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Articles by David Reutter

Florida Police Accused of Misconduct Given Second Chances

Inflation Increases Likelihood of Felony Theft Charges

The threshold for what constitutes a petty ...

Iowa Supreme Court: Successful Adjustment to Sex Offender Registry Requirements Not a Reason to Deny Modification

D.C. Circuit: Conflicted Counsel During Habeas Proceeding Requires Appointment of Conflict-Free Counsel

Study Shows Innocent People Choose False Guilty Pleas and False Testimony to Gain Benefits

The study included college students from the United States, South Korea, ...

No-Knock Warrants Leave Trail of Terror, Property Damage, and Deaths

A Primer on Overcriminalization

Utah Supreme Court: Appeal of Plea in Justice Court Doesn’t Vacate Judgment

The Court’s January 28, 2021, opinion was issued in an appeal brought by ...

North Carolina Supreme Court: Judge May Not Reject Informed Guilty Plea Because Defendant Refuses to Admit He’s Factually Guilty

The Court’s December 18, 2020, opinion was issued in an appeal brought by Kenneth C. ...

D.C. Circuit: Differing Counsel Effectiveness Findings Create Possible Injustice in Wired Plea Offer

In the case under review, the District ...



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