Us Dept of Homeland Security Parole Worksheet
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U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Record of Determination/Parole Determination Worksheet Alien’s Claimed Name(s) (including AKAs) ___________________________________________ Detention Facility Name and Location _____________________________________ A#(s) _____________________ Field Office ___________________________ This worksheet should be completed in any case where an arriving alien requests parole from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, pursuant to section 212(d)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) in writing, following a determination by a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services asylum officer that the alien has a “credible fear” of persecution or torture, within the meaning of INA § 235 (b)(1)(B)(v) and 8 C.F.R. §§ 208.30(e)(2)-(3). Such aliens will have been initially processed under the INA’s expedited removal provisions and should have a completed Form I-870 (Record of Determination/Credible Fear Worksheet) in their A-files. The parole decision includes two steps. Step one is a threshold assessment of whether the alien has established identity, that he or she does not pose a risk of flight and that he or she is not a security risk to the U.S. or danger to the community. Step two is a discretionary assessment of whether there are circumstances present in the alien’s particular case that justify parole. In completing this worksheet, ICE Office of Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) personnel should consult the ICE Policy Directive entitled, “Parole of Arriving Aliens Found to have a ‘Credible Fear’ of Persecution or Torture.” Even where an alien does not initially appear to merit parole on one or more grounds, this entire worksheet should be completed. Use blank 8” x 11” paper if additional writing space is required. Include all evidence that supports the decision to parole or not parole the alien with this worksheet. Both Part I and Part II of this worksheet must be completed for all decisions for quality assurance purposes. If a particular question is not applicable, then it should be notated with “N/A” as appropriate. Part I. Is the alien eligible to be considered for parole? A. Identity Did the alien establish his or her claimed identity? Yes______ No______ Identify the evidence offered in support of the alien’s claimed identity (e.g., passport, country identification card, witness affidavits) and explain why it did or did not satisfy the alien’s burden: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Flight Risk Did the alien establish that he or she will appear as Yes______ required for all scheduled hearings and enforcement appointments? No______ Identify the evidence offered that relates to the alien’s likelihood of appearing, as required, and explain why it did or did not satisfy the alien’s burden: _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Danger to the Community / National Security Risk Did the alien establish that his or her release will not pose a danger to the community or U.S. national security? Yes______ No______ Identify the unclassified evidence offered that relates to the alien’s potential danger to the community or national security, and explain why it did or did not satisfy the alien’s burden: _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 Alien’s Claimed Name(s) _______________________________________________ A#(s) ________________________________ Detention Facility Name and Location _____________________________________ Field Office ___________________________ Part II. Are there circumstances present in the alien’s case that merit parole for “urgent humanitarian reasons” or “significant public benefit”? A. Serious Medical Condition Has the alien provided evidence that he or she suffers from a medical condition (or conditions) that makes detention inappropriate? Yes______ No______ Identify the claimed medical condition(s), if any: _______________________________________________________ If the alien has requested parole on this basis, identify the evidence offered in support of the medical condition and explain why parole is justified in this specific case: ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Women Medically Certified as Pregnant Has the alien provided medical evidence certifying that she is pregnant? C. Witnesses Yes______ No______ Has the alien established that he or she is serving as a witness and provided evidence of a request from the judicial, administrative or legislative body before which the alien is to serve as a witness or from the sponsoring law enforcement No______ agency who will take custody of the alien? Yes______ Please provide any information relevant to the alien’s potential testimony and his or her safety or security. ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Juveniles Has the alien claimed that he or she is under 18 years of age? Yes______ No______ Important note: If the answer to this question is “Yes,” coordinate with your chain of command, and contact the DRO headquarters Juvenile and Family Residential Management Unit for further guidance. E. Public Interest In the view of the Field Office, would release of this individual be consistent with ICE’s mission to protect the United States and uphold public safety and/or has the alien’s case presented any other compelling basis (or bases) for No______ parole? Yes______ Identify the basis (or bases), if any: __________________________________________________________________ Important note: If the Field Office believes that the alien’s case presents any other basis (or bases) for parole, a written, wellreasoned justification for parole on such a basis must be approved by the Field Office Director Part III. Signatures and Approval Initial Preparer’s Recommendation Grant Parole______ Deny Parole______ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________ (Name and Title of Preparing Officer) (Signature of Preparing Officer) Reviewing Officer’s Recommendation (Date of Recommendation) Grant Parole______ Deny Parole______ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________ (Name and Title of Reviewing Officer) (Signature of Reviewing Officer) Deciding Official’s Conclusion (Date of Review and Recommendation) Grant Parole______ Deny Parole______ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________ (Name and Title of Deciding Official) (Signature of Deciding Official) (Date of Decision) Page 2