Fbop Ser Quarterly Report 1993apr-jun
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•. . . , t '. "! UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MEMORANDUM _.----..-....- --- _.. ....... DATE: Ju 1y 3 1, 1 993 TO: Wallace Cheney, General Counsel -Bureau of Prisons, Central Office 320 First Street. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: ..... ..-.-.....-~- - '----"'.. - .. ' .. ... ~: __.- _--_. .. Nancy P. Redding, Executive Assistant FROM: Sherree L. Sturgis. Regional counstfBureau of Prisons. Southeast Regio 523 McDonough Blvd .. S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315 RE: Third Quarter ~ fY 93 The following information is provided for the third quarter (April, May, June) 1993. Litigation NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS F'J'(~A 41 .... Ar.T! ('INS oJ BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT 73 OF LITIGATION REPORTS CLOSED OF HEARINGS/TRIALS OF SETTLEMENTS OF AWARD 19 10 73 29 3 0 0 Significant Case Activity Jesse W. Green v. Department of Justice. et al., CV 92-H-1728-E, Northern District of Alabama. An inmate at Talladega claims a violation of his Eighth Amendment because of housing with Cuban detainees. He was taken hostage in the 08-1991 disturbance. On May 11, 1993, the court issued an order granting summary judgment on beha I f of the governmen t . FCI, Ta.ll adega staff were not wantonly or callously indifferent to potential danger when they placed an American inmate in administrative detention with Cuban Detainees in Alpha Unit just prior to the 1991 hostage incident. '.,' Southeast Region Third Quarterly Report July 31! 1993 Page 2 Joseph Sun v. Harold Delashmit, et a1., 90-AR-0051-S, Northern District of Alabama. An inmate at Talladega claims that he was denied medical care and bathroom privileges on a plane that was in transport between Petersburg and Talladega in 1989. The inmate also alleges that he was subject to an excessive use of force. The trial was scheduled for June 1, 1993 and was continued until June 4, 1993. The two day trial was attended by Van Vandivier. Deputy Regional Counsel. On June 8, 1993. a verdict for the defendants. was handed down. On June 14, 1993. the inmate appealed to the Eleventh Circuit. Herber t Lee. e t a 1. v. Richard Thornburgh, 1 : 90-CV-1350-JOF, Northern District of Georgia. Black employees at Atlanta allege discrimination based on race because they were denied promotions. The trial was scheduled for May 24, 1993 and continued for three days. The trial was attended by Earl L. Cotton, Assistant Regional Counsel. The presentation of testimony was not completed at this time. On July 1, 1993, the trial resumed and was completed the same day. On July 23, 1993, the magistrate's report and recommendation recommended that judgment be entered in favor of the defendants, dismissing all claims, and that the plaintiff's bear all costs. Federal Tort Claims Act/Employee Claims 114 NUMBER FILED PERSONAL PROPERTY PERSONAL INJURY NUMBER PAID AMOUNT PAID NUMBER DENIED NUMBER PENDING NUMBER OVERDUE AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME iOi 13 o o 43 216 19 121.00 DAYS FOI/PA NUMBER RECEIVED NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER PENDING NUMBER OVERDUE OVERDUE 30 DAYS NUMBER OF CIVIL ACTIONS 136 122 37 13 17 o ; . .., Southeast Region Third Quarterly Report July 31, 1993 Page 3 Quarterly Comparison TORT CLAIMS/EMPLOYEE CLAIMS NUM PROP 193 160 114 190 156 101 SER 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH QTR QTR QTR. QTR PI APPR AMT DEN 3 4 13 0 18 0 $1441.70 46 $3421.58 150 $0 43 OTH PEND 144 255 216 OD A/O A/P ----- 161.19 ----- 108.55 ----- 121.00 0 45 19 LITIGATION SER 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH QTR QTR QTR QTR NUM HC FTC BIV 58 45 73 21 20 41 3 2 3 27 15 19 ANS .., . PEN 58 45 73 I 8 10 CLD H/T 64 41 29 0 SET AWD 1 0 0 $35,000 0 0 0 3 FOI/PA SER NUM loS 1" QTk '35 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR 110 136 PEND OD 14 lY 6 37 22 30 0 0 30 13 00 00 1 0 0 0 18 122 A/OD AlP PROC CA Travel Sherree L. Sturgis. Regional Counsel April 19-23, 1993, Travel to Herndon, Virginia for a Assessment Meeting. The cost was $958.50. June 6-10, 1993, Travel to Denver, Colorado Litigation Seminar. The cost was $599.00 for Management the June 13-5, 1993, Travel to Glynco, Georgia to Host Seminar for Lawyers at FLETC. The cost was $302.60. a Prisoner Training .' .. 1 Southeast Region Third Quarterly Report July 31, 1993 Page 4 June 29 through July 3. 1993, Travel to Miami, Florida to provide Technical Support for MCC, Miami staff. The cost was $720.98. Van Vandivier, Deputy Regional Counsel April 1, 1993, Travel to Birmingham, Alabama to assist AUSA in the case of Beard v. Britton. The cost was $101.25. April 26, 1993, Travel to Talladega, Alabama to assist AUSA in case of Beard v. Britton. The cost was $80.00. \1ay 20, 1993, Travel-to Talladega, Alabama to assist AUSA in the case of Beard v. Britton. The cost was $75.75. June 1-4, 1993, Travel to Birmingham, Alabama to assist AUSA in the case of Sun v. Delashmit. The cost was $99.75. June 4-5, 1993, Travel to Birmingham, Alabama to assist AUSA in the case of Sun v. Delashmit. The cost was $173.88. June 6-10, 1993 ,~: Trave Ito Denver, Co lorado Litigation Seminar. The cost was $558.50. for the Pr i soner June 14-15, 1993,~Travel to Montgomery, Alabama for a meeting with the Warden of FPC, Maxwell and the Base Commander of the Maxwell Air Force Base. The cost was $107.00. !'.!!!e 15-17, 1993, Ti"u;,-cl tv uilluillgili:l.lI1, Aiaoama to assIst AUSA in the case of Burns v. Lawther. The cost was $234.20. Michelle Coulombe, Paralegal Trainee March 21-10, 1993, travel to Aurora, Colorado to attend the Paralegal Training courses held in Aurora, Colorado. The cost was $1,945.00. The total cost of travel during this reporting period was $5956.41. Other Activities On June 15, 1993, Van Vandivier, Deputy Regional Counsel, met with the Warden of FPC, Maxwell and the Base Commander for Maxwell Air Force Base to renegotiate the provision for providing medical services to inmates. Southeast Region Third Quarterly Report July 31! 1993 Page 5 On May 12. 1993. Van Vandivier. Deputy Regional Counsel! and Earl L. Cotton, Assistant Regional Counsel conducted a training session with the CCM Contract Personnel at USp, Atlanta on Integrity and Ethics issues. On June 20~ 1993, Sherree L. Sturgis conducted a training session with the CCM Contract Personnel at MCC, Miami on Integrity and Ethics issues. Finally, enclosed you will find copies of the Southeast Regional Counsel's report for the months of this reporting period. Enclosures cc: Regional Director