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Articles by Kevin Bliss

$1 Million Settlement by Cleveland to Six Rape, Murder Victims’ Families

by Kevin Bliss

The families of six of 11 victims raped and killed by convicted sex offender Anthony Sowell due to a botched 2008 rape accusation reached a settlement with the city of Cleveland. The loved ones of Nancy Cobbs, Telesia Fortson, Amelda Hunter, Le’Shanda Long, Diane Turner, and Janice ...

California’s New Cashless Bail System More Likely to Increase Number of Detainees

by Kevin Bliss

California became the first state to completely do away with cash bail, making international headlines. The new system uses algorithms to weigh factors to determine a person’s risk assessment with preventive detention for more serious crimes. Critics are concerned that the algorithms are based on data from ...

Dallas County Private Bail Hearings Leave People Languishing Behind Bars

by Kevin Bliss

Shannon Daves and five others have filed a federal class-action suit against Dallas County, Texas, due to their secret bail hearings that last under a minute. The hearings are not open to the public or press, and bail is set by a predetermined schedule without consideration for ...

Sex Offender Registration Biased Against Blacks

by Kevin Bliss

An Ohio study published in Criminal Justice Policy Review determined that the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (“SORNA”) system classifying the risk assessment of sex offenders is prone to racial bias.

A sample of the 673 sex offenders released from prison in Ohio between 2009 and ...

Increase in Crime Registries Nationwide Not a Benefit to Society

by Kevin Bliss

New crime registries have been launched around the country, but their value remains to be seen. Research suggests their detriments outweigh their benefits, reveals Jessica Pishko’s article, “Expert: Crime Registries Turn People into Pariahs With ‘Very Little to Lose,’” at

While public sex-crime registries are mandated ...

California Court of Appeal Rules 17-Year Delay in SVP Trial Violated Right to Speedy Trial

by Kevin Bliss

The Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District ruled that the State was responsible in a case where the systemic breakdown of the public defender system delayed the Sexually Violent Predator (“SVP”) hearing for George Vasquez for 17 years, violating his right to a timely trial ...

Retaliation a Risk When Video Recording Police Brutality

by Kevin Bliss

With current technology, filming incidents of police brutality has become more common, yet many of those responsible for capturing events on film claim retaliation by the same police they film.

Kevin Moore was filming the day Freddie Gray was beaten by Baltimore police. That film was immediately ...

How to File a Police Complaint

by Kevin Bliss

The “resist tyranny” website Rons Spot ( published a detailed report, complete with possible scenarios and advice, on how to file a complaint against a police officer.

The article states that a complaint is not a lawsuit; it is a report of a less serious nature against ...

Second Circuit Rules Police Not Entitled to Qualified Immunity After Failing to Comply With Terms of Material Witness Warrant

by Kevin Bliss

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held that the detention of a prospective material witness for 18 hours in a holding cell instead of adhering to the terms of the material witness warrant violated plaintiff’s Fourth Amendment rights, and therefore the defendants were not ...

Tennessee’s Death Penalty Laws Cruel and Arbitrary

by Kevin Bliss

The Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy (summer 2018) published a review of the state’s arbitrary application of capital punishment. The review focused on all of the first-degree murder cases prosecuted in the last 40 years and stated that the system is a “cruel lottery” and does ...



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