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The Rise of Mass Supervision: From Rehabilitative Alternative to Shadow Carceral State

by Casey J. Bastian

Nationwide, on any given day, more people are on probation than in prisons and jails and on parole combined. —The Pew Institute

The concept of probation began with one Massachusetts man circa 1841. Motivated to assist the less fortunate, he’d post bail and find them employment. ...

DNA Databases, Privacy Concerns, and Noble Cause Bias

by Michael Dean Thompson

Networked Privacy and DNA

Dana Boyd who was one of the first to describe the idea of Networked Privacy has pointed out that choice is not really individual in the network. That is, the choices we make affect our entire network. That likewise means that harm ...

Demonstrable Remorse, Psychiatric Diagnoses, and Alternatives to Incarceration

by Casey J. Bastian
Probation officials play a critical role in the criminal justice process. These officials create pre-­sentencing reports containing both legal and extralegal information about the offender. This information is used to fashion sentencing recommendations. One factor considered is remorse. If the offender shows remorse, more lenient sentencing ...

Cold Case Killer Kelly Siegler Is a True-Crime Celebrity. Did She Frame an Innocent Man for Murder?

Part 1

The Prosecutor and the Snitch Ring

“Cold Justice” star Kelly Siegler relied on jailhouse informants to win convictions despite reasons to doubt their credibility.

by Liliana Segura and Jordan Smith.

Originally published on December 17, 2023. Republished with permissions from The Intercept, an award-winning nonprofit news organization dedicated ...

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