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Coke County Juvenile
Justice Center Audit
A Report by the Texas Youth Commission

September 26th – October 2nd 2007
Dimitria D. Pope
Acting Executive Director
Sylvia Martinez
Project Manager

Introduction The Coke County Juvenile Justice Center is a 200-bed secure, all male facility located in
Bronte, Texas. The Texas Youth Commission (TYC) contracts with GEO, formerly Wackenhut, to provide
supervision and rehabilitative services to delinquent youth committed to TYC. The facility was originally
designed for female offenders, but in 1998 the population changed to an all male facility. The contract has
been in effect since 1994 and the agency recently signed a one month extension to provide services
through October 31, 2007. During fiscal year ’06-’07, the contract was extended 10 times; the basis for
the numerous amendments is unknown.
The annual cost of operating the facility was $7m which was calculated on a guarantee of 185 beds. The
monthly operational cost for Coke County was $632,000. The cost per day for confined youth equates to
$106.60 per day per youth.
Effective September 1, 2007, the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) assumed responsibility for
contracted health care services at the Coke County facility that was previously provided by Texas Tech
University. The yearly cost for contracted medical care was approximately $411,884 per year.
On September 26, 2007, the Acting Executive Director for the TYC authorized an unannounced audit of
the facility. The decision to conduct the audit was prompted by youth grievance data, collection of
data/information from Youth Rights Investigators/Specialists and information reported by the Deputy
Director of Juvenile Corrections (Billy Humphrey) subsequent to a site visit of the facility. It should be
noted that the Independent Office of the Ombudsman (Will Harrell) and the Harris County Youth Monitor
for TYC operations (Susan Monyhans) conducted separate site visits to the Coke County facility and
prepared independent reports. However, their reports were not shared with the TYC Acting Executive
Director and were not considered in the decision to conduct an audit of the Coke County facility.
Methodology TYC staff used several strategies to assess the effectiveness of unit operations and the
facility’s compliance with the contract.

The scope of the project with attendant objectives and strategies was identified by a cross
functional group of TYC staff. It was the consensus of the group to select a project manager that
did not have any ties to the operation of the facility or contract provider. To this end, Ms. Sylvia
Martinez, Juvenile Corrections Regional Director was elected to serve as the Project Manager.
Ms. Martinez’s responsibilities included the coordination and collection of data, management of
audit staff to ensure the timely and efficient collection of information specific to their area of
assignment, and compilation of information and presentation of a report of findings, inclusive of
any recommendations.


Wade Phillips, Deputy General Counsel and Ken Stewart, Contract Attorney reviewed the
contract history, current contract provisions and provided appropriate legal advice to staff. Ms.
Karol Davidson, Juvenile Law and Policy Attorney served to review the legal status of each of the
youth assigned to the Coke County facility.


TYC staff were sent to the Coke County Juvenile Justice facility to collect audit data. The
collection of information was obtained through various methods that included: observation of
facility operations and staff interactions with youth, youth interviews and forums, staff interviews,
review of statistical data on youth housed at Coke County, review of youth’s master files, review
of grievance data, review of facility work order requests, review of previous year’s quality
assurance reports, analysis of staff/youth ratios, review of contracted staff’s training records,
operational review of physical plant in accordance with TYC policies and standards and an
assessment of quality of care for youth.


Independent reports were completed by audit team members based on their respective areas of
assignment. This report synthesizes the information collected by team members at the facility, but
full reports that contain details not included in this document are available.

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007


Audit Review This section highlights the primary areas of review by TYC staff. Review areas were
driven by the agency’s mission and therefore focus on performance accountability systems. Specific
areas examined are:
x Life Safety and Physical Plant;
x Operations and Security;
x Youth Rights and Community Involvement; and
x Treatment and Education
Life Safety and Physical Plant
Objective1: To examine the physical structure, security mechanisms in place to ensure restricted youth
activity and life and safety systems.
Objective2: To ensure that youth housed at the Coke County Juvenile Justice Center are protected from
This section summarizes key factors identified in Objective 1. The primary focus was to conduct an
assessment of life safety issues relative to the physical structure of the Coke County facility.
Life Safety: Physical Plant

The facility life safety systems to include detectors, door locks, intercoms, exhaust fans, etc. are
not tested routinely or adequately.
Emergency drills have not been conducted in accordance to policy.
The group release test of doors in a living area found that not all doors were capable of unlocking
in an emergency situation.
Upon request, staff could not open an emergency exit door in a living area.
Detectors and sprinkler heads had been vandalized and sanitation issues to include lint, dust,
toilet paper, clothes, etc. were interfering with detection.
The facility appeared to have smoke removal equipment in place; however, they did not operate
upon the detection of smoke. When smoke is introduced to the detectors, the exhaust system
should have activated and began a process of removing smoke.
Vents were in a severe state of neglect as many were dirty, covered and rusted, resulting in
problems with the intake of fresh air and the removal of smoke.
The Ansul Hood Fire Suppression System staff pull station located in the kitchen was blocked, as
was the emergency exit.
The fire extinguisher in the kitchen was outdated.
The self-contained breathing apparatuses throughout the facility have not been maintained and
are inoperable.
Toxic and flammable materials/chemicals were found in the facility to include the common areas,
the living areas, and the kitchen area. Unidentified liquids were found in unlabeled containers.
Chemicals were found that were not addressed in the Material Safety Data Sheet book located in
the area.
Master locks and chains are utilized to secure doors instead of detention grade locking devices.
Of concern is the staff’s ability to remove occupants in an emergency situation.
Safety glazing has been removed from the detention doors in a dormitory. This creates not only a
hazard for the youth and staff but may create air flow problems.

Life safety: Medical

There were no seriously medically ill youth at Coke County, and there has not been over the
past year, according to the monthly facility Serious Medical Condition Report submitted by UTMB
to TYC.
There were 35 ER visits over the past year: majority are related to recreational injuries
(basketball), there was a youth who purposely dislocated his own shoulder, several
abscesses/cysts, two self-harms (cut, head banging), and one restraint injury (fractured jaw).

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007




According to the Access to Care Reports, there were numerous missed appointments in July
2007 but the monthly report shows generally that youth have been taken for nursing, doctor,
and dental, and specialist appointments as schedules (MD had emergency leave in July
There was one youth suicide in October 2006 (hanging).
There was an alleged mistreatment over the past year related to health care in which a youth
who is allergic to garlic was given pizza with garlic.


The GEO Group does not ensure that the youth are provided with a clean and orderly living
The overall sanitation of the facility can only be rated as poor. There is no evidence that
housekeeping plans are being followed.
Mops, brooms, mop buckets and cleaning supplies are not stored correctly. They are often left
unattended in common areas and cells.
Water leaks are numerous throughout the facility, creating an unsanitary and unsafe environment
for all youth and staff.
The cleanliness of uniforms, undergarments, and bedding is not maintained at an acceptable
Mattresses were located in the facility that did not have fire resistant covers,
There was evidence of paint and chemicals being disposed of in the laundry room sink.


According to the documentation provided by facility staff, the facility generator is not tested in
accordance to policy. The testing that was conducted was infrequent and insufficient.
The monthly load test of the generator is not conducted correctly. The testing currently
conducted by staff is done only by the transfer switch and the normal power is not being
interrupted for the testing.
No life safety system to include smoke alarms or removal or security systems to include audible
communication and door locking systems have been tested under emergency power; therefore, it
is unknown whether the generator is able to support the facility during an emergency.
The generator is only re-fueled when the fuel level is at a quarter of its capacity which could
create a situation where the facility can only operate under emergency power for a very limited
The generator panel located in the Central Control does not function; therefore, staff is unaware if
the generator is operating or if there are issues with fuel, oil pressure, temperature, etc.
A transfer test was conducted while members on site. The test itself incapacitated several
dormitory doors and cameras. Staff which included the assigned Control Room Operator and the
maintenance employee was unable to reset the systems.

Emergency Battery Powered Lighting

Only one battery powered lighting fixture was operable.

Fire Alarm System
The fire panel was blue tagged indicating no deficiencies by Emer-Tel on September 11, 2007; however,
the following issues were identified:

Several smoke detectors throughout the facility to include detectors in the youth’s living areas
were inoperable.
Upon detection of smoke, the system does not annunciate at continuously staffed locations.
They are dependant on the dorm staff to notify the control room staff of the emergency. If the
officer is incapacitated and unable to request assistance the emergency may go unknown for an
extended period of time. In addition, there are not enough hand held radios or battery backup
packs in the facility for each staff on shift.

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007



The alarm panel was not reset to “normal” function at the time of the inspection and the system
had been placed in silenced mode; therefore, when the system was activated it did not
annunciate and staff was unaware of the alarm. The fire annunciation had been silenced due to
the numerous problems with the detectors; however, neither the Control Room Operator nor the
Risk Manager at the facility were aware that the alarm system had been silenced nor that the
system could be reset.



The facility currently has 90 open maintenance work orders; however, several maintenance
issues identified during the inspection process did not have an active work order in place.
All intercoms have been removed from the living areas. Devices used for communication
between staff and youth are not in place. Staff indicated that youth must beat on the door to
request staff assistance.
Remaining intercoms are either inoperable or produce a distorted, inaudible communication. The
Control Room Officers are responding to the call button to open doors rather than to identify a
speaker or emergency.
The door indicator lights on the control room panel did not properly identify whether a door is
open or closed; therefore, staff is often assuming that a door is closed when it may be opened.
Although documentation indicated that routine pest control is being conducted there are serious
problems with insects throughout the facility and grounds.
Graffiti is a problem although there are some attempts of covering it with paint.
The lavatories in the youth living areas are often inoperable, leaving the youth without appropriate
means of obtaining an acceptable level of hygiene and possible drinking water. Temperature
testing of water indicated a high of only 87 degrees. Appropriate levels should be between 100
and 120 degrees.
Not all showers are operable and can result in an inappropriate number of showers for the
number of youth housed in the living area.
Detention grade hardware (screws/nuts/etc) is replaced with non-detention grade hardware.
Non slip surfaces at the shower areas do not appear to be provided to the youth.
Plumbing chases were not secure at the time of the inspection. Contraband and pests were
found in these areas.
Light fixtures are damaged, burned, and often filthy. It is unknown whether the current level of
lighting can reach the appropriate 20 foot candles.
Cells with maintenance issues are utilized for storage areas.
The facility attempts to maintain the laundry workload with only one operable washer and one
operable dryer. The lint buildup in the dryer creates a fire hazard.
Door closers are no longer operable and the hardware often remains partially attached to the
door jam. The door closers could be utilized as weapons or escape tools by the youth.
Seating from part of the youth living areas has been removed by maintenance staff; therefore,
youth must eat, study, etc on their bunks.

Tool Control

Tools to include Class A tools were missing from the kitchen area and the maintenance shop.
Documentation indicated that all the tools identified as missing had been checked out and

Entrance Security

Although the metal detector alarm sounded when TYC staff entered, GEO staff did not perform a
search. Additionally, staff was not asked to sign out as they exited the facility for the day. Too,
TYC staff’s names were not recorded at the front desk upon entrance or exit.
In addition to GEO’s policies, the reviewers have determined that the GEO Group may have
violated the following Commission policies in their operation of the Coke County Juvenile Justice

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007


GEO Policies
Residential Standard 901, Storage of Flammable Liquids and Materials
Residential Standard 902, Living Environment and Personal Hygiene
TYC Policies
GAP 91.3
GAP 91.5
GAP 97.1
GAP 97.10
GAP 97.36

Living Environment
Clothing, Hair, and Symbolic Expression
Facility Security
Entry Search
Standard Security Unit Program Requirements

INS 15.19
Dormitory Security
INS 17.05
Facility Housekeeping Plan
INS 19.01
Clothing Requirements
INS 93.01
Control Center Operations
INS 93.31
Sharps, Tools and Equipment
INS 93.51
INS 93.71
Fire Drills
RMT 07.19
RMT 09.07
RMT 11.05
RMT 11.09
RMT 11.15
RMT 11.16
RMT 11.17
RMT 11.41
RMT 19.13





Facility Safety Inspection Program
Shower Temperature Control
Fire Drills/Evacuation
Storage of Flammable Liquids and Materials
Fire Alarm Systems
Emergency Back-up Generators
Emergency Lighting, Exit Lights and Exits
Mattresses and Pillows
Material Safety Data Sheets

Additionally, as TYC moves towards obtaining ACA certification of all facilities housing youth, the Coke
County Juvenile Justice Center in its present state could not meet the American Correctional
Association’s Mandatory Standards, specifically:

The facility is clean, sanitary, and safe.
The facility has a fire alarm and automatic detection system.
Facility staff are trained in and knowledgeable of fire and emergency evacuation
plans and procedures.
Toxics and Caustic materials are controlled, handled, labeled, and stored
There is a system that governs the control and use of tools.

Lastly, it is important to note that the following statements were made by GEO employees that were
disconcerting to audit team members.

Warden Bement indicated that he was aware of many of the life safety issues identified by TYC
staff. He also indicated that corporate did not respond to many of his purchasing needs due to
the lack of a long-term contract.
GEO Risk Manager Amanda Meyers indicated that GEO staff had not worried about past TYC
GEO maintenance worker Roy Parks indicated that he had learned more about life safety
equipment maintenance and checks in the two hours he had spent with TYC staff than he had in
the nine months he has worked in the facility.
The individual briefing the on-coming shift on the evening of September 27, 2007 stated that staff
need not worry if TYC pulled out of its contract because GEO would be able to secure another

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007


Operations and Security
Objective: To ensure that the facility is operated in a safe and secure manner.
Regional Director Sylvia Martinez, Ron Jackson Assistant Superintendent Thomas Adamski and Sheffield
Assistant Superintendent Debra Harris conducted an operations and security audit of the facility
beginning on September 26, 2007. The major operational and security issues are identified as follows:

Youth in security are commonly double-bunked. Security staff does not have to obtain
authorization to double-bunk youth in security.
Youth sprayed with OC pepper spray are not routinely decontaminated. Disciplinary reports state
that the youth refuse decontamination; however, the forms do not say when or if the youth are
sent back for decontamination.
No verbal interventions are attempted prior to using OC spray. The youth are only asked “will you
submit to mechanical restraints?” If a youth responds negatively, the response team, consisting
of 5-11 male officers, is called.
If a youth yells out that he has a shank or weapon, the response team is called. The youth is
usually sprayed with OC pepper spray. During the last 12 months of documentation, no weapons
were ever found with respect to any of the claims.
A work schedule posted on the dorms reflects that there is a night crew for PAINTING &
BUFFING/WAXING. Youth are paid $1.00 per hour, but the work schedule is arranged after
lights are out which is 10:00 pm to 4:30 am.
Staff conducts exercises called BOARD ME UP, which means staff covers the cell windows from
the outside so that a youth cannot see outside the cell.
There is racial segregation on the dorms; Hispanics are not allowed to be cell mates with AfricanAmericans.
Teachers sit in the classroom and read newspapers and magazines.
JCO staff usually walks around the school hallway talking, cursing, laughing and behaving
inappropriately. They do not monitor the youth or address youth behavior issues.
There was no video camera running during preparation to enter a cell or any verbal requests for
compliance given to youth by staff.
A review of internal operations showed that youth referred to security as an intake referral remain
there for up to 26 hours prior to a decision being made about admission to intake or the security
Cells were filthy, smelled of feces and urine, and were in need of paint.
The outer security door was found unsecured.
No sign in log was found at the unit.
Staff was not observed confronting or correcting inappropriate youth behavior.
Youth are not required to sign security rules unless admitted to the Security Program.
Staff conducted door checks which include an infra-red bar code reader; however, several staff
read the barcode without looking into individual cells.
Discipline appeared to be non-existent at the facility, i.e., youth were cursing, yelling and talking
back to staff, no verbal interaction with youth by staff other than giving commands.
Detailed dorm logs were unable to be located.
The Baker dorm had a broken locking mechanism that had to be operated from the outside. Staff
and youth were effectively locked in the dorm.
Unsecured cleaning chemicals and supplies were kept in close proximity to the youth in the

Overall findings regarding operations and security show flagrant violation of Texas Youth Commission
policy. It appears that security is utilized as a punitive sanction going above and beyond separating
disruptive and assaultive youth from the general population.

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007


Youth Rights and Community Involvement
To assess the level of participation by various community organizations in the
management/delivery of programs, services and information offered to youth. Additionally, issues related
to youth rights will be addressed.
On September 29, 2007 through September 30, 2007 a team of TYC staff members conducted two focus
groups to solicit input from youth at the Coke County Juvenile Justice Center. A total of 19 youth
participated in two focus group meetings. Salient aspects of the focus group protocol employed for this
project include:

Each youth panel was comprised of 9-10 participants randomly selected with stratification to ensure
ethnic diversity, a broad representation of dorm groups, and that at least one of the participants in
each group include a current youth grievance clerk and at least one youth in each group had been
pepper sprayed.


A focus group “script” was prepared for TYC staff to use while conducting the youth panels. Scripts
were structured to thoroughly probe personal experiences, and opinions about, youth rights. Use of
the scripts was also intended to minimize subjectivity.


Students were assured that no names would be connected with any comments, and that their
participation was voluntary. They were advised that they were under no obligation to answer any
question, and if they preferred to return to their dorm they could do so. No GEO staff members
were present during the focus group meetings.

Based upon the information provided by the youth during focus groups, it appears that almost all of the
youths’ rights have been compromised. Specifically, as a group, the youth allege the following:



discrimination because of race;
disciplined for speaking Spanish;
youth have not received church services in over two months;
the ability to have personal possessions is not consistent;
staff read youth mail and refused to provide timely ingoing and outgoing mail deliveries;
staff do not allow students regular access to telephones;
youth have inadequate food and clothing, and are subjected to unsanitary living conditions,
physical, and psychological harm;
youth lack adequate medical care;
youth are not provided with access to talk to their lawyers;
youth do not receive orientation regarding their rights or the rules, policies, and procedures of Coke
unfair and inconsistent treatment from youth to youth is standard;
the grievance and appeals system is sorely compromised and results in an ability to ensure youth
grievances are filed, tracked, monitored, investigated and resolved in a fair and timely manner.
Youth described being allowed to shower only once every 72 hours and are sometimes not allowed
to brush their teeth for days at a time. One of the youth said that they receive new toothbrushes
only once each month. In response, one youth offered, “that’s why sometimes I just act the fool and
throw a chair or something ‘cause you get a new toothbrush when you go to security.”
Most of the youth also agreed that the programming was almost non-existent. There is precious
little education and limited therapeutic intervention. Representatives from the David and Charles
dorms say they have not been out of their rooms for any long periods of time since November 2006.
One young man said, “I told the principal I’m not learning nothing… I just copy what the computer
says. I don’t understand any of it. When I take the tests, I guess. If I get it, that’s lucky for me.”
The students universally agreed that their medical needs are not being fully met. “The answer to
anything is to drink water and take an Advil”. One young man said that he got a cut that needed
medical attention but he had to “act a fool to be able to go to the infirmary.” Another young man
said, “I got a cut, it’s been an open cut for three days, and I still ain’t got in.” Another said, “they
have a first aid kit in the dorm – you got to steal to get a band-aid.”

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007



Youth described horrendous problems with the plumbing and toilet-related issues. Two of the
dorms (Adam and Baker) do not have toilets in their cells. Six youth of the nine-member group
said they had been forced to urinate or defecate in some container other than a toilet.
Every one of the youth described problems with laundry of their clothes, underwear, sheets, and
blankets; and
Several of the young men professed that the best thing about being committed to TYC is that it
gave them time to think about their lives and to decide what they want for themselves.


In the opinion of the TYC staff conducting the focus groups, every one of the youth participants was polite
and respectful. They showed consideration for TYC staff and for each other. Their uniforms (orange
one-piece jumpsuits) appeared ill-fitting and dirty. Some of the young men appeared very tired and
offered that they had been up all night painting.
TYC staff surveyed approximately 15 volunteers assigned to Coke County. None of the volunteers
surveyed had been to the facility in the past two to three months. Prior to that time, their activities were
limited primarily to chaplaincy volunteer activities held in the visitation area. Most of the volunteers
surveyed incorrectly thought that the volunteers were directed to stop going to the facility by TYC staff.
Volunteers’ perceptions of the facility varied. Some thought it was “clean and nice,” others noted the
shortage of employees; others said that students were respectful and staff were helpful. One noted that
she felt like she was “walking on eggshells not to break the rules.”
According to the youth and volunteers surveyed, no religious services had been provided for the young
men of Coke County in three to four months.
Treatment & Education
Objective: To evaluate the availability and quality of treatment and educational services offered to youth
confined in the Coke County Juvenile Justice Center.
Treatment Services
Overall, the files lacked integrity. Although some of the files had “paperwork” in them, it was not
indicative that treatment was being given. Files were not properly organized and there needs to be a
better file tracking system. Case management staff report not having enough time to monitor and perform
data entry of youth activities.
TYC staff recognizes the problems at Coke County Juvenile Justice Center (CCJJC), including the need
to be more treatment oriented. The Quality Assurance staff complain that they are so overwhelmed that
they do not have the time to ensure compliance with agency standards. They also report a lack of time to
provide training to Case Managers.
Additional treatment observations include:

Youth in a few dorms are to go to the gym for an hour or less, but otherwise all dorms were
confined to their unit and stayed primarily in their cells with the television on in the common area.
Treatment team is held on Fridays instead of Core Groups. Although they relay and share a lot of
information on youth in the meeting, they seem to waste a lot of valuable case management time.
The group was not held in a confidential setting. There was no continuity from the previous group
to present group. Group members were not listening, focused, or buying in to helping their peers.
At no time were any therapeutic qualities being provided to the youth in group.

Educational Services
A team of TYC staff conducted interviews with GEO staff and reviewed documents to determine the level
and quality of treatment/education services provided to the youth. Because the facility was on lockdown
at the time of the review, staff were not able to observe youth classroom participation. The principal
Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007


reported that there are 10 teachers and 4 educational aides hired at the facility, with one vacancy for
According to the Principal, youth take the TABE test upon arrival to the facility during the orientation
phase. Participation in academic coursework is contingent upon the level tested by the youth.
Additionally, the school uses a computer-based curriculum entitled “My Reading Coach.” Core academic
subjects such as Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts are also taught with a computer
based curriculum called “A Plus.” Youth that are at least 18 years old and have limited credits (around
five) are assigned GED prep classes. The GED instructor has 15 students in the morning block and 15
students in the afternoon block. Grades for all youth are reviewed every 4 weeks and grade slips along
with behavior/conduct information are given to the PAT (Phase Assessment Team) committee. The
information is sent by the case manager to the youths’ parents.
Educational services for youth housed in security were achieved by providing youth with one worksheet
per day. All sheets contained the same activity which consisted of a crossword puzzle and a ‘word find’
activity. The worksheet was slipped into the cell and when the youth completed it or rejected it, the sheet
was slipped back through the door. During the review, TYC staff reviewed the worksheets and noted.
GEO staff confirmed that youth housed in security are never afforded the opportunity to leave the cell for
a lesson outside their cell.
TYC staff requested enrollment verification for four youth, whose SAS reports indicated that they are not
enrolled in school and who were 16 years of age; information was not provided. TYC staff also requested
copies of the school Day schedule and copies of teacher certificates. In summary, the review team issued
the following concerns.

Proof of enrollment for the four youth that are age 16 and SAS reported not enrolled in school
was not provided.
Teacher certificates indicated teachers were providing instruction outside their teaching field.
The teacher assigned to the security unit is not providing instruction to youth, only providing
School Master schedule had teachers assigned to content areas in which they were certified, but
in reality they were teaching courses outside their area of certification.

Audit Team Members This section lists the TYC employees who contributed to the contents of this
Thomas Adamski
Assistant Superintendent, Ron Jackson State Juvenile Complex I
Lory Alexander
Research Specialist
Russell Biehle
Manager, Operational Review Department
Karol Davidson
Juvenile Law and Policy Attorney
Terri Dollar
Director, Operational Review Department
Brian Galvez
Assistant Director of Security Operations
Rebecca Garza
Special Education Liaison
Tracy Levins
Director, Division of Administrative Services and Community Relations
Christine McCormick
Director, Research
Mickey Neel
Wade Phillips
Deputy General Counsel
Max Schwarz
Educational Liaison
Nancy Slott
Nurse Consultant
Kenneth Stewart
Contracts Attorney
Mary Strong
Director, Youth Rights Division
David Walenta
Director, Rehabilitation and Specialized Treatment Programs

Unit Photos
The final section of this report is an attachment of photographs that document some of
the issues and concerns identified in this audit.

Coke County Juvenile Justice Center Audit

9/26/2007 – 10/2/2007


Coke County Juvenile
Justice Center Photographs
An Attachment to the Coke County Audit

Photos Taken:
Friday, September 28, 2007 & Sunday, September 30, 2007

Exit doors padlocked creating a fire

Emergency pull station for fire
suppression system in kitchen

Missing sprinkler heads in
ceiling fire suppression system

Dirty sprinkler heads in ceiling
fire sprinkler system

Youth mattresses
without fire protecting
covers/ exposed
bedding material

Clogged lint-trap under the only operational dryer on campus (for
nearly 200 youth) creating another fire hazard

Only operational dryer on campus
(for nearly 200 youth) requires a
broom handle to prop closed the
door so that the dyer will run

Unlabeled chemical bottle
containing unknown clear liquid

Ceiling in disrepair (above)

Wall in disrepair (below)

What appears to be urine stains on
the wall, painted over (above)
Overhead lights painted and
smeared with what appears to be
feces (indicated in red circles)

Dead insects trapped in light
fixtures (above)
Gang tagging, dead insects,
possible smeared feces in light
fixture (below)

Insect infestation throughout the
facility. Dead insects (indicated in
red circles) pictured here:
conference room door (above),
youth shower area (middle),
infirmary (below)

Filthy sink where youth
must brush teeth and
perform personal hygiene

Neglected security shower
where human excrement
was found floating in the

Shower and tub area in disrepair
and covered in grime

Youth sleeping area showing holes in mattresses and no sheets

Water stains and
puddle in floor

chemicals, tools,
and supplies in
various locations



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