Ice Civil Rights Violation Investigation Homeland Security 2007
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02/09/2007 15:18 FAX 6127253773 I1J 002/041 lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I Ixxxxxxxxx I Page1of4 ~EPARTMENTOFHOMELANDSECURnY Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Professional Responsibility REPORT OF JNVESllGAT10111 2. REPORT NUMBER 001 HB 4200-01 (37), Spec:l1lI Agent HIndboolC 3. T1TLE SUBJECT, UNKNOWNlUnknownlClvi1 Rights Viol8tJoniBALTIMORE, SALTIMORE, MD :;:' 4. FINAL RESOLunoN 5. STATUS Initial Report 6. TYPE OF REPORT 7. RELATED CASES Allegation 8. TOPIC Allegation that fugitive apprehension operation was -racial profile- motivated and/or mandated MD. 9. SYNOPSIS On February 8,2007,the JIC received an e-mail from U.S ICE Field Office DirectOr (FOD) Marion DlIlls, MD reporting that ORO officers conducted a fugitive operation as part of "Operation Return to Sender". Officers arrested 24 HispanIc males gathered at a Iocal.7-Eteven store known to be a hangout fOr day laborers seekllig employment. Concerns from local groups & IndMduals. Including CASA of Maryland & Senator Barbara Mikulski, some the circumstances surrounding the presence of the offteers at the 7-Eleven have come into question. The CASA of Maryland group or representing 24 apprehended aliens, are alleging that racia' profiling was utilized & that eMI rights have bean Violated. . 11. COMPLETION DATI! 11S. TELEPHONE NUMBER 13.APPR !xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I 14. ORI IN OFFICE Ixxxxx.xxxx I 02/09/2001 15:1G'F~X 6121253713 lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I IaI 003/041 Ixxxxxxxxxx I DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Page 20f4 - 1. CASE NUMBER P REPARED BY {b)(6l. (b)(71G REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CONTINUATION HB 4200001 (37), &ptlGW AglInll'landbook '" 2. REPORT NUMBER 001 10. NARRATIVE On February 8,2007,the JIC recelved an e-mail from U.S ICE Field omce Director (FOD) Marlon DIIUs, MD reporting that ORO officers conducted a fugitive operatIon as part of ·Operation Return ,to Sender". Officers alTested 24 Hispanic males gathered at a local 7-Eleven store known to be a hangout for day laborers seeking emptoyment. Concerns from local groups & individuals, including CASA of Maryfand & Senator Barbara Mikulsid t some of the circumstances surrounding the presence of the officers at the 7-Beven have come Into question. The CASA of Maryland group represenUng 24 apprehended aliens, are alleging that racial profll1ng was utilized & that cMI rights have been violated. Tnls report contains a verbatim copy of relevant material received <Verbatim begin> ': .' On January 23, 2007, ORO officers from the Baltimore Field Office conducted a fugitive Operation as part of the larger "Operation Return to Sender". At the end of the operation. because the apprehension numbers were lower than had been antiCipated, the Acting Field Office Director, John A1dennan, ordered the officers back out Into the field make more arrests. The purpose of e "fugitIve operation" Is to target aliens who are SUbject to final orders of ~moval but who have failed to depart the U.S. as required. On this pertJcular day. officers arrested 24 Hlspanlc males who had gathered at a local 7 -Eleven store known to be a hangout for day laborers seeldng employment. The Inltlai reports provided to upper management. HQDRO, and subsequently folWarded to the Assistant Secretary Indicated that the fugitive teams had merely pulled Into this 7-Eleven part<ing lot to "re-group· end/or strategtze before hltung a target IocadOIl and that lhese aliens approached the officers asking about employment, thereby kicking off questloning abOut alienage and removabllty. Reports also indicated that 81124 apprehensIOns were made on the grounds of the 7 -Eleven. This Is how the events of the day were reported and how ICEIDRO conveyed the Information to the media. However, after a barrage of concerns from local groups and Individuals. Indudlng CASA of . Maryland and Senator Barbara Mikulski, some of the circumstances surrounding the presence of the officers at the 7-EI...,_n hA"D..-nmA Ifttn nll""crllnn. In his memorandum submitted to document Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I Ixxxxxxxxxx I 02/08/2007 15:18 FAX 8127253773 IlJ 004/041 lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I· Ixxxxxxxxx I DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY • REPORT Of INVESTIGATION . . CONTINUATION liB GXJ-01 (37). SpedaI /IfJllIll HendlJac:* Page30U 1. CASE NUMBER 2. REPORT NUMBER 001 10. NARRA11VE the ICE/ORO does not sanctlon·open-alr Immigration raids which Is what event of January 23rd has been termed by the Senator's office. AllegationS by CASA of Maryland. a group representing the 24 apprehended aliens, are that racia' proming was utilized and that eMI rights have been violated. CAS A Is considering the flUng of habeas action In federal court In addiUon to motioning the Immigration oourt to terminate proceedings due to racial profiling. These matters are currently pending. d UAI'YV'\lI: h:wA hAnn nhtRlnAd from all offIC9.1'G who took Dart In the oDeration. This is being forwarded to the JIC at the direction of the ActIng Assistant Director for Operations. Calvin McCormick. As the Acting Freid Offlce Director In Baltimore I directed that each officer involved provides me with a memo relaying the events of the day; these will be forwarded If requested. <verbatim end> Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 Ixxxxxxxxxxx I • 02/09/2007 15:18 FAX 8127253773 Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I III 00:5/04 , 1xxxxxxxxx I DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY REPORT OF INVESnGAnON ExhIblt List I1B 4200-01 (37), $pecIIII AQII'd HIndbook None Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I Ixxxxxxxxx I 1. CASE NUMBER 2. REPORT NUMBER 001