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Articles by Anthony Accurso

From Detroit: How Not to Use Facial Recognition in Policing

In January 2020, Robert Julian-Borchak Williams was working at an automotive supply company when he received what he thought was ...

Minnesota Cops Use Contact Tracing to Track Protestor Networks

According to Minnesota Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington, officials in the state have been using contact-tracing to map protestor affiliations and movements. ...

New ‘Barcode’ System Puts DNA Sample to the Authenticity Test

Engineers from Duke University and NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering have demonstrated a ...

Firms Selling Breached and Hacked Data To Law Enforcement

by Anthony W. Accurso

SpyCloud, a company that collects private information on people, mostly info exposed through data breaches, sells access to its databases to anyone willing to pay for it, including law enforcement. While it currently operates in an area of law mostly untouched by precedent, people should be ...

Triaging Evidence Can Lead to Oversights and Misinterpretation

by Anthony Accurso

A study from the UK found that triaging digital evidence can lead to oversights and misinterpretation when the process is not designed or implemented in a way that guards against such failures.

The data, published in the journal Policing and using data collected between January 2017 and ...

California Supreme Court: ‘Honest and Upright Life’ Possible While in Custody for Expungement Purposes

Misael Vences Maya was convicted of ...

Extending the Surveillance State During the Pandemic

In New York ...

Guard Your Digital Privacy to Keep Your Real Self Safe

Minn. Supreme Court Announces Rule for Analyzing Out-of-State Convictions for Public Safety Registry Requirement Purposes

Minnesota Supreme Court: Non-Identifying Information About CI Must Be Disclosed Upon Request

The Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota affirmed a decision by the Court of Appeals, which held the district court erred in denying a defendant’s request for non-identifying information about a confidential informant (“CI”).

In February 2017, law enforcement filed an affidavit requesting a search warrant ...



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