Wa Doe Wsp Walla Walla Contamination Study 2009 Partb
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Ifi -'< \V ( ) , '"' 7 L 1 ';'q;:, I I~ -0/ ( . Figure 3 Updated 02/25/2010 by Parametrix, Inc. - o Apparent Point of Discharge. Shallow Ground Water from WSP Property to Surface Waler 10000 Feet 5000 ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~3Miles Probable Polnl of Entry (PPE). Runoff Into Surface waler via Shallow Ground Water Scale 1:100,000 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment SealUe. Washington WASHINGTON STATE PENITENTIARY Walla Walla, Washington Figure 4 AREA TOPOGRAPHY AND SURFACE WATER FEATURES 1----------------------l------r----~-----------------___1 Source: Washinglon Stale Department of Ecology, 2000. Date: Drawn by: 7/13/09 AES 10:002330WD2703\fig 4 N -- ~. ~. Not to Scale y~----_._-VK --II--- 'f-1, 1'111 1~t \\\ ,,'~ .•. "".'-.--. K \~ =S~ ~ .. ~-~ --~ ~----= - ,~.~.--. , I ~ , rnrn. l -;-~ ....... :.~J:~.~x--.. .-·- J~--'--'--'--i J~--'--.--.--. O\llER OIll'ER ( J/' .;"'" // ' . ~ \~ .~ '\ BASIN 2 AND 3 BOUNDARY BOUNDARV o Cl EJ ~ .......-'~ ...J~ ~ « all< 01>' O~ BU1LOING SUlLOIN<; INOUSTRI£S INDUSTRIES BUILDING I;IJ I .·__·_·LJ -_. -_. _···__·_··sO \-l,-.-----.... \ '----...,.----.,.."'l;9~~-------- ,-.------.,. • :'l----...,.----.,..~9i)-~-------- ... 0'" uo ColO t- If) V> VI III 9 ~I HOUS( "I GATE GATE INC aUILO~IN=CS=====1' BUILO~IN=CS====1' BUILO~IN=GS=====t' ~!::=I J ~!:==---.,.. HOUSe HOUSE: POII'(R POwt:R PO~ HOUSE HOUSf. HOUS£ I) I ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Seattle, Washington n \(~ \(~ 6-NHG 6-MNG 6-'MHG DAY RO 6-NNG 6-IMNG aAY RD Figure 3 Figure 5 SITE DRAINAGE WASHINGTON STATE PENITENTIARY Walla, Walla, Washington Source: Parametrix, Inc., 1995. AR1S AHD AftlS AND CR,6i1S CR.'i1S CRNlS CR~S G'f),IHASlUM C'l?INASlUM \0 = =d d -, ...; . & RECREAliON REffiEAlIOH llE~EAlIOH 'fARO YARD YARO Date: 6/8/09 Drawn by: AES 10:002330WD2703\fig 3 Updated 02/25/2010 by Parametrix, Inc. 0 250 500 Approximate Scale in Feet Note: N Facilities Not To Scale ecology and environment, inc. & International Specialists in the Environment Seattle, Washington Source: Parametrix, Inc., 1995. WASHINGTON STATE PENITENTIARY Walla Walla, Washington Figure 6 STORMWATER DRAINAGE (NORTH) Date: 7/13/09 Drawn by: AES 10:002330WD2703\fig 6 AOC #1 - Washington State Penitentiary Landfill AOC #2 - Former Dry Cleaning MW-1 Proposed Sampling: Geophysical survey will be conducted to determine if drums are present in landfill. Manual excavation of test pits as well as soil gas, soil, surface water, and groundwater sampling. S-3 MW-2 S-2 S-1 Farm Shop G70O Lq.t9J [~:t9] l.<it ] IImol 1 MW-9 AOC #8 - Sign Shop (location unknown) ---1-125----1-125--- Confirmed Contaminants: Trichloroethene and Chloroform in groundwater samples and toluene in surface water samples. Combustible gas also present. iiiiJlliii~A70 Suspected COCs: VOCs and SVOCs (chlorinated solvents, degreasers, and petroleum products). Proposed Sampling: Soil gas survey and soil sampling. Suspected COCs: TCE and its degredation products. Proposed Sampling: Soil gas survey followed by soil sampling. AOC #9 - Metal Plant (location unknown) Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted. "'K10;-; ; MW-3 ~~ ~*=~ ~ c70iJ S70iJ S.70~J Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted. Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted but strong chemical odors observed during demolition. Area suspected as primary source of contamination. I. MW-4 7/."; Suspected COCs: VOCs (solvents). T 11 Proposed Sampling: Soil gas survey and soil sampling. Recycle D D=- AOC #5 - Auto Body Work and Furniture Refinishing Shop C.m. C,m. G.m. Department Deplrtment Deparfmant Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted. Proposed Sampling: Groundwater sampling, well installation, and groundwater monitoring to assess groundwater flow. MW-5 AOC #7 - Steam Plant Boiler Ash AOC #6 - Former Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted. Proposed Sampling: Soil gas survey and soil sampling. LEGEND T1 T1 Suspected COCs: VOCs, SVOCs, Metals, and TPH. See Section 3.2 for more details. MW-7 nSlon Project Expansion 2006 - 2007 Proposed Sampling: Surface soil at potential locations of ash disposal. EJlO City WI"" ~ocated Located lncatod on ... the tho~ Ea~ East ~ erimeter Fence Penmeter Perimeter fence line Ine ~ r5i""""7 __ .) T3 I rF'"- ;;:;~===~g:======:J i T4 Proposed Sampling: Soil gas survey and soil sampling. AOC #4 - Former UST Locations (8 total) Proposed Sampling: Groundwater sampling. ~ MI Control Area ~ rrAl EJ= J80 II Jao Sudbury Road Landfill Monitoring Well e ~ ~ -.!::D~[] A30~ "I ....::'.~::===== __J I WSP Monitoring Well ~.-;;j~JW\~M =J I~ri.=~-~-~" r~~ c=-"'''-:' Future Expansion Surface Water Sample POD~.~ A30 : ~/ ~ ~1:'~<1 I C80 cao o MW-10 ~_.mel_~_:_F:::"T~:..::..-~EC'l:90, iI Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted. MSC Control Area .trolArea -EcII.hA.o. General Groundwater Flow Direction I I ~ ~ lit---=~=======-===:::QiGra~vel~ROad~=JfL _-================::§G~raVe~IROad~==~JfL ---==="=""=======","G,,",~elRilid~~ UJ ll..rReesAve. ---fi -.J\. ecology and environment, inc. & T 10 Suspected COCs: Metals. ; T C90 Suspected COCs: VOCs, SVOCs, Metals, and TPH. See Section 3.2 for more details. ir%,~ ~ L~. "A Expa . Confirmed COCs: No sampling has been conducted. EgO ESO Supply EOO City City Water WlIor Su ~ m AOC #3 - Former Motor Pool Former Tank (UST) Location T8 T9 z Seattle, Washington Source: Washington State Department of Corrections, 2009. Construction Yard --'---- WASHINGTON STATE PENITENTIARY Walla Walla, Washington Gravel Road Grav4i1RilOd N ReesAve. RoosA... Not to Scale Figure 7 PRELIMINARY SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL MAP Date: 7/14/09 Drawn by: AES 10:002330WD2703\fig 7 Updated 02/25/2010 by Parametrix, Inc. Precipitation (Dry v.s. Wet Season) Precipitation Precipitation Contaminated Groundwater Sudbury Road Landfill (Groundwater) P Co otenti n Sur tami ally fac nate eW d ate r Groundwater Co Gr ntam ou in nd at wa ed ter lly tia ted n e a t Po tamin ater W n Co rface Su Potentially Contaminated Stormwater Washington State Penitentiary Landfill Potentially Contaminated Groundwater Southern Drainage Area/ Wetland Surface Water Washington State Penitentiary Facility Potentially Contaminated Stormwater Key: Regional Surface Water Pathway Regional Groundwater Pathway Mill Creek (Surface Water) Precipitation Contaminated Groundwater Potentially Contaminated Stormwater ecology and environment, inc. & International Specialists in the Environment Seattle, Washington WASHINGTON STATE PENITENTIARY Walla, Walla, Washington Figure 8 PRELIMINARY SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL DIAGRAM Date: 7/13/09 Drawn by: AES 10:002330WD2703\fig 8