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Nydocs Family Handbook 2007

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Handbook for the Families and Friends of
New York State DOCS Inmates
August 2007

Brian Fischer



Understanding the New York State
Department of Correctional Services ………………….
Locating an Inmate …………………………………………..
Sending Mail to an Inmate…………………………………...
Telephone Calls…………………………………….………...
Visiting Guidelines…………………………………………...
Rules Specific to the Visiting Room……………………….....
Visitor Checklist……………………………………………...
Grave Illness / Death of a Family Member…………………...
Inmate Monies………………………………………………..
Inmate Commissary…………………………………………..
Inmate Misconduct …………………………………………..
Inmate Grievances…………………………………………....
General Information About Programs and Services………….
Medical / Dental / Mental Health Services…………….……..
Returning to the Community - Parole/Release…………….....
Frequently Asked Questions……………………………….....
Handbook Evaluation………………………………………...


A. Addresses and Phone Numbers of Facilities in NYS……...
B. Mileage Chart …………………………………………......
C. Allowable Items………………..…………………….……
D. Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders……….…..


Conclusion…………………………………………………… 51



This handbook was produced in collaboration with the New
York State Department of Correctional Services’ Divisions of
Guidance and Counseling, Ministerial, Family, and Volunteer
Services, and the Osborne Association’s Family Resource



If you are a family member or friend of a person incarcerated in a state prison, your
life has changed in many ways. Some call this “doing time outside.”
Whatever you may call it, this time can be painful and difficult for you. You may
have lost the person who supported the family financially or who cared for your children.
Relatives and friends may act differently, while others may act as if you are the criminal.
In addition, your relationship with the inmate has changed. Your contacts will be
subject to the rules of the New York State Department of Correctional Services. The inmate
loses choices about when he or she can make phone calls or have visits. Family and friends
also lose the ‘freedom’ to have spontaneous and unsupervised contact with their incarcerated
loved one. Changes have to be made in order to maintain the relationship.
This handbook was designed to help you understand more about the New York State
correctional system. Hopefully, this will guide you as you cope with these changes in your
life. There is an evaluation form at the end of this handbook. Please take a few minutes to
help us improve our information by completing the evaluation form.


The New York State Department of Correctional Services (DOCS) is headed by the
Commissioner of Correctional Services. The Commissioner is responsible for the overall
management and operation of the New York State Department of Correctional Services to
ensure the safe, humane incarceration of adult and young adult offenders committed by the
judicial system to our custody.
The Commissioner administers an operating budget of $2.3 billion. The agency
employs approximately 30,000 workers and houses approximately 63,000 inmates in 69
correctional facilities.
The Department is not responsible for inmates housed in city or county correctional
facilities or local police lock-ups. For information about the local facilities, please contact the
city or county facility.
Every correctional facility has an administration. These are people who manage the
correctional facility. They make decisions and are in touch with Central Office in Albany.
There is a Superintendent, and at most facilities, there are Deputy Superintendents for
Security, Programs, and Administration. Security staff consists of Captains, Lieutenants,
Sergeants, and Correction Officers. There is also a myriad of Program and Administrative
staff from the civilian ranks including Correction Counselors, Senior Correction Counselors,
Teachers, Education Supervisors, Recreation Program Leaders, Chaplains, Institution
Stewards, Nurses, Principal Account Clerks, Maintenance Supervisors, Plant Utilities
Engineers, Food Services Administrators and Stores Clerks, to name a few.
Many of these people are not accessible by phone, but in general, you can reach a
Correction Counselor, Senior Correction Counselor, or a Chaplain. On weekends, holidays,
and evenings, there is always a security staff person in charge of the prison. This person is
called the Watch Commander.
Often, the Chaplains and the Correction Counselors are the most helpful with family
issues. At Central Office in Albany, there are also Chaplains and Family Services staff who
can be contacted about family matters.

A Department Identification Number (DIN) is assigned to each inmate admitted to the
New York State Department of Correctional Services (DOCS). It is an internal number used
as an identifier for the inmate while he/she is in the custody of the Department. This number
can be used to locate your loved one, and you need to know this number. If you do not
know this number, you may find it by logging onto the Department’s website: You will need to know the inmate’s complete name and birth
date for a successful search. The website will show you the name of the facility where the
inmate currently is held. It is recommended that just prior to visiting the inmate, you should
try to find their location by utilizing this website or by contacting the facility directly.
Unscheduled transfers, although infrequent, could result in you traveling a long distance only
to find that he/she is no longer at that facility. PLEASE NOTE: Inmates with Youthful
Offender status are not listed on the Department’s website.
Inmates, including youthful offenders, can also be located by calling the DOCS
Central Office at (518) 457-5000 during normal business hours. If an inmate is in the process
of being transferred, his or her location will not be available until he or she arrives at the next
destination. That may take a few days. It is the inmate’s responsibility to notify you of
their new location.
Telephone calls upon transfer or return to a facility: Within 24 hours of arrival at
a new facility an inmate will be permitted one collect telephone call to his/her family. If
security precautions prevent the inmate from placing this call, a staff person designated by the
Superintendent, usually from the Guidance and Counseling Unit, shall make the call to a
person of the inmate’s choice.
This procedure does not apply to an inmate in “transit status”, or temporarily held at a
transit facility overnight or for a weekend during transfer. It does apply to inmates in holding
units in Auburn and Sing Sing.
An inmate who is “out to court” or in a hospital for a period of 5 days or more will be
allowed to make a collect telephone call within 24 hours of returning to the correctional
facility. Collect calls from an outside hospital, other than a secure ward, may be made only
with the approval of the Superintendent or designee.
A parole violator who is returned to prison will be allowed to make one collect
telephone call to a person of his/her choice within 24 hours after their arrival.
Generally, correspondence is allowed and encouraged. The sending and receiving
of mail by inmates will be restricted only to the extent necessary to prevent a threat to the
safety and security of the facility, or the safety or well being of any person, and to prevent
unsolicited and unwanted mail. PLEASE NOTE: No inmate may correspond with any
person who is on his/her negative correspondence list. No inmate may correspond with
any person who is listed on a court Order of Protection which prohibits such


People sending mail into the correctional facility are personally responsible for the
contents of their mail. Inmates and all correspondents are advised that sending obscene,
threatening, or fraudulent materials through the mail may be a crime under state and
federal laws. The Department will urge prosecution whenever such mail is brought to its
attention. Unauthorized items shall either be returned to the sender at the expense of the
inmate, or otherwise disposed of. Such will be the choice of the inmate and accomplished at
the inmate’s expense. PLEASE NOTE: Dangerous contraband will not be returned.
All mail sent to the inmate must be clearly marked with the inmate’s name and
DIN. Envelopes may include your personal letters and photographs. Do NOT send nude
photographs or Polaroid photos. Do NOT send postage stamps or letters from other people,
except children. A limit of 5 pages of printed or photocopied materials (an individual
newspaper clipping will be considered one page) may be received within a piece of regular
correspondence. (Note the following exception in the next paragraph). In order to facilitate
media review, pages or clippings must not be taped, glued, or pasted together or to other
Not to exceed once every four months, an inmate may make a written request to the
Superintendent to receive in excess of 5 pages of printed or photocopied legal papers
specifically related to his or her current legal matter (e.g., legal brief or trial transcript relating
to the inmate’s active case) within a piece of regular correspondence. If approved, the piece
of correspondence must be received within 30 days thereafter.
All incoming mail will be opened and inspected for cash, checks, money orders,
printed or photocopied materials, or contraband. Monies are credited to the inmate’s account.
Please note that printed or photocopied materials may delay the inmate receiving the letter
due to Media Review procedures. Again, postage stamps are not allowed.
All mail that you receive from an inmate should be well marked with the inmate’s
DIN and correctional facility address and other clear indications that the letter is from a
correctional facility.
This booklet was put together as a broad guideline. Each facility is different. For
specific information, contact the facility in question. Generally speaking, inmates may
receive a package through the mail or at a visit from anyone who is not on a negative
correspondence or negative vendor list.
At most correctional facilities, inmates are allowed two food packages per month,
and the combined weight can not exceed 35 pounds. (See exceptions for TV facilities on page
6). Food packages received from both visitors, and through the mail, shall be included in the
two-package limit. Food items must be commercially or hermetically sealed and contain
no alcohol. For exceptions, please review Appendix C in the back of this handbook.
Additional packages containing non-food items such as clothing, tobacco, etc. may be
received by an inmate and shall not be counted against the food package limit.


Be advised, there are limits on the amount of personal property an inmate may
accumulate based on physical and/or programmatic considerations. There are also restrictions
on color of clothing.
Exceptions to the above package rules exist for inmates in Special Housing Units
(SHU), inmates on “loss of package” sanctions, “reception”, or “in-transit” status, Shock,
Drug Treatment Centers, CASAT, and Work Release Centers. For example, no packages may
be received at any time by an inmate in SHU except books, periodicals, and legal materials.
For specific information about these special populations, contact the facility in question.
Additionally, an inmate who is located in a “TV Facility” may only receive 2 food
packages per calendar year from family, friends, or other personal sources, as well as items
ordered directly by the inmate from approved vendors. These packages may only contain
food items and may not exceed 20 pounds.
The following facilities are classified as “TV Facilities”:
Five Points
Southport Cadre

Great Meadow
Upstate Cadre


The Department’s “Call-Home” program allows inmates to make phone calls as a way
to maintain contact with family and friends. The inmate may only call you collect. This
means you will have to pay for the call.
An inmate is only permitted to call persons on their approved telephone list and may
only have up to 15 telephone numbers on their approved list at any time. Phone numbers
may only be added or deleted at the request of the inmate. This is generally done on a
quarterly basis when the inmate meets with his or her assigned Correction Counselor. If,
however, you do not wish to receive telephone calls from an inmate, you need to notify the
facility, in writing, and your name will be entered on the inmate’s Negative Correspondence
and Telephone List. The inmate will be immediately notified in writing that you have been
removed from his/her “Telephone List” and that disciplinary action may be taken if the
telephone is used in any manner to contact you. In addition, your telephone number will be
removed from the telephone system.

According to the type of facility, inmates are generally permitted to make phone calls
every day, including holidays, between the hours of 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. A schedule for
phone calls will be established. Calls will automatically be terminated when the facility
specific time limit has been reached, preceded by a warning. No call shall exceed 30
minutes. When other inmates are waiting to place calls, a 10 minute limit may be imposed.
PROHIBITED CALLS: The following rules are some of the restrictions you should be
aware of regarding calls made by inmates:
No inmate may place a telephone call to the residence of a victim of the crime(s)
for which he / she has been convicted, or is presently under indictment, regardless of whether
immediate family members maintain the same residence, unless prior written authorization
has been received from the Superintendent.
No inmate may call the phone number of any person listed on a court Order of
Protection which prohibits telephone communication, unless the order specifically states that
the inmate is not prohibited from communication by phone with another person at that same
phone number.
Inmates are prohibited from making telephone calls for the purpose of harassing
or intimidating any person. Staff and inmates are advised that such telephone calls may
violate Federal and/or State laws. Facility Superintendents shall report serious and/or
continuing telephone calls of this nature to the proper law enforcement authorities.
Inmate telephone calls and telephone conversations are restricted to the telephone
number dialed or otherwise placed by or for the inmate. Telephone call forwarding, third
party phone calls, and calls to 1-800 numbers are prohibited. Inmates are also prohibited
from placing calls to wireless communication devices (i.e., cellular or PCS phone, pagers,
etc.). Inmates will be subject to disciplinary action should they violate these rules.
PLEASE NOTE: All inmate telephone conversations are subject to electronic
monitoring and/or recording by Department personnel.

Visitation by family and friends is encouraged and can be a positive influence during
an inmate’s time in prison, as well as after the inmate’s release. Research has shown that an
inmate who receives regular visitation adjusts much better once he or she is released from
Directions and Mileage:
Correctional facilities are sometimes hard to find and may take longer to reach than
you originally anticipated. Please refer to the information found in Appendices A and B for
the addresses of state correctional facilities and the approximate travel times from major
cities in New York State. The DOCS website gives directions to correctional facilities from

Albany, New York. Directions may also be obtained through Map Quest on the internet or by
calling the correctional facility.

Who can visit:
With little exception, anyone can visit an inmate, as long as it is during visiting
hours, the visitor has proper identification, and the inmate agrees to the visit. Visitors are
required to sign a statement indicating that they have been advised of and agree to abide by
the rules and regulations regarding visiting.
Make sure you know how many visitors may visit at one time. Each facility is
different. Sometimes special arrangements for extra visitors can be made through the
Superintendent’s Office, with several weeks or a month’s notice. You can call the facility to
find out about special arrangements.
Special Permission Visitors:
The following individuals can only visit with special permission:

A person who is currently under Parole or Probation supervision.
A Department employee.
A current, active volunteer for the Department.
A current contract employee.
A person with pending or past criminal proceedings may be denied pending
approval by the Superintendent.

If any of these conditions applies to you, permission should be sought by writing to
the Superintendent well in advance. You must do this and receive approval before you can
visit. The Superintendent may deny visiting privileges to visitors with criminal histories if
they feel that the visitor’s presence could create a threat to the security and good order of the
facility. Criteria to be considered shall include, but not be limited to, the purpose of the
proposed visit, the former institutional adjustment of the ex-inmate, the nature of the pending
criminal proceeding, and the time frame between release and the proposed visit. NOTE: In
addition to the Superintendent’s approval, Probationers and Parolees also need written
approval from their Probation or Parole Officer.
Visiting Days and Times:
Except in cases of emergency and instances of termination, suspension, or revocation
of the visitor’s privileges, the number, length and frequency of visits by each visitor will
be limited only as necessary to accommodate all visitors who arrive during the scheduled
visiting time.

Visiting days and times are different for each facility. They are influenced by the
security level and population concerns of the facility. At many facilities, you may only visit
on certain days of the week, for example, by last name (A-L) (M-Z) or by the inmate’s DIN.
As a general rule, maximum security facilities have visiting on a daily basis. Medium and
minimum security facilities have visiting on weekends and holidays. Work Release facilities
have visiting for inmates in restriction units only. Shock Incarceration inmates have visiting
every other weekend. PLEASE NOTE: Inmates designated as SHU status (Special
Housing Unit) are limited to one visit per week, excluding legal visits that have been
approved. Contact the facility for the specific visiting schedule.
Visiting hours vary by facility, but generally they begin at 7:30 am and end at 3:00
pm. Some may even include evening hours. Many visiting rooms become very crowded and
often visitors are told they must leave because there are others waiting to get in. It is good to
learn, in advance, as much as possible about the facility you are going to visit.
Contact the facility prior to your initial visit to determine the visiting policy.
Visitor Processing Areas and Visiting Rooms:
Processing is slightly different at every correctional facility. Some facilities have a
Visitor Hospitality Center where you can wait, change clothes, get a cup of coffee, and relax
until you are called for your visit.
Visiting rooms vary. Some visiting rooms are like high school cafeterias with chairs,
tables, and vending machines. Other visiting rooms have a counter that winds around the
room where inmates sit on one side and visitors on the other side. The inmate will sit facing
the Correction Officer’s desk. Often there are vending machines in the room or in a nearby
room. There are restrooms in the area as well. It is always a good idea to bring change for
the vending machines. Generally, once you are in the visiting room, you cannot leave without
terminating your visit.
Depending on the correctional facility, activities for children vary. Most facilities
have a specialized area where children can watch videos and play games. Normally, you can
not take toys or stuffed animals into the visiting room.

The Superintendent may deny, limit, suspend, or revoke the visitation privileges of
any inmate or visitor if the Superintendent has reasonable cause to believe that such action is
necessary to maintain the safety, security, and good order of the facility.
1. Identification: Visitors are required to furnish proof of identification, which includes the
following: driver’s license/government issued ID card, passports, or a similar document
that contains the visitor’s signature and/or picture. Make sure that the proof of

identification is valid and has not expired. For minor children, but not for adults, birth or
baptismal certificates may be used for identification purposes.

2. Visitors Under 18 Years of Age:




All minors must be escorted by an adult who is approved to visit, or an adult in an
official capacity with proper identification and the approval of the Superintendent
or his/her designee. The adult escort will be responsible for the behavior and
conduct of the minor while on facility property, as well as identification of the
Children of inmates will be allowed to visit without written permission. The
inmate’s name should appear on the child’s birth certificate as verification of
relationship. No visit will be permitted if a court order prohibiting such visit is on
file with the facility.
Children of inmates who are 16 years of age and older will be admitted without
adult escort.
Unmarried minors under 18 years of age must have written permission from their
parent or guardian to visit an inmate, if they are not accompanied by their parent or
guardian. Written permission may be mailed to the facility in advance or
presented by the accompanying adult at the time of the visit. Permission should
also be notarized.
Married persons under 18 years of age who are related to an inmate do not
need the permission of a parent, guardian, or an adult escort in order to visit an
inmate. However, proof of age and marriage will be required.

3. Small Children: If you arrive with a small child, you will be allowed to take a diaper
bag, three (3) diapers, and plastic baby bottles into the visiting room. (Milk is not always
available at the facility. It is a good idea to bring your own). All articles must be
searched beforehand. A suitable area within the perimeter of the visiting room is provided
for the changing of diapers.
4. Contraband: The introduction of contraband to the facility is ABSOLUTELY
PROHIBITED. Contraband is defined as:

Anything in possession that would constitute an offense under the law applicable
to the public.
Anything which could be used to cause death or serious physical injury, including,
but not limited to, a hand gun, shoulder gun, cartridge, knife, explosives, or
dangerous drugs (including marijuana).
Anything that is introduced into a correctional facility with the intent to transfer to
an inmate without the permission of the Superintendent or designee.
Anything that is not specifically authorized to be possessed by an inmate in a state
correctional facility according to the rules of the Department or local rules of the
facility. (cell phones, alcohol and money are among the items inmates are not
permitted to possess).

If you are caught with weapons, drugs, passing drugs, or if there is reasonable suspicion
that you are involved with drugs, your visits can be suspended forever, and criminal
charges can be filed against you. If this happens, your loved one may have outside
criminal charges pressed against them which could lead to a new sentence and more
prison time. In a correctional facility, promoting prison contraband is a felony
offense. Such a situation could result in your being arrested in a town far from home,
your children (if they are with you) being taken by Child Protective Services, prison time,
and other serious disruptions to your life.

5. Searches:
Normal Search Procedures: Except at correctional camps, every person entering a
facility (except those with cardiac pacemakers) shall pass through a metal detector and all
items (handbags, briefcases, etc.) shall be searched. A hand frisker may be used if there is
difficulty clearing a visitor using the walk-through metal detector.

Some metal detectors go off if you have steel located in your body for medical
purposes. If you have steel plates in your body, it is best to come with a medical
letter of notification in order to verify your word.
You may be subject to an Ion Scan, a non-invasive procedure which is used to
detect illegal substances.

If the hand scanner is used and it fails to locate the problem, or if the Correction Officer
feels there is probable cause for further processing, strip search procedures may be
necessary, even if you offer to voluntarily remove items of clothing other than your coat,
hat, or shoes. (See Strip Searches below).
Items not permitted in the facility shall be stored in available lockers until you leave the
facility. If, however, there is reasonable cause to believe that possession of an article
would constitute an offense under any law, the contraband will not be returned to you.
Instead, the appropriate law enforcement agency will be notified. Please note that storage
lockers can also be searched by correctional staff.
Other items of contraband that would not normally be deemed illegal (i.e. cigarettes,
gum, clothing) would not be considered unlawfully introduced if the contraband is
voluntarily surrendered to an employee in the visitor reception area of the facility.
When undeclared contraband is found, your intent shall be controlling. At times,
innocent oversights will occur (i.e., medication). Staff will use discretion in judging
whether it was an intentional attempt to introduce contraband into the facility. Criteria to
be considered include your past history, your demeanor, whether it appears that the
contraband was for your personal use and was inadvertently left in a pocket or handbag,
or whether an effort was made to conceal the contraband where it would not readily be
Strip Searches: If the correctional facility has reason to believe that you are carrying
contraband on your person, you may be told that in order to have a visit, you may be
subjected to a strip-search. The Superintendent or his/her designee has the authority to

determine if a strip search is warranted, based on reasonable cause to believe that
contraband is concealed upon your person.
If you refuse to submit to a strip search, the visit may be denied by the Superintendent
or his/her designee. As an alternative, a non-contact visit may be allowed at the discretion
of the Superintendent, if sufficient staff and a non-contact visiting area is available.
Please be aware that:

Guilt is not to be assumed if you refuse to submit to a strip search.
Future visits may not be denied solely on the basis of refusing to submit to a
strip search.
Your past refusal to submit to a strip search may not be used as a reason for future
strip searches.

If you submit to a strip search, a security supervisor must obtain your written consent on
Form #2061 – Notice of Consent to Search. In the case of a minor child, the consent must
be given by a parent, guardian, or a person in an official capacity regarding the minor.

Strip searches shall be conducted in locations heated to a level of human comfort
for disrobed persons.
Strip searches shall be conducted by an officer of the same sex as you.
In unusual circumstances, you may be told that your child has to be strip-searched.
In this case, the parent, guardian, or person in an official capacity who has escorted
the minor to the facility shall be requested to be present, and, at the discretion of
the officer, may participate in the strip search. If at any time during the procedure
the minor objects to the strip search, the procedure shall be terminated

It may take time for the person to come to where you are to do the search. If you pass the
search, you will be allowed to visit. If you do not pass the search, your visit will be
denied, future visits can be denied, and the State Police may be called to arrest you if
illegal contraband is found. There may be other negative consequences.
6. Cellular phones, pagers, personal digital assistants, cameras, recording devices, two
way radios, laptop computers, or other similar electronic devices are prohibited from
entering correctional facilities.
7. Smoking: Due to the fact that smoking is not allowed inside our correctional facilities,
tobacco products (including matches) for personal use are not allowed inside a facility.
8. Prescribed Routine Medications: All medications must be declared and given to the
processing officer. They shall be identified and stored in a secure area. If the visitor
needs the medication during the visiting period, it may be obtained as directed by security
9. Clothing / Hair / Jewelry: Make sure you understand the dress code for visitors. It helps
to take a change of clothes if you are not sure. Tight fitting and provocative attire is NOT

acceptable. Short skirts, low tops, backless blouses or dresses, see-through clothing, bare
midriffs, plunging necklines, short-shorts or athletic shorts, bare feet, bathing suits, etc.
are NOT acceptable and may result in your visit being denied. If in doubt, you should not
wear a questionable item of clothing. Under no circumstances will a visitor be allowed
into the facility dressed inappropriately.

Please be advised, if your bra makes the metal detector go off, you will have to
take it off and/or be searched by an officer. (See policy regarding searches).
If you wear many hair pins and the metal detector goes off because of them, you
will be told that you have to take them out of your hair in order to visit. It is easier
to do your hair another way.
Be aware that some head wraps may have to come off in order for you to pass
through the metal detector successfully.
Many kinds of jewelry make the detector go off. It is easier to remove anything
questionable and carry it with you in the processing area. Put it back on later.
Zippers, metal studs, and decorations can make the detector go off. If this
happens, you may be asked to go into the bathroom, take off the clothing, put on
an alternative article of clothing provided by the Department and kept there for
those purposes, and go through the detector again until you make it through
successfully. It is best to wear simple clothing so that you can become accustomed
to the procedures at the correctional facility.

10. Sobriety: Visitors who appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will not
be admitted inside a correctional facility.
11. Monies: Funds for deposit to an inmate’s account may be left before a visit, or they may
be sent through the mail by check or money order. Money left at the visiting desk is
limited to $50.00 per inmate per day. Checks or money orders must be made payable to
the name under which the inmate is committed. It is also recommended that the inmate’s
department identification number (DIN) be included on the check / money order. It is best
to keep your receipts for your records.
12. Cross-Visiting: Cross visiting is the participation of two inmates in a visit with one or
more visitors. Cross visiting is permitted with the approval of the Superintendent, and, in
the cases of immediate family members, is to be encouraged. Inmates wishing to cross
visit must submit requests to their respective Correction Counselors at least one month
prior to the proposed visit.

Only persons who are on both inmates’ visiting records may participate in cross
Cross visiting may be limited when necessary in order to accommodate all visitors.
When a cross visit is taking place the two inmates may participate in a common

13. Objectionable Behavior. Objectionable behavior may result in termination of a visit.
Such behavior may include, but is not limited to: loud, abusive, or boisterous actions,
disruptive or argumentative behavior, unacceptable physical contact or conduct. While
visiting, use good judgment and discretion in dress and behavior so as not to offend others

in the visiting room. You may be tempted to try to have more physical contact than what
is allowed. This is upsetting to other visitors who have children with them, and can cause
your relative or friend to be issued a misbehavior report, as well as your visiting privileges
14. Families with Special Needs:

Accommodations: Procedures for acquiring reasonable accommodations are
available at each general confinement facility.
Wheelchairs: For those visitors who require the use of a wheelchair, facilities
have made provisions which allow reasonable accessibility.

15. Special Events Visits: Each general confinement facility schedules “Special Events
Programs” designed to celebrate cultural, religious, and ethnic affiliations. They also
recognize individual and group achievements, and strengthen community and family ties.
Under most circumstances, an inmate’s guest will only be allowed to participate if he or
she has visited the inmate at least twice in a New York State Department of Correctional
Services facility during the current incarceration. An exception may be made for an
inmate’s legal child, under 18 years of age, who has not previously visited, provided that
the child is accompanied by an adult visitor who has met the previous visiting
16. Other Visits:

Legal Visits: For inmates and their legal representatives.
Outside Hospital Visits: For inmates in outside community hospitals.
Facility Hospital Visits: For inmates in facility hospitals.

a) Posted Rules: All inmates and visitors shall follow posted rules and directions of the
visiting room officers. Allowable items may vary according to facility policy. No
large bags or packages will be allowed in the visiting room. Lockers are available in
the front gate area for such items.
b) Exchange: Visitors will not give anything to inmates, nor will inmates give anything
to visitors, unless it is examined and approved by the officer.
c) Kissing: A visitor and inmate may embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of any
contact visit. Brief kisses and embraces are also permitted during the course of the
contact visit. However, prolonged kissing and what is commonly considered
“necking” or “petting’ is not permitted.
d) Hand Holding: A visitor and an inmate may hold hands as long as the hands are in
plain view of others.

e) Seating: The officer in charge of the visiting room will make the seating
arrangements. Seating arrangements will not be changed by the inmates or visitors.
f) Food: Only food and beverages purchased in the vending machines will be allowed in
the visiting room, and only visitors are allowed to use the machines.
g) Pictures: Pictures of you and your loved one may be made available according to
facility policy.
h) Visitor’s Complaint: Visitors who wish to express a complaint against a staff
member should request to see a security supervisor. Visitors who wish to lodge a
complaint of unlawful discriminatory treatment shall send a written description
outlining the particulars of the incident, including date, time, place, name(s) of
person(s) involved, if known, and/or other documentation in support of the claim to:
Director, Office of Diversity Management
New York State Department of Correctional Services
The Harriman State Campus – Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226-2050




Confirm that the inmate has not been transferred and has visitation


Bring valid Identification (ID).


If you have made special arrangements with the facility, call before
leaving to be sure that plans for your visit have been made and are in


Check clothing and jewelry for compliance with visiting regulations.


If you are bringing a child and you are not the legal guardian or parent,
you must have the notarized statement from the child’s parent or legal
guardian with you.


Before leaving home, check your vehicle for contraband and/or hazardous
items. This includes, but is not limited to, implements of escape, drug
paraphernalia, intoxicants, poisons, any items that pose a danger to others,
weapons, such as knives, scissors, or firearms, and any item used to show
a gang affiliation. Remove these items before entering the correctional
facility grounds.


Arrive on the designated day during proper visiting hours.


Leave purses, wallets, and electronic devices in your car - either in the
glove compartment, or in the trunk. Be sure to lock your car!


Do not leave any minor children waiting in the car or your visit will be


Remember to treat correctional staff with respect.


Do not have any contraband on you when you enter the facility.


Do not bring anything into the visiting room to give to the inmate.
Inmates are not permitted to take anything from the visiting area.

The Department provides free bus services for family visitors through the Family
Visiting Program, also known as the “Free Bus Program.” This service provides
transportation from New York City, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo to various
correctional facilities throughout the state. An inmate will be notified during facility
orientation whether or not the “Free Bus Program” is offered at that particular facility. The
inmate initiates the process at the facility with an application. Inmates are also responsible for
notifying their family members when they have been approved for the “Free Bus Program”.
Any concerns regarding the quality of service provided by the “Free Bus Program”
should be directed in writing to:
Office of Ministerial, Family, and Volunteer Services
New York State Department of Correctional Services
The Harriman State Campus – Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12226-2050
There are privately operated bus lines, as well, that provide transportation to many
correctional facilities. Seats must be reserved in advance. Transportation to facilities may
vary according to facility location. Information pertaining to each facility’s busing services
may be obtained by calling the bus company, or obtaining this information from your loved
one. This information is provided solely as a convenience for visitors. Neither the facility,
nor the New York State Department of Correctional Services, assumes any
responsibility for the quality of the transportation services provided by privately
operated bus companies.

If you are an immediate family member of the inmate, it is always good to keep the
inmate informed of any change in your address and phone number.

One of the unfortunate realities that may occur during your loved one’s incarceration
may be the grave illness or death of a family member.
It is the family’s responsibility to notify the facility in the event of grave illness or
death of an inmate’s relative. All information related to the illness or death should be
provided as soon as possible. You should notify the Chaplain or Senior Correction Counselor
if the event occurs during regular business hours. After hours, or on the weekend, contact the
facility and ask for the Watch Commander.
If a family member is gravely ill, you may want the inmate to have a final visit with
their loved one. If a family member passes away, you may want the inmate to attend the

viewing or the funeral. The approval for a Funeral or Death Bed Visit rests solely with the
facility Superintendent. The only persons with whom the inmate may visit for funeral or
deathbed visits are: father, mother, legal guardian, or former legal guardian, child, brother,
half-brother, sister, half-sister, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, ancestral uncle or ancestral
aunt. All visitations of this type must be within New York State.
The relationship between the inmate and the deceased must be verified by
Departmental records, and/ or by furnishing documents that clearly prove the relationship
(i.e., birth certificates, obituary notice, marriage certificates). These documents must be
provided in a timely fashion for a favorable decision to be considered.
Please remember that final approval for an inmate to attend the funeral or
deathbed visit rests solely with the facility Superintendent. PLEASE NOTE: Deathbed
visits may only occur at recognized healthcare facilities.
Inmates are not permitted to physically possess money while they are
incarcerated. This includes paper money and coins. In order to allow inmates to buy things
they need or want, their money is held in their inmate account. Jobs, assignments and gifts
from family and friends are the usual sources for these funds. The inmate can use the money
in their account to buy items from the commissary or send money home.
You need to know that often there are court surcharges, fees, or other
encumbrances that inmates may have that are unpaid. Monies coming in from the
outside will be applied to those outstanding obligations. Other than the inmate’s incentive
wage, funds may not be available for commissary and other items until these obligations are
Preferably, money should be sent in the form of a money order or a certified check. It
is recommended that you do not send cash or a personal check. Personal checks may take
longer to clear. Please include the inmate’s DIN as well as your name and complete address
on the check or money order. Unidentified money coming into the facility through the
mail will be treated as contraband. Visitors may also leave money. (See section on
Visitation, page 13, #11.)
Inmates receive a monthly print-out of their account balances. Any questions that
you may have regarding the inmate’s account should be directed to the inmate. He/she
has access to that information in the facility. Facilities will not give information over the
phone concerning the status of an inmate’s account.

The facility commissary is a store located inside the facility specifically for inmates.
It may carry a wide variety of items. This includes personal care items such as shampoo,

soap, and toothpaste. An inmate is entitled to a “commissary buy” every 2 weeks if they have
available funds and they are not otherwise restricted by disciplinary dispositions.
PLEASE NOTE: The facility provides personal hygiene items, such as toothpaste,
toothbrush, and soap, if the inmate is in need and makes a request.

The Department has a disciplinary system in effect which inmates must follow at all
times while in custody. When inmates arrive at a reception facility, they are given a
handbook of appropriate behavior and the violations. Inmates are strongly encouraged to
become familiar with these rules.
When a violation of a rule has occurred, the inmate will be issued a misbehavior
report. These misbehavior reports are classified into three categories:

Tier 1 - minor
Tier 2 - moderate
Tier 3 - severe

Once a misbehavior report is issued, the inmate will attend a disciplinary hearing for a
Tier II or Tier III offense. If the inmate is found guilty, he / she will receive a disposition
appropriate to the Tier system. The more severe instances of inmate misbehavior may result in
the inmate being transferred to a more restrictive living condition.
Tier II and III disciplinary “tickets” (misbehavior reports) cost $5, if an inmate is
found guilty. This will come out of the inmate’s account.
At the conclusion of the disciplinary process, if the inmate disagrees with the
disposition or the process, they have the right to appeal the decision.

Inmates can speak to any supervisor regarding the conduct of correctional staff,
unlawful discrimination, harassment, or unfair policy / procedures. There is also a formal
grievance process which provides each inmate an orderly, fair, simple, and expeditious
manner, with an appeal method of resolving grievances.
The Department offers an extensive array of programs and services which inmates
may utilize to re-direct their lives to becoming productive, law-abiding members of society.
Programs include educational and vocational training, substance abuse treatment, parenting
skills, anger management, domestic violence counseling, health education, sex offender
treatment, religious services, and many more. Following is a general listing of programs


Educational Programs:


Academic Programs: Other than Work-Release facilities, most correctional
facilities offer Adult Basic Education (ABE), Pre-General Education Degree (PreGED), GED, and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Some facilities
have bilingual ABE and GED programs for Spanish-speaking students. Some
facilities also have volunteer tutors from the community. All inmates are
mandated to attend school until they obtain their GED.
Continuing Education: There may be opportunities for the inmate to further
his/her education while incarcerated. These options are arranged through the
Education Supervisor.
Vocational Programs: The Department offers vocational trades training at most
facilities. The Department also offers apprenticeships in conjunction with the New
York State Department of Labor.

Guidance and Counseling Programs:
The main purpose of counseling in the Department is to assist inmates in adjusting to
facility life and to establish a foundation for successful re-integration into the community
upon release from custody.
Each inmate is assigned a Correction Counselor. The counselor is responsible for
identifying the inmate’s needs, providing counseling and guidance services throughout the
incarceration, and securing appropriate services. Inmates meet with their counselor within 5
business days of arrival at their facility. The counselor will seek information about family
and emergency contacts at that time.
Inmates are encouraged to communicate any facility and interpersonal concerns with
their assigned counselor who is in the best position to assist them. The inmate’s Correction
Counselor is generally the primary person with whom you will have contact.

Ministerial Services:
The facility has Chaplains who work closely with the inmate population and provide
religious counseling. There are weekly services in most facilities for the major faith groups
and there are a variety of other religious activities as well. Ministerial Services is also
responsible for meeting the religious needs of inmates who ascribe to less well-known
religious faiths. If you would like to speak with a Chaplain during a visit, please notify the
Visiting Room Officer or call in advance to schedule an appointment.

Transitional Services:
Preparation for community re-entry begins with the inmate’s arrival at their first
general confinement facility. With this premise, the Department offers a three phase re-entry
program entitled Transitional Services.


These phases are designed to progressively prepare the inmate for re-entry to the
community. This includes employment readiness, money management, family re-integration,
the obtaining of essential documents (i.e., birth certificate, social security card), decisionmaking skills, as well as preparation for parole and general life in the community.

Treatment Programs:
Most correctional facilities offer treatment programs. These programs focus on the
treatment of alcoholism and addiction to drugs, sex offender counseling, aggression
counseling, and domestic violence services. These treatment programs are recommended for
inmates with a history of drug and/or alcohol abuse, sex offenses, violence, and domestic
It is important to understand that an inmate’s refusal to participate in a recommended
program may affect early release.
Inmates with a history of addiction and/or alcoholism with special needs such as
mental health issues, sensorial disabilities, developmental disabilities, and long-term medical
issues are provided specialized substance abuse treatment programs.

Veteran’s Services:
Facility staff work with Veteran’s Administration staff to make inmates aware of
benefits and services available to him or her. Some facilities have residential programs
specifically for veterans.

Every inmate in the custody of the New York State Department of Correctional
Services has access to medical, dental, and mental health services.


Medical Services: Medical staff are on-site at all correctional facilities. Inmates
have access to medical services on a daily basis through each facility’s sick call
procedure. Facilities differ in the level of medical services they may be able to
provide. Inmates with special medical needs (short term or long term) may be
transferred to a facility which can better meet those needs. For the chronic or
terminally ill, the Department provides Regional Medical Units (RMUs) in
selected facilities across the state. When medically necessary, inmates may be
transported to a community hospital for emergency treatment or other medical
Dental Services: Inmates receive periodic dental checkups. Follow-up or
emergency treatment is provided as needed. As with medical services, inmates
may be transferred to another facility or to a community hospital for treatment
when necessary.


Mental Health Services: As with medical services, inmates can access Mental
Health Services throughout the New York State Department of Correctional
Services system. Although not “on site” at every facility, inmates can access
mental health services state wide. Each facility has a procedure in place for
inmates to request and receive such services. Inmates who request, or, who are
determined to be in need of specialized services, may be transferred to a facility
which can accommodate and address those needs through the Office of Mental
Health Services (OMH.) Services include individual counseling (short term or
long term) special needs population, suicide intervention, crisis counseling, or
treatment of psychological disabilities or illnesses.

PLEASE NOTE: Inmate health information is considered confidential and its release is
protected by the Federal HIPAA Law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act), the New York State Public Health Law, and the New York State Department of
Correctional Services policies. Privacy requirements do not allow the disclosure of
specific health information without inmate authorization. All requests for inmate health
information should be directed to the health services unit at the facility.
Request for mental health information should be addressed to the facility/Satellite
Mental Health Unit, to the attention of the Unit Chief. If the facility does not have a
mental health presence, the request should be forwarded to the Office of Mental Health,
Bureau of Forensic Services, 44 Holland Ave., Albany, NY 12229.
Separate written releases must be obtained for disclosing substance abuse treatment
information in accordance with 42 CFR Part 2 and DOCS Directive #2010 –
Departmental Records. In accordance with Department Directives, an inmate must sign
a Release of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Records form #1079 or #1080 to authorize release
of alcohol and drug treatment records.

Questions with regard to transfers should first be directed to the inmate’s assigned
Correction Counselor.
The Office of Classification and Movement in Central Office can also be contacted
regarding transfer-related information. You may write to them at:
The Office of Classification and Movement
New York State Department of Correctional Services
The Harriman State Campus – Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226-2050

Inmates are encouraged to maintain a positive disciplinary record and participate in
programs according to their individualized program plan. Inmates can lose good time for not
participating in their recommended program plan and therefore may not be eligible for early
release. Therefore, we encourage you to support them in maintaining a positive disciplinary
adjustment so that they will be more apt to pursue and attend needed programs.
Generally speaking, there are four ways to be released from DOCS custody back to the

Parole Board Release
Conditional Release
Completion of the Maximum sentence (Max-out)
Presumptive Release/Merit Time

a. Parole Board Release: Parole Board Commissioners may grant release after a
minimum portion of the sentence is served.
b. Conditional Release: A statutory type of release that the Board of Parole does not
have discretion to grant or deny.
• Indeterminate sentences, where there is a minimum and maximum sentence
imposed, the inmate must serve 2/3 of their maximum sentence with no loss of
good time.
• Determinate sentences, where there is a flat length of time, the inmate must serve
6/7 of their sentence, and have no loss of good time.
c. Max-out: An inmate is released from prison after serving the maximum term of their
sentence. This can occur in the following instances:
• The inmate is not paroled and lost all good time.
• The inmate is returned to prison for violating the conditions of their release with
less than one year remaining on the original sentence, and a Parole Board decision
that they be held to the maximum expiration (ME) of their sentence, or, the inmate
refuses conditional release.
d. Presumptive Release/Merit Time: There are other avenues for release earlier than
the court imposed minimum sentence. An inmate may be considered for presumptive
release based on crime and sentence, satisfactory disciplinary and program participation,
time already served, and prior criminal history. Questions should be directed to the
inmate’s assigned Correction Counselor or to the facility Parole Officer.


Frequently Asked Questions
My loved one has been incarcerated. How do I find him or her?
Computerized inmate information is available on the Department’s website at If you do not have access to the internet, you can
call (518) 457-5000 during normal business hours, or the automated free line 1-888-846-3469.
Do I need prior approval before my first visit?
No. The Watch Commander, a security supervisor in charge of a particular shift, will
allow initial visits for persons not on an inmate’s approved visitor record as long as you have
proper identification and the inmate agrees to the visit. As a first-time visitor, you will be
required to sign a statement indicating that you have been advised of and agree to abide by the
rules and regulations regarding visiting. Please note that your registration information will be
entered in a database so that future visits will be much easier.
Can I send cash directly to an inmate?
Yes. However, it is highly recommended that you send a money order or certified
check payable to the inmate, as opposed to cash. Please include the inmate’s full name and
Department Identification Number (DIN).
Can I send an inmate an e-mail message?
No. Inmates do not have access to e-mail or internet services.
Can I place a telephone call to an inmate?
No. Inmates cannot receive telephone calls. However, if an emergency arises, you
should call the facility and speak to the inmate’s Correction Counselor, a facility Chaplain, or
the Watch Commander.
Can inmates phone their family or friends?
Inmates are allowed to make collect calls from designated pay phones located in all
facilities. Inmates are allowed to have 15 phone numbers on their approved phone list at any
time. Telephone numbers are added or removed from the inmate’s phone list by request of
the inmate only. Please note that all phone calls may be monitored. Call forwarding and
third-party calls are not allowed. Calls to cell phones, pagers, and 800 numbers are not
Will I be informed if my loved one is sick?
If the inmate is admitted to an outside hospital, notification will be made to persons
designated by the inmate. Please Note: Inmates have the authority to decline notification.

Can I visit a hospitalized inmate, either in the facility hospital or in an outside hospital?
Yes. Facility Hospital - Inmates may be visited for limited periods of time by persons
on their visitor record, an attorney, or authorized individual. Outside Hospital - Inmates may
receive visitors only with the permission of the doctor, and within the rules of the hospital.
Visiting times are only during the regular hospital visiting hours, and will not exceed two
hours, unless the inmate is on the critical list. An inmate may be visited only by the
following: spouse, mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, sons,
daughters, and legal guardian.
Visits by other individuals must be approved by
Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent for Security, or the Facility Officer of the Day.
What if someone close to my loved one dies or is very sick?
It is recommended that facility staff be contacted as soon as possible so that the inmate
may be notified in an appropriate manner and provided with pastoral care and counseling. As
soon as possible, contact the facility where the inmate is located and speak with the Chaplain,
Senior Correction Counselor, or the Watch Commander. It is the family’s responsibility to
notify the facility as soon as possible in the event of grave illness or death of an inmate’s
Is there any bus transportation that will take me directly to the prison?
Due to the variations in bus availability, you are encouraged to contact the individual
correctional facility regarding transportation.
How can I find directions to the facility?
Directions to correctional facilities are located on the World Wide Web at Additionally, you can contact the specific facility.
What do I need to bring in order to visit?
Proper identification and permission, if required (i.e., you are a minor). Additional
information can be found in the section on Visitation.
Can I visit if I am on parole or probation?
Probationers and Parolees must have the prior permission of the Superintendent and
the written permission of their probation or parole officer.
What am I allowed to bring into the visiting room?
You are allowed to bring in money for the vending machines and for purchasing
photos where that service is available. You will also be allowed baby supplies if you have a
baby with you. (See VISITING GUIDELINES, page 10, #3.)


What do I do with my prescription medication?
Visitors who have medication in their possession shall declare and relinquish it to the
gate officer. Medications shall be identified and stored in a secure area. If a visitor needs the
medication during the visiting period, it may be obtained as directed by the facility.
Can I bring a care package for my loved one to a visit?
Yes, you may bring a package for your loved one. The package must be presented at
the front gate prior to the visit. Remember, you cannot give anything to an inmate during the
visit without permission. Please refer to the section on Packages and to Appendix C for
further information. If you want to leave money, a money order or check can be left at the
appropriate area. You are discouraged from leaving cash. The maximum amount allowed per
visit is $50.00.
What days am I allowed to visit and for how long?
(See Visiting Days and Times), page 8.
What is contraband?
Contraband is any article that is not to be possessed by an inmate. This includes, but
is not limited to: weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs (including marijuana) money, cell phones,
and chewing gum. Any visitor found in possession of illegal drugs or weapons will be
reported to the proper authorities for prosecution. (See page 10, # 4.)
How can my loved one get a visit with their child who is currently in foster care?
Foster care visits are managed between the agency that oversees and has jurisdiction
of the foster child and the facility they plan to visit. Generally, the facility contact person is
the inmate’s assigned Correction Counselor.
How can my loved one get transferred to a facility closer to home?
The Office of Classification and Movement in Central Office oversees transfers. Your
loved one should contact their assigned Correction Counselor to address any concerns about
How can I marry a person who is incarcerated?
To begin the process, you and your loved one must send a letter requesting permission
to marry to the Superintendent of the facility. The Superintendent will then inform the
Guidance Unit, and if a legal marriage is approvable, the process will proceed.

How do inmates spend their time in prison?
Inmates participate in required treatment, educational/vocational training, work and
recreation programs unless they are physically unable or constrained by the following
circumstances: intake/transfer processing, keep-locked status, administrative segregation, or
court hearings. Treatment programs include Alcohol and Substance Treatment (ASAT),
RSAT (Residential Substance Abuse Treatment), CASAT (Comprehensive Alcohol
Substance Abuse Treatment), Aggression Replacement Training (ART) and Sex Offender
Program (SOP). Educational/vocational programs include Adult Basic Education (ABE),
GED preparation, and various vocational trainings including custodial building maintenance,
computer repair, horticulture, and welding, to name a few. Examples of work assignments
include food preparation, ground maintenance, as well as industry production and services.
Families and friends are encouraged to support their loved one to use their time
constructively and to follow through with their prescribed program plan in a positive manner.

Handbook Evaluation
We hope you found the information in this handbook helpful. We invite you to tell us
what you think about this handbook so that we can make improvements. You can cut out this
page or copy the questions on another sheet of paper. Please take the time to answer these
three questions honestly.
1. What material was most helpful to you?

2. What material was least helpful?

3. What would you like to see included in this type of handbook?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these few questions. Please return the completed
evaluation to:
New York State Department of Correctional Services
Division of Ministerial, Family, and Volunteer Services
The Harriman State Campus – Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12226-2050

Appendix A
Addresses and Phone Numbers of Facilities in New York State



Adirondack Correctional Facility
Box 110, Route 86
Ray Brook, New York 12977-0110
(518) 891-1343 (Essex County)


Albion Correctional Facility
3595 State School Road
Albion, New York 14411-9399
(585) 589-5511 (Orleans County)


Altona Correctional Facility
555 Devils Den Road
Altona, New York 12910-2090
(518) 236-7841 (Clinton County)



Beacon Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 780, 50 Camp Beacon Rd
Beacon, New York 12508-0780
(845) 831-4200 (Dutchess County)


Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
247 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2400
(914) 241-3100 (Westchester Co.)



Buffalo Correctional Facility
3052 Wende Road
Alden, New York 14004-0300
(716) 937-3786 (Erie County)


Arthur Kill Correctional Facility
2911 Arthur Kill Road
Staten Island, New York 10309-1101
(718) 356-7333 (Richmond County)


Butler Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 388, Westbury Cutoff Rd
Red Creek, New York 13143-0388
(315) 754-8001 (Wayne County)


Attica Correctional Facility
Exchange Street
Attica, New York 14011-0149
(585) 591-2000 (Wyoming County)


Camp Gabriels
PO Box 100, Rte 86
Gabriels, New York 12939-0100
(518) 327-3111 (Franklin County)


Auburn Correctional Facility
135 State Street
Auburn, New York 13021-1800
(315) 253-8401 (Cayuga County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 618, Zip 13021


Camp Georgetown
3191 Crumb Hill Road
Georgetown, New York 13072-9307
(315) 837-4446 (Madison County)



Bare Hill Correctional Facility
181 Brand Road, Caller Box #20
Malone, New York 12953-0020
(518) 483-8411 (Franklin County)


Camp Pharsalia
496 Center Road
S. Plymouth, New York 13844-6777
(607) 334-2264 (Chenango County)


Bayview Correctional Facility
550 West 20th Street
New York, New York 10011-2678
(212) 255-7590 (New York County)


Cape Vincent Correctional Facility
Rt. 12E, PO Box 599
Cape Vincent, New York 13618-0599
(315) 654-4100 (Jefferson County)








Cayuga Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 1150, Route 38A
Moravia, New York 13118-1150
(315) 497-1110 (Cayuga County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 1186, Zip 13118


Chateaugay Correctional Facility
State Route 11, P.O. Box 320
Chateaugay, New York 12920-0320
(518) 497-3300 (Franklin County)


Clinton Correctional Facility
Route 374, Cook Street
P.O. Box 2000
Dannemora, New York 12929-2000
(518) 492-2511 (Clinton County)
Inmate Mail (Clinton Main):
P.O. Box 2001, Zip 12929
Inmate Mail (Clinton Annex):
P.O. Box 2002, Zip 12929


Collins Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 490, Middle Rd
Collins, New York 14034-0490
(716) 532-4588 (Erie County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 340, Zip 14034-0340


Coxsackie Correctional Facility
Box 200, Route 9W
Coxsackie, New York 12051-0200
(518) 731-2781 (Greene County)
Inmate Mail:
Box 999, Zip 12051-0999


Downstate Correctional Facility
122 Red Schoolhouse Rd
P.O. Box 445
Fishkill, New York 12524-0445
(845) 831-6600 (Dutchess County)
Inmate Mail:
Box F, Zip 12524


Eastern NY Correctional Facility
Box 338, Institution Rd
Napanoch, New York 12458-0338
(845) 647-7400 (Ulster County)




Edgecombe Correctional Facility
611 Edgecombe Avenue
New York, New York 10032-4398
(212) 923-2575 (New York County)


Elmira Correctional Facility
PO Box 500, 1879 Davis Street
Elmira, New York 14902-0500
(607) 734-3901 (Chemung County)


Fishkill Correctional Facility
Box 307
Beacon, New York 12508
(845) 831-4800 (Dutchess County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 1245, Zip 12508


Five Points Correctional Facility
Caller Box 400, State Route 96
Romulus, New York 14541
(607) 869-5111 (Seneca County)
Inmate Mail:
Caller Box 119, Zip 14541


Franklin Correctional Facility
P. O. Box 10
Malone, New York 12953
(518) 483-6040 (Franklin County)


Fulton Correctional Facility
1511 Fulton Avenue
Bronx, New York 10457-8398
(718) 583-8000 (Bronx County)


Gouverneur Correctional Facility
Scotch Settlement Rd., P.O. Box 370
Gouverneur, New York 13642-0370
(315) 287-7351 (Saint Lawrence


Gowanda Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 350, South Road
Gowanda, New York 14070-0350
(716) 532-0177 (Erie County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 311, Zip 14070-0311







Great Meadow Correctional Facility
Box 51
Comstock, New York 12821
(518) 639-5516 (Washington County)


Lyon Mountain Correctional Facility
Box 276
Lyon Mountain, NY 12952-0276
(518) 735-4546 (Clinton County)


Green Haven Correctional Facility
Stormville, New York 12582
(845) 221-2711 (Dutchess County)



Greene Correctional Facility
P. O. Box 8
Coxsackie, New York 12051-0008
(518) 731-2741 (Greene County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 975, Zip 12051-0975


Marcy Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 5000
Marcy, New York 13403
(315) 768-1400 (Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 3600, Zip 13403
Mid-Orange Correctional Facility
900 Kings Highway
Warwick, New York 10990-0900
(845) 986-2291 (Orange County)


Groveland Correctional Facility
7000 Sonyea Road
Sonyea, New York 14556
(585) 658-2871 (Livingston County)


Hale Creek ASACTC
279 Maloney Road
Johnstown, New York 12095
(518) 736-2094 (Fulton County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 950, Zip 12095


Mid-State Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 216
Marcy, New York 13403-0216
(315) 768-8581 (Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 2500, 13403


Hudson Correctional Facility
Box 576
Hudson, New York 12534-0576
(518) 828-4311 (Columbia County)


Mohawk Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 8450
6100 School Road
Rome, New York 13440
(315) 339-5232 (Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 8451, Zip 13440

Male and

Monterey Shock Incarceration Corr.
R.D. #1, 2150 Evergreen Hill Road
Beaver Dams, New York 14812-9718
(607) 962-3184 (Schuyler County)


Lakeview Shock Incarceration CF
P.O. Box T
Brocton, New York 14716
(716) 792-7100 (Chautauqua County)
Lincoln Correctional Facility
31-33 West 110th Street
New York, New York 10026-4398
(212) 860-9400 (New York County)


Moriah Shock Incarceration CF
P.0. Box 999
Mineville, New York 12956-0999
(518) 942-7561 (Essex County)


Livingston Correctional Facility
Route 36, Sonyea Road
Sonyea, New York 14556-0049
(585) 658-3710 (Livingston County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 1991, Zip 14556


Mt. McGregor Correctional Facility
1000 Mt. McGregor Road, Box 2071
Wilton, New York 12831-5071
(518) 587-3960 (Saratoga County)
Inmate Mail:
1000 Mt. McGregor Rd, Zip 12831





Ogdensburg Correctional Facility
One Correction Way
Ogdensburg, New York 13669-2288
(315) 393-0281 (Saint Lawrence


Oneida Correctional Facility
6100 School Road
Rome, New York 13440
(315) 339-6880 (Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 4580, Zip 13442-4580


Orleans Correctional Facility
35-31 Gaines Basin Road
Albion, New York 14411
(585) 589-6820 (Orleans County)



Southport Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 2000, Institution Road
Pine City, New York 14871
(607) 737-0850 (Chemung County)


Sullivan Correctional Facility
Box 116, Riverside Drive
Fallsburg, New York 12733-0116
(845) 434-2080 (Sullivan County)




Summit Shock Incarceration CF
R.F.D., Dibbles Road
Summit, New York 12175-9608
(518) 287-1721 (Schoharie County)


Otisville Correctional Facility
Box 8
Otisville, New York 10963-0008
(845) 386-1490 (Orange County)


Taconic Correctional Facility
250 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2498
(914) 241-3010 (Westchester County)


Queensboro Correctional Facility
47-04 Van Dam Street
Long Island City, NY 11101-3081
(718) 361-8920 (Queens County)


Ulster Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 800, Berme Road
Napanoch, New York 12458
(845) 647-1670 (Ulster County)


Riverview Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 158
Ogdensburg, New York 13669
(315) 393-8400 (St. Lawrence


Upstate Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 2000
309 Bare Hill Road
Malone, New York 12953
(518) 483-6997 (Franklin County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 2001, Zip 12953


Wallkill Correctional Facility
Box G
Wallkill, New York 12589-0286
(845) 895-2021 (Ulster County)


Rochester Correctional Facility
470 Ford Street
Rochester, New York 14608-2499
(585) 454-2280 (Monroe County)


Washington Correctional Facility
Box 180
Comstock, New York 12821-0180
(518) 639-4486 (Washington County)


Shawangunk Correctional Facility
750 Prison Road
Wallkill, New York 12589-0750
(845) 895-2081 (Ulster County)
Inmate Mail:
P.O. Box 700, Zip 12589


Sing Sing Correctional Facility
354 Hunter Street
Ossining, New York 10562-5442
(914) 941-0108 (Westchester County)


Watertown Correctional Facility
23147 Swan Road
Watertown, New York 13601-9340
(315) 782-7490 (Jefferson County)




Wende Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 1187 (3622 Wende Road)
Alden, New York 14004-1187
(716) 937-4000 (Erie County)


Willard Drug Treatment Center
P.O. Box 303
7116 County Route 132
Willard, New York 14588
(607) 869-5500 (Seneca County)

Male and

Woodbourne Correctional Facility
Riverside Drive
Woodbourne, New York 12788
(845) 434-7730 (Sullivan County)


Wyoming Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 501, Dunbar Road
Attica, New York 14011
(585) 591-1010 (Wyoming County)


Appendix B
Mileage Chart
Bare Hill
Camp Gabriels
Camp Georgetown
Camp Pharsalia
Cape Vincent
Five Points
Great Meadow
Green Haven
Hale Creek
Lakeview Shock

New York City, NY
292 miles - 4½ hrs.
350 miles - 5½ hrs.
336 miles - 5½ hrs.
16 miles - ½ hr.
330 miles - 5¾ hrs.
250 miles - 4 hrs.
340 miles - 5¾ hrs.
--66 miles - 1¼ hrs.
45 miles - 1 hr.
404 miles - 7 hrs.
263 miles - 4½ hrs.
304 miles - 5¼ hrs.
227 miles - 3¾ hrs.
194 miles - 3½ hrs.
338 miles - 5½ hrs.
234 miles - 4 hrs.
344 miles - 5¾ hrs.
319 miles - 5¼ hrs.
259 miles - 6¼ hrs.
128 miles - 2¼ hrs.
66 miles - 1¼ hrs.
94 miles - 1¾ hrs.
--215 miles – 3¾ hrs.
66 miles - 1¼ hrs.
252 miles – 4¼ hrs.
340 miles – 5¾ hrs.
15 miles - ¼ hr.
338 miles – 5¾ hrs.
356 miles – 6¼ hr.
216 miles – 3¼ hrs.
71 miles - 1¼ hrs.
128 miles – 2¼ hrs.
292 miles – 5 hrs.
190 miles – 3¼ hrs.
125 miles – 2¼ hrs.
393 miles – 6¾ hrs.
--292 miles – 5 hrs.

Albany, NY
165 miles - 2¾ hrs.
260 miles - 4¼ hrs.
205 miles - 3½ hrs.
190 miles - 3 hrs.
265 miles - 4½ hrs.
176 miles - 3¼ hrs.
230 miles - 4 hrs.
155 miles - 2¾ hrs.
95 miles - 1¾ hrs.
130 miles - 2¼ hrs.
285 miles - 4½ hrs.
180 miles - 3 hrs.
185 miles - 3¼ hrs.
115 miles - 2 hrs.
140 miles - 2¼ hrs.
197 miles - 3½ hrs.
200 miles - 3½ hrs.
200 miles - 3½ hrs.
185 miles - 3¼ hrs.
315 miles - 5½ hrs.
25 miles - ½ hr.
95 miles - 1¾ hrs.
90 miles - 1¾ hrs.
155 miles - 2¾ hrs.
205 miles - 3½ hrs.
95 miles - 1¾ hr.
191 miles - 3 hrs.
230 miles - 4 hrs.
165 miles - 3 hrs.
190 miles - 3½ hrs.
315 miles - 5¼ hrs.
70 miles - 1¼ hrs.
95 miles - 1¾ hrs.
25 miles - ½ hr.
260 miles - 4¼ hrs.
45 miles - 1 hr.
38 miles - ¾ hr.
335 miles - 5½ hrs.
155 miles - 2¾ hrs.
260 miles - 4 hrs.

Buffalo, NY
329 miles - 5½ hrs.
55 miles - 1 hr.
356 miles - 6 hrs.
358 miles - 6¼ hrs.
37 miles - ¾ hr.
128 miles - 2¼ hrs.
322 miles - 5½ hrs.
354 miles - 6¼ hrs.
338 miles - 6¼ hrs.
369 miles - 6¼ hrs.
--124 miles - 2¼ hrs.
332 miles - 5¾ hrs.
179 miles - 3 hrs.
210 miles - 3½ hrs.
237 miles - 4 hrs.
145 miles - 2½ hrs.
335 miles - 5½ hrs.
382 miles - 6½ hrs.
31 miles - ½ hr.
310 miles - 5 hrs.
338 miles - 5¾ hrs.
306 miles - 5¼ hrs.
354 miles - 6¼ hrs.
140 miles - 2½ hrs.
338 miles - 5¾ hrs.
121 miles - 2 hrs.
322 miles - 5½ hrs.
354 miles - 6¼ hrs.
250 miles - 4 hrs.
31 miles - ½ hr.
316 miles - 5¼ hrs.
352 miles - 6 hrs.
310 miles - 5 hrs.
64 miles – 1¼ hrs.
250 miles - 4 hrs.
322 miles - 5 hrs.
53 miles – 1 hr.
354 miles - 5¼ hrs.
64 miles – 1¼ hrs.

Lyon Mountain
Monterey Shock
Moriah Shock
Mt. McGregor

New York City, NY
353 miles – 6 hrs.
244 miles – 4 hrs.
59 miles - 1¼ hrs.
244 miles - 4 hrs.
244 miles - 4 hrs.
244 miles - 4½ hrs.
266 miles - 4½ hrs.
189 miles - 3¼ hrs.
375 miles - 6¼ hrs.
244 miles - 4 hrs.
350 miles - 5½ hrs.
81 miles - 1½ hrs.
--375 miles - 6¼ hrs
365 miles - 6¼ hrs.
76 miles - 1½ hrs.
40 miles - 1 hr.
220 miles - 4 hrs.
102 miles - 2 hrs.
171 miles - 3 hrs.
45 miles - 1 hr.
94 miles - 1¾ hrs.
340 miles - 5¾ hrs
76 miles - 1½ hrs.
216 miles - 3¼ hrs.
315 miles - 5¼ hrs.
338 miles - 6 hrs.
250 miles - 4¼ hrs.
102 miles - 2 hrs.
330 miles - 5½ hrs.

Albany, NY
190 miles - 3 hrs.
100 miles - 1¾ hrs.
115 miles - 2 hrs.
100 miles - 1¾ hrs.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
230 miles - 4 hrs.
150 miles - 2½ hrs.
40 miles - ¾ hr.
245 miles - 4 hrs.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
260 miles - 4¼ hrs.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
175 miles - 3 hrs.
245 miles - 4 hrs.
225 miles - 4 hrs.
90 miles - 1¾ hrs.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
215 miles - 3¾ hrs.
105 miles - 1¼ hrs.
60 miles - 1 hr.
130 miles - 2½ hrs.
90 miles - 1¼ hrs.
230 miles - 3¾ hrs.
90 miles - 1¼ hrs.
70 miles - 1¼ hr.
167 miles - 2¾ hrs.
280 miles - 5 hrs.
200 miles - 3 hrs.
105 miles - 2 hrs.
265 miles - 4½ hrs.

Buffalo, NY
350 miles - 6 hrs.
195 miles - 3 hrs.
340 miles - 5¾ hrs.
195 miles - 3 hrs.
195 miles - 3 hrs.
135 miles - 2½ hrs.
343 miles - 6 hrs.
290 miles - 4¾ hrs.
271 miles - 4½ hrs.
195 miles - 3 hrs.
55 miles - 1 hr.
316 miles - 5¼ hrs.
354 miles - 6¼ hrs.
271 miles - 4½ hrs.
55 miles - 1 hr.
323 miles - 5½ hrs.
363 miles - 6 hrs.
140 miles - 2½ hrs.
294 miles - 5 hrs.
267 miles - 4¼ hrs.
369 miles - 6¼ hrs.
306 miles - 5¼ hrs.
322 miles - 5½ hrs.
323 miles - 5½ hrs.
316 miles - 5¼ hrs.
213 miles - 3½ hrs.
--130 miles - 2¼ hrs.
294 miles - 5 hrs.
37 miles - ¾ hr.

Appendix C
ALLOWABLE ITEMS: Items listed below may be received through the Package
Room by inmates in most facilities, subject to the following restrictions and
General restrictions:
- No alcoholic content or ingredients.
- No poppy seeds.
- No frozen foods.
- No USDA or Government surplus food.
- No home, bakery, restaurant, or delicatessen-prepared foods.
- No glass containers.
- Items, except for fresh fruits and vegetables, must be received commercially packaged in airtight hermetically
sealed containers impervious to external influence (e.g., sealed cans, heat sealed plastic bags, vacuum sealed
pouches, vacuum sealed plastic jars, glue sealed paper or cardboard boxes with the inside product being
hermetically sealed, etc.).
- All items must have a commercially printed ingredients list on the packaging.
Individual items
Specific restrictions and conditions
a) Beverages/Liquid…….. including concentrates, must be in cans, pouches or boxes only; max. size 32 oz. each.
b) Beverages/Mixes.......... dry, maximum size 32 ounces each.
c) Bread
d) Canned food.................. max. size 16 oz. each; products must not require cooking (as designated on the
manufacturer's label); microwaveable containers are allowed.
e) Candy
f) Cheese........................... sliced or chunk.
g) Coffee
h) Dried coffee cream…… 16 oz. maximum.
i) Fruit…………………… no dried.
j) Meats.............................. must be ready to eat (i.e., pre-cooked, cured, smoked, cold-cuts).
k) Nuts............................... without shells.
l) Pastry
maximum 2 oz. per food package.
m) Raisins.........................
n) Seafood......................... cooked, cured or smoked only; no shells.
potato chips, pretzels, cheese twists, crackers, cookies, and other similar items (or
o) Snacks..........................
combinations of approved food items, except for those combinations/mixes
containing raisins).
p) Tea................................ herbal and flavored tea allowed; no loose tea; no tea labeled as being for any
treatment or cure, "for medicinal purposes" or "as a dietary supplement," etc. is
fresh, that do not require cooking (except in facilities that permit cooking).
q) Vegetables.................


General restrictions
- Plastic only (except where metal cooking utensils are permitted by the Superintendent under local permit.
- No double-wall (e.g. foam core or insulated) containers.
Individual items
Specific restrictions and conditions
2 quart max.
a) Bowls………………..
manual only; short handle
b) Can opener................
no larger than 16 oz.
c) Cups…………………
no larger than 16 oz.
d) Drinking containers
e) Saucers
2 quart max.
f) Food storage containers
pliable only
g) Spoons,
pliable only
h) Forks/"sporks"
i) Plates
2 qt. max; molded plastic only
j) Thermos bottle
General restrictions
- Tobacco products must be in the original commercially sealed containers.
- Cigarettes must bear New York State Tax Stamps - no exceptions.
Individual items
Specific restrictions and conditions
Max. 2 cartons per month
a) Cigarettes .................
Limit 1; plastic only
b) Cigarette roller ..........
c) Cigarette papers
Max. 50 per month
d) Cigars ........................
e) Pipes & pipe cleaners
Max. 24 oz. per month
f) Tobacco, chewing
Max. 12 oz. per month
g) Tobacco, loose……
Max. 24 oz. per month
h) Snuff
General restrictions
- Dice are not permitted
a) Athletic Gloves……..
b) Checkerboards and
c) Chess sets……………..
d) Dominos……………
e) Handballs …………..
f) Jigsaw puzzles ………..
g) Playing cards………….
h) Tennis balls……………

Specific restrictions and conditions.
baseball (mitt), handball or bag; no metal inserts; no boxing-type; max. value $50
folding cardboard board or vinyl; plastic or wood pieces; max. value $50
folding cardboard board or vinyl; plastic or wood pieces; max. value $50
plastic or wood pieces; max. value $50
in original sealed container only
in original sealed container only
in original sealed container only
in original sealed container only


General restrictions
- No item may be received which lists alcohol as an ingredient.
- No skin tanning or coloring or hair coloring products.
- Maximum size of any single item is 16 oz.
- No glass, except when approved toiletries cannot be obtained in plastic containers or cans; then, one ounce glass
containers may be permitted when received directly from an approved store or manufacturer as packaged by
them. The containerized items listed below are acceptable (1) if received in commercially-sealed nonpressurized cans or commercially-sealed plastic containers, or (2) when received directly from an approved
store or manufacturer as packaged by them.
- No hemp oil or derivatives of hemp in contents.
All Facilities
Specific restrictions and conditions
a) Afro pick.....................
b) Aftershave lotion
c) Baby oil
d) Caustic sticks/styptic
plastic; max. length 6"; no handle
e) Comb...........................
f) Cream rinse/conditioner
g) Denture adhesive
tablets only
h) Denture cleanser..........
plastic; transparent only
i) Denture cup…………
j) Deodorant..................... stick-type only
k) Emery boards………… non-metal
l) Fingernail clipper......... 2 ½" max.; no file
plastic; no removable handle or compartment
m) Hair brush..................
non-medicated; incl. cream.
n) Hair dressing...............
o) Hairnet
p) Hand/face cream or
q) Mirror………………… 8" x 10" max. size; plastic only
r) Mouthwash
s) Shampoo
t) Shaving items - brush,
cream, cup, soap
standard size bar; no soap-on-a-rope
u) Soap.............................
v) Soap dish...................... plastic
w) Stick cologne
x) Toenail clipper.............. 3 ½" max.; no file
y) Toothbrush……………. non-electric
z) Tweezers
Female Facilities only
Specific restrictions and conditions
a) Facial makeup……….. eye makeup, face powder, lipstick, rouge, etc.
b) Hair fasteners………… barrettes, bobby pins, hair bands, hair rollers, hair rubber bands, no stones
c) Hair spray…………...
d) Perfume/cologne……… non-aerosol; 3 oz. max. per month


General restrictions (all clothing items): No quilted clothing or snorkel-type hoods, except where indicated. No
leather. No mesh materials. No spandex-type material. No denim. No removable linings.
Colors: Except as indicated below, blue, black, gray or orange colors are not permitted. Any shades of colors such
as melon, peach, aqua, etc. that are not readily distinguishable from blue, black, gray or orange are not permitted.
Solid colors only, except where indicated.
Value: Except as indicated, no item may exceed $50 in value.
Footwear (#1, below): No hollow or platform heels or soles. No camouflage design. No metal shanks/ supports or
toes. No pointed toes, spiked heels, pockets, compartments, clog-type or pump (air-inflation) footwear. No
metal/stone or clip-on decorations. Max. height of heels: males 2"; females 3". Measure boot height from bottom of
heel. Size must be within 1 size of that being worn by inmate.
Outerwear (#2, below): Natural fabrics only (e.g. cotton, wool).
1. Footwear
Additional restrictions and conditions
non-removable rubber cleats only, 3/8" max.
any but blue
a) Baseball/soccer shoes
total height 8"
any but blue
b) Boots...........................
c) Rubber galoshes,
any color……………………… total height 10"
d) Sandals……………….. any but blue………………….. must be secure to the foot (i.e. use ankle strap)
e) Shoes............................ any but blue
any color
f) Shower shoes………
g) Slippers……………..... any but blue
h) Sneakers....................... any color combination but blue
2. Outerwear
Additional restrictions and conditions
plastic band (no metal)
a) Earmuffs
wrist length
b) Gloves/mittens………. black permitted
3/4 max. length; military-style field jackets are
c) Jacket..........................
solid green only (including
allowed but short-waisted Ike-style jackets are
not allowed; no hood; no patches, insignia or
decals. None labeled "chemical protective."
d) Rain hat....................... clear transparent plastic
e) Rain jacket/ poncho..... clear transparent plastic……… hood permitted; max. value $20
f) Scarves
black permitted
g) Winter knit watch cap
3. Male Inmates Only
Additional restrictions and conditions
a) T-shirts
solid colors only (except for the
b) Briefs, boxer……
solid colors only (except for the
c) Thermal underwear


4. Sportswear
a) Athletic supporter......
b) Baseball caps.............
c) Shorts.........................

d) Sweatshirts,

5. Miscellaneous
a) Shirts/sweaters...........

b) Bathrobe
c) Belts………………….
d) Bow ties................
e) Handkerchiefs.........
f) Neckties................
g) Pajamas
h) Socks....................
6. Female Inmates Only
a) Blouses.......................
b) Boots..........................
c) Nightgowns................
d) Shawls.......................
e) Shoes..........................
f) Stockings/ panty hose
g) Bras.............................
h) Panties.........................
i) Slips.............................
j) Girdle
k) Thermal underwear….
l) T-shirts………………
m) Pajamas ……………..



solid colors inside and out

black permitted.............
white only……………..
black permitted.............
no blue.......................
no blue

Additional restrictions and conditions
no metal or plastic cups; males only
no logos, no military style
gym or bermuda style; not to extend below the knee or
higher than mid-thigh; no cargo style pockets; no
form-fitting or spandex type; no denim; no logos or
cloth only; hoods permitted; may have a multiple or
solid vertical stripe down leg or arm only not to
exceed 2" in width; no logos; no zippers; no cargo
style pockets
Additional restrictions and conditions
includes turtleneck, mock turtleneck, and polo styles;
manufacturer's logo (e.g. fox, alligator, etc.), not to
exceed 2" x 2" permitted

non-elastic; less than 1½" wide, with buckle (max.
cloth only; clip-on style only
cloth only; clip-on style only
no pockets
Additional restrictions and conditions
no see-through, midriff or short-cut
total height 18"
no see-through
1 yard square max. size (incl. fringe)


stocking or hose requiring garter belts are not allowed
no metal underwire
no thong style, crotchless, front opening or seethrough or lace trim
full and half

solid colors only (except
for the waistband)

crew or v-neck only
no see-through; no front opening bottoms


1. Office Materials
a) Mini-calculator…….
b) Carbon paper……….
c) Clip board…………..
d) Composition/Notebooks
e) Crayons
f) Dictionaries………….
g) Drafting pens………..
h) Erasers
i) File folders……………
j) Masking tape………….
k) Paper………………….
l) Pens……………………
m) Pencils………………..
n) Pencil sharpener……....
o) Rulers…………………
p) Transparent tape………
2. Audio Equipment

a) Cassette Tapes........

b) Cassette type cleaner
automatic demagnetizer
c) Headphone Radio.....
d) Headphones (earphones)
e) Radio
f) Radio / Tape player
g) Tape Player.............

hand-held only; $30 max. value
9" x 15" max.; no metal components
no metal components
no sharp points; no internal or refillable ink reservoirs
no metal components
1" maximum width
writing or drawing; no envelopes
ball point (non-retractable-style) or felt tip only - no fluorescent type
standard wooden type only
manual (hand-held); non-removable blade
12" maximum; non-metal
1" maximum width
General restrictions and conditions. Except as indicated, may only be received
directly from manufacturer or established dealer. See Directive #4920 for
specifics. Not to be altered in any way to meet specifications (except that an
external antenna must be removed by the manufacturer or vendor). No detachable
components. An inmate may possess and use only 1 audio unit (excluding TV).
Specific restrictions and conditions.
Commercially made; sealed in cellophane or similar material; no screws; received
directly from a distributor, retailer, or manufacturer only. Subject to Media
Review. Religious tapes may be received from a bona fide religious organization.
These tapes must be in clear packaging and be reviewed by the Chaplain's office
or Media Review.

local permit only; maximum value - $50.00.
local permit only; maximum value - $50.00.
local permit only; maximum value - $150.00; clear (see-through) case only; no
larger than 8 inches x 14 inches.
local permit only; maximum value - $150.00; clear (see-through) case only; no
larger than 8 inches x 14 inches; no microphone, talk switch, or recording device.
local permit only; maximum value - $150.00; clear (see-through) case only; no
larger than 8 inches x 14 inches; no microphone, talk switch, or recording device.


3. Printed Materials

a) Books, magazines and
b) Calendar......................
c) Greeting cards with
matching envelopes ...
d) Posters.........................

4. Typewriters/ Supplies

a) Portable Typewriter....

b) Electric adapter or
c) Typewriter correction
d) Correction ribbon
e) Typewriter print wheel
f) Typewriter ribbons
5. Musical Instrument

General restrictions and conditions. Paper only (no laminates). All material
subject to Directive #4572, "Media Review Guidelines." Newspapers may only be
received from the publisher or an approved distributor via the correspondence unit.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
may be delayed through the Package Room up to 6 days for close security inspection
if received from other than publisher or approved distributor
max. size 18"x14" when opened; no metal components
maximum size 18" x 14" when opened; maximum of 50 per month; no electronic
maximum size 18" x 14"; no metal components.
General restrictions and conditions. Typewriter - 1 only; max. value - $350 w/case
(if case is purchased, it must be a hard case); the typewriter body must be made of
clear, see-through material.
Sources: Items listed below may only be received directly from an approved
commercial source. New only.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
manual or electric; local permit only; no discs or permanent storage memory
exceeding 7K, except for "correction memory" and internal spell-check and/or
dictionary; no memory upgrade or internal or external ports usable for data transfer.
The Department assumes no liability for information lost due to searches, power
surges, or outages, etc.
local permit only.

replacement only.
one only, on an exchange basis.
maximum of six.
General restrictions and conditions. local permit only; 1 only; max. value - $200
w/case; a non-electronic musical instrument, new or used, may be received from
home - otherwise it may only be received directly from an approved commercial
source. An electronic musical instrument, if permitted, must be new, may only be
purchased from and received directly from an approved commercial source, and may
not have voice recording capability, a microphone or any disc or other removable
storage device,.

A list of articles approved by an employee designated by the Superintendent must be submitted to the Package Room
before they may be received by an inmate.


1. Appliances

a) Beard trimmer...............
b) Coffee pot…………..
c) Curling iron...................
d) Hair dryer/blow dryer...
e) Shaver/electric razor....
2. General
a) Extension cord ……..
b) Key ring ……………
c) Magnifying glass …..
d) Matches ……………
e) Needles ……………
f) Pins – safety ……….
g) Rug ..........................
h) Saddle soap..............
i) Shoelaces …………
j) Sponges...................
k) Sunglasses w/case....
l) Thread......................
m) Tissues ……………
3. Linens
a) Sheets .........................
b) Blanket .......................
c) Pillow cases ................
d) Towels ........................
e) Washcloths .................
4. Jewelry, etc.

a) Wrist Watch/watchband
b) Watch battery...............
c) Wedding band...............
5. Jewelry - Females Only


General restrictions and conditions.
For in-cell use only.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
local permit only; electric, cord or cordless or battery; no attachments max. 1" blade
local permit only; non-electric; 9 cup maximum.
females only; local permit only; UL approved.
local permit only; UL approved.
local permit only; electric, cord or cordless or battery.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
9 foot maximum; UL approved; 1 only.
plastic; no handle; 2" x 3" or 3" diameter maximum.
book only.
sewing; 2 inches maximum size.
2 inches maximum.
solid color only - no blue, black, orange or gray; max. size 3 feet x 5 feet; not
braided; label must indicate "fire retardant"; 1 only (does not include prayer rug).
no leather.
standard size; non-reflector; maximum value $25 per pair (2 pair only).
no blue, black, orange or gray.
eyeglass and facial.
General restrictions and conditions.
Colors: No blue, black, orange, gray, green or white permitted. Solid color only.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
twin size only; 2 sets only per inmate
twin size only; 1 only per inmate; label must indicate "fire retardant"
standard size; 2 only per inmate
standard size bath towel (3 feet x 5 feet maximum)
General restrictions and conditions.
No stones; no protrusions
Specific restrictions and conditions.
time-day-date-audible alarm only permitted; 1 only; maximum combined value - $50
subject to exchange on one-for-one basis
maximum value - $150; verified married person only
Specific restrictions and conditions. Maximum combined value of female-only
items - $150. No stones.
wrist or ankle; limit 2; no charms.
pierced or clip; limit 3 pairs; 1 inch maximum size
limit 2; maximum length 18 inches.
other than wedding; limit 2; no protrusions


Religious Articles

a) Fez..........................
b) Kufi.........................

c) Yarmulke..................
d) Tsalot-kob ................

e) Keski/Dastaar……...
f) Khimar......................
g) Talit Katan................
h) Tefillin .....................
i) Talit (prayer shawl)

Guthra (prayer shawl)
Prayer robe................
Prayer beads…..........
Prayer rug..................

n) Religious books (Bible,
Koran, etc.)
o) Religious pendant
with chain or fabric cord
Native American Items
a) Native American
rosette and cord
b) Native American
personal smoking pipe
c) Native American
ashtray or shell
d) Native American
medicine bag

General restrictions and conditions.
- Purchase, receipt, or use of religious articles is subject to the provisions of
Directive #4202, "Religious Programs and Practices".
- No color restrictions apply unless specified. Where multi-colored items are
permitted, black, blue, gray or orange must not be predominant.
- Clothing items may not exceed $50 in value.
- Questions on the identity or authenticity of a religious item shall be referred to the
facility chaplain.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
a brimless, cone-shaped, flat-crowned hat; usually has a tassel; usually made of red
felt; male only.
a hemispheric head cap that can be made of cloth, knitted, or crocheted; may have a
peak on top; must fit close to the head; no protrusions (visor, tassels, etc.); male
only; may be multi-colored.
a close-fitting skull cap that can be made of cloth, knitted, or crocheted; may be
a hemispheric head cap that can be made of cloth, knitted, or crocheted; may have a
peak on top; may be multi-colored; approximately 12 inches at longest point; must fit
close to the head; male only.
a cloth turban head cover; 30 inches x 36 inches maximum; solid black, blue, gray,
or orange not permitted; may be multi-colored; limit 2.
a cloth head item; female only; 4 feet x 4 feet maximum; solid black, blue, gray, or
orange not permitted; may be multicolored.
fringed underwear.
phylacteries (small square leather prayer boxes with long leather ties).
maximum size: 66 inches x 66 inches; solid black, blue, gray or orange not
permitted; may be multi-colored.
1 yard square; solid black, blue, gray or orange not permitted; may be multi-colored.
solid black, blue, gray or orange not permitted; may be multi-colored.
Rosary; Dhikr; black only; other beads, see Directive #4202.
one only; may be possessed in addition to rug permitted under miscellaneous; 3' x 5'
maximum; solid blue, black, gray, or orange not permitted; may be multi-colored.
subject to the restrictions on printed materials covered in section F-3, above.
max. value - $50.00; no stones; maximum two inches diameter; e.g. medal, crucifix,
cross, pentacles, Thor's hammers, Star of David, chains, crescent with stars and/or
moons, scapular.
General restrictions and conditions.
beaded pendant; attached to a leather or fabric cord.
not to exceed six inches in length.
for smudging; less than three inches in diameter.
may include sacred herbs and items needed for Native American ceremonies under
the procedures set forth in Directive #4202.

Appendix D

Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders in New York State
Al Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
(800) 344-2666 or (212)-302-7240
P.O. Box 862
Mid-Town Station
New York, New York 10018
- Information on 12-Step meetings for family and friends of people suffering with
Angel Tree/Prison Fellowship
Telephone: (212) 732-9152 extension 5
P.O. Box 960
Peck Slip Station
New York, New York 10272-0960
- Provides religious ministry and support to the children and families of prisoners by
distributing holiday gifts to children of prisoners.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens, Inc.
(718) 722- 6215
(718) 722- 6220
191 Joralemon Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
- Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens sees its mission as promoting unity among
all persons seeking to develop caring communities and to fulfill their commitment in
providing humane social services to all their neighbors. Catholic Charities sponsors 180
programs and services throughout the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.
Coalition of Families of New York State Lifers
P.O. Box 1314
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
- An organization to help the family members whose loved ones are incarcerated with
“life” in their sentence.
Family Justice, Incorporated
(212) 982-2335 or (212) 475 1500
272 East Third Street
New York, New York 10009

-Provides training and technical assistance in family case management utilizing a model
that identifies and mobilizes family and community support for the treatment of drug
addiction and other criminal justice related problems. This model is based on La Bodega
de la Familia, a storefront program in New York City.
Hour Children

(718) 433-4724
36-11A 12 Street
Long Island City, New York 11106
- Provides five community residential programs for female ex-offenders and their
children. Provides parent education, enhanced visiting, and transportation assistance for
women incarcerated in two New York State prisons.
Legal Action Center
(212) 243-1313
153 Waverly Place, 8th Floor
New York, New York 10014
- Provides legal information for people with criminal records, HIV/AIDS, as well as drug
and alcohol problems.
New York State Kinship Navigator Program
(877) 454-6463
- Statewide resource for information and referral for grandparents and other relatives who
are caring for children with incarcerated parents. Provides information on the state and
federal laws governing kinship care, schooling, special needs, medical decision-making,
custody, guardianship, adoption, and much more.
Osborne Association
Telephone: (718) 637 6560
175 Remsen Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
- Provides multiple services and programs for offenders and their families including: a)
the Family Resource Center Hotline (800) 344-3314; b) Family Ties, a program assisting
children to visit their mothers incarcerated at Albion Correctional Facility; c) Family
Works, a program for incarcerated fathers at three New York prisons.

Prison Families Anonymous
(516) 616-3191
45 Prairie Dr.
North Babylon, New York 11703
- A support system for families who now have, or ever had, a loved one involved in the
juvenile or criminal justice system. Meetings are held in Long Island, New York.
Prison Families of New York, Inc.
(518) 453-6659
40 North Main Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
- Provides information, referrals, reunification support, self-help support groups, public
information, and advocacy.
Saint Christopher-Ottilie/ Family Dynamics
(718) 919-1226
613-619 Throup Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11216
- Family Dynamics was formed in 1975 for strengthening families and protecting
children in danger of abuse and neglect. Their goal is to keep families together and avert
the placement of children into foster care.
Women’s Prison Association and Home, Inc.
(212) 674-1163
110 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10003
- Provides comprehensive services to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women.
Services include parent education, self-help support groups, information, referrals, case
management, mentoring, group activities and gifts for children, nursery, family
reunification support, family therapy, community residential services, as well as legal
services and information.


National Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders in the USA
Aleph Institute

(305) 864-5553
9540 Collins Avenue
Surfside, Florida 33154
- Provides Jewish religious education, counseling, emergency assistance, and referrals for
Jewish prisoners and their families.
Angel Tree Camping / Prison Fellowship
Telephone: (703) 478 0100
P.O. Box 17500
Washington, DC 20041
- Provides religious ministry and support to the children and families of prisoners by
providing a children’s camping program.
Bethesda Family Services Foundation
(570) 568-2373
P.O. Box 210
West Milton, Pennsylvania 17886
- Provides parent education, self-help support groups, information and referrals, religious
ministry (if requested), family reunification support, and family therapy.
Big Brothers / Big Sisters of America
(800) 412-2447
- Provides a mentoring program for children. Call the above number and you will be
asked to enter your zip code which will direct you to your local office.
Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents
(626) 449-8796
P.O. Box 41-286
Eagle Rock, California 90041
- Provides parent education, self-help support groups, information, referrals, mentoring,
family reunification support, family therapy, public education, legal assistance, and
advocacy. Also provides technical assistance, training, policy development, and research
services in a variety of areas related to children of prisoners.

Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
(202) 942-0270
440 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
- Provides information and referrals, technical assistance to child welfare agencies, and
public information and advocacy.
Encouraging Words, Inc.
(614) 367-0436
P.O. Box 9249
Columbus, Ohio 43209
- Provides training and technical assistance in the areas of inmate parent education and
family counseling.
Family and Corrections Network
(804) 589-3036
32 Oak Grove Road
Palmyra, Virginia 22963
- Provides information, technical assistance and training on families of offenders,
children of prisoners, parenting programs for prisoners, prison visiting, and the impact of
the justice system on families. Web site has over 100 articles, an e-mail list, a directory
of programs, and links to offender family web sites.
Fathers Behind Bars, Inc.
(616) 684-5715
525 Superior Street
Niles, Michigan 49120
- Provides publications and technical assistance on self-help support groups for
incarcerated fathers.
Message of Love

(301) 340-1146
P.O. Box 65137
Washington, DC 20035-5137
- Provides a subscription service that sends monthly inspirational greeting cards to
prisoners on behalf of family members.


OPEN, Inc. (Offender Preparation and Education Network, Inc.)
(972) 271-1971
P.O. Box 472223
Garland, Texas 75047-2223
- Provides educational materials and programs for use by offenders and families to
survive incarceration and make a successful transition back to the community, and for use
by correctional agencies to prepare offenders for re-entry.
Re-Entry Prison and Jail Ministry
(619) 426-4557
P.O. Box 620
Chula Vista, California 91912
- Provides parent education, self-help support group, information, referrals, mentoring,
religious ministry, community residential programs, public education, advocacy, legal
services and information for inmates transitioning back into society.
Urban Family Institute
Telephone: (202) 234-5437
1300 Allison Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011
-Provides self-help support, information, referrals, technical assistance and family
reunification support through “nurturing villages” such as Kids House and the Urban
Family University.


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