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Articles by Douglas Ankney

California’s Killer Cops

On the list of cops in California who are convicted felons, 20 former officers are shown as convicted killers.

Recent headlines told us of Joseph DeAngelo — the suspected “Golden State Killer”— charged with a dozen murders and more than 40 rapes, some of which occurred in ...

Chicago’s ‘Despicable’ Red-Light Camera System Exposed

As of October 2019, Chicago’s 300 red light cameras netted $35 million in fines, penalties, and collection fees.

According to an investigation by ABC 7, the city is setting traps for unwary drivers by reducing the length of time the traffic lights remain green and yellow while ...

New Jersey Tightens Reins on Civil Asset Forfeiture

by Douglas Ankney

In following a trend among the states, New Jersey has passed legislation designed to rein in the abuse of civil asset forfeiture.

On January 13, 2020, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed a bill requiring a criminal conviction in certain cases before police and prosecutors may take private ...

Rhode Island Supreme Court Reverses Conviction Due to Prosecutor’s Remarks and Jury Consideration of Inadmissible Evidence

by Douglas Ankney

The Supreme Court of Rhode Island vacated the first-degree child molestation sexual assault conviction against Henry G. Bozzo due to a remark made by the prosecutor during closing argument together with the trial court’s abuse of discretion in admitting evidence of prior bad acts.

Seven-year-old Veronica told ...

NYC Drug Prosecutor Bucks Trend of Releasing List of Cops with Credibility Issues

by Douglas Ankney

Through the Freedom of Information Law, communications, memos, and correspondence were obtained that reveal the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor’s (“OSNP”) database has information flagging police officers with potential credibility issues.

The database purportedly contains judges’ assessments of officers’ testimony, NYPD disciplinary records, and notes ...

California Supreme Court: Positioning Computer Monitor to Obstruct Defendant’s View of Complaining Witness Violates Confrontation Clause

by Douglas Ankney

The Supreme Court of California ruled that repositioning a computer monitor so that it blocked the defendant’s view of the witness testifying against him violated the Confrontation Clause.

Jason Arron Arredondo was tried by a jury on several sexual offense charges against F.R., Ar.R, An.R, and M.C. ...

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court: Police Must Inform Arrested Driver That Passenger Can Assume Custody of Vehicle if Lawful and Practical as Alternative to Impoundment

by Douglas Ankney

The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled that, where officers are aware that a passenger could lawfully assume control of a vehicle, it is improper to impound the vehicle upon the arrest of the driver without first offering the option to the driver.

Two Boston police officers ...

California Court of Appeal: Hunch That Proves Correct Is Not Reasonable Suspicion for Traffic Stop

by Douglas Ankney

Division Two of the Fourth Appellate District for the California Court of Appeal ruled that an officer must have reasonable suspicion based on articulable facts to initiate a traffic stop, and a hunch, even when it proves correct, is insufficient.

After a jury convicted Blanca ...

Maryland Court of Appeals Announces, When Requested, Trial Courts Must Ask During Voir Dire Whether Jurors Will Follow Court’s Instructions on Presumption of Innocence, Burden of Proof, and Right Not to Testify

by Douglas Ankney

On January 24, 2020, the Court of Appeals of Maryland announced that henceforth trial courts, when requested, must ask potential jurors during voir dire if any of them are unwilling or unable to follow the court’s instructions on the presumption of innocence, the burden of proof, and ...

Louisiana Supreme Court: When an Identified Attorney Seeks to Assist a Person in Custody and Police Fail to Inform the Person, Inculpatory Statements Must Be Suppressed

by Douglas Ankney

The Supreme Court of Louisiana reaffirmed that the law of Louisiana requires law enforcement to inform a person in custody whenever an identified attorney is seeking an opportunity to assist the person. If the police fail to inform the person in custody of the attorney, any ...



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