Fplp Sep Oct 2002
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FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL ers "ectives VOLUME 8, ISSUE 5 LET'SPLAY MONOPOLY: Florida's Prison Phone System by Linda Hanson and Teresa Bums-Posey For Florida SEPT/OCT 2002 ISSN# 1091-8094· prisoners, maintaining contact with family and friends can be extremely. difficult and expensive. Upon reception, the prisoner is usually assigned to an institution that is hundreds of miles from their home. This assignment renders regular visitation unlikely, if not impossible, because of the severe hardship it imposes on families who are juggling to maintain their personal lives in the absence of their loved one. Thus, the most meaningful option available for prisoners to maintain family contact is the prison phone system. This option is often the .only means available to prisoners who can neither read or write. But make no mistake about it, prison phone calls are expensive. Prison officials recognize that· maintaining family ties is an iniportant factor in helping prisoners make a successful return to society. The question that begs an answer is: Why are families of the prisoner forced to use an expensive collectcall system that saddles the innocent with telephone bills· that often reach hundreds, even thousands of dollars? Most of the prison population come from the low to middle class spectrum and· most were the primary breadwinners in their household. So' when they enter prison they leave Wives, sons and daughters to manage the affairs of the house on a very . limited income. Most families can barely survive even without the burden of receiving their loved one's collect-call. And' many sacrifice other essentials to be able to hear their loved one's voice if only for 15 minutes, the maximum time allowed per call.. In this article, we'll explore the genesis of the prison phone system, the cost for' families including the many overcbarges, and poSsible solutions to this unjust dilemma. The Boom In P~on Watch too many TV police dramas, and you're led to believe that prisoners are' restricted to making just one phone call. But the nation's telecommunications . companies know better, and they are making more than pocket change off families ofprisoners. Most local and state prisons" allow prisoners to make daily callS, creating a correctional phone market worth'well over $1 billion a year. As states across the country pack more prisoners into jails and prisons - the latest count is over 2 million competition ·to provide phone service to those prisoners is fierce. Through the history of the penal system in America, most saw prisons. as a liability. But in the 1990's that view changed, at least with corporate America. Prisons became tremendous public works projects, throwing off money as a FAMlUES ADVOCAlES PRISONERS iJ N . THE INSIDE UNmD FOR PRISON REFORM Book Review Use afForce in Florida Prisons Post Conviction Comer '" Notable Cases '. ." FI~rida Parole Game, Part 2 Corporate-Sponsored Crime Laws .." Phone Systems 6 9 12 14 21 25 I ·~~~~l:=w:~·W·:·":·:··· FLORIDA PRISO~ LEGAL FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL· PERSPECl'IVES P.O. Box 660-387 Cbuluota, Florida 32766 Publlshlng Division of: FLORIDA PRISONERS' LEGAL AID ORG.,INC A 50I(c)(3) Non Profit Orpublulon Fox (407) 568-6200 Email: fPlp@aolcom Website: WWW.fPlao.org FPLAO DIRECTORS TcraaA Burus-Poscy Bob O. Posey, CPL David W. Bauer, Esq. Loren D. Rhoton, Esq. OIclIrHallson, CPL UndaHanson FPLPSTAFF TaaaA 8llms-Poscy BobO.Poscy 0Jcar HIIISOll Shari JoImson FPLP ADVISORY BOARD William VllD Poyek Philip BasJey-Tcny Vausbn Michael Lambrix·James QuisteY Uncia Oottllcb-Susan MllDniq Enrique DIaz.(]eftc SaIscr . Midlacl PlIImcr-Matt SlIawood TrisbMiUs Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - - . : . . . . - for operator-assisted non-person-to person collect long-distance calls and the surcharge for residential Operator Station Collect calls set by the interexchange carri~ with the highest yearly donlestic long distance toll revenues. The Florida Public Service Commission bas approved the rate cap for opeiator assisted non-personto-person in-state pay telephone collect calls at a maximum rate of $0.30 per minute, plus a $1.75 surcharge. (See Florida ,Administrative Code 25-24.516 Pay Telephone Rate Caps.) The eightyfive percent rate would translate· to $0.255 per minute. plus a $1.487 surcharge. which means $5.31 per 15-minute call anywhere in the state of Flonda. Of course this rate does not apply to non-person-to-person local ~, which cost $1.70 (eightyfive percent of the rate equivalent to the local coin rate, $0.25, plus a (RAPE) Reach out And Plunder Everyone. $1.7~ surcharge), for a 15-minute call. The $5.31 per IS-minute call in The attraction for these Florida is at least three-times more telecommunications companies ~ than . the dime-a-minute rate Sprint exclusive access to a portion of the charges the outside world. inmate market. Unlike conventional For those out-of-state family pay phones. which let callers use the ' long-distance carrier of their choice, members. the rate for receiving one prison phones funnel .all of the IS-minute call is 4 times the rate for in-state calls. For example, one 15ininates' calls to a siDgIe company. minute call to Michigan costs In Florida, prisoners can make $19.01. The same holds true for collect calls only, which is especially other states like Oliio, Mississippi profitable to phone companies. This writer bas Under the current contrac:t . and Louisiana. reviewed phone bills from various between the Florida Department of parts of the nation and the most Corrections and MCI WoridCom chilling was a phone bill from the Communications. ,which runs until May 31, 2006,' rates and call Virgin Islands. This bill showed a surcharges charged to the called tota1 of 19 calls during a three month period totaling 93 minutes at a cost party for intraJata and interlata of $179.15. That translates to $1.93 collect calls sba11 be at eighty-five percent of the rate cap approved. by per minute I The contract between the the Florida Public Service Commission for operator-assisted DOC and MCI provides for the non-person-to-person pay telephone Department to receive 53 percent of gross revenues. ,During the 2000collect calls. For interstate and 200 I fiscal year. the DOC generated international collect calls regulated $15,286,142.86 in prisoner telephone by the Federal Communications commissions. The commissions Commission, MCI is permitted to charge up to the maximum toll rates received by the DOC has steadily . wet dog throws off water. Once communication. giants caught wind . of the idea that a single pay phone inside a prison could earn its owner $12,000 a year, companies like MCI, Sprint and 01hers lined up at prison gates. The prisoners on the other 'side of the fence would. place approximately $1 billion a year in long distance phone calls. But unlike those on the oUtside, the prisoners would not have the option to, pick their long-distance carrier - the prison does. And so MCI and its competitors learned that the way to get prisoners as customers was· to give the prison system a legal kickback: on a one-dollar phone call, the Florida prison system would make over 50 cents. more than the long distance carrier idelf. In no time. corrections departments became phone call millionaires. 2--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL climbed since the early 90's when such commissions were kicked-baCk to the Department as an incentive to award phone contracts to the most lucrative bidder. Instead of awarding the telephone contract to the company that guarantees the lowest rates for the customer - in this case families of prisoners-the Department awards the contract to the company that provides the , greatest commission, or legal kick-back, to the DOC. This practice encourages telephone companies to submit bids showing large commissions for the DOC without regard to the actual rates being charged., Under the current system, the average in-state amount a family member is charged per month to accept prisoner initiated collect calls is $69.19. The average for out-ofstate calls is three and four times that amount. Clearly families and friends of loved ones in prison are being raped when it comes to prisoner initiated collect calls. The Florida Public Service Commission has openedly identified and labeled prisons facilities as the last true "monopoly" environment. As the PSC reported in a April 24, 1997 memorandum, "the rates paid by callers are higher than rates charged to anyone else for station;.to-station calling." And as if higb-cost alone wasn't enough, families of prisoners have been subjected to numerous instances of overcharging. It began in 1991 and, not swprisingly, occurs today. Overcharges Since 1991, families of prisoners who have accepted collect calls have been overcharged 'eight different times by seven different· telecommunications companies, totaling over $3.5 million dollars. In 1991, Peoples Telephone was ordered to refund $653,000 in overcharges and was fined $100,000 by the Florida Public Service Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Conunission. In 1991, International Telecharge was ordered to refund $750,000 and was fined $250,000. In 1993, North American Intelecom was ordered to refund $414,000 and was fined $25,000. The most outrageous overcharging came at the bands of the cUrrent telephone contract holder, MCI. In 1996, MCI was ordered to refund $1,6 million dollars. But, the overcharging was just the tip of the iceberg. Upon further investigation it was discovered that two DOC employees involved in the contraCt bidding process bad rigged the bids so that MCI would be awarded the contract. Those DOC employees also were fo~d to have attempted to destroy documents to cover-up their involvement in the bid rigging process. Ironically, the two employees were simply demoted to lower· ranks and no criminal c:bar8es were filed. The adage that a crimiDaI will return to the crime scene also appears true for the criminally minded. MCI, who was caught overcharging.in 1996, appears to be making a repeat' performance. Under the current contract, MCI can charge up to 85 percent of the Maximum rate cap approved by the PSC for operator assisted non-person-toperson collect calls made inside the state. Following this methodology, for a prisoner-initiated collect call to a local exchange, the rate should be $1,70 (85 percent of the set use fee ofS.25 =$.2125 and the surcharge of $1.75 = $1.4875). When you combine the 85 percent fees, i.e. $1.4875 and $.2125, the total comes to $1.70. However, the local phone bills reviewed by this writer reflect a clwge of $1.75," thus, a $.05 overclwge per call. There does not appear to be overcharging to' other in-state calls, but out-of-state calls are suspect. (At the time of this writing the author bad not received the long-distance rate caps from the Federal Communications Commission.) What Can Be Done? During the late 199Os, organized efforts by prisoners' families in Nebraska and Nevada resulted in those states' DOCs beiJJg forced to forego or significantly reduce the commissions received by the prison system off telephone contracts. That resulted in much lower rates for prison collect calls. , In Nevada, because of pressure from families, the state's Public Service Commission actually adopted rules limiting how much commission the ' Nevada DOC could receive on phone contracts. In 1999, a lawsuit filed by prisoners' families in KentuCky resulted in that state's Public Utility Commission mandating lower rates for prison collect caUs. As family members have become more vocal in other states, lawmakers and public service commissions' have bad· to pay more attention to their complaints. Legislation bas been introduced or studies ordered to be done in several states to find ways to reduce the burdens on families. In 2001, prisoners' families in New Mexico, tired of the exorbitant rates, organized and were successful in having a new law passed in that state that requires prisons and jails to provide phone services at the lowest reasonable cost. To achieve that, the law prohibits prisons and jails from receiving a kick back commission or .share of revenues charged by the phone companies. ' In Ohio, prisoners' families recently persuaded the prison system to require a 15 percent reduction to rates on all new phone contracts. And Missouri officials, pressured by prisoners' families, has announced that the state's prison system will foregc> any commission on that 3-------- _ ! I - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ; , - . - - - FLQRIDA PRISON LEGAL state's prison phone contract. In January 2000, a· national organization, CURE" started a campaign entitled Equitable Telephone Charges (eTc.) designed to .raise awareness of. the huge financial burdens being placed on prisoners' families by exorbitant phone call rates. The campaign. aimed at educating legislators, has had some success in several states. CURE promotes allowing prisoners to make direct, instead of collect caDs, through implementation of a debit card system. Money for caDs under such a system comes out of prisoners' accounts, making them more aware of and responsible· for how much to spend, while allowing lower cost calls to be made and retaining security features .on prison calls that prison officials insist on. Several states, including Colorado, Indiana, Vennont, Tennessee, Iowa and Montana have systems set up to allow prisoners to make debit calls. The Federal Bureau of Prisons allows prisoners to make either collect or debit calls. FPLAO Takes On Phone Rates In Florida, no relief on the phone rates has yet materialized. In 1998 and 1999, Florida Prisoners' Legal Aid Organization lobbied in TaI1ahassee to try to obtain some relief for families from the excessive prison collect phone rates. Our state lawmakers are the people who hold the power to bring change to reduce ,or provide alternatives to exorbitant prisoner collect calls. As State Representative Allen Trovillion told the Gainesvi//e Sun, "It's an additional hardship on the families." Trovillion wanted to find ways for prisoners to make caDs at a reasonable rate for their families, or to cut the DOC's commission to achieve lower rates. To that end, in 2000, Represen~ve :rrovillion sponsored a bill in the state House of Representatives· that would have required prison phone contracts to go ,JJerspectives - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ to the phone company that guaranteed the lowest rate to those paying the phone bills, i.e. prisoners' families. Under that bill, the DOC would not have received a commission. Unfortunately, that bill did not become law. (The text of that bill can be found at: www.leg.state.fl.us. under the "Session" section, House Bill 1975 (2000).) FPLAO is once again gearing up fOr a major effort to obtain a reduction in the phone rates being charged Florida prisoners" families. Increasingly, family relationships and communications are being strained and obstructed by the outrageous rates being charged by MCI WorldCom to meet its obligation to give the FDOC one of the highest commissions in the country for the current phone contract that is scheduled to run until 2006. The FPLAO Board of Directors have voted to take on the phone rate situations as a project that will not end until significant relief is afforded prisoners' families. All FPLAO members are called on to participate in this effort and get others to participate. Prisoners are asked to get as many people as they can on the outside to participate. We have state· elections coming up in November. As the first step in this project, between now and the election, you are asked ,to contact your local state representative and senator, those running for those positions, and Gov. Jeb Bush, and his opponents, Janet Reno and Bill McBride, with emails, phone calls.. or letters, and simply inform them that ,you are a family member or friend of a Florida state prisoner who is being charged enormous and excessive collect phone rates to maintain contact with your incarcerated loved one and you would like to know their position on reducing that burden on Please copy prisoners' families. FPLAO with any emails sent and responses received at: fplao@aol.com. Information on how to contact legislators can be found at: www.leg.state.fl.us. Jeb Bush can be emai1ed at: jeb.bush@niyflorida.com. Second, log on to FPLAO's website, www.fplao.org, and check out the information about the telephone situation under the Family Issues section. Stay tuned to that site. After the election that site will be used to launch an email campaign to get legislation introduced and· passed to resolve the phone mte problem. That site will also carry information about events now being planned to address the situation. Now, let's get busy and show the FDOC how to really play the monopoly game. If you are sick and tired of the excessive phone rates, join with us to do something about it. Right Now! • AROUND THE SYSTEM Severely Restrictive Mail Rules Proposed. In the last issue of FPLP it was noted that the FDOC had proposed new amendments to the Department's mail rules that are intended to severely restrict prisoners' and their' outside correspondents' ability to ,communicate. Specifically, it was noted that the FDOC had proposed changing the routine mail. rules to .a1low only 3 pages of "additional written materials" to be included with an actual letter and sent to a prisoner as routine mail. It was noted that such proposed rule, if adopted, would prevent prisoners from having someone outside send them legal materials they may have stored with a family member or friend, or prevent them from having family members, friends, or typing services type legal documents for them. The proposal would also 4------- _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - flORIDA PRISON LEGAL prevent the receipt of bank statements, legal transcripts from court reporters (which are private companies and not "courts or attorneys," and' thus not "legal' mail"), Internet research. clippings and any other type ''written material," except and unless sent 3 pages at a time. For example, under that proposed rule it would require 7 envelopes, with postage for each. for someone outside to send a prisoner 20 pages of infonnation about DNA testing that bad been printed off the Internet. or 67 envelopes, with postage for each, to send a prisoner a 200 trial transcript that was stored at home and )VllS now need to work on a case. FPLP noted that the FPLAO staff strongly objects to the FDOC's proposed rules in this regard and bad taken steps to challenge such rule adoption. The result of that challenge was that on August 23 the FDOC published notice that it is changing the rule proposal. The proposed change would provide that instead of 3 that ~ pages of "additional written materials" could be included along with letters in routine mail. , Additionally, in an effort to get around FPLAO's challenge which asserted the fact that the FDOC was attempting to create an economic barrier to those outside the prisons ability to send writt,en material to and communicate with prisoners - the FDOC added the following in the change to the proposed rule: Requests to send enclosures of greater than five pages shall be made to the warden or his destgnee prior to sending the material. Exceptions to the five page Itmitation are tntended for enclosures concerning legal. medtcal. or other stgntjicant tssues, and not for material for general reading or entertatnment purposes. The warden shall advise . the sender and the matlroom of hts Perspecttves - - - - - - - - - - - - - approval or disapproval of the request. FPLAO has now recha1lenged the proposed rules with the changes. The proposal' remains infirm. even more so with the changes. Five pages instead of three make little difference to the deterrent· effect or negative financial impact of the proposed rule. As in the above example, that would only mean SO envelopes and postage for each to mail the 200 page trial transcript, instead of 67 envelopes. As for the "exception by warden approval." normally it takes a month or two now for prisoners' outside supporters to receive a response to a letter to a warden. much too long when dealing. with those .correspondents' First Amendment rights. Concerning the warden exception. the term included in same about "other significant issues" is vague, fails to establish clear criteria, and thus is subject to arbitrary and capricious interpretation by wa{dens or their designees. . Additionally, the exception is not neutral, as required by law, where it excludes material (or allows other material) based on subject matter content not found to be de.trimental on a case-by case basis to institutiomil security. The fact that the ''warden approval" process can be circumvented by those financially able and willing to send the exact same material that the warden cannot approve as more than five pages (general reading or entertaimnent material) by simply sendiDg it five pages at a time supports that the proposed rules' intent is not to achieve a legitimate. penological purpose, but simply to obstruct communication. Nor is there a provision in the proposed rule establishing a procedure, where if a mail sender does apply to the warden for a page limit exception and is denied, to appeal the warden's denial to someone other than· the warden with authority to oVerturn his decision, as is required by U.S. Supreme Court case law. FPLAO is determined to' pursue all available remedies, administrative and legal, to prevent adoption of these proposed rules. The ability of those outside to communicate with. share information with. and assist those. locked inside our prisons in maintaining contact with the .outside world is too important and too precious a right to allow prison officials to obstruct any further than it already is, just on a whim. Stay tuned to FPLP for further information on this serious situation as it proceeds.• PRISONER CIVIL RIGHTS PETITIONS DECREASE, WHILE HABEAS CORPUS. PETITIONS INCREASE Recently the Bureau of Justice Statistic released a new report detailing the number of petitions filed by' federal and state prisoners in U.S. District Courts during 2000. The report analyzes the impact that the 1996 Prison Litigation Refonn Act and the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death 'Pen3Ity Act have had on the number of federal petitions filed by prisoners. The report sets out the statistics showing' that the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) bas resulted in a decrease in the number ofcivil rights petitions that have 5---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL been filed by federal and state . prisoners, while the Antiterroiism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) appears to have resulted in an increase in the number of habeas corpus petitions being filed by state prisoners. Included in the report are Statistics and tn:nds concerning prisoner-filed petitions between 1980 and 2000. A free copy of the report entitled: Prisoner Petitions Filed in u.s. District Courts. 2000, with Trends 1980.2000, NCJ No. 189430, is available by writiDg to: NCJRS, P.O. Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, or on the 'nCt at: www.ojp.usdoj.govlbjs/abstractlppfu sdOO.htm • u.s. PRISON POPULATION NUMBER SLOWS A report released during July 2002 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that the nation's prison population during 2001 grew at the lowest rate since 1972 and had the smallest numerical increase since 1979. The report found that at the end of 2001 there were 2.1 million people in'federal and state prisons or in local jails. However, according to the report, there was only a 1.1 percent increase in the number of incarcerated Americans for that entire year. That is the lowest increase for a year since before the prison building and inparceration boom began. In filet, states the report, in the last six months of2001, the number of state prisoners nationwide aetua11y deceased by 3,700 people. This latest report was released only a month after report by the F.B.I. claiming that crime is beginning to increase again after a decade ofdeclining crime rates. a Perspeetlves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Allen J. Beck, co-author of the BJS's report, said .there's no real contradiction between the two reports. Beck noted there is always a lag .between .commission of a crime and the ' arrest, conviction and sentencing. Alfred Blumstein, a criminologist at Carnegie Mellon University, points to another possible reason for the stagnant prison population rates in the face of a' claimed increase in crime rates. He notes that the slowing in the number of prisoners is not only a result of a decade of falling crime rates, but also a result of more states rethinking their prison policies. That rethinking stems from states trying to save money where they face budget problems and where some states have 'looked more to alternatives to prison to deal with drug problems. [Source: NY Times, 7131/02] • BOOK REVIEW by Bob Posey Florida Prisoner's Litigation Manual, Volume One: Legal Information on Prison Discipline, Mandamus, and Appellate Review. GEO; Albert Publishing Co., LLC; Softbound; 313 pages; 524.95 plus S3.95S&H. Both prison officials and prisoners have a substantial interest in prison discipline, For pris~)D officials, . their interest is in maintaining order and the safety of both staff and prisoners by imposing disciplinaJy measures again$ prisoners who violate prison rules. For prisoners, what is at stake when disciplinary action is taken against them for an alleged rule violation depends on the alleged charge and penalties authorized for such charge. In Florida prisons, prisoners can face a wide range of punishments if charged. with violation of prison rules. Often, prisoners charged with a rule violation at' the least will find themselves faced with loss of gain time if found guilty of the charge in a disciplinaJy hearing. Additionally, or alternatively, prisoners can be placed in confinement for rule infractions and for certain charges have mail, telephone, or visitation access restricted or tenninated. Repeated, or' what prison officials view as very serious infractions, can even result in loss of all gain time and/or long-term confinement for many months or even years in what the FDOC terms Close Management. Obviously, because of the sanctions that may be imposed in prison disciplinary proo:edings, prisoners have an interest in ensuring that they are punished only for infractions that they are aetua1ly guiltY of. Prison officials, especially lower ranking staff who interact with prisoners on a daily basis, sometimes exceed the purposes and goals of responsible discipliDe by falsifying disciplinary reports for a variety of reasons, including personal dislike, retaliation, reliance on fil1se infonnation from confidential informants, etc. In such cases, disciplinary procedural rules are often bent or completely ignored by disciplinary hearing officials eager to support their fellow staff member who brought the charge. Often, disciplinary . hearing members in Florida have little actual knowledge or undemanding of the disciplinary procedure rules, why they exist, or what rights under the law prisoners have when faced with disciplinary action. Unfortunately, the same is true of most prisoners. Most often when Florida prisoners are accused of a rule violation of any seriousness, they will be placed in confinement to wait for a disciplinary hearing. In such a situation, suddenly, they realize that don't know what the rules governing disciplinary proceedings are or even how to obtain a copy of are 6--------------- FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL them. They may have a vague idea what the rules are, but often that idea is based on erioneous infonnation gleaned from compound gossip. Panicking, they discover that trying to get a copy of the disciplinary . rules, administrative appeal rules, or other rules, such as those they allegedly violated, is a whole ordeal in itself that may not' be possible to acx:omplish within the time available. They . also come to realized that itS almost impossible to get" assistance from the prison law libraries anymore and that the few law clerks left are more interested in criminal law and have little Imowledge themselves about disciplinary matters. On top of all that, the charged prisoner may' have an idea that there are certain rights involved "in disc;iplinaIy action, but they don't know 'bow to do the necessary legal research to find information about,or 1egal cases that have defined, those rights. They discover there is no one source for all that information; its like a treasure hunt in itself tIying to track down the information needed to effectively defend oneself against disc;ip1inarY ~on, the information is scattered throughout so many different sources. At least, that was true until now. Recently I had the opportunity to review the new , Florida Prisoner's Litigation Manual, Volume One: Legal Information on Prison Discipline, Mandamus, and Appel/ate Review. In a word, this professionally-printed all .new and up-to-date manual is excellent. It is exactly what has been needed by Floricta prisoners for a very long time. This manual brings it all together on Florida prison disc;ipline into one source, but , doesn't stop there. , The manual is designed to be a complete guide for Florida prisoners defending against. or legally administratively or challenging. prison disciplinary actions, in addition to providing comprehensive coverage ofhow to Perspec~ves -------- _ file and litigate petitions for writs of , Britian's Cadbury Schweppes, to pull the ad that was scheduled to run 120 mandamus (whether used to to 150 times this year, often on challenge disciplinary. actions or to youth-oriented programs. compel prison or other officials to comply with the law Oli rules ''No company would make jokes about rape' outside the prison governina them). •Extensive coverage is also given to explain the context," said Lara Stemple, an attorney .and executive director of difference between petitions for writs of certiorari and direct appeals' and SPR. "Men and women are routinely raped and sexually brutalized in how to litigate both. Divided . into fourteen. prisons throughout the country. It's time to stop the joking and start chapters, the manual begins with sections discussing the distinction , taking sexual violence against men between legislative, administrative, . and women behind bars seriously.", and judicial law and continues into 7-UP initially responded that the ad would not be pulled. . sections on how to read and analyze rules and legal decisions. There is a However, in June, as prisoner advocate groups continued to rally in well layed out chapter for the prisoner that has no litigational support of SPR, 7-UP cbangOO its experience on how to do legal position and pulled the ad. research. That chapter is not just for the novice, however, it has some very useful lists detailing where statutes, rules, session laws, and case decisions caD be located' on the Internet and obtained from state In the last issue of FPLP an universities. Also included is a article that bad run in the St. Florida statute .reference listing, •a Petersburg Times was the source of glossary of legal tenns, research an article about Aramark / references for further research, and Corporation, a private company an appendix of full-sized fonus with providing food services to Florida examples ofhow-to-do-it. state prisoners. Following the Times An important and much article, that paper ran an editorial needed book, this first volume in the critical of Aramark, which in tum F70rida Prisoner's, Litigation resulted in a letter to the editor by a Manual series has the potential to citizen basically stating that prisoners greatly improve conditions of deserve whatever happens to them in confinement for Florida prisoners. It prison. That letter sparked FPLAO is a must-bave self-help survival director and FPLP co-editor Oscar guide for all Florida prisoners. • Hanson to write his own letter to the Times' editor, which that paper printed on July 19. That letter stated: -CommentarySPEAKING OUT PRISON RAPE· NOT FUNNY The LA-based group Stop Prisoner Rape, SPR, earlier this year appealed to 7-UP to stop airing an ad that depicted prisoner rape as a humorous punch line. SPR, with the support of more than 80 other prisoner advocate groups - including Florida Prisoners' Legal Aid 01'8.asked 7-UP's parent company, 7 As a Florida prisoner. I would 'appreciate ~he opportunity to voice my opinion regarding Aramark of Corp.. the Department Correction's food-service provider for most ofFlorida's prisons. While the department's prison population is indeed .Incarcerated as punishment for . crimes allegedly committed against the slate and its citizens, we, as - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL prisoners, are not stripPed of our status as human beings living in a civilized society, albeit more restricted one. As such, we should not be expected to live in the lap of luxury, but neither should we be subjected to subhuman treatment. The July 7 letter to the editor, Prison is for Punishment, conceived while the writer enjoyed his morning smorgasbord. commented that "prison is a place of punishment. Jt's not a nice place to be....SO what if their (prisoners ~ sloppyjoes are a little runny?" Runny sloppy joes are one thing; spoiled chicken soaked in vinegar to disguise the rottenness is another. Further, the writer fails to recognize that what Aramark has done in the name of profit would constitute serious charges should he receive the same treatment at his local eatery. No human - incorcerated or free - should be comPelled to eat. rotten food from the hands of a nefariousfood-service provider. -Oscar Hanson, Sumter Correctional Jnstitution, Bushnell. a PerspectJves - - - - - - - - the public and letters to newspaper editors is an excellent way to do that. You can either exercise your First Amendment right to speak out, or you may just find it taken away too. • • "RAT MAN'~ TRAPS $3,000 IN RETALIATION SUIT 'by David M. Reutter A 42 U.S.C. §1983 action. filed in a Florida State Court alleging retaliatory job changes for the filing of grievances and lawsuits that challenged the ge~eral living conditions at Glades Correctional Institution (Gel) has been settled for $3,000. In June 1993, I began filing a large amount of grievances challenging the living conditions at GCI, which was built in 1934. GCI sits on the tip of the Everglades, a mile south of Lake Okeechobee, and Whether osCar's letter· is. surrounded by sugarcane grown in caused the writer of the original. the mucky soil; hence, Gel's editorial letter to change his mind is moniker. ....The Muck." not known. However, Oscar's letter By 1993, The Muck was a probably did cause some citizens to dilapidated run down prison that was at least think about what is going on infected by rats and insects. Its in Florida's prisons, and that's what overcrowded, single story, open bay is important. Instead ofjust gripping donnitories an: built on pylons and and complaining to other prisoners housed 184 to 242 prisoners each. ~bout what the media was reporting, While housed in C dorm, I Oscar took action to have his voice discovered the putrid smell that heard by the public. More prisoners permeated the air was from a pool of need to do the same. raw sewage that sat under the dorm. Letters to editors and The windows were broken, window reparters of the media an: considered . screens were ripped or non-existent, "privileged mail" by the FDOC and subjecting prisoners to the the envelopes may be sealed before Everglade's population of giant mailing them. There is no reason not mosquitoes. The roof leaked and we to write the media, and every reason marked the floor to· indicate the best for prisoners to do so. The FDOC location to set mop buckets when it doesn't want the public to know what rained. Electric wiring was exposed, is really happening in our prisons. It . and there was no battery operated is prisoners' responsibility to inform emergency lighting. The guards had 8-- _ keys or radios after the nightly yard lock down; .they could only contact assistance by telephone. My grievances and complaints to Gel and the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) were met with denials and inaction. ODly the State Fire Marshall ordered corrections. After a complaint to the County Public Health Unit (CPHU) resulted in an inspection, I was called for interview with Charles Morris, Assistant Superintendent of Security, and was told I would receive a job change so I would not have so much time to litigate. It was changed that day. I then filed a motion for Temporary Restraining Order (fRO) to correct' the unconstitutional conditions. Ultimately, I -received a job in the law library as a clerk. By then, the TRO was set for hearing and I informed Donald Obrakta, head librarian, of my deadline. As was GCI law library custom, he told me to work on the deadline and do my job. Such a custom was necessary because FDOC policy mandates priority use of all law library materials is provided to prisoners with deadlines imposed by rule or court order. I went to court twice on the TRO. Upon return the first time, I was reinstated as a law clerk. The second time I was tenninated. Present at the TRO .hearing was Superintendent Gerald Abdul-Wasi and John Townsend, Assistant Superintendent of Programs. At the hearing. a guard testified he went on workman's compensation for two weeks after a rat bit him while reaching into a cabinet in the guard's station. Sgt. John Runkles testified there was a rodent control problem, and not enough time was being devoted to correcting that problem. The Court denied the TRO. Upo.n return to Gel from the TRO hearing, Obrakta informed me Townsend ordered my termination~ Gel institutional operating procedures prohibited Townsend DO _ from making such an order. According to Obrakta's detailed daily log, be contacted Townsend in order to respond to my request seeking the reason for my termination. Townsend replied law clerks may not work on personal law work on duty, and I violated that rule. The defendants during litigation of this action were unable to provide any' such rule. On discovery, I obtained a memorandum that showed action to create such a rule was taken 30 days after the termination. My new job assignment was as a "Rat' Man" on the newly created Rodent Control Squad, which required 'setting rat traps 7 days a week over a 4 month period. After denials of administrative remedies in this pre-PLRA suit, I filed the § 1983 action in state court alleging the job changes violated my First Amendment right to be free from retaliatory action for exercising my right to file complaints with coUrts ~ administrative bodies. After eight arduous years of litigation and discovery, the case was set on the trial docket and ordered into mediation. On June 5, 2002, I agreed to dismiss the suit for $3,000. As the "Rat Man" I learned perseverance, adherence to civil procedure, and a good document trail catd1es administrative rats. Although Townsend, Morris and Obrakta avoid admitting liability, the settlement shows these rats' were ensnared in the Rat Man's trap. Many thanks to the "litigation warriors" who taught me so much over the years; you know who you are. See: Reutter v Townsend, Case No: CL 94-8349A1, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court, Palm Beach County, Florida:.• Perspectives - - - - - USE OF FORCE AND CHEMICAL AGENTS ON THE- RISE IN FLORIDA PRISONS Following the death of Frank Valdes at Florida State Prison, corrections officers now must carry a handheld video camera when .they use force to remove an inmate from a cell, called cell extraction. The DOC also began installation of cameras .throughout the state's prison confinement wings, like the confinement wing where Frank Valdes .was housed, and is further considering placing cameras throughout prisons designated as confinement or cloSe management facilities. . Prison officials state that improved record keeping and investigation of inmate complaints and the videotaping demonstrate DOC's commitment to prevent an~ like.the Valdes death from occumns agam. Despite the noted changes, critics argue that loopholes exist. The most visible example is a rule ihat exempts incidents where prison officials use chemical agents, such as pepper spray, from having to be videotaped. DOC figures. show the use of chemical, agents, which includes pepper spray and tear gas, increased 17 percent during 2000 and 200I. Use of force incidents inc~ed 2.6 percent over the same two-year period. , In a news article published by the Gainesville Sun, Lisa White Shirley, an attorney with Florida Institutional Legal Services in Gainesville, said, "I don't think that 9 _ it's a sincere effort, and the' videotaping exemption is an example of that." A, representative of the human right group Amnesty International said it has "~ous concerns" about conditions in Florida's prisons, especiaJJy regarding confinement units and what it calls overuse of chemical agents. Since the DOC began keeping statistics on use of force and use of chemical.agents,the nuptbers continue to escalate. 'the prison With the highest number of incidents is FSP, followed by Santa Rosa, Washington and Columbia. DOC spokesperson Sterling Ivey said the Department encourages the use of chemical agents to avoid physical contact between officers and prisoners, which he attributes to the increase in the number ofincidents. Christopher Jones, Executive Director of Florida Institutional Legal Services, said the problem bas shifted from beatings to overuse of chemical sptays. "Our prisoners are showing up with extensive chemical 'burns," JOnes said. "The injuries don't match prison reports,.. he said, ''where officers say they only used three, one-second bursts of the chemical spray." Shirley, the attorney with FILS, who is working on a lawsuit over the issue of chemical spray abuse, said they have evidence of inmates with second-degree bums. "They're soaking the prisoners." she said. Shirley has collected evidence from 15 prisoners at various prisons for the case. . [Note: See Use of Force chart in this issue- -eel] • ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL In memory of those who have 'passed on••• March Frank Whitehead· SFRC Richard Jones· Martin VVilliam L. Garber· CFRC Allen R. Linkhom • NFRC Gabriel A. Baena • SFRC Charles H. Polite· NFRC JImmy L. Riggins - NFRC Rudolph B. Jones - NFRC Jack Postell- NFRC Robert J. Durham· NFRC Solomon Drayton· SFRC U1anda B. Baker· Lowell W Charles D. Kushmer - Columbia Jesse R. MIles - NFRC Alvin J. Gibson - SFRC Jacob A. 'Floyd - NFRC James Davis· NFRC Leis!'& K. Courtney - NFRC Juan L Becerra· Washington Steven J. Caporale. NFRC John B. Crutchley· Hardee Ris~y Darden - NFRC April , Herman Wiggins ·,NFRC Donald Hicks· NFRC Jerome A. Harris· Wakulla George I. Barkoskie • NFRC ' Bobby Keller - Wakulla . Guillermo Sanchez· NFRC Carlos Lyons - SFRC King S. Thompson. NFRC Samuel L. Hunter· NFRC Edward E. Kirkland - NFRC April continued James Burton· So. Bay Illinois Underwood· Everglades Zebble Edwards· Lowell W May Andrew F. Delaney - Union VVillie J. Spel1cer· CFRCS Joseph E. Larose· Columbia Alfred Vazquez - Opalocka WRC Lynn O. Feldpausch· CFRCS Larrl L. Addison - Gulf VVilliam Curran· NFRC Broward C. Turner· Okeechobee VViUie Blacksure • NFRC Lucious F. Hines· NFRC Isaiah Alford· Taylor Bobby L. Brown· NFRC cecil Johnson· NFRC Reginald P. Cooper· NFRC June Joseph L. Salter· Santa Rosa Frank L. VVilIiy - NFRC ArthurL.Barldey-Taylor Ruben Estrada - NFRC Wilbur Jenkins· NFRC Robert Carridine - SFRC Tanya R. Collier - Hemando Larry D. Clements· SFRC VVimam R. Blandon - Jackson Armando Sierra· Dade James D. Hall· Martin Tony Vasquez - SFRC Robert Rigby. NFR.C. . . . . . STUN BELTS IF YOU WERE REQUIRED TO WEAR A STUN BELT AT TRIAL PLEASE CONTACT: ATTORNEY MICHAEL GIORDANO 412 E. MADISON ST SUITE 824 TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602 10-------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - LOREN D. RHOTON Attorney At Law ~:;': , . , " : < ' r: {;} {;} {;': {;': {;': DIRECT APPEALS STATE POST CONVICTION SENTENCE CORRECTIONS FEDERAL PETITIONS FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS NEW TRIALS INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFERS 412 East Madison Street Suite 1111 Tampa Florida 33602 (813) 226-3138 ,/,,/,~(::'Ij'i~ , , ,.' ~ ~ ... '. r ~ • • ", 11-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspectives - - POST CONVICTION CORNER My most recent articles have dealt with the filing of a U.S.C. Title 28 §2254 petition for writ of habeas corpus with the federal district courts. Unfortunately, since the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) was passed it has become extremely difficult for state prisoners to obtain collateral relief from a judgment and/or sentence in the federal courts. The likelihood is that a federal 2254 habeas petition will be denied at the district court level. Unlike at the state level, the petitioner does not automatically have the right to appeal the denial of a 2254 petition. This article will deal with initiating an appeal of the denial of a §2254 petition and requesting a certificate of appealability in order to obtain permission to pursue an appeal. ' Once a district court has issued an order denying a §2254 petition, the habeas petitioner has several options. Firstly, the petitioner"can file a postjudgment motion asking the district court to reconsider the denial of the §2254 petition. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 52(b), 59, and 60 all provide vehicles for filing such postjudgment motions. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 52(b) provides that "[o]n a party's motion filed no later than I0 days after entJy ofjudgment, the court may amend its findings- or make additional findings- and may amend the judgment accordingly.". Therefore, if the petitioner wishes to request rehearing or reconsideration ofthe denial of a §2254 petition, a motion should be filed requesting. such reconsideration within 10 days of the order denying relief. Such a post trial motion should usually be filed pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 52(b) and should. be presented in the form of a Motion to Alter or AmendJudgment. It is not necessary to file a Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment in order to pursue an appeal of the denial of a §2254 petition. The filing of such a motion, though, does toll (stop) the mnning of the jurisdietional·period for filing a notice of appeal. The decision whether to file a Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment or other appropriate' postjudgment motion is a judgment call on the part of the petitioner. It has been my experience that once a federal district court denies a §2254 petition, it is unlikely that a postjudgment motion requesting reconsideration will be granted by the same judge. Nevertheless, the right to file - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 _ by Loren Rhoton, Esq. such a motion does exist, and, as long as it is timely filed, does not jeopardiZe the ability to file a notice of appeal in a timely manner. I recommend that before filing such a postjudgment motion, though, that the petitioner determine whether he or she is willing to accept the additional delay of the appellate process that will follow. If such a delay is acceptable, then there is no harm done by filing a Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment or other appropriate postjudgment motion.. Generally, once a court has entered a final order on a §2254 petition, the petitioner has 30 days therefrom to ,file a Notice ofAppeal if an appeal is·to be pursued. See, Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(aXI). The requirements for a Notice of Appeal are listed in Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 3(c) and a Notice ofAppeal form is provided in Form I of the Appendix of Forms to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. If a Motion to Alter or .Amend Judgment or other appropriate postjudgment motion has been timely filed, then the 30 day period for filing the Notice ofAppeal begins running from the date of the entJy of a final order disposing of said motion. See, Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(aX4). Otherwise, if no such postjudgment motion has been filed, the 30 day period for filing of the Notice ofAppeal begins runnilig from the date of the final order on the §2254 petition. Once a Notice ofAppeal has been filed, it does not automBtica1ly mean the petitioner is allowed to appeal the district court's denial of relief. Unlike many other litigants in the federal courts, habeas corpus petitioners must obtain permission to take an appeal of their case to the circuit court o~ appeals. The permission to appeal must be granted by either the district court or the circuit court of appeals. Said permission is granted in the form of a Certificate ofAppealability (hereinafter, COAl. Upon filing a Notice of Appeal with the district court, the district court is automatically required to determine whether· or not· a COA should be granted. Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 22(bXl) provides in part: "[i]f an applicant files a notice of appeal, tho district judge who rendered the judgment must either issue 'a certificate of appealability or state why a certificate should . not issue." Therefore, technically, as long as the Notice of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL .Appeal is timely filed with the district court, there is no need to file any pleadings in support of a request for a COA. Nevertheless, I recommend that an Application for Certijlcate of Appealability be filed in the district court along with the Notice of Appeal. Said Application for Certijlcate of Appealability should explain to the. district court why it would be proper for the court to issue a COA. Title 28 U.S.C. Section 2253(cX2) provides that a certificate of appealability will be issued only if the applicant "has made a substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right" Furthermore, in Barefoot v. Estelle. 463 U.S. 880 (1983), the United States Supreme Court held that in order for a certificate of probable cause (the . pre-Antitenorism and Effective Death Penalty Act equivalent of the current Certificate of Appealability) to be issued the appellant must make a "substantial showing of the denial of [a] federal right." In defining the "substantial showing" standard, the Supreme Court admonished district courts that they may not deny applications for probable cause certificates solely because they have already denied the petition on the merits: "[O]bviously the petitioner need not show that he should prevail on the merits. He has already failed in that endeavor" Id. at 893. The United States Supreme Court held that rather, a certificate must issue if the appeal presentS a "question of some substance," i.e., at least one issue: (I) that is "debatable among jurists of reason,"; (2) "that a court could resolve in a different manner"; (3) that is "adequate to deserve encouragement to proceed further"; or, (4) that is not "squarely foreclosed by statute, rule or authoritative court decision, or [that is not] lacking any factual basis in the record." Barefoot at 893. It has been held, in Hardwick v. SingletaJy, 126 F.3d 1312 (11 1l1 'Cir 1997), that the standard governing certificates of appealability for appeal of the. denial of a habeas corpus petition under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) is materially identical to the pre-AEDPA standard for certificates of probable cause for the appeal ofa denial of a habeas corpus petition. Therefore, in an Application for Certlficate of Appealability, it is crucial for the applicant to demonstrate a substantial showing of the denial of a federal right.· The factors listed in Barefoot must be sufficiently argued and applied to the applicant's case in order to obtain a COA. While it is likely that the district judge who denied a §2254 petition will also deny an Application for Certlficate of Appealability" it is still recommendable that the habeas petitioner file such an application. . If the district court denies a request for a COA, Fedeml Rule of Criminal Procedure 22(b)'also provides for .the issuance of a COA by the circuit court of appeals. Once again, there is no explicit requirement that a formal Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Application for Certijlcate of Appealability be filed with the circuit court for the circuit court to grant a COA. See Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 22(bX2). Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended that such an Application for Certificate ofAppealability be filed with the circuit court if and when the district court declines to issue a COA. The right to appeal the denial of a §2254 should not be left to the chance that maybe one of the courts will see that a COA is appropriate. It is better to spoon feed the courts the precise reasons that a COA should Issue. While it is rare that permission to appeal the denial of a §2254 petition is granted, COA's are occasionally issued and petitioners do sometimes pursue appeals to the federal circuit courts ofappeals. Therefore, I hope that this article has been helpful in pointing habeas corpus petitioners in the right direction when attempting to obtain aCOA. '¢- '¢- '¢- /om RJrxm iranrmber ingad~wiIJr th! Flaitb Bar ani a AfJ!mbfr ifth! Flatb Btr ~ Pra1irJ? SD'az Au. RJrxm fh:m:2s afmat ~ in th! JXlSflXrn'ictiaqpello:ecnuifth! bw. ballet th!hani jdm/IewJ.lklmas:sista:/lurJa:iriftlmcuettdpmms ",li'htkirmsesanilmnzmnu\lrb~q;VrfaK • 13----- CRITICAL RESISTANCE SOUTH Strategizlng beyond the prison industrial complex .APRIL 4-6, 2003 NEW ORLEANS, 'LA For more info and to get' involved, contact: CR South PO Box 791213 New Orleans, LA 70179-1213 phone: 504.837.5348 or toll free: 866.579.0885 _ FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Persped1ves - . . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - The following are summaries of recent state and federal cases that may be useful to or have a significant Impact on Florida prisoners. Prisoners Interested In these cases should always read the full case as published In the Florida Law Weekly (Fla L. Weekly); Florida Law Weekly Federal (Fla. L Weekly Fed.); Southem Reporter 2nd Series (So.2d); Federal Supplement 2nd Series (F.Supp.2d); Federal Reporter 3rt1 Series (F.3d); or Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.). FEDERAL APPEAL COURT Ford v. Moore, 15 Fla. L. Weekly, Fed. C 717 (nib Cir. 7/2102) . This case involves the habeas corpus time limitations set forth in the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA). AEDPA sets forth a one-year statute of limitations for a prisoner to apply for federal habeas relief from the judgment of a state court. The limitations period is tolled, however, while a properly filed state post conviction petition or other collateral. review attacking the pertinent judgment or claim is pending. At issue in this case is whether AEDPA's statute of limitations is tolled when a state collateral attack does not present a federally cognizable claim. The 111b Circuit aligned itself with both the Ninth and Seventh Circuits in light of the Supreme . Court opinion in Artuz v. Qennett, 531 U.S. 4 (2000). The Court held the plain language of the AEDPA statute merely demands a state cballenge related to the pertinent judgment or claim at issue, not that the state cballenge must be based on a federally cognizable claim. [Note: This case involved a Rule 3.800 motion that the 11 th Circuit deemed an attack on the judgment notwithstanding the fact that this particular motion attacks the sentence ofa conviction.) Tucker v. Moore, 15 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. C 914 (11 th Cir. 7113/02) . In this case the Eleventh Circuit 'resolved a question left· open in the case of Smith v. Jones, 256 F.3d. 1135 (lIth Cir. 2001) as to whether the discretionary review exhaustion rule of 0 'Sullivan v. Boerckel, 119 S.Ct. 1728 (1999), would also apply to 2254 petitioners seeking review of Florida convictions. " In an important decision, the Eleventh Circuit held that in the absence of stronger indication that, there was an established right to seek review in ,the Florida Supreme Court, the Boerckel rule does not apply to petitioners who invoke the required "one complete round of the State's established appellate review process" and use "the State's established appellate review procedures." There is not a requirement to resort to any "extraordinary procedures." (Note: The method of review involved in the Boerckel case was "a nonnal, simple, and established part of the State's appellate review process.'1 FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT Carruthers v. Jenne, 15 Fla. I,.. Weekly Fed. D 358 (S.D. Fla. 6/24/02) • Ollie Carruthers filed a action with respect to conditions of his confinement while housed in the' Broward County Jail system. On July, 1994, the parties entered into a consent decree, which was ratified· by the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida. The consent decree provided for broad prospective relief with respect to confinement conditions and monthly payment of the Plaintiff's attorney fees, as well as compliance monitoring, which would be completed by the Plaintiff's counsel. In August, 1996, subsequent to the enactment of the Prison ,Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), the Defendants filed a Joint Motion to Terminate /Dissolve Consent· Decree. The motion remains pending. On August 2, 2.00 I, the Court appointed an expert to examine the conditions of the Broward Jail and prepare a report as to their constitutionality. The report has yet to be filed. ' The Defendants argued that until the Court rules on their Motion to Terminate, all prospective relief is automatically stayed by operation of thePLRA. The. Court rejected this proposition and held the automatic stay provision of the PLRA stay only prospective relief within· a consent .decree and not the consent decree itself. Attorney fees and monitoring . cost are not prospective relief for pulpOSCS of PLRA, and neither is automatically stayed by operation of thePLRA. --------------14--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL , Johnson v. Bush, IS Fla. L. Weekly Fed. D 441 ( S.D. Fla. 7/18/02) Thomas Jefferson and seven other lead Plaintiffs filed suit against the state of,Florida on behalf of all Florida citizens conVicted of felonies who have completed their sentences but nonetheless remain ineligible to vote because of Florida's disenfranchisement law. The Plaintiffs alleged that the disenfranchisement law arbitrarily and irrationally denies them the right to vote because of race, discriminated against them on , the 'account of race, and imposed an improper pon tax and wealth qualification on voting in violation of the First, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Twenty-Fourth Amendments to the United States Constitution. The United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida held that the state of Florida was entitled to summary judgment on claim that Florida's disenfranchisement law violates substantive due process and equal . protection under Fourteenth Amendment, give clear Supreme Court precedent, which held that felon disenfranchisement laws do not violate the Due Process Clause or Equal Protection Clause found in the . Fourteenth Amendment. As for the First Amendment claim, the Court held it does not guarantee felons the right to vote. The Court went on to reject the remaining claims and granted summary judgment to the State of Florida. FLORIDA SUPREME COURT State v. Byars, 27 Fla. L. Weekly S 625 (Fla. S.Ct. 7/3/02) In this case the Florida Supreme Court accepted jurisdiction to resolve the issue of whether a restraining order enjoining a defendant from entering a structure applies to structures "opened to the Plclblic" for purposes ofa burglary , Perspect1ves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - charge. The Supreme Court held that existence of an injunction prohibiting defendant from entering his wife's place of employment' is irrelevant to strict analysis of whether premises are open to the public. For pwposes of the burglary statutes, the· issue is not whether defendant has been prohibited from entering a structure, but whether "the premiseS are at the time open to the public." In other words, it is the nature of the property that is described in the applicable statute, not the status of a person. Thus, the' Supreme Court agreed that the trial court properly dismissed burglary charge that ~ based upon defendant's having entered wife's place of employment, which was open to the public, in, violation of existing domestic violence injunction. [Note: It is possible for a defendant to' be charged and convicted for trespass under the facts of this case.] Hall v. Stale, 27 Fla. L. Weekly S 627 (Fla. S.Ct. 713/02) In this case the .Florida Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of Florida's Criminal Punishment C<xIe codified under Section 921.002, Fla. Stat. (Supp. 1998). In addressing each constitutional challenge, the Supreme Court held that the Criminal Punishment Code does not violate due process rights, does not violate constitution prohibition against cruel and unusual pllnishmerit, '~ not violate double jeopardy principles, does not violate right of access to courts or right to appeal, does not violate principles of separation of powers, and does not violate holding of United States Supreme Court in Apprend/ v. New Jersey. Spencer v. F.D.O. C., 27 Fla. L. Weekly S 646 (Fla. S.Ct 713/02) Florida,prisoner Randy .. Spencer petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus seeking to overturn the finding of frivolousness and a restoration ofhis gain time as a result of a disciplinary report. Spencer's odyssey began when he filed a civil rights complaint in the United States District Court, which ,was dismissed without prejudice for Spencer's filiIure to comply with Court's order: Spencer appealed the decision and sought to proceed without paying the filing fee, but the federal district court found the appeal bad been taken in bad faith. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the .order and dismissed the appeal as frivolous.. The Eleventh Circuit's Order was sent to the prison where Spencer was incarcerated, ,which instituted disciplinary. proceedings, held a hearing, and made a finding of guilt forfeiting 120 days of Spencer's gain time pursuant to Section 944.279, FIa. Stat. (2001). The Court held that no due process violation occumd as alleged by Spencer. Statute provides co~rts the authority to refer inmates to DOC for discipline when they have engaged in misconduct in the judicilllY, including federal courts. Further, despite Spencer's claim, discipline for frivolous suits does not violate prisoner's rights to free speech and to petition the government. Tormey v. Moore, 27 Fla. L. Weekly S 661 (Fla. S.Ct. 7/11/02) Keny Tormey, a fonner state prisoner, bad petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus prior to her release. arguing that the single subject clause of the Florida Constitution was violat.ed when a new provision enhancing punishment for all murderers was added to the Law Enforcement Protection. Act, which origina1Jy only enhanced punishment . for offenses committed against law --------.....:.---,..----15 - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL enforcement personnel. rcoffender as defined in this section, The Supreme Court such defendant is not eligible for recognized that the title to the new ' sentencing UJ;lder the sentencing , legislative act indicated that it was guidelines and must be sentenced [as "an act relating to criminal a prison releasee reotrender]." penalties:' it goes on to significantly Brazeail v. State, 27 FIa. L. 'Weekly narrow and restrict types of criminal D 1606 (Fla. lit DCA 7/9/02) penalties addressed in the act. An honest reading of the title results in Florida prisoner, Thomas the conclusion that the act provided Brazeail, appealed an order rendered for increased "criminal penalties" for by the trial court that denied his persons who commit criminal motion for post conviction relief. offenses against law enforcement Brazeail entered a plea of personnel and only law enforcement guilty to various offenses and personnel. received ~ negotiated prison sentence , The Court further noted that of seven years. Later, Brazeail filed the exclusion of provisional credits a motion for post conviction relief for persons convicted ,of general under Rule 3.850 and alleged that his murder is not reasonably connected plea had not been voluntarily, with the expressed subject. The knowingly, and intelligently entered Court determined to sever part of the because his counsel had inconectly act that was not properly identified in advised him that he would be eligible the title. for release after serving no more than In finding a single subject, four years ofhis sentence. violation, the Supreme Court held The First DCA held that only those persons who were misadvise by counsel that· defendant excluded from receiving provisional would be eligible for release after serving no more than four years of .. credits because of general murder exclusion created by chapter 89-100, his sentence when, in reality, section 4, Laws of Florida, who defendant would have to serve at committed their offenses on or after least 85 percent of his seven year January 1, 1990, but before May 2, . sentence stated a colorable claim for 1991, the date on which the relief since he alleged be would not have entered plea but for the Legislature reenacted the provision, misadvice. will be entitled to relief under this The First DCA recognized opinion. conflicting views of whether a defendant must also make further FLORIDA APPEAL COURT f3ctual allegations that there is a reasonable probability that the Nettles v. State, 27 Fla. L. Weekly D ultimate outcome of the prosecution 1432 (FIa. lilt DCA 6/17102) would have been more favorable for question in this case is him had be not entered the plea. whether a defendant may, pursuant to The Court extensively a negotiated plea, be sentenced under discussed the other state court ruling both the Criminal Punislunent Code 'that relied on Hill v. Lockhart, 474 (CPC), and also the Prison Releasee U.S. 52 (1985) to require these Reoffender Act (PRRA). The First additional filctual allegations in order DCA held that such a sentence is nOt to satisfy the prejudice prong nec:essarily illegal and certified established in Strickland v. c:oofIict with State v. Wilson, 793 Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984). So.2d 1003 (FIa.2d DCA 2001) and The Court held that a Irons v. State, 791 So.2d 1221 (Fla. defendant's allegations that he ,would 51b DCA 2001), which held where the not have entered a guilty plea had he state attorney establishes that a been accurately advised by counsel defendant is "a prison releasee . The I Perspectives - - - - - - - - - _ of the consequences is a sufficient allegation of prejudice. " The prejudice test to be applied under these ,circumstances is not whether defendant would have, ultimately fared better had "he not entered plea, but whether he would have entered the plea had be been competendy advised by counsel. Roberts v. State, 27 Fla. L. Weekly D 1539 (FIa. 3d DCA 713102) Florida prisoner SOlomon Roberts sOught appellate review' of the trial courts' denial of his "Petition To Invoke All Writs," and argued that be Was denied due process and equal protection when the trial court retained jurisdiction for thirty-three (33) years of his life sentence. Roberts argued that the trial court lacked statutory authoriiy UDder Section 947.16 (3), FIa. Stat. (1981), to retain jurisdiction over one-third of his life sentences because a life seirtence is indefinite. The Third DCA agreed and . cited Cordero-Pena v. State, 421 So.2d 661, 662 (FIa.3d DCA 1982) for its reasoning. As in CorderoPena, the DCA held the trial court cannot retain jurisdiction over a life sentence imposed under section 947.16 (3) and that a defendant's entitlement to parole consideration is solely controUed by the separate statutory requirement that he be required to serve no less than twentyfive years before becoming eligible for parole. See Section 775.082 (I) Stat. (1981). [Note: Effective October I, 1995, parole eligibility for capital felonies was eliminated]. Zollman v. State, 27 Fla. L. Weekly D 1579 (Fla. 2ad DCA 7110/02) In this case the Second District Court of Appeal held that it was error to', summarily deny Zollman's Petition For DNA Testing. ZoUman had been convicted of sexual b~ry, kidnapping and robbery. As a result of the recently ---------------16 -----'--- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL 'PerspeCtlves ---~----------- euacted Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.853, Zollman sought DNA testing of the contenis of a rape kit, victim's ;clothing and cigarette butts found at the rape scene. The circuit court denied the motion on the ground that it was fucia11y insufficient. The Second DCA disagreed. The Court held that role 3.853 (b), subsection 4, requi~ a defendaDt to allege sufficient filets to establish two things: firs4 that identification was a genuinely. disputed issue at trial; and second, that the .requested DNA "testing , would either exonerate the defendant or mitigate his sentence.. In this case, the appellate court found Zollman. made sufficient allegations on both issues. Because ZoUman made sufficient allegations that would bear directly on his guilt or innocence, the case was reversed for further proceedings. [Note: Rule 3.853, unlike Rule 3.850, does not allow the trial judge to simply summarily d~y the motion if the record conclusively shows that the defendaDt is not entitled to relief. Rather, if a Rule 3.853 motion is filcially sufficient, the trial court must order a response. However after Considering the State's response, the trial court may either enter an order on the merits of the motion or set the motion for hearing.) • ADVERTISING NOTICE Due to a concern for' our members, the FPLP staff tries 10 ensure that advertUas I in these pages an: reputable and qualified \0 provide the services being offcted. We C4IU1ot meet every advertiser, however, so members an: advised to always personally contllet advertisers for further infonnalion' on their qualifieatiollS and experience beflllC making a decision to hire an attorney or other professional service provider. You should never send legal or other documents to an advertiser before cbntacting them and receiving cliJections to send such material. For those wishIng to advertise in FPLP, please write for rate infonnalion. Address such mail to: Rorida Prison Legal Pcrspcclivcs AIlD: Advertising P.O. Box 66ll-387 Chuluolll, FL 32766 Or Email: FPLP@aol.com DAVIp W. COLLINS, Attorney at Law former stale prosecutor with more thIui 1S years ofcriininallaw experience AV" rated by Martindale-Hubbell Bar Reg#ster 0/Preeminent Lowyers fA Yo",. voice In TlI1ltdIqssee representing prisoners in all . aretlS ofpostJoConv!ctlon relief, Including: - . appeals Heuscases .habeas corpus '3.850 motions writs of mandamus clemency representation before Parole Commission W,lte me today abo~t your easel P.O. Box S41 t4onticeUo, FL 32345 (850) 997-8111 -n.1tIrl., fI/II"""" b tIIf , , . , , , , . . , , , .. . Mt1tdd 110I ". baud ,ollly rqJOII tulvm"'~1IlI. Ikfrn yow . , . . arl_ to .IIlIJ1OfIjiw tIf1Ualrtfo-i#f1If d«tI..,.qrUJlljbtf_tIIIII aptrlm«•• ---------------17--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspect1ves - - - - - - - - - - - - - , MICHAEL V. GIORDANO AGGRESSIVE POST-CONVICTION REPRESENTATION The Law Offices ofMichael V. Giordano 412 E. Madison Street, Ste. 824 Tampa, Florida 33602 (813)'228-0070 A STATEWIDE pmctice specializing in Post-Conviction Relief on both the State and Federal levels: **EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY** **PAROLE** **DIRECT APPEALS** **HABEAS CORPUS** **POST~CONVICTION RELIEF ** *INEFFECTIVE COUNSEL *WITBDRAWALOFPLEA *ILLEGAL SENTENCES *ACTUAL INNOCENCE *I.N.S. DEPORTATION I am a fonner Assistant State Attorney (Felony Division ChieO. Assistant Public Defender (Lead Trial Attorney), and member of the· faculty at the University of Florida College of Law. I have devoted over 25 years to the teaching and practice of criminal defense law,· and I am an author of a 1,250 page text on federal practice in the Eleventh Circuit The major thrust of my practice has been postconviction oriented. There is approximately 70 years .of combined experience in my office. I do not believe you can find more expe~enced representation in the Stat~ of Florida or elsewhere. The hllllll of a lawyer is lID importanl decision IbIll should not be haicd solely on odYatisc:mcIlIs Befonl )'0\1 decide. a* us 10 send you me written infonnalion a»oot our qualiliCllIlOOS 18--------------- FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspect1ves Perspectives: Inside ~ Out cheaper to lock a man up now than allow him to jump in and out of plison in the future. , There are people in here that have lost any right to ever be free, or really to breathe. But the lartJer portion of the "hardcore criminal's" Florida wants to lock up' and let die in prison, are drug addict's that don't even know how to steal to support their habit. Soon it will be a 5year felony for prostitution. Drug's and poverty are the enemy, not the people, regardless of race. Make a choice to get out and stay out, make this insane experience mean something, make your life mean something. BAMA Oreetingsl My name is Edward Bailey, I work at Oviedo Publishing. and in the course of my work I am sometimes in the position of working on your newsletter. Many times when we print we only examine the paper in the context of printing (on the press) as opposed to reading it. With your publication, however, I always read It, and over the last two years that I've been working at Oviedo, I've become very impressed with your work. Keep up the good workl . Dear FPLP, I am a new subscriber and have only received one issue. I enjoy reading eaCh of them, but most of the guys that receive them are either, not willing to share their copy with others, or they have several people waiting to read them when they pass them on. I think it's wonderful that you are all so dedicated to helping others see what is truly going on in our judicial system in this state. I had the privilege to meet Oscar at another institution when I first came into the system, and I found him to be someone that is not out to sell someone a dream. He is a realistic person that is only out to help others to help themselves. Oscar knows that when I first came into the system, I only had a sixth grade education, but as detennined as I've been, I now have my OED and attending a computer course to further my knowledge. Thank you Oscar for being a friend to others. I have developed a strong friendship with some wonderful people through correspondence, and they have kept me optimistic and fighting my case. Your publication is very important to me also, so please keep them coming. LH TCI Dear FPLP, I receive the newsletter and wanted to ~II you how much I enjoy it. This is the only way I can find out what is going on in Florida. I am a Florida inmate doing my time here in TN. On an interstate compact, I have a life sentence and have been in for 26 years, hope to go home soon. Thanks MM TN Dear Perspectives, I would like to thank you for the time and effort you put in your magazine. I do enjoy reading it especially the Post Conviction Comer. I find so much tnith in what you write. Thanks. W NCFRC FPLP, as the new era of the FL DOC begins, does anyone care? I really don't believe anyone does. Do you? I've been building time since the 70's Sumter, Brooksville road Prison, Polk, Baker, Marion, Hamilton, Jackson and Lake. I got out in '97' and just got violated for technical's this year. To be honest I'm overwhelmed with the insanity I've found, and experienced since my return to the New FDOC. I've witnessed inmates being tortured, assaults by brown shirts and white shirts on prisoners. It's like open season or more like Dante's hell made real on earth. No one knows why Valdez got kicked to sleep pennantJy. We all know he was murdered. Not the first, not the last to meet his fate in a concrete box. Back: in my day beatings were used as an educational tool the'lesson was, "your tn prison you don't run shit". I myself once brought on an understandln~ session upon myself. A convict knew, don't cross the line. and you were safe. as far as brown shirts went Everyone remembers K wing slim, Nigger Charlie, Breezeway Red, Sbithouse Shorty. Also a few at the Rock, I've never met, but have heard about, many other brutal Legend'S of the FDOC. I guess what I'm saying is Valdez was no hero. He was a convict. He made his choice, cheated 01 ' sparky, the hangman, or whatever they use now to kill people the state decides needs killing. Florida has built one massive prison system. And are scraping the barrel passing new laws every day to keep it full. We're no longer punished for what we've done. We're punished for what we might do. Because as was explained to me, the powers that be have decided it's FPLP, now that I'm away from Gulf Annex, I have a little tidbit for you. The Osterback case made it illegal for the prisons to put coverings over the windows in the T donns especially in CM, as it was inhumane sensory deprivation: Gulf Annex still bas the coverings on 2 T-dorms, P and 0 dorm and refuses to take them down. The men in these dorms are doing regular time without any disciplinary problems, some minimum custody, yet the window blocks are up. Ijust thought I would mention it, as it is sadistic and wrong for them to do that and also be allowed to violate a court ruling. There are many other atrocities going on at 0 A that should be dealt with. JM BD W C Dear Razorwire, May 10th was my second anniversary of being In prison. Today was the scariest of all of them combine. I witnessed a young woman being brutally beaten down with a baseball bat. Horrific? Extremely. But the part that is the most disturbing is that it could have all been avoided. Just yesterday the same two were fighting and yesterday was not the first time either! Within minutes the entire yard was complete chaos. Making the whole situation worse was several inmates actually cheering the girl on. You see the inmates expected this whole situation. The 'batter" (for lack of a better term) had been waiting all day for an opportunity. She had been carrying an unopened soda in her back pocket all day. I assume in her warped mentality an aluminum baseball bat would make a better statement. After all of the brouhaha the compound was closed. Then I had to come back to dorm being run by a male officer who is from the Men '5 unit across the street. He it under investigation for bringing in a gun. A man with AIDS' gave him up', while on his deathbed. Florida"Department of Corrections has the gall & audacity to claim Care. Custody & Control"? r beg to a It 19--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspectives --------~----- differ. The women's unit is full of drugs, heroine, crack, powder coke or pot, not to mention the misuse of Psychotropics. Take your pick! It's all here. A week ago Saturday there was 6 fights before lunch. I sincerely wish more people out there knew about what is really happening on the inside. Perhaps some of these lazy, illiterate people (guards) might have to .worle to earn their living Instead of smuggling in drugs or guns, or turning their backs while people are dieing. Name withheld at authon request. FPLP, Rotten food and shortages are nothing new for prisoners I thanlQ you for making it known to the public for the few who care. I would like to bring to your attention the long term medical effects are devastating from improper nutrition, and no vitamins or mineral supplements. In 1997 I developed Gastric Reflux Disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, all long-term effects from eating rotten garbage. There are many inmates suffering digestive and intestinal disorders. In the future my esophagus and stomach linings will erode and then what? But again Bush brags about how much money they save at our expense. Bush employing Aramack was a conflict of interest, wash my back I'll wash yours. Respectfully LM DCI Dear FPLP, I am wriling in reguards to an incident that took place here at Charlotte C I on August 25, Inmate John Harlow has been in a wheel chair ever since I met him back in 2001. Recently with the arrival of a new Doctor, Dr. Dranler, his wheel chair was taken from him. I along with numerous other inmates can attest that John cannot walk two steps with out extreme pain. While on a visit the District Di~r Marta Villacosta gave John back his wheel chair after personal appeals from many concerned inmates. On Monday Dr. Drattler again took Johns wheel chair and sent it to the property room with strict instructions not to return it to inmate Harlow under any circumstance. I was a witness to this. Fast-forward to Sunday the 25'" of August, John hasn't been 10 the chow hall in six days because he can't make it there; well he was called to the visiting park to see his daughter and brother. John has to crawl on his hands and knees. The assistant warden stands and watches him. When two inmates try to help him the warden orders them to drop him. screamiftg, "he can walk". A Sgt.. Finally gets him a walker from medical and it takes the two inmates helping him to finally get there IS minutes later, a normal4().second walk. After crawling and fighting with a walker the AssL warden allows. him a wheel chair only after bitching him out and of course for his family's sake. Five minutes into Johns visit He DIED! And sadder to the story his brother had a stroke. John was my friend and I am mad as hell! Wexford runs the medical here and their main concern is saving money not treating inmates. The same as ~ost prisons. I believe it is a lot worse here. We have many inmates with hepatitis C. Because Inferon is so expensive they just do not treat them. Numerous grievances are filed most go unanswered: Well nothing will bring John back but I hope and pray that justice is reached here. I hope John's life does nol go out in vain. TI CCI Dear FPLP. Over the years I have written the Perspectives many times, never have received any replies, but I write it off as .. The Perspective can not answer all the letters received." Then I wonder if in fact the letters reach you across the state, we do not know if our letters are received by the Perspective at all and thought that perhaps a page in the Perspectives could mention or list the letters received but cannot be answered. Being inc8rccrated since 1967 I feel that this would make men/women not feel they are unheard. Its hard for people in prison to give support to others when they feel that no one is listening and only a few are recognized. The Perspective is a movement for all and many of us understand what it takes to keep it going, but sorry to say thousands ofothers don'L The "new breed" as I call them. doesn't understand that what the "ole timers" are going through today- will affect them tomorrow. As I see it the so-called System has regressed into a deeper hole and in time no one will be able to climb out. The Perspective has ~n the light into that hole from the beginning and only support can keep its light from burning out, if that happens, its total darkness. I've always told others "once you confine your mind and heart all hope for you is lost, stay alive inside your head and heart, and you can beat the system by' the use of pen and paper. We must do the time and nol let time do us." I want to let you know I read every line written in your publicalions even when they are not mine, so keep the truth coming. Sincerely JB GCI Dear FPLP, I would like to say what a wondcrt'ul job you are doing to keep the inmates informed as to what Is going on in the'state prison system. I read your latest edition and I must say Bravol What an excellent job. Keep up the good worle. JH HCI . Thank you for your SepL 19 message that " you can find all of this information on our web page www,fplao,org." I have spent a good bit of time looking at your web page, and congratulate you on the excellent information that is there, and thank you for the good worle your organization docs. Email Audrey RIvers Dear Friends: As Prison Reform Unity Day approaches, we are faced with the usual mix of enthusiasm from some states and silence from others. We are at a loss to understand why this is so, since it's universally acknowledged that no state has a prison system which respects the basic human rights of prisoners and their families. We know this is NOT ok with the folks who are receiving this message. Many of you are getting actively involved In demanding changes in' America's penal system beyond exchanging e-mails, writing lelters'and signing petitions, but many more ofyou are not. Exchanging e-rnails, writing I~ and signing petitions are good steps to take, but let's be honest here; thus far these things have NOT brought about any noticeable changes. That's because a few e-mails, letters, and sparsely signed petitions here and there are easily ignored - millions of voters stand'fg in unity are NOT! A few e-malls, letters and petitions are not even local news. Millions of voters standing outside prisons, state capitols, court houses, at the graves of murdered prisoners all across the country on the same day would be INTERNATIONAL NEWS, and force our government to address the problems we and our loved ones live with daily. Ifyou are tired of worrying about the safety ofyour incarcerated loved one; if you are tired of horrible visiting conditions; if you are tired of paying exorbitant long distance bills; If you are tired of state murder; if you are tired of the cruelty of Segregation Units; if you arejust plain sick and tired of how you and your loved one are being treated, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Coordinate or participate in a rally in support of the basic human rights ofprisoners and their loved ones on October 19! There are at least TEN MILLION PEOPLE in this country whose lives are DIRECTLY AFFECTED by the inhumane conditions in America's prisons. Individually, we have no power. Small groups and organizations have little or no power and few, if any successes. But all of us together are a FORCE no politician can ignore. It's not going to happen ovemight. Nothing this big ever is. Many people are reluctant to participate in public rallies for various reasons - allhough none that I've ever heard are valid. The bottom line is, if something is important to you, you will find a way to do. it. We all have to talk to other prison visitors while we wait in line, and encourage them to participate in PRUP. We can't reach the people who aren't online without YOUR HELP! The prisons will change even if we don't all participate. The problem is that the changes will be forWORSE, instead ofBETrER! If that's not ok with you, please participate in a Prison Reform Unity Day observance in your state. Please don't think that there will be enough people without you. Only YOU can fill your place in a rally, and it's going to take ALL OF US to get the job donel Email LINDA TANT MILLER 20---------- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F:LORIDA PRISON LEGAL -PARTTWOTHE FLORIDA PAROLE GAME by Bob POsey The Florida Parole CommiSsion (FPC) bas been around for more than 60 years and continues to exist today, although parole was abolished. in Florida in 1983 for almost all prisoners who have been incarc:erated since that date. How does the Commission continue to survive? How does it jUtHy' its existence? Why bas it proven to be impossible to phase out this largely redundant and taxpayer-revenuedraining bureaucracy, and when will it end? Those questions and more are not something citizens in Florida sit around and ask themselves. The public, if it is even conscious that there is stiD a Parole Commission in Florida, has little, if any, correct idea wbat the Commission does, and probably cares less. The only ones who does care are a minority; family members and friends of the remaining 5,000+ Florida prisoners who are parole-eligible and who the Commission ruthlessly has trapped as pawns in a game where the Commission controls the board. Even those people who do care find it hard to remain infonned about the FPC. The Commission, with an arrogance born from decades of welding almost unquestionable power over who was released or who remained· in prison, coupled now with a desire to avoid close scrutiny as to why it still exists, cloaks itS activities in mysteJY and obfuscation. And its not only paroleeligible prisoners and their supporters who are stymied by the Commission. Occasionally, state lawmakers have questioned the FPC's existence and are surprised with the resistance encountered against clumging the Commission in any manner. Iri the meantime, those prisoners locked into the Parole Perspect1ves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commission's game keep older, Florida taxpayers continue to fund and agency time, and the agency itself basks in the shadows cast Florida sun. getting blindly past its blithely by the Confident and Strong According to the Parole rudimentaIy website, the "Commission is confident and strong; By working towards its goals and planning for the future, the Florida Parole Commission will play an important role in the State"s Criminal Justice system in the new millennium." Just "where does such confidence come from? The Florida Parole Commission is authorized by the Florida State Constitution under Article IV, Section 8 (c), which states: C~mmission's There may be created by law a parole and probation commission with power to supervise persons." on probation and to grant paroles or conditional releases to persons under The sentences for crime. qualifications. method of selection and terms, not to exceed six years, of members of the commission shall be prescribed by law. Where the Parole Commission is a constitutionally authorized body, any changes to its overall powers and duties can only be made by amending the Florida Constitution in one of two ways. The State Legislature may propose to amend the State Constitution by a joint resolution passed by three-fifths vote of both the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. The proposal then would have to be placed on the general election ballot. The second method of changing the Florida Constitution, to change or even abolish the FPC's fundamental authority, would require a citizen-led initiative to have the proposal placed on the ballot. To do that is a huge undertaking. Foremost, a percentage of Florida"s population, approximately 450,000 people would have to sign. a petition in tavor of the proposal. The signatures would then have to be . verified by the Florida Elections Commission, and if approved, then the proposal could be placed. on the ballot. Funding the organization DeCeS5aJY to get a citizens'.initiative on the ballot is often very expensive, frequently requiring hundreds of thousands or even millions of doUais, unless there is a large group of dedicated people willing to collect signatures. However, even if either of those two hurdles could be oven:ome and the proposal is placed on the .ballot, the biggest hurdle would remain - convincing the voting public to vote for the proposal. The FPC has reason to be confident those hurdles cannot be jumped. Masters or Survival In 1975 the state Legislature enacted the Correctional Organization Act of 1975 (Chapter 75-49, Laws of Florida) and created the Department of Offender Rehabilitation (what is now the Department of Corrections), thus reorganizing the correctional system into a separate state agency. . new Department of Oftender Rehabilitation was made up of the Division of Corrections, which fonnedy had been a division of the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Services, and the field staff of the Parole and Probation Commission. The Act transfim'ed the authority to supervise persons on probation or parole for felonies from the Florida Parole Commission to the Department of Corrections. contrary to the supervision powers granted to the Parole Commission by the Florida Constitution. The Parole Commission challenged the Act in Howard v. Askew in the second judiciai circuit and the court declared the -------------21---__....:.- m _ flORIDA PRISON LEGAL supervision-transfer provisions of the chapter law unconstitutional. Rubin Askew, then governor of Florida, who bad signed the Act into law, appealed the lower courts' decision to the Florida Shpreme Court, which ruled, without ever addressing the merits of the case, that the petitioners lacked standing to appeal. Apparently, a backroom deal was struck with the Parole Commission not to push the issue as no further action was taken and the .DOC continues to (unconstitutionally) provide supervision to released prisoners and probationers. Though unconstitutionally stripped of its supervision staff, the Parole Commission survived the 1975 reorganization. In 1983 that survival was shakened when the parole system was abolished in favor of guideline sentencing. The Lqjislature left the Parole Cominission entact to deal with those prisoners, already sentenced to parole-eligible sentences, but clearly notified the Commission that it was to wrap up its business in that regard over the next few years as the Commission would eventually be phased out The end of the Commission was in sight. By the end of the 1980's, however, under the new guideline sentencing scheme, the Florida prison system was bursting at the seams. Lack of prison capacity and federal litigation concerning prison overcrowding forced the state Legislature to craft several early release valves. Two of those valves were Conditional and Control Release. The Conditional Release Program was created in 1988. Under conditional release, guidelinesentenced prisoners convicted of serious .crimes are subject to mandatory supervision (by the DOC) after prison. equal to the gain time received while incarcerated. This allowed some early releases to alleviate overcrowding, but wasn't enough. Perspectives - - - - - - - _ In 1989 the Control Release having not been in office during the Program was created. That program Commission's heydays befOre and established a uniform criteria for shortly after 1983 when parole often determining the number and type of depended on who you knew or could guideline-sentenced prisoners who payoff, went into the 1996 could be released early under Legislative session detennined to cut . supervision (again, by the DOC) to the Commission down to size. maintain the prison population below Bills were introduced in both 99 percent of lawful capacity. houses that would have transferred Neither of those prograDlS almost all duties of the Commission, had anything to do with parole. But except the parole decision-making the Parole Commission, tettering on function, to the Departlilent of the brink of elimination, saw them as Corrections. If passed, the bills potential lifesavers. Although would have reduced the Commission release under either Conditional or to about SO employees, down from Control release was largely an over 200, and would have slashed its administrative function that could be budget from over $10 million to $3 performed by the DOC (that 'would million a year. The bills sailed provide the actual supervision through House and Senate Criminal anyway) the Parole Commission Justice Committees with approval called in political "favors" and before the Commission could lobbied other lawmakers to be marshal its defenses, but once it did, included in the programs. The result the fight was on. When the dust was, essentially, the Parole settled, the compromise reached was Commission being given the reducing . the number of authority to review release decisions commissioners from 6 to 3, cutting made by the DOC and to approve approximately 50 employees, and $3 them. Once again the Parole million from the budget. Commission was given a new lease Then Rep. Robert Sindler, on .life. And although control release chainnan of the House Corrections was ended in 1994, when prison Committee, commenting on the capacity increased with the prison Legislature being stymied in its building boom, conditional release intent, said, 'They have a lot of remains in effect and was the Parole political coMections and they call Commission's bread and butter them in. They (Parole Commission) throughout the 1990's (along with are a master at surviving." the decreasing pool of parole-eligible prisoners). And the Game Continues Viewing the 1996 cuts as The real test to the Parole only a minor setback, by Fiscal Year Commission came in 1996. The 2000-2001 the Commission again attention of lawmakers in both the had over $10 million a year in budget House and Senate turned to the and almost ·200 employees, again. Parole Commission fOllowing a Going into the 2001 Session, string of publicized events. The lawmakers again sought to cut the Commission had been accused of. releasing early the son of a business Commission and were only partially associate of then Gov. Lawton successful. Many of the ,Chiles. One parole commissioner, administrative functions beina Gary Latham, was in the news performed by the Commission accused of sexually harassing a . concerning conditional release, 'that secretary. And the Commission was were also being done by the DOC, were turned entirely over the DOC. being vilified in the press for the mistaken release of more than 100 And the Legislature mandated that prisoners. Lawmakers, many of who the Commission close and relocate owed no favors to the Commission, its field offices to unused space --------------22---- _ ------~------ FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspecttves - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~DOCmci~~.Nosipffi~ cuts were made to employ~ or budget, however. And no action was taken (or suggested) to provide any relief or benefit to parole-e1igible prisoners. On June 30, 200 I, there were 825 people on parole in Florida that bad been released from the state's prison system. On that same date there were 5,682 Florida prisoners remaining in the system who were parole-eligible. The Parole Commission has worked it out so those people are its ace·in·the-hole. Each year a few will be released on parole as an almost equal number have their parole revoked and are returned to prison, largely for petty "technical" violations, to make up for those released. In that way the Commission never runs out of game pieces. . In Fiscal Year 1998-99, for example, II0 were released on parole, 116 had their parole revoked; in 99-00 only 89 were released on parole, but 96 had their parole revoked; and last year, 00-01, there were 101 released on parole and, by an amazing coincidence, 101 had their parole revoked. But then, its hardly surprising that few parol~ are granted, during the 2000-2001 Fiscal Year parole detenninations only made up: 8 percent of the Commission's entire "operations" (less, it is expected, than what was devoted to coffi:e and smoke breaks). Growing old, an endless round of mostly fiuitl~s hope, failing health, poor medical care, suffering and then death in prison. That's what most Florida parole· eligJble prisoners have to look forward to a,s long as they are willing to be pawns in the Florida Parole Release Workload of FPC;" Auditor General Report No: 13433, "Audit· Function of the .Florida Parole Commission.'1 [Note: The first part of this article appeared in the last issue of FPLP. This article is not intended to be allinclusive. ~uch more could be written about the Florida Parole Commission and the conundrum parole-eligible prisoners' are in, and more will be written. As stated in the note to Part One, a special section of FPLAO's new website, at: www.fPlao.org, has been devoted to the parole issue in Florida with the intent to create debate and activism on the problem. At tl$ point FPLAO is interested in hearing from parole-eligible prisoners to determine if they, and how many of them, are interested in joining· a project to place pressure on lawmakers to make the Parole Commission more accountable and to step up the release of those who have .been languishing in our prisons now for 20, 25,30, and 35 or more years waiting to be paroled. If FPLAO hears from enough parole-eliSible prisoners, FPLAO will take the project on, and changes will come. of all kinds ~ord Processing Desktop Publishing Resume ,Electronic Mailing (email) Black I Color Printing & Copying Coli Binding Laminating . Faxing etc. CALL OR WRITE £.'E'J' !MY :FINfi'E'RS 110 YOl11t TyPIN(i . SastfraZ. tr6o.as 1911 Marcia Dr., Orfando, FL 32807 4 0 7 • 2 7 3 • 4 0 9' 9 OPEN 2417 By Appointment Only 1===::s:i5iiii!!!======::========!!iE!!!:===II Write: FPLAO, Attn: Parole Project" P.O. Box 660-387, Chuluota, FL 32766. Write to<hlY!] Game. [Sources: FPC, FCC and FDOC Annual Reports; Florida Constitution 'and Statutes; The Tampa Tribune, 3120/96; St. Petersburg Times, 3/8/96; OPPAGA Report No: 9544, "Information Brief of Control 23 - - - - _ - - : - _ - - - - - - - - - - flORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - FAMILIES * ADVOCATES * PRISONERS On the Web Now! During June 2002 Florida Prisoners' Legal Aid Organization, Inc. (FPLAO), . . launched an exciting and innovative new website. Over the next few weeks and months this site will become a major source of news, information, resources and advocacy for Florida prisoners and their families, friends, and loved ones. Spread the news about: www.fplao.org News - Resources - Family Issues - Parole - Florida prisons ~ GrassRoots Activism - FAQ's - Myths & Facts about the Florida prison system Bulletin Boards - Telephone Rate Monopoly - Civil Rights - How To Inform~tion - FDOC Rule making - Family Visitation - Post Conviction News - Parents in Prison - Reports - Inmate Welfare Trust Fund - LinksLegal Assistance Sources - Upcoming Events - Maintaining Family Contact - Getting Involved- Abuse Alerts - Interactive Site - Courts & Cases - and much, much, more. - Now Available: Become an FPLAO member, renew a membership, or make a donation online. 24 - - - - - - - - . ; . . - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Corporate-Sponsored Crime Laws by John Biewen Over the past tWo decades. America's prison population doubled, then doubled again. before finally leveling off at abaut two million inmates. One result: a $50billion con-ections industry. Thcll's bigger than tobacco. The crackdown on crime has enriched corporations that build prisons or sell products to them. prison guard unions, and police departments that use budgetfattening. incentives to pursue drug criminals. In this special report. American fWdio Works con-espondent John Bielven explores how some groups with vested interests work to influence public policy- helping to keep more people locked up longer. Prison Industry a Revenue- Generating Opportunity The annual trade show sponsored by the American Correctional Association is like other big trade shows: a sprawling bazaar of colorful display booths. This one fills a huge hall at the Pennsyivania Convention Center in Philadelphia. It brings together shoppers - mostly prison administrators and hundreds of vendors hawking their wares. You can find plenty of companies selling the basics, of course: prison' design and construction; fence and razor wire; . uniforms as wett as RIT dye to colorcode those uniforms and a system for stamping them with· numbers and bar codes; handcuffs; surveillance equipment; janitor services; steel doors and powerful locks and the electronic control rooms from which to operate them. The major phone Sprint, companies are here Verizon, AT&T and the Bells and former Bells - vying to provide cotlect-call service to inmates' families. DuPont shows off a new lightweight, Kevlar protective vest just for prison guards. It won't stop a buttet but it will protect against inmates attempting to "stab and slash" the officer, explains Dupont's Gary Burnett. Of the 450,000 guards in the nation's prisons and jails, "only about fifteen-percent of them are now protected, so the goal is to get protection on as many as possible," Burnett says. , Then .. there's the eye-catching B.O.S.S. chair. With its wires and straight back and gray finish it looks electric. But it's nQt what you think. It's the Body Orifice Security Scanner, a device designed to detect metal contraband hidden inside the body. "We're looking for handcuffs, keys, razor blades, smatt shanks, etcetera. Basically tI1e person sits down in the chair; if they have any metal contraband hidden in the vaginal or anal cavity," the chair's display panel lights up and beeps, explains David Turner of Ranger Security Technologies. You can get a B.O.S.S. chair for $5,000. On its Web site, the American Correctional Association points to the $50 billion spent each year to run the nation's prisons and jails. And it warns companies, "Don't miss out on this . prime revenue-generating opportunity." Is the Prison Industry Self.Serving? Think of it. Two million prisoners eat six million meals II day. Here to help meet that need is Jim Carrol1 of Canteen Correctional Services. "We provide food services and commissary services to correctional facilities nationwide. It Inmates get sick. Another corporation, the St. Louis-based Correctional Medical Services, is the leading provider of "comprehensive medical care in jails and prisons on a contract basis," explains company representative Jim Chaney. Prisoners exercise and kill time in the game room. "We sell a lot of sporting games, board games, puzzles, table games to prison facilities," says Brian Wexler, Vice President of Sales and Marketing with Quality Table Games. Some people point to all this money being made on prisons and wonder: Is the industry serving the needs of inmates, or is it the other way around? Outside the convention center in Philadelphia, a few hundred people block traffic for a peaceful march through Center City. These protesters say a powerful web of private and public interests - the prison-industrial complex perpetuates the war on crime for money. ''No more prisons I No more prisons!" they chant. A young woman shouts through a scratchy megaphone: "We are no longer asking. We are demanding! No more making money off of the flesh of other human. beings!" Some conventioneers with the Correctional Association seem bemused at the notion that they're causing people to get locked up. "I think it's Halloween in Philadelphia, man," says conventioneer Ray Zaroufie as he waits to ~ss the street outside the convention center and w~tches chanting protesters dressed in striped imitate costumes. Zaroufie works for a Tennessee-based company that supplies prison commissaries. "00 prisOners got to eat?" he asks. "00 they' got to shave? I . mean, somebody's got to sell that to the state to put in those jails and the prisons, right?" Zaroufie has a point. Just because people make a profit from prisons, that doesn't mean there's a corrections lobby that works to drive up the inmate population. Certainly other forces have helped to do that. Crime soared in the 1970s and '80s. The news media devoted headlines and the tops of newscasts to the crack epidemic and gang warfare. Many Americans .were alarmed. Politicians from both major parties seized the issue and held on tight. For two decades, a political 2S - - - - - - - - _ .....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL consensus prevailed: the nation needed tougher sentences, more police, more prisons. Sure, when it snowed prison-related contnlcts, businesses flocked to grab them. But do corporations also try to boost demand for their services? To some activists concerned about a "prisonindustrial complex," the American Legislative Exchange Council presents a striking case in point. Corporate-Sponsored Legislation The American Legislative Exchange Council ALEC for short - is not well known to the general public and doesn't try to be. But the organization, founded in the early 1970s, boasts of helping to pass hundreds of state laws every year: From tax cuts .to loosened environmental regulations to longer prison sentences. "As you know, ALEC plays a vital if understated role in shaping our national agenda," Tennessee State Representative Steve McDaniel told a luncheon audience of a thousand at ALEC's 8llnual meeting last summer at the Maniott Marquis in New York City's \he unsung Times Square.. "We heroes of American public policy." More than a third of the nation's state lawmakers - 2400 of them are members of ALEC. Most are Republicans and conservative Democrats. ALEC says its mission is to promote free markets, smallgovernment, states' rights, and privatization. Members gather at ALEC meetings to swap ideas and form "model legislation." Legislators then take those "model" bills home and try to make them state law. In a luncheon speech to the group, former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson-now the Bush administration's health and human services secretiry-fondly remembers his days as a state rep and an early ALEC member in the 1970s. "Myself, I always loved going to these meetings because I always found new ideas. Then I'd take them are Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ back to Wisconsin, disguise them a little bit, and declare that 'It's mine.;" In forming and spreading its ideas, ALEC gets help from corporate leaders. More than a hundred companies co-sponsor ALEC conferences including Turner, a construction giant and the nation's number one builder of prisons; and Wackenhut Corrections, a private prison corporation. Another 200 companies and interest groups join ALEC as ."private-sector members." They pay dues for the privilege of helping to write ALEC's model bills. The result is corporatesponsored legislation, says Edwin Bender of the National Instih;1te on Money in State Politics. "Bayer Corpo~iOll or Bell South or GTE or Merck pharmaceutical company sitting at a table with elected represen~tives, actually hammenng out a piece of legislation - behind closed doors, I mean,· this isn't open to the public.' And that then becomes the' basis on which representatives are going to their state legislatures and debating issues." Tough-on-Crime Measures Increase Prison Population ALEC's corporate members include at least a dozen companies that do prison business. Like Dupont; the drug companies, Merck and Glaxo Smith-Klein; and the telephone companies that compete for lucrative prison contracts. And Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). It dominates the private prison business building and running prisons and renting cells to governments. At last count the company housed 55,000 inmates in '65 facilities in twenty-one states and Puerto Rico, says CCA Vice President Louise Green. Neither CCA nor the American Legislative Exchange Council will say how much CCA pays for its ALEC membership. The latter group's corpO'1lte memberships go for $5,000 to $50,000 a year. Green says belonging to ALEC gives the corrections corporatiQn a chance to explain the benefits of privately-run prisons to state lawmakers - "that if those states and counties have considerable overcrowding in their jails and prisons that partnering with a private corrections company can realize cost savings to their taxpayers and we can offer effective programming for their inmates." But CCA does more than chat up lawmakers at ALEC meetings. On top of its membership dues and contributions to help pay the bills for ALEC meetings, the prison company pays two thousand dollars a year for a seat on ALEC's Criminal Justice Task Force. That panel Writes the group's "model" bills on crime and pU!lishment. Until recently, a CCA official even co-chaired the task force. 'For years, ALEC's criminal justice committee has promoted state laws letting private prison companies operate. And at least since the early I 990s, it has pushed a tough-oncrime agenda. ALEC officials say proudly that lawmakers on the group's crime task force led the drive for more incarceration in the states - "and really took the forefront in promoting those ideals and then taking them into their states and talking to their. colleagues and getting their colleagues to understand that if, you know, we want to reduce crime we have to get these guys off the streets," says ALEC staffer and Criminal Justice Task Force director Andrew leFevre. Among ALEC's model bills: mandatory minimum sentences; Three Strikes laws, giving repeat offenders 25 years to life in prison; and "truth-in-sentencing," which requires inmates to serve most or all of their time without a chance for parole. ALEC didn't invent any of these ideas but has played a pivotal role in making them law in the states, says Bender of the National Institute on Money in State Politics. "By 26------ ~_ - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; " . - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL ALEC's own admission in its 1995 Model Legislation Scorecard, they were very successful. They had introduced 199 bills [that year]. The Troth-in-Sentencing Act had become law in 25 states, so that right there is fairly significant." By the late 1990s, about forty states had passed versions of truth-in sentencing similar to ALEC's model bill. Because of truth-in-sentencing and other tough sentencing measures, state prison populations grew by half a million inmates in the 1990s even while crime rates fell dramatically. The result: more demand for private prison ~ompanies like CCA. Trutb-in-sentencing in Wisconsin In Wisconsin, a group of lawmakers led passage of truth-insentencing in 1998. "Many of us, myself included, were part of ALEC," says the bill's author, Republican state representative Scott Walker. "Clearly ALEC had proposed model legislation," Walker recalls. "And probably more important than just the model legislation, [ALEC] had actually put together reports and such that showed the benefits of truth-insentencing and showed the successes in other states. And those sorts of statistics were very helpful to us when we pushed it throug.., when we passed the final legislation." But a former head of Wisconsin's prison system, Walter Dickey now a University of Wisconsin Law Professor says he finds it "shocking" that lawmakers would write sentencing policy with help from ALEC, a group that gets funding and, supposedly, expertise, from a private prison corporation. "I don't know that they know anything about sentencing," Dickey says. "They know how to build prisons, presumably, since that's the business they're in. They don't know anything about probation and parole. They don't know about the development of alternatives. They don't know about Perspectives - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ editor of the recent book, The Crime how public safety might be created Drop in America. other likely and defended in communities in this factors include economics, changing state and other states." drog markets, demographics, and The Wisconsin Department of social change - that is, more young Corrections says the truth-inpeople catching on that drug use and sentencing law will add to the state's trafficking are self-destructive. prison population in the years to Simple cause and effect equations come. A recent analysis by the state like the one produced by ALEC estimated that the 990 inmates crediting truth-in-sentencing with a imprisoned just in the first 21 given state's dropping crime 'rate months after the law took effect are frequently used by advocates, not would spend 18,384 additional scientists, Blumstein says. months in jail, costing taxpayers an "Whenever somebody with an extra $41 million. That's money in the bank for Corrections Corporation . interest in some aspect of the crimefighting business is asked why crime of America, the company that sits on has gone down or gone up, somehow the committee that wrote ALEC's troth-in-sentencing bill. Wisconsin is they always are able to point to the issue they're most interested in as the a CCA customer. Its prisons are overcrowded, so the state houses cause of it." more than three thousand inmates at CCA facilities in Minnesota, Tbe Place of Profit in Criminal Oklahoma, and Tennessee. The price Justice Poliey The Corrections Corporation of tag: more than $50 million a year; Representative Walker says he America booth, with its black and understood that CCA and some other ,. yellow logo, has a prominent place at ALEC contributors stood to profit the American Correctional from the truth-in-sentencing bill. He Association trade show. CCA's Vice insists he took that into account President of Customer Relations, James Ball, says CCA does not, take before deCiding to sponsor the measure. "Oftentimes that's your an active role in writing or greatest challenge, as a legislator, is promoting ALEC's model sentencing trying to weed through what bills. "You don't see CCA everybody's hid~en agenda is, and advocating for longer sentences; figure out who's giving you credible that's not true. If government, information and in many cases through its elected representatives, playing one interest off of another to identified that, well, we are going to try and figure out what the truth is. need to provide for public safety by More information to me is better," incarcerating individuals - that is Walker says. not a vendor-driven issue," Ball says. Still, Walker says that he and his Asked if giving money and time to fellow ALEC members relied on an the American Legislative Exchange ALEC report that credited Virginia's Council doesn't constitute support truth-in-sentencing law with a fivefor tough sentencing policies, Ball year drop in that state's crime rate. says ALEC is just a research group The trouble is, crime dropped in all and doesn't drive public policy. In states in the 1990s whether or not fact, ALEC's stated mission is to ~ey passed laws like troth-indrive public policy. sentencing. Experts struggle to The former Wisconsin understand why, but they generally Corrections Administrator, Walter give sentencing policies just a small Dickey, says he paid close attention fraction' of the credit, says to the debate over truth-in-sentencing criminOlogist Alfred Blumstein of in Madison. "There was never any Carnegie-Mellon University and mention that ALEC or anybody else 27------ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL ,had any involvement" in the crafting' of the bill, Dickey says. The public debate over criminal justice policy - how to make the' streets safe, what it means for the punishment to fit the crime - is an especially profound one, Dickey argues, in which profit has no place. "As I used to tell the troops when I worked in corrections, we lock the door, we deny people autonomy and freedom, the most cherished things in American' life. I've always understood political people as having differences of opinion - tough on crime, soft on crime. But I've usually thought that whatever views were being held in. that debate, they' were sincerely arrived at. And to discover that there's a group pushing criminal justice policy not because it's in the public interest, but because it's a way to make money, is disappointing to me." • [First broadcast April 2002. Copyright 2002, Minnesota Public Radio. Reproduced with pennission of Minnesota Public Radio. American RadioWorks® is the dOcumentary unit of Minnesota Public Radio and NPR News. The American RadioWorks website is at http://www.americanradioworks.orgl.] Perspectives - -.......- - - - - - - - - - - - - •~··················I Critical resistance • ·• • SOUTH Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex • New Orleans. April 4-6, 2003 ' .• • • • • • . • •4t The New Orleans event will be a working meeting, •• • packed with strategic discussions, skills-building and • • educational workshops, and more. • •• We will gather to create a space in which dialogue, •• • • • .' relationships, skills, and resources can be shared that will add to the foundation for the kind of movement that will be necessary to take us beyond prisons and police. • • • • •• What you can do as a prisoner: . Help spread the •• • word to families lind mends; Submit writing, music, • artwork, tape or video recordings for presentation at : the conference; Participate in a session; Propose : topics for workshops. •• Please contact the Southern Regional Office • PO BOX 791213 • New Orleans, LA 70179 .'........... • PHONE: 504-837-5348 or • 0885 toll free • www.criticalresistance.om • mlnllthliilr.ritil'.llJ......iVllnl'.P. nnr •• • ,. @ 866-579- • • .. • ~ • 28--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspectives - - - - - - - - - to charge Thompson with secondAL - During July it was announced degree murder. However, upon that the Alabama DOC will set up a checking, Ober stated that· the hospice program to care for detectives claim Williams pushed for terminally ill prisoners at the state's the ·tougher charge. Ober's office prison for aged and infirmed later reduced the charge against prisoners. The program will be set Thompson to manslaughter. up at the Hamilton Aged and Infinned Center and will allow dying . FL - On July 3 the Office of State . prisonerS to remain in geneml Comptroller informed, the Florida population with other prisoners as Correctional Privatization long as possible and will allow Commission (CPC), which oversees prisoners' families more involvement prison privatization in Florida, that and cOntrol over the dying prisoners' former CPC Executive Director care. Mark Hodges had made an unlawful expenditure of state funds to pay for AL - Lethal injection became legal legal fees defending ethic charges in Aiabama on July 1, replacing the against him. The Comptroller electric chair, but no death row concluded that Hodges had used prisoners will be executed until the $6,582.62 of CPC funds to pay an state acquires lethal injeCtion attorney to defend him on ethic facilities. Additionally, the state's charges initiated bya Complaint filed Supreme Court. has imposed a moratorium on setting any execution by the. Fla. Police Benevolent Assoc. dates for the 183 prisoners on death In Jan. the Fla.. Commission on row while it considers the effect of a Ethics found probable cause to bring seven charges against Hodges for recent U.S. Supreme Court decision violating state ethics law. tbat held only juries, not judges, can The charges involved Hodges' outside impose a death sentence. . criminal justice consulting business and using his CPC position for CO - Lawmakers in Colorado went personal gain. into a special session during July to try to fix the state's death· penalty An assistant faciliiy laws. Colorado was one of a few . FL states that allowed judges to impose administrator. at a privately-operated a death sentence. The U.S. Supreme state" juvenile lockup was fired in July when a Dept. of Juvenile Justice CoUrt recently ruled that".practice is unconstitutional, holding that only irivestigation found he had held a 16year old prisoner in' a headlock, juries can make Such a decision. punched him in the face and threw him against a wall for flooding his FL - Claiming that she had lied to him, Hillsborough County State cell. The facility, Cypress .Creek, is Attorney Mark Ober fired top operated by Correction Services homicide prosecutor Shirley Corp./Youth Services International Williams in July. According to on behalf of ~e state. Other Ober, in June sheriff detectives prisoners and staff verified that Bill charged Alan Thompson, 21, with. Newkirk had assaulted the prisoner second-degree murder in the . without provocation.. Other staff punching death of high school senior .claimed Newkirk had later bragged Christopher Fannan, 18, this past about what he had done to the boy in May. Williams had told Ober that . a staffmeeting. the detectives decided on their own _ FL - .Former corrections guard Deritha E. Barth, who· worked at the juvenile facility Cypress Creek Academy, avoided prison for having sex with prisoners by a plea 'bmpin in July. Barth was fired from Cypress Creek in Jan. when two c0workers said they caught he~ and a 19-year old prisoner on' the prisoner's bed with their pants down. According to those witnesses, Barth was kneeling on the bed with' the. prisoner sitting behind her. Both Barth and the prisoner claim no intercourse took place. With' further investigation, Barth was charged With sexual misconduct for having sexual intercourse with ~ Cypress Creek prisoners, all over the age of 18. Under the plea agreement, Barth was sent;enced to 100 community service hours' and a $200 tine. The Citrus County circuit judge agreed to withhold adjudication, which means there is no formal finding of guilt. . The judge told Barth when sentencing her, ''They (prisoners) must have been lining up in South Florida to come to Cypress Creek when they heard about you." FL - Federal District Court Judge Ralph Nimmons, Jacksonville, is expected to rule on a class-aetion. lawsuit brought on behalf of Florida death row prisoners about temperature later this year. The lawsuit, originally filed by death· row . prisoners Jim Chandler and William Kelley, claims the heat inside the death row unit at Union Correctio~ Institution is cruel and unusual punishment, and could lead to mental or physical illness or even death. . Randall Berg, an attorney with the Fla. Justice Institute that is representing the prisoners, claims temperatures in the unit are almost always in excess of 90 degrees, frequently in excess of 100 degrees, and as high as 110 degrees at times. 29----- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL Caryl Killinski, an assistant attorney general representing the state in the case, claims it is a "borderline mvolous lawsuit." Killinski claims since 1992 there has not been a single case of a prisoner suffering a heat-related illness. Court documents show 30' prisoners received heatrelated medical treatmerit at the unit during the summer of 2000, and 18 more during the summer of 200 I. Judge Nimmons recently toured the unit and interviewed some of the 300 prisoners. [Source: AP, 8/S/02] FL - Second Judicial Circuit Court Judge P. Kevin Davey-dismissed the major part of a lawsuit filed by civil , rights groups that claimed the state isn't doing enough to help ex-felons get their voting rights restored~ One count of the suit remained after the dismissal, that Davey instructed attorneys for the state and civil rights group to work out a settlement. Florida is one of only eight states that does not automatically restore ex-felons civil rights. Approximately 410,000 Floridians are prevented from voting because of felony . convictions, according to some estimates. One-third are black, claims the ACLU. Davey .specifically held· that the Fla. Dept. of Corrections is not. violating state law that requires it to help ex-felons get their voting rights restored. [Source: Tampa Tribune, 8/16/02] ID - State official claim that everything wrong in the. Idaho DOC Correetional Industries division that lead to the DOC director resigning behind the scandal over a year ago bas now been corrected. An internal memo outlined new policies implemented by the DOC to solve the problems that had allowed some prisoners to visit strip clubs, have conjugal visits and steal furniture. IL - During June Illinois Gov. Ryan announced that prisons would be Perspectives . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - closed to help balance the state's, _ June wtire the lowest. in more than a budget. In July Ryan was presented ' decade. with eight new crime bills tlu\t would add hundreds more prisoners to the PA - The-U.S. Court of Appeals for prison system and cost the state·more the Third Circuit reinstated a class. than $SO million over the. next .ten action federal lawsuit' filed toy years. prisoners at a federal prison in Pennsylvania who claim that a 1996 IN - Three guards at the Indiana federal law prohibiting the viewing Women's Prison were arrested of R, X and NC-17 rated movies by during June for .coercing' female prisoners is unconstitutional'. The prisoners to have sex with them. If law was adopted during the "get convicted on the sexual misconduct tough on prisoners" frenzy of the charges each guard _will only face up . mid-1990's. The prisoners' attorney to. three years in prison and up to a ;admits that X-rated movies can $10,000 fine. probably be banned, but that a categorical ban on R and NC-17 IN - The practice of charging rated movies bans movies such as prisoners a $25 processing fee when List," "Amistad." "Shindler's they are· booked into an Indiana ''Glory'' and ''The English. P"tient," county jail is being challenged in two which is unconstitutional. The federal-lawsuits filed by three former appeal court apparently agreed and prisoners. The lawsuits are sent the case back to the District challenging the practice in Clark and Court for further consideration. Bartholomew counties~ While many counties use the booking fee to offset UT - Citing state budget shortages, prisoners' medical expenses, in Clark Utah lawmakers "have Cut 9ut the .County $10 of the fee is deposited practice of .giving newly released into a police pension fund. state prisoners about $100 as release money. Now, released prisoners will MA - Massachusetts prison officials no longer get any money when have proposed new regulations released unless they can prove it is designed to restrict media access to sorely needed. prisoners. The proposal would prohibit cameras and tape recorders VA :- In the wake of 911, several at all medium and maximum-security including Virginia, sUSJ>.eDded states, prisons and prolubit media access to prison rCgulations requiring legal all prisoners in confinement and mail to -be . inspected only in the deny confidential interviews between presence of prisoners. . In Virginia, prisoners' and the media at all state after protest by the state ACLU, the prisons. This move by the MA DOC state reverted to the old policy of follows moves by several other states prisoners having .to be present in the last two· years, including whenever legal mail is opened by California, Michigan and Virginia, to prison officials, during MarCh 2002. curb the media's access to prisoners. In Massachusetts, New Jersey, Florida is currently in the process of Vermont and Michigan, which also trying to ~opt new regulations to had adopted similar policy,. all have is considered restrict what now retiuned to only opening legal confidential written materials in mail mail in prisoners' presence when sent from the media to prisoners. legal actions were brought or threatened by prisoners' attorneys.• NE - Nebraska prison official claim that th9 results of dmgtests performed on state prisoners during 3P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - flORIDA PRISON LEGAL Perspecbves -------------- Florida Prisoners' Legal Aid Organization Inc. BECOME A MEMBER YES ! I wish to become a member ofFlorida Prisoners· Legal Aid Organization. Inc. 1. Please Check ./ One: C] Membership Renewal C] New Membership 3. Yonr Name and Addl"e$S (pLEASE PRINT) ~~ .....;... D,C# _ 'Name AgencylLibrarylInstitution /0rvi 2. 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MEMBERsHIP/SUBSCRIPTiON ~AL Florida 'PrisoDer's LltigatfOD MaDuaJ Volume 1 Leglllln/onlUlt/o" on PrIson Discipline, Plea~ check your mailing label to determine your term of _ MturdllltUlS, turdAppd/Jlle Review . membership and/or lastmcmth of sUbscrip~on to FPLP.,On the toP. line' of the mailing label will be a date; such as Soft cover· 313 pages- Albert PubUsblng CqLLC (2002) ***Nov 04~. That date indicates the last month and y'e~r Special Low PrIce Cor PrIsoners: nU5 plus S3.95 SAH of your current membership with FPLAOor subscription to A Must Have Book for Evei)' Florida Prisonci. FPLP. Please take the time to complete the encfosed form Doing time In a Florida prison? If so. you need a copy of RDI'idIi to renew your membership ,and/or subscription before the hllo".,·, Utigallon MQ1IIIal, Volume 1. Evei)' yCar thousands of expiration date. dJsdpllnary rcpo11S II'C written ugainst Florida prisonas. 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Order )'OUr copy todlIyl To order send $24.95 plus $3.95 shIppil'la lIIIlI hIIId1lng 10 F7orfJ1a Prlsolt UgaJ Penp«tIYu. Aan: UtljJalion ManUll1, PO Boll 660-381. Clwluota fL 32766. All orden will be shipped ftum the publisher. Allow ~ weeks for cIcIimy. 31--------------- PRISON LEGAL NEWS SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL TO FPLP Bc:ausc of Ihc Iarp volume of mail being rcccivcd. financial considerations. and dte inability to provide individual legal assistance. manbc:rs should nOl send copies of legal documc:nb of pending or ~ eases to FPLP wi1ftout having first contacted the staff and receiving dirc:d.ions to send same. Neidter . FPLP, nor its stDft ltrC responsible for any unsolicited nutlCriai sent Members arc n:qucstcd to continue sending news information, newspaper clippings (please indudc name or paper and date), memorandums. photocopIes of final deCisions in unpublislu:d CISCS,' ltftd potcntlaI artfdcs fer publlcation. 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