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Wadoc Report Staff Sexual Misconduct Aguirre Pt2 2006

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******** lessons, a candy dish, *******', a ring

What type of a ring was it?
Ah, white gold and sapphire.
Is that the one that we had ...
No - that's yellow gold
Okay - where did that ring go? What'd she give you the first time?
I don't know where it is.

Ok. When did this ring come about?
This ring came about - she had it - she gave it to me on one of our meetings in Issaquah - one of
our day meetings. Well, I think it was a little later in the day meeting, because we stay at the
Holiday Inn there in Issaquah.
Do you have the date?
Not specifically.
Do you remember which room number you were in?
Top floor, bottom floor?
Second floor
Second floor?
She pay for the room there, too?
No, I did.
You did?
Uh huh
Did you pay for it in cash, do you remember?


Cash - they stilJ have me in their computer, there - ] know] am, cause] remember thinking

What name did you use?


Urn hum. We stayed there two or three times. One time we stayed there, they comped us the
room, because the time before, I went in the room and Steph brought extra pillows so I went to
put the pillows on the bed and there were no sheets. Maybe the help people made the bed real
quick, you know, to get the room done, whatever, but there were no sheets. But] was like can]
get some sheets? And they were real nice and they gave us one extra night. And 1 used it for
next time.
Ok. Is there only one Holiday Inn, there?
This one?
Uh huh

Is it like an Express, or is it a regular Holiday Inn?
Urn, it's on the same side as the freeway - there's a Red Robin down the street from Bethany
Hill(?) And, um, I think Paul ******** was there. You know what? *********
Ok. And, so she didn't like you seeing her any more? So what happened?
Oh - well Stephanie had told - Stephanie was making it real clear that I'm going to leave
Ellensburg - the bitch didn't want to do it - this long distance thing didn't work - she wanted me
to live in Tacoma or near my mom's or something like that ********** and, um, we began to
argue about it a lot because I was in a pretty good ******** I was a little bit leery about being
on the Westside - I felt like I wasn't ready yet to be that close to my old stomping grounds.
Did she ever made you any threat - you move over, or ... ?
What she told me was, when aftel~alled her and said~alled her at home and said,
do you know who I am? I sat right there. I had no option. And she said, this i~
********* do you know who I am, but I don't know who you are. And she said Steph, I know
again, I'm
who you are, I know where you work - if you call my home again or talk
going to contact your work ******** tell. And, ah, then we went to e-mail pretty quickly
after that.



Oh, so she did break it off right away
Uh uh
You e-mailed back and forth?
And you also told all earlier time there were e-rnails to your mom's house, also, right?
No -my mom's - J had my mom - J forwarded them to my mother to save them.
Because J felt like
Ok ernails to you from her, and you sent them to your mom
Yes, I felt that, it came to a point where I felt like J was being a little bit harassed. Now I told
her, look, I'm not going to call you any more, I'm staying with ~lah, blah, blah, and she
told me that ifI didn't get my, you know, self to that side of the mountains, that one horse town,
she called it, that my life could get complicated. And she would tell me specifically what my
ceo, Simon Ban, would write in my chronos. Stephanie would tell me specifically what he just
wrote and try to show me that she was still able to access my information - in fact, J think the
biggest way J convinced him that this was happening, because, when you know, you're me, my
credibility isn't very good ********* And, urn, I told him one day, let me tell you, Simon, what
you wrote about me yesterday. And he sat back and, you are? he said. Alright, go ahead, and I .
told him exactly what he had just written about me on the computer. And he said, that's itwe're telling, we're calling somebody, we need to talk to Olympia- whatever. He was very
encouraging - he wanted her walked offthe premises.
So why didn't that happen?
WeB, cause I wouldn't give her name.
So you never told him her name?
No - he never knew her name. But, um, he's a good guy - he's a good man. He was a real dick
to me when I first got there, you know, but, he after over a year of clean UAs and doing things to
how he wanted me to do them, I got a little bit of respect for him, you know,
And that's the way it all ends?
Well, J'B tell you how it ended is that J think it was September




Yes. And I think it was the 5 It was a Saturday night, I stayed over with Stephanie
- it was the 5 or the 6 - it was a weekend. I stayed with her - she made it crystal clear - you
know, I was going to stay with her, whatever we had to do -she was going to look for another
job ifshe had to - she didn't care. And, ah, I left her house and called her from a 7-1] by her
house - ******** - and told her I couldn't do it, I wasn't going to be back. She told me to come
back to the apartment. And I told her no, because we're arguing. You know, it gets complicated.
And she told me do not return ********* my apartment. You come back here, I'll be right
there ... Anyway, she made it clear at that time she was an angry woman. She made - she - I fell
like I couldn't believe what she said- I couldn't believe she would ever call my work or
~ work - I didn't think she'd ever do that - but she said she would. She said she'd make
our lives come to a screeching halt and she had the power to do that.
Did she?
She did. The next day was a Monday_came home from work, crying and upset, and said
that bitch called my work.
What do you think she told them?
She told them that she was gay, and a felon, and everything else, and in Ellensburg, I think they
were more concerned with the gay than they were with the felon. Small town and all, they were
not happy about it a bit, and they fired her. And then we, I worked for the same place, so of
course, I'U never return to work either, and we immediately relocated to Everett. I only told
Simon why, tell him why we were doing it, and that we wanted to put both our parents, their
addresses, because we didn't want to kill the address and we just kind ofran away.
So did " b o s s actually tell her that this person made the call then? Or did they say
somebody made it just out of the blue?
Yeah - they didn't give a name. I'm sure she didn't call and say this is Stephanie Aguirre, you
know, but ... That's how it happened.
Then you came over on this side,
Yeah - it wasn't long before I, ah, you know, relapsed with her using cocaine.
So you haven't talked to her since that day? That's September 5 th ?
Have you had any e-mails after that day, or is that pretty much it?
It feels like that's it.

******** that e-mail address which she used which surfaced, aol, what she did for her alphas,
yadda,yadda, yadda

Yeah, I can tell you one of them was.
/ith e on the end, 39 at aol
. . . - . . . . no
.,...< let me write it down - no
- if I'm
~ It seems ike 37 - that's how old she was then. Let's see, how old is she
- yeah, that's it right
now ... she was born February 22, '55 - that's right, ok,

How many times did you guys use drugs together?

****** I'd say probably every time


every time or


And so she

*" ** the cocaine with you?

She had - no - she eluded to the fact - it's so funny when you're in my shoes, cause you hate to
say a damn thing, cause you just know they'll think you're lying, and you know, it's like who
cares? She had enquired about cocaine one time and I'll tell you what- it's the only time in my
life Ijust said no, because I'm not going there - I knew for me, ifI'm in cocaine, I don't want
high fives, go and talk to you - I don't want nothing - it's just all about cocaine. So I knew that
that wouldn't be the end ofit. You know, and so, I told her no. Cause she wanted me to go, she
wanted to get some. And that was at her place in
Now the marijuana - she usually brought that along with her?
I never did. Never had it, never bought it, never got it.
Did she ever say where she got it?
I know damn well where she got it

******* her kid

Was he selling it, or was he buying it?
Yeah, her and the teenage boy went and got it from somebody I think named Mike.
Ok. Now, when she was with you, was she with anyone else during that time?


She was with Gordon - Debra Gordon. And like at a time that we stopped visiting for a little
while, you know, and things kind of************* and she began to see Debra Gordon, who
was very abusive


No *******
Well, not that they'll tell me
Did she say - was she married before?
Yes. And her ex-husband I think works i n _ r somewhere -I'm not sure where he
And that's who the younger boy's named after?
So you want to tell us anything about the other officers at the institution?
****** Besides just ****** for crap, yeah. Mainly their love life drama, you know. Nothing
that's probably already out anyway, so if you aren't very discreet, but, urn, I do know that, I do
know that I called the institution to talk to, I don't know who I talked to one time, and was pretty
nasty about the bruises I found on Stephanie one day that were from Debra Gordon. And I called
and left a message for Debra Gordon. Fair - she wouldn't know it was me - she had no idea.
When you guys were at the facility, did you guys ever do anything inappropriate?
Just talk
You didn't touch hands or ********
Ah, we, in one clear office, she'd hold my hand or something like that, you know, I spent a lot of
time up in her office, I know that. Are we in ******** I think there's something there, too. I
like her so much I think ******* shit and I think that she probably ****** I remember one time
specifically, Arlene just almost caught us you know, kind of holding each other, because I
cleaned her office and she's_everything, you know, like anything chemicals - none of
that - it was ****** and I was dusting in her office and it was too much chemical, so her and
Arlene were in the - you know between the office and the hallway - they were sitting out there
like fumigated - so I recleaned with this water for the smell, but when Arlene came over and
then she says, get yow ******** get me a bottle of wine, you know, because she wants to camp
out and have a little picnic in the hallway, there. And, urn, she came over at first, I thought, I
wasn't sure if she walked in on something or not - but she never of course said anything, and she
***,,**** probably that I'm *********, so


Did you guys ever take photos with each other when you were out in the community? Videos,
photos ...
No, we do have ah, I know her daughter took pictures of us one time at the apartment
But nothing that you have?
Nothing that 1have
That your mom took or anything like that?
Uh uh
You said your mom, her husband, your aunt - all those people have met her
And had interactions with her
Oh, yeah, several times
And to the best of your knowledge, your mom kept all your e-mails you sent to her for
safekeeping, or...
Urn, I don't think, I know for a fact she didn't keep all of them, because 1 asked her about it one
time, when I was considering talking to Mr. Baxter about getting some help with it, cause I felt
like I was in over my head.
I think


I think initially you said you have some


Sure - and she's pretty smart with the computer, so she can retrieve it somehow. Um, I know
that, ok, then I can tell you another thing, too - let me tell you about this - is that we had another
emailing thing through hotmail- that can't be hard to get a hold of and she was


nd that's how we wrote each other- Irish and Greek ***"'******** that
e - real slick. But, that was our hotmail account because she didn't want to use

I'm surprised that she hasn't brought you in anything, I mean,


if you're there, and...


J know

Need something...
Never asked her for a thing.
No money? She never brought you money? Or sent any money in or anything?
No cigarette?
Nothing - and J smoke ********* cigarettes - you know I smoke every
But no, J never asked her for anything.


Did she have any weird bite marks or anything - tattoos or something
Yeah, yeah - she's got some kind of butterfly or something down here on her
You're pointing to, what the lower back? Or upper. ..
Right above the thigh, yeah. And she's got of course, some

*********** and she's got, um

Scars or anything? Did she have any operations?
Well, yeah. You know, she had a little operation


Breast augmentation type?
When did she have that? Is that old, or. ..
Old. Yeah
Can you think of a fight that you had like in a restaurant, or a bar, or something like that maybe
people might remember something like that? Some sort of argument that you all had in a bar?
No - the

********* was I have told

somebody - the reality was they were told to be quiet.



Right - that was in Moses Lake ****".**" Holiday Inn ****"******* A couple other
mischieful side notes - is that I know now she, she was driving a Sebring at the time when I first
met her - or I was talking to ********, cause in fact, her mom had the same cars then ********
you know, Sebring. ************ had the Explorer - a Ford Explorer - Eddie Bauer edition.
She has that now and that's what we drive in most of the time. Let's see, her mom had given her
this old Chrysler New Yorker - she had that- we never drove it ******* this is pretty good
information. And, her mom lives in Lynnwood, her dad lives in Lake Stevens, kind of near my
mom, and her brother is Wayne.

******** stay at her place -

it is a nightmare - that's why I never wanted to be at her place - I
like to stay in a hotel - you know, if her kids live with her or not - I don't give a damn, I don't
want to be at her place because of the damn snake.
She has a snake?
The boy and the snake - Mindy. A big one.
A constrictor type?
Some shit. Oh, my God.
Did she take her kids to the hotel sometimes?
No, no, never.

****** the furniture she had?

Yeah, sure, I can remember everything she's got. Ok - we talking about her house, or her
Where she lived the last time you saw her.

Ok. The apartment - you come into her apartment, I believe. the bottom, you go in the
apartment, you take a left, there's a kitchen there, the dining room's right here, the dining room
table, just a basic wood dining ro0111 table...
Oak? Light oak? Dark wood?
Yeah -light oak.
And then right in front of me, she had a couch and a loveseat, and they were both pretty
nonsignificant - they're covered with blankets, and, U111 - oh, the couch folds out.


Sofa bed?
Sofa bed or futon or something -l!lllept on that a lot. The boy. And, ah ...
Was there a bed? What kind or a bed did she have?
She's just got a regular bed
Was it a wood bed, a brass bed?
It's just a bed - there's nothing descript about it at all - no headboard, no nothing.
Oh, there's no headboard?
No, nope - in fact, when she had that, only at the apartment, was it on a frame. When she had it
at the house, it was just on the floor - the mattress was. You know, the bedroom was nasty (?) at
the house. At the apartment, she had it cleaner - I think. they were expecting me that time.
TVs **********
Yes, she's got a TV in the bedroom on the dresser
Big, small one?
Ah, let's see - this size
About 24" - standard

****** a 26" TV probably in her room, then she's got an, ah, let's see, I'd say a 32" TV in her
living room
Sitting on a table, sitting in an armoire ....
It's got a ******* you know. And then the bedroom ... she had a, o~bedroom, her
bedroom was in the back corner, and she has a bathroom in her bedroom and a window there,
which she said Debra Gordon would come to that window a lot. So I thought, neat. Yeah, it just
seemed weird to me, I always felt ~comfOJiable in her bedroom. And right outside her
room - the youngest boy, and all ********* in there,
bedroom, right across the hall,
and then other kids were here - oh, the last time I was there was, um, oh, I installed locks 011 her
bedroom door - ********* where you lock it a lock you go like this to - it was really
complicated - for something that was supposed to be really easy, it was really a drag.


Did anybody in the neighborhood ever see you over at that place there? In that apartment? The
next door neighbors, or


No. There were kids -I'd play with little kids there sometimes and it'd always make her
nervous. So I tried to not do that. I like little kids - *******
Did she talk about being nervous to ********* get caught and DOC *****"*?
Yes. Yes.
Did she name any other DOC people that also lived in this area -did she ever say well, this
person lives right down there?
Yeah - she did name the people in Lacey, and I have to leave - as soon as I leave, I'Il remember
That's fine - you can write it all down and we can talk again.
Ok. In my room J have pretty extensive notes, because 1 expected to see you at some point. I've
been keeping track with things 1 can on some things ***,.**** I'll see mom on Monday, I'll let
her. ..
You let her know I'd like to talk to her as soon as I could
I'll have her call you right away.
I'll make my calendar around hers
Anything else right now?
That's it for right now.
Ok we're ending the tape and the time is 12:50.


Baxter, Steven B.

Delano, lynne N. (DOC)
Saturday, February 25,200611:14 AM
Leftridge Byrd, Mary V. (DOC)
Baxter Steven B.




Mary, our PREA irlvestigators are already investigating, but any additional irlfo you come
up with will be welcome!

-----Original Messoge----From: Le f t r i dqe Byrd, Mary V. (DOC) <mvlbyrd@DOCl.WA,GOV>
To: Ramsdell-Gilkey, Lori l~ <lmramsdell@DOCl.WA.GOV>
CC: DeLario , Lynne N. (DOC) <lndelano@DOCl.WA.GOV>; Adkins, S. l\aye
Sent: Fri Feb 24 20: 10: 25 2006
Subj eet: RE:


Thank you . By copy I am asking Kaye Adk i ns to discern what information may be known by
the ceo whose identity should not be difficult to discover.

-----Original Message----From:
Ramsdell-Gilkey, Lori M
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 4:35 PM
Leftridge B rd Mar V.
Subj ect :

I forwarded this info to Lynne Delano

offender is somewhat well known because she
release from prison.
-----Original Message----From:
.Hoope r , Linda 'A.
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 2:58 PM
Ramsdell-Gilkey, Lori M
Per our conversation, I did a hearing on this woman today at the Snohomish Co
During the course of the hearing she said on the record that she has been
"stalked ll by a counselor from Wa. Corrections Center for Women.
She said this woman was
her counselor there, and has continued to contact her and her family since her release.
This woman now works at McNeil Island.
Her name is Stephanie Aguirre.
According to Ms. Counselor Aguirre has 3l1'ren, _
. Her birthday is 2-2l-6~he just turned 41.
said~ proof of Ms.
IS unwanted att~ntio
de cards and let rs.
Counselor Aguirre caused Ms.
"qi r Lf r i e nd",
to lose her job in Ellensburg when she called the
ernp oyer and told him 0
sexual orientation.
According to Ms. . . 1'15. "
Aguirre has promised to make her life "mi s er-ab Le v •


Ms.~Old me Couns
aunt's home.
The mother is
Her aunt,


been to her"mother's home as well as h e r _
and she can be reached via cell phone at
s i nce moved 1:0 No. Carolina.

Ms. - e s t i f i e d that she was denied Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative
treatment ~ n the institution, as Counselor Aguirre wanted her to remain in the unit
where she could clean her office.
Since her release she has seen Counselor Aguirre and
she offered Ms.llllllldrugs and alcohol.
nvestigator Steven B. Baxter
Department of Corrections
Special Investigations Services
Tel. 360.239.9926



M s . _ s a i d Internal Affairs Officer,

Steve Baxter caller her home, but she would

not talk to him.
All this information is on the tape of the hearing,
~rrections Officer Brenda Clark.

and was witnessed by Conununity


I will be completing my report on this hearing next week {but will not include this
pe r s I information}.
ma ke a copy of it.

The tape will be forwarded to "the CRS at that time if you want to

Ms. _ O l d me she informed ~ler C~mIflunity Corrections Officer in Ellensburg of
but she would not q i ve hi m the n ame of the employee as she wanted to
wait until she got an attorney.
There was flottling if I the ctlronos which referred to this

t hi s

corrt act .


nvestigator Steven B. Baxter
uepartment of Corrections
Speda Investigations Services
Tel. 360.239.9926




On 2-10-06 I contac
ome. She had been on abscond status since late September 2005. At
that time she and
d just been given permission to ITR from Ellensburto Everett. Prior
ceo was Simon
y she had not reported as directed by ceo Bar on 9-30-05 and she said
"several reasons". I asked for
formation and she informed me "she and~ad been harassed and
"stalked" by a ceo while in Purdy. She said she would not give me the name ~n who she was
speaking of because she felt "all DOC employees stuck together and she was afraid of retaliation. She also
informed me she had told ceo Barr all about it. I advised her no one could help her if she was not wiliing to file a
report or at least contact someone in upper management in DOC. I also stated she had been living in Ellensburg
for quite some time and if this event was so traumatic, how could she continue to report to ceo Barr. She
informed me she had proof of the stalking and mentioned a letter, and some flowers.
I advised her to turn herself in and report the incident.
rrned hi of the situation and he stated he had
I called Steve Baxter on 2-21-06 at 360-725-8738 an~'
or the past two years and they were unwilling to
attempted to get this information from _nd/or
provide any names or dates for him. ft!I!!!I!!IIII!d he w u ry again and thanked me for reporting it and requested
this e-mail
Robyn Riley

1vestigator Steven B. Baxter
.zepartrnent of Corrections
Special Investigations Services
Tel. 360.239.9926



Baxter, Steven B.


Delano, lynne N. (DOC)
Friday, March 03, 2006 8:29 AM
Donald Wilbrecht· Hector Rodri uez: Steven Baxter; Timothy Thrasher



Follow Up Flag:
Due By:
Flag Status:

Follow up
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 12:00 AM


More info
-----Original Message----From:
Leftridge Byrd, Mary V. (DOC)
Thursday, March 02, 2006 6:14 PM
Boula, Kathy N.; Wright, Earl X. (DOC); Adkins, S. Kaye (DOC)

D e _ 5, Karen P.; Littrell,


FW: _ _ _

Marjorie R; Stewart, Belinda D.

Here is the series of messages referred to.
-----Original Message----From:
Adkins, S. Kaye (DOC)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 10:37 AM
Left " - ; ' 1 1 • .:

You had asked about this offender earlier. Do youneed more information than this?
-----Original Message-----rcrn:
Littrell, Marjorie R
Wednesday, March 01, 20067:32 AM
FW: _ _ _ _ _

Kaye, is there more information that you would like in regards to this situation? I al~hen this offender was
released she did play up quite a bit her relationship ~an~or talked about it a Jot. It
was fell at that time that she was trying to cash in o~
-----Original Message----From:

Barr, Simon G.
Tuesday, February 2B, 20068:47 AM
Littrell, Ma~orie R

I do reca_elling me at one point that she'd gotten some emails from a counselor at the prison. _ _d the
emails were sent to her home email address. I told _ h a t if this were in fact true that she needed to speak with the
internal investigations division at the prison this cou~ked out because this type of contact is not appropriate. I
looked up that name and number and gave that to her. I don't recall if that persons was Steve Baxter or not. She said that
she was going to be r e . · nne of the emails sent by this counselor indicati~hristina) didn't want any further
contact. If it persisted,
said she'd be contacting the P M o t o l d " " that if the contact continued that I
indicated the contact had stopped. So there was
would contact the prison or er. Follow up conversan
no further follow up by myself in the matter. With
his ory of lying and manipulating I did not truly believe she
was being contacted. My opinion was that she w~e this in an attempt to not get a DOSA revocation on her
violation process. Basically trying to make me believe that if she were to go back to prison, there was some counselor


-ivesttqator Steven B, Baxter
oepartrnent of Corrections

Special Investigations Services
Tel. 360.239.9926


who would make her life miserable. Again, the alleged contact with this counselor had apparently stopped after our
conversation so nothing further was done.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thank you.


Message----leCompte, cathy
Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:22 AM


Barr, Simon G.






Littrell, Marjorie R


Monday, February 27, 2006 2:05 PM
teco .1'· .•

Cathy, please discuss this with Simon and see what information he has about the allegations in the email below. Thank
-----Original Message----From:
Adkins,S. Kaye (DDC)
Monday, February 27, 2006 1:09 PM

. i:j.....

Marge, please check this out and see what you learn.
-----Original Message----'..,
leftridge Byrd, Mary V. (DOC)
Friday, February 24,20068:10 PM
Ramsdell-Gilkey, Lori M
•• -~
Del .11
, ~. Kaye (DOC)

Thank yOU. By copy I am aSking"Kaye Adkins to discern what information may be known by the CCO whose identity
should not be difficult to discover.


Message----Ramsdell-Gilkey, Lori M
Friday, February 24, 20064:35 PM


FYI, I forwarded this info to Lynne Delano who oversees both WCCW and MICC. This offender is somewhat
well known because she
pon her release from prison.



Hooper, Linda A.
Friday, February 24, 20062:58 PM





Per our conversation, I did a hearing on this woman today at the Snohomish Co Jail. During the course of the
hearing she said on the record that she has been "stalked" by a counselor from Wa. Corrections Center for Women.
She said this woman was her counselor there, and has continued to contact her and her family since her release. This
woman now works at McNeil Island. Her name is Stephanie Aguirre.

nvestiqator Steven B. Baxter
Oepartment of Corrections
Special Investigations Services
Tel. 360.239.9926





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