI; Darrin Scott, Attorney Advisor, COL 7. WILLIAM MARTELL ROSADO v. GREGORY PARKS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-134-CV-OC-10b Institution: FCC Coleman Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Facts alleged: COL inmate in 1997 claims he was denied the twelve month credit after completing DAP. Credit was denied because the inmate was sentenced under "old law" and because his sentence was non-parolable. Damages Requested: 0; Not 'assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Charles R. Wilson, US Attorney, Tampa, FI; Darrin Scott, Attorney Advisor, COL 8. DONALD ROY v. FPC MONTGOMERY WARDEN, et ale Court: Middle District of Alabama Docket No.: 97-D-778-N Institution: FPC Montgomery Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: TRANSFERS, ACCESS TO COURTS Facts alleged: Former MON inmate in 1997 seeks to be transferred back to MON from a county jail. He claims the county jail has no law library, no legal materials nor certified mail. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: John Harmon, Assistant u.S. Attorney, Montgomery, AI; Van Vandivier, Deputy Regional Counsel, SER 9. THOMAS LEE RUSH v. TOM L. WOOTEN Court: Southern District of Georgia Docket No.: CV-297-082 Institution: FCI Jesup Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: DUE PROCESS Facts alleged: JES inmate in 1997 claims he was denied early release for meal privileges that is usually given for compliance with safety and sanitation guidelines. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Melissa Mundell, Assistant u.s. Attorney, Savanna, Ga; Mike Dedman, Paralegal Specialist, JES 10. PABLO NELSON SARDINA v. WILLIAM PATRICK, et al. Court: District of South Carolina Docket No.: 96-1564 Institution: FCI Miami Type of Case: Injunction and Personal Liability Subject: CLASSIFICATION, INMATE DISCIPLINE Facts alleged: MIA inmate in 1996 claims that he did not agree with an initial program review. When he asked to file a BP 9, BOP staff retaliate against him by placing him in Administrative Detention charge with presence in an unauthorized area. Damages Requested: 5,650,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Barbara Bowen, Assistant u.S. Attorney, South Carolina; Roy Lathrop, Paralegal, EST 11. ANTONIO SMITH v. JANET RENO, et al. Court: Northern District of Alabama Docket No.: 96-B-3128-S Institution: FCI Talladega Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: TOG inmate claims in 1995 while he was not placed in a nonsmoking environment. Damages Requested: 665,500.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Winfield Sinclair, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Birmingham, AI; Craig Simmons, Attorney Advisor, TOG 12. JEROME SPIEGEL v. U.S. Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: 97-1480-CIV-Moore Institution: FCI Miami Type of Case: FTCA Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: MIA inmate in 1994 claims staff instructed him to walk up a flight of stairs in the prison. He fell on a broken step. The inmate seeks compensation for alleged pain, medical expenses and a physical handicap. He claims that he is no longer able to work. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Robin Hermann, Chief of Civil Division, Miami, FI; Kelly Tirik, Attorney Advisor, MIM FCI, Mariana 1995 Disturbance Cases ERIC L . CUE v. SAL SEANEZ, et al. Court : NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No .: 96 - cv - 43/LAC Type of Case : PL ; Damages Req : $7 , 070 , 00 . 00 Subject : CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT, ASSAULTS Institution: FCI, MARIANA Facts Alleged : Inmate claims staff failed to prevent the 10 - 95 riot to revamp security . The lockdown caused 14 days of no showers , recreation , clean clothing , access to legal materials , visits , phones , fresh air , hot water , and adequate food . Significant Activity : 06 - 27 - 97 Action dismissed with prejudice as to plaintiff's allegations of failure to protect , excessive force , and conspiracy . Dismissal without prejudice plaintiff ' s allegations of unconstitutional conditions of confinement , denial of access to courts, invasion of privacy , deprivation of privacy without due process , and denial of medical care . The inmate may file an amended complaint on these issues , naming as defendants only those individuals who are answerable to those claims . ANGEL VAZQUEZ v. SAL SEANEZ Court : NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No .: 5 : 96cv 1 96/RH- 1/SMN; Type of Case: Personal Liability Damages Req : $7 , 070,000 Subject : CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT, ASSAULTS, TELEPHONES, MEDICAL TREATMENT Institution : FCI, MARIANNA Facts Alleged : Inmate claims staff failed to prevent the 10 - 95 riot to revamp security . The lockdown caused 14 days of no showers , recreation , clean clothing , access to legal mat erials , visits , phones , fresh air , hot water , and adequate food. Racial discrimination , non-compliance with ITS . Chronic back problems , personal propert y co nfi scated and no ventilation . Significant Activity: 06-10 - 97 Order adopts magistrate ' s report , dismisses without prejud i ce for failure to respond to court ' s 01 - 2 1 - 1997 order to show cause . Significant Activity on Other Cases JOHNNY L . BUTLER v . WILLIE C. SCOTT Court : NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No .: 1 : 97 - cv - 638 -RLV; Type of Case : Habeas Corpus ; Damages Req : $ Subj ect : HABEAS CORPUS Institution : USP, ATLANTA Facts Alleged: Inmate filed habeas corpus action , challeng ing placement in disciplinary segregation . Significant Activity : 06 - 11 - 1997 Order adopts magistrate ' s report , dismisses action . 05 - 18-1997 Magistrate ' s report recommends dismissal without prejudice for failure to exhaust administrative remedies. DAVID GREENBERG v. DENNIS JOHNSON, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 93-30639/RV; Type of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $2,000,000 Subject: MEDICAL TREATMENT, WORK Institution: FPC, EGLIN Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1994 alleges he was ordered to discontinue his cardiovascular exercises and ordered to wear boots in violation of doctors orders. He was prohibited from work in Food Service. These restrictions prevented him from participation in his Jewish religion. Significant Activity: 06-10-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, grants summary judgement, dismisses action. 05-08-1997 Magistrate's report finds the inmate failed to allege facts sufficient to constitution cruel and unusual punishment. The inmate also failed to show that the denial of kosher foods for two weeks substantially burdened the exercise of his religion. Nor did an order to remove trash from tables on the Sabbath on one occasion constitute a substantial burden. DAVID ANDREW MONEY v. TOM WOOTEN Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: CV296-85; Type of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $500 Subject: MISCELLANEOUS Institution: FCI, JESUP Facts Alleged: JES inmate seeks $500 release gratuity to buy clothing and get a place to live. Special Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Significant Activity: 06-20-97 Order adopts 02-13-1997 magistrate's report, grants government's motion to dismiss. JESSIE LEE MYLES v. SAL SEANEZ Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 5: 97cv76/RH2/MD; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Institution: FCI, MARIANNA Facts Alleged: Petitioner seeks habeas relief to receive a one year reduction in sentence following his completion of a substance abuse program. Significant Activity: 06-05-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses case. 05-20-1997 Magistrate's report recommends dismissal for failure to exhaust administrative remedies. MICHAEL HENRY SMITH v. THE BUREAU OF PRISONS, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: 96-AR-0384-E; Type of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $250,000 Subject: INMATE FUNDS, INMATE DISCIPLINE Institution: FCI, TALLADEGA Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1993 alleges that staff have put false information in his file for which he was ultimately punished. He also alleges that his funds are being taken from his account without his approval. Significant Activity: 06-18-97 Order denies certification as a class. The government's motion for summary judgment is granted. The complaint is dismissed. DONACIANO CANATE TEJEDOR, et al v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Court: DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 96-2655(SEC); Type of Case: FTCA; Damages Req: $18,000 Subject: PROPERTY Institution: MOC, GUAYNABO Facts Alleged: Plaintiffs contend that during in-processing, two gold Rolex Presidential wrist watches were taken from them, and that they were not mailed to their family home in Columbia as they were told they would be. Significant Activity: 06-24-97 Order dismisses case because it falls within FTCA exception for property detained by law enforcement officials. JAMES LEE WHITT v. WARDEN J. L. SIVLEY Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: 96-TMP-3073-E; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Subject: CLASSIFICATION Institution: FCI, TALLADEGA Facts Alleged: An action for habeas corpus relief in which the petitioner alleges that he has been unconstitutionally denied the benefits of an early release program established by Section 32001 of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act because he was convicted of a crime of violence. Significant Activity: 06-12-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses case with prejudice. The BOP's definition of crime of violence was not arbitrary or irrational. An agency's interpretation of its own regulation is entitled to deference. WELTON ZOLICOFFER v. BUREAU OF PRISONS Court: ELEVENTH CIRCUIT Docket No.: 96-2954; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Subject: CLASSIFICATION, VISITING, ACCESS TO COURTS Institution: FOC, MIAMI Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1996 seeks to compel the BOP to classify him according to policy. He was denied a special visit granted another inmate in retaliation for his assistance to another \ inmate in litigation. Significant Activity: 06-3-97 Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals denied the inmate's appeal because it is frivolous. 96-2954 Criminal Cases 1. DEFENDANTS: Billy Ned Ashley #25088-004 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-0086 Name of Case: u. S. v. Ashley Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:97-CR-194 Institution: ATL Date Of Offense: 03/11/96 Description: Inmate Ashley stabbed inmate William Coiner #11077-056 several times with a shank. Special Monitoring: Not assigned. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Defendant was indicted on assault charges on 5/7/97. Assigned to: AUSA: Candy Howard FBI: Darren Cheney 2. DEFENDANTS: Anthony Battle #11451-056 Institution Tracking No. ATL-94-4170 Name of Case: u.S. v. Battle Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:95-CR-528 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 12/21/94 Description: Inmate charged with homicide Officer D'Antonio Washington. Special Monitoring: Assigned due to death of staff member. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Motion For New trial and Sentencing Hearing and Correction Or Reduction of Sentence filed on April 3, 1997 Assigned to: AUSA: Bill McKinnon, Jan Jenkins, FBI: Tyrone Smith, USP: Terry Collins, Angie Wiesman 3. DEFENDANTS: Johnnie Carter, Thomas Stevens Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0273 Name of Case: u.S. v. Carter et al., Court: FGAN (Judge Tidwell) Docket No.: 1:97-CR-257 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 11/96 Description: Staff involved in introducing bringing drugs into institution. Special Monitoring: Yes, defendants are ATL staff. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Carter and Stevens were indicted on 6/10/97 on Traffic in Contraband Articles, and Conspiracy to Distribute a controlled substance. Arraignment held on 6/18/97. Pleas of Not Guilty entered. 4. DEFENDANTS: ~bert Trent, 35432-019 Name of Case: u.s. v. Trent Institution: MIM Institution Tracking Number: ASS-9601 Date of event: March 2, 1996 Court: Southern District of Florida Court docket number: 96-2361-CV Facts: Inmate Albert Trent, 35430-019, committed an assault (with serious injuries) on Inmate Alcindor Dark, 30633-004. Inmate Trent hit inmate Dark with a lock in a sock. Inmate Dark sustained a broken jaw, and consequently had to have his mouth wired shut and was hospitalized for an extended period of time. Names and register numbers of victims: Alcindor Dark, 30633-004 Date referred for prosecution: March 2, 1996 Status of referral: Prosecution brought. Date of decision on referral (date of indictment): March 2, 1996. Reason for decline: N/A Does the warden wish to challenge the decline: N/A Status of prosecution: Pending. 5. DEFENDANTS: Desmond Lawrence #83529-022 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0243 Name of Case: u.S. v. Lawrence Court: FGAN Docket No. 1:96-CR-424 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 9/12/96 Description: Inmate assaulted Judi Parks, Robert Willis and Melvin Adams. Special Monitoring: Not assigned. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Status hearing held on May 7, 1997. Pretrial status set for May 29, 1997. AUSA has requested that no further action be taken in disciplinary process. Assigned to: AUSA: Katherine Monahan FBI: Tyrone Smith USP: Terry Collins Travel Plans Sturgis: Acting RD 7/16-18, 7/31-8/1 Vandivier: DHO Training 7/28-8/6 Cotton: AL 8/4-12 Rick De Aguiar is expected at MIM on 7/28 Honors Attorney Patricia DeJuneas is expected in SERO during the week of 8/3. United States Government memorandum Date: Reply to Attn of: July 8, 1997 Sherree L. Sturgis, Regional Counsel Southeast Region Subject: Monthly Report To: R. L. Matthews, Regional Director Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel SER CEOs, Regional Administrators Associate General Counsel Regional Counsel Institution Attorneys and Paralegals New Cases 1. DEAN ALLEN CRAWFORD v. GREGORY PARKS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-S3-CIV-Oc-10B Institution: FCC Coleman Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Facts alleged: COL inmate claims in 1993 he was denied one year credit after completing DAP program. His offense was classified as a crime of violence. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Reginald Luster, Assistant u.S. Attorney; Cindy Tureaud, Paralegal Specialist 2. RAY DAVIS et. ale v. R. D. HUDSON et. ale Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:97-CV-SO-JTC Institution: USP Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: ASSAULTS Facts alleged: ATL inmate claims in 1996 he and other inmates were assaulted by the defendants while in holdover at ATL. Attack was racially motivated. Seeks class action certification. Supervisory personnel failed to discipline the assailant. Damages Requested: 1,485,000; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Curtis Anderson, Assistant u.s. Attorney, Atlanta, Ga; Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 3. DESMOND LAWRENCE v. THOMAS KEOHANE Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:97-CIV-36-GET Institution: USP Atlanta Type of Case: Personal Liability Subj ect : ASSAULTS, RESTRAINTS Facts alleged: ATL inmate in 1996 claims that staff assaulted him with a broomstick and a walkie talkie causing injuries to his anus and to his face. Damages Requested: 110,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 4. JOHN E. MILLER v. WILLIE SCOTT et ale Court: Northern District of Georgia Docket No.: 1:96-CV-3380-GET Institution: USP Atlanta Type of Case: EEO Subject: DISCRIMINATION Facts alleged: ATL inmate claims in 1994 UNICOR fired him because of physical handicap. Stated reason for the firing was the inmate's refusal to make payments on fine. Damages Requested: 5,000,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: David Wright, Assistant u.s. Attorney, Atlanta, Ga; Terry Collins, Attorney Advisor, ATL 5. PAULINUS CHIDI NJOKU v. JOHN FANELLO et ale Court: District of South Carolina Docket No.: 9: 96-0300-32JC Institution: FCI Estill Type of Case: Personal Liability Subj ect : ASSAULTS Facts alleged: EST inmate claims in 1995 he was assaulted by inmate gang members, resulting in his placement in SHU for protection. Contrary to orders, while in SHU he was forced to recreate with other inmates. Staff left him handcuffed in the recreation yard. An unrestrained inmate who was a friend of the prior assailant assaulted him. 'Damages Requested: 2,275,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Barbara Bowen, Assistant u.S. Attorney, South Carolina; Roy Lathrop, Paralegal, EST 6. WILLIAM R. OMASTA v. GREGORY L. PARKS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-156 CV-OC lOb Institution: FCC Coleman Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: SENTENCING Facts alleged: COL inmate in 1997 seeks credit for time served in state confinement. He claims that his federal sentence was ordered to run concurrent with his state sentence. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Charles R. Wilson, US Attorney, Tampa, Fl; Darrin Scott, Attorney Advisor, COL 7. WILLIAM MARTELL ROSADO v. GREGORY PARKS Court: Middle District of Florida Docket No.: 97-134-CV-OC-10b Institution: FCC Coleman Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Facts alleged: COL inmate in 1997 claims he was denied the twelve month credit after completing DAP. Credit was denied because the inmate was sentenced under (lold law" and because his sentence was non-parolable. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Charles R. Wilson, US Attorney, Tampa, Fl; Darrin Scott, Attorney Advisor, COL 8. DONALD ROY v. FPC MONTGOMERY WARDEN, et ale Court: Middle District of Alabama Docket No.: 97-D-778-N Institution: FPC Montgomery Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: TRANSFERS, ACCESS TO COURTS Facts alleged: Former MON inmate in back to MON from a county jail. He law library, no legal materials nor Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned Assigned to: John Harmon, Assistant AI; Van Vandivier, Deputy Regional 1997 seeks to be transferred claims the county jail has no certified mail. to special monitoring u.s. Attorney, Montgomery, Counsel, SER 9. THOMAS LEE RUSH v. TOM L. WOOTEN Court: Southern District of Georgia Docket No.: CV-297-082 Institution: FCI Jesup Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: DUE PROCESS Facts alleged: JES inmate in 1997 claims he was denied early release for meal privileges that is usually given for compliance with safety and sanitation guidelines. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Melissa Mundell, Assistant u.S. Attorney, Savanna, Ga; Mike Dedman, Paralegal Specialist, JES 10. PABLO NELSON SARDINA v. WILLIAM PATRICK, et ale Court: District of South Carolina Docket No.: 96-1564 Institution: FCI Miami Type of Case: Injunction and Personal Liability Subject: CLASSIFICATION, INMATE DISCIPLINE Facts alleged: MIA inmate in 1996 claims that he did not agree with an initial program review. When he asked to file a BP 9, BOP staff retaliate against him by placing him in Administrative Detention charge with presence in an unauthorized area. Damages Requested: 5,650,000.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Barbara Bowen, Assistant u.S. Attorney, South Carolina; Roy Lathrop, Paralegal, EST 11. ANTONIO SMITH v. JANET RENO, et ale Court: Northern District of Alabama Docket No.: 96-B-3128-S Institution: FCI Talladega Type of Case: Personal Liability Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: TDG inmate claims in 1995 while he was not placed in a nonsmoking environment. Damages Requested: 665,500.00; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Winfield Sinclair, Assistant u.S. Attorney, Birmingham, Ali Craig Simmons, Attorney Advisor, TDG 12. JEROME SPIEGEL v. U.S. Court: Southern District of Florida Docket No.: 97-1480-CIV-Moore Institution: FCI Miami Type of Case: FTCA Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Facts alleged: MIA inmate in 1994 claims staff instructed him to walk up a flight of stairs in the prison. He fell on a broken step. The inmate seeks compensation for alleged pain, medical expenses and a physical handicap. He claims that he is no longer able to work. Damages Requested: 0; Not assigned to special monitoring Assigned to: Robin Hermann, Chief of Civil Division, Miami, Fl; Kelly Tirik, Attorney Advisor, MIM FCl, Mariana 1995 Disturbance Cases ERIC L. CUE v. SAL SEANEZ, et ale Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 96-cv-43/LAC Type of Case: PLi Damages Req: $7,070,00.00 Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT, ASSAULTS Institution: FCI, MARIANA Facts Alleged: Inmate claims staff failed to prevent the 10-95 riot to revamp security. The lockdown caused 14 days of no showers, recreation, clean clothing, access to legal materials, visits, phones, fresh air, hot water, and adequate food. Significant Activity: 06-27-97 Action dismissed with prejudice as to plaintiff's allegations of failure to protect, excessive force, and conspiracy. Dismissal without prejudice plaintiff's allegations of unconstitutional conditions of confinement, denial of access to courts, invasion of privacy, deprivation of privacy without due process, and denial of medical care. The inmate may file an amended complaint on these issues, naming as defendants only those individuals who are answerable to those claims. ANGEL VAZQUEZ v. SAL SEANEZ Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 5: 96cv196/RH-l/SMN; ~e of Case: Personal Liability Damages Req: $7,070,000 Subject: CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT, ASSAULTS, TELEPHONES, MEDICAL TREATMENT Institution: FCI, MARIANNA Facts Alleged: Inmate claims staff failed to prevent the 10-95 riot to revamp security. The lockdown caused 14 days of no showers, recreation, clean clothing, access to legal materials, visits, phones, fresh air, hot water, and adequate food. Racial discrimination, non-compliance with ITS. Chronic back problems, personal property confiscated and no ventilation. Significant Activity: 06-10-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses without prejudice for failure to respond to court's 01-21-1997 order to show cause. Significant Activity on Other Cases JOHNNY L. BUTLER v. WILLIE C. SCOTT Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: 1:97-cv-638-RLV; ~e of Case: Habeas Corpus; Damages Req: $ Subject: HABEAS CORPUS Institution: USP, ATLANTA Facts Alleged: Inmate filed habeas corpus action, challenging placement in disciplinary segregation. Significant Activity: 06-11-1997 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses action. 05-18-1997 Magistrate's report recommends dismissal without prejudice for failure to exhaust administrative remedies. DAVID GREENBERG v. DENNIS JOHNSON, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 93-30639/RVj Type of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $2,000,000 Subject: MEDICAL TREATMENT, WORK Institution: FPC, EGLIN Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1994 alleges he was ordered to discontinue his cardiovascular exercises and ordered to wear boots in violation of doctors orders. He was prohibited from work in Food Service. These restrictions prevented him from participation in his Jewish religion. Significant Activity: 06-10-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, grants summary judgement, dismisses action. 05-08-1997 Magistrate's report finds the inmate failed to allege facts sufficient to constitution cruel and unusual punishment. The inmate also failed to show that the denial of kosher foods for two weeks substantially burdened the exercise of his religion. Nor did an order to remove trash from tables on the Sabbath on one occasion constitute a substantial burden. DAVID ANDREW MONEY v. TOM WOOTEN Court: SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Docket No.: CV296-85; ~e of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $500 Subject: MISCELLANEOUS Institution: FCI, JESUP Facts Alleged: JES inmate seeks $500 release gratuity to buy clothing and get a place to live. Special Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Significant Activity: 06-20-97 Order adopts 02-13-1997 magistrate's report, grants government's motion to dismiss. JESSIE LEE MYLES v. SAL SEANEZ Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 5: 97cv76/RH2/MD; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus Subject: CLASSIFICATION Institution: FCI, MARIANNA Facts Alleged: Petitioner seeks habeas relief to receive a one year reduction in sentence following his completion of a substance abuse program. Significant Activity: 06-05-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses case. 05-20-1997 Magistrate's report recommends dismissal for failure to exhaust administrative remedies. MICHAEL HENRY SMITH v. THE BUREAU OF PRISONS, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: 96-AR-0384-E; ~e of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $250,000 Subject: INMATE FUNDS, INMATE DISCIPLINE Institution: FCI, TALLADEGA Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1993 alleges that staff have put false information in his file for which he was ultimately punished. He also alleges that his funds are being taken from his account without his approval. Significant Activity: 06-18-97 Order denies certification as a class. The government's motion for summary judgment is granted. The complaint is dismissed. DONACIANO CANATE TEJEDOR, et al v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Court: DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 96-2655(SEC); Type of Case: FTCA; Damages Req: $18,000 Subject: PROPERTY Institution: MDC, GUAYNABO Facts Alleged: Plaintiffs contend that during in-processing, two gold Rolex Presidential wrist watches were taken from them, and that they were not mailed to their family home in Columbia as they were told they would be. Significant Activity: 06-24-97 Order dismisses case because it falls within FTCA exception for property detained by law enforcement officials. JAMES LEE WHITT v. WARDEN J. L. SIVLEY Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA Docket No.: 96-TMP-3073-E; ~e of Case: Habeas Corpus; Subject: CLASSIFICATION Institution: FCI, TALLADEGA Facts Alleged: An action for habeas corpus relief in which the petitioner alleges that he has been unconstitutionally denied the benefits of an early release program established by Section 32001 of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act because he was convicted of a crime of violence. Significant Activity: 06-12-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, dismisses case with prejudice. The BOP's definition of crime of violence was not arbitrary or irrational. An agency's interpretation of its own regulation is entitled to deference. WELTON ZOLICOFFER v. BUREAU OF PRISONS Court: ELEVENTH CIRCUIT Docket No.: 96-2954; Type of Case: Habeas Corpus; Subject: CLASSIFICATION, VISITING, ACCESS TO COURTS Institution: FDC, MIAMI Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1996 seeks to compel the BOP to classify him according to policy. He was denied a special visit granted another inmate in retaliation for his assistance to another inmate in litigation. Significant Activity: 06-3-97 Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals denied the inmate's appeal because it is frivolous. 96-2954 Criminal Cases 1. DEFENDANTS: Billy Ned Ashley #25088-004 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-0086 Name of Case: U. S. v. Ashley Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:97-CR-194 Institution: ATL Date Of Offense: 03/11/96 Description: Inmate Ashley stabbed inmate William Coiner #11077-056 several times with a shank. Special Monitoring: Not assigned. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Defendant was indicted on assault charges on 5/7/97. Assigned to: AUSA: Candy Howard FBI: Darren Cheney 2. DEFENDANTS: Anthony Battle #11451-056 Institution Tracking No. ATL-94-4170 Name of Case: U.S. v. Battle Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:95-CR-528 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 12/21/94 Description: Inmate charged with homicide Officer D'Antonio Washington. Special Monitoring: Assigned due to death of staff member. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Motion For New trial and Sentencing Hearing and Correction Or Reduction of Sentence filed on April 3, 1997 Assigned to: AUSA: Bill McKinnon, Jan Jenkins, FBI: Tyrone Smith, USP: Terry Collins, Angie Wiesman 3. DEFENDANTS: Johnnie Carter, Thomas Stevens Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0273 Name of Case: U.S. v. Carter et al., Court: FGAN (Judge Tidwell) Docket No.: 1:97-CR-257 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 11/96 Description: Staff involved in introducing bringing drugs into institution. Special Monitoring: Yes, defendants are ATL staff. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Carter and Stevens were indicted on 6/10/97 on Traffic in Contraband Articles, and Conspiracy to Distribute a controlled substance. Arraignment held on 6/18/97. Pleas of Not Guilty entered. 4. DEFENDANTS: Albert Trent, 35432-019 Name of Case: U.s. v. Trent Institution: MIM Institution Tracking Number: ASS-9601 Date of event: March 2, 1996 Court: Southern District of Florida Court docket number: 96-2361-CV Facts: Inmate Albert Trent, 35430-019, committed an assault (with serious injuries) on Inmate Alcindor Dark, 30633-004. Inmate Trent hit inmate Dark with a lock in a sock. Inmate Dark sustained a broken jaw , and consequently had to have his mouth wired shut and was hospitalized for an extended period of time. Names and register numbers of victims: Alcindor Dark , 30633-004 Date referred for prosecution: March 2, 1996 Status of referral: Prosecution brought. March 2, 1996. Date of decision on referral (date of indictment) Reason for decline: N/A Does the warden wish to challenge the decline: N/A Status of prosecution: Pending. 5. DEFENDANTS: Desmond Lawrence #83529-022 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0243 Name of Case: u.S. v. Lawrence Court: FGAN Docket No. 1:96-CR-424 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 9/12/96 Description: Inmate assaulted Judi Parks, Robert Willis and Melvin Adams. Special Monitoring: Not assigned. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Status hearing held on May 7, 1997. Pretrial status set for May 29, 1997. AUSA has requested that no further action be taken in disciplinary process. Assigned to: AUSA: Katherine Monahan FBI: Tyrone Smith USP: Terry Collins Travel Plans Sturgis: Acting RD 7/16-18, 7/31-8/1 Vandivier: DHO Training 7/28 - 8/6 Cotton: AL 8/4-12 Rick De Aguiar is expected at MIM on 7/28 Honors Attorney Patricia DeJuneas is expected in SERO during the week of 8/3.