Fbop Wxr Quarterly Reports 1996jan-jun
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JUL.18.1996 11:33AM TO:OGC GENERAL COUNSEL. _ _ _ _ _ ._._._- -NO. 031--P. 1/8 ,.."-,~ ---oPTioNAL-FOAM eo a..eo) To MEMO V Fazio 5099-101 Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel To: Harlan \V. Penn~O?... ~ From: Subject: Quarterly Repon Infonnation .. Januaty to March, 1996 July 18, 1996 Date: GENEA'L SERVICE. 'OMINI6TAATlO~ ~ Following is narrative information on the settlements during the January through Nlarch quaner! Gallimore v. Keohane, CV 95-1 379..LGB(E), (CDCA) (Bh-ens) and CV 96-0663 .. R--\p (Jrx), (CDCA) (FTCA). In these cases the US Attorneys Office entered into a settlement for $10,000 without the concurrence of the Bureau of Prisons. L~ \VeiQmall,Givil-Ch1effoTihe US Attorneys Office<.states this is not the practice-itrlrtS 9ifiee and should not occur again. The facts are that two correctional staff at USP, Lompoc held Gallimore by ~oth anns and apparently twisted his arm with some nerve injul)' resulting. The Officers admit holding Gallimore but claim it was "horseplay". Gallimore acknowledged that they did not intend to hann him but also claimed he was threatened him if he reponed the incident. 7 Svarverund v. United States, CV 94-6488, (DOR) (FTCA). Settled claim by Lane County Deputy SheritTwho was injured when he fell from training tower at SORT facility. The TOVw'er \vas constructed without a safety railing that ~'ould have prevented the injury. The Coun pushed for settlement although the plaintiff's contributory negligence might have resulted in a smaller award. ~<'{ 1/ ,-SD D MEMO Wallace H. Cheney" General Harlan W. Penn C~nsel To: From: Subject: Quarterly Report Information - January to March, 1996 Date: November 8, 1996 lw«o / 02~ Q;-\-y-. , Following is narrative information on the settlements during the January through March quarter: Gallimore v. Keohane, CY 95-1379-LGB(E), (COCA) (Bivens) and CY 96-0663RAP (Jrx), (COCA) (FTCA). In these cases the US Attorneys Office entered into a settlement for $10,000 without the concurrence of the Bureau of Prisons. The U.S. Attorneys Office states that this is not the practice and should not occur again. The facts are that two correctional staff at USP, Lompoc held Gallimore by both arms and apparently twisted his arm with some nerve injury resulting. The Officers admit holding Gallimore but claim it was "horseplay". Gallimore acknowledged that they did not intend to harm him but al so claimed he was threatened him ifhe reported the incident. Svarverund v. United States, CY 94-6488, (OOR) (FTCA). Settled claim by Lane County Deputy Sheriff who was injured when he fell from training tower at SORT facility. The Tower was constructed without a safety railing that would have prevented the injury. The Court pushed for settlement although the plaintiffs contributory negligence might have resulted in a smaller award. $57,500. LITIGATION LOC NUM HC ·FTC BIV OTH ANS • 1996 QUARTER REPORT (Jan., Feb. & Mar) PEN CLD . HIT AWD l...4 C r SET AWD/SET meR $ NCR $ NER $ SCR $ SER $ 00 ,~ 47 19 9 IB 1 11 333 47 0 0 2 W l.!J D :3 $67.500 CO $ TOT $ DEFII-IITIONS LOC - Location NUM - Total Number of Lawsuits Filed in Quarter He - I~umber of Habeas corpus Actions Filed 1n Quarter FTC - Number of FTCA Actions Filed in Quarter nIV - Number of Bivens Actions Filed in Quarter OTH - other A~tion9 Filed in Quarter ANS - Number of Litigation ~eports Completed ~EN - Number of Actions Pending CLD - Number of Actions Closed lilT - r~umber of Hearings or TrLals (I~arrattve Analysis Follows) AWn -. Number of Awards (Narrative Analysis Follows) SET ...:. number of settlements (Narrative Analysis Follott,s) m~D/sET - l\mount of Settlements and Awards LITIGATION ANALYSIS Settlements: Svarverund v. u.s. CV94-6488, D.OR $57,500 CDCA . 10,000 Gallimore v. Keohane 1J:\SHAREDDC\LrTSR\QTRRPTS\9LHICCR1D -0 , N OJ JUL.18.1996 'NO. 031 :::34AM' =.4/8 BELOW u.z SCOGIS'nO 'fABLlS FO'R R.lPO~'rING R.ZQtrzSTEO DATA FOR OPPle! OF Gl,.,IUL COUNSEL. APPROPRIATE NAIUUTlVE AN)'LYSIS' WILL BE INeL~~!D·. Lee !NUM I ~t.114' !JROP PI IDf, I?- APPR AM'l' ($.}}/t.t) 5B 4L1-Is DEN PEND 00 .11>4 J+~ ~ p!lrnT%OHI r..oc - ~~%o. NVX - !maiD JI%LI~ :K Qt7Uft'R PRO' - PS1CIlIlL'I CLUX P% - nuaDL %S.7'Dn CU%K AiP. - AJ'l'aJiAb AX!' - 1'On.J, axoG'ft on - P!W - u,ac vm CUIC Jammca OD - JroDD O'lmU)a1 Alo - AftUa Jn7DD or DAYI ovn=l7I AlP - AnJWD LDiliB or '%HI !'O noelS. W.h - W'Oft, ~ M~b'" P'PP I - eL.u.:t11 PI""'" LUbMt- PPP1M.rppwoM bof'k Pll;? -t p, A/O t AlP J4 I 'if- • ., J.1 - .::i:"; H I", MEMO To: From: Subject: Date: Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel Harlan W, Penn ~ Quanerly Report Information - April to June, 1996 July 18, 1996 ?.:2NV'-- Following..... is narrative information on through June quarter: the's~~ts andJ'udgments , . - / . unnl! the April "- Allen-Alkin~ v , Reno, CIV 93 -707 TUC-\VDB, (DAZ) (EEO). Emp lo)ment discrimination case involving former Tucson employee now working in Central Office, Settlement for S25,500, Usselman \', Crabtree, CV 93-1577 FR., (DOR) (FTCA) , Judaement for $150,000 after trial on issue of damages, The United States conceded liability due to probationary officer returning Usselman to his cell handcuffed without handcuffing his cell mate per pOllcy, Cell mate then used a metal pipe to beat wsselman on the head while the officer v.'atched until other staff arrived. Usselman suffered permanent brai n damage. LITIGATION 3 .. .1996 QUARTER REPORT (Apr.. May & June) LOe I-' NUM He FTC BIV OTH ANS PEN CLD HIT AWD SET AWD/SFJr 0: I-' MXR $ NCR $ NER $ SCR $ ::lER WXR -_. 55 1 34 - 4 15 2 cr $ -24 u: u: 268 20 1 1 1 $ 175,500 CO $ TOT $ nBFINITIONS LOC - Location - Total Number of La,,,suitg Fi led in Quarter lie - Number of Habeao Corpu9 Acciona l~ll~d in Quarter l'''l'C - Numbf1r of FTCA ActiontJ Fflecl in Quart.er flIV - Number of nlven9 Actlon!J Fi.led in Quart.er OT" - other A~tionB Filed in Quarter I~UI-f nNS Number of Litigation Reports Completed Number of Actions Pending CLO - Number of Actions Closed flIT - Number of Hearings or Trials (Narrative Analysis Follows) IU'I1D -. Number of Awards (Narrative Analysis Follows) SET .:, Number of Settlements (Narrative Analysis Follows) nWO/S~T - nmount of Settlemento and nw~rdn PEN LITIGATION ANALYSIS Settlement: Allen Atkiris v. Reno, CV93-707. D.OR Trials: Osselman V. Crabtree. n:\SHA~EDOC\tlfBR\Q1R"P'S\BtNI(GRID n.OR $25.500 $150,000 1: , (J' 0: NU . 1,:1';;l t-' .~ /l:1 BELOW )JU SOGGESnO TABUS YOl/. RZpOltTING REQ~S'l'!O OATA FOR OFFICE or GElallL cot7}lSEL. APPROPRl).n NARAATIVE ANALYSIS WILL BE INCLODEO. Loe !ruM I Wx.tL. I f I PROP PI APPR AJI!T DEN 10<.0 S~ -- (.UJ) Me:: D 3'+ 354-/.. 1· ~ ~ \ 14~ POP PI DEl 00 'l'IOHl LO<: - menlOJf NUX - !lOXI1ll 71 LID I I'iI Qt1ARTn PROP - Pi.OfKfit CUU PI - nuaat. ~T C1.).D( APn - A.PntJ'ilb )J('t - 'rOTJl, J.XD t7n' uno Yil) Dn - ODIC PUD - pnmDlQ 00 - NmalIll OVDDt71 )./0 • ),",Irm JrtlXID 01 nAn OVD.DtTI All' - AVJlUGI L.JI»QfJ! OF UJaI ~ l'lIOC'ESII 9~t clu.(.f--h PI fVJ 1- WDM. t- pp PI W1 t ~D+V! Fr-t>p +- ? I ;:'b - ~. YDr! M~iJ - PP? I - PEND OD (6c...f+ I <d PPWDi'Vl .; I A/O I AI!' i ~q « I (. JUL.ll:i.l';j':;jb .1.1: .:i4HI I Y l'IU.~.:i.l. MEMO To: From: Subject: Date: Wallace H. Chen;t Ge~eraI Counsel HarlanW.PeM~ ?~ Quanerly Repon Information - April to June, 1996 July 18, 1996 Follo'wing is narrative infonnation on the settlements and judgments during the April through June quarter: Allen-Atk;ns v, Reno. CIV 93.707 ruc·\VDB, (DAZ) (EEO). Employment discrimination case involving former Tucson employee now working in Central Office. Settlement for $25,500. Usselman v. Crabtree, CV 93-1577 FR, (DOR) (FTCA). Judgement for $150,000 after trial on issue of damages. The United States conceded liability due to probationary officer returning Usselman to his cell handcuffed without handcuffing his cell mate per policy. Cell mate then used a metal pipe to beat Us selman on the head while the officer watched until other staff arrived. LTsselman suffered permanent brain damage. LXTIGATION 3 • 1996 QUAR~ER REPORT '-i C (Apr., Mal' I. June) r . LOC NUM He FTC BIV OTH ANS PEN CLO HIT AWD SET AWD/S~ MXR $ NCR $ NER $ SCR $ SER "1XR . 55 CO 34 1 ---- -"--- 4 _ 0_ _ _- 15 24 2 268 -- _--- 20 . _ - t--._- ... TOT LOC - Location nUl-t - Total Number of La'\J8uits Flled in Quarter lie - Number of Habeas Corpu9 Actions Filed in Quarter FTC - Number of FTCA Actions F~led in Quarter BIV - Number of Bivens Actions Filed In Quarter OT" - other A~tiong Filed in Quarter ANS Number of Litigation Reporto Completed PEN Number of Actions Pending CLO - Number "of Actions Closed If/T - Number of Hearings or Trials (Narrative Analysis Follows) nWD ~ Number of Awards (Narrative Analysis Follows) SET ~. Number of Settlements (Narrative Analysis Follows) l\\'lO/SF.T - "mount of settlements and l\\\JardfJ LITIGATION ANALYSIS Settlement: "Allen Atkins v. Keno. C\F93-707. D.OR II: \SHA~e()oc\t I fBR \QTRRP fS\BlNkGRI D 1 1 $ 175.500 $ $ DBF1NITIor.JS Trials: Osselman V. Crabtree. 1 $ D.OR $25.500 $150.000 ~ 0) !JJ b D 3 JUL.18.1996 11: 35AM NO.031 . P.8/8· BELO' OJ' )JU StJGGISTlD TABLIS :rOR UPO~,%,IlJG REQOZSTZD OA'1'A FOR OFPICE: GEN'ZJUL COCllS!L. APPROPRIlt! NAlUUTlVE AN~LYSIS WILl;. BE INCLtJO!C. Lee PI PROP NtJ)( APPR ' (,t.HIt.~ 11J~tt. I f I I~D Sf --- Wb I .3'1 DEN AXT ) 1 . 3scJ1, .ff I PEND ) 1'/9 P1>P' o ClztJa:rOH. IDe - LOCI!%O. NUX - H'CDD ~%LBz) %11 Qt7U'fD PROP - ,ao.aar! C%.l%K PI - JDaODIr Dl3'a'aY ~DI AI'. • AlftOVMD '1'OftI, &xaOft UrJOVIl) AN'!' - DR - DDl&b PZ~ - pn:Dao CD - WKBD OVDl)UI )./0 • 'vnlD .aDD or ~!I QVD:)OZ 'AlP - Anau. LDGtB O~ -rID '1'0 ',2OC'BSI :.L;t;, - ~. y.~ 9~t cCt..4~J" M(2-;:> - PIIV11- WDM t-~p PI M P?P I - ~o+k '{'Y"'b? t- PI 00 A/O AlP ~q I.~ I I t PPW1),1I1 A J