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Articles by Michael Thompson

‘Asian Nazis’ Be Damned: Cops Coveting AI for 2024

by Michael Dean Thompson


In 2023, the general public became aware of the impending emergence of Artificial General Intelligence. It was not long after ChatGPT 3.5 became public that Americans began to understand the remarkable technology is spookily powerful while not completely reliable. Infamously, a law firm was reprimanded ...

DOJ Is Charging Founders of Samourai Wallet for Allegedly Laundering Bitcoin

by Michael Dean Thompson


Two men, Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill, have found themselves indicted for Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering and facing up to a quarter of a century of jail time. It is not apparent that the men themselves conspired to launder any money. Rather, they ...

What’s in a Name: ShotSpotter Becomes SoundThinking, But Problems Remain

by Michael Dean Thompson


If a technology is repeatedly shown by its own data to do very little to reduce crime or assist in homicide investigations – two functions for which it is purported to be designed – will a name change fix it? ShotSpotter had seen a rapid ...

Misuse of Facial Recognition Technology Threatens Everyone

by Michael Dean Thompson


Facial recognition technology (FRT) corporations and the policing agencies that use them continue to jeopardize American civil liberties. While their advocates point to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) study that reported the best systems managed a high degree of accuracy using high ...

Government Accountability Office Issues a Report on DOJ and DHS Use of Facial Recognition Technology

by Michael Dean Thompson

Considering all the bad press surrounding Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) and its high-profile failures, a recent report from the Government Accountability Office found that the seven agencies believed to be the largest consumers of commercial facial recognition services are doing so without training, accountability, or transparency. ...

Push Notifications Pull to the Forefront

by Michael Dean Thompson


The convergence of web technologies with handheld computing devices and high-capacity, inexpensive storage has led to a remarkable new era of corporate data collection most people would find shockingly invasive. Criminal Legal News has covered how, in the process of plumbing the depths of available ...

Cellular Roaming’s Inadequate Security

by Michael Dean Thompson

Cellphones must be able to continue providing service when connected to networks other than those to which their owners subscribe. The ability to roam beyond the subscriber’s borders without interruption of service is available because network providers across the globe have agreed to some basic communication ...

De-Identified Is Not Anonymous

by Michael Dean Thompson

Corporations collect all kinds of data about their customers with few rules about what they can do with it. Often, these collections come with assurances that the data will be de-identified before being sold to additional parties such as data brokers. One meaningful example is the ...

More Facial Recognition Failures

by Michael Dean Thompson

Facial Recognition Technology (“FRT”) misuses continue to pop up in the media. In August of 2023, police went to the home of Porcha Woodruff and arrested her for carjacking in front of her daughters. The kicker in her story was that she was eight months pregnant. ...

Facial Recognition’s Distorted View

by Michael Dean Thompson

There is a tendency within the human brain to settle on the first solution even when another, better solution is available. Automated facial recognition (“AFR”) systems can exacerbate the problem simply by the fact that they are designed to address an area where most of humanity ...



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